Forced-air and exhaust installation for the pool rating. Organization of pool ventilation: the best methods for organizing air exchange

At the majority of the Real Estate Units, supply and exhaust ventilation primarily performs the task of ensuring efficient air exchange. For the normal well-being of people, timely and constant displacement of exhaust air and the supply of fresh air masses rich in oxygen from outside are necessary. Ventilation of pools has its own specifics. In addition to organizing air exchange, it allows you to maintain an optimal level of humidity. Evaporation constantly occurs from the surface of the water. If these vapors are not removed, the air humidity will exceed the maximum allowable value. This can cause poor health of bathing people and eventually lead to the destruction of building structures, the formation of fungal, mold colonies.

Construction options

The problem of reducing the moisture content in the air is being solved different ways. The basic element is supply and exhaust ventilation. If it does not cope with this task effectively enough, dehumidifiers are additionally installed - wall-mounted, channel or mobile. In addition, in some cases, in addition to the installation of additional equipment, technological solutions are used (for example, the use of recuperation).

Basic schemes:

Supply and exhaust ventilation without dehumidifier

The exhaust ventilation circuit is located in the upper part of the room above the pool thicket. The incoming air circuit moves down, closer to the water surface, to the places where people are located.

The main advantage of this scheme is low investment in the system. However, in most situations, a ventilation system without a dehumidifier is ineffective. Most often, this scheme is used in small buildings in terms of area and height.

Supply and exhaust ventilation circuits + autonomous dehumidifier

Through the supply ventilation circuit, the air from the street enters more dehydrated than indoors. As a rule, it is equipped with a heater. It warms the air in winter to a comfortable temperature.

Exhaust ventilation for the pool helps to remove air flows with a high percentage of humidity. In addition, a dehumidifier with a constantly functioning fan is installed separately. If the level of water vapor in the air exceeds the set allowable value, the dryer compressor is switched on.

Advantages of the method:

  • Low cost for equipment and installation
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Lack of specialized equipment and special technologies that require special knowledge, ease of operation

Main disadvantages:

  • Low efficiency due to lack of recuperation
  • The need to configure two subsystems at once

Supply circuit (with mixing chamber) and exhaust ventilation of the pool + autonomously functioning dehumidifier

In this case, the ventilation machine, working only for supply, is equipped with a mixing chamber. This allows you to mix the air masses removed from the room with fresh air coming from the street and increases the intensity of the flow movement. This approach allows to achieve a more uniform distribution of air masses. Exhaust ventilation is the same as in the previous scheme.


  • Ensures intense airflow and rapid reduction of humidity levels
  • Relatively low cost of implementation.

The disadvantages of this scheme are the same as those of a system without a mixing chamber.

Ventilation of the pool using a duct dryer with air admixture and an exhaust circuit

In this scheme, an autonomous dehumidifier is not used. There is also no air handling unit in its classic version.

The outside air moves through the duct unit, which includes a dehumidifier, a heater, a fan and a mixing chamber. The removed air masses, as in the schemes discussed above, are displaced through the exhaust ventilation unit.


  • There is no autonomous dehumidifier, which often spoils appearance premises
  • Convenient system management, which is carried out from a single remote control
  • Virtually silent operation


  • Relatively high electricity consumption;
  • No recovery

Ventilation in the pool when using a PES with a dehumidifier

According to this scheme, the supply and exhaust circuits, as well as the dehumidifier, are functionally and structurally combined into a common system.

An evaporator is installed on the exhaust section. Its purpose is to dry the air.

In the mixing chamber, the external oxygen-enriched air stream is mixed with the air dried by the evaporator.

After passing through the mixing chamber, the air is heated by the dehumidifier condenser and heater, after which it enters the room.


  • Economical electricity consumption
  • Convenient adjustment of system parameters, the ability to balance the speeds of supply and exhaust fans
  • Availability of a common unit for pool ventilation

The only drawback is the lack of recovery.

Air handling unit with dehumidifier and heat exchanger

This option is functionally similar to the previous scheme, but with the addition of an additional element - a recuperator. It heats the air coming in from the outside with the help of the thermal energy of the exhaust air masses from the room. At the same time, the supply and exhaust air flows themselves do not mix with each other. There is only a transfer of heat from one to another.


  • Availability of an additional source of thermal energy without any additional costs. As a result, an increase in the energy efficiency of the system
  • Convenient management
  • balance
  • High energy efficiency
  • Balance of incoming and displaced flows

Optional equipment

In addition, depending on the climatic conditions of the area, ventilation for the pool can be supplemented with various equipment.

In areas of continental Siberia and the Far North, there are long periods with daytime temperatures at minus 20-25 degrees C. In this case, an additional high-power heater is used.

In areas with a hot climate (in our country it is south Krasnodar Territory, Astrakhan region, and in especially warm seasons - other regions of southern Russia), on the contrary, units can be installed to reduce the air temperature. These can be special air conditioners or condensing units. In addition, refrigeration dryers with a remote condenser are installed.

Ways to reduce humidity

Based on the scheme used and the types of ventilation equipment installed, high humidity can be reduced in one of two ways or by using a combination of them.

  1. Condensation

This process occurs when dehumidifiers are running in the bathing area. Air enters the dryer. In it, due to the temperature difference, excess moisture condenses, dried and heated air masses come back into the room.

The dehumidifiers are equipped with humidity sensors. When the air humidity exceeds the maximum allowable level, the dryer compressor is switched on. The humidity indicator begins to decrease, and when it reaches its standard value, the unit turns off again.

Pool ventilation based on this method has a significant disadvantage. The air circulates inside the room and is not forced out. Therefore, there is no supply of oxygen-enriched air.

  1. Assimilation

According to this principle, the supply and exhaust ventilation operates. The exhaust air saturated with water vapor is forced out of the pool. Instead, fresh air with a high oxygen content comes in from outside. In addition, assimilation contributes to the elimination of unpleasant odors that may accumulate in the pool. However, this method also has a drawback. It consists in the absence of a dehumidifier. In most cases, it needs to be installed, because in summer, with frequent rains, the humidity of the incoming air can reach critical values.

  1. Combined scheme

The most competent solution for reducing humidity above the water surface is a combination of the two methods presented above. Supply and exhaust ventilation with a dehumidifier installed provides an effective reduction of this parameter in the pool room, and at the same time organizes effective air exchange.

Pool ventilation modes

Setting of current parameters and modes is carried out at the stage of commissioning. In the future, the automation system itself sets them up - you just need to switch from one mode to another using the control panel.

In addition, the switching itself in many systems can be performed automatically when key parameters change - for example, depending on air humidity. With its increase, the ventilation of the pool works in a more intensive mode, with a decrease, the power of the equipment used, on the contrary, decreases.

