Children's aerobics for children. Aerobics for children: description, types and rules of training

Most people think that aerobics is a sport for women aimed at losing weight. A picture appears before my eyes group lessons in the hall or energetic movements at home in front of the TV.

But this is far from true. This sport can be practiced by everyone, including children. This is very beneficial for the health and harmonious development of the child. In essence, children's activities are similar to adult fitness, only in a simplified and abbreviated form.

Exercises are diluted with dancing to cheerful music, as well as game elements. This sport is suitable for children of all ages.

There are no special restrictions for classes. Even if you have any chronic diseases, such as asthma or other lung diseases, you can choose a special program with a light load.

Contraindications can only be injuries, serious heart disease, respiratory system, spine, etc.

dance aerobics

For those who want to develop musicality, hearing, a sense of rhythm and plasticity in a child, as well as strengthen the muscles of the body as a whole, dance aerobics for children is suitable.

In addition, it improves memory and attentiveness, since it is necessary to memorize dance movements.

Typically, the lesson is divided into three parts: warm-up, main part and hitch.

Sports aerobics

This is a more complex form of aerobics. It is better to bring children of five or six years old to such classes.

Sports aerobics for children includes many elements from gymnastics, but without acrobatics.

Trains strength and endurance. Develops the vestibular apparatus, the ability to control one's body, forms a strong muscular corset.

Step aerobics

As in adult classes, a step platform is used in this form, but it is smaller in size - a height of about 10 centimeters. Includes a set of various steps and jumps.

It teaches you to be agile, fast and attentive, to keep your balance well. Trains the cardiovascular system.

Aerobics program for children by age

Toddlers 1-1.5 years

You can start practicing as early as a year and a half. Even for such little ones, this is very useful, since physical development is closely related to intellectual development.

Of course, for such kids, the exercises will be the simplest and take little time. About ten minutes is enough for the kids.

Often such fitness breaks are included in the program of general developmental activities for kids in order to change the type of activity and not stay too long.

The lesson takes place necessarily in a playful way, using various paraphernalia, such as balls, rings, fabric tunnels, orthopedic rugs, various toys, and so on.

The movements are simple - running, squats, various steps, crawling. Such workouts allow you to actively move and have fun.

Children 3-5 years old

For children older classes are getting more difficult. They are also built in the form of a game, because at this age children are very active and energetic.

The game form is aimed at making it interesting, but at the same time it performs the function physical development.

In addition, it helps to restrain the activity of the kids a little and spend their energy usefully. The child learns to control himself and focus.

Exercises for children's aerobics of this age consist of squats, jumps, elements lying on the floor, dance movements.

A variety of equipment is also used - hoops, benches, ladders, cubes and balls, special sticks, and so on.

Muscles are actively included in the work, flexibility and coordination develop, flat feet are prevented.

The duration of such lessons is about 20-30 minutes, no more, twice a week.

Preschoolers 5-6 years old

Aerobics for children up to school age close to adult programs. Exercises become more difficult and more varied.

In training, inclined planes, mats, jump ropes, fitballs are used. Complex tasks are added, such as somersaults, relay races. Get more cardio.

The duration of aerobics classes for children 5-6 years old is 30-40 minutes 2-3 times a week. They can be diluted with dance elements, but the emphasis is on strengthening muscles and developing physical capabilities.

There are also exercises that develop logic. Children learn to work in a team, interact with each other.

However, elements of the game remain. This allows you to keep the interest and desire to come to training again.

Schoolchildren 7-11 years old

At this age, the children's physical activity decreases, because they have to sit in the classroom at school, then do their homework while sitting at the table. School physical education lessons are not enough to keep muscles in good shape and maintain the same metabolism.

These circumstances can even lead to obesity, which negatively affects children's health. At the same time, the body's need for movement only increases. A great way out would be children's aerobics.

The training program for primary school age includes quite complex elements - gymnastic, dance, strength.

Balance exercises, various jumps, rotations, hangs are included. It is possible to use special children's simulators. The coach must teach you how to use them.

