Screaming with a stuffed ball. Card file yelling with a ball card file on physical education on the topic

ORU COMPLEX with a ball

1. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms down. Ball in right hand. Stand on your toes, raise your hands through the sides up, take a deep breath, pass the ball from your right hand to your left hand, lower your hands down - exhale. Also, passing the ball from the left hand to the right hand. Perform slowly. Repeat 8 times.

2. I.P. - O.S. Legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, hold the ball in front of the chest. Perform a rhythmic turn of the head to the right and left (“Parrot”), then hit the ball to the floor and catch. Repeat 8 times.

3. I.P. - O.S. Legs apart, arms down, keep the ball in front. Tilt your head forward - back rhythmically, then hit the ball on the floor, catch the ball with both hands. Repeat 8 times.

4. I.P. - O.S. No. 2. Squeeze the ball with your hands in front of your chest with effort and relax. Perform rhythmically. Repeat 16 times.

5. I.P. - O.S. Legs apart, straight arms hold the ball above your head. Perform jerks with your hands above your head back rhythmically. Repeat 16 times.

6. I.P. - O.S. Legs apart, hold the ball behind your back with straight arms. Perform jerks with your hands back - up rhythmically. Repeat 16 times.

7. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms out to the sides, ball in right hand. Perform a semi-squat, pass the ball behind your back from your right hand to your left hand. Repeat the same in the opposite direction. Run 8 times.

8. I.P. - O.S. The ball is clamped between the knees, hands on the belt. Perform 4 jumps around yourself to the right, then to the left. Repeat 8 times. Rhythmically.

Main part.

General developmental exercises.

1. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms to the sides. Step right foot forward, lunge, spring leg movement - push, return to starting position. The same - from the left leg. Repeat 4-8 times.

2. I.P. - O.S. No. 1 Step right foot to the side, lunge, return to starting position. The same with the left leg. Repeat 4-8 times. Rhythmically.

3. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms down. Perform a low torso forward, keep your legs straight, move forward on your hands and perform the “Plank” (emphasis lying on your hands), hold 4 counts. Bend your elbows, lie on your stomach, then straighten your arms with a push and do the “Plank”, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 4-8 times. Slowly.

4. I.P. - O.S. Hands on the belt. Perform 2 half squats, 2 squats. Repeat 8 times. Rhythmically.

5. I.P. - Sitting on the mat in a group, hug your knees with your hands. Roll back onto your back and return to the starting position, straighten your legs, lean forward, crease. Repeat 16 times. Rhythmically.

6. I.P. - Sitting on the rug. Run "corner" bent legs, keep your hands to the sides, change the position of the legs, straightening alternately one or the other. Repeat 8-16 times. Slowly.

7. I.P. - Lying on the mat, on your back, legs bent at the knees, grab your ankles with your hands. Perform backbends up and return to the starting position. Repeat 8-16 times. Slowly.

8. I.P. - Lying on the rug, on the stomach. Run Airplane. Repeat 16-20 times. Rhythmically.

9. I.P. - No. 8. Perform body deflections in the back, springy, deep, alternately bending the right and left legs. Repeat 16-20 times.

10. I.P. - "Planck". Walk forward on your hands, keep your legs straight. 10 steps.

Final part.

Breathing and balance exercises.

1. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms down. Rising on toes, raise your hands up through the sides, take a deep breath, lowering - exhale. Repeat 8 times. Slowly.

2. I.P. - "Crane". Place your arms out to the sides and balance on your right foot. Keep 10-20 counts on each leg. Repeat 3 times.

3. I.P. - O.S. Take a deep breath and exhale say letter F-F-F. Repeat 4-8 times.

Summarizing. Homework assignment.

ORU complex for preschoolers with a ball.

1. I. p. - the main stand, the ball is below.

1 - ball on the chest, bending the lokti;

2 - ball up, rising on toes.

3 - ball onbreast;

2. I.p. main stance, ball in both hands at the bottom

1-raise the ball up

2-drop the ball behind the head

3-raise the ball up

4-starting position (6 times)

3. I.p. leg stance apart, ball down.

Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands (6 times in a row).

4. I.p. leg stance apart, ball in both hands at the chest

Throwing the ball on the floor and catching it. (6 times)

5. I. p. - stand legs apart, ball down.

1- ball up;

2- tilt forward, touch the right (left toe);

3 - straighten up,ball up;

4 - starting position (6 times).

