Split pull push. Exercises

The three-day mass split is the most popular split option. muscle groups on different days. Maybe you noticed that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday there are unusually many people in the gym? If you are just starting out with your bodybuilding, then your best bet is to train your whole body in 1 workout. Further, according to the growth of your capabilities, you need to switch to two day split, and in a couple of months for a three-day one. Let's take a look at one of the best 3 day mass split workouts.

We divide muscle groups according to the principle “push-pull”:

  • Pull - back, biceps.
  • Push - chest, triceps, deltas.

On the third day, we will separately put the muscles of the legs:

  • hamstrings;
  • quadriceps;
  • caviar.

We pump the press 1-2 times a week, on any day. As with other training programs, in a three-day mass split it is better to distribute the load evenly on shoulder joint(the most traumatic, due to its large range of motion). Professional athletes have a rule - to train different bundles of deltas on different days.

An example of our training program will be like this:

  • Day 1 - back, biceps, posterior deltoids;
  • Day 2 - pectorals, triceps, anterior bundle of deltas;
  • Day 3 - quads, hamstrings, calves, middle deltoids.

3 day mass gain split

Day 1 (chest, triceps, front delts):

If someone thinks that the front bundle of deltas is poorly worked out when pressing, then you can add swings with dumbbells in front of you (2 X 8-12).

Day 2 (back, biceps, rear delts):

Day 3 (legs + middle bunch of deltas):

As you can see, this training program makes it possible to train different muscle groups on different days, which makes it possible to recover well. Also, we distributed the load on the shoulder joint, thereby reducing the likelihood of injury. Before heavy basic exercises, you need to do a good warm-up and a couple of approaches with a small weight. Try to train for no more than an hour if you are not using steroids. A three-day weight split is only suitable for athletes with experience (more than a year of training). For beginners, it is best to use easier schemes (

Before we move on to learning the basic split system training schemes, I recommend that you decide how many times a week and on what days you will visit Gym. And after that, you can look at split workouts under a microscope and try them on for your training regimen.

The basic principles of split training have been formulated since the dawn of bodybuilding. However, today many beginners work out, or at least think that they work out all muscle groups in one workout, and so three times a week - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This strategy is justified once you learn the exercises and reach the basic level of functional readiness, but it only puts a spoke in your wheels if the goal is to set muscle mass. Why is that?

I'll explain now. You become more experienced, and your body gets used to the standard loads. To effectively work out one muscle group, you have to progressively increase the load, and training on the principle of "all inclusive" falls on your shoulders with an unbearable burden. In other words, it is no longer possible for you to work out all muscle groups efficiently and effectively and complete a sufficient number of approaches in one lesson. No matter how hard you try, but at the end of the training session, there is simply no fuel left in your tanks.

And it is at this point that split training comes to the rescue. However, if you make a mistake with the choice of the program, you will have the feeling that the system is too complicated, ineffective and not suitable for your rhythm of life. Moreover, on initial stage it may seem that one has to neglect the postulates of the right for the sake of some newfangled six-day complex published in a glossy magazine. So, now I will tell you how to avoid such mistakes!

Information for thought

1. What about the schedule?

Before we move on to the study of standard split-system training schemes (and there are many of them), I recommend deciding how many times a week and on what days you will visit the gym. This is what will be the deciding factor when choosing a program, especially if, like me, you work 12-hour days, have a lot of obligations and a tiny window of free time.

Agree, in such a situation it is difficult to train more than two or three times a week. However, if you are young and you have a wagon and a small cart to spare, train at least every day. That is why I recommend choosing a split system, first of all, based on your life circumstances.

2. Is there time for recovery?

Do not forget about rest and recovery, be sure to include these items in your training program. Remember, we do not grow in training, but in the pauses between them, so never neglect the recovery period and do not shorten its duration.

Read the previous paragraph 5 times. You can even read it 10 times, it won't hurt. I've been in bodybuilding for 25 years now, and I constantly meet people who have not realized the full importance of the recovery phase.

3. Are you sure you recovered?

The schedule of training sessions depends on how the internal resources of the body are replenished, because different muscle groups recover in different ways. By going to the gym two or three days in a row, you may give certain muscle groups a well-deserved rest, however, the body is still heavily taxed, which makes a huge hole in the recovery budget.

