Sports games senior group in the dow. Card file "Sports games in kindergarten

For a beautiful diction of a child, correct speech breathing is necessary. Games for the development of quick inhalation and slow exhalation will become one of the ways to communicate with the child, and a good workout. Do not draw too much attention of the baby to the strength and rhythm with which he breathes, you are just playing or organizing a competition between several rivals. Point out all mistakes delicately, like a coach advising the best technique. It is advisable for parents to keep a diary of classes in order to take into account their findings and mistakes when raising their next children or grandchildren.

What role does air play in speech?

A person will not be able to utter a single word if the air does not pass through the vocal cords. The flow should come out slowly and evenly. You can speak only during exhalation, when rib cage with a certain effort squeezes the air out of the lungs. The jet must pass not only with the right effort, but also in the right direction. An adult does not notice these subtleties, his conversation takes place automatically, without the participation of consciousness.

To understand how difficult it is for a baby to learn to speak, try to say the shortest phrase yourself, inhaling and exhaling randomly. The child needs help, mom and dad should do this. It is useless to explain to him the structure of the speech apparatus, the work vocal cords. With a two-year-old, you need not to conduct lessons, but to play, with the help of interesting exercises, he himself will begin to speak correctly.

There may be a person in your environment who does not know how to breathe properly when talking. If the child loves this guest, he can adopt his manner. Do not laugh at your friend, explain to the child that no one taught Uncle Petya to breathe correctly, if the kid wants to help him, let him first begin to speak correctly, and then teach his friend. Such an incentive will increase the desire of the baby to do the exercises correctly.

How to do breathing exercises?

Gymnastics for setting the correct breathing will not take much time. Arrange a break of 10 minutes between classes or reading fairy tales and offer the child new game. The room where you will perform the exercises should be clean and well ventilated: it is undesirable for the baby full chest inhaled the dusty stale air. It's great if you have a lesson while walking in the park, but not in winter frosts.

The basic principle of the formation of correct breathing: a quick deep breath through the nose so that the lungs are filled with air to the stop. Then follows a slow smooth exhalation through the mouth. The flow should not be too strong so that the air is consumed evenly and economically.

During classes, you need to monitor whether the child makes mistakes. Exhalation should take place according to the following rules:

  • lips folded in a tube are relaxed, cheeks do not puff out;
  • the entire flow goes through the mouth, air should not come out through the nose;
  • exhale completely until the air runs out;
  • if the baby hums or pronounces sounds, you can not pause for a short intake of air.

When performing any exercise, make sure that the entire flow of air goes through the mouth. If the baby does not succeed, carefully pinch his nostrils with your fingers or use a special diving device.

Children may enjoy games so much that they don't want to stop playing. Do not let your child overwork: tasks only seem simple, but in fact they can cause fatigue and dizziness. You can start classes with children 2 years old, the duration of the first training should not exceed 3 minutes. After each approach, pause, let the baby catch his breath. Alternate breathing exercises for children with other activities. Do not do it breathing exercises immediately after dinner on a full stomach, wait 2-3 hours.

The first exercises for proper exhalation

First of all, you need to ensure that the child learns to make a smooth long exhalation through the mouth. Do not forget that after each deep exhalation, the baby should pause for rest. You can do a class with one student, but it's much more interesting if he has at least one partner to compete with.

For the first lessons, the following games are suitable.

  1. "Fluttering Butterflies". Hang on thin threads at the level of the baby's face a few bright paper butterflies. Show your child how they flutter when you blow in the right direction. The exercise time is no more than 10 seconds.
  2. "Tree in the Wind" Attach a few colored strips of tissue paper or Christmas tree tinsel to a wooden rod so that it hangs down in all directions. Say that this is a tree, if the wind blows on it, the leaves will sway and rustle.
  3. "Autumn leaf fall". Type in the fall or cut out colorful leaves from colored paper. Put them in a pile on the table, and offer to blow so that the leaves fly. Then they need to be collected in a box or basket, and the game can be repeated.
  4. "Blizzard" performed as the previous exercise, only paper snowflakes or cotton balls are placed on the table.
  5. "Cock or hen." Pick a dandelion in the summer and offer to blow on it once. If there are fluffs left, it turned out to be a cockerel with a comb, if everyone flies away, then a chicken. Explain that there are very few cockerels in the house, let the kid strive to make as many hens as possible.

Try not to let your child get bored. Come up with new stories, competitions. If it is not possible to invite other children, let objects enter the competition. Guess which leaf will fall first, which butterfly will fly farthest from the rest.

When the child learns to exhale correctly and begins to easily blow off light paper figures, the exercises can be complicated.

  1. "Ribbon Leader". Hang several paper ribbons close to each other and offer to blow so that the selected strip flies higher than the others.
  2. "Pencil race". Put two pencils on the table. The kid must move each of them to the maximum distance with one exhalation.
  3. "Don't drop the ball." Throw an inflated balloon into the air and ask the child to blow on it from below, preventing it from falling to the floor.

You can come up with a lot of games. Follow the progress of the baby and gradually complicate the tasks. The first time the child will blow on paper figures from a distance of about 30 cm, each time move them a little further. Warn that the results of only one exhalation are taken into account - if there was at least a small breath in the middle, not a single snowflake will be counted. Each time praise the child for success, and find a comforting explanation for failures: the paper is too heavy, the figure stuck to the table.

Games and competitions for the development of speech

When the child has learned to breathe correctly, you need to associate a slow exhalation with speech. In the first lessons, the baby can sing vowel sounds. First, he takes a deep breath, and as he exhales, he sings: "Ah-ah-ah" or "U-u-u-u-u." Try to keep singing at the same pace and key throughout. If the child is constantly straying, then louder, then quieter; then higher, then lower, record on the recorder and explain his mistakes. Do not turn into a strict teacher, make remarks good-naturedly, with humor: “Listen to how you started cheerfully and cheerfully, and ended quite sadly, it seems that something sad happened in the song.” When the sound is even, learn to sing with an increase and decrease in tone.

