The most interesting in yesterday's football games. Very interesting facts about football

Almost all men, and sometimes even some women, watch football. Over the long history of this popular sport the world was able to learn not only the names of famous football players, but also many funny and sometimes sad facts and stories from matches. I suggest you take a look at some of them.

John Penalty
In 1891, Irish football rules expert John Penalty proposed the introduction of a penalty kick for foul play or handball deliberately committed by a player of the defending team within its penalty area. This was the first time such a strike had been made in the Irish football league. Now all over the world it is called a penalty.

Red card for the wedding

The famous German football player Hansi Müller, who was distinguished by exceptional correctness, suddenly got into an altercation with the referee in one of the matches, for which he was removed from the field. Later it turned out that he did it on purpose, as the club's management denied him a vacation. And he had good reasons for the vacation: he had to attend ... his own wedding.

An unusual match took place in 1959 at the city stadium of Gelsenkirchen (Germany). The administration scheduled a meeting of handball players and football players at the same time. All four teams arrived on time, and a furious argument flared up between them - who should play. Nobody wanted to give in. All four teams entered the field and started the game. It was a strange game. About four dozen players rushed around the field, throwing two balls. "Despite the indescribable difficulties, both meetings were brought to an end," the city's sports newspaper reported. The score for handball players is 14:2, for football players - 4:2. The losing handball team protested the match as it was a championship game. But the audience was delighted: they managed to attend the most original match of the season.

Goal drought
Goal drought struck at the turn of the 60s-70s on the fields of a number of European countries, which immediately affected the attendance of matches. Concerning this problem, the English weekly spoke about the curious initiative of the amateur club Hendon, whose management offered their fans a downright revolutionary deal. The slogan was proclaimed: "No goals - admission is free!". The essence of the innovation was as follows: if the match ends in a goalless draw, tickets remain valid for the next match. And so on until the zero series is interrupted.

"Talented" scorer
Since already at the beginning of the season, defender Roberto Vazquez, who played in the 70s for the Argentine club Barica, scored seven goals in his own net, coach Hernando Aguirre decided to urgently retrain him as an attacker. “Don't waste talent,” he commented on his decision. And it's necessary. IN next match, playing in a new position, Vasquez again managed to send the ball into his own net. Here the coach's angelic patience came to an end, and they said goodbye to the footballer.

Frost-resistant tiffozy
During football match in Molfetta (Italy), due to the onset of cold, only one spectator remained in the stands, who reacted quite expansively to the game situations that took place on the field (apparently, the cold forced him to do so). After the end of the game, both teams approached the podium, where the fan was, and rewarded him with applause. For tenacity.

Eleven meter dream
Most of all, the defender of the football team of the Italian city of Verona Bonizzoni dreamed that in one of the matches for the national championship he was instructed to perform a penalty kick. Finally the dream came true. Bonizzoni ran up, hit the ball with all his might and ... immediately woke up from terrible pain. the blow landed on the back of the bed. The doctor diagnosed him with broken fingers. “This is the strangest injury ever. Italian football”, - the President commented on this case. football club"Verona".

Rescue of drowning judges, handiwork...
In the Spanish city of Segovia in the 60s-70s, there was a rather original tradition. When the local football team lost a match, the fans would throw the referee into the river. Neither the fines imposed on the club, nor the disqualification of the stadium helped to end this. And then football authorities, who actually admitted their impotence, began to appoint judges who could swim for matches in Segovia.

Husband-footballer did not let his wife win on the sweepstakes
In the meeting of the English teams Sheffield Wednesday - Barnsley, the victory went to Sheffield, who achieved success in the 92nd minute. The only goal was scored by the left winger Chamberlain. The club's management gave him a £9 bonus. But his joy was short-lived. Arriving home, he learned that his wife, who was present at this meeting, made a bet in a football sweepstakes. In the event of a tie, she could receive £6,000.

Own goal from a penalty kick
When the referee of a football match in Buxheim (Germany) appointed a penalty kick, the players of the offending team did not want to accept this decision. They argued, begged the referee to cancel the penalty, but he was adamant and set the ball himself at the penalty spot. Then one of the defenders, a sign of protest in their hearts, hit the ball, and it flew into the goal. The referee, as if nothing had happened, pointed to the center of the field. In all likelihood, this was the only own goal scored from a penalty kick.

A devoted fan of the Gunners
In 1959, the anniversary of a certain John Smeidl was celebrated in London. He was neither a public figure, nor a famous athlete, nor a popular film actor, but simply a fan of the London Arsenal. True, a slightly unusual fan. For 30 years, Smeidl has not missed a single game of his favorite team, whether in England or abroad. However, after the celebrations, Smeidl admitted that he still had to miss two matches. In 1933, he missed the game because he got lost in the fog. After another 6 years, he only managed to catch the second half of the Arsenal-Blackpool game, because on that day he got married.

Shootout at the match
In the mid 70s in Argentina tragic story during a match between two Argentinean teams Juventud and General Caballero. At the 43rd minute of the meeting, the referee of the match, José Leon Begudo, sent off the Juventud player Joaquin Macial from the field. When he tried to challenge this decision with the help of his fists, the referee calmly pulled out a pistol and laid down the undisciplined footballer tightly. This story had a continuation: the brother of the athlete, who was sitting on the podium, shot the judge.

26 red cards
In the late 70s, in a match between Mexican teams, referee Gonzalez showed 26 (!) red cards. First, for a rough game, he sent off several players from both teams. Then, when the general brawl began, and all the remaining players. And when the coaches and representatives of the teams ran out onto the field, they were also expelled from the field.

The joy of having a baby helped the footballer
At first, the game between the Swedish teams "Gothenburg" and the national team of the city of Degerfors was sluggish, and neither team was able to open an account. Everything changed in an instant. Gothenburg striker Johansson, who took his wife to the hospital before the meeting, was informed about the birth of his daughter. Johansson seemed to have been replaced. He immediately became a central figure on the field and scored four goals in the remaining time. "That's what joy can do," the referee said after the match, congratulating Johansson. “What a joy it is,” the footballer objected, “I dreamed of a guy. That’s why I got so damn angry and took it out on my opponent.”

Belgian namesakes
In a match that took place in the early 70s in one of the Belgian cities, all its participants (players from both teams and three referees) bore the same surname: Van Looy. One team was made up of the grandchildren of 89-year-old Joseph Van Loy, the other was made up of the grandchildren of Joseph's younger brother Albert. The judges turned out to be namesakes. The game ended with a score of 5:3 in favor of Joseph's grandchildren. Despite the fact that the participants of the game were connected by family ties, the game was not distinguished by correctness: the referee was forced to remove three players.

House arrest of a passionate fan
Sunday day. The fire brigade in the small Italian town of Campos suddenly sounded the alarm. The attendants immediately plunged into the cars and rushed to the place of the fire. However, when they arrived, they saw neither fire nor clouds of smoke. But in the window of the house on the second floor, he screamed heart-rendingly: “Help! Fire!". Now there is a staircase. The man was lowered to the ground. Without thanking, and without explaining anything to the rescuers, he rushed to run. During the arrest, it turned out that he, a passionate fan of Giovanni Quizzaro, was locked up on the day of an interesting football match by his wife, who did not want her husband to leave home every Sunday. And a resourceful fan came up with a good way to get to the game.

Head penalty
An absolutely incredible penalty was scored in August 1971 by the player of the Stroitel team from Poltava Alexander Molodetsky. However, let's listen to Molodetsky himself. “I accelerated, leaned over, and head-butted a stationary ball. Goal! The ball hit the bottom right corner from the goalkeeper,” said the player. It is extremely difficult to imagine how this can happen, but there is no reason not to believe the author of this unique goal either.

family football
In the Polish city of Bydgoszcz, a rather curious match took place, which attracted many spectators. Reporters from local newspapers met with a team entirely staffed by representatives of the same family - the sons of a stonemason Osinski. And although 11 guys aged 15 to 28 lost, the audience warmly welcomed the "creator" of the team.

football robbers
A crowd of tipsy men broke into a tavern at night on the outskirts of a small Sicilian town. The strangers smashed the cupboard glass and stole several bottles of wine. When the frightened owner of the bar jumped out of bed and went downstairs, the uninvited guests were gone. Cleaning the room, the owner found a small bronze figurine of a football player. It was not difficult to establish that it was with the help of this figurine that the door of the tavern was opened. According to the same figurine, the police managed to find the crooks themselves. They turned out to be the players of the local club "Riazza", who were awarded this statuette last season for ... exemplary behavior.

watchmaker judge
The favorite pastime of the Italian arbiter Paolo Guzzi (he judged in the 60s) is the repair and construction of watches. When creating one of the samples, he showed a great sense of humor. Football players were depicted on the dial. Every quarter of an hour, dissatisfied cries of fans were heard. Fans whistled every half an hour. Every hour was accompanied by cries similar to "Judge for soap!". But the most interesting thing happened after the clock struck twelve times: a bandaged referee appeared from their body and a crowd of angry fans with umbrellas and sticks chasing him followed.

