What is core platform. Core: a unique trainer for group exercises Core platform exercises

Core-platform / Core-platform (core-board / core-board, core / core) is a swinging platform that does not have a stable position. In another way, it is also called a “balancing board,” as it tilts absolutely in all directions, up to rotation.


The core platform was not invented by anyone, but by a physiotherapist. He set himself the goal of creating a device for group programs with an inertial (remaining stationary with a balanced, compensated external influence) rotational (rotating) effect. This is how the trainer was born. group training, giving the feeling of an unwinding spring, powerfully acting on the entire system of oblique muscles.

This sports equipment consists of two platforms connected to each other by a spring.

The core platform has the ability to regulate the load - for this you need to change the level of resistance of the spring. Usually there are two of them: for beginners and for professionals.

Core platform (Core)

The muscles worked on this simulator even have the same name with it. Core muscles. This is a series of muscles (not only the abdomen) responsible for stabilizing the pelvis and spine, and, according to some experts, also the shoulder girdle.

Core muscles include, for example, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, rectus femoris, small and medium gluteal muscles adductor muscles, muscles rear surface hips, coracobrachial muscle, etc.

Core platform (Core)


During core platform exercises, the body moves naturally. In this case, it rotates simultaneously in three planes, therefore there is a training of many joints and a large number of muscles that remain without load when exercising with other simulators.

Exercises on this simulator work out not only those muscles to which they are directly directed, but also those that help you keep the body in a given position. After all, trying to maintain balance, you pump deep stabilizer muscles, latissimus dorsi back and muscles of the thighs and buttocks, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, pectoral muscles.

The most important thing is that workouts give good posture and toned abs.

Classes on the core platform are considered good prevention of osteochondrosis and hernias.

On the core platform, you can do both cardio and strength training to restore muscle imbalance, improve athletic performance. Therefore, such training is applied and in order to prepare for active sports, such as surfing, snowboarding, skiing, rollers.

In fitness rooms, core platform exercises are often combined with exercises with a medicine ball, with dumbbells, with shock absorbers, with a body bar, which makes the training more effective and varied.

Per hour of core training you can get rid of extra 300-350 kilocalories and increase the energy consumption of the body by 30-40%.

Due to the need to constantly maintain balance, this projectile helps develop agility, endurance, strength, speed and coordination of movements, as well as improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. And this, in turn, will allow you to feel your body better, which means you will become more confident and mobile in any life situations.


Core training is recommended for people of all fitness levels and all ages. Although some instructors are in no hurry to include them in the beginner program. Because it's pretty high load on untrained muscles can lead to injury.

Despite the instability of the simulator, training with it can be completely safe. It is enough to observe correct technique exercise and don't rush. This applies to those who are afraid to fall off the simulator.


The core platform does not apply to shells used exclusively in fitness rooms. It is quite worthy of becoming a home simulator, due to its size and variety of exercises, from which it is quite possible to choose less acrobatic, and therefore safe for independent performance.

Trying core training in the gym under the guidance of an experienced instructor will not be superfluous, even if you already have a core platform at home. Firstly, at the very beginning of the lesson, the instructor can peep a few good exercise for the home and understand how to behave with the simulator so as not to fall off it. Secondly, when you are already comfortable with the projectile and get bored with the usual movements, you can get the so-called "upgrading" from the instructor.

Core platform (Core)

So, here are a few basic exercises for self-training.

Leg exercises

  1. Stand on the core platform, in the central area. Shift your center of gravity to one foot and catch your balance. Take the other leg to the side and touch the floor, while bending the hip and knee of the supporting leg (standing on the bark). To do this, shift your balance to the heel, the lower leg should remain at a right angle relative to the core platform. At the same time, keep your back straight, bring your shoulder blades together. After that, slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Thus, you should get lunges to the sides ( right leg on the bark - on the floor - on the bark, then the left foot on the bark - on the floor - on the bark).

