How to make a boat for the back. Exercise "boat" - how to do it correctly and effectively? Working out hard-to-reach muscles with the help of the “boat” exercise

  1. Starting position - lying on your back.
  2. The legs are tightly brought together so that the socks and heels are in contact with each other.
  3. The arms are straight and tightly pressed to the body.
  4. Begin diaphragmatic breathing: on inspiration, the stomach is drawn in, and on exhalation it protrudes forward.
  5. Now we raise our legs up by about 40-50 cm.
  6. The back, arms and head are raised to the same height.
  7. The buttocks and the sacrum area serve as a support here.
  8. In this position, hold your breath for 8-10 seconds.
  9. Slowly exhale and return to the starting position.

Important! During the exercise, the head is directed strictly forward. The greatest tension is felt in the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Reverse boat

This version of the boat exercise will help reduce the circumference of the waist and hips, as well as strengthen the vertebral back. Regular workouts lead to improvement general condition health, burst of energy and uplifting post-workout mood. We advise you to start with 4 sets of 10 seconds.

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach.
  2. Hands are extended forward. Palms pointing down.
  3. The legs are straight, the socks are elongated.
  4. At the same time we perform the following movements: raise upper part torso and legs to the most comfortable height.
  5. The support is the pelvis and abdomen.
  6. We hold our breath for 10 seconds and begin to stretch the body from the palms to the feet in opposite directions.
  7. Exhale slowly and lower yourself to the starting position.

Important! The head is directed strictly forward, the gaze is fixed directly. In no case should you turn your head in different sides. This can lead to injury - displacement of the cervical vertebra.

Important nuances

To obtain the greatest healing effect during the execution of the boat, we recommend that you take into account the following nuances:

  • The boat can be practiced for 10 minutes a day, both in the morning and in the evening. Morning workouts will help you cheer up and recharge your batteries for the whole day. An evening boat after a hard day will help unload a tired back and relax.
  • It is better to perform the exercise on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after the last meal. Drinking water is allowed.
  • All movements during the training process are performed smoothly and slowly. In the negative phase, jerking and throwing limbs are unacceptable.
  • Proper breathing during exercise will ensure the most rapid weight loss.
  • At the end of the workout, you need to relax your back. This can be done using the vertical fold exercise.

Healing effect on the human body

The boat is a universal exercise for everyone, which brings many benefits. It has a restorative and health-improving character. In addition, it has no restrictions on health and age. Pay attention to what specific effect this exercise has on various areas of the body.

  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles: makes the stomach flat and beautiful.
  • Strengthening the back muscles. This exercise is especially useful for women with large breasts. Under weight, with age, the back can hunch. By regularly performing the boat, this can be avoided.
  • Placement of the umbilical ring. Lifting weights, falling, sudden movements can lead to a violation in the body of neuro-reflex connections between various internal organs. This can be the cause of obesity in the waist, insomnia, malfunctions of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, and disorders of the pelvic organs. The boat brings the umbilical ring to its normal position.
  • Formation of a strong muscular corset and a beautiful posture.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.

The main task of the boat exercise is the formation of a beautiful figure and the normalization of the work of some systems of the human body. The constant practice of various variations of the boat leads to the disappearance of fat folds on the sides, a decrease in the volume of the hips and waist, straightening the back, straightening the shoulders and acquiring a royal posture. Especially recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Boat exercise is an auxiliary exercise for pro-working the post-tural muscles of the back and improving posture. It is recommended to fill the boat with all office workers, as well as other people who regularly and a lot sit on a chair, since this exercise eliminates literally all the negative consequences of such lifestyle. The exercise is also suitable for those who already have pronounced back problems, including stoop and regular back pain. It will also be useful for people who use the gym to devote time to this simple and at the same time extremely useful exercise. It's a good idea to y-o-o-o-o-d-daughters as a cool-down after a back workout.

The boat exercise is also suitable for those people who are completely unfamiliar with any sports discipline, and, in general, to maintain muscle tone, such people can combine it With plank , which will be quite enough to feel good about yourself. If you add 30-40 minutes of sports walking or an exercise bike to these two exercises, and you will devote time stretching , then for health, in general, nothing more is needed. Those who are interested in appearance may be interested in exercise of the lo-daughter, first of all, as a means of improving posture and as an aid -tel-no-th exercise for the back, which allows in the future to avoid many injuries.

Work of muscles and joints

During the exercise, the boat by the main workers muscle groups are the long muscles of the back, the buttocks and the flat muscle of the abdomen. It goes without saying that the long muscles of the back and buttocks, as stronger ones, do the main work, and the press performs the function of a synergist. But, in fact, in this exercise, it is not so much the work of the superficial muscle layers that is important, but the postural ones. Particularly ben-no-tew in-with-tu-ral-nyh, internal, layers is the inability of local inner-va-tion. When some part of the postural layers is loaded, they all tense up. Basically, the post-toural layers are concentrated around the spine and the end of the nose, so if you perform a boat with fixation, all the more so, combo-bi-ni-ruya her with a plank, then such training will give an immediate effect.

