Hangs and stops on the gymnastic wall. Visas (simple)

At the initial stages of training, students must master the basic postures that must be taken in the positions of hanging, support, rear support, learn the simplest ways to move from one type of support to another (leg swings, turns), and also perform simple dismounts and lifts. Below are the basic postures (positions) that you need to master first.

I. Exercises V visas.

1. Hang standing, lying down, crouching, standing legs behind.

2. Transitions from one hang to another by stepping over and turning.

3. Transitions from hanging standing from behind, bending into hung bent over kick and strength.

4. Transition from the hang, bending astride to visa with the curtain of the knee.

5. Transition from hanging from behind standing to hanging bent over and then to vio with a veil of knees with the release of hands.

6. Hanging on bent arms and hanging at an angle on bent arms.

7. Hanging pull-ups on the bar (high).

8. Vis angle.

9. Transition by force from hang to hang from behind.

10. Hanging from behind, releasing one hand, turn to hang.

11. Lift by force alternately with hands at point-blank range.

II. Exercises in stops.

1. Standing from a hanging jump stop.

2. From the stop, swing your legs into the stop on top and the stop at the back.

3. Turns from support to support from behind and vice versa.

4. From the stop on top, turns left and right With jump at point blank range.

III. The simplest transitions from a hang to an emphasis and from an emphasis in vis.

1. Lifting with a flip with a swing of one and a push of the other.

2. Lifting with a coup with a push by two.

3. Rise by coup by force.

4. Lowering from an emphasis to a hang, bending forward and further V hanging angle.

IV. Dismounts.

1. From the stop riding one dismount With turn and overshoot the other.

2. From the stop at the back, jumps forward and forward swing with turns of 90 and 180 °.

3. From the stop, jump backwards without turning and with turns.

4. From the stop side dismount with and without turn.

Vis. On high bar this position is the starting point for all exercises without exception. The correct execution of the hang is especially important for gaining a swing of sufficient amplitude and subsequent swings.

In the hanging position, the body should be as straight as possible. This is achieved by sagging in the sternoclavicular and shoulder joints, as well as relaxation of the muscles in the lumbar region. The arms are also straightened, but not tense. The legs should be straight at the knees and hip joints, socks are drawn. It is expedient to teach hanging in a holistic way.

Correct position lower extremities is provided by the tension of the corresponding muscles, which must be maintained during subsequent swings. Flexion at the hip joint or bending at the lumbar of the spine when performing a hang are unacceptable. The presence of such errors is very often the result of an incorrect position of the head: taking it back or, conversely, lowering it to the chest. In the correct position, the head is held straight and is between the hands.

Swinging bends and swinging the arc- actions that provide a set of swing of the required amplitude.

From a hanging position, tensing your muscles abdominals and the front surface of the thighs, the gymnast raises the legs to the position of an obtuse angle. Then, with a sharp, short movement, he lowers them down and further back until arching in the lower back. These actions will stretch the muscles of the anterior surface of the body and will contribute to the very rapid flexion in the hip and shoulder joints, as well as in the lumbar spine, necessary for further very fast flexion. ).

Bending, you need to bring your legs as quickly as possible to the bar of the crossbar (approximately by the middle of the shins or knees) and, holding them in this position until the start of the forward swing, quickly unbend at the hip and shoulder joints, “thrown” the whole body in the direction of the extreme point of the forward swing. Bending in this position is not allowed. To avoid sagging, students can be encouraged to look at their toes at all times.

legs starting from the moment of bringing the legs to the crossbar.

Hanging swings(Fig. 111) - a series of swings back and forth. The ability to swing correctly is the basis for successful mastery of the exercises. entry level V gymnastics. With proper swinging, the following postures should alternate:

1) at the extreme point of the swing back - a straight or even slightly bent position at the hip joints;

2) in a vertical position - a straight, as in a hanging, position of the body;

3) at the extreme point of the forward swing - a slightly bent position, as on the backward swing. The head is kept between the hands at all times. Pulling it back is a mistake that needs to be fixed as quickly as possible.

Sport exercises

Jump back. From the extreme point on the swing forward, passing the vertical position, you need to take your legs back until you bend. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the shoulder angle. At the same time, the speed of movement of the shoulders will slightly increase due to a decrease in the speed of movement of the feet. This will lead to the fact that at the extreme point of the backswing the gymnast will be able to release his arms, raise them up and out and land steadily.

Jump forward. From the extreme position on the back swing, the gymnast successively passes the poses / and 2 and approaches the pose 3 (see waving). When performing a dismount, bending in a pose 3 can be much larger than when swinging. In the extreme forward position, you need to quickly unbend at the hip joints and at the same time take your hands back behind your head. After these actions, release the bar of the crossbar and, holding the body in a bent position, land.

Before performing a dismount from a swing, it is very useful to do the following exercise: from a springboard at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the crossbar, a hanging jump and a dismount with a forward swing.

Insurance and assistance in all exercises related to the study of swinging and the described dismounts, the trainer provides standing to the side of the performer and moving parallel to the swinging plane. One hand of the coach is located on the side of the back of the student, and the other - on the side of the chest. In case of an early fall on the back swing, the trainer supports the arm under the chest. If a breakdown occurs on a forward swing, then it is necessary to support under the shoulder blades.

Rise right(after swinging). A little before reaching the extreme front position, you need to quickly bend at the hip and shoulder joints, bring both legs to the bar of the crossbar at the level ankle joints and immediately carry (you can bend) one of them under the bar. All these actions must end no later than the back swing begins in the pike position. Together with the beginning of the backward swing, flexion in the shoulder joints continues (a further decrease in the brachio-torso angle), and extension begins in the hip joints, which ends in the support of the legs apart.

On the low bar:

a) hanging bent legs apart (bar at the level of the ankles

b) from the hang, bending the legs apart, quickly unbend in the pelvis
hip joints to a hanging position, bending the legs apart and
return to i. P.;

c) forced (with the help of a trainer) swinging in the hang
bent legs apart;

d) from swinging in the hang, bending the legs apart on the swing on
ass - hanging bent legs apart, on the move forward - hanging prognuz-

e) with help - after 2-3 swings, lifting at close range right

f) from the right stop, fall back into the hang, bending your legs apart;

g) with the help - from the right stop, fall back into the hang, bending over
and lifting to point-blank right.

After several independent runs, you can move on to the high bar. The main attention should be paid to the transition from hanging to bhg bent over.

Kip up(after waving) (Fig. 112). After swinging back, passing a vertical position, vigorously unbend in the hip joints and at the same time take your hands back behind your head (as when jumping forward, but much earlier). Without stopping in a bent position, quickly bend at the hip joints and bring straight legs to the crossbar at the level of the middle of the legs. All of these actions must end before the pike back swing begins. At the beginning of the swing back, continue extension in the shoulder joints and begin extension in the hip joints. The pelvis will approach the bar of the crossbar and the angular velocity of rotation of the entire body around the axis will increase, as a result of which it will turn to the stop position.

Consistency of learning.

On the middle bar:

a) from a hanging angle, resting your feet on the mat, bend your legs, pushing the whole body forward with this movement, bend over and put your hands behind your head. Keep your head down on your chest. Return to i. n. Repeat this exercise several times in a row. The deflection should be fast, with a break from the mat;

b) do the same exercise, but after bending it is possible
but faster bring your legs to the crossbar (middle of the legs);

c) with the help of a trainer standing on the side, perform a lift once
polysty bending. The trainer at the same time contributes to a quick rise
lowering the legs to the crossbar with one hand, and with the other under the lower back with
lifts the student to the stop position.

