Push-ups from the floor with different grips. What is the best way to do push-ups

It can be seen less and less. The complexes contain more exercise with free weights and on simulators. But push-ups from the floor with all sorts of options have not yet been forgotten. The advantage of this exercise is that push-up variations allow you to train muscles from scratch, or diversify the program with a new and effective technique.

What muscles work during push-ups?

First of all, push-ups are aimed at the development of large pectoral muscles, including its clavicular part. They also work on the triceps of the shoulder, the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle and the ulnar muscle.

In addition to the muscles that receive a dynamic load, push-ups also include other muscles that stabilize the line of the spine in a straight position in static. For example, the abdominal muscles (straight, transverse, oblique), lumbar extensors and, to some extent, the glutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of push-ups

  • Multi-joint exercise , which allows you to work with several muscle groups without additional burden, With own weight.
  • Exercise can be done anywhere- hall or at home, does not require much time and space.
  • There are practically no contraindications to the exercise and it can be done at any age. Only with spinal problems is it necessary to control the arch of the lower back and keep the back straight so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You can do push-ups at any level. physical training , from beginner to experienced athlete, depending on the type of exercise chosen.


  • The exercise is not suitable for, because its complexity will not allow you to get the proper load with a small number of repetitions, with the exception of the weighted push-up option.
  • At first, not everyone can do push-ups with their own weight from the floor; for this, it is necessary to prepare the body and strengthen the muscles with preparatory exercises.

How to breathe properly when pushing up from the floor

Whatever version of push-ups is performed, exhale while pushing your own weight to the top point. Thus, the effort (extension of the elbows) is always done on the exhale, and the relaxation (flexion of the elbows) on the inhale.

Warm-up before push-ups

Any exercise requires a good warm-up to prevent injury. Warm up for 7-10 minutes on or, you can also perform. After warming up, do a few rotational movements carpal, elbow and shoulder joints. Stretch the muscles of the chest, triceps and proceed to the exercise.

Types of push-ups: how to do push-ups from the floor

There are several types of push-ups of varying degrees of difficulty, each of which can be performed at different stages of training. Follow proper push up technique.

1. Classic Wide Grip Chest Pushups

The most popular version of push-ups, which develops the muscles of the chest in width, its outer part.

  1. Place your arms wide apart, place your hands parallel to each other.
  2. Place your feet on the width of the pelvis.
  3. Get into a plank position by tightening your abdominal muscles while keeping your lower back straight in relation to your entire torso.
  4. Bend your elbows and lower your chest as close to the floor as possible. Elbows "look" to the sides.
  5. Extend your elbows fully at the top.

2. Narrow stance push-ups (grasshopper)

The closer the setting of the palms, the more it works inner part pectoral muscles, muscles closer to the center work more. Narrow stance provides a lot of tension in the triceps and is one of them. the best options his elaborations.

  1. Place your palms under your shoulder joints, hands parallel to each other.
  2. Get into a plank position, draw in your stomach, and continue to breathe continuously.
  3. Lower your torso to the floor without bending your knees, hold your elbows as close to your torso as possible.
  4. Push up, fully straighten your elbows at the top, without arching your lower back.

3. Diamond push-ups

The exercise is so named due to the setting of the palms in the shape of a diamond, and it is also called diamond push-ups. (from English Diamond Push up), or diamond push-ups. With the help of a narrow setting of the hands, with diamond push-ups, the triceps work to a greater extent, and the chest and deltas to a lesser extent.

  1. Place your palms close together with your fingers turned inward, forming a cone or diamond.
  2. Connect your thumbs, palms should be under chest.
  3. Feet hip-width apart, stand in a plank position and keep your spine straight.
  4. Get down in bottom point, bending the elbows without moving them away from the body.
  5. Return to the starting position by fully extending your arms.

4. Snake push-ups

  1. Lower your torso to the floor, bending your elbows.
  2. On subsequent push-ups, roll from hand to hand.
  3. Do an equal number of rolls to the right and left.

5. Finger push-ups

This type of technique requires a strong grip, fingers. It is better to start mastering finger push-ups after mastering the classic version.

  1. Place your hands wide, without touching the floor with your palms, focusing on the phalanges of your fingers, placing them wide apart.
  2. Lower the body until the angle at the elbows reaches a right angle.
  3. Fully straighten your arms at the top.

6. Push-ups on fists

  1. Take an emphasis lying down, keeping your back straight.
  2. Place your hands wide apart on your fists, placing your hands in a straight line, perpendicular to your torso.
  3. Lower the body, forming a right angle at the elbows.
  4. While pushing up, exhale and straighten up.

7. Knee push-ups

This type of exercise can be performed with different palm positions. This is an easy version of the exercise. for the case if it is still difficult to keep the emphasis lying down.

  1. Place your knees together on the floor, forming a straight line from your knees to the top of your head.
  2. Lower your chest as low as possible to the floor.
  3. At the top, fully straighten your elbows without lifting your knees off the floor.

8. Military push-ups

  1. Place your feet together, palms slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Raise your pelvis to form a 90 degree angle.
  3. Lower your nose as low as possible to the floor.
  4. Straighten your elbows, keeping a right angle.

9. Plyometric push-ups with cotton

  1. Take an emphasis lying down, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Lower your chest to the floor, explosively push your torso up so that your arms come off the floor.
  3. When the palms come off, clap and return the palms to the floor at the sides.
  4. Repeat push-ups, pushing off the floor as hard as possible.

