Leading exercises for the dragon flag. "Dragon Flag" - a cool exercise for the press

Despite the restoration of RUSADA, Russian athletes will most likely continue to compete in a neutral status

Last week, the Executive Committee of the World anti-doping agency(WADA) made a sensational decision to restore RUSADA compliance status and return all rights to Russia in the global sports community.

The restoration of RUSADA was considered a key condition for the international federation athletics(IAAF) allowed our athletes to compete at international competitions under their own flag. For more than two years the Russian Athletics is in exile, and only a few athletes have received the right to compete abroad from the IAAF, and then in a neutral status. So we already missed Olympic Games 2016 in Rio, Summer World Championship and European Championship. All these tournaments were held without the Russian team, and dozens of our athletes are still waiting for an answer from the IAAF, whether they will be released abroad or not.

Now, it seemed, the worst was over. RUSADA has been restored, and after it, the All-Russian Athletics Federation should return its status. However, not everything is so simple. IAAF President Sebastian Coe speaks of new requirements that will almost certainly prevent Russia from fielding a team at the next European Indoor Championships, which will be held March 1-3 in Glasgow.

Koe still does not want the restoration of Russia

In addition to the restoration of RUSADA, the IAAF roadmap for Russian athletics includes two other conditions. This:

Recognition by the Russian authorities of the findings of the report McLaren And Schmid to the extent that Ministry of Sports officials were involved in a scheme to cover up positive doping tests;

Access to sealed samples from the Moscow Laboratory for the period from 2011 to 2015.

The IAAF conditions themselves are strange. After all, exactly the same conditions were put forward by WADA for the restoration of RUSADA. Therefore, it would be logical, since this restoration has taken place, to automatically consider the other two criteria fulfilled. But the IAAF President Sebastian Coe along with the head of the recovery working group Rune Andersen the Russian proverb "butter oil", obviously, has not been heard. And therefore they continue to insist on their criteria, even after WADA has made a decision.

These two criteria, along with all the others necessary for the restoration of the All-Russian Federation of Athletics (VFLA), will be discussed by the working group, - said Coe. - Only after that they will be considered by the IAAF Council. The process of creating our own criteria and gradually assessing their performance has served athletics well over the past three years. Therefore, we will continue to adhere to our own roadmap for the restoration of the ARAF until we are sure that all the criteria in it are met.

In other words, the restoration of RUSADA did not inspire the leadership of the IAAF. And it will continue to insist on its own criteria. Moreover, if everything is more or less clear with the issuance of samples - this will happen in any case within the framework of our agreement with WADA - then with the recognition of reports Schmid And McLaren the situation is quite deadlocked.

WADA agrees to streamline wording of sports minister's letter Pavel Kolobkov, where not a word was said directly about the participation of ministry officials in the conspiracy. If the IAAF insists on full recognition, our athletics will probably remain in exile. And under the big question will be not only the European Winter Championship, but also summer championship peace in Doha.

Shlyakhtin: Kolobkov and Andersen will meet in November

Unexpectedly, the head of the European Athletics Federation spoke out sharply against the restoration of the Russians Sven Arne Hansen. Until now, the Norwegian was considered a great friend of our country, he repeatedly came to Moscow and never, unlike Coe did not support the principles of collective responsibility.

WADA's decision, based on a compromise on the terms of the road map, was taken to find a way out of the situation, but instead, it seems more like a step back, wrote Hansen in his official statement. - It creates ambiguity about the policies and mechanisms adopted in the global sports movement while it is now more important than ever to follow the principles of transparency and strong leadership.

Hansen not the person who will decide on the Russians - his European federation will in any case be subject to IAAF policy. But compatriots Hansen- Vice President of WADA Linda Hofstad Helleland and Chair of the IAAF Working Group Rune Andersen- the very people on whom the future of our athletics will largely depend.

- What will happen now in relations between the ARAF and the IAAF? - question to the president of our federation Dmitry Shlyakhtin.

- At the beginning of November, our next meeting with Rune Andersen. The Minister of Sports was also invited there Pavel Kolobkov. I think the key factor will be his negotiations with Andersen. Latest statements Coe And Hansen we, of course, saw, and they disturb us. But I hope that the work we have done in the federation will still be appreciated.