On the high bar:

d) a coach standing in front and to the left of the gymnast performing
hanging, leaning with both hands in the region of the ilium, retracted
pulls the student back from the balance position and holds him
in this position. The gymnast bends at the hip joints,
directing the feet to the projection line of the neck on the mats (you can polo
live on that rope line or gymnastic stick). Further
the coach, removing the support, gives the gymnast the opportunity to
bodnoy movement to the equilibrium position, i.e. to and. p. Pro
walking this position, the gymnast must sharply straighten in the pelvis
hip joints and take your hands back behind your head. Next Gym
Nast and trainer act as recommended in paragraphs "b" and "c";

e) from a springboard standing at a distance of 1 m from the crossbar,
jump in the hanging angle and extension under the crossbar. Subsequent
the actions are the same as described in paragraphs "b" and "c";

f) from a small swing (no more than 90 ° in amplitude) to
back swing flexion in the hip joints, extension under
crossbar and lifting completely with the help of three

Rise forward at an emphasis behind. This exercise can be performed both from swinging and from behind. Training is recommended to start from the rear.

Climbing forward point-blank behind after falling back(Fig. 113). Start the decline by moving your shoulders back, while keeping your whole body in a straight position. Having passed an approximately horizontal position, begin flexion in the hip joints with simultaneous extension in the shoulder joints (increase the brachial angle). As you move back, continue bending in the hip joints, trying to "cover" your legs more strongly. Make sure that the pelvis is next to the bar of the crossbar. At the extreme point of the swing forward in the hang, bending the knee joints should be on a straight line connecting the shoulder axis with the grip point. With a swing back in the hang, bent over, start extension in the hip joints with a simultaneous decrease in the humero-trunk angle. At the same time

Continuing these movements will bring the pelvis closer to the bar of the crossbar and increase the angular velocity of rotation of the whole body, which will allow you to perform a push-up from behind. It is necessary to pay attention to the completion of the lift with a high angle position in the rear support. To do this, it is necessary that the extension in the hip joints be slower than the decrease in the brachial angle. In other words, the shoulders must come into position over the bar before the legs go below the bar.

Learning sequence.

On the low bar:

a) hanging bent over from behind and swinging in this position. On
it is necessary to start swinging with a forced push of the trainer
ra. To achieve an independent ability to strengthen the swing;

b) from the stop at the back, fall back into the hang, bending over and swinging
hanging bent over (decline - with the help of a trainer);

c) from the stop at the back, fall back into the hang, bending over and lifting forward
point-blank behind g with the help of a trainer;

d) from a running start or from a hanging angle, lifting forward at close range from behind with
with the help of a trainer.

After mastering all of the listed exercises on the low bar, you can proceed to the execution of the forward lift on the high bar.

Rise back to an emphasis behind(Fig. 114) is performed from waving. Not reaching the extreme point of the forward swing, the gymnast bends at the hip and shoulder joints and brings his slightly bent legs under the bar of the crossbar ( better legs do not bend at all) and then in the hang, bending from behind. It is desirable that this action (carrying the legs under the bar) ends before the start of the back swing in the crouch. With the beginning of the swing back, the athlete brings the pelvis closer to the crossbar by reducing the brachio-torso angle, unbending at the same time in the hip joints, continuing the extension even after the moment the shoulders pass the lower vertical position under the crossbar. At the extreme point on the back swing, the gymnast's body takes the position and pose indicated on the middle frame of the picture: an obtuse angle between the body and legs, the arms are almost horizontal and laid back behind the back. With the beginning of the next swing (first down and further forward), the gymnast again bends at the hip joints, “folds”, and at the same time brings the pelvis closer to the crossbar, carrying it further, beyond the vertical plane, passing

walking through the neck. Thus, when the shoulders have again reached the lower vertical position, the gymnast finds himself in a hanging position, bent over from behind. From this moment (against the background of a continuing swing forward), vigorous extension in the hip joints begins again with the approach of the pelvis to the crossbar, which ends with an exit at point-blank range from behind. The time of the last extension in the hip joints should be strictly correlated with the time of swinging forward in the pike hanging: too fast extension can lead to failure of the lift.

Learning sequence.

On the low bar:

a) in the hang, bent over from behind, swinging with straightening that

b) from the stop at the back, fall back to the hang, bending over, swing forward to
this position, straightening the body on the back swing;

c) the same as "b" and lifting back with the help of a trainer;

d) with a running jump to the hang, bending over from behind, straightening that
catchers on the swing back and lifting back with the help of a trainer;

e) lifting back from the hang angle with the help of a trainer;

e) from swinging to a high crossbar: she rises back to
rear emphasis with the help of a trainer standing on a raised platform.

From the stop, standing legs apart, turning back, dismounting forward, legs apart, bending. From i. n., perhaps more "stretching" in the shoulder joints and keeping the back rounded, start the decline back. To perform a dismount, there is no need to complete the rotation with an emphasis while standing with legs apart, so no additional actions are required from the gymnast. The movement started under the action of gravity will bring the performer to a position close to the stop and quite sufficient for the subsequent straightening and dismounting ("jumping") from the crossbar. In flight, the body is held in a bent position with legs apart and arms raised up and out. Before landing, the legs are connected, and the gym

Nast finishes the exercise with a landing pose.

Training is recommended to start on the low bar in a holistic way. At the first attempts, the help of a coach is very important. The trainer stands to the side (for example, to the left of the student) and with his right hand under the bar of the crossbar grabs the student’s left wrist with a reverse grip and helps rotation. The coach needs to be ready, if necessary, to grab the performer with his left hand by the left shoulder and thus hold him in case of a significant “underrotation” from falling

forward. Before performing a dismount on their own, it is not superfluous to give the gymnast an attempt to “jump” from the projectile forward from the stop while standing with legs apart with extension.

Big turn back(Fig. 115). To describe the technique, it is convenient to divide the whole movement into two phases. The first phase is the transition from the handstand to the vis-slump. The second is the transition from the hang to the handstand - the flip to the handstand.

The decline begins with the torso slightly bent at the hip joints and the head tilted towards the chest. This position is maintained throughout the first quarter of the turn, however, by the end of this quarter, i.e. in a horizontal position, the athlete straightens up, pulling himself away from the crossbar as much as possible. In the second quarter, the gymnast bends in the lower back, stretching the muscles of the front surface of the torso and preparing to make an energetic throw with his legs, passing the lower vertical.

With this throw, the second phase begins - a flip to the rack. Behind the vertical, the gymnast bends at the hip joints and reduces the brachial angle. This crouched position is maintained until horizontal position on the swing forward (back to the floor), then smooth extension begins, first in the hip, and then in the shoulder joints. Before going to the handstand, the hands always lag behind the rotation of the arms, therefore, when finishing the turn, they must be “turned”, placed at point-blank range in order to complete the entire movement with the handstand.