10. Push-ups with a coaster

  1. Take an emphasis lying down, move your feet one step forward, rolling the body over the hands.
  2. Push up and take another step forward.
  3. After doing 3-4 push-ups and push-ups, take the steps back, after each step, do push-ups, and so on.

11. Push-ups with weights

  1. Take an emphasis lying down, accepting any setting of the palms.
  2. Ask an assistant or trainer to place a plate of the required weight on your back.
  3. Follow the same exercise technique as with your own weight.
  4. After completing, ask to remove the burden from the back.

12. Superman Pushups

  1. Take a prone position like a push-up with claps, use explosive force.
  2. Lower the body lower to the floor and with great force push the body so that the hands and feet come off the floor.
  3. At this point, extend both arms in front of you as if you were flying.
  4. Return your palms and feet to the floor, repeat the push-up.

13. Spartan push-ups

  1. Get into a plank, put one brush further away from you forward, and the second closer to the belt.
  2. Lower your torso to the floor, when pushing up, force yourself to push off the floor and change places in the air with your hands.
  3. Repeat the desired number of push-ups, changing hands.

14. T-push-ups with dumbbells

  1. Take dumbbells as push-ups.
  2. Place your feet hip-width apart and your palms slightly wider than your shoulders.
  3. Lower your chest to the floor, to the level of the dumbbells, push up and turn your body to the right, raising your right hand with the dumbbell up (to the side bar).
  4. Lower your hand to the floor, push up and do the same movement on your left hand.

15. Push-ups with hands on a hill

This technique develops lower part chest.

  1. Place your palms on a bench or platform in a wide or narrow stance.
  2. Lower yourself as far as possible with your chest down, at the top, fully straighten your elbows.

17. Negative pushups

  1. Take the emphasis lying down, as in the classic version.
  2. Slowly lower your body in the negative phase, feeling a strong tension in the pectoral muscles and triceps, take a short pause.
  3. Quickly return to the starting position.

18. Archer push-ups

  1. Spread your brushes well apart.
  2. Bend only one arm at the elbow, shifting the body to the side towards the supporting arm.
  3. The second arm remains extended, visually forming an archer's pose.
  4. Push up and shift the weight to the other hand, push up in the same way.
  5. Change hands after each push-up, do the same number of repetitions on both hands.

Sets and repetitions of push-ups from the floor

If push-ups are difficult, do as many push-ups as you can to failure until your muscles stop working on their own. If push-ups in all options have become very easy - add weights (pancakes, dumbbells) or master complex options. Do 3-4 sets. Don't do push-ups every day two workouts a week is enough so that the muscles have time.

How many calories do push ups burn?

Energy costs depend on body weight, age, intensity of exercise and fitness, so each athlete will have different indicators.

What can replace push-ups?

If we compare the working muscles during push-ups with other exercises, we can draw a parallel with some exercises with weights, for example, or in a simulator. In addition, after the muscles get used to push-ups, you can replace them with bench presses and progress further. But push-ups cannot be completely replaced, because when doing exercises lying down, the stabilizing muscles do not work, which additionally work during push-ups, keeping a straight line of the spine.


You can develop muscles with push-ups from scratch, starting push-ups from your knees, gradually honing your skill level to plyometric techniques, where you need explosive force. Remember that push-ups train muscle endurance to a greater extent., so they should be included. With power loads for mass growth, a weighted push-up option is suitable, which can be performed with a small number of repetitions to failure.

50 types of push-ups in video format

To develop the muscles of the upper body and arms, various types of push-ups from the floor and auxiliary exercises are used. Each method has its own key features, which should be considered in more detail.

Exercise Features

The first thing to sort out is the benefits and harms of such exercises. For men and women are selected different techniques to train the desired parts of the body. It is also worth considering that the benefits of push-ups are manifested only when they are performed correctly.

The video shows all types of push-ups by difficulty levels

CrossFit is a new direction that combines several sports. It is becoming more and more popular. Let's figure out what it is, what are the pros and cons of such training, and consider three programs: basic, endurance and weight loss.

The benefits of classes

To maximize results, it is important to perform correctly. The benefits for men and women are generally the same, but each person's goals are different. With the help of such exercises, you can achieve the following results:

  • improve the figure, tighten arms, chest, stomach;
  • increase strength, agility, endurance, impact speed;
  • train the heart muscle, vessel, respiratory system;
  • speed up metabolism and lose weight;
  • gain muscle mass;
  • strengthen bones and joints.

Depending on the type of exercise chosen, different muscle groups are affected. Mainly shoulders, chest and triceps. Also, the press and intercostal muscles, calves, thighs and buttocks, back, forearm receive a share of the load.

Important: as a result of training, a person’s posture will improve and general state body, and the muscles will gain strength and an attractive relief.

Harm and restrictions

It’s not enough to figure out how push-ups are useful. Any sports can harm a person if you do not follow the basic rules:

  • before classes, it is necessary to stretch the joints and warm up the muscles;
  • you can not overload the body;
  • follow the correct technique for performing the exercise.

Push-ups can lead to such negative consequences as dislocations or sprains. The hands and shoulder joints. People with fragile bones should not exceed permissible load. In addition, some restrictions apply to women, as well as people with vascular, heart and respiratory problems. In order not to worsen appearance do not pump the same muscle group in isolation, supplement your workouts with other exercises, and observe a rest regimen.

