Rubber suit for weight loss. Sauna suit - a modern method of weight loss

For several years now, discussions have been unfolding around this type of clothing for weight loss, like a sauna suit. Advertising from TV screens, various rumors and assumptions, the conclusions of athletes and the impressions of people passionate about sports give rise to a lively controversy on the forums of Internet spaces. Reviews fluctuate in a wide range: from enthusiastic to disappointed and even sharply negative.

It is worth figuring out whether a sauna suit for weight loss is really so effective and whether it is harmful to health? Does it make sense to buy? We will try to shed light on these issues objectively.

Wearing a suit and losing weight... tempting, isn't it? Miracle suit manufacturers use the trick of claiming that their product is unique and incredibly effective. There is indeed a certain effect from the use of this product. Only use it during physical activity.

But everyone knows that while playing sports, weight loss will happen regardless of the presence or absence of any weight loss suit. Let's find out how this thing affects weight loss according to manufacturers, sellers and real people who have tried the product?

The mechanism of action of the sauna suit for weight loss: reviews, myths and reality

How it works

During exercise, the body generates a lot of heat. That is why you are thrown into a fever during a high physical activity. In order to avoid overheating, excessive heat must go outside. However, a sauna suit worn over a heated body violates this mechanism. It interferes with natural heat dissipation, as a result of which there is a " Greenhouse effect". What does the body do, trying to protect itself from overheating? For the purpose of thermoregulation, it begins to release moisture, that is, sweat.

By the way, the same thing happens in a simple Russian bath. The only difference is that there the heat comes from the stove, that is, from the outside, and in the case of a sauna suit, the heat is released by the person himself. As a result, you sweat heavily, lose moisture, and hence kilograms. Along with sweat, all kinds of slags and toxins also come out. Sweating in a real sauna is, of course, more hygienic: the body is clean and "breathes" there. Therefore, it is recommended to take a shower after using the sauna suit. Don't wear the suit for too long outside of the gym.

Buying a sauna suit for weight loss makes especially sense for athletes who need to meet a certain weight category before competitions. Due to this device, you can quickly "expel" excess water, and therefore reduce weight.

In addition to removing excess water and toxins, the suit promotes fat burning. How? It is known that for weight loss cardio loads are necessary, and for muscle building - strength exercises. For your information, fat burning only occurs after 20 minutes of cardio at high heart rate, in which the sensations of the heart literally "jumps" out.

If in the normal state the pulse is about 60-90 beats per minute, then you can calculate your approximate heart rate for fat burning as follows. Subtract your age from 220, multiply by 0.6 for the lower limit, and 0.8 for the upper limit. This will be your required heart rate range at which fat is melted.

So, a sauna suit gives an additional load on the heart, as a result of which the pulse quickens with less physical activity. The main thing is that the number of heart pulsations per minute does not exceed the permissible limits. During a lesson on professional simulators (for example, an orbit track), you can find out the current information about your heart rate in order to control it.

Psychological factor

Not getting quick results within one to two weeks regular classes, many losing weight lose interest in sports and stop going to the gym. Despite the fact that the sauna suit expels water from the body to a greater extent than fat, this can be an additional motivation to continue exercising. Thanks to the suit, you will see fast results that will fix the scales, and this will serve as an additional incentive to continue to improve your body.

Disappointment is near

Often the reviews are disappointing. The fact is that no one can put it on and magically lose weight. This item of a sports wardrobe can only serve as a catalyst for weight loss, an auxiliary tool, but not the main factor. The figure will acquire a beautiful outline only if you adjust your diet and exercise regularly. With a suit, it can happen a little faster.

What is a sauna suit and which one is better to choose

A slimming sauna suit is a piece-work overalls or a separate suit, most often resembling a shapeless cellophane "spacesuit". However, sometimes such a kit has a rather stylish appearance and hugs the body tightly. You can buy PVC, vinyl, neoprene or nylon. The material of manufacture, style, design, margin of safety, ease of use directly depend on the price of the product. Cheap kits - disposable. Numerous reviews indicate that cheap vinyl products are torn after a few intensive classes sports.