  1. Back lunges are done in the same way.

Press exercises

  1. Lie on your back on the core platform ( Bottom part body on the floor). Bend your knees. Raise your pelvis up. Get the balance. And repeat the exercise.
  2. Lie on the machine so that the pelvis is in the center. Raise your torso and at the same time pull your knees towards your chest. Find balance. Then return to the starting position.

Hand exercise

Get into a push-up position (on your toes or knees, depending on your level of fitness), with your hands on the edges of the core platform. Get the balance. And without losing it, perform the rotation of the core platform due to the muscles of the hands.

Side muscle exercise

Stand with your feet on the edges of the core platform. Get the balance. And, continuing to hold it, try to rotate the simulator exclusively with the muscles of the body.

Photo 5sfit.ru

There are people who need to be paid money to motivate themselves to exercise regularly. And there are those who prefer to improve themselves without leaving home. This also has its undeniable advantages. You can study at any convenient time, without wasting time on the road and money for a subscription, and the right simulator always available, no need to queue up for it in advance. If you belong to the second type, then you should always be aware of all the new house-fits in order to replenish your collection of home exercise equipment.

One of these fitness gadgets is the core board or core platform - a special device, a recent development of physiotherapists at Reebok University (London), which does not have a stable position. If we compare roughly, then we can draw an analogy with a fitball - both devices are a balancing unstable surface. The name of this platform comes from the English word core, meaning core, core. The simulator consists of two oval boards, on average, 88 cm long, 15 cm high and 67 wide, on a special stand that does not allow the board to lock in place, but is able to turn and change the angle of inclination in any position. This feature allows you to work out all the oblique muscles of the body.

The platform is completely safe, as its surface is made of special rubber, which ensures maximum grip of the legs with the core board. Durable rubber clamps "tightly" attach the platform to any surface, even to the marble floor in the bathroom. Also, the core board has 2 levels of resistance, which help to reduce or increase its stability. After all, it is not so easy for beginners, full or very tall people to start balancing easily on a board that is too moving.

What muscles do we train

Photo r-fitnes.ru

Working with a core platform is kind of like riding a skateboard, snowboarding, or windsurfing. You have to constantly balance, change body position and strain alternately different groups muscles, so as not to lose balance and not fall to the floor (asphalt, into the ocean). Only you do not need to catch a wave in Sydney or peel off your knees on the asphalt, trying to maneuver between passers-by and cars. All the same will provide you with a core platform at home. Namely: general strengthening of the muscular body, the study of small muscle groups and deep muscle layers, excellent pumping of muscles abdominals and small pelvis, full involvement of all muscle groups that support our legs in shape.

In addition, the core platform will help you form an excellent posture, develop a sense of balance and work out coordination of movements. Being engaged on such a simulator, you simultaneously get two in one, combining strength and aerobic workout In addition, training on the core platform is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis and the development of intervertebral hernias and protrusions, since they strengthen absolutely all the muscles that support the spine and back in correct position. Training on such a platform is considered very intense, since we spend a huge amount of calories to maintain balance.

Additional Gadgets

If your level physical training high enough, in winter you regularly ski and snowboard, and in summer - surf and skateboard, then along with the core platform it makes sense to purchase special gadgets that come with it. These are expanders equipped with three levels of resistance for people with different levels of physical fitness (there are special holes for their fastening along the edges of the platform), which allow you to perform strength exercises in parallel with aerobic exercise. As well as pampas - aerobic barbells, bodybars - gymnastic sticks, medicine balls and special core mats.

Where to practice

Group classes on the core platform are offered by the Sport-Studio fitness club. You can buy a platform for home workouts in Reebok brand stores, the company that owns the copyright for the invention of this gadget, as well as in online stores, for example.