Varieties of push-ups

There are many types of push-ups for both men and women. It is worth considering their main categories and techniques, as well as how push-ups of a particular type are useful.

The simplest species

The simplest are classic techniques and push-ups using a support. The higher will be top part body, the less stress is placed on the muscles. This category is great for girls to keep fit and toned body and also for beginners.

There are such types of exercises:

  • Classic. The emphasis is lying, hands are approximately shoulder-width apart, the body is extended in a straight line. Flexion-extension of the arms in this position is the standard of sports programs.
  • From my knees A lighter version, when the emphasis in the legs is on the knees, not the feet. Suitable for girls for preparatory training.
  • From the wall. Also easy to perform, as push-ups are performed with a minimum load. Thus, you can tighten the chest.
  • For triceps. Hands are placed closer than in the classic version to increase the load on them.
  • On the bars. Lifting your own weight or additional weights on the uneven bars trains the arms and shoulders well.

  • From support. You can make it easier than standard push-ups if the position of the body is above the floor level in its upper part. Can be used as a support Sports Equipment, chair or sofa, etc.

Middle category

To increase the load and work out additional muscle groups allow exercises of medium severity. Consider their main options:

  • Reverse. With their help, you can pump the triceps well. You need to perform the exercise with a support (bench) to place your hands on it. Legs should be extended in front of you, fixing your position and bending your elbows at a right angle.

  • Slow. In statics, the muscles experience a lot of stress, endurance is trained, which is why slow push-ups are needed. The benefits of such exercises are especially noticeable when using additional weights, the main technique is often chosen classical, but not limited to this.
  • Wide. Emphasis is placed on pectoral muscles, since the hands are placed as wide as possible.
  • Circular. An advanced program must include them. Push-ups are done on one hand with the transition to the second in the lower position.
  • Different names. One hand is pushed forward, the second is pulled back a little, serving only as support for the main area being worked out.
  • With a step. Alternating narrow and wide staging hands during the performance of their flexion-extension approaches.
  • Narrow grip. A more isolated study of the triceps, when the hands are placed as close as possible. For convenience, you can use additional stops.

Tip: standard methods can also be complicated by using weights and varying the position of the body.

The triangles of the trapezius muscles are located on both sides of the spine. Their tops are directed to the acromion of the scapula, the bases are turned to the spine. The muscle on both sides as a whole has a trapezoid shape. The trapezoid is developed with exercises for its top, bottom and middle, together with training of the muscular system of the back and delta of the shoulders.

Complicated Variations

For sports professionals and physically fit people, ordinary activities are not able to bring enough benefits. It is necessary to introduce more advanced push-up methods into the training program. In the complicated category, it is worth highlighting their types:

  • Plyometric with support. Able to increase strike speed and agility, train explosive muscle strength. When pushing up, you need to throw up the upper body to change the position of the hands and put them between the supports. On the next approach, the push should be strong enough to return to the starting position.

  • With cotton. Another plyometric exercise, after the extension of the arms, a clap is made.
  • From chairs. The amplitude increases, which allows you to better pump the chest.
  • On fists. To complicate basic training push-ups are used. The benefit is to train the hands and focus on the triceps.
  • On fingers. Without preliminary preparation, the exercise is traumatic, since the load falls on the hands and fingers. Such push-ups train the tenacity of the grip and the strength of the fingers.

  • On one hand. There is a big load on the muscles of the working side, in addition, you need to train the balance.
  • Head down. Also increases load by shifting weight forward. The legs are placed on a support.
  • In a headstand. Trains trapeziums, deltas for powerful shoulders, develops balance.

Important: complicated options are not suitable for beginners and people with health problems.

Each type of push-up has its own characteristics and advantages, but to achieve good results, they need to be combined and selected depending on the level of physical fitness.

In this article, we have collected the best and popular species push-ups that exist today. Push-ups are considered one of the top and most popular exercises, and for good reason. This is one of the best complex exercises. Push-ups work just about every muscle in the upper body, from the chest, back, triceps, shoulders, and biceps to every muscle group in the core, quads, and even the glutes.

The exercise is aimed at developing strength, a sense of balance, increases testosterone levels, which means an increase in muscle potential and a decrease in the risk of osteoporosis.

Many women may be intimidated by the mention of testosterone and the rapid increase muscle mass , but you should not worry, as this will be a natural and gradual increase in its level, which will not cause excessive and uncontrolled muscle growth.

Although push-ups may seem like a purely male exercise at first glance, there is no research to prove that women are not able to do push-ups as well as men. This implies the conclusion that there is no doubt when it comes to mastering the basics of this simple exercise.

So, what are the types of push-ups? With that said, let's take a look at the different types of push-ups that you can do to get to the full push-up.

30 push up variations from beginner to advanced

16 Different Types of Push Ups

These types of exercises are suitable for beginners and also for those who have recently suffered an injury.

10 most effective types of push-ups

But first, we will learn how to properly perform push-ups, and more specifically, we will consider the technique of performing the exercise.

Push-ups from the floor for fighters! Strengthening the striking surface of the hand

What does it mean to push right?

There are several specific rules regarding how to properly and effectively do push-ups. They must be taken into account when performing the exercise, regardless of what level of physical fitness you are at. The methods of push-ups from the floor are varied and interesting in their own way, but without the right technique you will not get far.

1. Don't let your body sag

A tired person will often begin to lower their hips as they approach the floor, which means they release tension from the core muscles, making movement easier.

