Strelnikova breathing exercises complex. Breathing gymnastics Strelnikova: a set of exercises According to Strelnikova

Breathing exercises Strelnikova is a non-drug healing method created at the turn of the 30s and 40s as a way to restore the singing voice.

To date, everything more people come to the conclusion that no drugs, pills, plastic surgery and other unnatural interventions in the nature of our bodies are capable of so beneficially influencing them as healthy lifestyle life. And this is proper nutrition, and sports, and the use of various health-restoring techniques and gymnastics. One of these is Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

This is an independent system of exercises, which at one time enjoyed dizzying popularity among artists and pop stars. Trained on it: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Margarita Terekhova, Laima Vaikule, Andrey Mironov. And this is not a complete list!

If you are the type of person who actively practices healthy habits, or if you want to give your voice a new pleasant tone, then after reading this article, you may be inspired and want to try a new experience for yourself. Or you are faced with unpleasant respiratory diseases and are looking for a practice that can quickly return you to a high energy state, vivacity of body and spirit, then the activities that will be discussed, will suit you perfectly!

A little about the author A. Strelnikova

Alexandra Nikolaevna began her career as an opera diva in the first half of the last century, and after the 2nd World War she became a well-known vocal teacher in the USSR.

The impetus for the development of unique gymnastics was the loss of voice. The method of restoring ligaments with the help of breathing exercises was suggested to the singer by her mother. Gradually, the individual elements of the methodology formed a whole system, which turned out to be unusually effective.

In 1972, Strelnikova officially registered her invention with the All-Union Research Institute of State Patent Examination, having received a copyright certificate for it.

Currently, the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics, named after its founder, operates in the capital. The application of this technique has been repeatedly tested in medical institutions. various types, and research has consistently proven its effectiveness.

Exercise rules

Before doing the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules.

  1. Think only about the breath. No need to dial as much as possible - this is main mistake. It is necessary to inhale shortly, noisily and sharply.
  2. Exhalation is not the main thing in exercises. Breathe out through your mouth, not your nose. No extra stress needed. Feel your breath.
  3. Try to keep pace.
  4. Don't force yourself. You don't have to do the exercise just because you have to. If the body is not ready yet, give it time, do not rush.

Complex basic and additional

For effective workouts Strelnikova developed a special complex. It consists of a main part and an additional part. The first includes the following tasks:

  • palms
  • Shoulder straps
  • Pump
  • head turns
  • small pendulum
  • Cat
  • Embrace your shoulders
  • big pendulum
  • rifts

Additional exercises include:

  • Sit down - get up
  • Spring
  • Raising the pelvis
  • Metronome
  • wiggle

When performing exercises, it is important to follow all the rules, clearly follow the instructions. When you exercise constantly, the body will get used to such a volume of oxygen and it will be easier to work. It is more expedient to first learn the first 3 exercises - basic. Then add 1 new per day. The technique for performing all exercises is covered in the video.

11 breathing exercises Strelnikova

1. Exercise "palms"

I.p. (starting position) - standing:

Stand up straight, arms bent at the elbows (elbows down), and palms forward - “psychic pose”.

Standing in this position, you should take short, rhythmic, noisy breaths through your nose while clenching your palms into fists (the so-called grasping movements.

Without a pause, take 4 rhythmic, sharp breaths through the nose.

Then lower your hands and rest for 4-5 seconds. Then take 4 more noisy, short breaths and pause again.

Normally, you need to take 4 breaths 24 times.

At the beginning of the lesson, you may feel dizzy, that's okay! You can sit down and continue sitting, increasing the pause to 10 seconds.

2. Exercise "chauffeurs"

I.p. - standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach at waist level.

When inhaling, it is necessary to sharply push your fists down to the floor (do not strain your shoulders, straighten your arms to the end, reaching for the floor).

Then return the brushes to the level of the belt in ip.

Make 8 breaths in a row. Normally 12 times 8.

3. Exercise "pump" ("inflating the tire")

I.p. - standing, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms below (o.s. - main stance).

Make a slight tilt (reach your hands to the floor, but do not touch) while in the second half of the tilt, take a short and noisy breath through the nose.

The breath ends with the inclination. Rise a little, but not completely, and tilt + inhale again. You can imagine that you are inflating a tire in a car.

Tilts are performed easily and rhythmically, it is not worth bending low, it is enough to bend down to the level of the belt.

Round your back, lower your head. Important!! "Inflate the tire" in the rhythm of the drill step.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12 times.


Injuries of the spine and head, perennial osteochondrosis and radiculitis, increased intracranial, arterial and intraocular pressure, liver stones, bladder, kidneys - do not lean low. The slope is slightly noticeable, but short and noisy breaths are required. Exhalation is passive after inhalation through the mouth, while not opening the mouth wide.

This exercise quite effective, able to stop a heart attack, an attack of the liver and bronchial asthma.

4. Exercise "cat" (half squat with turn)

I.p. – o.s. (during the exercise, the feet do not come off the floor).

Make a dance squat with a turn of the torso to the right and at the same time a short, sharp breath.

Then do the same with a left turn.

Exhalations are performed spontaneously.

The knees are slightly bent and straightened (do not squat much, but lightly and springy).

Hands on the left and right are grasping movements.

The back is straight, turn at the waist.

Normally ex. performed 12 times.

5. Exercise "Hug your shoulders"

I.p. - standing, arms bent and raised to shoulder level.

It is necessary to throw your arms very strongly, as if you would like to hug yourself by your shoulders.

And with every movement, a breath is taken.

Hands during the "hug" should be parallel to each other; it is not necessary to breed very widely to the sides.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12p - 8 breaths-movement.

Can be performed in different starting positions.


Ischemic disease heart, previous heart attack, congenital heart disease - with these diseases, it is not recommended to do this exercise.

It should start from 2 weeks of classes.

If the condition is severe, then you need to perform half as many breaths (4, or even 2).

Pregnant women from about 6 months (pregnancy) do not tilt their heads back in this exercise, only the hands perform the exercise, stand straight and look forward.

6. Exercise "big pendulum"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders. Lean forward, reach for the floor with your hands - inhale.

Immediately, without stopping (slightly bend in the lower back), lean back - hug your shoulders with your hands. Also, inhale.

Exhale voluntarily between inhalations.

Normal: 12 times. The exercise can be performed while sitting.


Osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, displacement of intervertebral discs.

With these diseases, you should limit movement, lean forward a little and bend a little while bending back.

Only after a good mastery of the first 6 exercises, you should proceed to the rest.

You can add one exercise every day from the second part of the complex, before mastering all the others.

7. Exercise "head turns"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Turning the head to the right - a short, noisy breath through the nose.

