How to know how much you weigh without a scale. How to find out your weight without scales: unique methods for determining kg

February 26, 2014

Imagine that you find yourself in conditions of complete isolation from society, and you urgently need to weigh yourself. But here's the problem: the scales are not at hand. How to find out your weight without scales? - this thought will torment you from morning to night. Until you dare to try an alternative method that will effectively remedy the situation.

Wrist and 10%

With the help of easy trick You can easily find out your weight by height. First you need to grab the thumb and forefinger of your left hand with your right wrist. If the fingers join freely in a ring, then you are an asthenic, that is, a person with a thin physique. Do you know your height in centimeters? Then you can follow this instruction on how to find out your weight without scales. Calculate 10% of growth and subtract it from the last 2 digits of growth. For example, if your height is 170 cm, then 10% is 17. Now 70-17 = 53 kg. This is approximately and will be an indicator of how much you weigh. If the fingers could not clasp the wrist, then you are a hypersthenic with a massive physique. In this case, add 10% of the growth to its last two digits. With a height of 180 cm, 10% will be the number 18; 80 + 18 = 96 kg is a healthy weight for a large man.

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Minus 5 from the waist

“Minus 5 from the waist” is not only a simple, but also quite accurate way of how to find out your weight without scales. To carry out this procedure, we need a centimeter tape and, in fact, your beautiful waist. We measure the waist, let's say it will be equal to 65 cm, now we use the magic formula "minus 5 from the waist", we get the number 60. This figure is an indicator of how much you weigh in kilograms. Also, if a person does not have obvious problems with obesity or excessive thinness, then a system that demonstrates the relationship between wrist girth and weight will work perfectly. Of course, you will be surprised, but indeed the number of four times the volume of the wrist is equivalent to the mass of its owner. If a 15 cm mark is visible on the tape, you weigh 60 kg.

Cubes in a barrel

This way of how to find out your weight without weights is more troublesome than the previous two. But it also has its advantages, namely incredible accuracy. For the experiment, use any empty container (a barrel, for example) that you can fit in, and a bathtub filled with water. Put the barrel in the bath, climb inside and note the level of how high the water has risen. Now get out and pour water into the barrel until the water around rises to the mark you left. It remains only to calculate the mass of water in the barrel, which will be equal to how much you weigh. This will be quite difficult to do, but you can go for a little trick. Let's assume that 1 kg = 1 liter. Take a measuring cup with a volume of 1 liter and gradually pour water from it into a barrel. Don't forget to count circles. So, if after 48 such mugs the water has risen to the cherished mark, then a miracle has happened - you weigh 48 kg.

These are far from all the existing methods of how to find out weight without weights. In extreme cases, you can use a partner on a swing or turn to an experienced farmer who knows how to measure the weight of livestock by eye, and even better - to a psychic.




In the section on the question of how to find out how much you weigh without weights, given by the author sound combination the best answer is Method number 1
You can control your weight on your wrist. To do this, grab the wrist of your right hand with the fingers of your left hand, and if the fingers are freely connected, then your weight is normal, if vice versa, then it's time to think about a diet.
Method number 2
To find out the weight without a scale, you need a regular tailor's centimeter. Grasp your waist with a centimeter and see how much the girth turns out. Subtract five from this amount. For example, your waist circumference is 80 centimeters, then 80-5=75. 75 will be your weight.
Method number 3
This option is more troublesome than the first. You will need to climb into any empty container, for example a barrel. Which should be immersed in water and mark the level of immersion. Next, you need to get out of the barrel and fill it with enough water so that the barrel is submerged in water to the level of your mark. At the same time, the conclusion is that with such a pattern, the volume of water poured into a barrel will determine the mass of your body. The mass of water can be determined by the formula m = rV, where r is the density of water 1000 kg / m cubed and V is the volume. You need to determine the mass m of water, and, consequently, your body. And knowing the mass of the body, you can freely determine its weight.

Answer from irrigate[guru]
ask someone like you how much they weigh

Answer from Les Paul[guru]
Lie in a bathtub full to the brim and calculate the volume of water that has spilled out ...

Answer from Ivan Nepomniachtchi[guru]
Get into a full bath. spilled water pour jars, how many liters - so many kilograms

Answer from Lisa Efimova[guru]
You pour a bath. You mark. Immerse yourself completely in the bath with your head. And again you make a mark. Then you get out of the bathroom and pour a liter mug of water up to the second mark, counting how many liters will go. This is your volume. And then the density of a person is 1036 kg / m 3 divided by the resulting volume. This will be your mass.

Imagine that you find yourself in conditions of complete isolation from society, and you urgently need to weigh yourself. But here's the problem: the scales are not at hand. How to find out your weight without scales? - this thought will torment you from morning to night. Until you dare to try an alternative method that will effectively remedy the situation.

Wrist and 10%

With the help of the easiest trick, you can easily find out your weight by height. First you need to grab the thumb and forefinger of your left hand with your right wrist. If the fingers join freely in a ring, then you are an asthenic, that is, a person with a thin physique. Do you know your height in centimeters? Then you can follow this instruction on how to find out your weight without scales. Calculate 10% of growth and subtract it from the last 2 digits of growth. For example, if your height is 170 cm, then 10% is 17. Now 70-17 = 53 kg. This is approximately and will be an indicator of how much you weigh. If the fingers could not clasp the wrist, then you are a hypersthenic with a massive physique. In this case, add 10% of the growth to its last two digits. With a height of 180 cm, 10% will be the number 18; 80 + 18 = 96 kg is a healthy weight for a large man.

