What exercises to start. Beginner workout

  1. Horizontal bar and bars.
  2. Elevation: a chair or bench in the park.
  3. Dumbbells (can be replaced with water bottles).
  4. Rope.
  5. Expander tape or training loops (if any).

The program is designed for beginners. If you are at an advanced level, start at the fifth or ninth week.

How much to exercise and rest between sets

Exercise three to four days a week. Together with a warm-up and stretching, the workout will take about 40 minutes. Do not skip workouts, even if: moderate exercise will ease your condition.

Rest 45 seconds between sets, between exercises - until breathing is restored, but no more than two minutes.

If you can't complete the specified number of repetitions, it's okay. Do as much as you can, and try to do a little more each workout.

When to move on to the next step

All people have different levels of training and their own characteristics. For example, push-ups may be easy for you, but at the 15th jump squat, your muscles will fail.

Move on to the next week when you can fully complete the previous one. If some exercises are easier, increase the number of repetitions.

How to warm up

Before starting the exercises, you need to warm up a little:

  1. Do a joint warm-up: twist your limbs, tilt and turn your head and body. Special attention apply to previously injured areas. Do it gently and carefully.
  2. Do four cardio exercises. The specific number of warm-up exercises for each month will be indicated below.

jumping jacks


rock climber

Running in place

Weeks 1–2

Warm up

Jumping jacks, burpees, rock climbers and running in place. 20 repetitions of each exercise with medium intensity.

Training program

  1. Standing dumbbell swings (you can use water bottles) - 3 sets of 15 times.
  2. Eccentric pull-ups - 3 sets of 5 times.
  3. Push-ups from the support - 3 sets of 10 times.
  4. Reverse push-ups on a chair bent legs- 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
  5. Air squats - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  6. Raises the pelvis on the floor - 3 sets of 20 times.
  7. Rises on socks - 3 sets of 20 times.
  8. Lifting the body on the press - 3 sets of 10-15 times.
  9. Hanging on the horizontal bar with the reduction of the shoulder blades - 3 sets of 5–10 times.

If you don't have dumbbells, bring 1.5-2 liter water bottles. Slowly raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, but not higher, lower to the starting position and repeat. Elbows slightly bent, palms facing down. Then, just as slowly, lower your arms.

Eccentric pull-ups

In push-ups with wide staging hands, the emphasis shifts to the pectoral muscles. The execution rules are the same as in regular push-ups.

Place your hands so that the index fingers and thumbs are connected on the floor, set aside at 90 degrees. Between the hands, as it were, a diamond is formed. The rest of the rules are the same as in the usual ones.

Hang on the horizontal bar with a direct grip, bring the shoulder blades together. Raise your legs and touch the horizontal bar with your toes, return to the starting position. You can bend your knees a little and take your shoulders back.

Lie on your back, raise your straight legs and arms at a 45-degree angle from the floor. As you exhale, raise your legs, tear your shoulder blades off the floor and try to reach your toes with your fingers. Lower yourself to the starting position (arms and legs at a 45-degree angle) and repeat.

Plank straight and side

Get into a straight plank, then lift one arm off the floor and move to a side plank. In the side plank, the body is one line, one foot rests on the other.

Weeks 11–12

Warm up

Jumping jacks, burpees, climbing and running in place each: 20 seconds of intense exercise, 10 seconds of rest, two laps (4 minutes). Rest until breathing is fully restored and 100 jumps through the rope.

Training program

  1. Pull-ups classic - 3 to 10 times.
  2. Pull-ups tight reverse grip- 3 x 10 times.
  3. Push-ups classic - 3 sets of 20 times.
  4. Inclined push-ups with legs on the bench - 3 sets of 10 times.
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars - 3 sets of 5 times.
  6. Pistols with support on the wall - 3 sets of 8-10 times for each leg.
  7. Jumping to the elevation - 3 sets of 20 times.
  8. Raising the pelvis with one leg on a raised platform - 3 sets of 20 times.
  9. Twisting "bicycle" - 3 sets of 15 times.

Raise your feet and do regular push-ups.

Leaning on the bars, stretch the body in one line, lower your shoulders. Lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel to the floor and push yourself up. When the body is tilted forward, the triceps are loaded more, with a straight body. Do not go below the parallel of the shoulders with the floor, this can injure the muscles and ligaments of the shoulders.

Squat on one leg, don't turn your knee in, use a wall or a stand for support.