Undoubtedly, a separate neoprene suit consisting of a jacket and pants is preferable to a one-piece vinyl jumpsuit. For maximum possible weight loss dress full set sauna suit for weight loss. Reviews of losing weight confirm the convenience of using jackets and pants individually or in pairs, you can independently adjust the intensity of weight loss. If you have a need to lose pounds in the upper torso, then you can only use a jacket. Conversely, if you need to lose weight in the lower body, then only trousers (or) for weight loss should be worn to the gym.

Do not forget that any weight loss suit involves wearing cotton underwear. This rule cannot be broken. Cotton will protect your skin from irritation due to contact with sweat.

The positive aspects of clothing for weight loss with a greenhouse effect

  • in combination with physical exercises - weight loss in a short time;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • removal of slags, toxins;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • wear-resistant neoprene material - very durable (medium and high price category of the product);
  • lack of restriction of movements due to the stretch material.

Risks of using slimming clothes with sauna effect: reviews, opinions, statements

With the constant use of a suit with a sauna effect, dehydration of the body occurs. The blood thickens, making it harder for the heart to pump it through the veins. (In this case, authoritative members of the forum advise drinking Aspirin-cardio before each workout.) Because of the thick blood, the load on the heart increases. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to use this method of losing weight for people with a weak heart, the elderly.

In addition to harmful substances, a lot of salts and microelements leave with sweat. In this case, you should replenish stocks - drink sports vitamins, drugs that restore the water-salt balance, such as Regidron.

You can just get heatstroke.

In addition, judging by the reviews, with the regular use of such sportswear, immunity drops, the body becomes especially prone to colds. Most likely this is due to the lack of vitamins, which go away with sweat.

As a result of profuse sweating, the skin under the suit begins to sweat, become irritated, a rash, an allergic reaction, wounds and damage to the skin may occur. A moist, warm environment is an ideal place for the development of fungus and other skin infections. Therefore, follow all the rules of hygiene to the maximum.

There is a risk of provoking inflammatory gynecological diseases in women.

And the last thing: keep in mind that not only excess fat “burns out”, but, unfortunately, muscle mass. However, despite all the above disadvantages, people who actively use the suit claim that the effect is very noticeable. For example, 6 weeks regular workouts managed to lose 10 kg of weight.

Contraindications to the use of a sauna suit

  • weak, sick heart;
  • advanced age;
  • female gynecological diseases;
  • sensitive, prone to allergies, inflammation, prone to skin infections, fungus skin;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Is it worth buying?

It's up to you to decide. This product can hardly be called a necessary attribute for weight loss, but it does not belong to the category of purchases, when you are sold "air" for your money. The benefits and harms of the sauna suit are scientifically substantiated, there are no tricks, secrets and pitfalls.

The target audience of slimming clothing is active, purposeful, hardy, strong-willed people who strive for an active and healthy lifestyle. They understand that proper nutrition and sport is the only true way, the "terminal station" of which is health and harmony.

As the name itself indicates, the effect of the suit is similar to the effect that the body gets after visiting the sauna - it warms up, and there is a lot of sweating. This costume is used as an additional means for weight loss. While doing physical exercises, the body heats up a lot, and the suit does not allow it to cool, as a result, a person sweats a lot and loses overweight significantly faster.

How does a sauna suit work?

It is no coincidence that the sauna suit is an additional means for losing weight. It cannot and should not be the first and only tool for getting rid of extra pounds. A person can do any physical exercise in a sauna suit, even ordinary house cleaning. As a result of heavy sweating and increased metabolism, weight loss after just a few days can be very significant. But, it is important to know that such weight loss is not a consequence of the loss of fat by the body, but of water, which is replenished very quickly. It is believed that the sauna suit was created specifically for professional athletes who need to quickly lose weight before the competition in order to meet the required parameters. This is true, but the sauna suit is popular, as a rule, only among professionals, also because the balance of everything in the body is important for them - water, fats, proteins, various nutrients and minerals. Their diet and physical activity are in strict proportions. Amateur athletes, for whom the goal is to keep the body in shape, as well as people who simply want to lose weight, can make serious mistakes in diet, when exercising, including when using a sauna suit. The result of this can be dehydration of the body, and even heat stroke from overheating the body. Thus, it is from misuse that myths are born that a sauna suit is an extremely harmful tool.