The first processors under the Intel Core i7 brand appeared nine years ago, but the LGA1366 platform did not claim mass distribution outside the server segment. Actually, all the "consumer" processors for it fell into the price range from ≈$300 to full-fledged "piecebucks", so there is nothing surprising in this. However, modern i7s also live in it, so they are devices of limited demand: for the most demanding customers (the appearance of the Core i9 this year has slightly changed the disposition, but just a little). And already the first models of the family received the formula "four cores - eight threads - 8 MiB of cache memory of the third level."

Later, it was also inherited by models for the mass market LGA1156. Later, without changes, migrated to LGA1155. Even later, it was "noted" in LGA1150 and even LGA1151, although many users initially expected six-core processor models from the latter. But this did not happen in the first version of the platform - the corresponding Core i7 and i5 appeared only this year as part of the "eighth" generation, with the "sixth" and "seventh" incompatible. According to some of our readers (which we partly share) - a bit late: could have been earlier. However, the “good, but not enough” claim applies not only to processor performance, but in general to any evolutionary changes in any market. The reason for this lies not in the technical, but in the psychological plane, which is far beyond the scope of our site's interests. Here we can arrange testing of computer systems of different generations to determine their performance and power consumption (even if only on a limited sample of tasks). What are we going to do today.

Test stand configuration

CPU Intel Core i7-880 Intel Core i7-2700K Intel Core i7-3770K
Kernel name Lynnfield Sandy Bridge Ivy Bridge
Production technology 45 nm 32 nm 22 nm
Core frequency, GHz 3,06/3,73 3,5/3,9 3,5/3,9
Number of cores/threads 4/8 4/8 4/8
L1 cache (total), I/D, KB 128/128 128/128 128/128
L2 cache, KB 4×256 4×256 4×256
L3 cache, MiB 8 8 8
RAM 2×DDR3-1333 2×DDR3-1333 2×DDR3-1600
TDP, W 95 95 77

Our parade-alle opens with three of the oldest processors - one for LGA1156 and two for LGA1155. Note that the first two models are unique in their own way. For example, the Core i7-880 (appeared in 2010 - in the second wave of devices for this platform) was the most expensive processor of all the participants in today's test: its recommended price was $562. In the future, no desktop quad-core Core i7 cost so much. And the quad-core processors of the Sandy Bridge family (as in the previous case, we have a representative of the second wave here, and not the “starter” i7-2600K) are the only ones of all models for LGA115x that use solder as a thermal interface. In principle, no one noticed its introduction then, as well as the earlier transitions from solder to paste and vice versa too: it was later that the thermal interface in narrow but noisy circles began to be endowed with truly magical properties. Somewhere starting from the Core i7-3770K just (mid-2012), after which the noise did not subside.

CPU Intel Core i7-4790K Intel Core i7-5775C
Kernel name Haswell Broadwell
Production technology 22 nm 14 nm
Core frequency std/max, GHz 4,0/4,4 3,3/3,7
Number of cores/threads 4/8 4/8
L1 cache (total), I/D, KB 128/128 128/128
L2 cache, KB 4×256 4×256
Cache L3 (L4), MiB 8 6 (128)
RAM 2×DDR3-1600 2×DDR3-1600
TDP, W 88 65

The one we're missing today is the original Haswell in the form of the i7-4770K. As a result, we skip 2013 and go straight to 2014: formally, the 4790K is Haswell Refresh. Some were already waiting for Broadwell, but the company released processors of this family exclusively to the tablet and laptop market: where they were most in demand. And with the desktop, the plans changed several times, but in 2015 a couple of processors (plus three Xeons) appeared on the market. Very specific: like Haswell and Haswell Refresh, they were installed in the LGA1150 socket, but they were only compatible with a couple of 2014 chipsets, and most importantly, they turned out to be the only “socket” models with a four-level cache. Formally - for the needs of the graphics core, although in practice L4 can be used by all programs. There were similar processors earlier and later - but only in BGA version (that is, they were soldered directly to the motherboard). These are unique in their own way. Enthusiasts, of course, were not inspired due to low clock speeds and limited "overclocking", but we will check how this "side escape" correlates with the main line in modern software.

