How to eat before and after cardio. What to eat before and after cardio

Nutrition recommendations before and after cardio training differ from pre- and post-workout nutrition after strength training. Cardio is running race walking, cycling, swimming and other activities that require continuous continuous movement and include the work of the heart muscle, increasing the heart rate. Thus, knowing what to eat before and after cardio you can significantly improve its performance.

Cardio - why and for what?
Aerobics is recommended not only for people who want to lose weight, but also for the health of the cardiovascular system. The number of cardio workouts can be from one session to five per week, and the duration is from 10 to 60 minutes. However, it depends on the goal, the initial data and the level of training.

It is always recommended to start with a minimum, gradually increasing the duration of the load. This is due to the rapid adaptation to aerobic exercise, so if your goal is to improve health and lose weight, then the load should gradually increase. In the same way, stopping cardio training should also be gradual, as well as increasing calories after a diet.

Nutrition before cardio
Previously, it was considered ideal to do cardio in the morning before breakfast, since after an overnight fast, the body begins to use fat more actively. Modern research shows that fat burning will increase if you take amino acids before training. author Ekaterina Golovina These can be tableted amino acids or quickly digestible protein products with high nutritional value Whey Protein or egg whites. 10-20 g isolate or pair of egg whites before morning cardio will be sufficient.

However, this option is suitable for people who have a relatively low percentage of subcutaneous fat. For those who have an average or higher percentage of fat, the time of training does not matter, the main thing is that they are eaten at all.

It will be optimal to eat 2 or 3 hours before aerobics, if its duration is 30-45 minutes. It is better to choose protein and low-glycemic carbohydrates for food, which will keep insulin levels in check, provide enough energy before training and allow you to burn more calories from fat. In fact, you can safely do aerobics 2-3 hours after your standard lunch.

During a workout
During aerobics, you can and should drink water. Otherwise, the water-salt balance will be disturbed, which will not lead to anything good. On the forums, I often see messages that sweat is fat, which forces people not to drink and wrap themselves from head to toe in a plastic bag. Sweat and fat are completely different substances. The body reacts to an increase in temperature and releases water to reduce it, which has nothing to do with fat burning. In addition, the use of cling film for weight loss threatens with serious heart problems.

Nutrition after cardio
During aerobics, the body burns calories intensively. This process does not last long after a workout, so nutritionists do not recommend eating immediately after cardio. In some sources, it is recommended to wait as much as two hours, in others - 45 minutes. I don't think it makes sense to fast for two whole hours, since cardio is a direct route to muscle catabolism, as is fasting afterwards. The destruction of muscles will not be beneficial for weight loss at all, since they are the main factor in metabolism.

In my opinion, the best option would be to consume fast protein 30-45 minutes after cardio (whey protein or egg protein), and after another 45 minutes - slow carbohydrates. Or, as international nutritionist, writer and bodybuilder Chris Aceto recommends, take protein right after cardio and carbs an hour and a half later.

To summarize:
Before morning cardio do not eat or take amino acids 3-6 g, drink whey protein 10-20 g or eat 2-3 egg whites.

Before afternoon or evening aerobics eat 2-3 hours before (last meal: slow carbohydrates + protein).

During a workout drink water.

After cardio(immediately or after 30-45 minutes) drink whey protein or eat some egg whites.

An hour and a half after aerobics eat slow carbohydrates.

Contributed by international nutritionist Chris Aceto.

Athletes and people who spend time in the gym know that it is quite difficult to achieve the desired result only through training. Therefore, along with the introduction of sports into life, it is necessary to review nutrition and find out what it should be like before and after training.

How to Eat Right Before, During and After Your Run

Nutrition before and after cardio

Cardio workouts are a great way to say goodbye to extra pounds, which is subcutaneous fat and tone the body. But, in order to achieve the desired weight loss, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition after cardio, as well as immediately before it.

