Game physical exercises in the younger group. Card file of sedentary games in the second junior group

Didactic games for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten

Who is called?

Goals: develop thinking, memory, speech.

Equipment : doll, toy animals: cat, dog, cow, goat, etc.

* * *

Children sit on chairs placed in a semicircle in front of a table on which toys are laid out. The teacher approaches one of them and asks what his name is. The child names himself. If he is silent, then the teacher helps him.

He asks a few more children to give their names, and then asks 2-3 children what the names of other babies are, for example, a girl with a red bow, a boy in a white shirt. After that, the teacher shows the doll.

caregiver . This doll's name is Alenka. What is her name?

The children answer.

And who is this?

Children . Pussy.

caregiver . This cat's name is Murka.

Children repeat the name of the cat. Then the teacher shows them a dog, a cow and other animals, invites the kids to come up with a nickname for them or calls them himself and asks 3-4 children to repeat. Children repeat after the teacher.

The teacher makes sure that the children loudly and clearly call their names, the names of comrades, dolls, animal names.

What's in the bag?

Target: to teach to distinguish the sound [c] in pronunciation, to develop speech.

Equipment: pouch; toys and objects that have the sound [p] in their names (chicken, chicken, sheep, hare, saucer, button), as well as other toys (car, cube, ball, ball, etc.).

* * *

Educator. I have a bag (shows), which contains a lot of interesting things. Whoever I approach, let him take out one toy from this bag, name it and show it to everyone.

The called child performs the task. The teacher takes a toy from the child and asks several more children to say what it is called, then he calls it himself and asks the children to listen if there is a sound [ts] in this name.

When all the items are taken out of the bag, the teacher leaves on the table only those in the name of which there is a sound [c] (chicken, chicken, sheep, hare, saucer, button), and invites the children to list them.

The teacher must pronounce the words clearly, highlighting the sound [c], for example, sheep-ts-tsa, saucers-ts-tse. When choosing toys, you need to make sure that among them there are no objects that have the sound [s] in the name, which can confuse children. It is necessary to ensure that children correctly name words containing the sound [ts], pronounce it clearly.

Choose the right word

Target : develop figurative thinking, speech.

The teacher begins to pronounce the phrase, and the children are invited to complete it by choosing the appropriate word.

Educator. They swim in the aquarium ... Who swims?

Children . Fish.

He sits high on an oak tree and croaks ... Who? (Crow.)

Grazing in the meadow ... (cow).

A large green one grew in the garden ... (cucumber).

Vova burst red ... (ball).

He drives a car well ... (driver).

First, the teacher asks the children again, then they answer without an additional question. The teacher draws attention to the fact that they accurately select words, correctly pronounce the sound [p], [p "] in words. Answers should be individual.

The lesson is carried out at a fast pace.


Goals: to learn to distinguish the speed of pronouncing words, in this case, onomatopoeia cap-cap-cap, and also pronounce clearly at different tempos: slowly, moderately, quickly.

* * *

Educator. Droplets hit the roof. (Pronounces drip-drip-drip in moderate pace.)

Children repeat.

When the rain is just beginning, its drops rarely fall and knock differently (pronounces drip ... drip ... slowly and slightly stretching, with pauses).

Children repeat.

If it rains heavily, then the drops knock on the roof like this (says at an accelerated pace).

When the kids learn to distinguish between the speed of pronunciation and pronounce this sound combination at a given tempo, the teacher invites them to determine by ear what kind of rain it is and pronounces drip-drip-drip at a different pace. This is repeated 3-4 times.

The teacher makes sure that the children are attentive and accurately determine the speed of pronouncing the sound combination by ear, and also correctly pronounce it at a given pace.

Let's make up a fairy tale about words

Target: teach to distinguish sounds by ear [n], [s], [m], [o], [y].

The teacher invites the children to compose a fairy tale together about words and sounds and reads them, as an example, fairy tales composed by other children.

caregiver . Let's listen to the story. Once upon a time there were two kittens and a mother cat. One kitten was named after the sounds [m] and [r]. What was his name? Okay, let it be Moore. And the other in the nickname had a sound [p]. That's right, his name was Pooh. They went fishing, caught a fish, in its name there is a sound [s]. Yes, it was catfish. Let's go home. We met an animal with a short name - a hedgehog. We greeted him and moved on. We saw a lot of interesting things, and when we came home, the mother cat was delighted with the fish. She gave Pooh a toy car, and Muru gave the sound [m] in the name. That's right, a mouse. They were happy and had fun playing.

And now another tale. Once upon a time there was a tailor. He had a table and a chair, the table was magical: he could speak. There was a lot of heavy stuff on the table. When the tailor left, the table says to the chair: "Let's exchange sounds so that you become a table, and I become a chair, so that I can rest, and you work, because the tailor does not put weight on you, but leaves irons on me at night." They exchanged. The table gave him the sound [o], and the chair gave him the sound [y]. The table became a chair and the chair became a table.

The fairy tales that the teacher comes up with with the children, he writes down and then reads.

During play hours and on walks, the teacher can conduct this exercise with individual children.

About Mishutka-silly

Goals: to teach how to highlight the stressed sound in words and determine in which part of the word it is located.

Equipment: for the teacher - a large strip of paper, a pointer; for children - individual small paper strips, counting sticks.

* * *

The game exercise is conducted as a teacher's story, interrupted by questions to the children and their answers.

Educator. Although Mishutka learned to divide words into parts, he still did not always pronounce words correctly, this upset the bear parents, and they decided to teach their son to pronounce words correctly. The mother bear showed him a cup and asked: “What is it called? How should this word be said? And Mishutka answered: "Cup". They showed him a glass, and he said: "Glass." They showed a decanter, and he said "Decanter". They showed a teapot, and he: “Teapot”. Then the bear mother gave him such a strip of paper and a pointer stick (children have prepared strips of paper and counting sticks) and said: “This strip will be like a word with us. I say the word cup and with a stick I lead along the strip from beginning to end. (The teacher shows on a large strip, the children repeat on their own.)

Pay attention, baby, that when I say the beginning of the word cup-, then my voice sounds stronger.

The teacher makes sure that each child, pronouncing the word, holds the stick in the left half of the paper strip.

Now I will say the whole word, and you listen, does its beginning really sound stronger, more noticeable than its end, - chaaashka. Repeat, Mishenka, like me.

The teacher asks the children to do the same.

But the fool pronounces the word again in his own way, incorrectly: cupaaaa. “No,” the bear gets angry, “this word must be said wrong, listen again to how my voice sounds when I say the word “cup”.

Repeated, repeated Mishutka and even learned to speak correctly: chaashka, chaashka, chaashka. This he repeated so many times to the delight of his mother, and everyone was satisfied.

Handle - leg

Target : introduce the different meanings of the words "handle", "leg".

* * *

caregiver . Guess the riddle: “He meets everyone with one hand, sees them off with the other, he gives a pen to everyone who comes.” (Door handle.) What objects have a handle? What can she do? Draw objects that have a handle. Complete the sentences: “The pen is needed to ...” “You can use the handle ...” And what objects do we call the word “leg”? Draw objects that have a leg.

How to say right

Target: to learn to understand the figurative meaning of words and expressions, which, depending on the phrases, change their meaning.

* * *

caregiver . I will start the sentences and you will finish.

Finish the phrases:

The pillow is soft, and the bench ... (hard).

Plasticine is soft, and the stone ... (hard).

The stream is shallow, and the river ... (deep).

Currant berries are small, and strawberries ... (large).

Porridge is boiled thick, and soup ... (liquid).

The forest is dense, and sometimes ... (rare).

After the rain, the earth is damp, and in sunny weather ... (dry).

We buy raw potatoes, and eat ... (boiled).

We bought fresh bread, and the next day it became ... (stale).

In the summer we ate fresh cucumbers, and in the winter ... (salted).

Now the collar is clean, and tomorrow it will be ... (dirty).

Let's think about how to say it differently: evil winter - very cold, prickly wind - sharp, light breeze - cool, golden hands - everyone knows how to do well, golden hair - beautiful, shiny. The expression "evil winter" can be found in fairy tales. To whom does the word "evil" refer? (The evil stepmother, Baba Yaga.)

One - many

Goals : train in the formation of the plural and the use of words in the genitive case; to teach to select definitions and words denoting action for words; learn to find the first sound in words, determine the number of syllables and select words that are similar in sound.

Equipment : cards with pictures of one object and several objects.

* * *

educator . This is a ball. And these are balls. There are many balls here. What balls? (Red, blue, green.) How can one say in one word that all the balls are of different colors? (Multi-colored.) This is a poppy. And these are poppies. There are many poppies in the bouquet. What are they? (Red.) What else is red? How do you understand the expression "Red Maiden"? Where did you meet such an expression? What fairy tales? Guess the riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” This is a bow. What is he? (Yellow, juicy, bitter, healthy.) Is there a lot in the basket? (Luke.)

I am the moon and you are the star

Target: develop associative thinking.

* * *

Two player option:one says, for example: "I am a thunderstorm!" The other should quickly respond with something appropriate, such as "I'm the rain." The first continues the theme: “I am a big cloud!” You can quickly answer him: "I am autumn." Etc.

Group play option: all but one sit on chairs in a circle. There are three chairs in the middle, and one of the children sits on one of them. He says, for example: "I'm the fire brigade!" One of the children, who first comes up with something suitable, sits next to a free chair and says: “I am a hose.” Another hurries to the second chair and says: "And I'm a fireman." The child - "fire brigade" must choose one of the two, for example: "I take the hose." He takes the “hose” by the hand and they sit on chairs with other children. The remaining one child must come up with something new, for example: “I am a sewing machine!” and the game continues...

Tell me a word

Target: develop creative thinking.

* * *

The facilitator starts the phrase, and the participants finish it.

The crow croaks, and the sparrow...

The owl flies and the rabbit...

The cow eats hay, and the mouse...

The mole digs minks, and the magpie...

The rooster crows and the hen...

The frog croaks, and the horse...

A cow has a calf and a dog...

The teddy bear has a bear mother, and the squirrel has ...

Get to know us

Target : develop creative thinking, memory.

* * *

Educator. Listen to the poems and name the heroes of fairy tales.

Mixed with sour cream

It's cold on the window

Round side, ruddy side,

Rolled ... (Kolobok).

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

The nose is round, patchy,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three piglets.)

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals.

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears.)

My father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden,

But the father loved his son.

What a strange

Little wooden man

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key?

It has a long nose everywhere.

Who is this? .. (Pinocchio.)

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all. (Carlson.)

She is beautiful and sweet

And her name is from the word "ash". (Cinderella.)

get to know me

Target: develop logical thinking, speech.

* * *

Children receive subject pictures. They must indicate the characteristics of the object and give its description: color, material, shape, parts, why, what it eats, where it lives, etc., without naming it. For example: “This is an inanimate object. It can be found in the kitchen. It has a handle, a lid, a spout. They boil water in it." Everyone guessed it was a kettle.

Look out the window

Target: develop imagination.

* * *

Sheets of colored paper are inserted into a painted frame - a “window” with closing shutters. The shutters open. The teacher invites the children to “look out the window” - dream up and tell what they see “outside the window”. Usually, behind a white sheet, children "see" a winter landscape, a skating rink, a hospital; behind yellow - desert, autumn meadow, etc.

What is common and what is different?


* * *

caregiver . What do a dog and a chair have in common?

The children answer.

That's right, a chair has four legs, and a dog has four paws. And how do they differ?

The children answer.

Yes, the dog is alive, but the chair is not. The dog is an animal and the chair is a piece of furniture. What do carrots and oranges have in common?

The children answer.

Yes, they have the same color - orange. Yes, they are edible and delicious. And how do they differ?

The children answer.

Yes, they have different shapes. Orange grows on a tree, and carrots in the ground. Orange is a fruit and carrot is a vegetable.

Pairs of objects for comparison, search for common and special (different) are offered first by the educator, and then by the children.

Example comparison pairs:

Bear - fox.

The sea is a river.

The tree is a flower.

Computer - TV.

Cheerful - sad.

The book is a magazine.

Kind angry.


Target: develop logical thinking and speech.

The educator lists a number of features characteristic of the intended subject. Children must name this object.

Delicious, scarlet, sugary.

Yellow, red, autumn.

White, fluffy, light.

Branched, green, prickly.

Brown, clumsy, clumsy.

Cunning, redhead, predator.

Grey, angry, hungry.

Continue offers

Target: develop imagination and speech.

The teacher asks the children to continue the following sentences:

If a piece of ice was brought into the room, then ...

The boys laughed merrily because...

If there is a severe frost in winter, then ...

The girl stood and cried very hard, because ...

The boy got sick, he had a high fever, because...

When your birthday comes...

If it rains heavily...


Target : develop imagination and speech.

Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a shelf with various toys.

caregiver . We have opened a new store. Look how many beautiful toys it has! You can buy them. But in order to buy a toy, you need to follow the rule: do not name it, but describe it, while you cannot look at the toy. According to your description, the seller will recognize it and sell it to you.

The teacher buys the toy first, showing how to follow the rules of the game.

Dear seller! I want to buy a toy. She is round, rubber, can jump, all children love to play with her.

The seller sells the ball to the buyer.

Thank you! What a beautiful ball!

The teacher invites any of the children to make the next purchase.

The game continues until all the children have bought toys.

During the game, the role of the seller can be performed by several children in turn.

Dad mom

Target: develop coordination, thinking and speech.

* * *

Sit with the children in a circle and clap your hands on your knees. Now we turn the right hand into the Pope, and the left into the Mother. "Say" right hand, spanking on the right knee: pa-pa. The same left: ma-ma. And now alternating hands: pa-pa - ma-ma.

Each hand can be patted 4 to 8 times.

Now we turn our hands into Grandfather and Grandmother. This means that each hand will have to clap three syllables: de-dush-ka, ba-bushka (from 4 to 8 times).

So you can clap your names and other miscellaneous words.


Goals: mobilize attention, will; develop a sense of rhythm.

* * *

Children sit or stand in a circle. The teacher sets some kind of slow pace with clapping, counting "one, two, three, four." Then the children, under incessant clapping, sequentially call out their names. We must try to make the accent on the name coincide with the clap. The game is successful if none of the guys missed their clap, did not lag behind him and did not get ahead of him. When everything is going well, you can pick up the pace. Play first one side of the circle, then the other. The game ends when the circle is completed. Names can be replaced by the names of colors (red, yellow, etc.) or animals.

Let's invent

Target: develop abstract thinking, speech.

Equipment : a set of objects of various shapes (sticks, a ball, a ring, boxes, a cylinder) and cards depicting various objects of a certain shape - a mirror, a pencil, an egg, an apple. The images in the pictures should be similar to the items.

For example : pencil, fishing rod, needle, knife - similar in shape to a stick; vase, glass, thimble - a hollow cylinder.

* * *

Children (or a child) sit in front of the table, each with a set of objects. The teacher sits opposite, he has cards with pictures. Shows cards one at a time.

caregiver . Who has an object similar to such a pencil?

Child (which has a similar object in shape). I have! (Gives a card with a picture of a pencil.)

Opposite option: children have cards with pictures, and an adult has different objects.

What smells?

Target: acquaint with sensations, sense organs.

* * *

Prepare items with a specific smell - soap, shoe cream, garlic, lemon, etc. It is worth considering all the items in advance, discussing what is edible, sniffing together and trying to determine the smell - sour, bitter, sweet, pleasant - unpleasant, edible - inedible. Then blindfold the child and offer to identify each item by smell.

name the same

Goals: learn to correlate the object and the sign.

* * *

The teacher names any object in the field of view of the children and one of its signs. Children should name as many others around them as possible. this moment items that have the same attribute. For example: “The sweater is fluffy. The collar is also fluffy, the hat is fluffy, the snow is fluffy. For each correct correlation of the object and the specified attribute, the child receives a token. The winner is the one who names the maximum number of items and collects more chips.

Then the task changes, and children can name objects of a certain size (high, low, wide, narrow), shapes (triangular, square, rectangular, oval, round), made of a certain material (glass, wood, metal, etc.), which has certain qualities, etc.


Target: develop logical thinking.

Equipment: 18 cards with the image of butterflies (approximate card size 5x5 cm), differing in the color of the wings - red, yellow and blue, the shape of the spots on the wings - round, triangular, oval and the character of the edge of the wings - even or with teeth (there must be cards that combine several features ); three standard (A4 format) sheets of white paper ("clearings"), three rectangular strips - "bridges" of gray paper (10 x 20 cm) and one triangular "bridge" of gray paper.

* * *

Participants need to correctly place the butterflies in the "clearing" and "bridge" in accordance with the given conditions.

