Card file of outdoor games with a ball for children. Abstract of the sedentary game "Throw balls into the basket" for children of primary preschool age Sedentary game "Throw balls into the basket"

Elena Chuvilina

sedentary game"Throw the balls into the basket"

The purpose of the game. To teach children to carry an object to a target, to teach them to throw an object with one and two hands.

Material. Large and small balls, two baskets, two teddy bears (toys, doll bed.

Game progress

The teacher asks the children to sit on chairs. Not far from them is a gymnastic bench. Under the chairs, under the table, under gymnastic bench big and small balls are hidden. The teacher tells the children that two bear cubs played with balls for a very long time, and when they got tired, they decided to hide. Say: "Where did the bears hide?" Children begin to look for them: under the chairs, under the bench, under the table, and so on. The teacher, while searching for the bears, begins to read the poems of E. Ilyina familiar to the children:

Far away, in another corner

Ball and bear on the floor

Olya wants to take them

Stomps feet.

The children then find two bears under the doll's bed. They take them out and caress them, and then they put them down: one at one basket, and the other at another basket. The teacher tells the children that the bears have hidden all the balls. We need to find small and large balls and throw them into the baskets. Large balls in one basket and small balls in another basket. Next, you need to make sure that the children complete the task correctly. It is necessary to carry a small ball with one hand, and big ball ik with both hands. At the request of the children, the game can be repeated.

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Description of the flash game

Basket and Ball: New Challenge

Basket Ball A New Challenge

Let's find out which basketball player you are online in an exciting flash game "Basket and Ball: New Challenge". In the continuation of the game, you will again be in the role of a basketball player who needs to complete as many accurate throws Add to cart. under your control basketball and a ring. Try to get the ball into the basket in as few attempts as possible to get more game points. For a well-aimed throw the first time, the player receives +1000 points. The number of attempts to throw the ball you have is almost infinite. Only after completing this goal, the player moves to new level. If at the beginning of the game "Basket and Ball: New Challenge" there are no obstacles in front of you, then already at the second level you will see them. These can be different horizontal and vertical objects in the form of logs that block the view of the ring. Correctly adjust the speed and direction of your throw to achieve the main goal. There are 30 more interesting levels ahead that will not let you get bored!

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

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Full screen

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Card file of outdoor games with a ball for children 4–5 years old

"Get in the basket"

Target : improve throwing skills with the right and left hand.

move : draw a line at a distance of 3-4 m from it. Behind it are 6-8 children at a distance of one step from each other. Each has 2 balls. On a signal, the children throw the ball into the basket, first with their right, then with their left hand. Then the children take it out of the basket and repeat the exercise, then pass it on to the next children.

Target : to exercise children in throwing at a distance

Move. Children, holding balls in their hands, stand on one side of the hall or playground behind a line or a rope laid on the floor. At the instructor's signal, the balls are thrown into the distance. Everyone should notice where his ball fell. At the next signal, they run after their ball, stop near them, raise them above their heads with both hands. Instructor(tutor) marks those who threw the ball the farthest. After that, the guys return back to the line. Children as directed by the instructor(caregiver) throw balls with right and left hands.


Players(4-5 people) stand in a line behind the starting line with balls in their hands. In front of each player, 6 pins are arranged in a triangle(4-5 meters from the start line) . Children roll the ball on the floor, trying to knock down the skittles. The winner is the one who knocked down a large number of pins. The ball must be rolled on the floor without tossing. The distance to the pins can be increased or decreased depending on the preparedness of the children.

sedentary game"Bunny"

The role of a bunny is a small ball, which is convenient to hold in your hand. Children stand in a circle, in the center leading. Children behind their backs pass the ball around in a circle unnoticed by the driver, and he must guess who is holding the bunny. The driver may even require the player to show their hands. If the driver guesses who has the ball, the children switch roles.

Rules : try to pass the ball into your hands, do not lose it.


Target. To improve the skill of repulsing the ball, to learn to navigate in space, to develop fixation of the gaze, to activate the tracing function of the eye.

Move. Children squat on the floor in a circle. teacher(adult) gives one of the participants in the game a ball-Kolobok(eyes, nose, mouth are drawn or glued on it) and reads a poem.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

You have a rosy side.