- Is there still a chance that Russian athletes will return the flag to themselves already in the winter season?

Here we must understand that a couple of weeks ago our prospects were generally vague. After the restoration of RUSADA, the situation turned 180 degrees. We have met the key criterion, and we have repeatedly asked the working group to remove the two remaining criteria, which actually duplicate the first one. If this were the case, the only question would be to compensate for the monetary costs. And after that, our athletics would calmly return to normal life.

- Has the IAAF already told you the exact amount of money that it expects from the ARAF as part of the compensation for the costs of the investigation?

I sent them three or four letters on this issue, but so far - silence.

- The amount will definitely be big. Do you have an idea where to get the money from?

We are actively working on this issue and are looking for options. ​

Friends, today we will talk about how to pump up the abdominal muscles, because we all want a perfect tummy, cubes, etc., so you have to “sweat”!

What exercises for the abdominal muscles are the most effective?

To answer this question, you must first understand what role the abdominal muscles play in the musculoskeletal system.

The rectus abdominis act as a stabilizer, keeping your torso upright while standing, walking, and other movements. Therefore, the best way to work the abdominal muscles is to teach them to stabilize the core with difficult exercises. At the same time, the less you put emphasis on your hands when doing them, the more your press will work to align the body.

Dragon Flag

Legendary martial artist Bruce Lee's signature move, known as the Dragon Flag, has become a favorite exercise among fitness enthusiasts and weightlifters.

The "Dragon Flag" is usually performed on a bench or on the floor. Lie on your back and wrap your arms around the bench seat or behind an object for support.
From this position, lift the body up above the line of the shoulders, then slowly lower it down to parallel with the floor, repeat the movement.

The body must be kept straight, try not to bend the hip joints. The abdominal muscles will have to work hard for you to be able to do this. In addition, you will have to use the muscles of the lower back, buttocks and some other muscles of the body to perform this exercise.

First of all, the Dragon Flag exercise is aimed at the abdominal muscles, but in fact, the muscles of the whole body are involved in it.

It takes practice and preparation to properly execute the Dragon Flag. We recommend that you start by lifting straight legs in a supine position. Do the exercise slowly, do not swing your legs, do not let your lower back bend.

When you learn how to perform the exercise correctly, go directly to the “Dragon Flag”. We advise you to start with the negative phase of the exercise (lowering the body). Raise your torso up, then lower it down as slowly as possible.

Having mastered the negatives, try using the abdominal muscles to hold the body 5-10 cm above the bench. When you learn how to stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, you can try to complete the entire exercise.

The sequence is:

  • Week 1: Leg raises - 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps.
  • Week 2: Leg Raises - 3-5 sets of 15-25 reps.
  • Week 3: Dragon Flag Negative - 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.
  • Week 4: Dragon Flag. We hold the body above the bench - 3-5 sets of 3-5 repetitions.
  • Week 5: “Dragon Flag”, complete exercise - 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.
  • Week 6: “Dragon Flag”, complete exercise - 3-5 sets of 10 reps.

Some will be ready to start immediately with 5 or 6 weeks, while others will need more than 2 weeks to master each phase. Someone learns faster, someone slower, but if you are patient and persistent, believe me, your finest hour will not keep you waiting.

Protect your neck!

A little tip: control your movements with the help of the abdominal muscles, lower back and buttocks. You need your hands only for support, do not place a strong emphasis on them and do not strain your neck during the exercise.

Having dealt with the "Dragon Flag", you can complicate the exercise. For example, instead of a bench or floor, use a vertical pole as a support!

Performing these exercises as much as possible, the result will not make you wait and soon your press will become not only beautiful, but also hard as a stone! Practice regularly and give yourself 100% to training.

In high school, I dreamed of getting six pack abs. I didn't really want to build muscle, my number one "fitness" goal was definitely to get those abs. Although, I probably spent more time admiring myself in the mirror and fantasizing about the six-pack that will appear soon than I actually trained (not to mention that stupid desire to pump up and pump up the abdominal muscles at the same time). When I worked on the abdominal muscles, I pumped abs, abs and more abs.

