The most effective strikes in a street fight. Simple and effective self-defense techniques on the street

The street is a place where there are no rules and no judge, so people allow themselves to use on the street what athletes in the ring do not allow themselves. An arsenal of street punches can be much more traumatic and effective than sports punches, as they are applied to the most vulnerable places and in the most insidious way. In this context, you may be interested in the article "", - this is the system that is best used if you are preparing for street fights. You need to understand that no one will pity you, and in turn, you should also not pity anyone, but within reason.

Elbow strike

The elbow strike is a very powerful strike, but you need to know how to execute it. Like any other kick, in order to execute it correctly, you need to train. It is performed with a twist of the leg and body, and in any case, one should not forget about protection. You can perform a side kick with an elbow, a kick from below, and from above. If we talk about a blow from below, then it is best to direct it to the jaw. Lateral is directed to the jaw or to the temple. A blow from above is applied to the top of the head, back of the head, back (be careful - very dangerous blows).

Kick in the knee

If an opponent injures his knee, then you can disable him, which will make you the winner of the fight. Without a full-fledged movement of the legs, it is very difficult to perform any maneuvers at all, not to mention a serious fight.

It is best to hit the knee if you have heavy shoes - in this case, you can hit with both the toe and the sole. If the shoes are not heavy, it is best to be the sole of the foot, placing it perpendicular to the leg.

Ankle kick

This kick is also best performed in heavy shoes. It is necessary to hit the ankle with the edge of the foot, approximately in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone at a certain angle.


Headbutting refers to a blow to the forehead - the hardest part of the head, with the thickest bone. A headbutt may be delivered to the nose, lower jaw, solar plexus. He must be strong and fast.

Rabbit punch

When hitting the back of the head, a person immediately loses coordination, and even a not very strong palm strike will work accordingly, so it can be used in emergency situations.

A blow to the solar plexus

This blow will make the opponent think, if carried out correctly. Here you need to be able to beat with your fist in order to get to the right point. This point is in the fossa in the middle of the ribs.

Kick in the groin

This is a well-known street kick - not very gentlemanly, but very effective. It can be applied both with the lower leg, as well as with the instep of the foot and with the knee. If you need to end the conversation without starting, then this is the best choice.

Strike in the Adam's apple

A rather dangerous blow, but also effective. Apply with the forearm on the side or between the thumb and forefinger. This strike must be lightning fast.

Hit on the ears

A blow to the ears with the palms stuns the opponent, and he loses his orientation in space. Such a blow is applied with palms folded into a “boat”.


In the end, in the street, bites can also be used. In general, you need to take care of your teeth, but there may be times when you think about your teeth last.

Good day, Fighters! I remember the time when I had just begun to study hand-to-hand combat. I didn’t train with anyone at that time, respectively, I had my own ideas about many things, but what I knew for sure, what I calculated even before the start of training, was the fact that almost all street fights start at arm’s length (legs).

Accordingly, I had a question: “Why are the protections not working at this distance?”. Generally none. I'm standing, my partner is at arm's length: his blow and ... I don't have time to react.

One could, of course, attribute everything to the lack of defense skills. But what does the skill have to do with it, if you know where the partner will hit, if you know what defense you will perform, but you don’t know the time when it will be carried out, i.e. the time factor is unknown.

At first, I sinned on the “left” micromovements present in the main defensive one. For example, in karate to block a blow in average level, the hand conducting the defense is first retracted and only then goes to block the attack. I modified them a little, guided by the principles gleaned from the book "The Art of Stopping Combat", as a result of which they became more compact, but this only helped a little.

Then I approached this matter from the other side: hearing that under the influence of pain, the body begins to generate defenses that are closest to reality, I asked my partner to apply biting, but painful blows. The result was the following: I received a certain set of movements, with the help of which I easily intercepted and repelled blows, but only those that were applied at a distance slightly greater than the distance of “free touch to me with the limb chosen to strike”. But the blows, already a little closer, I still could not beat off: the hand began to react to the attack already when the attacking limb returned back!

It was some kind of mysticism, and in search of an answer, I looked through many publications and books. And finally, really good luck! Quite by accident, without even thinking about my problem, I bought the book “Master hand-to-hand combat”, in which a specific answer to my question was given and a fundamental law was derived:

At a distance, when a person freely reaches out to his partner, the limb chosen for the strike, protection is impossible in principle.

The question arises why this law was not calculated earlier? In my opinion, it's all about the canons and mindless copying of the master's technique, as well as the ban on experimenting with techniques. And although many schools now claim that this law is taken into account in training, this is not so, otherwise they would never practice so many stupid techniques. This is really one of the secrets. And, by the way, such techniques operate on this law, such as, for example, an instant repulse with the capture of a pistol or a knife put to the body, followed by a counterattack: the brain of the threatening person does not have time to realize what is happening and, as a result, loses the initiative.

Why is it impossible to defend from Free Reach distance?

