What is sas in dogs. About dog show titles, marks, show ranks and accepted abbreviations

At any dog ​​show, the judge awards titles and marks to the winners. All dogs registered for this event belong to a specific age class. In this section, we will give explanations for the abbreviations CAC or CACIB, ChF or ChRKF, which are incomprehensible to many.


puppy class(puppy) 6-9 months;
junior class(junior) 9-18 months;
Intermediate class(intermediate) 15-24 months;
open class(open) from 15 months;
Working class(working) from 15 months;
Champion class(champion) from 15 months;
Veteran class(veteran) from 8 years old.

The date of determining the dog's age is the day preceding the start of the show.


In the Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, Champion and Veteran classes, the following grades are awarded:
Great(excellent) - red ribbon;
Very good(very good) - blue ribbon;
Fine(good) - green ribbon;
Satisfactorily(satisfactory) - yellow ribbon;
Disqualification(disqualification) - white ribbon;
No rating(no evaluation).

In the puppy class, the following grades are awarded:
very promising(very promising) - red ribbon;
Perspective(promising) - blue ribbon;
unpromising(no promising) - green ribbon.


In the ring, at the judge's discretion, the following titles may be awarded:
CW- class winner, assigned to the first dog in the class, claiming to be awarded the title;
R.CW- reserve class winner, assigned to the second dog in the CACJ class - SASYU - candidate for the junior champion of Russia in beauty;
CAC- candidate for champions of Russia in beauty;
R.CAC- reserve candidate for champions of Russia in beauty;
Black Sea Fleet- champion of the federation (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS);
KChF- candidate for champions of the federation (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS);
CACIB- Candidate for International Champions of Beauty;
R.CACIB- reserve candidate for the International Champions of Beauty.

All reserve titles can only be awarded if the main titles have been awarded.
Thus, no R.CAC can be awarded unless a CAC is awarded, and no R.CACIB can be awarded unless a CACIB is awarded.

OK- the best male of the breed, is selected by comparing the CW classes of intermediate, open, working, champions;
LS- the best bitch of the breed is selected, similarly to the selection of the best male;
WWII- BOB - the best representative of the breed is selected by comparing the best male of the breed and the best female of the breed who received titles;
BEST PUPPY- the best puppy of the breed is selected when comparing male and female CW puppy class;
BEST JUNIOR- the best junior of the breed is selected when comparing male and female CW junior class JCAC-SACU;
BEST VETERAN- the best veteran of the breed is selected when comparing male and female CW veteran class;
BIS- the best dog of the show separately among puppies, juniors and veterans;
BIS-P, BIS-J, BIS-V- the best puppy, junior, veteran of the exhibition are selected by comparing the best puppies, juniors, veterans of each breed participating in the exhibition (at least three best dogs).

If the show is held over several days, then the best puppy, junior, veteran of each day is selected, with no further comparison between the winners of each day.

BIG- the best in the FCI group, in each group, among the best representatives of the breeds, the expert determines the three best dogs, the first of which receives the title BIG;
BIS- the best dog of the show, when comparing BIG winners in FCI groups, the expert determines the three best dogs, the first of which receives BIS.

Champion of Russia (CR)

To obtain the title "Champion of Russia" you must:
Option 1. 6 CAC certificates obtained from 6 different judges. 1 KChK certificate - a candidate for the NKP champions, is equivalent to 1 CAC certificate (maximum 3 KChK certificates are taken into account); 1 ChK certificate - NKP champion is equal to 3 CAC certificates (maximum 1 ChK certificate is taken into account); 1 PC certificate - the winner of the NKP is equal to 2 CAC certificates (maximum 1 PC certificate is taken into account).
Option 2. 4 CAC certificates from 4 different judges. One of the CAC certificates must be received at the RKF International Dog Show.
Option 3. Since 2006, 2 CAC certificates obtained from two different judges at the International Dog Show "Eurasia" (double CACIB).
Option 4. 1 certificate of CAC or CCC in the presence of a diploma or certificate of "Champion" of the country, a member of the FCI, or the USA (AKC), Great Britain (KS), Canada (SKS).
Option 5. 2 CAC certificates obtained from two different judges and a diploma of Junior Champion of Russia.

