Olympic kids. Presentation on the topic "Olympic Games"

If so, you might be very interested to know. impressive details of the origin of the Olympic races. The history of the Olympic Games is exciting and full of surprises. So, let's dive into the unknown distances of the world Olympiads?

How it all began

The famous Olympic Games in honor of Olympian Zeus originated in Ancient Greece and were held from 776 BC. e. every 4 years in the city of Olympia. Sports competitions were such a tremendous success and great importance for society that at the time of the OlympicOuchraces stopped wars and established ekekhiriya - a sacred truce.

People came from everywhere to look at the competitions in Olympia: some traveled on foot, some on horseback, and some even sailed ships to distant lands, just to have at least one eye on the majestic Greek athletes. Entire tent settlements grew up around the city. To watch the athletes, spectators completely filled the hillsides around the Alfei river valley.

After the solemn victory and the awarding ceremony (presenting a wreath of sacred olive and palm branches), the Olympionist lived in clover. Holidays were held in his honor, hymns were sung, statues were made, in Athens the winner was exempted from taxes and burdensome public duties. And the winner was always left the best place in the theater. In some places, even the children of an Olympian enjoyed special privileges.

Interesting, that women were not allowed to compete in the Olympics under pain of death.

Brave Hellenes competed in running, fisticuffs (which Pythagoras once won), jumping, javelin throwing, and so on. The most dangerous, however, were the chariot races. You will not believe it, but the owner of the horses was considered the winner of the equestrian competition, and not the poor driver who risked his life for the sake of winning.

There are many legends associated with the Olympic Games. One of them says that Zeus himself allegedly organized the first competition in honor of the victory over his father. True or not, but in literature it was Homer who first mentioned the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece in the poem The Iliad.

Archaeological excavations show that in Olympia, 5 rectangular or horseshoe-shaped stadiums with stands for fans were built specifically for the competition.

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the time of the champions at the moment. It was enough to be the first to reach the finish line to get the right to light the sacred fire. But the legends tell us about the Olympians who ran faster than hares, and what is the talent of the Spartan Ladas, who did not leave footprints in the sand while running.

Modern Olympic Games

Modern international sport competitions, known as the Summer Olympics, have been held every four years since 1896. Initiated by the French baron Pierre de Coubertin. He believed that it was precisely insufficient physical fitness that prevented French soldiers from winning the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. The youth should measure their strength on the sports grounds, not on the battlefields, the activist argued.

The first Olympic Games were held in Athens. To organize the competition created International Olympic Committee, whose first president was Demetrius Vikelas of Greece.

Since that time, the World Olympiad has become a good tradition. Against the backdrop of impressive excavations and archaeological finds, the idea of ​​Olympism spread throughout Europe. Increasingly, European states organized their own sports competitions, which were watched by the whole world.

What about winter sports?

To fill a gap in winter sports competitions that were technically impossible to host in the summer, Since January 25, 1924, the Winter Olympic Games have been held. The first were organized in a French city Chamonix. Except figure skating and hockey, athletes competed in speed skating, ski jumping, etc.

293 athletes, including 13 women, from 16 countries of the world expressed their desire to compete for the championship in the competition. First Olympic champion winter games Ch. Juthrow from the USA (speed skating) became the winner, but in the end the teams of Finland and Norway turned out to be the leaders of the competition. The races lasted 11 days and ended on February 4th.

Attributes of the Olympic Games

Now a symbol and emblem Olympic Games there are five intertwined rings that symbolize the unification of the five continents.

Olympic motto, proposed by the Catholic monk Henri Didon: "Faster, higher, stronger."

At the opening ceremony of each Olympiad, they raise flag- white cloth with the emblem (Olympic rings). Burning throughout the Olympiad Olympic fire, which is brought to the venue each time from Olympia.

Since 1968, each Olympiad has its own.

The 2016 Olympic Games are planned to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where the Ukrainian team will present their champions to the world. By the way, the first Olympic champion figure skater became an independent Ukraine Oksana Baiul.

The opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games are always a spectacular sight, which once again emphasizes the prestige and planetary importance of these world competitions.

Problem: History of the Olympic Games.

Game motivation: Journey to the country "Sportlandia" to the "Small Olympic Games".