Let us consider in more detail the mechanism on the basis of which this law, shocking all hand-to-hand fighters, was derived.
Our psyche is inert: it does not react immediately, but with some delay. The reason is that the brain, in order to make an adequate decision, needs a certain amount of time to realize the situation.
The numbers here are as follows (the book "Boxing", authors V, N, Ustyanov, I.I. Gaydamak): the speed of a boxing blow for the far hand is on average 75 m / s. The time of the simplest motor reaction is 146 m/s for candidates for master of sports, and 174 m/s for beginners.

I believe that the whole alignment here is clear immediately. The motor reaction in comparison with the attack already loses twice, and if the blow is unexpected and difficult, then the response time to it increases proportionally.
Accordingly, the question immediately arises: “Since the speed of the blow is several times higher than the speed of response to it, then why can the blow be blocked? After all, according to these measurements, the protections are guaranteed not to work!” But, as we all know, a large number of defensive movements have been developed that perform their functions well.
In order to remove this contradiction, it is necessary to carry out a small combat technique and distances.

There are several distances themselves ... The distance of a shot or throwing. The distance of blows with a pole or a chain. The distance of kicks, baton, sapper shovel. The distance of blows, with a knife, brass knuckles, fist, "rose". Distance of elbow, head, knee strikes. Girth wrestling distance. Prone wrestling distance. Each distance is characterized by its own set of attacking and defensive actions, and note: in training everything works well. Blows are delivered, their defenses successfully neutralize them ...

But it's not clear:

1. Why is it so difficult to block a teammate who has just entered the section?

2. Why do you get a pug when you want to show your neighbor what cool defense you learned today?

3. And the last thing: why in the street do you rake over and over again from a moron who, not only has never been involved in sports, but does not even know what it is?

Now we will calculate this matter: we will remove the contradiction and start with the first two points. Here, as it were, everything is clear: of course, the person who strikes the wrong blows is to blame.))) In principle, the third point could also be attributed to this matter, but only there is no time for the game ...

“Why are the defenses working in the gym, but on the street there is a shish?”

The first reason for the inability to defend quickly is the heavy construction of the defense itself, which does not have time to accelerate. The second reason is that partners work at different speeds: strikes are delivered slowly, and the defense gained from them is carried out faster. These two points are already detailed enough.

The third reason is the most important: the unconscious lengthening of the “free touch” distance, as a result of which the technique in the gym, unlike the “street”, starts to work great!

Analysis of examples.

Let's look at this with illustrations. I will not consider the entire arsenal of weapons in detail, because due to the abundance of pictures, the page will take a long time to load. I will dwell on the main attacks: a poke strike with a pole forward, a swing strike with a stick, a poke strike with a knife, a direct punch with a fist.

We begin the analysis with an illustration of a standard technique, such as: moving with the body with a direct poke blow with a pole. It really works, but for one reason: as you can see, in order for the partner to reach the face of his opponent, you need to take a SIMULTANEOUS STEP FORWARD!

What conclusion can be drawn here? Two conclusions can be drawn here:

1. If you are an attacking blond, then your opponent can dodge your attack.

2. If you are a brunette, then this attack will not pose a serious threat to you, since there is a chance to defend.

Let's analyze the following picture. In this case, it is possible to freely touch the partner with the pole. You don't need to take a step forward. As a result, the attack time is shortened, making defense IMPOSSIBLE in this case! At least burst from the strain. If the opposite is claimed, it is easy to check with anyone and everyone.

Here, too, two very important conclusions can be drawn:

1. If you are blonde, then your attack will be absolutely successful, since in this case the enemy will never be able to defend himself.

2. If you are a brunette, then it already smells like kerosene for you, because at this distance you will never be able to defend yourself!

Let's go further. The distance to strike with a stick with a simultaneous approach. This attack is reminiscent of working in aikido when the opponents attack the instructor. In this case, although everything looks a little different, the essence is the same: in order to pull the enemy over the skull, you need to get to him. I think you already understood what how much:

The conclusions are the same:

1. If you are a blond, then attack yourself in this way, because in this case it is easy for your opponent to carry out any defensive action, from evasions to spiral and arrow-shaped defenses.

2. If you are a defensive brunette, then you can be completely calm, because it is not so difficult to defend yourself in such a situation. As a result of this oversight in the form of a “step forward”, the law derived above ceases to work, since a blow, even delivered “in the psyche” with all speed, due to the lengthened trajectory, is easily noticed and neutralized. After all, the brain of the defender gets additional microseconds to analyze the situation.

Next illustration. In this situation, no defenses are possible and the brunette will rake in full. In any case, a broken brush is guaranteed. It is very easy to check this in training, of course, provided that appropriate precautions are taken.

1. If you are blonde, then your opponent is absolutely defenseless.

2. If you are a brunette, then you will not be envied. Recommendation: IN ADVANCE move away from the enemy a little.

Next example: forward poke with a knife. This attack is also subject to the same law as the forward thrust with a pole or stick. If your partner cannot calmly touch the target chosen for the attack. That is, he first needs to either take a small step in her direction or make an inclination, then there is an opportunity for you to defend yourself.