Exercise 1. Arrange all insects in two "clearings" so that all insects with red wings are on one; explain after completing the task which butterflies are located in which clearing.

Task 2 . Arrange the butterflies on two "clearings" and a "bridge" connecting them so that on one "clearing" there are all insects with round spots on the wings, and on the other - all insects with yellow wings. Guess what insects should be located on the "bridge". Butterflies that do not fit into any clearing should be put separately. After completing the game task, the teacher invites the children to comment on its result.

Task 3 . Sort the insects into "clearings" and the bridges connecting them so that the first "clearing" contains all insects with red wings, the second - all insects with smooth edges of the wings, the third - all insects with round spots on the wings (on the "clearings"). » cards with the corresponding symbols are placed). Guess and find insects that need to be planted on each of the "bridges". Set aside insects that do not fit any "clearing" and any "bridge". At the end of the assignment, the students are again invited to tell as accurately and briefly as possible which insects, in which clearing and on which bridge they are.

By analogy with this game, others can be played, for example, using tree leaves, flowers of different shades, sizes and shapes.

Does it happen or not?

Target: develop attention, abstract thinking.

* * *

The whole group of children takes part in the game. Children need to listen carefully to the poem, and if there is any inaccuracy in it (or something that actually does not happen), they should give a sign - clap their hands.

Wider circle! Wider circle!

A turkey was walking down the street,

On a bulldog chain led

And the road was chalked with a tail.

Wider circle, wider circle

And the iron was walking towards,

Went with a basket to the market,

Walked and stroked the sidewalk.

Wider, wider, wider circle!

The turkey swallowed the iron,

A bulldog - a basket

Ate like a sardine.

Warm spring now

Our grapes are ripe

Horned horse in the meadow

Jumping in the snow in summer.

Late autumn bear

Likes to sit in the river.

And in winter among the branches

"Ha-ha-ha" - sang the nightingale.

Quickly give me an answer -

Is it true or not?

Smart hoopoe bit with a broom,

A crocodile swept the street with a fishing rod.

Mustachioed duck caught a mouse,

A cat with ducklings dived into the river.

Something must have been wrong.

What did our poet mess up, eccentric?

The dog sits down to play the harmonica

Red cats dive into the aquarium

Socks begin to knit canaries,

Kids watering flowers from a watering can,

The old man lies on the window, sunbathing,

And granddaughter and grandmother play with dolls,

And fish read funny books,

Taking them away little by little from the baby ...

What are we playing?

Target: develop attention, auditory perception.

Equipment : bell, tambourine, metronome, rattle, whistle, wooden and metal spoons, etc.

* * *

The game is played on the playground. For the first game, a set of the simplest sounds familiar to children is used. The next time you play the game, you need to add the sound of new items. And with each new sound, children should first be introduced.

From among the players, a driver is chosen, who becomes his back to the players at a distance of 2-3 meters. Several players (3-4), at the signal of the host, come closer to him and with the words “What are we playing with?” start making sounds. The driver must determine which objects make sounds. If he guessed correctly, he can go to the group of players, and the players choose a new driver. If not, then he continues to drive until he gives the correct answer.

Who lives in our barn?

Target : develop logical thinking, memory.

* * *

Each of the players receives a set of subject pictures on which pets are drawn.

The teacher reads the poem, the children show the guessing pictures and lay them out in the order in which the animals are described in the poem. The winner is the one who puts the pictures of animals in the right sequence and then correctly names them.

Who lives in our barn?

I know them all very well...

These go everywhere together

They doze together on a perch.

Get up early together

Crumbs, grains are pecking.

And from this the sky is hidden -

She looks into the trough

Or, with a hooked tail,

Digs the ground with a patch.

And this one I call

It's very simple, kids.

She eats hay, grass

And mumbles all the time: "Moo-uuu."

Here's the family:

mother and daughters,

All fluffy lumps

Together they will gnaw carrots -

They won't leave each other.

This one is hiding on the roof -

I call, but he does not hear.

Pretends to be asleep

He takes care of the birds.

This one is black and shaggy.

He's our watchman, guys.

I always feed him

Himself for lunch and dinner.

I love him the most

We are very friendly with him.

Collect the train

Goal: develop logical thinking.

* * *

There are pictures on the board. They have various objects on them: a spoon, a vase, flowers, etc. Pictures are “cars”, they need to be placed one after another so that some connection can be indicated between the “cars” standing next to each other. Children “assemble” the train: they put a pan behind the spoon, as it is dishes, and behind the pan - a vase, since you can pour water into them. Next is a picture with flowers, as they can be put in a vase. The pictures on the board have moved - the train is ready. A “driver” is selected, he checks how the cars are “fastened” - he repeats the connections between objects.

Magic brush

Target: develop imagination.

* * *

One child makes several strokes with a "magic brush" whose handle is wrapped in colored foil. Children stop the brush with the words: “One, two, three - freeze!” After that, they “figure out” what the brush painted. Children draw pictures on various topics.

What changed?

Target: develop observation, memory.

* * *

The driver puts figures on the shelf in a certain order (animals, plants, geometric shapes, etc.). Children watch and remember. Then the command sounds: "Now let's all sleep for a minute." Children close their eyes. At this time, the leader changes the order of the figures. The words are: “Wake up! What changed?" The children are watching and responding.

Let's clap the song

Target : develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements.

* * *

Let's gather in a circle and try to sing a well-known children's song with our palms. For example, "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Each note of her melody corresponds to a syllable in the lyrics of the song. Our task is to alternately moving in a circle and naming our syllable, slam this melody. The first player claps on the syllable “in le-”, the second on “-su”, the third - on “ro-”, the fourth - on “di-”, the fifth - on “-las”, etc. This must be done slowly. Speed ​​will come only after many workouts. The game ends when the whole song or one of its verses is finished. So you can clap any song, the main thing is that it should not be rhythmically complicated.

Guess the song

Target : develop an ear for music.

* * *

Choose one of the children's favorite songs. Sing it to yourself and clap it at the same time. You have to guess what song it is. The task is not easy, but more often than not, children cope with it. Much depends on the adult: how clearly he sings to himself and how accurately he conveys the song with clapping. You can switch roles and invite children to guess the same riddle for an adult. Try to clap and sing the song at your usual pace.


Target: develop imagination, abstract thinking.

* * *

caregiver . Today for breakfast we have fish in hats.

Child (should answer something like this). And for lunch we'll have eggs in boots.

caregiver . And for dinner we'll eat sandwiches with irons.

The game makes the baby think about the combination of words, in addition, this is a communication game that teaches conversation, contributing to the development of mutual understanding between people speaking in turn.

Sleeping Pirate

Target : to form self-control skills.

* * *

The teacher plays the role of a pirate, he sits with his back to the candy (treasure) lying on the table and closes his eyes. The child sneaks out of the far corner on tiptoe. He must steal the treasure without the "pirate" noticing or hearing it. If the child makes any noise, the adult turns around and opens his eyes. But if the baby managed to freeze and stands still, he becomes invisible. When the adult closes his eyes and turns away again, the child can continue on his journey for the treasure.

Mice in burrows


Equipment: sheets of white paper (cardboard), folded in half, with a book (the minimum number is 7 according to the colors of the spectrum). Cut a round hole in the front side of each book, paint this side in a certain color. Prepare inserts - sheets of paper half the size of the number of books, painted in the same colors. In white circles acting on a colored background, draw mice; image of a cat (or other predatory animal).

* * *

All books are in front of the children. A conversation is being held about where the mice live, what color their minks are.

But here comes the cat. The game task is to help the mice hide so that the cat does not find them. The teacher shows the inserts, and the children guess that they need to close the minks (put an insert of the corresponding color in each book). If the color is chosen incorrectly, you can immediately see where the mink is, and the cat will immediately find and eat the mouse. In the process of working with books and inserts, the child names their colors.

Where do colored pencils live?

Goals: develop the ability to distinguish colors; use adjectives in speech - color names.

Equipment: a set of cardboard colored pencils; houses (according to the number of colored pencils), the roofs of which are painted in the corresponding colors.

* * *

Houses and Colored Pencils are hung on the board. The teacher asks to name the Pencils, guess where each Pencil lives and put all the Colored Pencils in their houses.

Live domino

Target: develop the ability to distinguish colors.

Equipment: a pair of colored ribbons.

* * *

Ribbons of different colors are tied to the hands of children. The teacher invites the children to join hands in such a way that the ribbons, like in dominoes, converge in color.

What happens in this color?

Target : develop the ability to distinguish colors.

* * *

The teacher invites the children to remember what happens, for example, red. Children name objects or draw them. Then another color is chosen.

Pick up windows

Target: to form the ability to establish element-by-element correspondence of two groups of objects according to the specified feature (color).

Equipment: a set of cardboard houses (10 x 15 cm), a strip is inserted into each, divided into three equal multi-colored parts - windows; a set of small cards-windows of different colors.

* * *

caregiver . Look at these houses: the builders forgot to insert the first floor windows. Please note that all the windows are of different colors, and you also need to choose windows of the same color as on your house, place windows of the same color under each other.

figurines travel

Target: to form the ability to classify objects by color.

Equipment : cardboard planes, on the tails of which multi-colored geometric shapes are drawn; set of geometric shapes.

* * *

Educator. Once figurines flew to travel. We bought tickets for ourselves, began to take seats on planes. Yes, not everything turned out to be so simple. Some are not allowed on the first plane, while others are not allowed on the second. Pay attention to the signs. We all have the same rules: do not get on your own plane. Let's help the Figures sit down.

Children place the figures, explaining the choice of aircraft.

geometric mosaic

Target: to form the ability to compose a geometric figure from parts (synthesis).

Equipment: cut colored geometric shapes.

* * *

Educator. Geometrical Figures want to give us a riddle: before you lie their parts. Try to put them together. If the figures turn out, then you will solve their riddle.

Colored circles and squares

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about color, shape, size; to educate children's attention, speed of reaction, dexterity; maintain friendly feelings and the desire for collective action.

Equipment : two large and small red circles, gymnastic sticks, from which squares are assembled - two large and small blue.

* * *

The teacher invites the children to listen carefully and correctly follow his commands. You can divide the children into two groups - girls and boys.

Educator. Boys! Stand in a big circle and a small square. Girls! Stand in a small circle and a large square. Girls! Stand in red circles. Boys! Get into the blue squares. Girls! Stand in red circles. Boys! Stand in a big circle and a big square. Girls! Stand in a small circle and a small square. Boys! Get into the blue squares. Girls! Stand in red circles.

For correctly executed commands, the teacher gives a chip to the team captain. The one with the most chips wins.

fun train

Goals: develop in children musical ability; consolidate knowledge of the musical repertoire of children; contribute to the formation positive emotions; develop in children friendly feelings and a desire for collective creativity.

* * *

The teacher invites the children to build a locomotive from high chairs. He attaches balls, a flag, a flower to the front chair.

caregiver . Today we are going on an exciting journey, we will go, and something fun and interesting will happen to us at the stops.

Children sit on chairs, "driver" - the child whistles the whistle.

Children (together with the teacher)

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands.

good neighbors

Merry friends!

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

We bring a cat with us

Chizhik, dog,


Monkey, parrot -

What a company!

Educator. Stop "Meadow".

Children get up from their chairs, a teacher appears in a cow mask. He offers to get to know the cow, stroke it, say thank you for the milk and sing a song for it, for example: “A red cow walks and wanders through the meadow.”

The children then get on the train and sing the song as they approach the next station.

Village station.

A "chicken" comes to the "meadow". Children communicate with her, tell how they love scrambled eggs and sing a song for the chicken.

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh herbs.

And behind her guys -

Yellow chickens. Etc.

At the next stop, a "bunny" runs out. Children greet, communicate and offer to dance with them.

Children lead a round dance "We went to the meadow."

At the next stop, the teacher invites the children to imagine that they are in the forest, where there are a lot of mushrooms and berries. Children lead a round dance “Let's go to the garden for raspberries”, then they find a basket with treats. The teacher invites everyone to get on the train and return to kindergarten.

Branch kids

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about trees growing in the territory kindergarten; teach children to correctly identify leaves in shape and size; develop attention and observation in children; contribute to the formation and enrichment of the vocabulary of children; cultivate love and respect for nature.

* * *

The teacher in the basket contains leaves from trees and shrubs that grow on the territory of the kindergarten.

caregiver . Children! What is in my basket?

Children . Leaves.

caregiver . I found them on the paths and paths of our site. They are like little children, probably lost. Let's, children, find everything together, from which branch these children are.

The teacher and children slowly walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Children look at the leaves in the basket and try to determine which tree this or another leaf is from.

The teacher names the trees, invites the children to repeat the name, determine the shape of the leaf, its features, color.

Find an item

Goals: consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes; to teach to find objects of a certain geometric shape; teach to correctly name the shape, color and the object itself, coordinating nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case; navigate in space; continue to intensify lexicon children; develop attention, observation.

* * *

The teacher invites the children to carefully look around them and find objects similar: a circle, a square, a triangle.

The teacher offers the child who has found the object to name it, determine the shape and color. For each correct answer, the teacher gives the child a chip.

At the end of the game, the child who has collected the most chips becomes the leader in the outdoor game "Traps".

Who knows what

Goals : to develop thinking and imagination in children; teach children to listen carefully, reflect and give reasoned answers; develop memory and imaginative thinking; work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

* * *

The teacher names the object, and the children must come up with an action.

Table - standing

Beetle - flies

Boat - floats on the river

The boy falls asleep at night

Girl braid - braids

Rain in the morning - dripping

Snow on the fields - falls

Crow - croaks

Deer running along the path

Find a house

Goals : develop abstract thinking and imagination; consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes; develop imaginative thinking and imagination; contribute to the development personal qualities, feelings of success.

Equipment : circles with a diameter of 15 cm, squares 15x15 cm, isosceles triangles - 15 cm, pictures depicting various objects.

* * *

6 children participate in the game. The teacher distributes one circle, square or triangle. These will be houses.

Then the teacher invites the children among the pictures scattered on the table to find objects that look like a circle, square, triangle, and put them in the appropriate house.

The winner is the one who gathers the inhabitants faster and more in one house.

Moms and kids

Goals : consolidate knowledge about animals and their cubs; learn to name them correctly; cultivate a friendly attitude towards pets.

* * *

The teacher invites the children to continue the phrase that he starts.

A goat is walking in the meadow

Who will she call? (Kids.)

The horse "yoke-go" screams,

Who will quickly come running to her? (Foal.)

And the pig screams "oink-oink"

I won't let you go home!

Naughty boys

And their name is ... (pigs).

Here is a cow in the meadow

She made a noise: “mu” yes “mu”,

Where is my child

Red-haired ... (calf).

Cockerel crowed:

“Hen, where is our son?

And his name is ... (chicken).

Music Lotto

Goals: develop creative abilities; learn to listen carefully and respond correctly to what they hear; consolidate knowledge of musical works; promote aesthetic education and the development of friendly relations.

* * *

The teacher shows the children a beautiful box. Educator. This is not just a beautiful box, but a "music box". It contains interesting pictures-riddles.

We look at the picture

And with you, my friend, we will remember

Song, dance, round dance,

Holiday May and New Year.

Rain, golden autumn,

Our mother dear.

The teacher invites one of the children to open the box, to the “magic music” he takes out a picture and offers to tell about what piece of music this picture resembles, etc.


Target: to consolidate knowledge and develop the ability to navigate in space and designate spatial directions relative to oneself with the words: above, below, left, right, in front, behind. Equipment: sets of toys.

Children sit on the carpet facing the teacher. The teacher suggests arranging the toys as follows: a nesting doll in front, a car in the back, a ball to the left, a doll to your right, etc. Then we check the correctness of the task.

colorful chains

Target: develop attention, memory, consolidate the ability to distinguish the main colors of the spectrum.

Equipment : flags of different colors (red, yellow, blue); cards on which circles of different colors are drawn in a different order (for example, two red and blue, one yellow).

* * *

The teacher offers to play the game "colorful chains". To do this, he distributes colored flags to the players and asks them to build a multi-colored chain, as in the picture.

Complication : you can offer to remember and lay out a multi-colored chain from memory.

Guess who said

Target: consolidate knowledge about animals, sound imitations of animal voices.

Equipment : Pictures depicting animals.

* * *

Each child receives several cards with the image of different animals. The teacher pronounces the phrase, changing the pitch of the voice, imitating the animal that the children have in the picture. Children pick up the corresponding pictures.

Complication: one child describes the animal (appearance, gait, voice, what does it do? what does it eat?). The rest of the children pick up the corresponding pictures.