To form in preschoolers the initial ideas about the Olympic Games of our time as part of a universal culture.


1. Create in children the idea of ​​the Olympic Games as a peaceful competition for the physical improvement of people, in which the peoples of the whole world participate.
2. To consolidate children's knowledge of the symbols and rituals of the Olympic Games, to expand knowledge about sports.
3. Contribute to the formation of children's interest in classes exercise through the moral and aesthetic experience of Olympism.
4. Develop children's attention, logical thinking, creative imagination, the desire to win and self-confidence.
5. To teach not only to get joy from your results, but also to worry about your comrades.
6. Activate children's vocabulary: symbol, continent, torch, oath, motto, emblem, pedestal.

Preliminary work:
1. Reading fiction on sports topics.
2. Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on sports topics.
3. Viewing video materials showing elements of the Olympic Games.
4. Conversations about sports.
5. Learning poems, songs about sports, guessing riddles.
6. Exhibition of drawings "We are very friends with sports!"
7. Carrying out sports relay races.

1. Design: Slogans - posters;
2.Multimedia for slide show;
3. Medicine balls 1kg
4. Small balls.
5. Hoops.
6. Colored flags.
7. Stopwatch, medals, pedestal.
8. Flag, Torch (sewn from red material).
9. Prizes, gifts.

Lesson progress

Host: Guys, we will travel back in time with you, talk about the history of the emergence of sports, the Olympic Games. “Man began to work, he built strong houses, sewed beautiful clothes, learned how to cook delicious food. People have the opportunity to have fun in their free time. One of those activities was sports.

Host: What is sport? Sport is the exercise regular workouts, sports competitions, achievements high results, desire to win. Who goes in for sports?

Children: Athletes.

Host: That's right, people who go in for sports are called athletes. What do you need to do to become an athlete?

Children: We need to do exercises, do physical education.

Host: Yes, you need to do physical education, temper yourself, do exercises in the morning ... Guys, think about what kind of sports competitions are?

Children: Olympics, championships, tournaments, sports competitions.

Moderator: Why do you think all these competitions are held?

Children: To find out who among the athletes is the strongest, dexterous, fast, enduring.

Host: Also because it was a holiday for all fans and athletes. What competitions are a holiday for athletes around the world?

Children: Olympics!

What is the Olympics?
It's honest sports fight!
To participate in it is a reward!
Anyone can win!!!

Host: Athletes from all over the world gather at the Olympics. The Olympic Games are held in a certain city, where athletes from all over the world come together. Guys, maybe one of you knows what kind of Olympic Games?

Children: It's a competition top athletes.

Moderator: That's right, the Olympic Games are the main sports competitions, the best athletes. In a country where the Olympic Games were held for the first time long, long ago, it is considered Ancient Greece. This is the birthplace of the Olympic Games. Namely, revered by the Greeks, the sanctuary is Olympia. The people of this country lived very restlessly, they were at enmity. And then one day King Ifit turned to the sage with the question: “What can be done so that the people do not quarrel?” And the sage advised to spend sport games who would have made friends with all the Greeks. People in Greece were very fond of sports and were delighted with this decision. In the year of the Olympic Games, the heralds carried the joyful news to the cities: “Everyone to Olympia!” Anyone could participate in the competition. The Olympic Games were dedicated to the god Zeus. In honor of Zeus, the god Greek mythology, Olympias meant - the daughter of Olympus. Since then, once every four years, messengers have been sent, who carried the news of the upcoming Olympic holiday and declared a truce. The games went on for five days. On the first day, athletes came to the temple in Olympia, at the behest of the most important Greek god Zeus, the lord of thunder and lightning, lit a sacred fire from a sunbeam, and swore an oath to fight honestly. This tradition has been preserved to this day. In our time, in an effort to return the ideals of goodness and justice associated with the ancient Olympic Games, people decided to revive these games. At the foot of Mount Kronos, far away from the Alpheus River, the Olympic Flame is still lit. modern games. This is where the torch relay begins. The fire burns during all the Olympic Games, in a huge bowl. A lit fire, day and night, is carried by athletes - Torchbearers, in the rain, in the snow, in the wind. The sacred fire of the torch symbolizes the peace and friendship of all peoples of the earth. The right to light a fire on Olympic Stadium is given to a famous athlete of the country where the Olympic Games are held. The torch is installed in a conspicuous place. After lighting the fire, the Olympic oaths of the athletes are heard that all the rules of the Olympic Games will be respected and the competitions will be fair. The oaths of the judges sound, they will honestly judge all athletes, not playing along with anyone. Then the anthem of the country - the organizer sounds. They raise a white flag with the image of five rings. The rings on the Olympic flag reflect the symbol of the five continents, This is how the Olympic Games open. The symbol of the Olympics - five colored interlaced rings, denotes friendship and unity in the Olympic movement, between all the continents of the Earth: Europe (blue), Asia (yellow), Africa (black), Australia (green), America (red) .