In this picture, things are bad for the brunette: when carrying out an attack at real speed, he will not have time to defend himself.

We remember the conclusion about ourselves:

1. If you are a brunette, then you will not have time to defend yourself.

2. If you are blonde, then in turn, your opponent will be guaranteed to be stabbed.

Pay attention to the current situation. In turn, the brunette can make a fist attack right hand on the ribs of the enemy and he will not have time to do anything for the reason that he was in the zone of free touch by the brunette's hand!

It is this situation that often develops during boxing fights, when the second blow of the boxing deuce successfully passes through the jaw. There is nothing surprising here, since the principle of “Free Touch (Reaching)” is respected for her!

I believe that everything is becoming clear and in order to guarantee strikes from which it is impossible to defend yourself, you must adhere to a simple principle: if the enemy is at such a distance from you that you can touch him, for example, with your hand, then, accordingly, you you can carry out a guaranteed unbeatable blow on him and let him be a master of sports at least three times there, he will not have time to do anything!

It is for this reason, the reason for the absence of unnecessary movements, that such blows as the knee, elbow, head always pass. And in fact, who would think of carrying out such a blow in advance, on the way? And with regard to a stick, a knife, a pole, with their feet and hands, for some reason they do this, not only lengthening the trajectory in this way, but also working out the defenses themselves from such a manner, completely forgetting the recommendation that you should not hit from a long distance!

In general, fighters, if you want to throw unbeaten blows, then stick to the following rule. Only attack if the distance from you to the enemy is the length of your limb. Either equals the length of your limb plus the weapon. If you first need to take a small step towards him while attacking, then you should not attack. Why stir the air for nothing?

It is very important to understand important nuance: all distances considered are "Free Touch" distances! But on condition: if you can touch your partner, without having to take a step in his direction to reach.

The boundary of this distance is different for each person, it all depends on the constitution of a person, his height, fitness, mental and physical condition, the presence or absence of weapons in the hand and some other factors. And the task, then, is to approach this distance and deliver a blow, which, as it is now clear, will not be beaten off. If the enemy is larger or armed, then his personal guaranteed defeat distance will be greater than yours. And you will be in his zone of destruction before he is in yours.

Everything is based on playing this moment and how you understand it now and lose in your mind depends on your success as a fighter!

The principle of "Free Touch" as a guarantee of unbeaten blows.

In this law is hidden the secret of unbeaten blows. Before the attack, there is usually a verbal skirmish, the enemy is very close, consider it at the distance of "Free Touch": not with a hand, so with a foot. So, if high-speed lunges have been developed, if “you don’t wait for the weather by the sea, flapping your ears,” then you can lay it down in the blink of an eye. Only the blow must be specific, so that at least a minute the enemy could not rock the boat. In the meantime, you can additionally process it with kicks and leave. Only while you are thinking, trying to move out at the market, the enemy himself strikes, which cannot be blocked: after all, you are also at the same distance from him. Therefore, cruelty of action is necessary, otherwise it will be worse. Do not wait, do not pull, but once - and the enemy lies, then the second one falls. Only in this way, since the set of standard defensive actions that are studied in various sections of hand-to-hand combat is not able to protect on this short distance. And you can’t raise the reaction rate, because it’s impossible. Others need approaches and methods.

Look at boxers. They work almost at this distance. Of all the defenses, only hand stands and escapes with body dives. This is not due to the poverty of the protective potential, but knowledge of the speed laws of movement, if not at the level of theory, but at the level of practice - for sure. And pay attention to the fact that when they work with “twos”, the first blow is usually “not very good”, but the second one is guaranteed to “pass” and this is due to the fact that the boxer, through distracting the opponent with the first action, has reached the distance of “Free Stretching" for the second hand.

How is it very easy to test this principle?

It is very easy to check this statement. Try experimenting with your child. Why with him? Very simple. How many times is he inferior to you in terms of complexion? Several times, that's for sure. And the enemy, even if larger than you, but not several.

Let the child come to you at a distance when he can freely touch you. In this case, you will never have time to parry his slap. Time after time you will lose, no matter how hard you try to intercept his hand and prevent him from touching.

So the conclusion is this. Knowing this law does not mean that you will be guaranteed to win. This means that you will get rid of the illusions about street fighting. And really, how can you talk about invincibility if you can't even intercept the slap of a child who stands at his own, childish distance of "Free Touch".

I hope you understand what I'm getting at. Sometimes they say ... Oh, he has excellent training ... Oh, he has quick kick... Oh, he can easily block all attacks ... Heh, heh, blowing with oil! If it so happens that such a person is at a distance from you when you can touch him, for example, with the back of your hand, or with the fingertips of his eyes, then be sure that you can blind him WITHOUT PROBLEMS in one movement and he won’t even move will have time, not like raising a hand in defense. The most important thing here is to learn to feel this brief moment when the enemy is at this distance from you and this feeling is formed in.

