How to develop fast running. How to run fast - learn how to run fast for a beginner

The most common reasons that prevent us from doing a "personal" and how to overcome them.

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Who among us would not like to run faster? Imagine how cool it would be to activate your inner Kipchoge Eliuds or Pol Radcliff at the right moment and rush past your opponents at the speed of light!

But in reality, there are moments when it becomes unbearably difficult for us to breathe and move our legs, not to mention rushing past someone.

We used to push all our failures onto . She was our main Doctor Evil - she clogged muscles, weighed her legs, spoiled personals. But modern research suggests that she may not be the only one to blame.

Various unpleasant sensations during running arise due to various mini-crises in the body. And the more such crises, the less likely it is to accelerate.

In the spring of 2015, scientists from all over the world gathered in San Diego to talk about the limits of human endurance. They discussed many factors that you could potentially chalk it up to. bad result: from metabolism and psychological fatigue to heat and hydration. As a result of this discussion, five typical barriers that prevent us from running faster have crystallized.

"I can't catch my breath"

Cause: lack of oxygen
When occurs: in the first kilometers of the race
What to do: warm up before the start, make a few accelerations

Think back to your regular interval workout - the first set is always the hardest, right? You do not have enough air, the heart jumps out of the chest. But already in the second series it becomes easier, and in the third you generally fly. Dr Andrew Jones, a physiologist at the University of Exeter, is quick to explain why this is happening.

When you start running, your muscles' need for oxygen increases dramatically. The brain sends signals to speed up the work of the lungs and heart, expand blood vessels and increase the production of enzymes that are responsible for the absorption of oxygen. Your agony in the first series is the result of a timing mismatch between the amount of oxygen your legs need and the amount of oxygen your lungs and heart can supply.

Temporary lack of oxygen has delayed consequences that can significantly ruin your performance. When muscles lack oxygen, they begin to draw energy from valuable anaerobic (oxygen-free) reserves. At this time, metabolic by-products are produced, due to which the muscles weaken, and you have less strength left for the final anaerobic sprint.

“The energy you burn off in the first few minutes of a run has no way to recover over the course unless you stop and rest a bit,” says Dr. Jones.

To avoid oxygen deficiency in the first kilometers, Dr. Jones and other experts advise to properly warm up before the start.

Run for 10-20 minutes slow pace, from time to time making accelerations at a competitive pace.

Such a warm-up activates the production of enzymes in the muscles and expands the blood vessels. In addition, you will have time to rest and restore energy reserves.

“I try my best, but I still can’t run faster”

Cause: inefficient recruitment of muscle fibers
When occurs: 10 km or half marathon
What to do: train fast muscle fibers to improve their efficiency

The first kilometers of a half marathon usually feel easy. You do not run too fast, which means you do not accumulate a lot of lactate and other metabolites in the body; but you don’t run for too long, which means you don’t have time to deplete your energy reserves. Then why does everything get so complicated at some point?

Let's figure it out. At the beginning of the race, our body uses only slow ones. They are ideal for long runs as they are more energy efficient and have more endurance.

But at some point they begin to receive less fuel and gradually weaken. They are replaced by fast muscle fibers that need more energy - and oxygen - to maintain the same pace. Therefore, with each next kilometer of a half marathon, it becomes more and more difficult for your body to run at an even pace.

The good news is that fast muscles can be trained.

A two or three hour run, even at a very low pace, exhausts the slow muscle fibers and forces the fast muscles to practice generating energy. After several such trainings in fast muscles more mitochondria and capillaries will appear, which will make them more resilient.

"My feet are on fire"

Cause: metabolites accumulate in the muscles, and they send a “fire” signal to the brain
When occurs: on short distances up to five kilometers or at the finish sprint
What to do: short, interval work

For decades, scientists and athletes have debated the connection between lactic acid and the fact that your feet blaze with blue flames at the end of a run. But, despite its bad reputation, or rather lactate, in itself is not to blame for anything.

Lactate is one of the metabolites, the chemical by-products that occur in muscles during intense work. Metabolites are formed when your body switches from an aerobic system - an ultra-efficient energy supplier - to an anaerobic, oxygen-free system.

To find out how metabolites affect muscles, University of Utah professors Alan Light and Markus Amann conducted an interesting experiment. They gathered a group of ten volunteers and injected them with a cocktail of various metabolites into their thumbs. Among them were lactates, protons that contribute to muscle oxidation, and adenosine triphosphate, which is one of the types of cellular fuel.

