Top spin table tennis. Top spin technique in table tennis


There are two ways to hit the ball with a racket. The first is by substituting a racket. In this case, it is impossible to predict how the ball will fly. This method is used by most beginners.

The second way is by using the rotation of the ball. To do this, you need to hit the ball on a tangent so that the rubber of your racket can grab the ball and make it spin. The type of rotation depends on the angle of the racket and the direction of its movement at the moment of contact with the ball. There are several types of strikes, the main ones are rolling, cutting and top spin.

In order to be successful in table tennis, you must master different types strokes and learn how to apply them depending on the rotation of the ball.

Roll forward

To roll, you need to move the racket from the bottom up during contact with the ball. After rolling, the ball has a downward sinking effect, so you can roll with any force, since the rotation will cause the ball to drop and hit the table.

Roll forward with an open racket (right)

Rolling on the right is one of the main attacking blows. The racket then moves up and forward and hits the upper side half of the ball.

Here is the sequence of the strike. Feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. The left leg is slightly extended forward. Body weight is evenly distributed on both legs. The torso is slightly tilted to the left towards the table, the arm with the racket is pulled back to the right for a swing. It begins to move when the legs, racket and approaching ball form an equilateral triangle, as it were. The blow is applied at the highest point of the ball rebound, after which the hand is taken away to the left and up.

At the moment of contact of the racket with the ball, the forearm, as it were, overtakes the ball. The racket moves in an arc, gradually changing the angle of inclination, as a result, it turns out, as it were, that the ball is rolled over from above. The brush, when rolling, with a sharp movement, gives the ball rotation. When hit, the weight of the body moves to the left leg. After rolling, you should immediately return to the starting position.

Roll forward with a closed racket (left)

The movement of the ball is basically the same as rolling from the right. The necessary rotation is given to the ball as it moves up and down.

Here is the sequence of the strike. Legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent, right slightly pushed forward, the center of gravity is evenly distributed on both legs. The arm at the level of the belt is bent at the elbow and laid back to the left, the forearm is parallel to the surface of the table.

When hit, the forearm sharply goes forward, the racket, as it were, rolls the ball from above, after which the hand freely goes to the right and up. The center of gravity shifts to the right leg, the arm returns to its original position.


To cut, you need to move the racket from top to bottom during contact with the ball. After clipping, the ball rises up, so the more you spin the ball, the further it will fly. Undercut is considered a defensive strike. A cut ball is harder to attack.

Undercut with an open racket (right)

Making a hit. In the initial position, the player stands almost facing the table, with his left leg slightly forward, his hand swings back and up and then goes forward and down. At the moment the ball hits the racket, which is turned open side up, the arm is slightly bent. After hitting, the racket accompanies the ball a little and then goes down to the left and forward.

The impact force during cutting depends significantly on the oncoming speed of the ball and the distance from the table on which it is received.

Undercutting with a closed racket (left)

The initial stance is typical for playing on the left: the right leg is slightly forward, the torso is slightly turned to the left. The movement of the arm, strongly bent at the elbow and retracted to the left-up-back for the swing, occurs first forward and down, and at this stage the arm at the elbow does not unbend. In the process of movement, the body turns slightly and the center of gravity is transferred to the right leg.

(According to the book of Amelin A.N., Pashnin V.A. Table tennis - ed. 2nd, additional - Physical culture and sport, 1985).

Top spin

The purpose of this attacking move is to give the ball super strong topspin. Its speed is much greater than when coasting, which makes it very difficult for the opponent to respond.

First, the most unexpected is the rebound of the ball from the table. Secondly, even the ball already accepted by the racket remains naughty, and it is very, very difficult to direct it in the intended direction.

A top spin is also good because a strongly twisted ball flies high over the net and this gives courage to the attacker. It is believed that top spin can always be used, but practice shows that this is not the case.

Top spin right

The top spin is characterized by a large swing, usually with an outstretched hand. Straightening it at the beginning of the movement allows you to increase both the swing itself and the speed of the racket with the help of the forearm and hand. The movement of the hand during the top spin, in contrast to the coasting stroke, is almost completely directed upwards, and the ball is hit with a sliding character.

