Center for Independent Pedagogical Measurement Effect Test. II All-Russian meta-subject Olympiad in the Federal State Educational Standard "new knowledge

REGULATIONS on the competition for students -
II All-Russian meta-subject Olympiad on the Federal State Educational Standard "New Knowledge"

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the conditions, organization of activities and requirements for the results of the activities of participants in the competition for students - the II All-Russian Metasubject Olympiad on the Federal State Educational Standard “New Knowledge” (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad).

1.2. The organizers of the Olympiad are the Effektiko-Press Publishing House, the editorial office of the All-Russian scientific and methodological journal "EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Theory and Practice of Effective Administration" (responsible for information and methodological support). The technical operator of the Olympiad is the Center for Independent Pedagogical Measurements "EffectTest".

1.3. The development of diagnostic materials (olympiad tasks) is carried out by specialists from the Institute of Childhood of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen. The content of the tasks of the Olympiad is developed on the basis of educational material on the main academic subjects studied in primary school Keywords: mathematics, Russian language, literary reading, the world around.

1.4. The All-Russian Metasubject Olympiad "New Knowledge" is considered as new form independent diagnostics of the quality of education of schoolchildren studying according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The Olympiad is aimed at assessing the degree of development of the individual abilities of students, the formation of their skills to independently learn, acquire new knowledge, use the previously obtained information in their studies and everyday life.

1.5. The Olympiad is held in educational organizations Russian Federation in the period from 16 to 31 January 2017.

1.6. The direct management of the Olympiad is carried out by the Organizing Committee, formed by the Organizers.

  1. Goals and objectives

2.1. Goals: stimulation of creative cognitive activity of schoolchildren, support of talents and giftedness of students, identification of the level of formation of metasubject skills of schoolchildren necessary for their successful life and study.

2.2. Tasks:

  • development and stimulation of a meta-subject approach in teaching students;
  • increasing the interest of schoolchildren in the study of subject areas;
  • support for students with high learning motivation;
  • implementation of independent diagnostics of the quality of schoolchildren's learning outcomes according to the Federal State Educational Standard.
  1. Members

3.1. The participants of the Olympiad are students of grades 2-4 of educational organizations that implement general education programs, regardless of the legal form and departmental affiliation.
3.2. The participation of schoolchildren in the Olympiad is carried out on a voluntary basis with the consent of their parents (legal representatives).

  1. Stages of implementation and organization of debriefing activities

4.1. The Olympiad is held in several stages:

  • Preparatory stage: Informing the educational authorities, educational organizations about the Olympiad (carried out by the Organizing Committee). At this stage, the administration of educational organizations appoints coordinator (Deputy principal for elementary school, methodologist, teacher responsible for holding the Olympiad in the institution can act as a coordinator). The coordinator brings information about the possibility of participation of students in the Olympiad to teachers, students in grades 2-4 and their parents ( legal representatives), informs about the conditions and procedure for participation, organizational forms of holding, introduces the documents regulating the holding of the Olympiad.
  • Stage 1: Registration educational organization on the website of the Olympiad during from November 14 to December 17, 2016. Carried out by a coordinator from an educational organization. Based on the results of registration, an educational organization is assigned a personal school code - unique an identification number.
  • Stage 2: Registration curators(teachers/parents) by the unique identification number of the school received from the coordinator on the website of the Olympiad during the period from November 14 to December 24, 2016.
    The curator pays the registration fees for participation in the Olympiad by December 24, 2016, following the instructions for the curator posted on the website of the Olympiad. The amount of the registration fee is specified in paragraph 7 of these Regulations.
  • Stage 3: fulfillment of the Olympiad task by students in the period from January 16 to January 31, 2017. (The organizing committee will determine several full days for each educational institution; the administration of the educational institution independently plans the implementation of the Olympiad testing in accordance with the allotted days, study and post-school time, the number of participants and the availability of computer classes). The time for students to complete the task is 60 minutes, including dynamic pauses. The task is designed in a test format with multimedia elements. The answers are checked by a special automated system, so the factor of subjectivity in the assessment is excluded. For each completed task, a certain amount of points. The result of the participation of schoolchildren in the Olympiad is the sum of points received for completing all tasks.
  • The final stage: Based on the results of the participation of schoolchildren in the Olympiad, the educational organization receives a summary "Student scorecard for school", which will be available in the personal account of the coordinator. Curators will be available in their personal accounts results of student participation. Each participant of the Olympiad will be able to receive a diploma / certificate by access code on the page for issuing documents.

All diplomas/certificates are available electronically to participants on the Olympiad website using a personal access code. These documents are also placed in electronic form in the personal accounts of curators and coordinators. The results will be available to the participants of the Olympiad, curators and coordinators no later than February 22, 2017.
4.2. The collection and processing of the results of the participants of the Olympiad is carried out in accordance with the legislation governing the collection and processing of personal data. Surnames and names of participants, classes and names of educational organizations, answers to Olympiad tasks and results of answers are subject to collection and processing. The fact of sending responses for processing means that the educational organization guarantees the consent of parents (legal representatives) required by law for the processing of personal data of the authors of the submitted responses and bears all the responsibility arising from this. An exemplary form of the consent of the cast is in Appendix 1.