On a planet in our world
Five living continents
Send sports squads
To the call of the Olympics!

Early in the East
The sun shines on the windows
That's why it's yellow
This is Asian hello!

Grass color is green
Hello from Australia!

And America, it's worthless to be,
Without own signs,
Red - hello to you!

Everyone knows that black
Sultry Africa - hello!

What is the color of Europe?
blue european color,
From Europe friendship trails,
They rush to us - there are no obstacles!

Five rings, five circles -
Sign of the five continents.
The sign that means
that Sport is like a mutual friend.
All nations are invited
into your World-peaceful circle.

Host: For several days, athletes from all over the world compete in various types sports. What sports do you know?

Children: Football, hockey, gymnastics, boxing, volleyball, tennis, biathlon, swimming, figure skating, skiing, Horseback Riding, skating, tourism, chess, basketball, athletics (running, jumping, throwing, walking).

Host: And who among you knows how the best athletes are awarded?

Children: Awarded with medals.

Host: That's right, what kind of medals are there?

Children: Gold, Silver, Bronze.

Presenter: Guys, for what places are medals awarded?

Children: gold medal are awarded, for the first place, for the second - Silver, and the Bronze for third place.

Moderator: For awarding medals, the best athletes are invited to the podium. The athlete who won first place stands on the top step of the podium; silver medalist at the second stage; and at the third stage - a bronze medalist.
At the end of the awards ceremony, the national anthem sounds. In our Country, the Olympic Games are also organized.

Host: In which city were the first Olympic Games held?

Children: In Moscow.

Presenter: In our country, in 1980, the Summer Olympic Games were held in the city of Moscow. It was a great holiday for the whole country. And the mascot of these games was the Bear cub. Host: The Winter Olympic Games will be held in Russia very soon. They will be held in Sochi in 2014. Guys, let's also hold our own Olympic Games. And now I suggest everyone to go to the wonderful country of Sportlandia, to the Small Sports Olympics. Take with you speed and courage, agility and strength, and at the same time grab the patience of the fans. And so that we don’t get bored on the way, let’s sing a sports song (Music by Chichkov “We ​​will play sports”).
Our Olympiad will be dedicated to one of the sports - athletics.

Host: What sports are included in athletics?

Children: Running, jumping, throwing, walking.

Moderator: All of you become participants of our Minor Olympiad, you will take part in competitions. The winners will receive medals and prizes. The mascot of our Olympics will be Sportik.

(Spectators sit on benches - stands).

To the sounds of the sports march of I. Dunaevsky, the participants of the competition go to sports ground and line up in front of the audience. Each has an emblem with the image of a symbol on the chest - Sportik.

(Children are greeted by an adult in the role of Sportik, in the costume of an athlete - a clown.)

Guys, I'm an entertainer
I'm called Sportsman.
And if it gets boring
I will instantly disperse sadness.
My dad is sport
and mom - Physical education,
All sports are close relatives!

The music of Y. Chichkov "Fanfare" sounds, the boy brings olympic flag. A girl runs out, in her hand she has a bowl with a symbolic Olympic flame, runs in a circle and stands next to the flag (Flag made of white linen with the image of five rings), (Olympic flame sewn from red satin material).

Host: Now, on behalf of all the participants, a solemn oath will be given. A girl and a boy come out and swear an oath: “We promise that we will perform at the Small Olympic Games in fair competition!”

Main judge competition Sportik, also takes a solemn oath: “On behalf of all judges, I promise that at the Small Olympic Games we will perform our duties honestly, respecting and observing the rules by which they are held. The motto of our competitions: "The main thing is not victory, but participation!"