How do you know if you've fully recovered from a previous workout? I offer two options:

  1. If the muscles are still sore, and it's time to load this target group again, then you have not had time to recover.
  2. If you feel overwhelmed and tired in the morning of a training day, and the day before you did not make any drastic changes in your training process, which means that the stage of overtraining has come, and your body chronically does not have enough time to rest.

4. What factors influence recovery processes?

Recovery is difficult process, which depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and other factors, namely:

  • Age
  • Heredity
  • The use of sports pharmacology
  • Features of the diet
  • Professional activity
  • Training Intensity
  • Total number of approaches

Each of these factors affects the rate of recovery, so you should learn to adjust the training program to your rhythm of life and body characteristics.

Frankly, if weightlifters would pay more attention to these simple things, namely train until a sweat, but with a reasonable number of sets, and pay more attention to their nutrition, their level of progress would skyrocket!

The main types of split workouts

After a lengthy introduction, we move on to the training. Since the number of split workout options tends to infinity, we will study only the basic types of splits.

1. Two day split

Basic concept: top-bottom. We divide the body in half, on the first day we work out the legs, on the second - arms, back and chest.

My opinion: far from the most successful split, although very common. Its main drawback is that on the first day we train only the legs, but on the second day we will work with the pectoral muscles, biceps, deltas, back muscles and triceps.

And don't forget the trapezium, forearms, and abs! Now tell me, can you perform this endless series of exercises with the maximum impact that is so necessary for muscle growth? You can't! Of course, if you do not first adjust the program in such a way as to reduce the number of target groups and approaches on the second day. Then you will definitely achieve the desired effect!

For example:

  • The first day: legs, back, biceps, forearm and abs
  • Second day: breast, deltoid muscles, triceps, press.

Such a program usually revolves around basic exercises. Most often, it is designed for a 4-day period: Monday or Tuesday is set aside for the first block of exercises, Thursday or Friday for the second, and you have three days left in your pocket to recover. Another advantage of such a split is that you can change the “arrangement” of rest days within the cycle as you wish. Those who have been following my publications for a long time know that I am not an ardent supporter of the 7-day training week. If necessary, I switch to 8 and even 9-day training periods.

I draw your attention to the fact that in this split, each exercise is performed only once a week, and many consider this a real find for hardgainers, because the muscles get enough time to recover. I also recommend limiting the number of approaches and not loading the arm muscles with isolating exercises - exclude them from the complex above, and you will feel how much this split will be simplified. Or reduce the total number of approaches for biceps and triceps and concentrate on working with large muscle groups (back, chest).

2. Three day split

Basic concept: push-pull

  • The first day: legs, press
  • Second day: pectoral muscles, deltoid, triceps, abs
  • Day three: back, biceps, forearm, abs.

Another common split training, which has a number of undeniable advantages.

  • The first day: We pay maximum attention to the legs, which is quite justified. If you squat (and you should squat) according to all the rules, the load on the body is enormous, and you will be exhausted by this exercise.
  • Second day: dedicated to the "pushing" muscles. This makes sense, since both triceps and delts are involved in basic exercises for the muscles of the chest, and triceps are connected to all movements aimed at training the deltoid muscles.
  • Day three: Dedicated to "pulling" muscles. And this approach is quite justified, since biceps, and the muscles of the forearm are indirectly involved in exercises for the muscles of the back.

Some athletes do this split twice in one week (3 days of training / day of rest), although for most of us one cycle is enough for 7-9 days. You can use the rotation principle and visit the gym strictly once every three days, or you can train on certain days of the week - for example, on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. But even in this case, you run the risk of being in a difficult position when fatigue prevents you from loading the triceps, biceps, deltas, or muscles of the forearm.

3. Four day split

Basic concept: further separation of muscle groups according to the push-pull principle.

  • The first day: legs, press
  • Second day: chest, triceps, abs
  • Day three: back, biceps, forearm
  • Day four: deltoids, abs

We combine large muscle groups with small ones or limit ourselves to working with one muscle mass. Thanks to this approach, you can give the muscles a very intense load. Professionals repeat this cycle every five days (one day of rest for a 5-day cycle), but I advise you to distribute rest days arbitrarily, focusing primarily on the characteristics of your body. In case you haven't guessed yet, I highly recommend including as many rest days as possible in this split!

