Applied styles of swimming. Chertov N.V

Swimming is hard olympic view a sport that perfectly develops muscles and trains all body systems. Already after the first workouts, you can feel which muscles work when swimming in the pool, how the respiratory and cardiac systems are activated, and what beneficial consequences this has. exercise stress. No wonder swimming in the pool attracts everyone more people both young and old.

First of all, you need to know what water disciplines are. Distinguish between ordinary sports swimming from wall to wall, underwater swimming, jumping, games and water aerobics. Water aerobics is a complex of simple exercise that are performed in a shallow pool. Usually pregnant women, or women who want to lose weight and strengthen muscles, do this type of gymnastics. There is also children's water aerobics, which can cure or alleviate the course of many diseases. Swimming and water aerobics are often combined, and one serves as a warm-up for the other.

There are dozens of swimming techniques. Sports competitions are held in swimming on the stomach and on the back, synchronized swimming and diving from the tower.

Applied swimming stands aside from the general classification. The peculiarity of this discipline is the ability to quickly move above and below water, dive, stay on the surface in extreme conditions and overcome long distances. Such movement on water is taught by professional divers and rescuers, on whose actions human lives depend.

Sports swimming

There are three main ways to move around in a pool or open water.

Crawl on the back and chest. The freestyle is often referred to as freestyle because it is considered the fastest and least energy-intensive type of swimming, and when it is possible to change styles, athletes switch to the front crawl. The essence of swimming in the pool in this style is that the athlete's hands make wide strokes, and they do not work synchronously, but alternately. In other words, in the process of swimming with this style right hand makes a swing, rakes in the water and goes down to the body. At the same time, while the right hand is down, the left hand swings. The athlete's legs at this time move up and down in the water, giving the body an additional impulse. Freestyle is considered the simplest and most fast way movement, and therefore it is necessarily included in the training programs of athletes as a mandatory exercise.

Freestyle can be used on the back and stomach. In both cases, the athlete's arms and legs work in the same way. The crawl on the back is often recommended for children or people who cannot swim, since during the exercise the face is constantly above the water, and it is easier to control the correct breathing. When performing the exercise on the stomach, the head is constantly tilted to the chest, and air can only be inhaled when a wave of the hand is made and the face turns to the shoulder.

Crawl on the back perfectly relaxes all the muscles, and is useful in the treatment of diseases of the back and joints. Swimming on your back with this style helps you de-stress and relax after a hard workout or a hard day.

Freestyle is quite close in technique to butterfly or dolphin. "Butterfly" literally translates as "butterfly", and already by this word one can judge the way the exercise is performed. The essence of the training is to do simultaneous swings and strokes with both hands, lifting the torso above the water, and plunging again. In this sport, the athlete's hands work synchronously, while the legs make a special wave-like movement. Butterfly is impossible to learn online, even theoretically, because for proper training the body must be completely immersed in the pool, and must not be supported.

Butterfly is considered the most beautiful, but also the most difficult, muscle-building style. It is difficult for beginner swimmers to even observe the technique, use their arms and legs synchronously, not to mention the beauty of the exercise. But butterfly-based swimming styles perfectly develop and tone muscles, and the ability to simultaneously work correctly with arms and legs trains coordination and hones skills in own body control.

Breaststroke is one of the easiest and most popular swimming styles in open water and in the pool. Its essence lies in the fact that the arms and legs move synchronously under water, pushing the body of the athlete forward. The body of the swimmer is first compressed, the knees are bent, the feet are arched perpendicular to the shins, and the elbows are pressed to the body. Then there is a push: the arms make a stroke in a horizontal plane, and the legs straighten. A body that has received such an impulse moves forward quickly and almost silently.

Swimming breaststroke has more applied than sporting value. This style uses less energy than the butterfly or freestyle, is not too demanding on the muscles, and is not particularly spectacular, so it is rarely included in the training or competition program. But at the same time, military men, sailors, rescuers and divers are taught breaststroke swimming, since breaststroke swimming in open water can be done very quickly and almost imperceptibly.