The results are impressive. When the substances were administered singly or in pairs, nothing happened. But when scientists introduced all three substances together - bingo! Participants in the experiment immediately reported that they felt tired and heaviness in the fingers. After receiving an increased dose of metabolites, the participants felt pain and burning, similar to the sensations after a difficult workout.

The test shows that your muscles do not dissolve in lactic acid, although sometimes it seems that this is exactly what happens. In fact, the muscles of the legs interact with a certain combination of metabolites and trigger a signal that travels through spinal cord in the head and is interpreted as a burning sensation.

What to do with it? Train receptors to make them less receptive to metabolites.

To become good runner, you need not only speed and agility. To become stronger and faster, you must learn to take care of your own body. At the same time, this very “care” is not at all limited to stretching - it is also proper nutrition and… the right shoes for running. Read this article and you will learn how to learn to run longer, further and faster.


We create the right environment

    Choose the time of day you would like to run. Someone likes to run at five in the morning, someone at the mere thought of such a numbness. Think about when it will be most convenient for you to run and gradually run further and faster.

    Pick music for running. Make a playlist that will help you run and tell you when to speed up and when to slow down. Such interval training acceleration and deceleration will help you become faster over time. Choose the music that will put your feet on the run itself!

    Alternatively, run without music. If you always run with the player, try to run without it once and listen to your own feelings.

    • Some people, when they are not distracted by music, run further.
    • Running without music helps you focus on breathing and body work.
  1. Wear comfortable clothing. You need to run in the clothes in which you will be comfortable running. Some people like heavy and dense, others - light and breathable. Listen to yourself and make the right choice.

    Choose the right shoes. Running shoes are different, suitable for different types running. If you wear running shoes that don’t fit you for one reason or another, then nothing good will come of it.

    Eat dark leafy vegetables, dark berries, and foods rich in beta-carotene. These foods are high in healthy antioxidants and fiber, which is good for the digestive tract. Carrots and sweet potatoes, sources of beta-carotene, are beneficial for muscle tissue repair.

    Eat whole grain foods. If the product is made from cereals, then it is better that these cereals be whole - they have more fiber and phytonutrients that are useful for digestion.

If you've outgrown being a beginner runner, aimless runs may be getting boring for you. But that's no reason to stop running! Try to improve your run time. Take note of easy-to-described, but not at all easy-to-follow tips to improve speed, reaction time, correct concentration and body position while running.

Attention! Many of the listed methods are quite tough, so without fanaticism. Be sure to listen to your own feelings. Remember that the main thing is the Hippocratic principle "do no harm"!

Form the correct position of the body

The key to running (at any speed) is to form correct technique. It means that top part your body should remain straight but relaxed, the leg should drop to the ground with the middle of the foot moving from the hip, and the arms should move evenly back and forth (not side to side!), bent at a 90-degree angle.

Consider cadence

Be short-legged with long strides: keep your stride rate constant, no matter how fast you run. The fastest and most efficient runners take about 180 strides per minute, keeping their feet close to the ground, only lightly touching it during landing. Aiming for the magic number 90, count how many times your right leg touches the ground for a minute.

Slower, faster

Limited run time? Try interval training! Interval training - alternating periods of high and low intensity - is one of the effective ways work on speed and endurance. Plus, interval training allows you to burn more calories in less time.

Run sprints

There is a reason real runners do short sprints before a big run. Strides(from English stride- « big step”) - a series of comfortable sprints (usually 8 to 12 runs of 50-200 meters each) - improve acceleration technique.

Run on a treadmill

Feeling the need for speed? Satisfy her on the treadmill! Because the speed of the treadmill belt helps the movement of the legs. In fact, running on a treadmill is faster and easier. In addition, the speed increase button is at your fingertips. Technique Tip: You Should Achieve First good results on the track before abandoning the digital accelerometer and heading outside.


Experts are still arguing about whether static stretching actually prevents running injuries. But what is certain is that daily stretching exercises (targeting the hip flexors) increase the flexibility that is used when taking large steps.

Pick up the pace

Play with speed. Swedish even has a special word fartlek, signifying game with speed. Fartlek - alternating movement in the rhythm of an easy jog, then at a sprint pace - will help increase speed and endurance. In the course of such a game, you will achieve great results, tiring less than during a regular interval training.


jump rope

Take advantage of the experience of boxers - grab the rope. Boxers know that quick feet = quick hands. And for runners: foot speed = foot speed.