  1. Organizational form of participation

5.1. The participation of schoolchildren in the Olympiad takes place in a modern interactive format, which differs from the traditional form of subject Olympiads. This is directly related to the need for an objective assessment of the formation of meta-subject results, which are quite difficult to assess using traditional methods and techniques. Therefore, the Organizers of the Olympiad and task developers have determined the most optimal way to check the UUD using modern computer and Internet technologies in the mode online. This form implies the completion of the Olympiad task using a computer connected to the Internet on certain dates. The coordinator receives the dates of participation of schoolchildren in the Olympiad in his personal account.
5.2. The participation of schoolchildren online implies the possibility of choosing the following options by the educational organization:
A) holding the Olympiad directly in the educational organization . When choosing this participation option, the following technical conditions and actions must be met:

  • The Olympiad tasks are carried out by schoolchildren in computer classes with a network with Internet access, according to the schedule (schedule) drawn up by the coordinator.
  • Participation of schoolchildren in the format online is carried out on strictly defined dates indicated to the coordinator by the Organizing Committee.
  • A few days before the start of the Olympiad, the coordinator from the educational organization checks the availability of the latest version of one of the modern browsers installed on school computers. To this end, it checks the technical readiness of computers for testing. Many tasks have a multimedia (interactive) format that requires the installation of modern browsers. If there are problems during the check, you should use the instructions for installing and / or updating modern browsers.
  • The coordinator determines the technical specialist (responsible for technical support computer classes) and appoints those responsible in the auditorium where the Olympiad is held. Responsible in the audience can be any pedagogical worker, except for the curator. Those responsible in the audience read to the students before the start of the Olympiad instructions for the participants of the Olympiad on completing tasks, keep order, ensure compliance with the requirements of SanPiN, do not allow collective discussion of decisions, etc. The task execution time is 60 minutes, including dynamic pauses. This time period does not include the time spent on the briefing.
  • It is possible to put students from different classes in the computer room (for example, 2nd, 3rd and 4th).
  • On the day before the start of the Olympiad, curators give students personal access codes to the Olympiad tasks, which are entered by schoolchildren before participating in the Olympiad in a special “window” on the website in the “Take part in the Olympiad” section;

b) participation in the Olympiad outside the walls of an educational organization (for example, at home, if you have a computer connected to the Internet). This option is preferable for students who are home-schooled, receiving education in a family form, studying remotely, including due to illness. The participation of schoolchildren in this format takes place within the time limits specified by the Organizing Committee to the coordinator and curator, who bring to the attention of students and their parents all the necessary information about participation in the Olympiad, including requirements for technical conditions. With this option for the participation of schoolchildren, instructions on how to complete tasks are carried out by parents (legal representatives).

  1. Features of the content of the Olympiad tasks

6.1. Checking the achievement of results. Selection of tested UUDs

In the II All-Russian Metasubject Olympiad "New Knowledge", as well as I-th similar Olympiad, the formation of cognitive universal educational activities (UUD) is checked. The following 4 UUDs were selected for the II Olympiad:

  1. use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams for solving problems (advanced level: create and transform models and diagrams for solving problems);
  2. conduct comparison according to specified criteria and independently selected;
  3. establish cause-and-effect relationships, highlight consequences, find causes;
  4. realize search for necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature; highlight a significant part of the information, presented differently.

The choice of such a number and set of cognitive UUDs due to the following reasons:

  • in a limited time, a small number of UUDs can be checked;
  • mastery of each of the selected UUD is very important for further learning;
  • each of selected UUD is complex in its operational composition - their assimilation involves mastering a series of simpler actions into which one can decompose from abusive actions;
  • checking the formation of the selected UUD allows the use of test technology.

Note that the first and fourth of the selected UUDs were tested in the 1st Olympiad. By results of the 1st And 2nd Olympiad it is possible to trace the dynamics of the formation of UUD in students who performed similar tests in the last academic year. The difference of the first test in the 2nd Olympiad is in the choice of simulated information; and the difference of the fourth test is that the information is presented not only in the form of text, but also in the form of illustrations and tables.
The second and third ELDs are chosen for the first time to broaden the range of ELDs that are tested.

6.2. Test Structure:

The test for one class includes 4 series of tasks (according to the number of tested ECUs). Each series contains 4 tasks, identical in purpose, but built on different subject content (corresponding to the following subject areas: mathematics, Russian language, literary reading and the world around). In total, the student performs 16 tasks.

Table 1.