Older children can be told what vocalization is and let them listen to the recordings. Invite them to also try to change the key to get a melodic tune.

Start with small words, repeating them several times. Show your child pictures or toy animals, and on one exhale, he should depict what sounds they make 2-3 times: “Wow-wow-wow”, “Meow-meow-meow”, “Ko-ko-ko”. Act out scenes that the baby will voice. A bear is walking through the forest “Top-top-top”, saw the teremok, knocked “Knock-knock-knock”. Remind that before you say something, the baby must take full lungs of air.

Short nursery rhymes, such as “Toys” by A. Barto, will be a good training for proper speech breathing during a conversation. For each exhalation, you need to say one line, then inhale - and the next line. Games for the development of proper breathing in a child can be included in morning exercises. Add several exercises to the complex, repeating each 4-6 times:

  1. "Clock with pendulum". Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, raised hands clasped with fingers above the head. Inhale, on the exhale tilt to the side and drawl sound "Bomm". Repeat on the other side.
  2. "Ride in a car." Starting position: stand straight, arms extended forward, fists clenched. After inhaling, exhaling, the child turns the imaginary steering wheel to the right and makes a sound that imitates the operation of the motor. Repeat several times in different sides.
  3. "The balloon burst." On inspiration, the child spreads his arms to the sides, on exhalation he brings them together in front of him, as if hitting a balloon, and says “Clap”.
  4. "Sea battle". Launch paper boats into a basin of water. Alternately blowing on one, then on the other, the baby can play both pirates and sea battles.
  5. Air Tennis. This game requires 2 players. Draw a strip in the middle of the table and place a ball from table tennis. On command, both children blow on the ball, whoever drives it to the opponent's side wins.
  6. "Mother duck is looking for ducklings." Throw a few floating ducks into the basin and say that the kids are lost, mom must find them. With a stream of air, you need to send the largest toy in search and collect all the figures together.

Games with various objects

There are many games to train the correct exhalation. Bring a spinner into the house with which the baby runs down the street, and say that he himself can become the lord of the wind. Let it blow on the blades with different strengths and watch how they spin either faster or slower. Buy a Chinese souvenir "wind chimes" and hang it at the level of the child's face so that he blows and listens to the ringing of bells as he passes by. In the same way, you can install a balancer, where on the planks in a state of balance there are figures of birds that come into motion from the slightest breath.

Many children already know that on their birthday they should blow out the candles on the cake. Unfortunately, such an event occurs once a year, but for toys you can arrange a holiday at least every day. Cover the doll table, seat the birthday man and guests around, place lighted candles on cookies or gingerbread and invite the baby to blow them out. Be sure to praise if you succeed the first time. Sometimes the baby cannot direct the jet in the right direction, so for the first few times you can blow through the tube.

It seems that toy manufacturers are not interested in developing proper breathing in children. To get soap bubbles loved by all generations, you no longer need to blow into a straw. The kid takes a frame in his hand, waves it, and a whole swarm of rainbow balloons takes off into the air. Teach your toddler to play with soap the traditional way. First, take a tube with a diameter of about 5 mm and teach how to make a storm in the water. Throw a small boat into the jar, when the baby releases air into the water, the bubbles will make waves, the toy will begin to sway. Immediately warn that the liquid cannot be drawn into the mouth, you can only let the air out. Use drinking water for the first time.

When you are sure that the child does not swallow the liquid, you can use a soapy solution for the game. Now you can take a straw for a cocktail and create bubbles from the soap. You can take the composition from a toy or dilute baby shampoo with water in a 1: 1 ratio. First, show your child how to blow into the straw so that thick foam appears in the cup. Then learn to blow bubbles. To make it more interesting for the baby, tell him to put on woolen gloves, then the ball caught on his hand will not burst immediately.

Exercises for preschoolers

If the child was well trained, at the age of 5 he should already speak correctly, but additional classes still do not hurt. Musical toys develop speech breathing well: whistles, pipes, harmonicas. With decorative whistles in the form of birds and animals, you can play a conversation scene: the cockerel asks something, the hen answers. If at 2 years old the baby could sometimes extract a jerky sound from the flute, now you can teach the child to play smooth pleasant melodies.

When your child has mastered musical instruments well, try teaching him to whistle into a glass or plastic bottle. The lower lip should be slightly pressed against the side of the vessel next to the hole, the air stream goes inward. The direction of exhalation should be slightly changed until a sound appears. Not everyone succeeds in the exercise - do not insist, say that you will return to this task in a month or two.

For a well-developed respiratory system, inflating toys or balloons will be a good workout. Buy a plastic duck, take it to the pond and tell him that if he wants to swim with a toy, he should inflate it himself. You can offer to inflate balloons too, but first try it yourself: some manufacturers produce products so tight that they can only be inflated with a special pump.

Why is proper breathing important?

The artist and the opera singer need to calculate the volume of air in the lungs so that at the very climax of a tense monologue, an unplanned pause for inspiration is not required. Perhaps the future profession of your baby will not require such abilities from him, but the ability to speak correctly is necessary for any person. Few people will listen to the opinion of the interlocutor if he speaks illegibly, swallows the endings of words, stops for a breath in the very middle of a phrase.

With a well-delivered speech, a person can speak for a long time, and this process will not tire him. If inhalations and exhalations occur randomly, a lot of energy is expended on pronouncing words and phrases, the muscles involved in speech get tired quickly. Don't expect things to get better with time. Any of us have had to talk with people who alternately chatter quickly, then inhale in the middle of a long word. Do you want your kid to talk like this for the rest of his life? If not, start exercising correct breathing at 2-3 years old.