This so-called means or trick to make one's work easier leads to excessive load back muscles and hip flexors, as a result, you develop less strength.

Instead, try to engage different core muscle groups throughout the movement.

2. Don't Spread Your Elbows Too Wide

There is a picture in front of your eyes - a chicken flaps its wings - don't do it. This creates additional stress on the shoulder joints.

Instead of spreading your elbows out to the sides or directing them directly towards your legs, find a neutral position for them, that is, somewhere in the middle.

3. Try to complete the exercise to the end

In other words, during each push-up, go as low as possible to the floor so that your shirt touches the ground.

4. Put your hands right

Very often people put their hands very high, somewhere in the line of the head, or too wide, which works out the wrong muscles at all. Hands should be slightly higher and wider than the shoulders, but no more.

Always keep this in mind and let's get started on mastering and perfecting push-ups, one of the best bodyweight exercises you could ever do.

Which types of push-ups are suitable for beginners, and which ones should be skipped by professionals? We have compiled a list of push-up variations that are suitable for both absolute beginners and sports gurus.

Important note: in this collection you will not find push-ups from the knees. This is only because this type of push-up will not lead you to a full push-up, since the muscles of the core and buttocks are worked out insignificantly with this type of push-up.

Types of push-ups from the floor and not only: top 10

This program is designed for 10 weeks, but you can change it for yourself. Each exercise should be performed in 3 sets of 10-15 reps. 2-3 times a week training is required before moving on to the next type of exercise.

1. Wall / table push-ups

This version of push-ups is the most suitable for beginners, as the vertical surface allows you to adjust the complexity of the exercise, develop strength and improve your physical form.

If you have mastered wall push-ups, then move on to table or chair push-ups, they are more difficult, since the angle of inclination is less.

  • To push yourself off the wall, put your hands on the wall, put your feet as far back as you feel comfortable.
  • Hands should be slightly below the shoulders. Lean against the wall and don't forget to tighten your core muscles as you do this.
  • Push back against the wall and return to the starting position, repeat.
  • After you complete the recommended number of sets and reps, move on to wall or chair push-ups and perform them in the same way.

2. Negative pushups

Doing just the bottom phase of a push-up can significantly increase your strength, which will help you get to the full push-up faster.

Research has shown that eccentric exercises that focus on contracting muscles during their lengthening or "lowering" phase can make you stronger during the concentric (pushing or contracting) phase.

  • Get into a plank position with your feet hip-width apart and your arms in line with your chest.
  • Slowly lower yourself to the floor, tighten your core muscles, and keep your body straight throughout the movement.
  • Push off the floor and return to the starting position. (you can focus on your knees if it's hard)

3. Traditional push-ups

When you start to get negative push-ups, then it's time to move on to the full push-up.

  • Start in a plank position, feet hip-width apart, arms in line with your chest.
  • Lower yourself until your chest touches the floor, then push back, keeping your core tensed and your body straight from head to toe.

Advanced Push Up Variations

Have you perfected your push-up technique and now you want something more? Complicated types of push-ups are up to you? Different types advanced level push-ups will force you to give your all, as they are completely focused on developing explosive strength, speed and endurance.

4. Types of push-ups on a medicine ball

Medicine ball push-ups are great for hitting more more muscle bark responsible for stability. Research has shown that compared to regular push-ups, during push-ups on the ball, the muscles of the triceps and chest are involved to an even greater extent.

  • Place your hands on the ball shoulder-width apart, feet hip-width apart, that is, the position as in the “plank”, only the body is slightly raised in front.
  • Try to keep your balance and body straight, go down and touch the ball with your chest, then push off from it, while keeping your elbows near your sides.
  • Repeat.

5. Triceps push-ups

Triceps push-ups are performed in the same technique as regular push-ups, only the arms need to be placed closer to the sides, which will allow you to work out the triceps. This type of push-up requires more stability from the core muscles.

  • Start in a plank position with your hands closer than shoulder-width apart to each other.
  • The body is straightened, the muscles of the core are tense, lower yourself until your chest touches the floor (do not spread your elbows to the sides!).

6. Diamond push-ups

Diamond push-ups are also great for working the triceps.

  • Start in a plank position with your body straight, place your hands together in a diamond shape under your chest, fingers touching.
  • Slowly lower yourself without spreading your elbows to the sides.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

7. Incline push-ups

When you do incline push-ups, you place your feet on an incline, bench, or medicine ball, for example, to increase the depth of the push-up. As your strength grows, you can change the angle of the incline.

  • Start in a plank position, but place your feet on a medicine ball or bench, which will increase the development of the core muscles.
  • Lower your chest to the floor, remembering the correct push-up technique, then return to the starting position and repeat.

8. Push-ups with cotton

Clapping push-ups add explosive plyometric movement to the regular push-up, making this push-up method a great option for a total upper body workout.

  • Start in a plank position and do a full push-up, but instead of just reaching up and straightening your arms, use all your upper body strength to push off the floor as hard as you can, clap your hands as your arms leave the ground.
  • Regroup and gently lower yourself onto your hands, repeat.

9. Diving push-ups

The technique for performing this type of push-up may, at first glance, seem like a simple sequence of yoga poses, but, in fact, this is one of the most difficult and effective types push-ups, which aims to develop the muscles of the upper body and increase flexibility and balance.

