Weight has risen during the diet. Stopping weight loss while losing weight

The sudden stop of weight loss has been called the "plateau effect" by nutritionists. It does not matter what diet you follow - hard and extreme or measured. At one point, the balance needle stops and stubbornly refuses to move to the left.

Motivation to lose weight drops. Still, you deny yourself your favorite foods, tirelessly train, perform cosmetic and detox procedures, but notice that the weight stands still. Who will like it?

However, a plateau is a good sign, no matter how strange this statement may seem to you. It means peak stress, after which the weight will “crawl” down at a double rate. Therefore, be patient and continue to lose weight - very soon you will be generously rewarded for your work.

Reasons for weight loss

Our body is a well-coordinated system that works accurately and accurately. Each cell in it has a subtle relationship with other organs and systems.

When you go on a diet, the body does not understand that you just want to lose weight. It regards this as a sign of catastrophe, war, or an approaching famine, in connection with which it begins to actively accumulate nutritional resources. Even if you lose weight slowly and correctly, the body will tend to stay at the weight in which it feels most comfortable.

Let's say you always weighed 65 kg. This was a kind of norm for you, but you considered yourself a "dump". Later, you added another 5 kg for one reason or another and firmly decided to fight it. You quite easily dropped those ill-fated 5 kg, which were really superfluous for your body, and returned to the previous state of " donut". But, having felt the taste of victory, they decided to go to the end and make themselves a fragile " slender".

At that moment, the body sensed something was wrong and began to slow down metabolic processes so as not to lose spare resources. In practice, it looks like the weight stopped during weight loss.

Perhaps your figure is still far from ideal, but on " problem areas » fatty tubercles are still concentrated. However, your body thinks otherwise, because it is in such a mass that it is used to being.

Moreover, it has already lost a certain percentage of it, so now it is doing everything possible to remain at least within 60 kg.

Another reason that the weight stops is the restructuring of the body to a new rhythm and mode of functioning. Just imagine what a difficult and thorny path each cell goes through in order to adapt to life in a new state!

When you lose weight, not only the visual component of the body changes. Internal organs also undergo changes: the musculoskeletal system bears less load, the hormonal background becomes more active, the digestive tract improves, the water-salt balance stabilizes, the skin tightens and takes on a new position. All of this takes a lot of time and effort.

The plateau effect is definitely not a reason to give up!

How to make the body lose weight again

Those whose weight has risen during weight loss are helped by the well-known technique " Cheating«. This method consists in deceiving the body by its enhanced "feeding" on the allotted day. The term comes from the English word "cheat", which in translation into Russian means "cheat", "cheat".

During long, and even short-term diets, the menu needs such “zigzags” to reduce body stress. Cheating helps him relax and recover. It also helps to speed up the metabolism, which is especially important for those who, using starvation diets, have brought it to the limit of slowing down.

Cheating is an antonym for " unloading day ", and represents the day of" gluttony ", on which you can eat any food you want. You can even eat fast food!

Cheating will bring the following beneficial effects:

  • Effective "acceleration" of metabolic processes (including lipid metabolism);
  • A kind of “holiday of the belly”, which will protect against depression and nervous breakdowns during weight loss;
  • (on "day x" you can eat whatever you want, which means you will become protected from the temptation to break loose with a diet).

Cheating is not a glutton without rules. He has his own principles, which are undesirable to violate:

  • Practice "boot days" once every 14-28 days (if you are just starting to lose weight, you can resort to this method once a week);
  • Stick to cheating for no more than 72 hours (if you exceed this time, cheating will mean the usual completion of the diet, and incorrectly);
  • With a two-day cheating, increase calories moderately, no more than 35% of the diet;
  • If "" lasts one day, it is advisable not to increase the average daily calorie intake by more than 70%;
  • The return to the diet should be abrupt and sudden, not gradual.

Subject to the rules of cheating, the plateau will be neutralized after 10-14 days, and the weight will begin to fall again.

