What is more effective gym for strengthening. Gym or home workout: which is better? Basic rules for training on simulators for women

Classes in gym the matter is not easy. It requires maximum dedication not only in physical plane but also psychologically. People quit training different reasons. Often it all starts with the fact that laziness appears and repeated missed classes, which is unacceptable for the gym. You need to immediately set yourself up for the importance and necessity of these trainings.

Every sane person understands that such exercises are very useful for the whole body, they will certainly improve their health and help them acquire a beautiful figure. A person who has been practicing for more than a year knows what's what and performs more complex physical exercises.

For those who have just decided to start exercising, the situation is a little different. For them, there are specially designed programs that help to get involved in a normal training regimen.

First of all, this is due to the preparation of the main muscle groups and the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. Untrained muscles will not be able to work with heavy weights without injury and sprains. This is important to remember and know.

If your trainer insists to join the fight right away, do not agree, as this can harm your health and will not bring maximum results.

In this article, we will try to convey as accurately as possible where and how to start exercising in the gym. So you signed up for the gym. Classes in the gym should be held 3-4 times a week. The first 3 days you need to practice more hard, and the last day of classes will be unloading and restorative.

Gym workout program

Any workout always starts with a warm-up. If you remember, then even at school in physical education, there was a warm-up first, and then the main standards. First of all, a warm-up is necessary in order to avoid injuries during the session.

When warming up, you can use any simulators with negligible weights, or independently perform simple inclines, squats, etc. After warming up, you should feel that your muscles are fully warmed up and you can start the main exercises.

You constantly need to increase the number of repetitions in the approaches, as well as the level of working weights. It is necessary for the normal development and training of muscles.

Here, in principle, is the whole set of exercises for those who have just decided to start exercising in the gym. It is this set of exercises that allows you to develop and strengthen the main muscle groups. If you do everything right, then literally within 6-7 weeks it will be possible to start more difficult training programs.

The most common beginner mistakes in the gym

Often beginners do not want to work with small weights, because they believe that they are capable of more. As a rule, soon they get seriously injured.

Negligent attitude towards correct technique performance also threatens future injuries. Do exercises under the guidance of an instructor.

Women by nature are endowed with grace, grace and ease of movement. But in the bustle of fleeting everyday life, with a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, few of the modern representatives of the weaker sex can boast of a stately posture, regal gait, light tread, smooth body movements. If you want to walk and become a queen, you need to strengthen your back muscles.

Yes, yes, backs! This part creates the supporting frame of our body. In addition, the spinal muscles are responsible for the correct location of the spine and internal organs, thereby directly affecting the health of our body. This article contains all the most best exercises for strengthening the back, complexes for the gym, for training at home, the most productive exercises for stretching and relieving tension in the back.

Why do you need to strengthen your back muscles?

I would like to once again dwell on the benefits that you will receive by strengthening your back:

If you decide to take steps to develop and strengthen your back muscles, then here are the most effective and proven complexes that will help you along the way.

If you don’t have free time to go to the gym at all, then you can do sports at home. To do this, you need a gymnastic mat. Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to perform a warm-up to stretch the muscles and avoid injury.

A set of exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles at home:

Back exercises in the gym

It is worth starting a set of exercises with 10-15 minute sessions on any cardio machine. This will help prepare the cardiovascular system for stress, launch intensive process blood circulation and will help warm up the muscles, in order to avoid injury. Then you need to stretch all muscle groups with stretch stretching exercises. Now you can go to the main complex for the back in the gym.

Exercise 1. Pull-ups in the gravitron

We get up on the platform, we take the upper crossbar, using a wide grip, the head is slightly thrown back, the gas is looking at the ceiling, the arms are fully extended. On the exhale, we pull ourselves, bending the elbows, while the chest stretches up. At the top point, you need to linger for a second.

It is necessary to pull up with the muscles of the back, and not with the hands. The hands serve to hold oneself. We set the weight so that you can do 15 repetitions, 5 of which with serious effort. Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 times.