There are three main modes of maintaining optimal temperature and humidity parameters in which ventilation for the pool can function.

  1. Work mode

It is set by default when there are bathing people in the room. The amount of supply air corresponding to sanitary standards is supplied to the space above the water surface (when implementing the assimilation or combined method).

If a dehumidifier is installed, it works according to the design values.

  1. Standby mode

Automatic controls turn off the ventilation units or put them into a standby state. There is no air flow - only the recirculation process takes place.

If the humidity of the air masses increases, then the ventilation for the pool starts to work in the operating mode. If unpleasant odors occur, the automation can be configured so that it turns on the flow for a while fresh air for ventilation.

The standby mode of ventilation in the pool is activated when people are not in the bathing room for a long time - at night, during business trips, while at work, at school, on vacation, etc.

  1. Emergency mode

It is activated if the dehumidifier has a serious malfunction that leads to its failure. In this case, the supply, exhaust circuits or combined PES (depending on the implemented scheme) are switched to work at the maximum possible power so that moisture assimilation compensates for the lack of condensation.

Required climatic parameters

Regardless of the chosen scheme, ventilation for swimming pools must provide the necessary climatic parameters. Among them:

  • Air and water temperature. It should be respectively 30 and 28 degrees C. Possible deviations: +/- 1 degree
  • Humidity level - not lower than 40%, but not higher than 65%. With the natural functioning of the pool, the corresponding indicator tends to the upper value and even exceeds it. The ventilation system compensates for this imbalance
  • Air exchange. The minimum allowable amount of fresh air supplied is 80-100 m3 per hour per person in the room
  • Balance of incoming and outgoing air. According to the norms of SNiP, the amount of displaced air masses should be 10-12% more than the volume of incoming air. Only in this case, humid air and possible unpleasant odors from the pool itself will not spread to the auxiliary rooms.
  • The frequency of exchange and the speed of movement of air masses. The minimum expansion in the pool is 6. In addition, it is necessary to provide mobility (specific values ​​​​depend on the operating conditions of the Facility), which will allow uniform mixing of the air and prevent the formation of condensate on building structures. The corresponding ventilation values ​​of the indoor pool are determined at the stage of drawing up project documentation, performing calculations, drawing schemes, plans, drawings

The presence of an indoor reservoir in the house requires the arrangement of a system for removing water condensate outside the building. Proper ventilation of the pool allows you to increase the wear resistance of the structure of the house. Its creation requires taking into account many components. After reading this article, the reader will learn about the main ways to maintain the desired microclimate in the pool, the rules for designing and calculating the moisture removal system.

Why do swimming pools need to reduce the level of humidity

In the room where the pool is located, there is always an excess of moisture. Water molecules are constantly evaporating, this physical process cannot be stopped. Particles fall on walls, ceilings, windows, decorative elements, condense on surfaces with a lower temperature.

High humidity creates certain problems for residents.

  1. Discomfort. Being in a room becomes uncomfortable: people may experience a lack of oxygen, it becomes difficult to breathe. In this case, being and swimming in the pool will not bring relaxation and pleasant emotions. Windows will fog up, outerwear will become damp.
  2. Damage to interior items and equipment. Moisture will settle on various things, including electrical equipment, causing it to fail.
  3. Corrosion. All metal structures in the room are quickly covered with rust and destroyed.
  4. Rapid wear of room decoration materials. Due to condensation, the paint gradually fades, stains appear. The plaster begins to swell and collapse.
  5. Reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungus. Heat, together with high humidity, leads to the active spread of molds, the appearance of microorganisms that are harmful to health.

The ventilation of the pool in the cottage solves all these problems in a natural way. Removing excess moisture increases the life of the entire structure of the house, interior decoration and helps maintain the health of residents.

microclimate requirements

The Russian authorities have adopted a set of building codes, according to which it is possible to create swimming pools in private homes. Details of them can be found in the 3rd section of the SNiP "On public buildings and structures" and, specifically, in the reference manual "Design of pools".

The main priority of the moisture and air removal system in rooms with water tanks is to maintain an acceptable level of humidity in the internal environment. Together with other factors, it should also solve the problem of removing excess heat in the required volume.

The main requirements are shown in the following table.

The maximum permissible humidity level is 65%.

Ventilation in a room with a pool should not allow the formation of stagnant zones, from where moisture will not be removed.

Types of pool ventilation systems in a private house

The two most common ventilation installations are described below:

  • supply and exhaust;
  • with air separation.

Supply and exhaust ventilation

The supply and exhaust ventilation system for the pool allows you to evenly remove air saturated with moisture, carbon dioxide, chlorine and other substances harmful to health, and replace them with fresh air. The possibility of drafts is excluded.

In the conditions of the Russian climate, it is advisable to purchase additional equipment - a heat recuperator, which helps to reduce energy consumption by more than 50%. The recuperator uses the available heat in moisture and gases to heat cold air masses from outside.

The system consists of the following parts:

  • fan for drawing in and drawing out air;
  • a valve that does not allow cold masses to enter the room after the equipment is turned off;
  • recuperator;
  • air dryer.

Some models are also equipped with filters for cleaning the incoming masses.

A diagram of such a ventilation system is shown in the figure:

Installation is simple, suitable even for rooms with a small area. This ventilation is not connected to the house exhaust system, which makes installation easier. All equipment is located in one block. The recuperator allows you to quickly recoup the cost of purchasing equipment.

Ventilation with air separation

It is somewhat more complicated, since different components of the system are involved in the inflow and outflow of air masses.

The supply of fresh air and the removal of air saturated with moisture and gases occur simultaneously. This is possible due to the use of several fans and a device for the intake of used air.

Installation of such a ventilation system should be carried out at the stage of building a pool room. It has a larger size, suitable for rooms with a large area and the volume of the water tank.

Consists of the following components:

  • device for collecting used gases. Usually located on the ceiling in the center of the room. Equipped with exhaust fans and a valve that does not let cold air through when the equipment is turned off;
  • a set of fans that provide fresh air;
  • filter for cleaning incoming masses;
  • a heater for heating them;

The system is controlled by an automatic unit that maintains a constant volume of air at the desired temperature.
The figure shows this ventilation system:

Pool air conditioners are now gaining popularity - these are fully automated devices that maintain the microclimate in the premises in several modes:

  • heating: built-in thermal equipment warms the air to the required value;
  • dehumidification. The air entering the pump is cooled, the moisture condenses and is collected in a special container. The dried air mass is in the heat exchanger and is soon fed into the room;
  • supply of fresh air from outside. It is filtered and heated to a predetermined temperature.

Air conditioners for the pool can significantly improve and automate the ventilation system or even replace it.