Same thing to the left.

The head does not stop in the middle, the neck is not tense.

Important to remember!

Exhalation must be done through the mouth after each inhalation.

Normal: 12 times.

8. Exercise "ears"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Slight tilt of the head to the right, ear to the right shoulder - inhale through the nose. Same thing to the left.

Shake your head slightly, looking forward.

The exercise is similar to the "Chinese dummy".

Inhalations are performed along with movements.

Exhaling, do not open your mouth wide!

Normal: 12 times.

9. Exercise "pendulum head" (down and up)

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Lower your head down (look at the floor) - a short, sharp breath.

Raise your head up (look at the ceiling) - inhale.

I remind you that exhalations should be between breaths and through the mouth.

Normal: 12 times.


Head injuries, vegetovascular dystonia, epilepsy, increased intracranial, intraocular, arterial pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.

With these diseases, you should not make sudden movements with your head in such exercises as “Ears”, “Turns with your head”, “Pendulum with your head”.

Perform a small turn of the head, but the breath is noisy and short.

You can do the exercises while sitting.

10. Exercise "rolls"

1) I.p. - standing, left foot forward, right foot back. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg.

Body and legs are straight.

Bend your right leg and put it on your toe for balance (but don't lean on it).

Squat a little on the left leg, while inhaling through the nose (left leg after squatting should immediately be straightened).

Immediately shift the center of gravity to the other leg (leave the body straight) and also squat a little with inhalation (we do not lean on the left leg).

Important to remember:

  1. squats are done with inhalation;
  2. transfer the center of gravity to the leg on which the squat is performed;
  3. after squatting, the leg should immediately be straightened, and then a roll from foot to foot is performed.

Normal: 12 times.

2) The exercise is performed in the same way as described above, only it is necessary to change the legs.

This exercise is done only in a standing position.

11. Exercise "steps"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Raise the bent left leg up to the level of the abdomen (straighten the leg from the knee, pull the toe). On right leg at the same time, sit down a little and noisily, take a short breath.

After squatting, the legs must be returned to their original position.

Do the same, lifting the other leg forward. The body must be straight.

Normal: 8 times - 8 breaths.

This exercise can be done in any starting position.


Ischemic heart disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, myocardial infarction, congenital malformations.

In the presence of leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, you need to perform the exercise while sitting and lying down, very carefully. The pause can be extended up to 10 seconds. With such a disease, a consultation with a surgeon is necessary!

During pregnancy and urolithiasis, do not raise the knee high!

2) Back step.

I.p. - Same. The left leg, bent at the knee, is retracted, while crouching a little on the right leg and taking a breath. Return the legs to their original position - exhale. Do the same on the other leg. This exercise is done while standing.

Normal: 4 times - 8 breaths.

Indications for the use of Strelnikova's technique

Doctors still do not have a clear opinion about the unusual approach. Despite this, they recognize its effectiveness and clear positive changes in the condition of patients and healthy people. First of all, they note the fact that Strelnikova's breathing exercises stimulate the immune system and have a general strengthening effect on the body. Experts believe that the program can be carried out even in the absence of health complaints, but still there are several indications for breathing exercises:

  • Neurotic states and depressions that have passed into a chronic phase.
  • Pregnancy period (subject to the normal course of the natural process).
  • Bronchial asthma, inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension and vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Violation heart rate, suffered a heart attack.
  • The recovery period after a stroke, epileptic seizures, frequent headaches and migraines.
  • Diseases caused by metabolic disorders.
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus.
  • Some infectious and viral diseases, dermatitis.
  • Smoking.
  • Problems with potency in men.
  • Overweight and a tendency to gain weight.
  • Studies have shown that correct and regular breathing exercises help to cure anemia, get rid of snoring and stuttering, problems in the urogenital area.

The benefits and harms of the sessions are based on stimulating metabolic processes in the body, improving the blood supply to organs and systems. The approach strengthens blood vessels, restores lost functions, reduces the risk of complications due to various pathologies.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises can be combined with other therapeutic measures, taking medications. In the absence of obvious indications for sessions, they can be carried out for preventive purposes. In any case, positive changes in the state will not keep you waiting.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

According to experts, Strelnikova's breathing exercises, with the right approach, are unable to cause any damage to the human body. But in the presence of acute or chronic conditions, the introduction of the technique into the regimen must be approached with increased caution. First of all, this step should be agreed with the doctor.

Deep and active breathing can be harmful if you practice according to the system against the background of such conditions:

  • Osteochondrosis, especially in the upper spine.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis.
  • Internal bleeding or suspicion of these conditions.
  • Injuries of the spine or head of any etiology and severity.
  • Increased arterial, intracranial or ocular pressure.
  • Fever.
  • It is also important to remember that during the exercise it is forbidden to smoke.

In order not to risk, you need to start classes with a minimum degree of intensity. Loads must be increased gradually. The process should not cause discomfort or be accompanied by difficulties. Until the body gets used to it, you need to rest often during the session, gradually transferring it to a new rhythm.

Normalization of weight is a necessary condition healthy body and inner harmony. Achieving this goal with the help of diets is not easy, and the quickly achieved result is not always fixed for a long time. But there is a method that helps to achieve the effect of losing weight by regular execution uncomplicated sports complex- these are exercises of the famous respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova, also called paradoxical. This technique makes it possible not only to treat diseases like sinusitis, bronchitis, hypertension, but also to reduce weight.

The wellness complex of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova allows strengthen the body, improve the efficiency of metabolic processes, reduce appetite. Therefore, weight loss occurs naturally without severe restrictions.

The principles of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing exercises have a unique principle that differs from most other known methods of therapeutic breathing. The uniqueness of the method lies in a strong, quick, sharp breath. Breath holding, slow exhalation are not allowed. According to Strelnikova, exhalation should be natural, free, without the slightest effort.

Execution principle exercise complex associated with respiratory, based on chest compressions on inspiration. This technique of breathing exercises allows you to develop the muscles involved in the process of intake and output of air in the lungs.

Strelnikova's methodology for performing gymnastics exercises is based on marching rhythm with an even number of breaths. Usually the number of approaches and breaths of the complex is a multiple of four.


  • Breathing exercises for weight loss at home
  • A set of exercises for morning exercises
  • Abs exercises with a roller for women and men
  • Exercises for the press at home

The essence of the healing effect when performing Strelnikova's breathing exercises:

  • blood oxygen saturation;
  • improving the nutrition of organs and tissues of the body;
  • stimulation of abdominal breathing;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • diaphragm strengthening;
  • improved digestion;
  • stimulation of the nasal receptor zone has a positive effect on the internal organs;
  • increase in effective lung volume.