Exercise 2. Traction of the lower block to the belt while sitting

Starting position: knees bent, back straight, shoulders down. While inhaling, we lean forward a little with the chest, while exhaling, we pull the handle to the stomach. Performing this exercise, we lead the elbows along the body, bring the shoulder blades together, and take the shoulders back. Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 times.

Exercise 3. Traction of a vertical block to the chest

The back is straight, the lower back is arched. Standing take the handle of the simulator wide grip, while it is important that the hands are at the same distance from the edge of the handle.

We pull the handle to the upper part of the chest, trying to cut latissimus dorsi back. The cable of the simulator must be directed strictly vertically down to ensure maximum force vector and effective contraction. muscle groups. Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 times.

Exercise 4. Hyperextension

First of all, you need to set up the growth simulator so that the substrates are higher. hip joint. This is to concentrate the load on the muscles of the back.

On inspiration, we bend the body down, on exhalation we bend in the lower back just above the parallel, crossing our arms over our chest. We bend and unbend the spine in order to work exactly the muscles of the back. We go down slowly without jerks. For weighting, you can pick up a pancake with a weight, pressing it to your chest. Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 times.

A set of exercises for those who want to achieve a relief back

If you are concerned about the question of how to achieve a relief back, then your attention is offered additional exercises contributing to the solution of this problem.

Exercise 1

This exercise perfectly works out all the muscle groups of the back and ensures the growth of the muscle mass of this part of the body. We put on a belt to avoid injury to the lower back.

Starting position: the back is even, arched in the lower back, leaning forward, legs slightly bent at the knees, the gaze is directed forward, the grip on the barbell is slightly wider than the shoulders.

As you exhale, pull the bar to the lower abdomen, exhale at the top. Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 times.

Exercise 2. One-hand dumbbell row to the belt

The exercise has become popular due to its effectiveness. Dumbbell rows are almost always included in training program professional athletes.

Starting position: take in right hand dumbbell with a direct grip, put the left knee on the bench, the left hand also rests on the bench, the back is parallel to the floor.

The right leg was slightly bent at the knee and taken back. We lower the arm with the dumbbell down and relax the shoulder.

While inhaling, we pull the dumbbell up, bend the elbow, lifting it as high as possible. As you exhale, gently lower the shoulder first, then the elbow, unbend the arm. Reps: 3 sets of 15 reps per arm.

Stretching and stress relief exercises in the back

Tension in the back can arise both due to the weakening of the frame of muscle groups, and as a result of strength exercises. A set of exercises to stretch the muscles of the back will help get rid of tension.

  1. Lying on your stomach, we clasp our hands in a lock above the buttocks, raise our head and tear our shoulders off the floor. We stretch our hands to the feet as much as possible. Movements should be smooth and slow. We linger at the extreme point for 3 seconds. We perform the exercise 12 times.
  2. Lying on your back, straighten your arms behind your head parallel to the floor. We stretch our arms and legs in opposite directions, stretch the spine, while pulling the feet towards ourselves. We linger at the extreme point for 7 seconds. We perform the exercise 12 times.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees, spreading them. Grab your ankles with your hands, arch your back. Touching the floor only with the head, shoulders and feet, we maintain this position for 10-15 seconds. We perform the exercise 12 times.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of absolutely all exercises gives the regularity of their implementation. It is necessary to include these complexes in training 2-3 times a week and in a month you will feel how you managed to strengthen your back with all the ensuing positive consequences for your body.

Set goals, practice and achieve success!

Being engaged in simulators, you can not only gain muscle mass or lose weight, but also have the ability to effectively maintain good physical shape and maintain health.

The influence of training on simulators on various human organs and systems

1. Heart. The heart is a muscular organ, and any muscle, if it is not trained, becomes decrepit and atrophies, the same thing happens with the heart muscle in most people. Being engaged on cardio simulators, the body receives a moderate and prolonged load, due to which the heart muscle strengthens and becomes more resilient.