Married versus single
At the stadium in Buenos Aires, an experiment was once staged, the purpose of which was to prove the superiority of bachelor football players over married ones. Everything went smoothly until the penalty kick at the gates of the married. When the penalty was realized, the wives jumped out onto the field. They beat the judge and awarded the victory to their husbands. To avoid trouble, the bachelors did not protest. The experiment failed.

The wife threatened the judge
Prominent Portuguese football referee José Abendola suddenly began receiving anonymous letters threatening to beat and even kill him if he did not stop appearing on the football field. Knowing well the morals of the fans in his homeland, the frightened referee turned to the police. After the investigation, it turned out that the letter was sent by ... the judge's wife. “There was no way I could get my husband to stay at home even on Sunday,” she told police. “I had to go to the last resort…”

Arbiter diplomat
At the stadium of the Colombian city of Santa Marta, the match between the local team Union Magdalena and the Deportivo club ended, and the score was still not opened. The situation in the stands was tense, and the referee, who was familiar with the temperament and customs of the local fans, was not without reason afraid of big trouble for himself and the visiting team. A few minutes before the whistle, he called the captains to him and developed the following plan: the time would be extended to give the hosts the opportunity to score a goal, but the score would be 0:0. A symbolic goal flew into the gates of Deportivo in the 92nd minute. There was no clock with a stopwatch at the stadium, and the audience saw off the referee and the players with applause. When in the morning they learned from the newspapers that the score remained the same, the arbiter-diplomat was already far away. How did the Colombian Football Federation react to what happened? Given the danger that threatened the referee, she approved of his actions and approved the match protocol.

Hare Forward
In 1984, in the small Armenian town of Gyumri, in a meeting between the teams of the city of Gyumri and the football players of the Yerevan Dairy Plant, the score was 0-0 until 80 minutes of the match. But after an inaccurate hit by one of the Gyumri players, the ball slowly went over the line, but it was not clear from where a hare jumped out on the field and the ball rolled into the goal from it. And the referee of the match had no choice but to count the goal to the indignation of the players from Yerevan. The goal was attributed to the striker from Gyumri, who was the last to touch the ball.

5 cards per player
A curious incident occurred in Brazil at a football match in the state of Piyahui. During the meeting of the local teams "River" and "Oeiras", the referee showed 5 cards to one player. Oeiras team player Paulo Araujo received two yellow cards from referee Edmilson Timoteo da Silva and was automatically sent off with a third red card. However, Araujo did not leave the field and continued the game. The referee discovered his presence only after the player once again broke the rules and received the third yellow card. After the second red card, the player was forced to leave the field again.

Fastest youth goal
The young striker of "America" ​​(Belo Horizonte) Fred in the match of the traditional Sao Paulo Cup for youth teams scored a goal against the opponent with a shot from the center circle 3.53 seconds after the referee's whistle to start the game. This is the fastest goal in the history of world football. True, Fred did not have to rejoice for long - the rivals from Villa Nova, after such an unsuccessful start to the match, wound up and responded with five goals, knocking the record holder's team out of the tournament.

The youngest fan
“The youngest football fan lives with us,” wrote an English newspaper in the late sixties. It's hard to argue with that, because Eddie Hartford was born ... during a football match between Stoke City and Arsenal. Immediately after the match, the newborn was presented with a soccer ball signed by all the players and three referees, as well as a £50 checkbook. In addition, the Stoke City manager announced himself as Eddie's football guardian and added that in the future, the boy would accompany the club on all his trips as a mascot.

The referee made a draw
An interesting incident occurred in the mid-60s in a match between two Spanish teams - Rione and La Catina. Shortly after the start of the meeting, the ball bounced off the referee's foot and ended up in the goal net of the hosts - the Rione club. The referee, despite the protests of spectators and players, counted the goal. time passed, the hosts could not win back, because of which the situation in the stands and on the field gradually heated up. The referee was feverishly considering plans to save the raging fans from the massacre ... When suddenly, three minutes before the end of the game, the ball hit him in the head and in a moment was at the gates of the guests. The hero of the meeting in a state of shock was carried from the field by the players of both teams.

Football archaeologist
During a friendly football match in the Italian town of Asti, the center forward of the local team Maschio, without hitting the ball, picked the ground. So much so that he seriously injured his leg. When they explored the ground, they found a skeleton, which turned out to be a valuable historical find. Maschio received a cash prize and a badge "for his passion for archaeological research."

Football luggage for kangaroo
In the late 60s, the football player of the Australian club Knockport acquired a mascot - a kangaroo. The animal, which constantly accompanied the team, was so accustomed to the players that it allowed him to store various things in his bag. After one game, four passports of the club's players, several banknotes, and ... empty beer bottles were found there. It was the fans who took advantage of the gullibility of a naive animal.

Most expensive match ever
An avid fan of Real Madrid, Felix Gael, could not get a ticket for the Real Madrid match with the Athletic team (Bilbao). A few minutes before the start of the match, a man unexpectedly gave him his ticket. Delighted Gael, in a fit of gratitude, gave him his lottery ticket. A few days later, a Real Madrid fan learned that the winnings in the amount of 300,000 pesetas fell on the number of this ticket. However, he steadfastly endured the loss. - Undoubtedly, - he said, - it was the most expensive match in my life.

Yes, sir!
In the Chilean city of Antofagasta, a curious incident occurred at a football match. Teams of city administration and officers of the local garrison played. The referee appointed a penalty kick at the gates of the army team. Suddenly, one of the players of this team (by rank - lieutenant) showed the referee with an unambiguous gesture - from the field! The judge dutifully retired: he served as a non-commissioned officer in the local garrison. Play is play and service is service.

Long match
The longest football match was played between 1-3 August 1981 by two Irish teams from Callinafersea Football Club in Kerry. The winner was revealed only after ... 65 hours 1 minute.

fair judge
The most fair referee is the English football referee Melvin Sylvester. During the game, the forward of one of the teams, Richard Kerd, repeatedly pushed the referee surreptitiously and finally touched him quite sensitively. The angry referee could not control his emotions and threw the offender to the lawn with three masterful boxing blows, after which he calmly presented himself with a red card and left the field.

orange coffins
Especially for Euro 2000, one of the Dutch entrepreneurs released a batch of orange - the color of the form of the Dutch team - coffins: "I understand that this idea will seem shocking to many, but I am sure that everything will be sold out."

Barbell damaged
This happened in 1980 during a football match in the Romanian city of Timisoara between the local "Polytechnic" and the team of the Brazilian club "Atletico". One of the Brazilian strikers at high speed burst into penalty area home team and went one on one with the Romanian goalkeeper. The goalkeeper of "Polytechnic" in a desperate jump threw himself at the feet of the Brazilian, he jumped up and crashed his head into the goal post, which, unable to withstand the blow, broke in half. The referee had to interrupt the match for 20 minutes in order for the stadium workers to replace the "injured" barbell. The Brazilian striker, as if nothing had happened, continued the game.

Most ridiculous goal of the year
This was the name of the goal scored by the defender of Sparta (Rotterdam) in a match with the Spanish Barcelona in 1973. Beating the ball from his goal, the player sent him high up. The ball was picked up by the wind, burst in the air and fell in a shapeless lump ... into the goal of Barcelona. Referee Fores ordered the ball to be replaced and, despite the protests of the players ... counted the goal.

The noisiest fans
in the cup final English league In 2005, a noise record was recorded at the stadium. After Liverpool's Riise's goal against London's Chelsea, the Merseyside fans let out a 130.7 decibel scream. The achievement was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The previous record was 128.74 decibels and was set in 2000 at a Denver Broncos match.
Then a lot of facts, a lot of letters and numbers.

Thief from Africa
The players of the Senegal national team were promised solid bonuses for victories at the 2002 World Cup. But it seems that not all players believed in the success of their team. Some were looking for other ways to earn extra money. Senegal midfielder Halilou Fadiga was accused by Korean police of stealing a gold necklace from a jewelry store. The theft happened yesterday starting match with France and almost turned into imprisonment for the midfielder. However, the Korean authorities then decided not to open a criminal case because of the "insignificant value of the stolen goods." Interestingly, in the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, England captain Bobby Moore was also suspected of stealing from a jewelry store, but was later acquitted.