Teachers and doctors noticed that active children who constantly run, jump, dance, respiratory system better developed than those of fans of cartoons and drawing. Badly affect breathing and diseases of the nasopharynx, lungs, bronchi. Approach the development of speech breathing in a complex way: monitor the health of the child, do not let him sit still for a long time, bring him to sports ground. During exercise or outdoor games, watch how the child breathes, explain that with the right inhalation and exhalation, he will run faster and jump higher.

Few people are not annoyed by inappropriate pauses in the speech of the interlocutor. This is not only ugly, but can also lead to a distortion of the meaning of what was said. Remember the historical example with the phrase: "Execution cannot be pardoned." Imagine that it was not written on paper, but said out loud. After the first word, the speaker ran out of air, he inhaled and quickly spoke the end of the sentence. To prevent such incidents from happening to your child, teach him to speak beautifully and correctly.

Target: development of a long continuous oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: 2-3 bright paper butterflies.

Game progress: Before starting the lesson, tie a thread 20–40 cm long to each butterfly, attach the threads to the cord at some distance from each other. Pull the cord so that the butterflies hang at face level. standing child.
The teacher shows the child butterflies and offers to play with them.
– Look, what beautiful multi-colored butterflies! Let's see if they can fly.
The teacher blows on butterflies.
- Look, fly! How alive! Now you try to blow. Which butterfly will fly farthest?
The child stands near the butterflies and blows on them. It is necessary to ensure that the child stands straight, does not raise his shoulders when exhaling, blows on one exhalation, without getting air, does not puff out his cheeks, and slightly pushes his lips forward.
You can blow for no more than 10 seconds with pauses so that your head does not spin.

  • Breeze.

Equipment: paper sultans (panicles).

Game progress: Before starting the game, you need to prepare panicles. To do this, attach strips of colored paper to a wooden stick. You can use thin tissue paper, or Christmas tree decoration "rain".
The teacher offers to play with the whisk. Shows how to blow on paper strips, then offers to blow to the child.
“Imagine it's a magic tree. A breeze blew and the leaves rustled on the tree! Like this! And now you blow!
The game can be played both individually and in a group of children. In the second case, the children blow on their panicles at the same time.

  • Autumn leaves.

Equipment: autumn maple leaves, vase.

Game progress: Before class, collect a bouquet of autumn leaves with your child (preferably maple, as they have long stems) and put them in a vase. Offer to blow on the leaves.
We collected beautiful leaves in the park. Here is a yellow leaf, and here is a red one. Do you remember how the leaves rustled on the branches? Let's blow on the leaves!
An adult, together with a child or a group of children, blows on the leaves in a vase, draws their attention to the rustling of the leaves.

  • Leaf fall.
Target : teaching smooth free exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: yellow, red, orange leaves cut out of thin double-sided colored paper; bucket.

Game progress: The teacher lays out leaflets on the table, reminds the children about autumn.
Imagine that it is autumn now. Red, yellow, orange leaves fall from the trees. The wind blew - scattered all the leaves on the ground! Let's make wind - blow on the leaves!
An adult, together with the children, blows on the leaves until all the leaves are on the floor. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the correct implementation of oral exhalation, as well as to ensure that children do not overwork.
- All the leaves on the ground ... Let's collect the leaves in a bucket.
The teacher and children collect leaflets. Then the game is repeated again.

  • It is snowing!
Target: formation of a smooth long exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: pieces of cotton.

Game progress: The teacher lays out pieces of cotton wool on the table, reminds the children about winter.
Imagine that it is winter. Snow is falling outside. Let's blow snowflakes!
An adult shows how to blow on cotton wool, children repeat. Then everyone raises the cotton wool, and the game is repeated again.

  • Dandelion.
Target : development of a smooth long exhalation through the mouth; activation of the lip muscles.

Game progress: The game is played outdoors - in a clearing where dandelions grow. An adult invites children to find among the yellow dandelions that have already faded and pick them. Then he shows how you can blow on a dandelion so that all the fluffs fly off. After that, he invites the children to blow on their dandelions.
Let's blow on dandelions! Blow once, but strongly - so that all the fluffs fly off. Look, fluffs fly like little parachutes.
You can arrange a competition: each of the children blows on his dandelion once. Those of the children who do not have a single fluff on the head of the flower win.
You can also organize a game Grandfather or grandmother?»:
- Let's play the game "Grandfather or woman?"! Blow on your dandelions just once. If there are no fluffs left on the flower head, this is a bald head. So, it turned out to be a grandfather. If the fluff remains - this is the hair on the head - then it turned out to be a woman. The one who got the grandfather wins!

  • Pinwheel.

Equipment: spinner toy.

Game progress: Before playing, prepare the spinner toy. You can make it yourself with paper and a wooden stick.
Show the child a turntable. On the street, demonstrate how it begins to spin from the breath of the wind. Then offer to blow on it yourself:
- Let's make the wind - blow on the turntable. That's how it turned out! Blow even harder - the pinwheel spins faster.

  • Wind song.

Equipment: Chinese bell "song of the wind".

Game progress: Hang the bell at a distance convenient for the child (at the level of the face of a standing child) and offer to blow on it. Pay attention to how melodic the sound is. Then offer to blow harder - the sound became louder.
The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

  • Fly, birds!
Target : development of a long directed smooth oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: 2-3 multi-colored birds folded from paper (origami).

Game progress: The child is sitting at the table. One bird is placed on the table in front of the child. The teacher invites the child to blow on the bird so that it flies as far as possible (you can blow it once).
What a beautiful bird you have! And can she fly? Blow so that the bird flew away! You can blow once. Breathe in and take in more air. The bird has flown!
During a group game, you can arrange a competition between two or three children: each blows on his bird. The one whose bird flew farthest wins. An adult makes sure that the children do not puff out their cheeks, blow only once, do not strain too much.