Initially, Strelnikova's breathing method was aimed at restoring the voice, treating diseases of the respiratory system. Subsequently, the effectiveness of the complex for the treatment of vegetative-vascular neuroses, solving problems of the gastrointestinal tract, curing skin, cardiovascular diseases, improvement nervous system- and it's all thanks to respiratory system and complex movements.

There was a high healing effect, a significant weight loss. Unique method breathing exercises Strelnikova allows you to strengthen the human body and accelerates recovery after serious illnesses. Weight loss occurs due to the effective splitting of fat cells, reducing the feeling of hunger, accelerating metabolic processes. Even this method of Strelnikova allows you to control weight.. And in combination with physical activity And proper nutrition, the result of losing weight can be achieved much faster.

Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method have proven to be effective:

  • when staging the voice of singers, actors, public people, high-ranking officials;
  • in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as asthma, hypertension, bronchitis;
  • effectively treats obesity, sinusitis, skin diseases, depression, nervous diseases;
  • gives a noticeable healing effect;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • allows you to strengthen the immune system.

For children

Breathing exercises for children according to Strelnikova are acceptable from the age of three. Usually parents help children recover from frequent colds and bronchitis with the help of simple exercises paradoxical breathing.

The basis of the complex for children is simple exercises breathing exercises Strelnikova:

  • "Pump";
  • "Palms";
  • "Eaulettes".

As they grow older and increase the level of training, more complex movements can be added to the complex for children.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises for children shown also in stuttering. They will be a good addition to classes with a speech therapist for speech disorders. The exercises “Pump” and “Hug your shoulders” are especially effective in the treatment of stuttering. Such light gymnastics children need to perform twice a day.

We will consider the implementation of a set of exercises in more detail below.

With bronchitis

Treatment of bronchitis, especially advanced bronchitis, is a long and difficult process. And taking antibiotics is fraught with complications. Strelnikova's breathing exercises for bronchitis have proven to be excellent in the process of restoring the body.

The main benefits of Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing:

  • reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • allows you to restore and strengthen the mucous membrane;
  • eliminates stagnation of mucus;
  • allows you to develop and strengthen the protective reactions of the human body;
  • provides general health improvement of the body;
  • is the prevention of complications, such as asthma.

With hypertension

Is it possible to do breathing exercises with hypertension? Strelnikova's breathing exercises for hypertension demonstrate good effectiveness in lowering blood pressure.

The main benefit of Strelnikova's gymnastics complex for hypertension:

  • restoration of effective blood circulation;
  • general health promotion;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • reducing the level of anxiety, stress.

At the same time, breathing exercises are auxiliary means, And does not replace primary treatment. Permission for its use must be given by a doctor.

You should know that with a very high pressure value and a hypertensive crisis, breathing exercises can be harmful.

With sinusitis

Permission on the use of Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing with sinusitis must be issued by a physician. Breathing exercises Strelnikova with sinusitis shown with a sluggish course of the process of sinusitis during remission.

The main benefits of breathing exercises for sinusitis:

  • the ability to develop, improve blood flow in the nasal cavity;
  • the ability to enhance immunity;
  • normalization of body weight;
  • the ability to saturate body tissues with oxygen;
  • weakening of inflammatory processes;
  • mucosal restoration;
  • health overall effect.

How to do breathing exercises correctly:

  • daily for fresh air;
  • Clear your sinuses before exercising.

How to do breathing exercises according to Strelnikova for weight loss

In order for the exercises not to cause harm, but to bring the greatest benefit, they must be done correctly. The most important condition that allows you to achieve the greatest healing effect and achieve weight loss is do exercises every day.

The essence of the method of paradoxical breathing: a key element of breathing exercises by Strelnikova - inhalation, performed as energetically, rapidly, noisily as possible. It looks like cotton. After a short, sharp, rapid breath without the slightest delay, a natural light exhalation through the mouth follows. No exhalation effort is required.

The physical exercise that accompanies paradoxical breathing according to the Strelnikova method is carried out during inhalation. Movements are done rhythmically.

Basic position at runtime health exercisesstanding. But in case of severe illness or poor health, you can perform a set of exercises while sitting and even lying down.

For the treatment of diseases and for weight loss breathing exercises Strelnikova should be performed twice a day. Maintain health and normal weight You can perform the complex once - in the morning or in the evening. Strelnikova's breathing exercises begin one and a half hours after eating, or on an empty stomach.

Time relax between series of exercises - no more than ten seconds. In the first couple of days, 24 series of 4 breaths are performed. The complex on the third and fourth days includes 12 sets of 8 times. Observing the principle of gradualness, on the fifth and sixth days, you can do 6 series with 16 repetitions. From the seventh day it is necessary to do 3 series of 32 breaths.

The respiratory gymnastics complex is performed daily without gaps. After a month of classes, the pause time between series is first reduced to 5 seconds. In good condition, a 3-second break can be allowed.

There may be some fatigue after exercise. The method can create a state of lightness, euphoria. Possible dizziness indicates saturation of the body with oxygen. In this case, the training can be continued while sitting. In the presence of diseases, classes must be approved by a doctor.

Correctly do a health-improving respiratory complex with good mood, confidence in success.

A set of exercises

Strelnikova's set of breathing exercises for weight loss starts with a warm up. Its execution time is from 15-20 minutes.

The warm-up includes several exercises:

  • "Palms";
  • "Shoulder straps";
  • "Pump".

Exercise "Palm". We stand straight. The arms of the body are bent at the elbows. Elbows are lowered vertically down. The palms are turned away from us. Shoulders are motionless. Inhaling sharply, we clench our fists. We perform 24 series of 4 movements with five-second breaks. The exercise is as simple as possible, it can be performed by children.

Exercise "Shoulder straps". is carried out from the main position with a straight back, the location of the legs shoulder-width apart and a raised head. The palms at waist level are clenched into fists. Inhaling, we open our fists, throwing the hands down, spreading our fingers. The arms are extended to their full length. Shoulders, arms, hands tense. You should do 12 series of 8 movements.

Exercise "Pump". From the main stance with a straight back and lowered arms, we bend slightly, rounding the torso. We look at the floor. In an inclined position, we take a breath, we straighten up. It is necessary to do 12 series of 8 slopes. Between series we withstand three to five seconds, as far as training.

TO warm-up exercises there are the following contraindications:

  • glaucoma;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • a large rise in blood pressure;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • spinal injuries;
  • old osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of kidney stones, gallbladder.