Zhevnov's miracle goal
The former goalkeeper of the Belarusian "Bate" (now the goalkeeper of FC "Moscow") Yuri Zhevnov became the author of the most curious goal of 2004. In the first match qualifying round UEFA Cup against Tbilisi "Dinamo" Zhevnov, putting the ball into play from his own penalty area, sent it with all his might to the opponents' half of the field. What was everyone's surprise when the ball, flying along an unthinkable trajectory of more than 80 meters, hit the ground and, jumping over goalkeeper Irakli Zoidze, flew straight into the goal net. I don't think it's worth saying that it was the Roteiro ball, not loved by many. By the way, this is not the first time Zhevnov has succeeded in such tricks. A couple of years ago, at a training camp in Turkey, he already scored a similar goal. Then, however, he was helped by a strong wind.

Fight between judges
Before the next match in the Argentine town of Pelvario, the referee and his assistants were somehow out of sorts. Even before entering the field, they “exchanged pleasantries” for a long time. But the game has begun. The judge in the field defiantly did not pay attention to the signals of the judges on the line. Those, in turn, were subjected to loud criticism of the actions of their colleague. The denouement came at the moment when the referee, despite the demands of his assistants, refused to cancel a goal scored from a clear offside position. Then the subordinates rushed to the intractable superiors and began to beat him. The players of both teams had to separate the fighters. Not without difficulty they put things in order on the field.

The fastest own goal
A kind of record holder is the defender Mazzia, who played in the mid-60s for the Italian club Brescia. At the 38th second of the meeting with the Mantova team, he scored the ball into his own net, creating the fastest own goal.

The referee insulted the player
In the German championship match between Eintracht (Frankfurt) and Bayern Munich, the side referee insulted the player of the German national team Jurgen Grabowski. The referee was disqualified by the decision of the disciplinary commission.

Draw due to spectator interference
Back in the 1950s, a rather rare event occurred in a meeting between two West German provincial teams. The stubborn, tense duel was coming to an end, and the score remained a draw - 3:3. And suddenly one of the attacking guests, having received the ball, circled one after the other two defenders, and then the goalkeeper who desperately threw himself at his feet and quietly sent the ball into an empty net. The stadium is frozen. Only one of the zealous fans of the local team was not taken aback. He rushed headlong to the gate and at the last moment managed to knock the ball off the goal line. The account remained unchanged. And in the protocol of the match, the referee made the following entry: "The game ended in a draw due to the interference of the spectators."

The goalkeeper sent the referee to the optometrist
Italian goalkeeper Grosso during the game advised the referee to wear glasses, for which he was removed from the field. During the investigation of this incident, it turned out that Grosso is the owner of an optical store, and the arbitrator really has poor eyesight. In this regard, the goalkeeper's words addressed to the referee were not regarded by the disciplinary commission as an insult, but as useful and very rational advice. It ended up that the goalkeeper was forgiven, and the referee bought glasses in his shop.

Ambulance to the stadium
Passionate tiffozi from Naples, Giovanni Mannini failed to get a ticket for the Napoli-Roma match. Before the start of the game - a few minutes. The situation is almost hopeless. But Mannini confirmed the well-known truth that there are no hopeless situations. Knowing that the nearest first-aid post was under the stands of the stadium, he faked a heart attack. They call right there ambulance, which brings it into the stadium. When the nurses opened the car doors to transfer the "sick" to the first-aid post, he fell off the stretcher and instantly disappeared among the spectators.

referee football
In the late 50s, in the Italian city of Siena, football referees decided to play themselves. Two teams made up, entered the field, and the match began. Everything was going well until a controversial ball was scored against one of the teams. It was then that all 22 players, each of whom knew and knew how to interpret the rules, began to prove their case. Word for word, and it came to such a scuffle that the police had to intervene.

Each with a card
The rarest case occurred in Spain in the game between the teams of the second league "San Isidro" and "Olimpico Carrante". 3 minutes before the end, the players of both teams, dissatisfied with the refereeing, surrounded the referee, trying to reason with him. And not only with words and gestures ... In this critical situation the referee, keeping complete calm, took out a red card and presented it to all twenty-two participants in the match!

Ridiculous case in Greece
In the game for the championship of Greece in 1978, Ethnikos hosted PAOK. Having opened the score, the guests, running up to the bench, vigorously shared the joy with its inhabitants, not paying attention to the referee's proposal to continue the meeting. Without thinking twice, the players of "Ethnikos" in the absence of rivals started from the center, went unhindered to their goal and equalized the score.

Corrida on the football field
In the Spanish city of Fuente, the local team hosted the players of the Gonsha club. A few minutes passed, and the guests were leading with a score of 2:0. And suddenly on the field, as if in a bullfighting arena, an angry bull appears, then another, third. Players and referees, who did not possess the skills of a matador, rushed in all directions. The public followed suit. The referee, who had barely managed to escape into the locker room, cautiously looked out the window: the bulls were still rushing across the field. The game had to be cancelled. It soon became clear that the bulls prepared for the bullfight were released by an avid fan of the local club in order to prevent a major loss for his team.

Clubs for judges
In the mid-1950s, the authorities of the Iranian region of Al-Kharwas, located not far from the Persian Gulf, endowed judges with unlimited rights. Local judges took to the field, having with them not only a whistle, but also ... a rubber truncheon, because the rules allowed them not only to warn or send off players, but at their discretion to strike them with a truncheon. They say that the matches in this area were exceptionally correct.

The referee helped the player find the gift of speech
An unusual picture was observed by the fans during the match, which took place in 1967 at the Tunisian stadium: the removed football player left the field with undisguised pleasure. At one point in the match, this player, who had lost his hearing and speech since childhood, was extremely indignant at the referee's decision and was indignant at himself. And suddenly the remarks ... sounded, because the football player, who suddenly found the gift of speech, continued to speak out of inertia, the judge quite rightly removed him from the field. But this did not upset the player at all. He was happy to have regained the power of speech.

The priest called on the players to be honest
In 1957, in Germany, a few seconds before the end of a football match, a goal was scored against one of the teams. winning goal. At the same time, the referee did not notice that the striker corrected the ball with his hand, and counted the goal. Then a local priest came onto the field and began to loudly exhort the winning team to confess how it was. The words of the shepherd had an effect. The players admitted that they scored the ball incorrectly. The referee canceled the goal, and the meeting ended in a draw.

The stupidest goal of the Austrian championship
During the break in the match between the Austrian teams Wattens and GAK, the goalkeeper of the GAK club started talking to a patron-fan. Hearing the referee's whistle to continue the match, the absent-minded goalkeeper rushed headlong onto the field, and, already running up to his goal, he saw with desperation how the ball sent from the center of the field rolled in there. But, as they say, there is no evil without good. After the end of the championship, the unfortunate goalkeeper was awarded the prize "For the most stupid goal of the season."

The fan stopped the train
The driver of the Bucharest-Belgrade express only at the last moment managed to avoid a collision with a man sprawled on the rails. A desperate daredevil turned out to be a football fan from Yugoslavia, Radanovic. He stopped the train so as not to be late for a football match in Belgrade.

One of the fastest goals
The fastest goal was scored by the center forward of the English club Bradford City Jim Friats in April 1964. Friats from the center circle with a strong blow sent the ball into the top corner of the opponent's goal. The goalkeeper at this time only put on gloves. Only four seconds have passed since the beginning of the match!

Intervention of a higher power
During a football match in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, a group of paratroopers was blown onto the football field from a nearby airfield. One of the parachutists fell on the goalkeeper at the moment when the goalkeeper was preparing to take possession of the ball. As a result, the ball ended up in the goal and the referee, despite the protests of the injured team, counted the goal, explaining the appearance of the paratroopers by "the intervention of a higher power."

"Foggy" football
Fog is common in the British Isles. But the incident that took place in the meeting of two Scottish teams is unusual. The fog thickened so much that the players were looking for the ball, partners, rivals for a long time. At some point, it seemed to the referee that there were too many players on the field. First of all, he ran to the benches and saw that they were empty. The referee immediately interrupted the game. As it turned out, there were thirty players on the field at the same time.

During the match for the championship of England between the teams "Nottingham Forest" and "Leicester City" snow blizzard intensified by the minute. Visibility on the field was completely lost. At the beginning of the second half, the referee was forced to stop the meeting. Ten minutes passed, and the Leicester players were surprised to notice that their goalkeeper was not in the dressing room. Immediately went in search and found him at the gate. When they explained to him that the match had been interrupted for a long time, he said: “And I’m surprised how our attackers have so much agility?”

The football player turned into a fan
It happened in a small town in the south of France. The referee removed from the field a football player who made a strong expression in his address. Imagine the referee's surprise when, a few minutes later, he heard someone painfully familiar showering him with "compliments", among which the most decent were "The referee from the field!" and “You dummy in black, put on your glasses!”. Looking around, the referee saw a footballer who had just been removed, sitting on the podium in civilian clothes and shouting at the top of his voice. At first, the judge tolerated, but when he became unbearable, he stopped, called the policeman and asked him to remove the screamer from the stadium. "I can't do it, monsieur," said the guard. - I would then have to expel a good half of the audience.