Metabolism Boost Workouts

Physical activity will also help to overcome the plateau effect. Better not to resort to strength training rather use an aerobic program.

The best methods of "sports" elimination of the dietary plateau:

  • Morning or evening jogging;
  • Interval training (pay attention to the Tabata protocol);
  • Swimming in the pool or water aerobics;
  • Dance Sport;
  • Crossfit and supersets;
  • Cardio workouts ( treadmill, elliptical trainer, orbitrek, exercise bike);
  • Stretching;
  • Rope jumping.

Be slim and attractive!

Nutritionists have explained the reason why the "weight freezes"...

"So the search for a suitable diet is over. The first fruits of dieting are already visible, and you have finally begun to lose weight! A little more - and the last few kilograms will also disappear, and the reward for giving up your favorite foods will finally pay off with a loss excess weight.

But at one fine moment, kilograms suddenly stop decreasing. Weight loss almost stops...

What's the matter? But the fact is that the body, which is subjected to a diet, first of all, gets rid of not only fat, but also accumulated water. In addition, at first people lose weight with great enthusiasm, and then they stop strictly following the instructions, as they lose interest in the diet.

Nutritionists distinguish such a thing as a "dietary plateau". This term means fading weight on the background of a diet. That is, at this stage, a person does not lose weight, and does not add. Dietary plateaus are very common. Almost everyone who has ever been on a diet goes through this.


In the first few days, the body responds well to the diet - you lose weight. After all, the body begins to adapt to the new diet and regimen. Metabolism at this time is accelerated, and calorie intake is low. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that kilograms begin to disappear quite quickly and stably.

The stage of the dietary plateau comes already when our body is accustomed to the new regimen and rebuilt. During this period, the diet for the body is not a strong shock.

Therefore, our body tunes in to burn fewer calories, since their consumption has also decreased. And the metabolism slows down completely in order to save more energy. Therefore, weight loss at this time either stops or slows down. Now, even playing sports and using a diet, it's not so easy to lose weight.
When kilograms do not decrease within a week, it means that you have reached a dietary plateau. If you stop the diet during this period, you will quickly gain the kilograms lost with it. But, it is worth making some changes to the diet, and you can quickly achieve your goal.

Remember the so-called a dietary plateau is temporary.

Reasons for a dietary plateau:

One reason for a dietary plateau is less activity of the body at the same loads. That is, the exercises are performed, but with much less activity. It's not enough to just exercise to lose weight. The intensity of the exercise is very important here.

Malnutrition is also one of the reasons. A person who does not get enough nutrients from food becomes irritable, lethargic or indifferent to everything.

You can not eat on the principle: the less you eat, the better. Do not reduce the number of products recommended for each day for the body.
If the body lacks the necessary products, the metabolism will slow down. Since the body will not receive the “fuel” necessary for normal life, the weight will stop decreasing or will decrease very slowly.

It is very important to understand that you need to consume as many calories as you need to maintain optimal weight. Prolonged fasting (low-calorie diet) can lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels, which in turn will lead to an increase in appetite. As a result, food will be consumed in large quantities. Naturally, this will lead to a return to the original weight.

The following factors can affect the result of diets in women: some features of the menstrual cycle, taking medications, hormones.

Dietary plateaus can be caused by high or low blood sugar, slow metabolism, endocrine disorders, stress, toxic overload, and food allergies."

Weight loss is a complex, unpredictable process that has many nuances that require attention and create obstacles on the way to the cherished goal. One of these problems is weight stagnation, when kilograms do not go anywhere for several days and even weeks. And this despite the fact that the diet is strictly observed and not a single workout is missed.