2. Vessels. During exercise on the simulators, the work of the heart is activated, and the blood circulates more actively through the vessels of the body, which is most important, the blood penetrates into the smallest capillaries, which do not normally function. Thanks to this effect, the walls of blood vessels, which consist of smooth muscles, are trained, for this reason blood vessels are strengthened, and a person becomes less susceptible to vascular diseases.

3. Muscles. During fitness classes on simulators, skeletal muscles are primarily trained, it activates metabolism, tendons are strengthened, muscles become stronger and more flexible, thanks to which the body is better restored and rejuvenated.

4. Skeletal system. During exercise on simulators, blood circulation and metabolism are activated not only in the skeletal muscles, but also in the skeleton, especially in the places where muscles are attached to bones. Bone tissue becomes denser, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

5. Joints. By exercising on simulators, a person can gently and effectively load the joints, which improves the metabolism in the joints and their functionality.

6. Internal organs. Fitness classes accelerate blood circulation and metabolism not only in the muscles, but also in the internal organs, which contributes to their recovery. In addition, strong trunk muscles effectively support internal organs in a physiologically comfortable position, which facilitates their work.

7. Nervous system. During a workout in the gym, not only calories are burned, but also nervous tension. Many studies confirm that moderate and regular lesson fitness reduces the risk of stress, and if a stressful situation has nevertheless arisen, then doing fitness a person tolerates it more easily.

As we can see, it is hard to find a place in the body that would not have a positive effect on the simulators, but the degree of this positive effect very much depends on a properly organized training.

General rules for training on simulators for improving the body and maintaining health

1. We start training with a warm-up lasting 10 - 15 minutes.

2. We do strength training for about 30 minutes.

3. We do cardio for about 30 minutes.

A detailed plan for three times a day in the gym to maintain health


Warm up. We perform swings with arms, legs, torso in different directions, that is, we knead the main muscle groups and joints; we do 5 - 7 deep breaths, but without undue stress, and proceed to the main part of the workout.

Main part. Performs bending of the arms in elbow joints with a bar to the shoulders. We select the weight of the bar so that it is possible to perform 3-4 approaches with 8-12 repetitions. Pause between sets 3 - 4 minutes. Then we execute alternate flexion hands with dumbbells. We select the weight of the dumbbells so that it is possible to perform 3-4 sets with 8-12 repetitions. Pause between sets 3 - 4 minutes.

We perform a bench press on horizontal bench, we place the brushes shoulder-width apart, so we work out the triceps of the arm. We select the weight of the bar so that it is possible to perform 3-4 sets with 8-12 repetitions. Pause between sets 3 - 4 minutes.

Let's move on to cardio. Today we are engaged on a treadmill for 20 - 25 minutes.


Warm up. We perform swings with our arms, then legs, torso forward, backward, left, right, that is, we stretch the main muscle groups and joints; we do 5 - 7 deep breaths, but without undue stress, and proceed to the main part of the workout.

Main part. In this workout, we will work out the muscles of the chest and back. To train the chest muscles, we perform a bench press, lying on a horizontal bench with a wide grip of the hands. We select the weight of the bar so that with maximum effort it is possible to do 3-4 sets with 8-12 repetitions. We make a pause between approaches so that breathing is fully restored. We rest for 2-4 minutes and move on to the next exercise to train the chest muscles. We carry out the wiring of hands with dumbbells on a horizontal bench. We perform 3 - 4 sets with 8 - 12 repetitions.

Now we will train the muscles of the back. We perform traction of the bar to the stomach in an inclination, this exercise can be replaced by a similar one, but performed on a power simulator, for example, you can use a rowing machine. We select the weight of the burden so that it is possible to perform 3 - 4 sets with 8 - 12 repetitions in each approach. We make a pause between approaches so that breathing is completely restored.

Let's move on to cardio machines rowing machine 20 - 25 minutes.


Warm up. We perform arm swings, then legs, torso tilts in different directions, that is, we knead the main muscle groups and joints; we do 5 - 7 deep breaths, but without undue stress, and proceed to the main part of the workout.