6. I.p. legs apart, ball in bent arms at the chest

1-lean forward to the right leg

2-roll the ball from right to left foot and

3- back

4-starting position (6 times)

7. I. p. - main stance, ball down.

1 - squat, ball forward;

2 - return to starting position

3-4 too (6 times.)

8. I. p. - main stand, ball on the floor.

Jumping around the ball to the rightin and to the left (6 times).

9. I.p. - sit on your heels, the ball in front of you on the floor.

Rolling the ball around the body to the right and left, helping with hands.

10. I.p. - lying on your stomach, the ball in bent arms on your chest.

1-. Bend your knees, pulling up to your stomach. Touch the ball to your knees.

2- i.p.

3-4 - too (6 times).

Outdoor switchgear complex with gymnastic stick for preschoolers.

1.I.p. main stance, stick down, medium grip

1-stick up

2-bending arms, stick back on the shoulder blades

3-stick up

4-starting position(6 times).

2. I.p. main rack, stick at the bottom.

1-stick forward;

2-stick up;

3-stick forward;

3. I.p. main stance, stick in hands with an average grip on the width.

1-stick up, leave the right foot back on the toe

2-starting position.

3-4 - The same with the left foot(6 times).

4. I. p. - legs apart, stick behind the head, on the shoulders;

1 - torso turn to the right;

2 - starting position.

3-4 - The same to the left. (6 times)

5. I.p. - legs apart, hands with a gymnastic stick above the head.

1-slow tilt to the right;

2- i.p;

3-4 - also 6 times)

6. I.p.-stand legs apart, stick in both hands, arms raised up.

1-lean to the left;

2- i.p.

3-4 too (6 times)

7. I.p. leg stand apart, stick grip from above, below.

1-stick up

2-sit down,

3-get up;

4- starting position (6 times).

8. I.p. main stand, stick on the floor horizontally

1 step with the right foot forward through the stick;

2-attach the left foot;

3-step with the right foot back over the stick;

4 step left foot back.(6 times).

9. I.p. kneeling, head stick

1-stick up

2-tilt right

3-straighten up

4-starting position

5-8 also to the left

10 . I.p. - lying on his stomach, a stick in his hands on his chest.

1.-raise the stick up;

2-. Bend your knees, pulling up to your stomach.

3-touch the knees with a stick;

4-Return to starting position. (3 times).

Outdoor switchgear complex with a hoop for preschoolers

1. I.p. - main stance, hoop down, vertically with a grip from the sides.

1 hoop forward;

2-hoop up;

3-hoop forward;

4- i.p. (6 times).

2.I.p. narrow stance, hoop below in hands.

1-lift on socks, hoop up


3-4 too (6 times)

3. I.p. main stand, hoop at the bottom.

1 hoop up, right foot to the right side on the toe;

2 - i.p

3-4 - also to the left (6 times)

4. I.p.-stand legs apart, hoop in bent arms at the chest.

1-torso turn to the right, arms forward;

2 i.p

3-4 also to the right (6 times)

5. I.p. stand legs apart, in bent arms at the chest hoop.

1-lean forward, touch the rim of the floor hoop;

2- i.p.

3-4 too (6 times)

6. I.p. leg stand apart, hoop vertically behind the back.

1-turn the body to the right;

2-starting position;

3- turn the body to the left;

4-starting position (6 times).

7 . I.p. - the main stand, in the hoop, hands behind the back.

1- Sit down, take the hoop with both hands (grip from the sides);

2- straighten up, raise the hoop to the level of the belt;

3 - sit down, put the hoop on the floor;

4- return to the starting position. (6 times).

8. I.p. - narrow stance, hoop in the right hand vertically.

1 - climb through the hoop


3-4 too (6 times)

9. I.p. - legs apart, hoop at the waist. Hoop rotation at the waist.

Left side 10 sec

To the right side 10 sec

10.I.p. narrow stand. Hoop on the floor.

Jumping around the hoop on 2 legs. 15 sec

Outdoor switchgear complex with a skipping rope for younger students.

1.I. p. - legs apart, rope in lowered hands

1 - Hands up, rise on toes, bend over.

2 - I. p.

    1. too (6 times).

2.I. p. - legs apart, rope behind the head, the ends of the rope in the hands

1- Turn to the left, straighten your left arm, jump rope at shoulder level.

2-I. P.

