Physical classes in the 2nd junior group. Synopsis of physical education classes in the second junior group (3-4 years)

Tatyana Chaikina
"Fun exercise". Occupation in the second junior group

Entertainment: "Cheerful physical training"

Target:Develop an initial idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;

Strengthen performance skills in a playful way

exercises (running, jumping, walking, jumping from a height.

Induce a positive emotional state.

Equipment: Soft toys of two kittens and a puppy; balls according to the number of children; gymnastic bench 2 pcs. ; cat mask.

Entertainment progress.

Leading: Guess guys riddle: “Who has a mustachioed muzzle striped?

The back is like a bridge?

Tail behind the bridge? (cat)

That's right, this is a cat and now we will turn into kittens. And let's see what the kittens do all day.

Leading: Wake up. Children perform movements according to

Stretched! with text.

Turned from side to side.

Sips! Sips!

Where are your favorite toys? Speaking the last words of the presenter

You jump our ball! throws balls.

And wake up the kittens!

Children collect balls and perform gymnastic warm-up.

Warm up: Walking after a cat (20 seconds).

Run normal (20 seconds). Walking with change of direction (20 seconds).

Loose construction.

1. "The cat is playing with the ball"

I. p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball with both hands below.

Performance: 1 - hands with the ball up, return to and. P.

2. "The cat hides the ball"

I. p .: legs are parallel, we hold the ball with both hands below.

Performance: crouch put the ball on the floor, return to and. n. Sit down to take the ball, return to and. P.

3. "The cat is happy"

I. p .: Standing feet together, the ball lies on the floor.

Performance: Jumping around the ball.

4. "The cat is breathing"

I. p .: stand legs apart, the ball lies nearby.

Performance: Inhale through the nose. On exhalation, long to pull: "M-m-m-m-m-m-m" while simultaneously tapping the wings of the nose with your finger.

Leading: And what does each of us do when waking up, and does any cat like to do it very much? (to wash)

Nose, Nose! Puppy, Puppy!

Where are you nose? Where are you Chechka?

Rotik, Rotik!

Where are you mouth? Our cat will be clean.

Did you wash your paws? Yes, washed.

Wash your ears! Tail washed! All washed.

And now we are pure fluffy kittens.

Children perform movements that imitate washing.

Leading: Tell me where do we all go every morning? (Answers children: to kindergarten, parents to work). And how are you think: What is the job of a cat? (to catch mice).

A game "Cats and mice"

Children "mice" located on one side, Leading cat (in mask). Children are offered to get out of minks.

The mouse crawled out of the mink, the mouse really wants to eat.

Is there a dried crust somewhere? Maybe there is a crust in the kitchen?

And in the kitchen near the cabinet Sees a mouse - someone's paw

The paw is motley, the claws are sharp. Hey mouse, don't yawn:

Run away quickly! Run away from these places

And the cat will eat you.

Leading: In the evening, when your parents take you home, you can play in the yard, fool around. Tell the guys a puppy can be a friend of a kitten in pranks (children's answers). Okay, look who I have (shows a toy or a picture of a puppy). Now we are going to play a game "Kittens and Puppies".

mobile game "Kittens and Puppies".

The players are divided into two groups. children of one groups - kittens, the other - puppies. Kittens are near the gymnastic wall, puppies are on the opposite side. The teacher invites the children to run easily, softly, like kittens. On word "Puppies!" another part of the children climbs over the benches, they run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens, meowing, quickly climb onto gymnastic wall. The teacher is nearby. Puppies return to their homes.

After 2-3 repetitions children change roles. A game repeats.

Leading: While we were playing, one kitten was lost and I can't find it, can you help? (children's answers)

sedentary game: "Find a Kitten" Children move around the hall looking for a kitten (like “Cold - hot)

Leading: It's good that you found him. It's time for the kittens to sleep, and for us to go for a walk.

Summary of physical education classes in the second junior group "Birds"

Type classes: Plot

Areas of integration:

Physical development:



To teach children to jump off low objects, landing softly on bent legs;

Continue to learn to walk in a circle, keeping an even build;

Exercise in loose running;

Exercise in the task of preventing scoleosis;

Strengthen the muscles of the legs and torso.


