A small step towards a big breakthrough. Cooking in a multicooker

Walking with friends is often accompanied by shopping for clothes and jewelry, a cup of hot coffee with a cake, or sweet talk about your figure. Sometimes girlfriends can complain about the extra pounds they have gained and compete to see who weighs the least.

For Christina Amusova, such a pastime brings only green melancholy. After all with a height of 168 cm her weight is 112 kilograms. And on the nose is the prom, where every graduate dreams of being a real queen. Day and night, Christina is tormented by one single question:?

Today on “We lose weight without problems” we will tell success story a simple girl from Saratov who could defeat the problem excess weight thanks to his perseverance and great desire to look slimmer and more elegant.

Eat candy, our sweetheart

As a child, Christina could only envy: parents indulged their beloved daughter in literally everything, sweets and bought sweets boxes, the girl even managed to collect a rather extensive collection of various toys from Kinder Surprise sweets. Weight problems started much later - when scale arrow went off scale for 110 kilos. And this is something in less than 18 years old.

The idea that girlfriends weigh many times less struck like a thunder among clear sky. Further - even more difficult. started health problems: constantly tormented by shortness of breath, pressure did not please. Yes and in painful situations the girl came across much more often than her slender friends: either an impartial compliment would be sent to her address, or they would be sent for clothes to a store for full ones. How many tears have been shed, how many diets have been tried. Until a tiny program came to the rescue, which Christina downloaded into the memory of her mobile phone.

The goal set by Christina was to lose 60 kg. Time was running out - at least 12 months. Negative experience behind shoulders - and even more. But the desire to be like everyone else at her age - young and slender - outweighed. And in this case, he did the almost impossible. At her prom, Christina was not recognized by her own classmates.

Lose weight by 60 kg: the opinion of nutritionists

According to nutritionists, Christina's diet is difficult to call ideal, because diet did not differ a special variety, which is especially useful for a growing organism. However, with the skillful addition of extremely necessary carbohydrates(for example, spaghetti, wholemeal bread and sour-milk products) and "friendly fats"(fish, vegetable oils, nuts and hard cheeses) is quite possible achieve quite acceptable results.

The portal site notes that another important point is the ability to stop in time. Not recommended lose weight fast and over a long period of time. There may be serious heart problems, blood pressure and hormonal processes. Christina, having dropped as much as 15 kilograms in just 2 months, was not going to stop until she reached her desired weight. Fortunately, the girl's body was able to safely cope with this stress. Nevertheless, the story of Christina deserves to be read, the diet is quite applicable for everyone. lose weight not in an instant, but in stages.

So, let's tell everything in order.

A small step towards a big breakthrough

Papa's cute gift Christina will remember for long years: The new phone was extremely cute and functional. Dad even made sure that the phone was counting the calories that his daughter eats with food. The amount came out pretty tidy - eaten per dayat least 6000 calories.

According to the idea of ​​the authors, with her growth, Christina was allowed to consume no more than 2500 calories per day. Violation of the rules of the game set off nasty sounds, reminiscent of the sirens. Overwhelmed by panic and anger at herself, Christina recorded a message to herself on the voice recorder of her phone. It sounded something like this: “Hi, donut! Stuffed your belly? Are you satisfied now? Look around - slender beauties are walking around you. Eat one or two more buns, wash your grief down with a cup of hot chocolate.”

And it worked! Chewing rolls and eating pies and cakes on both cheeks Christina began only in a dream.

At the graduation - graceful and slender

According to her , the first two, the month was really hard not to break put your hands down, just give up. When it was especially difficult, she cried into the pillow, but she did not refuse her goal - to lose 60 kg. In the morning leaned on cottage cheese with pieces of fruit or raisins, afternoon - boiled chicken and salad, in the evening - soup and vegetables. Dessert - carrot with apple or fruit. I really wanted to come to the graduation elegant and slender.

Total scale arrows after two months already shown instead of habitual 112 kg - 97 ! The result literally turned my head. As a result, two fasting days(only yogurt and apples) grew into three, and the cute program on the phone “allowed” only 1800 calories a day. Outcome third month of the dietminus 10 kg.