3-4 The same to the right. (6 times)

3.I. n. - legs apart, rope in front of you at shoulder level.

1- Turn the body to the left.

2 - I. p.

3–4 Also, to the right. (6 times)

4. I. p. - a narrow stance, the rope is folded four times behind the back in lowered hands.

1 - 3. Tilt the body forward, arms back - up to the limit.

    I. p. (6 times)

5. I.p. - leg stand apart, rope folded in half, below.

1- lift the rope up

2 - turn the body to the right, pull the rope

3 - jump rope up

4 - i.p. (6 times)

6. I.p. - o.s., rope below

1 - squat, jump rope up

2 - i.p.

3-4 too

7. I. p. - main stance, rope in straight hands behind.

1-4. - Jumping on both legs, rotating the rope back.

5 - 8. - Steps in place ..

8. I. p. - half squat, the rope is folded in half in the left hand.

1 - 4. - Jumping on both legs over the rope, rotating it forward.

5 - 8. - Walking in place, rotating the rope back from the side in the left hand. (6 times)

9. I. p. - main stance, rope behind in lowered hands.

1 - 4. - Circle with arms forward crosswise, four jumps on both legs, rotating the rope forward.

10. I.p squat, jump rope on the floor in four.

1 - jump forward in I.p. through the rope

2 - back

3-4 too (2 times)

Outdoor switchgear complex with a ball for younger students

1.I.p. – main stance, ball in right hand

1- put the right foot back on the toe, arms to the sides

2- hands arcing forward, shift the ball to the left hand

3- put right foot

4- i.p.

5-8 also with the left foot (6 times)

2. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand

1 - tilt to the right,

2 - left hand through the side up,

3 - move the ball to the other hand

4 - turn into sp.

5-8 also to the left (6 times)

3. I. p. - legs apart, the ball is in front in lowered hands.

1 - Raise your arms up, bend over.

2 - Bending your arms, touch the ball to the neck.

3 - Straighten your arms up, sit down.

4. - I.p. (6 times)

4. I.p. - o.s., arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand.

1 - swing the right foot forward, shift the ball under the knee to the left hand

2 - i.p.

3-4 also with the left foot (6 times)

5. I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand, turned palm down.

1 - Release the ball from the hand and after the rebound,

2 - turn the body to the left, catch the ball right hand.

3-4 also with the right hand (6 times)

6. I.p. - kneeling, ball in right hand

1 - turn to the right, touch the heel of the left foot

2 - i.p.

7. I.p. - gray, legs straight, hands in support behind, the ball on the soles of the feet

1 - raise straight legs, roll the ball towards you, catch

2 - i.p.

3-4 too (6 times)

8. I. p. - lying on the stomach, the ball in the hands above.

1 - Bend over, hands with the ball behind the head.

2 - i.p.

3-4 too (6 times)

9. I. p. - emphasis lying, the ball on the floor between the hands.

1 - Take the ball with your left hand and, turning your torso to the left, lying sideways at point-blank range, raise your left hand with the ball up.

2 - i.p.

3-4 also in the other direction (6 times)

10 I. p. - standing, hold the ball between the feet.

1. - Jump, throwing the ball up with your feet - forward, and catch it with both hands.

2. - I. p.

3-4 too (3 times)

Complex outdoor switchgear with a hoop for younger students.

1.I. p. - legs apart, hold the hoop at the chest with bent arms.

1 - turn to the left, straighten your arms,

2 - i. P.;

3 - 4 the same in the other direction (6 times)

2.I. p. - legs apart, leave the hoop in front of you.

1 - tilt forward, put the hoop on the floor, exhale;

2 - straighten up, inhale;

3 - tilt forward, take a hoop;

4 - and. n (6 times)

3. I. p. - about. s., keep the hoop down, from the inside.

1 - hoop up;

2 - lower the hoop behind your back;

3 - lift up,

4 - and. n. (6 times)

4. I. p, - legs apart, hoop up.

1 - tilt to the left;

2 - i. P.;

3 - 4 - the same to the right. (6 times)

5. I. p. - legs apart, hold the hoop behind your back in lowered hands.

1 - tilt forward, bending, take the hoop back;

2 - i. P.