Junior Champion of Russia (JCHR)

To obtain the title "Junior Champion of Russia" you must:
Option 1. The presence of 4 certificates САСУ / САСJ (junior class winner), received from four different judges.
1 certificate NKP-RKF Junior Winner or 1 NKP-RKF JCCHK certificate is equivalent to 1 SASYU certificate, maximum 2 certificates NKP-RKF Junior Winner. 1 certificate Junior Champion of the NKP-RKF is equal to 2 certificates SASYU.
Option 2. 3 SACU certificates from 3 different judges. One of the SACU certificates must be received at the RKF International Dog Show.
Option 3. Since 2006, 2 CACS certificates obtained from two different judges at the International Dog Show "EURASIA" (double CACIB).
Option 4. 1 SACU certificate or 1 certificate Junior winner of the NKP-RKF in the presence of a diploma or certificate "JUNIOR CHAMPION" of the country.

Grand Champion of Russia (GChR)

To obtain the title "Grand Champion of Russia" you must:
The presence of diplomas "Champion of Russia" and "Champion of the National Breed Club", and for breeds that have a working class, an international certificate for working qualities is required.

RKF Champion

To obtain the title "Champion of the RKF" you must:
Option 1. The presence of diplomas "Champion of the Federation", the minimum diplomas "Champion of the Federation" of 3 different federations are taken into account.
Option 2. 1 Ch.RKF certificate obtained at the International or All-Russian Dog Show.

Federation Champion (ChF)

To obtain the title "Champion of the Federation" you must:
The presence of 4 certificates "KChF" - a candidate for the champions of the federation (one of the federations), received from three different judges. The presence of the certificate "Champion of the Federation", obtained at the All-Russian exhibitions.

Club Champion

Champion of the National Breed Club is assigned according to the rules stipulated by the National Breed Club of the RKF.
Minimum requirements for obtaining the Club Champion:
4хКЧК = Club Champion
2x Club Winner = Club Champion (The Club Winner is awarded at the All-Russian Club Show, where in each class CCC is awarded, and the best male and female get the Club Winner.
The NKP champion gets the best male and the best female at the national NKP show. The Presidium of the National Club conducts the registration of the titles "Champion of the National Club" and the issuance of the relevant certificates.

Junior Champion

To obtain the title "Junior Champion" you must:
Option 1. The title can be awarded directly at the National Specialty Show to a dog that has received the title of "Best Junior" (male and female).
Option 2. The title can be awarded by recruitment if the dog at the indicated age has 3 diplomas with the title " Best Junior"(male and female), received from three different judges at monobreed shows of any rank or at 2 monobreed and plus one title of "best junior" at any certificate show not lower than CAC.

Can be awarded to a dog between the ages of 9 and 18 months.
Accounting for titles "Junior Champion" and the issuance of relevant certificates is carried out by the Presidium of the National Club.

All titles are assigned to dogs with pedigrees recognized by the RKF, with three generations of ancestors.
As an exception, incomplete pedigrees are allowed for pre-2010 titles in a number of breeds:
- Australian Shepherd,
- american bulldog,
- Afghan native hound,
- white swiss shepherd,
- brazilian terrier,
- Boerboel,
- Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound,
- East European Shepherd,
- Jack Russell Terrier,
- Italian Cane Corso,
- Ca de bou,
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog,
- Canary dog,
- korean jindo,
- lagotto romagnolo,
- latvian hound,
- Lithuanian hound,
- mexican hairless dog,
- Moscow watchdog,
- Moscow dragon,
- reindeer spitz,
- Parson Russell Terrier,
- Peruvian hairless dog,
- Prague rat,
- Russian hound,
- Russian piebald hound,
- Russian colored lapdog,
- Russian hunting spaniel,
- Russian toy terrier,
- Saint Miguelian Fila,
- Central asian shepherd dog,
- basins,
- taigan,
- Thai Ridgeback,
- hortaya,
- Chukchi riding,
- Estonian hound,
- South Russian Shepherd.