You roll on the floor

And Katyusha(guys) smile!

At the request of the teacher"Katya, roll the ball to Dima" ) the girl rolls the ball with both hands to the named participant. He, having received the ball, rolls it to another child, who was called by name, etc.

Rules : the ball needs to be pushed harder so that it reaches the other participant in the game, and also serve the ball that has rolled out of the circle.

"Kick the ball with your head"

Target. strengthen the muscles of the trunk and limbs, coordination of movements, crawling skills.

Equipment. Large balls according to the number of children.

Move. The player moves on all fours and pushes a large ball in front of him with his head, without touching it with his hands to the opposite end of the room. The player who pushes the ball first wins.

Rule. Players start at the same time from the line, line.

"Ride and catch up"

To learn to roll the ball in a straight direction, to repel it vigorously, to develop the ability to navigate in space, to activate the tracing function of the eye.

Move. A child with a ball in his hands approaches the designated place(cord, strip of plaster, colored circle) and performs actions in accordance with the poetic text.

Our cheerful, sonorous ball(pushing the ball with both hands)

We'll ride far (looks where he rolled,

Now let's chase him down.(runs after the ball, catches up with it.)

This is easy for us to do! (raises the ball overhead : "Caught!" )

Depending on the diameter of the ball, the child can roll it with one hand, alternating the right and left hands, if small(diameter 5-8 cm) or two hands if big(diameter 18-20 cm) .

Rules : the child looks ahead before rolling the ball. Does not run after the ball immediately, but waits for a speech signal.


Target. To develop elementary skills of hitting the ball on the target, the ability to vigorously push the ball in a given direction, to develop gaze fixation.

Move. teacher(adult) puts two or three skittles at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the child, gives him a big ball.

The child squats down, bends over, puts his feet slightly wider than his shoulders in the place indicated by the adult (colored circle or cord, rolls the ball forward with both hands, trying to knock down the pins. Then he follows him, picks up and returns.

teacher(adult) accompanies his show with suchwords :

Look at the skittles.(teacher points to skittles)

They stand exactly in a row!

We will send the ball to them skillfully(pushing the ball with both hands)

And they are already there!(points to knocked down skittles)

Rules : vigorously push the ball away with both hands, look forward - at the pins.

"Hit the goal with the ball"

Target. To develop versatile coordination of movements and mobility of nervous processes, the ability to keep balance.

Equipment. 2 chairs, rail 1.5 or 2 m, ball.

Move. The leader builds a gate (on the backs of chairs or cubes 50-60 cm high, he puts the ball in front of the gate at a distance of 2 m. The child must take the ball, roll it into the gate and run after it. Having passed the gate on all fours, the child straightens up, catches up with the ball, and putting it in its original place sits down to rest.A more complex option can be carried out for a while.

Rule. It is necessary that the child runs straight after the ball, without hunching over.

"Play ball with me"

Target. form correct posture, strengthen the muscles of the foot, develop coordination of movements of large and fine motor skills, speed of reaction.

Move. The child squats in front of the leader, who rolls the ball towards the child,sentencing :

You catch a funny ball

Give it back to me, don't hide it.

The child rolls the ball back to the leader. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Then the leader hits the ball on the floor and says:

Ball, jump and fly

And the kids have fun.

The child jumps in time with the ball. The leader rolls the ball, after the words"burner" the child should sit on a chair. If the lessons are group, then the ball is awarded to the fastest. The child proudly carries him around the hall, all the children follow him in a column. The game is repeated 3-5 times.

Rules : watch your posture and lip closure.


Target. Develop dexterity, visual-motor coordination.

Move. Children take balls of different colors and freely position themselves around the room. Adult with childrenpronounces :

These are not crackers :

The guns fired.

People dance and sing.

Fireworks in the sky!(children throw balls and catch them) .

At the signal of an adult : "The fireworks are over!" children stop throwing balls up.

Rules : you can throw the ball up only after the command"Firework" .

"Put the ball in the basket"

Target : develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

move : The children's basketball basket is placed at the height of the child. Implementation optionsexercises :

The child puts a ball with a diameter of 25-30 cm into the basket with both hands;

The child puts a ball with a diameter of 5-8 cm into the basket with one hand.