Common types of cardio workouts that show good result when losing weight, are aerobic exercise and running. Therefore, you can consider what should be the diet for weight loss, for example aerobic workout.

The opinion of experts that before aerobic exercise you can not eat food turned out to be erroneous. In addition, it must be carried out in the first half of the day and performed immediately after waking up in the morning. Revisiting this statement, experts in the field sports nutrition It is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach. Therefore, if training is provided, lasting no more than 45 minutes, then the meal before it should be no later than 2 hours.

Must eat before workout

In order to charge the body with the energy that it will need during cardio loads, 2 hours before they start, you need to consume a slow carbohydrate and protein necessary for muscle formation.

The combination of protein and carbohydrate consumed before training will prevent spikes in insulin levels in the body and promote efficient fat burning.

During aerobic exercise, you should not limit yourself to fluid intake. In this case, preference should be given to clean water. This is due to a change in the water-salt balance, which will need to be restored so as not to harm the body.

Be sure to drink water

At the end of aerobic training, the processes of splitting body fat continue. This state is short-lived. In addition, after cardio training, it is important to take food on time, in particular, protein, the absence of which can lead to catabolism of muscle mass, which in this case cannot be allowed. Therefore, if you want to effective weight loss, 30 minutes after the end of the lesson, you need to eat a product that contains fast protein. 30 - 40 minutes after the fast protein was eaten, a slow carbohydrate should enter the body.

It is not worth neglecting meals before and after sports, because the result for which cardio training was chosen can be delayed.

30 minutes after the end of the session, you must eat a product with protein

Nutrition before and after running

When running, as in the case of aerobic exercise for weight loss, you need to eat right. Refuse is the idea of ​​a morning run on an empty stomach. The myths that in this way weight loss will come many times faster have long been dispelled. On the contrary, such experiments on the body can have negative consequences.

Indeed, in order for the blood glucose level to be within the normal range during running, the presence of glycogen is necessary, which practically does not remain in the liver after a night's sleep.

In order to provoke the breakdown of fat during running, it is necessary to replenish the body with carbohydrates before cardio training. But overeating shortly before a workout is not worth it, because this will not only result in the complexity of the load, but can also affect digestion, the occurrence of a feeling of nausea and even vomiting.

Nutrition for weight loss before running should be limited to complex carbohydrates. The amount of food absorbed directly depends on the time after which it is planned to start running. If there is no more than an hour left before training, then it will be enough to consume complex carbohydrates in the amount of 100 calories. For this number of calories, you can eat, for example, a banana or 30 grams of cereal.

If there are more than 3 hours left before training, in this case running, then the meal should be 300 calories. In this case, you can eat potatoes cooked in their skins, lean meat, such as chicken, and a slice of whole grain bread.

Some athletes make a common mistake by refusing to eat after a workout. This may not lead to the most pleasant changes in the body, which should definitely be eliminated. Therefore, an hour after the end of the run, it is necessary to refresh yourself with complex carbohydrates and protein, while the protein should not exceed 8% of the carbohydrates consumed.

Must eat after workout

Taking carbohydrate and protein foods after running for weight loss will contribute to timely nutrition muscle tissue, and will also lead to the fact that hormones responsible for anabolism will be produced in the body within the normal range.

Having resorted to cardio workouts for weight loss, it is undesirable to skip meals at the end of them. Unfortunately, not all athletes manage to fully eat after class, so you always need to have a snack with you, for example, a fruit (banana, orange), with which you can still replenish the body with the carbohydrates it needs.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to follow the recommendations regarding nutrition before and after sports. This is necessary in order to speed up the metabolic processes in the body. In addition, more than half of success in losing weight depends on nutrition.

Created on 09.11.2015

Nutrition before and after cardio is different from nutrition before and after strength training. What does cardio training include?

These are running, walking, cycling, swimming and other activities that require continuous long movement and include the heart, increasing the heart rate. Cardio performance will improve significantly proper nutrition before and after classes.