Main part. In this workout, we will work out the muscles of the legs and abdomen. To train the legs, do a squat with a barbell on your shoulders. We select the weight of the barbell so that it is possible to perform 3-4 sets with 8-12 repetitions with maximum effort. We make a pause between approaches so that breathing is completely restored. Rest 2-4 minutes and move on to next exercise to train leg muscles. We perform lunges with a barbell on the shoulders. We place the barbell on our shoulders and take a wide step forward with one foot, returning to the starting position. Perform 3 - 4 sets with 8 - 12 repetitions for each leg. The pause between sets is such that breathing is fully restored.

Now let's move on to training the abdominal muscles (abs). IN lying position we lift the legs to the body, bend the legs slightly at the knees. Perform 3-4 sets with 15-20 reps. Then we perform the second exercise for the abdominal muscles - lifting the body to the legs in a prone position, we also keep the legs slightly bent, while bent legs the load on lumbar spine. We do 3 - 4 sets with 15 - 20 repetitions.

We turn to cardio equipment and do it on an exercise bike for 20 - 25 minutes.

This is an indicative plan for training in the gym to improve the body.

You need to start exercising with minimal weights on weight machines and minimal loads on cardio machines, gradually increasing the load from workout to workout.

Additional articles with useful information
Exercises that improve joint health that you can do at home

Joint pain most often begins to remind of itself in the second half of life, and it is in this case that it is very useful to know and apply exercises that improve the condition of the joints.

Description of injuries possible when exercising on simulators

Minor injuries are possible even during the most ordinary workouts, and knowing how to act correctly when they occur can greatly facilitate the training process.

Sport and health are almost identical concepts. However, in order to always be great shape, you have to "sweat a lot", so where is it better to do it - in the gym or at home? Let's deal with this issue together, having thoroughly analyzed both options from the standpoint of "pluses" and "minuses".



. The great thing about exercising outside the home is that it almost never allows you to be lazy. Based on research on the psychology of most people, you will be ashamed to goof off when there are so many people around and everyone is looking at you.

. High level of sports equipment
is also an absolute plus, allowing you to more fully and specifically load each muscle group.

. Individual trainer. That's who will really help you in this difficult matter, teach you how to breathe correctly and develop a nutrition plan and individual training with you.

. Shower and pool available. Refreshed in the shower, it will be nice to plunge into the pool. Cool water will help relieve fatigue after exercise.


. Big number exercising. If in the first case it really benefits, then from the standpoint of the availability of simulators it goes into the negative. You will have to wait until one or another simulator is free. You are wasting time, and with it, patience.

. Distance from home (work). A fairly busy work schedule will not allow you to include workouts in your schedule with the regularity with which you would like. Add to this the current situation with traffic jams - and you yourself will not be happy.

. Workouts with a personal trainer.
Yes, the help of a coach is, of course, wonderful, but it will significantly affect the thickness of your wallet. Such training is 1.5-2 times more expensive than self-study.

. Pool. Most swimming pools are still treated with water chlorination. Long-term visits to it will negatively affect the condition of your hair and skin. And volatile compounds of trihalomethane - a by-product of water chlorination - are dangerous to human health.

. Shower. It is no secret that in our time a certificate from a doctor for visiting the pool can be easily obtained for a small fee. cash reward. This situation is not in the best way affects your health. According to the latest data, the growth of fungal diseases after visiting the shower or pool is increasing significantly every year. So, if you don’t want to become a “happy” owner of onychomycosis or molluscum contagiosum, it’s better not to go there.

Workout at home


. The ability to skip a workout, allowing yourself an indulgence. Low level of equipment sports equipment. Lack of help personal trainer, the wrong method of training.


. At home, you are your own masters. This unconditional plus will allow you to include training at any time convenient for you. There are no strangers here occupying the simulators you need.

. After work or on your day off, you do not need to rush anywhere else.
- your gym is already at home! This will save you a lot of time, effort and nerves.

Since gym classes are not free, a home gym will be a great help for those who want to save their wallet from unnecessary costs.