Initial stance: the left leg is slightly advanced forward, the right arm is straightened and placed behind the back to the right and back. The torso is turned to the right side to increase the swing. The legs are bent at the knees, the whole body is relaxed.

The top spin begins with an active turn in the direction of the shot. The right hand goes forward-left-up. Body weight is transferred from the right leg to the left. By inertia, the torso and arm can even go far to the left. At the moment of contact with the ball, the racket should, as it were, slide over it. At the same time, the strength direct hit ball on the racket is minimal. However, the brush gives it a final boost.

There is another version of the top spin on the right, which is called the side. The difference in performing a straight top spin and a side spin is that the hand with the racket is brought to the ball from the side, the hand is lowered a little more.

Top spin left

Practiced much less frequently than on the right. The classic left top spin is not performed, this is due to the need to increase the backswing on impact, which usually leads to the appearance of side spin in addition to the top spin of the ball.

Book excerpts
Amelina A. N., Pashnina V. A.
Table tennis - ed. 2nd, add.
Physical culture and sport, 1985.
published with permission
Anatoly Amelin in 1999

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For those who have decided to come to grips with the game of table tennis, and who wish to achieve good results in this sport, you need to hone Various types punches and learn how to apply them at the right moment. In this article we will talk about attacking blows, because, as the well-known proverb says, “ best protection is an attack." So, there are three main types of offensive strikes - reel, top spin, mix. All types of techniques and execution methods are presented in the form of tables so that you can visually appreciate the difference and feel the similarities between them.

Roll forward

The most common type of attack. This is a stroke in which the bet is placed on the high speed of the ball in contact with the racket. To roll forward, you need to move the racket from the bottom up. Roll forward can be performed in two ways: 1. Roll forward with an open racket; 2. roll forward with a closed racket. Below we will analyze these attacks in more detail.

Roll forward with an open racket (right)

First of all, the roll forward with an open racket (on the right) is characterized by the fact that the body, the toes of the player's feet are turned to the right. Rolling on the right is one of the main attacking blows. The racket at the same time moves up - forward and strikes the upper side half of the ball.

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Roll forward with a closed racket (left)

In theory, rolling on the left and rolling on the right are not much different, only the position of the player at the gaming table. However, in practice it is clear that the roll-up with a closed racket is less powerful, but just as fast. With the help of this blow, you can unexpectedly change the trajectory of the ball for the opponent, and you can also play it from 2/3 of the table. This technique is performed facing the table. In a direct hit, the player's legs are parallel to each other and the left shoulder is pulled back.

The main mistakes when performing rollovers:

  • meeting and hitting a clipped ball with a racket that is too closed;
  • incorrectly selected racket angle (recommended 100-110°);
  • hitting the ball at the bottom;

A feature of the roll is the high translational speed of the ball, so it is often used when repelling the "candle" technique. However, ball speed is quickly lost when long shots, so it is more efficient to use top spin if the opponent is not close to the table.

Top spin

Topspin is technically a more complex bottom-up shot where the ball takes on a very strong topspin and very high speed. The specificity of the top spin directly carries an attacking character and is used to deflect attacking blows and intercept an attack from an opponent. It seriously complicates the enemy's response actions, and without a good command of defensive equipment, it is almost impossible to repel it. This is all because even the received ball remains naughty and it is quite difficult to direct it along the desired trajectory. Also, this technique is very effective for intercepting an attack from an opponent.

As well as rolling, top spin can be performed in two positions.

Top spin side (right)


The principle of execution is similar to the roll on the right, but there are differences:



  • the swing is wider;
  • upward movement of the hand;
  • less grip with the racket;




Top spin left






At the end of the reception, the hand quickly goes up to the right, and the center of gravity shifts to the right leg.







Have you noticed a certain analogy between a rollover and a top spin? Many professional players are of the opinion that they should not be divided into 2 separate elements, since the top spin is a kind of modification of the roll with some changes. Let us explain: with a top spin, it is necessary to swing below the ball, and when rolling, just behind; when coasting, the blow is uniform, with a top spin it is sharper and requires an additional impulse.