Training takes an average of 40-45 minutes. It should not be monotonous, exercises are selected with different intensity.

It develops speed, agility, strength, flexibility and strengthens all the muscles of the body.

At 7-11 years old, physical qualities can develop to the maximum, since the nervous system is already quite mature by this age.

Children are emotional, react quickly, which allows them to learn new skills better, more accurately and in a fairly short time.

You can take part in competitions, and victories and prizes give confidence in their abilities.

Teenagers 12-16 years old

The guys have completely matured, they are actively growing, and the muscles do not keep up with the growth rate. In addition, at this age, puberty occurs, all systems in the body begin to work in a new way. Aerobics will help to develop physically and look harmonious.

Kids can now control anxiety nervous system and better concentration. In training, the emphasis is on strength, endurance and flexibility, strengthening the muscle corset.

Complex gymnastic elements including acrobatic. Practiced as independent work, and in pairs or teams.

It is possible to use adult simulators, but only without axial load. The spine is still immature in a growing body, so exercises like squats and deadlifts are dangerous.

Training should not take more than one hour, 2-3 times a week. They definitely need to include a warm-up at the beginning and stretching at the end, as well as cardio training.

A little about the musical accompaniment

Music in training is not just background. She sets the pace, rhythm, invigorates, gives strength and adds Have a good mood. Therefore, music for children's aerobics plays an important role in building a lesson.

The music is selected by the coach, based on the age of the group involved and the type of aerobics. First of all, you need to choose a pace. The speed of execution of the elements depends on this:

  1. Dance aerobics means upbeat, fun music that you can dance to in a fun way;
  2. For sports, calmer music is suitable, allowing you to focus on doing the exercises;
  3. Musical accompaniment for step aerobics is better to choose with a clear rhythm, and a fairly high pace.

For young children, the playlist is made up of children's songs, including familiar melodies from cartoons.

Also for kids there are special songs with movements when you need to listen to what is sung and repeat.

The main thing is that children enjoy music, classes in general and go to the gym with joy.


The benefits of aerobic exercise cannot be overestimated. It has a positive effect on the most different sides child development:

  1. First of all, it improves physical development - strong muscles, strength and flexibility, beautiful figure, even posture, no flat feet, healthy back and the musculoskeletal system in general;
  2. Trains the ability to manage your body well, coordination and endurance;
  3. It helps to spend energy, which children have a lot of, directing it to a useful thing. Thanks to this, children become more assiduous and attentive, sleep well and soundly;
  4. It heals all body systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, improves metabolism. Eliminates the possible problem of the appearance of obesity (mainly in schoolchildren who do not move much, sitting in class, doing homework and spending time at computers and gadgets);
  5. Strengthens the immune system


Anyone can benefit from sports. When sending a child to the section, you need to pay attention to the fact that a set of exercises for children's aerobics should be made by a qualified trainer, taking into account the age, development, characteristics and health limitations of each participant in the classes.

If parents do not have the financial ability to take their children to paid training, there is always a way out.

Now there are many different videos with exercises for children's aerobics. Can be practiced both at home and fresh air which is even more useful.

With properly constructed training, sports will captivate the child, it will be interesting, fun, and most importantly, it will teach him to lead a healthy lifestyle from childhood.

At the word "aerobics", most adults have a fairly clear stereotypical association - a group of losing weight women in swimsuits perform exercises at the same time, naturally aimed at weight loss. But this is only part of the truth. There is general and therapeutic aerobics, as well as aerobics for children, to which this article is devoted.

What it is?

Aerobics is a special type of gymnastics consisting of aerobic exercises that must be performed to music. Musical accompaniment helps to keep the rhythm and monitor the clarity and speed of the complex of movements. Initially, aerobics, indeed, was gymnastics for women, and the American actress Jane Fonda became its main promoter. Thanks to her, the whole world learned about this sport.

But it was not she who came up with aerobics, but a physiologist originally from the USA, Kenneth Cooper. This happened in the 60s of the last century. But his book and methodology before Fonda was recognized only among doctors and athletes. Aerobics went to the people only at the suggestion of an artist and beauty with a worldwide reputation.

