Physical education message on how to pull up correctly. Lesson outline Topic: Control: lifting the torso in the lying position, pulling up from the hang on the high bar



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“Outline of the lesson Topic: Control: lifting the torso in the lying position, pulling up from the hang on the high bar”

Lesson outline

Subject: Control: lifting the torso in the lying position, pulling up from the hang on the high bar

The date of the:



Target: Determine individual overall level physical fitness. (OUFP).

Tasks: Ensuring the optimal development of speed-strength and power qualities. Assistance in the formation of social activity of students: discipline, independence.


Organizationally - guidelines(WMD)


1-Construction, communication of the tasks of the lesson.

2- drills

3-General developmental exercises in walking.

On socks;

On the heels;

Side steps

half squat

Full squat, jumping

Running with a change of direction, with a change of leader.

Outdoor switchgear in motion:

Upper exercises shoulder girdle

Coordination exercises (turns)

Mahi legs

Lunge forward with every step


The duty officer gives the teacher a report on the readiness of the class for the lesson.

The teacher communicates the objectives and purpose of the lesson. Instruction on t/b.

Clarity of execution of commands and turns.

Pay attention to posture: straight back. Head - direction up - forward. Hand position during movement.

The back is straight, the head is up - forward, keep your distance.

Compliance with the interval and distance, at a given pace.

Performing breathing exercises.

Accurate execution of movements by hands, maintaining the optimal amplitude.

The correct combination when turning (l / leg - n / hand; n / leg - l / hand)

We pull the sock, do not bend the knee.

Deep lunge, hands on waist


1-Work by stations:

1 station

Forward bends from sitting position (cm)

2 station

Lifting the body from a supine position in 30 seconds. (number of times)

3 station

Flexion and extension of the arms, lying down (number of times)

2-Filling instructive cards.


Instructions are being given to fill in instructional cards.

Flexibility assessment - lean forward from a sitting position from the initial sitting position, legs at the width of the foot, lean forward as much as possible, do not bend your knees.

Evaluation of speed-strength qualities. Invert: Hands behind head, shoulder blades apart in prone position, legs bent at the knees and locked.

Assessment of solo qualities. Hands shoulder-width apart, legs straightened. During push-ups, the hands do not come off the floor, the arms straighten.

The results are recorded in the card, and the individual general level of physical fitness is independently determined.


Construction, summing up the lesson.


We determined the individual general level of physical fitness (OUFP) according to the table in the instructional map.

Conclusions: keep the level physical training,

improve yourself

learn the culture of communication.

Plan - abstract sporting event"Pulling up on the horizontal bar"

Lesson topic: Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Purpose of the event:development of strength, improvement of the skills of pupils on the topic "Pulling up on the crossbar".

Lesson objectives:

1. Develop flexibility and strength qualities.

2. Form the correct posture.

3. To cultivate activity, independence, conscientiousness.

4 . educate interest in the material being studied, diligence.

Location: in the school yard

Lesson topic: Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Equipment and inventory: horizontal bar.

Lesson time: 30 min.

Grade: 7

Lesson progress:

  1. Introductory remarks by the educator:

Physical activity is necessary for normal life human body. There are a number special exercises that benefit the human spine. It is to such exercises that pull-ups on the horizontal bar belong. This is the most democratic way to solve the problem of pain in the spine, which many people suffer from. Perhaps, only swimming can argue with the benefits of pull-ups, which are also extremely useful for obtaining excellent posture and getting rid of pain in the spine. Pull-up exercises strengthen your back muscles and help you keep sportswear. By pulling up, a person additionally develops other muscles, and indirectly the spine is strengthened. But if your goalgain full body weight , then you will not be able to solve this problem by pulling up, these exercises contribute to a significant strengthening of the predominantly upper part of the human body. In addition to strengthening the spine, muscles of the arms and back, regular pull-ups are also aimed at developing endurance.