Find differences

Target: to form the ability to distinguish the features of an object, to explain the similarities and differences of objects.

Equipment: pictures that depict objects of the same name that have the same and different features, for example: dolls, bears, clowns.

The teacher shows pictures, for example, of dolls, and explains that there are four dolls in front of the children and at first glance they are the same, but if you look closely, you can notice the differences. Children are encouraged to find them. The teacher asks leading questions in case of difficulty: look at the faces of the dolls. Are they dressed the same? What do they have in their hands? Etc.

Describe, I will guess

Target: to consolidate the generalizing concepts of "vegetables" and "fruits", to teach to identify and name the signs of an object.

Equipment: vegetables and fruits.

The teacher invites the children to choose one from the vegetables and fruits lying on the table. The child must describe the object he has, and the teacher must guess, while he can ask questions: what is the shape? What colour? Are there holes? Etc.

Complication: one child describes and the children guess by asking questions.


Card file of a role-playing game in the second junior group.

"Let's go for a walk"

Target: to develop in children the ability to choose clothes for different seasons, to teach them to correctly name the elements of clothing, to consolidate the generalized concepts of “clothes”, “shoes”, to cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (for summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a high chair.

Age: 3-4 years.

Game progress: a new doll comes to visit the children. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and offer the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can't get dressed, and then the guys offer to help her. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name it, choose what they need to wear now according to the weather. With the help of a teacher in the correct sequence, they dress the doll. Then the children dress themselves and go out with the doll for a walk. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the desired sequence, commenting on their actions.


Target: to teach children to classify objects according to common features, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.

Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located in a window, money.

Age: 3-7 years.

Game progress: the teacher offers the children to place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with departments such as vegetables, grocery, dairy, bakery and others where customers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, salespeople in departments, sort goods into departments - products, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket to shop with their friends, choose goods, consult with sellers, pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and goods can be in the supermarket.

"Toys at the Doctor's"

Target : teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "hospital", "sick", "treatment", "drugs", "temperature", "hospital".

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, pills, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor.

Age: 3-7 years.

Game progress: the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases go to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the Masha doll pinched her finger in the door, etc. We specify the actions: the Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Children of the elder preschool age they can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. Getting to the reception, the toys tell why they went to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats patients - makes dressings, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

"Stepashka's birthday".

Target: expand children's knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner, consolidate knowledge about tableware, cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, desire to help, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "holiday dinner", "name day", "serving", "dishes ", "service".

Equipment: toys that can come to visit Stepashka, tableware - plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.

Age: 3-4 years.

Game progress: the teacher informs the children that Stepashka has a birthday today, offers to go to visit him and congratulate him. Children take toys, go to visit Stepashka and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks to help him set the table. Children actively participate in this, with the help of a teacher they set the table. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between children during the game.

We are building a house.

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a building of a simple structure, cultivate friendly relations in a team, expand children's knowledge about the features of builders' work, expand children's vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "building", "mason ”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.

Equipment: large building material, cars, crane, toys to play with the building, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

Age: 3-7 years.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is standing, but is the light on in the window? We live in this tower, and is it called? (house) ". The teacher offers the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could live. Children remember what construction professions are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of builders and talk about their duties. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in. Children play on their own.


Target ¬ Tell the children that animals and birds (pigeons, dogs, elephants, camels) can deliver mail in the same way as vehicles and people. Familiarize yourself with the process of obtaining paper on which letters are written and paper on which magazines and newspapers are printed. Explain that mail helps people get quick information about events happening in the world.

CREATING A PROBLEM SITUATION¬ Children receive a letter from the forest that people have appeared there who are breaking young trees, branches, tearing flowers. The task of the children is to organize a detachment of help and suggest ways to solve the problem. A carrier pigeon brings a telegram from a hippo about a severe drought in Africa. The task of the children: to organize the delivery of drinking water in special cylinders (they are replaced plastic bottles); using a geographical map, suggest delivery methods. The dog Bug brings the news that an avalanche has descended in the mountains, as a result of which animals have suffered, trees have been broken. The task of the children: to collect a special package with bandages, iodine, putty for trees.


Target ¬ Talk about the fact that there are special hairdressing salons for animals (washing, hair cutting). Draw the attention of children to the problem of garbage (empty bottles, jars, shorn wool, etc. remain in the hairdresser's). How to solve the problem of waste disposal with the least damage to nature?

CREATING A PROBLEM SITUATION¬ A shaggy, dirty dog ​​comes to the hairdresser's, and no one wants to take it home because of its untidy appearance. (The hairdresser offers to wash and cut her hair.) Opening of the hairdressing salon "U Artemon" (decoration of the premises, selection of magazines, photographs). The environmental police come to the hairdresser and talk about the need to dispose of garbage. (Children offer solutions to this problem: plastic jars are thrown into one container, glass jars into others, etc. Then all this is taken to the factory and recycled.)

"Time to eat."

Set the table, arrange the cutlery.

Boil soup, porridge on the stove (in an empty saucepan or putting buttons, balls, beads, sticks, etc. in it) and feed the doll from a spoon, a stick, from a palm. As a tile, you can use a cube or other flat object.

Boil an egg (ball), blow on it, break it with a spoon (stick), feed a doll, a bear.

Bake pies (you can use balls, rings, buttons, cubes, figures cut out of colored paper, you can mold them from plasticine, dough), treat dolls and animals.

Feed the doll from the plate with soup, porridge, bread, cut a sausage, sausage with a knife (stick) (for this purpose, a ball, cube, stick, parts from a designer or mosaic, a candy wrapper, a ball can be used).

Boil milk, pour juice, give the dolls a drink, give them cookies, candy (plastic parts of the designer or mosaic, candy wrapper, ball are used) with drawings without detailing, indicating only colors, for example, a green oval is a cucumber, an orange is a carrot, a red circle is an apple or tomato, green striped circle - watermelon)

Wash the dishes, dry them with a towel. You can wash the dishes with your palm or a piece of sponge, instead of a towel, use a piece of cloth.

We should not forget that game actions can be performed without the use of objects, with the help of fingers, palms, gestures (for example, "take" an imaginary candy or nut with your fingers, stretch out an empty palm to the bear and offer him an apple).

Within the framework of this plot, it is possible to organize the playing of various children's poems, for example, A. Kravchenko's Pancakes:

grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes! -

Let me bake something

But where do you get the flour?

Here is flour! grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

I would bake pancakes

Just no milk.

Here is the milk!

grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

I would bake already

That's the trouble, there is no yeast.

Here is the yeast! grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

Let me bake something

Just need some sugar.

Here's sugar! grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

Baking pancakes is a knack,

But where is the frying pan?

Here's the frying pan! grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

Well, now I'm baking

Sweet granddaughter

And my beloved granddaughter.

Whole mountain bake!

Oiled, ruddy,

With honey, With sour cream

First, you read a poem to the child, intoning the speech of the grandmother and grandson (granddaughter) in different ways and illustrating it with appropriate game actions (for example, show an empty handful instead of flour, an empty cup "with milk", a cube instead of yeast, a frying pan in the form of a toy or a picture, etc. .P.). After the baby gets acquainted with the poem, you can play it together, offering him the role of a granddaughter, suggesting the appropriate words and helping, if necessary, to perform this or that action. This poem is good because in it the child repeats the same lines, and his game actions are quite diverse. In addition, they can be varied each time (for example, instead of a stove, use a cube, a flat part of a designer or pyramids, a high chair, etc.), and exchange roles with older children.

"Baiushki bye"

Swaddle the doll.

Stroke, hug her.

Carry on your hands.

Put in the crib, cover with a blanket, shake the crib.

Here's a soft feather bed for you.

On top of the feather

A clean sheet.

Here under your ears

White pillows.

Down duvet

And a handkerchief on top.

"I must, I must wash"

Bathe the doll in a bath (instead of soap and a sponge, you can use a cube, a ball, a piece of foam rubber).

Wash the doll's head with shampoo (from a plastic jar), wipe with a napkin.

Comb the doll (comb, wand), let her look in the mirror.

Wash the doll from the basin.

Brush the dolls teeth (you can use a baby toothbrush or stick)

Plant on a pot (for small toys, you can use a bottle cap or lower part plastic jar).

The game can be accompanied by short rhymes, for example, such as:

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth

Who is good with us

Who is our prettiest?

Katya is good!

Katya is pretty!

Preparing for a walk (swaddling or dressing a doll). Rocking her in her arms or in a wheelchair. Walking by car (in a wheelchair). Rolling down the hill in a car or on a plank. The doll can be carried on hands. If the child is already using active speech, invite him to tell the doll what he can see.

A walk with a doll can be played using construction elements. This can be done in the following way.

You put a small doll and cubes (bricks) on the table, says to the child: "Our Lyalechka is bored alone, wants to take a walk. Let's build a path for her?" Take one brick, put another one on it, then invite the child to continue the path. After the path is built, you and your child walk along it with a doll, saying: "Top-top, the baby is stomping" or: "Little legs are walking along the path. Top-top-top." Subsequently, the game can be complicated by introducing another doll into it, which also walks and goes towards the first one. They meet, hug, talk to each other.

"The doll got sick"

The doll's complaint, questions about what hurts, how it hurts, her consolation. Take the doll by car to the hospital. Listen to the heart (with a tube; pasta; with a button strung on a string; ear) Measure the temperature (with a toy thermometer, stick, pencil) Give an injection (with a toy or real plastic syringe, stick, finger). Give a pill (a bead, a button, a pea or a bean, a piece of paper, an empty palm are suitable for this purpose). Put mustard plasters (using a piece of paper, a piece of cloth, a leaf). Put the jars (you can use small bottle caps or just bend your palm). Treat the throat (rinse it from a cup, grease with a stick with ointment).

Treat the ear (drop the medicine with a pipette or two folded fingers, grease with a stick with ointment). Make a bandage with a piece of bandage. Give vitamins (peas, buttons) Drink hot tea with honey (with raspberries) Put to bed. Sing a song, calm the doll.

"Good Doctor Aibolit"

During this game, the child should read excerpts from K. Chukovsky's poem "Aibolit", and then play the appropriate scenes with various little animals, using the actions and objects listed in the "doll got sick" game.

"In the shop"

Arrange on the table (on the counter) vegetables, fruits, substitute items. An adult or child to take on the role of a salesperson. Ask the seller what products are in the store. Select the necessary products and put them in the basket (using substitute items). Pay the seller money (pieces of paper, buttons, flat parts from the mosaic) Take the basket home, lay out the products on the table. Wash vegetables or fruits. Ask the dolls what they want to eat. Offer them a carrot, an apple, a banana, etc. (use realistic toys or drawings). Boil soup in a pot. At the end of this game, you can invite the child to invite guests (family members or dolls) and treat them to products bought in the store. The game can be accompanied by reading a poem by Y. Tuwim:

The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table

- Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:

Cabbage? Carrot? Peas, parsley or beets? Oh!..

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife

And with this knife she began to chop:

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup was not bad!

"Come visit us"

Target: Invite toys to a festive dinner (go around the room with the child and invite several dolls and animals to come visit, encouraging the child to talk with the toys). Set the festive table, arrange dishes according to the number of invited guests, refreshments (fruits, vegetables, sweets, etc.). Seating guests at the table. Offer them a treat, ask what each of the guests wants to eat. Arrange the treat on plates, feed the guests. At the end of the dinner, thank the guests and escort them home. Guests can be not only toys, but also family members, peers.

"Home routines"

Wash clothes for dolls (in a basin, in a bath). Wash a blanket, a sheet (a piece of cloth, a napkin, a handkerchief) Iron the linen (with a toy iron or a cube) Put the linen in a locker, in a chest of drawers (in a box)

"At the Barbershop"

Seat the doll on a chair, tie an apron Wash the doll's head (you can use a shampoo bottle, a cube instead of soap) Dry your hair with a hairdryer (you can drive a cube over your head and buzz). Comb the doll (comb, wand). Pin a hairpin, a bow. Spray your hair with varnish Look in the mirror (you can in the lid of the jar).

"My phone rang"

Phone conversation: With mom, dad, grandma, grandpa (talk about what toys he plays, ask what relatives do, etc.) With a doctor (call a doctor to a sick child or to yourself, tell what hurts). After that, you can play the "Hospital" plot.

With the seller (ask if the store has apples, sweets, toys, etc.). After that, you can play the story "Shop".

With a hairdresser (to find out if the hairdresser is open, if you can come and get your hair done, etc.). Play the story "Barbershop".

Use the poem by K. Chukovsky "My phone rang" in a telephone conversation.


Invite your child to take the puppets and animals to the circus. Sit them on the sofa. Arrange a circus "arena" on the rug in front of the sofa, place "artists" on it. They can be soft and clockwork toys (for example, a somersaulting monkey, "Thumbelina", etc.), as well as folk toys that are set in motion by ropes or sticks and imitate the actions of adults (for example, a bear is chopping wood, a hare is playing a drum and others).

You say: "Now the monkey will perform. Look how he can somersault." Then wind up the monkey and show him somersaults. - "And now the bear is performing. He knows how to chop wood." A cockerel can sing and flap its wings beautifully, a hare can beat a drum, etc. In this game, you can use masks or half masks of different animals, mitten dolls, etc. After each performance, clap your hands with your child.

"Putting the Toys to Bed"

This game is good to play before bed. Toddlers are not always willing to put toys away. Try to play this moment by helping the child and talking to the toys. For example: "Ball, you're tired of riding, lie down in a box, rest. And you, cubes, run and run on a shelf. That's how beautiful, stand straight! And you, Mishenka, it's time to sleep too, let's put you on a bench, cover you with a blanket , and the dog - under the bench, let it protect you. Cups, stand on saucers, otherwise they miss you. " So, by talking with toys, you will make a boring activity interesting for the baby and play out a new story.

"I am the driver!" (car games)

Transportation on trucks of products to the store. Transportation of building materials to the construction site. Car racing. Car repair. Car washing, etc.

Variants of this game can be games of pilots, captains of sea ships, etc. It is good to include in these games the design elements proposed below.

Playing plots with design elements.

Role-playing games with cubes.

Children love to play with blocks. This interest can be used, including design elements in almost any plot.

Here are some of those stories. Production of furniture for dolls and animals from cubes (high chair, bed, benches, etc.). Production of large and small houses, turrets, paths, etc. Construction of a booth for a dog. Construction of a turret for a cockerel, etc. Construction of a zoo. Construction of garages for large and small cars (including aircraft hangars). Construction of moorings for boats and ships.

In accordance with the chosen plot, toys are placed in various buildings (for example, dolls can leave their houses and visit each other, cars can go to their garages, etc.). Here are some examples of story games that include construction elements.

"Matryoshkas visit"

First, you examine a two- or three-piece nesting doll with your child, offer to take it apart, and then say that each nesting doll wants to live in its own house. Address the baby on behalf of a large nesting doll: "Vanya, please build me a house. Only it should be big so that I can fit in it." Then speak for a small nesting doll: "And I also want to live in a house. Only my house should be smaller." If the child accepts the game, you and your child build two houses from cubes and a triangular prism (roof) at a distance from each other, plant nesting dolls near them. The adult says: "Here our nesting dolls are sitting looking at each other. The big nesting doll says to the little one:" I'm bored without you, come to visit me. Now, if Vanechka built a path for me. Will you build it?" (addressing Vanya). You invite the child to fulfill the request of the nesting doll. Then a path is built from blocks (bricks), and the little nesting doll goes along it to visit the big one.

If it is not difficult for a child to distinguish between matryoshka dolls of two sizes, and if the game is interesting to him, you can introduce a third nesting doll or another character into it (build a booth for a dog, a den for a bear cub, etc.)

You can also include a small car in the game and ride the matryoshka on it along the path if, for example, her leg hurts.

"The Cockerel Sings"

Show the cockerel to the child: “Look, the cockerel woke up, sang his song “ku-ka-re-ku”, wants to wake everyone up. He wants to wave his wings, fly high so that everyone can see how beautiful he is and hear how he sings. He likes to sit on the fence and sing. Let's build him a fence? Where are our cubes?". Discuss what kind of cubes are best to build a fence. To begin with, it can be built from several cubes placed next to each other. Let the cockerel fly up to the fence, jump on it.

Then, on behalf of the cockerel, address the child: “I want a higher fence” and comment: “Do you hear, the cockerel wants to fly higher? Let's build a high fence? What cubes will we take?”. Discuss with your child how you can build a taller fence. This can be done by placing a cube on a cube, or you can arrange high cylinders or bars. Giving the child the opportunity to build a fence himself, help him if necessary. After the fence is ready, turn to the cockerel: "Petya-cockerel, that's what a high fence Andryusha built for you. Are you satisfied now? Fly high!" End the game with a song:

Early in the morning in the yard

I wake up at dawn, Ku-ka-re-ku I scream

I want to wake up the guys.