Children's aerobics arose a little later as a modification of the adult set of exercises. It includes rhythm, walking and running, jumping and stretching exercises. Professional aerobics is also an art, since teams put on group dances, which are distinguished by the synchronism of the movements and connections by teams of several people or single athletes.

Today, elements of aerobics for children are being introduced into programs physical training in kindergartens and schools. All fitness centers have sections and groups of children's aerobics, and therefore it will not be difficult to enroll a child in such classes, especially since there are almost no restrictions for children in this sport.

What's the use?

It should be noted that aerobics does not know gender differences - both boys and girls can do it. Everyone will find something interesting and useful for themselves. For example, exercises that require artistry and beauty of movements are better for girls, and complexes in which you need to demonstrate endurance and strength are more to the liking of boys. But the opposite also happens.

If we talk about what such a sport can give a child, then we can give a lot of arguments “for”. First of all, this sport gently and unobtrusively teaches the child to love an active and mobile lifestyle, and not to sit out his free time in front of a computer monitor.

  • Trainings are held in groups, and the child finds like-minded people, communicates, and trains his communication skills.
  • This load reduces the likelihood childhood obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system. Active movement helps to speed up metabolism, burning fat. As a result, the child grows strong, fit, slender and beautiful.
  • Training in the aerobics group requires a large burst of internal energy, which is especially important for children of preschool and primary school age, who most often have nowhere to put excessive energy. Spilling it into movements, the child becomes more calm, attentive, concentrated.
  • Children's aerobics helps to train self-control, endurance, willpower. It is especially important that all this happens in a team, which helps the child to adopt a team spirit. This facilitates the task of finding a common language with any team in the kindergarten, school, children's camp or later - at the university and the work team.

The medical aspects of aerobics are multifaceted. This load helps to strengthen the muscles and the musculoskeletal system. The joints become stronger and more mobile, which reduces the likelihood of injury to the child. The respiratory organs are actively trained, which helps to reduce the number of respiratory ailments in childhood. Regular aerobic exercises increase children's immunity.

Boys and girls develop correct posture, gait. Improves metabolism, coordination of movements. Children grow up more resilient and not afraid physical activity. They are more active and less likely to suffer from depression.

A big plus of this sport is that it is not tied to the gym, outdoor training is also allowed, and such activities, you can be sure, are twice as useful.


This may sound strange, but this species sport has almost no contraindications. After all, even a sick child can study, just for him it will be compiled individual complex exercises, taking into account the type and type of disease. For example, for kids who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, endurance exercises are excluded, but they leave an artistic and rhythmic complex.

Nevertheless, before signing up a child for aerobics, you need to visit a pediatrician with him and provide a health certificate to the trainer. The doctor can indicate the preferred and prohibited types of exercise, which will help the coach to create a program taking into account individual characteristics.

Doctors usually look favorably on this species. sports load and limit it only for children with severe heart defects and complex disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Temporary restrictions on aerobics are introduced for children who are sick with viral infections, are undergoing rehabilitation after injuries and surgical operations. When can they return to individual training or in your group, depending on the specific disease, the terms will be set by the attending physician.


There are three main types of aerobics - health, dance and sports. In the last couple of decades, this small list has been replenished with two more positions - step and power aerobics. But in reality, the range is much wider.


Rhythmic gymnastics that regulates the level of load. It has an excellent healing effect. It includes not only exercises for muscle development, but also elements of dance. Separately allocate tango aerobics, jazz aerobics, latin and hip-hop, as well as city jam and funk aerobics. At this point, to whom what kind of music and style is closer to the soul.

Step aerobics

Great workout for the musculoskeletal system. It is carried out using special platforms up to ten centimeters high. Recently, spectacular and beautiful championships have been held along it.


A special kind of aerobics, which is aimed at normalization muscle tone, their strengthening, improvement of the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Resistant ball


Complexes of exercises are associated with increased loads and weights in the form of dumbbells and weighted sticks. This type speeds up the metabolism and helps to cope with obesity.