Develop movement coordination;

Develop motor activity, flexibility.


Cultivate interest in classes By physical education;

To cultivate discipline, the ability to follow commands.

Create a joyful mood in children.

cognitive development:

Strengthen the ability to perform the movement according to the score.

Speech development:

Fix words in mobile game: « The birds dance» .

Socially communicative development:

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

artistic aesthetic development:

Learn to perform the exercise in accordance with the tempo of the music.

Health saving technologies:

Breathing exercises;

Relaxation exercises.

preliminary work:

- Browse albums: « Birds»

- Mobile game: « The birds dance» .


Soft track, signals, cat's hat, gymnastic board, balance beam (roller) for stepping over.

Guys, today we will play like this. Today you will be little sparrows, but in order for you to become them, you need to say the magic words. (1.2,3,) .Well, now you have become my little sparrows, and I will be your mother sparrow. Mother sparrow calls her children:

"Follow me, my sparrows,

Fly faster.

Today we are learning to fly.

Rather, get up in a circle and we will begin

Building in a circle. Walking in a circle with characteristic hand movements "wing flapping". The mother sparrow shows the movements, and then steps aside, "looks after the kids".

Bye "sparrow" looks, children perform walking in a circle.

The sparrow fell asleep, and the sparrows only need that. They spread their wings and scattered in all directions. Sparrows fly all over

hall. (scatter run) .

- "Sparrow" wakes up:

Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp,

What's the noise, what's the scream?

Get in the circle soon (pause)

I fell asleep for just a minute

The sparrows went wild in earnest.

I will strictly follow you now,

So that you grow obedient as sparrows.

And now, sparrow charging

2nd part of outdoor switchgear

1. We clean the feathers: And. By. With. Make a spring, tilt your head to the right, and. p., the same to the left. Dos. 4 times.

2. Spread your wings: And. n. - feet at the width of the foot, hands below. Raise your right hand up, look, and. p., also with the left hand. Dos. 4 times.

3. We wash ourselves: And. n. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward - characteristic movements - washing, and. n. Dos. 5 times.

4. Find a seed: And. By. With. Sit down, tap your fingers on the floor, and. n. Dos. 4 times.

5. Learning to fly: And. p. - the same. Jumping in place waving your hands.

6. Blow on your feathers: And. n. - legs together, hands in front of you. Inhale - exhale, blow on the hands.

Basic movements:

We will fly in a friendly flock,

Let's stand together one after another.

Behind me in a column one by one

Line up one at a time.

To a distant meadow

Let's go now.

Snake walking between signals.

There is a fallen tree ahead, let's jump over it (Jumping over a log) .

Let's cross the narrow bridge across the river. (Walking on the gymnastic board) .

Let's go along the narrow path and jump off it. (jump off the track gently, landing on half-bent legs).

Here we are with you and came to a wonderful clearing. This will be our home.

P / s "Sparrows and a cat".

Relaxation to the soundtrack "Sounds of nature".

Sparrows ran in during the day, played enough, wanted to sleep. They sat down and closed their eyes. The sparrows began to fall asleep. And they dreamed of a wonderful clearing, green grass, beautiful flowers. It became warm and cozy for the sparrows, it's time to turn back into children. 1,2,3,4,5 sparrows, turn into guys. (get up calmly, go to the formation)

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Summary of physical education in the younger group on the topic "Playing with a bear"

Author: Natalya Kotlyarova, teacher of MBDOU No. 185 "Golden Grain", Nizhny Tagil.
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of physical education classes for children of the younger group (3-4 years old) on the topic "Playing with the Bear." This material will be useful to educators of the younger group and physical education teachers.
Synopsis of a game plot-role-playing lesson in physical education for children 3-4 years old.
We play with a mouse.