One exercise per day is added to the main complex:

Exercise "Cat" must be done from a straight stance with relaxed shoulders and lowered arms. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly shifted inward. Inhaling sharply, we squat slightly, turning the body to the right. Feet do not come off the floor. The arms are bent at the elbows. The fingers are clenched into fists. On an exhale, return to the main stance. Then we repeat the movements to the left. You should perform 12 series of 8 times in both directions.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" must be made from a straight rack. Arms bent at the elbows shoulder girdle. The hands are placed at the shoulders, and the arms themselves are parallel to each other. Inhaling, we sharply throw our hands so that one hand grabs the shoulder, and the second goes under inner part shoulder fold. On exhalation, return to the starting position. You should do 12 series of 8 movements.

Very great benefit from doing this exercise for asthma.

But he also has contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • heart disease;
  • heart attack.

Exercise "Big Pendulum" includes the consecutive execution of "Pump" and "Hug your shoulders" without interruption. It is necessary to do 12 series of 8 times.

You should not exercise when: displacements of the intervertebral discs, chronic osteochondrosis, spinal injuries.

Training "Turns" do it from a standing position. We place our legs a little narrower than our shoulders. We turn our head without stopping at an average pace. Strong inhalation when turning. 12 repetitions 8 times.

Training "Ears". The position of the body and the number of repetitions do not change. Inhaling, tilt your head to the right and left.

Training "Small pendulum head." The position and number of repetitions remain the same. Inhaling, we lower and raise our head.

The last three exercises have several contraindications:

  • a large excess of normal ocular, arterial, intracranial pressure;
  • chronic osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • epilepsy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • head injury.

Exercise "Rolls". Stretch the left leg forward, the right leg back. Inhaling, bend the right knee and squat slightly on the left leg. Immediately after squatting, we straighten the left leg and squat with a breath on the right. It is necessary to do 12 series of 8 times.

Contraindications include cardiovascular diseases.

The main principle of doing gymnastics:

  • accentuated quick breath;
  • calm exhalation through the mouth without effort;
  • movement should be done on inspiration.


Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method for weight loss, like any highly effective medical method, has its own contraindications. Most often, exercise is prohibited after severe injuries and diseases.

Contraindications for breathing exercises Strelnikova:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • acute heart attacks;
  • high values ​​of intracranial, arterial, eye pressure;
  • spinal injury;
  • high temperature, inflammatory processes;
  • severe organ pathologies;
  • the second degree of myopia;
  • various bleeding;
  • gallbladder, kidney stones;
  • severe heart disease.

Benefit and harm

Choosing this method of health-improving weight loss, many people ask themselves: what are the benefits and harms of Strelnikova's breathing exercises when losing weight?

The beneficial effect of Strelnikova's breathing exercises for weight loss is possible due to:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes of the body;
  • significant improvement in digestion;
  • saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • restoration of disturbed processes of the nervous system, blood circulation, respiration;
  • reduce the feeling of hunger;
  • ability to boost the immune system.

Paradoxical breathing allows you to make the body beautiful and strengthen health at the same time.

Possible harm breathing exercises Strelnikova associated with a violation of gradualness in the development of exercises, ignoring contraindications, lack of regularity of classes, wrong execution exercises.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova - video

In order to perform gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method without compromising health, it is better to learn how to do a respiratory complex using a video lesson for the first time. This will secure and help you achieve maximum success in losing weight and improving your health.

Modern medicine has long proven that a complete saturation of the body with oxygen can save a person from excess weight and help to cope with some serious diseases.

Based on features human body with the help of breathing to fight diseases, various methods of a healthy lifestyle and cure for ailments have been developed. For example, in the West, breathing exercises were implemented in the directions of a healthy lifestyle "oxysize" or "bodyflex", and in the East a fashionable movement "qigong" appeared.

Initially, Strelnikova's breathing exercises were intended to restore her singing voice, and she did an excellent job with this. And later, when people began to notice positive changes in other aspects of health, after conducting these breathing exercises, Strelnikova's breathing exercises began to be used to treat many diseases. And, not surprisingly, she really helped to heal from them, became effective tool fight against many human ailments. Subsequently, it gained wide popularity and was even recognized by the Ministry of Health of the Union, and Strelnikova received a document confirming the copyright for the developed methodology.

The main feature of respiratory gymnastics was special breathing technique - energetic inhalation and passive exhalation.
As when sniffing, the air should be inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, and exhaled through the half-open mouth, trying not to strain at all. An important point technique, it is considered that all gymnastic movements should be performed along with exhalations. With this strategy, the muscles become more resilient and strengthen faster. Like many other types of gymnastics, all movements are counted at the same pace, calmly, but energetically.

Movements - breaths of air should take place in multiple series (for example, from 4 to 32 times). And between such series of exercises, short pauses are made - from about 3 to 5 seconds, for a short rest. Full complex gymnastics Strelnikova consists of more than a dozen different exercises, but only some of them are considered the main ones.

In this article, we will not dwell on all Strelnikova's breathing exercises, but consider the positive and negative aspects of its use.

Indications and contraindications, the benefits and harms of Strelnikova's gymnastics

In fact, Strelkova's breathing exercises, if done correctly and in good health, have no contraindications. However, each of us is worried about something, and sometimes we suffer from some kind of ailment. Therefore, this gymnastics, as well as any effect on the body, must be treated with caution. Let's find out what indications and contraindications, benefits and harms Strelnikova's breathing exercises can bring and in what cases this most often happens.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are not prohibited during a normal pregnancy. Most often, it is used as a preventive technique for respiratory diseases, especially in children. With the right approach, it can cure asthma in children, as evidenced by many positive reviews on the Internet, in print media and on television. She is the best at dealing with this illness.

Also, according to many active followers of Strelnikova, gymnastics helps with:
- diseases of the respiratory tract;
- heart and blood vessels;
- musculoskeletal system and nervous system;
- genitourinary system;
- digestion; thyroid gland
- allergies; viruses; obesity snoring curvature of the nasal septum; diabetes mellitus; anemia; nicotine addiction; stuttering.

Contraindications and possible harm breathing exercises

If you suffer from chronic diseases, you should be very careful about breathing exercises. At the beginning, the intensity of classes should be minimal, and later - increase.

It is important to gradually increase the load in order to reach a good pace without harm to health. The main thing to remember is that improperly performed exercises can bring not good, but harm. In addition, at the beginning of the lesson, it is worth resting more often in between sets. When the body is not yet accustomed, it is difficult for it to cope with the increased loads and the results of deep active breathing.

Harm from gymnastics can be in the following cases:
- osteochondrosis of the upper spine;
- injuries of the spine and head;
- acute thrombophlebitis;
- internal bleeding;
- high blood pressure (arterial, ocular, intracranial);
- high body temperature.
Also, do not smoke during periods of gymnastics.