An indispensable condition preceding the start of learning a large turnover is: the ability to perform a handstand on the floor, "stands", uneven bars; the ability to swing on a high crossbar and increase the amplitude of this swing at will; the ability to perform a back swing from an emphasis to the hang while maintaining the desired position to the lower vertical and beyond it (this latter is recommended to be done in special loops - “straps”);

Rise with a coup in // while standing with legs bent apart(Fig. 116). From a handstand, maintaining a straight body position all the time, the gymnast begins to decline. The straight position is kept further behind the vertical,

and flexion in the hip joints begins only just before the start of the actual rollover. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the humero-torso angle remains close to 180 °. Bending the legs is done by force, without preliminary bending and subsequent throw, which is necessary when performing a large turnover. After passing the lower vertical, the gymnast tilts his head back, trying to see the bar of the crossbar, on which the toes are to be placed. The legs begin to spread apart approximately in the front horizontal position and are placed on the bar next to the hands. Wide stance is a mistake to be warned against.

Learning sequence:

a) a large turn back;

b) from hanging by force hanging standing legs apart;

c) the same, but with a swing forward from waving;

d) from a handstand by force lowering to point-blank while standing bent over
legs apart;

e) after swinging a large amplitude, swing forward along
put your feet on the bar (perform on the "straps");

f) a complete flip after a swing back from the stop (to “lam

g) the same as "e", but from a handstand.



For students of the 2nd year of full-time department "Physical culture and sport"

Academic discipline: Types school curriculum with teaching methods.



subject (cyclic)

methodological committee

Commission name

Physical Culture


Rezanova M.A.


Deputy Director for UNMR

______________ / I.V. Gervald

"________" _____________ 20___


Compiled by: Sharafan N.V. teacher GAPOU TSPC

Explanatory note

Gymnastics with teaching methods is one of the disciplines of the curriculum. An important place in this course is given to the methodology of preparing and conducting lessons in basic gymnastics at school. Basic gymnastics is the basic part of a comprehensive program of physical education for students of a general education school and the state standard.

Gymnastics means, of course, are the most effective in the physical education of children and adolescents, have a significant impact on their health, development physical qualities.

Lesson physical education with a gymnastic orientation as the main form of training is considered one of the leading criteria reflecting the level of professional - pedagogical readiness physical education specialists for secondary schools. However, as analysis shows scientifically - methodical literature, textbooks, in which the technology of planning would be revealed in more detail and systematized educational material, training and application in the classroom and during independent studies of traditional and non-traditional types of exercises, the use modern methods and funds are virtually non-existent at present.

Toolkit fill this gap to some extent.

Hanging and resting exercises represent various positions (horizontal, vertical and inclined) and movements of those involved in gymnastic equipment in these positions. Hanging and rest exercises are available for children from 7-8 years old. IN curriculum By physical education they are included withIclass.

INIclass, students master climbing on gymnastic wall, bench, different types climbing, climbing and crawling, and withIIclass begin to master the hangs and stops.

The adoption of various positions in the hangings and supports, balancing the body in certain postures are associated with tonic contractions of the entire musculature. Tonic contractions at small static loads, which are typical for the described exercises, require less energy expenditure than muscle contractions phase nature. Performing exercises in hangs and rests has a general strengthening effect on the body, contributes to the harmonious development of all physical qualities, especially static strength, and moving the body from one position to another requires dynamic muscle efforts, which is important for the development of speed-strength qualities.

Various body positions: inclined, vertical (head down) - have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as on the activity of the organs of balance (vestibular apparatus). Performing exercises in the hangs and supports is associated with holding postures that require the ability of those involved to coordinate the work of many muscle groups. Muscle sensations that occur when doing exercises in the hangs and stops, as well as the presence of tonic reflexes covering the entire muscles of the body, create favorable conditions for maintaining correct posture. It is also essential that when performing exercises in the hangs and supports, children acquire the ability to assess the position of their body in space, to distinguish between the duration static postures and the nature of muscular effort. The role of muscle feeling is extremely diverse. It is important in the implementation of a number of body functions, from maintaining the balance of the body and ending with the emergence of ideas about time and space. The ability to perform exercises in the hangs and supports with good posture, easily and beautifully, is important for preparing children for gymnastics.

To perform exercises in the hangs and supports, depending on the corrective complexity and the availability of appropriate equipment, frontal, group and line methods of organizing students can be used.

visas lying down

1. Hang lying down (Fig. 1). It is performed from hanging on bent arms by alternately or simultaneously putting the legs forward. The angle of inclination of the body to the floor is less than 45°. Shoulders should be nearly vertical under the bar.

2. Hang lying bent over (Fig. 2). From hanging lying down, bend at the hip joints and take hanging lying bent over.

3. Hang lying behind (Fig. 3). From the hang, crouching from behind, moving the legs back, take the hanging from the back

Rice. 1 Fig.2 Fig.3

Exercises in mixed and simple emphasis (on the gymnastic bench, beam, horse)

1. The emphasis on squatting on a gymnastic bench (Fig. 4) can be performed transversely and longitudinally. Students with this position are already familiar with climbing on gymnastic benches. Emphasis crouching can also be performed on a horse, goat and log.

2. Emphasis kneeling (Fig. 5) or emphasis standing on one knee, the other leg back (Fig. 6).

Rice. 4 Fig.5 Fig.6

3. Lying emphasis (Fig. 7) can be performed on the floor, gymnastic bench (hands or feet on the bench), on a balance beam.

4. The emphasis lying behind (Fig. 8) is performed from the emphasis while sitting behind with your back to the gymnastic bench. Unbending your arms and straightening in the hip joints, take the emphasis lying behind. The simplest option on the floor.

5. Emphasis lying sideways (Fig. 9) is performed on the floor, on a gymnastic bench, log, horse.

Fig.7 Fig.8 Fig.9

6. Standing emphasis (Fig. 10) - an inclined position of the body while standing with hands resting on a gymnastic apparatus (gymnastic wall, horse, goat, beam).

6. Stops (Fig. 11) are performed on a horse, goat, log. Unlike

mixed stops, in which the support is carried out not only by the hands, but also by some other part of the body, in simple stops the student leans only with his hands. To consolidate the exercises in the hangs and stops, the following bundle can be recommended.

Fig.10 Fig.11

Mixed hang exercises

    Hanging standing - hanging crouching. 2. Hang standing on bent arms - standing hang

    hang standing on bent arms. Hanging lying - hanging lying bent over - hanging lying. 4. Hanging standing on bent arms - hanging crouching - hanging standing in standing on bent arms. 5. Hanging standing on bent arms - hanging standing - hanging standing behind - hanging crouching behind.

Mixed exercises

    Emphasis standing - emphasis standing on bent arms - emphasis standing. 2. Lying emphasis, hands on the gymnastic bench - bending the legs, sitting on the heels - lying emphasis. 3. Lying emphasis, hands on the gymnastic bench, alternately putting the legs forward - crouching emphasis, feet on the floor, hands on the bench - reverse

    On the floor, frontally imitate the main body positions in climbing in three steps:

    O. s., hands up (ip for climbing in three steps);

- squat, hands up - first reception;

- from a squat, arms up, stand up and bend your arms - the second technique;

    O. With. with bent arms - arms alternately up (third move, interception).

    The same movements, but on the gymnastic wall:

-standing facing the gymnastic wall, grab the rail higher with straight hands (s.p. for climbing in three steps);

-hanging with a push with two legs, crouching on the second (third) rail, - the first reception;

-unbending legs, bending arms - the second technique;

-to intercept higher - the third reception. Lowering to start with interception:

-interception with hands in the hang while standing on bent arms;

-unbending your arms, bend your legs and take a crouching hang;

Sequence of learning.