Boxing jumps

Find a stable platform: a stable chair, a park bench, make sure you don't hit any sharp or hard objects if you fall. Fully straighten up at the top, if the chair or cabinet is high, watch your hands: you can hit your hand with a swing and break your finger (tested on yourself).

Lie on your back, lift your shoulder blades and legs off the floor, fold your arms behind your head. Touch your elbow to the opposite knee, then do the exercise on the other side. Do not lower your legs and body to the floor until you complete the set.

Weeks 13–14

Warm up

Jumping jacks, burpees, rock climber and tabata run in place, four laps (8 minutes), rest two minutes and 100 jumps through.

Training program

  1. Pull-ups classic straight grip - 3 sets of 12-15 times.
  2. Pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip - 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
  3. Classic push-ups - 3 sets of 20-25 reps.
  4. Breeding hands with a towel - 3 sets of 5 times.
  5. Handstand next to the wall - 3 sets of 30-60 seconds.
  6. Jumping to the elevation - 3 sets of 25 times.
  7. Pistols without support on the wall - 3 to 5 times for each leg.
  8. Raising the pelvis with one leg on a raised platform - 3 sets of 20 times for each leg.
  9. Leg raises to the horizontal bar - 3 sets of 10 times.
  10. V-shaped body lifts - 3 sets of 8 times.

Raising hands with a towel

Stand in an emphasis lying down, put your hands on towels or something else that will slide on the floor. Slowly and under control, spread your arms as wide as possible, but in this way, you were able to bring them back. Keep your back straight, tighten your abs and keep your lower back from sagging.

Bring your arms back to the starting position and repeat.

This exercise will help you strengthen your wrists for handstand push-ups and overcome feelings of fear. Place a blanket folded several times close to the wall: it will be located under the head.

Place your hands on either side of the blanket (twice as wide as your shoulders), push off your feet from the floor and stand in a handstand. Well, if the first time someone will insure you. Time yourself and stand as long as you can.

Perform squats on one leg, you can put your hands on your belt or hold in front of you.

Lie on the floor on your back, stretch your arms above your head, straighten your legs. Raise your torso and legs and touch your toes to your toes. Return to starting position and repeat.

Weeks 15–16

Warm up

Jumping jacks, burpees, rock climber and tabata run in place, four laps (8 minutes), two minutes rest and 100 jumps.

Training program

  1. Pull-ups classic straight grip - 3 sets of 10 times.
  2. Pull-ups narrow grip reverse - 3 sets of 10 times.
  3. Push-ups on the uneven bars - 3 sets of 8 times.
  4. Push-ups with hands off the floor - 3 sets of 8 times.
  5. Push-ups in a handstand with kipping (classic, if possible) - 3 sets of 8 times.
  6. Burpee with jumping to the elevation - 3 sets of 20 times.
  7. Pistols without support - 3 sets of 8 times.
  8. Single leg pelvis raises - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  9. Leg raises to the horizontal bar - 3 sets of 15 times.
  10. V-shaped body lifts - 3 sets of 10-12 times.

Push-ups with hands off the floor

At the exit of the push-up, explosively tear your palms off the floor and go down again.

Find an empty space next to the wall. See if there are any hard objects nearby that you can hit during a fall. Place a folded blanket or a thick piece of foam rubber under your head.

Stand in, straighten your body in one line. Bending your arms, lower yourself into a push-up. With your head touching the floor, push yourself up and repeat.

An easier version of push-ups in the rack is kipping push-ups. Here you partially push yourself up due to inertia, which makes the exercise easier. Lower yourself into a push-up, touching your head to the floor, and bend your legs at the same time. Straighten your legs with a jerk, pulling yourself up.

During sudden movement, compression may occur in cervical region spine. Therefore, do not perform the exercise if you have neck problems.

Burpees with high jumps

Perform a classic burpee, but instead of jumping with an overhead clap, jump onto a raised platform.

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Every man who wants to put himself in order needs his own training program in gym. Thanks to it, you can make the body more toned. The frequency of classes, the correctness of the exercises and their competent combination plays a big role in the formation of the male figure. The program in the gym for men for beginners is designed for those who are just taking their first steps in the iron sport.

Basic training goals

In order to correctly draw up a training plan in the gym, you need to determine your training goal. The gym allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Keeping fit;
  • Fighting overweight;
  • Increase in power indicators;
  • Improving your body;
  • Muscle building.

The training of a novice athlete should be aimed at the fulfillment of any one goal. There is a wonderful Russian proverb: "If you chase two hares, you won't catch one." Target selection is key.