CPU Intel Core i7-6700K Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-8700K
Kernel name skylake Kaby Lake coffee lake
Production technology 14 nm 14 nm 14 nm
Core frequency, GHz 4,0/4,2 4,2/4,5 3,7/4,7
Number of cores/threads 4/8 4/8 6/12
L1 cache (total), I/D, KB 128/128 128/128 192/192
L2 cache, KB 4×256 4×256 6×256
L3 cache, MiB 8 8 12
RAM 2×DDR3-1600 / 2×DDR4-2133 2×DDR3-1600 / 2×DDR4-2400 2×DDR4-2666
TDP, W 91 91 95

And the most "fresh" trio of processors, formally using the same LGA1151 socket, but in two of its incompatible versions. However, we wrote about the difficult path of mass-produced six-core processors to the market quite recently: when they were tested for the first time. So we won't repeat ourselves. We only note that we tested the i7-8700K again: using not a preliminary, but a “release” copy, and even installing it on an already “normal” board with debugged firmware. The results have changed slightly, but in several programs have become somewhat more adequate.

CPU Intel Core i3-7350K Intel Core i5-7600K Intel Core i5-8400
Kernel name Kaby Lake Kaby Lake coffee lake
Production technology 14 nm 14 nm 14 nm
Core frequency, GHz 4,2 3,8/4,2 2,8/4,0
Number of cores/threads 2/4 4/4 6/6
L1 cache (total), I/D, KB 64/64 128/128 192/192
L2 cache, KB 2×256 4×256 6×256
L3 cache, MiB 4 6 9
RAM 2×DDR4-2400 2×DDR4-2400 2×DDR4-2666
TDP, W 60 91 65

With whom to compare the results? It seems to us that it is imperative to take a couple of the fastest modern dual- and quad-core processors of the Core i3 and Core i5 lines, since they have already been tested, and it’s interesting to see which of the old people they will catch up with and where (and whether they will catch up). We also managed to get our hands on a brand new six-core Core i5-8400, so we took the opportunity to test that as well.

CPU AMD FX-8350 AMD Ryzen 5 1400 AMD Ryzen 5 1600
Kernel name Vishera Ryzen Ryzen
Production technology 32 nm 14 nm 14 nm
Core frequency, GHz 4,0/4,2 3,2/3,4 3,2/3,6
Number of cores/threads 4/8 4/8 6/12
L1 cache (total), I/D, KB 256/128 256/128 384/192
L2 cache, KB 4×2048 4×512 6×512
L3 cache, MiB 8 8 16
RAM 2×DDR3-1866 2×DDR4-2666 2×DDR4-2666
TDP, W 125 65 65

It is impossible to do without AMD processors, and there is no need to. Including the "historical" FX-8350, which is the same age as the Core i7-3770K. Fans of this line have always argued that it is not only cheaper, but generally better - just few people know how to cook. But if you use " the right programs", then immediately overtake everyone. Since this year we have at the request of workers reworked the testing methodology in the direction of "harsh multi-threading", so there is a reason to test this hypothesis - all the same, testing is historical. And modern models will require at least two. We would love a Ryzen 5 1500X, very similar to the old Core i7s, but we haven't tested it. Ryzen 5 1400 formally also fits ... but in fact, this model (and modern Ryzen 3) along with the halving of the cache memory "suffered" and the links between the CCX. Therefore, I also had to take the Ryzen 5 1600, where this problem is not present - as a result, it often overtakes the 1400 by more than one and a half times. Yes, and a couple of six-core Intel processors are also present in today's testing. Others are clearly too slow to compare with this inexpensive processor, but oh well - let it dominate.