When performing the boat, the joints do not receive absolutely any load, and the lying position is neither-ve-li-ru-et even the pressure of its own weight on the joints and spine. Namely, but in this way, exercise-not-nie and re-ko-men-du-et-sya you-half-take even to people with already you-ra-wives-us-mi for-bo-le -va-niya-mi, with the exception of those cases when this question is separately about-go-va-ri-va-et-sya with the le-cha-schim doctor, and the latter prohibits any physical load-ruz-ki. In general, if you are reading a book, an article or something else about self-le-che-nii, then be sure to separately discuss these methods with your doctor. The fact is that no author can know your individual situation, therefore, if someone gives you ka-te-go-ri-chess-in-di-vi-du-al-ny recommendations , without examining you, then this fraudulent man, most likely, wants to cash in on you, so you need to run away from such specialists.

Boat exercise - scheme

1) It is best to perform the exercise on a fitness mat, on which you need to lie on your stomach, pulling your arms forward, and legs, spread shoulder-width apart, back.
2) The head should look forward, and not at the floor, the back is even, but relaxed, ko-nech-nos-cha-mi ka-sae-tes-la, which is the starting position.
3) The exercise can be performed both on inhalation and on exhalation, since you will not exert any effort, and when you inhale, the diaphragm expands.
4) From the starting position, innervating the muscles of the back, buttocks and abs, raise your arms and legs maxi-slightly up, tearing your chest and groin off the floor.
5) At the point of peak muscle contraction, it is necessary to linger for 1-2 seconds, after which, return the body to its original position and perform the exercise the necessary number of times.

Boat exercise - notes

1) The exercise must be performed smoothly and under control, without jerking, and without throwing the limbs down in the negative phase.
2) If you cannot complete the exercise in full amplitude, then do it partially, there is no point in cheating.
3) You can’t turn your head during the boat exercise, as well as during any other exercises that innervate the trapezius muscles, since this can cause a displacement of the cervical vertebra.
4) Girls with large breasts need to wear some kind of hard bra so that your breasts do not interfere with your exercise as much as a healthy relationship in marriage helps to maintain a thread.
5) Despite the fact that the exercise is not a power exercise, in no case should you stop breathing, you need to breathe evenly and according to the chosen system.


Muscles in the human body are represented by two layers: external and internal, each of which is responsible for its functions. The outer muscle layers allow a person to perform some kind of intense work, for example, to lift a barbell weighing 250 kg, and the s-tural layers hold the position of the skeleton in space. As people walk less, sit or lie down more often, the inner layers are used less often and, as a result, atrophy. Exercises such as the boat allow you to n-ve-li-ro-vat this pre-garden consequence of civilization, so such exercises should be done ab-so-lut-but by everyone. If you go to the gym and pull irons, then with this you only use the superficial layers, so you also need to do these "women's" exercises.

Summing up, we can say that the boat exercise is indispensable in its kind. The exercise is not personal, but copes with the tasks assigned to it, so it’s not-about-ho-di-mo to include in training complex absolutely everyone. Especially re-ko-men-du-em pay attention to this exercise to the security forces and girls with magnificent breasts. The bottom line is that the chest creates an imbalance and pulls a person forward, so ladies with good natural data, who do not devote time to sports, by the age of 35-40 hundred vyat-sya su-tu-ly-mi. From-be-reaping this you can like this in a simple way, as a re-gu-lyar-noe you-half-not-exercise-not-niya boat. It goes without saying that to the training of postural layers it is not-ho-di-mo to add training and superficial muscles, which will make you not only healthy, but also a beautiful person .

The “boat” exercise is aimed at improving the human body and is one of the best to date. The article presents a detailed description of the "boat" exercise. The article also contains useful photos of the “boat” exercise.

"Boat": what is the effect of this exercise on the human body?

The boat exercise is truly unique in its kind. What is its feature? How does the “boat” exercise affect the human body? Let's consider in more detail.

1. Engaging Postural Muscle Layers

Most conventional exercises work only the superficial layers of the muscles. The “boat” exercise also affects postural ones. Postural muscle layers are internal muscles. They are located at the spine, deep in the body. On strength training it is very difficult to work out the internal muscles. The "boat" exercise is indispensable for this purpose.

2. Perfect posture

Exercise "boat", like no other, improves posture. With its regular implementation, you can easily correct both small and more significant imperfections in the spine. This happens due to effective elaboration internal muscles described above. Elastic postural muscle layers straighten the spine, thereby improving posture.