Gym selection

The first thing you need to do is decide on gym. First of all, the hall should be comfortable in everything. That is why think it over carefully before buying a subscription to a particular club, take it seriously. You can visit several different halls, compare them, inspect all the simulators and only then make a responsible choice.

A little about the equipment: the most important rule is do not chase diversity. For the first time, a dumbbell row, a simulator will be enough for you. upper block and benches with the ability to adjust the angle of inclination. Try to find a gym as close to home as possible, it is very convenient for those who study and work.

Training process

Below is one of the complexes that is suitable for beginners.

Warm up

Any coach will say: “no training is more useful than training without a warm-up”, but this is true! Thanks to warm-up exercises we warm up the joints, thereby improving their lubrication.

It usually takes no more than ten minutes to warm up. It consists of the following components: jumping, working on cardio simulators and the main element - running. All of these exercises quickly warm up the body, which gives a start for the subsequent workout.

Almost every inexperienced athlete tries to perform heavy exercises in the gym without having the appropriate level of training. Let's take a look now basic program for beginners.

For all athletes, this stage is mandatory. What does he represent? The human body is not ready from scratch for serious stress, for this there are introductory classes. They include work with minimal weight, but with a load on all the main muscle groups. The duration of such a period is at least four weeks, in terms of the frequency of training - no less, but no more than three times a week.

Below is a set of days.

First practice (Monday)

This is the main one. Bench press works triceps, deltoid, serrated. Lie down on the bench in the most comfortable position. Place your hands shoulder-width apart (maybe a little wider). Grab the bar with an overhand grip. Gently lift the barbell and begin to lower it to the level of the middle of the chest. With a powerful effort, squeeze the barbell, perform the planned number of repetitions.

Perform several warm-up sets immediately before the bench press, this way you will significantly reduce the risk of injury. The chest can only be touched lightly. Perform the exercise strictly under the supervision of a trainer or any other person (for example, a training partner).

standing. Set your feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight. We take the bar in our hands at the level of the press. We take a breath and bend the arms at the elbows (during the execution it is not allowed to move the arms in different sides). Do not raise the bar very high, just raise it to the level of parallel with the floor. As soon as you lift it, start lowering it slowly (without sudden movements, because you can stretch the muscles).

  • and bars.
  • Technique notes:
  • To increase the load, place your elbows close to the body;
  • Never bend your legs! This is cheating;
  • At the slightest pain, stop exercising;
  • If push-ups are easy, then use an additional load;
  • While doing push-ups, keep your head straight.

This exercise, like many of the list, is basic. It is good for developing back muscles. Many people think that if you grab as wide as possible, then the load on the muscles will be greater and the effect will be better. On the one side, wide grip reduces the work of the biceps, but in itself it limits the speed of movements. This limits the load on the target muscles. The grip width must be selected individually based on anthropometric data.

General Improvement Exercise physical condition and muscle training lumbar back. Interestingly, such an exercise can be used both for warm-up and for regular exercises. Hyperextension is performed with your own weight, and sometimes with additional weights.

On the simulator intended for hyperextension, we take the following position: we lie down so as to securely fix the legs with rollers. We relax the entire body and lower the body vertically. We take a deep breath and slowly lift the body up, bending the lower back. When the torso is pointing vertically, freeze for a few seconds. Inhale and return to the lying position. So you need to repeat at least fifteen times, three to four approaches.

You can not do this exercise very often. If you complicate the task and do fewer repetitions with more weight, then the desired effect may not be, but the likelihood of injury is high.

Second training (Wednesday)

This is a basic exercise aimed at developing the muscles of the shoulders, chest, etc. It has always been considered the main for the development of the shoulders. Great advantage army press- this is universality, that is, it can be performed different ways: on the simulator, with dumbbells or a barbell. Therefore, we can perform it sitting and standing.

Here we must comply correct technique, because otherwise the consequences of the classes can be disastrous. To begin with, select an individual load, a suitable weight (it should be average). Fix the pancakes on the bar and do the following:

  • Take the bar shoulder-width apart, put the barbell on your chest, strain your back and abs;
  • Powerfully squeeze the bar up.

With this exercise, the muscles of the back are loaded. The main working muscles are the latissimus dorsi and arm muscles. Choose a comfortable position while sitting on the simulator. We fix the legs with rollers. With powerful movements, begin to pull the handle from the block towards you (towards the upper chest). We return to the starting position, taking a short break (two to three seconds). Everything is done in 3-4 sets of 12-15 times.