4. One workout - one muscle group

Rest days can be arranged as you like, although many consider this split training as an “every day program” and visit the gym for 6-7 days in a row. Muscles can be divided into groups arbitrarily, you can even use additional division within large muscle groups: upper and lower sections latissimus dorsi, anterior, middle and posterior deltoid bundle and so on.

I note that this is not the most popular split, but it is perfect for preparing for competitions and / or for those who have more than enough free time.

5. Six day split

This program was used by Arnold, who went through three day split and allowed himself only one day of rest.

6. Double split

And Arnold switched to this split before the competition: training twice a day, six days a week.

7. Triple split

Perhaps the most difficult program to prepare for a competition is that we train three times a day. We work out large masses, such as legs, in the morning, cardio in the afternoon, and in the evening we leave small muscle groups (abs) and polish the posing.


As you can see, the choice is really great: some complexes are suitable only for those who have a lot of free time, but a three-day push-pull split will satisfy the needs of the majority. Personally, I prefer this particular program, although I'm used to the four-day system (above in the text) with a separate workout for the deltoid muscles.

For one cycle, I allocated 8-9 days to leave the body time to recover. Also, this approach made it possible to pay attention to lagging muscle groups and achieve truly harmonious development. True, now I no longer use this split, because my schedule has changed a lot and the program does not fit it.

Most importantly, remember: any split, any training program should leave time for a full recovery. Train as hard as you can, but limit your total number of sets and remember to eat right. And then you will definitely succeed.

If the first month of our muscle building training program was devoted to working on increasing muscle strength, then the second month (5-8 weeks) will be devoted to the hypertrophy cycle - training to increase muscle size and mass.

In turn, the basis of the training program for hypertrophy will be the classic bodybuilding split with a division into two different workout, which will allow you to train a muscle group twice a week, thus accelerating its growth processes.

What is a split?

Split (from English. split- divide into parts) refers to the method of dividing the training program into parts, each of which is performed on a separate day. The most common is a triple split (Mon: chest, Wed: back, Fri: legs) or double (upper and lower body).

The main advantage of such training is that the muscle group gets more time to recover (in a triple split, it is worked out only once a week), and with sufficient nutrition, this leads to faster muscle growth.

Why these particular workouts?

In a situation where you use serious working weights, it is quite difficult to complete a full body workout in the allotted 45-60 minutes. It is in this case that a split with separation is required, and not the study of the main large muscles in one session.

It's important to note that in most of the past FitSeven materials did not recommend split training with the division of muscle groups on different days, solely with the caveat that this approach does not work for beginners. On professionals, the split works quite well.

2 day split

In the material, we mentioned that for the consciousness of a harmoniously developed and symmetrical body, it is important to pay equal attention to the development of the posterior and anterior biomechanical chains of the muscles. Skews are fraught with violations of the figure.

In this week's training program, we will use this approach, dividing the workouts into a press workout (“pull”) and a push workout (“push”). Each of them uses its own type of movement, thus optimizing the final result.

Training program: 5 week

The total number of working approaches should not exceed 20-22, the total training time should not exceed one hour. Remember to do a general warm-up before your workout and one or two warm-up sets on each exercise before working.

Press Workout ("Pull") - Mon, Thu

  • - 3 x 8-10
  • - 3 x 8-10
  • Deadlift on straight legs - 3 x 8-10
  • Lying leg curls in the simulator - 3 x 8-10
  • Lifting the biceps in the simulator - 3 x 8-10

Push Workout - Tue, Fri

  • - 3 x 8-10
  • Leg press in the simulator - 3 x 8-10
  • - 3 x 8-10
  • Dumbbell bench press incline bench- 3 x 8-10
  • - 3x8-10
  • thrust vertical block for triceps - 2x10-12

How many times a week?

The ideal would be to do four workouts per week (each workout is done twice). At the same time, in the first half of the week, training is performed with a large weight and a low number of repetitions, in the second - with a smaller weight and high repetitions.

This approach both creates a stimulus and stress for muscle hypertrophy, and does not overload the central nervous system giving her more time to recover. This is especially true for those who have never trained on such sleep programs before.

Press workouts

Remember that the muscles of the abdomen and core are involved during other exercises, such as squats, bench presses, barbell rows, and so on. If you don't feel like your abs are working in squats, then you're squatting incorrectly.

Among other things, work on the press is energy-consuming - its implementation can adversely affect the recovery and growth of other muscles. Based on these two factors, we do not recommend training the abs separately during the muscle gain cycle.