Speaking about the benefits of pull-ups, it should be noted that different types these exercises give, respectively, a different effect from training. When pulling up with a direct grip, the muscles of the back, forearm, and long head of the biceps receive a greater load. When performing an exercise with a narrow grip, the load shifts from the upper part of the latissimus dorsi to the lower one, and this exercise also gives a rather strong load on the serratus muscles. If your goal is to strengthen latissimus dorsi And short head biceps, then you need pull-ups with an average reverse grip.

A great way to achieve strengthening of the lats is the wide grip pull-ups, as they are called, for beginners, they are easy to perform, but give a good effect when regular performance exercises. At the most wide grip there is a load on the upper part of the back muscles, stretching which allows you to visually increase the width of the back. Systematic training will help you not only improve your health, but also form an athletic figure, which speaks of undoubted benefits.

2. A set of exercises for warming up.

Warm-up running and walking are performed: with a normal step, on toes, on heels, on the inside and outside of the foot, with hands resting on the knees, bending down; with a high hip raise in a semi-squat, in a squat, step-ups, side and variable steps, with a cross step forward, to the side. Perhaps a combination of walking with jumping. Running can be normal, with high hips, bending legs back, lifting straight legs forward or backward, cross stepping forward or backward, sideways with turns, stops, throwing and catching objects, jumping over obstacles, moving over obstacles. .

General developmental exercises include:
exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, raising straight arms forward, up, to the sides, back, simultaneously, alternately, sequentially;
exercises for the muscles of the trunk and neck - tilting the head, torso forward, back to the sides. Circular movements head, body to the right and left;
exercises for the muscles of the legs - flexion and extension of the legs, lunges, jumping out of the "crouching" stop, springy movements in the squat;
exercises for the muscles of the back.

Conditions for the exercise:

It is performed from the hang with a grip from above, each time from a stationary position in the hang with straight arms (pause for 1 s), without jerks and swinging movements of the legs, the chin is above the level of the crossbar.

Safety engineering.

The personnel are dressed in a sports uniform, before training, conduct a warm-up, the state of health should be normal, in the process of carrying out, avoid overloading.

If you feel unwell, stop the lesson on your own and report to the leader about what happened.


Abstract on the topic:

Physical exercise


  • 1 General information
  • 2 Types exercise
  • 3 Benefits of exercise
  • Literature


Physical exercise- elementary movements made up of them motor actions and their complexes, systematized for the purpose of physical development.

In practice physical education physical exercises developed (based on movements and actions borrowed from labor, household, military human activities - running, walking, jumping, throwing, weight lifting, swimming, etc.) and organizational and methodologically took shape in the form of gymnastics, light and weightlifting, mobile and sports games, sports tourism etc. Various combinations and systems of physical exercises form the basis, the content of sports, are included in the programs of physical education in educational institutions.

1. General information

For each exercise, the muscles are defined as being primarily involved in the movement - whether they are active or static. Active (or main) muscles are considered to be contracting and setting in motion a certain structure of the body. Static are those which either aid in contraction or, once they begin to move, stabilize the primary or secondary structure, thereby facilitating movement.

There is a huge amount of doing these or those options for physical exercises - for any of them there are always four or five various ways change the stimulating muscle (by changing the grip, position of the feet, changing the speed of movement, etc.).

The choice of special exercises, their intensity (weight used when they are used), volume (number of sets and repetitions), duration and frequency (number of sessions per week) are determined based on the individual capabilities and goals of the person. The best and most effective way decide on this - seek advice from a fitness specialist (general health improvement, strength exercises) and get individual program and recommendations that will take into account individual needs and capabilities.

2. Types of exercise

  • Strength exercises - such as lifting a barbell, pulling up - are aimed at increasing muscle mass and more muscle strength
  • Cardio exercises - for example, cycling, running, swimming - focus on increasing endurance and reducing body weight
  • Muscle stretching exercises - aimed at improving the flexibility of the body

One arm pull up

3. Benefits of exercise

Physical exercise:

  • Accelerate heartbeat, and thereby stimulate blood circulation, providing an intensification of metabolic processes in body tissues
  • Helps strengthen muscles
  • Prevent varicose veins
  • Gives beautiful complexion
  • Maintain skin elasticity
  • Helps correct posture
  • Contribute to normalization of weight
  • Strengthen bones
  • Give flexibility to joints and ligaments
  • Instill a taste for a regular and disciplined life


  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • Anatomy of exercise. Trainer and assistant in your classes. Pat Manocchia / Anatomy of Exercise / ISBN 978-5-699-30200-0

In this article we will talk about one of the most difficult, from a technical point of view, exercises, I will talk about pulling up.

