Long cycle kettlebell technique. Kettlebell lifting - what is useful and what muscles pumps

Kettlebell long cycle push is one of the most powerful male exercises that develops the muscles of the arms and shoulders, and is also competitive. Do you want to have powerful biceps, forearms, deltas, a strong grip? Do a long cycle push at least 2 times a week.

Kettlebell push on a long cycle: video

Exercise rules

Each exercise with kettlebells is technically more difficult, so it is imperative to stretch the hands and shoulders well before starting the exercise so as not to injure the joints.

  1. Before starting the exercise, the weight is in front of you, feet shoulder-width apart. Take the kettlebell in your hand.
  2. Swinging the kettlebell between your legs, throw it over your shoulder. The elbow of the working hand is pressed to the body. The torso is slightly tilted back to compensate for the weight of the kettlebell.
  3. Next, perform a squat so that, sharply unbending your legs, tear the weight up.
  4. Next, return the kettlebell to your shoulder (springing your legs)
  5. Lower the weight down to the groin area.

This is called a long cycle: first, the kettlebell is thrown to the shoulder, then push, then return to the shoulder and lowering down. Repeat the long cycle the required number of times with one hand, then with the other.

When working for time (usually 1 to 5 minutes), switch arms every 5 to 10 reps. Find the optimal number of continuous repetitions for you with one arm. It can be, for example, 6, 7 or 9 repetitions.

Note: The long cycle clean and jerk can be done with two kettlebells at the same time. You can see the detailed technique for performing the exercise in the following video.

The video says that one of key points exercises - this is holding weights on the chest. You should start by developing this skill. Hold two kettlebells on your shoulders in static, observing correct technique. The elbows rest against the body, the shoulders are relaxed, the back is tilted back. The hand with the forearm forms a straight line. When swinging the weights, the body leans forward, the back is straight. Then the weight begins to move down and forward, the body is moved back. We put our elbows on point. Next comes the kettlebell push. With our feet we push the projectile, performing a squat. The arms are straightened vertically upwards.

Also in the video, variations of this exercise are analyzed: dropping kettlebells on the shoulders through the emphasis, dropping kettlebells from the top position (a more complicated option, suitable for stronger shoulders), dropping plus a power grab. Choose the most convenient option for you.

Description of the exercise

The push of the kettlebell in a long cycle is basic in kettlebell lifting and is one of the most difficult, since it consists of several exercises: lifting the kettlebell on the chest with a swing and pushing the kettlebell with one hand. The exercise is considered more popular among men, but is also suitable for women. In the competition, the long cycle clean and jerk is performed by both sexes.

This exercise consists of two independent exercises:

Lifting the kettlebell on the chest with a swing Kettlebell push with one hand

A basic exercise in kettlebell lifting, which is aimed at developing the muscles of the shoulder body, and also serves as a leading exercise for pushing the kettlebell with one hand, pushing the kettlebell with both hands and pushing the kettlebell in a full cycle.

The exercise is a swing of the kettlebell between the legs and its undermining on the chest.

Basic competitive exercise in kettlebell lifting, which is aimed at developing endurance and working out everything shoulder girdle.

Pushing the kettlebell with one hand is a more difficult exercise and consists of pushing the kettlebell vertically upwards, during the push, the legs perform a crouch, thereby taking the load on themselves.

Muscles involved in the exercise

Let's take a look at what muscles work when doing a long cycle push of the kettlebell. During the push of the kettlebell, a large number of different muscle groups, the main load falls on deltoid muscles and leg muscles. Auxiliary role is played by triceps, biceps, forearm, quadriceps, gluteal muscles, trapezius muscles, top part back, as well as the core muscles (lumbar muscles and abs).

Some muscles work more, some less, which, in particular, depends on the technique of the push, but, nevertheless, the push allows you to work out almost the entire body. It is especially important to work out the coordination of movements, their synchronism and sequence, so as not to get confused and not injure yourself.

Warm-up for the shoulders

Before performing the exercise, you should qualitatively stretch the muscles of the shoulder girdle to avoid injury. An example of a warm-up is shown in the following video.

Discharge standards and records

Pushing the kettlebell over a long cycle is a difficult competitive exercise. The following are discharge standards for men and women, as well as Russian records among men with a 32 kg kettlebell.


