What is the difference between hanging and pushing in gymnastics. Exercise "corner" for the press

state budget professional educational institution

Rostov region

"Zernograd Pedagogical College"


lesson physical culture,

held on October 30, 2015 in 4 "A" class

MBOU secondary school UIOP of the city of Zernograd

student of GBPOU RO "ZernPK"

Izosova Anastasia Alexandrovna

Teacher: O.A. Antipkina

Methodist: Zh.A. Tymoshenko




Class: 4 "A"

Lesson topic: "Gymnastics.Visas on gymnastic wall ».

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for the formation of students' ideas about the hangings on the gymnastic wall.

Learning objectives:

Aimed at achieving personal results:

1. Mastering the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle;

2. Development of achievement motivation and readiness to overcome difficulties on the basis of constructive co-ownership strategies and the ability to mobilize one's personal and physical stress resistance resources.

Aimed at achieving meta-subject results:

1. The ability to plan, regulate, control and evaluate their actions;

2. Implementation of mutual control;

3. Formation of the ability to work in a team, to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

Aimed at achieving substantive results:

1.Prevention of posture;

2. Mastering the ways of motor activity;

3. Improving the technique of performing hangs on the gymnastic wall among students

Inventory for the teacher:sports uniform, whistle, basketballs, chips, explanatory - illustrative material.

Student inventory: sports uniform.

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities

Universal learning activities

I.Organizational stage

Welcomes students:

"Hello! My name is Anastasia Alexandrovna.

And today I will give you a physical education lesson.

It creates an emotional mood for learning new material.

Checks the readiness of students for the lesson.

Introduces the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Reminds about safety and breathing techniques in physical education classes.

Listen to information from the teacher.

Enter into a dialogue and remember TB during the warm-up

Personal: The internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude to the lesson of physical culture.

II.The stage of updating knowledge

Gives the command: “Equal! Quietly!

Gives the command: "To the right!"

Gives the command "Step march!".

Gives the command "Put your hands on your belt, march on your toes!"

Gives the command "Put your hands behind your head, walking on your heels, march!"

Gives the command: “March with the usual step!”

Gives the command: “Put your hands on your belt, march with side steps with your right side!”

"Left side march!"

"A normal run march!"

"Breathing recovery."

"The guide is in place - the rest are in place left, left 1-2-3."

Stop! One-two! Left!"

Gives the command: "Stand in two lines!".

Gives the command: "Open your arms outstretched!".

Conducts outdoor switchgear on site (see Appendix No. 1).

Teachers listen carefully.

Perform walking with the task.

Perform a run with a task.

Perform outdoor switchgear in a circle.

Regulatory: control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard.


the establishment by students of the connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

III. Learning new material.

Conducts a conversation about hanging on the gymnastic wall. (see Appendix No. 2).

Explains safety precautions when hanging on the gymnastic wall. (see Appendix No. 3).

Explains the technique of hanging on the gymnastic wall. ( see Appendix No. 4)

Shows the technique of hanging on the gymnastic wall.

Supervises the execution of the students' hangs.


Engage in dialogue with the teacher.

Students become familiar with safety precautions.

Monitor execution technique

cross country running.

Watch the teacher carefully.

Perform hangs

Cognitive: get acquainted with the technique of cross-country running

and strictly follow it.

Regulatory: identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned; predict the result of assimilation of the studied material.

IV. Primary comprehension and consolidation

Conducts an outdoor game "Hunters and ducks."

Conducts a sedentary game

"Disguise in the columns."

(see Appendix No. 5).

Creates an emotional mood and provides motivation for performance.


They take an active part in games.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task in the process of participating in the game.

v.Summary of the lesson. Reflection

Gives the command: “Class in one line, stand! Equal! Quietly!

Summarizes the lesson.

Summarizes the knowledge gained by students in the lesson:

1. What did we do at the lesson today?

2. What exercise technique did we repeat today?

3. What is vis?

4. The main condition for the safety of classes when doing exercises in the hangs?

Students engage in dialogue with the teacher and summarize the lesson.


They understand the importance of knowledge for a person, predict the level achieved in the lesson.


Application No. 1.

A set of general developmental exercises without an object

1. Head tilts.

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - head tilt forward; 2 - head tilt back, 3 - head tilt to the right, 4 - head tilt to the left.

2. Circular rotation of the head.

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 14 - circular motions head to the right; 5 - 8 - in the other direction.

3. Circular rotations in shoulder joints.

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands to the shoulders. 1 - 4 - forward rotation; 5 - 8 - the same back.

4. Jerks with arms with a turn to the side.

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands in front of the chest. 1 - 2 - jerking hands in front of the chest; 3 - 4 - jerking hands with a turn to the right.

5. Tilt forward.

I.p. - legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-tilt to the left leg, left hand behind the belt, right hand - behind the head; 2 - I.p.; 3 - tilt to the right, right hand behind the belt, left hand - behind the head.

6. Tilts.

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt the body forward, 2 - tilt back, 3 - tilt to the right, 4 - tilt to the left.

7. Lunges forward.

I. p. - the main stand. 1 - lunge with the right foot forward; 2-3 springy movements; 3- jump change of foot.

8. Squats. I. p. - hands on the belt, legs together. Girls 10 times, boys 15 times.

9. Jumping with cotton.

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt; 1-3 - three jumps in place; 4 - jump, bending the legs forward and clapping the palms on the knee.

10. Exercises to restore breathing.

Application №2

Conversation "Hanging on the gymnastic wall."

Vis- this is the position of the body in which the shoulders are below the grip points.

grip- method of holding the projectile: from above, from below, wide, narrow.

Types of visas: hanging, hanging on bent arms, during which students hold on to the projectile only with their hands and mixed hangs: standing hanging, lying down, crouching hanging, where the outfit can be supported by other parts of the body.

With the help of hanging exercises, problems of not only general physical, but also applied nature are solved. The skills of performing exercises in simple and mixed forests are used in tourism for walks and outdoor games. Exercises in weights are applied or the development of strength and strength endurance, especially the muscles and ligaments of the hands and shoulder girdle, abdominals, back. They have a positive effect on the spine and the muscular corset that surrounds it. Many exercises end with brackets and a landing, so safety precautions should always be observed during training.