  • Roll, pencil!
Target : development of a long smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: Pencils with a smooth or ribbed surface.

Game progress: The child is sitting at the table. Place a pencil on the table at a distance of 20 cm from the child. First, the adult shows how to forcefully blow on the pencil so that it rolls to the opposite end of the table. Then he invites the child to blow on the pencil. The second participant in the game catches a pencil at the opposite end of the table. You can continue the game by sitting opposite each other, and rolling a pencil to each other from one end of the table to the other.
By organizing a game in a group, you can arrange a competition: two children are sitting at a table, pencils are in front of them. You can blow on the pencil only once. The one whose pencil rolls the farthest wins.

  • Funny balls.

Equipment: light plastic ball.

Game progress: You can play with balls in the same way as with pencils (see the previous game). You can make the game harder. Draw a line on the table. Then take the ball and put it in the middle of the table (on the line). Two children sit at a table opposite each other, on opposite sides of the ball on the line.
- It is necessary to blow on the ball so that it rolls to the opposite side of the table. And you need to try so that the ball does not hit your part of the table. You need to blow harder. Started!
The winner is the one who managed to blow the ball over the line, to the opposite side of the table.

  • Balloon.
Target : development of a strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: an ordinary balloon on a string; gas balloon.

Game progress: Hang the balloon at the level of the child's face. Blow on the balloon so that it flies high, then invite the child to blow.
A more complex version of the game is possible. Throw the balloon up. Invite the child to blow on the balloon several times so that it does not fall to the floor longer.
- Let's blow on the ball so that it does not fall down. Like this! Stronger!
You can play with a balloon filled with gas. In this case, the ball is tied to a chair or something on the floor (it is desirable that the thread remains long). You need to blow on the ball so that it flies as far forward as possible.
If the game is played in a group, you can organize a competition: two children (or small teams) stand opposite each other facing the ball (the distance to the ball is 50–60 cm) and start blowing at the same time. The winner is the one who managed to send the ball to the opposite territory (you can divide the territory with a ribbon or rope).

  • Swim, boat!
Target : development of a strong smooth directed exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: paper or plastic boats; basin with water.

Game progress: On a low table, place a basin of water in which a paper boat floats. At first, it is better to use a plastic boat, as paper boats quickly soak and sink. The adult blows on the boat, then offers the child to blow.
Imagine it's the sea. Let's set the boat sailing. Look how strong the wind is! How fast our ship sailed. Now you try. Well done!
The game can be complicated by inviting the child to ride a boat from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edges of the pelvis. In this case, the air stream during oral exhalation should be not only strong, but also directed.
You can play the game in a group. In this case, organize a competition: whose boat will sail to the target faster.

  • Ducks.
Target : development of a strong smooth directed exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: rubber duck with ducklings (bathing set); other light rubber or plastic toys that float in water.

Game progress: Place a bowl of water on a low table. The teacher shows the child a duck with ducklings and offers to play.
Imagine it's a lake. A duck with ducklings came to the lake. This is how a duck swims.
An adult blows on toys, offers to blow to a child. Then the game becomes more difficult.
Look: the ducklings have swum away from their mother. The duck calls the ducklings to her. Let's help the ducklings swim to the mother duck as soon as possible!
In this case, the air stream during oral exhalation should be not only strong, but also directed. You can play the game in a group of children.

  • Bulki.
Target: development of a strong oral exhalation; learning to blow through a straw; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: a glass of water, cocktail tubes of different diameters.

Game progress: In a glass half-filled with water, lower the cocktail tube and blow into it - bubbles with a loud gurgling will rise to the surface. Then give the tube to the child and offer to blow.
“Let’s make fun gurgles!” Take a straw and blow into a glass of water. If you blow weakly, small bubbles are obtained. And if you blow hard, you get a whole storm! Let's make a storm!
By the "storm" in the water, you can easily assess the strength of the exhalation and its duration. At the beginning of classes, the diameter of the tube should be 5-6 mm, in the future, thinner tubes can be used.
Many children who are used to drinking juice from bags through a straw do not immediately understand what is required of them, they can start drinking water (therefore, it is better to use purified drinking water just in case). In this case, first offer to blow through the tube on a piece of cotton wool on the table or on the palm of your hand to feel the air coming out of the tube.
Another possible problem is that the child may bite and chew on the soft straw or bend it. In this case, you can use the body of the gel pen - a transparent tube made of hard plastic.
In addition, the child can, holding the tube in the lips, exhale air through the nose. In this case, you should gently pinch the baby's nose with your fingers and offer to blow again.

  • Grow, foam!
Target : development of a strong oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: a glass of water, cocktail tubes of different diameters, dishwashing liquid.

Game progress: This game can be offered to a child after he learns to blow well through a tube into a glass of water (does not drink water, does not bend the tube). Add some dishwashing liquid to the water, then take a straw and blow into the water - with a loud gurgle, a cloud of iridescent bubbles will grow in front of the child's eyes. Then invite the child to blow. When there is a lot of foam, you can blow on it.
"Now I'm doing a hocus pocus!" I take liquid for dishes and drip into the water ... Now I'll interfere - are-bars-top-top-top! I take a pipe and blow. Look what happened! This is a foam of small and large bubbles! Now you try to blow.
After the children are individual lessons learn how to act correctly - blow into tubes, do not spill water, etc., you can conduct such a lesson in a group.

  • Birthday.
Target : development of a strong long smooth oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: marshmallows in chocolate or marshmallow; small candles for the cake; Teddy bear.