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive research, musical and artistic.
Tutorials: teach jumping on two legs across the line; reinforce walking and running skills; the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area.
Educational: respect for each child and children to each other; discipline in the performance of tasks.
Developing: development of attention and observation.
Planned results: actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks; adequately perceives the comments of the teacher; performs running and jumping according to safety rules.
Equipment: a toy bear, a "brook" (2 ropes 2 m long with a distance of 50 cm between them), 6 pins, 4 flat hoops (diameter 25 cm), a ball (diameter 20 cm), cones according to the number of children.
Course progress.
Children enter the hall and are built in one line.
Instructor. Guys guess the riddle:
He sucks his paw
Oh, that's how spring comes
Waking up from sleep

And let's roar in the forest ....
Everyone calls him ... (bear).
That's right, it's a bear. A teddy bear came to visit us today and brought with him a whole basket of cones. We will play with him, run, jump and jump. Let's first show the bear how we can walk beautifully. Walking next to each other.
Now let's show how fast we are. Run.
And now how smart and strong we are. Everyone stand in a circle. Now the bear will give each of you a bump. And we'll show him the bump exercises.
The cones fall from the pine
We must lift the bump.
I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms with a bump at the bottom.
B: 1- raise your hands up, stretch, release the bump from your hand, sit down, take the bump, 4- straighten up. (repeat 4 times)
A cone rolled under a bush,
Lies there quietly, hiding.
I.p. - sitting, legs apart, hands with a bear on their knees.
B: 1-2- lean forward (try not to bend your knees), put the bump between your legs, 3-4- straighten up, clap your hands, 5-6- lean forward, take the bump, 7-8- straighten up, lift the bump up. (repeat 4 times)
You have to play with the bump
She's tired of lying down.
I.p. - lying on your back, a bump in both hands above your head.
B: 1-2- raise your legs up, arms up and forward, touch your feet with a bump, 3-4- sp. (repeat 4 times)
The cones love to play
Play pranks and jump.
I.p. - legs together, a bump in one hand.
B: jumping in place (20-30 sec)
Well done boys! The bear really liked your exercises with bumps. But you know, the bear told me in secret that he doesn't know how to cross the road at all. Let's teach him how to cross the road correctly.
1. "We cross the road."
--- Look left, look right, cross the road one after another.
Walking one after another along the "brook" with the head turned left and right. (2 times)
2. "Let's run"
Here we are at the park. Let's run a little.
Running one after another on toes between pins placed in one line (arms to the sides) (2 times)
3. "Let's jump"
And now we will teach the bear to jump correctly.
Jumps on 2 legs from hoop to hoop, hands on the belt. (2 times)
The bear really liked how you were doing, and now he wants to play with the ball.
Game "Roll the ball".
Children sit on the floor in a circle, legs apart. The instructor (with a bear), holding the ball in his hands, stands in the center of the circle. He rolls the ball to each child in turn. Children catch the ball, then roll it to the bear (instructor). The game is repeated 2 times.
Instructor. Well, it's time for the bear to leave. Today we showed the bear how to deal with bumps, taught him how to cross the road correctly, run on tiptoes and jump.
The children waved and left the room.

Marina Prytkova
Physical education in the second junior group.

Abstract classes complex plot - physical education "Kolobok" with the consolidation of mathematical concepts in 2 junior group.


consolidate walking and running in a column one at a time

learn to jump on two legs from hoop to hoop

repeat walking on toes and running on a limited surface area

teach to crawl under an arc without touching the floor with your hands

during p / and navigate in space

fasten on physical education lesson mathematical concepts (round; narrow; wide; high; low)

through a fairy tale to cultivate interest in exercise desire to play sports.

preliminary work:

introducing children to fairy tales "Kolobok"

Equipment: small balls according to the number of children; 3 hoops; 2 tracks (wide and narrow); 2 arcs (high and low); fairy tale characters "Kolobok"(grandfather, grandmother, hare, wolf, bear - puppet theater; fox, bun - soft toys); artificial tree.

Course progress.

Children enter the hall and stand one after another in a column one by one.

Instructor: Guys, today we will go on a journey through a fairy-tale country. Let's get on our fun train and hit the road.

Walking (10sec).

Instructor: Our train is speeding up.

Run (10sec).

Instructor: We are approaching a fairyland, the train slows down.

Walking with breath recovery (10sec).

Main part.

Instructor: To find out what fairy tale we came to, guess the riddle.