The audience thanked the judge for the excellent refereeing
It happened in the early 60s after a football match in Porto Alegre (Brazil). Excited spectators jumped out onto the field of the stadium and went to the referee. The frightened referee ran with all his might into the locker room. Without stopping in front of this obstacle, the fans broke down the door. The judge hid in a corner and half-consciously waited for a terrible fate. However, as it turned out, the audience just wanted ... to thank him for the excellent refereeing.

The goal that caused the earthquake
Shortly before the end of one of the matches of the lower league championship of Argentina, the home team managed to score the decisive goal. Five thousand spectators who were present at the match jumped to their feet with enthusiastic shouts - and suddenly about 400 fans fell down along with the podium. It turned out that just at the moment when the ball was in the net, an earthquake occurred. It was it that destroyed one sector of the wooden platform. The player who decided the fate of the match later told his friends and acquaintances that he scored the goal that caused the earthquake.

police football
The Brazilian football team Kakova, which had had good results, was unexpectedly disbanded by order of the Minister of the Interior. The fact is that the team consisted mainly of police officers, and during matches with its participation, entire “outfits” of fans in police uniforms arrived at the stadium. The city began an orgy of crime. But in the stands, the order was exemplary.

hole goalie
British Isles keeper Jimmy Taylor (he played for Reading's amateur team) had a lot of trouble in his mouth. He conceded 456 goals in 27 games of the season. On average, about 17 per game.

The goalkeeper never touched the ball
In the late 1950s, the goalkeeper of the youth team Djurgården (Stockholm) set a kind of record. In one of the matches that his team won with a score of 18:0, he never touched the ball. Two goal kicks were taken by a defender who was chasing the ball himself.

John Penalty
In 1891, Irish football rules expert John Penalty proposed the introduction of a penalty kick for foul play or handball deliberately committed by a player of the defending team within its penalty area. It was the first time such a kick had been taken in the Irish Football League. Now all over the world it is called a penalty.

Red card for the wedding

The famous German football player Hansi Müller, who was distinguished by exceptional correctness, suddenly got into an altercation with the referee in one of the matches, for which he was removed from the field. Later it turned out that he did it on purpose, as the club's management denied him a vacation. And he had good reasons for the vacation: he had to attend ... his own wedding.

… continue!

Unusual match took place in 1959 at the city stadium of Gelsenkirchen (Germany). The administration scheduled a meeting of handball players and football players at the same time. All four teams arrived on time, and a furious argument flared up between them - who should play. Nobody wanted to give in. All four teams entered the field and started the game. It was a strange game. About four dozen players rushed around the field, throwing two balls. "Despite the indescribable difficulties, both meetings were brought to an end," the city's sports newspaper reported. The score for handball players is 14:2, for football players - 4:2. The losing handball team protested the match as it was a championship game. But the audience was delighted: they managed to attend the most original match of the season.

Goal drought
Goal drought struck at the turn of the 60s-70s on the fields of a number of European countries, which immediately affected the attendance of matches. Concerning this problem, the English weekly spoke about the curious initiative of the amateur club Hendon, whose management offered their fans a downright revolutionary deal. The slogan was proclaimed: "No goals - admission is free!". The essence of the innovation was as follows: if the match ends in a goalless draw, tickets remain valid for the next match. And so on until the zero series is interrupted.

"Talented" scorer
Since already at the beginning of the season, defender Roberto Vazquez, who played in the 70s for the Argentine club Barica, scored seven goals in his own net, coach Hernando Aguirre decided to urgently retrain him as an attacker. “Don't waste talent,” he commented on his decision. And it's necessary. In the next match, playing in a new position, Vasquez again managed to send the ball into his own net. Here the coach's angelic patience came to an end, and they said goodbye to the footballer.

Frost-resistant tiffozy
During a football match in Molfetta (Italy), due to the onset of cold, only one spectator remained in the stands, who reacted rather expansively to the game situations that took place on the field (apparently, the cold forced him to do so). After the end of the game, both teams approached the podium, where the fan was, and rewarded him with applause. For tenacity.

Eleven meter dream
Most of all, the defender of the football team of the Italian city of Verona Bonizzoni dreamed that in one of the matches for the national championship he was instructed to perform a penalty kick. Finally the dream came true. Bonizzoni ran up, hit the ball with all his might and ... immediately woke up from terrible pain. the blow landed on the back of the bed. The doctor diagnosed him with broken fingers. "This is the strangest injury in the history of Italian football," the president of the Verona football club commented on this case.

Rescue of drowning judges, handiwork...
In the Spanish city of Segovia in the 60s-70s, there was a rather original tradition. When the local football team lost a match, the fans would throw the referee into the river. Neither the fines imposed on the club, nor the disqualification of the stadium helped to end this. And then the football authorities, who actually admitted their impotence, began to appoint judges who could swim for matches in Segovia.

Husband-footballer did not let his wife win on the sweepstakes
In the meeting of the English teams Sheffield Wednesday - Barnsley, the victory went to Sheffield, who achieved success in the 92nd minute. The only goal was scored by the left winger Chamberlain. The club's management gave him a £9 bonus. But his joy was short-lived. Arriving home, he learned that his wife, who was present at this meeting, made a bet in a football sweepstakes. In the event of a tie, she could receive £6,000.

Own goal from a penalty kick
When the referee of a football match in Buxheim (Germany) appointed a penalty kick, the players of the offending team did not want to accept this decision. They argued, begged the referee to cancel the penalty, but he was adamant and set the ball himself at the penalty spot. Then one of the defenders, a sign of protest in their hearts, hit the ball, and it flew into the goal. The referee, as if nothing had happened, pointed to the center of the field. In all likelihood, this was the only own goal scored from a penalty kick.

A devoted fan of the Gunners
In 1959, the anniversary of a certain John Smeidl was celebrated in London. He was neither a public figure, nor a famous athlete, nor a popular film actor, but simply a fan of the London Arsenal. True, a slightly unusual fan. For 30 years, Smeidl has not missed a single game of his favorite team, whether in England or abroad. However, after the celebrations, Smeidl admitted that he still had to miss two matches. In 1933, he missed the game because he got lost in the fog. After another 6 years, he only managed to catch the second half of the Arsenal-Blackpool game, because on that day he got married.

Shootout at the match
In the mid-70s in Argentina, a tragic story happened during a match between two Argentinean teams, Juventud and General Caballero. At the 43rd minute of the meeting, the referee of the match, José Leon Begudo, sent off the Juventud player Joaquin Macial from the field. When he tried to challenge this decision with the help of his fists, the referee calmly pulled out a pistol and laid down the undisciplined footballer tightly. This story had a continuation: the brother of the athlete, who was sitting on the podium, shot the judge.

26 red cards
In the late 70s, in a match between Mexican teams, referee Gonzalez showed 26 (!) red cards. First, for a rough game, he sent off several players from both teams. Then, when the general brawl began, and all the remaining players. And when the coaches and representatives of the teams ran out onto the field, they were also expelled from the field.

The joy of having a baby helped the footballer
At first, the game between the Swedish teams "Gothenburg" and the national team of the city of Degerfors was sluggish, and neither team was able to open an account. Everything changed in an instant. Gothenburg striker Johansson, who took his wife to the hospital before the meeting, was informed about the birth of his daughter. Johansson seemed to have been replaced. He immediately became a central figure on the field and scored four goals in the remaining time. "That's what joy can do," the referee said after the match, congratulating Johansson. “What a joy it is,” the footballer objected, “I dreamed of a guy. That’s why I got so damn angry and took it out on my opponent.”

Belgian namesakes
In a match that took place in the early 70s in one of the Belgian cities, all its participants (players from both teams and three referees) bore the same surname: Van Looy. One team was made up of the grandchildren of 89-year-old Joseph Van Loy, the other was made up of the grandchildren of Joseph's younger brother Albert. The judges turned out to be namesakes. The game ended with a score of 5:3 in favor of Joseph's grandchildren. Despite the fact that the participants of the game were connected by family ties, the game was not distinguished by correctness: the referee was forced to remove three players.

House arrest of a passionate fan
Sunday day. The fire brigade in the small Italian town of Campos suddenly sounded the alarm. The attendants immediately plunged into the cars and rushed to the place of the fire. However, when they arrived, they saw neither fire nor clouds of smoke. But in the window of the house on the second floor, he screamed heart-rendingly: “Help! Fire!". Now there is a staircase. The man was lowered to the ground. Without thanking, and without explaining anything to the rescuers, he rushed to run. During the arrest, it turned out that he, a passionate fan of Giovanni Quizzaro, was locked up on the day of an interesting football match by his wife, who did not want her husband to leave home every Sunday. And a resourceful fan came up with a good way to get to the game.

