Static yoga. Types of yoga

1. Tasks of the dynamic mode

2. "Introductory exercises" (the first 5-15 minutes of training)

3. Different Ways to Use Stretching to Build a Workout

4. Different modes of strength training in yoga

5. Impact static practice asanas for internal organs

6. Features of breathing and use breathing exercises in building a workout

7. Tasks and use of relaxation in training

8. Load distribution during the week and time of day

1. Tasks of the dynamic mode

Training should begin with a dynamic phase. An absolute minimum of 10 minutes, preferably 15-20. It is possible and more.

In some classes (with other teachers), almost the entire training can take place in dynamics. If such a workout consists solely of stretching, this is not very good, because. the level of the “destructive” hormone cortisol rises significantly - see Chapter 2 of this article for more details. Dynamic training should contain a sufficient number of exercises that require muscle effort. For a number of reasons, described below, statics are very useful, and statics should not be abandoned. Almost fully dynamic training (with a significant proportion of muscle effort) I would recommend in two cases:

1. When a person is weak and cannot hold the basic training static positions for at least one and a half minutes, or static is contraindicated for health reasons (some joint problems, circulatory failure, etc.).

2. When it is required to combine the development of flexibility and general stress adaptation with the development of the heart muscle. However, at the same time, the endurance of red muscle fibers will develop much worse in relation to the static load (and it is generally better to train white fibers with the help of simulators, and not with yoga). It will also not be as good as with static, to develop the vascular network internal organs.

Instead of "purely dynamic yoga" it is more efficient to use "stato-dynamic". And if you need to train the heart muscle, you should separately engage in cardio-respiratory training.

But whether myocardial strength training is so necessary is another question, which will be discussed in detail in the article “Stress adaptation” (get ready).

But even with a predominant static load, one should start from the dynamic phase for the following reasons.

A serious load proceeds as efficiently as possible with increased blood circulation of the working muscles, heart and lungs. This ensures proper delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the working tissues. It will also smoothly, and not sharply, increase the activity of the nerve centers that regulate homeostasis during physical activity.

Also important is the increased temperature of the muscle tissue. Muscle temperature at rest is about 34.8 ° C. Max Speed the course of metabolic and enzymatic processes in the muscle occurs at t = 37-38 ° C. Temperature will also improve the ability of tissues to stretch.

If you start a long stage of a serious load without reaching the "working mode", the chance of excessive overstrain of stress-realizing and stress-limiting systems increases significantly. This is expressed in rapidly onset fatigue, the inability to perform the required amount of load, damage to a number of systems significantly above the level required for effective adaptation.

So, the achievement of the operating mode will consist in the implementation of the following factors:

1.1. Increased tone of the central nervous system

The tone of the central nervous system is important for increasing the level of psychological performance.

1.2. Increasing the level of nutrients in the blood

Before serious muscular work, it is desirable to increase the level of glucose and free fatty acids in the blood (due to the activation of the sympathoadrenal system). This takes about 15 minutes of activating action.

1.3. Increasing the speed of blood circulation

The normal rate of blood circulation is not enough to timely supply the heart, lungs and muscle tissue with oxygen during static strength work. The speed of blood flow is provided by an increase in the pulse rate, narrowing of the main vessels, an increase in the number of functioning capillaries, resulting in a decrease in the volume of systemic blood flow and an increase in temperature.

1.4. Expansion of the vessels of the heart and improvement of its regulation

In order to avoid disruption of cardiac activity, it is required first (before serious work) to expand the coronary (coronary) arteries.

The warm-up will “turn on” the systems of regulation of cardiovascular activity. So, according to some scientists, a warm-up can prevent a decrease in the ST segment. Such a deviation is often observed in physically healthy people at the beginning of a fast run.

1.5. Enlargement of the functioning vessels of the lungs and stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the respiratory apparatus

The volume of pulmonary blood flow can change several times, because. in normal life, the need for it is much less than with significant physical activity. It is highly desirable to increase pulmonary blood flow BEFORE the person begins any significant exercise. This will significantly improve the supply of oxygen to the body.

1.6. Redistribution of blood in the systemic circulation

Internal organs contain a significant amount of blood supply. This reserve can be withdrawn into the systemic circulation, from which it will enter the muscles. This will increase the efficiency of providing muscles with oxygen and resources.

1.7. Increased tissue temperature, CO2, and active capillaries in the muscles

The temperature of the muscle, and then the adjacent connective tissue, will rise due to:

Activation of the sympathoadrenal system and central nervous system;

Increasing the level of CO 2 produced muscle tissue during dynamic work;

There are variants of practice when CO2 is increased with the help of periodic breath holdings during dynamic exercises;

An increase in blood CO2 and its temperature, especially in active muscles, increases the Bohr effect, which promotes the release of oxygen from oxyhemoglobin;

Warm-up maximizes all muscle capillaries;

An increase in temperature contributes to a decrease in viscosity and an increase in the degree of extensibility of connective tissue and muscles.

1.8. Neurological optimization of muscle tissue

Due to the warm-up, especially with a certain amount of stretching, the following occurs:

Decrease in muscle tension (i.e. more effective muscle relaxation);

Higher efficiency of reciprocal innervation (which allows antagonist muscles to contract and relax faster and more efficiently).

2. "Introductory exercises" (the first 5-15 minutes of training)

Exercises 2.1.-2.3. most effectively increase the activity of the sympathoadrenal system, central nervous system and heat production.

Further, at the beginning of the workout, it is advisable to use exercises on the legs and use shoulder girdle and thoracic spine, because at the same time, activation of sympathoadrenal tone occurs faster than other types of exercises.

As a rule, always used:

2.1. Kapalabhati

Due to irritation of the nasal mucosa by sharp and frequent jolts of air on the one hand, and increased circulation of cerebrospinal fluid by strong contractions of the pelvic muscles and abdominals on the other hand, the activity of the central nervous system increases.

2.2. Agni-sara-dhauti

Due to the frequent contraction of the diaphragm during breath holding, the level of CO 2 in the blood increases significantly, which quickly increases the activity of the sympathoadrenal system and heat production.

2.3. Bhastrika

Due to the rapid change in pressure in the vascular network of the lungs, a significant part of the vessels that are not usually involved "opens".

More about bhastrika and exercises p.1.4. see the article Exercises for the development and optimization of the respiratory apparatus.

As a rule, they are used in initial groups:

2.4. Exercises to increase lung capacity

In the elementary group, I use them to develop the habit of ujjayi breathing during training.

Sometimes used:

2.5. "Vyayama" (dynamic complex) for warming up the neck and shoulder girdle.

Given on general training sometimes for the purpose of training for independent home practice, for those who need to adjust the shoulder girdle. The problem with the neck, and often with headaches, in a significant proportion of cases is caused by a violation of the posture of the shoulder girdle and thoracic spine. In this case, this short complex is shown to be performed almost every day.

Can be used

2.6. Vyayama on the shoulder girdle with breath holding on inspiration

The principle of exercises - on a delay after inhalation, swings with arms and body movements are made. This raises the level of CO2 in the blood without a large drop in oxygen levels. CO2 increases the activity of the sympathoadrenal system and heat production.

But since such effects are achieved in the workouts I offer at the expense of other exercises, I do not use them as unnecessary.

Of these exercises, combined with others, it makes sense to do a separate workout for people with certain groups of diseases. For example, hypoacid gastritis, type 2 diabetes, a number of pulmonary diseases, etc.