Not many in such a situation are able to be patient and cut this Gordian knot. Most give up, close the subscription at Gym and "out of grief" orders a pizza with bacon for the evening. But everything is solvable, and this is not a reason to abandon the dream - you just need to find out why the weight is worth it and eliminate the cause of this phenomenon.

plateau effect

The stagnation of weight in dietetics is called the effect (phase) of the plateau. It is for losing weight this process is incomprehensible and is not substantiated by anything. Experts explain it by adaptive thermogenesis and know that in most cases it is quite natural. To avoid it, you need to know the formation mechanism.

At the beginning of weight loss, against the background of a sharp reduction in daily calories, significant changes in the diet and the introduction of intense physical activity, the body is plunged into a state of shock. He does not have time to adapt, since energy needs to be generated every minute, and there is a catastrophic lack of fuel for this. Under such conditions, he actively begins to break down everything that is in his reserves, and first of all, fat depots go to waste. That is why in the first 1-1.5 weeks overweight literally melt before your eyes.

And then this eye-pleasing weight loss slows down and may at some point completely stop. It's even worse when the hard-lost pounds come back. A person continues to absorb only 1,200 kcal per day, mercilessly restricting himself in food, and still spends them in training. But it does nothing. Sometimes a situation can still be observed when the volumes go away, but the weight stands. The circumference of the waist, chest and hips decreases, but not a single gram is reduced from the ill-fated 84 kg (for example).

The onset of the plateau effect indicates that the body has successfully recovered from the state of stress and begins to select mechanisms for adapting to the diet and selected physical activity. If the volume of the body decreases, it means that it replaces adipose tissue with muscle. If the sagging tummy has not gone anywhere, you are still getting used to a new diet and lifestyle.

Why is it called so? Losing weight is a process of losing weight, as if you are climbing a mountain (unbearably difficult, but very desirable). A plateau is a flat area in the middle of hills where you can relax. If this pass is delayed, there is a stagnation of weight when it freezes at one point.

When it happens

Usually - 1.5-3 weeks after a person changes his lifestyle to combat extra pounds.

Since everyone's body is different, the weight can get up at the very beginning of the journey. This is rare, but you need to be prepared for this. In the same way, the opposite situation arises: the process of losing weight took 3-4 months, the person is already at the finish line, it remains to lose the last 5 kg - and then the scales seem to freeze at one mark.

That is, the weight can rise at any time of losing weight. The main thing is to understand that this is not your personal grief and an exceptional, out of the ordinary case. More than 60% of those who lose weight face this. And specialists have prepared programs for a successful exit from the plateau effect.

How much can the weight stand

The duration of the plateau effect depends on many factors:

  1. Health conditions: in the absence of diseases, adaptation is faster.
  2. Age: the younger the person who is losing weight, the lower the risk of experiencing this phenomenon in general.
  3. The amount of extra pounds: sometimes it takes the same amount of time to lose 30 kg and 10 kg, because in the first case the weight does not stay in one place and constantly decreases, and in the second case it can freeze for several weeks.
  4. The individual characteristics of the organism: for some, it gets used to new living conditions more slowly, for others it is faster.
  5. Chosen weight loss methods: if the diet and training program are chosen incorrectly, the weight is guaranteed to rise at some point.
  6. Measures taken to eliminate the plateau effect: if nothing is done, then there will be no results.

On average, when losing weight, weight stands still from 5 days to 2 weeks. However, these are average figures. For some, the plateau effect lasted a couple of days, and there are those who suffer from it for 1.5-2 months.

How to react to it

If at this stage you become disillusioned with diet and training and return to your previous lifestyle, the return of all lost kilograms is guaranteed in the shortest possible time.

If you leave everything as it is, the body can adapt further and look for a way out of this situation for an indefinite amount of time - up to several months.

If you try to find out why the weight is worth it in your case, and eliminate the reasons, the duration of this period can be significantly reduced and move on. Your task is to follow this path and achieve the desired results.

Curious fact. There are cases when losing weight, tired of waiting for a shift from the dead point, in desperation ate to satiety, which brought the body into a new state of shock. Oddly enough, but the next day there was an insignificant, but minus in weight. When returning to diet and training after such a breakdown, the plateau effect was overcome.