Contraindications for the use of a sauna suit

Before deciding to use a sauna suit, you should consult a doctor and check first of all whether everything is in order with the cardiovascular system. The first and main contraindications, in which the use of a sauna suit is strictly prohibited, are:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases in which it is necessary to strictly control the water balance of the body;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy.

By doing exercise, the body generates a lot of heat, which is technically a strong shake for the body. To protect against overheating, and sweating occurs. When using a sauna suit, the body literally experiences a greenhouse effect, which in fact is even more stressful. However, no doctor will say that the sauna suit is harmful to the body, on the contrary, this thing was created for effective sports and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With the right dosage of classes in a sauna suit, the body gets rid of toxins, blood flow to the skin increases, as a result, it is updated, becomes elastic and soft, metabolism increases.

How to properly use a sauna suit?


The first thing to do is to decide for what purpose the sauna suit is used. In most cases, it will be about the need to lose weight. It is important to understand here that extra pounds are mainly fat, and only then water, so the sauna suit should not be a constant companion of training in order to avoid excessive dehydration of the body. Wearing it should be strictly dosed, and due to reasonable reasons. For example, if there is a goal to get rid of 20-25 kg, then it is highly likely that you will have to get rid of not only excess fat but also water. Therefore, once a week for 10-15 minutes of the total training time, you can practice in a sauna suit. Or, for example, when excess weight mostly due not to fat, but to excess fluid in the body. However, it is important not to make a diagnosis on your own, but to consult a nutritionist and a professional trainer.


It is very important not to overdo it. should not be equal in time to a regular workout, since the body at this time experiences a double load. Doctors do not recommend exercising in a sauna suit for more than 20-25 minutes. For non-professional athletes, this time should be reduced to 10-15 minutes.

Skin protection

In fact, the sauna suit is a rubber suit, which is not desirable to come into contact with the skin during training. Be sure to wear soft cotton or other natural, moisture-absorbing fabrics underneath. This will protect the skin from friction and damage.


To rid the body of dehydration, it is necessary to constantly maintain the balance of water in the body. On the day of classes in a sauna suit, fluid intake should be at least 3-4 liters. At the same time, it is important to note that herbal decoctions, in fact, water, fruit drinks, are among the “correct” liquids. It is impossible to replace them with coffee or black tea, since in order to remove caffeine from the body, which is abundant in these drinks, it, on the contrary, will need even more water.

Nutrition and physical activity

Losing weight in the shortest possible time threatens most often with the reverse side - weight gain in the shortest possible time. That is why a sauna suit is an effective addition to training, and not a panacea. Stories about how someone got rid of extra 5-10 kg in just two weeks, while doing only household chores - washing floors, and cleaning the home, can be quite real, but this result is only water in the literal and figurative sense . Really serious results can be achieved with the right balanced diet and exercise.

Buy a sauna suit, as well as other products to effectively combat overweight you can in the section

Sauna suit for weight loss is another modern miracle remedy, the advertisement of which can be seen everywhere. If you believe the manufacturers of such super-clothing, their products are just a panacea for weight loss. She is capable of a short time save you from extra pounds and restore the beauty of the body. Let's look at whether this is really so and what the effect of the sauna suit is.

The principle of operation of the sauna suit for weight loss

The principle of operation of the sauna suit follows from its name - it creates conditions for profuse sweating. To do this, it is made from a fabric that has the properties of blocking heat removal (vinyl), and differs from different manufacturers only in quality. Thus, during sports in such a suit, the heat released by the body cannot go outside, which causes increased sweating. That is dehydration. The very principle of sweating in a sauna suit can be compared with its more budgetary counterpart - wrapping with cling film. Only in the case of a suit, you do not need to apply any special products under it (anti-cellulite creams, serums, essential oils), but it is enough to confine yourself to high-quality cotton underwear.