Host: Raise the flag of the Small Olympic Games! (The Olympic flag is raised to the solemn music of R. Boyko "Olympic March").

We see friendly faces here,
Sports spirit we feel around.
Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian,
Here everyone is a friend to sports and art.

He will win the competition
Who marks, dexterous and strong.
Show all your skills
Who is tempered in spirit and body!

Speech by girls, sports dance with ribbons. (To the music of D. Shostakovich "Salute").

Becoming a champion is hard
But you can try!
We will spare no effort
Let's show what we can!

Sport straightens our shoulders,
Strength, dexterity gives us.
He us muscle develops,
Calling us to records!

by the bright sun illuminated,
The stadium welcomes us!
By training we grow
We are stronger every day!

Children: Perform A. Lepin's song "Olympic Team".

Moderator: The Olympics unites all the people of the world. Meet representatives from hot Africa! (A group of children dance to the song "Chunga - Changa").

Host: And here come the cowboys.

Children: A group of boys perform various sport exercises to music (with gymnastic sticks).

Moderator: Meet the guests from Asia.

Children: A group of girls performs an oriental dance to the song of the groups "Na-Na" "Faina".

Host: You hear music about Russia. Meet the Russian guests.

Children: A group of children in Russian costumes performs a dance - a round dance.

Presenter: Competitors do a general warm-up to the song of V. Vysotsky "Morning gymnastics".

Today we got up early, and began to do exercises,
Hands up! Hands down! Left, right, turn around!
They sat down together, stood up together, and began to bend over.
They began to jump and jump, and then walk again.

Host: (Participants leave for the start). Is everyone ready for the competition?

Children: Everyone is ready.

Host: Are you all healthy?

Children: Everything! (Doctor enters).

Leading: Doctor, you will examine all the dexterous, brave ones.

Doctor: I will ask everyone to stand up straight, do what I say. Everyone breathe, don't breathe. Exhale, bend over, Exhale, smile.

He approaches the host and says: “Everyone is healthy and ready for the competition.”

Host: And so we begin the competition. First 30m race.

Competitors leave for the start. The distance between the "Start" and "Finish" is marked with multi-colored flags, the referee has a stopwatch in his hands. At the finish line, the results are recorded and the results are summed up, places are distributed. The run begins.

Run fast - it's familiar to everyone,
They did a great job with the relay.
You conquered us all here,
You have shown the power of the spirit!
Panel of judges makes a decision.

Solemn music sounds.

The chief referee Sportik names the winners, they take places on the podium, medals are awarded. Competitors are preparing for the next competition.

To the sounds of a sports march, the participants begin a warm-up, which includes exercises for the legs: swing the legs forward, backward; squats, jumping on two legs. After the warm-up, participants are invited to the start for jumps.

The second competition in the long jump with a running start. During the long jump competition, each participant has the right to make three attempts. The judge fixes the results, and the winners are revealed. The winners take their places on the podium for the awarding of medals.

General warm-up to the music of Yu. Slonov exercises with balls.

throws medicine ball from a sitting position, legs apart, with both hands behind the head. While the participants are preparing for the next competition, hold the "Potato Planting" relay race with the fans.

Two teams participate, in the hands of children, the first in the team, baskets with small balls, flat hoops. Participants run and “plant” potatoes (balls) in the holes (hoops), return and pass the basket to the next child.

Competitors go to the start.

The third competition in throwing small balls. Competitors in throwing small balls are given three attempts. Whoever throws the farthest will be the winner. The chief judge reveals the winners in this relay race, invites them to the podium, and presents awards.

Closing of the Small Olympic Games.

Competitors march to the music of a sports march and line up in front of the audience.

Host: Well, how did you guys like the Olympic Games?

Children: Yes, we liked it!

Host: The motto of our Olympiad is: “The main thing is not victory, but participation!”

The chief referee Sportik congratulates all participants, awards all children with commemorative diplomas and gifts.

Moderator: At this point, I ask you to consider the Small Olympic Games closed.

Solemn music sounds, the Olympic flag and the Olympic flame are carried out.

Host: The Small Olympic Games are closing, but our holiday continues.

1. Performance of gymnasts - acrobats sports school. 2. Song about physical education: “Physical education - Hooray!” Surprise moment: Matryoshka with buffoons appears to the Russian folk music. All together they sing songs, ditties, start round dances.