Weight loss can be influenced by the following factors.

Wrong diet

An unbalanced, strict, too long diet that does not provide the body with the necessary nutrients is the most common cause. Nutrient deficiency and a disturbed ratio of BJU leads to a slowdown in metabolism. And without lipolysis and carbohydrate metabolism, weight loss is impossible. This usually happens with mono-hungers and a monotonous menu. If within 2-3 weeks there is mainly buckwheat, rice, apples or cabbage, weight loss is guaranteed to stop.

Wrong workouts

Usually they take up weight loss with enthusiasm: they do exercises, and they run in the mornings, and they go to the gym almost every day, and they took a subscription to the pool. Such shock physical activity always ends in failure (provided there is no basis for them, if before sports did not do). Most often, muscles are damaged, and krepatura does not allow to continue in the same spirit. Or after a week, the weight refuses to decrease and stands still.

Wrong weight loss program

The most common mistake women make: I’ll go on a diet, but I don’t have time for the gym - I’ll lose weight anyway. For men, everything is exactly the opposite: I’ll start going to the gym, but I won’t refuse meat, fried potatoes and beer - the sport alone will cope with body fat. You need to understand that these two components come in one set. Weight is worth it when fewer calories are consumed than are acquired, and this is exactly what happens in the situations described.

How to make a weight loss plan? Proper nutrition plus training - in our article.

Inefficient Methods

Perhaps you bought fat burning capsules or a bracelet with a neodymium magnet. Or patiently go to cryotherapy sessions. Or they began a total cleansing of the body according to Neumyvakin. Or download the Biting Counter mobile application on your phone. Today, the choice of ways to get rid of hated kilograms is not limited. Unfortunately, some do not understand that all of them are only auxiliary and no one can predict their results, let alone guarantee them. They can go only in combination with proper nutrition and sports. Most often, in the first week of their implementation, a loss of 2-3 kg is possible, and then due to the removal of fluid and organic debris, and not the breakdown of fats, and then the weight rises tightly.

Reaching the limit

At the beginning of losing weight, it is necessary to calculate three parameters for yourself using special formulas:

  1. Your current BMI.
  2. How many pounds do you need to lose.
  3. What is the end result to be achieved.

The fact of calculating the final result is important here. If it turned out that at your height and at your age you should weigh 60 kg and no less, then you need to strive for this figure, and not for those 50 kg that you dreamed about. The weight may stand because you have already reached exactly the threshold that your ideal BMI () is. Especially often this mistake is made by young girls striving for a model appearance or suffering from anorexia and bulimia.

Water scarcity

The basic principle of all diets is the correct drinking regimen. It involves drinking enough water - at least 2 liters per day, and even more in the summer and with intense training. This amount does not include other liquids (teas, smoothies, decoctions, juices). Only pure drinking water is able to accelerate the metabolism to the desired speed for stable weight loss, but he gets up as soon as this principle begins to be ignored by losing weight.

A number of other possible reasons why weight loss is worth it:

  • lack of protein;
  • exacerbation of a disease;
  • wrong daily routine;
  • inadequate sleep;
  • depression, stress, shock.

What to do

If during weight loss the weight is worth it, study everything possible reasons the plateau effects described above and try applying them to your situation. Try to objectively find out what you are doing wrong, why the body has stopped responding to your challenge. As soon as the harmful factor is identified, take measures to eliminate it. Most often, it turns out that losing weight makes several mistakes at once, which leads to such an undesirable phenomenon.

Learning to restart the process of losing weight again.