What are the benefits of cardio

Aerobics can do more than just lose weight. It is good for the health of the cardiovascular system. The number of cardio workouts can be from one to five per week. It depends on the goal, the initial data and the level of training.

You should always start with a minimum, increasing the duration of the load gradually. This is due to the rapid adaptation to aerobic exercise. If your goal is to lose weight and improve health, then the load should gradually increase. Gradually, you need to stop cardio, as well as increase calories after a diet.

Nutrition before cardio

It used to be considered ideal to do cardio in the morning before breakfast, as after an overnight fast, the body begins to use fat more actively. Modern research shows that fat burning will increase if you take amino acids before training. These can be amino acid tablets or high-nutrition, fast-digesting protein products such as whey protein or egg whites. 10-20 g of isolate or a couple of egg whites before morning cardio will be enough.

But this option is suitable for people who have a relatively low percentage of subcutaneous fat.

For those who have an average or higher percentage of body fat, the time of training does not matter, the main thing is that they are available at all. If the duration of cardio is 30-45 minutes, then it would be optimal to eat 2-3 hours before training. Opt for protein and low glycemic slow carbs that will keep your insulin levels down, give you plenty of pre-workout energy, and burn more calories from fat. 2-3 hours after your standard lunch, you can safely do cardio.

During cardio

During cardio, it is not only possible, but also necessary to drink water. Otherwise, the water-salt balance will be disturbed, and this will not lead to anything good. Many people think that sweat is fat. People don't drink. Wrapped up in cling film. But sweat and fat are completely different substances. The body reacts to an increase in temperature and secretes water to reduce it, and this has nothing to do with fat burning. And the use of film for weight loss threatens with serious heart problems.

Nutrition after cardio

During cardio, the body burns calories intensively. For a short time, this process continues after training. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat immediately after cardio.

Someone recommends abstaining from food for two hours, someone - 45 minutes. Cardio training is a direct path to muscle catabolism, as is fasting after it. The destruction of muscles will not be beneficial for weight loss at all, since they are the main factor in metabolism. So you don't have to wait 2 hours.

After cardio, after 30-45 minutes, consume a fast protein (whey protein or egg protein). After another 45 minutes - slow carbohydrates. And you can immediately after cardio take protein, and after an hour and a half carbohydrates.

To summarize:

Before morning do not eat cardio or take amino acids 3-6 g, drink whey protein 10-20 g or eat 2-3 egg whites.

Before afternoon or evening aerobics eat 2-3 hours before (last meal: slow carbohydrates + protein).

During a workout drink water.

After cardio(immediately or after 30-45 minutes) drink whey protein or eat some egg whites.

One and a half hours after aerobics to eat slow carbohydrates.

Athletes and people who spend time in the gym know that it is quite difficult to achieve the desired result only through training. Therefore, along with the introduction of sports into life, it is necessary to review nutrition and find out what it should be like before and after training.

How to Eat Right Before, During and After Your Run

Nutrition before and after cardio

Cardio training is a great way to say goodbye to extra pounds, which is subcutaneous fat and tone the body. But, in order to achieve the desired weight loss, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition after cardio, as well as immediately before it.

Common types of cardio that show good results in losing weight are aerobic exercise and running. Therefore, we can consider what nutrition should be for weight loss, using the example of aerobic training.

The opinion of experts that before aerobic exercise you can not eat food turned out to be erroneous. In addition, it must be carried out in the first half of the day and performed immediately after waking up in the morning. Revisiting this statement, experts in the field of sports nutrition do not recommend exercising on an empty stomach. Therefore, if training is provided, lasting no more than 45 minutes, then the meal before it should be no later than 2 hours.

Must eat before workout

In order to charge the body with the energy that it will need during cardio loads, 2 hours before they start, you need to consume a slow carbohydrate and protein necessary for muscle formation.