Head penalty
An absolutely incredible penalty was scored in August 1971 by the player of the Stroitel team from Poltava Alexander Molodetsky. However, let's listen to Molodetsky himself. “I accelerated, leaned over, and head-butted a stationary ball. Goal! The ball hit the bottom right corner from the goalkeeper,” said the player. It is extremely difficult to imagine how this can happen, but there is no reason not to believe the author of this unique goal either.

family football
In the Polish city of Bydgoszcz, a rather curious match took place, which attracted many spectators. Reporters from local newspapers met with a team entirely staffed by representatives of the same family - the sons of a stonemason Osinski. And although 11 guys aged 15 to 28 lost, the audience warmly welcomed the "creator" of the team.

football robbers
A crowd of tipsy men broke into a tavern at night on the outskirts of a small Sicilian town. The strangers smashed the cupboard glass and stole several bottles of wine. When the frightened owner of the bar jumped out of bed and went downstairs, the uninvited guests were gone. Cleaning the room, the owner found a small bronze figurine of a football player. It was not difficult to establish that it was with the help of this figurine that the door of the tavern was opened. According to the same figurine, the police managed to find the crooks themselves. They turned out to be the players of the local club "Riazza", who were awarded this statuette last season for ... exemplary behavior.

watchmaker judge
The favorite pastime of the Italian arbiter Paolo Guzzi (he judged in the 60s) is the repair and construction of watches. When creating one of the samples, he showed a great sense of humor. Football players were depicted on the dial. Every quarter of an hour, dissatisfied cries of fans were heard. Fans whistled every half an hour. Every hour was accompanied by cries similar to "Judge for soap!". But the most interesting thing happened after the clock struck twelve times: a bandaged referee appeared from their body and a crowd of angry fans with umbrellas and sticks chasing him followed.

Married versus single
At the stadium in Buenos Aires, an experiment was once staged, the purpose of which was to prove the superiority of bachelor football players over married ones. Everything went smoothly until the penalty kick at the gates of the married. When the penalty was realized, the wives jumped out onto the field. They beat the judge and awarded the victory to their husbands. To avoid trouble, the bachelors did not protest. The experiment failed.

The wife threatened the judge
Prominent Portuguese football referee José Abendola suddenly began receiving anonymous letters threatening to beat and even kill him if he did not stop appearing on the football field. Knowing well the morals of the fans in his homeland, the frightened referee turned to the police. After the investigation, it turned out that the letter was sent by ... the judge's wife. “There was no way I could get my husband to stay at home even on Sunday,” she told police. “I had to go to the last resort…”

Arbiter diplomat
At the stadium of the Colombian city of Santa Marta, the match between the local team Union Magdalena and the Deportivo club ended, and the score was still not opened. The situation in the stands was tense, and the referee, who was familiar with the temperament and customs of the local fans, was not without reason afraid of big trouble for himself and the visiting team. A few minutes before the whistle, he called the captains to him and developed the following plan: the time would be extended to give the hosts the opportunity to score a goal, but the score would be 0:0. A symbolic goal flew into the gates of Deportivo in the 92nd minute. There was no clock with a stopwatch at the stadium, and the audience saw off the referee and the players with applause. When in the morning they learned from the newspapers that the score remained the same, the arbiter-diplomat was already far away. How did the Colombian Football Federation react to what happened? Given the danger that threatened the referee, she approved of his actions and approved the match protocol.

Hare Forward
In 1984, in the small Armenian town of Gyumri, in a meeting between the teams of the city of Gyumri and the football players of the Yerevan Dairy Plant, the score was 0-0 until 80 minutes of the match. But after an inaccurate hit by one of the Gyumri players, the ball slowly went over the line, but it was not clear from where a hare jumped out on the field and the ball rolled into the goal from it. And the referee of the match had no choice but to count the goal to the indignation of the players from Yerevan. The goal was attributed to the striker from Gyumri, who was the last to touch the ball.

5 cards per player
A curious incident occurred in Brazil at a football match in the state of Piyahui. During the meeting of the local teams "River" and "Oeiras", the referee showed 5 cards to one player. Oeiras team player Paulo Araujo received two yellow cards from referee Edmilson Timoteo da Silva and was automatically sent off with a third red card. However, Araujo did not leave the field and continued the game. The referee discovered his presence only after the player once again broke the rules and received the third yellow card. After the second red card, the player was forced to leave the field again.

Fastest youth goal
The young striker of "America" ​​(Belo Horizonte) Fred in the match of the traditional Sao Paulo Cup for youth teams scored a goal against the opponent with a shot from the center circle 3.53 seconds after the referee's whistle to start the game. This is the fastest goal in the history of world football. True, Fred did not have to rejoice for long - the rivals from Villa Nova, after such an unsuccessful start to the match, wound up and responded with five goals, knocking the record holder's team out of the tournament.

The youngest fan
“The youngest football fan lives with us,” wrote an English newspaper in the late sixties. It's hard to argue with that, because Eddie Hartford was born ... during a football match between Stoke City and Arsenal. Immediately after the match, the newborn was presented with a soccer ball signed by all the players and three referees, as well as a £50 checkbook. In addition, the Stoke City manager announced himself as Eddie's football guardian and added that in the future, the boy would accompany the club on all his trips as a mascot.

The referee made a draw
An interesting incident occurred in the mid-60s in a match between two Spanish teams - Rione and La Catina. Shortly after the start of the meeting, the ball bounced off the referee's foot and ended up in the goal net of the hosts - the Rione club. The referee, despite the protests of spectators and players, counted the goal. time passed, the hosts could not win back, because of which the situation in the stands and on the field gradually heated up. The referee was feverishly considering plans to save the raging fans from the massacre ... When suddenly, three minutes before the end of the game, the ball hit him in the head and in a moment was at the gates of the guests. The hero of the meeting in a state of shock was carried from the field by the players of both teams.

Football archaeologist
During a friendly football match in the Italian town of Asti, the center forward of the local team Maschio, without hitting the ball, picked the ground. So much so that he seriously injured his leg. When they explored the ground, they found a skeleton, which turned out to be a valuable historical find. Maschio received a cash prize and a badge "for his passion for archaeological research."

Football luggage for kangaroo
In the late 60s, the football player of the Australian club Knockport acquired a mascot - a kangaroo. The animal, which constantly accompanied the team, was so accustomed to the players that it allowed him to store various things in his bag. After one game, four passports of the club's players, several banknotes, and ... empty beer bottles were found there. It was the fans who took advantage of the gullibility of a naive animal.

Most expensive match ever
An avid fan of Real Madrid, Felix Gael, could not get a ticket for the Real Madrid match with the Athletic team (Bilbao). A few minutes before the start of the match, a man unexpectedly gave him his ticket. Delighted Gael, in a fit of gratitude, gave him his lottery ticket. A few days later, a Real Madrid fan learned that the winnings in the amount of 300,000 pesetas fell on the number of this ticket. However, he steadfastly endured the loss. - Undoubtedly, - he said, - it was the most expensive match in my life.

Yes, sir!
In the Chilean city of Antofagasta, a curious incident occurred at a football match. Teams of city administration and officers of the local garrison played. The referee appointed a penalty kick at the gates of the army team. Suddenly, one of the players of this team (by rank - lieutenant) showed the referee with an unambiguous gesture - from the field! The judge dutifully retired: he served as a non-commissioned officer in the local garrison. Play is play and service is service.

Long match
The longest football match was played between 1-3 August 1981 by two Irish teams from Callinafersea Football Club in Kerry. The winner was revealed only after ... 65 hours 1 minute.

fair judge
The most fair referee is the English football referee Melvin Sylvester. During the game, the forward of one of the teams, Richard Kerd, repeatedly pushed the referee surreptitiously and finally touched him quite sensitively. The angry referee could not control his emotions and threw the offender to the lawn with three masterful boxing blows, after which he calmly presented himself with a red card and left the field.

orange coffins
Especially for Euro 2000, one of the Dutch entrepreneurs released a batch of orange - the color of the form of the Dutch team - coffins: "I understand that this idea will seem shocking to many, but I am sure that everything will be sold out."

Barbell damaged
This happened in 1980 during a football match in the Romanian city of Timisoara between the local "Polytechnic" and the team of the Brazilian club "Atletico". One of the Brazilian strikers at high speed burst into the penalty area of ​​the home team and went one on one with the Romanian goalkeeper. The goalkeeper of "Polytechnic" in a desperate jump threw himself at the feet of the Brazilian, he jumped up and crashed his head into the goal post, which, unable to withstand the blow, broke in half. The referee had to interrupt the match for 20 minutes in order for the stadium workers to replace the "injured" barbell. The Brazilian striker, as if nothing had happened, continued the game.