  • Start in the downward facing dog yoga pose, with your hands on the floor a little more than shoulder-width apart, buttocks as high as possible. Reminds me of a triangle.
  • Keeping your legs straight, perform a smooth “dive” with your chest down almost to the floor. Then slowly begin to rise up, straighten your arms and arch your back. The hips are on the floor, the face is looking up.
  • Now move in the opposite direction to return to the starting position and repeat again.

10. Push-ups on one arm

Without a doubt, this version of push-ups is the most difficult, since in order to maintain balance and push out on one arm, you must have Strong arms and core muscles.

  • Start in a plank position with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart.
  • Place one hand behind, tighten the muscles of the core while lowering the chest to the floor, keep the elbow of the working hand as close to the sides as possible.
  • Push back and take the starting position. During the next approach, change hands.

Different types and ways of push-ups are great!

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro doing one-arm push-ups like this type of push-up is about to go out of fashion, know that with every rep you're building a high-impact base for any other exercise you decide to do.

19 types of push-ups from the floor for beginners

Long live push-ups around the world!

There are various types of push-ups from the floor, for a targeted impact on individual groups muscles, let's take a look basic exercises below:

Push-ups with wide arms - the initial position of the arms is at least 10 cm wider than the shoulders, we put our hands at chest level, the body is straight like a string, the legs are together, we lower ourselves to the floor without reaching it 5 cm, the elbows should be, spaced apart, we rise in the starting position keeping even body.

Make sure that the hip area is fixed all the time, for this, strain the abdominal muscles. Do not chase a lot of push-ups, feel the muscles, do the exercise, strictly observing the technique. During the exercise, the main load is received by the muscle fibers of the outer part of the chest, the secondary shoulders, triceps and abdominal muscles;

- the technique for performing this type of push-ups from the floor is identical to push-ups with widely spaced arms (see above), with one difference that the hands are located at chest level and are shoulder-width apart, and the load is shifted from the outer to the central part of the chest;

- the initial position of the arms is narrower than the shoulders, the distance between the arms is about 10 cm, spread the legs to the sides for stability, we lower ourselves to the floor before reaching 5 cm, the elbows lower along the body, with the strength of the hands we rise up keeping the body straight, return to the starting position. Do not forget about breathing, exhale for effort, inhale for relaxation, i.e. on lowering inhale, on raising exhale. This type exercise shifts the load on the triceps and internal pectoral muscles;

Hand-off push-ups - the initial position of the arms and torso, as in push-ups with arms wide apart (see above), with one difference, at the top point, unbend your arms with force pushing them away from the surface, landing, touch the surface with already slightly bent elbows, so as not to damage elbow joints. The exercise strengthens the strength and explosive endurance of the muscles and shoulder girdle;

Different types of push-ups allow you to include a variety of muscles, which increases the effectiveness of training!

Clap push-ups in front of you - the exercise is similar to push-ups with hands torn off (see above), only tearing your hands off the surface, clap in front of you, focus on your legs wider, for better stabilization of the torso. Exercise, in addition to benefits for strength and explosive muscle endurance, improves coordination of movements;

Push-ups with hands behind the back - the exercise is similar to push-ups with lifting off the hands (see above), only tearing your hands off the surface, make a clap behind you, focus on your legs wider, for better stabilization of the torso.

A difficult version of the exercise, it requires the maximum development of strength and speed endurance, as well as coordination of movements. Suitable for experienced athletes only.

Do not perform it if you have a shoulder girdle injury or do not have a good physical form. For training, place soft pads in front of you to avoid injury;

Push-ups on one arm - suitable for experienced athletes. Starting position one hand is on the floor, the other is on the lower back or holds on to the thigh, legs apart to hold the body. We go down without touching the surface 5 cm. and return to the starting position. Exercise gives the maximum load on shoulder muscles and joints, as well as triceps;

Push-ups are best exercise to maintain the tone of the pectoral muscles, anywhere!

Diagonal push-ups - the execution technique is as follows - the initial position of the hand is at chest level and shoulder width apart, only the hands are not in a straight line, but diagonally, for example, left in front, right behind. With the strength of the hands, we tear them off the surface, when the hands come off, change their location and land so that the hands are again diagonally only now right hand in front, and the left behind and so on. The exercise acts on the shoulder girdle and forces different groups of pectoral muscles to work;

Classic push-ups with a raised leg - the exercise is similar to the classic push-ups (see above), but one leg rises above the surface, do 5 reps, change legs and again 5 reps, do it in the same spirit, alternating legs. The exercise strengthens not only the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle and arms, but also includes the muscles of the legs, abs and buttocks;

Head down push ups - starting position, stand against the wall and throw your legs up so that your legs touch it, while your back can be turned both towards the wall and away from it, then lower yourself down on your hands without touching the surface with your head, squeeze the body up with the force of your hands.

In this exercise, there is an exceptional isolating load on the shoulder muscles. In order to avoid injuries, perform the exercise after sufficient strengthening of the muscles of the body, it is recommended for experienced athletes;

90 degree push ups - the technique and starting position are similar to the classic push-ups (see above), only when you lift the body up with the strength of your hands, start turning along the axis while lifting your hand off the floor and stretch up to the ceiling, returning your hand back, again push up and pull up the other hand. Exercise after each push-up and contraction of muscle groups, well stretches the pectoral muscle and shoulder girdle;

- the technique and starting position are similar to classic push-ups (see above), but the legs are on a bench or other surface that is higher than your hands, the best option is a bench about 40-50 cm. This exercise shifts the load to the upper chest and front deltoid muscle(anterior shoulder muscle).