Advantages of gymnastics Strelnikova , as an independent method of healing and getting rid of diseases, consists in a general positive effect on the body. The organs of the body are saturated with oxygen much more than in ordinary life, metabolism and blood circulation improve. Most often, gymnastics normalizes breathing, restores strength vocal cords, calming the nerves, getting rid of allergies and bronchial asthma, developing the lungs and strengthening muscles, lowering blood pressure and relieving pain during various attacks.

Despite the majority of positive reviews from the use of breathing exercises on oneself, there are also negative examples of its use. Certainly, most often harm from gymnastics occurs in people whose body cannot tolerate respiratory stress or has an individual intolerance to breathing technique. In some negative cases of its use, people did not familiarize themselves with the contraindications and did some harm to themselves while doing gymnastics.

So that gymnastics does not cause harm, it is best to consult with your doctor before classes. . Only he knows the characteristics of your body and can unequivocally answer whether you should try this method of self-treatment. In any case, Strelnikova's breathing exercises have brought many benefits to different people around the world, so many people use it on themselves and recommend it to others.

Be healthy!

The world-famous respiratory gymnastics of Strelnikova dates back to 30-40 years, and then it was positioned as a way to restore the voice (A.N. Strelnikova was a singer). It was officially registered in 1972 and received a patent examination: the author, Alexandra Nikolaevna, was issued a special certificate recognizing the method as therapeutic.

The respiratory organs are responsible for 4 functions / capabilities of a person: breathing, speech, screaming and singing. The hardest part is singing. And this means that if breathing exercises are able to restore the voice, then for simpler functions, to which, incl. breath, will have an even greater positive effect. The guess was proven in practice - thanks to this method, the student and follower of Strelnikova, Mikhail Shchetkin, got rid of bronchial asthma, which had tormented him for many years.

The essence and positive impact of gymnastics

Gymnastics is one of a kind in terms of execution technique and gives really amazing results.

  • Inhale - with all exercises short, sharp, noisy breath through the nose(3 breaths in 2 seconds), which is performed at the peak of movements (exercises) that compress the chest.
  • Exhale - you need to exhale voluntarily, through the mouth. Exhalation is passive, or rather, you cannot concentrate on it at all: it is believed that the body itself will throw out excess air.

During classes, all parts of the body are included in the work, which causes a general, pronounced physiological reaction of the body and, accordingly, an increased need for oxygen.

  • All exercises are performed in parallel with breathing. This leads to increased tissue respiration and helps all tissues of the body to better absorb oxygen and activate all metabolic processes.
  • A special breath leads to irritation of an extensive zone of receptors located on the nasal mucosa. The receptor zone provides reflex connections of the nasal cavity with almost all organs. This determines the widest range of exercise effects, helps in the treatment of various diseases of almost all organs and systems, but the most strong influence have on the respiratory system and are especially relevant for bronchitis, asthma, SARS.
  • Inhalation “sends” the inhaled air into the deepest sections of the bronchi, due to which the lungs are completely filled with air. The vital capacity of the lungs after the 1st session increases by 0.1-0.3 liters. The gas composition of the blood is normalized, arterial blood contains more oxygen. Since the breaths are parallel to the active movements, the diaphragm is also included in the work in full. As you know, this is the strongest muscle that is involved in both breathing and sound production. The so-called diaphragmatic massage of almost all abdominal organs is also implemented.
  • In parallel, the cerebral cortex is also saturated with oxygen, which leads to an improvement in the work of all centers that regulate body functions.
  • The process of self-regulation of metabolic processes is being implemented.

Mechanism of action

The most important feature of the exercises is the use of forced inspiration with the involvement of the diaphragm. During training, concentration is obligatory on the breaths: you need to think about them, you should concentrate on them, and they must be counted.

A large number of repetitions (1-5 thousand breaths-movements in 60 minutes) and regular, daily training (twice a day, morning and evening) already in 12-15 sessions guarantee the strengthening of the respiratory muscles, recovery respiratory function, strengthening the muscles of the chest, and the beginning of the elimination of spinal deformities (it will take more time to fully normalize).

A significant load does not lead to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which means that there is no pain during and after exercise.

Let us dwell in more detail on the benefits of exercise in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. An increase in chest excursion leads to an increase in its suction action. It improves lymph and blood circulation. Hyperventilation of the lungs leads to mechanical stretching of the broncho-alveolar link and activates the resorption of exudate. The development of the adhesive process is suspended, atelectasis is straightened out. Regular classes can significantly reduce the amount of drug therapy, and in some cases completely abandon it (with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis).

Advantages of the method

  • Lack of material costs and special conditions for classes.
  • The almost complete absence of contraindications, which we will mention below, including age. The exceptions are severe, bedridden patients, patients in a coma, very young children who, due to their age, are not able to understand the execution technique.
  • In addition to the direct therapeutic effect, classes relieve fatigue, increase vitality, give a good mood, invigorate, improve memory. These "bonuses" are especially important for students, schoolchildren, people employed in stressful professions.
  • Combination with the usual cyclic exercises such as running, walking, swimming.
  • Possibility of carrying out in parallel with drug treatment.
  • Restoration of altered organs and systems and disease prevention.
  • Breathing that occurs during movement allows you to restore the energy balance of the body.
  • Preventive use of the method in schoolchildren can reduce the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections by 2-4 times.
  • In just 10-15 minutes of the most uncomplicated activities, a completely different state of health appears: a person feels light, cheerful and in a great mood. And this means that for the minimum period, absolutely free of charge, you can get the maximum result. And with the current pace of life, this is very important!


"Paradoxical gymnastics" (namely, that's what they call it) is indicated for almost all diseases and any health problems. The main indications for breathing exercises:

  • neurotic states and chronic depression;
  • stuttering;
  • myopia;
  • inflammation of the lungs and bronchi;
  • bronchial asthma, COPD;
  • vasomotor rhinitis in acute and chronic forms;
  • SARS;
  • diseases of an allergic nature, incl.,;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • history of heart attacks and strokes;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • headache;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including scoliosis;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • obesity. It is also recommended for weight loss with a slight excess of body weight;
  • smoking.