3-4 too (6 times)

6. I. p. - o.s. in the center of the hoop lying on the floor.

1- sit down, take the hoop with both hands;

2 - stand up, lift the hoop with both hands;

3 - sit down, put a hoop;

4 - and. n. (6 times)

7. I. p. - about. s., hands with a hoop forward.

1 - swing with the left foot, touch the hoop;

2 - i. P.;

3 - 4 - the same with the right foot. (6 times)

8. I. p. - about. s., hoop vertically on the floor, hands overhand grip

1 - swing left leg back, bend;

2 - i. P.;

3 - 4 - the same with the right foot. (6 times)

9. I. p. - lying on the floor, a hoop on the floor behind the head, hold with both hands.

1 - raise straight legs and hoop forward, touch the top of the hoop;

2 - 3 - hold position

4 - and. n. (6 times).

10. I. p. - lying on the floor, hold the hoop in front with bent arms.

1- raise the hoop,

2 - 3 push the stomach forward, inhale to hold the position

    I. p. (3 times)

Outdoor switchgear complex with sandbag for junior schoolchildren

1. I. p. - O. s. hands on the belt, pouch on the head

Walking in place 20 sec

2. I. p. - O. s. Pouch on the head

1- Rise on toes, arms to the sides

2 - up

3 - forward

4 - i.p. (6 times)

3. I. p. - narrow stance, arms to the sides, bag on the head

1-Turn right.

2-I. P.

3-Turn left.

4-I. n. (6 times)

4. I.p. legs apart, bag in right hand.

1- hands through the sides up, transfer the bag to the other hand.

2- Hands down through the sides, transfer the bag to the other hand behind the back.

3-4 too (6 times)

5. I.p. narrow stance, arms at sides, bag in right hand.

1- raise the left knee, pass the bag under the knee to the other hand,

2- i.p.

3-4 also through the right knee (6 times)

6. I. p. - narrow stance, hands on the belt, pouch on the head

1. Deep squat, on toes.

2. I. p.

    1. too (6 times)

7.I. p. - too

1. Get down on your knees.

2. i.p.

3-4 too

8. ip - kneeling, hands on the belt, bag in the right hand.

1- turn to the right, put the bag on the heels


3- turn left, take the mesh.

4- i.p.

5-8 also from the left hand (4 times)

9. I.p. - lying on your back, squeeze the bag between your feet, hands behind your head.

1- straight legs raise up,

2- i.p.

3-4 too (3 times)

10. i.p. – o.s. bag on the floor

Jumping forward-backward, right-left 15 sec

Outdoor switchgear complex with small balls for younger students

1.I. n. - legs apart, the ball is in front in lowered hands.

1. - Raise your hands up, bend over.

2. - Bending your arms, touch the ball to the neck.

3. - Straighten your arms up.

4. - I. p. (4 times)

2.I.p. narrow stance, ball in hands below.

1- step forward with the left, hands up, bend over.

2- i.p.

3-4 also right

3. I. p. - main stance, the ball at the chest in both hands.

1. - Hands up, rise on your toes, bend over.

2. - Hands on the chest.

3. - Lean forward, hands down, touch the floor with the ball.

4. - I. p. (4 times)

4. .I. p. - legs apart, arms forward, ball in hands.

1. - toss the ball, sit down

2. - catch the ball, return to the sp.

3-4 too (4 times)

5. I.p. - narrow stance, ball in hand.

1- lean forward, arms forward, take your left leg back

2-3 hold position

4- i.p.

5-8 - also with the other leg (4 times)

6. I.p - too

1-tilt forward, touch the floor with the ball

2-3– hold position

4- sp (4 times)

7. I.p. narrow stance, ball in hand

1- swing with the left foot, under the foot, pass the ball to the other hand


3-4 too (4 times)

8. I.p. narrow stance, ball in hand

1- lunge forward right, hands up

2- i.p

3-4 too (4 times)

9. I.p. narrow stand. Ball hands.

Throw the ball as high as possible, make a 360-degree jump, catch the ball. 6 times

10. I. p. - standing, hold the ball between the feet.

Jumping in place 15 sec.

Outdoor switchgear complex with gymnastic bench for older students

1. Ip. - standing sideways to the bench

1 - step pr. foot on the bench, p. on the belt

2 - step lion. foot on the bench, r. on the belt

3 - step with the right foot from the bench, p. to the sides

    step lion. foot from the bench, r. to the sides. (4 times)

2.I.p. - standing on a bench, hands down

1-get up on your toes

    1. reach up

4- i.p. (4 times)

3.I.p - standing facing the bench. Hands down.