Either the famous second wind opened up here, or the body realized that the girl’s stubbornness could not be broken, but the dreams of portions of ice cream with strawberries stopped tormenting Christina. Christina continued the diet, which gave the desired results - less and less subcutaneous fat. For graduation Kristina Amusova from Saratov lost 60 kg, weight girls amounted to 55 kg.

Below are the diet options that helped Christina lose 60 kg.

Breakfast options

  • 150 grams of cottage cheese (1.5%) with raisins and green tea / coffee without sugar
  • porridge (on water) with dried fruits

Lunch options

  • chicken breast (or - 150 grams of fried fish) and carrot-apple salad, for dessert - raisins
  • half a bowl (150 grams) of mushroom soup

Dinner options

  • half a bowl of soup and a pear
  • vegetable salad (from tomatoes and cucumbers with cabbage), dessert - apple and pear

Losing a few pounds in a couple of weeks is actually not difficult. Everyone is capable of this. However, what if you need to lose not a couple or even a dozen kilograms at all, but, say, 60?

Today's editorial "With taste" tells about a man who cut his weight in half in just 8 months. An interesting weight loss history famous Russian designer Evgeny Bychkovsky, his comments and, of course, the method by which he lost weight.

Weight loss Evgeny Bychkovsky

“It was as if I was carrying an adult man on me,” Evgeny shared his impressions about recent years of his life, in which his weight reached 154.

Evgeny Bychkovsky is a loving husband, soul of the company, bag designer and owner of his own brand. He never experienced a lack of attention, no one reproached him with the fact that weighing one and a half centners at 23 is not normal. Because of this overweight recruited, health deteriorated, and the man did not even pay attention to it.

“Guilty for having accumulated so much excess weight, I consider only myself. However, society has developed an absolutely inhumane attitude towards fat people, ”the designer notes, speaking not at all about discrimination or harassment, but about complete indifference on the part of relatives and friends.

This means that in comfortable conditions it is very easy to gain weight. And here's what I had to resort to to reset it ...

These are the three main principles on which Eugene's nutrition is based. With his height 187 cm, 90 s overweight are considered the norm, but the designer continues to adhere to healthy eating , and this is with a complete lack of training!

It is interesting that in the diet developed for him there is such a thing as cheat meal- a planned breakdown, when you can eat anything in any quantity, but once a month. True, he refused this bonus on principle.

Tips from Evgeny Bychkovsky:

Of course, these are all very individual things, but Eugene gives similar advice to everyone whose weight exceeds 100. How do you like this weight loss story? Share it with your friends if you find it motivating.

A few years ago, Russian singer Anita Tsoi shocked everyone by losing 60 kg. As she said in numerous interviews, the incentive was the fact that her own husband stopped liking her. And then Anita seriously took care of herself. Now she decided to tell in detail how she did it, and give advice to those who want to lose weight quickly, for example, before the wedding.

“In no case should you starve yourself and frantically drag iron. You may lose weight, but your health will definitely not be festive. I also can’t recommend mono-diets - I myself have never resorted to them, and I don’t advise you. A mono-diet is the use of only one product for several days. Such diets mean that the body will not only be in a state of stress, but will also receive less useful substances in this state. Even 3-4 days of such a diet on one product can harm your health. Therefore, even when you have little time, you need to lose weight gradually.

It is better to lose less, but feel healthy at the same time. I also strongly do not recommend express weight loss products. Of course, there are effective ones among them, but the question is, can you live without them when you finish the course? I think it will be difficult, and in addition you can get a whole bunch of health problems. What you really need to do is eat vitamins (after consulting your doctor) and watch your diet.

So what to choose?