All styles of swimming involve warming up and mastering the movements on land, not in the water. Beginner swimmers can learn various techniques and movements online, via the Internet, and work out the practice already in the water. But this approach to this discipline has its pitfalls. For example, freestyle is difficult to master for beginners, since it is necessary to simultaneously make movements with your hands and turn your head. Often in the pool, a beginner swimmer who performs an exercise incorrectly does not have enough air. Studying and practicing exercises online or on the shore will allow you to warm up and avoid unpleasant situations.

Not all swimming competitions are held in a pool. There is such a discipline as swimming, that is, swimming for long distances. The minimum distance for a swim is 2 km, and the maximum reaches 150 km. World open water swimming competitions are usually held in the UK or Turkey, and athletes need to swim across the English Channel or the Bosphorus, respectively. You can choose any swimming styles to overcome water obstacles, and it is not forbidden to change them during the task.

What is recreational swimming

Not everyone swims for the sake of sports competitions. Most people visit the pool in order to relieve stress, tighten the muscles of the whole body and train the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. For such swimmers, there are certain training programs that will make all the muscles work, but at the same time they will not exhaust the person until they lose the desire to do it.

Recreational swimming is used by people without health problems, and those who are undergoing treatment or rehabilitation. In addition to the fact that all the muscles of the body are involved in the work while in the water, swimming stimulates the lungs, which work more actively, consuming more air, and the cardiovascular system, which is forced to pump blood more actively. Remedial swimming is recommended for those who suffer from overweight: due to the density and support of water, the load on the joints is minimal, and calorie consumption, on the contrary, is higher. Weight with regular visits to the pool comes off faster and more harmlessly than when doing any other sport.

For quick recovery and learning different styles of swimming, games in open water or in the pool are used. Emotions, excitement and teamwork give not only faster positive results, but also self-confidence, and good mood. Games like water polo develop coordination and make you feel more confident in the pool.

Many coaches recommend that beginners who are unable to complete various elements of the compulsory program go to some water polo training or participate in similar games. Active movement in the pool in outdoor games and excitement allow the student not to get hung up on the endless repetition of a complex element. Most often, the body in the water during the game itself performs the correct movements, and in training it remains only to fix the technique.

But not only various games allow you to learn how to keep on the water and not be afraid of playing sports. There are more interesting views this discipline, for example, synchronized or scuba diving.

Synchronized swimming is a team sport played mostly by girls. This sport is considered one of the most beautiful, and develops not only muscles, but also flexibility and endurance. In the form of playing and performing tricks, girls are taught to hold their breath for a long time and perform various choreographic exercises with their arms and legs. It perfectly develops muscles, coordination and respiratory system.

Equally interesting is swimming under water, which includes various styles and disciplines, such as:

  • Swimming with fins develops the muscles of the legs and back. This discipline overlaps with diving;
  • Diving, that is, immersion in water and overcoming distances under water. There are two types of this discipline: scuba diving and without it. Swimming styles also matter, and training can take place both in the form of a game and in the form of a hard drill;
  • Orientation underwater. The purpose of this discipline is not only to develop the muscles and respiratory system, but also to learn to determine your location. Competitions in this discipline are not held in pools;
  • Underwater tourism is close to diving, but the peculiarity of this discipline is its character. Tourism does not develop muscles and is not started for the sake of play, on the contrary, it aims to study water bodies and their inhabitants;
  • Underwater wrestling is a rare sport, but gaining popularity every year;
  • Spearfishing or sports shooting are sports that are practiced both in the pool and in open water. In such games, you need to dive without scuba gear and hit a given number of targets.

Swimming and playing in the water are enjoyed by both adults and children. Not everyone Online Games about diving or spearfishing can give real experiences, such as giving swimming in the pool or the sea. Whatever style is chosen for training, breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke or front crawl - swimming will bring great benefits to the whole body. It doesn’t matter whether applied swimming, diving or water aerobics is chosen - the water enveloping the body will relieve stress and tension from the muscles, and therefore already after a short time a person will be much healthier, slimmer and more confident.