In addition to improving the condition in various respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis etc., gymnastics helps:

  • For the spine- training helps to eliminate stoop, helps to create a springy, light gait, makes the body plastic and flexible. With regular and constant exercises, Strelnikova's gymnastics for children and adolescents with scoliosis and postural disorders gives very good results.
  • Restoration of nasal breathing even in those patients who were not helped by surgery - one of the many positive effects. Even with free nasal passages, patients continue to habitually breathe through their mouths due to the fact that they have formed a complex of conditioned reflex connections, in which the higher parts of the central nervous system take part. To consolidate the once lost skill of nasal breathing, it takes time and perseverance of the patient. It is in this case that a special breathing technique is simply irreplaceable and helps to significantly shorten the recovery period.
  • Vision - classes stop the fall in vision, and in a good scenario, they can improve it by 2-3 diopters. This allows children and adults with myopia to maintain their vision and improve its sharpness.
  • Stuttering - breathing exercises change the pattern of breathing, producing an extremely deep breath. If, in parallel with this, special sound exercises are also carried out, then it is possible to achieve good results when stuttering.
  • Smell - stimulation of an extensive reflexogenic area of ​​the nasal mucosa provides a reflex connection with the olfactory center. This allows for an improvement in the sense of smell.
  • genitourinary system- Strelnikova's gymnastics exercises have an excellent tonic and strengthening effect on the genitourinary system:
    • Eliminate enuresis, help normalize the menstrual cycle and eliminate pain during menstruation.
    • Great therapeutic effect training has a varicocele in adolescents and young men. Exercises from the "Urological Complex" and a special massage can eliminate phimosis and cryptorchidism.
    • In most cases deep breathing helps to normalize sexual function, increase potency, especially in young men.
    • With regular use of the same "Urological Complex" it is possible to get rid of such a diagnosis as chronic prostatitis.
    • The so-called "Gynecological Complex" helps in the treatment of female diseases - uterine fibroids, tubal obstruction, endometriosis, ovarian cysts.
    • Numerous positive examples of the use of training during pregnancy allow it to be used in this population as well.
  • Postoperative period- for a certain time, this technique was actively used in the surgical departments of the City Clinical Hospital No. 50 in Moscow. All patients showed a high healing effect after interventions for excision of inguinal hernias. In general, training in the early postoperative period after gastric resection, removal of the gallbladder, hysterectomy, appendectomy helped the fastest and complete healing of postoperative sutures.
  • In tuberculosis - at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in early 1992, a scientific experiment was conducted to introduce the Strelnikov breathing technique into the complex of treatment and rehabilitation of adolescents suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. There was a significant improvement in ECG, hemodynamics and function external respiration. There was a rapid resorption of infiltrative foci and the period of healing of decay cavities was shortened. Until now, this method is officially used in the complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents.

The positive reviews of doctors about Strelnikova's gymnastics and the official recognition of the method as a medical one are the best guarantee of the effectiveness of training. But like any other treatment method, training requires regularity and compliance with the execution technique.

Training can be done simultaneously with the use of drug therapy. Completely healthy people can use the Strelnikova method for prevention.


  • Acute conditions with elevated body temperature;
  • Severe pathologies and general unsatisfactory condition;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Internal bleeding.

In any case, if there is a chronic or acute pathology, without prior consultation with the attending physician, prescribe yourself this workout Not recommended.

Features of exercises and what is necessary for their implementation

How to learn to breathe according to Strelnikova?

To learn a special breathing technique and exercises, it is best to watch Strelnikova's gymnastics on the video: the proverb is relevant here that it is better to see once than hear 100 times. Plus it's free. The technique is simple, it is easily mastered by both children and the elderly.

The main condition for exercise is access to fresh air, that is, it is best to exercise outdoors or on a balcony, in extreme cases with open vents or windows.

What is the paradox of the method? During inhalation rib cage is in a compressed state, and not in the usual, expanded. Despite this, training does not cause fatigue, and ventilation of the lungs increases fivefold.

  • Breathing technique: vigorous inhalation - passive exhalation.
  • Air is inhaled through the nose noisily and quickly, like sniffing, exhalation occurs through the half-open mouth without effort.
  • All movements are performed synchronously with breaths.

How often do breathing exercises

As a treatment method workouts are held twice a day, 1500 breaths each, in the morning and evening, before meals or an hour after they ate.

As a method of prevention, "breathe" in the morning, replacing the generally accepted morning exercises, or in the evening to eliminate the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. Simple and affordable exercises perfectly train the whole body, from head to toe, providing a rush of blood to internal organs. This determines a wide list of indications for Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

Timetable of classes:

  • It is better to start with the first 3 exercises and perform them 2 times a day.
  • Every day you need to add one exercise from the complex until all 11 tricks are connected.
  • Rest between movements should first be 10-15 seconds, by the end of the development of the complex, this break should be 3-5 seconds.
  • Training is carried out throughout life: they replace traditional morning exercises, fitness and other sports.

A set of exercises according to Strelnikova in pictures

In just 8 minutes a day, you can gradually recover from diseases that for a long time deprived a person of a normal and fulfilling life and required serious drug therapy (or at least significantly improve their health). Below we will describe all the exercises, however, it is better to look at the video for a clearer and more understandable technique. You can also see Strelnikova's gymnastics in pictures.

In no case can you independently cancel medical appointments and refuse drugs that are prescribed for treatment. Also, the possibility of using the Strelnikova method should be discussed with the attending physician.

Remember: you need to inhale strongly, sharply, through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, arbitrarily. The frequency of movements is 100-120 per minute, the duration of the lesson is half an hour. Movements (exercises) from 2 to 10 are done in 12 sets of 8 breaths (total 96).

1. Hands

Stand straight, bend your arms at the elbows and place them with your palms up. Take 4 rhythmic breaths, clenching your hands into a fist. Lower your arms, rest 4 seconds. Exhale freely through your mouth. Do 24 sets.

2. Shoulder straps

Stand straight, clench your hands into fists and press to your stomach. As you inhale, push your fists down, straining your shoulders. Then return your hands back and relax them as you exhale. 8 breaths followed by 4 seconds rest.

3. Pump

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Lean forward and pull your hands to the floor, but do not reach it. Inhale simultaneously with the tilt, and you need to exhale when straightening, but you should not straighten up completely. Bend over 100 times in 1 minute.

4. Cat

Become straight, legs already shoulders. Sit down a little, turn to the right and take a sharp breath. Return to original position. Repeat movement to the left. At the same time, the hands perform grasping movements. Keep your back straight, turn at the waist.

5. Embracing shoulders

In a standing position, bend your elbows and raise them to shoulder level. Take a sharp breath, hugging yourself by the shoulders, but without crossing your arms. If it's hard, do 4 movements.

6. Large pendulum

Become straight, put your legs already shoulders. Lean forward, pull your hands to the floor, while inhaling. Then come back, hug your shoulders with your hands and inhale again.

7. Head turns

Become straight, legs already shoulders. Turn your head to the right - inhale, turn your head to the left - inhale. Exhale between breaths.

8. Ears

Become straight, legs already shoulders. Tilt your head to the right, touch your shoulder with your ear, inhale, head to the left - inhale. Exhale between breaths.

9. Pendulum head

Become straight, put your legs already shoulders. Tilt your head forward and look at the floor, inhale. Back, stroking up, inhale again. Exhale between breaths.