The benefits of a sauna suit for weight loss

The main advantage of the sauna suit is its effectiveness - it is really able to give a quick result. So, indeed, after one intense workout, you can see minus 2-3 kg on the scales. Such a visible result also provides psychological stimulation to continue working on your body. In addition, there are quite affordable models of sauna suits (from 300 rubles). And one more of its advantages is ease of use: dressed - trained - got the result.

Disadvantages of a sauna suit for weight loss

Despite such rapid results, using a sauna suit, you need to remember that weight loss occurs due to dehydration, and not due to a decrease in body fat. From this emerges the most important drawback of this method of losing weight - the temporality of the effect. In addition, there are more banal disadvantages during operation: it is not very comfortable to train in it, and the suit needs to be washed after each workout, as a result of which not very high-quality specimens quickly “spread out”. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that such overheating can lead not only to weight loss, but also to heat stroke, allergic reactions, the development of skin and fungal diseases, and in women also gynecological problems.

Expert opinion

Many fitness trainers and nutritionists consider the sauna suit effective tool to normalize weight only if excess weight is caused precisely by excess fluid in the body. Therefore, it is often used by professional athletes before competitions (the so-called "drying"), when you need to enter your weight class. You can also use a sauna suit in the case when it is urgently necessary to get into a dress before an important event. However, it must be remembered that with the replenishment of the fluid deficit, the body will still return to its original weight. But the most important advantage of using a sauna suit, according to professionals, is still a psychological moment - motivation from the result obtained for those who are just starting to play sports.

Thus, if we summarize the above, the sauna suit is effective method remove excess fluid from the body and reduce weight, but as an emergency and one-time remedy. It is not advisable to use it for a long time.

Thermal clothing has become a bestseller not so long ago. Moreover, if initially it was intended exclusively for athletes, then soon it was discovered for themselves by those who dream of losing weight. The leader is the sauna suit - stylish, bright, comfortable, relatively inexpensive and effective. But how do you know if this is just another fashion trend and empty promises from manufacturers? We understand whether it actually helps to lose weight and how exactly this happens.

Slimming mechanism

The sauna suit is made from a special material that prevents heat from the body and moisture from penetrating through the fabric. They stay inside, causing profuse sweating, especially during sports. Tightness is ensured by special cuffs with elastic bands on the legs, sleeves and even the neck. They are tightened so that nothing can seep either in or out. The created "greenhouse effect" allows you to:

  • increase energy expenditure during exercise;
  • remove slags, toxins, “dead” (stagnant in the tissues) water along with sweat;
  • burn fat;
  • get rid of edema and cellulite.

Approximately the same thing happens during. The difference is that it does not need to be applied to the skin additional funds and clothes do not constrain movements and do not tighten the body.

Fitness trainers advise using such weight loss suits only in certain cases:

  • excess weight gain no more than 5 kg;
  • it is dictated by the accumulation of excess water in the tissues, which must be removed;
  • the athlete is engaged in drying the body in order to enter the desired weight category before the competition (read on what drying is);
  • necessary emergency weight loss before an important event.

If excess weight is dictated by internal diseases, slow metabolism, hereditary or hormonal factors, the sauna suit will be useless for weight loss. The same goes for obesity.

Possible harm


  • material allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases, the presence of foci of inflammation in the body;
  • skin diseases;
  • fever;
  • obesity;
  • oncology;
  • joint problems;
  • rehabilitation after operations, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, protracted illness;
  • cardiovascular diseases: heart attack, anemia, varicose veins, hypertension.

Side effects:

  • allergic reactions, skin irritation;
  • gynecological problems in women;
  • skin and fungal diseases;
  • dehydration, violations of the water-salt balance;
  • heatstroke.

To avoid complications and side effects before buying and even more so wearing a suit, you must obtain a doctor's permission for this. Especially - in the presence of any chronic diseases.