Test structure in 2016-17 academic year



Establishing causal relationships
Working with information
Mathematics Task 1-M Task 2-M Task 3-M Task 4-M
Russian language Task 1-PR Task 2-PR Task 3-PR Task 4-PR
The world Task 1-OM Task 2-OM Task 3-OM Task 4-OM
Literary reading Task 1-LCH Task 2-CL Task 3-CL Task 4-CL

1 task is aimed at testing the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes to solve educational and cognitive problems (scale: 0-20).
Scoring criteria:

If all four tasks are completed - 20 points
If three out of four tasks are completed - 16 points -
If two of the four tasks are completed - 8 points

2 task involves checking the ability to compare objects according to certain characteristics (scale: 0-25).
Scoring criteria:
Each task is evaluated on a scale of names: completed / not completed.
high level possession of UUD.
If three out of four tasks are completed - 20 points - above average level of mastery of UUD.
average level mastering UUD.
If one of the four tasks is completed - 1 point is awarded - the skill is not formed as a meta-subject.

3 task tests the ability to establish causal relationships (scale: 0-25).
Scoring criteria:
Each task is evaluated on a scale of names: completed / not completed.
If all four tasks are completed - 25 points - high level of proficiency in UUD.
If three out of four tasks are completed - 20 points - above average level of mastery of UUD.
If two of the four tasks are completed - 10 points - the average level of mastery of UUD.
If one of the four tasks is completed - 1 point is awarded - the skill is not formed as a meta-subject.

4 task aimed at testing the ability to work with the information presented in different types: text, drawing/photo, table (scale: 0-30).
Scoring criteria:
Each task is evaluated on a scale of names: completed / not completed.
If all four tasks are completed - 30 points - high level of proficiency in UUD.
If three out of four tasks are completed - 24 points - above average level of mastery of UUD.
If two of the four tasks are completed - 12 points - the average level of mastery of UUD.
If one of the four tasks is completed - 1 point is awarded - the skill is not formed as a meta-subject.


If the task for one subject consists of two parts, then each of them is evaluated on a scale of names "performed / not completed".

6.4. The test results are based on the following criteria:
91-100 points - I degree diploma,
81-90 points - II degree diploma,
71-80 points - diploma of the III degree,
70 points or less - certificate of participation.

  1. Financing

7.1. Financing of the Olympiad is carried out at the expense of organizational fees. The size of the registration fee is 80 rubles for one participant.
7.2. The right to free participation in the Olympiad is provided to students educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as students of schools at hospitals and sanatoriums.

  1. Additional Provisions

8.1. The coordinator for the organization of work on the participation of schoolchildren in the Olympiad is issued thank you letter from the Organizing Committee.
8.2. With the participation of 130 or more students from an educational organization in the Olympiad, the coordinator is issued a free subscription to the electronic version of the scientific and methodological journal "EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Theory and Practice of Effective Administration" for the 1st half of 2017.
8.3. With the participation of 15 or more students from one class in the Olympiad, the teacher is given the opportunity to publish teaching materials from the experience of working on the pages of the Online publication "EDUCATION: Efficiency, Quality, Innovation", officially registered with Roskomnadzor (EL No. FS 77 - 60406 of December 29, 2014). Also, the teacher is issued a letter of thanks from the Organizing Committee for organizing work on the participation of schoolchildren in the Olympiad.

INSTRUCTIONS for the participants of the Olympiad on completing tasks (for students)

  1. Before you start completing the Olympiad tasks, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for passing the Olympiad:
    1. Olympiad testing includes 4 tasks, each of which contains 4 subtasks. Olympiad tasks can be performed in any order. If necessary, you can return to any task that has already been answered and correct it.
      The numbers of all jobs are displayed in the top bar. You can go to the tasks by selecting the corresponding task number on the top panel or using the "Next task" and "Previous task" buttons located in the lower left corner of the field. In this case, the number of the current task in the top panel is painted in light green; numbers of completed tasks - in dark green; task numbers where no actions have been performed are in white.
      In the upper right corner of the field that opens, there is a timer that shows how much time is left (in minutes) to complete all tasks. The execution time for all tasks is 60 minutes, including dynamic pauses (3 pauses, each lasting 2 minutes).
    2. After all the Olympiad tasks have been solved, click the "Finish testing" button, which is located in the lower right corner of the field. After clicking the "Finish testing" button, a window will appear asking you to confirm the completion of the Olympiad, in which you must select the answer "OK". If the button "Finish testing" was pressed prematurely / by accident (before the end of the solution of all the Olympiad tasks), to the request to confirm the completion of the Olympiad, you must select the answer "Cancel" and continue solving the Olympiad tasks.
    3. After clicking the “Finish Testing” button and confirming the request to complete the Olympiad, your test results will be displayed in the field that opens:
      - correctly / incorrectly completed each task;
      - the total amount of points scored during the test.
    4. The personal results of passing the Olympiad and the corresponding document confirming its passage (diploma / certificate) will be available using the access code that the curator (teacher / parent) gave you, no later than February 15, 2016 on the website of the Olympiad After passing the Olympiad test, keep your access code until you receive a diploma / certificate confirming the passage of the Olympiad!
  2. In order to start completing the Olympiad tasks, in the window that appears, enter your first and last name with a capital letter, then click the "Start to complete tasks" button.

Take part in the Olympics

DATES of the OLYMPIAD for an educational institution:
January 18, 2016
January 19, 2016

January 20, 2016 (reserve day)
January 23, 2016 (reserve day)