Many people try in some way to make it easier for themselves to perform the movement, they deviate. You should not do this, because you will only waste your energy in vain, but the efficiency will be zero. The back muscles should work first. While pulling, move your elbows back as far as possible. When performing the exercise, the head should be straight. Don't lift it up or down.

Perhaps this is the most basic exercise for pumping legs. It is performed on a specialized simulator (by the way, there are many varieties, they, in fact, differ only in inclination angles). We choose the appropriate weight, load the platform with pancakes. We take a comfortable sitting position. We powerfully squeeze the platform with our feet (it is worth noting that the knees must be kept at a right angle, practically do not unbend them).

Tips from the master of sports: Be sure to listen to your body! If you feel that your lower back is tense during the leg press, then you are doing something wrong. The back must be firmly pressed against the seat, otherwise injury may result. If you are working on the inner thigh, then place your feet slightly higher and wider than shoulder level.

Triceps exercise. Differs in that it is suitable for absolutely all levels sports training ranging from beginners to professionals. We fasten the handle to the block, cover it. With great effort, we unbend our arms. We linger in the middle of the amplitude for a few seconds. Then we return to the original position.

Excellent. How to do it right:

Third training (Friday)

Bent-over barbell pull. . We become in the starting position as follows: the legs must be bent at the knees, they are located shoulder-width apart. We make a forward tilt, take a straight barbell with a weighting agent. We straighten up and at the same time raise the barbell (you can’t bend your arms).

Frequent mistakes. During the execution of the movement, the movement of the head or legs occurs. (They must remain still.) Shaky position. Wrong grip width. stooped back. Trying to take the maximum working weights (if a friend weighs 100 kg, this does not mean that this weight will suit you).

Develops triceps. Lie down on horizontal bench. Grab the bar with a straight grip. Lower the bar directly to chest level. With a quick, powerful movement, we squeeze the bar up, return to the starting position, repeat the exercise again.

It is used as an aid. We grab the dumbbells so that the palms are turned to the sides. Raise the projectile to bend in elbow joints at an angle of 90 degrees. Slowly and carefully we return to the initial stage.

Crossovers on top blocks. Exercise promotes growth pectoral muscles. We stand between the blocks of this necessary simulator. We cover both handles and perform hand-to-hand contact.

Additional exercise for the muscles of the front of the thigh. It is advised to be performed by both beginners and masters, as it is a very good preparation leading to squats.

Step-by-step instruction:

The program in the gym for men is designed for beginner athletes walking
day by day towards the goal. The program becomes more complicated in the future, but if you do it right and dose the load correctly, then the body will have time to adapt to the loads. The point is small, you just have to start and not quit classes. Good luck!

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Most beginners, having come to the gym, often begin to perform heavy basic exercises without being sufficiently trained to do so. On the other hand, there are those who from the very beginning accustom themselves to training on simulators, not paying due attention to free weights. However, these two categories of novice athletes are united by incorrectly constructed training programs which they often write to themselves. In this article, we will analyze the best training programs in the gym for beginner athletes.

Training Goals

Before embarking on any program, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the goals that future program should reach. The training targets can be physical parameters body (strength, endurance), and external (muscle mass, relief, weight loss, etc.). At the same time, physical parameters are trained mainly due to strength exercises, and external parameters require not only a special training regimen, but also compliance correct mode nutrition. This is their key difference. It is erroneous to think that only with the help of training programs it is possible to increase muscle mass, improve terrain or provide efficient combustion excess fat.

On initial stage training, your training goals will not really matter, but after going through the basic training phase, you will have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich programs to use and which parameters to work on improving. Therefore, the stage of setting training goals is key.

Introductory stage of training

This stage must be present for any novice athlete. The fact is that at first neither the muscles nor the cardio-respiratory systems of the body are fully prepared for serious stress. In addition, you yourself hardly know the limit of your physical capabilities. Therefore, the introductory stage of training includes work on all major muscle groups at minimum intensity and minimum volume.

The total duration of the introductory stage is 4 weeks.

Workout #1 (Monday)

Exercises Approaches repetitions
Bench press 2 15
Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 2 15
Push-ups (from the floor or bars) 2 maximum
Wide grip pull-ups 2 maximum
2 15-20

Workout #2 (Wednesday)

Exercises Approaches repetitions
Army press 2 15
Traction to the chest on the block while sitting 2 15
leg press 2 15
Extension of arms on the block while standing 2 15
Bending the hands on the block while standing 2 15

Workout #3 (Friday)

Basic stage of training

At this stage, we have to work out according to split schemes, that is, on each training day we will pump two specific muscle groups in a specialized way. Base period workouts are more intense and voluminous, and also provide a greater load on the main muscle groups.