Weight category
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
48 - - - - - - 40 35 30
53 - - - - - - 48 42 36
58 - - - 55 45 35 55 48 40
63 59 44 35 60 49 39 61 51 42
68 72 56 45 65 54 43 66 56 46
73 76 62 48 70 58 46 71 61 51
73+ - - - - - - 74 64 54
78 - - - 74 62 50 - - -
85 82 69 55 79 66 54 - - -
85+ 88 75 58 90 75 60 - -


Push DC (number of kettlebell lifts in 10 minutes)

Weight category
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
63 59 44 35 60 49 39
63+ 72 56 45 65 54 43

Russian records. Men (long cycle) - kettlebell 32 kg.

Last name, first name



Year of establishment

Ryabkov Alexey

Tyumen region

Usoltsev Alexander

Tyumen region

Belyaev Ivan

Belgorod region

Chuev Pavel

Belgorod region

Vasiliev Denis

Saint Petersburg

Balabanov Sergey

Rostov region

Denisov Ivan

Chelyabinsk region

Alternative exercises

push press One of the most popular crossfit strength exercises. It is one of the basic weightlifting exercises that works out large groups muscles and also develops coordination and flexibility.

push press

.Army press is one of the best exercises for the entire shoulder body, and the kettlebell, like an unusual projectile, helps to develop coordination of movements.

Military press kettlebells with two hands

Clean and push. For this exercise, you will need a barbell. The exercise is complex and quite challenging. Through a squat, lift the bar off the floor. When the bar reaches your knees, quickly lift the bar to your chest. The bar rests on the front of the shoulders. Fully straighten up and as you exhale, squeeze the bar over your head.

Today we will get acquainted with one of the types kettlebell lifting, which has recently become no less popular than classical biathlon competitions.

What is long cycle push?

We are talking about a push in a long cycle, in other words, after each lift, the weights return to the chest, then to the hanging position on the hands, after which all phases of the push are repeated. The exercise is very laborious and requires a lot of energy. A very large amount of work falls on the muscles of the back. Therefore, in the preparatory period, it is necessary to pay attention to working with weights and without them, to work out the muscles of the back. For this it is good to use the following exercises: deadlift, inclinations, lifting weights on the chest.

Exercise "lifting weights on the chest" in the preparatory period should be given increased attention.

When lifting weights from a hanging position, you should carefully monitor the correct position of the back. When lowering the kettlebells, for the next swing, the back should be stretched like a string, you can’t hunch and let the kettlebells pull your hands far behind you, otherwise the inertia of the kettlebells will be lost and you will have to spend additional energy on dispersing them for the next rise to the chest.

The main phases of the exercise

Let us consider in more detail all the phases of lowering and lifting weights. When dropping weights from the chest, they seem to be repelled from the body and the more acceleration they manage to give when lowering, the easier it will be to lift them back if the above errors do not follow. When lowering, the body deviates slightly back, until the arms are fully extended and the elbow tendons are stretched, it is their elasticity that is used when lifting weights to the chest. After the tendons are fully stretched, the weights seem to fall into a dead center, after which the tendons begin to contract in the opposite direction, according to the principle of an elastic band with a load at the end, it is at this moment that they need to be helped by accelerating and continuing the movement started in the opposite direction, by straightening the legs and back. This movement ends with raising the shoulders and bending the arms at the elbows. If the weights are too heavy to lift, you can do a squat in the final phase, as when pushing out.

All movements must be brought to full automatism, so about 40% of the training time should be devoted to practicing this exercise.

We draw attention to the fact that, after lifting the weights to the chest, you do not have to tuck your hands into the arms of the weights. This must be done during the flight of kettlebells on the chest. The hand is tucked into the corner of the bow so that the bow itself passes through the center of the base of the palm. At first, this position is very painful, but otherwise it is impossible to relieve tension from the bracelet tendon. Subsequently, the athlete gets used to this position of the weights and understands what his advantage is.
After the rise to the chest is mastered, you can begin to train the entire exercise as a whole. We remind you that the weights are lowered after each push to the chest, then to the hang and again to the chest, after which the push is performed.

We propose the following principles of training:


  1. Warm-up - 15-20 minutes;
  2. The main part - pushing two kettlebells in a long cycle 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 times (rest between sets 2 - 5 minutes);


  1. Warm-up - 15-20 minutes;
  2. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 once;
  3. The final part is the passage through gymnastic equipment.


  1. Warm-up - 15-20 minutes;
  2. Main part: we push two weights along a long cycle: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 once;
  3. The final part is the passage through gymnastic equipment.