All-breed international, held in accordance with the calendar plan of the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale). At such exhibitions, the CACIB certificate is awarded - a candidate for international beauty champions.


All-breed. In Russia, they are held in accordance with the calendar plan of the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation). At such exhibitions, a CAC certificate is awarded - a candidate for national beauty champions.

CAC shows are divided into the following ranks:
. CAC ChRKF, all-Russian (for them you can additionally receive a certificate of the Champion of the RKF and a certificate of the champion of any federation);
. САС Black Sea Fleet, all-Russian (for them you can additionally receive a certificate of the champion of any federation or a candidate for the champions of the federation);
. CAC KChF, regional (for them you can additionally receive a certificate of a candidate for the champions of any federation).

Mono (monobreed shows)

Exhibitions held under the auspices of the national breed club (for example, NKP "Pincher"). At such exhibitions, special certificates are awarded (SS, KCHK, PC, CHK).

Monobreed shows are divided into the following ranks:
. CHK (Club Champion) - National Dog Show, held once a year (you can get certificates of CHNKP, CHRSHPS, KChK, SS);
. PC (club winner) - inter-regional exhibition (it is possible to get certificates of PC, CCC, CC);
. KCHK (candidate for club champions) - regional exhibition (you can get certificates of KChK, CC).

Show classes and certificates
Dogs are recorded, exhibited and evaluated at exhibitions by class, separately by sex (females and males). The class winner, and sometimes the dogs included in the arrangement, have the opportunity to receive some kind of certificate.

Awarding certificates at rank shows
Baby (baby) from 3 to 6 months - - -
puppies from 6 to 9 months - - -
Juniors (junior) from 9 to 18 months JCAC JCAC YuChK, YuPK, YuKChK, JSS
Intermediate (intermediate) from 15 to 24 months CACIB, R.CACIB,
Open (open) from 15 months
Winners X X
Club Champions X X -
Veterans from 8 years old - - -

The procedure for awarding certificates
At shows, at the request of the judge, dogs rated at least "excellent" may be issued one of the following certificates(except for baby classes, puppies, veterans):
JCAC- who took 1st place in the junior class (separately for males and females);
CAC- won 1st place in each class (separately for males and females) - at international exhibitions and exhibitions of the ChRKF rank, and the best male (female) - at other exhibitions;
R.JCAC And R.CAC– who took 2nd place after the dogs who received respectively JCAC and CAC (separately for males and females);
CACIB– the best male (female) at international shows;
R.CACIB– the best male (female) at international shows, selected by comparing the winners of all classes (except the one in which CACIB was awarded), and the second dog from the class where CACIB was awarded, which received R.CAC;
Black Sea Fleet- the best male (female) at shows of the rank Champion of the Federation (All-Russian), as well as the winners of adult classes at shows of the rank of Champion of the RKF;
KChF– the best male (female) at shows of the rank Candidate for Champion of the Federation (regional), as well as the winners of adult classes at shows of the rank of Champion of the Federation (All-Russian);
ChRKF- the best male (female), at international shows held in Russia, and at shows of the RKF Champion rank.
Only at monobreed shows:
Cheka- who took 1st place when comparing the winners of adult classes (separately for males and females) at exhibitions of the rank of the Cheka (national);
YuChK PC- the same, at an exhibition of the PC rank;
UPK- the same, in the junior class; KChK- the same, at an exhibition of the rank of the Candidate of Champions League, as well as to the winners of the adult classes at the exhibitions of the rank of the PC and the Cheka;
YUKChK- the same, in the junior class; USS And SS– for dogs ranked from 2nd to 4th place in each class at shows of the rank of CW and CHK, and from 1st to 4th place (and more often only class winners) at shows of the rank of CCHK.