If the state of health after its use has noticeably worsened, such weight loss should be abandoned. Increased attention should be paid to the skin, which, under the influence of sweat, can be irritated and inflamed up to weeping ulcers.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • efficiency: for 1 hour of intensive training in the gym, you can lose up to 2 kg;
  • availability: there are budget models for $5;
  • ease of use: put on - worked out - lost weight;
  • models are stylish and trendy.


  • despite the promises of manufacturers, the suits do not have a fat-burning effect: weight loss occurs due to dehydration;
  • the results of losing weight are not durable and are temporary;
  • inconvenient to do;
  • the sauna suit must be washed after each workout, which negatively affects the material - it wears out faster;
  • side effects are quite common;
  • presence of contraindications.

On a note. According to studies, in order to achieve the burning of adipose tissue with the help of heat, it is necessary to warm the deep layers of the skin with a temperature of 50 ° C. Is it worth explaining that a sauna suit will not provide it? Not even all hardware techniques used in cosmetology and plastic medicine are capable of this.



Most often, a slimming suit with a sauna effect is made of vinyl. This is a material that blocks the removal of heat from the body. It is thanks to him that such intense sweating occurs during sports. It is made from resin, plastic and rubber. Yes, the composition is synthetic and leaves much to be desired, but do not rush to conclusions. This unique fabric:

  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not exude toxins;
  • does not ignite;
  • incredibly elastic;
  • has mechanical strength.

It is vinyl that allows you to make clothes without seams so that they do not rub the body.


This is synthetic rubber. Suits made from it have properties such as:

  • water resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • softness (pleasant to the body);
  • strength, high resistance to negative external factors;
  • porous structure (i.e. the body breathes).

Also made from neoprene sportswear for airsoft, paintball, mountaineering, sailing, beach volleyball, martial arts, tourist waterproof equipment.


Polyamide having the following characteristics:

  • easy;
  • wear-resistant;
  • elastic;
  • retains a presentable appearance after many washes;
  • Washes well, dries quickly, no ironing required.

However, the nylon suit has one big disadvantage - with prolonged contact with the skin (especially sensitive), and even under the influence of heat and sweat, it causes extensive irritation.

How to use

Under the sauna suit, you must wear high-quality cotton underwear (T-shirt and leggings), which:

  • avoids irritation of the skin;
  • absorbs the maximum amount of sweat;
  • reduces the risk of overheating.

At its core, this is a tracksuit, only with additional features (sauna effect). Therefore, it must be worn for training, jogging and any other sports. If you wear the kit just like that, there will be no effect of losing weight.

Before and after wearing it is necessary to take a warm shower. After training and water procedures massage will be especially effective. And be sure to apply moisturizing milk or cream to the skin to protect it from diaper rash and irritation.

After each workout, the suit should be washed by hand in warm water, preferably with antibacterial or baby soap. Some manufacturers in the instructions allow them to simply turn them inside out and wipe them with a damp cloth from the inside. But this method of purification is not a guarantee of the elimination of all pathogenic organisms. After washing, the clothes inside out must be thoroughly dried. Ideally, outdoors.

Frequency of use - twice a week. The duration of the weight loss course is until the desired result is achieved.

To improve results, try to stick to a healthy lifestyle as much as possible (get enough sleep, live on a schedule, give up bad habits, do not be nervous) and eat right (diet will also come in handy). And most importantly - be sure to drink as much water as possible (on ordinary days - 2 liters, when you train - 2.5 liters).

Be careful! On the Internet, there are unfortunate advisers who recommend wrapping yourself under a sauna suit before training cling film. Any sane person will understand that this will lead to overheating and fainting, not weight loss. One suit is enough to make you so wet after class, as if you were doused with a bucket. So do not fall for such provocations.

Brand Overview

You can buy a sauna suit in large hypermarkets of sporting goods. They are traded by Sportmaster, Decathlon, Trial-Sport, Sportlandia and others.


Country of origin: China.

Cost: from $12.5.

Material: vinyl.

Includes: jacket + pants.

Feature: one size fits all.


  • strong smell of rubber at first;
  • discomfort when touching the skin;
  • may be too large for small people;
  • wears out quickly;
  • the only color is black;
  • does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

exercise suit

Country of origin: China.