Top Spin Mistakes:

  • non-return to the starting position before the start of the strike;
  • the hand did not have time to overtake the ball;
  • insufficient arm swing at the moment of impact;

you will achieve best result if, when performing a series of top spins, you will use rackets with high rates of speed and rotation.


Unlike the previous technique, the mix implies a powerful blow without giving the ball a twisted effect. This technique is considered the final blow to the "candle" or other "high" ball. Note that flat-type strikes are only good at attacking oversized swords, so slash is not the leading attack move.


The smash is a flat shot, so you don't need to tilt the racket, but you should swing with maximum force in order to reduce the level of rotation when the ball bounces. The blow is made at the top point.

So we have considered the most important strokes in the attacking style of play. Remember that the study of technology and only regular workouts promote accurate and strong performance tricks.

If you have any questions, then call our specialists and they will answer your questions and provide the most complete information.

This technique was invented and demonstrated for the first time by Japanese tennis players at the World Championships in 1961. At first, for its cunning, it was called the "devil's ball from Tokyo", later they began to call it top-spin (top-spin), which in English means top rotation. When performing this strike, the ball is given a strong top rotation, it flies a little slower and along a more curved trajectory than when coasting, but when interacting with the table and racket, it has a quick unexpected rebound. This technique is often used to start and end an attack, as well as to intercept an opponent's attack.

There are fast top spin (more forward movement), hanging top spin (having a steeper flight path and more complex top spin), side top spin (in addition to the top spin, the ball is also given side rotation). Sometimes experienced players use a false (deceptive) top spin. The tennis player only pretends to perform a strong topspin, but in fact only lightly touches the ball with the racket.

Topspin can be performed with a padded sandwich racquet on a ball that has a bottomspin. In this case, the ball is twisted in the "passing" side. Or it can be performed on a ball that has topspin, then the ball must be twisted in the opposite direction. And this requires the player to have certain speed qualities and accuracy of movements.

Top spin on the right. The top spin technique on the right is similar to the rolling technique on the right. However, the top spin is characterized by a large swing, while the arm straightens more than when rolling. The movement of the hand in top spin is almost completely directed upwards. In order for the ball to spin more strongly, the ball must be hit tangentially along the right upper quarter of the ball. At the same time, the thinner the “grip” of the ball with the racket, the stronger the top rotation of the ball will receive. And in order for the ball to fly not only up, but also forward, the torso is actively working, turning, the body weight is transferred from right foot to the left. Roll from the right on the big wheel of an adult bike and you will understand the movement of the top back on the right. It will be wider, and in order for the ball to spin more strongly, the hand and forearm must work more actively.

Top spin on the left. The top spin on the left has now become a formidable weapon for tennis players who play with a horizontal grip. The economy of movement, the great mobility of the hand and forearm during the execution of this strike make it possible to attribute it to the advanced means of playing the game. At first, this technique may seem uncomfortable to perform, but after a few sessions it can be mastered and applied freely and naturally.

How to perform a top spin on the left?

The top spin on the left is performed in almost the same way as the roll-on on the left, from the left hip from the bottom-up-forward, but has some distinctive features. The blow is made on the upper left quarter of the ball with the upper half of the racket. The movement is wider and more energetic, going around the elbow, as it were. “Running” the ball, the hand and forearm work more actively. The body is also actively involved in the work, the weight of the body is transferred from the left leg to the right.


When performing a top spin on the right, the swing must be performed from a right-handed stance with a large turn of the shoulders and a straightened arm slightly back. This will put more energy into the movement. However, it is not recommended to take the hand too far back - this will make it difficult to quickly accelerate the racket.

To create a larger swing when performing a top spin on the left, straighten the arm with the racket a little and lower it to the left thigh, and turn the shoulders to the left so as to be almost right side to the table. This position during the swing allows you to use the strength of not only the arms, but also the torso.

To give the ball more rotational and translational motion, before kicking, bend your legs more than when rolling, as if sitting under the ball, and at the moment of impact, actively unbend them while transferring body weight forward from one leg to another.