10. Rolls

Stand straight, put your left foot forward, and take your right foot back. Transfer the body weight to the left leg, and bend the right leg and put it on the toe. Squat on the left leg at the same time with a strong breath. Straighten your leg and shift your weight to your right leg. Sit on your right leg, inhaling.

11. Steps

  1. Front. Become straight, put your legs already shoulders. Raise the left leg, bending it at the knee, to the stomach (while the sock stretches down). Squat on the right leg at the same time with a noisy breath. Return to starting position. Repeat with the other leg. 8 times for 8 breaths.
  2. Rear . Bend the left leg at the knee, while reaching the buttocks with the heel. Sit on your right leg, take a breath. Repeat with the other leg. 4 times for 8 breaths.

Such a simple complex is a real storehouse of health for the patient and persistent. We will be glad to hear your feedback on Strelnikova's breathing in the comments to the article and the results that have been achieved with this or that disease.

Video set of gymnastic exercises Strelnikova

Classes should start from the first 3 exercises of the complex.


First exercise « palms» - warm-up. All exercises are described in the main complex, see below).

During execution, it is necessary to do 4 noisy nasal breaths. Then (3-5 seconds) pause and again in a row without stopping 4 noisy nasal breaths.

This needs to be done about 24 times (4 breaths), in total about 96 movements (“hundred” by Strelnikova) come out. Exhalation (invisible and inaudible) occurs through the mouth after inhalation through the nose. Exhalations should not be pushed out and delayed! Inhalation is very active, exhalation is rather passive. Think only about the breath, noisy, for the whole room. Forget about exhalation.

When inhaling, slightly close your lips.

A short, noisy breath through the nose in Strelnikova's gymnastics is performed with closed lips. It is not necessary to compress the lips strongly when inhaling, they are closed slightly, naturally and freely.

After a noisy, short breath through the nose, the lips open a little - and the exhalation occurs by itself through the mouth (and is not audible). Grimacing while inhaling is absolutely impossible !!! And raise the palatine curtain, sticking out the stomach.

Don't think where will he go air, think that you are sniffing the air very briefly and noisily (like clapping your hands).

Shoulders are not involved in breathing, so you should not raise them. This needs to be monitored!

At the beginning of the workout, you may feel a little dizzy. Don't be afraid! You can do exercises "palms" while sitting (you need to think about the recommendations for VGDM (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

The second exercise "Shooters" 8 breaths are taken without stopping (“eight”). Then 4-5 seconds rest and again 8 breaths. And in this way 12 times (also a “hundred” of 96 movements.

The third exercise "Pump" you need to do 12 times - 8 breaths, rest after each "8" 4-5 seconds. (When performing this exercise, there are certain restrictions that are described in the main complex).

These three exercises take about 10-20 minutes. This lesson is repeated twice a day (morning, evening). And in the evening, doing "Palms" do 8 breaths of movements.

On the second day add exercises "Cat“, 12 times for 8 movements.

"Hug your shoulders"
"Big Pendulum"
"Head Turns"
"Pendulum Head"

When the exercises are well mastered, their performance should be increased from 8 to 16 breaths, then 32. Rest is maintained for 3-4-5 seconds, but not after the "eights", but after "16" and "32" breaths-movements.

If the exercise is done in 16 breaths, then it is performed 6 times; if 32 breaths, then 3 times. If necessary, the pause can be increased to 10 seconds, but no more.

In the case when you easily take 32 breaths in a row and you are able to do 96 breaths (“hundred”), it is still recommended to rest 3-4-5 seconds after 32 breaths. Otherwise, you can "go too far", and Strelnikova's breathing exercises will stop helping you.

Main complex

Consider the main complex. It is worth repeating the rules that must be observed when performing the first three exercises.


1. Think only about inhaling through your nose. Train only breath. Inhale - sharp, short, noisy (clap hands).
2. Exhalation occurs after inhalation independently (through the mouth). Do not delay or exhale exhalation. Inhalation - very active through the nose, exhalation - through the mouth, inaudible and passive. Noise during exhalation should not be!
3. Simultaneously with the breath, movements are made, and nothing else!
4. In breathing exercises Strelnikova movement - breaths are performed in the rhythm of a step step.
5. The count is performed mentally, and only by 8.
6. Exercises are allowed to be performed in any position - standing, lying, sitting.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova

1. Exercise "palms"

I.p. (starting position) - standing:

Stand up straight, arms bent at the elbows (elbows down), and palms forward - “psychic pose”.

Standing in this position, you should take short, rhythmic, noisy breaths through your nose while clenching your palms into fists (the so-called grasping movements.

Without a pause, take 4 rhythmic, sharp breaths through the nose.

Then lower your hands and rest for 4-5 seconds. Then take 4 more noisy, short breaths and pause again.

Normally, you need to take 4 breaths 24 times.

At the beginning of the lesson, you may feel dizzy, that's okay! You can sit down and continue sitting, increasing the pause to 10 seconds.

2. Exercise "chauffeurs"

I.p. - standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach at waist level.

When inhaling, it is necessary to sharply push your fists down to the floor (do not strain your shoulders, straighten your arms to the end, reaching for the floor).

Then return the brushes to the level of the belt in ip.

Make 8 breaths in a row. Normally 12 times 8.

3. Exercise "pump" ("inflating the tire")

I.p. - standing, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms below (o.s. - main stance).

Make a slight tilt (reach your hands to the floor, but do not touch) while in the second half of the tilt, take a short and noisy breath through the nose.

The breath ends with the inclination. Rise a little, but not completely, and tilt + inhale again. You can imagine that you are inflating a tire in a car.

Tilts are performed easily and rhythmically, it is not worth bending low, it is enough to bend down to the level of the belt.

Round your back, lower your head. Important!! "Inflate the tire" in the rhythm of the drill step.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12 times.


Injuries of the spine and head, perennial osteochondrosis and radiculitis, increased intracranial, arterial and intraocular pressure, stones in the liver, bladder, kidneys - you should not bend low. The slope is slightly noticeable, but short and noisy breaths are required. Exhalation is passive after inhalation through the mouth, while not opening the mouth wide.

This exercise is quite effective, it can stop a heart attack, an attack of the liver and bronchial asthma.

4. Exercise "cat" (half squat with turn)

I.p. – o.s. (during the exercise, the feet do not come off the floor).

Make a dance squat with a turn of the torso to the right and at the same time a short, sharp breath.

Then do the same with a left turn.

Exhalations are performed spontaneously.

The knees are slightly bent and straightened (do not squat much, but lightly and springy).

Hands on the left and right are grasping movements.

The back is straight, turn at the waist.