What to consider when planning

During the creation of an air exchange project in the pool, it is necessary to take into account various factors and indicators. The first step is to analyze the very design of the room where the tank is located: all the characteristics, quality and features of finishing materials. Turn on if necessary optional equipment to dry the air to prevent rapid wear of the structure. It is important to prevent the accumulation of condensate, especially on the surface of the ventilation shaft.

For the subsequent calculation, you will need to find out the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the following indicators:

  • the size of the entire room;
  • average attendance of the room (number of people visiting the pool);
  • the total size of the body of water;
  • water and air temperature;
  • average temperature in winter and summer outside;
  • air temperature directly under the ceiling.

The last point is justified due to the fact that warm air always tends to rise.

Project calculation

The calculation is made using special formulas that will allow you to determine the air exchange rate and other key indicators in a particular situation.

In addition to the above indicators, one should take into account the level of heat and moisture from bathing people, solar exposure, directly to the surface of the water.

Pool ventilation calculation:

1. Formula for determining air exchange.
W=e×F×Pb – PL, Where:
e is the evaporation coefficient;
F is the total size of the water surface (in square meters);
Pb is the level of water vapor pressure in the air saturated with moisture at a given temperature (in bar)
PL is the level of water vapor pressure, taking into account the set temperature and the desired humidity (in bar).

2. Formula for determining the air flow rate.
By weight: mL=GW×XB – XN,
By volume: L=GWr×XB – XN, Where:
GW is the total volume of moisture evaporation in the room (grams per hour);
XB - the level of humidity in the room with the pool (grams per kilogram);
XN is the moisture level outside the pool room (grams per kilogram);
r - air density at the desired temperature (kilogram per cubic meter)

During the subsequent installation of the moisture and air removal system, these indicators are taken into account - this allows you to increase the wear resistance of the whole house and reduce operating costs.

Summing up

Ventilation in the pool of a private house is a complex system, the design of which requires the calculation of various formulas, knowledge of the correct schemes and features of the impact of moisture on materials. Often, residents order help from specialized companies, but everything can be done by hand. The above information will allow the reader to independently carry out all the work to create a project for his pool, take into account all the features of his situation and anticipate unnecessary costs.

Any room in which the pool is located is quite specific, mainly due to the abundance of water vapor. As you know, moisture settles in the form of condensate on colder surfaces, as a result of which corrosion processes develop, fungus and decay appear. In addition, windows in this room fog up, and moisture settles on almost everything that is located there. To avoid such troubles, you will need high-quality ventilation of the pool. About what it is, why it is needed and how it is equipped, and will be discussed in today's article.

Why might swimming pools be ventilated?

Due to the special characteristics of the air and water in the room where the swimming pool is located, the moisture evaporates safely from the bowl, and it is not possible to interfere with this process. Settling on various kinds of structural elements or simply interior items, moisture inevitably leads to their deterioration. However, if you correctly design and equip the ventilation system, it will effectively remove all air fumes to the street.

Another disadvantage of the abundance of water vapor in the room is that people who swim in the pool simply experience discomfort. Moreover, humid air adversely affects the respiratory system, as well as psychological condition the person as a whole. And, finally, the third reason why ventilation is mandatory in this case is the inevitable damage to all electronic equipment in the pool. Tellingly, even ceiling lighting fixtures protected by glass come into disrepair.

To make the ventilation system more efficient, it is usually additionally equipped with air dryers. By the way, there are many ventilation systems themselves, but only two are the most popular among them:

  • with separation of outflow/inflow of air;
  • supply and exhaust (with the option of heat recovery).

Let's take a closer look at each of these options.

Option one. With air outlet/inlet separation

This kind of ventilation system is classified as separate, in this case the air enters and exits through separate system elements. If we talk about the cost, then the equipment for such ventilation is much cheaper (when compared with the option described in the next paragraph of the article), however, during further operation, it will necessarily require considerable expenses for itself. In addition, the dimensions of the separate ventilation system are quite large, therefore, it is very inconvenient to use it (especially in small rooms).

Note! Supply ventilation of the pool has one very important distinguishing feature- fresh air in it is supplied to the room separately from the parallel outlet of air, which has had time to humidify, to the street.

We also note that such ventilation systems are often equipped at the stage of pool construction. The role of the main element in this case is the fan, which is mounted in the exhaust ducts.

Speaking specifically about the influx of fresh air, it is carried out through such devices:

  • a control unit designed to support the volume of supplied air and temperature conditions;
  • an air intake device, on which there is a valve that does not let cold street air into the room in cases where the system is turned off;
  • a fan with which air is pumped;
  • cleaning filter required to clean the incoming air;
  • a heating device with which this incoming air is heated.

For a more detailed acquaintance with this issue, we recommend that you watch the thematic video below.

Video - About ventilation in pools

Option two. Supply and exhaust (with heat recovery function)

If we talk about this type of exhaust ventilation system, then it functions in a single unit. Tellingly, such a system will require serious costs even during the purchase of all the equipment required for it, however, during further operation you will encounter a pleasant surprise - noticeable savings (much more than the option described above).

Let's get acquainted with the main advantages of using such systems.

  1. First of all, it does not require too much space to install it. All the components necessary for the operation of the system are located in one block, therefore, the whole complex turns out to be very oversized when compared with ventilation, in which the elements are separated. Perfect option for pools, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is insignificant, which means that it is most often used in private country houses.
  2. Another advantage is that during operation the system consumes not so much electricity, since it (as the name suggests) has a heat exchanger. Thanks to this device, you can save from 50 to 40 percent of electricity, since the supply air is heated by the exhaust gas, but it does not mix with it. In other words, the temperature regime in the room is kept at the same level only due to its thermal reserve. And this, in turn, reduces the required power of the motor used by about two or two and a half times.

As for the design of the supply and exhaust system, it includes the following important elements:

  • inlet air heater;
  • fan (still the same supply and exhaust);
  • thermal recuperator;
  • cleaning filter required to purify fresh air;
  • the last element is a double valve, which shuts off the cold air supply if the system is turned off.

We also note that the system described above, equipped with a heat recuperator, is quite often also equipped with the function of automatically adjusting temperature indicators, as well as the values ​​of the amount of water vapor. Moreover, in addition, this pool ventilation can be equipped with devices that distribute heated air to other rooms; Another example of a "bonus" device is the dehumidifier.

What about automated ventilation systems?

Automatic systems are able to control the entire ventilation system, as well as adjust its functions. Below are the main points that automated systems perform.

  1. Direct connection of the ventilation system with the so-called "smart home" system.
  2. Maintaining temperature and humidity indicators of air at the required level, monitoring the performance of the ventilation system itself.
  3. Ensuring protection (both the system as a whole and its individual components), preventing water from freezing in water heaters, reducing voltage, and so on.
  4. Notification of all problems and emergencies that occur in the system.
  5. Tracking the sequence of all operations that occur in the system.