1. Introduction.

2. History of sailing.

2.1. History of swimming as a sport

3. Methods, system and rules for conducting swimming competitions

4. Types of swimming

4.1. Freestyle

4.2. On the back

4.3. Breaststroke

4.4. Butterfly

4.5. Integrated swimming

5. Conclusion.


  1. Introduction.

Swimming is a very beautiful and exciting sport. In addition, this is a very useful and at the same time enjoyable sport, as it strengthens all muscle groups, and also helps to relax the body and the likelihood of injury is quite small here.

Swimming is also one of effective means hardening of a person, contributing to the formation of persistent hygiene skills. The temperature of the water is always lower than the temperature of the human body, therefore, when a person is in the water, his body radiates 50-80% more heat than in the air. Bathing and swimming bring up resistance to colds. If swimming is carried out in a natural reservoir, then the natural factors of nature - the sun and air - also have a hardening effect. Swimming eliminates posture disorders, flat feet, harmoniously develops almost all muscle groups - especially shoulder girdle, arms, chest, abdomen, back and legs. Swimming perfectly trains the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

2. History of sailing.

Swimming has an unusually long history. Even the Ancient Slavs held swimming competitions, their essence was as follows: people swam in the river and caught fish with their hands, the one who brought the most big fish, and was considered the winner. These competitions are not at all similar to modern ones, but nevertheless, the ability to swim was of decisive importance in them. The history of the development of swimming has very long roots.

In ancient times, the cult of water was among all peoples. People revered the gods who commanded the waters (Poseidon, Neptune).

Most early images, which show people swimming in ways similar to breaststroke and front crawl, date back to the 4th 2nd centuries. BC. The art of swimming was greatly appreciated. Every year in Hermione, in honor of the holiday dedicated to the god of the seas, and since 1300, swimming competitions have always been held at the Games held on the Isthma at the sanctuary of Poseidon every two years.

In the Middle Ages, a knight at his initiation had to demonstrate his ability to swim in armor. The first amateur swimming school was founded in 1785 in Paris. In Russia, such an institution first appeared in 1825 in St. Petersburg.

2.1. History of the development of swimming as a sport

The first international swimming competitions took place in 1889 in Budapest, the capital of Romania. Swimming made its debut at the modern Olympics already at the first of them in 1896 in Athens.

Swimming became especially popular at the end of the 19th century. In 1890, the first European swimming championship was held. Swimming has been included in the program since 1896 Olympic Games.

In 1908, the International Federation of Amateur Swimming (FINA) was created.In 1973, this organization united 96 national federations.

In Russia, swimming in ancient times developed mainly as an applied sport, and only at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century did it become a separate sport.

The first major swimming competitions in Russia were held at the Russian Olympics in Kyiv in 1913. They went down in history as the first Russian swimming championship. It was attended by about 60 people. The second Russian Olympiad, which included swimming, was held in 1914 in Riga. About 70 swimmers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and other cities came to the competition. Sports results in swimming at this Olympiad were also low.

In 1922, the Dolphin Swimming Society was formed, which soon became a kind of center for sports swimming in the country.

In 1928, the All-Union Spartakiad took place in Moscow, which contributed to the further spread and development of swimming in our country. In the period 1926-1929. Soviet athletes hold their first international swimming competitions.

Soviet swimmers took part in the Olympic Games in 1952 for the first time. They performed poorly, only M. Gavrish took the 6th place in the final of the 200m breaststroke.

The first participation of Soviet swimmers in the European Championship falls on 1954. At that time, women were very inferior in terms of development to men. Only men took part in this championship. The greatest success in the international sports arena of Soviet swimmers falls on the 60s. Speaking at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, which were held in 1964, G. Prozumenshchikova, a 16-year-old schoolgirl from Sevastopol, became the first Olympic champion swimming 200m breaststroke.

Galina Prozumenshchikova

Between 1966 and 1968 on the account of the Soviet swimmers was 1st place in Europe and 3rd place in the world. In general, during the period from 1947 to 1975, our swimmers set new world records 41 times, 128 European records, and also won at the Olympic Games: 1 gold, 13 silver and 26 bronze medals and about 40 European champion titles.