Game progress: Prepare marshmallows in chocolate or marshmallow and stick one or more holiday candles - today is the “bear's birthday”. Together with your child, set the table using toy dishes, invite guests - a bunny and a doll, sing a song for the bear. Then solemnly bring in the “birthday cake” with a lit candle.
- It's the bear's birthday today. He turns one (or more) year. Let's congratulate the bear! Here is a birthday cake - help the bear blow out the candles.
When the child blows out the candle, make sure that the exhalation is long, strong and smooth. Explain to the baby that he has several attempts, each of which can be blown only once. If the candle has not gone out, we again take air into the chest and try again.
Many children, when exhaling correctly, cannot correctly direct the stream of exhaled air - it passes by the flame of a candle. In this case, it is useful for clarity to suggest blowing into a pipe made of a sheet of thick paper (diameter 3-4 cm), since with the help of a pipe you can control the direction of the exhaled air.
First, place the candle at a distance of about 30 cm from the child. Gradually, the distance from the child to the candle can be increased to 40-50 cm. Explain to the child that you should not move too close to the candle.
For subsequent games with blowing out the flame, pick up candles with a stable base or standing on a reliable candlestick. You can come up with a different plot of the game, or simply offer to blow out the flame. For security reasons, this game is played individually. It is necessary to warn the child that the candle must not be touched and knocked over.

  • Feather, fly!
Target : development of a strong smooth directed exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: bird feather.

Game progress: Throw a feather up and blow on it without letting it fall down. Then invite the child to blow. Pay attention to the fact that you need to blow hard, directing the stream of air on the feather from the bottom up.

  • Bubble.
Target : development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: a bottle of soap solution, a frame for blowing bubbles, straws of various diameters - cocktail, made of thick paper, plastic bottle with cut bottom.

Game progress: Play soap bubbles with your child: first, the teacher blows bubbles, and the child watches and catches them. Then invite your child to blow bubbles on their own. It should be noted that blowing soap bubbles is often a rather difficult task for babies. Try to help the child - pick up different frames and tubes so that the child tries and chooses with which it is easier to achieve a result. You can make your own soap bubble liquid by adding some dishwashing liquid and sugar to the water. Do not forget to monitor the safety of the child - do not allow to taste and drink the liquid.

  • Whistles.
Target : development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: children's ceramic, wooden or plastic whistles in the form of various birds and animals.

Game progress: Before starting the lesson, you should prepare the whistles. Give the children whistles and invite them to blow into them.
- Look at your beautiful whistle toys! Masha has a bird, and Vanya has a deer. Let's arrange a forest concert - each of the animals and birds sings its own song!
The game can be repeated several times. Make sure that the children blow without straining, do not overwork. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

  • Policeman.
Target : development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: whistles.

Game progress: Before the start of the lesson, you should pick up whistles and choose those that are easier to blow. Hand out whistles to the children and invite them to play policemen.
Who knows what a real policeman has? Pistol, club and, of course, a whistle. Here are whistles for you - let's play policemen! Here the militiaman has seen the infringer - we whistle in a whistle!
The game can be repeated several times. Make sure that the children blow without straining, do not overwork. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

  • Blow into the pipe!
Target : development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: various wind musical instruments: pipes, pipes, horns, harmonicas.

Game progress: Before starting the lesson, you should pick up the tools. Remember that playing wind instruments is one of the most difficult exercises for the development of breathing. Therefore, check the instruments in advance and choose those that are easier to play.
Distribute the pipes to the children and invite them to play them, first in turn, then all together.
Let's have a musical parade! Take the pipes - let's start playing!
If one of the children fails to extract a sound from the pipe, make sure it blows correctly: the exhalation through the mouth should be strong and fall exactly into the socket of the pipe, for which it must be tightly clamped with the lips: the air should not go out through the nose.
You can also offer flutes, horns, harmonicas for playing. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children. If one of the children does not succeed, do not insist. Perhaps it is better to return to this task later, when the child is a little older.

  • Music bubble.
Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: clean glass vial (vial height about 7 cm, neck diameter 1–1.5 cm).

Game progress: The teacher shows the children a bubble and offers a game.
– What do you think it is? That's right, a bubble. What can you do with a bubble? Pour water into it. Pour vitamins into a bottle. What else? Do not know! Now I'll show you the trick! Here is such a musical bubble - buzzing like a trumpet.
The teacher brings the bubble to his lips, blows into the neck, extracting sound from it. Then he invites one of the children to blow into another bubble. It should be remembered: for the bubble to buzz, the lower lip should lightly touch the edge of its neck. The air jet must be strong. Blow should be a few seconds without straining. Since glass bubbles must be used in the game, for safety reasons the game is played individually, or in a group lesson, children blow bubbles in turn. If one of the children does not succeed in this task, do not insist. Perhaps it is better to return to it later, when the child is a little older.

  • Inflate a toy!
Target : development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: various small size inflatable toys; Balloons.

Game progress: The teacher distributes well-washed rubber inflatable toys to the children and offers to inflate them. It should be blown by taking in air through the nose, and slowly exhaling it through the mouth into the opening of the toy.
- Look, our toys are very sick - thin, without tummies ... How can we play with them? Let's inflate the toys so that they become plump, healthy and fun again!
The one who inflates the toy can play with it.
This task requires a formed strong exhalation. In addition, it is necessary to teach kids how to hold toys correctly so that air does not escape from them. Offer this game only after a strong smooth exhalation has already been formed.
In subsequent classes, you can offer to inflate balloons, which is even more difficult. If the child does not succeed, do not insist.

  • Paper flag.
Target: development of a strong smooth continuous exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: strips of thin colored paper (size: 15 × 2.5 cm).