You can easily become your own coach. Armed with sports literature, which is now in abundance, you yourself can calculate your diet and calculate the amount of BJU you need (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), learn correct breathing during the exercise, master the technique of their implementation.

. After training, you calmly take a shower, without fear of picking up some unpleasant sore.

As you can see, training in fitness clubs and gyms has a lot of disadvantages and disadvantages, so the choice in favor of homework is obvious.

What equipment should you equip your home gym with, which are the most effective, and which should not be taken?

Let's look at the most effective.


Perhaps rightfully considered one of the most effective. Success lies in the special, ellipsoidal trajectory of the foot during exercise. Your legs move like when you run. Due to this, you burn as many calories as when running and almost 1.5 times more than when swimming. Ellipsoid is a cardio simulator, with it you will strengthen your cardiovascular system, increase your endurance threshold. Several speed modes will allow you to vary the load. The advantage of this simulator is that it does not put excessive stress on the joints and spine, which is great for people with problems in this area. At the top of the ellipsoid there are movable handles that give a load on the muscles of the arms, back and even the press. The price / quality ratio will pleasantly please you.

Exercise bike and treadmill

Another cardio equipment that allows you to strengthen the cardiovascular system and lungs. Also effective against overweight, but the load on the joints is several times higher than when exercising on an ellipsoid. Top part body is absolutely not involved, the price is much higher than that of an ellipsoid.

rowing machine

Another effective trainer. Arm muscles work shoulder girdle, press and back. Good power load on the legs. The only possible drawback is the size of at least 2 meters and a rather high price.

Sports equipment to help


Provide maximum load on the muscles of the hands, make them embossed. They are very inexpensive and take up little space.

jump rope

It is also very effective in the fight against excess weight. Jumping rope will greatly strengthen the calf muscles, tighten the buttocks. Takes up almost no space, the price is affordable for everyone.

Spring expander and elastic bands

Good for strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms and legs. But elastic bands are good because they practically do not give restrictions on the choice of load, which cannot be said about a spring expander. By hooking the springs to the last level, you will no longer increase the load. The price is also available.


Another sports equipment with high efficiency. Discs or "pancakes" have a wide weight range, from 500 grams to 50 kg. New form neck, W-shaped or EZ-shaped will help ease the load on the wrists, bringing the grip closer to neutral, reduce pain. They take up little space - the bar can be stored under the bed or vertically in the closet, the pancakes will be perfectly located on the balcony or under that bed.

With such equipment home gym the effectiveness of training will not be lower than when exercising in fitness clubs, while the money spent on simulators and shells will pay off already in the 3rd month after the start of training, and most importantly, they are now yours!

Natalya Govorova

Reading time: 9 minutes


ABOUT beautiful figure dreams of the whole beautiful half of humanity. And one of the “tools” for correcting your forms is the gym. The main thing is to clearly understand which simulators to look at, which zones need correction, and what is included in the training program.

The best exercise equipment for women in the gym - which one to give preference to in training?

The main areas of the female body that need correction are ...

  • Hands (there should be no "kissel").
  • Belly (it should be flat and elastic).
  • Chest (beautiful, raised and elastic, and not flaccid and spreading over the stomach).
  • And of course,

It is on these areas that you should focus your attention in order to lose weight and achieve the desired result.

Choosing the Right Trainers!