Or: Our cockerel is loud-mouthed,

In the morning he shouts: "Hello!"

On his feet are his boots,

Earrings hang on the ears.

On the head - a scallop,

That's what he is, a cockerel! (G. Boyko)

"Travelling by car"

Take a small car and invite the child to roll it towards each other. After playing with her a little, say: "And now the car needs to be sent to the garage so that it can rest. Come on, as if we are builders and we are building a garage for the car? They build a garage from bricks. Where are our bricks?" Help your child build a garage, gate, praise him. After the kid builds the gate, offer to drive through them into the garage. Give the child the opportunity to act on his own, ask him questions, prompting a dialogue with the machine. The kid rolls the car as much as he wants.

If he plays such a game well and with interest, it can be complicated. For example, invite him to go by car to the forest. To do this, you need to designate a forest. This can be done by placing tall cylinders (trees) on the far edge of the table.

If desired, a toy car can be replaced with a cube or a stick. You can also build a bridge for a car or build a slide from cubes and bars. It is desirable to leave such buildings untouched for some time. The child may lose interest in the game, but after a while, having seen the building, return to it again.


Target . Developing in children the ability to take on the role of birds.

game material. Substitute items, toys.

Preparing for the game.Acquaintance with the hallmarks of a sparrow from pictures, illustrations, reading poems and stories about sparrows.

Game roles . Sparrow, sparrow.

Game progress . The teacher can start the game by observing a sparrow on the street: “Look, a sparrow is sitting on the roof of a neighboring house. It is small. Sat, sat and began to jump. Has stopped. He flapped his wings, chirped and flew.” After that, the teacher offers to play the game. The teacher in the role of a sparrow says: “I have wings. Here they are, look. I will flap my wings and fly high, I can even fly higher than houses. And here is my beak. I peck their grains, drink some water. I love to eat bread crumbs and worms. I live in a tree with other sparrows. Do you know what I like to do the most? Swim in a puddle and chirp: chirp chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp. All day I fly and chirp, looking for my kids. I want my sparrows to fly to me. Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp, sparrows, where are you? Respond, chirp. I'm waiting". (If the children do not respond to the suggestion of the teacher, then we can say that the sparrows do not hear the mother sparrow, they flew far away). Then the teacher asks who wants to be a sparrow. After that, the game continues similarly to the game "Fox".

"Wind and Leaves"

Target . The development in children of the ability to take on the role of an inanimate object. Raising a love for nature.

game material. Leaves.

Preparing for the game. Watching the leaves and the wind outside. Examination of illustrations, paintings. Reading poems and stories about nature.

Game roles . Leaves, wind.

Game progress . The teacher starts the game on a walk and gives the children tasks to see how the leaf-boat floats in the water (in a puddle), look for what or who is hiding on the ground under the leaves, decorate the plot, the troupe, their locker, themselves with leaves, wear and shift the leaves with places in place, carry a leaf through a puddle by a rope.

After that, the teacher suggests hanging the leaves in through openings. Suspended in this way, they instantly react to the slightest breath of the breeze, begin to spin, sway in different sides. The teacher draws the attention of the children to this: “Look! Our leaves are spinning, spinning, flew, flew and calmed down. They flew again, swirled and ... calmed down.

Then the teacher talks to the kids about the wind. “Who is blowing on our leaves? the teacher is surprised. - You, Mishenka, did not blow on the leaves? And you, Tanechka? And I didn't blow on the leaves. Who lifts them into the air? The teacher is waiting for an answer, if the guys are silent, he continues: “I know who raises the leaves, who blows on them. This is the wind. He, like us, loves to play with leaves. It will scatter, but how it will blow - fu-fu-fu! Light leaves will be delighted and will spin, spin, fly, fly and calm down.

After such a story, the teacher offers to play. “Shall we play with the wind and the leaves? I am a cheerful wind, and you are beautiful leaves. Children can be offered to take a leaf in their hand, you can decorate children's clothes with leaves. "What beautiful leaves!" - the teacher says, decorating the children with autumn leaves. Everyone is dressed up, you can play.

During the game, the teacher accompanies all his words with a show. Children are guided by his words and actions. "The little leaves sit quietly on their branches (children and caregiver squat)." “Suddenly a cheerful wind flew in. How to blow - fu-fu-fu! The leaves woke up, opened their eyes, flew away (children move around the playground, some are spinning, some are running, some are just walking). “The wind flew away, the leaves calmed down, fell (the children and the teacher stop, sit down).”

The teacher can repeat the game several times at the request of the children.



game material. Substitute items, toys, illustrations.

Preparing for the game. Acquaintance with the distinctive features of a hedgehog and hedgehogs from pictures, illustrations. Reading poems and stories about hedgehogs and hedgehogs.

Game roles. Hedgehog, hedgehog.

Game progress . The teacher invites the children to play and takes on the role of a hedgehog: “I will be a hedgehog. I have prickly needles and a long nose, at the end with a black pipka. My paws are small, but I can run fast. I live in a mink. I know how to hide from a fox. I curl up into a ball - neither head nor legs are visible and I lie on a forest path. (You can show an illustration where a fox tries to touch a hedgehog curled up in a ball with its paw). She walks, walks around me and can't grab me in any way. The glomerulus is covered in sharp needles. The fox is even afraid to touch me with its paw. The only bad thing is that I live alone. I don't have food. I'm bored. Who wants to be my hedgehog?" Further, the game is played similarly to the game "Fox".


Target. Consolidation of knowledge about different types of dishes, the formation of the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose. Cultivating a culture of behavior while eating. Consolidation of knowledge about the names of clothes. Strengthening in children the skill to undress and fold their clothes correctly in a certain sequence.

game material. Dolls, toy dishes, pictures depicting elements of the painting "Playing with a Doll".

Preparing for the game.Examination of the illustration "Playing with a doll."

Game roles. Mom, cook, nanny.

Game progress. Preparation for the game begins with looking at the painting "Playing with a Doll". Children sit at two or three tables shifted in a line, facing the teacher. They examine the picture, name what they see (“They bathe the doll”, “The girl bathes”, “Washes soap off the doll”, “The boy holds a towel to wipe the doll”).

After that, the teacher turns to the children: “In front of you are the pictures (they lie face down), turn them over. Look at your pictures and tell me who has a bath, who has soap? who has pantyhose?...” The child, having found the right picture, puts it near the big picture.

So we helped the girl in the white apron. Everything was prepared in order to redeem the doll. The teacher offers the children a story about this picture: “The children decided to buy the doll. They brought a stool, put a bath on it, poured warm water into the bath. Nearby, on a red stool, they put a green sponge and soap. Separate the doll.

Her clothes were neatly laid out on a large chair, and her tiny blue shoes were placed under the chair. “Now, now, be patient a little more,” the girl in the white apron persuades the doll. - I'll wash the soap off you, and then wipe it dry. You see, Ilyusha is standing nearby, holding a large white towel in his hands ... ". The teacher can use various options for playing with dolls.

1st option. Doll Katya is having lunch.

There are tea, tableware and kitchen utensils on the table. Doll Katya is sitting at the table. The teacher says: “Children, Katya needs to be fed lunch. There are a variety of utensils here. We will put only what we need for dinner on the table in front of Katya. Children take turns finding necessary items. The teacher asks what it is and why. At the request of the teacher, the children find all the items: plates, a fork, a spoon, a bread box, call them correctly and arrange them beautifully on the table, not forgetting to lay a tablecloth and put a napkin holder. They wish Katya a good appetite, after dinner they clean the dishes.

2nd option. Pick up dishes for dolls.

The teacher puts three dolls on the table: the cook stands at the stove, the nanny doll in a dressing gown prepares dishes for dinner, a girl doll sits at the table. The teacher examines the dolls with the children, talks about what they do, what kind of dishes they need. There are various dishes on the table near the teacher. Showing the object, the teacher says what it is called. Then he asks the children about this subject. To maintain interest, you can ask like this:

“And this dish, probably, no one needs?”. A ladle, a kettle, a spoon are needed by both the cook and the nanny. After that, the teacher asks each of the children who they would like to be now: a cook, a nanny, or a girl who is going to have dinner. Invites children to play by themselves.

3rd option. "The doll wants to sleep."

The teacher brings the doll and says that the doll is very tired and wants to sleep, asks the children to help her undress. Children in turn, at the direction of the teacher, remove clothes from the doll and, carefully folding it, put it on the doll chair. So, one child takes off his apron, the other takes off his dress, etc. The teacher directs their actions, helping to correctly fold one or another part of the doll's toilet, showing how to do it correctly. When the doll is completely undressed (left only in a shirt), they put on slippers for her and lead her to the bed. Having laid the doll in bed, the teacher turns it on its side, puts its hands under its cheek, carefully covers it, gently strokes its head and says: “Sleep!” Having shown the children that the doll has fallen asleep, the teacher asks them to be quiet and, putting a finger to their lips, on tiptoe, leaves the group room where the doll is sleeping with the children.

4th option. The dolls are awake.

2 dolls sleep on the cribs: a large one and a small one. There are clothes on the shelves. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Educator: “Children, look who is sleeping on this bed. Did you recognize her? Yes, this is Katya doll. Who sleeps on this one? This is Tanya doll. The teacher addresses one doll: “Katya, are you already awake? Will you get up? Guys, she says she wants to get up, but first we need to find her clothes. What do you need to dress Katya? “Look closely at the shelf. Do you see clothes? Bring a dress. We try on a dress, if it is small, we put it at Tanya's bed. Will we put on the dress right away or do we need to put on other things first? We are looking for underwear for dolls in size, other things. Children take turns putting clothes on the Katya doll, then dressing Tanya.

At the end of this game, the doll, dressed with the help of the children, greets each of the children, thanks each of them for their help, gently strokes their heads, dances merrily for the children, who clap their hands and then thank the doll for dancing.

During the subsequent conduct of this game, the teacher encourages the children to play on their own.

The teacher must treat dolls as if they were living beings. So, if the doll is dropped, the teacher takes pity on her, reassures her not to cry, asks the children to caress, calm and pity the doll.

On a walk, the teacher makes sure that the doll is not cold, that it does not freeze: he carefully straightens her hat or scarf, carefully looks to see if it is blowing under the blanket with which the doll is wrapped. During feeding, he makes sure that it does not burn: it cools the food.

The educator includes dolls in the life of children, makes them participants in children's lives. So, the doll, sitting on a chair, watches how the children study or eat, praises who eats quickly and accurately, who is attentive in class. In the morning, the doll greets the children and watches how the children dress and wash, and in the evening, before the children are taken away, the doll is undressed and put to bed, they say goodbye to her, turn off the light and leave on tiptoe.


Target . Developing in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

game material. Sweets, fruits, pies.

Preparing for the game.Acquaintance with the distinctive features of a bear from pictures, illustrations. Reading poems and stories about the bear.

Game roles. Bear cubs.

Game progress . Offering children toys, sweets, fruits, pies, etc., the teacher says: “Look, guys, what a big delicious cake the bear baked and sent to our group. She thought that we have cubs in our group - sweet teeth who love delicious pies, and decided to treat them. Who is our teddy bear? For whom did the bear bake a sweet cake? Are you a teddy bear, Sasha? Where are your paws, little bear? Do you have fur, little bear? How many cubs are in our group. Good bear cubs! It's time to give them the pie!"

Then the teacher invites the cubs to stand around a large table (made of shifted tables) and see how she will solemnly cut the cake into equal parts so that everyone gets an equal share. Thus, a regular afternoon snack can pass. Handing out the pie, the teacher says: “This bear cub. A piece of pie and this one. I share the bear's pie equally with all the cubs. Did all the cubs have enough pie? Eat well!"


Target. Development of children's ability to implement the game plan.

game material.Substitute items, play utensils, toy dogs, fluffy collar.

Preparing for the game.Reading and discussion of N. Kalinina's story "Helpers".

Game roles. Cook.

Game progress. The teacher can use different variants games depending on what they are aimed at

game actions.

1st option. The actions of the teacher are aimed at children.

The teacher asks the guys: “Who wants to play with me? I invite everyone to play: Sasha, Pavlik, Alena and Vitalik. Does Irochka want to play with us? Now I will bake you buns. I'll bake buns - I'll feed you. See, I have a lot of dough in the pan.” Shows a large children's saucepan filled with building material details - yellow or red hemispheres). “There will be a lot of buns, enough for everyone. Sit down here, on the carpet, relax, and I will cook. The teacher sits the children so that they can see his actions. “I’ll take a large sheet (the lid of a box from a printed board game). I'll put buns on it. I make this bun for Currency (takes one piece from the box, produces circular motions, resembling a rolling ball, and puts it on the "sheet"). I'll roll, I'll roll the dough, a bun for Valyusha is ready. And I will make this bun for Kirill (by naming the children, the teacher keeps their attention on himself). That's all. I didn't forget anyone. Made buns for everyone. Now they can be baked in the oven. Puts the “leaf in the oven” and immediately takes it out. “All the buns are already baked” (puts the sheet on the table, sniffs the buns). “How delicious they smell. I'm going to try one right now." The teacher shows how to do it in the game, says that they are tasty, sweet. Then treats each child. Asks the children if they liked the buns. He complains that the buns turned out to be too big and. don't eat it all at once. After that, the teacher invites those who have eaten to put the remaining pieces on the sheet to finish eating later.

Then the teacher says: “Now let's play hide and seek. You will be smart kids. Some will hide behind a chair, some behind a closet, and some may even hide under a table. You hide, and I will look for you. Do you want to play like this? Now I will close my eyes with my hands and count, and you hide. One-two-three-four-re-five, I'm going to look.

The teacher is looking for the guys, while rejoicing when someone is. The game can be repeated two or three times.

Then the teacher invites the children to eat buns again, otherwise everyone played enough and already wanted to eat again. "Do you want to eat buns?" - distributes buns to children and says: “Now eat the buns - I’ll give you milk to drink. Whoever has eaten, put the leftovers here, on the sheet, and come to me. I'll pour milk for you." Each teacher gives a cup and pours imaginary milk. You can offer children supplements - a second cup


In conclusion, the teacher switches the children to an independent game: "You have eaten and drunk, and now go play with toys."

2nd option . Game actions of children are directed to the educator.

The teacher offers the children: “Come on, guys, let's play. I really want to play with Roma, with Vitalik ... ". The number of children participating in the game can be any. You can play with all the children or only with those who come to the teacher. “I feel like I just got home from work. Tired. And my head hurts. I can not. even cook your own food. And I really want to eat. Who will cook something for me, guys? The children respond to the request of the teacher. “Look how much food I have, a whole box. What will you cook for me? Here in the box lies cabbage and carrots (shows a green ball and a red cone). You can cook delicious soup. I know Masha can cook soup. Mashenka, will you cook soup for me? Here are vegetables for you: cabbage and carrots. Here is the plate big cube, inverted box). And you can find the saucepan yourself, okay? Sasha, will you boil potatoes for me? And who else will cook potatoes for me? How many berries are there? A good compote will turn out! Who will cook compote for me?

After that, the teacher helps everyone to prepare "food" individually, shows the children no more than one or two game actions for cooking.

Then the teacher continues: “Whoever has food ready can feed me. I already washed my hands and sat down at the table. “What have you, Verochka, prepared for me? Soup? Probably very tasty. May I try? Pour me a bowl of soup, please. Oh how delicious. Soup with carrots and cabbage. Overeating! I also want to eat one bowl of soup. Can? Thank you very much, Verochka. You made a very tasty soup." It does not matter if this procedure is delayed and the rest of the children are waiting for their turn to feed the teacher. Observation of the actions of the educator and the actions of children, game communication is very interesting for them. It will surely enrich their experience.

After feeding, the teacher expresses gratitude to all the children: “What good fellows - they fed me. I rested, I ate. And yes, the headache is gone. Okay, now you can have some fun. Would you like to dance?" (children dance with the teacher to the music).

The teacher encourages children to independently accept the game goal: “Oh! I danced something and wanted to eat again. Who else will feed me? And what will you feed me, Sasha? The procedure of feeding and expressing gratitude is repeated again.

Then the teacher ends the game: “I’m already so full that I can’t eat all the porridge that you cooked, Alyosha. There was still half the pot left. Feed the bunny porridge. He already came running to me, found out who was cooking porridge. The teacher can offer the children to do another activity, give them, for example, pencils and paper, etc.