- an indispensable exercise for climbers, people who own martial arts, strengthens ligaments and joints, forearms and hands, excellent prevention of arthritis.

Before starting the exercise, be sure to stretch your hands, wrists and finger joints in order to reduce the possibility of injury.

The starting position is like classic push-ups (see above), the emphasis is on the pads of the fingers, make sure that the fingers are firmly fixed on the surface to prevent injury or dislocation of the finger joints.

After mastering the technique of push-ups on 5 fingers, complicate the exercises, experiment in push-ups, removing 1 finger at a time.

Use periodically all types of push-ups from the floor and the result from the training will not keep you waiting!

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Push-ups from the floor are simple and affordable sports elements that are easy to perform at home for both men and women. Such exercises have many advantages and help pump up certain muscle groups. In order for sports to bring maximum results, you need to learn about the types of exercises, their advantages and the rules for performing them.

Benefits of push-ups

Different kinds are included in almost all workouts, especially when working on chest volumes. Regular loads carry the following benefits for men and women:

  • strengthening several muscle groups at once, for example, chest, shoulder girdle, legs and back;
  • for classes it is not required to purchase sports simulators;
  • you can conduct a lesson in an apartment, park and even at work;
  • the load has a positive effect on the state of the muscular corset, which prevents pain in the back and neck;
  • the ability to train certain muscles by positioning the hands in different ways: with narrow setting- triceps, with a wide - shoulders;
  • the ability to push up from the floor will help not only to increase volumes, but also when doing yoga, callanetics and Pilates;
  • regularity develops endurance and elasticity, which prevents injuries during sports.

Push-ups have a large number of types, so even a beginner can start borrowing. Gradually, the load is increased by changing the execution technique and the number of approaches.

By the way, the record for push-ups from the floor for 30 seconds in Russia is 39 times. It was installed by a young man at the age of 16 just 2 years ago. World record for non-stop push-ups- 10507 times! The madman's name is Minoru Yoshida, he lives in Japan and so far no one has been able to beat his record, so there is room for improvement.

What muscles work with push-ups from the floor

Depending on the type of exercise, different groups work: pectoralis major, deltoid and ulnar muscle, as well as triceps, biceps of the shoulder and many others. Push-ups are one of the most accessible loads for home workouts. Although the classes are simple, during them many make serious mistakes.

  • classic way - classical method from the floor, such muscles are involved: pectoral, serratus, elbow, triceps and deltoid. The methods can be divided into the following subspecies:
  • narrow grip - the greatest load goes to the triceps, so the exercise should be performed smoothly when lowering and sharply while lifting;
  • wide grip- the chest sways in a short time, the arms do not need to be strongly straightened, while the body remains straight without deflections;
  • the head is lowered down, and the legs are on the bench - the load is distributed on the chest, the hands are placed a little further than the shoulders;
  • on fists - during training, the pectoral muscles swing, as well as the hands, you should remember about preparing for a sports load;
  • with the help of special stops - the load is similar to the previous type, but prevents pain in the fists after class;
  • on one arm - the chest, shoulders and arms work, thanks to which it is possible to develop the endurance of the body;
  • "Grasshopper" - during training, the muscles of the hands and the upper part of the chest are involved, not recommended for beginners.

Types of exercise

The result of classes depends on the selected elements and regularity. Some types of push-ups from the floor for beginners are aimed only at healing and preventing diseases of the bones or joints. Others exist for the development of endurance, balance, strength and increase in mass. Apart from classic exercises it is customary to single out the following:

  1. with tearing off hands;
  2. with a clap of hands in front of you and behind your back;
  3. with a separation of hands at different distances;
  4. with a raised leg at a short distance;
  5. on the hands, while the legs are raised to the wall;
  6. with 90 degree rotation.

Push-ups are also good for posture. To achieve a perfectly flat back, it is recommended to perform push-ups from the wall or from the floor, as well as from the knees on the support. Simple exercises do not require much strength, but have useful action on the muscular corset and the skeletal system. Just 20 repetitions every morning guarantee a flat back in a few weeks regular workouts.

T-shaped exercises are a complicated version of the classic push-ups. Technique: starting position lying, arms shoulder-width apart, legs closed to each other, knees straight. It is required to wring out in the usual way, then return to the starting position and turn the body to the side, tearing off one arm. The body should resemble the letter T. To achieve the desired result, you can not bend your back or arms. You can complicate the technique by picking up dumbbells. For a more difficult workout, there are complicated elements: push-ups on the fingertips, fists, one arm or on chairs.

With the help of push-ups, it is possible to increase the level of testosterone, but girls should not be afraid of this. Its increase occurs exactly as much as the body needs. It is not allowed to start training immediately with difficult elements. Beginners need to learn how to perform classic push-ups correctly and only then move on to other types. If you can’t do push-ups right away, light exercises are allowed. For example, resting on a wall, bench or step. It is also recommended to rest not on the feet, but on the knees.

Army exercises

Most people try to try all types at once, not paying attention to the severity of the element and the technique of its execution. It is for this reason that after hard training there is no noticeable result, but only pain in the muscles and general weakness are felt. Help prepare the body military push-ups. They allow you to build muscle mass faster than the bench press and other difficult exercises for beginners.