The basic stage of training will include 2 training programs - one for beginners of the intermediate level, the other for beginners at the level below the average.

Below average is understood as such a level of preparedness at which an athlete can perform basic exercises with his weight - pull-ups and push-ups from the uneven bars, at least in an average number of repetitions (at least 6-8).

Below average is understood as such a level of preparedness at which the athlete cannot perform exercises with his own weight (pull-ups, push-ups from the uneven bars) or performs them in a small number of repetitions (less than 6).

The total duration of the basic stage is 8 weeks.

The frequency of training is 3 times a week.

Basic complex for beginner athletes of the INTERMEDIATE level

Exercises Approaches repetitions
Bench press 3 12
Wide grip pull-ups 3 maximum
Dumbbell bench press 3 12
Bent-over barbell pull 3 12
Crossovers on top blocks 3 15
Dumbbell row with one hand 3 15
2 15
Reverse crunches 2 15
Exercises Approaches repetitions
Army press 3 12
Seated Dumbbell Press 3 12
3 15
leg press 3 12
3 15
3 12

Workout #3 (Friday): Biceps + Triceps + Abs

Exercises Approaches repetitions
Barbell curl for biceps 3 12
Push-ups on the uneven bars 3 maximum
Pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip 3 maximum
Close grip bench press 3 12
"Hammer" standing 3 15
Extension of arms on the block while standing 3 15
Twisting with body turns 2 15
Reverse crunches 2 15

Basic complex for beginner athletes of BELOW INTERMEDIATE level

Workout #1 (Monday): Chest + Back + Abs

Exercises Approaches repetitions
Bench press 3 12
Pulldown of the upper block to the chest 3 12
Dumbbell bench press 3 12
Bent-over barbell pull 3 12
Crossovers on top blocks 3 15
3 15
Twisting with body turns 2 15

Workout #2 (Wednesday): Shoulders + Legs

Exercises Approaches repetitions
Army press 3 12
Seated Dumbbell Press 3 12
3 15
leg press 3 12
3 15

So, you want to significantly increase muscle mass and create a sculpted abdominal? Here is a step-by-step introduction to the iron game that will help you get started right. Don't expect miracles to happen overnight. It takes time, concentration and consistency to build a body.

This simple and straightforward beginner training program will gradually introduce you to the basics of bodybuilding and provide a solid platform for further development. The good news is that it is in the first 6-12 months that you will get the most significant results.

However, it is very important that you learn how to perform the exercises correctly right away and follow the basic safety rules to make sure that you do not get injured when the load increases.


It takes time, concentration and consistency to build a body.

If you are a beginner, you may train more frequently than intermediate and advanced athletes. The reason is simple: when you have a lot of experience, you know how to strain your muscles harder and you can do more damage from which it will take a long time to recover. Beginners, in turn, have sore muscles, but they recover faster, since muscle damage is not so serious.

If the word "damage" makes you wince, don't worry. For a bodybuilder, moderate muscle damage is beneficial, as it forces the body to recover and supercompensate (grow) a bit to prepare for future workouts. This is the essence of bodybuilding - a constant cycle: one step back, two steps forward, which is repeated over and over again from week to week.

If you keep this in mind, it becomes clear why rest and sleep are so important, since it is at this time that the body takes those very two steps forward.

So instead of training each muscle group once a week, you can start with two workouts a week and work your way up. Moreover, we are going to split the body over two days: top part body except abdominals first day, Bottom part body plus abs on the second day. Since we intend to train each muscle group twice a week, this means that we can arrange the first and second days on Monday and Tuesday, for example.

Then we repeat the first and second day again on Thursday and Friday, leaving Wednesday and the weekend to rest and relax. The next week, you start all over again on Monday, that is, the first day, and so on.

We want to introduce you to the basics, so we will focus mainly on classical exercises. Once we master these more simple exercises, we will move to the next level with a new focus on more complex, multi-joint exercises. Now it is more important to learn how to perform the exercises correctly and achieve the right feel for each exercise, rather than lifting as many weights as possible.

Some exercises, such as the high pull-down row and most dumbbell side raises, are especially difficult to get to work. desired muscle if you use too big weight. Start easy; choose a weight that you can lift 10-12 times correctly and increase the load as you get the technique right. Track your workouts - write down in a notebook or in a special training diary the weight and number of repetitions so that you can later refer to it.

When doing exercises such as the pulldown on a high block or lifting the dumbbells to the sides, it is especially difficult to get the right muscle to work if you use too much weight.