3rd option. Children's play activities are focused on toys.

The teacher includes the children in the game: “Guys, come here as soon as possible. Look who ran up there." Shows the dogs and offers to get to know them, pet them. “Hear them whine. Let's ask the dogs if they want to eat."

It turns out that they are really hungry.

After that, the teacher “calms down” the dogs. He tells them what delicious soups, cereals and other things our children can cook. "Don't worry, dogs. You see how many children we have in the group, and they all know how to cook very well. Some soup, some porridge, some potatoes and even compote ... and they know how to make scrambled eggs. Don't worry, we'll feed you now. Guys, do you want to cook food for the dogs?

Then the teacher encourages each child to accept the game goal: “This dog has chosen you, Kirill. What are you going to cook for her?" If the child does not cope with the task assigned to him, the teacher offers him some of his own options: “I guessed that your dog loves soup with a bone most of all.” The dog barks in agreement.

So, in turn, the teacher gives each child a dog and contributes to the adoption of an individual game goal.

When all the dogs have found their owners, the teacher offers the children to take the necessary “products” from the boxes with substitute items. While the guys are preparing food, the teacher asks the children: “How is the puppy behaving. Does he obey you, Nina, does he interfere with cooking? What are you cooking for him? He likes porridge to be sweet. Will you put sugar in the porridge?" “Sharik, are you glad that Vitya cooks meat for you? Sit here and don’t get into the pot, otherwise you’ll get burned - the stove is hot. ” “You know, Vitya, your dog is so clean. She, when she eats, runs to wash her muzzle and paws. Will you help her wash up afterwards?

Completing the feeding procedure, the teacher says: “Guys, listen to what the dogs want to tell you. They thank you for the delicious food you gave them.” “Dogs say that now they want to sleep, that they like to sleep on rugs in a quiet corner behind a closet or under a chair. Here are the mats for you. Children put the dogs.

After that, the teacher can introduce the children to a new game goal - playing the circus. In a whisper, he calls the children to him and tells them to walk slowly, otherwise the dogs will suddenly wake up. He reports that the “mother” of the dogs ran into the group. She wants to show the children the dog circus. Asks the children if they have seen on TV how dogs perform in the circus. He tells how well the "mother" of dogs can perform. The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and watch the dog circus. The teacher shows two or three game actions with a circus dog. The dog can jump over a stick, climb a tower of cubes, somersault, count children, etc. Children clap the dog. In order for the dog to become a circus, put a beautiful “fluffy” collar around its neck.

After the performance, the "mother" of the dogs asks to wake her puppies and bring them. The teacher puts the puppies in a box. Carries her away. The dog "says goodbye" to the children and "leaves". The teacher invites her to come to the children more often.






Complex outdoor switchgear "Friendly family"

1. I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back; claps in front of the face 8 times under the words:

"Dad, mom, brother and I are together - a friendly family!"

In kindergarten, the physical development of children is given Special attention. This direction of the educational process in the framework of the implementation of health-saving technologies is a priority in the system of preschool education. Accordingly, the preparation and conduct of physical education classes requires the teacher to be methodologically accurate in choosing methods of interaction with children of a particular age group. Consider the features of this work with kids 3-4 years old, that is, with pupils of the second younger group.

Goals and objectives of physical education classes with children 3-4 years old

The educational direction "Physical development" is realized in the educational process, first of all, by direct educational activity (GCD), that is, with the help of physical education. The target direction of these lessons is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) and consists in:

  • choosing the optimal forms of interaction with children to maintain health, strengthen the body of children;
  • the gradual mastering of movements important for life (walking with slowdown or acceleration, running exercises, jumping, throwing, climbing and the ability to keep balance having an applied character);
  • training such physical characteristics as strength and speed of movement, as well as endurance and coordination;
  • upbringing of the main KPs - cultural and hygienic skills (dressing according to the weather, etc.);
  • formation of understanding of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), the importance of sports.

In physical education classes, children of the second younger group get acquainted with the basic movements

To achieve the set educational goals in physical education classes, the teacher needs to systematically solve the following tasks:

  • to work out different types of movements, in particular, free running, when children do not shuffle their feet and do not lower their heads, move their arms and legs crosswise;
  • to teach the main types of constructions (in a column one at a time, in a line, in a circle), as well as orientation during rebuilding;
  • develop the skill of relying on two legs while jumping from a small height to move forward;
  • to train the ability to start and finish the exercise in the right position for this, in particular, to take the starting position when throwing soft balls or performing balance tasks;
  • develop the skills of a directed throw, rolling the ball, develop the ability to take the ball with both hands;
  • train the skill to grab the rail while climbing;
  • develop the ability to crawl;
  • to form the skills of sledding, skiing (if they practice in kindergarten winter views sports) and on a tricycle;
  • teach how to act correctly according to the conditional signals “catch”, “stop”, “run”, etc., as well as follow the rules of mobile games;
  • encourage initiative in completing tasks (for example, in games with balls, balls, etc.);
  • develop creativity in games (for example, when choosing a role or determining the movements of a game character);
  • to cultivate respect for the rules of the game, the ability to follow them, as well as interact in a team.

This is interesting. Physical education classes are taught by an instructor physical education and sports or, if there is no such specialist in the staff, an educator.

Physical education classes can be conducted by an educator if the preschool educational institution does not have a full-time physical education instructor

Types of physical education in the second junior group

In the pedagogical practice of preschool educational institutions, in working with children aged 3–4 years, the following types of physical education are used:

  • traditional, in which activities are selected according to the topic of the lesson and distributed in certain time periods;
  • game character (usually these are classes - competitions in certain sports, for example, football);
  • plot (the course of the lesson is built according to the scenario with the participation of different characters);
  • dance classes (usually such classes are prepared together with the choreographer);
  • rhythmic gymnastics (this type also includes fitness training);
  • non-traditional (walks, hikes with parents, etc.);
  • training (from the second semester, lessons are added to the list of activities in which kids work out exercises related to a particular sport, for example, kicking a ball with their foot, like in football, or throwing a ball into a basket, like in basketball).

In each of these types, a specific block of exercises, substantiated by the topic and tasks, is planned. In practice, most often physical education classes are of a mixed nature and include elements of the activities of different lessons.

Types of exercises for pupils 3-4 years old

All psychological and pedagogical aspects of interaction with the children of the second younger group are marked by an age crisis, the main manifestation of which is the desire to do everything on their own. However, "I myself" often does not coincide with the level of physical development of children, thereby increasing the risk of injury and damage during exercise. That is why it is so important to choose the types of work that would correspond to the level of skills and abilities of preschoolers 3-4 years old.

In the second junior group, the list of types of exercises is wider than the one that was worked out in the first junior group.

Table: types of exercises in physical education classes with children 3–4 years old

Type of exerciseAge FeaturesExamples
Running, walkingToddlers often have a heavy, shuffling gait, uneven pace, and varying stride length, which is clearly manifested in slow running or walking. The ability to coordinate their movements is also poorly developed.In mini-groups in the forward direction. This exercise usually begins the lesson. In the process of performing, children learn to navigate in space, coordinating their movements with the actions of their comrades.
It is important to pay attention to the task of switching from walking to running and vice versa
The whole group in the direction straight ahead. This exercise also solves educational problems: kids learn not to push
One per column. This task helps the children develop orientation in space, as well as change the pace of movement on a signal.
In a circle along the landmarks in the form of skittles, cubes, flags, etc. The teacher is a guide, starts moving in slow pace, then starts running, changes direction
With stops. Tasks that train the reaction of kids. Used for rebuilding, in games
Pairs in different directions. Exercises teach children to coordinate their movements, bring up a sense of camaraderie. At first, to maintain the distance between pairs, you can use landmarks in the form of cubes, flags
Loose. Train orientation in space, learn to perform exercises without pushing
With a change in direction. Tasks develop a reaction to a conditional signal
With stepping over obstacles spaced at a distance of 25-30 cm. Develop an eye, as well as coordination of movements
EquilibriumExercises with mandatory adult insurance are held throughout the year.
Important: children place their hands on the sides to make it easier to keep balance
Walking and running along a path (“path”, “bridge”) 25–30 cm wide. The pace increases gradually
Walking and running on the bench. Over time, the task becomes more difficult: children need to sit down, clap their hands, jump on a support after a conventional sign
From the second half of the year, walking on a rope located straight or in a circle is added, as well as walking on a plank or log
jumpingMany types of jumps are available to children 3-4 years old, but the teacher's control over their implementation is mandatory, since not all kids coordinate their movements wellOn the spot. The tasks are imitative in nature, that is, the kids jump like "bunnies", "chanterelles". Usually held to the music, the movement is performed after the signal of the teacher
Moving forward. A common mistake: children land on straightened legs, not bent at the knees. Therefore, the teacher must necessarily show the movement and control its implementation.
From a small height. It is important to land on your toes with your knees bent. Jumps are held in mini-groups so that the teacher can see the mistakes of the children
In length from a place. It is important to ensure that the guys bend their legs and land on half-bent legs, and, straightening up, maintain balance.
ThrowingTasks aimed at developing speed, dexterity and eyeRolling balls to a friend in the forward direction. A task that requires children to be highly organized, as they need to maintain a distance of 1.5–2 m
Rolling balls between objects. As practice shows, children quickly master this type of exercise.
Throwing the ball to the teacher. If the throw is weak, and the movements are uncertain, then you need to teach the child to do the task on command: “Throw it!”.
The skill of performing this exercise is unstable, so it is recommended to repeat it outside of class, on a walk.
Throwing the ball up and then catching. Since it is difficult for children to calculate muscle efforts in order to throw up the ball and then catch it, the teacher should make guidelines for the kids: hoops, squares
Throwing into the distance at a horizontal target. This type of assignment is worked out in the spring, summer
climbingExercise strengthens large muscle groupsCrawling on all fours with support on the knees and palms. The exercise is carried out at the beginning school year. Gradually the task becomes more difficult
Crawling under the arc. It is important to remind about landmarks, that is, arcs, and about the correctness of the starting position.
Climbing an inclined ladder or Swedish wall. The teacher insures and makes sure that the children put their feet in the middle, correctly wrap around the rail: thumb below and the rest above

How to personalize assignments

The main task of individualization of work with children of 3–4 years old in physical education classes is to help the kids master those movements that they still cannot do. Therefore, in the description of many types of exercises, the quantitative composition of the participants is stipulated: in mini-groups, it is easier for the teacher to control the correctness of the implementation of the educational task. At the same time, the peculiarity of working with exercises is such that after 1-2 workouts, the baby will easily begin to perform the movement on his own. So, if the child cannot crawl, leaning on his knees and palms, while he pulls up both legs, then it is enough for the teacher to repeat this task one on one a couple of times so that the baby understands the principle of its implementation. In addition, you can pick up a “key” for each pupil using:

  • creating a situation of success for classes (any kid, along with exercises that cause difficulties, must prove himself in something that he is good at, up to preparing sports equipment for class);
  • rational distribution of children into mini-groups and pairs (in these teams there must be not only successful guys, but also those who do not succeed in some exercises).

The main goal of individualization is to help each child master the exercise.

What techniques to use in physical education classes in the second junior group

When preparing a lesson, the teacher uses a combination of verbal, visual, practical and gaming techniques.

Verbal modes of interaction

As 3-4 year olds continue to learn language, it is important to provide them with the opportunity to expand their active vocabulary, as well as learn patterns for constructing simple and complex sentences. In addition, observing the manner of speech of the teacher, children master non-verbal means of communication: gestures, facial expressions, filling their statements with expressiveness and emotions.

Explanation and conversation

These two techniques are inextricably linked, since, explaining each stage of the lesson, the teacher asks leading questions regarding a particular type of activity.

Explanations in class should be:

  • brief;
  • accessible, that is, based on vocabulary known to children;
  • regular, which implies their repetition even when performing already familiar tasks.

The conversation in the second younger group is of a question-answer nature and involves short answers from the kids: monosyllabic or “yes”, “no”.

For example, when considering the topic “Winter fun”, I ask my pupils the following questions:

  • Do you like to play and have fun in winter? What games?
  • What winter sports do you know?

Explanation and conversation can go hand in hand

Riddles and poems

In addition to the fact that these techniques perfectly train memory and broaden their horizons, they also help to set the kids up for work, concentrating their attention on the topic of the lesson. When selecting rhyming lines, the teacher focuses on what the children have to tell about.

For example, when considering the topic “Transport”, I offer the following riddles to my children:

  • This horse does not eat oats
    Instead of legs - two wheels.
    Sit on horseback and ride it
    Just better drive. (Bike.)
  • Early in the morning behind the window
    Knock, and ringing, and confusion.
    On straight steel tracks
    There are colorful houses. (Tram.)
  • Takes off without acceleration
    Reminds me of a dragonfly.
    Takes flight
    High-speed ... (helicopter).

As for poems, as my practice shows, they are also an excellent motivational technique, helping the guys to get involved in the topic faster. For example, we begin the lesson “Autumn” with the poem “Autumn in the Park”:

  • Autumn is walking in our park,
    Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
    Pink apron - aspen,
    Red beads - rowanberry,
    Umbrella yellow - poplars,
    Autumn gives us fruits.

short tales

Such plot sketches very convenient to use at the beginning of the lesson: children quickly concentrate and delve into the topic. For example, with your group when studying the topic “Birds” on physical education lesson we get acquainted with the story of why birds fly to warm countries for the winter. “A long time ago, it was hot on Earth. But the climate began to change, and the animals had to choose their fur coats or feathers. Those who chose feathers became birds, learned to fly, fell in love with the sky. However, the beautiful plumage did not warm well, therefore the birds have to fly to warm countries every year with the onset of cold weather. And yet not a single bird will exchange its plumage for a fur coat.
After listening to the fairy tale, we talk with the children on the following questions:
- Why were fur coats and feathers not needed a long time ago?
- What did the birds choose: fur coats or feathers?
- Where do the birds fly when the cold weather comes?

This verbal device should be used infrequently so that fairy tales do not become commonplace. Moreover, when choosing stories, you need to follow the rule of two "not":

  • do not overload the story with events (kids 3-4 years old will not be able to perceive more than 1-3 plot twists);
  • do not introduce more than 2-3 characters, otherwise it will be difficult for children to follow the actions of everyone in such a short period of time.

Telling tales can be accompanied by elementary movements, for example, walking in a round dance

Visual tricks

When working with preschoolers, it is important to remember the property of the consciousness of babies to perceive the world in images. That is why in the classroom of any (!) Orientation should be:

  • pictures or easy-to-understand exercise schemes for kids;
  • illustrations for verbal devices (for example, for fairy tales, riddles);
  • toys that act as heroes of the lesson;
  • inventory (balls, hoops, skittles, etc.).

It is important for children aged 3–4 to see how teachers perform tasks as part of a demonstration or participants in a video in a demonstration format.

Video: warm-up "Chickens"

Practical Techniques

In physical education classes, kids are active, involved in various forms of work. Therefore, practical ways of interaction, that is, performing tasks of a creative nature (drawings, crafts, applications), remain to consolidate the material, for example, to prepare a family project in which children develop certain topics.

So, with our pupils and their parents, we prepared the project “Mom, dad, I - sport family».

Photo gallery: examples of work within the framework of the project "Mom, dad, I am a sports family" in the second junior group

The task includes a description by the kid of his project The work must necessarily contain elements made by the child The project can be represented by thematic family photos

Group of game techniques

Since the game is the main form of interaction with children, in physical education classes, the teacher actively involves the kids in this type of activity, choosing the type of game to solve specific educational problems.

Outdoor games

This technique is part of the structure of physical education classes, which allows not only to work out certain movements, but also to cultivate a sense of camaraderie, to develop the ability to work in a team. You can get acquainted with the types, goals and examples of outdoor games in the second junior group in detail.

Didactic games

Game activities aimed at familiarization, development and consolidation of training material are implemented in didactic games. In physical education classes, this type of game has a sports focus.

Table: examples of educational games in physical education classes in the second junior group

Name of the gameGoalsGame progress
"Guess a riddle"Develop the ability to differentiate movements characteristic of different types sportsThe teacher reads riddles, children solve not with a word, but with a movement. For example,
  • In a fair fight, I'm not afraid
    I will protect my two sisters.
    I hit a pear in training,
    Because I ... (boxer)
"How Right"
  • Form the CGT;
  • practice basic movements
The teacher calls the hygiene procedure, says what it is. If the statement is correct, the children clap their hands. If false, then crouch and correct the error
"Tourists"Train the skill of choosing suitable movements to overcome obstaclesThe teacher puts obstacles on the floor (cubes, skittles, etc.), the task of each kid is to go around these obstacles with movements that have not yet been used by rivals

Theatrical games group

The development of the skill of imitation is an important educational task of the educational direction " physical development". Forms of theatrical games in physical education classes are:

Table: finger exercises for the second junior group

Card file of physical education classes in the second junior group

The theme of the lesson in physical culture is determined by the general theme of a particular segment of the educational process in which the lesson is held. This principle is the basis for the preparation of the calendar-thematic planning of the course "Physical Education".