1. Free climbing up and down. 2. Climbing up, stepping on each rail alternately with two feet. 3. Imitation of the movements of the arms and legs on the climbing floor in the same way. 4. Climbing up and down the wall in the same way. 5. Imitation of hand movements on the floor for climbing in opposite ways. 6. Climbing the wall up and down in opposite ways to a certain height. Climbing left and right. The exercise is performed with side steps with alternating rearrangement of the side of the leg and arm of the same name. First, they move standing on the lower rail along 2-3 spans, then along the entire length of the wall. After that, climbing is performed at a higher height (up to the 5-6th rail).

Hanging standing

1. Hang standing on bent arms (Fig. 1 Grab your hands at shoulder level with a grip from above, legs should be under the projection of the grip, arms bent in elbow joints. You can do the exercise! on the crossbar, the lower pole of the bars of different heights, on one of the poles of the bars of the same height, and the gymnastic wall.

2. Hang standing (Fig. 2). From hanging standing on bent arms, extending your arms, go to standing hanging. Keep the head of the body straight, the angle of the torso to the floor is not more than 45 °.

3. Hang standing bent over (Fig. 3). From a hanging position, bend at the hip joints to an angle of 90 °, arms straight, keep your head straight.

4. Hang standing behind (Fig. 4). From a hanging position, turn around abruptly, releasing one hand, and again take hold of the projectile shoulder-width apart with a grip from below.

5. Hang crouching (Fig. 5). From hanging standing on bent arms, unbending your arms, sit down and take a hanging crouching.

6. Hang crouching from behind (Fig. 6). From hanging standing behind, take a small step forward and sit down without bending your arms.

-put your feet on the floor and take and. P.

6. Hanging on a rope with straight arms, grab the rope with yoga and knees. Run 2-3 times.

7. In hanging on a rope with a grip with his legs, straightening his legs, pull himself up as high as possible. Repeat 6 times.

B. Climbing in three stages on a rope.

Common Mistakes: I) wrong foot grip; 2) when performing the second reception, the legs slip down; 3) when performing the second technique, the body is not pulled up high enough; 4) when performing the third reception, the hand interception is not high enough; 5) do not follow the techniques when lowering down.

Hangs and stops

Hanging bent (Fig. 1) is performed on the crossbar, bars, rings. The body is bent at the hip joints approximately at an angle of 50-70 °, the back is rounded, the head is slightly inclined to the chest; arms are straight. You can finish the exercise by going to the hanging while standing behind or, lowering the pelvis, crouching into the hanging.

Hanging at an angle (Fig. 2) is performed on the gymnastic wall, crossbar, rings, bars. From the hang, raise straight legs to a horizontal position. You can also do it as follows: from the hang, take the hang with your legs bent and then straighten your legs into the hang with an angle.

Hanging bent over is performed on the gymnastic wall, crossbar, rings, uneven bars.

Rice. 12

It is desirable to begin to train hanging on the gymnastic wall after bending over. From hanging while standing, bending to the gymnastic wall with a push of the legs, go to the hanging, bending over. In the hanging position, the arms should be completely straight (do not pull up). The back of the head, back, legs and heels touch the wall, the head leans back a little

(Fig. 3) Perform with. Help to render, standing on the side, under the shoulder and legs.

Rice. 3

Hanging on bent legs and arms (Fig. 4), performed on the crossbar or parallel bars. From hanging standing with a push of two legs, bending them, make a jump with two and take a hang on bent legs and arms (hanging with two weights). It can be performed in another way: from the hanging standing behind with a forward tilt with a push of two, bending through the hang, hanging on bent legs and arms.

Hanging on one (Fig. 5): grip shoulder-width apart, one leg, bent at the knee, is placed on the crossbar, a pole, the other is straight and slightly lowered down, the body is slightly bent, the head is slightly tilted back. Belay, standing on the side, with one hand behind the wrist, the other behind the shin of the leg performing the veil. It is performed from the hanging standing behind, pushing with two, bending through the hanging from behind, swinging with one leg.

Hanging on one outside (Fig. 6) is performed similarly to hanging on one (behind the weight), only bent leg is not between the hands, but outside.

Rice. 4 Fig. 5 Fig.6

Hanging on bent legs (Fig. 7) is performed on the crossbar and parallel bars. Legs together, knees bent, body straight, slightly bent, head tilted back. They insure, standing on the side, behind the shins, so that the legs do not unbend in knee joints. Perform the exercise from hanging on bent legs and arms (hanging the veils with two), lowering your arms and straightening up. First, the hands are lowered alternately, and then simultaneously. When moving from hanging on bent legs and arms to hanging on bent legs, they insure with one hand on the shins from above, and with the other support under the back.

Emphasis on the bars (Fig. 8), crossbar, R / B bars (Fig. 9). The arms are straight, the torso and legs form an almost straight line, the head is straight. Training begins with mastering the emphasis on the uneven bars after repeating the emphasis on the beam and horse (III class).

1. From the stop, standing across at the ends of the bars with a jump at close range.

2. The same in the middle.

3. From the hang, standing on the crossbar, on the lower / f bars of the river / in the push with two at close range

Rice. 7 Fig. 8 Fig.9

A combination of exercises in the hangs and emphasis for the control lesson IV classroom

Crossbar (low)

From hanging standing with a jump at point-blank range - lowering forward into a hanging crouching - with a push of the legs heremah with legs under the crossbar into a hanging bending - alternately releasing hands, hanging on bent legs - raising the body forward, hanging on bent legs and arms (hanging with two kneading) - unbending legs and lowering them back, hanging standing behind - releasing hands, step forward about. With.

Level Requirements physical fitness IV grade students in hanging pull-ups (boys): 5 times or more - high, 3-4 times - medium; I time - low.

Requirements for the level of physical fitness of IV grade students in pull-ups from the vis lying down (girls): 18 times or more - high; 8-13 times - medium, 4 times or less - low.

Crossbar (low)

One of the most difficult elements on the crossbar is the arched hang.

Execution technique. From the hanging standing behind, bending with a push with the legs, take the hanging bent, unbending in the hip joints, hanging bending. The body is bent and is in a vertical position with the head down. Hands shoulder-width apart with an overhand grip, legs together, socks pulled back. The head is tilted back.

Sequence of learning.

1. From hanging from behind, repeat bending over.

2. Standing from the hang, bending over on the gymnastic wall, pushing the legs into the hang, bending over (I class).

3. From the hanging standing behind with a push of two to the hanging, bending on the crossbar and hanging, bending, lowering the legs back, hanging standing behind and stepping forward in about. With.

Typical mistakes: 1) excessively large deflection of the body; 2) bending the arms while doing the hanging, bending over; 3) the head is tilted forward.

Belay and assistance: standing on the side, support the legs with one hand, hold the wrist with the other.

Emphasis of the leg apart with one (top emphasis) and dismounting with a leap of the other with a turn of 90 °.

Execution technique. From the stop with a jump of one, take the emphasis of the legs apart (Fig. 10, frames 1-2). Those; straightened, arms straight, head straight, legs wide apart: one leg forward, the other back at the same angle to the floor. Depending on which foot is in front, the stop has the appropriate name. For example, the emphasis of the leg apart with the right, if the right leg is in front. To perform a jump dismount with a 90 ° turn, you must first intercept one hand, the same name as the turn, in the grip; from below. The leg around which the turn is performed should not be lowered or bent (Fig. 10, frames 2-3).