As you can see, there are really a lot of functions, and therefore automated systems fully justify their inflated cost.

Regulatory requirements

Any ventilation system must be selected in accordance with certain indicators that must be observed in the premises where the pools are located. If you intend to provide the most safe and comfortable conditions in the said room, then you must adhere to some numbers.

  • The maximum air humidity should be 65 percent.
  • The air exchange rate, in accordance with regulatory requirements, is 80 cubic meters per hour for each person who is in the room. Although when drawing up a project, as a rule, they are not based on this indicator, but on the calculated value.
  • The maximum difference between the temperature indicators of water and air should be no more than 20 degrees (and exclusively in favor of air).
  • The gas flow that exits the ventilation system must have a speed of no more than 20 meters per second. If the speed is greater, then drafts are formed that are felt by the skin.
  • Finally, the water temperature, in accordance with the same standards, should be less than 32 degrees Celsius.

We also note that the regulatory requirements allow for a difference between the volumes of outgoing / incoming air, but no more? total air exchange rate. Although in this case, you must also take into account the speed at which the gas flow moves. When designing, take into account the fact that the noise level in a given room is a maximum of 60 decibels.

Note! It is quite obvious that the natural ventilation system is unable to provide such indicators in the room, and therefore, if there is a pool, it (the room) must be equipped with forced ventilation.

Features of drafting a ventilation system

If you are engaged in drafting a ventilation system (regardless of what type it is planned), then you must take into account the functional parameters of the entire structure - this will ensure the specified conditions; also do not forget about the negative factors affecting the structural elements. Perhaps the most important substance, without which no pool ventilation can do, is condensate. If it accumulates on the walls of the ventilation shaft, it will inevitably lead to corrosive processes, as well as equipment failure. To avoid this, it is necessary to insulate the shaft and install electrically heated valves. In addition, be sure to supplement the shaft with a tray into which accumulated moisture would drain.

Any ventilation system (whatever its size) must be able to operate at a lower capacity in order to save electricity in the event of a pool downtime. In turn, you must equip the system with a device of higher power, so that the ventilation can successfully cope with everything in the presence of a large number of people in the pool. Of course, all these additions are not mandatory, but thanks to them, electricity is saved during continuous operation, but the efficiency of the entire system remains at the same level. This addition is especially relevant for country houses, where the equipment is not used as often as, for example, in public swimming pools.

But the most important thing that you should consider during the design is the area of ​​​​the room, the presence / absence of heating, air flow rates, as well as the air exchange rate. As for the supply and exhaust system, it can be considered universal, since it is able to solve all these problems at once. It includes various structural elements, including fans, filtration devices or, say, a heater. Because, in fact, she successfully copes with all tasks.

Note! The ventilation system of the pool should be equipped separately from the general house ventilation. Also note that in order to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the bowl, it can be curtained during downtime.

We develop a ventilation system project

As noted earlier, during the design of ventilation, an air humidity index of about 65 percent is taken into account, but in reality this indicator usually decreases by 15 or even 20 percent. The reason for this is extremely simple - the so-called tactile sensation of humidity. So, if the system is equipped correctly and provides the required humidity, then a feeling of discomfort and condensation can still be noticed. As a result, the functional characteristics of the system are adjusted. The phenomena described above then disappear, but the humidity at the same time no longer meets the regulatory requirements.

When designing a project, also consider the air flow. There are many formulas and special tables that can help determine the required air exchange at the current temperature and area of ​​​​the pool bowl.

Here are the main characteristics that should be taken into account during the calculations:

  • air temperature under the ceiling (due to the fact that warm air weighs less, and therefore always tends to rise);
  • the area of ​​the water space;
  • the number of people visiting the pool at the same time (on average);
  • overall dimensions of bypass tracks;
  • air temperature indicator;
  • average outdoor temperature in summer/winter;
  • temperature indicator of water.

If you are designing the ventilation of the pool yourself, then without fail make the following calculations.

  1. Determine how much heat comes from people, water in the thicket, sunlight, lighting fixtures and, in fact, paths.
  2. Determine how much moisture comes from swimmers, paths and water.
  3. Calculate the air exchange, taking into account the standard indicator.

In accordance with the standards of the German Society of Engineers, the latter indicator must be calculated from the water area, the total humidity indicator and the water temperature. In addition, one must take into account functional features premises. The calculation formula looks something like this (in kilograms per hour):

e*F*РВ-PL = W.

Let's take a look at what each indicator means:

  • F stands for general water area in square meters;
  • PL is the vapor pressure in the case of given humidity/temperature values;
  • РВ is all the same steam pressure, that's only for given parameters of water in the bowl;
  • finally, e is the evaporation index, which determines the functional features of the design.

The last indicator depends on the type of pool. So, if the structure is covered with a film, then e will be 0.5; if it has water slides, then 35; if the water is static, then 5; if it's about public swimming pool, then about 20; finally, if the bowl is small and attended by an average number of people, then 15.

Note! It is obvious that the humidity in the street varies depending on the specific time of the year. Professionals recommend taking the average value (it is 9 grams per kilogram), since its change with each subsequent season is not too significant.

We also note that directly during the arrangement of the ventilation system, you must insulate and seal each of the air ducts without fail. The air flow must not be directed towards the water surface. If the pool ventilation is small, it can be installed between the base and suspended ceilings. Finally, the use of an air conditioner in a room where there is already ventilation is undesirable.

That's all, now you are aware of what ventilation is in such places, how to design and calculate it. Don't forget to watch another themed video. Good luck with your work!

Video - The device of the supply and exhaust ventilation system

The ventilation systems of apartments and cottages, which we considered in the previous section, are designed to create a comfortable microclimate. If there is no one at home, then the ventilation can be turned off. With pool ventilation, the situation is different: it not only creates comfort, but also protects the finish and structural elements of the room from corrosion and mold, which can occur due to excessive humidity. That is why a separate air ventilation system is always organized for the pool, which operates continuously, controlling and maintaining air parameters at a given level. Next, we will talk about the main parameters of the air environment of the pool room, as well as the features of the operation of specialized ventilation units.

Online calculation of pool ventilation

Using the calculator, you can make an online calculation of the pool ventilation and get data for self-selection of the ventilation system. The calculator was created based on the recommendations of ABOK 7.5-2012 "Providing a microclimate and energy saving in indoor swimming pools. Design standards". The values ​​obtained by this method are close to the values ​​calculated by another common method, but the ABOK recommendations take into account the influence of water attractions more accurately.

Pool Room Ventilation Calculator

RFC Climate. Pool ventilation calculator.