Articles small summary:

Conclusion one. At a distance of free touch, when a person can calmly touch a partner, it is impossible for a partner to defend himself EVEN HYPOTHETICALLY! And the blows will be successful even when you deliver them from the “arms along the body” position, and the opponent is in a certain fighting stance, prudently raising his hands to a defensive position ...

If the strikes are delivered from a greater distance, then the brain has time to make some decision and various defensive-attacking combinations of one type or another appear.

The second conclusion is technical. Standard protections at free touch distance, DO NOT WORK! And this means that it is POSSIBLE to study them for this situation!

The conclusion is the third, worldly. If you and the opponent are about the same height and build, then you need to hit first, otherwise you won’t have time to do anything.

The fourth conclusion, for beginners. If a person wants the combat system that he is mastering to be truly smashing, he must take this law into account when building his practice, not paying attention to the canons of the school, since “not a person for BI, but BI for a person.”

Fifth conclusion, for instructors. If some combat systems are positioned as combat, then their instructors need to reconsider the technical arsenal and training methods.

For those who are interested in this law, they can learn much more about it in the books "Master of Hand-to-Hand Combat" and "How to Defeat Any Opponent" by Mikhail and Irina Bragin, which you can download from the link below.

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In an emergency, you won't have time to think things through. Decisions must be made as quickly as possible. Literally every second counts, and if you feel fear, then the ability to defend yourself will be significantly weakened. You have to take my word for it that during a fight, pain will not be as pronounced as it might seem. Adrenaline, the concentration of which increases in extreme situations, will extinguish the pain.

How to deal with a street fight?

If you want to know how to win street fight, then you must first be sure that own forces. When you think that you can stand up for yourself or your girlfriend, then your chances of a successful outcome of the confrontation increase dramatically.

When a person is confident in his own abilities, then his thinking changes dramatically, and you will be able to better resist bullies. If you are afraid, then the situation worsens. We are aware that this sounds trite, but you have to work on yourself psychologically.

Many are familiar with guys who alone are able to attack several attackers at once and disperse them. Moreover, he does not have to have outstanding physical data. It's all about confidence, which helps him in difficult situations.

If you have to fight in a closed room, say, a cafe, then try to position your back to the exit. The fight may well end after one hit, and you will probably have to leave the room after that. Do not assume that leaving is a manifestation of fear. This is absolutely not true and there is nothing wrong with you leaving if your opponents are not being fair. If the attackers turned out to be more than one person, or you are threatened with a weapon, it is better to leave the scene immediately.

How to win a street fight - the main rules


It's not that you have to dance, but just change the direction of your movement to prevent the enemy from delivering an accurate blow. It is important not to take your feet off the ground, which will help maintain stability. See how they behave in the ring professional boxers. They actively move and their feet do not come off the ground.

It is very important to remain as mobile as possible and at the same time not lose stability. We recommend working out at home to understand the capabilities of your body. Never try to deliver a large number of blows, because they require a lot of energy. If you want to know how to win in a street fight, then be patient and wait for the moment when the attacker makes a mistake. Each of your hits should be as accurate and strong as possible.

Fundamentals of military equipment

First of all, you must learn how to properly clench your fist. If you have the opportunity to fill the space between your palm and fingers, be sure to do it. To solve this problem, you can use any items that come to hand - sand, newspaper, coin, hat, etc. This will allow you to increase the power of the blow.

But to use for this thumb is pure madness. If you hold it in the palm of your hand, then after the first blow it will be injured. When you make a fist, your thumb should be at right angles to your index finger. So you will not only deliver more powerful blows, but also prevent the enemy from grabbing the palm of your hand. Also, during the blow, you can not bend your wrist so as not to break your hand.

What techniques can be used during a street fight?

Let's start the conversation with strikes, of which there are a large number. Each of you at least once saw a duel of boxers or representatives of other martial arts. During the fight, they use various techniques and their combinations - hooks, body blows, uppercuts, straight lines, etc.

In a street fight, side hooks are most often used when a blow is applied with a large amplitude. They can be very effective if you have a certain level of training. Otherwise, you should refuse them for several reasons:

  • require a lot of energy;
  • are free;
  • able to take you out of a stable position;
  • reveal your defense and literally provoke the enemy to counterattack.
By by and large, all this applies to various specialized strikes that are effective only in the hands of a professional. Without a certain level of training, we recommend that you refuse to perform them.

If you want to know how to win in a street fight, then throw regular straight punches. To perform them, your arms should be bent at the elbow joint at an angle of 35-45 degrees relative to the body. The elbow joint straightens the arm at the moment of impact, and the force is generated in the shoulder.

Try to ensure that the entire weight of your body goes into the blow. This may sound strange to some, but it is true. As an experiment, strike with one elbow joint. With it, you can only harm a mosquito or a fly. If the hand and body work together at the moment of impact, then the situation will be completely different.