You can learn more about such exercises, for example, in Dhirendra Brahmachari's book Yoga Sukshma Vyayama.

3. Different Ways to Use Stretching to Build a Workout

On stretching, a detailed article "The meaning and mechanisms of stretching" has been written.

Consider different uses stretching in the construction of the training.

3.1. Workout Almost Entirely From Static Stretching

Static stretching does not cause a significant increase in the intensity of the body's activation processes. I don't mind using an activity that is almost entirely static stretching, but it won't be very effective in terms of overall adaptation. And since most people have a need to walk 2 times a week, and classes should have a strong adaptive effect, I don’t use exercise options with a non-pronounced adaptive effect.

Static stretching is used in my classes, but less than a number of other teachers. So, one posture of static stretching is applied immediately after each individual strength exercise, or group of exercises to improve blood circulation of the spent muscle and rest between strength exercises. And also at the end of the lesson to lower the overall tone.

3.2. Dynamic stretching in the first part of the lesson, power statics in the second

After the "introductory exercises" I apply mostly dynamic stretching, with a little bit of static stretching. By dynamic stretching I mean slow movements, often reciprocating or rolling from one side to the other, or simply changing positions. In all variants, fixation at the point of maximum amplitude is 15-30 seconds, in some cases up to a minute. This causes an activation of the body and is sufficient to gradually improve flexibility.

With a 2-hour workout, I take 30-45 minutes for it in the initial groups, and 20-30 in the "continuous". Such a difference in time is due to the need to give beginners the necessary explanations “on the fly”, which takes time.

Of course, a warm-up of 30-45 minutes is clearly longer than the minimum required of 15-20 minutes. This duration is due to the fact that I try to do an almost complete study of the development of flexibility in this particular part of the session.

People with stiff muscles often need not 2, but 3-4 stretching sessions per week to effectively increase flexibility.

3.3. Short warm-up and alternating statics for strength and flexibility

You can use the option when the warm-up is performed for about 20 minutes and more use of static stretching "between" power positions. But with the option I have chosen (3.2.), the body, during a long active warm-up, comes into a good “working” state. And the "power" part lasts up to 50 minutes. With approach 3.3. The “working” part will be longer, but lower in intensity. The "activity" of the body will be lower. This will reduce the adaptive effect and create less favorable conditions for strength work.

But such an activity may be more indicated for overly hyperactive people.

3.4. Short warm-up, then strength statics and at the end a lot of static stretching

The option of using a lot of static stretching at the end of the session doesn't seem like a good idea to me. For the reason that it is undesirable to delay the “activity” between strength training and shavasana for more than 10 minutes. The system already needs braking to rest. And so the “delay of work” of the “exhausted” over time strength training regulatory systems can cause them excessive fatigue. Those. - overtraining and under-recovery of regulatory systems may occur.

For the same reason, I now do not give a long meditation after strength training. Ideally, the “adaptive-strength” activity and meditation should be spaced apart by time of day.

3.5. Construction according to the method of "swastha yoga"

The technique was developed by one of the late students of Krishnamacharya - Mohan. In this technique, the training is divided into several dozen blocks. Each block consists of repeated alternation of the power and stretch position, with the fixation of the power or stretch position at the end. Either reciprocating stretching movements are performed, or dynamic approaches to a power position with static fixation at the end in both cases.

The main difference between this method and option 3.2. is to organize strength training, which will be discussed in section 4. In terms of stretching, each muscle increases the stretch with each new movement, at the end, fixation follows. The efficiency of stretching is good, the activity of regulatory systems with this technique is maintained at a good level.

The degree of general "activation" depends on the fitness of the person and the pauses between the "blocks".

Conclusion: regimens 3.2 are suitable for an effective combination of increasing flexibility, strength training and general stress adaptation. and 3.5.

For relaxation, the 3.1 mode is suitable.

For hyperactive (but not weak) individuals, mode 3.3 will do.

Mode 3.4. not very good in terms of "degree of activation" balance.

4. Different modes of strength training in yoga

Muscles consist of two types of fibers - red (for not very strong, but long-term work), and white (for strong and not long-term work).

Biochemical changes in blood composition as a result of the work of red muscle fiber“better” affect the state of the body as a whole than with the work of white fiber. In addition, it is the red fiber that is mainly used “throughout life”, including for maintaining posture. White fibers are more effective to train in the gym.

In general, “for health”, without the presence of special tasks, it is better to intensively train the red fiber, and the white fiber moderately. The following modes are suitable for this type of training:

1.Pure static

(1.5 - 3.5 min without interruption)

Pros: The most indicative of the endurance of the red fiber. Time saving.

Cons: Weakly trains the white fiber. Power statics with simultaneous tension of a large number of muscle groups is not indicated with a tendency to increase pressure.

2. Statics with pauses

(30-45 sec fixation, 10-15 pause for rest or soft movements, 3-5 sets)

Differences from mode 1: a lot of time. However, a person can make a more complex posture configuration than with a long hold. Due to this, the study of white fibers is enhanced. Breaks do not allow the pressure to grow so much (if you do not complicate the configuration).

3. Short static with numerous repetitions (for you can call this mode dynamic)

(many movements with fixation in the working configuration 3-6 s, fixation of relaxation tends to decrease as much as possible, 10-20 repetitions)

Pros: White fiber is worked out even more. Good for people with a tendency to increase pressure, but you need to increase the duration of the pauses.

Cons: even more time consuming

4. Combination of dynamics and statics.

First, 10-15 repetitions of mode 3, then pure statics, or mode 2.

In this case, of course, the final static time will be less than with isolated static work. In the final static mode with pauses - the duration of the working time will be the same 30-45s, but the number of repetitions will be less.

5. Isotonic regimen

The term "isotonic" means the non-stop work of the muscle with a constant amount of effort. The muscle moves "around" some difficult position, not reaching the positions of a significant reduction in load. For example - you slowly squat and rise, but do not sit too low and do not straighten your legs to an easy position.

Time 1.5 - 3 min.

For muscle training, I usually use all modes except 3 in its purest form.

Dynamic movements for the first 1-15 minutes of work “play out” those poses in which this can be done.

In the initial group, it is recommended to use less pure statics, since the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and muscles, too, may not be ready for this yet. This can cause a prolonged increase in heart rate after exercise, and an increase in pressure in people prone to this.

As training increases, the amount of "pure" static can increase, but it is desirable to use other modes of muscle training as well.

Subsequence strength exercises:

It is advisable to do standing exercises at the beginning of the power block, because. they are the most difficult for the work of the cardiovascular system.

After working through a certain muscle group it is desirable to stretch it.

If after the power block the final relaxation occurs quickly enough, then the last exercises should not be the most intense.

The rest doesn't make much of a difference.


Muscles after a workout can “feel” the next day or every other day, for beginners they can ache, but very slightly. The feeling of general fatigue the next day, or several days in a row, indicates that the body is not ready for training of such intensity. Even if the muscles can withstand, other body systems may not be able to cope. In this case, you need to reduce the intensity of training and / or increase nutrition and rest.

5. The effect of the static practice of asanas on the internal organs

Static exercises (asanas) can be divided into three categories:

Asanas for the practice of pranayama and meditation.

Training (strength and compensatory);

specific effect on the body.

Asanas for pranayama and meditation should be comfortable for a long stay in them. They are discussed in the relevant materials, for example, see the material "Basic breathing patterns".