Game progress: Before starting the activity, prepare the strips of paper. Show the children how to blow on the strip by bringing it up to their lower lip (hold the strip between your thumb and forefinger).
Let's turn paper strips into real flags. To do this, you need to make the wind - like this! The flags are flapping in the wind!
This is not an easy exercise, it is obtained in children far from immediately. Perhaps it is better to return to it later, when the child is a little older. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

Natalia Nikulina

Recently, there have been many children suffering from speech disorders. They have a weakness in expiratory strength and duration speech exhalation. That's why, breath development one of the first and very important stages of corrective influence on children with speech disorders.

speech breathing- is the main source of energy in the formation of speech sounds. speech breathing differs from the physiological one in that it is arbitrary, inhalation is shorter, exhalation, on the contrary, is slowed down, intermittent, subordinate to the pronunciation of the text.

Formation speech breathing involves, including the generation of an air jet. The development of an air jet is considered one of the necessary and significant conditions for setting sounds: sounds are pronounced in the exhalation phase.

Respiratory exercises are needed to strengthen the air stream, development purposefulness of the air jet (blow with lips or tongue, development Respiratory exercise increases ventilation of the lungs, so carry out games should be in a clean ventilated area. Make sure the child is not dizzy. As soon as you feel dizzy, take a break, gradually from day to day, increasing the duration.

Games for the development of speech breathing can be roughly divided into three groups:

1. Development games force of the air stream.

2. Development games air jet duration.

3. Development games targeting of the air stream.

Development games air jet force


Target: development

Equipment: boxes decorated for the times of the year: winter - snow - foam, spring - a tree with birds, summer - butterflies, autumn - autumn paper leaves; straws.


Target: development strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: on a wooden skewer, attach strips cut from colored bags or garbage bags fastened together.


Target: development strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: snails and fields printed on a printer and laminated

Development games air jet duration

"Father Frost"

Target: long-term development

Equipment: candy boxes, confetti boxes inside; a hole was drilled in Santa's hat for a straw.


Target: long-term development, smooth exhalation, activation of the muscles of the lips.

Equipment: Printed and taped insects attached to pencils.

Development games air jet focus



Equipment: a box glued with a self-adhesive film, a gate made of plastic containers, a table tennis ball.


Target: Generate a targeted air jet.

Equipment: Pictures "Smeshariki" glued on both sides to a plastic container, vyta balls or a table tennis ball.

The ultimate goal of the workout speech breathing is the training of a long exhalation, the training of the ability to rationally use the supply of air during speech, and as a result, is a good basis for staging sounds.

"Pick by color"

Target: Teach children to pronounce a phrase of two or three words together.

Equipment: pictures of objects of different colors

Game progress: Children are given pictures on which objects of different colors are drawn. Showing the cube, the teacher says:

Instruction: Whoever has pictures of the same color as the cube, come here.

Children go out, show their pictures, name them (“Red car”, “Red ball”, etc.) and add up this cube. The game continues until all the children have put their pictures into cubes.

"Sing with me!"

Target: development of correct speech breathing - singing the vowels A, O, U, I, E on one exhalation.

Game progress: First, the adult invites the children to sing "songs" with him.

Instruction: Let's sing songs. Here is the first song: "A-A-A!" Get plenty of air - inhale the air. The song must be long. During the game, the teacher monitors a clear pronunciation and exaggerates the articulation of sounds. First we sing the sounds A, U, gradually the number of "songs" can be increased.

Instruction: Here is the second song: "U-U-U!" Now "O-O-O!", "I-I-I!", "E-E-E!"

You can arrange a competition between children: the one who sings the longest on one exhalation wins.

Instruction: Let's have a competition: let's start singing together, the one with the longest song will win.

"Blow off the balloon"

Target: development of correct speech breathing - prolonged pronunciation of the consonant sound F on one exhalation.

Game progress: invite the kids to play this game: standing on the carpet, spread your arms wide apart - you get a ball, then pronounce the sound F for a long time, while bringing your hands in front of you - the ball is deflating. At the end, hug yourself by the shoulders - the balloon has deflated.

Instruction: Let's play balls! Spread your arms out to the sides - that's it! Here are the big balls. Suddenly, a small hole formed in the balloon, and it began to deflate ... Air comes out of the balloon: F-F-F! Ball deflated!

Remind the children to inhale as much air as the balloon is inflated, and then gradually exhale it smoothly, making the sound F. You can’t get any air.


Target: development of correct speech breathing - prolonged pronunciation of the consonant sound Sh on one exhalation.

Game progress: Invite the kids to play kite. The game is played on a carpet.

Instruction: Let's play snakes! The snakes have come out of their holes and are basking in the sun. The snakes hiss: "Shhh!"

Remind the children to take a deep breath and hiss for a long time. During a long pronunciation of the sound Ш it is impossible to get air.



Equipment: soft toy fish

Game progress: Put the child on his back, put him on belly lung soft toy fish Taking a breath through the nose, the stomach protrudes, which means that the toy standing on it rises. When exhaling through the mouth, the stomach is drawn in and the toy is lowered.

The task can be performed under a poem

I swing a fish on a wave,

Up (inhale)

Down (exhale)

Floats over me.


Target: formation diaphragmatic breathing from a prone position

Game progress: the work of the diaphragm is perceived by the child not only visually, but also tactilely. We say to the child: “Place your palm on your stomach and feel how your stomach rises when you inhale and falls when you exhale. Can be accompanied by a rhyme:

The hippos lay

The hippos were breathing.

Then the tummy rises (inhale),

Then the tummy drops (exhale).


Target: formation of diaphragmatic breathing from a sitting position

Game progress: The child sits in front of a large mirror, puts his hand on the area of ​​the diaphragm and controls himself visually and tactilely.

Sat hippos,

They touched their tummies.

That tummy rises

That tummy goes down.

"Hot tea"


Equipment : colored cardboard cups.

Game progress: children are given cardboard cups and encouraged to blow to cool the tea.

Instruction: Hello girls and boys! Today you are my guests and I treat everyone with hot tea, and in order not to burn you - I suggest blowing!


Equipment: The plot picture "Blizzard".