Cost: from $15.6.

Material: vinyl.

Includes: jacket and pants.

Feature: Made in stylish silver color, looks beautiful.


  • the fabric is quickly torn;
  • stretches a lot.

Sauna suit with zipper

Brand: Green Hill.

Country of origin: Pakistan.

Cost: from $26.

Material: nylon.

Includes: jacket and pants.

Feature: There are sizes from S to XXL, different shades.


  • causes allergies;
  • highly electrified.


Country of origin: China.

Cost: from $16.5.

Material: vinyl.

Includes: jacket and pants.

Feature: There are different sizes.


  • only 2 shades;
  • unpresentable appearance;
  • the jacket in training rides up a lot, but it doesn’t tuck into the pants.

If you are planning active weight loss(proper nutrition / diet + sports), you can improve your results with such an unusual costume. At the same time, save time and money in the sauna, because after training you will look like someone who just left the steam room. Well, how does a bath and sauna affect our body, about the mechanism of losing weight in this way, we.

The suit is made from special materials that do not allow the heat generated human body dissipate, thereby creating a sauna effect near the surface of the skin. This leads to increased sweating, for which the body spends energy.

Suits are used when playing sports, i.e. when heat generation increases. Accordingly than more people moves, the stronger the effect of the suit and the slimming effect.

It is worth recalling that 582 kcal is expended to release 1 liter of sweat, so water must be consumed when using a suit.

Application advantages

In general, the advantages of a sauna suit are as follows:

  • helps to reduce weight in a short time;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • intensive blood supply increases the elasticity of the skin;
  • the body is freed from toxins;
  • relieves edema if there is excess fluid in the body;
  • low cost;
  • because of the loose fit, it can be used by all family members.

The effectiveness of the suit

In order to achieve the greatest effect, the suit should be used only with regular physical activity, sports. It must be understood that just by putting on a suit, the result cannot be achieved, therefore it is not recommended to wear it without training.

Where can it be used:

  • while running;
  • during classes on;
  • during physical activity at home;
  • in fitness clubs and;
  • when practicing in dance studios.

How to choose the right one and what are the differences

Choosing a good suit means ensuring the greatest effect of its use. Let's take a closer look at how to choose the right one, how they differ.

  • Suit material can be PVC, vinyl, neoprene, nylon.
  • The price depends on the material, style, design. It ranges from 600 to 4000 rubles.

What to look for when choosing:

  1. on the quality of the fabric. In cheap versions, it is thin, quickly torn, and causes skin irritation. Fabrics of medium and high price categories differ good quality. The more elastic the material, the better. When buying, you need to check the strength of the seams, if there are tears in the fabric, this will violate its tightness.
  2. On inside. Examine the inside. There should be an additional layer that provides comfort during classes. It absorbs sweat, does not irritate the skin, is pleasant to the touch.
  3. For size. The sauna suit should be slightly loose. This creates a layer of air in which sweat is removed from the skin. When choosing a size, consider the data:
    • size S is 44;
    • size M is 46;
    • size L is 48;
    • size XL is 50.
  4. For completeness. Available in the form of overalls and. It is better to give preference to a separate one - a jacket with trousers. If you need to correct the whole body, take a full suit. I want to lose extra pounds in the upper body, you can only wear a jacket, if you need to adjust the bottom - put on trousers.
  5. For appearance. Many choose suits that look like sportswear. It is convenient when jogging down the street in the morning or for training in the gym. The look is very elegant, you can choose any color.

Where can I buy

It is better to buy in sports stores. When ordering online, you can make a mistake with the size, there is no way to check the quality of the material and not inspect the internal seams.

Terms of use, storage

It is necessary to properly care for the product in order to extend its life.

  • After use, rinse it with water or rinse with a shower, after turning it inside out.
  • Wash only by hand, soapy water or detergent without bleach.
  • Dry, turning inside out. In good weather, you can hang it on the balcony.
  • Sellers advise wearing cotton underwear under it, it absorbs sweat well.
  • Before removing, the body must be allowed to cool. After application, you should take a shower.
  • It is not recommended to use more than 1 hour.
  • Products do not like moisture, so they should be stored in a dry, ventilated place.