Start by giving up high-calorie, junk food - from fried, floury, fatty foods. To the maximum, exclude fast carbohydrates from the diet (at least in the evening) and salt (believe me, dishes can be delicious without it!). Give up sugar. Drink more water(on average 30-40 ml per kg of weight). Herbal decoctions, for example, wild rose, also nourish the body well. In boiling water (1 glass), you need to lower 20 g of rose hips. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the broth should be infused for a day. It should be consumed half an hour before a meal. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

After a week of such a diet, you can resort to an express diet. I know a guaranteed way to lose 3-4 kg in 3 days. It is especially effective when compared to the full moon calendar.

The day before the full moon, you need to arrange a fasting day for yourself by “sitting” on rice (I personally prefer indigo rice). Soak it overnight in hot water, rinse with cold water in the morning, then boil for 10 minutes and eat in small portions throughout the day. It is very beneficial for the body. On the day of the full moon, limit yourself to water, you can add lemon to it for taste. And the day after the full moon, those with a sweet tooth can go on a chocolate diet (about one and a half bars of dark chocolate should be sucked in pieces six times a day), and for those who miss meat during these two days, there is an alternative option - a chicken diet (1, Cook 2 kg of chicken in a double boiler without salt, remove the skin and eat in small portions throughout the day).

Add more movement to your life! Give up the car for this time, walk more, choose the second one between the elevator and the stairs, do exercises, visit the pool. If you have not been involved in sports for a long time, then you should not torture yourself with daily workouts. Overload may cause complications later.

The main thing to remember is that the most important thing is your positive attitude and charming smile. If you are happy on your wedding day and your eyes are on fire, then everything else is secondary. Personally, I think that the most attractive thing in a woman is not thin waist or big breasts, namely a smile!”

How to lose weight by 60 kg in six months? This is the question I've heard the most in the last 3 years. Initially, I did not set out to lose weight, although I should have thought about it much earlier, because at the age of 22 my weight was 123 kg with a height of only 164 cm! I didn't have any communication difficulties. personal life, career, there were no health problems, so I didn’t get hung up on being overweight.

The weight loss process started by accident. When I threw off the first 14 kg (and it happened exactly in a month), I didn’t even notice it. If my mother hadn't noticed that my clothes had become too loose on me, I would have continued to live in the usual rhythm. By the way, it is habits that play a decisive role and do not allow obese people to get rid of hated kilograms, so you need to deal with them by any possible means.

Can everyone lose 60 kg?

I am sure that anyone who wants to become slimmer and improve the body can achieve such a result. An exception may be people suffering from endocrine disorders. Hormonal disruptions occur mainly in women aged 25 to 40 years. It is possible to bring the level of hormones (primarily estrogen) back to normal with the help of medication or lifestyle changes. I did not take any pills - the main emphasis was on nutrition and physical activity.

Yes, yes, you will have to work hard. Unfortunately, there are no fairy tales, and there is no original technique that allows you to quickly get rid of a huge amount of fat, and at the same time do nothing.

Motivation is the key to success!

Before deciding to start losing weight, I advise everyone to go through a little psychological training. Everyone should clearly understand why it is necessary to get rid of excess weight, otherwise the probability of a positive result will be very low.

Everyone knows perfectly well that the main problem of most losing weight is constant breakdowns. I am convinced that this is due to lack of motivation. If a person has a clear goal, he strives to achieve it by any means. What needs to be done to tune in to positive results?

  • Take a sheet of A 4 format and carefully, in beautiful handwriting, write at least 10 reasons why you want to lose weight (more is better!).
  • Stick this leaflet on the refrigerator with a magnet.
  • Every time there is a desire to break the rules, you need to reread your goals and imagine that the result has already been achieved.

To be honest, this technique works about half the time, but even if it helps at least one person to refuse an evening portion of fried potatoes with meat, this is already a success.

Lose 60 kg in six months: what is the secret?

My method of losing weight includes three stages:

  • formation of correct and good habits;
  • inclusion in the diet of foods with a powerful fat-burning effect;
  • normalization of motor activity.

For those who have now read this and thought: “Well, there’s nothing new here - diets and sports again,” I want to tell you good news: you won’t have to starve for these six months, exhausting the body with many hours of training - too. The program is aimed at the gradual restructuring of a lifestyle that will be comfortable for a person even after the end of the course. I guess, that final result worth a little effort, especially since there are practically no dietary restrictions.