Sample training program

Monday (top)

Hack squats

Tuesday (bottom)

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday (top)

Friday (bottom)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest


To maintain your new, more active lifestyle, you need to rethink your daily diet. There is no single "perfect diet", but there are general recommendations, which you can take advantage of, whether you are a thin teenager or you are over 40 and overweight.

Give up unhealthy food. Believe me, this is your most important step. Fast food, candy, sugary sodas, and the like don't just give you too many calories to turn into a Michelin ad man, they fill you up with empty calories that keep you from getting the nutrition you really need!

This is a big mistake, since fiber is essential to keep your digestive system in shape. You need a stomach to keep up with your new, more intense nutritional needs, so make it a habit to get fiber with every meal (except the meals right after your workouts).

The importance of water cannot be overestimated. If you are dehydrated, you cannot function properly. Negative effects range from lethargy and fatigue to headache and nervous breakdown. Make sure you drink enough water, not coffee and soda, throughout the day, even on non-training days.

Try to split your meals into several small meals.

Many bodybuilders aim to drink about 4 liters of water per day, but you probably need to consider your body weight, climate, and activity level.

Try to divide your meals into several small portions. This will help you stabilize your blood sugar levels and ensure a constant supply of nutrients to your body.

Avoid eating carbohydrates late in the evening. are the main source of energy for training, they work in much the same way as gasoline in a car.

However, unlike in a car, you cannot fill up a full tank and leave it until the morning. Instead, large portions of carbohydrates at night will be processed by the body and stored as body fat, if there is no immediate need for additional energy.

To continue the car analogy, in the morning you will have a practically empty tank, but you will gain some fat. If you feel like snacking late at night, choose something that is all protein, as protein won't be stored as fat, and it also provides extra "building blocks" while your body is restoring, i.e. sleeping.

Now your goal is to clean up your diet and establish the habit of daily recording everything that enters your body. On the next level, we'll dive deeper into strategies for gaining or losing weight, but let's start by setting some kind of benchmark for ourselves.

First, keep a diet diary that you can use on a daily basis. It could be a section in your training diary, or an "electronic assistant" or a small notebook that you carry in your pocket.

In any case, it should have columns - when, what, calories. If you want to make life easier for yourself in the future, you can also separate columns for proteins, carbohydrates and fat.

Your next step is to start writing down everything you eat throughout the day. Keep an eye on yourself so as not to deceive yourself, if you ate a chocolate bar, write it down immediately so as not to “forget” about it later.

Manufacturers often try to present their products with less calories by using tiny portions. Recalculate calories to match your actual portion. It seems to me that anyone who honestly believes that there are only two servings in half a liter of juice is a strange person.

To count calories in unpackaged foods such as fruit and homemade foods, purchase a calorie counting book that provides approximate information based on the weight or volume of the food. Choose a book that takes into account the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in different types food.

Keeping track of your eating habits will help you resist the urge to eat unhealthy foods, simply because now you have to face the truth - how many calories does each such meal add. Perhaps, indeed, happiness lies in ignorance, but ignorance will not help you get a great body.

To further improve your diet, follow the basic guidelines outlined earlier in this section. Simply put, clean up your diet and establish new, healthy eating habits to prepare for a more advanced level. We present to your attention a clear diet plan for someone who is actively involved in the gym and wants to build muscle.

Sample Diet

1st meal

1 cup

5 proteins

1 banana

1 glass

2nd meal

1 portion

2 cups

1/2 cup

3rd meal

1 bar

1 small apple

1.5 cups

4th meal

1 bank

1 glass

5th meal

Protein shake
1 glass


Sports nutritional supplements can help you in your efforts. Proper use of supplements will not only provide you with all the necessary substances, but also give you additional strength, speed of recovery and prevent injuries.

However, sorting through what seems to be an endless list of supplements seems like an impossible task for experienced bodybuilders, and for beginners - just daunting.

What works? What is just a soap bubble and marketing nonsense? And once you figure out what really works, which brand should you choose? Take advantage of a great deal from a company you haven't heard of before and risk disappointment, or go for a big brand name and run out of money?

These are all serious questions and we will deal with them over time, but let's start simple. If you are a beginner, you should definitely have two nutritional supplements. In an ideal world, you wouldn't even need that, but in reality, it's hard to get everything you need from food alone.

I'm talking about the two main bodybuilding supplements: multivitamin/mineral tablets and extra protein.