Minus 5 from the waist

“Minus 5 from the waist” is not only a simple, but also quite accurate way of how to find out your weight without scales. To carry out this procedure, we need a centimeter tape and, in fact, your beautiful waist. We measure the waist, let's say it will be equal to 65 cm, now we use the magic formula "minus 5 from the waist", we get the number 60. This figure is an indicator of how much you weigh in kilograms. Also, if a person does not have obvious problems with obesity or excessive thinness, then a system that demonstrates the relationship between wrist girth and weight will work perfectly. Of course, you will be surprised, but indeed the number of four times the volume of the wrist is equivalent to the mass of its owner. If a 15 cm mark is visible on the tape, you weigh 60 kg.

Cubes in a barrel

This way of how to find out your weight without weights is more troublesome than the previous two. But it also has its advantages, namely incredible accuracy. For the experiment, use any empty container (a barrel, for example) that you can fit in, and a bathtub filled with water. Put the barrel in the bath, climb inside and note the level of how high the water has risen. Now get out and pour water into the barrel until the water around rises to the mark you left. It remains only to calculate the mass of water in the barrel, which will be equal to how much you weigh. This will be quite difficult to do, but you can go for a little trick. Let's assume that 1 kg = 1 liter. Take a measuring cup with a volume of 1 liter and gradually pour water from it into a barrel. Don't forget to count circles. So, if after 48 such mugs the water has risen to the cherished mark, then a miracle has happened - you weigh 48 kg.

These are far from all the existing methods of how to find out weight without weights. In extreme cases, you can use a partner on a swing or turn to an experienced farmer who knows how to measure the weight of livestock by eye, and even better - to a psychic.

Every second girl in the world is unhappy with her appearance, and in most cases the main problem seems to be the figure. Needless to say, often young ladies simply exaggerate and turn a couple of extra pounds gained over new year holidays, into disaster. What's more, many of them are unaware that lavish dinners have not actually affected their waistline! The easiest way to verify this is to weigh yourself. Well, what if there is no such possibility? How to find out your weight without scales?

Waist and weight

One of the most simple ways- refer to the measuring tape and your own waist. There is a formula that allows you to find out the approximate weight of a person. It is very simple to do this: take a measurement of the waist 2 centimeters above the navel, and then simply subtract 5 from the resulting figure and find out how many kilograms you have.

For example, your waist is 80 centimeters. According to the formula 80-5=75 kg. Of course, this indicator will not be absolutely accurate, but this is enough to determine the need for a diet.

Guessing on the wrist

This method is also elementary, but unfortunately, even less accurate than the waist measurement experiment. And yet, if you are worried about how to find out your weight quickly without weights, then your wrist and height will help you. By the way, even a centimeter tape is not needed here, which makes this calculation option even more convenient.

So, grab your wrist so that the thumb and forefinger are loosely connected. If this trick was successful without difficulty, then you belong to the asthenics - people of a slender physique. In this case, the formula for calculating the following: (height - 100) - (height x 0.1) = your approximate weight.

For example, you were able to connect your fingers on your wrist, and your height is 168 centimeters. We consider: (168 - 100) - (168 x 0.1) \u003d 51.2 kilograms. But this formula works only for this type of physique and only in the absence of visible problems with being overweight.

People who can't wrap their arms around their wrists need to calculate weight a little differently: (height - 100)+(height x 0.1)=your approximate weight. For example, it looks like this: (168 - 100) + (168 x 0.1) \u003d 84.8 kilograms. As you can see, the difference is noticeable, so it is important to be honest with your wrist measurement and remember that the finger ring should be loose.

Law of Archimedes

This method is the most accurate of all the options for how to find out your weight without weights. But it is quite complex and not suitable for everyone. The whole difficulty is that it will take some effort and find the right tools.

So, according to the law of Archimedes, any body that is immersed in a liquid will push it out exactly as much as the volume of the body itself. If you translate this into an accessible language - put yourself in a full bath or barrel, collect the water that will pour out, and you will know your weight. Of course, this method is hardly suitable for an adult, but if you are tormented by the question of how to find out the weight of a child without scales, then Archimedes will help you.

Fill the baby bath to the brim and place the baby in it. Some of the water will definitely come out. It remains only to find out its volume. There are two ways to do this. The first is to collect liquid in liter jars (conditionally taking 1 liter for 1 kilogram). The second - on the contrary, fill the bath to the brim, counting how many liters you need.

Baby swing

You can find many more ways to find out your weight without scales. But the most fun is the ordinary children's swing, which you need to ride together. You will need the help of a friend or girlfriend, and preferably two. It is important that he or she knows exactly his or her weight. And this is done simply: carefully stand on the swing and slowly walk towards each other. As soon as both sides are equal, one of the assistants must fix the distance from each "weight" to the center. Next, we calculate by the formula: friend's weight x (friend's distance / your distance) = your weight.

These simple methods will show you how to find out your weight without a scale. The BMI table will help determine if this figure is normal. But it is still better to purchase the simplest mechanical scales and monitor the figure to the nearest gram.