1-step right to the bench

2- max left leg, bent in knee joint

3- with your left foot stand on the floor.

4- i.p.

5-8 also from the left leg (4 times)

4.I.p - right foot on the bench, left foot on the floor. Hands to the side

1-3 springy tilts to the right

4- i.p

5-8 - also in the other direction (4 times)

5. I.p. - sitting on a bench, hands up

1-3 springy forward bends

4-ip (4 times)

6. I.p. - sitting on a bench, hands in support behind

1-max right leg

2-max left foot

3-4 too (4 times)

7. I.p. - too

1- bend the right leg at the knee joint, bring it to the chest

2-ip (4 times)

3-4 also with the left foot

8. I.p. - lying on the stomach on the bench. Arms outstretched

1-3 bend in the back, hold the position

4- sp (4 times)

9. I.p. - a wide stance, a bench between the legs.

Jumping and jumping off the bench 15 sec.

10. I.p. - narrow stance facing the bench, right foot on the bench.

Jumping with change of legs 15 sec.

Outdoor switchgear complex with stuffed balls for older students.

1.I.p. - narrow stance, the ball in the arms bent in front of the chest.

1-ball ahead.



4-ip (4 times)

2.I.p. - legs apart, ball in hands, at the top

1-tilt to the right


3-4 also to the left (4 times)

3.I.p. - Same. Circular rotation of the body.

1-4 left

5-8 right (4 times)

4.I.p. - legs apart, slightly bent at the knees, the ball behind the head.

1- tilt forward

2- i.p.

3-4 too (4 times)

5. I.p. - legs apart, ball in hands, forward

1- deep squat

2- i.p.

3-4 too (4 times)

6. I.p. - narrow stance, ball in the right. Passing the ball from hand to hand around the body.

1-4 to the left

5-8 right (4 times)

7. I.p. - lunge right forward, ball in hand

1- jump to change the position of the legs

2- i.p.

3-4 too (4 times)

8.I.p. - emphasis crouching, ball in hand

1- jump up, throw the ball up

2-catch the ball, return to the sp.

3-4 too (4 times)

9. I.p. - legs apart, the ball in the hands in front of the chest.

1- toss the ball

2- sit legs apart

3-catch the ball

4- i.p.

10.I.p. - narrow stance, ball on the floor

Jumping to the sides through the ball 15 sec.

Outdoor switchgear complex with a gymnastic stick for senior students

1.I.p. - legs apart, a stick on the back of the shoulder girdle.

1-torso turn to the right


3-4 too (4 times)

2. I.p. - a narrow stance, a stick in the hands below.

1-step right, stick up, bend over


3-4 too (4 times)

3. I.p. - legs apart, stick behind the back, in bent arms.

1-tilt left



4- i.p. (4 times)

4.I.p. - legs apart, stick in hands below.

1-tilted forward

2-squat, stick forward

3-tilt to straight legs

4-ip (4 times)

5. I.p. - stand with a right step, stick in hands, below

1-3 springy slopes to the right

4-ip change leg.

5-8 also to the left (4 times)

6. I.p. - legs apart, a stick in the hands behind the bottom.

1-get up on your toes, lean back, get your heels with a stick


3-4 too (4 times)

7. I.p. - narrow stance, tilt forward. Rest your hands on the stick.

1-max left back


3-4 also right (4 times)

8.I.p. - narrow stance, stick vertically, hold with hands.

1-swing the right foot over the stick


3-4 also with the left foot (4 times)

9. I.p - narrow stance, stick in hands below.

1-step right foot forward over the stick

2- also left

3-4 also back (4 times)

10. I.p. - narrow rack, stick on the floor.

Jumping over a stick 15 sec.

Tatyana Kiryushina
Abstract morning exercises for children senior group"OSU with a small ball"

Goal - Preservation, strengthening and protection of health children, increase mental and physical performance, warning of overwork. Formation of the need for daily motor activity.

Task -

Educational Challenges - Keep Shaping correct posture the ability to consciously perform movements. Improve motor skills and abilities children.

Developmental tasks - To develop speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and performance of the body.

Educational tasks - To cultivate a culture of behavior, independence, strong-willed spirit.

Wellness tasks- Improve health children, to ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, hardening of the body.