Game progress: The teacher shows a picture on which a blizzard is drawn. Children sitting in a row depict a blizzard howling on a rainy evening.

At the signal of the educator, “The blizzard begins,” they say quietly: woo ...; at the signal "The blizzard ends" they speak more quietly; at the signal "The blizzard is over" they fall silent.

It is desirable that children change the strength of their voice in one exhalation at least 2-3 times. In this case, it is more convenient to replace the verbal instructions of the teacher with conducting: a smooth movement of the hand up - the children speak louder, a smooth movement of the hand down - the children speak quieter.

"Let's play a fairy tale"

Equipment: three bear toys

Game progress : An adult invites the child to remember the fairy tale "Three Bears". Then, changing the pitch of his voice, he asks to guess who is speaking: Mikhailo Ivanovich (low voice), Nastasya Filippovna (medium voice) or Mishutka (high voice). The same remark is pronounced alternately in a voice of different pitch, in three versions:

Who was sitting in my chair?

Who ate from my cup?

Who slept in my bed?

Who was in our house? And so on.


Target: Development of voice power and speech breathing.

Game progress: Children stand in two rows facing each other. One group of children now quietly, then loudly says: a, the other quietly responds: a.
You can play using vowel sounds, as well as combinations
ay, wah, ia, io, etc.


Target: to develop in children the ability to change the pitch of the voice.

Equipment: no special equipment is required.

Game progress: Children and adults stand in a circle. The facilitator invites the children to imagine that they have turned into rockets. And then the rocket takes off! Children begin to pronounce the sound [y] in a low voice, arms slightly apart. Our rocket flies to the moon. The kids raise their hands up and pronounce the sound [y] in a high voice. The rocket lands on the moon. You need to lower your hands and sit down, then draw out the sound [y] in a low voice. And now the rocket is flying home. Perform all movements again in the same order.

"The wind blows"

Target : Develop the ability to use a loud or soft voice depending on the situation.

Equipment : 2 pictures, one of which shows a light breeze shaking the truck, flowers, and the other shows a strong wind shaking the trees.

Game progress: The teacher shows the child a picture of a breeze and says:

Instruction: “In the summer we went for a walk in the forest. A light breeze blows and sways the grass and flowers. It blows quietly, quietly, like this: “uuuu” (the sound is pronounced quietly and for a long time).

Then he shows a picture of a strong wind and says:

Instruction: “Suddenly a strong wind blew, it loudly hummed “oooo” (the sound is pronounced loudly and for a long time).” The kid repeats after the teacher how a light breeze blows and how a strong wind hums. It is important to ensure that, while repeating after him, the child observes the same power of voice.

"Magic Pictures"

Target: the development of a strong smooth and prolonged exhalation.

Equipment: picture with glued rain

Game progress: the child is invited to blow on the picture so that the “rain” rises and the picture becomes visible

"Tell Different"

Target: development of the ability to control one's voice, changing its intonation depending on the task.


Game progress: Children need to be attentive and change the intonation of the voice in time when telling:


An adult shows the children a picture that depicts a smile and the children tell a poem with a cheerful intonation, if the children see a sad face, they tell it sadly and so on. The teacher changes the cards at his discretion.


I stand and catch snowflakes in my palm.

I love winter and snow and snowflakes.

But where is the snowflake? Water in the palm of your hand!

Where did the snowflakes go? Where?

Fragile ice-rays melted ...

As you can see, my palms are hot.

"Who said that?"

Target: development of the ability to find a mimic expression in accordance with the intoned phrase.

Equipment: cards with the image of a cheerful face, a sad face, a face with a wide open mouth (loudly), with a finger near the mouth (quietly)

Game progress: According to the intoned phrase, the children find the appropriate mimic expression among the proposed pictures.

"Mimic Cube"


Equipment: emotion cube

Game progress: Children repeat the proposed or independently composed phrase with the intonation that has fallen out on the cube or the intonation set by the teacher.

"Basket Talk"

Target: development of the ability to control one's voice, changing its intonation depending on the task

Equipment: "bracelet" with the image of a vegetable or fruit with some kind of facial expression

Game progress: Children put a “bracelet” on their hand with the image of a vegetable or fruit with some kind of facial expression and, with the help of facial expressions and intonation, convey a conversation corresponding to a given emotional state.

"Broken TV"

Target: development of the ability to control one's voice, changing its intonation depending on the task

Equipment: subject or plot pictures

Game progress: Children make up a sentence or story based on a subject or plot picture, conveying a given emotional state.

"Skier Competition"

Target: development of correct speech breathing

Equipment: Figures of skiers

Game progress: Figures of skiers (cut out of thin cardboard) stand on the edge of the table. Children are called in pairs. Each child sits opposite the skier. The teacher warns that it is possible to advance the skier only on one exhalation, it is impossible to blow several times in a row. At the signal "Let's go", the children blow on the figures. The rest of the children are watching whose skier will go further (slide on the table).


Target: development of a long, smooth and strong exhalation, activation of the muscles of the lips.

Equipment: soap bubbles

Game progress: One child blows soap bubbles, the rest of the children blow on them and do not let them fall.

"Whose cube will rise higher?"

Target: develop diaphragmatic breathing.

Equipment: lightweight plastic cube

Game progress: Children lie on the carpet, a light plastic cube is placed on the stomach. Children take a deep breath through their nose and exhale through their nose, while the adult watches whose cube rises higher.

"Roll, pencil!"

Target: development of a long smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: pencils with a smooth or ribbed surface.

Game progress: The child is sitting at the table. Place a pencil on the table at a distance of 20 cm from the child. First, the adult shows how to forcefully blow on the pencil so that it rolls to the opposite end of the table. Then he invites the child to blow on the pencil. The second participant in the game catches a pencil at the opposite end of the table. You can continue the game by sitting opposite each other, and rolling a pencil to each other from one end of the table to the other.