We start the new week according to the plan of the previous Wednesday. On Wednesday - according to the plan of Friday, on Friday we add one lift in each approach. At the end of the month we make a competitive estimate. And we start the new month with the plan of the second week of the previous month, increasing the load according to the above principle.

Perseverance and painstaking work will certainly affect the result shown.

The long cycle push can be divided into two parts: pushing the weights from the chest and lowering the weights to the hanging position, followed by a throw to the chest.

The first part is no different from the exercise of the same name, with the exception of the element “lowering weights on the chest”.

Here it will be appropriate to explain that there are three ways to perform a push of the spirit of weights in a long cycle.

First way. Lowering the weights to the hanging position, followed by a throw to the chest and a push of the weights from the chest are performed together, a pause for rest with holding the weights on the chest takes place only after lowering the weights to the chest. This method is not popular among athletes.

The second way. The push of the kettlebells from the chest and lowering the kettlebells to the hanging position with the subsequent throw to the chest are performed separately. A pause for rest with holding the weights on the chest takes place both after lowering the weights on the chest and after casting. Many well-known athletes (S. Kirillov, A. Melnik, A. Zhernakov) performed clean and jerk along the DC in this way.

Third way. The push of the weights from the chest and lowering the weights to the hanging position, followed by a throw to the chest, are performed together. A pause for rest with the weights held on the chest takes place only after the cast. Most of the records in the clean and jerk in the DC were set in the third way. You can also give a number of names of champions and record holders of Russia and the World of different years (E. Lopatin, S. Merkulin, M. Parshov, S. Leonov, S. Rachinsky, S. Khosey, E. Akhramenko, I. Denisov).

In the first and second methods, the lowering of the weights on the chest is carried out in the same way as when performing the classic push, that is, with the deviation of the body and all other actions designed for successful shock absorption and straightening of the legs, followed by stopping the weights on the chest.

In the third method, when lowering the kettlebells to the chest, there is no need to deflect the body and spend extra energy on straightening the legs with kettlebells on the chest, which makes it, in my opinion, the most economical. Therefore, I will give a description of the methodology for training the push of kettlebells in a long cycle with a pause for rest only after the throw.
Once again, we list the main elements of the jerk in the DC after fixation: lowering the weights to the chest, lowering the weights to the hanging position, swinging the weights back, swinging the weights forward, undermining and throwing the weights to the chest.

Lowering weights on the chest. The arms relax, as a result of which the weights, under the influence of gravity, fall down until they come into contact with the shoulders. In this case, it is not necessary that the body leans back, and the elbows stand on the iliac crests. Amortization of the fall of weights occurs due to bending of the legs, athletes of the lungs weight categories for this purpose, lifting on toes towards the weights is also used.

Lowering the kettlebells into a hanging position. As a result of hitting the shoulders, the weights continue to move forward and down. At this point, the body leans back. To better understand and work out this movement, you can stand facing the wall at a distance of about 30 cm, rest your bent arms against the wall so that your elbows are lowered down. In this position, try to straighten your arms without losing your balance, for which you will have to tilt your body back. This is how you need to “push off” from the weights after hitting your shoulders.

Dropping weights in the backswing with the next drop to the chest. ZMS Andrey Kravtsov.

To the level of the belt, kettlebells are accompanied by relaxed hands. Further carried out sticking temples. To avoid turning the arms in the palms, which, in turn, leads to abrasions and premature fatigue of the finger flexor muscles, it is necessary that at this moment the forearm of each hand, as well as the back of the hand and the center of gravity of the kettlebell, be on the same line. The forearms are turned in such a way that the thumbs point forward and upward. Correct position the sticking is developed by repeated repetition of a push along the DC or lowering into the hang, followed by a throw to the chest without a push with light weights, followed by a gradual increase in the weight of the shells, first with one, then with two hands.

Kettlebell swing back. After the grip, at the moment the forearms touch the abdomen, the body body under the action of gravity of the weights leans forward with a simultaneous slight bending of the legs, swings the weights back, simultaneously with the straightening of the legs. In this phase of the swing, there can be two scenarios.

The first is when, throughout the entire swing, the hands remain turned with the thumbs forward. Then, a little short of the back dead center, the forearms rest against the inner surfaces of the thighs, resulting in a slight overlap in the wrist joints, the legs remain slightly under-straightened. (S. Leonov, M. Parshov, A. Melnik, S. Rachinsky, D. Kostygov, E. Akhramenko, I. Denisov).