At all exhibitions (regardless of rank), the best baby is selected separately by breed ( LB), best puppy ( BOSCH), best junior ( Best Junior), best male ( OK), the best bitch ( LS), best veteran ( LV), best of breed ( BOB).
BOS and BOS are determined by comparing the winners of adult classes: intermediate, open, winners, champions. BJ is selected by comparing the best junior male and the best junior female. BOB is determined by comparing BJ, BOS, BOS and BOS.
BOS, BOSCH, BJ, BOS and BOB are displayed in BEST IN SHOW exhibitions for comparison with representatives of other breeds.

In preparing the material, information from the site was used

Exhibition classes are:

Baby class (baby) from 4 to 6 months

Puppy class (pappy) from 6 to 9 months

Junior class (junior) from 9 to 18 months

Intermediate class from 15 to 24 months

Class open (open) from 15 months

Winner class - from 15 months

Class working (working) - from 15 months

Champion class - from 15 months

Veteran class - from 8 years old


  • The baby class and the winner class are distinguished only at monobreed shows
  • To enter the class of winners, you must have at least one CAC or CCHK title
  • To enter the working class at CACIB shows - an international certificate for field trials is required, for All-Russian, regional and monobreed shows - a working diploma from field tests may be enough
  • To enter the champion class, you must have the title of the champion of the country - a member of the FCI

Grades, certificates and titles

Grades awarded in the baby class and in the puppy class:

very promising(very promising) red ribbon

Perspective(promising) blue ribbon

unpromising(no promising) - green ribbon

Grades awarded in Junior, Intermediate, Open, Winners, Workers, Champions and Veteran classes:

Excellent- Red ribbon

Very good(very good) - blue ribbon

Fine(good) - green ribbon

Satisfactorily(satisfactory) - yellow ribbon

Disqualification(disqualification) - white ribbon

No evaluation (no evolution)

Titles which, at the judge's discretion, may be awarded in the ring:

CW - class winner

R.CW - reserve class winner

CACJ - SASYU - Candidate for Junior National Beauty Champion

CAC - national beauty champion candidate

R.CAC - reserve candidate for national beauty champions

CACIB - Candidate for International Champions of Beauty

R.CACIB - reserve candidate for International Champions of Beauty

Ch.RKF - champion of RKF

CHF - champion of the federation (RFLS, RFOS, OANKOO, RFSS)

KChF - candidate for champions of the federation (RFLS, RFOS, OANKOO, RFSS)

ChK - champion of the national breed club

PK - winner of the national breed club

Candidate for Champion of the National Club of the Breed

СС - certificate of conformity

BB (best baby) - best baby of breed

BP (best puppy) - best puppy of breed

BV (best veteran) - best veteran of breed

BOS (best opposite sex) - best male/female of breed

BOB (best of breed) - best of breed

BIG (best in group) - best in FCI group

BIS (best in show) - best dog in the show

At exhibitions, titles in the ring are awarded at the discretion of the judge, according to the following rules:

Title C.W.

  • the winner in each class - that is, the first dog in the class

Title R.CW

Title R.CW

  • dogs that have taken second place in their class

Title CACJ

  • male and female, who received the title of CW in the junior class at the shows of the rank CAC / CACIB

Title CAC

  • males and females who have received the title of CW in the classes of intermediate, open, working, champions, veterans at CAC / CACIB shows

Title R.CAC

  • males and females who have received the title R.CW in the classes of intermediate, open, working, champions, veterans at CAC / CACIB shows


  • Best Male and Best Female at the CACIB Show - International Dog Show


  • male and female, who took second place in the arrangement at the CACIB show - International Dog Show