If you can't decide on your own, you should seek advice from a children's fitness trainer.

Suitable age

You can send your child to aerobics at a very tender age - from a year or a year and a half. For preschoolers, classes are held in the form of a game. The first level groups usually include the youngest children - up to 3 years. From 4 and 5 years old, children are expected in the next age group - preschool. At 6-7-8 years old, the child can start classes in a group of schoolchildren.

For kids, training is easy, playful and lasts no more than 10 minutes. Older children can do sports and strength aerobics, where workouts start from half an hour, and dance classes usually last from 20-30 minutes or longer.

If we talk about the frequency of classes, then children under 3 years old should attend the section a couple of times a week, children older - 3 times.

Features of children's activities

The goal in children's aerobics groups is not to raise children Olympic champions and the strongmen of the whole planet. Sports results this is not the main thing - it is much more important to instill the habit of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

Trainings are held in compliance with security measures. It is very important to reduce even the potential for injury. To do this, the lesson always begins with a light warm-up., which helps to "warm up" the muscles and prepare them for the upcoming load.

Second important principle- the usefulness of everything that happens.

A child will never benefit if he attends a section under duress, forcibly, if he does not like to study. That is why coaches do not force children to do exercises that they do not like for some reason.

Competitive spirit in aerobics is not the main thing. It is much more important that the self-esteem of each child in the group rises. Therefore, the coach will not scold the kid or teenager if something does not work out for him, otherwise he is a bad coach, from whose classes you need to refuse.

A child doing aerobics should always have a voluntary choice. Everyone is talking about it experienced trainers and connoisseurs of this type of fitness. He may or may not take part in some events, competitions, performances. And so that children do not refuse, they need to be properly motivated. This is what an experienced mentor will do.

Exercise examples

Each type of aerobics has its own sets of exercises and individual elements, but basic exercises nevertheless, they are the same for almost all varieties of this sport.

This is running, steps of different intensity, tilts, squats, exercises for the upper and lower extremities, shoulder girdle, press, back.

In the dance form, pas characteristic of certain dances are actively used, for example, in tango - exercises on the back and legs, in Latino - on the hips, back, stomach and arms, etc.

IN health complex the following load types can be applied

  • push-ups performed with an emphasis from a kneeling position;
  • maintaining balance while standing on one leg;
  • maintaining balance with a gradual smooth change in body position on one leg, for example, with body tilts from such a position;
  • bringing straight and unbent legs to the hands, sitting on the floor with the force of the press;
  • leg-split;
  • jumping with legs apart in the air;
  • jumping with bringing the legs to the chest in "flight".

IN sports aerobics more difficult exercises

  • push-ups in an emphasis lying;
  • horizontal lifting of the legs together above the floor on the hands;
  • a jump with a wide spread of legs in “flight” almost to a horizontal line and a slight tilt of the body forward;
  • crawling through twine.

A specific list of exercises is determined by the coach depending on the type of aerobics chosen, the age of the child, the degree of his physical fitness, the state of his health and the recommendations of pediatricians.

How the lesson goes dance aerobics, see below.

All parents want their children to be healthy, smart and beautiful. Children's fitness is the best way to achieve this goal.

Children, adults - what's the difference?

Fitness for children is a kind of sports that includes choreography, gymnastics, aerobics and martial arts.

What is the fundamental difference between children's fitness and adult fitness? The most important thing is adapted loads and a psychological approach, since children will not study without interest.

Lessons are tailored to fit childhood. Classes for three and four year old children last no more than thirty minutes, so that there is no overload. Lessons should be entertaining. Children learn elementary physical exercise. At the age of six, children are already beginning to be taught to work in a team. The instructor begins to give exercises that develop logic. At the age of eight, work with objects is added - hoops, balls, jump ropes. And all exercises are necessarily in the form of games that children love so much.

How are the classes

For classes, a game form is chosen, since the game becomes a necessary component of a child's life. The instructor, together with the kids, goes on an exciting journey, finds himself in a world of fantasy and play. Children learn to dance, understand music and rhythm, improve their body. The presence of game pauses, elements sports game helps turn monotonous workouts into fun and educational lessons that develop coordination, increase the child's ability to navigate in space, teach communication and play with each other.