Your blows should impress the enemy and reduce his ardor. Put all your strength into it, as if you want to win with one blow. It is quite possible that this is exactly what will happen. We have already briefly talked about the purpose of your attacks. It is necessary to strike at the enemy's weak points. This is the only way to quickly end the fight.

At the moment of striking, take a deep breath to put in maximum strength. Watch videos of the battles of representatives of various combat sports. There you will clearly see that all the fighters do just that. It should be noted that only by reading this article, you will not get a positive result. It's not enough to know how to win a street fight, you need to practice. Practice the blow in front of the mirror and bring all movements to automatism. In a fight, you won't have time to think.

How to take a hit in a street fight?

Perhaps you have watched one great movie called "million dollar baby"? The hero of Clint Eastwood tells his ward (she was brilliantly played by Hillary Swank) that in order to minimize the force of the opponent's blows, it is necessary to perform an oncoming movement. In practice, this is what happens - by reducing the distance, you reduce the force of impact.

However, you will also find it difficult to counterattack. Being close to the attacker, but not always victory in a fight is achieved through blows. Even an aggressive defense can cool the opponent's ardor, and he will be forced to retreat. At this point, a precise blow can knock him down.

Try to keep your chin as close to chest and move in such a way that the enemy adapts to you, and not vice versa. During a fight, you must maintain balance not only in the physical sense, but also emotionally. If you don't get knocked down and push the attacker back, the initiative goes to you.

Watch your breath as critical situations the body consumes more oxygen. We said that during a fight, pain will not be as pronounced as it might seem at once. Powerful knockout punches pose the greatest threat to you.

You should not use techniques that you know only from films. Low kicks or knee strikes can be very effective weapons, but only when performed by an experienced fighter. At the same time, you can train them using a punching bag. At a certain time, you will be ready to use them in a street fight.

When counterattacking, aim for weak spots, but don't expose yourself to the media. If you strike in the stomach or leg of an opponent from a long distance, then you will not get significant advantages. The target should be the solar plexus, nose, eyes, kidneys, neck and face. In addition, you can twist the opponent's arms, break fingers and even bite. Any trick that can save your life in a street fight is completely justified.

Even if you are in a clinch with an attacker or even hit the ground, it is important to remain calm. If you are grabbed, they will not be able to strike and you have the opportunity to free yourself. If you find yourself on the ground with an enemy, then you should do one of 3 things:

  • do not allow the attacker to be on you;
  • turn on your stomach or side, making an attempt to stand up;
  • fight and try to throw it off.
Once on your stomach, protect your head from blows. The best way to do this is to press your chin to your chest, and hug your neck with your hands. If you are hit on the head, you need to close the distance to the attacker. As we said above, this will reduce the impact force.

If the enemy was behind you and grabbed, then there are three effective ways get free:

  • with all your strength, hit the leg with your heel;
  • try to hit the face with a sharp blow with your head back;
  • twist your fingers so that the opponent loosens his grip.

When should you run away from a street fight?

In some situations, it will be correct to retire from the battlefield. Do not consider this an unworthy act, because your life may be at stake.
  1. If you are facing a stronger or better trained opponent- try not to get hit by him and find a way to equalize the chances, for example, throw sand in your eyes.
  2. More than one attacker- stand in a corner so that opponents cannot attack and surround at the same time. You need to deal with them one by one.
  3. The attacker is armed- try to increase the distance as quickly as possible and at the same time find the shield. If a knife is used as a weapon, then use any improvised object so that the blade is stuck in it, and not in your body.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that only a self-confident person can emerge victorious from almost any mess. You want to know how to win in a street fight - throw all your aggression at the attacker. If you are sure that the attacker is stronger than you, then you should not give him a reason to make sure of this as well.

Do everything to unbalance him and cool the ardor. Be sure to pay attention to the objects around you, because they can become weapons. A street fight is not a ring where the fight takes place according to certain rules. Your life is at stake and you should always remember this. Most often, the main enemy is not the attacker, but fear, and it is most difficult to overcome it.

Basic tips on how to win a street fight in the video below:

The subject of our conversation is old and primitive, like a method of destroying snowmen. To put it figuratively, we're talking about fixing a problem in the form of a single individual by damaging the latter with minimal physical cost on your part. Phew! In a more understandable language, we will help you quickly and without straining to force a person who is physically superior to you to abandon the idea of ​​suppressing you.

Let's start with the fact that, although we will give below the ways in which you can quickly disable human body You will still need to make some efforts though. Let's take for granted the fact that your opponent is a person who is physically more developed / armed / not alone in his desire to inflict physical violence on you (underline as necessary). Taking into account the difference in the physical preparation of readers, we will present the options for influencing the opponent in ascending order of the muscular work required to achieve the desired effect. Simply put, if you already know how to fight at the very least, press Page Down 3 times; if very good and mean, then immediately 7.