Title Ch.RKF

  • Best male and Best female at shows rank "RKF Champion"

Title of the Black Sea Fleet

  • Best male and Best female at shows of the rank "Federation Champion" of the respective federations

Title KCHF

  • Best male and Best female at shows of the rank "Candidate for Champion of the Federation" of the respective federations

Title Cheka

  • Best male and Best female at the National Monobreed Show

PC title

  • Best male and Best female at the All-Russian Monobreed Show

Title KChK

  • at the National and All-Russian monobreed shows - males and females who received the title of CW in the classes of intermediate, open, winners, workers, champions, veterans.
  • at the Regional Monobreed Show - Best male and Best female

CC title at monobreed shows for dogs with an "excellent" rating at the discretion of the judge

Best Baby of Breed (BB) is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the baby class

Best Puppy of Breed (BP) is selected by comparing male and female puppy class winners

Best Junior of Breed (BJ) is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the junior class

Best Veteran of Breed (BV) is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the Veteran class.

Best Male of Breed (BOS) is selected by comparing class winning males

Best Female of Breed (BOS) is selected by comparing female class winners

Best of Breed (BOB) is selected by comparing Best Junior, Best Male and Best Female of Breed

Best in Group FCI (BIG) is selected by comparing the Best of Breeds in the same group

Best Dog in Show (BIS) is selected by comparing group winners

Notes: competitions for the best baby, puppy, junior and veteran of the show are also held separately: BIS-B, BIS-P, BIS-J, BIS-V Awarding titles at shows is the prerogative of experts and is not subject to appeal. In the absence of a worthy, according to the expert, representative, the title may not be awarded.

Order of examination in the ring

Prior to the start of the examination, it is necessary in advance (with a margin of 30-40 minutes):

  • undergo veterinary control, for which you will need a veterinary certificate of the established form for the dog. A certificate can only be obtained at state veterinary clinics.
  • register for the exhibition and get an exhibition number. To avoid misunderstandings, it is better to always have a receipt confirming the entry of the dog to the show.

Ideally, the examination in the ring should begin strictly in accordance with the schedule of the exhibition, which can and should be known in advance.

The procedure for examination in the ring at certificate shows in the RKF-FCI system is as follows (within one breed):

baby class: examination of males with the CW title, examination of females with the CW title, comparison of a male and a female who received the CW title for the title of Best Baby of Breed.

Puppy class: examination of males with the CW title, examination of females with the CW title, comparison of a male and a female who received the CW title for the title of Best Puppy of Breed.

Junior class: examination of males with awarding CW and CACJ titles, examination of females with awarding CW and CACJ titles, comparison of a male and a female who received CW-CACJ titles for the title of Best Junior of Breed.

Examination of adult males: first, an examination is carried out in turn in each of the show classes (intermediate, open, winners, workers, champions and veterans) with the award of CW and CAC titles in each of them, then a comparison for the title of Best male of the breed takes place (males with CW- titles are compared with each other CAC)

Examination of adult bitches: first, an examination is carried out in turn in each of the show classes (intermediate, open, winners, workers, champions and veterans) with the award of CW and CAC titles in each of them, then a comparison for the title of Best female of the breed takes place (females with CW-titles are compared with each other CAC)

Comparison for the title of Best of Breed (best male and best female are compared)


At CACIB Certification Shows, the Best Female and Best Male can be awarded the CACIB title.

At monobreed shows of different status, instead of CAC and CACIB titles, the titles of CCHK, PC and CHC are awarded, according to the rules for awarding titles of the National Breed Club.

All dogs from the same class enter the ring in numerical order after the invitation of the ring steward (males and females are shown separately - see above).

The exhibition number must be visible at all times (pinned, hung around the neck, etc.).

All further actions in the ring take place in accordance with the instructions of the expert.