This exercise is very controversial, but essentially very simple. Pulling up is work or fight own weight and the gravity of the earth. It can also be complicated by hanging it from the body extra weight.

I must say right away that this exercise is not suitable for everyone, and it may be worth paying attention to alternative options. No matter how much you would like to pull yourself up to the crossbar, there are times when, due to anatomical, physiological, or perhaps biomechanical reasons, this exercise may simply be unbearable. Pull-ups can be learned and you will pull up, but it will not always be the right exercise for you and that will give you the desired result.

There are many types of this exercise, using different simulators and a variety of grips. But it is worth distinguishing only two types of pull-ups:

  1. Military pull-ups - the main task is to throw your chin over the bar. They usually look terrible, like convulsions. In fact, this is work on the crossbar aimed at the maximum number of times.
  2. Pull-ups for training and working out the muscles of the back

There is a huge gap between these two types of pull-ups. In the sense that pulling up by quantity implies neglect correct technique doing the exercise. Military pull-ups or number pull-ups are not technically compatible with back exercises. In them, the main work is performed by neuromuscular innervation, wave-like muscle contraction on the body, in order to give a power impulse, and inertial movements. This technique with training the latissimus dorsi muscles does not have trapezius muscles. They are included in the work, but they do not train as we need, that is, for the development of these muscle groups.

Limiting factors in pull-ups

For many, contraindications to pull-ups are banal things:

1. Overweight

Being overweight is a limitation in pull-ups, especially for people who have never done pull-ups and decide to learn. If the percentage of fat in the body is more than 20%, and you cannot pull yourself up normally, then the horizontal bar should be abandoned until you lose excess fat weight. This is due to the balance of power between body weight and the power capabilities of the muscles of the back and arms. In this exercise, the body is at the same time weights. I think you have noticed more than once that thin people can often pull up 10 times without preparation. It's simple, the heavier a person becomes, the more difficult it is for him to pull up. Being overweight is a burden. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said, "Fat doesn't tense up." I do not recommend training on the horizontal bar with overweight if only because there is a risk of damaging the shoulder joints, which are not yet ready for such loads.

2. Physiology and anatomy

Another determining factor in whether you are technically capable of pulling up perfectly or not is your anatomy, your biomechanics (roughly speaking, the location shoulder joints relative to the chest) bulge or concavity of the chest, which directly depends on the condition of your back. That is, pull-ups are affected by the condition of the spine. If you didn’t care about your posture from childhood and even became a little humpbacked, then this imposes a restriction on the amplitude of movement and contraction of the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles. This hump at the back will no longer allow you to deploy normally chest because it's already tough enough. In this case, pull-ups can only be partially correct.

3. Mobility of the shoulder joint

The mobility of the shoulder joints plays an important role in pull-ups. But if there are problems with mobility, then they can be corrected.

4. Capable of self-study pull-ups

The ability to help yourself in learning pull-ups plays a role. That is, a person with a weight of 60 kg is able to independently learn to pull himself up on the horizontal bar, according to the diagram below. But a person with a weight of 80 kg or more already needs the help of a partner. How to help in pull-ups, I will tell below.

How to learn to pull up

To learn pull-ups, you first need to lose weight, that is, lose weight to make it easier for our muscles.

How to learn to pull up? We just take it and start pulling ourselves up on the horizontal bar (if we don’t have excess weight). No need to chase results, no need to try to do quantity - do quality.

The easiest program to learn to pull up on the bar

Go to the horizontal bar and try to pull yourself up once with perfect technique and sit down to rest. Then again once with the correct technique and so on ad infinitum. And so you can do 10-20-30 approaches until your hands start to get tired. And over time, you can already do 2 times in the approach, then 3, and so you can learn to pull yourself up.