The adaptive effects resulting from the actual muscle load will be discussed in the article "Stress adaptation".

Asanas, which specifically affect the body, do this through the following mechanisms:

5.1. Local circulatory disorders

When adopting a non-standard position of the body with clamping of the venous outflow of blood from any internal organ or part of the body, blood stasis forms in these areas. At regular practice the body perceives this as a problem and produces an increase in working capillaries and an improvement in the processes of nervous and humoral (through substances that spread with the blood) regulation of this area.

Those. the effect of exposure is usually “tonifying”.

In general, such an effect is contraindicated in areas of vessels with severe atherosclerosis, areas with an inflammatory process, areas with tumors, an overactive gland, etc.

Asanas performed for this purpose can be both power and non-power.

In general “adaptive training” (for example, in the gym in the general group), it is more efficient to use predominantly power asanas, which allows you to achieve a double effect - the development of muscle strength and endurance, and the impact on the functions of internal organs.

But if a person needs to influence a particular organ specifically every day, then non-power asanas are usually used for this.

5.2. Motor-visceral reflexes

When stretching different parts of the skin, muscles and connective tissue, motor-visceral, as well as skin-visceral reflexes are realized. This means that the signal about tissue stretching on its way to the brain “passing” through the nerve node of a certain vertebra stimulates the activity of internal organs, the autonomic nerves of which pass through the same vertebra.

Also, improving the stretching of the trophism of the vessels serving a certain organ contributes to the improvement of its work.

It has a "leveling" effect on the nervous and often vascular tone of any organ or part of the body. Decreased tone rises, increased tone decreases.

For such stimulation of sufficient physiological severity, in many cases, a static hold of 2.5-5 minutes is required. If it is impossible, 15-30 repetitions are performed in dynamic mode.

Most of yoga exercises activates this effect to varying degrees for different areas of the body.

Many postures affect the body by a combination of this effect and the previous effect of localized cross-clamping of the circulation.

5.3. Change in blood volume distribution

Partially, this effect is realized using mechanism 5.1.

However, it is fully realized when turning over - when, due to gravity and hydrostatic pressure, a significant amount of blood from the legs from the pelvis goes into the head and chest.

This effect serves several purposes:

- prevention or elimination of venous congestion in the legs or pelvic area;

Stimulation of the vessels of the head and neck, chest and their organs - for example, the lungs; this has a tonic effect on the blood circulation of the brain and the sensitivity of the receptors of homeostasis structures (hypothalamic-pituitary complex, etc.) to substances dissolved in the blood.

Due to the increase in blood flow to the heart, the volume of its ejection increases, i.e. - myocardial training occurs;

Due to the expansion of the right atrium and overfilling of the pool of carotid arteries, the total pressure decreases, which is used to relax and treat a number of cardiovascular diseases.

Based on the fact that inverted positions contribute to relaxation, they are used at the end of the session.

6. Features of breathing and the use of breathing exercises in building a workout

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the methodological materials Teaching proper breathing and Development and optimization of the respiratory apparatus.

Here are some conclusions from them:

Be sure to breathe through your nose, preferably in a special way "ujjayi". It consists in partial clamping of the glottis, which narrows the volume of air flow. The body reflexively increases the intensity of the respiratory muscles. On inspiration, the lungs expand more efficiently, and on exhalation, intrapulmonary pressure rises, which contributes to the transfer of oxygen from the alveoli to the blood. And physical activity requires an increased supply of oxygen.

Should always be present diaphragmatic breathing, except for those positions where this is not possible.

Why constantly consciously on the exhale you need to compress the stomach, and on the inhale - relax.

Don't try to take too deep breaths. This will lead to excessive stress, and gas exchange will not improve. An average breath is enough to fill the lungs, most of the gas exchange between the lungs and the blood occurs under expiratory pressure.

As for costal breathing, it is not necessary to control it consciously. In the process of physical activity, the body will use the respiratory muscles of the chest in accordance with the intensity of the load.

DO NOT consciously slow down breathing during heavy exertion. The body needs oxygen and deliberately reducing the supply of oxygen can lead to serious consequences. Will suffer first nervous system.

This is especially true for static power loads.

Here, with a dynamic mode of practice or mild static, you can slightly stretch your breath (especially exhalation) and even sometimes in poses with a straight spine (tilt forward, “slide”, etc.) draw in the stomach for 3-5 seconds. This will increase the level of CO2, which is a factor in toning the body as a whole.

Deep expiration, especially with the retraction of the abdomen through the action on the vagus nerve, slightly lowers the pulse rate. And since the body has a “command” to increase blood circulation, the volume of cardiac output slightly increases. But in fact, a rare regimen of yogic practice can fully give the effect of a cardio-respiratory workout.

And if a person is engaged in such a style, then it should not be combined with static strength practice, because. can disrupt the regulation of cardiac activity. Those. - cardio training (even with the help of yoga) separately, strength training, especially in statics - separately.

Regarding cardio-respiratory training, I would recommend swimming.

As for the “special” breathing techniques, at the beginning of the lesson, activating breathing techniques are used - (see the material Activation Method through Yoga), and at the end - calming ones (see the material Calming Method).

7. Tasks and use of relaxation in training

The training is built according to the scheme:

1. Activation of the systems necessary to ensure intense muscle activity. Conditions are created for efficient splitting of resources (catabolism). Increased nervous excitability.

2. Actually intense muscle activity. Catabolism, the destruction of a number of protein structures as a result of muscle activity.

3. Inhibition of the activity of systems necessary for muscle activity. Activation of intracellular processes of anabolism (synthesis of protein and other structures). downgrade nervous excitability.

4. Post-training process (at least 48 hours) - restoration and improvement of cells.

In the absence of final relaxation, the processes of the 3rd phase of training will go slowly, nervous excitability will remain elevated.

Adequate final relaxation allows you to effectively reduce the processes of catabolism and nervous excitability and create conditions for quickly switching on the recovery mode of the body after practice.

Group 1 - static asanas in sitting and lying positions with stretching of the pelvic area, especially forward bends, as well as twists, etc. Breathing is consciously slightly lengthened on exhalation.

Group 2 - inverted techniques, only not very intense in terms of muscle effort.

Group 3 - soothing breathing techniques.

Group 4 - SHORT meditative techniques.

Group 5 - shavasana (prolonged relaxation lying down).

Difficult physical training is debilitating for the organism as a whole and the nervous system in particular. So after a difficult physical education the practice of hypoxic pranayama and prolonged meditation requiring prolonged concentration will NOT be shown. This combination can cause excessive stress and "breakdown" of a number of body systems.

8. Load distribution during the week and time of day

Because muscle recovers over 48 hours, optimal frequency strength training 2, for people with pronounced muscle tissue, a maximum of 3 times a week.

"Crush" the load on different group muscles in order to exercise 4 times a week is not a good idea. A significant power load causes intense stress on many body systems.

However, if the classes are not particularly difficult, then you can practice 4 times a week. But such exercises are not effective in terms of muscle development.

Therefore, on other days, you can engage in cardiorespiratory activity (running, swimming, etc.). When performing strength and cardiorespiratory training on the same day, they are spaced for at least 6 hours.

It is possible to do stretching exercises on days free from a “full” workout, but in the absence of a significant muscle load, stretching should be performed at a calm pace, otherwise excessive nervous excitement can be caused.