Table: topics of physical education classes in the second junior group, author Tatyana Kazarkina (fragments)

Month (date)SubjectNumber of hoursGoalsMaterials and equipment
September"Visiting the Bunny and the Fox"3
  • Teach children to walk and run in small groups behind the teacher;
  • learn to walk between two lines while maintaining balance
  • Doll;
  • bear;
  • two cords;
September October"Autumn has come to visit us"2
  • Teach children to walk and run in circles, maintain a stable balance in walking and running in a limited area;
  • practice jumping on two legs in place
  • Balls;
  • cubes;
  • chairs;
  • 2 racks;
October November"Circus"3 Teach children:
  • walk and run in all directions;
  • roll balls to each other, keeping the direction;
  • crawl under the arch
  • Balls;
  • 2 boards;
  • cord;
  • racks;
  • rattles
November December"Hello winter guest"3 Teach children:
  • Walk and run in circles without holding hands;
  • crawl under the cord without touching the floor with your hands;
  • keep balance while walking on the board
  • Rattles;
  • hoops;
  • short cords;
  • 2 racks;
  • game cord;
  • bench;

Valentina Svetlakova
Card file of game exercises in the second junior group

(Penzulaeva L. I.)

"Let's visit"

There are chairs on both sides of the room. (according to the number of children). The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs, take their "houses". The teacher goes to the first a group of children, invites them to get up and go with her "on a visit". Coming up to second group of children, kids greet and show their hands. On words: "The rain has gone!"- the children run to their "houses" and take any place.

Then the teacher invites the children second group to go"on a visit". A game repeats.

"Let's walk the path"

From cords (rail) the teacher lays out two tracks 2.5–3 m long along the hall, parallel to one another. The distance between the tracks is at least 3 meters. “The rain is over,” says the teacher, “the sun came out, but there were puddles all around. Let's walk along the path so as not to get our feet wet." Then brings one a group of children to the track, they become one after another (in a column, and offer to walk along the path. Children walk along the first path, then walking along second, and after that they sit on the chairs (or bench). Invited second group toddlers to walk on the track.

"Ride and catch up"

Children approach the chairs (bench, on which large-diameter balls are laid out in advance, take them and stand on the starting line indicated by the cord. On command educator: "Let's roll!", pushing the ball with both hands, roll it in the forward direction and catch up. The kids return to the starting line in steps. The exercise is repeated.

"Crawl to the rattle"

The teacher puts two racks (they must be absolutely stable, in order to avoid injury, pull the cord at a height of 50 cm from the floor (you can use regular chairs). Benefits are arranged in such a way that all children participate in the implementation exercises. If the conditions and the number of children do not allow the use of the frontal method, then the exercise is done in groups. On one side of the racks at a distance of 2–2.5 m, a cord is placed to indicate the start of movement, and on the other side, rattles can serve as a guide. First, the teacher offers one child to show how to crawl under the cord, and at the same time explains: “Lena approaches the cord, gets on all fours and performs crawling like a “bug”, tilting its head so as not to touch the cord. She crawled to the rattle, got up, took the rattle and rattled it. After showing and explaining, the teacher invites the children to take their starting position and, on a signal, begin to complete the task.

"Let's go over the bridge"

From two parallel boards (width 25 cm, length 2 m) made "bridge across the river". gaming the task after showing the teacher is performed in a column one at a time - the children walk along the first "bridge", then by second.

"Quick Ball"

Children stand on the starting line, indicated by a line or cord. Each child has a ball in their hands. (large diameter). At the signal of the teacher, the children take their starting position (after show)- feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest. At the next command, the children bend over and, pushing the ball with an energetic movement, roll it forward, and then run after it. Return to the starting line in steps.

"Crawl - do not hurt"

Medicine balls are laid out on the floor in two lines at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. (4-5 pieces each). Children in two columns crawl between the balls on all fours, relying on their palms and knees ( "snake"). They rise, approach the hoop - step into the hoop and clap their hands over their heads. For repetition of the exercise children go around the balls with outside.


Cord climbing (height - 50 cm from the floor line). Rack with cord (you can put chairs instead of a rack) set up so that all children can participate in the implementation exercises. The start line is located at a distance of 1.5 m from the cord. Children- "crocodiles" must overcome an obstacle to get to their home (to the river). On the starting line, the children get on all fours with support on their hands and knees and crawl under the cord, trying not to touch it. Then they rise and clap their hands over their heads.

"Funny Mice"

Walking in a column one at a time. On signal educator: "Mice!"- children move on to walking on their toes with short, mincing steps, hands on their belts. By signal: "Butterflies!"- to run. Walking and running are carried out in alternation.

"Into the Forest Along the Path"

Two boards are laid parallel to each other on the floor. (width 25 cm, length 2–3 m)"paths to the forest". Walking at a moderate pace along one path, then along second balancing with arms to maintain balance.

"Hares - soft paws"

Children- "bunnies" become in one line. The teacher offers "bunnies" jump on soft paws to the edge. At the signal of the teacher, the children jump on two legs to the edge of the forest. (distance 3–4 m). Back to the starting line, the children return in steps.

"Through the swamp"

Of 8-10 flat card hoops(or cords) with a diameter of 30–40 cm on two sides of the hall are laid out in a checkerboard pattern "bumps". Children stand in two columns. The teacher offers to cross over "swamp" hopping on two legs with one "bumps" to another. Jumps are performed alternately, one after another. The teacher reminds that you need to jump, bending your knees, and land on half-bent legs (there must be a certain distance between children).

After all the guys "Cross the Swamp", followed by a short pause, and game task is repeated. Quantity repetitions depends on conditions and physical fitness children. Pace exercise moderate.

"Precise Pass"

Children stand in two lines according to landmarks (cord, colored marks). The distance between the lines is 2 m. One line receives the balls. (or children take the balls from the basket). On signal educator: "Let's roll!"- children roll the balls with an energetic movement with both hands towards a partner from the other line (pairs are determined in advance).

"Your Cube"

Cubes laid out in a circle (according to the number of children). Walking in a circle. After that, the children will go half a circle, the teacher gives command: "Take the cube!" Children turn to face in a circle, each child takes the cube that is closer to him and raises it above his head.

For the next command teacher: "Circle!"- children put the blocks in place, and walking in a circle in the other direction. The exercise is repeated. After walking, running in a circle is performed, first in one direction and then in the other direction.

"Ride - do not hurt" (with a ball)

Children stand in two lines, each child has a ball of medium diameter. The teacher lays out cubes (or stuffed balls) along the hall in two lines, at a distance of 1 m from one another (5-6 pieces each). One child from each line stands on the starting line and begins to roll the ball between objects, pushing it with both hands, not letting go far from themselves. The teacher invites the next pair of children as soon as the previous children have covered a third of the distance, and so, successively one after another, the children perform exercise. After completing the task, the children approach the hoop, take a step and raise the ball high above their heads. The child must return to his line from its outer side.

"Crawl - do not hurt"

Crawling on all fours (based on palms and knees) "snake").

"Fast Bugs"

Crawling on all fours (based on palms and knees) between objects without touching them ( "snake"). Runs in two columns. After crawling, stand up, straighten up and clap your hands over your head).


Two boards are laid parallel to one another on two sides of the hall. Children in two columns crawl along the board with support on their palms and knees quickly - "like spiders". The teacher adjusts the distance between the children so that they do not bump into each other. After crawling, the child goes to the cord, steps over it and claps his hands over his head.

"Come - do not touch"

Cubes (6–8 pieces) arranged in two lines at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Children in two columns walk between the cubes, their hands balance freely.

"Jumping Frogs"

On one side of the hall on the floor lies a cord - this "swamp". Children- "jumping frogs" stand on the other side of the hall in one line to the starting line. The teacher says text:

Here are the frogs jumping along the path,

stretching out the legs,

Kwa-kva, kwa-kva-kva, they jump,

Stretching out the legs.

In accordance with the rhythm of the poem, children perform jumps on two legs, moving forward (approximately 16 jumps) before "swamps" and jump on the cord pronouncing: "Splash!" After a pause game exercise is repeated. If large group of children, then the formation is carried out in two lines and, in order to avoid injuries, the distance between the lines is approximately 1.5–2 m. Children second the ranks come into play a little later and only at the signal of the teacher.

"Don't miss it!"

Cubes are laid out on both sides of the hall (medicine balls, skittles, etc.) 5-6 pieces on each side. Items are located at a distance of 50–60 cm from one another. After showing and explaining, the children perform in two columns exercise: roll the ball between objects, pushing it with two hands from below (hands "scoop") and trying not to let go far from yourself.

"Crawl - do not hurt" (creeping under the arc) (height 50 cm).

The teacher puts 3-4 arcs along the hall in two lines and the children complete the task in two columns - go to the arc, sit down and go under the arc without hitting its upper edge. Straighten up, go to the next arc and so on. After completing exercise, go to the hoop, step into it, stretch up, clapping your hands over your head. Go to the end of your column.

"Bugs on a log"

two boards - "logs" placed at a short distance parallel to each other. After showing and explaining (on the example of one child) the educator, the children perform the task in two columns. Children- "bugs" alternately perform crawling on the board with support on the palms and knees. After completing the task, they return to their column.

"Let's go over the bridge"

Children stand in two lines facing each other in front of the boards laid on the floor, at a distance of 1 meter from them. Children perform walking on the board, at a moderate pace, sideways with side steps (hands on the belt or to the sides). The teacher reminds the children to keep their head and back straight. At the end exercises each child returns to his line.

"Go - don't fall"

Children in two columns perform walking on the board (width 15 cm) at a moderate pace, freely balancing hands (2-3 times). The teacher makes sure that the children keep their heads and backs straight and look forward, and provides insurance.

"From Hole to Hole"

flat hoops (from dense cardboard) lined up in two rows (5-6 pieces, at a distance of 40 cm from each other)- This "pits".

Children line up in two columns and jump on two legs from hole to hole (without stopping or with a short pause before the hole, landing on half-bent legs.

"On the meadow"

Children walk around the perimeter of the hall (for reference, you can put cubes or skittles in the corners)- By "edge of the meadow". At the signal of the educator, the children proceed to walking scattered throughout "clearing" and run in all directions, trying not to hurt each other.

"Hares - jumpers"

The teacher puts cubes or stuffed balls of 4-5 pieces in two lines, at a distance of 50 cm from one another - "hemp".

Children- "bunnies" jumping on two legs "paws" between "stumps", vigorously pushing off the floor with his feet and waving his arms. The teacher monitors the coordination of movements of the legs and arms.

"Ride - Catch"

Children are arranged in pairs randomly around the room. In the hands of one of the playing couples, a ball of large diameter (distance between children approx. 1–1.5 m). Starting position - sitting, legs apart. At the signal of the teacher, the children roll the ball to each other, energetically pushing away with their hands (hands "scoop").


Children- "bears" line up on the starting line, get on all fours with support on the palms and feet, and on a signal educator: "For raspberries!"- crawl quickly "forests". The skittles placed in one row will be the reference point. (cubes, stuffed balls). The distance from the starting line is no more than 3 meters.

"Frogs and Butterflies"

Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal educator: "The Frogs"- children stop, squat, put their hands on their knees (you can say "qua-qua-qua"). Get up and continue normal walking. On signal: "Butterflies!"- the children stop and wave their hands, "like wings".

"On the path"

Two boards lie parallel to each other on the floor. (width 20 cm) at a distance of 1–1.5 m. Children walk along the boards in two columns - "paths", freely balancing hands. The teacher reminds them to keep their back and head straight.

"Step over - don't step"

From 5-6 cords (braids) on the floor are laid out parallel to one another two "tracks" (distance between cords - 30 cm). Children are built in two columns. After showing and explaining exercises the teacher, the guys alternately step over the cords with their right and left legs (hands on the belt, trying not to step on them. Keep their head and back straight (walking pace is moderate). Exercise performed 2-3 times.

"From stump to stump"

Flat hoops are placed on two sides of the hall (5-6 pieces each) close to each other. Jumping from hoop to hoop (with "stump on stump") without pause.

"Merry Sparrows"

Children- "Sparrows" distributed over two groups. The first sits on the floor in one line (legs crossed) at a distance of 2-3 meters from the gymnastic bench. Second group stands on the bench "twig" and takes its original position; legs slightly apart, slightly bent at the knees, arms laid back. On signal educator: "Jumped!"- children perform a jump on half-bent legs. On signal teacher: "To the branch!" The children are back on the bench. After a series of jumps, you are invited second group of children, and the first takes their place on the floor.

"Clever and fast!"

Medicine balls are laid out in two parallel lines in the hall on the floor (4–5 pieces) at a distance of 50 cm from one another. Children are built in two columns, each with one ball. Rolling the ball between stuffed balls, pushing it with both hands (hands "scoop" without letting go far away. After completing the task, you need to straighten up, raise the ball above your head, stretch, and then go to the end of your column from the outside.

"Under the arc"

The arcs are arranged in two parallel lines at a distance of 1 m from one another. (3-4 arcs each). The teacher explains the task and shows on the example of one child: “Go to the first arc, sit down, group up"in a ball" and pass under the arc without touching its upper edge. Straighten up and go to the next arc, etc. Children line up in two columns and complete the task.

"Smooth step"

A long board lies on the floor, at the level of the middle of the board (at a distance of 0.5 m) there is a cube on the floor (pin)- reference point. The teacher explains and shows exercise: “Walk along the board, sideways with a side step, hands on the belt; sit down in the middle, bring your hands forward, rise and go further to the end of the board. Children stand in a column one by one and complete the task (if small group, subject to numerous groups more benefits can be used.

jumping "Snake"

The cubes are laid out in two lines, in a checkerboard pattern (6-8 pieces each) at a distance of 30–40 cm from one another. Children in two columns perform jumps between objects "snake" moving forward on two legs. They go around the cubes from the outside and stand at the end of their column.

"Through the groove"

From cords (of ropes) laid out on the floor "groove" (width 15 cm). The teacher shows and explains exercise: "Stand near the groove, legs slightly apart, bend your knees slightly and jump, landing on both feet." Children stand in front "groove", take a starting position and, at the command of the educator, jump over "groove". Turn around and repeat the exercise.

"Directly in hand"

The teacher uses the cords that served "groove", they will be a guide for children. Each line is located in front of the cords at a distance of 2 m from one another. Starting position - kneeling, sitting on the heels. In the hands of one groups children's balls of large diameter. At the command of the teacher, the children roll the balls to each other, alternately, with an energetic movement of their hands.

"Throw - Catch"

Building in a circle. The teacher shows and explains exercise: “Feet shoulder-width apart, the ball is in bent arms in front of you at the chest. You need to throw the ball at the toes of your feet and catch it with both hands. Exercise performed according to signal: "Dropped!", children catch the ball as best they can. After the teacher makes sure that the ball is again in the hands of all the children, a command is given for the next throw. .


Two gymnastic benches are placed parallel to one another - this is "logs". Children- "ants" stand in two lines. The teacher explains exercise: "We must crawl through "log"- a bench with support on the palms and knees quickly and deftly - how "ants". Children are arranged in two columns and complete the task, and the teacher monitors the pace of their movement.


Children- "bears" located at the starting line, get on all fours, resting on the palms and feet. At the signal of the teacher "bears" move on all fours in the forward direction to the designated objects (cubes). They rise and clap their hands over their heads. The distance is no more than 3 m.

"Through the groove"

On the floor on opposite sides of the hall, 4-5 cords are laid out. "grooves"(width "grooves" 30 cm, one parallel to the other. Children in two columns perform jumps on two legs from "grooves" V "groove", vigorously push off with their feet from the floor, using a wave of their hands, and land on half-bent legs.

"Precise Pass"

Children stand in two lines opposite each other, then sit on the floor - legs crossed. The distance between the children is 2 m. The teacher distributes the balls to the children of one groups(balls can be placed in flat hoops in advance, thereby determining the distance between the children).

At the command of the teacher, the children roll the balls (8-10 times). The team is given after all the children in the line receive the ball.