3. Methods, system and rules for holding competitions

Swimming methods and distances

In swimming, competitions are held and records of the world, Europe and Russia (women and men) are recorded in the following ways and distances:

freestyle - 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 m;

on the back - 50, 100, 200 m;

breaststroke - 50, 100, 200 m;

butterfly - 50, 100, 200 m;

integrated swimming - 100 (only in the pool 25 m), 200, 400 m;

freestyle relay - 4x100, 4x200 m;

combined relay - 4x100 m.

Pool length

According to the first rules for swimming competitions (adopted by FINA in 1908), world records could be recorded in any pools that were at least 25 yards long. But at the same time, official international swimming competitions could only be held in pools 50 and 100 meters long. Since the mid-1980s. winter and spring swimming competitions in 25-meter pools have become very popular.

Swimming competitions are held indoors or outdoor pools 25 or 50 meters long, at least 1.2 m deep at the starting point. Number of lanes: eight (six for 25-meter pools).The optimum water temperature is +26C.

Level 3 competitions are allowed to be held in non-standard and floating pools, open water bodies. In the presence of a current, half of the distance must be overcome against the current. Competition distances of 25, 50 and 100 m are allowed to be overcome by any style, arbitrarily changing it.

Swimming competition system

Since 2001, official swimming competitions have been held according to a system consisting of preliminary, semi-final and final heats. Preliminary heats are held in the morning, final and semi-final in the evening.

At distances of 50, 100, and 200 meters, according to the results of the morning preliminary heats, 16 participants are selected, who (in the evening of the same day) participate in two semi-finals, where 8 participants in the final (which is held the next day) are determined.

For more long distances and in the relay races in the morning preliminary heats, 8 participants in the final are immediately determined (for distances of 800 and 1500 meters, the final is held the next day, for the rest in the evening of the same day).

If, according to the results of the preliminary (or semi-final) swims, the athletes show the same result, a re-swim is held, in the final swim, the participants who show the same result share the place.

General rules.

1. The start is carried out by jumping from the starting table or pushing the legs from the wall of the pool when starting from the water (track numbers are counted from right to left).

2. After a series of short whistles from the referee, the swimmers take off their training suits. After a long whistle, athletes take their places on the starting tables (so that both feet are at the same distance from the front edge of the table) or in the water near the pool wall. In the absence of a referee, the preparatory commands are given by the starter.

3. After making sure that all participants are ready to start, the starter fires a shot, which is the executive signal.

4. If one or more participants start prematurely, then all participants in the swim return and the start is repeated. On the first and second false starts, the starter returns. After the third false start of the heat, all swimmers who started before the starting signal are disqualified.

6. In the relay, the participants of the first stage start according to the rules of the competition. Participants in subsequent stages of the relay race must take the start so that their legs are separated from the starting table (starting wall) no earlier than a member of their team finishing the previous stage touches the finish shield.

4. Types of swimming

4.1. Freestyle.

Swimming freestyle a discipline of swimming in which a swimmer is allowed to swim in any way, arbitrarily changing them along the course of the distance. At the same time, over the entire distance, with the exception of a segment of no more than 15 m after the start or turn, "any part of the swimmer's body must break the surface of the water." But already in the 1920s. most athletes began to choose a faster crawl as a freestyle.

Crawl (English "crawl" "crawl") swimming style on the chest, during the movement of which the athlete makes wide strokes along the body alternately with the right and left hands, and at the same time constantly performs kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete's face is almost constantly in the water; periodically, during one of the strokes, he turns his head to the side, lifting his face out of the water in order to take a breath.

4.2. Backstroke.

This style of swimming is similar to the reverse crawl. Here, as in the crawl, the athlete performs alternate strokes with his hands (but: the arm is extended straight over the water, and not bent, as in the crawl), and at the same time performs alternate kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete's face is almost constantly (with the exception of the start and turns) above the water.

