Inflatable cushion for balance. Balance cushion: purpose, operation features, exercises

A new invention in the world of fitness - a balancing disc, oriented as a universal sports simulator for posture, back and developing many muscle groups. It is made in the form of a hollow, air-filled, rubber disk with a diameter of about 33 cm. Buy a balancing disk and you can perform various sets of exercises that have a positive, including massage and reflexogenic effect on the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and spine of an athlete. Often used as effective method struggle with flat feet. Classes with a gymnastic balancing disk can be carried out both in gym, and at home, while increasing muscle tone feet, shoulder girdle, abdominals.

As a result of systemic exercises, there is a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, on general state organism. The inflatable balancing disc cushion has a corrugated surface that resists slipping and at the same time acts as a foot massager. Stepping on a balancing disk, a person feels an extraordinary lightness, similar to weightlessness, and an unstable state while on the disk and the desire for balance contributes to the work of most muscles and tendons, starting from the feet, calves, hips and reaching the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck. Classes on an inflatable balancing disc are not burdensome, however, as a result, the body becomes flexible, correct posture, the vestibular apparatus is trained, improving coordination of movements. Run the most on the balancing disk simple exercises much more difficult than on a flat, stationary surface.

You can buy balancing pillows made of high-quality and safe materials for healing the whole body, developing the vestibular apparatus, and strengthening posture on the website

For balance exercises, there are several types of equipment: BOSU hemisphere, wide platform, disc and pillow. “All this equipment is aimed at developing coordination, balance and muscle strength,” comments Anna Vishnevskaya, Main coach stretching and gymnastics studios Your Stretching. - Training with them helps to activate the stabilizer muscles and deep muscles core, which do not work in most conventional exercises, but are very important for the overall tone of the body. Also, this equipment helps to complicate the usual tasks and make the workout more intense.”

However, all these simulators differ from each other - in price, size, shape and material from which they are made. Moreover, as emphasized Pavel Agapov, fitness boutique trainer ICON, each of them will help to include in the work different groups muscles by performing different exercises. That is why it is best to train with different shells, and not get hung up on one thing.

Choose comfortable shoes.“This will help to avoid injuries - dislocation, sprain,” explains Pavel Agapov. In no case do not train without shoes, in Czechs or socks. Training shoes should have non-slip soles and good heel fixation.

Keep track of technology. « Main mistake Most of those involved in trying to maintain balance, many forget the technique of performing movements. The technique must remain unchanged,” explains Anna Vishnevskaya.

Take your time. “Don't try to exercise on the equipment at the same speed or in the same amount as on the floor. Work at a comfortable pace, without rushing,” the coach emphasizes.

Choose the right weight. According to the expert, when working with balancing machines, it is best to take dumbbells that are lighter in weight than those with which you are used to working on the floor. If you have just started to master balance exercises, then you should give up weights altogether.

Let's take a closer look at how to train with different type equipment.


BOSU is a rubber hemisphere mounted on a hard plastic base. With this simulator, you can work out almost all muscle groups. The round side of BOSU is suitable for both aerobic training, as well as for power. And the flat side is ideal for coordination and balance exercises. The only drawback of the hemisphere is a rather high cost - from 6 thousand rubles.

Here are some of the exercises you can do on BOSU.

Squats. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, maintaining a stable position. Lower your pelvis to parallel with the floor and slowly return to the starting position. “The exercise can be made more difficult by taking extra weight”, - adds Pavel Agapov.

Turns in place. Standing on the platform, slowly step over with your feet, turning clockwise 360 ​​degrees. Then repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

BOSU is also ideal for some yoga asanas.

Kumbhakasana. Get into a plank position: stretch your arms and lean on the flat part of the platform, aligning your body in one straight line, your knees are pulled in, your heels are reaching the floor. Pull in the muscles of the press, buttocks and thighs, keep the body in good shape, trying to catch the balance and fix in this position. “If this exercise is easy for you, and you want to make it even more difficult, put your feet on an additional balancing support, such as a fitball,” adds Yana Ananyeva, teacher at the Taste & Color yoga studio.

Vrikshasana . Place BOSU with the round part on the floor. Stand on the flat side with both feet, catch your balance, and then transfer your body weight to your right foot. Take your left leg off the platform, and turning your knee to the side, rest your foot on the inner surface of your right thigh. Fold your palms in front of your chest. Stay in this position until you reach a stable position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. “If it is difficult to maintain balance, catch your eye on a fixed point on the floor, concentrate on it,” recommends Yana Ananyeva.


The balancing platform is an air-filled non-slip mat. As Anna Vishnevskaya emphasizes, the main "highlight" of this simulator is its large size, which allows you to perform exercises lying or sitting. Thus, the platform allows you to better work out large muscle groups - the abdomen, back, buttocks, etc.

"Corner". Sit on the platform, legs straight, extended forward. Tilt the body back at an angle of 45 degrees and lift your legs up, bending them at the knees at a right angle, tear your hands off the platform and also stretch them in front of you. Hold the body in this position for 3 minutes, trying to maintain balance. Repeat.