Application №3

"Safety when hanging on the gymnastic wall":

The main condition for the safety of classes when doing exercises in the hangs is the reliability of the grips.

This should be constantly brought to the attention of students.

For insurance, a trampoline, mats, a belt for insurance, gloves, palm pads are used.

The student must:

Listen carefully and clearly follow the instructions of the teacher;

While moving, look ahead, keep sufficient interval and distance, avoid collisions;

Students cannot:

Leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher;

Pushing, tripping and moving;

Climb on basketball farms, hang on the rings;

Chewing gum;

Interfere and distract when explaining the task and performing exercises;

Perform exercises with wet palms;

Change direction abruptly.

Application No. 4

"Technique for performing hanging on the gymnastic wall ":

Demonstration of hanging on the gymnastic wall. Demonstration of swinging and pulling up techniques on the gymnastic wall from a hanging position.

Hanging with your back to the gymnastic wall.

You need to approach the Swedish wall, stand on the second lower rail, make a grip with your hands, turn your back to the wall, take the hanging position. When performing the exercise, be careful. Raising the legs in the hang at a right angle. In the hang, raise the legs to a right angle. Hold for 3 seconds.

Hanging pull-ups.

Perform pull-ups at the Swedish wall. Starting position, hanging with an overhand grip. The student pulls up to the transition with the chin reiki, without pauses of rest, swaying, and hypotension of the legs in the knees. The body is straight, the legs are closed. The legs are on the 2 lower rails. Holding the body depends to hold 15 seconds.

Pull-ups at a 45 degree angle.

Divide the class into 4 groups.

Need to come to wall bars, stand on the second lower rail at an angle of 45 degrees. Make a grip with your hands, legs together.

Performing hanging pull-ups. Quantity 10 times.

Starting position, hanging with an overhand grip. When performing the exercise, be careful.

Application No. 5

Description of the mobile game "Hunters and ducks"

One of the teams - "ducks" - becomes in the middle of a large, pre-defined circle, the other - "hunters" - outside the circle. Hunters try to get volleyball in ducks. Ducks touched by the ball are out of the game. The roles change when the hunters salt all the ducks. The team that knocks out the ducks in the least amount of time wins.

Instructions for the game . 1) Ducks can only run in a circle, and hunters can beat ducks only from their place; 2) The attention of the players should be drawn to the fact that it is beneficial for the hunters to throw the ball to each other and hit the ducks with it only when they are close to the player with the ball; 3) you can calculate the win not by time, but by the number of hits with the ball on the ducks, and the pass is not considered a hit.

sedentary game"Disguise in the columns"

The class is built in a circle and during the game they go in a circle or scatter.

At an arbitrary signal from the teacher “Mop!”, “Path!”, “Bumps!”, The players form a circle with their hands raised (mop); put their hands on the shoulders of those in front (path); squat (bumps).

The first acquaintance with the horizontal bar

There are a lot of exercises on the horizontal bar. You need to start acquaintance with this gymnastic apparatus with the development of hangs and stops.


Hanging is considered the simplest exercise. From it - at any age - the development of the horizontal bar begins.

First you need to learn how to hang, completely relaxing the whole body, straightening your arms at the elbows and “failing” at the shoulders. The fact that you are doing everything right is signaled by a pulling sensation in the lower back and shoulders. The purpose of the exercise is simple - to learn to relax. This hang is soothing and relaxing after a workout. After all, we often fuss, hurry, and such a vis - a kind of yogic "pose of the deceased" - both relaxes the muscles and helps to relax internally.

After that, you need to master the hang, which is starting position in strength exercises performed from a hanging position. The arms are straightened at the elbows, the lower back is slightly tense, that is, in good shape. Do not “fall through” in the shoulders! It is necessary, without bending the arms, to lift the body up. This rise is small, only 2-3 centimeters, but it will protect you from injury during strength exercises. To master it faster, you need to practice.

· Then there are various power hangs and movements in the hang. I must immediately make a reservation: many people ignore exercises aimed at mastering the hang and emphasis, trying to move on to power movements as soon as possible - pull-ups, power lifts and other exercises of this kind. This is mistake. Among the simplest exercises, there are those that put a lot of stress on the body, on the muscles, so they can be performed only after serious preparation.

To start - a few words about grip width during the hang. The grip can be narrow - when the palms touch or are located close to each other; medium - palms shoulder-width apart and wide - palms wider than shoulders. And now about how the hands should be located relative to each other. The grip can be direct (turn the palms away from you), reverse (turn the palms towards you) and different (turn one palm away from you, turn the other towards you).

From the hang with a narrow straight grip in small “steps”, spread your arms to the sides to the hang wide grip, then bring them together. Repeat several times in a row. Do not "fall through" in the shoulders.

· From hanging on two hands, go to hanging on one hand. Better reverse grip, that is, you need to hang so that you can see not the back of the working hand, but its palm. Do not unwind, trying to maintain balance with the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Do not "fall through" in the shoulders.

Hanging sideways on two hands. Hanging movements sideways. The legs hang relaxed, do not bend at the knees and do not “walk” through the air in time with the movement of the hands. You can move face forward (Fig. 1) and back forward. This hang is performed either with a deep grip, when the grip is carried out not only with the fingers, but also with the palmar part of the hand, or only with the fingers. You can move in two ways: "cross" step and "stepping". In the first case, each subsequent interception is carried out through the supporting arm, so to speak, with an overlap. The left hand, then the right hand, turns in front. In the second case, one hand remains in front - from beginning to end, and the other is attracted to it during movement.

The same exercise can be performed by bending your elbows to a right angle. It's very efficient strength exercise. The rod of the horizontal bar touches the shoulder. There are two ways to move, as in the previous exercise. Complication: the exercise can be performed with the legs in the “angle” position. But this option is rather complicated. This exercise can be performed not only on the horizontal bar, but also on the "hand walker". The pace can also be changed, although it is preferable to still slow - power.

· In the hang with a medium straight grip, bend, take your head back and press it to the top of the shoulder blades (Fig. 2). Maintain the position without holding your breath for a few seconds. Lower yourself, repeat. You can perform the exercise dynamically, that is, without delay several times in a row. Do not hurry. One repetition should take 4-5 seconds.

While hanging, while exhaling, bring your knees to your chest. At the same time, pull the chin to the knees. Exercise perfectly pulls and at the same time unloads the back. Indispensable after working in the garden, in the allotment, after a long walk, after a hard day, while traveling by bike. You need to repeat this exercise several times in a row until the muscles get tired.