3. Absolute freedom of the joints and spine when performing

Usually the action of some simple exercise performed under its own weight. Also, most exercises are not complete without stress on the joints. All this puts restrictions on people suffering from problems with the spine or diseases of the joints. The “boat” exercise is performed lying on the floor, thereby eliminating any load on the spine and joints. This makes it accessible to absolutely everyone, even those suffering from joint diseases and back problems.

Note! Despite the complete lack of load of the “boat” exercise, people who have serious back health problems should consult their doctor before doing it.

Working on perfect posture: a description of the boat exercise

The "boat" exercise includes two options:

Classic boat;

Reverse boat.

Note! Before you start the exercise, you should know that the "boat" is not aimed at burning fat. This exercise is not power, but static.

The “boat” exercise is aimed at increasing the tone and strengthening the following muscles:

flat muscle abdomen

long muscles back;

Gluteal muscles.

It is on the above muscles that the main work of this exercise is accounted for. So let's move on to more detailed description boat exercises.

Exercise "classic boat": how to perform it correctly?

Exercise "classic boat" is best to start with 8-10 times. The number of approaches is three. This is especially true for beginners.

By exercising regularly, you will gradually strengthen your muscles and train your breathing.

After a few days of training, the number of times and approaches can and should even be increased.

The pace of training should also increase and become more intense. So, let's start the exercise "classic boat".

The correct starting position is:

1. Lie on the floor with your stomach down and relax;

2. Legs should be extended and pressed against each other. In the correct starting position, the toes and heels will touch. We do not bend our legs at the knees;

3. Place your hands “at the seams”. Firmly press them to the body, stretching along the body.

Described below correct execution exercises "classic boat".

You need to start with breathing. Lying in the starting position, begin to breathe deeply as follows: inhale - the stomach is drawn in as much as possible, exhale - the stomach is pulled out as much as possible;

Having got used to such breathing, proceed to raise the legs, head and torso. This should be done as follows: legs closed together should be raised by about half a meter. Simultaneously with them at the same distance, you need to raise the head and torso. Imagine that you need to reach as high as possible with the back of your head and the back of your shoulders. From the side, your body should resemble a semicircular line. When lifting, you should hold your breath;

Gently lower your legs, shoulders and head as you exhale, returning to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times.

Note! When performing the “boat” exercise, both the classic and the reverse version, watch the position of the head. It should only be directed forward. This rule cannot be ignored. If you allow yourself to turn your head from side to side, the risk of injury increases - displacement of the cervical vertebra. Most of the work is directed to the back and stomach.

Exercise "reverse boat": we perform correctly and effectively

If you want to remove a couple of extra inches from your hips and waist, the reverse boat exercise is most suitable for this purpose. Compared to the classic version, this one is more complex. The reverse boat exercise also works more effectively on posture. The most optimal option for the initial implementation of this exercise is four sets of 10-15 seconds. Over time, increase the number, time and intensity of the exercise.

What is the correct starting position for the reverse boat exercise?

1. Sit on the floor lying on your stomach. Relax;

2. Legs should be stretched back. It is not necessary to touch them tightly. A small distance between the legs is allowed. Stretch your socks as far as possible;

3. Place your hands in front of you, stretching them forward. Lower your palms down.

Now we proceed to the correct and effective implementation of the “reverse boat” exercise.

As in the classical version, this exercise should begin with the regulation of breathing. Lying in the starting position, begin to breathe deeply as follows: inhale - the stomach is drawn in as much as possible, exhale - the stomach is pulled out as much as possible;

Next, let's move on to the exercise. You need to do this as follows: similarly to the classic version, raise your legs, head and torso at the same time to the maximum height, forming an arc. I remind you that the head must be kept straight;

In this position, you need to linger for 10 seconds without breathing. In this case, you need to stretch your arms and socks as much as possible in different directions. Imagine that you need to stretch your body;

After the specified time, relax. Slowly return to the starting position as you exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise "boat": what are the advantages of doing it?

Some of the benefits of the “boat” exercise have already been mentioned above. It not only forms a figure, it saturates the body with health. Consider the question of the benefits of the “boat” exercise in more detail.

Flat tummy. This exercise perfectly strengthens the press, thereby making the tummy beautiful;

Straight back. The “boat” exercise guarantees the straightness of the spine, which is especially good for women with a magnificent bust;

Disease prevention. As a result of various injuries, injuries, or simply over time, the body weakens. Fat accumulates, brain function is disturbed, insomnia appears, efficiency decreases, the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract weakens, and so on. The “boat” exercise effectively prevents this;

Circulation. This exercise is great for stimulating him.

Exercise "boat" is especially useful for those people who have a sedentary lifestyle. It perfectly normalizes the work of the body and forms an excellent figure.