Children's fitness groups usually consist of 10 or 15 people. Instructors use a playful form of learning to help children be relaxed and enjoy doing the teacher's tasks.

Children's fitness, like an adult, includes a similar set of exercises. These are three parts: preparatory - warm-up, main and final - stretching.

Part 1. Warm up

No better exercise for warm-up than walking, running and jumping. This part lasts 10 to 15 minutes.

At first, the child should walk slowly for 1 to 3 minutes. Sometimes alternate simple walking and walking on heels and toes.

Then the child should run on the spot, too, from 1 to 3 minutes. Sometimes they alternate running, in which they raise their knees high, and running with an overlap of the lower leg.

After running, you should invite the child to jump in place on two legs, then on each in turn. Hands during this exercise should be kept on the belt.

Part 2. Main part

Classes in the main part last at least 20 minutes and consist of active exercises.

No. 1 - "Sipping"

In the initial position, the child stands straight, with legs slightly apart and arms lowered along the body. The kid raises his hands up, puts them shoulder-width apart, with fingers apart, then stands on his toes, stretches and inhales. Then he relaxes the muscles, returns to his original position and exhales. Repeated 4 to 5 times.

No. 2 - "We chop wood"

In the initial position, the child stands straight, with legs slightly apart and arms raised up, and palms clasped in a lock. After exhaling, the child lowers his hands down, imitating chopping firewood and saying “wow”. Repeat at least 10 times.

No. 3 - "Turns"

In the starting position, the child stands straight, legs are shoulder-width apart, he holds his hands on his belt. Then he turns upper part body in one direction, then turns back, again - but now in the other direction. Repeat 8 to 10 times.

No. 4 - "Squats"

In the starting position, the child stands straight, keeps his legs together. He slowly crouches, holding his hands in front of him, exhales at the same time, quickly straightens up, returns to his original stance. Perform 5 - 6 times.

No. 5 - "Wave your hands"

In the starting position, the child stands straight, keeps his legs straight, arms spread apart. The child twists his arms in his shoulders about two minutes ago and forward, repeats the movements again, but with his arms bent at the elbows.

No. 6 - "Turn our heads"

The child in the starting position stands straight, with arms slightly apart, hands on the belt. He rotates his head in one direction in a circle three times, then in the other.

Part 3. Children's fitness. Stretching for children

Children and adults end up stretching.

No. 1 - "Tilts"

In the starting position, the child stands straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands down along the body. The kid tries to touch the floor with his fingers without bending his knees, after which he returns to his original stance. 5 to 10 times.

No. 2 - "Stretching"

In the starting position, the child sits on the floor, with straight legs apart and arms resting on the floor from behind. He should reach his toes without bending his knees, then take the starting position again and straighten his back.

Being engaged in fitness, the child will grow up healthy and strong.

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Baby programs at Janinn Fitness are an opportunity to introduce children to different ages To healthy lifestyle life.

To captivate a child with sports is perhaps the dream of every parent.
In our children's center it's quite easy to make it!

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The offer is valid for new clients of the club. Invitation for a single visit - for one person.

We have prepared fitness programs for young athletes that develop physical qualities, coordination, concentration, and logical thinking. Choreography classes, dance lessons, group programs, martial arts and pool classes will interest and delight children.

Lessons are conducted by trainers and educators with five years of experience working with children and regular professional development.

Programs are divided into age groups so that children are in a circle of peers and feel comfortable.

  • Peanut 3–14 months
  • Baby 14 months–6 years
  • Junior 7–10 years old
  • Teenager 11–14 years old

"Karapuz" water programs for children from 3 to 14 months.

Introducing children to aquatic environment, hardening.
Joint activities of parents with children.

Educational activities for babies from 6 months. with mothers: finger games, games with objects, exercises for the development of memory and attention, the development of auditory and visual perception, physical education using passive-active exercises.

"Baby" fitness programs for children from 14 months to 6 years.