As a rule, the sequence of examination in the ring is approximately the following:

First, all dogs standing in the ring are examined for teeth, and for males, the presence of both testicles is checked. Incorrect bite, violations of the dental formula, the absence of one or both testicles in the scrotum - are the basis for disqualification of the exhibitor.

Then all dogs are watched in motion in a circle. And a dog that is visibly lame or has a serious movement defect will be removed from the ring.

After that, an individual examination of each dog is carried out: the expert evaluates the dog in the stance and in motion, and the assistant writes down the result of the examination on the evaluation sheet. The result of the individual examination is an assessment (the exhibitor is given a ribbon of the corresponding color, but, however, not always+).

Upon completion of the individual examination of all dogs presented in the class, the judge places dogs from 1 to 4 with an "excellent" rating (at CACIB shows with "excellent" and "very good" ratings).

The winner will continue to fight for the titles, but after some time the rest of the participants will receive diplomas and evaluation sheets.

Contests for the Best Dog of the Show, the Best Baby, the Best Puppy, the Best Junior and the Best Veteran of the Show are held at the end of the show day, after the end of the examination in the rings.

Each dog show ends with the identification of the best pet, which the judge gives the title, giving specific marks. Dogs participating in such events are ranked by age category. Below is an explanation of common abbreviations and abbreviations that are incomprehensible to many ordinary people.

The following age groups (classes) of dogs are distinguished:

Puppies (puppy) - dogs aged 6 to 9 months;

Juniors (junior) - age from 9 to 18 months;

Intermediate (intermediate) - age from 15 to 24 months;

Open (open) - starting from 15 months;

Working (working) - starting from 15 months;

Champion (champion) - starting from 15 months;

Veteran (veteran) - from 8 years.

The age of the dog is determined at the time of the day preceding the start of the show.

Options for assessments at exhibitions:

In the Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, Champion and Veteran classes, a dog may receive one of the following marks:

Red ribbon, comparable to the rating "excellent" (excellent);

Blue ribbon, the analogue of which is the rating "very good" (very good);

Green ribbon meaning "good" (good);

Yellow ribbon, meaning "satisfactory" (satisfactory);

White ribbon disqualifying the participating dog (disqualification);

No tape, no evaluation.

Puppies can be rated on the following scale:

A red ribbon that speaks of a very high level perspectives (very promising);

Blue ribbon implying promise;

The green ribbon is a sign of no perspective (no promising).

Exhibition titles:

The Judge may award any of the following titles to a dog in the ring:

CW - "class" winner assigned to the dog, which became the first in its class among those who claimed the title;

R.CW - the winner of the reserve level, which is considered the second dog in the CACJ class - САСУ or a candidate in the group of young champions of Russia in the beauty category;

САС - candidacy for the title of champion of Russia in the "beauty" parameter;

R.CAC - reserve level candidate for the title of champion of Russia in beauty;

Black Sea Fleet - champion of the federation level (RFOS, OANKOO, RFSS and RFLS);

KChF - a candidate for the title of the champion of the federation level (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS);

CACIB - a candidate for the title of champion of beauty at the International level;

R.CACIB - reserve level candidate for the title of International Champion of Beauty.

The condition for obtaining a reserve title for a dog is the obligatory award of the main title on the same parameter earlier.

Best male - the title of the best male in the breed, which is selected by comparing dogs of several classes: CW, intermediate, open, working, champion;

BOS - the selection procedure is similar to awarding the BOS title;

VOV-BOB - the most worthy representative of the breed, selected by comparing the best male and female from the same breed, who have already been awarded titles;

BEST PUPPY - the best puppy of the breed, which is selected by comparing female and male puppies from the CW class;

BEST JUNIOR - the best junior, selected on the basis of a comparison of female and male juniors of the JCAC-SACU class;

BEST VETERAN - the best veteran of the breed, who is selected after comparing and evaluating the male and female in the CW veteran group;

BIS - the best dog at the show in the group of puppies, juniors and veterans;

BIS-P, BIS-J, BIS-V - the best representative of the group of puppies, juniors, veterans in the entire exhibition, which are selected after comparing the best dogs in each breed among all participants in the exhibition.