"Boat". Lie on your stomach, neck relaxed, look at the floor. At the same time, raise your arms and legs extended forward - the higher, the better. In this case, the pelvic bones are tightly pressed to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds while maintaining your balance. Get down on the platform. Repeat the exercise.

Move your legs. Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor (they can be extended or bent at the elbows). Slowly take your right leg back and lift it to parallel with the floor. Do 20 times, trying to keep your balance. Repeat swings with the left leg.


Pillow - a round rubber disk with a diameter of about 30 cm, filled with air. One of the surfaces of the simulator is usually embossed - due to small protruding spikes, it massages the feet or palms, improving blood microcirculation. The pillow is perfect for the prevention of flat feet, as well as for strengthening joints and ligaments.

Unlike BOSU, this machine is more stable and therefore ideal for beginners in balance training. In addition, this is the most economical balancing equipment - it costs about a thousand rubles.

“Just like with BOSU, you can’t lie on the pillow with your whole body. Basically, they do squats, lunges or abductions of the legs in an attempt to maintain balance. Often, two pillows are used in training - one for each arm / leg, ”Anna Vishnevskaya comments.

Warm-up for joints. Stand on the pillow, feet shoulder-width apart, while slightly bent at the knees, back muscles and abs are tightened, shoulders are not tense, arms hang freely. Slightly bend the body, pulling the pelvis back. In this position, do circular motions knees. First clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Tilts on one leg. Stand with one foot on the balance disc, bend your knee slightly. Lean down and try to touch the floor with your toes while keeping your back leg parallel to the floor. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Virabhadrasana . Stand on the pillow with both feet, bend your right leg slightly and transfer your body weight to it. Stretch your left leg and take it back, while tilting the body forward to parallel with the floor. Press your hands to your chest or stretch forward. Direct your gaze to the floor and hold the balance for a few minutes. Repeat with the other leg.


This machine is a flat round platform mounted on a special leg that creates instability. The disc is ideal for coordination and balance exercises. “It can also be used to complicate such exercises as squats, body bends, push-ups,” comments Anna Vishnevskaya.

If you are doing balance exercises for the first time, then at the beginning of working with the disk, experts advise using some kind of safety surface - a chair, table, etc.

Balance on one leg. Get on the disc. Stretch your left leg forward and try to keep your balance by relying only on your right leg. Stay in this position. Repeat with the other leg.

Push ups. Get down on your knees. Stretch your arms shoulder-width apart and rest them on the disk, lift the body and stretch it in one straight line - from the knees to the top of the head. Then bend your elbows and lower your torso down, rise to the starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 5 push-ups. To complicate the exercise, perform it with straight legs.

Lunges. Stand in front of the disc, feet together, hands on hips. Take a step right foot forward and place your foot on the disc, bending your knee at a right angle, back straight. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement with the left leg. Perform 10-12 lunges.

Train your vestibular apparatus

It is the vestibular apparatus that is responsible for the balance of our body in space. The eyes, feet and a number of peripheral elements located in the muscles, ligaments and joints also help to preserve it. Massage balancing pillow US MEDICA Balance Disk is designed for those who care about their vestibular apparatus. Regular classes will allow you to forget about motion sickness in the car and "seasickness" forever.

Train all the muscles in your body

The US MEDICA Balance Cushion helps you keep fit and train your body. The training consists in the fact that it is necessary to maintain your balance for 5-10 minutes while standing on a pillow. In this position, all the internal stabilizer muscles that are at rest in ordinary life are involved. The effectiveness of such training has already been proven, such exercises will strengthen your back and help correct your posture.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle

Balance disc cushion - salvation for those who have sedentary work. You can take it with you to the office and train on it while you work. It will not allow you to maintain a stationary position of the body, sitting on it, you will have to constantly maintain balance. Thus, the back muscles and intervertebral discs will receive a natural load. The balance cushion for sitting on a chair will help you maintain the correct posture.

Foot massage for body healing

The US MEDICA Foot Balance Cushion has soft-touch rubber spikes that you can use to massage your feet. A large number of biologically active points are concentrated on the feet, directly connected with the internal organs of our body. By stimulating them, you will improve the functioning of the organs and the general condition of your own body!

10 minutes of exercise a day to be healthy

Just 10 minutes a day with a massage balancing pillow is enough to form a healthy and beautiful body over time. After a while, you will notice how your mood and overall well-being will improve!

Basic exercises for body tone

On the packaging of the pillow, you can find a set of exercises that are optimal for both a beginner and an experienced user. For the formation beautiful body enough simple exercises, squats, lunges, push-ups. By regularly exercising on a balancing pad, your body will always be in good shape!

Buy a balancing pad of excellent quality can be found on the website - place your order now!

What is a balancing pad?

  • excellent training of the muscles of the trunk, back, buttocks, lower extremities;
  • development of the vestibular apparatus;
  • normalization of coordination of movements;
  • wonderful massage;
  • reflexogenic effect on muscles;
  • maintaining posture;
  • prevention of flat feet.

What is a balance pad for?