So our holiday is over, once again we applaud our champions. The winners make a lap of honor (To the music of A. Pakhmutova "Heroes of Sports").

Leading: Let, like flowers, in the native land, Our guys grow. Let them be stronger every day, And every year more beautiful!

Sources of borrowed materials:

  • "Music" magazine "Let's go in for sports" 1990.
  • "Strengthen the health of children" E. N. Vavilova. - M. Enlightenment 1986.
  • Journal "Preschool education" №6 2001.

Author-compiler: Irina Viktorovna Pyatnikova,
physical education instructor
MKDOU kindergarten"Pock"
Kuminsky village, Kondinsky district, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

The Olympic Games, the Games of the Olympiad are the largest international complex sports competitions of our time, which are held every four years. The tradition that existed in ancient Greece was revived at the end of the 19th century by a French public figure Pierre de Coubertin. The Olympic Games, also known as the Summer Olympics, have been held every four years since 1896, with the exception of years during World Wars. In 1924, the Winter Olympic Games were established, which were originally held in the same year as the summer ones. However, since 1994 the time of the Winter Olympic Games has been shifted by two years from the time of the Summer Games.

Ancient Olympic Games

The Olympic Games of Ancient Greece were a religious and sports holiday held in Olympia. Information about the origin of the games is lost, but several legends have survived describing this event. The first documented celebration dates back to 776 BC. e., although it is known that the games were held before. At the time of the games, a sacred truce was declared, at which time it was impossible to wage war, although this was repeatedly violated.

The Olympic Games essentially lost their importance with the advent of the Romans. After Christianity became the official religion, the games began to be seen as a manifestation of paganism, and in 394 A.D. e. they were banned by the emperor Theodosius I.

The revival of the Olympic idea

The Olympic idea did not disappear completely even after the ban on ancient competitions. For example, in England during the 17th century, "Olympic" competitions and competitions were repeatedly held. Later, similar competitions were organized in France and Greece. However, these were small events that were, at best, regional in nature. The first true predecessors of the modern Olympic Games are the Olympia, which were held regularly during the period 1859-1888. The idea of ​​reviving the Olympic Games in Greece belonged to the poet Panagiotis Sutsos, brought it to life by a public figure Evangelis Zappas.

In 1766, as a result of archaeological excavations in Olympia, sports and temple facilities were discovered. In 1875, archaeological research and excavations continued under German leadership. At that time, romantic-idealistic ideas about antiquity were in vogue in Europe. The desire to revive the Olympic mindset and culture spread fairly quickly throughout Europe. French baron Pierre de Coubertin (fr. Pierre de Coubertin) said then: “Germany unearthed what was left of ancient Olympia. Why can't France restore its old grandeur?

Baron Pierre de Coubertin

According to Coubertin, it is the weak physical state French soldiers was one of the reasons for the defeat of the French in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. He seeks to change the situation by improving physical education French. At the same time, he wanted to overcome national selfishness and contribute to the struggle for peace and international understanding. The Youth of the World was to face off against sports and not on the battlefields. The revival of the Olympic Games seemed in his eyes the best solution to achieve both goals.

At a congress held June 16-23, 1894 at the Sorbonne (University of Paris), he presented his thoughts and ideas to the international public. On the last day of the congress (June 23), it was decided that the first modern Olympic Games should be held in 1896 in Athens, in the country of origin of the Games - Greece. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded to organize the Games. Greek became the first president of the Committee Demetrius Vikelas, who was president until the end of the 1st Olympic Games in 1896. Baron became general secretary Pierre de Coubertin.

The first Games of our time were indeed a great success. Despite the fact that only 241 athletes (14 countries) took part in the Games, the Games were the largest sporting event ever held since ancient Greece. Greek officials were so pleased that they put forward a proposal to hold the Games of the Olympiad "forever" in their homeland, Greece. But the IOC introduced a rotation between different states, so that every 4 years the Games change the venue.

After the first success Olympic Movement experienced the first crisis in its history. The 1900 Games in Paris (France) and the 1904 Games in St. Louis (Missouri, USA) were combined with World exhibitions. Sports competitions dragged on for months and almost did not enjoy the interest of the audience. Almost only American athletes participated in the Games in St. Louis, since it was very difficult to get from Europe across the ocean in those years for technical reasons.