Test Methodology

Methodology. Here we briefly recall that it is based on the following four pillars:

  • Methodology for measuring power consumption when testing processors
  • Methodology for monitoring power, temperature and processor load during testing
  • Methodology for measuring performance in 2017 games

Detailed results for all tests are available as a complete results spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel 97-2003 format) . Directly in the articles, we use already processed data. This is especially true for application tests, where everything is normalized relative to the reference system (AMD FX-8350 with 16 GB of memory, GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card and Corsair Force LE 960 GB SSD) and grouped by computer application areas.

iXBT Application Benchmark 2017

In principle, the assertions of AMD fans that FX were not so bad in "harsh multithreading", if we consider only performance, are justified: as we can see, the 8350 could, in principle, compete on equal terms with the Core i7 of the same year of release. However, here it also looks good against the background of the younger Ryzen, but between these two families, almost nothing was produced by the company for this market segment. Intel, on the other hand, has such a uniform lineup, which made it possible to double the performance within the framework of the “quad-core” concept. Although the cores are of great importance here - the best dual-core processor of 2017 still did not catch up with the quad-core Core of the "previous" generation (recall that it is still officially called so in the company's materials, clearly separated from the numbered ones starting from the second). And six-core models are good - and that's all. So Intel's reproaches that the company delayed their entry to the market too much can be considered fair to some extent.

All the difference from the previous group is that the code here is not so primitive, so, in addition to cores, threads and gigahertz, the architectural features of the processors executing it are also important. Although the overall result for Intel products is quite comparable: the difference between 880 and 7700K is still twofold, the i5-8400 is still second only to the latter, the i3-7350K still has not caught up with anyone. And it happened in the same seven years. We can assume that eight - after all, LGA1156 entered the market in the fall of 2009, and the Core i7-880 differed from the 860 and 870 that appeared in the first wave only in frequencies, and even then only slightly.

One has only to “weaken” the utilization of multithreading a little, and the position of newer processors immediately improves - albeit quantitatively weaker ones. However, the traditional "two ends" with other (relatively) equal comparison of the "previous" and "seventh" generations of Core gives us. Although it is easy to see that the “second” and ... “eighth” are drawn to the maximum extent for the “revolutionary”. But this is more than understandable: the latter increased the number of cores, and in the "second" the microarchitecture and process technology changed radically, and at the same time.

As we already know, Adobe Photoshop is a little “weird” (the bad news is that in the last this moment package version the problem is not fixed; very bad news - now it will also be relevant for the new Core i3), so we do not consider processors without HT. But our main heroes have support for this technology, so no one bothers them all to work normally. As a result, in general, the state of affairs is similar to other groups, but there is a nuance: the fastest processor for the LGA1150 turned out to be the i7-4790K, which does not have a high frequency, but the i7-5775C. Well - in some places, intensive methods of increasing productivity are very effective. It’s a pity that not always: it’s easier to “work” with frequency. And it's cheaper: you don't need an additional eDRAM crystal, which also needs to be somehow placed on the same substrate as the "main" one.

The number of cores as a "driver" for increasing performance is also suitable - more than even the frequency. Although the Core i7-8700K looked worse in our first test, this was due to the results of the same Adobe Photoshop: they turned out to be almost the same as for the i7-7700K. Switching to a "release" processor and board solved the problem in this case: the performance turned out to be similar to other six-core Intel processors. With the corresponding improvement overall result in Group. The behavior of other programs has not changed - they have previously been positive about increasing the number of supported computation threads while maintaining a similar level of such frequency.

Moreover, sometimes only she “decides” and the number of computation threads. Basically, of course, there are certain nuances here, but “ there is no reception against scrap". The whole revolutionary architecture of Ryzen, for example, only allowed the 1400 to deliver performance on par with the FX-8350 or Core i7-3770K that hit the market in 2012. Given that its frequency is lower than both, and indeed this is a special budget model that actually uses only half of the semiconductor crystal, it's not so bad. But reverence does not cause. Especially against the background of another (and also inexpensive) representative of the Ryzen 5 line, which easily and noticeably overtook any quad-core Core i7 of any year of production :)

Although we abandoned the single-threaded unpacking test, this program still cannot be considered too “greedy” for cores and their frequency. It is clear why - the performance of the memory system is very important here, so the Core i7-5775C managed to overtake only the i7-8700K, and even then by less than 10%. It is a pity that there are no products so far where L4 is combined with six cores and memory with a high memory bandwidth: such a processor "without bottlenecks" in such tasks could show a miracle. Theoretically, at least, it is obvious that in desktop computers we will not see anything like this in the near future for sure.