Integration of educational regions: physical development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical

Preliminary work with pupils: frontal and individual work with children

Material and equipment: Tambourine, small balls


Building: Shoulder to shoulder, heels together, toes apart, arms along the body.

caregiver: "The sun rises early -

Children: calls everyone to charge!

caregiver: On the right! With marching step, march around the hall (tambourine)

1. Get ready, hands up, walk on toes, keep your back straight!

2. Get ready, hands behind your back, walk on your heels, breathe through your nose!

3. Get ready, arms out to the side walking with high knees!

4. Get ready, start jumping with your hands on your belt! (keep your distance)

Combat step - step march! We take small balls from the basket. (Ball in right hand.) We are preparing to rebuild in three columns. Start rebuilding!

Main part:

outdoor switchgear: With small ball

1. "Fan" (7 times)

I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body, ball in the right hand:

1- arms to the sides,

2- hands up, shift the ball to the left hand,

3- arms to the sides,

4- starting position.

2. "Mill" (7 times)

I. p. - leg stand wide apart, arms to the side, ball in the right hand:

1- tilt, right hand down, put the ball on the floor, left hand up

2- straighten up, arms to the sides,

3- tilt, left hand down, take the ball from the floor, right hand up

4 - starting position.

We left the starting position, became free.

3. "Yula" (8 times)

I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt, ball on semi:

Performing circular movements of the torso around the ball, start!

1- Emphasis to the right, 2-forward, 3-to the left, 4-back.

4. "rocking chairs" (7 times)

I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, arms along the body, the ball in the right hand:

1- squat, passing the ball to the left hand

2- starting position.

3- squat, passing the ball to the right hand

4- starting position.

5. "Hammers" (8 times)

I. p. - sitting on the floor, grasping the ball with both hands, behind head:

1 - tilt forward, to the right toe

2- starting position.

3- tilt forward, to the left toe

4- starting position.

6. "Balls" (8 times)

I. p. - stand legs together, arms along the body, ball in the right hand:

1- jump, legs wide apart, arms up through the sides, passing the ball to the left hand

2- jump, legs together, arms down through the sides, passing the ball to the left hand

Let's take a break! (Tambourine)

- "Balls"

Let's take a break!

Final part:

Close the column! March around the hall!

Balls in the basket!

Free step.

Breathing exercise: "Locomotive"(Moving in the column one after another, arms bent at the elbows, legs shoulder-width apart. Inhale through the nose, move the hands forward in a circular motion And talking: Choo-choo-choo-choo-choo).

Formation for the exit!

caregiver: Is your health okay?

Children: Thank you charging!

caregiver: Well done!

List of used literature:

1. P. P. Butsinskaya "General developmental exercises in kindergarten"

2. L. E. Penzulaeva "Physical Culture"

3. V. I. Telenchi "Hygienic foundations of education children from 3 to 7 years old»

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I.p .: o.s., ball down, 1-2 - rise on toes, ball up, stretch; 3-4 - i.p. (6 times)

  1. "Bend over and freeze" (exercise of game stretching by L.I. Latokhina)

I.p .: leg stand apart, ball below. 1 - ball up, 2 -3 - tilt to the right, freeze, 4 - ball up, 5 - ip; 6-10 - in the other direction. (6-7 times)

  1. "Lunge"

I.p .: narrow stance, ball below. 1- lunge with the right foot, the ball forward. 2 - i.p. 3-4 - the same with the other leg. (6-8 times)

  1. "Turn"

I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, ball at the chest. 1-2 - turn to the right, touch the ball to the lower back; 3-4 - i.p.; 5-8 - in the other direction. (8 times)

  1. "Tilts"

I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, ball at the chest. 1-3 - tilt forward, touch the ball with the right leg, floor, left leg; 4 - i.p. (6 times)

  1. "Squats"

I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball below. 1- sit down, hands with the ball forward, 2 - stand up, i.p. (6-7 times)

  1. "Jumping"

I.p .: stand, the ball is sandwiched between the feet. Jumping in place, trying not to drop the ball.

8. "Breathe in deep"

I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball below. 1-2 - lift the ball up, inhale deeply, 3-4 - lower the ball down, exhale. (6-7 times).

Instructor. Basketball players must be very accurate and see well. Now we will play a game that will help our eyes to be healthy and see well (exercises for the eyes are carried out according to the Bazarny method).

The ball was taken in hand

We played with him.

Take you far

Bring it close to your nose.

flew to the left

Looked to the left.

flew to the right

Looked to the right.

We played with balls

They blinked quickly.