Every day I lifted my torso from a supine position to my knees 100 times and ended up with only 2 miserable cubes under my chest, so there was nothing special to brag to anyone. It wasn't until a few years later, when I stopped doing that one exercise (and started eating right), that I finally started making significant progress in my ab workouts.

Heavy exercises for the press

So what is the most effective exercise for the press? To answer this question, you must first understand the role of the abdominal muscles in the musculoskeletal system.

The rectus abdominis muscles function primarily as a stabilizer - they support the body in an upright position while walking, when you are standing, or performing some other movement.

For this reason the best way to work on the muscles of the press is to use them to stabilize the body in difficult positions. The less body parts are involved in supporting the trunk in such exercises, the harder it is for the abdominal muscles to maintain the body in a straightened state.

One of the simplest examples of such exercises is a regular full bridge, but this is just a start.

Enter the dragon

Being famous movement of the legendary propagandist martial arts Bruce Lee, the dragon flag became popular training exercise among light weight lifting enthusiasts, as well as among weight lifters.

The dragon flag is usually performed lying on your back, on a bench or on the floor, with your hands holding on to some kind of stable object behind your head for support.

Next, you need to raise the whole body up without bending it and placing it vertically above the line of the shoulders, then slowly lower your back onto the bench (if you are doing the exercise on the bench) until the back is parallel to the floor, and repeat the exercise.

Your goal is to keep your body straight and straight, so try to avoid bending at the knees or hips. Your abdominal muscles will need to be stabilized to the limit when performing this exercise. In fact, you will also need to engage your lower back, glutes, and the rest of your body to stay in position.

Although the dragon flag is especially used for abdominal exercises, it is actually a full body exercise.


As is the case with many good exercise, performing a real dragon flag takes practice. You may also need to do some extra work in order to prepare for this exercise. I recommend that you start by working on straight leg raises while lying on your back. Do everything slowly and do not let your legs oscillate and your lower back bend.

When you can do multiple repetitions without losing your form, you will be ready to perform the dragon flag. Start by exiting the dragon flag. Rise into a vertical position, and then try to lower your body down as slowly as possible.

When you are sure to perform this element, try to stay still in lowest point while being a few centimeters above the bench. When you can stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, you will be ready to start working on the complete dragon flag.

The progression should look something like this:

  • Week 1: Leg Raises – 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps.
  • Second week: leg raises from a prone position - 3-5 sets of 15-25 reps.
  • Week 3: Dragon Flag Exit – 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.
  • Fourth week: Exit from the dragon flag with a fixed hold at the bottom of the descent - 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.
  • Week 5: Full Dragon Flag – 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.
  • Week 6: Complete Dragon Flag – 3-5 sets of 10 reps.

Some will be able to move to week 5 or 6 faster, others will need more than two weeks to work out each element. Everyone progresses in a different amount of time, but if you are patient and persevere, then your day will come.

Neck protection

Another tip: When doing the dragon flag, focus on using your abdominal, lower back, and gluteal muscles to control your movements. Hold the body only with your hands. Do not load the neck - it should not experience any stress.

Instead, use the strength of the central muscles so that all the weight is transferred to the shoulders. Otherwise, the next day you will be in pain all over. cervical region spine.

Once you can perform the dragon flag several times in a row, you can look for similar exercises more difficult. For example, performing a dragon flag on a vertical pole instead of a bench or floor.

Of course, there are also gymnastic emphasis an angle on a pole or rings, as well as a horizontal version of the dragon flag, better known as a simple ordinary flag. No matter how strong you become, there will always be new ways to further train your body.

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Are you still crunching your abs? And all to no avail? Then this exercise is for you. This is the best and most powerful exercise for the press that you can think of


So what is the most effective exercise for the press? To answer this question, you must first understand the role of the abdominal muscles in the musculoskeletal system.

The rectus abdominis muscles function primarily as a stabilizer - they support the body in an upright position while walking, when you are standing, or performing some other movement.