Children- "paratroopers" distributed into two rows. One line gets on the gymnastic benches - this is "airplane". Children of the other line have their legs behind the conditional line - "at the airport" sitting cross-legged. By team: "Ready!"- the children on the benches take their starting position - the legs are slightly apart, the knees are slightly bent, the arms are laid back. By signal: "Jumped!"- perform a jump with a landing on half-bent legs. The game task is repeated 4-5 times in a row. Then the children change places.


From the starting line at a distance of 3 m, the teacher lays out "groove" from cords (width 30 cm). Children in a line (or two lines, if large group) perform jumps on two legs, moving forward to "grooves" and then jump over it, "like grasshoppers". Turn around and after a pause jump again, "like a grasshopper", through the cord and then jumps on two legs to the starting line.

3-4 long cords are laid on the floor parallel to one another at a distance of 1 m. Children stand in one line and take their starting position - legs slightly apart, bent at the knees, arms laid back. At the command of the teacher, the children jump over the cord, land on half-bent legs, approach the next cord, at the command of the entire line they jump, etc.

After all the children have completed the jumps over the cords, they turn around and repeat the task(quantity repetitions depends on the physical fitness of the children).

"Toss - Catch"

Children take balls from the box and are located throughout the hall.

At the command of the teacher: "Dropped!" The children throw the ball up. Each child catches the ball according to their skills. At the same time, the teacher reminds that you need to throw the ball in front of you and not high. After several throws of the ball, the teacher offers to perform exercise for those guys who is good at throwing and catching the ball. Then all children practice.

"Ride - Catch"

Children are divided into pairs; in the hands of one playing the ball of large diameter. Children are freely arranged in pairs throughout the hall and take their starting position - kneeling, sitting on their heels, the ball on the floor with one of the children. The teacher gives command: "Let's roll!"- and the children, with an energetic movement of their hands, roll the ball to their partner, and he returns it back, and so on alternately. Then the children do exercise arbitrarily. Each couple at their own pace.

"On the Bridge"

Walking on a board laid on the floor, stepping over the cubes placed at a distance of one step of the child (30 cm, alternately with the right and left foot. Tempo exercise moderate. Hands are free to balance. Children in two columns (on two parallel boards) perform the task. The main thing is to keep balance; keep your head and back straight. The teacher provides assistance (in case of need) and insurance.

"Take care of the cube"

Children stand in a circle, legs slightly apart, hands behind their backs. Each child has one cube on the floor. The driver is in the center of the circle and on a signal educator: "Take the cube!"- the driver approaches the children, trying to take the cubes or touch him. Those, in turn, squat, closing the cube with their hands. The driver leaves, and the child quickly gets up. At the end of the game, the number of those who did not manage to defend their cube is counted. A game repeats with another driver.

Children take one ball from the box and take their starting position at the cord in one line. Exercise: throw the ball with both hands from behind the head with an energetic forward-away motion. Starting position - leg stand apart. At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the ball, and then run after it. (repeatedly).

"Listen to the signal"

Walking in a column one at a time, on a signal educator: "Grasshoppers!"- stop and jump on two legs in place, trying to jump as high as possible, then normal walking; on signal: "Butterflies!"- running, waving his arms like wings. Walking and running in alternation.

"Right on Target"

Throwing bags at a horizontal target with the right and left hand (distance to target 1.5 m). Children stand in two lines, between them the teacher puts hoops and distributes 2-3 bags each. The teacher explains how to throw the bag so that it hits the hoop (the goal is to vigorously swing and throw the bag. At the signal of the teacher, the bags are thrown at the target by the children of the first line (two bags in a row). The task is then performed second group of children. Children take the bags and stand back on the starting line. The exercise is repeated several times..

"Crawl - do not hurt"

The teacher puts cubes of 4-5 pieces or stuffed balls in two lines. Children crawl in two columns (based on palms and knees)"spiders" between objects, trying not to touch them. They rise, step into the hoop, clap their hands above their heads and pass from the outside of the manuals into their column.

"Do not hurt"

A cord is stretched over two racks at a height of 40 cm from the floor. Children stand in front of the cord in a line, squat, grouped into a clump, "like sparrows", and crawl under the cord, trying not to touch it, rise and clap their hands over their heads, turn around and repeat the task.


Medicine balls laid out in two parallel lines (5-6 pieces each) at a distance of 1-2 steps of the child (30-60 cm). Children - "horses". Two columns perform walking with stepping over stuffed balls, raising the knees high, pulling the toe (hands on the belt, back straight).

"Through the groove"

In the hall, on two sides of the cords, 4–5 "grooves" (width 30 cm) one parallel to the other. Children in two columns perform jumps on two legs from "groove to groove": waving their arms, vigorously push off the floor and land on half-bent legs.

"Funny ball"

After completing the jumps, the children take from the box (baskets) one ball each. Children become a semicircle, or in two lines, or randomly throughout the hall. The teacher shows and explains exercise: “Feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest. You need to throw the ball at the toes, catch it with both hands after bouncing off the floor, trying not to press it to your chest. Children take a starting position and, on a signal, throw balls. After all the children have caught the balls, the signal is given for the next throw.

"Roll between objects"

Rolling balls between stuffed balls (4–5 pieces, lying at a distance of 1 m from each other. Ball "snake" moves between objects - children push him with both hands folded "boat". At the end exercises you need to take the ball in your hands, raise it above your head and stretch.

"Funny Bugs"

crawling on gymnastic bench on the palms and knees - quickly, as "bugs". It is carried out in-line in two columns.


At the signal of the teacher: "The bugs have flown!"- the children scatter all over the hall. On signal: "Beetles are resting", - the children lie on their backs and move their legs and arms, as if moving their paws. Then "bugs" fly and rest again (you can use background music).

Consultation for parents MDOU D / S 231

Theme: Games and game exercises low mobility for preschool children

Yaroslavl, 2015

Sedentary games are used as independent form work on physical education. aim sedentary games and game exercises is:

  • decline physical activity, i.e., a gradual transition from an excited state to a calmer one;
  • removal of general fatigue, motor tension of the muscles of the hands, flexibility and mobility of the fingers, coordination of the movements of the arms and legs;
  • development of mindfulness, ingenuity, memory, observation, dexterity, speed of reaction;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory and other systems of the body;
  • orientation in space;
  • formation and consolidation of motor skills;
  • getting pleasure and creating a good mood;
  • preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;
  • increasing interest in physical culture and healthy lifestyle life.

In sedentary games, movements are performed at a slow pace, their intensity is insignificant.

The specifics of this type of games are: the way children are organized (circle, loose, line, etc.), the movements that are included in the game, the method of playing the game (choosing a game, venue, preparing for the game, gathering children for the game, explaining the game, conducting game, the end of the game), the pace at which it is played (slow), the number of repetitions of movements (3-6 times).

Games of low mobility contribute to the development of memory, ingenuity and observation, coordination of movements, orientation in space and motor skills. In addition, they give children pleasure, create good mood, what is not less important. Games of low mobility are held with all children simultaneously at a physical education lesson (in its third part), leisure and holidays, daytime and evening walks, in the process of physical culture minutes and physical culture pauses, and independent motor activity of children.

Games and game exercises of low mobility for the younger group.

1. "Bunny"

One of the players is designated as a bunny. Everyone else becomes in a circle.

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you?

You are sitting very sick,

You get up and dance

Here, have a carrot.

On last phrase"Bunny" takes a carrot (it can be a painted carrot, a ribbon, etc.) and performs dance moves, everyone else clap. Then the "bunny" changes.

2. "Find a toy"

The teacher hides the toy somewhere in advance and offers to look for it. Anyone who notices where the toy is located approaches the teacher and quietly tells him about it. When most of the children cope with the task, the teacher allows you to go to the toy and bring it.

3. "Silence".

Game progress. Walking in a column one by one around the hall, say the following:

Silence by the pond

The grass does not sway.

Don't make noise reeds

Fall asleep kids.

At the end of the poem, the children stop, crouch, bow their heads and close their eyes. After a few seconds, the teacher says: “Kwa-kva-kva!” - and explains that the frogs woke the guys up, they woke up, got up and stretched. The game starts over.

4. "Bubble".

The children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, becoming close to each other, then they say:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up, big one

Stay like this

Don't crash. At the same time, everyone expands the circle and holds hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children put their hands down and squat down, saying, "Clap."

5. "Don't wake up the bear!"

Children form a circle holding hands. In a round dance they go in a circle with a teacher who pronounces the text. Like snow on the hill, snow and under the hill snow, snow. (They turn in the opposite direction, walk in a round dance.) And under the tree there is snow, snow, And on the tree there is snow, snow. (They go to the center of the circle.) And under the tree, the bear is sleeping. Hush hush! Don't wake up, sit down, don't make noise! (They squat down.)

6. "The cat came up to the stove"

Children form a circle holding hands. Together with the teacher they go in a circle. The cat came up to the stove, The cat came up to the stove. He found a pot of porridge, he found a pot of porridge there. (They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands.) And on the stove, kalachi, Oh, delicious and hot! (They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap their hands.) Pies are baked in the oven (tilt forward, hands forward, palms up), They are not given to hands. (They straighten up, hide their hands behind their backs.)

7. "The king was walking through the forest"

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The king walked through the forest, Through the forest, through the forest. (Walking in circles.) I found myself a princess, princess, princess. Let's jump with you, let's jump, let's jump. (Jumping on two legs in place.) And we kick our legs, we jump, we jump. (Throw straight legs forward.) And clap your hands, clap, clap. (They clap their hands.) And we will stomp our feet,

Let's drown, let's drown. (Stomp their feet in place.)

8. "Flies - does not fly"

Children sit or become a semicircle. The facilitator names various items. If it is something that flies, the children raise their arms up or to the sides; if something that does not fly, give up. The leader can deliberately make mistakes in movements, many, imitating him, can also make mistakes. The task of children is to resist and not make mistakes.

9. "It's me!"

The teacher shows the children how to perform the movements, expressively pronounces the text. Children perform movements, imitating an adult. These are eyeballs. Here! Here! (They show first the left, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here! Here! (First they take the left ear, then the right.) This is the nose! It's a mouth! (They show the mouth with the left hand, the nose with the right.) There is the back! There's a belly! (The left hand is placed on the back, the right hand on the stomach.) These are pens! Clap clap! (They extend both hands, clap twice.) These are the legs! Top, top! (They put their palms on their hips, stomp twice.) Oh, they are tired! I'll wipe my forehead. (The right palm is passed over the forehead.)

10. "Once upon a time there were bunnies"

The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements.

Once upon a time there were bunnies (Show bunny ears with hands.)

On the edge of the forest (Shake hands.)

Once upon a time there were bunnies (They squat and show the roof of the house with their hands above their heads.)

In a small hut, they washed their ears, (Rubbing ears.)

Washed their paws (Stroking hand movements.)

Bunnies dressed up (Hands on the belt, turns left and right.)

They put on slippers. (Alternately put the legs on the heels.)

11. "Met"

For each line, alternately connect the fingers of the right and left hands, starting with the little finger.

On the last line, show the horns by stretching out the index fingers and little fingers.

Two kittens met: "Meow-meow!",

Two puppies: “Wow-wow!”,

Two foals: "Igo-go!",

Two tiger cubs: "Rrrr!",

Two bulls: "Moo!"

Look what horns!

12. "The cat releases claws"

On the count of “one”, press the pads of your fingers to the top of your palm and hiss like an angry cat: “Shhh!”

On the count of “two”, quickly straighten and spread your fingers, meow like a contented pussy: “Meow!”.

Repeat the game, each time turning into an angry, then into a good-natured kitten.

Games and game exercises of low mobility for the middle group.

1. "Where they knocked."

The children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The driver goes to the middle and closes his eyes. The teacher silently walks around behind the children, stops near one of the children, hits the drum 2 times and puts a handkerchief in the child’s hands, steps aside and says: “It’s time!”. The person standing in the circle must guess who has the handkerchief hidden. A new driver is selected, the game resumes.

2. Gawkers

Children walk in a circle one after another. At the signal of the leader "Stop!" stop, make four claps, turn 180 degrees and start moving in the opposite direction. The one who makes the mistake is out of the game.

3. Game exercise "Snowstorm".

Children line up one at a time. Educator - "Metelitsa" becomes ahead of the column. Everyone joins hands and, without breaking the chains, moves at a moderate pace after the teacher. "Metelitsa" leads children between play buildings on the site, various objects. After a while, everyone stops and rests; the exercise is repeated.

4. "Ball".

Children sit in a circle on a carpet (diameter of the circle is 2 m) and roll a ball (ball) over the circle. The child standing in the middle tries to intercept the ball. If he succeeds, the one who rolled the ball unsuccessfully goes to the middle instead of him.

5. "Edible-inedible"

Children stand in a circle. The driver says the word he has conceived and throws the ball to one of the children. If something edible is planned (fruits, vegetables, sweets, milk, etc.), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). If the word means something inedible, the ball cannot be caught. The child who did not complete the task becomes the driver, and the game is repeated.

6. "Come with us!"

Children are scattered. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the text and shows the movements. Let's join us (raise their hands to the sides) Stomp their feet (stomp their feet while standing still), Clap their hands (clap their hands). Today is a good day! (Raise straight arms up - to the sides.)

7. "Low-high"

Children stand in a circle. Adult. We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and different Christmas trees grow in the forest: wide, low, high, thin. I will say: high - raise your hands up; low - squat and lower your hands; wide - make the circle wider; thin - make a circle already. The game will be more fun if the adult tries to confuse the children.

8. "Do the opposite!"

Children are scattered around the room. The teacher shows the movements, the children must repeat them, but in the opposite direction. For example, the teacher leans to the right, the children to the left; the teacher takes a step forward, the children take a step back, etc.

9. "Vegetables and fruits"

Children stand in a line or scattered around the room. The teacher names various vegetables (children should quickly sit down) and fruits (raise their hands). Those who make a mistake take a step forward. The kids with the fewest mistakes win.

10. "Weathervane"

The players stand in a line or scattered. The teacher calls the cardinal directions, each corresponds to a certain action: north - hands on the belt; south - hands on head; east - hands up; west - hands down.

11. "Balloon"

Children form a circle holding hands. Together with the teacher they go in a circle. I went to the store with my mother, bought a balloon there. Let's inflate the balloon, Let's play with the balloon. (They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, hold hands, perform a “spring”.)

Balloon, inflate! Balloon, inflate! (They walk back with small steps - inflate the balloon.) Inflate big Don't burst! (They clap their hands.) The balloon flew away, Yes, it hit a tree And ... burst! Raise their hands, shake them from side to side; then they put their hands on their belts, slowly squat down, saying: "Shhhhh."

12. "Guess whose voice" The players stand in a circle; the driver goes to the middle, closes his eyes. Children walk in a circle, reading a poem: We made everyone in a circle, we will suddenly turn around at once. And as we say: lope - lope - lope, guess whose voice. The words "skok - skok - skok" are pronounced by the child whom the teacher touched. If the child makes a mistake, he closes his eyes again. The game is repeated. Children walk in a circle in the other direction.

Games and game exercises of low mobility for the older group.

1. "Missing pens"

My pens are gone. (Hide hands behind back.)

Where are you, my hands? (Look around.)

One two three four five,

Show me again. (Show hands, pull forward, twirl them.)

My legs have disappeared. (They sit down.)

Where are you, my legs? (Cover your legs with your hands.)

One two three four five,

Show me again. (Get up and jump in place.)

2. "Two girlfriends"

Two girlfriends on the lawn: (Slap on knees.)

"Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva." (Clap hands.)

Two green frogs: (Slap on knees.)

"Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva" (Clap hands.)

"Qua!" (Stomp with one foot.)

Songs are sung in chorus: (They fold their palms and slightly “open” them - this is a mouth.)

"Kwa-kva-kva" (Clap hands.)

"Kwa-kva-kva" (Stomp foot several times.)

And they interfere with sleep. (Threaten with finger.)

"Kwa-kva-kva-kva-kva" (Clap hands.)

"Qua!" (They make one stroke.)

3. "Tree, bush, grass"

Children form a circle and move in a circle.

The teacher explains the rules of the game: for the word "tree" the children raise their hands up, for the word "bush" they spread them to the sides, for the word "grass" they lower their hands down, touching the floor.

An adult pronounces words at random, children perform the corresponding movements. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

On the edge of the house stands (They fold their palms in a “house” above their heads.)

There is a lock on the door (They close their palms “in the castle”.)

Behind the door is a table (Cover with the right palm the fist of the left hand.)

Palisade around the house. (Hands in front of you, fingers spread out.)

"Knock-knock-knock - open the door!" (Knock fist on palm.)

« Come in, I'm not evil!" (Hands to the sides, palms up.)