In the second variant, while tilting the body forward, the hands turn back with their thumbs. The weights reach the back dead center without overlap in the carpal joints, the forearms all the time touch the lower abdomen, the legs are fully extended (E. Lopatin, S. Kirillov, A. Kravtsov, A. Zhernakov, S. Merkulin).

The forward swing of the kettlebells begins after the kettlebells stop at the back dead center due to their pendulum movement, as well as the straightening of the legs and back.

In the first variant, until undermining, the hands remain deployed with the thumbs forward.

In the second, by the time of detonation, the thumbs are in the same plane, directed towards each other.

Kettlebell swings back and forth are practiced by pumping the weights from the extreme rear dead center to the moment of detonation, with a gradual increase in the weight of the shells.

Undermining- this is an action during which the kettlebells are given the acceleration necessary for free flight to the optimal height, due to the active straightening of the legs and back, as well as a sharp contraction of the upper part of the trapezius muscles and lifting on toes.

In the first option, “knocking” the hips into the forearms is added, due to which the work is done more with the legs than with the back, which allows you to partially remove the load from the spine.

In the second, the emphasis is on the pendulum movement of the kettlebells and back work.

Undermining is developed by repeated repetition of a push along the DC or lowering into the hang, followed by a throw to the chest without a push with light weights, followed by a gradual increase in the weight of the shells, first with one, then with two hands.

Throwing weights on the chest. After undermining, the arms are released from the load, bend in elbow joints, and then partially straighten towards the movement of the weights, carrying out the protrusion of the brushes. Then the weights are lowered onto the forearms and shoulders of bent arms with the simultaneous placement of the elbows on the iliac crests.
The main condition for successful casting is its optimal height. Once again, lowering the weights on the shoulders and placing the elbows on the iliac crests should occur SIMULTANEOUSLY.

The throw is developed by repeated repetition of lowering into the hang, followed by a throw to the chest without a push with light weights, followed by a gradual increase in the weight of the shells, first with one, then with two hands.

Breathing during the push along the DC is carried out continuously, without delays and pauses between inhalations and exhalations. One push cycle - 6 or more breath cycles:

The first (here it would be appropriate to describe not one, but one and a half cycles): exhalation - during the half-squat before pushing out before pushing out; inhale - during expulsion until the legs are fully extended and the maximum height of the rise to the toes; exhalation - from the beginning of going into a semi-squat until the beginning of fixation; second: inhale-exhale - during fixation; third: inhale-exhale - while lowering the weights on the chest; fourth: inhale - from the beginning of lowering into the hang until the weights are seized; exhale - from the grip of weights to the back "dead center"; fifth: inhale - while stopping the kettlebell in the back "dead center"; exhale - from the back "dead point" to the beginning of the explosion; sixth: inhalation - from the beginning of the explosion to the beginning of the milling; exhale - from the beginning of the millet to taking on the chest;

one or more breath cycles can be done while holding kettlebells on the chest.

Long Cycle Push Technique

The push of kettlebells on a long cycle arose as a kind of push of two kettlebells from the chest. In this exercise, after fixing the weights at the top, they lower to the hanging position and again rise to the chest for the next push up.

The records of Russia and the world in the long cycle clean and jerk, before the adoption of new Rules in 2005, are reflected in the 2004 WFGS Handbook by weight categories:

up to 60 kg - Evgeny Lopatin (Khabarovsk), 61 lifts;

up to 65 kg - Zhernakov Arseny (St. Petersburg), 68 lifts;

up to 70 kg - Sergey Merkulin (Yakutsk), 78 lifts;

up to 75 kg - Mikhail Parshov (St. Petersburg), 84 lifts;

up to 80 kg - Sergey Leonov (Chita), 87 lifts;

up to 90 kg - Khozey Sergey (St. Petersburg), 91 lifts;

over 90 kg - Ivan Denisov (Chelyabinsk), 104 lifts.

Records set on this moment, can be found on the VFGS website www.vfgs.ru.

The results in this exercise are lower than in the classic clean and jerk, since lowering the weights to the position of hanging and swinging after each lift takes a huge amount of energy from the athletes.

The multiple champion of Russia and the world MSMK A. Zhernakov was distinguished by a peculiar technique. He, performing a powerful undermining, when lifting weights to his chest, first touched the chest with weights, only then his elbows rested on the iliac crests. The record holders of Russia and the world E. Lopatin, S. Merkulin and many others, on the contrary, first setting their elbows, gently take weights on their chest.