Backstroke This is not the fastest swimming style, but it can swim faster than, for example, breaststroke. And this is the only style of swimming in which the start is made from the water. The athlete, facing the bedside table, holds on to the starting rails with both hands, resting his feet on the side of the pool.

Backstroke was first included as a separate event in the 1900 Olympics.

4.3. Breaststroke

The name of this swimming style comes from the French word "brass" "hand". Breaststroke is a swimming style on the chest, during which the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical strokes with his hands, as well as simultaneous and symmetrical pushes with his legs in a horizontal plane below the surface of the water.

This is the oldest and slowest swimming style. In the Egyptian "Cave of the Swimmers" there are rock paintings depicting swimming people who, apparently, moved in the water in much the same way as modern athletes swim breaststroke.

At the beginning of the 20th century, even professional athletes swam breaststroke, keeping their heads above the water. Only in the 1930s. many swimmers (including representatives Soviet school) began to lower their heads into the water while stretching their arms forward.

In 1904, breaststroke was included in the program of the Olympic Games in the form of a swim over a distance of 402 meters, only men were allowed to compete. On next games it was replaced by the 200m, which has been featured in every Olympics since then. Since 1924, the 200-meter race among women has been held at the Olympics, and since 1968, the 100-meter race has been added to the 200-meter race for both men and women.

4.4. Butterfly.

The name of this swimming style is translated from English as "butterfly" (colloquial name in Russia "dolphin"). When swimming with a butterfly, the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical movements of the left and right parts of the body. The swimmer makes a powerful wide stroke with his hands (at the same time top part his body rises above the water), while simultaneously performing symmetrical wave-like kicks "from the pelvis". Butterfly is the most energy-intensive swimming style, it requires maximum endurance and perfect mastery of technique.

This swimming style is the youngest. Butterfly is one of the most difficult ways of swimming and is considered the second fastest after the crawl. Butterfly "came into the world" in 1935, and at that time it was considered simply the newest variety of breaststroke. Only almost 20 years later, in 1953, the butterfly was officially recognized as an independent swimming style.

4.5. Integrated swimming

Integrated swimming is a discipline in which a swimmer overcomes equal parts of the distance with butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.
The program of the Olympic Games includes two distances of integrated swimming, both for men and women - 200 meters and 400 meters. At a distance of 200 meters, participants swim in a 50-meter pool for 50 meters with each style, in a swim twice as long as 100 meters with each style.

The 200m individual medley was included in the program of the Games for the first time. 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, but then it was excluded. The distance returned to the Olympic program in 1984 in Los Angeles. 400-meter race appeared at the Games in 1964 in Tokyo.

4.6. combined relay

Swimming relay, during which four team members alternately swim four different styles. The order of styles differs from the order in individual medley:

  1. On the back
  2. Breaststroke
  3. Butterfly
  4. Freestyle (crawl)

The program of the Olympic Games includes one 4x100 meter medley relay for both men and women. She first appeared in the program of the Games on 1960 Olympics in Rome. There is also a 4x50 meter medley relay, held in both long and short pools, not included in the Olympic program.

5. Conclusion

Training of high-class swimmers capable of achieving victories in the largest international competitions conducted in many countries around the world. Over the past decade, swimmers from the USA, Australia, Russia, Germany, China, Ukraine, Hungary, Ireland, South Africa, Finland, Canada, Spain, Japan, New Zealand, Belgium, Costa Rica, Poland, Sweden have become champions of the Olympic Games and the world , Netherlands, France.

The work of the Russian Swimming Federation is perceived with satisfaction in Europe and in the world. The fact of recognition of the efforts of the Federation in the international arena is the election in 2000 of G.P. Alyoshin Vice President of FINA. He is also President of the Russian Swimming Federation and Vice-President of the Russian NOC. A sign of the authority of Russia in sports swimming is decision about holding in Moscow in 2002 the World Championship on "short" water. Today, a number of names of athletes trained recently are known all over the world: A. Popov, D. Pankratov, Ya. Klochkova, R. Sludnov, I. Chervinsky, D. Silantyev and others. Over the past three years in Russia, 13 athletes have received the title "Honored Master of Sports", 55 swimmers became masters of sports of international class.