Lesson for kids with the participation of parents.
Mastering balance skills, development fine motor skills hands, the formation of memory and speech.

Game lesson using soft modules.
Activity with parents sent for the development of coordination, dexterity and attention.

Baby Dance

A dance lesson aimed at developing motor skills, plasticity and musicality in children.

Fit Balance

Lesson with elements of aerobics and gymnastics on fit-balls. The lesson develops the vestibular apparatus, coordination, joint mobility.

The lesson takes place in the form of a game. Exercises are aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system and preventing flat feet.

Acquaintance of children with the aquatic environment, development of swimming skills.

An incendiary, fun lesson that includes different styles popular dance styles.

Aqua Baby

Acquaintance of the child with the aquatic environment, hardening. Activities with parents.

A game and dance lesson to the music, which includes the basic elements of rhythm and choreography.

A fun lesson based on outdoor games.
Relay races, exercises for attention and development of fine motor skills.

Ancient Japanese martial arts. During the lesson, the child acquires the skills of self-defense and attack.

The world around

An educational lesson in which children get to know the world around them.

Original teaching method: sing, dance, play and learn English.

fairy tale hour

Lesson with viewing filmstrips and participation in the puppet theater.

"Junior" fitness programs for children from 7 to 10 years old.


A system of specially selected exercises used to promote health, harmonious physical development and improvement motor abilities human strength, agility, speed of movement and endurance.


The exercise strengthens muscles, develops flexibility, coordination, balance. Some exercises require pair work. This teaches children to work in a team.

The study of dynamic complexes. Gymnastics for the eyes, spine, breathing exercises.

Training in martial arts, shock and throwing techniques.

Developmental Lesson physical qualities training in self-defense techniques.

Ancient Japanese martial arts. During the lesson, children acquire the skills of self-defense and attack.

Learning to swim, improving swimming technique.
A lesson for those who already know how to stay on the water.

Learning to swim, improving swimming technique. A lesson for children who know how to stay on the water.

Lesson rhythmic gymnastics. Develops flexibility, plasticity, coordination. Learning to work with the ball, ribbon, rope and hoop.

City of masters

A creative studio where children are taught the perception of art through their own visual activity. At the lesson, the child is engaged in drawing, modeling and origami.

"Teenager" sports programs for children from 11 to 14 years old.


Game activity.


Game activity.

Mini football

A game lesson in which the child learns the technique and tactics of playing football.

We all have heard and know what fitness is. Most people even do it in their free time or after work. It has become an integral part of life. modern man. Therefore, recently there have been various programs for different categories of people. This and fitness for fat people, for the elderly, for pregnant women, children's fitness, physiotherapy and much more.

Children's fitness is a specially designed sport program. When developing it, the physical preparation of the child, age category is taken into account.

IN modern world children's fitness is just as popular as adult fitness. Classes are held not only in specialized fitness centers, but also in sports clubs, dance studios.

It's not just gymnastics. It includes elements of choreography, aerobics, yoga, swimming. An innovation in this matter was martial arts, which are also included in the program. Groups are not large, they consist of 12-15 people. Classes are held in a playful way, so even the most restrained children are quickly included in the process.

In our world, children's fitness is a must. Children have forgotten what active games in the yard are and spend most, if not most, of their time at a computer, TV, tablet and phone. If before there was no need to attend additional classes on physical education, now children's fitness is just a way out. It allows you to increase physical activity your child, develop basic motor skills and simply take care of your baby's health.

Many parents may say that attending physical education classes at school or kindergarten is enough. They will, of course, be wrong. Fitness classes will not harm your child, but on the contrary, they will only make it better. Lessons that are held at school or sports section, very often they are boring and do not like children. They visit them under compulsion because it is necessary. In children's fitness classes, everything looks the other way around. No boring workout. All events are held in an interesting form and with musical accompaniment. No one evaluates the guys and scolds for mistakes. Each next lesson different from the previous one. The basis of the lesson includes lessons with a speech therapist. And these classes are simply, often, necessary. And most importantly, everything goes almost safely. All classes are subject to age features. And if suddenly an injury does happen, then help will be provided immediately. Because the coaches are savvy in this matter. Also, the child will not overstrain and overload. And for overly active kids, such activities are doubly useful. In addition to the development of physical fitness, the guys will be able to throw out all the accumulated energy. Classes are useful for closed kids. They easily make friends with other guys and find new friends.