5. Herringbone

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Our Christmas tree is beautiful

Rising up to the sky (They stop, stretch their hands up.)

slender beauty, (They walk in a circle again, holding hands.)

All the guys like it. (They stop.)

6. "Cabbage - radish"

The teacher explains the rules of the game: you need to raise your hands to the word “cabbage”, and clap your hands to the word “radish”. Then the adult pronounces these words in random order, and the children perform the movements. You can complicate the game by speeding up or adding another word (for example, the word "carrot" - jump in place).

7. "The cat came up to the stove"

Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the players. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

The cat went to the stove

The cat came up to the stove. (They walk in a circle, holding hands.)

He found a pot of porridge

I found a pot of porridge there. (They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands.)

And on the stove kalachi,

Oh delicious and hot! (They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap their hands.)

Pies are baked in the oven (Bend forward, arms forward, palms up.)

They are not handed out. (They straighten up, hide their hands behind their backs.)

8. "Vegetables and fruits"

Children stand in a line or scattered.

The teacher names various vegetables and fruits. If a vegetable is named, then the children should quickly sit down, and if a fruit, raise their hands up. Players who make a mistake take a step forward.

The players with the fewest mistakes win.

9. "On the track"

Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

One two three four five,

Let's stretch our legs.

We're walking down the road

Raise your legs higher. (Walking in place.)

And along the same path

We jump on the right leg. (Jumps on the right foot.)

And now a little more

Let's jump on the other leg. (Jumps on the left leg.)

Let's run along the path

Let's run to the lawn. (Running in place.)

On the lawn, on the lawn

We jump like bunnies. (Jumping in place on two legs.)

We clap our hands

Let our feet dance. (Free dance moves.)

Stop. Let's sit down and rest. (Squatting.)

And we'll walk back. (Walking in place.)

10. "Handles - legs"

Children are scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Everyone clapped their hands - (Clap hands.)

Friendly, more fun! (Knocking feet.)

Our feet are pounding

Louder and faster.

We'll hit the knees - (Slap on knees.)

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles raise - (Slowly raise hands.)

Higher, higher, higher!

Our hands are turned (Turn the hands to the right, then to the left.)

Were down again. (Lower hands.)

Spin around, spin around

And they stopped. (They stop.)

11. "Traffic light"

To play, you need paper circles (diameter 10 cm) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks.

Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader's signals: they squat on a red signal, stand on a yellow signal, and march in place on a green one.

Penalty points are awarded for each mistake. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.

12. "Three Bears"

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Three bears were walking home. (March in place.)

Dad was big, big (Raise hands up.)

Mom is a little smaller (Extend arms forward at chest level.)

And the son is just a baby. (Put hands on belt.)

He was very small

Walked with rattles. (Imitate playing with a rattle.)

13. "Knock knock"

The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher:


Yes Yes Yes. (Three claps.)

May I come to you? (Three punches against each other.)

Glad always! (Three claps.)

14. "I have, you have"

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

I have, (Pointing to themselves.)

At your place (Spread their hands, pointing to the neighbors.)

shiny eyes, (They show their eyes.)

I, you have clean ears. (Pointing ears.)

(Clap hands.)

(Jump in place.)

I, you have scarlet lips, (They show their eyes.)

I have, you have rosy cheeks.

You and I, we clap our hands.

We are with you, we are jumping on the leg.

16. "I have everything"

Before the start of the game, the children lie down on the carpet, arms along the body, stretch out. The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

The bed has a headboard (Raise head and shoulders, toes look straight up.)

And the teapot has a spout, (They sit down, put two fists to their nose, one after the other.)

And the nightstand has legs, (Sit down on their haunches.)

And the saucepan has handles. (Hands are placed on the belt or to the shoulders.)

And in this big pot (They get up and show the pan, clasping their hands in front of their chest in a circle.)

There is a very tasty compote. ("They look" into the pan.)

And I have -

And legs (Show legs.)

And the pens (Show pens.)

And the nose (Show nose.)

And the back (Show back.)

And here's something else -

Very hungry belly! (Show belly.)

Games and game exercises for the preparatory group.

1. “Guess what they did” The teacher chooses a driver who moves away from the children at a distance of 8-10 steps and turns his back to them. He must guess what the rest of the players are doing. Children agree on what action they will portray. At the command of the educator "It's time!" the guesser turns, approaches the players and says: Hello, children! Where have you been? What did you see? Children answer: What we saw - we will not say, But what we did - we will show. Children imitate some kind of action, for example, playing the accordion, riding horses, etc. The driver guesses. If he is wrong, he loses. Children say what they did and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again. Then another child is chosen to take his place, and the game is repeated.

2. "Ring" Children stand in a circle, and the leader is inside the circle. In his palms he holds a ring, which he imperceptibly tries to pass to one of the children: with his palms folded in a boat, he opens the palms of the children in turn. Children closely monitor the actions of the driver and their comrades. The one who got the ring should not give himself away. At the signal of the driver: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” - a child with a ring runs out to the center of the circle and becomes the leader. If the children noticed his ring before the signal, then they are not allowed into the circle. Then the game continues with the former driver.

4. "Handles-legs" Children are scattered around the hall. The teacher pronounces the words of the text and shows the movements. Children perform. Everyone clapped their hands. Friendly, more fun! (They clap their hands.) Our legs pounded Louder and faster! (They tap their feet.) Let's hit the knees Hush, hush, hush! (They slap on the knees.) Hands, hands raise Higher, higher, higher! (Slowly raise their hands.) Our pens spun (turn the brushes left and right), Lowered again. We circled, circled And stopped (drop their hands).

5. "Forbidden movement" The players form a circle. The teacher agrees in advance with them what movement cannot be done, for example, squat, clap, wave their hands. Then, to the music, he shows various movements that the children must repeat exactly. The more varied and fun these movements are, the more interesting game. The teacher can show the forbidden movement - the one who inadvertently repeats it must dance, sing or read a poem. The game can be complicated: agree that there are two movements that cannot be repeated, but instead of them, others must be done. For example, when the teacher puts his hand on the back of his head, the children should sit down with their legs crossed, and when he leans forward, clap their hands twice.

6. "Three, thirteen, thirty" The players choose the leader, stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. The driver is in the middle of the circle. When the game is played for the first time, it is desirable that the teacher be the driver. The teacher explains: “If I say: three, everyone spreads their arms to the sides; if thirteen - put your hands on your belt; if thirty, they raise their hands ”(you can choose any movement). The teacher quickly calls one or the other movement. The child who made the mistake sits on the floor. When one or two players remain, the game ends. The rest are winners.

7. "Tops and roots" Children form a circle or line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is an adult (leader) with a large ball in his hands (one of the children can play the game). The driver throws the ball, naming some vegetable, and the children catch the ball, name the edible part and throw the ball to the driver. Leading. Eggplant. 1st child. Tops. Leading. Radish. 2nd child. Roots. Leading. Cabbage. 3rd child. Tops. Leading. Potato. 4th child. Roots. Leading. Strawberry. 5th child. Tops. Leading. Garlic. 6th child. Roots. Leading. Cucumbers. 7th child. Tops. Children who have never made a mistake are noted. "Gate" Children walk around the playground in pairs, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal “Gate!” stop and raise their hands. The last pair pass under the gate and stand in front. Game continues.

8. "Stop!" All players stand on a line drawn along one side of the court. On the opposite side, a circle (two or three steps in diameter) indicates the house of the driver, who stands with his back to the children and says: “Walk quickly! Look, don't yawn! Stop!". As he speaks, the children step forward. As soon as he says: "Stop!" - stop. The driver looks: who did not have time to freeze in place and move? Names these children - they return to the original line. Then the driver again turns his back on the players and says: “Walk fast!”. Everyone continues to step forward, starting from the place where the “Stop!” signal caught them. Those who return to the starting line move from there. The game continues until one of the children comes close to the driver and gets into his house before he says: “Stop!”. The one who succeeds becomes the leader.

9. "Who left?" Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher offers one child to remember those who are nearby (five or six people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes. One of the children is hiding. The teacher asks: "Guess who left?". If the child guesses correctly, he chooses someone instead of himself. If he makes a mistake, he turns away again and closes his eyes, and the one who was hiding returns to his place. The guesser must name it.

10. "Find the ball!" All players stand in a circle close to each other facing the center. One child (at the choice of the teacher) becomes the center - this is the driver. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One of them is given a ball by the teacher. From this moment, the children begin to pass it to each other behind their backs. The player standing inside the circle tries to guess who has the ball. To do this, he can ask anyone to show his hands, telling him: "Hands!". The child instantly stretches both hands forward with palms up. The one who had the ball or who dropped it becomes the center, and the driver takes his place.

11. "Tick-tock-tock!" Children are scattered around the room. At the signal "Tick!" everyone makes tilts left and right, at the signal “So!” stop, and at the signal "Knock!" bouncing in place. All signals are repeated 5-8 times. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The sequence of signals must change. At the end of the game, the most attentive player should be noted.

12. “Claps” Children move freely around the room. For one clap of the leader, they must jump, for two - to sit down, for three - to stand up with their hands raised (any other movement options are allowed).

13. "Four elements" The players perform movements in accordance with the signals: "Earth!" - hands down; "Water!" -hands forward, "Air!" - hands up; "Fire!" - rotate hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

14. "How are you?"

We play all day. The goal of the day is to play too lazy. You look, do not lag behind. Repeat after us.

How are you? Like this!

How are you going! - march in place. Like this!

How do you run? - running in place. Like this!

Do you sleep at night? - sit down, hands under the cheek. Like this!

How do you clap your hands? Like this!

How do you stomp your feet? Like this!

How do you ride on toes? Like this!

Lower your hands below And you will reach the ground, how? - goose. Like this!

Open your mouth wider, how? Like this!

And how will we make grimaces? Like this!

As I say 1, 2, 3, All freeze with grimaces Like this!


1. Borisova M.M. Sedentary games and game exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises

2. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group.

3. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group.

4. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Senior group.

5. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Preparatory group.

6. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Collection of outdoor games.

Children 3-4 years old perform walking quite confidently. Some guys have good coordination of movements of the arms and legs, correct posture. However, most children still have a heavy gait, shuffling their feet, waving their arms weakly, or holding them close to their bodies. Children tend to have uneven pace of walking and unequal stride length. The coordination of movements of arms and legs in running in children of this age is somewhat better compared to walking. A fast pace of movement is easier for a child than a slow one, however, even in running, coordination of movements is still not sufficiently developed. Toddlers run on the whole foot, the work of the hands is not clearly expressed, sometimes the hands are pressed to the body.

In the second younger group, children are taught to walk with free hand movements, not to shuffle their feet, look ahead, navigate in space, coordinate their actions with the actions of other children, etc. Walking and running are organically included in all basic types of movements, but they also have their specifics, so training in program types of walking and running is carried out at each lesson.

The kindergarten program provides training in the following types of walking and running: walking and running in small groups and the whole group in the forward direction; walking and running in a column one at a time; round; with a change of direction at the signal of the educator; with the transition from walking to running and back; with a stop after walking; scattered in small groups and the whole group; walking with stepping over objects.

Walking and running in small groups in a forward direction - this is the first exercise in walking and running in the lesson. Children must learn to navigate in a relatively large area, but limited space, to act together. The participation of a small group of children allows the teacher to see each child, encourage the most timid with a word, and sometimes take the hand and lead him.

In the first lessons, it is difficult for kids to switch from walking to running and back at the signal of the teacher. This is due to the fact that it is still difficult for them to switch to walking, but in the process of repetitions they gradually manage to complete the task proposed by the teacher.

Walking and running the whole group in the forward direction. This exercise is carried out after the children have mastered walking and running in small groups. In addition to motor, educational tasks are also solved in the lesson: the teacher makes sure that the children not only maintain the desired direction of movement, but also do not interfere, do not push each other. Usually walking and running in small groups and the whole group is carried out in a playful way.

Walking and running in a column one at a time the whole group. The exercise is carried out in the form of a game. At first, the children stand in one line (according to the landmark). The teacher explains: “Today you will all be train cars and follow each other,” and stands in front. Having bypassed about half a circle, the teacher announces a stop. After a short pause, he gives the following task: "Now the trailers will move quickly, quickly." Children move to run at an average pace. Then the transition to walking is performed, and then walking and running in alternation. It should be borne in mind that babies cannot yet maintain an equal distance from each other, especially when running.

Walking and running in circles carried out according to landmarks (cubes, skittles, rattles, etc.). Before the start of the lesson, the teacher lays out the objects in a circle (these objects are then used to conduct general developmental exercises). Children enter the hall in a column one at a time and stand in one line facing the circle. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the circle marked with objects. Then he stands in front of the column and leads the children in a circle. After passing about half of the circle, he gives a signal to run (full circle) and again to the transition to walking. Gives a signal to turn in the other direction, and the exercises in walking and running in a circle are repeated.

Stop walking and running not only educate the reaction to the signal, but also help to navigate in space. These exercises are often used in the classroom for various formations and rebuildings, in outdoor games, etc.

During the game, the kids react faster to the signal, but in the game it is not always possible to accurately identify who is coping with the task. At a physical education lesson, it is easier for the educator to note for himself who is coping with the task.

Rice. 2

Before the start of the lesson, the teacher lines up the children in one line and explains the task: “You will go in a column one at a time, and when I say“ sparrows ”, you will stop and say loudly:“ Chik-chi-rik ”, then walking will continue. When I I say “geese”, you stop again and say “ha-ha-ha.” The game technique not only makes the meaning of the task being performed clear, but also arouses interest in the exercise being learned.

Walking in pairs accustoms children to joint actions and is of practical importance during the stay of children in kindergarten. First, the children line up in one line, then the teacher helps the kids line up in pairs, invites every second child in the line to stand next to the first and take his hand. When all the children line up, the teacher gives a signal to walk in pairs in a column - "let's go for a walk."

In order for the children to walk at a certain pace, the teacher walks next to the first pair (for a short time) in one direction, then the children stop (at the signal of the teacher), turn around and continue walking in the other direction.

Walking in pairs in a column presents certain difficulties for children 3-4 years old. It is not easy for them to keep the distance between couples, to maintain the pace of walking. This leads to the fact that sometimes the first and last couples approach each other and you get walking in a circle. Gradually, in the process of repeating the task, the kids acquire some skills in this type of walking. In order to make it easier for children to understand and complete the task, the teacher should put landmarks (preferably cubes) in the corners of the hall that need to go around.

Walking and running loose- the most convenient type of walking and running, quite often used in games. Kids are still poorly oriented in space, cannot use the entire area of ​​​​the hall and usually crowd in one place, interfering with each other. The teacher helps the children by offering walking and running in different parts of the hall (room).

Walking and running with change of direction aimed at the formation of orientation in space, the development of a reaction to the signal of the educator, the ability to listen and understand his explanations. When walking in a column, one at a time, the leading child has a doll in his hands. After a while, the teacher gives a signal, and the children stop, turn around and continue walking after the one who was the last in the column, and became the first - he has a bear in his hands. Thus, at the signal of the teacher, the children follow Katya (she has a doll), and when turning around, they follow Kolya (he has a bear). Walking and running alternate.

Walking, stepping over objects(cords, cubes, bars, etc.) (Fig. 2), develops an eye, coordination of movements, teaches not to shuffle. Items for stepping are laid out by the teacher in accordance with the length of the child's step (25-30 cm). Sometimes when doing an exercise, children perform side steps. The teacher shows and explains that it is necessary to step over alternately with the right and left foot without stopping, without a pause. The task is performed at an average pace.

Balance exercises

In the second junior group of the kindergarten, balance exercises are also carried out throughout the year.

To form a stable balance, exercises are used on a reduced area - walking and running along a narrow path (width 25–30 cm). This exercise is quite difficult for children of the fourth year of life, and not everyone copes with this task at first. As a rule, mistakes during the exercise are typical - an unsteady gait, swaying of the body, a lowered head. Exercises in walking and running along a narrow path are repeated in various ways, and the game form is especially important here - “let's go along the bridge, along the path”, etc. Gradually, children gain confidence, the rhythm of movements and understanding of the tasks set by the teacher improve.

As the exercises for the development of the balance function are mastered, the task becomes more complicated: the support area increases - this is walking on a gymnastic bench 15–20 cm high. jump, "like bunnies", clap your hands, etc.

It is still difficult for children 3–4 years old to follow all the components of walking, especially the position of the body and head. The teacher should remind the children of the need to keep their backs straight. At the end of the bench (or path) they put a chair on which they put a toy (bear, bunny). When children do the walking exercise, they look at the object, and this allows you to keep your head and back straight.