Print spreadsheet with calculation

Air parameters

The ventilation system must maintain certain parameters of the air environment in the pool room:

  • Temperature. Not only the comfort of people depends on it, but also the rate of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the water. Therefore, the air temperature should be slightly (1-2 ° C) higher than the water temperature (if the water is warmer than the air, then the evaporation of moisture increases significantly). For private pools, the recommended air and water temperatures are 30°C and 28°C respectively. To heat the supply air to a predetermined temperature in inexpensive direct-flow systems, water or electric heaters are used. In supply and exhaust units, in order to save energy, in addition to the air heater, heat recuperators can be installed, which are usually made on the basis of plate heat exchangers and heat pumps (recuperators heat the supply air due to the heat of the exhaust air). If the outside temperature can exceed the room temperature for a long time, a ventilation system with a cooling function must be used.
  • Humidity. This is one of the most important air parameters that affects the safety of the finishes and structural elements of the pool room. If for a long time the air humidity exceeds a safe level, the structural elements may become unusable - covered with rust and mold due to the formation of condensate. Therefore, during non-working hours, in order to reduce evaporation from the water surface, it is recommended to cover the surface of the pool with a film. Note that it is necessary to control and manage relative, and not absolute, humidity (moisture content). Relative humidity at a constant moisture content strongly depends on temperature, so a decrease in temperature by 1 ° C leads to an increase in humidity by 3.5%. Two methods are used to reduce air humidity:
    • Assimilation of moisture by outdoor air, i.e. supply of outdoor air with a low moisture content into the room and removal of moist air from the room. This method works well in winter when the moisture content of the outside air is low. In summer in central Russia, assimilation of moisture by outdoor air is also possible, but it should be borne in mind that in hot and rainy weather, the moisture content of outdoor air may be higher than indoor air, and then this method will not work.
    • Condensation drying on the surface of the evaporator. They work on this principle. The dehumidifier can be made as a separate unit or be built into the ventilation unit. Note that the name dryer for this unit is not entirely accurate. A more general name would be more correct: refrigerator or a refrigeration circuit, since this unit not only reduces air humidity, but also transfers heat from the exhaust air to the supply air (heat pump), and when the refrigerant direction changes, it can cool the supply air.
    Humidity in the pool room should be maintained at the level of 40-65%, while in the warm season more than high level humidity, since there are no cold surfaces in the room on which moisture can condense. Based on this, the recommended values ​​of relative air humidity: up to 55% in summer, up to 45% in winter.
  • Amount of fresh air. The minimum volume of fresh air supplied is determined by sanitary standards (80 m³ / h per person) and the need to assimilate moisture from the air (in the absence of a dehumidifier). In summer, the volume of supplied air is usually higher than in winter, since the difference between the moisture content of indoor and outdoor air is lower during the warm period.
  • The ratio of supply and exhaust air. In the pool room, it is recommended to maintain a slight vacuum (the air flow rate of the exhaust system should be 10-15% higher than the supply one). This prevents the spread of humid air and odors from the pool to other rooms.
  • Air mobility. In contrast to residential premises, where ventilation can be switched off for some time, the pool room must be provided with constant air movement based on 6-fold air exchange. This is due to the fact that in still air, even at normal average humidity, stagnant zones form near cold surfaces, where the temperature drops below the dew point and condensation occurs. To avoid this, the air must be constantly mixed. In winter, assimilation of moisture usually does not require such an amount of outdoor air, therefore, to ensure the necessary mobility, a ventilation unit with a mixing chamber is used (in which outdoor and indoor air are mixed in a given proportion and fed into the room). We also note that when choosing the location of the air diffusers, it should be taken into account that the air flow should pass along cold surfaces (usually vertically along the windows), but at the same time there should be no drafts in the bathing area, since this not only creates discomfort for pool visitors, but also significantly enhances moisture evaporation.

You can read more about the parameters of the air environment and the rules for designing ventilation systems in the pool room in the already mentioned recommendations ABOK 7.5-2012.

Choosing a pool ventilation system

To ventilate the pool, you can successfully use ventilation units of various configurations, the cost of which may differ several times. The simplest and most inexpensive option is a conventional supply unit and an exhaust fan synchronized with it in terms of rotation speed. Humidity is reduced by an autonomous air dryer (in summer, moisture assimilation by the outside air is not always possible). The disadvantage of such a system is high energy consumption, for example, for a pool with a water surface area of ​​20 m², an air inflow of 600-800 m³ / h will be required, which will mean a consumption of about 13 kWh in winter. Modern specialized air handling units can reduce energy consumption by several times, but such a ventilation system will cost more. Energy saving is provided not only by multi-stage recuperation systems (several cascades of a plate heat exchanger + heat pump / air dryer), but also by flexible system settings depending on the parameters of the outside air and the selected operating mode. Even with relatively low gas and electricity tariffs, the cost of ownership (initial cost + operation) of a modern supply and exhaust ventilation system is likely to be lower than an inexpensive once-through system. Note that the cost of the air handling unit may increase due to additional functions such as cooling the air or heating the pool water with excess heat generated when the chiller is running in dry mode.

Can conventional ventilation units be used to ventilate the pool? If this is a supply system, into which only outside air enters, then there is not much difference. However, air handling units and air handling units with a mixing chamber must have anti-corrosion protection for heat exchangers, since the transport of warm and humid air can lead to corrosion of untreated metal surfaces. So, for example, a plate heat exchanger must be made of an inert material such as polypropylene, but if a traditional aluminum heat exchanger is used, then it, like other heat exchangers (water heater, evaporator, condenser), must have special anti-corrosion protection.

Operating modes of the ventilation unit

In modern specialized air handling units with a digital automation system, all operating modes are configured once during commissioning. The user does not need to change anything in the system settings in the future: to control it, it will be enough for him to switch the operating and standby modes of operation (this can be done both from the remote control and using a conventional switch for this purpose).

If a ventilation unit with a simplified automation system or a model not designed for this purpose is used to ventilate the pool, then the user will have to independently control the fan speed and the operation mode of the heater, set the air humidity depending on the season, and change other settings. And such a ventilation system, due to suboptimal settings, most likely will not allow maintaining a comfortable microclimate with the lowest possible energy consumption.

Specialized models of air handling units for swimming pools operate in two main modes:

  • Work mode(may also be called Day mode). In this mode, the ventilation unit operates during the operation of the pool, when there are people in the room, while the predetermined amount of outside air is constantly supplied to the room (not below the sanitary standard). Dehumidification can be carried out both by the assimilation of moisture by the outside air, and by a combined method (assimilation + condensation dehumidification of the air). In the second case, the power consumption will be lower.
  • Standby mode(may also be called Night Mode). In this mode, the ventilation unit operates when there are no people in the room. Outside air is not supplied to the room, the ventilation unit operates in recirculation mode (this allows you to save energy without spending it on heating the outside air). At the same time, automation constantly monitors air humidity and, when it rises above a predetermined level, turns on the compressor of the refrigeration circuit for condensation dehumidification (if the ventilation unit has a dehumidifier), or supplies outside air to assimilate moisture (if there is no dehumidifier). The ventilation unit can have an adjustable ventilation mode in the Standby mode - once a day, fresh air is briefly supplied to the room so that unpleasant odors do not accumulate there.