Finishing the work, I would like to draw the following conclusions: swimming has been known to man since ancient times: images of people found during excavations, swimming in ways similar to crawl and breaststroke, date back to the 4th millennium BC. Swimming develops muscular system, mobility in the joints, improves coordination of movements, strengthens nervous system, improves metabolism, expands the functionality of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. There are recreational, sports and applied swimming.

Health-improving swimming is one of the forms of mass physical culture and health-improving work with the population. Systematic swimming exercises have a hardening effect, contribute to the prevention of respiratory diseases, improve physical development.

Sports swimming is one of the most popular sports. Training in sports swimming should start from the age of 5, from 9 years old it is allowed to participate in competitions.


1. Gordon S. M., "Technique of sports swimming", M., "Physical culture and sport", 1978.

2. Materials from the site

3. Firsov Z.P. Swimming for everyone. M., 1983.

4. Wikipedia: Swimming.


Swimming report on physical education briefly tells you a lot useful information about this oldest sport. Also, a report on swimming will help in preparing for classes.

Report on the topic "Swimming"

Swimming as a sport originated in the 15th century. In Venice in 1515 competitions for swimmers were held, the first in the world. In 1538, the first manual for swimmers was published under the authorship of P. Winman. In the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries, the first schools appeared in Austria, Germany, France, and Czechoslovakia. Towards the middle of the 19th century, artificial pools appeared, so this sport became extremely popular.

In Europe, the first swimming championship was held in 1890. After 6 years, he was included in the Olympic program. In 1908, the International Amateur Swimming Federation (FINA) arose, which by 1973 had united 96 national federations.

It should be noted that in Russia sports swimming did not develop as intensively as in Europe. The first competitions were held in 1913. It was included in the program of the USSR Spartakiad only in 1928.

Types of swimming

Swimming includes four sections, which are called sports, games, applied and curly views swimming. Also distinguish underwater and health swimming and also diving. A little more about them:

  • Sports swimming. It implies various competitions in distances and types, which are defined by special rules. Competitions in sports swimming are held in pools of standard size: 25 m or 50 m and at distances of 50 - 1500 m. Also, such competitions are held in open water. Swims are arranged for various distances.
  • Play swimming. This type sports includes a variety of entertainment and outdoor games in the water. As a rule, game swimming is used in the training and education of young swimmers. The game form evokes great, positive emotions, increases the activity and interest of children in swimming, promotes the development of a sense of camaraderie and the emergence of initiative.
  • Applied swimming. It includes diving in depth and in length, techniques for rescuing a drowning person and techniques for overcoming water obstacles.
  • figure swimming. It is also called synchronous or artistic. It includes a variety of sets of movements, which are composed of choreographic elements using gymnastic and acrobatic combinations to build different figures in water.
  • Diving. They are carried out from the tower or from the springboards. During the jump, it is important to perform all movements correctly, since each jump has its own coefficient of difficulty, depending on the height, as well as performing some movements in the air.
  • Recreational swimming. Thanks to him, well-being improves, immunity and hardening are strengthened.
  • Diving. It means underwater shooting, diving, snorkelling, scuba diving, underwater rugby, hockey.

Any kind of swimming can be both solo and group.

There are several swimming styles. The most common among them:

  1. Crawl. It is important to breathe correctly and perform movements. The basic principle is a minimum of movements to achieve greater efficiency.
  2. Breaststroke. This is when the shoulders are parallel to the water, and the arms and legs perform coordinated movements.
  3. Butterfly. This is the style of swimming that requires physical training legs and arms.

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One of the most popular types sport is swimming. This is the rare case when playing sports at the same time brings both pleasure and a wonderful healing effect. Vacation time is ahead, and many will rush to the sea, where a good rest can be combined with active pursuits swimming. However, now in many cities there are swimming pools where you can successfully perform swimming exercises. And for those who like the first option, and for those who are thinking about the second - our today's article.

What are the benefits of swimming?

