Become a man Kolomna nearest entrance. Anniversary Reebok Festival

Run, fitness convention, lecture hall and master classes for everyone

On May 27 and 28, the spring fitness festival Reebok. Become human."

The project, which over the past few years has covered the largest cities of the country and united fans of an active lifestyle, is entering the new level and it gets even bigger. This year, Become Human will be held in the format of a festival, which will include a fitness convention with workouts in the most popular areas from the best Russian National instructors Les Mills Team, a lecture hall on current topics from the world of fitness and healthy lifestyle life, a two-day yoga marathon, as well as a huge number of free master classes and workshops.

The Become Human race will remain the centerpiece of the event. Participants of the team competition are waiting for a completely new track with a length of more than 5 km and a series of tests, which once again will test not only endurance, strength and agility, but also teamwork.

Participation in all activities of the fitness festival is possible with prior registration on the website A more detailed schedule will be available soon on the website and on the official pages on social networks. In contact with And Facebook.

About races with testsReebok. Become human"

Races with tests «Reebok. Become Human” is a competition for teams of 6 people (recommended combination of 3 men and 3 women, 4+2 is also acceptable). The distance has a length of 5 to 7 km and includes 9-10 tests, most of which are designed for group performance. The test scheme changes every time, specific tasks become known only on the day of the competition. The technique of performing exercises during the tests is monitored by the judges, the time of passing the route is recorded by the telemetry system. Persons over 18 years of age may participate in the races.

About the conceptReebok. Become human"

"Become Human" is a bold challenge that Reebok is taking on the world to change the way people view fitness. The brand supports those who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and train to the limit in order to achieve their maximum potential. This concept is also reflected in the Reebok logo, the Delta sign, whose three sides symbolize the physical, intellectual and social transformations that come to us through intensive training.

Some interesting facts about the run:

  • For one race, from 500 to 700 kcal are consumed, which is a quarter of the daily calorie intake.
  • The average age of the race participant is 25 years.
  • Men are more likely than women to take part in Become Human: only a third of the teams consist of an equal number of women and men (3 + 3), in 70% of the teams four places are occupied by men, two by women.

For more detailed information visit the official website of Reebok, follow the news in our social networks.

On May 26 and 27, the tenth Reebok. Become human." The long-awaited event will open new season active weekend for all fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Participants will have a team race with challenges, which began the story of "Become Human" in 2015, a lot of master classes and lectures from fitness industry professionals, a two-day yoga marathon, dance workshops with the best choreographers and much more.

Within the framework of the festival, for the first time in Russia, new Les programs Mills Barre and Les Mills Tone. Barre is a modern take on classic ballet training, while Tone is for those looking for the perfect combination of strength and cardio.

The race itself will receive a long-awaited additional level of difficulty for the most prepared - "Elite". It involves an increased length of the track and more tests. The number of places in it is limited and is designed for only 50 teams. The rest of the participants will be able to pass the track category "Standard" 1 .

If you do not plan to participate in the race, but want to spend an unforgettable active weekend in the city, a variety of activities are waiting for you at the central site 2. For those who love Combat and MMA training, Reebok has prepared master classes with famous fighters. Especially for yoga adepts, this year the best teachers from India, Canada and Russia will come to the festival. Reebok hasn't forgotten about the women's area either. So, dance training will appear at the festival, women's boxing, stretching, as well as a beauty corner.

In addition, the organizers have prepared a special gift for all guests of the festival - Saturday evening will end with a grand concert with the participation of talented hip-hop artists.

You can register for the festival on the site become a human.rf.

About the Reebok. Become human"

Races with tests «Reebok. Become Human” is a competition for teams of 6 people (recommended combination of 3 men and 3 women, 4+2 is also acceptable). The distance has a length of 5 to 7 km and includes 9-10 tests, most of which are designed for group performance. The test scheme changes every time, specific tasks become known only on the day of the competition. The technique of performing exercises during the tests is monitored by the judges, the time of passing the route is recorded by the telemetry system. Persons over 18 years of age may participate in the races.