How to help your partner learn to pull up

When you weigh 80 kg or more, you need to help or use the gravitron, which is an unloading machine that helps us to partially reduce body weight, it pushes us up and helps us to pull ourselves up. But if it is not.

The easiest way is to get an assistant. You can often see in the hall when the assistant tries to help the person to pull himself up and starts to push in the back of the one who is studying. And this is a gross mistake.

Why can't you help pull yourself up against your back?

When you lean against the back of a person who is pulling up, you confuse his nervous system. When the person has already prepared, tensed his muscles and began to pull the horizontal bar towards him, you begin to push him in the back. At this moment, the brain automatically removes part of the impulse from the back, that is, it begins to work less intensively. Because external interference begins, which should not be. Roughly speaking, we are distracted from the exercise, although we do not want to. The legs are not involved during pull-ups, and here they can be used to help pull up to the bar.

What muscles work when pulling up

Active in pull-ups is only top part body - torso. During pull-ups, only the muscles of the upper body work:

  • Back
  • pectoral muscles
  • Shoulders

The legs in this exercise do not work, and you step like weights that pull us down.

The correct technique of pull-ups on the horizontal bar to work out the muscles of the back

Pull-ups are the same vertical traction, but here it’s not the handle that goes to us, but we pull ourselves up to the horizontal bar. And the main rule is that the load vector must pass through the chest. It is not along, but through the chest. How to achieve this?

The mental principle can help you. Someone mentally reaches for the horizontal bar, that is, he tries to pull his body to the crossbar, and someone mentally pulls the horizontal bar towards himself. If you imagine, hanging on the horizontal bar, these two moments in turn, then you will notice a difference in your own mood for pulling up. This method helps to set the right motivation. nervous system to perform the exercise. Therefore, you need to choose your own way of imagining what exactly you are doing, pulling yourself up to the horizontal bar or pulling the horizontal bar towards you.

Head position in pull-ups

In order for the back and arms to receive the maximum possible neuromuscular impulse, all unused muscles must be disconnected from the efforts of the nervous system. The position of the head in this exercise depends on the condition of the neck. In pull-ups, you need to relax your neck as much as possible so that your head leans back. Do not look at the horizontal bar during pull-ups. And you need to tilt your head back and look at the ceiling.

Leg position for pull-ups

Legs do not need to be brought forward, do not keep them straight. The legs need to be bent at the knees back and crossed to create a rigid structure.

When we pull ourselves up, we do not stretch our chin to the horizontal bar, but we pull the chest to the horizontal bar or we pull the horizontal bar to the chest (it all depends on which version of the imagination you have chosen for yourself). During pull-ups, you need to stick out your chest as much as possible in the direction of the horizontal bar (this is very important).

Ideal pull-ups are not at all like the usual tightening of the chin over the bar.

Perfect Pullups should be similar to the vertical pull in the block. You should eventually bring the horizontal bar to the lower or upper part of the pectoral muscles. It all depends on the chosen grip: reverse or direct grip. That is, you need to try to pull the chest section of the body to the horizontal bar, and the rest of the body should just hang.

What if it never works out right?

We use a strength method called "rest - pause", which will help increase your own strength resources even between sets within the same workout.

We pull ourselves up once, even with an assistant, rest while standing on the floor, and not hanging, 10 seconds. Then again we hang on the horizontal bar, again we pull ourselves up with the help of an assistant once and rest again. And so we do 6-8 repetitions. Several cycles of such pull-ups within 1-2 months and you will already be able to pull yourself up. Just keep in mind that this is possible if your weight is normal and there is no excess fat mass, that is, no more than 15%. Then this guarantees you the result, and if you have a lot of fat, then you need to lose weight.


To begin with, people with naturally large biceps and a narrow back should not pull up with a reverse or parallel narrow grip. Because such a person will still not load his back, and the weight of the body will be pulled by the biceps. Therefore, a gifted person big hands and with an oppressed back, you need to pull yourself up with a wide upper grip.