Important! The biggest mistake of those who want to lose weight is trying to achieve everything at once. They refuse sweets, starchy foods, fried foods, do not eat after 6 p.m., go to the Gym. And ... in a couple of days they return to their previous way of life, because there is absolutely no need to rush in this matter.

Below I will describe in detail where to start, and what to do every month for six months in order to achieve maximum effect.

First month: bran + walking

Every month, I advise you to add one product to the menu that will allow you to lose weight, cleanse the body and normalize appetite. In the first month, wheat bran will be such a product. They do an excellent job with the feeling of hunger, as they swell in the stomach and fill its volume. Bran removes toxins from the body that accumulate in the blood and intestines, and helps to improve the functioning of the stomach and digestive tract.

For weight loss, bran should be eaten for dinner, adding kefir, yogurt or any fermented milk product to them. It is better if they are without added sugar, but I also used yogurts with sweet fillers - this did not affect the result. If willpower allows, you can limit yourself to bran for dinner, if not, add a whole grain bread sandwich with a slice of cheese or a boiled egg (without adding oil).

Can you eat bran for breakfast?

Can. If you want something more satisfying for dinner, you can transfer bran to any meal, even lunch or afternoon tea. The main thing is to eat the daily norm. For adults, it is 12 tablespoons. Crispy bran should be bought (not ground fiber), I recommend the Lito brand.

Important! You need to eat bran every day for 30 days. Their use is contraindicated in people with diseases of the stomach in the acute stage (ulcer, gastritis).


You also need to walk every day. I spent 1.5 hours a day on this (45 minutes in the morning and the same in the evening). I just walked to and from work. I enjoyed it so much that I got involved and began to walk wherever possible. Even if I needed to get to the city center, I did not use transport. Of course, not everyone can set aside so much time, and even then I had neither a husband nor children, so I could devote all the time only to myself, but it is necessary to find at least 45-60 minutes a day.

If you can’t walk, you can use walking with children to lose weight. Just fantasy to play with kids can be endless. I often watch young mothers with overweight they sit on a bench while their child rushes around the site, although they could spend this time to their advantage. And I won’t even mention the joy of the baby from close communication with his mother.

Important! If for objective reasons it is not possible to walk a lot and quickly (for example, with diseases of the joints), it is necessary to perform at least slow walks lasting 20-30 minutes, but you need to walk! Everyone!

In the first month of this regimen, I lost 14 kg without taking any pills and absolutely without starving. I think that this result is worth sacrificing your own comfort and defeating laziness.

Second month: serum and pool

Milk or cottage cheese whey is a unique product for people with obesity or overweight. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and mineral elements that have a complex effect on the human body:

  • normalizes activity nervous system, soothes, relieves stress;
  • helps to establish metabolic processes;
  • restores the balance of fluid and salts;
  • relieves inflammation, eliminates pain in diseases of the joints;
  • positively affects the condition of the skin and hair;
  • helps to improve intestinal motility.

Whey can be found in any dairy department of the supermarket. It costs a penny - from 16 to 22 rubles per liter, but in terms of efficiency it can be compared with expensive vitamin and mineral complexes.

To lose weight, you need to drink 1 liter of drink per day. More is possible, less is not. It is important to choose a product without the addition of flavors and sweeteners. The industry now produces drinks based on whey with the addition of juices and other components - they are not suitable for getting rid of extra pounds. On the package in the "composition" column, only one component should be indicated: milk or curd whey.

It should also be borne in mind that the product has a rather specific taste, which not everyone will like. There is only one piece of advice here - be patient. After a few days, the taste will already become habitual, and the body will require much less sugar to enjoy eating or drinking. And don't forget our goal!


Many wanting to get rid of heavy weight start exercising at home or join the gym. This is the wrong approach, which quickly gets boring. muscles obese person are not prepared for the load, so they need to be warmed up gradually, starting with normal walking. For the second month of losing weight, I recommend adding a pool to walking (at least 2 times a week).