There is no single way to perform this exercise. So, 27% of the participants of the 2004 World Championship held in Kazan, after fixing and lowering the weights on the chest, immediately dropped them into the hang and only after swinging and lifting on the chest did they pause in the initial position before the next push-out (ZMS E. Lopatin, MSMK S Merkulin and others). The rest of the participants paused both after lowering the weights on the chest and before the next push-out (MSMK A. Zhernakov, MSMK A. Melnik, etc.).

Since lifting the weights from the chest and lowering the weights to the chest are similar to the movements when performing a classic clean and jerk, then only dropping the weights into the hang and lifting them to the chest after the swing will be considered (see Appendix, Fig. 6 a, b).

Hand movements

Hand movements are the main ones when lowering the weights to the hang and the next swing and lifting them to the chest. They are subject to leg movements, tilt and straightening of the torso. The arms are the link between the weights and the body.

Weights at the beginning of the release, moving along an arc forward and down, lose their support and go into free fall. At this time, the brushes intercept the arms of the weights from the grip from below to the grip from above. Elbows, having lost support, do not spread apart, but are located next to the body. After intercepting the arms, the arms straighten out under the action of the gravity of the weights, “turning into straps” (Rudnev S.L., 2004). When undermining the weights up, the arms are also straightened. They flex only in the chest up phase, during which the temples are intercepted from an overhand grip to an underhand grip. Then the hands are pressed to the chest and the weights again find support on the forearms.

Leg movements

Legs make symmetrical movements. They perform a shock-absorbing and coordinating role when lowering weights in the backswing. During a pull-up, leg extension is the main movement that creates the force to lift the kettlebells up to chest level. After lifting weights to the chest, a slight depreciation bending of the legs in the knee and ankle joints follows.

Trunk movements

The torso, when lowering the weights in the backswing, during the undermining and vskidka on the chest, performs a balancing and coordinating role. When resetting, when the weights move forward and down, the torso leans back. When the kettlebells pass the vertical in the hang, the torso leans forward a little, the arms and torso “stick” to each other. The further movement of the kettlebells in the backswing along the arc back to the stop at the “dead” point causes a balancing tilt of the torso forward. Thus, the BCT projection of the “kettlebell-athlete” system is always located in the support area.


Breathing is coordinated with the movements of the arms and torso. The most common way to breathe is two inhalations and two exhalations in a complete cycle of the "reset - throw" movement. Inhalation occurs at the beginning of the reset, exhalation ends at the end of the swing of the kettlebells back. At the beginning of the movement of the weights forward and during the undermining, an inhalation takes place, and at the end of lifting the weights to the chest, an exhalation occurs.

However, for high-class masters, when dropping and lifting weights to the chest, three cycles of breathing are noted. During the reset, the chest is freed from the pressure of the gravity of the weights. Here the athlete takes a breath until the moment of interception of the arms of the weights. After their capture from above, the arms and the entire shoulder girdle are under load due to the action of centrifugal forces. The tension of the muscles of the shoulder girdle fixes the chest, therefore, in this phase, the athlete exhales until the swing of the kettlebells back is completed. At the beginning of the movement of the weights forward, the chest does not experience strong pressure and inhalation begins, which ends with exhalation, when the kettlebells pass the bottom point, before detonation. Undermining the weights up is accompanied by a breath. During the flight of the weights upward, the inhalation ends at the moment the arches are intercepted from the grip from above to the grip from below. During depreciation, flexion of the torso in thoracic region spine causes exhalation.

Coordination of movements

The key position in the general coordination of movements is the moment of lifting the weights up after they pass the vertical, as well as the continuity and rhythm of the respiratory cycles.

Unskilled athletes, in a hurry to finish the cycle, start braking and pulling the kettlebells when they are still moving backward or are in a “dead” point, without waiting for the kettlebells themselves, like a pendulum, to come to the vertical. In this case, the rhythm of movements and breathing is disturbed.

When lifting weights upwards, the lifting force developed by the legs is applied to the weights through the body and straight arms. Having received required amount movements, weights by inertia rise to chest level, where they are picked up by arms bent at the elbows (see appendix, fig. 10).

Snatch exercise

The jerk exercise differs from other kettlebell lifting exercises in the high dynamics of asymmetric movements of the arms and legs (see Appendix, Fig. 5 a, b).

A snatch performed with one kettlebell, due to its dynamics and amplitude, stretches the spine and gives a smooth muscle load. This exercise is an excellent tool for strengthening the muscles of the back, developing flexibility, developing correct posture and prevention of curvature of the spine (Rasskazov B.C., 2004).