If everything seems to be fine with the back, but the arms are lagging behind, then you need to use the reverse strategy. To learn how to effectively pull up, it’s worth bringing your hands to your back to help. So the arms can develop along with the back, in a balanced way. There is no risk that the hands will take all the load on themselves and will not allow the back to be completed, because the hands are genetically weak in such a person.

Interesting to know: pull-ups are one of the the best exercises for bicep training. As proof, look at the gymnasts who perform on the rings, on the uneven bars, these guys just have colossal hands.

Pull-ups with weights

When you have already learned and it became a question of weighting this exercise, then you can use additional weight. When pulling up with weights, it is better to hang the weight from the back so that the weight does not knock the balance. Using correct technique pull-ups (when the chest is pulled to the crossbar, and not the chin), the weight suspended in front will greatly interfere. He will put pressure on his legs, he will try to twist the body into a vertical position. Therefore, it is better to hang weights for pull-ups at the back, so it will hang parallel to the legs and will not interfere with training.

Some nuances in pull-ups

When you use a block for vertical thrust to the chest, in order to learn how to pull up, then you need to reach the working weight in it, which will be equal to 80-90% of your body weight. This will lay a good foundation, so that later you can start pulling up.

The more the lifter weighs, the more pull-ups are shifted to the side strength exercises. It may seem to someone that an athlete with a lot of muscles should pull up more. But the whole mass of his body is not only the muscle groups that take part in pull-ups. And the muscles that act as a ballast that you need to pull along. Because with an increase in body weight, the balance in the power potential changes. And the heavier we get, the more powerful pull-ups become for our backs. And at some point, this exercise for the athlete goes out of the category of training with a body weight, because the body weight is already too large for this exercise. Because of this excess weight, too many fast fibers begin to work and the muscles begin to become very acidic. In such conditions it is very difficult to develop strength endurance. And when the weight exceeds 100 kg, it becomes difficult for a person to pull up even more than 10 repetitions. If you chase the number of pull-ups with a lot of weight, you can injure your shoulder joints and you can say goodbye to pull-ups for a couple of three months.

Conclusion: when you already weigh more than 100 kg, then pull-ups cannot be used in the pump period, when you need to pump, when the number of repetitions in the approach went beyond 12-15. That is, pull-ups are best used during strength training.

Another important point in pull-ups

In pull-ups, many athletes suffer from shoulder joints, they begin to ache, hurt. To avoid this, it is impossible to lowest point(when hanging on the horizontal bar) humerus allow the arms to be pulled out of the shoulder joint. You can not let go of the hand from the shoulder joint, that is, the shoulders must be rigid and even at the lowest point. Relax pectoral muscles and you can stretch. Stretching the shoulder joint at the lower point of the amplitude will lead to only one effect - to chronic injury, at least to sprain. Which will then lead to falling out of the joints, discomfort in other exercises.

I remind you again: you can not relax the upper shoulder girdle, so as not to injure your shoulders during pull-ups.

At the end, I offer you two pull-up videos. In them, two trainers talk about the technique and show it in practice.

When experimenting with all sorts of deadlifts, pullovers, and bench presses, it's easy to forget the original goal of a big, strong back. Meanwhile, the key to success is simple - pull-ups

One of Arnold Schwarzenegger's favorite exercises, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, are fraught with huge potential. Many bodybuilders do not casually classify pull-ups as basic exercises. The value of pull-ups is that they, like basic exercises involve many muscle groups at the same time, perfectly working out the middle and upper back.

But all that is needed for pull-ups is an ordinary horizontal bar or a crossbar, which is not only in any gym, but also on the street in yards and sports grounds.


The pull-up technique is very simple and accessible to absolutely everyone. The theory is simple: the wider the grip, the greater the load on the latissimus dorsi; the narrower - the more the load falls on the pectoral muscles.

If you pull yourself up, touching the crossbar with the back of your head, then the latissimus dorsi stretches in width. And if you pull yourself up, touching your chin, then the lats are also stretched in thickness. At narrow grip, palms to yourself, the lower part of the lats, located in the waist area, receives an additional load.

You need to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar smoothly, without jerking, at a comfortable pace. Also, do not throw the body down. When the torso is at the lowest point, the arms should be fully extended. Do not forget about breathing: go down - inhale; pull up - exhale.