Feedback on the application

  1. I saw a suit in a sports store and decided to buy it. At home, I only have a ministepper. I had to lose weight for the wedding. I began to practice in a suit almost every day, for about forty to sixty minutes, on the steppe. Within five minutes, sweat was running off me in a stream. Dropped a few pounds. Personally, I like everything, but there is one minus - the pants quickly broke. I'll try to buy from another manufacturer. (Marina, 24 years old, Yekaterinburg).
  2. Once a “sauna suit” caught my eye, I took it. Dressed at home, began to exercise on an exercise bike. The effect was shocking, the sweat just poured in streams. All cotton underwear was damp. Using the suit, only two weeks, I lost 2 kg. I highly recommend as an addition to fitness, exercise bike, running. (Polina, 22 years old, Moscow).
  3. I want to tell you about the sauna suit. I do martial arts, I need to lose weight for competitions. The suit helps a lot. Kilograms leave quickly. It is worth actively running around, you immediately feel how this remedy works. But, I do not advise everyone to get involved. Better weight discard gradually. The tool is definitely worth it, buy it on health. (Oleg, 27 years old, Orel).
  4. My husband and I purchased a slimming suit. Husband visited Gym so I bought it for myself. I tried it, I was just delighted. I also decided to keep up, dressed and began to twist for 30 minutes. During this time, sweat poured from me. I had to go rinse, I was all wet. I began to twist the hoop constantly, for 30 minutes. Result: The jeans I bought were two sizes too big for me. This is after just two months! (Marina, 42 years old, St. Petersburg).
  5. I stumbled upon the sauna suit by accident. I'm lazy, I don't like sports, so he interested me. I wanted to lose weight without bothering myself. I do not recognize diets, I love to eat. Having put on a suit, I began to actively engage in household chores. When I had a break, I drank hot tea. At that moment, she was sweating a lot. Endured two hours, went to wash quickly. The experiment lasted a week. During this time, she lost two kilograms. I ate as usual, without restrictions. The body removed excess fluid. For me, this is true, because I have swelling. (Elena, 38 years old, Serpukhov).
  6. I start running down the street in winter, I love the cold. This winter I saw a sauna suit. I decided to buy it and wear it for training. The costume gives an amazing effect! Just an hour of running in the cold, you go home, and your underwear is soaked with sweat that it seems as if you just got it out of a basin of water. It's just great! Such a suit is a great helper for me in sports! (Svetlana, 24 years old, Voronezh).

Let's summarize the reviews:

  • The effect of the sauna suit is achieved only with active movements, sports.
  • It is worth buying only high-quality suits, do not save on yourself.
  • Losing weight should be done gradually, increasing the load.
  • A positive result is a good incentive for further sports.

Cons of use and contraindications

The use of the suit has its drawbacks:

  • Excessive exercise leads to dehydration, can cause dizziness. This thickens the blood. Many people recommend drinking Aspirin-cardio before training, it thins the blood.
  • Then useful salts and microelements leave the body. It is necessary to replenish their supply, drink vitamins, drugs that restore the water-salt balance.
  • With active sweating, irritation can occur on the skin. To prevent this from happening, you must strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene. Take a shower after each workout, apply moisturizing milk or cream to the skin.


  • weak heart;
  • high blood pressure;
  • advanced age;
  • prone to skin inflammation and allergies;
  • postoperative period;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy, lactation.
  1. The benefits of the suit have long been proven. His the target audience are active people healthy lifestyle life. They understand that sport is the only way to health and harmony.
  2. Use is justified when you need to quickly lose weight. But, this happens with good health, constant exercise and proper nutrition.
  3. It is very useful to drink about a liter of water during training, to replenish the water balance of the body.
  4. At first, it is recommended to use the costume for no more than 30-40 minutes. Increase the time should be gradually, up to 1 hour a day.
  5. Adjust your diet exercise with moderate loads and soon you will admire your reflection in the mirror. Sauna suit will help speed up the process and achieve the goal.