As already mentioned, a long meditation practice should not be performed immediately after a strenuous physical education session. You need to take a break of 2-3 hours. After a light physical education session, you can immediately perform calming techniques before the actual meditative practice.

Why iron man yoga? Sit down, my muscular friend, on your round buttocks, I'll tell you everything now!

strength training- a type of physical activity in which a person needs to perform resistance exercises. It can be both resistance to its own weight, and weight with additional equipment.

No other type of training changes the aesthetics, structure and composition of the body as much as strength training. As an addition strength training yoga can increase the effectiveness of strength training, affect the visual perception of your muscles and affect your health, I will tell you now.

There are 2 power load modes - static and dynamic, each of these modes has its own pitfalls:

Static mode or isometric load. A mode in which a muscle experiences tension without changing its length. Can be done with own weight, as well as with burdens.

Pros of static:

  • Strengthening ligaments, tendons and joints;
  • Stabilization of the spine with the muscles of the cortex;
  • Save time for training.

Cons of static strength training:

  • This type of load shortens the muscle due to the fact that the tendons become thicker, stronger, and the range of motion is rapidly reduced, the joints receive a significant reduction in the degrees of freedom of their mobility, in some cases to zero, which adversely affects their health, since only in motion occurs their recovery. I wrote in detail about the structure, features of destruction and restoration of joints in the article .
  • Statics reduces the innervation of the muscle (with a dynamic load, the message of the nervous and muscular systems many times richer), the muscle is large, voluminous, but not functional - the reaction of such a muscle is much slower than the reaction of a muscle trained by a mix of loads;
  • When performing static loads, the muscle is motionless and tense, the blood vessels are squeezed, venous blood stagnates and blood circulation worsens, with regular performance of such loads, there is a risk of varicose veins lower extremities and pelvic organs, including hemorrhoids ( varicose veins rectal veins).

How to correct the disadvantages of static load by means of yoga and yoga therapy?

  • Thickened tendons and tight muscles must be stretched with active stretching(stretching using the tension of the muscles of the antagonists of the target muscle). This type of stretching is preferable to passive stretching (based on relaxation of the target muscle and the force of gravity or an assistant), since active stretching occurs under control - the more tense the antagonist is, the better the target muscle will relax (stretch), at any time you can stop the impact and the joint is always assembled.
  • Muscle innervation can be improved by developing proprioception - the muscular sense of being in space. A rich arsenal of yoga asanas allows you to develop the proprioceptive apparatus due to a large number of balance movements, thanks to which they are perfectly “pumped”

- sense of movement

- sense of position;

- a sense of strength.

  • To improve blood circulation and influence in a positive way on varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvic organs will help:

Dynamic version of the power load or isotonic load. A variant of the load, in which there is movement in the joints and a change in the length of the muscle. It is also performed both with its own weight and with weights.

Pros of Dynamics:

  • Joints are involved in movement;
  • The load varies depending on the angle of application, exercises are thus much more versatile than static ones;
  • Subject to the technique of performing the exercise, local and general blood circulation does not worsen and is not interrupted (locally);
  • Dynamic exercises contribute to the rich innervation of the trained muscle, which significantly accelerates its response to irritation.

Cons of dynamic strength training:

  • Muscle hypertonicity, which often does not go away even after a long rest, the muscle feels like a stone, touches cause pain;
  • Loose joints, a high risk of developing arthritis and arthrosis (chronic joint diseases).

How to correct the disadvantages of dynamic load by means of yoga and yoga therapy?

  • Muscle enslavement, spasms and krepatura (pain after muscular exertion) can be perfectly corrected by the same dynamics, only very soft, smooth and accurate. An experienced yoga instructor will first give a soft motor mode, rich in balances and not deep bends, bends and twists, and then bring the prepared body to stretching. Stretching will return the muscles to their natural length, which will restore blood circulation and relieve pain and inflammation caused by spasm;
  • To improve the joints in yoga, there is a whole arsenal of techniques. A well-chosen set of asanas, worked out in a slow, static mode, will strengthen all the components of the joint, and articular gymnastics accelerate its recovery by improving the nutrition of the tissues that make up the joint.

Separately, I want to dwell on the benefits of yoga for recovery processes.

If you are an experienced and/or curious athlete who trains in power types sport, you know that recovery is the cornerstone of your progress, both in terms of increasing the load and in muscle growth.

Recovery efficiency depends on:

- the rate of adaptation of the body to the load;

- sleep and rest regimen;

- nutrition;

- state of the nervous system;

- the state of the musculoskeletal system.

The rate of adaptation of the body to the load is genetically based, it is possible to influence it with medication and by changing the composition of the body. The mode of nutrition, sleep and rest depends mainly on the volitional qualities of the athlete.

Recovery of the nervous system:

The state of the nervous system, if it is in tension or overstrain, can be influenced various techniques yoga and yoga therapy, and not only meditation on kittens !!))))

You can balance the state of the nervous system with the help of breathing techniques and yogic sleep techniques:

  • The first at the same time will increase the volume of your lungs and remove excess muscle enslavement from the muscles of the chest and abdomen;
  • The latter will give long-awaited relaxation to tired muscles, cramps at night will disturb you much less often, or even leave you altogether, try it!

Restoration of the musculoskeletal system:

Stretching returns the length of the muscle contracted under load, which restores optimal blood circulation in it, contributes to the speedy removal of metabolic products from the muscles and the influx of building material into it;

During stretching, the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is released in the central nervous system, which is a neurotransmitter of relaxation, better relaxation - faster recovery processes!

A gentle motor regimen will improve the flow of fresh blood from tired muscles and allow the joints to nourish and renew the synovial fluid, which of course will contribute to their recovery.

So yoga and yoga therapy:

Be healthy and train and have fun!

Morning. In the bathroom there was a cool rain from the shower. The body is refreshed. The body is awake. Awakening is more than getting up. Awakening is the first smile on your face. The body is still wooden. At this moment, inner work and activation are needed. thin channels body - yoga is needed.

Static and dynamic exercises

How should you exercise to be healthy and happy? People in the mode of passion think that the more and more intense they do the exercises, the better the result will be. Yes, the result will be, but for how long and will it give real happiness? Gymnastics in the mode of goodness does not consist in the number of exercises performed, but in achieving peace, happiness, balance. Exhausting yourself, you will not add health. Health requires good inner concentration and love for your body. Muscles, joints, spine should be taken under internal control. The goal is to help the Unconscious to properly organize the work of the body, to show love and care for each organ.

Sluggish performance of exercises does not give results. If a person constantly strives for rest, enjoyment, then the number of material needs increases, consciousness decreases. The number of manifestations of bad qualities of character is increasing. Natural needs are very dangerous if a person does not put them under self-control. Natural needs must be followed in doses, and distributed throughout the day.

Static gymnastics distributes energy throughout the body in the right way. When a person lives in tension, it is difficult for him to relax, it is difficult to fall asleep, he wants to smoke. Under stress, it is necessary to do static exercises: freeze in fixed poses for a long time, until the body adapts to the pose, lightness appears in the body, and then lightness in the mind.

A few simple rules. If the pressure rises up, then it is better for a person to do flexion exercises. Better to have your head on the floor. Perfect option- this is a birch and a pose of a plow. If the pressure drops, then it is better for a person to do extension exercises: a bridge, back bends and other exercises. If a person has a fever in the body, then it is necessary to engage in static exercises along with breathing exercises. Static exercises contribute to the removal of heat from the depths of the body.