Pull-ups should not be performed until the back of the head touches the bar. This greatly reduces the range of motion, respectively, the muscles work less. In addition, it is traumatic. The shoulder joint is physiologically adapted for arm movement in the anterior hemisphere, and it is dangerous to force it to work on the border, and even more so behind it. When at the end point the head and chest move forward, and the elbows back, the shoulder joint is in an unnatural position, which makes it very vulnerable.

The benefits of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

As we have already said, pull-ups, in addition to the latissimus dorsi, develop the large round and rhomboid muscles, stretch the biceps and forearm muscles, and also strengthen the hands. During pull-ups, the biceps gets good stretch, especially in the area elbow joint, which is most often problematic for many athletes. In addition, the biceps receive excellent development in width, acquiring a neat and balanced shape.

Very useful when doing barbell or dumbbell bench presses, between sets to perform light pull-ups on the horizontal bar. So, when alternating bench presses and pull-ups, antagonist muscles are loaded, which contributes to their better joint development, and also stretches the chest muscles.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (and) may well replace a full-fledged workout when there is no time for it, or an opportunity, say, when there is no gym nearby, and you have a workout according to your plan.

Types of pull-ups

Consider the main types of pull-ups, focusing on the technique of performing exercises and developing muscle groups.

Wide grip to chest

It is one of the most difficult exercises in terms of proper technique.

Technique: Wide grip. When pulling up, it is necessary to touch the crossbar with your chest, bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible and relaxing your biceps. Back bend required. After a short pause at the top, return to the starting position.

Muscles worked: top of the latissimus dorsi, round, infraspinatus and trapezius muscles.

Wide grip on the head

Traumatic option. If the mobility of your shoulder joints leaves much to be desired, do not abuse this pull-up option to avoid injury.

Technique: Wide grip. When pulling up, your torso should be strictly perpendicular to the floor. Elbows point straight down.

Working muscles: top and middle of the latissimus dorsi, round, infraspinatus and trapezius muscles.

Medium straight grip

The traditional pull-up.

Technique: Grip at shoulder width. When pulling up, try to touch the top of the chest with the crossbar, while bringing the shoulder blades together. At the bottom point, stretch as much as possible, fully straightening your arms.

Muscles worked: back muscles and forearm flexors.

Medium reverse grip

A lighter version of the previous exercise, because. most of the load is taken by the flexors of the arms.

Technique: Grip shoulder-width apart, palms facing you. When pulling up, try to touch the top of the chest with the crossbar, while bringing the shoulder blades together. At the beginning of the movement, try to take your shoulders back down.

Muscles worked: lats, biceps.

Partial pull-ups with medium reverse grip

This type of pull-up will make your shoulders work.

Technique: Reverse grip and pull up exactly half way. In this position, the body is fixed at a right angle to the floor and bending your arms, try to bring your collarbones as close to the crossbar as possible.

Working muscles: biceps shoulder.

Narrow straight grip

If you have problems with the mobility of the wrist joints, then this type of pull-up will be quite easy for you to perform.

Technique: Narrow grip. Bend in the back and when pulling up, try to touch the bar with the bottom of the chest.

Narrow reverse grip

This is an amazing bicep building exercise.

Technique: Grab overhead horizontal bar underhand grip so that your little fingers are on the bar at a distance of 15-30 cm. Starting from a dead hang position, with your arms fully extended, pull yourself up until your chin is above the level of the bar. Arch your back and as you pull up, focus on pulling your shoulder blades together and pulling your shoulders back. At the top, try to touch the crossbar bottom chest.

Muscles worked: lower lats, biceps.

Neutral grip along the bar

Pull-ups are performed using a V-shaped handle attached to the crossbar.

Technique: When pulling up, bend as much as possible in the back, tilting your head back, try to touch the handle with the bottom of the pectoral muscles.

Working muscles: the bottom of the latissimus dorsi, dentate and shoulder muscles.

To strengthen your hands and grip, pull up on a thick bar or grab with two or three fingers.