Normally ex. performed 12 times.

5. Exercise "Hug your shoulders"

I.p. - standing, arms bent and raised to shoulder level.

It is necessary to throw your arms very strongly, as if you would like to hug yourself by your shoulders.

And with every movement, a breath is taken.

Hands during the "hug" should be parallel to each other; it is not necessary to breed very widely to the sides.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12p - 8 breaths-movement.

Can be performed in different starting positions.


Ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, congenital heart disease - with these diseases, it is not recommended to do this exercise.

It should start from 2 weeks of classes.

If the condition is severe, then you need to perform half as many breaths (4, or even 2).

Pregnant women from about 6 months (pregnancy) do not tilt their heads back in this exercise, only the hands perform the exercise, stand straight and look forward.

6. Exercise "big pendulum"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders. Lean forward, reach for the floor with your hands - inhale.

Immediately, without stopping (slightly bend in the lower back), lean back - hug your shoulders with your hands. Also, inhale.

Exhale voluntarily between inhalations.

Normal: 12 times. The exercise can be performed while sitting.


Osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, displacement of intervertebral discs.

With these diseases, you should limit movement, lean forward a little and bend a little while bending back.

Only after a good mastery of the first 6 exercises, you should proceed to the rest.

You can add one exercise every day from the second part of the complex, before mastering all the others.

7. Exercise "head turns"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Turning the head to the right - a short, noisy breath through the nose.

Same thing to the left.

The head does not stop in the middle, the neck is not tense.

Important to remember!

Exhalation must be done through the mouth after each inhalation.

Normal: 12 times.

8. Exercise "ears"

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Slight tilt of the head to the right, ear to the right shoulder - inhale through the nose. Same thing to the left.

Shake your head slightly, looking forward.

The exercise is similar to the "Chinese dummy".

Inhalations are performed along with movements.

Exhaling, do not open your mouth wide!

Normal: 12 times.

9. Exercise "pendulum head" (down and up)

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Lower your head down (look at the floor) - a short, sharp breath.

Raise your head up (look at the ceiling) - inhale.

I remind you that exhalations should be between breaths and through the mouth.

Normal: 12 times.


Head injuries, vegetovascular dystonia, epilepsy, increased intracranial, intraocular, arterial pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.

With these diseases, you should not make sudden movements with your head in such exercises as “Ears”, “Turns with your head”, “Pendulum with your head”.

Perform a small turn of the head, but the breath is noisy and short.

You can do the exercises while sitting.

10. Exercise "rolls"

1) I.p. - standing, left foot forward, right foot back. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg.

Body and legs are straight.

Bend your right leg and put it on your toe for balance (but don't lean on it).

Squat a little on the left leg, while inhaling through the nose (left leg after squatting should immediately be straightened).

Immediately shift the center of gravity to the other leg (leave the body straight) and also squat a little with inhalation (we do not lean on the left leg).

Important to remember:

1 - squats are done along with inhalation;

2 - transfer the center of gravity to the leg on which the squat is performed;

3 - after squatting, the leg should immediately be straightened, and then a roll from foot to foot is performed.

Normal: 12 times.

2) The exercise is performed in the same way as described above, only it is necessary to change the legs.

This exercise is done only in a standing position.

11. Exercise "steps"

1) "Forward step".

I.p. - standing, legs already shoulders.

Raise the bent left leg up to the level of the abdomen (straighten the leg from the knee, pull the toe). At the same time, sit down a little on the right leg and take a short, noisy breath.

After squatting, the legs must be returned to their original position.

Do the same, lifting the other leg forward. The body must be straight.

Normal: 8 times - 8 breaths.

This exercise can be done in any starting position.


Ischemic heart disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, myocardial infarction, congenital malformations.

In the presence of leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, you need to perform the exercise while sitting and lying down, very carefully. The pause can be extended up to 10 seconds. With such a disease, a consultation with a surgeon is necessary!

During pregnancy and urolithiasis, do not raise the knee high!

2) Back step.

I.p. - Same. The left leg, bent at the knee, is retracted, while crouching a little on the right leg and taking a breath. Return the legs to their original position - exhale. Do the same on the other leg. This exercise is done while standing.

Normal: 4 times - 8 breaths.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova, video lesson

The list of the main diseases in which breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova are used

(Respiratory gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova has ONLY ONE CONTRAINDICATION: internal bleeding.)

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs
Rhinitis vasomotor and allergic;
Adenoids I and II degree;
Deviated septum;
Acute respiratory diseases (ARI and ARVI);
Polyps of the nose and larynx;
Paresis or paralysis;
Laryngitis and laryngotracheitis;
Chronic pharyngitis;
Quincke's edema;
Edema of the larynx;
Whooping cough;
Atelectasis of the lungs;
Emphysema of the lungs;
Bronchial asthma;
Pulmonary edema;
Pulmonary tuberculosis;
Benign tumors of the respiratory organs.

Respiratory gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova is indicated for ANY respiratory disease, even during an exacerbation of the disease (but only with a strictly INDIVIDUAL approach).

Respiratory gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova is indicated for ANY violations of sound formation and diseases of the vocal apparatus.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Atrial fibrillation;
Cardiac ischemia;
rheumatic heart disease;
Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
Circulatory failure;
migraine neuralgia;

Blood diseases
Radiation sickness.

Diseases of the digestive system
Chronic gastritis;
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
Chronic pancreatitis;

Diseases of the liver and kidneys
Cirrhosis of the liver;
Botkin's disease (jaundice);
kidney cyst;
Polycystic kidney disease;
Wandering kidney;

Diseases of the endocrine system
Autoimmune thyroiditis;
Diffuse toxic goiter;
Growth retardation (lag in physical development);

Diseases of the genitourinary system
Inguinal hernia;
Enuresis (bedwetting);
Climacteric neurosis;
Polyp of the cervix;
Cervical erosion;
Salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the uterine appendages);
Algomenorrhea (painful menstruation);
Ovarian cyst;
The prolapse of the walls of the vagina;
Chronic prostatitis;
Prostate adenoma;
Varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
Rapid ejaculation;
Delayed sexual development.

Nervous and mental illnesses
Alcohol intoxication;
chronic alcoholism;
Substance abuse;
Strelnikovskaya respiratory gymnastics strengthens the immune system, increases vitality and efficiency, heals the psyche, improves mood, and removes depression!

Skin diseases
Vitiligo (foci of depigmentation decrease)

Musculoskeletal disorders
Various posture disorders;
Vertebral hernias.
Various injuries to the upper and lower extremities, shoulder girdle and hip.

Dear readers, if you have performed a set of Strelnikova breathing exercises, leave comments or reviews below. Someone will find this very useful!