Dietary changes

If the weight is worth more than 5 days, you need to start acting by organizing a fasting day (see the basic rules for its implementation). Only choose the main product for him not the one that was played leading role in the diet you have been following. For example, if the hunger strike was protein, cleanse the body with rice or buckwheat; if carbohydrate - take kefir as a basis, etc. And from the next day you will need to shake the body again. Nutritionists offer several options for how to do this:

  1. Choose a different diet - more balanced, with optimal.
  2. Try separate meals.
  3. Change the number of meals (instead of 5, do 3 or vice versa).
  4. Switch to the right one, but with a slightly reduced daily calorie content.
  5. Include diet foods and low-calorie meals in your diet that you have never eaten before.
  6. Reduce portion sizes.

So that the weight does not stand and budge, try to radically change the diet if you are sure that mistakes were made in the previously selected diet.

Changes in training

  1. Choose another set of exercises.
  2. If previously the basis of training was cardio, change them to strength and vice versa.
  3. Stop running if it doesn't work.
  4. Change the schedule and hours of training.
  5. Consult with a professional trainer.
  6. Change the type of simulator, type of dance (from zumba to bellydance, for example), studio or gym.
  7. Pay attention to yoga, qigong,.
  8. Sometimes it is enough just to reduce the load.

Let your body experience new sensations. If you don't know how to swim, learn to. Never got on a bike - it's about time.

Review of the methods used

  1. Give up fat-burning, laxative and diuretic drugs or replace them with others, on the recommendation of a specialist.
  2. Take a break from wearing corrective underwear or get a new, more functional one: you wore a sauna suit - switch to a thermal belt.
  3. Try to buy another jewelry to influence other points on the body that are responsible for losing weight (for those who are fond of reflex and magnetotherapy). Worn a ring - now try the earrings.
  4. Cryotherapy did not help - sign up for.
  5. If the author's and folk methods for losing weight and cleansing the body have led to weight stagnation, you should not continue such experiments.

Try to objectively judge which of the methods really work, and which are just empty extortion of money by manufacturers. The first will allow the weight to move off the ground, the second will not change the situation.

A moment of enlightenment. If you want to study this phenomenon in more detail, read the book by B. Sullivan and H. Thompson “The Plateau Effect. How to overcome stagnation and move on.

What else can be done so that the weight does not stand in one place?

Make sure that the weight loss program necessarily includes a diet (or proper nutrition) And physical activity+ 2-3 auxiliary methods can be used (massage, wraps, salon procedures, etc.).

Pass a medical examination. Rarely, but still it happens that some kind of disease becomes the cause of the plateau effect, exacerbated as a result of a sharp change in lifestyle.

Establish a drinking regimen, drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Organize a healthy, full-fledged sleep: go to bed before midnight, sleep at least 8 hours daily, do not sit at the TV screens and gadgets before going to bed (read more about how you can lose weight at night, recommendations for organizing sleep).

Avoid stressful situations. If an emergency happened during weight loss (they were fired from work, the husband left), the kilograms stop leaving. For some period, you need to postpone the diet, survive the stress, take a course of antidepressants, if necessary, and only then return to achieving the goal.

Focus on spa treatments to increase thermogenesis.

And now a nice bonus: all the additional recommendations given above are at the same time the prevention of the plateau effect. If you do not want to face this unpleasant phenomenon during your weight loss, initially follow these tips, and then the weight will gradually but steadily decrease, and not stand in one place.

Losing weight and body modeling work is very difficult process, which requires a woman's composure, determination and willpower.

When this process brings tangible results, stick to the chosen nutrition program and physical activity becomes easier. But it happens that the weight has risen and refuses to change, despite the fact that the woman continues to work intensively on her body.

In order to believe again in the possibility of losing weight in this case, the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" recommends that its readers understand the causes of the problem. It is about why the weight has risen after a systematic fall and what needs to be done in this case will be discussed in this article.