Swimming has a positive effect on the entire body, while working almost all muscle groups. This is a gentle type of exercise, allowed even for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Important! If there is a history of heart problems, you must obtain permission from a cardiologist to exercise in the pool.

30 minutes before going to the pool, I recommend drinking a bottle of L-carnitine. This is an amino acid synthesized in the human body that increases endurance and positively affects the synthesis of fats. L-carnitine will increase the effectiveness of the class by 2-3 times, help you burn more fat and achieve a better result.

In the second month, my weight loss was 8 kg. At the same time, the skin became beautiful and healthy, so I completely abandoned the use of tonal and corrective agents.

Third month: ginger and exercise

By the beginning of the third month, I came up with a result of 98 kg. Many people ask me, is it necessary to adhere to some kind of diet? To which I answer that after seeing such an amazing result in just two months, most people themselves refuse harmful and fatty foods, because there is nothing better than seeing a changing reflection in the mirror.

The product that I added to the menu in the third month was ginger. This spice has a powerful fat-burning effect and allows you to burn up to 4-8 kg of fat per month without changing your diet. You can use it in any form. Dried ginger is suitable as a spice for first and second courses, while fresh ginger can be used to make tea. To do this, grate a little ginger and pour boiling water over it. Tea is ready in 5-7 minutes.

Advice! Sweet tooth can recommend ginger sweets. Ginger marmalade, candied ginger, candied ginger have excellent taste and allow you to lose weight while enjoying the taste.


Start doing simple gymnastic exercises included in complexes for morning exercises, I recommend only at the beginning of the third month. Muscles trained by walking and swimming are prepared for the effects of power loads and exercises using their own weight, so charging will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure. I did it 3-4 times a week, while keeping the pool on the weekends.

For the third month, the piggy bank of the lost kilograms was replenished with another 7 kg. In total, three months later, my weight was 91 kg.

Fourth month: changing dinner!

From the fourth month, it's time to move on to more drastic measures and replace the usual high-calorie dinner with healthy foods, if you have not already done so.

For dinner, I recommend eating protein, lots of protein. It can be eaten even at night - this will not affect the process of burning fat in any way, but it will help satisfy hunger and avoid breakdowns. What options for dinner for weight loss can you recommend:

  • Any fish and bird. Some do not advise eating fried fish. I ate it in any form, although, of course, you should not do this every day. Even canned tuna or pink salmon will be healthier than pasta with a cutlet.
  • Cottage cheese. Perfect option slimming dinner! It can be eaten with berries, sour cream (nothing that contains fat) or yogurt. I’ll tell you a secret: as an experiment, my sister ate only cottage cheese in any quantity for dinner for 20 days. During this time, they threw off 12 kg. No diets or pills. Draw conclusions, do you still want to shove junk food into yourself and get fat further?
  • Eggs. Nutritionists advise eating eggs in the morning. Indeed, eggs are digested longer than other products (about 4-6 hours), but they are great help to satisfy hunger and control weight. If the product is too heavy for dinner, only proteins can be used.
  • Vegetables and greens. You can eat in any quantity, as they contain few calories and a large number of useful elements.
  • Whole grain bread or crispbread (no more than 2 slices).
  • "Adyghe" cheese. It contains a lot of protein and little salt and fat, so it is great for a diet dinner. A couple of slices will not hurt the figure, but will help to cope with bouts of night gluttony.

All of these products can be eaten as much as you want, combining them with each other. At other meals, you can eat the usual food.

For the fourth month, weight loss was 13.5 kg. Of course, do not forget about the exercise and the pool.

Fifth and sixth month

In the middle of the fifth month, I started going to the gym. The load was easy, so the results were more and more pleasing every day. I left the pool - I still went for a swim once a week. If finances allow, I would advise you to visit the sauna at least 1-2 times a month. Steam allows you to remove toxins accumulated in the skin and improve blood circulation. Losing weight after a bath or sauna is, of course, a myth, but the recovery of the body will definitely not hurt.