Most ridiculous goal of the year
This was the name of the goal scored by the defender of Sparta (Rotterdam) in a match with the Spanish Barcelona in 1973. Beating the ball from his goal, the player sent him high up. The ball was picked up by the wind, burst in the air and fell in a shapeless lump ... into the goal of Barcelona. Referee Fores ordered the ball to be replaced and, despite the protests of the players ... counted the goal.

The noisiest fans
In the 2005 English League Cup Final, a stadium noise record was recorded. After Liverpool's Riise's goal against London's Chelsea, the Merseyside fans let out a 130.7 decibel scream. The achievement was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The previous record was 128.74 decibels and was set in 2000 at a Denver Broncos match.
Then a lot of facts, a lot of letters and numbers.

Thief from Africa
The players of the Senegal national team were promised solid bonuses for victories at the 2002 World Cup. But it seems that not all players believed in the success of their team. Some were looking for other ways to earn extra money. Senegal midfielder Halilou Fadiga was accused by Korean police of stealing a gold necklace from a jewelry store. The theft occurred on the eve of the opening match with France and almost turned into a prison sentence for the midfielder. However, the Korean authorities then decided not to open a criminal case because of the "insignificant value of the stolen goods." Interestingly, in the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, England captain Bobby Moore was also suspected of stealing from a jewelry store, but was later acquitted.

Zhevnov's miracle goal
The former goalkeeper of the Belarusian "Bate" (now the goalkeeper of FC "Moscow") Yuri Zhevnov became the author of the most curious goal of 2004. In the match of the first qualifying round of the UEFA Cup against Dynamo Tbilisi, Zhevnov, putting the ball into play from his own penalty area, sent it with all his might to the opponents' half of the field. What was everyone's surprise when the ball, flying along an unthinkable trajectory of more than 80 meters, hit the ground and, jumping over goalkeeper Irakli Zoidze, flew straight into the goal net. I don't think it's worth saying that it was the Roteiro ball, not loved by many. By the way, this is not the first time Zhevnov has succeeded in such tricks. A couple of years ago, at a training camp in Turkey, he already scored a similar goal. Then, however, he was helped by a strong wind.

Fight between judges
Before the next match in the Argentine town of Pelvario, the referee and his assistants were somehow out of sorts. Even before entering the field, they “exchanged pleasantries” for a long time. But the game has begun. The judge in the field defiantly did not pay attention to the signals of the judges on the line. Those, in turn, were subjected to loud criticism of the actions of their colleague. The denouement came at the moment when the referee, despite the demands of his assistants, refused to cancel a goal scored from a clear offside position. Then the subordinates rushed to the intractable superiors and began to beat him. The players of both teams had to separate the fighters. Not without difficulty they put things in order on the field.

The fastest own goal
A kind of record holder is the defender Mazzia, who played in the mid-60s for the Italian club Brescia. At the 38th second of the meeting with the Mantova team, he scored the ball into his own net, creating the fastest own goal.

The referee insulted the player
In the German championship match between Eintracht (Frankfurt) and Bayern Munich, the side referee insulted the player of the German national team Jurgen Grabowski. The referee was disqualified by the decision of the disciplinary commission.

Draw due to spectator interference
Back in the 1950s, a rather rare event occurred in a meeting between two West German provincial teams. The stubborn, tense duel was coming to an end, and the score remained a draw - 3:3. And suddenly one of the attacking guests, having received the ball, circled one after the other two defenders, and then the goalkeeper who desperately threw himself at his feet and quietly sent the ball into an empty net. The stadium is frozen. Only one of the zealous fans of the local team was not taken aback. He rushed headlong to the gate and at the last moment managed to knock the ball off the goal line. The account remained unchanged. And in the protocol of the match, the referee made the following entry: "The game ended in a draw due to the interference of the spectators."

The goalkeeper sent the referee to the optometrist
Italian goalkeeper Grosso during the game advised the referee to wear glasses, for which he was removed from the field. During the investigation of this incident, it turned out that Grosso is the owner of an optical store, and the arbitrator really has poor eyesight. In this regard, the goalkeeper's words addressed to the referee were not regarded by the disciplinary commission as an insult, but as useful and very rational advice. It ended up that the goalkeeper was forgiven, and the referee bought glasses in his shop.

Ambulance to the stadium
Passionate tiffozi from Naples, Giovanni Mannini failed to get a ticket for the Napoli-Roma match. Before the start of the game - a few minutes. The situation is almost hopeless. But Mannini confirmed the well-known truth that there are no hopeless situations. Knowing that the nearest first-aid post was under the stands of the stadium, he faked a heart attack. An ambulance is immediately called, which brings him into the stadium. When the nurses opened the car doors to transfer the "sick" to the first-aid post, he fell off the stretcher and instantly disappeared among the spectators.

referee football
In the late 50s, in the Italian city of Siena, football referees decided to play themselves. Two teams made up, entered the field, and the match began. Everything was going well until a controversial ball was scored against one of the teams. It was then that all 22 players, each of whom knew and knew how to interpret the rules, began to prove their case. Word for word, and it came to such a scuffle that the police had to intervene.

Each with a card
The rarest case occurred in Spain in the game between the teams of the second league "San Isidro" and "Olimpico Carrante". 3 minutes before the end, the players of both teams, dissatisfied with the refereeing, surrounded the referee, trying to reason with him. And not only with words and gestures... In this critical situation, the judge, keeping complete calm, took out a red card and presented it to all twenty-two participants in the match!

Ridiculous case in Greece
In the game for the championship of Greece in 1978, Ethnikos hosted PAOK. Having opened the score, the guests, running up to the bench, vigorously shared the joy with its inhabitants, not paying attention to the referee's proposal to continue the meeting. Without thinking twice, the players of "Ethnikos" in the absence of rivals started from the center, went unhindered to their goal and equalized the score.

Corrida on the football field
In the Spanish city of Fuente, the local team hosted the players of the Gonsha club. A few minutes passed, and the guests were leading with a score of 2:0. And suddenly on the field, as if in a bullfighting arena, an angry bull appears, then another, third. Players and referees, who did not possess the skills of a matador, rushed in all directions. The public followed suit. The referee, who had barely managed to escape into the locker room, cautiously looked out the window: the bulls were still rushing across the field. The game had to be cancelled. It soon became clear that the bulls prepared for the bullfight were released by an avid fan of the local club in order to prevent a major loss for his team.

Clubs for judges
In the mid-1950s, the authorities of the Iranian region of Al-Kharwas, located not far from the Persian Gulf, endowed judges with unlimited rights. Local judges took to the field, having with them not only a whistle, but also ... a rubber truncheon, because the rules allowed them not only to warn or send off players, but at their discretion to strike them with a truncheon. They say that the matches in this area were exceptionally correct.

The referee helped the player find the gift of speech
An unusual picture was observed by the fans during the match, which took place in 1967 at the Tunisian stadium: the removed football player left the field with undisguised pleasure. At one point in the match, this player, who had lost his hearing and speech since childhood, was extremely indignant at the referee's decision and was indignant at himself. And suddenly the remarks ... sounded, because the football player, who suddenly found the gift of speech, continued to speak out of inertia, the judge quite rightly removed him from the field. But this did not upset the player at all. He was happy to have regained the power of speech.

The priest called on the players to be honest
In 1957, in Germany, a few seconds before the end of a football match, the winning goal was scored against one of the teams. At the same time, the referee did not notice that the striker corrected the ball with his hand, and counted the goal. Then a local priest came onto the field and began to loudly exhort the winning team to confess how it was. The words of the shepherd had an effect. The players admitted that they scored the ball incorrectly. The referee canceled the goal, and the meeting ended in a draw.

The stupidest goal of the Austrian championship
During the break in the match between the Austrian teams Wattens and GAK, the goalkeeper of the GAK club started talking to a patron-fan. Hearing the referee's whistle to continue the match, the absent-minded goalkeeper rushed headlong onto the field, and, already running up to his goal, he saw with desperation how the ball sent from the center of the field rolled in there. But, as they say, there is no evil without good. After the end of the championship, the unfortunate goalkeeper was awarded the prize "For the most stupid goal of the season."

The fan stopped the train
The driver of the Bucharest-Belgrade express only at the last moment managed to avoid a collision with a man sprawled on the rails. A desperate daredevil turned out to be a football fan from Yugoslavia, Radanovic. He stopped the train so as not to be late for a football match in Belgrade.

One of the fastest goals
The fastest goal was scored by the center forward of the English club Bradford City Jim Friats in April 1964. Friats from the center circle sent the ball into the top corner of the opponent's goal with a strong blow. The goalkeeper at this time only put on gloves. Only four seconds have passed since the beginning of the match!

Intervention of a higher power
During a football match in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, a group of paratroopers was blown onto the football field from a nearby airfield. One of the parachutists fell on the goalkeeper at the moment when the goalkeeper was preparing to take possession of the ball. As a result, the ball ended up in the goal and the referee, despite the protests of the injured team, counted the goal, explaining the appearance of the paratroopers by "the intervention of a higher power."