Why does weight stop when losing weight

Scientists have found that losing weight is often the culprit of weight loss. They make common mistakes:

  1. They choose too rigid a diet that introduces the body into a stressful state. As a result, its protective reaction is triggered, it turns on an economical mode so that the nutrients for its normal operation are enough for the longest possible time. Metabolic processes slow down, kilograms stop leaving.
  2. Not drinking enough liquid. With a shortage of fluids, they fail and the body stops losing weight.
  3. Energy costs are miscalculated. Very often, the question of why the weight has stood still when dieting and playing sports is asked by beginner fighters for harmony, who do not know very well how. They run for half an hour every day or perform other physical activities, but do not take into account that they burn not much more energy than they consume calories.
  4. Do not change weight loss programs. The more weight a person has, the more calories he needs to consume and, accordingly, burn during sports training. When the body loses its mass, its caloric requirements also decrease. In order for the weight to fall steadily, you need to take into account the new needs of the body and eat less and move more.
  5. Incorrectly track changes in their proportions. Very often, girls who track the results of losing weight by weight ask in confusion: I am losing weight, the weight has risen, what should I do? They do not take into account that they increase during training muscle mass, which has a higher weight than adipose tissue. In order to correctly track the dynamics of weight loss in this case, it is necessary to use not scales, but a centimeter tape.

Often the reason that when losing weight, the weight stood still is also the fact that a person has achieved the maximum possible result.

Sometimes quite slender girls try their best to remove another couple of centimeters at the waist and hips, not noticing that there is practically no fat on them.

In this case, it is impossible to engage in self-torture, training for a long time and malnourished: this will only lead to undermining health.

If the weight has risen for another reason, you should change the tactics of dealing with extra centimeters.

What to do if the weight has risen while losing weight

The site notes that the first thing to do when stopping weight is to start a diet diary. It will help you see exactly how well organized food is and what is the calorie content of the daily diet. Based on the data that can be obtained from the dietary diary, in each individual case, a specific conclusion is made about the necessary changes in diet. After all, the success of losing weight depends on proper nutrition.

Speaking about what to do if the weight has become in place, we should also mention some general methods of dealing with stopping progress in losing weight:

  1. Zigzags in nutrition. If the daily norm is 1500 calories, then you should not stick to this indicator every day, but change it in such a way that there are so many calories per day on average. That is, today you can eat 1200 calories, and tomorrow - 1800 calories. In this case, the body will not be able to adapt to a constant caloric intake.
  2. Changing the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet. To do this, you do not need to perform any particularly complex calculations. It is enough just to try to increase the consumption of one type of food and proportionally reduce the consumption of another type. For example, those who are used to breakfast with a protein dish should try starting the day with porridge. Conversely, for those who are used to eating buckwheat for dinner, you can try replacing it with a meat or fish dish.
  3. Go to . Very often, a patient’s question like “I’m losing weight, the weight has risen, what should I do?” Dietitians give her a recommendation to switch to frequent meals in small portions. To do this, you just need to divide each meal into 2 times with a 1.5-2-hour break between them. With such a nutrition system, metabolic processes in the body are significantly accelerated.
  4. Movement in a different mode. To force the body to lose fat stores again, it is necessary to turn to new types of training. For example, from dancing to swimming, from - to cycling.
  5. Return to strength training. What you need to do if the weight has stood still when losing weight is to move on to strength training. For those who have not previously worked out on simulators and have not used dumbbells, it's time to turn to these shells.

If the weight stops when you turn to a diet, you should also think about visiting a qualified nutritionist who knows how to competently draw up an individual nutrition plan, taking into account the peculiarities of the constitution of the body of each patient.

Scientists say that it is very difficult to lose more than 10% of your body weight, for many this is the maximum indicator of the effectiveness of losing weight.

Therefore, you should not grieve much because the weight has risen after losing 5-9 kg, having decreased from 60 kg to 55 kg. This is such a big victory.

Having achieved such a result, you can simply rejoice, enjoy your new silhouette and get the most out of every moment of your life. After all, it is this attitude that is the best insurance against obesity and many other diseases.

What to do if the weight is on a diet? Why every week
Is the fat coming off slower and slower? Is it ok or
does this mean the diet no longer works? And why the weight of
problem areas goes away worse, but is gaining faster?

weight has risen or about a dietary plateau when losing weight.