In the case of long-term exhibition events, the duration of which exceeds one day, the best representative in each group is called daily. However, later comparisons between the winners of each day of the exhibition are not made.

BIG - the best dog in the FCI group, chosen as the champion among the three best representatives of the breed;

BIS is the best dog of the show, chosen after comparing the winners with the BIG title of the FCI groups.

Title "Champion of Russia" (CR)

The title "Champion of Russia" can be awarded by an expert to a dog in several cases.

1. The dog is a six-time winner of the CAC certificate, which were awarded to it by six different judges. At the same time, they should include:

One certificate of a candidate for the champions of the NKP (CC) equivalent to one certificate of CAC (no more than 3 certificates of the CCC can be taken into account);

One certificate of the champion in the NKP (ChK), identical to three certificates of CAC (no more than 1 certificate of the CHK is counted);

One NKP (PC) winner certificate is comparable to two CAC certificates (no more than 1 PC certificate is taken into account).

2. The dog must be awarded four CACs awarded by four different judges. One of these awards must have the International Dignity of the RKF level.

3. Starting from 2006, the dog must have at least two CAC certificates, which must be awarded by two different judges at the International Dog Show "Eurasia" (similar to double CACIB).

4. The dog must have among its awards one certificate of CAC or CCC if it has a diploma or certificate "Champion" of the level of the country, FCI membership, or the USA (AKC), Great Britain (COP), Canada (CAC).

5. It is enough for a dog to receive two CAC certificates, which were awarded by judges from two different countries, and a diploma with the title "Junior Champion of Russia".

Title "Junior Champion of Russia" (JCHR)

A dog can take the title "Junior Champion of Russia" if one of the conditions is met.

1 The dog has four CACJ or CACJ certificates as the winner in the junior class, which he received from different judges.

At the same time, one certificate of the Junior winner of the NKP-RKF, as well as one certificate of the JKCHK NKP-RKF are considered identical with one certificate of the SASYU. The maximum commission will take into account no more than two certificates Junior winner of the NKP-RKF. One certificate of merit Junior Champion of the NKP-RKF is an analogue of two certificates of SASYU.

2 Three different judges independently awarded the dog three SACU certificates. Moreover, one of them must be obtained within the framework of the RKF International Dog Show.

3 Starting from 2006, a dog must have at least two CACS certificates issued by two different judges within the framework of the EURASIA International Dog Show (similar to double CACIB).

4 Dog - the owner of one certificate of the SACU or one certificate of the Junior winner of the NKP-RKF. In addition, you must have a certificate "Junior Champion" of the country.

Title "Grand Champion of Russia" (GChR)

The title "Grand Champion of Russia" can be obtained by a dog that has all the following diplomas:

. "Champion of Russia";

. "Champion of the National Breed Club".

In addition, if the dog belongs to the working group, then it must also have a certificate of performance.

Title "Champion of RKF"

The title "Champion of the RKF" a dog can get in two cases.

1 Dog - the owner of the diploma "Champion of the Federation". Sometimes the judges pay attention to the diploma "Champion of the Federation" of three different federations.

2 The dog received one Ch.RKF certificate at the All-Russian or International Dog Show.

Title "Champion of the Federation" (ChF)

You can get the title of "Champion of the Federation" if you have four certificates of a candidate for the champion of the federation (of one of the federations) - "KChF", which were awarded by three different judges. It is also obligatory to have the certificate "Champion of the Federation" of the All-Russian level.

Title "Champion of the National Club"

The rules for awarding the title "Champion of the National Breed Club" are determined by the National Breed Club of the RKF.

The minimum conditions for its receipt is that the dog has the following awards:

Four certificates of the KChK;

Two-time possession of the title of Winner, awarded at the All-Russian NKP Show, within the framework of which in each class a CAC is awarded, of which the best female and male receive the title of NKP Winner.