For this reason, the best way to work your abs is to use them to stabilize your body in difficult positions. The less body parts are involved in supporting the trunk in such exercises, the harder it is for the abdominal muscles to maintain the body in a straightened state.

One of the simplest examples of such exercises is a regular full bridge, but this is just a start.

How to make a dragon flag


A well-known move by legendary martial arts propagandist Bruce Lee, the dragon flag has become a popular training exercise among light weight lifting enthusiasts as well as weight lifters.

The dragon flag is usually performed lying on your back, on a bench or on the floor, with your hands holding on to some kind of stable object behind your head for support.

Next, you need to raise the whole body up without bending it and placing it vertically above the line of the shoulders, then slowly lower your back onto the bench (if you are doing the exercise on the bench) until the back is parallel to the floor, and repeat the exercise.

Your goal is to keep your body straight and straight, so try to avoid bending at the knees or hips. Your abdominal muscles will need to be stabilized to the limit when performing this exercise. In fact, you will also need to engage your lower back, glutes, and the rest of your body to stay in position.

Although the dragon flag is especially used for abdominal exercises, it is actually a full body exercise.

How to make a dragon flag


As with many good exercises, the real dragon flag takes practice. You may also need to do some extra work in order to prepare for this exercise. I recommend that you start by working on straight leg raises while lying on your back. Do everything slowly and do not let your legs oscillate and your lower back bend.

When you can do multiple repetitions without losing your form, you will be ready to perform the dragon flag. Start by exiting the dragon flag. Rise into a vertical position, and then try to lower your body down as slowly as possible.

When you are sure to perform this element, try to linger motionless at the bottom point, being a few centimeters above the bench. When you can stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, you will be ready to start working on the complete dragon flag.

The progression should look something like this:

Week 1: Leg Raises - 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps.

Second week: leg raises from a prone position - 3-5 sets of 15-25 reps.

Week 3: Dragon Flag Exit - 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.

Fourth week: Exit from the dragon flag with a fixed hold at the bottom of the descent - 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.

Week 5: Complete Dragon Flag - 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.

Week 6: Complete Dragon Flag - 3-5 sets of 10 reps.

Some will be able to move to week 5 or 6 faster, others will need more than two weeks to work out each element. Everyone progresses in a different amount of time, but if you are patient and persevere, then your day will come.


Another tip: When doing the dragon flag, focus on using your abdominal, lower back, and gluteal muscles to control your movements. Hold the body only with your hands. Do not load the neck - it should not experience any stress.

Instead, use the strength of the central muscles so that all the weight is transferred to the shoulders. Otherwise, the next day you will have pain in the entire cervical spine.

Once you can perform the dragon flag several times in a row, you can look for similar exercises more difficult. For example, performing a dragon flag on a vertical pole instead of a bench or floor.

Of course, there is also a gymnastic emphasis on an angle on a pole or rings, as well as a horizontal version of the dragon flag, better known as a simple ordinary flag. No matter how strong you become, there will always be new ways to further train your body.

It is believed that the dragon flag exercise was invented by the famous Bruce Lee. Not only does it look spectacular, but it's actually very intense and puts your whole body into action, according to MMA trainer Jon Chaimberg. The main rule is to prepare for its implementation slowly and very scrupulously, so as not to get serious injuries.



On average, to learn how to do this difficult exercise, takes six weeks (4-5 workouts per week).

As you can see in the first video below, preparatory exercises five, ranging from simple twists with lifting the pelvis up and ending with the almost final version of the “dragon flag”, with the only difference being that you do not return back up to the starting position, but sink to the bench. Do one exercise every week.

  • 1st week - five sets of 10-15 reps each;
  • 2nd week - five sets of 15-25 reps each;
  • 3rd week - 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps each;
  • 4th week - five sets of five reps each;
  • 5th week - 3-5 trips of 10 reps each;
  • Week 6 - Five sets of 10 reps each.

Important! During the exercise, make sure that the main focus is on the muscles of the press, lower back and buttocks. The body should be straight, and in no case should there be deflections in the lower back, especially when you come back up. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the emphasis is not on the cervical spine, but on the shoulders. The neck must be free.

Video #1

Video #2