The next position is emphasis. This exercise is more difficult than hanging. You need to hold on to the horizontal bar rod tightly, with a deep grip. The arms are straightened at the elbows, do not “fall through” in the shoulders, trying to raise the head above the shoulders. In order for a strength exercise with point-blank range to bring maximum effect, you need to learn, being in emphasis, not to touch the rod with any parts of the body, except for the hands.

It is better to master the emphasis on a low horizontal bar. The rod must be reinforced at shoulder level. You need to go to point-blank range with a push of your legs from a semi-squat: a push - an emphasis. Emphasis - arms straightened. Down again and again with a push - point-blank. Gradually increase the number of repetitions.

· Emphasis, bending the arms. The load here is high. It is necessary not only to keep the body in focus, but also to maintain balance. You need to get into this position by slowly lowering from the stop. Don't forget to breathe evenly.

After these two exercises are well mastered, you can combine them - with a push to go point-blank, slowly lower yourself to point-blank range, bending your arms, linger in this position for 2-3 seconds and go to the hanging while standing. Repeat.

· The next exercise is a half-rest, when the elbow of one hand is looking up, and the elbow of the other hand is looking down (as in a power lift). This is a complex static strength exercise. Designed to strengthen ligaments and work out balance. From this position, you need to learn to go to emphasis on straightened arms, and also to move from the emphasis to the semi-emphasis position.

Finally, focus on one hand. Being in the semi-stop position, carefully lower the other (non-supporting) hand down, turning it with the palm outward, and hold this position for several seconds. Don't hold your breath. Change hand. When this exercise is mastered, it can be improved. From the semi-stop, slightly rise up and change the supporting hand. This is not a push-up, but a change in hand positions in a semi-upo ra.

Hang - a position in which the line of the shoulder girdle of the athlete passes below the grip points. There are simple hangs, in which they hold onto the projectile with one part of the body (most often with the hands), and mixed hangs, in which additional support is used by another part of the body (leg, legs, etc.). .

Sitting hanging - mixed hanging, in which bent legs touch the floor or support with their feet. For example: on bars of different heights.

Hanging hanging - hanging, in which a straightened or slightly bent body is upside down (laid back) in front of or behind the projectile.

Simple hang - a position in the hang, when the projectile is captured by one part of the body (arms, legs, socks).

Mixed hanging - hanging position with additional support on the projectile or the floor with another part of the body.

Hanging from behind - hanging on hands laid back.

Hanging bent - hanging, in which the body is bent in hip joints so that straight legs are above the body, in front of the projectile or behind it.

Hang standing - mixed hang, in which the body is straightened and tilted back, and the legs touch the floor with the feet under the grip.

Standing hanging from behind - a mixed hanging on the arms laid back, in which the straightened body is tilted forward, and the legs touch the floor with the feet under the grip.

Hang lying - mixed hang, in which the legs touch the floor with their feet (on bars of different heights - hips) in front or behind the grip.

Hanging on the right (left) - mixed hanging, in which the right (left) bent leg rests with a popliteal bend on the projectile, and the left (right) is straight, the body is slightly bent, the head is laid back ..

On high bar this position (vis) is the starting point for all exercises without exception. Especially important correct execution hanging for a set of swing of sufficient amplitude and subsequent swinging.

In the hanging position, the body should be as straight as possible. This is achieved by sagging in the sternoclavicular and shoulder joints, as well as by relaxing the muscles in the lumbar region. The arms are also straightened, but not tense. Legs should be straightened at the knee and hip joints, socks pulled back. It is expedient to teach hanging in a holistic way.

Emphasis - a position in which the shoulders are located above the points of support. There are simple and mixed stops. In simple ones - one point of support, and in complex ones - two or more points of support. .

Side thrust - a position with a straight body sideways to the projectile and support with one arm and legs.

Emphasis on top - legs apart right (left).

Horizontal stop - stop at which a straight or slightly bent body is in a horizontal position.

Ring emphasis - lying on the stomach with the support of the arms and hips of the legs bent back, touching the head with the feet.

Lying emphasis - a position with support with straight arms and toes of outstretched legs.

Emphasis lying on the hips - a lying position with support with straight arms and the front surface of the thighs.

Emphasis on the knees - the position of kneeling with the support of the hands.

Emphasis on the forearms - a position based on the forearms.

Emphasis on the hands - the position on the bars with support on the hands along the entire length.

Emphasis on the hands bent over - emphasis on the hands, in which the raised straight legs are above the body.

The emphasis of the leg apart outside is an emphasis with straight legs wide apart horizontally, located behind the hands.

Right (left) leg rest apart - the position in support, when the right (left) leg is in front of the projectile, and the left (right) is behind it.

Emphasis crouching - squat position, knees together, with support with hands near the socks.

Different emphasis - 1) The position on the women's uneven bars, when one hand is in emphasis on the lower pole, and the other is in emphasis on the hand on the upper one. 2) The position on the horse, when one hand rests on the handle, the other on the body of the projectile.

Emphasis on the back - 1) Sitting position with the support of the hands laid back, or lying with a straight body and support with the heels. 2) The position at the stop, when the projectile is behind the body.

Emphasis in front - 1) The position of a straight or slightly arched body with support on the projectile with hands and the front surface of the thighs or socks. 2) The position in support, when the projectile is in front of the body.

Emphasis standing legs apart - emphasis with straight legs apart.

Emphasis standing bent over - standing tilt forward with support by hands. .

Hanging and resting exercises represent various positions (horizontal, vertical and inclined) and movements of those involved in gymnastic equipment in these positions. Hanging and rest exercises are available for children from 7-8 years old. IN curriculum By physical education they are included from class I. .

The adoption of various positions in the hangings and supports, balancing the body in certain postures are associated with tonic contractions of the entire musculature. Performing exercises in the hangs and supports, having a general strengthening effect on the body, contributes to the harmonious development of all physical qualities, especially static strength, and moving the body from one position to another requires dynamic muscle efforts, which is important for the development of speed-strength qualities.