The most vulnerable area of ​​most living beings is the eyes. Man is no exception. One of better ways to plunge him into an abyss of suffering, abundantly washed with tears - to strike at the eyes. However, the wrong execution of this martial pas can lead to the failure of the entire enterprise, on the one hand, and to the loss of your opponent's eye, on the other. Agree, neither is your goal. Best Option striking - diagonally from the bottom up, with the palm facing you. In this scenario, the upper integuments of the eyeball and eyelids are guaranteed to suffer, but the eyes will not receive serious injuries.

Also, your target may be the nose of the enemy. A direct hit on a person in this respiratory organ will in any case lead to a short-term shock. However, if you strike from the bottom up with the base of the palm, aiming at a point directly under the bridge of the nose, this shock will be much stronger. Our nose is designed in such a way that depreciation occurs in a plane parallel to the ground, and it is extremely sensitive to impacts perpendicular to the ground. Do not disregard the headbutt in the nose, which is popular in cinema. If a trained person strikes the enemy in the bridge of the nose with the receptacle of his thoughts, this will lead to profuse bleeding, a possible nose fracture, and in some cases - to a knockout. However, we recommend that you inflict such a blow only if your hands are occupied with some important artifacts, and snow-white slippers with Vladimir lace are on your feet, which you do not want to dirty about this scoundrel under any pretext. That is, it’s better to forget about him, unless, of course, your goal is a self-knockout, which will allow you to erase the shameful moments of your defeat from your memory. As an attentive reader, you have already noticed that the phrase "from the bottom up" is repeated twice already. And this is no coincidence. The vast majority of strikes designed to instantly hit a person are delivered precisely along this vector, since it allows you to strike unnoticed and with enough force to achieve your misanthropic goal. That is why we are afraid of children and petite women.

When we talked about the vulnerable parts of the human body, you certainly immediately thought about it. Groin area and the testicles in it have always been the target of blows, precisely because of their paradoxical sensitivity to meeting other people's shoes. Oddly enough, one of the most important organs is the only one that neither bones nor muscles protect. Due to the need for special storage conditions, the gonads of men are forced to be in a vulnerable position. An accurate kick with your toe in the cherished area will give you an undeniable advantage in the emerging discussion. In principle, this way of eliminating a person is the simplest and most effective. Its only drawback is the ethical side. We are of the opinion that this secret weapon Only worth it in extreme cases, when you are really in danger.


Continuing our bloodthirsty story, let's move on to the next cluster of areas of the human body (we have long wanted to write the word "cluster"). Impact on these organs will require you to high level physical training and general dexterity in this matter. Remembering all the people you have seen, you will undoubtedly notice that in addition to the nose and eyes, which we have already written about, ears grow on the head of any self-respecting person, which can also be a target for your crushing blows. A correct, accurate and strong blow to two ears at the same time can lead to rupture of the eardrums, bleeding in the cavity of the ear, throat and nose, and loss of consciousness.

In his book "Secrets of the Martial Arts of the World" J. Gilby talks about the Soviet wrestler Slimansky, who for a long time was an employee of the state security agencies, but after the Hungarian events of 1956 he emigrated to the United States. This person describes a blow to the ears with the palms folded in a boat, while all fingers are pressed tightly together. As a result of such a blow, a person is injured in the middle ear and disoriented in space. Similar strikes during World War II were also studied by the creator of the famous combat dagger, William Ewart Fairburn. It was considered the height of skill to sneak up on the sentry from behind and hit him on the ears, causing damage and stunning. Returning from the legends about super-intelligence officers to the harsh reality, we can say that a blow to the ear, even one, in any case, will give a person a lot of sensations. We must try to strike in such a way that on auricle it was the palm. In this situation, even if you fail to stun the enemy or incapacitate him, the severe pain from the bruised ear cartilage and the blow to the sensitive area itself will give you two paths for the development of events: finishing off the opponent by all means known to you, or hastily disappearing from the scene . To maintain your optimism, option number three, when the two-meter-high aggressor looks at you in bewilderment, scratching your ear, and proceeds to your phased destruction, is not considered.

Continuing the study of the human head, you suddenly find out that the thickness of the skull is different in all its parts. On average, it is 5 millimeters, and in the most protected place, in the frontal part - up to a centimeter. In the temples, the bone has a thickness of only 1-2 millimeters. Also under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. As you already understood, this area is extremely vulnerable to strikes. If it happens in life that you decide to knock out the enemy with a blow to the temple, you need to do it wisely, if you don’t want to hear the phrases “exceeding the necessary self-defense measures” and “sushi crackers” in your address. The smart thing to do in this situation is to strike with the palm of your hand, not with the bones of your fist. You should not be zealous with the base of the palm: this option can also be fatal, because even if you fail to knock out a person, the palm will lie in such a way that the blow will spread to the eye, and this is already a double blow. Combo!