  • Thrust. The main goal of working on this inventory is to work out the biceps. The ideal machine for long and hard workouts - with a set of weights and additional equipment, with the possibility of self-regulation of the load. The simulator provides effective workouts for hands - for both at once or for each in turn to enhance the effect.
  • Top/bottom pull. This tool works for harmony, strengthening the muscles of the back and, accordingly, protecting the spine, strengthening the biceps, and reducing the risk of injury. The wider the grip, the more intense the training of the back muscles.
  • Horizontal leg press. Primary target: glutes and quads. The body on this equipment is fixed in a stable position, and the main load falls on the reed with buttocks. With an increase in load and bending of the legs, as for a “plié”, the inner thighs are trained.
  • Smith machine. Here we train triceps and pectoral muscles. A safe and effective simulator with the ability to independently regulate the intensity of the loads.
  • Shoulder press. The simulator for working with the middle and anterior deltoid muscles. In order to avoid harming your ligaments, it is important to correctly install the seat.
  • Press trainer. A flat stomach is an achievable dream. Such a power unit allows you to twist on the press (approx. - with weights). It is important to remember that weight training significantly increases muscle growth and expands the waist, so it is better for lovely ladies to do without weights.
  • Reverse glute lifts. The simulator is designed to work with gluteal muscles and on the gradual compaction of the priests. Such a tool will not bring harm, and as for the result, it will not be fast (there are more effective simulators for such purposes).
  • Thrust of the top / block with a wide handle and behind the head. Good equipment for the development of back muscles. It is important to remember that if there are problems with flexibility shoulder joints, it is better to replace this simulator with another, in order to avoid pinching in the shoulders / joint.
  • Cardio trainers. Of course, they are effective and useful. However, aerobic activity in women should be within reasonable limits. The intensity of these workouts is a maximum of 3 times a week and no more than 40 minutes.

Exercise machines that are not suitable for ladies

Unlike women who run to the gym for weight loss and harmony, men go to workouts for relief and muscle mass. Therefore, their training programs, of course, are different, and individual simulators, successfully used by men, can give the opposite result to a woman.

What inventory to avoid?

  • Shrugs with dumbbells. A very effective simulator for trapezius muscles, but for men. He will not add the beauty of forms to a woman.
  • Weighted slopes. It is believed that such training eliminates the "ears" on the reeds. In fact, they only contribute to the expansion of the waist. And for a side bar, a bicycle and the right diet are suitable.

A set of exercises on simulators in the gym for women - we draw up a training program

Women's queues for cardio machines are common. However, it must be remembered that the torture of these simulators is meaningless without strength exercises.

Exactly power training should be a priority, cardio workouts - to warm up the muscles or to consolidate the effect.

A set of exercises for the beauty of forms - what should it be?

  1. For the 1st day: on the back and arms.
  2. For the 2nd day: on the thighs and buttocks, on the calf muscles.
  3. For the 3rd day: on the press.

The beginning of a workout (always!) is a warm-up for 10-15 minutes from cardio exercises, or from key aerobic exercises.

Video: A set of exercises for girls in the gym

Video: Gym exercise program for girls

What exercises should be included in the program?

Exercises for the abs:

  • Tilts on a Roman chair. We put our hands on our chest “crosswise”, bend down to half and press our chin tightly to our chest.
  • Leg lifts. We lean on our elbows in a suspended state (approx. - on the crossbar). Legs slowly bend / unbend 20-25 times.

Exercises for the buttocks, thighs and calf muscles:

  • Hyperextension.
  • Abduction / connection simulator: back upright, spread and connect the hips, holding the position for 3 seconds when connecting.
  • Leg press. We use the training platform. Raise your legs from the center of the platform to the top edge. When lowering the load, we hold the lower back close to the bench. Scheme: 4 sets, 30 times).

Exercises for the muscles of the back:

  • Head pull. Scheme: 20 times.
  • Lower block pull. The back is straight, in a sitting position we bend our knees, pull the block to the lower abdomen, without swinging the torso. Scheme: 3 sets, 25 times.

The general training scheme should look like this:

  1. Warm-up - 10 minutes.
  2. Training of muscles of a certain group - 50 minutes.
  3. Cardio workout - 40 minutes (for example, an exercise bike, jump rope or treadmill, Hula Hup).
  4. Stretching - 10 min.

Also in the set of exercises you can include:

  • Deadlift. Scheme: 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders (approx. - for leg muscles). Scheme: maximum twice a week.
  • Lunges with dumbbells (we pull the legs and round the buttocks). Scheme: 1 time per week.
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars ( perfect option for weak hands).
  • Bench press at different / angles. Suitable for strengthening pectoral muscles. Scheme: 1 time per week.
  • Plank. This universal exercise affects almost all muscle groups. It is recommended to do it regularly.