The downside to these sports events Only one thing - these classes are quite expensive. But their cost is fully justified, because one lesson includes many different activities.

Age categories

Group 1 - children from 1.5 to 4 years. Of course, if there are no contraindications and the child's body is strong and the baby is able to perform exercises. All classes are held in the presence of parents. Scrupulous mothers can watch their beloved children. The purpose of these exercises is to strengthen the spine and muscle groups that are responsible for coordination and movement. active work is carried out on the development of motor skills and classes with a speech therapist.

Group 2 - children aged 4 to 6 years. The program of classes is gradually becoming more complex. The guys perform a complex of various exercises (aerobic, strength and many other types of exercises). Necessarily classes are aimed at the development of the child's speech (tongue twisters, counting rhymes, small rhymes and other exercises).

Group 3 (also called middle). It includes children from 7 to 11 years old. Coaches take into account the problems of children of this age and focus on them. For example, in girls bad posture, in boys - building muscle mass and muscle development. The emphasis is on the development of the willpower of the child. Some exercises are carried out on special children's simulators.

4 group (senior). This age group needs to develop stamina and distract children from everyone's favorite gadgets. Guide the child to choose sports activities, for example, teach them to love dancing. Correctly develop physical state teenager.

Each age group is engaged in strictly allotted hours. The smallest are engaged in no more than half an hour and only 1-2 times a week. Older children 30-35 minutes 3 times a week. But teenagers can work out a little more, about 1 hour.

The hall where children's fitness classes are held is equipped with special equipment (ropes, swings, swedish wall, massage mats, machine tools, exercise equipment, dry pools and much more).


As such, there are no contraindications for children's fitness. After all sports activities useful to absolutely everyone. The program according to which the classes are held is not repeated. Everything that a child has to learn is stretched out for a full course. This is done so that the kids are not overloaded during the lesson.

If the child, for some reason, cannot attend the main group, then you can go to classes in the profile group with a minimum load or attend individual sessions. Before the first visit to the fitness club, you need to make an appointment with a pediatrician and undergo an examination. After that, the doctor will give all the necessary recommendations and permission to attend children's fitness classes. For example, if the baby has asthma, then he should not greatly overload the body and perform complex and difficult exercises. The baby will benefit from yoga classes or you can take the child for a swim.

How do kids fitness classes work?

The lesson begins with a small warm-up. All muscle groups are kneaded, after that the kids are ready to start the main exercises. The main part of the “lesson” takes place in the form of a game. During this, various balls, a rope, ladders and other equipment are used. At the end of the lesson, everything passed is fixed

Classes are conducted by a specialist in children's fitness. Most of the coaches in the profile groups have medical education. The coach controls every movement of the children, prompts and corrects where necessary.

The best programs that are used in children's fitness classes

Of course, every sport Club engage in their own program. There are no strict limits, the coach dilutes the finished program, introduces something of his own.

The most popular are:

Logo aerobics

It's not just fitness. During classes, kids perform not only physical exercises, but also engage in speech technique. Together with the trainer they pronounce various sounds, learn small rhymes.


Classes include dance and martial arts. These elements exist together very harmoniously. Kids simply adore these activities.

Animal aerobics

Classes are held in the form of a game in the "Zoo". Children repeat the movement of animals and make sounds imitating growling. They jump, climb the rope and wall bars.

Is it possible to do children's fitness on their own?

It is not always possible to attend classes at a specialized center. You can also practice on your own. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve such a result as after attending classes with a trainer. Without special education and preparation, you can teach your baby only elementary physical exercises.

The main thing to remember is that children's fitness has one important goal. It develops social skills and teaches the child to live in society without the use of gadgets. Therefore, it is better to attend classes in specialized clubs.

Good luck with your kid!