1,2,3, close your eyes

1,2,3 - open your eyes.

Instructor. And now we will practice to perform the elements of the game of basketball.

  • Throwing the ball up with claps and catching it .

I'll throw my ball up

Exactly, exactly above yourself,

On the fly I'll grab my hands

I pull my elbows to my chest.

  • Hitting the ball on the floor alternately, then with the right, then with the left hand.

First one, then the other

I hit the ball with my hand.

He will run away, I will catch up,

I don't stand still.

  • Dribbling, with one hand, passing it from one hand to the other, advancing forward, stopping at the signal and advancing again.

I run and my ball

Near jumps at hand.

Will not leave the palm

Sings a song loudly.

  • The game "Handed - sit down." Passing balls in pairs using methods from below, from the chest and from behind the head.
  • Throwing balls into the basket in different ways: with two hands from behind the head, from the shoulder.

Instructor. In the summer you can play not only basketball. Attention to the screen. Guess the riddle ... (viewing a presentation about football). That's soccer ball- our friend Mishka also has it.

Instructor. We will now train like real football players.

o game exercise"Smart Guys"

The children line up. On a signal, they dribble the ball in a chain between landmarks, picking up a leg for a stroke.

Instructor. Guys, now we will split into pairs, and continue training already in pairs.

o Game exercise "Precise strike"

Children stand along the playground in pairs, disperse at a distance of 3-4m from each other. Kick the ball inside lifting, stop with the sole. Task: accurately execute the kick, do not lose the ball when stopping.

o Game exercise "Hit the gate"

Children are divided into 2 teams (“Forwards” (blue shirt-fronts), “Defenders” (green shirt-shirts). The attackers take turns scoring balls. The defenders try to catch, hit the balls, return them back to the attackers. Then the children change places, the name of the teams also changes.

Instructor. We had a training session like real football players and now I suggest you play real football.

Mobile game "Football".

Children are divided into 2 teams, 2 goalkeepers are selected and the game of football begins according to simplified rules.

Final part. (5 minutes)

Instructor. Well done, we got a real Soccer game! And now I want to invite you to play with the ball in a more relaxed game.

Game "Don't let the ball out of the circle"

Children stand in a circle. One ball in a circle. Pass the ball to each other, performing strikes in different directions (right, left), trying not to release the ball from the circle.

Instructor. We practiced a lot today. Have you ever seen an athlete who had bad posture? Of course not! Let's do the exercise now healthy back.

Game stretching exercise "Oh, palms, you, palms!"

Ah, palms, you, palms!

We hold you behind

It's for posture

That's right, no embellishment!

Instructor. Well done guys, you showed Mishka how to play with the ball. What games did we introduce our friend to? That's right, with basketball and football. Did you like to perform complex elements of sports games? What do you think, did you succeed today? Here are the balls. Some balls are funny, while others are sad. If you liked playing with the ball, you think that you succeeded in everything today in class, take funny ball and mark it in football goal. And if you think that you have not coped with a lot, it was very difficult for you, take a sad ball and put it in the goal too. These are such wonderful gates! We will send our video now Olympic Bear and he will no longer cry, but will play with balls according to all the rules. And don't forget to play sport games I will give you homework cards. Do it with your parents, brothers and sisters! Thank you guys, be healthy, play sports games, goodbye!

Teaching aid

By physical culture

General developmental exercises

with stuffed balls

Designed by:

Semibolomut N.Yu.

Faculty teacher


Fireboxes, 2015


The proposed teaching aid is devoted to the organization and conduct of physical education classes using stuffed balls. It is aimed at teachers of physical culture of schools and technical schools. The purpose of this manual is to improve the level physical fitness students, replenishment of the methodological baggage of physical education teachers.

General developmental exercises are called quite simple moves various parts of the body (arms, legs, torso, etc.), aimed mainly at the development of basic motor qualities. They can be performed with objects, such as medicine balls.

Purpose of general developmental exercises:

    are used to prepare for complex motor actions;

    necessary to improve the ability to control various parts of your body;

    for the development of motor qualities. So, fast execution of exercises will contribute to the development of speed. By achieving the maximum range of motion (for example, trying to bend lower or lunge wider), you can increase mobility in the joints, flexibility;

    contribute to the prevention of flat feet and posture disorders;

    help develop strength.

The main task of general developmental exercises:

increasing the level of overall performance and promoting the harmonious development of students.