Truly, the head is a unique collection of points to which you can direct your rage, denouncing it in the form of merciless fists. When it already seemed to you that you know everything about the forceful impact on the human skull, we extract another trump card from our sleeve - the jaw. lower. No, I don't. Hitting your opponent's jaw will require sharpness, accuracy, correct trajectory and a clenched fist. With the right combination of all factors, you will get a knockout. That is, the opponent will get a knockout, and you will get an incredibly increased self-confidence. Your punch doesn't have to be super strong. The knockout comes not so much from the force of the blow, but from its speed and sharpness. The brain, which is in the cranium in the liquid, is very sensitive to touching the walls of the skull. A blow to the jaw, delivered from the bottom up straight or diagonally to the vertical axis, will cause the head to make a sharp jerk. The brain, obeying the laws of physics, will hit the walls of the cranium, which will cause its partial short-term shutdown, that is, a knockout. It is highly undesirable to carry out a direct blow to the jaw, since a person has teeth. It would seem that this fact does not apply to the subject of our conversation, but your opinion will change at the moment when you, having missed the jaw, hit your teeth with your fist. Injuries to the hand received in such a situation are very dangerous, because, being in the places of the fold, they heal for an extremely long time. Periosteum damage is also possible. Such injuries are often accompanied by inflammation, infections that tend to get into the bone, suppuration, gangrene, amputation, apocalypse ... In general, do not hit people in the teeth. And the bottom-up vector, as you already know, has undeniable advantages.

So that you do not stare with frank bloodthirstiness at the heads of all the citizens around you, let's turn your attention to your feet. Kicks to the legs, although they do not knock out the enemy, may well make him reconsider his attitude towards you, or at least shock the enemy, giving time for reflection and further actions. Some craftsmen advise to ruthlessly stomp the opponent's toes, bringing him into a state of indescribable pain shock. The undoubted advantage of this option is that in case of failure, you can refer to the original national dances and defile somewhere far away with an elegant paso doble. If you want to inflict a more or less effective blow on your opponent, you just need to remember the last time you played football. You are required to make the simplest "football" kick with the toe of your boot into the shin of the ill-wisher. The blow should be applied to inside legs, where the bone is located, not protected by the muscle. To achieve this condition, it is enough to beat with the right foot on the right, and with the left, respectively, on the left limb of the adversary. The requirements for such a strike are accuracy, strength and preferably hard shoes. The nerve endings in the periosteum will immediately convey your positive mental impulse to the owner of the lower leg. An unpleasant surprise for you can be athletes with a stuffed shin (although a strong blow will pierce even such a trained leg) and people who do not feel their legs. Hit those fingers in the eyes! Or just leave - they still won't catch up with you.

It is impossible to lose sight of such an object for kicks as knee-joint. Of course, there is a risk of causing serious injury to a person. However, if the villain is not hit, there is a risk of injury to himself. The blow is completely identical to the previous one, the difference is only in the purpose of the blow and the effectiveness. It takes much less effort to hurt a person in the knee. Knee-joint, being one of the most complex joints human body, will even respond to a medium-strength blow inflicted by the toe of the boot under the kneecap.

Advanced user

Having examined the head and legs for vulnerable points, you involuntarily wonder what to do if you think that poking a person with your fingers in the eyes is undignified, kicking in the legs is somehow girlish, and pounding in the groin is generally unacceptable. It is at this moment that an inconspicuous torso at first glance will appear before your eyes! This receptacle of the respiratory, digestive and circulatory organs cannot but arouse your interest as a bloodthirsty nature. However internal organs perfectly protected by bones and muscles. Although, as you understand, if everything was so hopeless, we would not even write about it. In the course of experiments and modeling of life situations, we found several points on the human body that you could well influence to resolve disagreements with anyone.

For some, the phrase "hit in the liver" is associated exclusively with holidays, fatty foods, alcohol and other options for having a good time. But for you, a street fighter, the liver is primarily the target for a blow that delivers unbearable suffering to the victim, and for you - the primal joy of an alpha male, overthrowing an opponent. This organ performs a number of important functions in the body: removing harmful substances from the blood, converting various substances into energy (glucose), hematopoiesis, and so on. The liver is located on the right side of the abdominal cavity and is protected only by a muscular frame, and in someone it is fatty. A blow to the liver results in a sharp, severe pain, an inability to straighten up and often move the limbs. Simply put, having received it in the liver, a person immediately assumes the fetal position and stays in this state for several minutes. To defeat this organ, you will need the simplest knowledge of anatomy and a more or less developed force of impact. If you have a habit of punching concrete blocks, be careful. Rupture of the liver leads to serious consequences, and in some cases to immediate death.

The human body can also respond very expressively to a blow to solar plexus- a nerve node located in the very center of the human body and controlling the muscular diaphragm of the lungs and the muscles of most abdominal organs. When struck at this point, a spasm of the diaphragm occurs, which almost deprives a person of the ability to breathe. There are also short-term disturbances in the work of the heart, which cannot but affect the general well-being of your opponent. As with the liver punch, you will need to invest in this punch in order to achieve the desired result.