Execution technique army look lies in the correct base stance. Hands should be located slightly further than the line of the shoulders, and the feet should be moved tightly to each other, the greatest load in the legs falls on the socks. You should try to keep the perfect balance of the body, without bending in the vertebrae or legs. The head, neck and back represent one line and are a continuation of each other. You need to bend your arms quickly, but without sudden movements, dropping almost to the floor. With a sharp movement, it is necessary to unbend the elbows, returning to the previous stance. It is important to catch the moment when lifting, as the elbows remain slightly bent.

Beginner Program push-ups from the floor with an army type is 3 sets of 15 times for beginner athletes. Between approaches, it is imperative to give the body a rest, this takes from 30 to 60 seconds. When the body stops hurting after training, it is allowed to increase the load by adding the number of approaches and reducing the rest time.

How to pump individual muscle groups

Not everyone needs to pump up all the muscles at once, sometimes you need to strengthen a certain part of the body. Therefore, it is important to learn more about the methods.

Triceps push-ups by gender are most popular with all men. To pump up these muscles, you should put your hands closer to the sides, while the core muscles should be well developed. You need to take the basic stance - the bar, and place your palms a little closer than shoulder level. During the load, the body remains straight, and the core muscles are maximally tense. You need to lower yourself smoothly without spreading your elbows, trying to touch the floor with your chest. Next, you need to return to the starting position and repeat at least 10 times.

Push-ups for biceps sex requires regularity. First you need to accept the original horizontal position and put your feet close to each other - this will provide a load only on the chest, shoulders, arms. The palms should be placed parallel to the shoulders and slightly turned to the side, during the exercise they should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. You should also avoid bending the body in the neck and back. When performed correctly, other parts of the body are also felt - the abs, shoulders and chest.

To strengthen the shoulder girdle, it is permissible to perform several exercises, for example, push-ups with a “house” or upside down against a wall. The first option involves the maximum approximation of the hands and feet, trying to reach an angle of 90 degrees with the body and legs. Emphasis must be placed on the toes. In this position, you need to do slow push-ups, feeling the shoulder girdle. A more difficult option is to stand upside down with support against the wall. On outstretched arms, you should do push-ups, touching the floor with your head, while trying to keep your balance.

To pump the back, you need to take the starting position for push-ups, your hands should be spaced at a distance of 25 cm from each other and turned slightly inward. The back, as in other exercises, remains perfectly straight. You need to go down, trying to touch the floor with your chest, and come back. To complicate it, it is recommended to use weighting agents by placing several books or a pancake for the barbell on the back.

Don't forget about correct breathing during a workout. It is necessary to bend the arms on the inhale, and unbend on the exhale. The number of approaches for each exercise is up to 5. If you feel unwell when performing the elements, it is recommended to reduce the load. You also need to consider: it is not the number of approaches or their speed that matters, but the quality of the training. The pace should be comfortable and not exhausting.

Strengthening the hands and developing explosive energy

A simple set of push-ups will help make your arms stronger and stronger. It prevents the development of diseases of bones and joints, as well as atrophy of the muscular system. Often, pain accompanies people who rarely play sports. The complex consists of 4 easy-to-remember exercises.

  1. Push-ups on the fingers require special training. First you need to try to transfer the weight to the fingertips, if the pain does not appear, push up, leaning on your knees.
  2. To prepare for training, you need to perform a plank with an emphasis on the phalanges of the fingers and knees. In the beginning, you need to lean on the entire palm, and then smoothly transfer the weight to the fingers.
  3. Engaging the back of the hand during exercise helps to make the ligaments more flexible and strong. The exercise should be performed with emphasis on the knees, gradually increasing the load on the palms.

The habit of regularly strengthening the hands allows you to avoid injuries during training, as well as improve the quality of push-ups. It is not always possible for beginners to do push-ups from the first days without pain in their hands. Often, after the first few workouts, a person is accompanied by a pulling pain in upper limbs or their weakness.

Fast and sharp push-ups contribute to the development of endurance and prepare the body for heavy loads. All this has a positive effect on growth. different groups muscles: chest, arms, shoulders and back. Explosive training can be done in two ways.

  1. With tearing off the brushes from the floor. Starting position - lying down, feet together, palms on the floor at a distance of 30 cm from each other. During push-ups, the hands come off the floor, and then put back in their original place. In this case, it is necessary to try to reach the chest with the floor and keep an even posture. Another option for performing explosive exercises is with clapping your hands in front of you.
  2. Lifting the body off the floor. The starting position is the same as in the previous method. When performed, both hands and feet come off the floor. After taking off, you need to try to land on the same points where you were before. Another way is to tear off the body during push-ups and a sharp turn of the body by 90 degrees. The heaviest method for generating explosive energy is the "Aztec" push-ups, which are professional types. They are not suitable for beginner athletes due to the high probability of getting grass. To perform, you need to take a starting position, placing your palms shoulder-width apart, and legs almost together. When pushing up, the hands and feet abruptly come off the floor, the pelvis is pulled up. Ideally, during the flight, you should touch your legs with your hands. It is important to return to the previous position in time. If it is not possible to perform the exercise immediately correctly, it is only allowed to pull the knees to the chest while tearing the arms and legs off the floor.