The presented set of exercises is focused on the implementation of the following modern pedagogical technologies: developmental and differentiated learning and is aimed at developing in students such qualities as flexibility, endurance, mobility and speed of reaction.

This material can serve as a guide to the study of the proposed discipline, both in the classroom and for independent work of students.

A set of exercises

1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, ball in hands; 1 - raise your arms to chest level; 2 - raise your hands up; 3 - lower your arms to chest level; 4 - i.p.

2. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms up, ball in hands; 1,2 - torso tilt to the right (left); 3, 4 - i.p.

3. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms up, ball in hands; circular rotation of the body in different directions.

4. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms up, ball in hands; 1 - bend over without bending your knees, touch the floor with the ball; 2 - touch the floor with the ball behind your back; 3 - touch the floor in front of you with the ball; 4 - i.p.

5. I.p. - o.s. ball in hand; 1 - throwing the ball up, sit down, touch the floor with your hands; 2 - stand up, catch the ball with your hands.

6. I.p. - o.s. arms to the sides, ball in one hand; 1 - raise your hands up, shift the ball from one hand to another; 2 - lower the hand with the ball to the side.

7. I.p. - o.s. arms to the sides, ball in one hand; 1 - throwing the ball up, catch it with the other hand; 2 - the same in the other direction.

8. I.p. - legs apart, hands with the ball forward; 1 - tilt forward, roll the ball around the left leg; 2 - i.p.; 3 - the same around the right leg; 4 - i.p.

9. I.p. - squat, ball in bent arms in front of the chest; 1 - jump in a squat to the right side; 2 - i.p.; 3 - the same to the left side; 4 - i.p.

10. I.p. - sitting legs apart, hands with the ball forward; 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - the same to the left; 4 - i.p.

11. I.p. - sit legs apart, the ball is near the left foot on the floor; 1 - bend over, with your right hand roll the ball across the floor to your right foot; 2 - i.p.; 3 - bend over, with your left hand roll the ball across the floor to your left foot; 4 - i.p.

12. I.p. - sitting legs apart, arms up, ball in hands; 1 - lower your arms to chest level; 2 - i.p.

13. I.p. - sitting, the ball is clamped with the feet, resting on the forearms; 1 - raise your legs up; 2 - i.p.

14. I.p. - sitting, the ball is clamped with the feet, resting on the forearms; 1 - bend your legs; 2 - straighten up; 3 - bend; 4 - i.p.

15. I.p. - kneeling hands with the ball down; 1 - sitting on the heels of the hand with the ball forward; 2 - i.p.

16. I.p. - kneeling hands forward, ball in hands; 1 - sitting on the thigh on the left; 2 - i.p.; 3 - sitting on the thigh on the right; 4 - i.p.

17. I.p. - lying on your back, the ball in your hands behind your head; 1 - sit down and, having made an inclination, get the toes of the feet with the ball; 2 - i.p.

18. I.p. - lying on your back, hands with the ball forward; 1 - raise your left leg, touch the ball; 2 - i.p.; 3 - the same with the other leg; 4 - i.p.

19. I.p. - lying on the stomach, hands with the ball up; 1 - bend over, moving your hands with the ball back; 2 - i.p.

20. I.p. - lying on the stomach, the ball between the feet; 1 - raise your legs up; 2 - i.p.

21. I.p. - o.s. ball in bent arms in front of the chest; 1 - sit down, straightening your arms; 2 - i.p.

22. I.p. - forward lunge position, ball in bent arms; 1 - jump to change the position of the legs; 2 - i.p.

23. I.p. - emphasis crouching, the ball lies behind on the floor at the feet; 1 - moving the legs over the ball lying down; 2 - i.p.

24. I.p. - o.s. ball in hand; 1 - throwing the ball up, sit with your legs apart and catch the ball while sitting on the floor; 2 - toss the ball while sitting and catch it while standing.

25. I.p. - emphasis lying, the ball lies on the floor between the hands; 1 - bend your arms and get the ball with your chin; 2 - straightening your arms to wring out in ip.

26. I.p. - o.s. the ball is clamped with the feet; 1 - bouncing up, toss the ball with your feet; 2 - catch the ball with both hands.

27. Jumping, ball in hands (on the right, on the left, on two legs).

Note. Depending on the physical fitness of the students, it is necessary to correctly select the load: the weight of the ball and the number of repetitions of each exercise.