To give the greatest speed to the arm with the racket, at the moment of interaction with the ball, work more actively with the hand and forearm. Hit the ball while doing a tangent top spin. The thinner the grip of the ball with the racket, the better. You can control it by sound. If only a slight rustling or a weak sound of a blow is heard, it means that the blow was executed correctly, tangentially, with an overlay.

To give the ball the desired trajectory and direction of flight, the hand with the racket must overtake the ball. In this case, the body and arm by inertia can go far to the side. It has been noticed that a sudden stop of the hand after the ball rebounds from the racket reduces the accuracy of its flight control.

After performing the top spin, try to get into a new starting position as quickly as possible and prepare for the next stroke.

To learn the technique of top spins (both on the right and on the left), it is recommended to use a bicycle wheel, which, in addition, allows you to improve such important for playing table tennis physical qualities, as the speed of movement, explosive force, speed endurance.

I have prepared a list of 5 for you. quick tips, by applying which you can significantly improve the technique of your top spin on the right or simply diagnose the presence of shortcomings.

You will learn:

  1. How to correctly and economically swing
  2. What racket tilt to keep with a top spin on the right on a simple ball
  3. How much should be transferred to the left leg (for right-handers) body weight at the end of the movement
  4. How to work the forearm with the top back
  5. In which case more than half of the efforts "leave" in the air

Today's review will be a mixed format: video + text.

P.S. Tomorrow at midnight, the cost of recording a master class will rise by 40% "Top spin from the right corner: 2 times more hits".

Also, 2 bonus video lessons will NOT be available: “Top spin on the right block, like Ma Long” and “Top spin on the right from undercut, like Fan Zhendong”.


For most European tennis players, the forearm on the backswing is in an excessively bent state. And this is observed even in a number of very strong athletes.

If you keep your arm too bent on the backswing, then the top spin will not receive at least 30% of the speed that it could have.

However, I am not saying that a top spin cannot be performed with a very bent arm. It is quite possible, as many tennis players in Europe prove, but in this case, the legs, torso and hand must work to the limit in order to compensate for the lack of inclusion of the forearm.

With a serial top back on the right, it does not make sense to extend the forearm to the limit - you simply will not have time to bend it in the process of movement. The main thing is that the bend angle is greater than 90 degrees, so that there is room for movement (fold).

Pay attention to the level of "extension" of the arm on the backswing and the path that the forearm takes to the end.

Forearm movement with top back on the right

The forearm begins to be included in the movement simultaneously with the legs, pelvis and torso.

Many try to start flexing the forearm right at the moment of contact. It is not right. Contact with the ball is made at the moment when the forearm has already completed 30-40% of the bend. That is, the folding process begins before contact with the ball.

Fixed top spin ending to the right of Ma Long

The forearm reaches its final bending point at the end. At the same time, the fold itself turns out to be sharper and biting if you fix the end in a strict position at the end, and do not smear it with a smooth movement.

You can see a fixed and clear ending in 60-70% of the top spins on the right Olympic champion Ma Long. But this recommendation is suitable for medium strength topspins made from a comfortable position. In situations of amplification or top spin from an uncomfortable ball, other recommendations take place.

The following advice partially follows from the previous one.

A common amateur mistake is to first swing, then the racket is carefully brought to the ball and here there is an attempt to accelerate and spin the ball.

With this execution, most of the effort occurs, as it were, after contact with the ball. That is, in fact, goes into the void.

As a rule, such execution is done intuitively. Out of fear of missing the ball and the desire to control the process of contact with the ball, being closer to it.

To avoid the effort that goes into the air, you need to understand that the main part of the top spin is the part that is done BEFORE CONTACT with the ball. It is up to contact with the ball that the arm and the entire body accelerate. And how much these parts gained acceleration BEFORE contact with the ball depends on what the CONTACT ITSELF will be.

The racket must hit the ball when it has ALREADY picked up speed. At the moment when she had already accelerated to the maximum.

  • remember Tip #4
  • match it with this recommendation
  • mentally make movements from the swing with the inclusion of the forearm and the acceleration of the racket to contact with the ball.

Better yet, get up from the table and imitate the whole movement completely.

Just make sure that there are no family members nearby, otherwise they will think that you are crazy and call an ambulance 🙂

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