Some models have emergency mode work. If a built-in or stand-alone dehumidifier malfunctions and the air humidity rises above a critical level, the outside air supply is increased to assimilate the moisture.

You can find more details about each mode of operation and equipment features in the documentation on the manufacturers' websites.

Options for technical solutions for pool ventilation

Above, we have already briefly talked about the differences between conventional ventilation units and specialized models designed to organize pool ventilation. Now we will consider in more detail the technical solutions used in practice based on various equipment.

1. Supply and exhaust installation, autonomous dehumidifier.

This is one of the easiest and cheapest options. The supply and exhaust units maintain the supply of fresh air required by sanitary standards in the room, and also provide the required vacuum. Humidity is maintained by a separate (autonomous) wall-mounted dehumidifier, which also creates the necessary air mobility: the dehumidifier fan runs continuously, and the compressor is activated by command from the hygrostat when the air humidity exceeds a predetermined value. In Standby mode, ventilation is not needed and should be turned off to save energy.

If in the region where the pool is located, the outdoor air temperature can exceed the indoor air temperature for a long time, then it will be necessary to use a supply unit with a freon cooler, working in conjunction with the KKB.

The advantage of the considered option is only the possibility of using common non-specialized equipment. It has many disadvantages:

  • Inconvenient control: you need to set the parameters on two independent systems (ventilation and dehumidifier).
  • A wall-mounted dehumidifier located in the pool room degrades the design of the room and makes a lot of noise when the compressor is running.
  • Problems with the organization of a uniform distribution of air throughout the pool, because the mobility of air is provided by a stream coming out of one point (a wall-mounted dehumidifier does not allow connecting air ducts to it to distribute the air stream).
  • High energy consumption due to lack of heat recovery.

It should be noted that before the advent of wall-mounted dehumidifiers, the decrease in humidity was carried out only due to the assimilation of moisture by the outside air: the system described here was used in pools, only without a dehumidifier. A serious drawback of such a system was the need to provide air mobility with supply air, which led to enormous energy losses during the cold season. If, however, the performance of the supply unit is reduced to a sanitary standard, then there is a high risk of condensation on the windows and in the corners of the room, where the air does not mix well. Below, in the table with the results of energy calculations, the option without a dehumidifier is given at number 0 to demonstrate the economic inexpediency of such a solution.

Is it possible to do without an expensive dehumidifier if the climatic conditions allow moisture to be assimilated by the supply air? Yes, for this it is enough to use a supply unit with a mixing chamber, as in the next option.

2. Supply unit with a mixing chamber, exhaust unit, independent air dryer.

If the air handling unit is equipped with a mixing chamber, where outdoor and recirculated air are mixed in a given proportion, then the required air mobility can be provided by the ventilation system, and the dehumidifier will be needed only to reduce air humidity in summer, when the moisture content of the outdoor air becomes too high. So we got rid of the problem with uniform air distribution: a mixture of supply and recirculation air is supplied through distributors located throughout the room.

If there are no periods in the region where the pool is located (or they are very short) when the high moisture content of the outside air does not allow reducing the humidity of the air by assimilation, then the dehumidifier can not be installed. This will significantly reduce the overall cost of the system. And on those days when it is too hot and humid outside, you simply should not use the pool (the surface of the water should be covered with a film to reduce moisture evaporation).

3. Duct air dryer with outdoor air admixture, exhaust unit.

The reason for most of the shortcomings of the first two options was the use of a stand-alone dehumidifier. If instead of it a duct dehumidifier with a heater and the possibility of mixing in outside air is installed, then the supply unit can be abandoned: all the processing of the supply air will take place in the duct dryer. This option can already be recommended for use in small private pools, since it is about the same in cost as the first two options, but it does not have all their disadvantages, except for high energy consumption, which remains exactly the same. Indeed, the entire system is controlled from one remote control, and the noise from the equipment will not be heard if the dehumidifier is located in a separate room.

4. PES with dehumidifier / heat pump.

If we combine the duct dehumidifier from the previous version with an exhaust unit, then we get an air handling unit with a dehumidifier that can work as a heat pump, giving an approximately 3-fold gain in energy consumption. This possibility appears when the dehumidifier condenser is placed in the exhaust duct, and the evaporator - in the supply duct. The flow of warm air heats the condenser, the compressor transfers heat to the evaporator, which heats the supply air. At the same time, dehumidification still works: when moist air is cooled, moisture condenses on the evaporator (for more information about the operation of the refrigeration machine, see the section)

Other important advantage- use of one unit for processing both supply and exhaust flows. This not only makes it easier to balance the supply and exhaust fan speeds to maintain the required negative pressure, but also allows you to flexibly change the operating modes of all components to achieve maximum comfort and energy efficiency. In PES, the possibility of scenario control is usually implemented, when the operation modes are switched by a timer, the modes of Ventilation, cascade control, and others are supported. In addition, it is optionally possible to use a chiller to cool the supply air.

5. PES with recuperator and dehumidifier / heat pump.

The previous option is almost perfect, but a heat pump is used to heat the air, which needs electricity to operate. And in most regions of Russia, heating with gas is several times more profitable than with electricity. If you need to pay 3-4 times less to get a certain amount of heat when using a gas boiler than when using an electric heater, then the advantage of the heat pump is lost and it becomes more economical to heat the air with a water heater (the heat pump generates heat from 2 to 5 times more, than it consumes electricity, the exact value depends on the equipment used and the outdoor temperature - the lower it is, the lower the COP). In this case, we recommend using a PES with a plate heat exchanger, which saves heat and does not consume electricity. And the dehumidifier compressor turns on only when it is necessary to reduce the humidity of the air or cool it.

Note that if the pool is located in a region with a cold climate, where in summer it is possible to effectively dry the air by assimilation of moisture, then the dehumidifier is no longer needed, and it can be abandoned to reduce the cost of the system. Then it will be optimal to use a specialized PES with a plate heat exchanger without a dryer.

Specialized PES are usually equipped with all the necessary sensors to monitor the state of the environment, which allows them to maintain the specified air parameters with maximum energy efficiency. As part of this review, we cannot tell in detail about all the possibilities of PES for pools, but this information is available in the documentation on the manufacturers' websites.