Various body positions: inclined, vertical (head down) - have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as on the activity of the organs of balance (vestibular apparatus). Performing exercises in the hangs and supports is associated with holding postures that require the ability of those involved to coordinate the work of many muscle groups. Muscle sensations that occur when doing exercises in the hangs and stops, as well as the presence of tonic reflexes covering the entire muscles of the body, create favorable conditions for maintaining correct posture. It is also essential that when performing exercises in the hangs and supports, children acquire the ability to assess the position of their body in space, to distinguish between the duration static postures and the nature of muscular effort. The ability to perform exercises in the hangs and supports with good posture, easily and beautifully, is important for preparing children for gymnastics.

To perform exercises in the hangs and supports, depending on the coordination complexity and the availability of appropriate equipment, frontal, group and line methods of organizing students can be used.

Grade I students master climbing on an inclined bench, on a gymnastic wall, pulling up lying on their stomach on a horizontal bench, climbing over a hill of mats and a gymnastic bench. Climbing and climbing are associated with overcoming obstacles and are of practical importance. Climbing and climbing exercises are active motor actions, during which all links are included in the work. locomotive apparatus. In addition, a general physical impact on a large number of muscle groups is provided, which is important for the development of strength, speed strength and agility, as well as the development of courage and confidence in one's actions. The presence of a wide variety of climbing techniques on various gymnastic apparatus (obliquely placed gymnastic benches, a gymnastic wall, ropes, poles), climbing over a gymnastic balance beam, a horse, a hill of mats make these exercises accessible to students of all age groups. In the lessons of basic gymnastics in the lower grades, climbing exercises are carried out in

mixed stops and hangs. Climbing in mixed supports and hangs is much easier than on one hand, since when climbing in mixed hangs, the arms, legs and muscles of the body take part in the work. Given the difficulty of climbing exercises, it is necessary to conduct them starting from simple tricks, such as climbing on inclined gymnastic benches, a gymnastic wall, inclined and horizontally suspended ropes, and then move on to learning vertical rope climbing techniques.

Climbing on sloped benches

Execution technique. Climbing in class I is carried out on inclined benches at an angle of 30 ° in emphasis, crouching and kneeling with the same name (the movement of the left foot is combined with the movement of the left hand or right foot and right hand) and opposite (the movement of the left foot is combined with the movement of the right hand and vice versa) ways (Fig. 115).

Sequence of learning.

    Perform on the floor of the position emphasis crouching and emphasis kneeling.

    The same, but on gymnastic benches placed parallel to each other. Pupils of 5-8 people line up at each bench facing it at an equal distance from each other. At the command of the teacher, they sit astride it, grab the edges of the bench with their hands and, leaning on their hands, put their legs alternately on the bench, taking the positions of the crouching support and the kneeling support (repeat each position 2-3 times). Exercises are performed frontally by the whole class.

    Climbing on horizontal benches in an emphasis crouching in the same way. Students line up in a column one by one to the narrow side of each of the 4-5 benches. By order-

To the teacher’s direction, the students standing first in the columns lean their hands on the edges of the bench and begin to move around. As soon as the first students advance 1-2 m forward, the second ones start climbing, and so on in a flow way. The student who has completed the exercise stands behind his column.

    The same in a different way.

    The same as exercises 3, 4, but in an emphasis on your knees.

    The same as exercises 3, 4, 5, but on benches set at an angle of 30 °. To perform these exercises, it is necessary to strengthen the hooks to the benches for hanging them from the gymnastic wall.

Typical mistakes: improper coordination of movements of the arms and legs.

After mastering the climbing on the benches in the crouching and standing emphasis, you can start pulling up while lying on your stomach on a horizontal bench, which is a lead-in exercise for pulling up from the hanging lying and hanging. The exercise begins from a position lying on your stomach at one end of the bench, with your head towards its opposite end. With your hands, take away the edges of the bench and, bending your arms, pull your torso to your hands, then intercept your hands forward and pull your torso again. Thus, reach the end of the bench and finish the exercise. Perform in-line method on 4-6 benches.

Climbing on the gymnastic wall

Execution technique. On the gymnastic wall, as well as on the gymnastic benches, climbing up and down is performed with the same name (Fig. 116, A) and opposite (Fig. 116, b) ways, as well as left and right side steps. When climbing, look at the place where the hands are intercepted.

Sequence of learning.

    Free climbing up and down.

    Climb up, stepping on each rail alternately with two feet.

    Imitation of the movements of the arms and legs on the floor for climbing in the same way.

    Climbing up and down the wall in the same way.

    Imitation of hand movements on the floor for climbing in a different way.

    Climbing up and down the wall in opposite ways to a certain height.

7. Climbing left and right. The exercise is performed with fixed steps with alternating rearrangement in the direction of the same leg and arm. First, they move standing on the lower rail along 2-3 spans, then along the entire length of the wall. After this, climbing is performed at a higher height (up to the 5-6th rail).

Climbing over a gymnastic bench and a hill of mats

Execution technique. The main task is to teach students how to climb over vertical obstacles (gymnastic bench, slide of mats). The class is divided into 4-5 columns. The exercise is performed in each column in turn, with two students on each bench.

Sequence of learning.

    Stand side by side gymnastic bench, rest your hands on its edges, alternately put your feet on the bench at point-blank kneeling and, alternately rearranging your legs to the other side of the bench, finish the exercise.

    The same, but crouching through the emphasis.

    The same, but step over first with one foot, then with the other.

    Climbing in an arbitrary way through two benches standing on the floor in parallel at a distance of 30-50 cm.

    Climbing in an arbitrary way over a gymnastic bench, reinforced at an angle of 30 °.

    Climbing in an arbitrary way over a hill of mats.


"Methods of teaching hangs and stops in the secondary school"

1. Definition of hangs and stops

2. The value of hangs and stops

3. Types of hangs and stops

4. Methods of teaching hangs and stops from I to XI classes

Definition of hangs and stops

Hanging and resting exercises represent various positions (horizontal, vertical and inclined) and movements of those involved in gymnastic equipment in these positions. Hanging and rest exercises are available for children from 7-8 years old. They are included in the physical education curriculum from grade I.

In grade I, students master climbing on the gymnastic wall, bench, different types climbing, climbing and crawling, and from grade II they begin to master the hangs and stops.

Hanging and resting exercises are simple in technique, and when teaching, it is enough to show them and briefly explain them.