About the Reebok. Become human"

"Become Human" is a bold challenge that Reebok is throwing out to the world to change the way people view fitness. The brand supports those who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and train to the limit in order to achieve their maximum potential. This concept is also reflected in the Reebok logo, the Delta sign, whose three sides symbolize the physical, intellectual and social transformation that comes to us through intensive training.

About the Reebok brand

Reebok International Ltd. headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, is a leading global designer, retailer and distributor of apparel, footwear and equipment for sports, fitness and Everyday life. For many years, the company has been inspiring and supporting those who choose an active lifestyle and aspire to become best version myself.

Reebok is the exclusive supplier of CrossFit gear and World Games Reebok CrossFit Games; exclusive supplier of clothing and equipment for the UFC (Ultimate Fighting championship), as well as workout clothing manufacturer Les Mills. The Reebok Classic lifestyle line is designed for everyday use and inspired by the brand's rich legacy in the sports industry.

1 The cost of participation in the race when registering on the website become a human.rf from April 2 to April 29 will be 1,500 rubles for each participant in the Standard category and 2,500 rubles for each participant in the Elite category. When registering from April 30 to May 21: 2000 and 3000 rubles for each participant, respectively. Also, all participants of the Elite level race will need medical certificate, confirming admission to participation in running events at a distance of at least 10 km (for details, see the regulation on the race, published on the website www.become a human.rf). Runners are also allowed in all areas of the Festival.

2 The ticket price for passing to the festival during registration from April 30 to May 23 will be 700 (1 day) and 1000 (2 days).

And again, Kuzminki Park in Moscow is in the center of everyone's attention. This time, on September 30 and October 1, the Reebok. Become human!

This is a team race with tests, which has been held for more than a year. The emphasis in these competitions is on fitness. The competition is called a fitness festival. What is it? Let's see.

Warm-up before the start

So, pre-race warm-up.

Agree, not quite normal.

Athletes do not jog, but knead some completely different muscles.

And - the whole team at the same time.

Route map - just in case.

Start of the Reebok. Become human!

Prelaunch excitement and start!

Teams are launched with an interval of fifteen minutes. This also has a deep meaning.

And now the participants run up to the first obstacle.

It is necessary to overcome a section on hands, fifteen meters long, moreover, in turn.

One reaches the middle - the other starts. And time goes by. Therefore, it is important not to delay everyone and do everything quickly, even if there is no strength.

After that - overcoming just such a slide. First up,

then down.

And then the most prepared member of the team performs a series of exercises,

and the whole team supports him. If he does wrong - penalty points.

And again running through the forest.

It is impossible to get lost - the judges are standing around, and the distance is completely marked.

The next point is to roll the ball several times in a circle, standing in the bar.

The exercise is called the plank with the ball. The judges closely monitor the participants and count the circles with them.

There is already something unreal here: you have to jump on one leg,

holding on to your partner's leg.

They count according to the last participant, if someone breaks, the whole team jumps again.

And this is an intellectual exercise. We all need to pull the ball out of the cage together with sticks.

This is not for you to jump on one leg or climb a hill, you need to think here.

If the ball falls, everything repeats again.

Yes, most importantly, while running, all athletes hold on to the rope and run with it.

This, after all, is not an individual, but a team race. And so next stage- On a white sand beach.

According to the judges, the weight of this wheel is 250 kg.

It must be dragged together, first up, and then down. It can be seen that this is difficult for the participants.

But they manage.

Compared to the previous exercise, this task is practically a warm-up.

Plus overcoming small obstacles.

By the way, after each such point, the team is marked with a chip by the judge, and only after that everyone can run further.

Kuzminki are good because you run along the path along the lake, then you turn into an almost impenetrable forest and again find yourself on sports ground where the next obstacle awaits you.

One person from the team hangs on the crossbar, the rest are holding a heavy load like this in a crouch.

Then they change. And here is the judging panel. They greet each newly resorting team like family.