Characteristically, this offshoot from the "backbone" of desktop processors demonstrates (still!) high results and in this group of programs. However, what unites them is mainly the intended purpose, and not the optimization methods chosen by the programmers. But the latter are not ignored either - unlike some more "primitive" tasks, such as video encoding.

What do we end up with? The effect of "evolutionary development" has somewhat decreased: the Core i7-7700K outperforms the i7-880 by less than two times, and its superiority over the i7-2700K is only one and a half times. In general, not bad: it was achieved by intensive means in comparable "quantitative" conditions, i.e., it can be extended to almost any software. However, in relation to the interests of the most demanding users, it is not enough. Especially if we compare the gains at each annual step, adding another Core i7-4770K (which is why we regretted above that this processor was not found).

At the same time, the company has had the opportunity to dramatically increase productivity at least in multi-threaded software (and this has long been a lot among resource-intensive programs) for a long time. Yes, and it was also implemented - but within the framework of completely different platforms with their own characteristics. Not without reason, many have been waiting for six-core models under LGA115x since 2014 ... But many did not expect any breakthroughs from AMD in those years - the first Ryzen tests turned out to be all the more impressive. No wonder - as we can see, even the inexpensive Ryzen 5 1600 can compete in performance with the Core i7-7700K, which was the fastest LGA1151 processor just a couple of months ago. Now a similar performance level is quite available for the Core i5, but it would be better if it happened earlier :) In any case, there would be less reason for complaints.

Energy consumption and energy efficiency

However, this diagram once again demonstrates why the performance of mass central processors in the second decade of the 21st century grew at a much slower pace than in the first: in this case, all development took place against the background of a "non-increase" in power consumption. If possible, even reduce. It was possible to reduce it by architectural or any other methods - users of mobile and compact systems (which have long been sold much more than “typical desktop ones”) will be satisfied. Yes, and on the desktop market, a small step forward, since you can tweak the frequencies a little more, which was done in the Core i7-4790K at one time, and then entrenched in the “regular” Core i7, and even in the Core i5.

This is especially evident when evaluating the power consumption of the processors themselves (unfortunately, for the LGA1155, measure it separately from the platform simple means impossible). At the same time, it becomes clear why the company does not need to somehow change the requirements for processor cooling within the LGA115x line. Also, why more and more products in the (formally) desktop range begin to fit into traditional laptop processor thermal packs: this happens by itself without any effort. In principle, it would be possible to install all quad-core processors under LGA1151 TDP = 65 W and not suffer :) Just for the so-called. overclocking processors, the company considers it necessary to tighten the requirements for the cooling system, since there is a small (but not zero) chance that the buyer of a computer with such will overclock it and use all sorts of "stability tests". And mass products do not cause such concerns, and are initially more economical. Even six-core ones, although the power consumption of the older i7-8700K has grown - but only to the level of processors for the LGA1150. In normal mode, of course - during overclocking, you can inadvertently return to 2010 :)

But, at the same time, modern economical processors are not necessarily slow at all - three to five years ago, the performance of "energy efficient" models against the background of the top ones in the line often left much to be desired, since they had to reduce the frequency too much, or even reduce the number of cores. Therefore, in general, “energy efficiency” increased much faster than pure performance: here, when comparing the Core i7-7700K and i7-880, not twice, but all two and a half. However... the first "big leap" and immediately one and a half times fell on the introduction of LGA1155, so it is not surprising that complaints about the further evolution of the platform were heard from this direction as well.