The combination of protein and carbohydrate consumed before training will prevent spikes in insulin levels in the body and promote efficient fat burning.

During aerobic exercise, you should not limit yourself to fluid intake. In this case, preference should be given to clean water. This is due to a change in the water-salt balance, which will need to be restored so as not to harm the body.

Be sure to drink water

At the end of aerobic training, the processes of splitting body fat continue. This state is short-lived. In addition, after cardio training, it is important to take food on time, in particular, protein, the absence of which can lead to catabolism of muscle mass, which in this case cannot be allowed. Therefore, if you want to achieve effective weight loss, 30 minutes after the end of the session, you must eat a product that contains fast protein. 30 - 40 minutes after the fast protein was eaten, a slow carbohydrate should enter the body.

It is not worth neglecting meals before and after sports, because the result for which cardio training was chosen can be delayed.

30 minutes after the end of the session, you must eat a product with protein

When running, as in the case of aerobic exercise for weight loss, you need to eat right. Refuse is the idea of ​​a morning run on an empty stomach. The myths that in this way weight loss will come many times faster have long been dispelled. On the contrary, such experiments on the body can have negative consequences.

Indeed, in order for the blood glucose level to be within the normal range during running, the presence of glycogen is necessary, which practically does not remain in the liver after a night's sleep.

In order to provoke the breakdown of fat during running, it is necessary to replenish the body with carbohydrates before cardio training. But overeating shortly before a workout is not worth it, because this will not only result in the complexity of the load, but can also affect digestion, the occurrence of a feeling of nausea and even vomiting.

Nutrition for weight loss before running should be limited to complex carbohydrates. The amount of food absorbed directly depends on the time after which it is planned to start running. If there is no more than an hour left before training, then it will be enough to consume complex carbohydrates in the amount of 100 calories. For this number of calories, you can eat, for example, a banana or 30 grams of cereal.

If there are more than 3 hours left before training, in this case running, then the meal should be 300 calories. In this case, you can eat potatoes cooked in their skins, lean meat, such as chicken, and a slice of whole grain bread.

Some athletes make a common mistake by refusing to eat after a workout. This may not lead to the most pleasant changes in the body, which should definitely be eliminated. Therefore, an hour after the end of the run, it is necessary to refresh yourself with complex carbohydrates and protein, while the protein should not exceed 8% of the carbohydrates consumed.

Must eat after workout

The intake of carbohydrate and protein foods after running for weight loss will contribute to the timely nutrition of muscle tissue, and will also lead to the fact that hormones responsible for anabolism will be produced in the body within the normal range.

Having resorted to cardio workouts for weight loss, it is undesirable to skip meals at the end of them. Unfortunately, not all athletes manage to fully eat after class, so you always need to have a snack with you, for example, a fruit (banana, orange), with which you can still replenish the body with the carbohydrates it needs.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to follow the recommendations regarding nutrition before and after sports. This is necessary in order to speed up the metabolic processes in the body. In addition, more than half of success in losing weight depends on nutrition.

Doing cardio saturates the body with oxygen, trains the cardiovascular system, increases endurance and helps active fat burning.

Achieving such a result is possible with an integrated approach, which is why training is combined with appropriate nutrition.

plays a special role quality and quantity of products consumed after doing cardio.

Nutrition rules after cardio training

  1. In no case you shouldn't starve after intense physical activity. Don't eat like minimum 2 hours after exercise - a common myth of fashion magazines, which will not lead to an acceleration of weight loss, but to the appearance of a bad mood, weakness, dizziness and destruction of the muscles of the body, which will negatively affect the overall tone of the body.

  1. Do not immediately after a cardio workout on a wave of surging hunger to eat, as this can lead to overeating.
  2. The best option is to use protein products in 30-45 minutes after the end of the workout.
  3. After the lapse of 1.5-2 hours or about in one hour after eating protein foods, you can take a full meal, including complex carbohydrates.
  4. If cardio was done in the evening, it is better to replace complex carbohydrates after training with a lighter option (for example, a vegetable salad with added protein).