This is the most basic and most important supplement in your arsenal. In order for your body to function optimally, it needs to, and if you do not spend enough time planning and preparing each meal throughout the day, making sure that no nutrients are destroyed in the cooking process, you need to take additives.

It's not a lot of fun, but if you're forced to choose just ONE supplement, then this should be your choice. Multivitamins/minerals can come in the form of syrup, tablets, capsules, or even a combination of tablets and capsules. The choice of supplement form is up to you, but be careful with hard tablets.

Some tablets are so hard that they do not dissolve completely in the stomach and never give 100% possible benefits. It makes sense to test hard tablets by soaking them in a warm (but not hot) vinegar solution for 30 minutes or so. If the tablet has dissolved, or at least softened, it will be fine, but if it is still hard as a stone, you probably bought a fake one.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of multivitamin/mineral brands. Choose a reasonable price from a reputable company. It's also important to find a supplement that has all or nearly all of the vital minerals and vitamins in the recommended daily dose.

You will find that manufacturers vary slightly in product formulas, but never mind if you find a formula that is close to your mineral and vitamin needs. Take your multivitamins/minerals with breakfast to make sure you don't forget them.

Protein Supplements

Main purpose of consumption protein supplements is to provide your muscles with additional "building material". As mentioned earlier, muscle needs protein to regenerate and grow, so your diet needs to meet this increased protein requirement. However, it is often difficult to get enough protein in regular meals throughout the day.

This is where supplemental protein comes in. The most common form of protein supplements is a simple powder that you mix with milk or water in a mixer or blender, but you can also buy ready-made drinks and protein-rich sports bars (not to be confused with sugar-filled energy bars). You can even buy protein-fortified pasta and other foods. For now, we'll discuss regular powder.

There are three main types protein powder, although for last years the boundaries between them are blurred. Here are the basic formulas:

  • : powders with a high content of high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Very high in calories and suitable for naturally thin people who have trouble gaining weight.
  • Meal replacement drinks: a relatively balanced combination of proteins and carbohydrates with a moderate amount of calories. A handy product for those who need to eat but don't have time to prepare a real meal.
  • Pure protein drinks: they have no or almost no carbohydrates, they consist entirely of proteins. Low calorie content; a serving can contain 40g of protein and 200 calories or less, so it's a great choice for stocky people who don't want to add calories but still get the protein they need.

If you are skinny and can't get enough calories from regular food, buy and try to consume as much of it as possible between meals. As the name suggests, meal replacement drinks are great if you're constantly on the move and don't have time to prepare a real meal.

Last but not least, pure protein drinks can be consumed as a snack, to increase the protein content of breakfast, or right before bed to help your body grow.

No matter what type of protein drink you buy, don't get in the habit of skipping meals and drinking a protein drink instead. Supplements are just supplements; your main source of nutrition should be good quality healthy food!

Moving into a new environment is always a challenge. There are concepts and unwritten rules that everyone but you take for granted. Don't worry, you'll get used to everything in time.

When you choose gym, make sure you choose a room that you feel comfortable in. Take your time - walk around the gym, inspect the simulators, see how many people go to the gym, what kind of people come. Also make sure you don't have a long drive to the gym. If you have to spend 30 minutes on a one-way commute, chances are good that you will start making excuses for not driving to the gym.

If you are not sure which exercises to do, hire personal trainer to make sure you're doing everything right. The key to success and avoiding injury is to master the correct technique, it is better to learn right right away than to relearn later. Many gyms offer a couple free classes with a coach, take advantage of this opportunity!

When you choose a gym, make sure you choose a gym that you feel comfortable in.

Learn gym etiquette. Let others use the machine between your two sets, wipe the sweat off the machines, remove discs when you're done, and don't chat with people when they're doing an exercise. leave the pager and mobile phone in your locker. And watch your personal hygiene - no one likes guys who smell like animals.

Make sure you get enough sleep. Most growth happens in sleep, not in the gym, so don't deprive yourself of growth by skimping on sleep. Another obvious plus of good sleep is that if you get enough sleep, you have more energy and you can train better, which will increase the effectiveness of your workouts. On the contrary, a person with constant sleep deprivation is exhausted even before he even went to the gym. Such a person may even be injured due to lack of mental concentration.

Remember, your body doesn't care what day of the week it is, so adjust your schedule to suit you. One word of caution: try to use the machines when you feel energized. Early risers usually don't have a problem with early training, but owls probably do. great benefit will bring evening workouts.

If you are a beginner, your goal is to learn how to lift correctly, not a lot. In addition to the fact that you must do it correctly, there are some safety rules that you need to follow to reduce the risk of injury now and in the future.