Swimming is considered to be the most effective view sports that have no competitors in the health-improving effect on human body. Especially strong swimming has a positive effect for cardiovascular and respiratory system, muscular apparatus (muscles of the arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, shoulders), joints (thighs, arms, neck), musculoskeletal system. In addition, swimming is one of the types of hardening, has a positive effect on the immune system.

This sport is also relevant for those who wish get rid of excess weight , because during swimming, extra calories are “burned” very quickly (2-4 times faster than during activities similar in time and power load in gym).

A huge plus of swimming is also that it has practically no side effects and contraindications. On the contrary, this sport is taught even to infants from birth, it is also recommended for pregnant women and the elderly.

Swimming contributes to the development of body flexibility, increased endurance, increased efficiency, uplifting mood and effective fight against stressful situations.

What is the most efficient swimming style?

Crawl- the most common classic style swimming. It is the most efficient and body-friendly swimming style. Let us consider in more detail the technique of its execution.

The effectiveness of swimming depends, first of all, on the correct execution of swimming movements and compliance with proper breathing.

Minimum movement - maximum efficiency. That is, the selected area waterway you need to swim with as few strokes as possible. On average, this is one stroke (swing of the hand) for a segment of the path equal to a meter.

The stroke begins with immersion in the water of the leading hand. The part of the body, which is a continuation of the leading hand, “looks” at the same time down, and the opposite side with the hand preparing for the next stroke, on the contrary, is directed upwards. Next stage - upper arm with a straightened and tense palm, it is thrown as far as possible along the line of the body - this gives acceleration - and crashes into the water. The body at this time is pulled forward. During alternations of parts of the body, the thigh and body rotate around the center line.

The legs during crawl swimming act like a propeller on a ship. The hips should be tense and kept as close to each other as possible. Feet should be mobile and flexible. To facilitate the process of learning to swim, you can start classes using fins, this also contributes to the development of foot flexibility.

The body during swimming should be extended in one line parallel to the surface of the water, it is pulled up by the leading hand. It is not necessary to raise the head high above the water, it is desirable, on the contrary, to immerse part of it during the alternation of parts of the body. Each subsequent stroke is made when the speed of movement begins to decrease. The stroke should be done not with the palm of the hand, but with the whole hand, burying the water in front with it. While swimming, it is also necessary to draw in the stomach, this will help to significantly increase the speed of movement in the water.

Breathing is also important when swimming. Inhalation should be deep and fast, exhalation - full. Beginners are advised to inhale during each stroke, more experienced swimmers reduce the number of breaths over time.

In addition to crawl, there are also such styles of swimming:

Breaststroke- swimming on the chest, during which symmetrical movements of the limbs are made in the horizontal plane. At the same time, the shoulders should be parallel to the water, the hands should be brought to the body under water, the movements of the limbs should be coordinated.

Butterfly- swimming on the chest, hallmark which is a simultaneous stroke of the hands with their subsequent removal from the water, while the legs move in the same way as during the breaststroke. Butterfly requires some preliminary preparation, hand strength.

- lying on his back, the swimmer makes strokes with his hands and pushes with his legs.

are quite effective swims with alternating different styles of swimming. In this case, training various groups muscles will be maximum.

water exercises

In addition to swimming, various exercises in the water are also quite effective. These are water aerobics and water yoga, water shaping and walking (running) in water, stretching and exercises at the side of the pool. All these exercises are aimed at training individual groups muscles. Their effectiveness will increase if the classes are conducted under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Pool or sea?

In the question of what is more effective - swimming in the pool or in the sea - there can be no definite answer. In the pool, as a rule, there is an instructor who will help you learn how to swim correctly, select water exercises depending on your needs and health problems. The pool is more comfortable and available throughout the whole year. On the other hand, not everyone can afford the pleasure of regularly visiting the pool.

Swimming in the sea (other bodies of water) also has its advantages. Firstly, waves, wind, bottom irregularities create certain obstacles during swimming - therefore, muscles are better trained. Secondly, sea ​​water is in itself useful and, washing the body, has a healing effect. However, not everyone can often go to the sea, moreover, swimming in the sea carries a certain risk.