At the 1906 Olympic Games in Athens (Greece), sports competitions and results again came out on top. Although the IOC originally recognized and supported these "Intermediate Games" (just two years after the previous ones), these Games are not now recognized as Olympic Games. Some sports historians consider the 1906 Games to be the salvation of the Olympic idea, as they prevented the games from becoming "meaningless and unnecessary".

Modern Olympic Games

The principles, rules and regulations of the Olympic Games are defined by the Olympic Charter, the foundations of which were approved by the International Sports Congress in Paris in 1894, which, at the suggestion of the French teacher and public figure Pierre de Coubertin, decided to organize the Games on the model of ancient ones and to create an International Olympic Committee(IOC).

According to the charter of the Games, the Olympiad “…unite amateur athletes of all countries in fair and equal competitions. In relation to countries and individuals, no discrimination is allowed on racial, religious or political grounds ... ". Games are held in the first year of the Olympiad (4-year period between games). The Olympiads have been counted since 1896, when the first Olympic Games took place (I Olympiad - 1896-99). The Olympiad also receives its number in cases where games are not held (for example, VI - in 1916-19, XII-1940-43, XIII - 1944-47). The symbol of the Olympic Games is five fastened rings, symbolizing the unification of the five parts of the world in the Olympic movement, the so-called. Olympic rings. The color of the rings in the top row is blue for Europe, black for Africa, red for America, in the bottom row yellow for Asia, green for Australia. In addition to Olympic sports, the Organizing Committee has the right to include demonstration competitions in 1-2 sports that are not recognized by the IOC. In the same year as the Olympics, since 1924 the Winter Olympic Games have been held, which have their own numbering. Since 1994, the dates for the Winter Olympic Games have been shifted by 2 years relative to the summer ones. The venue of the Olympics is chosen by the IOC, the right to organize them is granted to the city, not the country. Duration no more than 15 days (winter games - no more than 10).

The Olympic movement has its own emblem and flag, approved by the IOC at the suggestion of Coubertin in 1913. The emblem is the Olympic rings. The motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius (faster, higher, stronger). The flag - a white cloth with the Olympic rings, has been raised at all the Games since 1920.

Among the traditional rituals of the Games:

* lighting the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony (the flame is lit from the sun's rays in Olympia and delivered by the torch relay to the host city of the Games);
* pronunciation by one of outstanding athletes the country in which the Olympics takes place, the Olympic oath on behalf of all participants in the Games;
* pronouncement on behalf of the judges of the oath of impartial refereeing;
* presentation of medals to the winners and prize-winners of competitions;
* raising the national flag and playing the national anthem in honor of the winners.

Since 1932, the host city has been building " Olympic village» - a complex of residential premises for participants in the games. According to the charter, the Games are competitions between individual athletes and not between national teams. However, since 1908 the so-called. unofficial team standings - determination of the place, occupied by teams, by the number of medals received and points scored in competitions (points are awarded for the first 6 places according to the system: 1st place - 7 points, 2nd - 5, 3rd - 4, 4th - 3, 5th - 2, 6th - 1). The title of Olympic champion is the most honorable and desirable in the career of an athlete in those sports in which Olympic tournaments. The exception is football, since the title of world champion in this sport is much more prestigious.

One of the brightest and most massive events on the planet are the Olympic Games. Any athlete who manages to take the podium at the Olympic competitions receives the status Olympic champion for life and his achievements remain in the world history of sports for centuries. Where and how did the Olympic Games originate and what is their history? Let's try to conduct a brief digression into the history of the emergence and holding of the Olympic Games.


The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece, where they were not only a sports, but also a religious holiday. Information about the holding of the very first games and their origin has not been preserved, but there are several legends that describe this event. The first documented date for the celebration of the Olympic Games is 776 BC. e. Despite the fact that the games were held before, it is generally accepted that they were established by Hercules. In 394 AD, with the advent of Christianity as the official religion, the Olympic Games were banned by Emperor Theodosius I, as they began to be seen as a kind of pagan phenomenon. And yet, despite the ban on games, they have not completely disappeared. In Europe, local competitions were held, somewhat reminiscent of the Olympic Games. After some time, the games resumed thanks to Panagiotis Sutsos, who proposed this idea, and thanks to the public figure Evangelis Zappas, who brought it to life.