Hire a personal trainer or work out regularly with a friend so they can keep an eye on you to see if you're at risk of injury. There are several benefits - the person who knows you can understand when you need or don't need a helping hand, and last but not least, you don't have to turn to the first person you meet who may have attention span issues.

Avoid joint strain like the plague. Achieving full range of motion during the exercise is correct, but overloading the joint beyond its natural limits is asking for trouble. In most cases, this is not even a conscious action.

The classic example is this. We constantly see people who, after doing a set of exercises, sit for only a couple of seconds. Their thigh muscles are on fire, so they relax their muscles, take a few breaths and stand up. No harm here, right? False, the whole exercise puts a huge strain on knee joints virtually without any muscle support.

Work out regularly with a friend so they can keep an eye on whether you're at risk of injury.

Of course, it doesn't cause direct pain, so people don't consider it a problem until the day they get to the point where something in their body breaks down. That's when the pain is more than enough. This applies to the elbows, wrists, shoulders, and virtually all joints.

If you are doing calf presses on a classic leg press machine, always use the safety stopper. They won't interfere with calf work, but if your foot slips off the disc, you'll be quite glad you did. Otherwise, several heavy disks with sharp metal edges will fall on you, and you can say goodbye to your kneecaps.

Learn to voluntarily contract the abdominal muscles and keep their middle part tense. This will help you stabilize your torso and avoid unnecessary back strain. Remember that injury prevention is an important step towards long-term success. Make it a habit of yours to always tighten up when curling, pressing, or lifting weights, especially when doing exercises with arms outstretched like the bench press.

Don't forget to use correct technique lifting weights (back straight, knees bent, abdominal muscles tense) when removing and putting on discs. Just because it's not an exercise doesn't mean you can ignore safety rules when handling 20kg discs. Control also the capture of discs. If your palms are sweaty, you risk dropping discs on your foot and breaking your fingers if you don't dry your palms first.

Some people like to use the "monkey" grip, that is, to hold the bar without grabbing it with their thumb. This is a bad idea for two reasons. When you bench press, you are forced to tilt your arm back to prevent the bar from slipping out of your hand and decapitating you.

Unfortunately, this means that the bones in the forearm and hand will rub against each other, which can become quite painful if it becomes a habit. Secondly, there is a chance that a part of a bar weighing over 80 kg will touch your front teeth. It's quite memorable event and it will leave a deep impression.

The right attitude

Work, family commitments, and good old-fashioned laziness are the bits and pieces of life that will take you away from your scheduled gym sessions. Don't get me wrong, your kids' school play is important, but it exists. a big difference between the rare exception and the constant skipping of workouts when the gym falls off your priority list.

As has been said many times before, concentration and consistency are extremely important in the process of bodybuilding, so I will share with you some tips on how to properly set your mind.

Your first step is to define your long-term goal as specifically as possible. “Being in shape” is not a clear enough goal. What exactly do you need? Gain weight in the form of quality muscles? Get rid of fat? How accurate is a kilogram more or less? Increase your strength? In that case, by how much?

You need to establish exactly what level you want to reach and how you will measure success. Realistically estimate how long it will take you and write it down as a target date. If you are a beginner, it may be difficult for you to estimate this time, but try to anticipate and leave some play for the estimated time.

Once you've set a goal and a time frame, set up a few milestones, such as once a month, as milestones. This helps make the end goal less daunting, as increasing your load by 5kg each month is realistic, while increasing your load by 40kg by April may seem illusory and daunting. As an added motivation, you can give yourself a small reward each time you hit your target.

Concentration and consistency are important conditions for success in bodybuilding

Another important part of the right mindset is positive thinking. Of course, it has become a cliché, but that doesn't make it any less true. If you start a diet and think you won't lose a pound, what do you think will happen? Most likely, in a week you will be eating pizza and washing it down with beer. Fortunately, it also works in the opposite direction.

Arnold was extremely successful athlete not only because of the exhausting daily training, but also because he strove for victory. In his mind, he was already winning before he went on stage, and, as history shows, this is exactly what happened time after time. You can use this technique to get your everyday life matches your plans.

At the beginning of each day, close your eyes and think about how you want to live it. One by one, imagine your healthy meals (imagine skipping donuts at a meeting), going to the gym, what you will do during your workout and how you will feel, and end up going to bed on time. .

The more details, the better. Repeat this exercise any time you are tempted to delay your workout or otherwise deviate from your plan.