Rules : stretch, put the ball in the basket.


Target. Develop speed of reaction, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination.

Move. Children with balls in their hands line up on the starting line in a line. The teacher sayswords :

All the balls rolled, rolled. Children throw balls over their heads and run after them. Here the balls jumped, played out. They jump on two legs in place with balls in their hands.

Our bright balls, colorful balls.

Balls run into the corner, run away. Children run to the starting line.

Balls are hidden there, they are resting. They squat down.

Rules : act according to the text of the poem.


Target. Develop orientation in space, expand the visual field.

Move. Children stand at one end of the hall facing the teacher. The teacher shows the ball and says that they must find it. The one who finds it should go up to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and move back to his place, and the game will continue until all the children find the ball.

Then the teacher invites everyone to turn their faces to the wall and close their eyes, and at this time he hides the ball. On signal"Ready!" children open their eyes and spread around the room in search of a ball. At the end of the game, the one who first saw the ball is noted, as well as those children who showed the greatest restraint, observation, and quick wit.

Option : whoever finds the ball first with the teacher hides it, and the children look for it.

Rules : the one who finds it should go to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and move back to his place.


Target. Develop dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

Move. Adult pronounceswords :

Kach, kach, kach. Children take balls and stand in a circle.

We want to play ball

From the basket where the toys are

Get him quickly

And play with everyone get up

Kach, kach, kach. Children throw the ball with both hands

Let's throw the ball high! up and catch it.

And then we'll catch him

And let's throw it up again.

Just hold on to our ball.

Kach, kach, kach. Throw the ball with both hands on the floor

We'll hit the ball on the floor! and they catch him.

And then we'll catch him

And let's hit the bottom again.

Just hold on to our ball.

Kach, kach, kach.

Tired poor ball. The children put the balls in the basket.

Rolled into a corner.

And quietly fell silent.

Rules : perform movements according to the text.


Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, fixation of the gaze.

Move. Children stand in a circle, an adult in the center. He throws the ball and catches it backspeaking : "Catch, throw, don't let fall!" .

The text is pronounced slowly in order to have time to catch and throw the ball. distance graduallyincreases : from 1 to 2 m and more.

Rules : catch the ball without pressing it to the chest; throw accurately to an adult with both hands in accordance with the rhythm of the spoken words.

Complication : Children stand in pairs and throw the ball to each other.

"Run, funny ball"

Target. develop fine motor skills, dexterity, attention.

Move. Children and adults stand in a circle at a step distance from each other. An adult gives one of the players a ball with a diameter of 15 cm, while clearlyspeaks :

You run, funny ball.

Quick, quick hand.

Who has a funny ball

He bounces himself!

The one who has a word"myself" the ball is in the hands, it starts to bounce in place, and the children accompany its jumpswords :

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Jump-jump, stop!

The game is repeated, the ball is passed around the circle further.

Rules : jump easily, on the spot.


Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. The ball school is a system of exercises. Exercises are selected simple, affordable. Children perform them in a certain sequence.

1. Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

2. Throw the ball up, clap your hands and then catch it.

3. Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands.

4. Hit the ball on the ground, clap your hands and then catch it.

5. Hit the ball against the wall(or shield) and catch it with both hands.

6. Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and then catch it.

7. Hit the ball against the wall. After he falls to the ground and bounces, catch him with both hands.

8. Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and, when the ball hits the ground, bounces, catch it.

"Catch the big ball"

Target. Develop speed and agility.

Move. All children stand on one side of the hall. The instructor takes a ball measuring 50 cm or more in diameter and throws it in the opposite direction to another adult. All children run after the ball. The adult throws it back to the instructor. Children run after him, trying to catch him.

Rule. Run around trying not to run into other children.


Target. Develop a reaction to words, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Move. All the children run one after another in a large circle. Suddenly the instructor speaks loudly"Stop!" The children stop. The instructor stands in the center of the circle, throws the ball up and calls the child's name. Children run in a circle, and the child tries to catch the ball, stand in the center of the circle, throw the ball up, says"stop" . The children stop. And the child says the name of another child. Game continues.