Therefore, the ideal option is combination of swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea.

Let swimming bring you pleasure, and its positive effect on the body will serve as an occasion for more frequent visits to the pool or another trip to the sea.

Applied swimming is the ability of a person to keep balance in the water, that is, to master the skills of swimming and move in the water.

Applied swimming is designed to perform assigned applied tasks. Tasks can be:

1. Swim across an obstacle in the water.

2. Providing first aid to a drowning person.

3. Get certain items from the bottom of the pool.

4. Moving objects through an obstacle in the water and more.

The ability to swim is necessary for people of many specialties, for example, fishermen, biologists, fleet workers, or rescuers.

Applied swimming


1. Swimming with original, combined or sports swimming methods.

2. Movement under water or diving.

3. Applied diving.

4. Saving a drowning person and helping swimmers who are tired.

5. Swimming in extreme conditions.

6. Overcoming obstacles in the water.

To solve the problems of applied swimming, the technique is used sports ways swimming, mainly breaststroke and crawl on the chest, as well as crawl on the back. In addition, various elements of sports swimming methods are used, for example, breaststroke or crawl swimming only when the legs are moving and a combination of elements sports methods such as crawl legs and breaststroke arms at the same time. Purely applied methods of swimming include swimming on the side and breaststroke on the back.

Diving and jumping into the water are of great practical importance. When diving, a slightly modified technique of sports swimming methods is used: crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of these techniques. In addition, elements of swimming by the side method, as well as the dolphin style, can be used. For a quick dive from a reference position, for example, from a boat or shore, jumping into the water upside down or upside down is used. From a supportless position, in addition, you can dive down with your feet or head.

Applied types of swimming

1. Breaststroke on the back - an applied way of swimming

Breaststroke on the back has no sporting value, but has great applied value. Floating on your back with the help of breaststroke leg movements, it is very convenient to help a tired comrade and transport the victim. This method is also convenient for relaxing during a long voyage. Breaststroke on the back is quickly mastered by those who know the technique of breaststroke swimming on the chest and who can swim on the back “in their own way”

2. Swimming on your side - an applied way of swimming

The main purpose of the method on the side is applied. Using it, you can swim in clothes for long distances, tow a tired person in the water, and transport an injured person.

The method on the side has no sporting value: swimming competitions in this way are not held and records are not registered, therefore, in sports schools and sections it is not studied. It is advisable to teach the method on the side to those who can swim “in their own way” on their side, who have limited time for swimming: pre-conscripts and military personnel, public instructors, OSVOD employees. Depending on individual characteristics, people swim on their left or right side.


Swimming underwater without artificial breathing aids is an important applied skill. It applies to rescue. drowning people, searching for and retrieving objects from the bottom, while spearfishing and photographing. Swimmers with average physical data after 3-5 workouts can hold their breath for 30 to 60 seconds and swim during this time under water from 20 to 30 m.

Diving is of two types - in depth and in length. Long diving is sometimes called underwater swimming.


Simple jumps into the water are performed with the legs and head forward. Feet forward jumps are used when the depth of the water and the nature of the bottom are unknown, as well as when jumping in clothes. In other cases, head-first jumps can be used.

Swimming in extreme conditions

Swimming in strong waves or currents. It is necessary to check the movement in the direction of the wave. In order for the wave not to disturb the inhalation, the exhalation must be performed away from the impending waves. If the wave is oncoming, it is better to swim crawl, crawl on the side, with a favorable wave - breaststroke. When hit during, it is better to go with the flow, approaching the shore.

Saving a drowning man and helping swimmers who are tired

Rescue of drowning people and assistance to swimmers who are tired are also considered sections of applied swimming. The rescuer who performs the action can be divided into stages:

1. Entry into the water.

2. Swimming to a drowning or injured person.

3. Search for the victim, who is under water.

4. Release from grips that may be possible.

5. Transportation to the shore.

6. Provision of necessary assistance on the shore.

Each of these stages is important, since the life of a drowning person, and sometimes the life of the rescuer, depends on the qualifications of the rescuer.