Choose light shoes

Even if running barefoot is not your choice, shoes are getting lighter and lighter to more closely mimic the natural movement of the foot and steps. Try the minimalist pair to get a feel for how less weight means more power for more speed.

Strengthen the center

Speed ​​and smartness go hand in hand. Stronger core muscles (especially lower press) allow runners to put more power and speed on the track. The best part is that for a faster finish, just 15 minutes of ab work a few days a week is enough.

Breathe in, breathe out

Just do it much faster! Learning to breathe while running at higher speeds takes practice. Breathe through both your nose and mouth to get the maximum amount of oxygen to deliver to your muscles. Additionally, you should definitely try belly breathing, that is, filling the belly with air, and not the chest, during each breath.

Lower your sugar

Unhealthy food will provide you high level sugar, which will necessarily negatively affect the speed. Get carbohydrates from whole grains, they will provide you with long-lasting energy without sudden drops in sugar levels.

play with toys

Who doesn't love new toys? Use additional gadgets and apps to add new experiences to your run.

Become the king of the hill

Even once a week, running uphill (Rolling hills mode on the track) has been proven to help increase your speed, strengthen your core muscles, and even increase your self-confidence.

Add weight

Strong lean muscles will only help in overcoming the finish line. While runners don't have to be bodybuilders, one or two short power training per week will greatly improve your running performance.


lose weight

On the other hand, studies show that losing weight (fat, not muscle!) can help you improve performance - an average of 3 seconds per kilometer for every kilogram lost. Of course, not everyone has something to lose, so get your weight right before you go on a diet!


Proper hip rotation and maintaining a stable rhythm are important for running. For this reason, one of the recommended cross-training routines for runners is the stationary bike. And in the summer, perhaps, it is even better to ride down the street in the company of friends or a dog.

Even just looking down at your running shoes or turning your head while running to check how you are ahead of your rivals eats up valuable time. Instead, focus on what's in front of you, 10 to 20 meters down the track, and keep your eyes on the finish line.

Pull up your toes

Absolutely the whole body plays a role in the formation of speed: from the top of your head to the tips of your toes! Pay attention to your fingers and try to stretch them slightly (up towards the lower leg). In this case, a smaller part of the foot will touch the surface during the landing of the leg, and therefore the start of a new step will be faster.

Stick to a steady hard pace

Slow and steady can win the race, but fast and steady is guaranteed to win in speed too! The one who wants speed should choose a pace that can be called comfortably heavy. Maintain this pace for at least 20 minutes.


Use dope

Can't you go a day without coffee? Then good news for you! A cup of coffee before a race will give you extra speed. At the same time, this stimulant is absolutely legal.

Get in the plank

About the benefits of the bar on Lifehacker. This exercise does not require special equipment and is available to every runner. Do the plank for 2-3 minutes for 6-8 sets 2-3 times a week and you will run faster.

Learn Asanas

Add yoga to your workout plan. Flexibility improved with these postures will not only increase your speed, but will also help you recover faster after a long hard run.


Research shows that well-rested athletes have better reaction times and finish times. Think about this: you can get back your time at the finish line big time sleep.


On the same day - the day of the race - take off extra clothes. Extra layers, belts, gadgets - take them off at this point. Less clothes and devices on your body - more speed.

Running exercises. What muscles to train to run more technically and faster

Running requires developed muscles. They are needed to master the correct running technique and the ability to maintain it throughout the entire distance. Trained muscles will allow you to run faster, more technically and more comfortably.

What muscles and how to train for high-quality running, Sovetsky Sport understood.


source: "Soviet Sport"

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If you are tired of stagnation and you feel that you are ready to move to new level then this article is for you. We will tell you how to improve your running skills and become even stronger and more resilient.

What is an aerobic base and why it needs to be developed

Whether you've been running every day for many years or just bought your first running shoes, the concept of aerobic base should be familiar to you. Of course, because this is the foundation on which not only your sports achivments but also your running longevity. If you want to learn how to run long and not feel like a dying swan, then it's time to pay attention to how you run. Focus on quality rather than quantity. Aerobic base training is work primarily on the quality of running. This is what builds endurance and allows you to run further and longer. And how exactly it works, we asked a professional to tell.