Static exercises won't hurt anyone. They improve health. At the same time, it is also necessary to perform dynamic exercises. Dynamic exercises are needed in order to live, for tone, for charging, so that the body is efficient and enduring. Men are good at doing them with weight, and women are good at doing them with some kind of object, such as a hoop or jump ropes. Dynamic exercises reduce body weight.

Some people do only dynamic health exercises. This is not enough for good health. The deep causes of diseases do not leave the body. But dynamic exercises can be turned into static exercises if performed very slowly. For example, slowly lifting dumbbells is a static exercise that brings health. Slow and smooth movements of qigong gymnastics are also static exercises with a lot of inner work.

Dynamic exercises mean quick movements and quick and intensive processes in the body, static means slow movements and deep internal processes.


The longest static exercise, occupying a third of our lives, is sleep. The posture in a dream affects the body more than any exercise. A suboptimal posture overloads individual organs, muscles, and the spine. Once my relative came to me and complained of severe pain in the neck, lasting for quite a long time. What only doctors did not advise him: ointments, pills, massages. Sense - zero. His neck problems ended the moment I saw him sleep. In this position, the neck simply could not help but hurt.

What is the best way to sleep? Most useful - on the side with slightly tucked-in legs, hands under the head and instead of a pillow - a small roller. The bed is neither hard nor soft. Sleeping on the right side protects the stomach from getting into it through a loosely closed pylorus of bile, corroding its mucous membrane. Sleeping on the right side also gives the greatest freedom to the work of the heart. Try to find out how you sleep. Ask your loved ones. Ask to be removed. Analyze your posture for biomechanical effects on organs. What gives you the posture of your sleep in life?

Sleep is a deeply intimate thing. For sleep, many things and circumstances matter: the material of the bed linen, the shape and size of the pillow, the softness, elasticity, color, position of the bed, what thoughts you lie down with, your mood before going to bed, and so on. A third of life is spent on “lyazana” and “rescued”. Don't leave this process to chance, think about it.

After spending a third of the day to stay in an intricate position, the body must be brought to life - stretch what is stale, clean what is stagnant, straighten what is crooked and, in general, put everything in its place and run at full capacity.

Hatha yoga

The most famous complex static exercises is yoga, more precisely since the word "yoga" means connection. A person who does his job well is also a yogi. He is engaged in yoga activities. Higher is the yoga of knowledge, when a person tries to understand how to live correctly. Even higher is the yoga of love, when a person is engaged in devotional service most of the time, and is so absorbed in the desire to satisfy the object of his attention that he forgets about himself. By reading this text, you are now practicing health yoga. In other words, someone sits at work 8 hours a day, someone studies books for 8 hours, and someone loves 8 hours a day. And each yoga has its own rules, exercises, recommendations for success. For example, a person achieves success in activity if he is not attached to the results of his work. Then even the complete collapse of the enterprise or, on the contrary, super-success will not break a person's life, since the very opportunity to do something for others brings happiness to a person.

The sages say that a person who embarks on the path of yoga will surely achieve success. If we started practicing health yoga, then we will definitely achieve a state of health. Look at yourself mentally. I am healthy, happy, beautiful, kind, smart, joyful, smiling, heroic, delightful, attractive, pleasing, giving, captivating, brave, strong. I am a healthy man, or I am a healthy woman!

What is generally understood by yoga is called hatha yoga, or the yoga of the moon and the sun. The sun gives energy to all living beings on Earth. The moon in astrology is a planet that gives peace, relaxation. The moon in nature controls the movement of water, the tides, and this affects many processes in the human body, consisting of two-thirds of the water. The body is calm if the processes of fluid movement occur smoothly. Hatha yoga - exercises for tone and relaxation. Its meaning is love. By practicing yoga, we pay tribute to all living beings, calm the mind and enter into harmony with the entire universe. In the body, hatha yoga stretches the spine, twists it, liberates it, as a result of which the nerve channels are liberated, the internal organs rise to their comfortable places, and diseases associated with body clamps go away.

How should you do the exercises? You need to get into an asana, translated into Russian - into a position. Consciousness and body should be uncomfortable. We should feel that, for example, the spine or some part of the body is stretched or twisted. This means that the healing process has begun. Next, we wait for the body to relax. The body relaxes, clamps, clamps, CLAMPS and HUGE internal pincers are eliminated. We mentally control all the processes in the body. Breathing evenly through the nose. We continue to stay in the asana, we are waiting. We are waiting for the mind to let go and make room for love. When love and peace enter the body and mind, you can finish the exercise and move on to the next one. Yoga is first and foremost an exercise for the mind. The body follows the mind.

A little pain burns away our sinful thoughts, stresses and inner suffering. Fate clears. The ability to endure discomfort strengthens the spirit. This is a very useful austerity. We are capable of achieving more. Every minute we become stronger and stronger. We are able to easily endure life's difficulties and hardships. We gain knowledge of what to do in hopeless situations - to wait and listen to the revelations of the Universe. By doing hatha yoga, we have a great inner strength for this. The universe is giving us a lesson on how to be happy. The Universe guides our souls, prepares them for a better life. We must obey the lessons of fate and change our inner desires, move from false egoism to the realization of life as an activity for the benefit of all living beings.

What is our body? It is matter that is controlled by the spirit. Matter is trying to take the soul into captivity, to close it with a veil of egoistic desires, and this path is false, leading to suffering. Matter cannot give happiness. Happiness is a property of the soul. Happiness is giving, sacrifice, service. Yoga is one of the paths that teaches how to come to happiness, to overcome the influence of material desires. Let's get on this path.

We have already completed one exercise in the Charging lesson. It's called Sun Salutation. Different yoga teachers do it differently. Some do the exercise slowly, some intensely, there are many variations and complications. I had a very good teacher who did it with great love and always said that the guarantee of health is spinal sprain. Stretch at every opportunity, unclench the clamps. You must understand the principle. Yoga is not so much a bodily practice as it is the development of the spirit and the harmonization of the movement of energy within the body. Stretch your spine.

The criterion for the correct performance of static exercises is breathing through the nose. Breathing should be calm. If you feel like breathing through your mouth, then you are overexerting yourself. Reduce load. Control the calmness of breathing, adjust to its rhythm.

To those who have decided to seriously engage in hatha yoga, I want to say my favorite phrase from the Star Wars movie: “May the Force be with you!” The feeling of strength will surely appear soon.

soaring eagle

Let's repeat the "sun salutation" from the Exercise chapter. And as an addition, to give tone in the morning, let's stay a "soaring eagle". Stand up straight, straighten your back and tilt your head as far back as possible. Fan out your fingers. Pull your arms back and to the sides, raise your arms up behind you. Pull the brushes as far back as possible from the forearm. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Rise up on your toes and stand for 5 to 30 seconds. With an energetic exhalation, lower yourself, dropping your hands down and freeing your head and back (3-5 times).

Lotus position

The lotus has a very important meaning in Eastern culture. The lotus is not only extraordinarily beautiful, it is not yet wetted by water. This is a very successful symbol of the spiritual life. The lotus personifies the beauty of the spiritual world and non-attachment to the ocean of material desires and desires to enjoy the results of one's activities.