Summary table with the advantages and disadvantages of various technical solutions

An energy efficient solution for any pool size
Technical solution Noise Design Distribution air Cooling adv. air Balance of adj. / you are t. Energy effect. Peculiarities
0 Direct-flow PU, VU
(without dryer)
Risk of condensation on windows, high energy consumption
1 Direct-flow PU, VU, autonomous dehumidifier Noise from the dehumidifier, difficulty in control, air exchange provided. dryer
2 PU with a mixing chamber, VU, autonomous dehumidifier Dehumidifier noise, difficult to manage
3 Inexpensive solution for a private pool
4 PES with dryer Balanced solution for any size pool
5 PES with dryer and recuperator

Calculation of energy consumption of various technical solutions

When describing all the options, we talked about energy efficiency - one of the most important indicators of the pool ventilation system. For clarity, we have determined the energy consumption for each option in winter using the example of a small private pool with a water surface area of ​​14 m² and summarized these data in a table. We have calculated the required power to heat the outdoor air to a given temperature, as well as the total power, which includes the power of the pool heating system (total power is determined by the temperature and humidity of the exhaust air). The difference between these two parameters is explained by the fact that the supplied air has practically zero moisture content, therefore, first (inside the ventilation unit), energy is spent on heating dry air, and then on its humidification in the process of water evaporation from the pool (energy comes from the water heating and heating system). ). Note that ventilation usually operates in the mode of maintaining the set temperature at the outlet of the supply duct (calculations were carried out for this option). However, the ventilation system can perform the function of heating and operate in the mode of maintaining the set temperature in the room (cascade control mode), then the consumed power for heating will be higher than indicated in the table, but the total power will not change. The table also shows the total power for standby when the pool is not in use.

So, initial data:

  • Air consumption for organizing the necessary air mobility: 700 m³/h.
  • Air consumption according to sanitary standards (2 people): 160 m³ / h.
  • Required dryer capacity: 2 kg/h.
  • Temperature and humidity indoors: 30°C and 45%.
  • Outside air temperature and humidity (for Moscow): -28°С and 84%.
  • The surface of the water is covered with a film when the pool is not in use.

Table with the results of calculating the required power for various technical solutions

Technical solution General air exchange Outside air flow Thermal power ventust. Exhaust consumption. air T / φ extract. air Total thermal power Possible on duty regime Standby power dir.
0 Direct-flow PU, VU 700 m³/h 900 m³/h 12.3 kW 800 m³/h 30°С/45% 24.2 kW 24.2 kW
1 Direct-flow PU, VU, dehumidifier 700 m³/h (dry) 160 m³/h 3.1 kW 180 m³/h 30°С/45% 5.4 kW 0.3 kW
2 PU with mixing chamber, VU, dryer 700 m³/h 160 m³/h 3.1 kW 180 m³/h 30°С/45% 5.4 kW 0.3 kW
3 Channel dehumidifier with admixture ext. air, VU 700 m³/h 160 m³/h 3.1 kW 180 m³/h 30°С/45% 5.4 kW 0.3 kW
4 PVU with dehumidifier (heat pump) 700 m³/h 160 m³/h 1.2 kW 180 m³/h 23°C/57% 2.3 kW 0.3 kW
5 PVU with a dehumidifier (heat pump) and a heat exchanger 700 m³/h 160 m³/h 1.2 kW 180 m³/h 13°C/90% 1.4 kW 0.3 kW

Regions with cold and hot climates

In regions with very cold or hot and humid climates, additional options may be required for efficient operation of the equipment:

  • If the air temperature drops below -20°C for a long time, an additional preheater may be required.
  • Where it is hot and humid in summer, for example, in Sochi, options for cooling the supply air will be useful. For these purposes, various technical solutions can be used: a cooler with an external KKB, a dryer (refrigeration machine) with an external condenser, and others.

Air handling unit
with heat pump (air dryer)

For ventilation of the pool premises, both specialized equipment and conventional air handling units are used. In the second case, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of the system, but it is risky to operate the pool without an air dryer, since the condensate that has fallen out can damage the finish of the room.

An inexpensive system can be assembled according to option No. 2: supply unit + mixing chamber, exhaust unit and, optionally, an autonomous air dryer. This system can be installed in stages: first install the ventilation system, and then, after the start of operation, decide whether a dehumidifier is needed. The supply unit can be any, but it is better to use a model with a built-in mixing chamber and an adjustable intake of outside air, for example, Breezart Pool Mix. The choice of an autonomous dehumidifier is not difficult, among the popular brands are Danvex, Dantherm, Cotes, Microwell.

If you have firmly decided to use an air dehumidifier, then instead of the previous solution, it is better to choose option No. 3 based on a duct dehumidifier - this will already be a specialized model with an admixture of outdoor air, designed for use in pool areas. Channel dehumidifiers for swimming pools produce Dantherm(CDP series), Calorex(variheat series), Breezart(Pool DH series), Aerial and others.

Recently, arrangement own swimming pool in a private house or cottage is not an indicator of incredible luxury. Modern technologies allow you to install such a tank with water indoors without huge costs and investments. In order for the structure to last for a long time, and for a comfortable microclimate to be present in the house, you need to take care of the ventilation of the pool in advance.

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    general information

    Each pool is a huge container of water that constantly evaporates and condenses on the ceiling, window openings or wall structures. But where there is water, there is also a fungus or mold.

    Moreover, the impact of increased moisture negatively affects the durability of the pool itself, because it leads to the destruction of finishing materials and other deformation consequences. Among them:

    • The occurrence of rust on metal products.
    • The development of fungal microorganisms.
    • Swelling and destruction of plastered surfaces.
    • The appearance of spots on the painted parts.
    • Deterioration of the insulation of conductive materials, which increases the likelihood of electric shock.

    In connection with the above points, the arrangement of the ventilation of the pool in the cottage is the most important stage, which must be taken with increased responsibility. Such equipment will save the room from various deformation processes, as well as extend the life of the tank itself.

    With good ventilation in the interior there will always be a certain indicator of humidity. This unit indicates the volume of water vapor per unit volume of air. If the humidity exceeds the permissible level, it becomes difficult to breathe in the room.

    However, if the air is too dry, this also entails unpleasant phenomena. Therefore, it is important to achieve the perfect balance, guided by the mode of operation of the structure, the climatic factor and the individual preferences of the owners of the premises. Future calculation should be carried out taking into account the temperature of air and water.

    Pool ventilation

    Indoor microclimate

    In the construction industry, there is such a thing as saturation moisture. This indicator characterizes the volume of water that is taken in by air at a specific temperature regime. If the temperature starts to rise, it raises the saturation humidity level. If the allowable indicator is exceeded, the excess begins to turn into condensate and settle on wall structures, glass or ceiling.

    When arranging ventilation in the pool of a private house, it is necessary to get rid of excess evaporation of moisture, observing a specific balance between the temperature of water and air.