Sequence of learning

1. On the log, repeat overcoming obstacles in the indicated way (IV class).

2. From the support, on the low crossbar heremah to the support of the legs apart outside the right (left) - interception of one hand, support of the legs apart with the right (left) - jump the other dismount with a turn of 90 °. 3. From the stop with a jump of one stop of the leg apart with the right (left) - a jump of the left (right) dismount with a turn of 90 °.


Typical mistakes: 1) in the first half, when a jump forward is performed from the stop, the legs are bent 2) in the stop, the legs apart are slightly apart, the body is bent, the head is lowered; 3) when performing a dismount, the leg is lowered around which the turn is performed; peremah is done with a bent leg, bend the supporting arm.

Belay and assistance: similar to belay and assistance when overcoming a log 1 m high (1st class).

1. From hanging standing behind with a push with two legs hanging bent over - 1.0 points. 2. Hanging bent over - 2 points. 3. Hanging, bending over and bending the legs, lowering into a crouching hang - 0.5 points. 4. Hanging standing with a jump at close range - 0.5 points. 5. Swinging the right leg apart at point-blank range - 3.0 points. 6. Left jump dismount with a turn to the right - 3.0 points.

offer the following exercises: with the help, take a hang on the w / w - hang with legs bent - hang - dismount down. It should be noted that hanging is the main starting position for performing many exercises on the parallel bars.

Vis crouching on n / f

Execution technique. This is the position of students on the uneven bars. in which the student hangs on the upper body and leans on the lower body with the toes of bent legs (Fig. 11).


The sequence of training: from the hang, bending the legs, take the hang crouching - hang bending the legs - hang dismount down (Fig. 11). Belay and help: standing on the side, support with one hand under the back, with the other under the legs.

Vis lying on the n / w

Execution technique. In the lying position, the body should be straight and slightly arched, the head is slightly tilted back, the arms are straight, the back of the thighs is supported by the bottom (Fig. 12).


The sequence of training: in the 5th grade, the hang lying on the n./g can be taken from the hang through the squat hang. From the hanging lying down, take the hanging lying bent over on the bottom, then hanging with the legs bent and hanging, dismounting down.

Hang lying legs apart one (on horseback)

Execution technique. Hanging lying legs apart can be performed different ways, but taking into account the sequence of training, it is advisable to use the students' motor experience. Therefore, it is better to perform a hanging lying right (left) on the bottom from a lying lying jump one back or hanging crouching with a push of the legs. In the lying position, the legs sang apart, just as in the lying position, it was slightly bent, the arms were straight, the head was tilted back.

Emphasis at the back

Execution technique. The emphasis on the back is most conveniently taken from the hang lying on the floor. By successive interceptions of the hands for the n / f, go to point-blank range from behind - a kind of sitting on the poles (Fig. 13).


Combination for the control lesson

1. From hanging to high hanging with legs bent - 1.0 points.

2. Hang crouching on n./g - 1.0 points

3. Push legs hanging lying legs apart with the right - 2.5 points.

4. Jump left to the vis even on v./g - 2.0 points.

5. Interception of hands, rear emphasis - 1.5 points

6. Swing forward dismount with turn to the left - 2.0 points.

Emphasis at the back

Execution technique. From the stop, jump one leg into the stop, apart (top stop) with the right (left) jump of the other, take the stop from behind (Fig. 14). The arms are straight behind the back, the torso and legs form an almost straight line, the head is straight. Pre-repeat the emphasis lying on the floor behind. The same, but the hands are on the gymnastic bench, the emphasis is on the back of the horse, beam.



Students of the 5th grade improve the implementation of stops. For this, the following exercises are recommended.

1. In emphasis, sagging and lifting the body in the shoulder joints. 2. Movement in an emphasis. For example, at the ends of the poles, take an emphasis with a jump and, alternately rearranging your hands, move forward. Having reached the other end of the poles, jump off. If the student cannot reach the end, then jump inside the bars: Movement combined with turns.

Emphasis on the forearms

Execution technique. The torso and legs form a straight line, the head is straight. The hand is somewhat shifted to the outside, and the elbow is inward. 90° angle between shoulder and forearm. This arrangement of the forearms helps to avoid slipping of the elbows when performing exercises (Fig. 15). Preliminarily, it is advisable to study the emphasis lying and lying back on the forearms on the floor, then on the bars to teach the correct grip with the hands and the location of the forearms. After that, teach emphasis on the forearms.

Rice. 15

Emphasis on hands

Execution technique. In support, the body is kept straight without sagging in the shoulder joints. The hands, slightly bent at the elbow joints, clasp the poles, leaning on them mainly from the outside (Fig. 16). When performing an emphasis on the hands, the width of the poles must be determined by the length of the forearm. True, it is not easy to stay on such poles at first, but in the process of muscle training shoulder girdle are quickly strengthened and this width of the poles becomes familiar and convenient for learning and performing swings. In order not to hurt your hands, you can put foam pads on the poles. To strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and prevent sagging in the shoulders, it is advisable to carry out an emphasis on the hands of raising and lowering the body by reducing or increasing the angle between the shoulders and the poles. The normal position of the shoulders in relation to the poles is considered to be when the angle is about 45 °.

Rice. 16

Sit legs apart

Execution technique. From the stop, swoop forward to spread your legs and put them on the poles rear surfaces hips. The arms are straight, leaning behind, the body is straightened, the head is straight (Fig. 17). The exercise is the starting or ending position for performing lifts and racks, subsequent classes.

Rice. 17

Sitting on the hip

Execution technique. From a gray leg apart, with a jump of one, take a sitting on the hip (Fig. 18). Legs are outside. One leg, bent at the knee, rests the entire lower surface of the thigh on the pole, and the other is laid back, the socks are pulled back. The shin of the bent leg is parallel to the straight leg laid back, keep the torso and head straight. Support on the poles can be performed with both hands or with one hand, the other to the side.

Rice. 18

Combination for the control lesson

1. At the ends of the poles with a jump, stop and move to the middle of the bars 3.0 points.

2. Feet forward with legs apart - 2.0 points.

3. By moving the right sit on the right thigh, holding with the right hand, left to the side - 2.0 points.

4. Left front grip right foot with a push of the right hand, a dismount with a turn to the right in a circle, to land with the left side to the uneven bars - 3.0 points.


    Brykin, A.T. Gymnastic terminology [Text]. M .: - Physical culture and sport, 1968.-70 p.

    Barkovsky, A.S. complexes gymnastic exercises For elementary school[Text].-2nd ed., revised. - Minsk: Nar. Asveta, 1978.-62 p.

    Buts, L.M. For you, girls [Text].

    Gurevich, I.A. Circuit training for the development of physical qualities [Text]. - 3rd ed., trans. and additional - Minsk: Higher School, 1985.-255 p.

    Zhukov, V.G. 650 gymnastic exercises [Text]. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1970.-88 p.

    Zatsiorsky, V.M. Physical qualities of an athlete: Fundamentals of theory and methods of education [Text]. - 2nd ed.-M.: Physical culture and sport, 1970.-200 p.

    Zuev, E.I. The magical power of stretching [Text]. - M .: Soviet sport, 1991.-64 p.

    Lisitsskaya, T.S. Choreography in gymnastics [Text]. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1984.-176 p.

    Menkhin, Yu.V. Physical training in gymnastics [Text]. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1989. -224 p.