During the fifth and sixth months, I continued to follow the “light dinner rule”, drink whey and eat ginger. From that moment on, I added a few more recommendations for myself, which I tried to follow and which gradually became a habit.

Little secrets for big results

  • Drinking tea with sweets is not only possible, but also necessary. It is advisable to choose the right and healthy sweets for tea drinking (honey, dried fruits, marmalade). But sometimes you want to eat chocolate. Since I myself am a lover of chocolate bars, I found a way out for myself - I replaced the usual chocolates with protein ones. They contain a lot of protein, satisfy hunger and are a complete snack. Sold in sports nutrition stores.
  • The optimal time for tea drinking is from 16 to 17 hours. It is during this period that carbohydrate metabolism reaches its peak, so the risk of gaining kilograms when eating sugar is minimal.
  • If at night or late in the evening you really want to eat - eat, but healthy foods. Fish, cottage cheese, kefir, chicken - anything, but without the addition of fat and carbohydrates. Only squirrels!
  • Daily addition of seaweed to the diet helps control fat synthesis and release fat molecules from lipid tissue. I ate 1 teaspoon, adding to kefir or yogurt.

Over the past two months, my weight has decreased from 77.5 to 63 kg. Now I can hold it with no problems. Eating habits (and, consequently, the diet) have completely changed. I feel like a healthy person who can live the way he wants. I can roller-skate, I can go hiking, I can run with my kids - I used to struggle with every step. When I hear that someone complains that it is impossible to lose weight without diets and drugs, I feel sorry for the person who has driven himself into a cocoon of calm and comfort and stubbornly does not want to get out of there to change something in his life.

I used to take this position too. My only regret now is that I didn't do it sooner. Love yourself and your body, love life and remember that its quality depends only on you!

“I don’t have complexes, I didn’t have them even when I weighed 128 kilograms. It’s just that now I know that clothes in size S are much more appetizing than any cake,” begins the story of the new heroine of Real Weight Loss, 32-year-old Ekaterina Garkusha, who got rid of 60 kilos.

Recall that within the framework of the "Real Weight Loss" project, we introduce you to people who were able to achieve impressive results in the field of weight loss and start new life in a built body. Our heroes are a great role model, real celebrities in this seemingly completely non-star sphere. They run super-popular pages on social networks, where they share photos before and after losing weight, record video tutorials on YouTube, they are invited to radio and TV shows. Now, especially for us, they have put together all their secrets on how to really lose weight. So, meet our new heroine and her story.

Ekaterina, 32 years old (@katusha_garkusha)

I lost 60 kg (from 128 to 68 kg)

My weight loss story is very different from the rest, - Ekaterina begins the story. - I didn't suffer from excess weight, they didn't call me names, didn't beat me, didn't leave me, didn't humiliate me. I have always felt comfortable in my body, safely believed in the story of " wide bone"And I didn’t even think that it was possible to live differently. Moreover, I was sure: if they love me, then I’m beautiful.

During pregnancy and the subsequent feeding of the child, I did not deny myself anything, believing that the more fatty food I eat, the more nourishing and healthy my milk will be. It would have gone on like this for a long time, if at one moment I had not heard alarming "bells": my pulse began to rise so strongly that, it seems, I even heard it in my ears. I went to the doctor, and when he saw that my weight was 128 kilograms, he was simply shocked. My resting pulse was 115-120 beats per second, my heart was literally jumping out of my chest.

This story coincided with the period when it was necessary to transfer the child from breastfeeding to a common table. I started cooking various steamed vegetables for my son, and in the evening, sitting down for my fried potatoes, I increasingly began to catch myself thinking: “Why do I eat and drink what I would not want to give my child?”, “Why I live that life that he doesn't want?" So I decided to take care of my health.

I went to the endocrinologist, got tested for hormones and tried to start monitoring my diet. For two years without fried and flour, I threw off 20 kilograms. For some, this would have been an incredible result, but my weight was still over 100, so there was nothing much to be happy about.

Everything changed when I turned 30. It was some kind of identity crisis. I suddenly realized: for beauty and youth, I have a little more than 10 years left. Time is running out, and if wrinkles can still be removed with injections, then my body will only look worse every year.