The lotus position is sitting cross-legged with the feet on the hips. The lotus position is the main posture for meditation (thinking) in yoga. This is the most comfortable posture for sitting, because the pelvis is moved apart and the pressure is distributed evenly on the body. Cross your legs while sitting on a chair and feel that it has become more comfortable, the pressure on individual organs has decreased, more evenly distributed. And in the lotus position, the pressure is even less. Sit at every opportunity in the lotus position and, for example, meditate on the energy centers described in the Meditation lesson. The lotus position also improves digestion.

Starting position - sit up straight, with your spine extended upwards. Bending the right leg at the knee, take the foot with your hands, and put it on the left thigh, turning the sole up. Press your right knee to the floor. Then bend the left leg at the knee, take the foot, and place it on the right thigh, also turning the sole up. Keep your back, head and neck straight. The time spent in the lotus position is unlimited. Arch your lower back so that the energy goes up to the top of your head. Reach up.

As preparatory exercise mimic the wing of a butterfly. Place your left foot towards your right thigh. Now start rocking your left knee as if it were rubber: you push your knee down towards the floor and it bounces back. Do this in quick, forward motions so that the bent knee resembles a butterfly's wing. This exercise will stretch and make the ligaments and muscles more elastic and help you gradually master the lotus position. First swing your left knee, then switch legs and swing your right. You can put your foot not to the thigh, but on it and swing the knee until the leg feels comfortable.

Pain in the knees contributes to the burning of negative vital energy. Overcoming themselves, intensify positive traits character. The lotus position and meditation will help in the fight against life's difficulties.

Use the lotus position in your Everyday life. For greater concentration of the mind, when something interferes with concentration, connect on each hand the index and thumb together. The rest of the fingers are straight, palms up. Put your hands on your knees. This finger position enhances concentration.

A gentle option is to place only one leg in the lotus position. Place a folded blanket under you to lift your hips. Keep your back straight, if necessary, supporting yourself with your fingers on the floor.

There are other similar postures suitable for meditation, where one or two feet are on the floor, and the heel rests on the perineum. Use them if they suit you best.

child pose

The child sits on his lap. This is another pose that allows you to overcome life's difficulties and severe stress. Pain in the knees burns negative life energy.

Sit on your heels with your shoulders behind your hips. Bend forward and slowly touch your chest to your legs. You can extend your arms forward and place them relaxed on the floor. In a gentle version, you can put a brace under your chest, for example, a soft pillow. Close your eyes. Meditate.

Posture eliminates headache, neck and chest pain. Relaxes the pelvic floor, hips and lower back. Stretches the ankles, knees and hips. Relaxes the upper back. Calms the mind, relieves stress, reduces fatigue.

Being a child is so great!

And now we will perform a whole complex of poses.

Gentle Yoga Complex

1. " abandoned body» with support. Relaxed lying on your back. This pose has a name “corpse pose”, but I don’t like it, since the soul, in theory, is eternal. The soul organizes matter into a body, and then, when the body is destroyed, leaves it to form a new body in accordance with the desires of the soul. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs and place your hands on the sides of the body. Place a bolster under your knees to support your lower back. Lower your back to the floor, supporting yourself with your hands. Lie down, relax your legs and let your feet drop freely to the sides. Move your arms slightly away from the sides of your body with your palms up. Place the backs of your shoulders on the floor. Straighten your chest. Let your palms feel space and warmth. Relax all the muscles in your face and jaw. Relax completely. Leave the body with thoughts. Fly. See how the body relaxes and rejuvenates, stress and anxiety go away. The body turns into the Temple of the soul, and you mentally examine it from the outside with your royal gaze.

2. Raise the temple body into the lotus position. Check the purity and fullness of the energy of the chakras, starting from the bottom. Move up. Perineum - I live naturally, with pure impulses and in harmony with nature. Groin - I'm beautiful or beautiful. Belly – I love daily activities. I am filled with life. The heart is the source of peace. Throat - I am the creator of the new. Between the eyebrows - I understand the nature of things, I follow the laws of the universe. The top of the head - I'm just a piece of the vast universe in which everything is interconnected. I wish everyone happiness! When you reach the top of your head, establish and feel the connection with the Universe.

3. Turns of the body in the lotus position. Start turning from the center of the pelvis, turn the chest, then the shoulders in a spiral, at the last stage, turn the head and look back. In reverse order, turn around to the starting position and start turning in the other direction. Look around the world around you. Everything around you is space for your temple. It is beautiful! See the beauty around you. I live now-and-here.

4. Close your eyes and bend forward in the lotus position. Cover your face with your elbows and place them on the floor, a chair, or other support, as best you can. Smile and feel that the world is safe, and everything in it is aimed at your development, so that you feel good. Give thanks for life's challenges. This is a bow to Fate and acceptance of harmony. “I am where I am and I deserve it. But I will continue to develop."

5. Standing bow. Get up. Spread your toes apart, rest on the floor with all four points of your feet and take your hips slightly back. Press your leg muscles firmly against each other. Lower your elbows covering your face back into a chair. Keep your legs straight and your lower back arched. If flexibility allows, then press your hands to your calves and try to press your head to your legs. Allow all negative energy to flow down into the earth. Strengthens feet, knees and hips. Improves the functioning of the digestive and reproductive systems. The muscles of the hips and groin are liberated. The nervous system calms down. Head down poses relieve long-term life stresses that seem to come from nowhere, stresses according to Saturn (according to fate). The purpose of such stresses is to make a person realize his place in life and the laws of the Universe.

6. Take a "child's pose" supported by a pillow and accept the laws of the universe as your protection. By following the laws of the universe and improving your character traits, you are on the path to achieving unlimited happiness. You are a child in the hands of loving parents. Listen to them.

7. Bridge Pose with Support. Opening of the heart. Sit at the junction of two beddings or bedspreads laid close together. Rest on your hands and begin to slowly lower your body onto the mat. Place your hands along the body. Lower your shoulders, head and neck to the floor. Relax the muscles in your face, jaw, and eyes. Rest your shoulders on the floor. Arch your back and open your chest, your heart to the world. You can also bend your shins and stretch your body up, helping yourself with your hands. Combine the rhythm of tension with the breath. Do it slowly. Repeat "I wish everyone happiness!" Feel how, as you inhale, the energy of happiness flows into your body and spreads throughout the body.

8. Lying down, bend your knees and put them on your side. Turn your head sideways to the other side. Push off with your hands from the floor, as if trying to rid your body of gravity. Relax. Let the energy flow into the floor. Then do the same on the other side. Twisting the lower back and kneading the internal organs, harmonize the energy, make its flow in the body smooth and confident.

9. Do it birch or put your feet up along the wall, put your hands along the body, palms up. Breathe softly and evenly. Stay in this position for a few minutes, then lower your legs and stay with your legs lowered for the same amount of time. Don't get up this time.

10. Bound Angle Pose or " butterfly". For this pose, you will need a belt or something to hold your legs in place. Place a large pillow under your back. The pelvis is on the floor. To facilitate the posture, you can place two other bedding along the edges from the knees. Bring your feet together and let your knees move freely to the sides. Wrap the strap around your lower back from below, then up through your hips and under your feet so that your feet can rest and pull on the strap. Stretch the strap so that it comfortably supports the sacrum. Get comfortable on the cushion. Put a roller under your neck and put a veil over your eyes. Relax your arms and place them at your sides, palms up. Let your shoulders relax freely. Expand your chest and heart. Relax. Breathe slowly and evenly. If there is no belt at hand, then rest your toes against the obstacle. Swing your knees slowly up and down - flutter like a butterfly over a gently rippling ocean.