    Petrov, P.K. General developmental exercises in gymnastics lessons at school [Text]: textbook. allowance / - Izhevsk: publishing house of UdGU, 1995.-164 p.

    Shlemin, A.M. Training system for young gymnasts [Text]: method. allowance for students of the State Center of Physics and Technology: Materials for program education / A.M. Shlemin, P.K. Petrov.- M.: GTSOLIFK, 1977.- 97 p.

    Shlemin, A.M. Training system for young gymnasts [Text]: method. allowance for students / Shlemin, A.M., P.K. Petrov.- M.: GTSOLIFK, 1977.-39 p.

vis hunched over(Fig. 147) is performed on the crossbar, bars, rings. The body is bent at the hip joints approximately at an angle of 50-70 °, the back is rounded, the head is slightly inclined to the chest, the arms are straight. You can finish the exercise by going to the hanging while standing behind or, lowering the pelvis, crouching into the hanging.

Vis angle (Fig. 148) is performed on the gymnastic wall, crossbar, rings, bars. From the hang, raise straight legs to a horizontal position. You can also do it as follows: from the hang, take the hang with your legs bent and then straighten your legs into the hang with an angle.

Vis arched(Fig. 149) is performed on a gymnastic
wall, crossbar, rings, bars. To

It is desirable to begin to train hanging on the gymnastic wall after bending over. From the hanging standing behind, bending to the gymnastic wall with a push of the legs, go to the hanging, bending over. In the hanging position, the arms should be completely straight (do not pull up). The back of the head, back, legs and heels touch the wall, the head leans back a little (Fig. 150). Execute with. Help to render, standing on the side, under the shoulder and legs.

Hanging on bent legs and arms(rice. 151) performed on the crossbar or bars r / v. From hanging standing with a push of two legs, bending them, make a jump with two and take a hang on bent legs and arms (hanging with a curtain of two). It can be performed in another way: from the hanging standing behind with a forward tilt with a push of two, bending through the hang, hanging on bent legs and arms.

Vis on one(Fig. 152): shoulder-width grip, one leg, bent at the knee, is placed on the crossbar, a pole, the other is straight and slightly lowered down, the body is slightly bent, the head is slightly tilted back. Belay, standing on the side, with one hand behind the wrist, the other behind the shin of the leg performing the veil. It is performed from the hanging standing behind, pushing with two, bending through the hanging from behind, swinging with one leg.

Vis on one outside(Fig. 153) is performed similarly to hanging on one (veil), only the bent leg is not between the hands, but outside.

Hanging on bent legs(Fig. 154) is performed on the crossbar and bars r / c. Legs together, knees bent, body straight, slightly bent, head tilted back. They insure, standing on the side, behind the shins, so that the legs do not unbend at the knee joints. Perform the exercise from hanging on bent legs and arms (hanging with a curtain of two), lowering your arms and straightening up. First, the hands are lowered alternately, and then simultaneously. When moving from hanging on bent legs and arms to hanging on bent legs, they insure with one hand on the shins from above, and with the other support under the back.

  • Vis angle

  • crossbar, rings, bars. Raise from the hang

  • straight legs to a horizontal position.

  • You can also do it as follows: from the visa

  • take a hang with legs bent and then unbend

  • legs in a hanging angle.

  • Vis arched

  • performed on the gymnastic wall,

  • crossbar, rings, bars. Desirable

  • teach on the gymnastic wall.

  • From hanging standing behind bent over with a push of the legs

  • go to the hang bending over. hands absolutely

  • straight, neck, back, legs and heels touch

  • walls. The head is tilted back.

    • Hanging on bent legs and arms (veil hanging)

    • performed on the crossbar or bars r / v.

    • From hanging standing with a push of two legs, bending them, do

    • jump with two and take a hang on bent legs and

    • hands (hanging with a veil of two). Can be done and

    • in another way: from a hanging position from behind with an inclination

    • push forward with two, bent through the hang,

    • hanging on bent legs and arms.

    • Hang on one.

    • Shoulder-width grip, one leg bent at the knee,

    • placed on the crossbar, pole, the other - straight

    • and slightly lowered down, the body is slightly bent,

    • head slightly tilted back. Belay while standing

    • on the side, with one hand on the wrist, the other on the shin

    • legs performing the veil. It is performed from hanging standing

    • from behind, with a push by two, through the hang, bending from behind,

    • swing with one foot.

    • Hang on one outside

    • performed similarly to hanging on one (curtain),

    • only the bent leg is not between the arms, but outside.

    Hanging on bent legs

    • Hanging on bent legs

    • performed on the crossbar and bars r / v. Legs

    • together, knees bent, body straight, slightly

    • bent, head tilted back. Insure while standing

    • on the side, behind the shins, so that the legs do not unbend in

    • knee joints. Do the exercise from

    • hanging on bent legs and arms (hanging with a curtain of two),

    • lowering your arms and straightening up. Hands down at first

    • alternately and then simultaneously. When moving from

    • hanging on bent legs and arms hanging on bent legs

    • insure with one hand behind the shins from above, and with the other support under the back.

    • Methodical instructions for performing exercises in the hangs and stops

      Hanging and rest exercises should be performed in series of 4-6 exercises in turn and each series should be repeated 2-3 times. Such a dosage is necessary for the reason that the execution of a separate exercise in the hang and emphasis in duration is short-term and does not require large energy expenditures, and as a result, the training effect does not bring a positive effect.

      When these exercises are performed in series with repetitions several times, the duration of motor activity increases to 50-60 seconds, the load increases significantly, the pulse value reaches 130 or more beats / min. And when carrying out exercises in the hangs and stops using the in-line methods of the game method, their intensity increases even more and reaches a level with a pulse value of up to 150-160 beats / min. Such a load meets the necessary requirements that are imposed on the body of those involved and create conditions for the restructuring of the structure. skeletal muscle and their mechanisms of not only aerobic, but also anaerobic energy supply. This achieves a training effect on individual muscle groups and on the whole body as a whole. This method is the simplest and most affordable for increasing the effectiveness of exercises in the hangs and stops.

      All exercises in the hangs and stops must be performed with a clear fixation of each pose for 3-6 seconds. with the obligatory observance of the correct posture, in a strictly gymnastic style, beautiful and easy. Careless performance of these exercises, especially at the stage of learning, is unacceptable.

      Teaching exercises in the hangs and stops is carried out by the methods of demonstration, storytelling, practical implementation using techniques in fixing postures, insurance and self-insurance, helping each other. When learning simple exercises associated with the adoption and retention of postures, as a rule, a shift method of organizing classes is used, where one part of the students performs the exercises, and the other controls the implementation and helps the comrades. The teacher usually only needs to tell the children the sequence of exercises in the series and the number of repetitions. When selecting exercises in a series, it is necessary that the exercises are equivalent in complexity, and the transitions from one to another are performed easily, without delay.

      Hangs and emphasis on physical education lessons

      girls. They are interesting and useful exercises. Firstly, exercises in the hangs and supports represent various positions (horizontal, inclined, head down) and body movements using mass-type gymnastic apparatus.

      Secondly, these exercises are rich in various combinations of positions (poses) and movements performed both in fast and in slow pace, as well as holding postures, which makes it possible to have a beneficial effect on motor function involved.

      Thirdly, exercises in the hangs and supports, balancing the body in certain postures is associated with the tonic mode of operation of the neuromuscular apparatus, which ensures the maintenance of a posture or position of body parts. With this form of activity, the muscles are not fully excited in each this moment, some of their motor units are excited, others are resting. Tonic muscle contractions with small static loads, which are typical for the described exercises, require less energy expenditure than muscle contractions that have a phase character.

      The specificity of these exercises makes it possible to have a general effect on the growing body of the student and harmoniously develop all parts of the body, as well as static strength. Performing exercises in the hangs and stops is associated with holding the body, while maintaining the correct posture. It is clear that in order to maintain the correct posture, good coordination work of the muscles and their static strength endurance are needed. Muscle sensations that occur when doing exercises in the hangs and stops create favorable conditions for the formation of correct posture. Moving the body from one position to another requires dynamic muscle effort, which is important for speed-strength qualities.

      Various body positions (horizontal inclined, inclined, vertical, head down) have a training effect on internal organs. So, they affect the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as vestibular stability, the development of the ability to maintain orientation in unusual body positions. In addition, when performing exercises in the hangs and supports, students master the skill of performing various movements of the body in space with different speed, which makes it possible to develop differentiation of spatial and temporal accuracy of movements.

      The ability to perform exercises in the hangs and supports easily, beautifully and accurately in the given spatial and temporal parameters is of great importance for the formation of skills to control one's movements.

      Organization of classes in teaching exercises in hangs and emphasis.

      The relatively short duration of the lesson (45 minutes) requires an economical and rational use of time. Classes are most successful when using the frontal, group, streaming methods, as well as the game method.

      The frontal method of organizing classes allows all students to perform exercises at the same time. This is one of the productive ways of organizing classes, in which collective actions by order or command of the teacher teach children to coordinate actions, the ability to perform physical exercise all together. In this way, you can perform exercises in hangs and rests on the gymnastic wall benches, on mass-type apparatuses.

      The group method of organizing classes allows the class to be divided into several groups (departments) and, under the guidance of a teacher (his assistant) in departments, simultaneously perform exercises. For these purposes, in school gyms, on the playgrounds we use stairs, gymnastic walls, katanas, gymnastic benches with hooks, low logs, etc.

      Hanging and resting exercises in Gymnastics are provided for both boys and girls.

      7. The benefits of hangs and stops

      Hanging and resting exercises represent various positions (horizontal, vertical and inclined) and movements of those involved in gymnastic equipment in these positions. Hanging and rest exercises are available for children from 7-8 years old. They are included in the physical education curriculum from grade I.
      In grade I, students master climbing on the gymnastic wall, bench, various types of climbing, climbing and crawling, and from grade II they begin to master hangs and stops.
      The adoption of various positions in the hangings and supports, balancing the body in certain postures are associated with tonic contractions of the entire musculature. Tonic contractions with small static loads, which are typical for the described exercises, require less energy expenditure than muscle contractions of a phase nature. Performing exercises in hangs and rests, having a general strengthening effect on the body, contributes to the harmonious development of all physical qualities, especially static strength, and moving the body from one position to another requires dynamic muscle efforts, which is important for the development of speed-strength qualities.
      Various body positions: inclined, vertical (head down) - have a positive effect on work cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the activity of the organs of balance (vestibular apparatus). Performing exercises in the hangs and supports is associated with holding postures that require the ability of those involved to coordinate the work of many muscle groups well. Muscle sensations that occur when doing exercises in the hangs and stops, as well as the presence of tonic reflexes covering the entire muscles of the body, create favorable conditions for maintaining the correct posture. It is also essential that when performing exercises in the hangs and supports, children acquire the ability to assess the position of their body in space, to distinguish between the duration of static postures and the nature of muscle efforts. The role of muscle feeling is extremely diverse. It is important in the implementation of a number of body functions, from maintaining the balance of the body and ending with the emergence of ideas about time and space. The ability to perform exercises in hangings and supports with good posture, easily and beautifully, is important for preparing children for gymnastics.

      ANNEX 1.

      Hanging on the crossbar

      On the high bar, this position is the starting point for all exercises without exception. Especially important correct execution hanging for a set of swing of sufficient amplitude and subsequent swinging.

      In the hanging position, the body should be as straight as possible. This is achieved by sagging in the sternoclavicular and shoulder joints, as well as by relaxing the muscles in the lumbar region. The arms are also straightened, but not tense. Legs should be straightened at the knee and hip joints, socks pulled back. It is expedient to teach hanging in a holistic way.

      The correct position of the lower extremities is ensured by the tension of the corresponding muscles, which must be maintained during subsequent swings. Flexion in the hip joints or bending in the lumbar spine during hanging is unacceptable. The presence of such errors is very often the result of an incorrect position of the head: moving it back or, conversely, lowering it to the chest. IN correct position the head is held straight and placed between the arms.

      Hanging swings

      A series of swings back and forth. With proper swinging, the following postures should alternate:

      1) at the extreme point of the swing back - a straight or even slightly bent position at the hip joints;

      2) in a vertical position - a straight, as in a hanging, position of the body;

      3) at the extreme point of the forward swing - a slightly bent position, as on a backward swing.

      The head is kept between the hands at all times. Pulling it back is a mistake that needs to be corrected.

      APPENDIX 2

      Hanging and push-up exercises

      Studying hangs and stops, students master the elements of a number of applied skills (climbing and overcoming obstacles), acquire the necessary basics of exercise technique on gymnastic apparatus, and improve spatial coordination of movements. Purposefully applying exercises in hangs and emphasis in educational process taking into account the age, gender and physical fitness of students, the teacher is able to solve problems for the development of physical qualities.

      Hanging and rest exercises (Fig. 80-105) are performed on the gymnastic wall, ladder, rope, pole, log, crossbar, bars, horse. The study of the simplest exercises is recommended to be mastered by the group method. In the future, training should be carried out, having previously divided the class into pairs in order to control the correct implementation and, if necessary, to assist a friend.

      Hanging and resting exercises are simple in technique, so when teaching, they should be shown with a short explanation. After completing the exercise with the help of a teacher 2-3 times, students can later perform them on their own. Hangs and stops (simple) - positions in which the body is held on the projectile only with hands. In the hang, the shoulder axis of the performer is lower, and in the support above the grip points. Hangs and stops can be mixed and simple (mixed stops also include grays).

      Visa mixed(see fig. 179). Mixed hanging is a position of the body in which, in addition to support with hands, there is additional support on the floor or projectile with any part of the body. Hanging exercises can be performed in the grip from above, from below different grip and etc.

      Vis standing- stand at the projectile, grip with hands shoulder-width apart, keep the torso and head straight, the angle of inclination to the floor is not more than 45 °.

      Hang standing behind- the same as hanging while standing, but with your back to the projectile.

      Hanging standing bent over- the student is in a squat facing the projectile.

      Vis crouching from behind- squat with your back to the projectile.

      Vis lying- the position of the gymnast, in which the angle of inclination of the body does not exceed 45 °.

      Hang lying behind- the same as lying down, but with your back to the projectile.

      Hang lying right (left)- hanging lying sideways to the projectile, leaning with the legs to the right or left, hands at a distance of 10-15 cm.

      Hanging bent (bent) with support performed on the lower pole with feet resting on the upper pole.

      Hanging on the left (right) - hanging with additional support, bent at the knee with the left (right) leg.

      Visas are simple.