I needed drastic measures, and the main one was my participation in the weight loss marathon. The marathon was held on social networks. One of the conditions for participation was a "before" photo in underwear. I understood that if I undress in front of everyone and look my fear in the eye, then there would be no chance to retreat. I will have to give the world the result of my victory!

Photo in underwear, put on public display, was the catalyst for success

At one time, like many others, I thought that proper nutrition- this is breast and low-fat cottage cheese, boiled-steamed and generally not tasty food. Needless to say, everything turned out to be completely different. Now I can confidently recommend to everyone who is just embarking on the path of losing weight to contact a nutritionist who will select the most comfortable menu for you in terms of psychology. You don't have to feel the pain of giving up your favorite foods. You just need to decide how to fit these foods into your new regimen and meet the calorie intake.

When I first began my acquaintance with proper nutrition, many things were new to me. I heard the names of many products for the first time, I walked around the store like a blind kitten. Gradually, running around between grocery shelves with a list even began to please me! Of course, the first batch of cheesecakes, fried without oil, burned. But over time, I learned to cook delicious and healthy meals without spoiling the food. Thanks to proper nutrition, my weight began to go away. Every month I buy clothes a size smaller.

Four months after the start of the struggle for beautiful body I went to the gym. To say that I was ashamed to go there is to say nothing. Everyone around is slim, athletic and beautiful, and you don’t even know how to turn on treadmill, you don’t know what an EZ bar is and you can barely do 10 reps on hyperextension. The sensations were not pleasant ... but the overhanging skin reminded me that I needed all this. I started working with a coach and now I’m just sure that a beginner really needs a mentor. Self-training in the gym or irregular aerobic group classes is a common beginner mistake. If you have already come to the hall, found the time and gathered your strength, then give yourself to this process one hundred percent.

My main motivation was the first results. No food will bring such pleasure as feeling the harmony of your body. There is nothing more exciting than watching willpower win over a recalcitrant body. A year ago I had fat hands, six months ago skin hung instead of fat, and now nothing hangs anywhere, but there are biceps. When people ask me if I want something sweet sometimes, I smile. It’s hard to understand without experiencing it yourself: clothes in size S are much tastier than any cake!

The basic principles of nutrition that I adhere to:

1. I completely gave up junk food or, as they say, junk food. This includes not only chips and soda, but also all kinds of yoghurts, cheese and curds with sweet additives, sausages, semi-finished products. I also excluded from the diet foods that can be easily replaced with less high-calorie counterparts: white rice, potatoes, butter. Instead, I choose brown rice, buckwheat, couscous and other cereals, as well as olive oil.

2. I replaced all the liquid I used with plain water. I allow myself tea only in the morning and in the evening, and during the day in my diet - only pure water. A glass of water immediately after waking up, a glass of water half an hour before a meal, the next glass an hour and a half after a meal. Don't underestimate the importance of water!

3. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped. At least stones are falling from the sky - take a spoon and sit down to eat. Most often I have eggs and cheesecakes for breakfast.

4. Greens are very useful. Eat as many greens as possible. My favorite is cilantro, I can even eat cottage cheese with it.

5. It is important not to abuse dairy products. Previously, I could drink a liter of milk a day, now I rarely drink it and only in the morning. By the way, kefir at night is another common mistake.

6. Mental attitude is the most important thing. Stop looking for joy in food. During the Christmas holidays, the whole city is strewn with tents with goodies. Approaching them, you are most often guided not by the desire to refresh yourself, but by the desire to cheer yourself up. Remember that you can give yourself a festive mood not only with food!

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I get asked all the time how I managed to lose weight so much. Everyone hopes to hear the names of some pills, to learn about miraculous operations. It's all nonsense! Make proper nutrition and exercise a part of your life. Don't expect miracles and be persistent! We ourselves choose to eat deliciously or look appetizing! Now, when I stand next to athletes whose weight is 100 kilograms, I can't even believe that I was once... bigger than them!