The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in the country where they originated - in Greece, in Athens. To organize the Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was created, whose first president was Demetrius Vikelas. Despite the fact that only 241 athletes from 14 countries took part in the first modern Games, they were a huge success, becoming a significant sporting event in Greece. Initially, it was meant to always hold the Games in their homeland, but the Olympic Committee introduced a decision that the venue would change every 4 years.

The II Olympic Games of 1900, held in France, in Paris, and the III Olympic Games of 1904, held in the USA, in St. Louis (Missouri), were less successful, as a result of which the Olympic movement as a whole experienced the first crisis after a significant success. Since the Games were combined with the World Exhibitions, they did not arouse much interest among the audience, and the sports competitions lasted for months.

In 1906, again in Athens (Greece), the so-called "intermediate" Olympic Games were held. At first, the IOC supported the holding of these Games, but now they are not recognized as Olympic. There is an opinion of some sports historians that the 1906 Games were a kind of salvation of the Olympic idea, which did not allow the Games to lose their meaning and become "unnecessary".

All rules, principles and regulations are determined by the Charter of the Olympic Games, approved in Paris in 1894 by the International Sports Congress. The Olympiads are counted from the time of the first Games (I Olympiad - 1896-99). Even if the games are not held, the Olympiad receives its serial number, for example, the VI Games in 1916-19, the XII Games in 1940-43 and the XIII in 1944-47. The Olympic Games are symbolized by five rings of different colors fastened together (Olympic rings), denoting the unification of the five parts of the world - the top row: blue - Europe, black - Africa, red - America, and the bottom row: yellow - Asia, green - Australia. The choice of venues for the Olympics is carried out by the IOC. All organizational issues related to the Games are decided not by the chosen country, but by the city. The duration of the Games is approximately 16-18 days.

The Olympic Games, like any strictly organized event, have their own specific traditions and rituals.

Here are some of them:

Before the opening and closing of the games, theatrical performances are held, presenting to the audience the appearance and culture of the country and city in which they are held;

ceremonial passage through central stadium athletes and members of delegations. Athletes from every country go individual groups V alphabetical order country names in the language of the host country or in the official language of the IOC (English or French). Each group is preceded by a representative of the host country who carries a sign with the name of the respective country. He is followed by a flag bearer carrying the flag of his country. This very honorable mission, as a rule, is granted to the most respected and titled athletes;

Without fail, the President of the International Olympic Committee delivers welcoming speeches. Also, the speech is delivered by the head of state in which the Games are held;

The flag of Greece is raised as the country in which the Olympic Games originated. Her national anthem is played;

The flag of the country in which the Games are held is raised and the performance of its national anthem follows; - one of the outstanding athletes of the host country of the Games takes an oath on behalf of all participants about a fair fight and competition that will comply with all the principles and rules of sports;

The opening ceremony ends with the lighting and "relay" of the Olympic flame. The initial part of the relay passes through the cities of Greece, the final part - through the cities of the country in which the games are held. The torch with fire is delivered to the city that organizes the Games on the opening day. The fire burns until the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games;

The closing ceremony is also accompanied by theatrical performances, the speech of the IOC President, the passage of participants, etc. The President of the IOC announces the closing of the Olympics, followed by the performance of the national anthem, the anthem of the Olympic Games, the lowering of the flags. At the end of the ceremony, the Olympic flame goes out.

Each country participating in the Olympic Games develops its own official emblem and mascot of the Games, which become part of the souvenir products.

The following sports are included in the program of the Olympic Games

A: crossbow sport

B: Badminton , Basketball , Running , Skating , Bobsleigh , Biathlon , Billiards , Boxing , Freestyle wrestling , Greco-Roman wrestling

IN: Cycling, Water polo, Volleyball

G: Handball , Artistic gymnastics , Rhythmic gymnastics , Alpine skiing ,
Rowing, Rowing and canoeing

D: Judo

TO: Curling, Equestrian

L: Athletics ,
Ski race , skiing

H: Table tennis

P: sailing,
swimming, Diving , ,Ski jumping

WITH: luge,