11. End the cycle with the abandoned body pose.

There are many poses in yoga. There are also many sets of exercises. I recommend signing up for the nearest yoga club for a deeper awareness of the practice of static exercises. A big plus is that it is more interesting and pleasant to work in a group, and you don’t want to think about the results of the training.

A few more useful poses to explore. Remember that the point of the pose is to stretch and twist. How more muscle and ligaments you control in the exercise, the more correctly you perform it. While in the pose, think about what else you can pull and strain, what is not yet involved in your body.

tree pose

Pose, standing on one leg, on the development of balance. Stand straight and upright. Hang on a mental thread attached to the top of your head. Spread your toes to the sides and rest on the floor with four points of the foot. Let mental powerful roots deep into the earth. Inhale and stretch your muscles up from the feet to the center of the pelvis, and firmly press the legs together. Inhale and bend your right leg. Place your right foot on inside thighs of the left leg. Feel the thigh with your foot. Bring the palms of your hands together at heart levels. Inhale and stretch your arms up with folded palms together. These are branches directed towards the sun. Reach for the sun properly. Look straight ahead. Try to stay in this position for a few breaths. Lower your arms and legs at the same time. Repeat with the other leg. In a gentle version, you can raise your leg only to the level of the ankle. Exercise exerts mass useful influence on health, in particular, lengthens the spine and improves blood circulation.

Pose war

Stand up straight, upright. Hang mentally the top of your head on a thread. Put your hands on your belt like a warrior. Step your right foot forward one full step without tension. Turn the heel of your left foot slightly inward. Exhale and bend your right knee to a 90 degree angle. Raise your hands high into the sky with your fingers outstretched. Stretch upward, tensing your fingertips, arm muscles, and left leg. Pull your tailbone down, stretching your entire body. Plant your feet into the floor. Stay in this position for a few breaths. Inhale, straighten your front leg and stand up. Repeat on the other side.


I want to say that the “birch” pose inspires me a lot in life. This posture helped in a difficult life situation to relieve internal stress. I once was under severe stress at work. For two whole months I could not relax internally, and the situation continued to be tense. All the time I thought about work, about how bad everything in life is. Having made the “birch tree”, literally in one minute the stress began to recede from consciousness and I was finally able to feel free for the first time in two months. For me it was quite amazing.

Buy a yoga book. When choosing a book on yoga, make sure it has a lot of pictures. If you liked looking at pictures with asanas, then this book is for you. I am inspired to exercise by the book Hatha Yoga Illustrated by Martin Kirk, Brooke Boone.

Strengthen the connection with the image of health.

Yoga is not only bodily exercises. Yoga is first and foremost consciousness. The sages say that whoever embarks on the path of yoga has already achieved everything. Let's strengthen our connection to future health with the help of techniques to work with the unconscious.

Walking in time

Based on the book by Sergey Viktorovich Kovalev "Healing with the help of NLP",

Remember your image of health, your Superhero. Check out how the health anchor works. This is your future. Enjoy it.

Move into the future. You are in excellent health. Look at your past. Wow! What was I and what have I become?

I'm sure you know what to do to be healthy. After all, the body says it all the time. See from the future image of health how you are moving towards it along the time line. Answer the questions: “How did I achieve success? What steps did I take?

Return to the present. Look to the future. Review how you will achieve health status. Once again enjoy the image of health.

Feel the confidence in success growing!

The connection with the image of health has been strengthened. This is how we feel the benefits of time travel.

Yoga of the Unconscious

Moving towards a health image is a process that, like any process, can come and go for no apparent reason. Well, the Unconscious does not want to move on. What to do? To do this, answer a series of questions. The questions are chosen specially for the Consciousness to explain to the Unconscious what is required of it. If you miss something, then the Unconscious may do nothing, or it may do something that you did not expect from it. For example, overtrain to the point of exhaustion, start taking strong drugs with a bunch of side effects or get sick with something else, so to speak, to drive out the disease by the disease. Consider questions carefully.

1. How can I become and be healthy? (Describe how to implement).

2. Where can I work on health? Where can I not work on health? Describe places.

3. With whom can I work on health? With whom can I not work on health? Describe people.

4. When do I feel healthy? When do I feel unwell? Describe the times.

5. Do I have unwanted sensations at the thought of becoming healthy? Sometimes people get sick because they want to influence others in this way.

6. What rules do I live by regarding health? Do I have hopelessness, helplessness, undeserved health? Do I have patterns of behavior that I have never looked at critically and comprehensively when I say to others: “I am right, because this is how it should be”? Describe the ideas fixed in your head.

7. Is there something or someone holding me back from being healthy? Why didn't I reach this state sooner? Describe blocking.

8. What do I need to get healthy? Describe everything that comes to mind.

9. Draw a square and divide it into four parts. For each part, answer one of the following questions. 1) What can happen if you become healthy? 2) What can happen if you don't get healthy? 3) What will not happen if you do not become healthy? 4) What will not happen if you do not become healthy?

10. How will I know that I have reached the health status? Describe everything that comes to mind.

Talk about health with someone who is kind to you, or at the very least, to yourself.

Exercise. I write in a notebook a plan for achieving an image of health. A lot of things will have to be done. This process is stepwise and sequential. Until I plan myself to take just one step. I formulate a mini-outcome of this step (for example, getting up at 5 am for the first time in my life to meditate). Next, I will clarify the mini-result for myself in order to get a clear, clear and acceptable image of its achievement for my Unconscious. I write an action plan to achieve this mini-outcome. I will write the next step after achieving this mini-result.

Result. What I want?

Signs. How will I know that I have achieved a result?

Conditions. Where, when, with whom?

Facilities. What do I need to achieve results?

Restrictions. Why didn't I achieve this sooner?

Consequences? What will happen if I achieve the result, and what will happen if I do not achieve the result?

Value. Is the goal worth my effort?

Our task: to make our way in the fog of momentary desires and in the swamp of everyday routine.

Now I suggest you test your readiness to achieve the goal. The technique of H. Bremer and H. Kongsbach "self-esteem and the development of persuasion", improved by S.V. Kovalev.

Exercise. I lay a sheet of A4 vertically and write my goal at the top of the sheet: “My goal: ...”. I draw 5 horizontal segments on the entire page. These are five scales from 1 to 5. I put the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on each segment. I evaluate the extent to which I agree with judgments related to the achievement of my goal. The assessment will be done by my hand.

I write near the segments

1. My goal is desirable and worth it.

2. My goal is achievable.

3. What I need to do to achieve my goal is normal and natural.

4. I have all the necessary abilities to achieve my goal.

5. I deserve to achieve my goal.

I put my hand in the center of the first line at a score of 3. I calmly read the first statement. To what extent do I agree with this statement? I am relaxed. I freed my mind. My hand itself can move along the segment to the left and right, I only help it a little. I don't use my mind to evaluate. Only my Unconscious controls the hand. Is score 3 true? If yes, then the hand does not move. If not, then my hand moves to the left or to the right. Finally, I feel a place on the scale that corresponds to the degree of my agreement ...

If you have a position with a score below 4, then we will continue to work with this provision. Repeat the position 9 times, each time adding the next judgment from the following and what spontaneously appeared behind it. Try to be sincere and be sure to process the “surfaced” doubts and objections with reasonable arguments. When you're done, do the self-assessment again and notice what has changed and strengthened.