In order for the training to bring maximum results, you need to take into account some nuances. When push-ups, the pectoral muscles and triceps should be involved. The more tense they are, the longer will be the time for the implementation of a clap or a coup in the air. The execution technique also requires tension in the press and arms, but it is recommended to relax the hands after the push. To develop fighting qualities, it is better to do push-ups for 10 seconds and a minute of rest, while the number of approaches should be at least 3. When training for endurance, it is important not the number of approaches, but the time of the exercise without rest.

Mass training program

To gain muscle mass, you must adhere to a certain lifestyle. Some physical activity few. Careful adjustment of nutrition is required, regular classes sports and vitamins. In addition, it is imperative to give the body time to rest and recover, otherwise working on oneself will not bring the desired result. Each workout should be productive, you need to give all the best at 100%, but you also need to avoid overstraining the muscles.

The table below shows a sample training program for 15 weeks.

A week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 approach 20 25 30 35 40 40 45
2 approach 20 25 30 30 35 40 40
3 approach 15 20 25 25 25 30 35
4 approach 15 15 20 20 25 30 35
5 approach 10 10 15 15 15 20 25
Total 80 95 120 125 145 155 180
A week 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 approach 45 50 50 55 60 60 65
2 approach 45 45 50 50 55 60 65
3 approach 35 35 40 40 40 45 45
4 approach 35 35 40 40 40 45 45
5 approach 25 30 35 35 35 40 40
Total 185 195 215 220 230 250 255

This program of push-ups from the floor for weight gain allows you to achieve the necessary proportions of the figure. Do not chase popular and difficult exercises. You better stick correct execution in large volume than quick useless items. You need to do it slowly, feeling the body and every muscle. If it is impossible to do a large number of push-ups at once, it is allowed to take breaks between sets or slightly reduce the number.

Technique of push-ups from the floor from scratch

From the correct execution of any sports elements the result depends. Therefore, it is important to learn how to immediately properly push up from the floor and develop a habit for this. During the correct execution, many muscles work: the pectoral, elbow, serratus, as well as the deltoid and triceps.

The basic stance for most types of push-ups should be perfectly flat with straight arms and toes. The head and legs form a straight line without kinks in the buttocks, spine or neck. The feet are together, and the palms are located slightly further than the shoulders. When inhaling, you need to smoothly bend your arms, dropping to the floor with your stomach and chest - it is recommended to linger in this position for a second. Next, you also need to gently unbend your elbows, returning to the starting position, and exhale.


The effect of training depends on the number of approaches and the quality of their implementation, adherence to technique and load. Simple rules will help to conduct the lesson more productively:

  1. you can’t start training immediately with difficult elements: it’s better to teach you to do less simple exercises than to exhaust the body with heavy species;
  2. the position of the head should not change during the entire approach, it is recommended to choose one point in front of you and look only at it;
  3. for muscle growth and endurance development, weighting agents or improvised means should be used: books, dumbbells, as well as special push-up handles;
  4. the biggest load during the lesson should be on the hands, so it is forbidden to move the hips or knees;
  5. the previous rule also applies to the back - a perfectly even posture helps to reduce the load on the spine;
  6. after each approach, it is necessary to give the body a rest for 3-4 minutes;
  7. proper breathing is key good result, you can not do all push-ups on one breath.

In addition to everything, you should remember about the number of workouts per week. For beginners, just 3-4 times in 7 days is enough. At first, a pulling pain will be felt in the muscles - this is normal. If the pains are too strong and do not allow the lesson to be carried out correctly, then they must be postponed for a while or replaced with simpler elements.

push ups for girls

As mentioned earlier, both men and women can do push-ups. Universal exercises work out almost the entire muscular system and allow you to achieve a beautiful relief. With the help of push-ups, it is possible not only to increase the volume of the arms or shoulders, but also to develop the endurance of the body, to strengthen the body.

  • Beautiful chest. The benefits of push-ups for men are big, strong chests and strong arms, but why is it for the fairer sex? Simple and regular exercise save a woman from sagging breasts over time. Another plus - the muscles will give the chest extra volume.
  • Relief press. If diet and exercise for thin waist did not help, it is recommended to try push-ups.
  • Fat burning. Intensive training removes extra centimeters in the hips, abdomen and arms. You can compare push-ups with a long run, since the number of calories burned is the same.

To perform the exercises effectively, you should follow the rules and breathe correctly during push-ups. Do not forget to warm up before class, especially for the hands. As a rule, women's hands are weaker, so you need to take longer to warm up. It is highly undesirable to exercise through force. If the body is not able to withstand the load, it is better to rest for a few minutes.


You should not expect a quick result by doing only push-ups from the floor. At best, the first fruits of your labor can be appreciated no earlier than after 4-6 weeks of regular training. What do push-ups from the floor give for health and figure?

Performing even 20-30 push-ups every day, you can reduce the risk of diseases of the circulatory system. Several approaches help relieve fatigue in the shoulder girdle and reduce the load, besides correct technique guarantees perfect posture or getting rid of stoop. If you increase the number of approaches per day, then after a while the muscles of the back and arms become clear-cut. The back will become more masculine due to the well-developed “wings” and the trapezius muscle. Different types of push-ups strengthen certain muscles. So, for example, doing an exercise on the fists or fingers, the joints are strengthened.

Daily exercise is good for health, but you can’t do it strength exercises every day and exhaust the body. Thus, it is easy to get problems with the heart, bone and muscular system. Recovery muscle fibers requires about 2-3 days, so it is useless to carry out hard workouts every day. The body will not acquire the desired contours faster, and the performance of all exercises will be less productive due to fatigue and muscle pain.