For the first meal after 30-45 minutes after completing a cardio workout, as already mentioned, fit protein products:

  • egg white;
  • protein, in particular, whey (with fast digestibility);
  • dietary types meat:
    • veal;
    • chicken(fillet, liver);
    • turkey(fillet, liver);
  • cottage cheese.

Attention! Helps improve carbohydrate absorption protein food, so it is recommended to add to the side dish meat steam cutlet or eggs(boiled or fried without oil).

If we are talking about nutrition after 1.5-2 hours after completing cardio, fit slow carbohydrates, with a low glycemic index (that is, gradually releasing energy, their intake helps quality recovery):

  • cereals(buckwheat, barley, barley);
  • porridge (perfect option- oatmeal at the same time avoid semolina);
  • rice(best brown or basmati);
  • fresh or boiled vegetables(optimally - for a couple);
  • pasta(made with whole wheat flour).

Can I eat immediately after a workout

Contrary to popular belief about the need for fasting after intense aerobic exercise for the best weight loss effect, there is a need after training.

  1. During cardio exercise, the body works in high pulse mode, rapid breathing i.e. under stress. At this time, a lot of energy is spent, and energy reserves run out. The need to restore vital body reserves is the main prerequisite for eating after exercise.

Photo 1. Table of changes in heart rate during training of varying degrees of intensity

  1. Fasting after cardio can lead to jumps blood pressure , and that is, to a deterioration in well-being, dizziness, nausea, weakness. In some cases it is possible loss of consciousness.
  2. The body burns calories during training and some time after (15-25 minutes). For this reason, eating directly after exercise is undesirable, since the very desired fat burning occurs. But also prolonged fasting (3 hours or more) is inappropriate.
  3. Abstaining from eating nutrients after cardio will contribute to the destruction of muscle cells, due to which the body will try to restore energy reserves.

What is better and healthier to eat: examples of meals

After 30-45 minutes after completing the workout, the following options are most suitable:

  • 2-3 eggs boiled (the yolk is used as desired, but if the main goal is weight loss, it is better to use no more than one);
  • omelette with 2 eggs and milk (fat content - up to 2.5%, quantity - 100-200 ml);
  • Whey Protein(diluted for 200-250 ml of milk with a fat content of up to 2.5% or water if the main goal is weight loss);
  • boiled, baked with seasonings or fried without oil half a chicken breast;
  • cottage cheese (100-200 g) with the addition of kefir, natural yogurt (Greek is ideal).

What about a nutritious meal? after 1.5-2 hours, the best way fit:

  • buckwheat(40 g dry) and steamed chicken cutlet with vegetables;
  • oatmeal(50 g dry flakes), cooked in milk (fat content up to 2.5%) or water (150-200 ml) And 70-100 g cottage cheese (fat content up to 5%);
  • whole wheat pasta (40 g dry) and fried eggs fried without oil.

Cardio training is indispensable for weight loss. But apart from intensive classes proper nutrition is important, which must be built taking into account what type of training a person has chosen.

Meals include rigorous approach to product selection And building a diet according to the class schedule. Before and after cardio workouts, you need to eat different foods. Focus on some things and leave out some things.

Diet and training intensity

There are cardio exercises two types: high-intensity and low-intensity. Each of them is aimed at burning fat, but there are also differences. This determines how it is recommended to eat.

At high-intensity heart rate during cardio over 150 beats per minute. In the process of such exercises, a lot of calories are burned, as the intensity of the exercises is high. The duration of the training is 15-30 minutes. The body uses glycogen as a source of energy for this type of activity.