Run away from the rabbit

Escaped from the wolf

But the fox still got in the tooth.

Who is this? (kolobok).

Well done! We are in a fairy tale "Kolobok".

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman in a clearing by the river.

And they loved very, very koloboks on sour cream.

Grandpa says to grandma: "Bake me a bun". And his grandmother answers: "Out of nothing".

grandfather says: “And you mark the barns, scrape the bottom of the barrel”. Baba did just that. I collected flour and began to bake a bun.

Let's make koloboks with you.

Outdoor switch with a small ball.

1. "Knead the Dough". I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms down. 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands down on your knees; 3- arms to the sides; 4-and. P. (4 times).

2. Picked up the balls from the basket. "We roll the bun". I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands in front of the chest. 1-4-circular movements with the palms (roll the ball) to the right, then to the left. (4 times).

3. "Let's put the bun in the oven". I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball is in both hands below. 1-tilt forward, put your hands with the ball in front of you, look at the ball; 2-straight, hands down. (4 times).

4. “He wanted to cool down a bit and lay down on the window”. I. p. - lying on your back, exercise "bugs"(ball next to the floor).

5. "Jumping around the bun". I. p. - legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping around the ball to the right and left.

6. “He came out ruddy, handsome and looks like the sun”. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms down, ball in right hand. 1- hands up, stretch; 2-and. P. (4 times).

What did the bun turn out to be? (round)

We put our koloboks in the basket. Look, something happened to the gingerbread man and the woman. Gingerbread man - a ruddy side, rolled away under the bridge. He wanted to run away, we need to catch up with him.

The main types of movements.

Instructor: Guys, let's find a kolobok and return it to grandfather and woman. Follow me. (walking around the room between objects). Look, a gray bunny is sitting. Bunny, have you seen a bun here?

Bunny: Jump with me, I'll tell you then.

Jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs, flow method.

Children: Different. One is wide, the other is narrow.

Instructor: Let's walk along the narrow path one after another on toes.

Walking along a narrow path on toes one after another. Hands on the belt, back straight.

Instructor: Look who we met? Yes, it's a wolf! Tell me, wolf, have you by chance met Kolobok?

Wolf: No! (groans loudly).

Instructor: Oh, what an evil wolf! Let's run away from him quickly. Which path will we quickly run away from the Wolf, along the wide one or along the narrow one? (wide)

Running on a wide path one after another.

Instructor: We ran away from the wolf. Let's go further for Kolobok. Look, there are arcs in front of us. Look closely, how do they differ from each other?

Children: One arc is large, the other is small.

Instructor: Let's crawl under these arcs and see what awaits us there. Girls will crawl under a large arc, boys under a smaller arc.

Crawling under an arc without touching the floor with your hands.

Instructor: Look who's standing in our way? This is the owner of the forest - the bear. Let's ask him about Kolobok.

The bear wants to show us the way. Let's go after him "bearish."

The children go along "bearish" around the hall. They reach the tree.

Instructor: Who is hiding under the Christmas tree? Whose red tail is visible (fox). Chanterelle, have you seen Kolobok?

Fox: Play with me, maybe I'll tell you.

Instructor: Well, what to do. Let's play with the fox. I know one interesting game. It's called "Fox Fox".

Children two by two get up in the houses (hoops). The fox hid behind the tree. Children leave the houses and walk along the hall towards the fox with words.

Fox fox, red beauty

Long nose, fluffy tail! Well, catch up with us!

The fox runs out from behind the Christmas tree and runs after the guys. The children run to their houses. (a game repeated twice) .

Instructor: While you were playing with the fox, look what I found under the Christmas tree.

This is Kolobok. Oh, and a sly fox. Kolobok wanted to hide and eat. Let's take Kolobok to grandpa and grandma.

An old man and an old woman live near the forest at the edge of the forest.

The guys rush to them, they want to give Kolobok. (light run around the hall for Kolobok).

grandfather and grandmother: Thank you guys for returning Kolobok to us. We have prepared a meal for you. (candy box). Goodbye!

Instructor: Our fabulous journey is over. We sit in our cheerful train and return back to the kindergarten.

Walking around the room one after another.

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