Video: Training program for beginner girls - the first steps on the simulators in the gym

Basic rules for training on simulators for women

Before heading to the gym should undergo a medical examination . It is important to exclude all diseases with which strength exercises are prohibited.

After the permission of the doctor is obtained, you should decide on training program. Without help professional trainer can't get by.

What should be remembered?

  • Training should be regular - 2-3 times a week.
  • Warming up before every workout is a must! Important: the warm-up at the beginning (for warming up / preparing the muscles) and stretching at the end of the workout (for muscle recovery) should concern exactly the muscle group that is being loaded during a particular workout.
  • You can increase the load only gradually, after a month of constant training.
  • The number of approaches and repetitions depends on the state of the body, on endurance and, directly, goals. Approximate amount: 1-5 for strength development, 6-12 for muscle mass, more than 10-12 for endurance development.
  • You should not immediately saddle all the simulators in turn - start gradually and with 2-3 simulators. Do not overload the body with maximum weight.
  • - This is fine. It should pass as soon as the body gets used to the new lifestyle and load. If the pain does not go away in 3-4 days, then you need to reduce the intensity of the load or consult a specialist.
  • Proper nutrition is 50% of success. We eat fractionally - 5 times a day (before training we eat 2 hours before it, no later!), We drink 2 liters of water per day (moreover, 1 liter - during training), we give protein foods in the diet Special attention(at least 60%).
  • If the number of workouts per week is reduced from 3 or 4 to 2, then the entire weekly load should be distributed over 2 of these workouts.
  • We do not change the instructor during the first 6 months of training. Different systems can have a lot of contradictions, so for the effectiveness of training it is better to listen to the 1st coach.
  • Unsystematic classes are unacceptable! Each workout should be subject to a specific set of classes, clearly designed for a particular woman, taking into account her needs, capabilities and characteristics of the body.
  • Close the carb window after every workout. not ready protein shakes, and drinks from natural products, self-prepared.

And a few more important points:

  1. You can’t go to the gym “for the company”! Visit it in splendid isolation, only in this case your attention will be 100% focused on training.
  2. Training should become your good habit. Therefore, the mood is extremely important: choose a comfortable and nice shape for training, the best gym, good coach. Classes should not be hard labor for you.
  3. The lack of results after 2-3 months of classes is not a reason to quit. Stock up on patience, forget about laziness and shyness, cultivate fighting qualities of character in yourself.
  4. Decide on a goal. Why do you need training: lose weight, build muscle, tighten the "contours" or something else. The intensity and type of training depends on the goal.

Video: Common mistakes in the gym

And a few mistakes to avoid:

  • Do not overload the press if your goal is waist correction. The greater the load, the larger the waist.
  • Do not abuse cardio workouts. The higher the load, the more active the production of the stress hormone, which, in turn, leads to destruction. muscle tissue and exhaustion. Recommended maximum: 2-3 times a week for 40 minutes.
  • Don't rule out dumbbell loads . It is loads with weighting that contribute to the formation of a beautiful tummy and elastic priests.
  • It makes no sense to overload the muscles with intense daily workouts. . It is a mistake to think that in this way you will quickly acquire the cherished appetizing forms. Remember: muscles need time to recover! The optimal break is 2-3 days for each muscle group. For example, on Tuesday you load the biceps and chest muscles, on Wednesday - the load on the legs, on Friday - the triceps with shoulders, on Saturday - the back. The rest of the time is rest from work.
  • Before you start exercising, adjust the simulator "by yourself." The lesson should be comfortable, not provoking injury.
  • Choose a comprehensive program , which involves all muscle groups during the week. You can not concentrate only on problem areas - this will lead to an imbalance in proportions.

And don't overdo your workouts! If you have difficulty moving, your muscles ache, like after a week of repairs in the apartment and falling from a stepladder, and you can’t even squeeze your pillow with your hands, then it’s time to slow down the pace and reduce the intensity of your workouts.

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