The NKP Champion is the best male and female in the National NKP Show.

All titles "Champion of the National Club" and their assignment are fixed by the Presidium of the National Club.

Title "Junior Champion"

A dog can win the title of "Junior Champion" in several ways.

1. A dog that is already the owner of the title "Best Junior" - male or female, can be awarded the title "Junior Champion" directly within the framework of a monobreed show.

2. By a certain age, a dog must have a set of diplomas in the amount of three indicating the title "Best Junior" (male and female), which were awarded by three independent experts within the monobreed exhibitions. An analogue is the two indicated diplomas in combination with one title "Best Junior" from the exhibition of the CAC level.

The dog must be between 9 and 18 months of age.

All titles "Junior Champion" are taken into account by the representatives of the Presidium of the NPC, who record their issuance.

Until 2010 it is allowed to assign titles to dogs with incomplete pedigrees if they belong to one of the following breeds:

Australian Shepherd,

american bulldog,

Afghan Native Hound,

White Swiss Shepherd,

brazilian terrier,


Buryat Mongolian wolfhound,

East European Shepherd,

Jack Russell Terrier,

Italian Cane Corso,

Ca de bou

Caucasian Shepherd Dog,

canary dog,

Korean jindo,

lagotto romagnolo,

latvian hound,

Lithuanian hound,

mexican hairless dog,

Moscow watchdog,

Moscow dragon,

deer spitz,

Parson Russell Terrier,

peruvian hairless dog,

Prague rat,

Russian hound,

Russian piebald hound,

Russian colored lapdog,

Russian hunting spaniel,

Russian toy terrier,

Saint Miguelian Fila,

Central asian shepherd dog,

Thai Ridgeback,

Chukchi riding,

estonian hound,

South Russian Shepherd.

In the Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, Champion and Veteran classes, the following grades are awarded:

  • Excellent (excellent) - red ribbon
  • very good- blue ribbon
  • Good (good) - green ribbon
  • Satisfactory- yellow tape
  • Disqualification- white tape

In the puppy class, the following grades are awarded:

  • very promising- Red ribbon
  • Promising- blue ribbon
  • Unpromising (no promising)- green ribbon

In the ring, at the judge's discretion, the following titles may be awarded:

class winner

Assigned to the first dog in the class that claims to be awarded the title.

Reserve class winner

Assigned to the second dog in the class.

Candidate for the young champions of Russia in beauty

Candidate for the champions of Russia in beauty

Reserve candidate for the champions of Russia in beauty

Federation Champion (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS)

Candidate for champions of the federation (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS)

Candidate for International Champions of Beauty

At the International Show, if at least one dog in the breed has been awarded the title of CAC, then the judge must assign CACIB.

Reserve Candidate for International Champions of Beauty

All reserve titles can only be awarded if the main titles have been awarded. Thus, no R.CAC can be awarded unless a CAC is awarded, and no R.CACIB can be awarded unless a CACIB is awarded.

Best male of breed

Best female of breed

Selected by comparing CW Intermediate, Open, Working, Champion classes.

Best of Breed

Selected by comparison of the best male of the breed and the best female of the breed, who received titles.

Best Puppy of Breed

Selected when comparing male and female CW puppy class.

Best junior of breed

Selected when comparing male and female CW junior class JCAC.

Best Veteran of Breed

Selected when comparing male and female CW veteran class.


Best dog in show

When comparing BIG winners by FCI groups, the expert determines the top three dogs, the first of which receives BIS

Separately among puppies, juniors and veterans of each breed participating in the exhibition. At least three best dogs are placed in each competition. If the show is held over several days, then the best puppy, junior and veteran is selected each day, with no further comparison between the winners of each day.

Best in FCI group

In each group, among the best representatives of the breeds, the expert determines the three best dogs, the first of which receives the title BIG.