For the development and improvement of hangs and emphasis in gymnastics lessons with young men, the material covered in previous classes is used, as well as: lifting at close range by force; hanging bent over, arched, behind; flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis on the uneven bars, angle in emphasis, stand on the shoulders from a gray leg apart; lifting with a coup, lifting with a kip to a gray-haired leg apart, dismounting with a swoop back. When exercising with girls, we recommend lifting with a push of the legs at point-blank range on the upper pole; a push of two legs hanging at an angle; balance on the lower pole; emphasis crouching on one leg, swoop dismount.

Hanging and resting exercises contain very simple exercises, accessible to students in grades 5-6, and very complex, accessible only to high school students, etc.

In the school curriculum, these types gymnastic exercises a significant place is allotted and the older the students, the more the classes are saturated with these exercises.

Hanging and resting exercises are beneficial if they are applied with regard to physiological features organism and the level of training involved. However, with poor teaching methods, the result may be different.

visas. Simple hanging is the starting position for exercises on the high bar, rings, rope, gymnastic ladder and other equipment. When hanging, the muscles of the whole body are tense, but the greatest load falls on the muscles of the hands, mainly on the shoulder girdle. At proper education hanging exercises have a positive effect on posture: they strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals and shoulder girdle, help straighten the curvature of the spine.

Lasagna. The physical education program recommends several climbing exercises. However, their number can be significantly increased by using a variety of equipment: a gymnastic wall, ropes, inclined, horizontal, vertical ladders. These projectiles allow you to climb in many ways and in any direction (up, down, sideways). Climbing with foot support on various stairs, a gymnastic wall does not require much effort and is useful for all children.

Rope climbing is a more difficult exercise: the student pulls himself up with his hands, and pushes off with his feet, involving the flexors in active work. upper limbs and the common extensor of the back. It is most difficult to climb a rope with one hand. Starting position - hanging outstretched arms. In the future, there is an alternation of hanging on one hand, hanging on two hands. To perform such an exercise, you need to have a very strong grip and be able to hold your body on one bent arm. This requires extreme tension in the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, and back of the abdominals.

When climbing on one hand is much more difficult , than with hanging, keep rhythmic breathing, the shoulder blades move away from the spine much more noticeably. This exercise should not be used in the lower grades, but in the older ones it should be introduced gradually, as the muscles strengthen.

Stops. The emphasis on shells is one of the most difficult gymnastic exercises. Excessive enthusiasm for bars or a horse with handles can cause a violation of posture in unprepared students. When studying stops, the principle of gradualness must be especially strictly observed. Before switching to shells, it is necessary to master the exercises in mixed emphasis. These include standing and lying rests.

Standing emphasis. They do not require much effort, the body has additional support, breathing is not difficult.

Emphasis lying. In this exercise, the amount of muscle work increases. The extensors of the head and neck are strongly tense, triceps shoulder and other muscles that fix the joints. The contraction of the abdominal muscles counteracts the bending of the body under the influence of gravity.

Simple stops. The most difficult of the exercises , view - emphasis on parallel bars: they require a lot of tension of all muscles. It is a well-known fact that for beginners in a simple emphasis, the head, as it were, falls between the collarbones and shoulder blades, while the shoulder blades are under pressure. humerus depart from the midline of the body and turn with the lower angle outward. The conditions for breathing in the rests on the projectiles are the same as when hanging.

The value of hangs and stops

The adoption of various positions in the hangings and supports, balancing the body in certain postures are associated with tonic contractions of the entire musculature. Tonic contractions at small static loads, which are typical for the described exercises, require less energy expenditure than muscle contractions phase character. Performing exercises in hangs and rests, having a general strengthening effect on the body, contributes to the harmonious development of all physical qualities, especially static strength, and moving the body from one position to another requires dynamic muscle efforts, which is important for the development of speed-strength qualities.

Various body positions: inclined, vertical (head down) - have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as on the activity of the balance organs (vestibular apparatus). Performing exercises in the hangs and supports is associated with holding postures that require the ability of those involved to coordinate the work of many muscle groups well. Muscle sensations that occur when doing exercises in the hangs and stops, as well as the presence of tonic reflexes covering the entire muscles of the body, create favorable conditions for maintaining the correct posture. It is also essential that when performing exercises in the hangs and supports, children acquire the ability to assess the position of their body in space, to distinguish between the duration of static postures and the nature of muscle efforts. The role of muscle feeling is extremely diverse. It is important in the implementation of a number of body functions, from maintaining the balance of the body and ending with the emergence of ideas about time and space. The ability to perform exercises in the hangs and supports with good posture, easily and beautifully, is important for preparing children for gymnastics.

To perform exercises in the hangs and supports, depending on the coordination complexity and the availability of appropriate equipment, frontal, group and line methods of organizing students can be used.

Climbing and climbing exercises contribute to the development of muscle strength (especially the muscles of the upper limbs and shoulder girdle), dexterity, coordination of movements, endurance, and, in addition, are of direct applied importance.

Hanging and rest exercises help improve the ability to orientate in space in unusual body positions, develop dexterity, flexibility, strength of the arms, shoulder girdle and torso.

Types of hangs and stops

climbing exercises- this is movement along the gymnastic apparatus in simple and mixed hangs and stops. For climbing, you can use a rope, a pole, a gymnastic wall and a bench, wooden and rope ladders. Climbing exercises are classified as follows:

ü climbing in mixed hangs or supports;

ü climbing in simple hangs or stops;

ü climbing with stops (tying on a rope);

ü climbing with a load or a partner on the shoulders;

ü climbing.

Climbing is performed in vertical, horizontal and oblique directions.

Crawling exercises serve as a good tool for the development of speed, agility, strength and endurance. Basic exercises:

ü crawling in an emphasis while standing with legs bent apart;

ü crawling in emphasis while kneeling;

ü crawling in emphasis while kneeling with support on the forearms;

ü crawling on the side;

ü crawling in a plastunsky way;

ü crawling with a partner on the back or with a load.

Projectile exercises consist mainly of stops, hangs and various transitions from one position to another.

In the emphasis, the shoulders are above the grip points, for example: emphasis, emphasis on the forearms, emphasis on the right leg apart or on the same level with the grip points, for example: emphasis on the hands, emphasis on the arms to the sides on the rings (cross).

In hanging, the shoulders are located below the grip points, for example: hanging, hanging hanging, hanging bending.

Both stops and hangs are divided into simple and mixed. In simple stops or hangs, the gymnast holds on to the projectile only with his hands (less often, only with his feet). When using additional support by other links of the body, the hangs or stops are called mixed. These include, for example, hanging crouching, hanging lying down, lying legs apart, standing emphasis.

Pure hanging exercises. With clean hangings, the entire load during exercise is carried out by the muscle groups of the upper limbs and body. In other words, the heaviness of the body is overcome by the work of limited muscle groups that are directly related to movements. chest. Pure hangs are used to strengthen and stretch the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, develop range of motion in the joints of the upper limbs, unload the spine and stretch it, and in some other cases, if there are no contraindications from the cardiovascular system. The use of pure hangs takes place to a greater extent with a sufficiently good physical development. After the exercise in a clean hang, it is necessary to apply exercises to relax the working muscle groups or breathing exercises in order to reduce the overall physical load.

Mixed hangs and stops. Mixed hangs, unlike pure ones, are carried out with the participation of muscle groups of the arms, legs and body, with the obligatory capture of the projectile by the hands and the support of the legs. With the help of exercises in mixed hangs, you can successfully strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs and body, develop movements in the joints of the limbs and spine, selectively increase physical activity on different muscle groups and successfully combine the rhythm of movements with breathing.

Stops, as well as hangs, can be divided into pure and mixed.

Net emphasis- emphasis on the backs of chairs, beds, etc. - is used mainly for injuries of the lower extremities.

Mixed Stops have frequent use. Unlike hangs, which strengthen the flexors, the stops develop the strength of the extensors.

Exercises on gymnastic equipment(on the gymnastic wall, bench, rings, etc.). Provide predominantly isolated effect on individual segments of the musculoskeletal system, on the function internal organs, vestibular function, etc. Exercises on gymnastic equipment in the form of hangs, stops, pull-ups are characterized by high intensity of both local and general action

1st class

Grade I students master climbing on an inclined bench, on a gymnastic wall, pulling up lying on their stomach on a horizontal bench, climbing over a hill of mats and a gymnastic bench. Climbing and climbing are associated with overcoming obstacles and are of practical importance. Climbing and climbing exercises are active motor actions, during which all parts of the motor apparatus are included in the work. In addition, a general physical impact on a large number of muscle groups is provided, which is important for the development of strength, speed strength and agility, as well as the development of courage and confidence in one's actions. The presence of a wide variety of climbing techniques on various gymnastic apparatus (obliquely placed gymnastic benches, a gymnastic wall, ropes, poles), climbing over a gymnastic balance beam, a horse, a hill of mats make these exercises accessible to students of all age groups. In the lessons of basic gymnastics in the lower grades, climbing exercises are carried out in mixed supports and hangs. Climbing in mixed supports and hangs is much easier than on one hand, since when climbing in mixed hangs, the arms, legs and muscles of the body take part in the work. Given the difficulty of climbing exercises, it is necessary to conduct them starting with simple techniques, such as climbing on inclined gymnastic benches, a gymnastic wall, inclined and horizontally suspended ropes, and then move on to learning vertical rope climbing techniques.


A comprehensive program for students of grade II provides for climbing incline bench crouching in emphasis and kneeling in emphasis (benches are placed at an angle of 40 °); lying on his stomach, pulling himself up with his hands; along the gymnastic wall with simultaneous interception of arms and rearrangement of legs, climbing over a gymnastic beam at a height of 60 cm. From grade II, students begin to master the hangs and stops: hanging exercises while standing and lying down; while hanging on the gymnastic wall, flexion and extension of the legs; hanging on bent arms; exercises in an emphasis lying and kneeling and an emphasis (on a horse, a log, a gymnastic bench); pull-ups in the hang while lying bent over, the same from the gray-haired legs apart on the rope and in the hang.

Climbing exercises in class II differ from those in the first class in that the conditions for their implementation become more difficult. So, for example, climbing is carried out already on benches set at an angle of 40 °. Climbing on a gymnastic bench, pulling up while lying on your stomach, is also performed on inclined benches. Climbing on the gymnastic wall is performed with simultaneous interception of hands and rearrangement of legs. Diagonal climbing is added, as well as sideways climbing with cross steps. The conditions for climbing are also becoming more difficult. In this class, students need to learn how to climb over a 60 cm high balance beam. There are two ways to teach climbing over a balance beam:

1. Climbing alternately shifting legs(Fig. 117).

2. Climbing with arms and legs(Fig. 118).

From grade II, students begin to master mixed standing and lying hangs. But before learning the hangs, they need to be introduced to the methods of grips. Hanging exercises are performed with a grip from above (Fig. 119, a), from below (Fig. 119 , b) And different grip(Fig. 119, V).

Grip techniques can be learned frontally by the whole class using gymnastic sticks.

Hanging standing

3. Hang standing bent over (Fig. 122). From a hanging position, bend at the hip joints to an angle of 90 °, arms straight, head straight.

4. Hang standing behind (Fig. 123). From the hanging position, turn around, releasing one hand, and again grab the projectile shoulder-width apart with a grip from below.

5. Hang crouching (Fig. 124). From hanging standing on bent arms, unbending your arms, sit down and take a hanging crouching.

6. Hang crouching behind (Fig. 125). From hanging standing behind, take a small step forward and sit down without bending your arms.

1. Hang lying (Fig. 126). It is performed from hanging on bent arms by alternately or simultaneously rearranging the legs forward. The angle of inclination of the body to the floor is less than 45°. Shoulders should be almost vertical under the bar (bar).

2. Hang lying bent over (Fig. 127). From hanging lying down, bend at the hip joints and take hanging lying bent over.

3. Hang lying behind (Fig. 128). Crouching from the back, moving the legs back, take the hanging from the back.

Visas (simple)

1. Vis (Fig. 129). Arms, torso and legs form a straight line. In the hanging position, keep the body straight, the muscles of the shoulder girdle are moderately tense, the stomach is tucked up. First, the position of the hang is studied on the gymnastic wall, where 10-15 people can perform the exercise at the same time. Hang can be performed both with your back to the wall, and facing it. When hanging with the back to the wall, it is necessary to ensure that the students touch it with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calf muscles and heels, and when hanging facing the wall - with the chest, stomach, hips and socks.

2. Hanging on bent arms (Fig. 130). From the hang standing on bent arms on the gymnastic wall on the first or second rail, lowering the legs, take the hang on bent arms. On projectiles, hanging on bent arms can be taken from standing hanging: slightly pushing off with your legs and bending your arms, hang on bent arms and
briefly fix this position.

4. Hang with legs bent (Fig. 131). From the hang, crouching, push off with your legs, bend them at the knees and briefly fix this position.

Starting from grade II, pupils of a general education school must fulfill the standards for physical fitness in pull-ups. Boys perform pull-ups on the crossbar from the hang, and girls from the hang lying down. Since the adoption of standards is a kind of testing, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements for the implementation of these exercises.

Hanging exercises

1. Hanging with your back to the gymnastic wall - hanging with one leg bent - hanging - hanging with the other bent - hanging.

2. Hang - hang with legs bent - hang.

3. Hang legs apart - hang.


In grade III, students continue to improve in climbing on inclined benches at an angle of 45-50 °, and especially in climbing lying on their stomachs, pulling themselves up with their hands, lying down. Basic climbing exercise that students must master III class, this is climbing a rope in a hanging position on bent arms with a rope grip with the legs, as well as climbing over a log, a horse 90 cm high. In addition, the performance of exercises in simple and mixed hangs and emphasis in various combinations is improved.

Hanging and push-up exercises

1. Hang - hang with legs bent - hang. Run 5-6 times.

2. Hanging on bent arms - lowering into the hang for 6-8 s. Run 2-3 times.

3. Pull-ups in the hang (boys).

4. From an emphasis standing with a jump, an emphasis on a horse, a log (hold for 2-3 s) - a swoop back dismount. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. From an emphasis standing on a horse, a beam with a jump, an emphasis - an emphasis of the legs apart - an emphasis and a dismount with a swoop back.

Level Requirements physical fitness students III class in pull-ups in the hang (boys): 5 times or more - high; 3-4 times - medium; 1 time - low.

Requirements for the level of physical fitness of students of grade III in pull-ups from a lying position (girls): 16 times or more- high; 7-11 times- average; Zraza and less- low.


In grade IV, rope climbing begins in three stages, and the skills of climbing over obstacles continue to improve. Students master new types of hangs and stops, such as hanging bent over and bent over, hanging on bent legs and arms (hanging with a curtain on two), hanging with an angle, continue to increase physical training due to pull-ups and leg raises in the hang.

Overcoming obstacles

The task of training is to teach children the ability to use the learned climbing methods in more difficult conditions. To solve this problem, the height of the projectile increases, the technique for overcoming obstacles becomes more complicated, and obstacle courses are used. Combinations of exercises to overcome the obstacle course should initially be simple and consist of 2-3 elements. For example, walk along the rail of a gymnastic bench, jump over another, climb over a log with a height of 80-100 see one of the ways studied in III class. The next option can be this: walk 5 m on toes, hands behind your head, run along the gymnastic bench, climb the gymnastic wall to the fifth rail and take side steps to the left along the entire gymnastic wall, get off to the floor, run 5 m and jump into the hoop, walk 3 m and climb over the log.

You can prepare such an obstacle course. Near the extreme spans of the gymnastic wall, two benches are placed across, a log 1 m high is installed at a distance of 2 m from the ends of the benches; jumping racks are installed 3 m from the log and the rope is pulled at a height of 60 cm (Fig. 146).

Overcoming the obstacle course is started by two students from the starting line, 2 m from the middle spans of the gymnastic wall. At the teacher's command, they run up to the wall, climb to the top rail, one moves to the right, the other to the left to the extreme spans and, going down, walk along the bench, hands behind their heads, jump off and run up to the log, climb over it in any way, run and jump over through the rope, running around the racks and the log to the right and left, they return to their places. Obstacle courses can be very different depending on the task of the lesson and the corresponding conditions.

Hoops can be widely used for obstacle courses, stuffed balls, maces and other projectiles.

Hangs and stops

vis hunched over(Fig. 147) is performed on the crossbar, bars, rings. The body is bent at the hip joints approximately at an angle of 50-70 °, the back is rounded, the head is slightly inclined to the chest, the arms are straight. You can finish the exercise by going to the hanging while standing behind or, lowering the pelvis, crouching into the hanging.

Vis angle(Fig. 148) is performed on the gymnastic wall, crossbar, rings, bars. From the hang raise straight legs to horizontal position. You can also do it as follows: from the hang, take the hang with your legs bent and then straighten your legs into the hang with an angle.

Vis arched(Fig. 149) is performed on the gymnastic wall, crossbar, rings, bars.

It is desirable to begin to train hanging on the gymnastic wall after bending over. From the hanging standing behind, bending to the gymnastic wall with a push of the legs, go to the hanging, bending over. In the hanging position, the arms should be completely straight (do not pull up). The back of the head, back, legs and heels touch the wall, the head leans back a little (Fig. 150). Execute with. Help to render, standing on the side, under the shoulder and legs.

Hanging on bent legs and arms(Fig. 151) is performed on the crossbar or bars r / c. From hanging standing with a push of two legs, bending them, make a jump with two and take a hang on bent legs and arms (hanging with a curtain of two). It can be performed in another way: from the hanging standing behind with a forward tilt with a push of two, bending through the hang, hanging on bent legs and arms.

Hang on one(Fig. 152): shoulder-width grip, one leg, bent at the knee, is placed on the crossbar, a pole, the other is straight and slightly lowered down, the body is slightly bent, the head is slightly tilted back. Belay, standing on the side, with one hand behind the wrist, the other behind the shin of the leg performing the veil. It is performed from the hanging standing behind, pushing with two, bending through the hanging from behind, swinging with one leg.

Hang on one(Fig. 153) is performed similarly to hanging on one (veil), only the bent leg is not between the hands, but outside.

Hanging on bent legs(Fig. 154) is performed on the crossbar and bars r / c. Legs together, knees bent, body straight, slightly bent, head tilted back. They insure, standing on the side, behind the shins, so that the legs do not unbend at the knee joints. Perform the exercise from hanging on bent legs and arms (hanging with a curtain of two), lowering your arms and straightening up. First, the hands are lowered alternately, and then simultaneously. When moving from hanging on bent legs and arms to hanging on bent legs, they insure with one hand on the shins from above, and with the other support under the back.

Emphasis on bars(Fig. 155), crossbar, bars r / in (Fig. 156). The arms are straight, the torso and legs form an almost straight line, the head is straight. Training begins with mastering the emphasis on the uneven bars after repeating the emphasis on the log and horse (III class).

1. From the stop, standing across at the ends of the bars with a jump at close range.

2. The same in the middle.

3. From the hang, standing on the crossbar, on the lower bars r / in the push with two at close range

On the gym wall

1. Facing the wall hanging on bent arms, hold for 5-6 s. Pause 8-10 s and repeat again.

2. From hanging on the upper rail, alternately intercepting the hands, lowering down.

3. From hanging with your back to the wall, lifting bent legs. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. The same, but holding the bent legs and extending them forward into the vis with an angle and slowly lowering into the vis.

On the gym bench

1. Vupore lying, hands on the bench, flexion and extension of the Arms (boys - 8-10 times, girls - 5-6 times).

2. In an emphasis lying behind, flexion and extension of the arms (boys - 5-6 times, girls - 3-4 times).

3. From the support lying, hands on the bench, covered with a mat, with a push of the legs at point-blank range, crouching and jumping forward to the correct landing position.

Crossbar (low)

Hanging from a standing jump at point-blank range - lowering forward into a hanging crouching - with a push of the legs, jumping legs under the crossbar into a hanging bending - alternately releasing hands, hanging on bent legs - raising the body forward, hanging on bent legs and arms (hanging with a curtain of two) - unbending legs and lowering them back, hanging standing behind - releasing hands, step forward about. With.

Requirements for the level of physical fitness of IV grade students in hanging pull-ups (boys): 5 times or more- high, 3-4 times- average; 1 time- short,

Requirements for the level of physical fitness of students of grade IV in pull-ups from a lying position (girls): 18 times or more- high; 8-13 times- medium, 4 times or less- low.

5th class

Starting from grade V, a differentiated approach to boys and girls is intensified when choosing shells, exercises, and their dosage. Boys use the crossbar and bars to perform hangs and stops, and girls use r / w bars. All students of the 5th grade continue to improve in rope climbing in three steps and exercises in mixed and simple hangs and supports. The boys on the crossbar master the hang, bending over and bending over, swinging their legs, resting the legs apart with the right (left), from resting the legs apart with the right (left) dismount with a jump forward with a turn to the left (right). On the uneven bars - varieties of stops (emphasis on the forearms, hands) and Sedov (sedated legs apart, gray on the hip).

Girls on the bars r / v master hanging on the h / w, hanging crouching and lying on the n / w, hanging lying legs apart with the right (left), emphasis on the back.

Both boys and girls continue to work on improving physical fitness, using pull-ups and lifting of straight legs in the hang (boys) and pull-ups from the hanging lying (girls).

Crossbar (low)

One of the most difficult elements on the crossbar is the hanging hanging (see Fig. 135, class IV).

Execution technique. From hanging standing from behind, bending with a push with your feet, take the hanging bent over, unbending at the hip joints, hanging bent over. The body is bent and is in a vertical position with the head down. Hands shoulder-width apart with an overhand grip, legs together, socks pulled back. The head is tilted back.

I. Bars

Students of the 5th grade improve the implementation of stops. For this, it is recommended the following exercises.

1. In emphasis, sagging and lifting the body in the shoulder joints.

2. Movement in an emphasis. For example, at the ends of the poles, take an emphasis with a jump and, alternately rearranging your hands, move forward. Having reached the other end of the poles, jump off. If the student cannot reach the end, then jump off inside the bars.

3. Movement combined with turns.

Emphasis on the forearms

Execution technique. The torso and legs form a straight line, the head is straight. The hand is slightly shifted outward, and the elbow is inward. 90° angle between shoulder and forearm. This arrangement of the forearms allows you to avoid slipping of the elbows when performing exercises (Fig. 158). Preliminarily, it is advisable to study the emphasis lying and lying back on the forearms on the floor, then on the bars to teach the correct grip with the hands and the location of the forearms. After that, teach emphasis on the forearms.

Emphasis on hands

Execution technique. Vupore the body is kept straight without sagging in the shoulder joints. Hands slightly bent in elbow joints, clasp the poles, leaning on them mainly from the outside (Fig. 159). When performing an emphasis on the hands, the width of the poles must be determined by the length of the forearm. True, it is not easy to stay on such poles at first, but in the process of training, the muscles of the shoulder girdle quickly strengthen and this width of the poles becomes familiar and convenient for learning and performing swings. In order not to hurt your hands, you can put foam pads on the poles. To strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and prevent sagging in the shoulders, it is advisable to raise and lower the body while resting on the hands by reducing or increasing the angle between the shoulders and the poles. The normal position of the shoulders in relation to the poles is considered to be when the angle is about 45 °.

Execution technique. From a gray-haired leg apart, with a jump of one, take a sitting on the hip (Fig. 161) . Legs are outside. One leg, bent at the knee, rests the entire lower surface of the thigh on the pole, and the other is laid back, the socks are pulled back. Shin bent leg parallel to the straight leg laid back, keep the torso and head straight. Support on the poles can be performed with both hands or with one hand, the other to the side.

Vis on a/w

The students got acquainted with the hanging exercises in the 2nd grade, where they mastered the hanging on the gymnastic wall. The difference lies in the fact that, in hanging on the upper body, the body is not fixed, but free. To improve the hang, the following exercises can be offered: with the help, take a hang on the upper body - hang with legs bent - hang - dismount down. It should be noted that hanging is the main starting position for performing many exercises on the parallel bars.

Vis crouching on n / f

Execution technique.

Training sequence: in the V class hanging lying on the bottom can be taken from hanging through hanging crouching. From the hanging lying down, take the hanging lying bent over on the bottom, then hanging with the legs bent and hanging, dismounting down.

Hang lying legs apart one (on horseback)

Emphasis at the back

Execution technique. The emphasis on the back is most conveniently taken from the hang lying on the floor. By successive interceptions of the hands for the n / w, go to point-blank behind - a kind of sitting on the poles (Fig. 165).

Vis lying on the n / f

Execution technique. In the lying position, the body should be straight and slightly arched, the head slightly tilted back, arms straight, support rear surface hips on n / f (Fig. 163).

Training sequence: in the V class hanging lying on the bottom can be taken from hanging through hanging crouching. From hanging lying, take hanging lying bent over n /