If you sit at a table for a long time - written or computer, you feel tension in the back muscles. By placing a special pillow on a chair, you will notice that it will become much easier to sit, your back will straighten, your posture will stabilize, and back pain will disappear.

The balancing pillow can be used as an attribute for fitness, medical and recreational gymnastics not only for adults, but also for children. It is at a young age that posture is formed, so in this case, classes with a pillow will be an excellent prevention of spinal curvature.

The pillow has a positive effect on the legs, strengthening muscles, improving blood circulation, preventing the development of flat feet, vein thrombosis, varicose veins.

Assortment of balancing pads in

Trademark Trives represented by two products - round and wedge-shaped balancing pads. The round one is perfect for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as their prevention, and the wedge-shaped one is perfect for fitness, back muscle training, posture correction and coordination of movements.

Firm TOGU (Germany) represents a pillow made in the form of human feet. This is an excellent simulator for the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the muscles of the legs, preventing varicose veins, venous insufficiency and flat feet. The product is made of seamless high-quality material Ruton®. The studded surface has an excellent massage effect.

Company balancing pad Gymnic (Italy) perfectly unloads the spine while sitting, suitable for exercises for the development of coordination and training of stabilizing muscles.

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, there is not enough time for sports, and discomfort in the back is noticeable, buy balancing pad - this is the best option for you! You will stop feeling back pain after a working day, learn to walk and sit without slouching, you will no longer need to avoid sudden movements and turns of the body. Take care of your health, restore beauty to your body - buy balancing pillows at

Balance pillow - a specialized device for fitness at home. It is used, first of all, to train the load on atrophied muscles, the development of a sense of balance. Thanks to its specific structure, the balance cushion opens up the possibility of strengthening the ligaments.

What is a trainer?

The balancing massage pillow is made in the form of an elastic rubber disc. One surface of the simulator is embossed. It contains protruding spikes, which, when in contact with the feet, activate biologically active points, providing a positive stimulating effect on the body.

The balance cushion is filled with air from the inside. However, not tight enough. Thus, the device remains quite pliable, which makes it possible to perform stability exercises when placing a person on its surface.

What are the benefits of practicing on a balance cushion?

The exceptional value of the simulator lies in the ability to concentrate on the smallest, unused stabilizer muscles. Even with intensive sports, most of them do not receive the proper load and therefore practically do not develop.

The balancing pillow is a good tool for activating the muscular-fascial system. With regular use, the device allows you to eliminate the manifestations of scoliosis, relieve excessive stress on internal organs that occurs when leading a sedentary lifestyle. The balancing seat cushion has a corrective effect on incorrectly positioned, problematic joints of the dorsal vertebrae.

Indications for use

It is advisable to use a balancing pillow in such cases:

  1. If it is necessary to increase the effect of the main feature of training with the use of the device is to activate almost all muscle groups that are not given due attention during the operation of conventional simulators.
  2. The use of the device is recommended for people who need to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Such therapy not only enhances the body's capabilities, but also has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep, relieves headaches.
  3. The balancing pillow acts as an ideal children's simulator. Often, kids refuse to use standard means for training. The use of an elastic pillow allows you to turn seemingly ordinary physical exercise into an exciting game.
  4. The use of the product looks especially useful for people who suffer from flat feet. The rubber cushion, covered with small spikes, has an excellent stimulating effect on the feet, contributes to the formation of their elastic arch.
  5. Trives balancing pillow and devices of other reputable brands are often used in medicine when it is necessary to rehabilitate patients in the postoperative period.

Additional features of the simulator

The functionality of balance pads is far from being limited to use as a training tool. Devices of this category are often used to replace the seat, as a lining for the back, limbs or head. Thus, while remaining in a stationary position, a person continues to feel a stimulating effect on the muscles and tissues of the body. It is convenient to use the pillow while driving a car, on a train, at your desk.

Balance cushion - exercises

To strengthen the legs and stabilizer muscles, it is enough to place the balancing pad on a flat, non-slip surface. One leg is placed on the textured surface of the product, the other is lifted up parallel to the floor. Hands are extended forward. The back is brought into a tense position. During training, it is enough to try to keep the body in a stable position. Then the exercise is repeated for the other leg.

Strengthen the muscles of the back and have a stimulating effect on rear surface hips allows you to perform exercises in the supine position. The simulator is placed in the area of ​​​​the abdominal muscles, the legs are pulled back, and the hands are connected in a lock behind the back. Top part body smoothly off the floor on inspiration, arms stretch back. On exhalation, the muscles are brought into a relaxed state. The exercise is performed slowly, without sudden jerks.

Pillow exercises help strengthen the abdominal muscles and unload the back. In preparation for training, the device is laid on the floor with a textured surface up and placed in the lumbar region. Hands are laid behind the head, after which the usual lifting of the body up is performed. From the sitting position, the body again moves to the original lying position.


The balancing pillow acts as an excellent simulator for people of any gender and age. Every year, the device is in increasing demand among users who have to lead an inactive lifestyle. And this is not surprising, because the simulator not only contributes to the implementation of highly effective workouts, but also has a passive massage effect on the body.