Of course, there are many more ways to disable the human body. We decided that if we give you a little more information on this topic, then in the next issue we will have to write an article-guide for those who want to protect themselves from an aggressive madman who attacks people with enviable obstinacy, pokes his fingers in their eyes, hits them in the ears , kicks on the knees and rolls around the crotch.

It remains only to say that the main factor that can interfere with you is your own civilized consciousness, which will resist for a long time your decision to end the conflict in such a primitive, but in an efficient way like a fight.

In this article we will talk about self-defense without the use of weapons, hand-to-hand combat techniques, as well as how to get out of a street fight with the least losses.

Every day, leaving the house, or, conversely, returning home along a dark street, people are in danger of being attacked by criminals.

Some of the antisocial elements are even capable of killing a person just because he liked the jacket, or the expensive phone of a late citizen.

How to protect yourself from them? Yes, you can buy , or . But you still need to get the shocker, and it’s not easy to do it with shaking hands, the same goes for a pistol, but a spray can cannot be used in a headwind, as well as in a closed room.

There is a second option to ensure your own safety - to learn elementary hand-to-hand combat techniques. You do not need to be a titled boxer or have a black belt in karate, it is enough to master two or three simple tricks to fight off one or even two gopniks.

Features of self-defense on the street

First of all, you need to remember that the street is neither Sport section, no one will abide by any sports and moral rules. Street fighting, in general, is devoid of any rules.

In addition, the factor of surprise is triggered: a person returning through a dark park does not know from which bush the criminal will jump on him, and when this happens, the strong fear experienced at the time of the attack prevents him from taking adequate actions. All this leaves its mark on the possibility of self-defense against encroachment.

Best Hits

To learn these techniques and strikes, you do not need to go to a specialized section, it is enough to have a little time and a friend with whom you can train.
Strikes for self-defense must be effective and aimed at incapacitating the enemy as soon as possible. It is considered traditional direct hit.

The blow should be in the nose, eyes or jaw of the enemy, it is much better if the blow is delivered not with a fist, but with an open palm.

Attention: if an unprepared person strikes with his fist, then from hard hit you can break the articular bag of the fingers and even crush the knuckles.

A palm strike is less traumatic for the defender, and causes more powerful damage to the enemy, since a very large area is affected.

Another effective self-defense strike is uppercut - a punch from the bottom up to the jaw enemy.

Uppercut - a blow from below to the jaw

For effective self-defense on the street, you can use not only punches from the boxing arsenal, but also “forbidden” tricks. Forbidden in sports, because everything is allowed on the street.

The most famous "mean" kick is kick in the groin. Operates flawlessly. You can hit with both the foot and the knee. To strike with a knee, you need to grab the opponent with your hands by the breasts, and jerk towards yourself, at the same time striking.

And you can not make a capture, but simply take a step forward and strike below the belt. This technique works excellently even if the enemy grabs by the throat.

Note: the foot should be hit when the distance to the enemy is too great to use the knee.

There is no need to bend the leg at the knee, and then shoot the lower leg like in taekwondo, it is enough just to deliver an oak kick with the leg, sharply lifting it up.

The next effective technique in a real street fight is kick under the kneecap.

This is very painful, and instantly discourages the criminal from continuing his actions. A blow delivered from the side can knock a person down, but if you hit it straight, and even with great force, you can break the shin bone.

Another extremely effective combat technique is sharp blow to the solar plexus. You can hit with both a fist and an open palm.

He takes his breath away and causes severe pain, which neutralizes the attacker for a long time.

If the enemy began to choke - you can try give him eyes. To do this, the head of the enemy is clasped with palms from the sides, and the thumbs rest on the eyes. You need to press with all your might, if the enemy does not want to remain blind, he will stop strangling.

Self defense in a confined space

Quite often, attacks take place in a closed space: on a landing, an elevator or an entrance, where there is nowhere to turn around, there is no place to swing. Strikes for self-defense in a tight space must be sharp, accurate, and very, very effective. In addition to kicking in the groin, you can inflict punch in the throat offender.

Good to know: the throat is not as strong as the head or face, so do not be afraid to break your fingers.

Very efficient and effective side elbow strike. Beat should be in the temple or jaw. The blow is applied suddenly and very sharply, while it is desirable to rotate the body, but even without this rotation, the enemy will receive severe injuries.

Light blows, like clapping your hands, are categorically contraindicated in a street fight, if you really beat, then for sure.


Every person has the right to self-defense against encroachments on his life and health, but along with the right comes responsibility.

If the attacker, as a result of your actions, has lost consciousness or is clearly unable to continue aggression, in no case should you finish him off.

Finishing off a defeated opponent is punished.

You should leave the place of the fight as soon as possible and call the police, you can also tie up the enemy and wait at the place of the fight for the arrival of law enforcement officers. The only thing you can't do is kill. And finally, if the criminal has a knife or some other weapon, you should not engage in battle, it is better to run away, or give him what is required. Health is more expensive.

Watch a video on how wrestling techniques can be used effectively in a street fight: