What exercises help you run fast. Ways and exercises to increase running speed

Basics of parkour strong legs. You will not be able to overcome obstacles and make jumps if your legs are weak. Therefore, leg training should be given the main attention. The best way to do this is to run.

For all its outward simplicity, effective running requires mastery of technique and skills. Practice shows that the majority of amateurs run incorrectly: they get tired quickly, their breathing goes astray, the distances are not long and, in general, all this resembles “training under duress”. The question of how to learn to run fast is far from idle. If you asked them, then you want to run with pleasure, for a long time and not get tired.

Warm up before running

Common truth: before loading the body, it needs to be warmed up. Muscles, tendons, joints, cardiovascular and other body systems must come to the right tone. Only then will our body be able to correctly perceive the load and respond with the full mobilization of its resources.

  1. Stretch from top to bottom.

The warm-up should involve the whole body. It is wrong to warm up only the legs.

  • Start by tilting your head and stretching your neck.
  • Next, go to shoulder girdle: wave your hands circular motions hands
  • Make side bends.
  • Rotate your body to the right and left alternately.
  1. We raise our knees high.

Step in place, raising your legs so that your thigh is parallel to the ground (floor). Keep doing for 10 s. Pause. Repeat 5 times.

  1. We bring the leg back.

Raise the leg as high as possible, keep it straight, without bending at the knee, stretch the toe forward. Then - we start back. Let the leg take a natural position: bend a little at the knee - this will tighten the back muscles and stretch. Do 10 repetitions with each leg. Repeat several times.

  1. Semicircular leg movements.

Bending your leg at the knee, make a semicircle with your foot outward, then inward. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

  1. We stretch the ankle and foot.

Take your leg a little to the side, focus on your toes, lift your heel. Make circular movements with your foot without lifting it off the floor. Repeat several times, changing legs.

  1. Run in place.

Before you start a serious run, warm up for 2-3 minutes. in place.

Learn to run correctly

  1. Correct step.

When we talk about the correct step, we mean its size. If we take a step too long, then we land on the heel, which is absolutely wrong. If it is too short, then, on the contrary, it is too on the toe, which is also wrong: you start not to run, but to “jump”.

You should land on the forefoot, but not on the toe itself.

  1. Correct landing.

In running, they land with force, as if wanting to go a little “to the ground”. The momentum in the landing leg determines the strength of the subsequent repulsion, the size of the step and, accordingly, the speed of the run.

  1. The position of the leg during repulsion.

When pushing off, many concentrate on the knee, automatically raising it more than necessary. This is the wrong approach. The impulse is given by the gluteal and square femoral muscles. It is on them that the attention of the runner should be focused.

  1. Effective repulsion.

When the back leg leaves the ground, it should form an almost straight line with the shoulder and hip. So repulsion will be most effective.

  1. Posture

You need to run "chest forward", as if you were being pulled by a rope tied to your chest. The shoulders are straightened, the body “stretches” up and forward without bending. If you slouch or stoop, you won't run for long and you'll get tired quickly. Even if you are running uphill, make sure that the body does not deviate from a level position.

  1. Hand position.

The arms help in running by forming a complex with other muscles that gives impetus to the body. Don't try to put your arms wide, keep them close to your body. Correlate the amplitude of the movement of the hands with the speed of running: the more effort the legs make, the farther the arm is pulled back.

The hand should be clenched into a fist lightly, without effort. It's more of a fist shape than a clench.

Diversify your run

Before you learn how to learn how to run fast, you should understand one rule: do not make a routine out of running. The same route is good for trains and trams, but not for a person who wants to be an endurance runner.

When you run the same path for the tenth time, you turn on the “automatic”: your thoughts fly somewhere far away, your body does not work in full force, and the run is sluggish.

But, as in any other business, those who work at the limit of their capabilities improve in running. If you run "slightly", you will not achieve any result. In addition, running "on the machine" totally reduces attentiveness, which can cause some kind of trouble.

The problem is that urban conditions do not imply a wide variety of routes. It's good if you have a park nearby with lots of walking paths. For most people, there is only one more or less acceptable way to run, maximum two. To make running less repetitive and more focused on achieving maximum results, alternate between different types running.

  1. Run at maximum pace.

When we talk about “maximum pace”, we mean that you should run at the limit of your capabilities for at least 5 minutes. Gradually increase the time. Fast running trains endurance.

Fast does not mean taking big steps. This means pushing harder with your feet.

  1. Distance increase.

It is necessary to increase the load not only by increasing the speed, but also by periodically increasing the length of the path. The average pace of running allows you to monitor your posture and the correct movements of the legs and arms.

  1. Endurance running.

Run for 1 hour. The pace is slow. The goal is to run non-stop with normal breathing.

  1. Interval running.


  • minute of running at maximum speed;
  • minute walk.

Walking should be just walking, not a warm-up run. In addition to cardio, interval running gives good workout respiratory system.

  1. Running with obstacles

If there is a forest near your house, it is a good option arrange cross-country runs. So you can load the body as much as possible, which means you will run faster than anyone and not get tired longer.

Before learning how to run fast, consider the following tips.

  1. When training, set personal records.

To achieve a result, you must always have a goal. When you reach it, install a new one. And so on.

  1. Time to run.

Don't bother with this topic. Run when it suits you. But keep in mind that the body responds better to physical activity from 17.00 to 19.00.

  1. Look straight ahead.

When running, do not look purposefully at your feet. Direct your gaze into the distance, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Head position determines posture. How better posture the less tired the body.

  1. Turn off the music in the player and focus on breathing.

To improve your running results, you must fully immerse yourself in the process. Music in the ears is distracting. Despite the fact that many people consider musical accompaniment to help in sports, in reality, it reduces the productivity of these activities.

  1. If you experience pain while running, then something is going wrong.

Reduce your speed. If that doesn't help, stop running that day.

Running is energy intensive. A person weighing 60-70 kg spends about 300-500 kilocalories per hour of running, depending on the speed. If you have a desire to lose a dozen extra pounds, then this will only help. But if you are in normal form and you are not going to lose weight, then it’s good to refuel before running.

Requires "fast energy": glucose. Entering the body, it is immediately "burned" by the muscles. At the same time, the runner does not experience discomfort due to a full stomach, which happens after eating cereals, soups and second courses. Everything sweet can act as glucose, but it is better to give preference to multi-component products that contain not only sugar, but also long-digestible fats and proteins, for example:

  • chocolate bars with nuts;
  • a couple of pieces of cake;
  • any confectionery.

For example, a 90-gram Snickers bar contains about 500 kcal, which is enough to cover an hour of jogging.

Don't forget about water. A sufficient level of water in the body must be maintained constantly, regardless of whether you are going to run or not. Drink an additional 0.5 liters 5-10 minutes before running. Do not drink during exercise.

Running is a popular sport because it allows you to get rid of excess weight, improve health and energize. If a person decides to sports running, then speed is of great importance for him. This is important for winning competitions or passing standards. There are a few basic rules and tips on how to run fast correctly. If you follow the basic requirements and practice regularly, you can achieve good results in a short period of time.

How to learn to run very fast?

Thanks to numerous studies and experiments, scientists have been able to establish several basic principles that will allow for a short period of time to achieve good results.

What you need to do to run fast:

In addition to training, we must not forget the importance proper nutrition, since it is important for the body to consistently receive nutrients. Give preference to complex carbohydrates that provide energy for a long time.

If you've outgrown being a beginner runner, aimless runs may be getting boring for you. But that's no reason to stop running! Try to improve your run time. Take note of easy-to-described, but not at all easy-to-follow tips for improving speed, reaction time, correct concentration and body position while running.

Attention! Many of the listed methods are quite tough, so without fanaticism. Be sure to listen to your own feelings. Remember that the main thing is the Hippocratic principle "do no harm"!

Form the correct position of the body

The key to running (at any speed) is the formation of proper technique. It means that top part your body should remain straight but relaxed, the leg should drop to the ground with the middle of the foot moving from the hip, and the arms should move evenly back and forth (not side to side!), bent at a 90-degree angle.

Consider cadence

Be short-legged with long strides: keep your stride rate constant, no matter how fast you run. The fastest and most efficient runners take about 180 strides per minute, keeping their feet close to the ground, only lightly touching it during landing. Aiming for the magic number 90, count how many times your right leg touches the ground for a minute.

Slower, faster

Limited run time? Try interval training! Interval training - alternating periods of high and low intensity - is one of the effective ways work on speed and endurance. Plus interval training allow you to burn more calories in less time.

Run sprints

There is a reason real runners do short sprints before a big run. Strides(from English stride- « big step”) - a series of comfortable sprints (usually 8 to 12 runs of 50-200 meters each) - improve acceleration technique.

Run on a treadmill

Feeling the need for speed? Satisfy her on the treadmill! Because the speed of the treadmill belt helps the movement of the legs. In fact, running on a treadmill is faster and easier. In addition, the speed increase button is at your fingertips. Tech tip: It's worth getting good results on the track first before you forgo the digital accelerometer and go outside.


Experts are still arguing about whether static stretching actually prevents running injuries. But what is certain is that daily stretching exercises (targeting the hip flexors) increase the flexibility that is used when taking large steps.

Pick up the pace

Play with speed. Swedish even has a special word fartlek, signifying game with speed. Fartlek - alternating movement in the rhythm of an easy jog, then at a sprint pace - will help increase speed and endurance. In the course of such a game, you will achieve great results, tiring less than during a regular interval training.


jump rope

Take advantage of the experience of boxers - grab the rope. Boxers know that quick feet = quick hands. And for runners: foot speed = foot speed.

Choose light shoes

Even if running barefoot is not your choice, shoes are getting lighter and lighter to more closely mimic the natural movement of the foot and steps. Try the minimalist pair to get a feel for how less weight means more power for more speed.

Strengthen the center

Speed ​​and smartness go hand in hand. Stronger core muscles (especially lower press) allow runners to put more power and speed on the track. The best part is that for a faster finish, just 15 minutes of ab work a few days a week is enough.

Breathe in, breathe out

Just do it much faster! Learning to breathe while running at higher speeds takes practice. Breathe through both your nose and mouth to get the maximum amount of oxygen to deliver to your muscles. Additionally, you should definitely try belly breathing, that is, filling the belly with air, and not the chest, during each breath.

Lower your sugar

Unhealthy food will provide you high level sugar, which will necessarily negatively affect the speed. Get carbohydrates from whole grains, they will provide you with long-term energy without sudden drops in sugar levels.

play with toys

Who doesn't love new toys? Use additional gadgets and apps to add new experiences to your run.

Become the king of the hill

Even once a week, running uphill (Rolling hills mode on the track) has been proven to help increase your speed, strengthen your core muscles, and even increase your self-confidence.

Add weight

Strong lean muscles will only help in overcoming the finish line. While runners don't have to be bodybuilders, one or two short power training per week will greatly improve your running performance.


lose weight

On the other hand, studies show that losing weight (fat, not muscle!) can help you improve performance - an average of 3 seconds per kilometer for every kilogram you lose. Of course, not everyone has something to lose, so get your weight right before you go on a diet!


Proper hip rotation and maintaining a stable rhythm are important for running. For this reason, one of the recommended cross-training routines for runners is the stationary bike. And in the summer, perhaps, it is even better to ride down the street in the company of friends or a dog.

Even just looking down at your running shoes or turning your head while running to check how you are ahead of your rivals eats up valuable time. Instead, focus on what's in front of you, 10 to 20 meters down the track, and keep your eyes on the finish line.

Pull up your toes

Absolutely the whole body plays a role in the formation of speed: from the top of your head to the tips of your toes! Pay attention to your fingers and try to stretch them slightly (up towards the lower leg). In this case, a smaller part of the foot will touch the surface during the landing of the leg, and therefore the start of a new step will be faster.

Stick to a steady hard pace

Slow and steady can win the race, but fast and steady is guaranteed to win in speed too! The one who wants speed should choose a pace that can be called comfortably heavy. Maintain this pace for at least 20 minutes.


Use dope

Can't you go a day without coffee? Then good news for you! A cup of coffee before a race will give you extra speed. At the same time, this stimulant is absolutely legal.

Get in the plank

About the benefits of the bar on Lifehacker. This exercise does not require special equipment and is available to every runner. Do the plank for 2-3 minutes for 6-8 sets 2-3 times a week and you will run faster.

Learn Asanas

Add yoga to your workout plan. Flexibility improved with these postures will not only increase your speed, but will also help you recover faster after a long hard run.


Research shows that well-rested athletes have better reaction times and finish times. Think about this: you can get back your time at the finish line big time sleep.


On the same day - the day of the race - take off extra clothes. Extra layers, belts, gadgets - take them off at this point. Less clothes and devices on your body - more speed.

It is hard to find among runners those who would not like to run faster. Amateurs and pros, juniors and senior athletes all want to increase their running speed. Why does it depend? How to learn to run fast? If we abstract from the relief, weather conditions, then only from two factors: genetics and training.

At the same time, in the process of training, the number of mitochondria in the muscles can change, and, accordingly, their ability to generate energy with the participation of oxygen. It is also important for speed, especially over long distances. In addition, training leads to hypertrophy of the muscle fiber and the percentage of muscles will also change.

In untrained people, fast fibers are usually glycolytic, that is, type B predominates, and slow fibers are oxidative. This will be enough for mini-sprint races of 20-30 m to the bus stop or, for example, to the entrance from the meeting with the neighbor's dog. But of course, it is absolutely not enough for a competitive sprint and, moreover, fast run for medium and long distances. There is no way without targeted training.

Mitochondria are unique organelles in which glucose or fatty acid molecules are broken down into carbon dioxide and water during a cascade of reactions, resynthesizing ATP, which is necessary for muscle contraction. At the same time, it does not form lactic acid molecules, which “acidify” the muscle, as with glycolysis. Due to the appearance of additional mitochondria, fast muscle fibers according to their oxidative potential, they are converted from glycolytic to intermediate, and the transition of intermediate fibers to oxidative ones is also possible.

Even if it didn’t work out with genetics, by training regularly, you can significantly improve your performance and achieve good, and sometimes excellent results!

Maximum oxygen consumption

The role of muscles in providing speed qualities is great, but, of course, not absolute. Indeed, in order for the muscles, as well as other vital organs to receive oxygen, the coordinated work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is necessary.

The most famous indicator that describes the connection and efficiency of these systems and muscles is maximum oxygen consumption(MIC or VO2 max), which shows the amount of oxygen (in milliliters) that a person is able to consume within 1 minute.

The average BMD for young untrained men is 45 ml/min/kg, for women it is 38 ml/min/kg.

As a result of training, not only the number of mitochondria in the muscles increases, but also physiological adaptations occur such as an increase in blood plasma volume, systolic volume of the heart and stroke volume, tissue capillarization and, ultimately, such adaptations cause an improvement in the efficiency of oxygen transport to muscle cells and its use, and this is the key to improving performance in medium and long distance races.

BMD depends on genetic factors, age, sex, and is also closely related to muscle mass and quite accurately reflects the level of fitness.

Up to 20 years, there is an increase in the value of the IPC, from 25 to 35 years - stabilization and from 35 years - a gradual decrease in the IPC.

By the age of 65, the maximum oxygen consumption decreases by about a third.

Running Economy

Although knowledge of VO2 max will be quite informative, nevertheless, in long-distance competitions, it is rather not the maximum that can be squeezed out of oneself that is important, but the submaximal speed that the athlete can maintain throughout the entire distance. And this speed will depend on the BMD, and on the ability to utilize fats, the ability of buffer systems to deal with lactate “acidification”, on the running technique that allows you to optimally use the body's resources, etc. Actually, all this is united by such an integral concept as running economy. Running economy can vary up to 20% for runners with the same IPC. For well-trained athletes with similar VO2 max values, running economy is the best predictor of performance.

Therefore, it is precisely the increase in the economy of running that will improve performance, and hence the speed of long-distance runners.

Summarizing the above, I would like to emphasize that the athlete's running speed will be largely determined by his genetics.

In the same time proper workouts allow you to significantly increase the speed of running due to adaptive processes occurring in the muscles, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Interview with Dmitry Nikolaychuk

What exercises for the development of running speed in athletes are used in practice? How can amateur runners increase their running speed?

Professional athletes are the best at speed development. Approaches and "secrets" on how to learn to run fast, shared Dmitry Nikolaychuk, member of the Ukrainian national team athletics, champion of Kiev, prize-winner of the Championships of Ukraine in athletics 2013-2018, postgraduate student of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

- Hello, Dima! Our readers will be interested to get acquainted with the experience of a professional athlete. Please tell us what approaches are used to develop speed among amateurs?

- I can hardly be called a professional athlete. I would say I'm just a professional, since my main job is scientific activity plus coaching practice, which, however, does not prevent me from competing at official competitions. Although after each podium at the National Championship, the club and the coach tell me that it's enough to mock others with such an approach, a way of life.

- So here it is. The main approach in working with amateurs is do no harm 🙂 But in fact, before training running speed, a person needs to have a certain “base” (level physical training, strength training, endurance), training and recovery time, and motivation (goal). Accordingly, if there is no “base” or it is weak, we first work with it, laying the foundation, without which further progress will be impossible.

- If a runner has a sufficient base and experience, we determine what his goals are and how much time per week (month) he is ready to devote to training. Moreover, the training schedule should also be combined with competent recovery, and take into account different life situations. You need to develop gradually, step by step, make sure that there is no overtraining. Due to the peculiarities of the employment of amateurs - the main work, often the family, you need to try so that training harmoniously fits into life, and does not create additional stress for the trainee and others. There are so many stresses in life that affect our health, mood, running technique, etc.

- Well, Dima, the importance of the base is clear. Let's say we are lucky, there is an amateur with a good base who wants, for example, to improve his performance by 5 or 10 km, what exercises should be used to increase running speed?

– In this case, training for the development of speed can be based on three “pillars” known to us since the last century:

  1. Slides
  2. Segments

- Here, please tell us in more detail 🙂

- Of course, now let's go through each of the points.

Exercises for the development of running speed


Slides are quite a versatile exercise, including in order to increase endurance, strength and learn to run fast. In addition to strengthening many of the muscles involved in running, hill running also improves cardiovascular and oxygen efficiency. And this means that by training slides, a person will be able to run faster.

Important points:

  • it is worth starting with running on low hills, with a slight slope and short distances (50-60 m.).
  • after the slides, be sure to jog and “run up” your legs, that is, make several short accelerations on a flat one;
  • slides can be done 1-2 times a week, depending on the overall training volumes and tasks.

Special running exercises

Special running exercises (SBU) are speed exercises that affect muscle groups that affect the economy and efficiency of movements during running. And the more economical the run is, the faster the speed in a given segment.

These are the muscles of the front and back surfaces of the thigh, the hip flexor muscles, the knee joint, the gastrocnemius muscles, the flexor muscles of the foot and lower leg, which produce repulsion, the muscles responsible for bringing the hips together, the muscles of the buttocks, the muscles of the press and back.

In addition, SBU contribute to the improvement of intermuscular coordination.

What kind of exercises do you recommend?

– Regarding exercise:

  1. Running with an overlap of the lower leg

The exercise is mainly aimed at warming up the knee joint and strengthening the muscles. rear surface hips.


In this exercise, a kind of elastic run is performed with alternate bending feet in knee joint and throwing the shins to the buttocks. In this case, it is important to touch the buttocks with the heels and a high step frequency.

During the exercise, the torso is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are relaxed, the arms work as they do when running (or simply behind the back). When performing the exercise, pay attention to the soft and silent removal of the leg from the support.

  1. Running with high hips

The exercise affects the muscles of the anterior surface and the flexors of the hip, foot, and also improves intermuscular coordination.


Standing on the foot, you need to alternately raise the thigh of the fly leg high. The hip rises parallel to the surface, and when landing, the leg is elastically placed on the support. You need to maintain a high frequency of performing leg raises.

During this exercise, the shoulders should be relaxed, the arms bent at the elbows, the supporting leg and torso should be on the same line. The foot lands on the front, the back should be flat. Beginners can work with their hands, experienced runners can isolate their hands behind their backs.

  1. Running on straight legs

The exercise affects the calf muscles, as well as the muscles responsible for the reduction-breeding of the hips. Helps improve repulsion.


When performing the exercise, the straightened leg is actively placed on the support and the fly leg is quickly carried out, approximately at an angle of 45 °. In this case, there is a rapid progress.

The body is almost vertical, with a slight tilt back. Hands perform active work, as in running.

  1. deer run

The exercise is aimed at developing the calf muscles and the muscles of the back of the thigh.


When repulsed, the pushing leg is fully extended, and the swing leg is brought forward, bent at the knee joint. Hands work in different ways, helping to maintain balance. The position of the body is upright, with a slight inclination forward.

  1. "Bike"

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back of the thigh and the hip flexors, as well as the foot.


The leg is bent at the knee joint, the thigh is raised parallel to the ground. Further, the shin is carried forward and the leg with a raking movement begins to fall down onto the support under the center of gravity. After pushing, the pushing leg is swept back and the movement is repeated, but from the other leg.

The body is in a vertical position. Hands perform active movement in a large amplitude.

  1. Lunges

Lunges develop balance, stability and coordination


The exercise is done slowly. The step should be long enough so that the angle of the front leg is straight.

The widest possible steps, placing the foot on the heel, deep squatting. At correct execution the next two days, all the muscles of the legs will remind of themselves in the most unexpected places.

  1. mincing run

The exercise develops running technique and coordination.

Short steps as long as your own foot. Landing on the toe, relaxed shoulders and arms.

More exercises and techniques for their execution can be viewed in this video:

SBU can be practiced independently, at home, but it is desirable that the trainer “set” the exercise technique first.


Segments are direct work with speed. Depending on the goals and objectives, the intensity of running and the length of the segments will vary.

What is important:

  • for high-speed work, amateurs will have enough 200-300 m segments
  • after each segment you need a good rest-recovery (about 8 minutes).
  • for beginners, the number of segments should not be large, 3-5 will be enough; the main thing is to work out the accelerations themselves with high quality.
  • it is best to do speed work rested and “fresh”, for example on Tuesday after a rest on Monday or even on Wednesday.
  • when working with more trained athletes who have experience and a good base, the number of segments, length - can be increased depending on the tasks.

- Dima, please tell me, will the exercises for running long distances and medium distances differ and in what way?

- On early stages- Hardly ever. Then, of course, for middle-distance runners, along with the development of speed, it will be necessary to adapt the body to the need to utilize lactate, to work in the “acidification” mode. For long-distance runners - important from the point of view. metabolism will be the establishment of a fat oxidation system, which is achieved by long runs in the aerobic zone.

– How about using tempo workouts at marathon pace for amateur long-distance runners?

- It is hardly necessary for most fans. Everything, of course, will depend on the goals and objectives of training. For some, this type of training will also be relevant. But due to the loads that it gives to the cardiovascular system, it must be used wisely. It is not for nothing that all track and field training systems necessarily include a long slow run. The popularizer of introducing such a run into the practice of training athletes was Arthur Lydiard. Precisely slow long run- helps to develop the cardiovascular system for subsequent intensive loads during high-speed work.

- What about using a running exercise like - (variable speed running) to improve running speed?

- is also very good way when used correctly. For example, alternating short accelerations with jogging can be used to develop speed skills. Longer accelerations, shorter jogging times, can be used to develop speed endurance.

- In general, in training you need to take into account everything. Athletes have a popular saying “the plan is not a dogma, but a guide to action.” By the way, which, as it turned out for me, was paraphrased from an article by Engels and Marx.

- I see, thank you very much, Dima!

- Please! And do not forget about the need for high-quality recovery after training. Otherwise, all the results of the preparation can “reduce to zero”. There will be good basic training - the speed will come! Train regularly and don't rush! Remember - you go in for sports in the first place to improve your health!

A person often thinks about the limit of his own abilities when he experiences physical, mental or psychological stress. Athletes living under the motto “Faster! Higher! Stronger! ”, Strive to surpass themselves and show their best result. Many athletes and lovers of an active lifestyle are wondering how to increase their running speed. In fact, this requires 2 things - a willingness to systematically train and a specific motivating goal.

What determines running speed

Running speed is determined by innate factors and it is impossible to radically change it. But thanks to regular and hard training, you can significantly improve your performance and unlock your own potential.

The speed of movement depends on the nervous processes that affect:

  • the ability of muscles to contract and relax quickly;
  • the ability of a person to make the maximum number of movements in a short time.

If a person is clamped and all his muscles are in tension, he will not be able to run fast. It is very important to learn how to move in a relaxed state, otherwise it will be impossible to overcome a large distance. In addition, there is a possibility of stretching the ligaments. Excitatory and inhibitory processes occur in the human head, and the goal of training to increase running speed is to influence the inhibitory effect of antagonist muscles.

In addition to the factors inherent in human nature, the ability to overcome the distance at an accelerated pace is influenced by variable components:

Running speed is made up of stride length and frequency, so during training, you need to focus on working with these components.

Basic aspects of training

Work on improving speed performance will bring results if:

  1. a clear goal is indicated (run a certain distance in a specific time);
  2. training is carried out regularly (2-3 times a week) and with full dedication;
  3. a clear and well-organized training program was drawn up.

The speed of movement is affected by how developed the muscles of the legs are. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the training program strength exercises. Another important point- this is jumping ability, the ability to push off and instantly gain acceleration. Therefore, jumping movements also need to be given attention. And finally, you should definitely work on overcoming short high-speed distances. Usually races are recommended in sections of 60 m, 100 m, 150 m.

As noted earlier, it is enough to train to increase running speed no more than 3 times a week. In the first lesson, you can pay attention to working with speed indicators on short distances, and the second time to focus on the performance of jumping and strength exercises.

On other days, you need to work out the correct running technique. Professional athletes step over from toe to heel, which reduces the risk of injury and contributes to an even distribution of the load on the foot. During a fast run, the right technique will help you cover a greater distance without harming your muscles, ligaments, and bones.

Exercises and runs

Below are a few speed-boosting exercises that you can incorporate into your strength day.

  1. Jumping from a semi-squat. You need to try to jump as high as possible. Do 10 repetitions.
  2. Jumping from a lunge with a change of legs in the air. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Jumping over an obstacle. It is necessary to arrange 10 objects of the same height along the treadmill so that they are staggered at a distance of 60 cm from each other. It is important to jump over obstacles, and not to run across.
  4. Jumping on one leg. You need to try to jump as high as possible and hang a little in the air. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.
  5. Jump run. You need to stretch the steps in length and height.
  6. Rope jumping.
  7. Work on resistance in pairs. One athlete must wrap an elastic band around the waist of the other and hold it at both ends. Then the runners begin to move in the opposite direction from each other. In this way, you need to overcome 10 m and do 10 repetitions.

To increase speed, you can use interval training on a day free from the strength unit. That is, it is necessary to alternate jogging and sprinting at the highest possible speed. After each race, the body needs to rest for about 5 minutes, but no more, so that the muscles do not have time to completely relax. You can also use running with a change of direction and sprints from lying and sitting positions.

If training takes place on uneven terrain, you can practice running downhill. It is necessary to overcome about 30-50 m and take a minute break. Repeat 10 times.

  1. It is impossible to improve speed performance without the ability to overcome long distances. Therefore, you must first practice long distances at your usual pace and gradually increase it.
  2. During pair races and marathons, it makes no sense to equal other participants or try to overtake them. So you can quickly get tired or get injured.
  3. No need to think about the correct technique while running - this will not help increase speed.
  4. Also, you should not try to artificially stretch the step, otherwise you can damage the ligaments.
  5. You can train at any time in the morning or in the evening.
  6. It is undesirable to skip workouts. You need to practice despite laziness or a bad mood. However, you should listen to yourself. Exercise will not be beneficial if the body is depleted by illness or the athlete has undergone emotional and mental overload. You need to learn to distinguish the reasons why you don’t want to go to training: perhaps this is a manifestation of laziness or inertia, or the body saves energy for recovery.
  7. If possible, races should be held outdoors.
  8. IN Everyday life and in training it is recommended to practice fast walking in a relaxed state. This will help the muscles get rid of tightness while overcoming the marathon.
  9. A person will run faster if he marks a certain goal on the horizon. Then the distance to the object will visually appear shorter. In addition, the athlete will not look at the floor, but straight ahead, which will help him keep his posture.
  10. To avoid thirst and dry mouth, you need to drink a glass of clean water half an hour before the race.
  11. But eating before the sprint is prohibited. You can have a light snack in an hour, but not later.
  12. You should take care of comfortable shoes. Sneakers should be with a soft corrugated surface and fit perfectly on the foot. It is better not to wear sneakers, because they do not protect the foot from shock.
  13. During training, it is good to run to the music. You can create your own playlist that will help you maintain a fast pace for quite some time.
  14. Intense and sweeping hand movements contribute to acceleration and the development of acceleration.
  15. During a marathon, it is easier to count not the distance, but the objects that come across on the way. You need to focus on external objects, and not on how fast a person is moving or how many meters are left before the finish line.
  16. Mental overload takes away strength, so before the race it is better to sleep well, watch some light comedy. In general, do only what brings pleasure and promotes nervous relaxation.

All tips for increasing running speed are secondary. The most important thing is to train hard and work on yourself.