iXBT Game Benchmark 2017

Of course, the results of the oldest processors, such as Core i7-880 and i7-2700K, are of the greatest interest. Unfortunately, nothing good happened with the first of them: apparently, none of the GPU manufacturers seriously dealt with the issues of compatibility of new video cards with the platform of the end of the last decade. And it’s understandable why: many LGA1156 have been missed altogether, or have already managed to migrate from it to other solutions for so many years. But with the Core i7-2700K there is another problem: its performance (recall - in normal mode) is still often enough to work at the level of the new Core i7. In general, this is such an indestructible legend: which (together with the older Core i5 for LGA1155) was first made a good gaming processor by high single-threaded performance (in those years, Intel strongly “clamped” Core i3 and Pentium in frequency), and then they started more or less efficiently all eight supported computation threads are utilized. Although the same level of performance in games is often achieved by more “simple” solutions for new platforms, there is sometimes a feeling that this is due not only and not so much to “pure” performance. Therefore, for those who are interested in the results in games to some extent, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them using the full table, and here we will give only a couple of the most interesting and revealing diagrams.

Take Far Cry Primal for example. We immediately discard the results of the Core i7-880: the incorrect operation of the video card on the GTX 1070 with this platform is obvious. Perhaps, by the way, this is also common for LGA1155, although in general the frame rate cannot be called low here: in practice it is enough. But clearly lower than it could be. And LGA1151 also somehow does not shine, and LGA1150 looks like the best platform. Now we remember that a modified version of the Dunia Engine 2 (it is used here) was developed between 2013 and 2014, so they could just re-optimize. An indirect confirmation of which is the low (relative to expected) frame rate on Ryzen 5: there is a feeling that there should be more and that's it.

But games on the EGO 4.0 engine began to appear in 2015 - and here we don’t see such artifacts anymore. With the exception of the Core i7-880, which once again amused by the "brakes", but this correlates well with other games. And not just multi-core processors look best, but also those released since 2015, i.e. LGA1151 and AM4 platforms. The complete opposite of the previous case, although in general both games were released in 2016. And both within the same family of processors always "vote" for the model in which there are more computing cores. But within one- different (especially, significantly different architecturally) with their help, you need to compare very carefully. If you want to compare, of course: in general, in both (and not only in them) on a system with a five-year-old processor and a “good” video card, you can play with much more comfort than with any processor, but on a budget video card for $ 200 In general, whether games have growing requirements for processors or not, and a gaming computer needs to be assembled “from a video card”. However, it would be strange if something changed in this industry - especially considering that the performance of video cards over the past eight years has not doubled at all, and not even tripled;)


Actually, all we wanted to do was compare several processors of different years at once when working with modern software. Moreover, some characteristics of the older Core i7 models have not changed much during this time, especially if we take the interval from the winter of 2011 to the same period in 2017. But productivity grew at the same time - slowly, but slightly more than the oft-discussed "5% per year." And taking into account the fact that every year a normal user does not buy computers, but usually focuses on 3-5 years, during such a period there was an increase in performance, economy, and platform functionality. But could have been better. At the same time, some “weak points” are clearly visible: for example, an increase in clock frequency in 2014 did not allow achieving significantly higher performance either in 2015 or even at the beginning of 2017. We managed to “break away” noticeably from LGA1155 (as the software was optimized for processors, starting with Haswell, the results were more modest at the start), and that’s all. And then (suddenly) +30% performance, which was not there for a long time. In general, from a historical point of view, a smoother implementation of this process would look better. But what has been has already been.

First of all, the surf balance machine is unstable sports equipment used for balance training.

Being engaged on a balancing simulator, you can well strengthen the stabilizing muscles, which are poorly involved in ordinary training. Even when performing simple movements, you have to maintain balance, forcing small muscles to work.

Balance exercises develop flexibility and improve posture. Balance training effectively helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, while the load on the joints is minimal.

Surfers, practicing on a balancing apparatus, actively involve almost all muscles, which ensures a harmonious physical development body.