The second month of our muscle mass training program is based on the double split method - dividing muscle groups according to the push / pull principle and working each of these groups twice a week.

Human muscles are designed to move his skeleton in space. And move objects relative to the skeleton. This is the same for all people. The only question is how we can do it: how hard, fast and powerful, with what amplitude and for how long. And any training is aimed at developing these qualities. Read more about this in, and here we will move on to the more practical part - the selection right exercises for optimal development of our body.

But first, I will nevertheless briefly run through the main theses on which we will rely.

Our body was originally created by nature and evolution not to be external. On the contrary. It takes shape depending on our lifestyle. That is, as far as we CAN, as much as we look. This is the most natural way to be beautiful - to become healthy first. Because beauty is just an indicator of health (there is one on this topic).

In order to become healthy and develop effectively in a functional direction (and, as we found out, this will also change us outwardly in better side), we need to move in a certain way. In other words, apply yourself as intended. And in practical terms, this means training the basic movements for which our body was originally created.

And there are actually only three types of such movement. This pushing movements: when we push something away from ourselves or push it away from us (press). - this is when we attract something to ourselves or ourselves to something. And, roughly speaking, kicking. That is, when we push something away with our feet. Or yourself from the ground.

It turns out that the systems of the body are designed in such a way as to push, pull and kick. And, no matter how you look at it, all physical labor, struggle (hunting), gathering - everything is based on these movements. That is why they are called basic. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

Pushing movements

Hitting, throwing stones, spears and other objects - all this belongs to the "push" category. And, of course, there are directly pushes. From pushing the enemy to pushing the cart out of the mud.

In pushing movements, as the main muscles involved pectoral, anterior and middle deltoids (shoulders) and triceps. This does not mean that others do not work. It's just that the main load falls on these muscles.

As the main exercises for the development of pushing functions, we use push-ups and push-ups(horizontal, vertical, oblique). For home workouts, push-ups are definitely the king of pushing exercises.

Picking up objects, throwing the enemy (pull, lift off the ground, and release), climbing up (rock climbing, rope climbing, trees, etc.) and crawling on the ground, In general, everything that brings us closer to the subject or the subject to us with the help of hands - this is the category of “pull”.

When we pull, first of all, everyone works for us back muscles, biceps, trapezius and back of the deltoid muscles.

The main exercises for developing attraction skills are pull-ups and pulls(blocks, bars, dumbbells in different planes). Pull-ups are recognized as the most useful and natural exercise in this sense. It is difficult to argue with this, but for home athletes this fact is very beneficial - the horizontal bar is more accessible than the block simulator.

In fact, kicking movements are all movements with the legs. Jumps, squats, lunges, kicks. Even running and walking have a pushing character using the legs.

In kicking movements, all the muscles of the lower body receive the main load, including lower part back. But the main burden is on buttocks and thighs.

The undisputed leader in training the lower body are squats. Moreover, most athletes and physiologists agree that squats are the most effective exercise all times and peoples. And this fact has a lot scientific evidence. This exercise involves the maximum number of muscle fibers(the muscles of the legs and buttocks are the largest part of all the muscles on the human body). In addition to squats, the main exercises for training legs include various kinds. lunges, steps and jumps.

By by and large, all human movements can be attributed to these three groups. Another thing is that all sorts of biceps curls or leg extensions are only a separate part of a complete movement. Or trying to load individual muscle more than others.

This kind of activity is most often unnatural for a person. It is difficult to imagine a situation, for example, in which a person will move an object through the side up or lift something from the ground with his foot, bending it. In bodybuilding, such exercises are conditionally called "isolated". At the same time, many professional trainers call into question the benefits of such exercises for natural (without the use of “chemistry”) training.

The fact is that the more natural the movement, the more often it occurs in Everyday life(well, let a caveman, not a modern user), so it is more useful for a person. Moreover, natural loads cause the body to develop the most harmoniously. That is, proportionally, aesthetically, without any excesses.

Therefore, it is recommended to focus on these three basic movements(for us it is push-ups, pull-ups and squats). And not on some separate exercises for the priests, hips, arms, shoulders or abdomen. Because "base" is the fastest, most useful and effective method to make beautiful those very separate parts of the body.