Some exercises on the next site

Throwing loads over the shoulder.

It is important to do everything in sync.

If someone gets out of rhythm, the team loses precious time.

After this, not everyone can run,

And very little to the finish line.

And again, an exercise in strength. It is necessary to lift such a load up the mountain.

Only you can’t put a rope on your shoulders, you have to drag the load with your hands.

And then, of course, lower it down.

If the load touches the ground - penalty points.

Now a small hitch, again uphill.

And the final climb. Here, not everyone runs.

Although only a few meters remained to the finish line.

Finish of the competition

And here it is - the long-awaited finish.

Post-finish photos.

This is for those who are still able. But those who can not - just rest.

Reebok. Become a human! – 2017” is the main fitness event of this autumn

And at this time, Reebok does not let the guests of the competition get bored. Organizers say Reebok. Become a human! – 2017” is the main fitness event of this fall.

Lectures and master classes.

Gym competitions.

Testing new models of sneakers.

Field kitchen with buckwheat porridge for competitors.

Workouts from fitness bloggers! Everything is serious here.

Do not get inside - all the places are occupied.

These are fights without rules,

first you fight not for life, but for death,

and then you have to squat with the ball for a certain time.

It just looks easy from the outside. And you try!

Or like this - first you warm up,

then you fight with your hands and feet,

then you loosen up again.

Schedule for those who want to do everything.

Reebok Fitness Festival. Become human! interesting to everyone.

On the big stage of the Kuzminki park, fitness instructors light up.

Sunday is the second day of competition. Pull up!

Last weekend in the Moscow park "Kolomenskoye" for the fifth time there were team competitions with the motivating title "Become a Man". Despite almost non-stop rain, about 800 teams gathered to test their strength and team spirit. Among them was the "RG" team, for which participation in the race was already the fourth in a row.

This time the distance was much longer - 10 km, 12 obstacles, and the tests were more difficult. The participants again met with the tires from the tractor (the weight of the tire was 280 kg), which they “loved” during one of the last races, again did burpees, stood in the plank, squatted, pulled themselves up and walked “like a bear”. A new test was the "hand walk", when each member of the team had to overcome high and then low bars on their hands, as well as the "caterpillar", when the whole team had to move inside a plastic tape.

It is worth noting that the track was not only difficult, but also beautiful. Perhaps it was the picturesque views and vast expanses of Kolomenskoye that motivated the organizers to make the distance so long. A sea of ​​tulips and blooming lilacs, green lawns and endless alleys, ponds and streams - all this has become a bright entourage of the "Become a Man-5" race.

Direct speech

Renat Zakiev, member of the "RG" team:

The event turned out to be unique. The best of the "Become Human" series in which I took part. First, it was the day when the sun and the downpour, the heat and the piercing wind came together. Secondly, the venue. Everyone loves Kolomenskoye Park, and for good reason. For me, it opened up in a whole new way. The race along the embankment in front of the surprised walking families and couples, who immediately began to cheer the team. Exercises on green meadows, with a stunning view of the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich and the Moscow River. Descent along narrow paths to a spring hidden from prying eyes and a sharp rise up the mountain. The mood is on top, despite the fatigue from the tasks. Thirdly, the exercises themselves are obstacles. It is difficult, but in the end it is incredibly interesting. And jumping with bound legs, and rolling a 280-kilogram tire, and running like a bear, and back-to-back team squats - at first you curse, whose inflamed brain came up with this, however, when you still cope with all this and run further , you understand that you and your colleagues are still capable of much.

Ruslan Grudtsinov, member of the "RG" team:

This is my fourth time participating in the "Become a Human" race and I can say with confidence that the competition in Kolomenskoye has become the most difficult and memorable for me. I was very pleased with the picturesque route - the river, green trees, architectural monuments. This time there were more tests, instead of the traditional ten there were 12. The distance also increased and reached seven kilometers. The most difficult task for me was the team lifting of a 280-kilogram rubber tire.