At the end of the workout, the reserves of this substance are exhausted, and the body begins to restore them. This occurs either from food or in the process of splitting fat reserves.

low intensity cardio involves heart rate up to 150 beats per minute, more often - 120—130 . Calories in the process of such training are spent less, but it is used as fuel body fat. Initially, the body uses muscle fat, and then, in the process of rest and recovery, subcutaneous fat will renew the lost reserves of muscle mass. This promotes weight loss. These workouts last 45-60 minutes.

  1. When with high intensity training the last meal is better to do 1.5-2 hours before class and build it on the basis of proteins and carbohydrates. After exercise, carbohydrates are not needed. It is better to eat protein foods and add vegetables to them.
  2. Classes low-intensity cardio depends on the timing of the exercises. In the morning train better on an empty stomach- so the body will actively spend fat reserves. It is recommended to consume carbohydrates during the day 1.5-2 hours before class, but after them it is better to focus on proteins. If an athlete trains late in the evening, it is optimal to eat protein foods before the start of exercise, but after them, do not eat anymore.

Diet for low-intensity cardio

With this type of training, carbohydrates are not required, since in this case they will only worsen the work.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the lesson need to create a carbohydrate deficit- along with low blood sugar, this will contribute to more intense fat burning.

Low-intensity cardio can be done at any time: during the day, in the morning on an empty stomach, at night. Nutrition will also depend on this:

  1. Before a morning workout, it is better not to eat food. This time of day is considered optimal for weight loss, since in the morning the level of carbohydrates in the body and blood sugar is minimal. After class, it is recommended to focus on proteins and vegetables.
  2. At daytime workout it is worth focusing on the usual diet. For 1.5-2 hours before class, it is recommended to eat carbohydrates, after class, eat proteins and vegetables.
  3. Low-intensity cardio before bed is also considered effective., because after it, during sleep, there is an active release of growth hormone, which promotes fat burning. For 1.5-2 hours before training, it is recommended to consume protein foods and vegetables. After a late class, you should not eat anything.

Important! The liquid can be drunk whenever you want - before and after training, during it. This will help prevent a sharp change in the water-salt balance in the body. It is desirable to choose clean water or non-carbonated table water.

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When to eat before a workout

Before the morning workout, you should not eat. During daytime and evening classes you need to have a snack 1.5-2 hours before it. Choose protein foods supplemented with vegetables.

Snack options:

  • chicken meat and vegetables;
  • eggs with vegetables;
  • fish with vegetables;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables.

Photo 1. An example of a dish with chicken and vegetables. When cardio, it is better to eat low-calorie chicken breast.

How long can you eat after class

After class (except in the evening) they eat after 30-60 minutes. Products are selected all the same: proteins and vegetables. High carbohydrate foods are best avoided. It can be lean meat, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, eggs and vegetables in addition to them. You can also drink protein cocktail .

Attention! There is an opinion that after a workout you can not eat for two hours. However, most instructors do not share this, because in this case, in addition to burning fat, muscle mass. That is why it is recommended to consume proteins that will not be deposited in fat, but will support muscles.

Nutrition for high-intensity cardio: what not to eat?

High-intensity cardio requires a lot of energy, and you need to give it to the body using complex carbohydrates before exercise. And here after it, it is worth focusing on proteins.

With cardio, regardless of their type important to limit harmful products: sweet, starchy foods, fast food, as they contain a lot of empty calories, interfere with the process of losing weight and worsen the quality of the body.

An example of a snack before a cardio workout

With this type of cardio, a lot of energy is expended, so it is important to give the body strength. 1.5-2 hours before training It is recommended to consume carbohydrates and proteins. The former will provide energy for a full-fledged occupation, the latter will become a source of valuable amino acids.

The following combinations can be used:

  • beef, durum wheat pasta, vegetables;
  • buckwheat porridge, chicken, vegetables;
  • rice, fish, vegetables;
  • oatmeal, protein shake, banana.

How long is it allowed to eat after training

Post-workout carbohydrates are not required. You can eat no earlier than after 30-60 minutes. The best option is protein foods and vegetables.