What else is here important point. The point is not only that basic exercises have a better effect on target muscles. They affect the entire body in a complex way. Including, the production of hormones, protein synthesis. That is, on metabolism, metabolism in general. Practically, this means that squats (pull-ups or push-ups) are much more effective for creating flat stomach than twisting on the press.

Moreover, basic movements are energy-consuming. And, therefore, it is much more effective not only for building muscle, but also for burning fat. And it was not in vain that he cited them as a practical example in.

So whatever your goal is, focus on getting better at the basics—push, pull, and kick. And, to be specific, then push-ups, pull-ups and squats. Do not spray on any nonsense like swings, wirings and rotations. Do not look for any separate exercises for the butt or stomach. And, moreover, do not buy and do not use any dubious simulators. Push up, pull up and squat. And you will be happy and result.

It should be said right away that the technique described today is designed for athletes who have a training experience of at least one and a half years. If this program is used by novice athletes, then its effectiveness will be extremely low. You must first prepare your body for maximum loads in the minimum number of approaches.

This program easily fits into the lifestyle of any person. You can use it even at home, which will save a lot of time. It is very important that the positive phase of each movement is performed as quickly as possible, but at the same time in full accordance with the technique. The negative phase is performed at a slow pace.

During the week, you should not train for more than four days. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the training will decrease. Simple and effective program bodybuilders in the style of "push-pull" implies a cyclical scheme. You have to complete four cycles, consisting of four workouts in each. After that, it is necessary to give the body a rest for 7 to 10 days. After that, you can continue training and, if necessary, make certain adjustments to them without changing the main scheme.

Training of each of the muscle groups is carried out once for eight days. This will allow you to strike a balance between optimal loads and the rest time necessary for the body to recover. If for some reason you manage to hold the next lesson not on the fifth, but on the fourth day, then postpone the next workout on the third day. It is important that four sessions (one cycle) be held within 16 days. In other words, you need to train once every four days.

If you stick to the pace mentioned above, the exercises are performed technically competently and make every effort in each session, then the results will not be long in coming.

If for some reason you have not trained for a long time, then a simple and effective bodybuilding program in the push-pull style will be very useful for you. You can safely increase working weights by 2-3 kilograms at each lesson.

You may have noticed that there are no squats in the program. Also deadlift replaced by Romanian draft. Due to the absence of these exercises, which require high energy costs, this technique is not able to greatly tire your body.

It is also important to remember about proper nutrition and sleep. Without these factors, you will not be able to achieve good results. It is very good if you start keeping a diary of your activities.

If your body is exhausted from previous loads, and you are close to a state of stagnation or have already found yourself in it, then it is better to give the body a couple of weeks of rest. It is difficult to give exact recommendations in this matter and you should focus on the state of your body.

This program is designed to gain muscle mass, and for this reason, when doing the bench press, you should not use the powerlifter style. So you can significantly accelerate the set of muscle mass.

When working on the biceps, it is best to use an EZ bar. Of course, you can use a regular bar, but it is much more difficult to control when working with weights that make up more than 75 percent of your body weight.

By doing french press in the prone position, use such a working weight that you can do 8 to 12 repetitions. This will protect elbow joints from possible injury. If they experience pain during this exercise, then replace it with a bench press. upper block. You should not use push-ups on the uneven bars instead of the French press. You should work out the triceps well, and not overload the shoulder girdle.

Exercises for the development of the press can be performed at any time. To do this, it will be enough to perform one approach of twisting and lifting the legs in the hang. If you use a bar with a diameter of five centimeters when lifting your legs, then the grip will also be trained at the same time.

Also on the fourth day, you can add hyperextensions for the lower back. This is especially true when this muscle group is lagging behind in its development. In addition, the Romanian deadlift will be performed for a sufficiently long period of time and strengthening the lower back will not be superfluous.

If you are experiencing spinal problems and are contraindicated in the vertical direction using free weights, then the simple and effective push-pull bodybuilder program will undergo minor changes, but the scheme will remain the same.

You can safely replace, say, a bench press in a standing position with a bench press supported by the back of a bench set almost vertically. In the same way, you can replace the bending of the arms with an overhand dumbbell “hammer”. There are always options and there are a lot of them.

For back problems, it is advisable to replace the Romanian traction with a leg press. In this case, too, there are a lot of options. A simple and effective push-pull bodybuilding program is a split system in which one session is devoted to the muscles that perform the pulling function or, more simply, the flexors, and the second to the extensors.

Learn more about the program in this video.