Thus, balance training can affect deep muscle receptors, which are located in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They are responsible for a sense of balance in the body, react to the slightest change in body position. The training of these receptors contributes to the fact that the surfer begins to feel the body in space better, coordination develops well.

Balance training

It is not difficult to conduct classes on an unstable simulator. The main thing is to start with light exercises of low intensity, so that you can understand the very essence of balance training. It is not recommended for beginners to make sudden movements, to practice at an accelerated pace - this can lead to injury.

First of all, surfers need to learn how to get on the balance simulator, get off it, while walking straight. Then you should master the steps to the sides, back.

When you gain confidence in your abilities, and it becomes easier to maintain balance, you can add any exercises performed in a regular workout.

Familiar and uncomplicated, on the balancing platform they will become new, interesting and not always easy to do. With the use of a balancing simulator, it is possible to diversify cardio and power training to increase their efficiency.

Types of simulators

The most popular types of unstable projectiles include: barefoot, hemisphere, disk, pillow, step and core platform.


Bosu is similar to half a fitball with a solid base. A feature of the simulator is that the exercises on it are performed from two sides. When installing bosu with the dome up, it is possible to use it as a step, instead of a bench, as a support for working out the muscles of the press, back.

In the inverted state, this simulator provides the ability to do push-ups, bar, train biceps, shoulders, triceps, back, abs. By adjusting the pressure of the projectile, it is possible to vary the complexity of the exercises performed.

Massage balancing cushion

The massage balancing cushion is a rubber disk that is partially filled with air. This is a compact, lightweight trainer that takes up little space, perfect for home workouts.

Thanks to the relief surface, microcirculation of blood in the tissues improves, which contributes to general relaxation. All exercises for balance pad are recommended for the prevention of flat feet, strengthening ligaments, joints.

Thanks not so much high altitude the simulator is very safe, suitable for people of different ages, this is a great option for beginners.

During classes, it is possible to use several pillows. For example, push-ups and squats are very convenient on two shells that are located at a suitable distance. In this case, the elasticity of the pillow can be changed depending on how much it is inflated.

Balancing hemisphere

The balancing hemisphere has a different diameter from 14 to 33 cm, the base has a strong grip on the floor. Used to train balance, improve coordination.

The embossed or studded surface perfectly massages the feet, palms, improves blood circulation, and serves to prevent flat feet. You can walk, jump, use as a support for arms, legs, for example, with push-ups, squats, lunges.

Balance board

Balance board - thanks to the ability to adjust the stability, this simulator is universal, it can be used by beginners and trained athletes.

In the case of the first classes, an additional point of support will be required: a chair or a bodybar. You can ask one of your friends or relatives to insure at first.

Unstable core platform and step platform

The core platform allows you to perform cardio, strength training, effectively trains all the muscles of your body. Thanks to regular classes on the core platform such sports performance like strength, endurance, speed.

Therefore, it is often used in surfing, as well as in sports such as skiing, snowboarding for training athletes in the off-season.

The unstable step platform has an aero base, due to which the effect of instability appears.

On such a platform, you can practice from two sides, which makes it possible to perform many different exercises.

In addition to the listed popular balance simulators, there are:

  • balancing board;
  • balancing track for practicing different ways of movement;
  • balls designed for jumping, maintaining balance;
  • balancing stepper.

cost of balancing machine

The cost of sports equipment varies depending on the brand. For example, a balancing massage pillow is bought for $9-13 (Trives, Bradex, Kettler), $20 (Sissel), $30-55 (Togu). A balancing hemisphere made in Taiwan costs from $3 per piece, Half Ball Ledragomma shells with a diameter of 14 cm - more than $15 per pair. A 40.6 cm balance disc can be purchased for $14.

The core board from Aerofit has a cost of $77, perfect way suitable for balance training, Pilates programs. Aerofit's Bosu trainer costs $63, the US original costs about $155.