To answer this question, it is necessary to explain a little why this happens, because in different cases the advice will be different.

Imagine for a moment that you are in a very dark room. At first, you do not see anything, but gradually your eyes begin to get used to and you already distinguish objects. Only you are used to how sharply a bright light hits your face. It hurts and you cover your eyes with your hand. After a few minutes, your eyes get used to it again and see objects again. The key word here is getting used to it, and now it will help us cope with the “dietary plateau” effect. But first the video.

Weight up or last kilos video

How does our body react to changes?

Our body cells react to any external influence by means of contact of cellular receptors with an irritant. Receptors are like cell sensors, each of which is tuned to some kind of influence. And how powerfully the cell will respond to this effect depends on the SENSITIVITY of the receptors. For example, your eyes react to light, but they do not react to sound. And whatever the effect is not too weak or too strong, the receptors change their sensitivity, depending on the conditions. When you are in the dark, the sensitivity of the receptors to light is maximum, and when bright and sunny is minimal. So, the same thing happens when parting with our fat and most often is the reason that the weight has risen.

Lipolysis. How does parting with our fat.
Or why "weight got on a diet"?

Suppose you are losing weight, doing something for this, and in response, the body began to secrete hormones with lipolytic ability. Cellular receptors begin to respond to them to break down fats. As in the case of your grazes, there is a process of getting used to. That is, the body considers a certain constant level of hormones with lipolytic ability to be the norm and lowers the sensitivity of receptors so as not to lose anything. After all, the loss of fat reserves from the point of view of the body is bad. This is a threat to life. And this moment is called a plateau.

Three "plateau" options. Why did the weight rise?
  1. Let's say you went on some kind of EXPRESS diet with cutting calories up to 1000 per day. Or cutting calories too much with proper nutrition. In relation to our example, your body will react to such a sharp surge of hormones with lipolytic ability in the same way as you do if you sharply turn on the spotlight in your eyes in a dark room. STRESS with the maximum possible decrease in the sensitivity of receptors to the effects of hormones. Usually, after 10 days, a plateau occurs. In this case, you should immediately switch to proper nutrition with a calorie deficit of no more than 10-15% - yes, this can easily turn out to be MORE than what you ate before the plateau! And, of course, wait. And whatever happens, never go on a diet.
  2. You switched to proper nutrition, reduced calories, and immediately began strength and cardio and entered a plateau.
    Hormones with lipolytic ability are different: When we are hungry - glucagon. When we sleep - somatotropin. When stress is adrenaline. When heavy exercise stress- cortisol. Grabbing everything at once - diets, sports with iron, running and so on - is to stun the receptors of our cells with a stream of various hormones with lipolytic ability. The effect is the same as in the first case. In order to get out of the plateau in this case, it is also necessary to switch to proper nutrition with a calorie deficit of no more than 10-15%, reduce stress and rest more. And wait. And whatever it is, don't grab everything at once. First start with nutrition and then connect the gym.
  3. You seem to be doing everything right, but now the weight has risen and has not been moving for a long time. What to do? If you did everything smoothly, but the plateau is still there are two ways: to add to the process of losing weight effects that were not there before - for example, START AT THIS MOMENT cardio load. And then add or replace them with circuit training. The second way is this: keep in mind that firstly you have lost weight, and secondly, not only due to fat burning, but also due to muscle loss too. This means that the daily calorie intake needs to be counted down, because now you are spending fewer calories. And that means you need to slightly lower your calorie intake in order to get out of the plateau.

So, as you noticed in all cases - YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT. Wait for the receptors to regain sensitivity. Sometimes it also helps to "let go" of the chit mil receptors - when one of the meals is any, the most harmful but favorite food. I hope a very simplified example with light will help you understand what happens to your body during weight loss. If so, share this video on a social network or friends, as well as