"Foggy" football
Fog is common in the British Isles. But the incident that took place in the meeting of two Scottish teams is unusual. The fog thickened so much that the players were looking for the ball, partners, rivals for a long time. At some point, it seemed to the referee that there were too many players on the field. First of all, he ran to the benches and saw that they were empty. The referee immediately interrupted the game. As it turned out, there were thirty players on the field at the same time.

During the match for the championship of England between the teams "Nottingham Forest" and "Leicester City" snow blizzard intensified by the minute. Visibility on the field was completely lost. At the beginning of the second half, the referee was forced to stop the meeting. Ten minutes passed, and the Leicester players were surprised to notice that their goalkeeper was not in the dressing room. Immediately went in search and found him at the gate. When they explained to him that the match had been interrupted for a long time, he said: “And I’m surprised how our attackers have so much agility?”

The football player turned into a fan
It happened in a small town in the south of France. The referee removed from the field a football player who made a strong expression in his address. Imagine the referee's surprise when, a few minutes later, he heard someone painfully familiar showering him with "compliments", among which the most decent were "The referee from the field!" and “You dummy in black, put on your glasses!”. Looking around, the referee saw a footballer who had just been removed, sitting on the podium in civilian clothes and shouting at the top of his voice. At first, the judge tolerated, but when he became unbearable, he stopped, called the policeman and asked him to remove the screamer from the stadium. "I can't do it, monsieur," said the guard. - I would then have to expel a good half of the audience.

The audience thanked the judge for the excellent refereeing
It happened in the early 60s after a football match in Porto Alegre (Brazil). Excited spectators jumped out onto the field of the stadium and went to the referee. The frightened referee ran with all his might into the locker room. Without stopping in front of this obstacle, the fans broke down the door. The judge hid in a corner and half-consciously waited for a terrible fate. However, as it turned out, the audience just wanted ... to thank him for the excellent refereeing.

The goal that caused the earthquake
Shortly before the end of one of the matches of the lower league championship of Argentina, the home team managed to score the decisive goal. Five thousand spectators who were present at the match jumped to their feet with enthusiastic shouts - and suddenly about 400 fans fell down along with the podium. It turned out that just at the moment when the ball was in the net, an earthquake occurred. It was it that destroyed one sector of the wooden platform. The player who decided the fate of the match later told his friends and acquaintances that he scored the goal that caused the earthquake.

police football
The Brazilian football team Kakova, which had had good results, was unexpectedly disbanded by order of the Minister of the Interior. The fact is that the team consisted mainly of police officers, and during matches with its participation, entire “outfits” of fans in police uniforms arrived at the stadium. The city began an orgy of crime. But in the stands, the order was exemplary.

hole goalie
British Isles keeper Jimmy Taylor (he played for Reading's amateur team) had a lot of trouble in his mouth. He conceded 456 goals in 27 games of the season. On average, about 17 per game.

The goalkeeper never touched the ball
In the late 1950s, the goalkeeper of the youth team Djurgården (Stockholm) set a kind of record. In one of the matches that his team won with a score of 18:0, he never touched the ball. Two goal kicks were taken by a defender who was chasing the ball himself.

Let me tell you more and more cutting The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

Interesting Facts about football and football players, top 15 most unusual facts about football.

1) Alexander Zavarov playing at the end of his sports career for the French football club Nancy, received the nickname "Beetroot", for its frequent repetition as a curse on the playing field against other players or himself.

2) Perm "Amkar" was named after the abbreviation of the names of urea-ammonia chemicals, which were the main products of the club owner of the Uralchem ​​plant.

3) The word Soccer, which usually means football for us, has slightly different meanings in America, where football is called their national form of the game. Football received the name Soccer directly in England in the 19th century, when it was a kind of rugby game there. At that time, for some variety, an abbreviated excerpt from "association football" was invented with the added ending -er. What gave the current designation of football Soccer.

4) Russian President Boris Yeltsin at the 1992 friendly match between the teams of the Government of the country and Moscow, whose goalkeeper was injured at the end of the first half, made an offer during the break to take the place of the injured commentator Vladimir Maslachenko. And he immediately gave the order to sign a decree appointing him to the post of Minister of Sports, when Maslachenko tried to laugh off the topic of his non-government. Maslachenko, although he did not miss a single goal in the second half, was forced to resign after the game.

5) The reason for the 6-day war between Honduras and El Salvador in 1969 was the victory of the latter in the matches between them at the stage of selection for the football world championship.

6) Football player Sergei Bodak from FC Krylya Sovetov in Samara was offered a burgundy football uniform for his team in exchange for a move to Spartak Vladikavkaz. He agreed.

7) John Burridge was voted the football player with the longest sports career in England. At forty-three years old, he was a real player in one of the little-known English clubs and before that he changed about 26 of them.

8) Football referee Graham Poll at the 2006 World Cup held between Australia and Croatia made an unprecedented mistake, showing Croatian player J. Simunich as many as 3 yellow cards, and at the same time forgot to delete it after the second. As the referee clarified this incident, the whole thing was in the confused columns of the notebook for writing the second card to another player with the same number in the other team.

9) There are also several other cases where the referees originally differed on the football field in the case of cards. For example, two of them showed a red card to themselves in different matches. It was Andy Wayne, in the Royal Mile - Peterborough North End match, who avoided a brawl between himself and the goalkeeper with whom he could no longer be on the same field without a fight. Second Sylvester Melvin, when officiating the British Legion match against the Suthampton Arms, sent himself off after hitting a player several times back.

10) Giovane Elber, playing for the German national team as a Stuttgart player, went to one of the games with colored tape stuck to his mouth after he was shown a yellow card for talking to the referee.

11) The city of Sialkot is famous for producing the largest share of soccer balls in the world, it is about 70%, while 10% is in the rest of Pakistan, for the most part this used to happen with the participation of child labor, which has recently been severely suppressed.

12) In 99, the Italian football club Fiorentina sold cans of air in their company stores. Among which were the Spirit of the stands, the atmosphere of the locker room, the smell of victory, etc.

13) At a public display of a football cup before the start of the World Cup held in 1966 in England, unknown people stole the cup, throwing it into the garden of one of London's parks. Where in the bushes a week later an ordinary dog ​​found him for a walk with his master, despite all the efforts of the London police called on this occasion and the detectives of Scotland Yard. In connection with the find, the winning team of England invited the distinguished animal and its owner to a celebratory buffet, where it had the opportunity to fill its stomach with footballers' food.

14) In the state of Ghana, located in Africa, children are often given names according to the day of the week on which they are born, not only because of loyalty to culture, but also because of the scarcity vocabulary given education to the peoples of the "third world". So famous football player Chelsea Club Michael Kojo Esien, the word in the middle of the name stands for Monday. And United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan got his name from being born on a Friday.

On all continents of the globe, in the cultures of different peoples, you can find the prototypes of football - a popular game of our time.

Mayan pottery (600-1000) depicts ball players. The game was called tlachtli. The Maya knew how to process rubber. Balls were made from it. At first, the balls were cast, so hitting the ball with your head or bare foot was not recommended. The game used shoulders, hips and shins. The site consisted of two halves. The goal of the players of the opposing teams was to keep the ball in the air for a long time and hit the rings vertically located on the field.

In 1529, the artist Christoph Weiditz, who traveled as part of a Spanish conquest expedition to Mexico, described the game of tlachtli:

“They play the game using only their feet, and the object for the game is a leather ball inflated with air.”
  • Approximately 1,500 playing fields of various sizes and shapes have survived in Mexico to this day. Ancient balls have come down to us from Egypt (2000 BC). Wood, leather and even papyrus were used in the manufacture.
  • In ancient Chinese and Japanese manuscripts in the 3rd century BC. football-like games are described. Teams played in the presence of emperors and high officials.
  • IN Ancient Greece and Rome, ball games were part of the education and physical education men and women.
  • game in modern form created by the British in the 19th century.

precise rules and general provisions football game were installed in England in the 1860s. At that moment, the players determined which dimensions of the field are optimal for the game, and which goals are best suited for professional matches.

The very first championship in the whole world was the English Cup. At that time, at the peak of popularity, dozens of new clubs were formed, their total in the championship could reach 100 units.

Interesting facts about the World Cup

  • The World Cup is sometimes referred to by the common word "Mundial". It is a Spanish word which in this language means "global, encompassing the entire world". Fans and commentators called him such an additional word back in 1982. After the name stuck, and today the term "Mundial" refers to any World Cup.