By organizing a game in a group, you can arrange a competition: two children are sitting at a table, pencils are in front of them. You can blow on the pencil only once. The one whose pencil rolls the farthest wins.

"Warm your hands."

Target: development of smooth oral exhalation

Game progress: the child is asked to warm his hands. The child inhales through the nose and blows on the "frozen" hands.

Instruction: Our hands are cold, let's warm them up

"Big and small"

Target: development of voice power.

Instruction: Let's pretend that we are dogs. When I clap softly, you will bark softly, and when I clap loudly, you will bark loudly.

"Far and Near"

Target: development of voice power.

Game progress: the child speaks in a quiet voice, then in a loud voice, and other children guess where he is: far or close.

Instruction: Guys, Katya will speak either in a loud or in a quiet voice, and you and I must guess whether she is close or far. If she speaks loudly, then she is close. If she speaks softly, it means she is far away.

"Who's screaming?"

Target: Teach children to speak in a "thin" voice and low voice. Developing the ability to raise and lower the tone of the voice.

Equipment: flannelograph, pictures with images of a tree, a fence, a bird, a chick, a cat, a kitten, as well as a toy cat, a kitten, a bird, a chick.

Game progress: The teacher begins to tell, accompanying his speech by showing the corresponding figures on the flannelograph:

Instruction: “Early in the morning we went out for a walk at the dacha. We hear someone squealing thinly: "pee-pee" (pronounces onomatopoeia in a "thin" voice). We look, this is a chick sitting on a tree and squeaking; waiting for his mother to bring a worm. How thin is the chick squeaking? (“Pee-pee-pee.”) At this time, the bird flew in, gave the chick a worm and squealed: “pee-pee-pee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a lower voice). How did the mother bird squeak? ("Pee-pee-pee.")

The bird flew away and we moved on. We hear someone at the fence shouting thinly: “meow-meow-meow” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). And a kitten jumped out onto the path. How did he meow? (Children reproduce the model of the educator.) It was he who called the cat mom. She heard, running along the path and meowing:

“meow-meow-meow” (says “meow-meow” in a lower voice). How did the cat meow? ("Meow meow meow".)

And now, children, I will show you who came to visit us.

The teacher takes out the cat, shows how she walks on the table, then sits down. How does a cat meow? Children, lowering their voice, say: "meow-meow-meow."

Then the teacher takes out a kitten, a bird, a chick, and the children imitate their voices.


Target: Development of the ability to correlate movements and voice pitch

Game progress: It is proposed to sing vowel sounds, indicating the height of the voice with a movement of the hand: the hand is raised up - we sing in a high voice, the hand is lowered down - we sing in a low voice.

First, an adult conducts this game, and then the children are invited to play the role of a conductor.

"Calm down the doll"

Target: The development of the timbre of the voice.

Game progress: Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. They have dolls in their hands.

Instruction: “The dolls are crying, you need to calm them down. Look how I put the doll to sleep (rocks the doll, singing softly at the sound a the motive of a familiar lullaby). Now you rock."

Children take turns, and then rock the dolls together, pronouncing the sound a.

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Target: Development of voice height and expressiveness. Improvement of phrasal speech.

Equipment: Animal masks.

Game progress: Children must first be familiar with the fairy tale, know the words of the goat and the wolf well, the answers of the kids. Between the children, the teacher distributes roles and distributes masks. The play begins. The teacher draws the attention of children to the nature of the voices. The goat and kids should speak in thin, high voices, and the wolf - first in a rough, low voice, and then in a higher one.


Target: to develop in children the ability to change the pitch and timbre of the voice.

Game progress : Invite the children to play the clown, which depicts various animals and objects. Each child takes turns becoming a clown and imitating the sounds that an animal makes. The rest of the children must guess this animal and repeat the actions of the leader. An adult should help the facilitator to portray an animal or object. An adult should start the game in order to show the children how to correctly depict an animal or object. You can invite children to portray the howl of a wolf, the hiss of a goose, the buzz of a mosquito, a fly, a bee, the whistle of a kettle, a crying child, a howl of the wind, a locomotive whistle, bursting bubbles, the cry of a crow, a cuckoo, etc.

"Tell me what kingdom you're from."

Target. To teach children to determine the emotional coloring of the phrase by the timbre of the voice.

Equipment: Cardboard silhouettes of "kings" in different colors with different emotions.

Game progress: The teacher pronounces a phrase with different emotional coloring (joy, sadness, fear, etc.), and the children determine the emotional coloring by the voice of the teacher and select the appropriate figure of the king.


Target: improve function external respiration, to master the primary methods of breathing exercises.

Equipment: soft toys of small size according to the number of children.

Game progress: A child in a prone position is placed on the stomach in the area of ​​the diaphragm with a light toy. An adult pronounces a rhyme:
Swing up (inhale),
Swing down (exhale),
Stay strong, my friend.

"Bear and tree"

Target: Education of expressiveness of speech and the ability to change the timbre of the voice.

Equipment: The mask of a bear and any other animal (wolf, fox, rooster, bunny, etc.).

Game progress. The teacher chooses two children: one will be a bear, the other, for example, a wolf. From different parts of the room, they should go towards each other. When they meet, a dialogue occurs:

Wolf. Where are you going, bear?
Bear. In the city, look at the Christmas tree.
Wolf. What is she to you?
Bear. It's time to celebrate the New Year.
Wolf. Where will you put it?
Bear. I'll take it to the forest, to my home.
Wolf. Why didn't you cut it in the forest?
Bear. It's a pity, I'd better bring it.

When pronouncing this dialogue, children should imitate the voices of animals, i.e. change the timbre of the voice. Whoever does it the most successfully is encouraged. The game is repeated, but the bear may meet another animal.