Vasily Permitin

member of the Russian national team athletics, master of sports, participant of 3 world championships and 3 European championships in mountain running, CEO of Organic Running. Development Director MBK (Moscow Running Club)

Aerobic base is the ability of the heart to meet the oxygen demand of the body. If the heart does not cope with this task, then we are talking about an anaerobic load - the body spends more oxygen than it receives in the process of breathing. The point at which aerobic loads are transformed into anaerobic ones is called TPAN - the threshold of anaerobic metabolism. At this point, the concentration of lactate (what we call lactic acid) in the blood increases dramatically - this causes severe muscle pain and makes us stop. The better your aerobic base is, the longer and farther you can run without reaching your TAN. That is why both professional runners and amateurs consider the maximum development of the aerobic base as their primary task. Having such solid foundation, the runner will be able to significantly increase the effectiveness of training - intense loads will help improve sports skills without wearing out the body.

The development of an aerobic base is not a very difficult matter. You must make sure that the bulk of your workouts (80-90%) take place in the first intensity zone (and you can calculate the individual zones of aerobic and anaerobic activity).

In fact, the development of the base is the training of aerobic endurance (the body's ability to perform medium-power work for a long time, resist fatigue and convert carbohydrates into energy due to oxygen). At the same time, muscle performance directly depends on energy metabolism in the body and the number of mitochondria in muscle fibers. In novice athletes, glycolytic muscle fibers (GMF) usually predominate - the number of mitochondria in cells is almost zero. Since there are few mitochondria in HMW cells, the breakdown of glucose - the main source of energy - does not occur to the end. As a result of this process, pyruvic acid is formed, which is quickly reduced to lactic acid - it is because of it that after a couple of kilometers you feel this terrible burning sensation in the muscles.

In addition to HMF, there are also intermediate and oxidative muscle fibers (OMF). In the latter, there are so many mitochondria that, with a sufficient amount of oxygen, further decomposition of pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and water occurs in them. This means that oxidative muscle fibers not only continue to work, but also make full use of each glucose molecule, while receiving significantly more energy. The conclusion suggests itself: the more OMV in the muscles, the more resilient the body.

Good news: regular workouts allow you to increase the oxidative capacity of the muscles several times. If you manage to develop and train your aerobic base, then you can significantly increase the mitochondrial mass in muscle fiber cells - and you will not be stopped.

Dmitry Andryukhin

Head Coach CrossFit Natrium

A well-developed aerobic base qualitatively affects the processes occurring in the athlete's body. First, there is a decrease heart rate during physical activity- the heart becomes stronger. Secondly, the body begins to use lactate for energy. And, finally, the recovery processes are accelerated - the body quickly "comes to its senses" after intense exercise.

Mileage is not everything

New Zealand runner and legendary track and field coach Arthur Lydiard is the author and main promoter of "core" training for runners. Lydiard made no secret of the fact that the secret of his success lay in a new approach to training process, the main task of which is to convert glycolytic MBs into oxidative ones. The predominance of oxidative MW makes the human body more enduring, and endurance is a necessary foundation for improving the speed qualities of a runner.

The basis of training aimed at increasing the number of mitochondria is running at a slow pace with a low heart rate (HR), about 120 beats per minute. Running at a low heart rate is called aerobic - the body can provide itself with enough oxygen. If you want to increase your speed but keep your heart rate at 120 beats per minute, then your body must increase the oxidative capacity of the muscles. Thus, you start the process of converting glycolytic MW into oxidative ones.

On Olympic Games In 1960 and 1964 Lydiard's runners, Peter Snell and Murray Halberg, became champions with gold medals. All the runners who trained under him, even those who specialized in medium distances (from 800 meters to 3,000 meters), ran an average of 160 kilometers a week, and not on flat asphalt, but on hills.

But not everything is so simple and unambiguous: if you run 100-150 kilometers a week, and your glycolytic muscle fibers have already turned into oxidative ones, then there will be no use from such training. That is why Lydiard's training concept has been repeatedly criticized, refined and reworked. As a result, the expert community came to a consensus: any training plan should include different types training, because maximum effect can only be achieved through complex work.

1. Increase the volume gradually

Yes, mileage matters. But if you have never run more than 70 kilometers in one week, then increasing this figure to 100 would be pure madness. In this case, it is important to listen to your body and gradually prepare for a new maximum.

2. Try Fartlek

A fartlek is a long running session (usually at least 40-45 minutes), the essence of which is the alternation of a sprint and a light recovery run. Imagine that you are playing with speed - then for a few seconds you are trying to squeeze the maximum out of yourself, then go to easy run jogging. Fartlek is best to run without a watch and a smartphone, focusing solely on your own feelings.