  • The golden cup with the image of the Greek goddess of victory Nike became the first World Cup trophy. The goblet was created by the best jeweler of Paris, Abel Lefleur. The figurine was 30 cm high and consisted of cast pure precious metal - gold.
  • After winning the Championship in 1970 brazilian team became a three-time world champion and the Golden Goddess Cup passed to her forever.
  • The World Cup was made by the Italian sculptor Silvio Gannizaga. The trophy is made from a single piece of gold and weighs 4,970 kilograms. Its height is 36 centimeters. At the base there are layers of malachite, on which the names of the champions, the inscriptions of the winning teams are located.

  • The cup is transitional, it is not awarded forever to the winner. There is always a copy at the team's booth, although it is not made of pure gold.
  • Previously, international championships were held without substitutions - this is exactly what was indicated in the official regulations of the matches. In one of the first competitions, there was a serious fight, and one of the Peruvian football players broke his opponent's leg. The teams continued to play without their players. Only then were managers allowed to carry out official replacements of players if necessary.

FIFA World Cup 2018 interesting facts

  • The International Championship 2018 in Russia is already the twenty-first since its inception.
  • Russia will host the world championship for the first time.

  • The games will be held in the largest cities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Saransk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.
  • Wolf Zabivak became the mascot of the championship.
  • For the first time in history, all 209 FIFA member associations will take part in the World Cup.

Fascinating facts about Russian football

  • In 1992, the national team was created, which became the successor to the USSR national team.
  • In 1996, the national team for the first time won a prize in international tournament. The prestige of this result was added by the fact that this is the first serious achievement of an already independent national team.

  • In 2008, the Russian team managed to win third place in the European Cup.

Fascinating facts about football and football players

What is hidden in the fog?

One day, when two Scottish teams met, a heavy fog thickened. The players searched for each other for a long time and could not even see the ball under their feet. Running up to the benches, he saw no one. The game was immediately interrupted by the referee. It turned out that there were thirty players on the field at the same time.

three day match

In August 1981, the longest football match was played between two Irish teams of the Callinafersea Football Club in Kerry. The game lasted 65 hours and 1 minute.


The famous football chant "Ole-Ole-Ole" comes from Spain, where the word "Ole" was shouted at bullfights or flamenco dances. And it comes from the word "Allah", which was repeated in prayers by the Arab conquerors of Spain in the 8th century.

The penalty that wasn't there

It is believed that a penalty kick for a foul in the penalty area was offered by the Irish football expert John Penalty in 1891. And the penalty was named after him.

William McCrum invented the penalty

In fact, such a person did not exist, and the penalty was offered by William McCrum. The idea was called the death penalty. This actually happened in 1891.

Why is the football field striped?

It turns out that the football field looks striped not because two types of grass are sown. It's just that the grass is cut in different directions by lawn mowers, which not only cut it, but also crush it. Because of this, when light is reflected, a banding effect is created.

The most expensive match for one fan

One of the fans of Real Madrid, named Gael, once could not get a ticket for the coveted match of his team. But just two minutes before the initial whistle of the referee, he was given the ticket by another fan by chance. With joyful feelings, he handed over his lottery ticket as a token of gratitude. A randomly presented lottery ticket was a winning one and brought the new owner more than 300,000 pesetas.

Worst goalkeeper

Goalkeeper named Jimmy Taylor is considered the most unfortunate and unprofessional in the world of modern football.

On average, in one match, he could concede more than 17 goals with regular consistency. In one of the short seasons, almost half a thousand balls flew into his gate.

On the field barefoot

In the middle of the last century, the World Cup was held, in which the Football Federation banned three teams from participating for a simple reason: they only wanted to play barefoot. They were Scots, Turks and Indians. Perhaps this was due to religious principles or the inability to purchase real boots.

Two matches at the same time

In 1959, two games were played at the same time in one of the German stadiums - four teams ran on the same field. The reason was the mistake of the stadium managers, who scheduled two games at once at the same time.

Millions of people around the world play football, and the amount of audience that watches this sport on TV is staggering. Football is the most popular view sports on the planet, the official date of origin of which is December 8, 1863. Since then, hundreds of tournaments have been held, including 21 world championships - the most grandiose and popular event in the ball game. A lot of interesting things have happened in the history of soccer, and the site in this post will tell you about the most incredible facts about football and football players.

A selection of the most interesting facts about football

So let's go. Read to the end, you will not regret that you stumbled upon this post:

  • Famous Brazilian footballer Manuel Francisco dos Santos or simply Garrincha had congenital defects of the spine, and his left leg was 6 cm longer than his right. But, despite health difficulties, Garrincha became one of the most famous players in the history of football, and scored 5 goals for 3 World Cups.
  • Until 1913, goalkeepers wore uniforms of the same color as their field teammates.
  • located in Pyongyang, North Korea. The arena, which is called May Day, can accommodate 150,000 visitors at the same time. Also, this stadium is known for the execution of military generals suspected of betraying the state.
  • Soviet footballer Lev Yashin is the only goalkeeper in history to receive the Ballon d'Or award from France Football.
  • The oldest football club was founded in England in 1857. It is "Sheffield" (Sheffield Football Club) nicknamed "Club".
  • The most famous football field in Tokyo is adidas park(Adidas Futsal Park). The field is located 130 feet above the ground at the top of the Tokyu Toyoko shopping center.
  • In 2007, FIFA first tested goal tracking technology to see if the ball actually crossed the goal line completely.
  • According to the results of a medical study, it was determined that each professional football player receives an average of 1.5 injuries.
  • Football is the most profitable sport in the world.
  • In one match, a professional footballer runs an average of 9.65 km.
  • 80% of soccer balls are made in Pakistan.
  • In the first basketball game the players used the soccer ball.
  • The fastest goal was scored by Russian Mikhail Osinov in 2.68 seconds.

  • In 1998 lightning killed an entire football team during the game. Interestingly, all the players of the other team remained unharmed.
  • In 1937 in live The football match was shown for the first time on television.
  • Greenland cannot join FIFA because there is too little grass growing on the island.
  • On November 2, 2013, Bosnian goalkeeper Asmir Begovic scored the furthest goal in football history for Stoke City. (distance - 91.9 meters).
  • The most expensive transfer in the history of football took place in the summer of 2017, when Junior Neymar moved from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain. for €222 million.

  • The highest score of a football match was recorded in the Madagascar championship (Adema - Stade Olympique l'Emirne 149: 0).
  • Lee Todd received the fastest red card in the history of football (2 seconds from the start of the match).
  • Nooit opgeven altijd doorgaan, Aangenaam door vermaak en nuttig door ontspanning, Combinatie Breda is the longest football club name in all of the sport; the Dutch team is commonly referred to as NAC Breda.
  • Brazilian Artur Friedenreich is considered top scorers of all times and peoples since 1329 goals scored. The striker scored these goals in 26 years of his career.
  • Football officially originated in England, but as early as 2,000 years ago, a similar sport was played in China.
  • Argentine forward Lionel Messi scored 91 goals in the 2012 calendar year - an absolute record.

Interesting facts about the World Cups

Now let's focus exclusively on the World Cup, only the most important facts:

  • The FIFA World Cup is the most popular sporting event on the planet.
  • Brazilian superstar Pele. who is considered best football player of all time, won his first victory with the national team at the World Cup at the age of 17 years. In total, Pele won 3 World Cup victories (1958,1962,1970).

  • The first World Cup in history was held in 1930 in Uruguay.
  • After the 1970 World Cup, which Brazil won, the London Sunday Times published the headline "How would you describe Pele? - GOD"
  • German striker Miroslav Klose holds the World Cup record for the most goals scored(16 goals).
  • Argentinean Diego Armando Maradona scored a handball goal at the 1986 World Cup, which the judges counted. This goal was later called the "Hand of God".
  • At the 2006 World Cup, French midfielder Zinedine Zidane received a red card in the final match for headbutting an opponent in the chest.

  • To be present at the World Cup match is not a cheap pleasure. At the 2018 World Cup in Russia, the cost of tickets reached 1,100 US dollars.
  • The 2006 FIFA World Cup Final was watched by 1.1 billion people around the world. At that time it was 1/6 of the total population of the planet Earth.
  • An interesting football fact about the first World Cup. Due to the decision of the International Football Federation to hold the debut World Cup in Uruguay, and not in Europe, many states of the "Old World" such as Sweden, Hungary, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Spain, Austria and Switzerland decided not to take part in it. Only 4 countries from Europe went to Latin America and played at the 1930 World Cup in Uruguay: Romania, France, Belgium and Yugoslavia.
  • The second FIFA World Cup was held in Italy. Since the Italians refused to go to the first World Cup in South America, current champion- Uruguay decided to take revenge on them by not appearing in Italy.
  • The Brazilian national team is the most titled team in the history of the World Cup (5 wins - 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002).

  • One of the European teams has always taken part in the final match of the World Cup, except in the cases of the 1930s and 1950s.
  • India refused to take part in the 1950 FIFA World Cup because the national team was banned from playing barefoot.