      Vis- a position of the body in which the grip on the width of the shoulders, arms, torso and legs form a straight line. Initially, the position of the hang is studied on the gymnastic wall by a group of 10-15 people. When studying the hanging with their backs to the wall, the teacher should ensure that the back of the head, shoulder blades, gluteal and calf muscles and heels of students touch the gymnastic wall. When hanging facing the gymnastic wall, it should be touched by the chest, stomach, hips and toes.

      Hanging with bent legs- from the hang, bend the legs at the knee and hip joints (without changing the position of the head, arms and torso).

      Hanging on bent arms performed from the hanging while standing, slightly pushing off with the legs and bending the arms.

      vis hunched over- the body is bent at the hip joints, the legs are raised and are above the body.

      Vis arched- students are in a head-down position, the body is bent, the head is laid back.

      Vis angle- the position of the body, in which the angle between the trunk and the raised straight legs is 90 °.

      Hanging from behind- the position of the body, in which the student is turned with his back to the projectile, the legs are straight and lowered as much as possible.

      Hanging on bent legs.

      The thrusts are simple.

      Emphasis- the position of the person practicing on the projectile, in which the shoulder axis is located above the grip points, the arms and body are straight, the head is straight.

      Emphasis on the forearms- a position in which the practitioner's arms are bent at the elbow joints at an angle of 90 °, leaning on the forearms and holding them with the hands from the outside, the elbows are slightly shifted inward.

      Emphasis on the hands - a position in which the support is along the entire length of the arms slightly bent at the elbows, the hands grab the poles from the outside, the body is perpendicular to the support.

      Angle stop- a position in which the raised legs form a right angle with the body.

      Emphasis right- a position in which the legs are widely separated, one forward, the other back.

      Approximate exercises in the hangs and stops:

      1. From hanging standing transition to hanging crouching (squatting).

      2. From hanging standing behind the transition to hanging crouching from behind (squatting).

      3. From the hanging, crouching, the transition to the lying lying legs behind by alternately exposing the legs.

      4. Crouching from hanging, raising legs, transition to hanging bent over.

      5. From the hang, crouching with a push with a jump of the right, the transition to the hang on the right.

      6. From the hang of the right (left), bending the leg, bend the left (right) jump to the hang, bending back.

      7. From hanging bent from behind, transition to hanging bent from behind.

      8. From the right hang, bending the leg, the transition to the right hang.

      9. From the standing hanging from behind, the transition to the hanging crouching from behind, the transition to the hanging bent from behind, the transition to the hanging bent in front (bending the legs in a swing), lowering the legs into the hanging lying down, stepping into the standing hanging.

      10. From support, transition to support with the right leg forward.

      11. From the emphasis on the right, go to the emphasis from behind, with the leg moving forward.

      12. From the stop behind the transition to the stop by alternately moving the legs.

      13. From the right stop, go to the stop by turning around.

      14. From the stop with the right (left) with a different grip, the transition to the stop by turning the shoulder forward and back, etc.

      Ups, downs, turns (Fig. 180-181).

      This section presents the simplest rises, falls and turns available for mass education of schoolchildren.

      Lifting the right (left) bending leg is performed from the right (left) hang, bending the leg, bending the free leg up and forward, followed by a swing down and back and pressing the bar with straight arms, move the shoulders forward and, unbending the supporting leg, go to point blank right (left).

      Coup lift performed from the hanging while standing, bending the arms with a push of one and a swing of the other. Keeping your arms in a bent position, take your leg back, then swing forward with one and push the other, bending at the hip joints, connecting both legs, send them back and forth until the stomach touches the bar. Further, raising your head and straightening your arms, straighten up, take the stop position.

      As this method is mastered, they begin to learn how to lift with a flip-push of two and then from a hang by force.

      The rise of the right one is performed from a standing hang, from an angle hang from a jump from a swing in the hang, after a fall from the right stop and from the stop. When lifting the right from the hanging while standing, you should take your leg back, then with a swing of your free leg, go to the hanging angle. Having passed the vertical, push off the floor alternately with your legs, bending, bringing your legs to the crossbar, jumping one, go to the vis with your right bent, make a short pause and, going back the vertical, vigorously straighten in the hip joints, pointing your legs forward and upward, press simultaneously with straight arms onto the bar of the crossbar and go to point-blank range. The left one is also lifted.

      Rise by force alternately - pull yourself up to the limit from the hang and jerk one hand to point-blank range. Shifting the weight of the body to the hand in support, transfer the other hand to support, straighten the arms and take the position of support.

      Decline back from support to hanging bent over It starts with moving the shoulders back. During the initial movement, the pelvis should be held at the crossbar. Having passed the vertical with your feet, you should bend at the hip joints, the toes of the legs are at the crossbar, the arms are straight.

      Turn forward right (left) performed from the position of the grip from below. Rising on the hands, a simultaneous forward movement is made with the leg and shoulders (stepping movement), the arms are straight, at the end of the turn, one should straighten up, giving the leg forward.

      Turn back right (left) performed from the position in the emphasis right (left). Rising on your hands, take the leg (located behind) back. The turnover begins with an active movement of the shoulders back (the body is straight) followed by a swing of the leg from behind forward. The turn ends with the movement of the head and shoulders back and up and at the same time the interception of the hands.

      APPENDIX 3

      Vis - gymnastic element. The position in which the line of the shoulder girdle of the athlete passes below the grip points. On the high bar, this position (hanging) is the starting point for all exercises without exception. The correct execution of the hang is especially important for gaining a swing of sufficient amplitude and subsequent swings. Classification: 1. Simple hangs - hangs in which the athlete holds on to the projectile with any one part of the body, usually the hands. 2. Mixed hangs - hangs in which additional support is used by another part of the body.

      Simple hangs

      1. Hanging arched. Hang, in which a straightened or slightly arched body is upside down (laid back) before sleeping next to or behind it.

      2. Hang from behind. Hanging on the hands laid back.

      3. Hanging bent over. Hang, in which the body is bent at the hip joints so that straight legs are above the body, before sleeping next to or behind it.

      mixed visas

      1. Vis crouching. Mixed hang, in which the bent legs touch the floor or support with the feet

      2. Hang standing. Mixed hanging, in which the body is straightened and tilted back, and the legs touch the floor with the feet under the grip.

      3. Hang standing from behind. Mixed hanging on the arms laid back, in which the straightened body is tilted forward, and the legs touch the floor with the feet under the grip.

      4. Hang lying down. Mixed hanging, in which the legs touch the floor with the feet in front of or behind the grip.

      5. Hang on the right (left). Mixed hanging, in which the right (left) bent leg rests with a popliteal bend on the projectile, and the left (right) is straight, the body is slightly bent, the head is laid back.

      APPENDIX 4

      Simple stops

      1. Horizontal stop. An emphasis at which a straight or slightly arched body is in a horizontal position.

      2. Emphasis on the forearms. Forearm resting position.

      3. Emphasis on the hands. Position on the uneven bars with support on the arms along their entire length.

      4. Emphasis on hands bent over. Emphasis on the hands, in which the raised straight legs are above the body.

      5. Emphasis of the legs apart, right (left). The position in support, when the right (left) leg is in front of the projectile, and the left (right) is behind it.

      6. Angle stop. An emphasis in which straight legs form an angle of 90 degrees with the body.

      Stops and their classification

      Emphasis is a gymnastic element. A position in which the shoulders are located above the fulcrum.


      1. Simple stops - positions with support only by hands.

      2. Mixed Stops- positions with support not only with hands, but also with other parts of the body.