Most useful exercises for the back often turn out to be very simple and do not require any equipment, this includes the “Boat” exercise, which is familiar to almost everyone from school, or even from kindergarten.

It involves several muscle groups at once, and quickly enough helps to make the spine straight, strengthen muscles and ligaments, and relieve pinches and clamps. Today, many bodybuilders include it in their training schedule, and doctors recommend it to new mothers and schoolchildren.

What are its features, and why is it so useful for the body?

New wave of popularity

For many years, "Boat" was included in the selection classic exercises physiotherapy exercises for the spine. She was prescribed to correct scoliosis, osteochondrosis, disc displacement, and strengthen the lumbar muscles. Today, the exercise is once again at the peak of popularity, and it is recommended by leading fitness trainers and orthopedic doctors.

  • Bodybuilders and bodybuilders perform the Boat both at home and in gyms. Even when working exclusively with body weight, training unloads the back muscles and strengthens the muscle corset, and if you add weights or dumbbells, you can, triceps, latissimus dorsi, build up the so-called wings.
  • IN female exercise used to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and besides, it really helps to flatten the stomach. The back is leveled, the spine is extended, the woman acquires grace.
  • Often "Boat" is advised to young mothers who constantly carry a child in their arms. Not only does training tighten internal organs It also relieves pain from the back, prevents the development of diseases of the spine.
  • For children, this exercise is useful in that it forms posture, prevents stoop and scoliosis. Children spend a lot of time sitting, hovering over gadgets, carry heavy backpacks to school, and categorically refuse to do morning exercises. It doesn't matter, just 5 minutes a day - and many problems will be prevented or corrected at an early stage.

Some more useful features

Despite its simplicity, such training gives a positive result for many body systems, normalizes processes, helps to form beautiful figure.

  1. Joint mobility develops, the processes of cartilage tissue production are activated;
  2. The work of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  3. The work of the nervous system is getting better, as pinching on the spine and in the neck goes away;
  4. Work is getting better gastrointestinal tract(muscles stretch, making internal massage organs);
  5. Fortified area solar plexus, the umbilical ring is in place.

Execution technique

In order for the Boat exercise to be beneficial, you need to know how to do it correctly. One of the most important recommendations is not to rotate your head and neck during moments of tension, as you can damage the cervical vertebrae. Do not hold your breath, breathe slowly and deeply. All movements must be smooth.

Preferably before training, warm up a little and stretch the muscles.

Here are two options:


In this case, the muscles of the hips, back, abs and legs work. The exercise is considered the best in the ranking of workouts against back and lower back pain.

  1. Lying on the floor on your back, press your hands to the body.
  2. Bring straight legs together, socks away from you.
  3. Raise the body and legs at the same time, only the buttocks should remain the fulcrum.
  4. Hold for a few seconds and slowly lower yourself.
  5. Rest for a few seconds and do 4-5 more repetitions.

See how to properly perform the "boat" exercise in the photo. Most often, the arms are pressed against the body, but you can try and raise them above your head to complicate the exercise. There are many options, and how exactly to do it is not so important. You just need to understand which muscles work in order to strain and control them, so the effect will be maximum.


The back boat is often referred to as Superman. Indeed, in this position, a person looks like a flying superhero. Starting position - lying on the floor, but already on the stomach. An analogue is hyperextension. The triceps and deltas, the serratus anterior, the gluteus maximus, the soleus muscles, the muscles of the back of the thigh, and are responsible for straightening the spine, work.

  1. Lie on the floor and relax.
  2. Stretch your arms forward.
  3. Bend at the waist, raising your arms and legs. Do not bend them, keep them tight and straight, stretch forward and backward at the same time, as if stretching the spine.
  4. Hold on for a few seconds.
  5. Relax and repeat.

Exercise Superman is incredible, especially if you spend the whole day on sedentary work. For inflexible people, it may seem difficult, not everyone can raise their arms and legs like that. It’s not scary, it’s enough to start at least 5-10 cm off your feet and palms, over time the spine will get used to stretching, the joints will train, and everything will work out.

Result from exercise

On average, in order to evaluate the effect, it is enough to practice for a month. It is advisable to do this regularly, at least every other day, but it is better to include the Boat and Superman exercises in your morning exercises. However, you can practice in the evenings, unloading and relaxing the spine and muscles around it that are tired during the day.

According to reviews, back pain disappears after 5-7 daily sessions, flexibility and plasticity appear. Relaxes by removing clamps nervous system, the vessels are free, the blood flows better to the brain. The person feels collected, energetic and active.

For class, you do not need anything other than a free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor, and possibly a gymnastic rug or towel. This means that today or right now you can try to do both of these exercises. You will immediately feel the muscles tighten and stretch.

Watch the video on how to do the Boat exercise correctly:

So simple and so effective!