    If the volume of evaporated moisture is relatively small, then there is no need to buy powerful ventilation systems. If the temperature of water and air is kept at the same level, the saturation point will be comparable to 100% humidity.

    But to ensure a comfortable microclimate in a room with a pool, it is recommended to adhere to humidity from 50 to 65%. This requires the installation of a mechanical ventilation system.

    There is another way to reduce the level of evaporation. It is enough to cover the surface of the water with special metal elements, like blinds. As you know, closed water practically does not go into the evaporation stage and does not cool. If we compare open pool, then about two and a half liters of liquid can evaporate in it in an hour. In the closed type, these figures are 1.2 liters per part. As a result, this approach guarantees large savings in resources.

    Reducing the humidity in the room

    Even the most powerful pool ventilation project is not able to completely cope with the problem of high humidity in the room. However, it is quite possible to reduce the level of evaporation, since there are many tools and ventilation equipment for this. Recently, supply and exhaust ventilation for the pool has been in great demand, which is combined with the installation of special dehumidifiers.

    Once in the dehumidifier, the air is heated to the dew point, which leads to moisture condensation. Then it is additionally heated and returned back, but already in its pure form, without water particles. Such systems are relevant for cottages in which it is impossible to consider the option of installing an intake-blowing system. A hygrostat is installed in the design, which causes the compressor to start at certain performance indicators. If the moisture level drops, the hygrostat stops the compressor while the ventilation blades continue to rotate.

    Commercially available condensing dryers divided into several types:

    1. 1. Wall mounted. They are located in buildings where there are already finishing works.
    2. 2. Wall mounted. In such dehumidifiers, all working elements are securely hidden in a separate room, and in the space with a pool there is only a fence grate. It is necessary to start planning such a scheme long before the arrangement of the water tank.
    3. 3. Stationary, non-removable. Such installations are characterized by the highest power and require additional space. Often they are part of the supply and exhaust ventilation system in large sports centers. Stationary models support mixing 1/5 of the air volume, and if equipped with a duct heater, this will allow you to equip a complete ventilation system at home.

    Moisture assimilation

    Looking for effective systems ventilation in the pool, schemes and structural designs, one cannot ignore the method of assimilation of moisture in the pool. It consists in using the natural property of air to absorb water vapor. The technology allows you to lay a 5-fold air exchange in one hour of work.

    In latitudes with a temperate climate and in houses with small pools a conventional ventilation system is sufficient. But if we are talking about large water tanks in gyms and entertainment complexes, then a multifunctional dehumidifier must be additionally equipped here.

    The indisputable advantage of moisture assimilation is the effective elimination of an unpleasant odor that appears due to high humidity. As for the cons, there are few of them. The most unpleasant moment is the dependence on weather conditions, because if the surrounding air is too humid, it will not be able to absorb condensate from the pool room.

    But in most cases, this scheme justifies itself and outperforms other solutions. Another disadvantage of assimilation is the need to warm the supply air. The procedure is especially necessary during the cold period, when the heating process requires a lot of electricity.

    Also, engineers practice the combined method of draining the pool, which is in demand for large areas and pools with a high frequency of visits. In this case, it is necessary to combine a dehumidifier and a forced ventilation system.

    In this case, the type of equipment can be independent or form an indispensable part. common system affecting the microclimate. Combined options are expensive options and justify themselves only on an area of ​​​​50 square meters.

    How to reduce the humidity in the pool room? Pool ventilation

    Maintaining the temperature

    To avoid excessive moisture release, at the ventilation design stage, it is necessary to achieve such indicators at which the temperature in the building with a pool exceeds the ambient temperature.

    This is possible only if there is a powerful heating system that provides heating of the air to optimal performance. But ventilation is not able to heat the building, so air heating may be ineffective. It justifies itself only with the arrangement of additional installations.

    If the building is characterized by good glazing, and the pool is located in a southern area, you can not do without arranging a powerful air conditioning system. As for large pools that are frequently visited, natural ventilation systems may not be useful in them. In this case, forced methods of moving air are used, demonstrating the following advantages:

    • Maintaining a stable temperature regime.
    • Constant supply of fresh air.
    • Combat bad odor.

    Swimming pool in a private house. Heating system in the pool, ventilation and water heating.

    Supply and exhaust scheme

    Considering the best types of ventilation systems for a pool, one cannot ignore the example of a supply and exhaust scheme.

    It has the following advantages:

    • Stable supply of fresh air.
    • Fight against residual moisture in the atmosphere.

    The device is equipped with a special dehumidifier, and any heat is instantly removed outside. In addition, such a system is characterized by autonomy and can work without exposure to air from other rooms. The ventilation ducts are made on the basis of moisture-resistant materials, and the equipment is controlled by advanced automation. As a result, this allows you to maintain a stable temperature regime and carry out the mixing of clean air.

    Before entering the room, the outdoor air is carefully filtered, cooled or heated. It also changes its moisture content.

    Proper system design in the cottage

    In order for the cottage pool to justify itself, you need to remember a few features.

    First of all, you should make sure that the temperature regime is kept within 30-32 degrees Celsius, and the outflow of air prevails over the inflow by 0.5 times. Noise indicators cannot exceed 60 decibels, while there should not be more than two people in the pool at the same time.

    In order for the design and installation of an air vent system to be as successful as possible, a lot of rules and recommendations must be taken into account. You should visit a special site where you can calculate the required parameters online. Planning a ventilation system will be successful only after consulting with an expert, as well as taking into account several important points.

    As you know, air with high humidity and high temperature is constantly directed upwards, and when it collides with a cool surface, it turns into condensate. In this regard, ventilation equipment can be placed both in the adjacent building and under the bowl, around it or on top. In many cases, such systems are placed around the pool or in two of its sides, which causes the exhaust moist air to be quickly expelled.

    To ensure a comfortable microclimate in a building with a swimming pool, first of all drafts must be prevented. To do this, it is enough to equalize the volumes of supply and exhaust air. In a place where visitors are located, the air should not move faster set speed. Often, the intensity of movements is reduced using various schemes or specific grids.

    Air channel it is better to place near the windows. It is also desirable that it be made of a good heat-conducting material. Under the influence of dry air, any condensate will cease to settle on the glass, and upon contact with the window, the warm air will begin to cool.

    Drawer box installed directly under the ceiling where intense accumulation of moisture and heat is noticed. Otherwise, the air will quickly come out. If there are suspended ceilings in the building, you need to think over the ventilation system in advance. If this is not done, an area with a high moisture content will appear above them.

    A properly equipped air exchange system in a room with a pool is the key to successful and long-term operation of such a water tank.

    Therefore, in order to extend the life of the pool and protect it from premature deformations, it is important to design and install ventilation equipment in time.