Exercise. I write in a notebook, for example, “I deserve to achieve my goal because ...”, “I deserve to achieve my goal, and I will achieve it before ...”, and so on.

… because …

... and I will reach it before ...

… and I will achieve it after …

… Bye …

… If …

… but …

… as well as …

… Anytime …

… So …

If you have done everything conscientiously, then you can start enjoying the views of the surroundings with the Conscious part, while the Unconscious mind does the work of achieving the image of health.

Static practices are performed either with little or no movement at all; often the body remains in one position for several minutes or more. These asanas gently massage the muscles, internal organs and glands, and also relax nervous tissues throughout the body. They bring the mind into calm state and prepare the practitioner for the higher stages of yoga, such as meditation. Some of them are especially effective in drawing the mind away from the objects of the senses. Others prepare the body for meditation techniques by developing stability and stillness in it. During the practice of these asanas, breathing usually slows down, and the practitioner focuses his attention on a certain part of the body (depending on the asana being performed). Most yoga asanas belong to this class, including shirshasana, sarvangasana, pashchi-mottanasana, and others.

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In its exact meaning, the word "yoga" is translated from Sanskrit as "harness" or "submission" and means psycho-practice for changing consciousness; embodied in a special way of life, it helps those who follow its path to achieve enlightenment. In European schools, adapted styles are usually taught, in fact it is yoga for beginners, which is a system gymnastic exercises. But even in this “reduced” form, it helps a person in knowing the capabilities of his body and controlling them, allows him to learn how to breathe and relax properly; strengthen muscles; improve the condition of joints and internal organs, correct posture, improve digestion, regulate hormonal levels.

Health universal complexes based on yoga are based on two main practices - static (and its variety) and dynamic (ashtanga vinyasa yoga). Young people are advised to practice dynamic practice, as it is performed at a fairly fast pace, for static restrictions there are less.

  • Classes according to the hatha yoga system involve the static performance of asanas with pauses between them in the background. correct breathing and concentration; in Iyengar yoga they are performed in a certain strict sequence. In addition to health, Iyengar yoga is also used for medicinal purposes;
  • Vinyasa is a kind of dynamic meditation based on the smooth transition from asana to asana in the rhythm of the breath, with each posture preparing the next. It is sometimes called "yoga for the layman", that is, for those who do not have time to devote a lot of time to practice: due to concentration, work with breathing, it allows you to achieve results without using complex asanas.

In European countries, “synthetic” systems are also common, for example, vinyasa flow or popular with women. Unlike the classical vinyasa, there is no strict sequence of postures in the flow; asanas are selected individually and lined up so as to alternate power and aerobic exercise. Stretching alternates static asanas and vinyasas, with the emphasis on stretching and working on the flexibility of the spine.

At home, you can do simplified complexes in both static and dynamic techniques, having studied the performance of asanas from descriptions, photos and videos, or taking several lessons in the hall. It is better to start doing synthetic practices under the guidance of a trainer, having analyzed each exercise and their sequence step by step.

  • Exercise at home every day for 20-25 minutes. If you are a “night owl” by your lifestyle or character, and it is more convenient for you to pay attention to yoga in the evening or during the day, it’s okay. But keep in mind that in the morning it is easier to agree with your body, it is more responsive to stress and quickly acquires harmony and strength.
  • Try to concentrate on the necessary movements and at the same time relax, drive away anxieties and worries. Are you unable to do something? It's OK! It will turn out tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or in a month.
  • You can not do yoga after a heart attack or stroke, with diseases and after injuries of the joints and / or spine, with heart problems, exacerbations of chronic diseases, with colds, flu and fever, and for women during menstruation. Yoga is contraindicated for people with cancer. Pregnant women are allowed to perform some asanas, but if you did not practice yoga before pregnancy, you should not start classes on your own on the advice of your friends.

Morning hatha yoga: statics

Many of the yoga asanas for beginners have long been familiar to you under other names from the complexes for morning exercises and fitness. So, utkatasana resembles a plie squat, uttanasana is an ordinary tilt to the floor, trikonasana and ardha matsyendrasana are varieties of twists, and sarvangasana is nothing more than a “birch tree”.

Exercises are performed in the same way as in conventional gymnastics: exhalation effort, inhalation relaxation.

The next few asanas you will do in the supine position. They must be performed in that order, since each of them prepares the body for the next.

Hold each asana for three to five inhalation/exhalation breaths unless directed otherwise. Did you feel pain or discomfort while performing a particular pose? Refuse it, do not try to do the asana through force, otherwise you will earn at best a sprain, and at worst, a torn ligament or joint injury.

The complex ends with shavasana - a pose of relaxation. Although it seems simple, shavasana is one of the most important, effective and difficult yoga practices because it is the most difficult for beginners to learn to completely relax. Lie on your back, cross your arms and legs, breathe deeply through your nose. Tighten your whole body with all your strength, freeze, count to five and completely relax, trying not to think about anything. Lie down in shavasana for 5-7 minutes.

Surya Namaskar in dynamics

("Salutation to the Sun") is a circle of twelve asanas; five of them are repeated. It exists in two versions: for entry level and experienced yogis, but the breathing technique in them is the same: inhale on backbends, exhale when bending over.

  1. pranamasana, prayer asana. Stand up straight, do not slouch, feet together, hands folded on the chest in the “namaste” gesture. Stretch the top of your head up, “toward the Sun”, feel how the spine straightens. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs completely, at the same time draw in your stomach and hold your breath as long as you can. Exhale smoothly, on the next breath, move to the next asana.
  2. Hasta Uttanasana. At the same time, raise your arms, slightly winding them behind your head, your back bends. At the top of the asana, the arms remain parallel, palms facing up. Try to perform the movements precisely, but relaxed.
  3. Padahastasana. Exhaling, bend your face to your knees, the stomach is pressed against the top of the thighs, with your palms clasping your legs behind. Stretch your back as much as you can, feeling the tension in the muscles. Until you have experience, the asana can be done with your legs bent so as not to stretch the ligaments, but do not relax yourself for too long.
  4. Ashwa Sanchalasana(rider). Enter the next asana. Take a step back with your right foot; the left is bent at the knee. Leaning only on the toe of the back leg, lower the pelvis; straighten your back, at the same time stretch the top of your head up.
  5. Adho Mukha Svanasana(mountain). Take your left leg back, substituting it for the right. Resting on the toes of the legs and palms, raise the buttocks, pull them up, arching the lower back, and lower the head until it is between the elbows (“ears between the shoulders”). If enough stretching is enough, touch your forehead to the floor.
  6. Ashtanga Namaskara. Holding your breath after completing the mountain, bend your knees and lower yourself to the floor, touching the floor with your chest and chin, but sticking your buttocks up. At correct execution the body touches the floor with the chin, palms, chest, knees, toes.
  7. Bhujangasana (snake pose). From the previous asana, move into the snake pose: leaning on your hands, push your chest forward / up as you inhale. The buttocks are launched, the back is arched.

Now, having skipped ashtanga namaskara, we perform asanas in the reverse order: snake - mountain - rider (only now it works right leg, taking a step forward) - padahasana - hasta uttanasana - pranamasana: the circle is completed. Over time, you can perform not one, but two or three rounds of Surya Namaskara.

Asanas against stress: learn to relax!

A set of four exercises will help restore peace of mind, clear the mind of disturbing thoughts and worries. Exercise for 15-20 minutes in the morning and before bed.

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