According to the technique of execution, a jerk is the most difficult exercise kettlebell biathlon. The strength and body weight of an athlete when performing a snatch are of great, but not decisive importance (Vorotyntsev A.I., 2002).

Prior to the introduction of the new Rules in 2005, the result in this exercise was defined as twice the number of lifts with a "weak" hand.

Russian records in the snatch, registered in the 2004 Directory:

up to 60 kg - Andrey Popov (Biysk), 74 lifts;

up to 65 kg - Alexander Melnik (St. Petersburg), 71 lifts;

up to 70 kg - Alexander Nesterenkov (Smolensk), 91 lifts;

up to 75 kg - Nikolai Sobolev (Rybinsk), 97 lifts;

up to 80 kg - Gomonov Vladimir (Bryansk), 99 lifts;

up to 90 kg - Salakhiev Fanis (Tatarstan), 104 lifts;

over 90 kg - Salakhiev Fanis (Tatarstan), 109 lifts.

Since 2005, according to the new WFGS rules, the result in the snatch is counted as half the sum of the lifts of both hands. The current records can be found on the VFGS website www.vfgs.ru.

We have discovered two characteristic methods of undermining. The most common way is to undermine the kettlebell by actively extending the leg of the same name, including the extension of the foot, with the body turning in the same direction. When performing the exercise in the second way, the undermining is carried out due to the synchronous extension of the legs with only a slight turn of the torso in the same direction. In the first method, the lowering of the weight in the backswing occurs along a steeper trajectory than during the ascent (see Appendix, Fig. 11). In the second method, the trajectory of lowering the weight on the lower half of the path repeats the trajectory during the swing and undermining (see Appendix, Fig. 12).

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Stavropol Military Institute of Communications

USSR Master of Sports in kettlebell lifting

Colonel Apanasenko Igor Borisovich


In the modern sports world increased requirements for the level motor functions organism. To address these issues, new training methods are being developed in order to expand the boundaries of human capabilities. When preparing athletes for competitions, the actual problem of determining their individual pre-start physical condition. However, it is often not recommended to make control estimates, since excessive consumption of nervous and muscle energy can lead to an inevitable decline. physical form athlete, disruption of the course of the planned training process. By processing normative, statistical and experimental data, the author has developed a methodology that allows to determine with great accuracy the predicted results of athletes in weight categories 80, 90 and over 90 kg in the jerk of two kettlebells with two hands in a long cycle. The data tested in practice prove that the ratio of weights weighing 24 and 32 kg is proportional enough to put them in a graphical dependence. This allows you to determine with great certainty the level of physical fitness of an athlete during scheduled training sessions and, if necessary, quickly make changes to the volume and intensity of the load. When preparing for competitions, weights of 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32 kg are mainly used. In order to determine the result of a kettlebell lift, it is not necessary to make an estimate on maximum scales. To do this, it is enough to time the training time (it is equal to 10 minutes) with any weight of kettlebells with which the training is going on.For example, an athlete performed an exercise pushing two weights weighing 28 kg 90 times. We determine it according to the schedule sportswear with kettlebells 32 kg - 60 lifts (Fig. 1).

In a similar way, you can predict the results and above the initial level. To do this, you need to find a control point on the graph that corresponds to the expected result. So, to achieve the goal of 75 lifts with 32 kg kettlebells, passing the control points corresponds to: 24 kg kettlebells - 150 lifts, 26 kg kettlebells - 131 lifts, 28 kg kettlebells - 112 lifts. When preparing for a competition, using this schedule training load you can achieve maximum results. Moreover, this technique accurately determines the boundary of equality of strength and endurance, and the deviation from the proportion suggests where it is necessary to make a correction in insufficient preparation for development. physical qualities- strength and endurance.

In the same way, using this forecasting method, it is possible to build a graphical relationship for 24 and 32 kg kettlebells in the training of youths and juniors. It should be noted that the qualification of the athlete must be at a sufficient level, capable of ensuring the performance of the exercise in the time allotted by the regulations. Moreover, the most reliable predicted results are within the boundaries of the optimal balance of 28 kg for kettlebells weighing 32 kg and 20 kg for kettlebells weighing 24 kg. On the basis of the above forecast system, it is proposed to consider the ratio of the standards of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd category in the push of two kettlebells with two hands in a long cycle and determine the graphical dependence of the forecasting results.

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