How to pump up huge arms tips. How to pump up big arms best tips

Want a 45cm biceps volume and don't know how to get the ball rolling? Then carefully study the secret ways to pump up your hands from professional bodybuilders.

Triceps Anatomy

Already from the name of the muscle, it can be understood that the triceps consists of three sections: external (lateral), internal (long) and middle (medial). The internal section is attached to the back of the scapula and to activate it, you need to take your hand back. The middle section is located near elbow joint between external and internal departments. The main work of the middle head is performed with light extensions.

All these departments are combined with the help of the triceps ligament, which can be long or short. It all depends on the genetics of the athlete. When the ligament is short, the triceps themselves will be more massive and longer.

The middle section takes on the bulk of the load when performing light movements. When the load increases significantly, the lateral head comes to the aid of the middle head. The last department to enter the matter is the internal department and it is very important to remember that for this you need to correctly take your hand away.

At this point, we should dwell a little more. The attachment of the long section to the shoulder blade is somewhat different from other heads of the triceps, which makes it necessary to use some secrets when performing the movement. If this is not done, then the long head will lag behind in its development. To fully engage the internal department, you must do the following:

  1. Take your hand back or up - French bench press from behind the head.
  2. When performing the exercise, use the elbow joint - French bench press in the prone position from behind the head.
  3. Press the elbow joints to the body. If they are separated, then the emphasis of the load will shift to the external department.
  4. Thanks to the supination of the hands, the load will also be accentuated on the long section, and during pronation - on the outer one.

Anatomy of the biceps

This muscle consists of two sections: external (long) and internal (short). They are connected together in a similar way to triceps - with the help of a biceps ligament. However, this tendon is attached to the skeleton to the side of the forearm, which allows the muscles not only to bend the hand, but also to turn it in the direction of the thumb. This is called supination.

The inner section of the muscle responds well to any bending of the arm and problems with its development never arise. But there can be problems with the external head. And again, this is due to the attachment of the head to the bone. It is attached to the shoulder joint in the upper part of it, and in order to fully engage the external head, you will need to move the elbow joint back. Here are a few secrets to help you get the most out of your outer biceps:

  • The stronger the elbow joints are laid back, the greater the load will be on the long head.
  • If the elbow joints are pushed forward, then the inner part of the muscle is worked out more strongly - flexion on the Scott bench.
  • With a wide grip, the inner section is more involved and vice versa.

How to pump up powerful hands?

To begin with, there are some of the most effective movements for developing biceps and triceps. The following movements will help you make powerful triceps:
  • Extension of one arm in an inclination;
  • Extension of the arms from behind the head;
  • Extension of arms on a vertical block.
To work on the biceps, the following are very effective:
  • Bending the arms on the upper block;
  • Expanded "hammer" flexion;
  • Lifting the bar for biceps.
I would like to say a little more about the last movement. It can be called unique, since there are several ways to perform it.

Wide grip

This is a classic move. You need to push the elbow joints forward and perform the exercise within the amplitude. In this embodiment, the internal section of the muscle is maximally loaded. The narrower the grip, the more the load will be focused on the internal section.

narrow grip

To a greater extent, the external section of the biceps is involved, but when the elbow joint is moved forward, the load transfers to the internal section. In addition, the amplitude of the entire movement increases and both heads are worked out quite well. This allows more weight to be used. sports equipment thanks to the joint work of the two departments.

Elbow joints are laid back

In this case, the amplitude decreases, and the load is accentuated on the outer head, which is quite difficult to work out. If you still use a narrow grip, then the entire load will go to the outer section of the muscle.

Concentrated lift

This version of the exercise is best suited for using dumbbells. But if desired, you can use the bar. If you are genetically predisposed to pumping peak biceps, then this is the best option exercises for that.

Reverse grip

A great way to work well on the shoulder muscle. At the same time, try not to use cheating elements. This is due to the fact that in this variation of the movement there is no cushioning clearance, and you can damage the muscles or ligaments. It is important to remember that the brachial muscle, when performing any biceps curl, takes up to 70 percent of the entire load. The best option here is to perform hammer bends with dumbbells. You can use a barbell, but it is not so convenient. Also, this variation of the biceps curl helps to strengthen the forearm.

Flexion in a seated position with partial amplitude

This variant of the movement makes it possible to maintain tension in the muscle throughout the entire exercise. If you also work to failure, then you can simply “kill” your biceps, which will positively affect their growth. Great option muscle building exercises.

More about ways to pump massive hands find out in this video:

From childhood, every man is aware of the need to be strong. Young guys, putting on T-shirts in the summer, often want to pump up their biceps ...

The topic of this article is training hands for mass. This is about training process, accentuated influencing the increase in the main biceps, triceps and muscles of the forearms. At the same time, while training, you should definitely pay attention to other muscle groups: back, abs, legs, shoulders, neck. Human body- amazingly harmonious creation. With an uneven study of the main muscle groups at a certain stage, it simply will not allow the biceps to grow (for example, if they are lagging behind in their development).

Proportions of the training process

How to pump up muscles? This problem, which modern training successfully solves, does not accept a technocratic approach: an excess of load gives a negative result - injury and exhaustion. muscle fibers. The recovery phase is important. The growth of arm muscles depends on their development, of course, non-linearly. Experts have calculated that an increase in the volume of arm muscles by 1 cm is accompanied by an increase in the total body weight of an athlete by 3 kg. Accordingly, protein nutrition must be provided and in the training mode, the emphasis on the hands cannot exceed 30% of the total physical activity. And, of course, the effect of training is enhanced by properly selected sports nutrition.

Tool - muscle failure

Training hands for mass, like any other muscles, involves a cycle of exercises with maximum load. Performing approaches to projectiles (barbells, dumbbells, simulators, expanders) with a weight lifted no more than 8 times, one should achieve a state of muscle failure in a set. Moreover, the effect of muscle failure is maximized if this state is deliberately delayed by athletes for 15-30 seconds.

If you speak the language sports medicine, then to achieve the result - the growth of muscle mass - the process of anaerobic glycolysis is used. In other words, skeletal muscles They receive energy from the oxidation of glucose with decomposition into lactic and paratartaric acids in conditions of oxygen deficiency. Naturally, arm training for mass is also based on this phenomenon.

What happens in the muscles of the hands during shock training? They receive numerous microtraumas. In this case, the fibers are damaged, protein structures are destroyed. In this case, we talk about the stress of high-intensity loads. If then you correctly build your further training cycle and sports nutrition, then the athlete progresses, due to the effect of over-recovery of skeletal muscles.

Load variation

After working with the maximum training weight, the muscles need a special, more gentle regimen. Hand training for mass in the next cycle involves reducing the load to 50-60% of maximum weight. This technique is called microperiodization by trainers: a week of heavy loads is replaced by a week of light ones.

However, novice athletes, having achieved their first successes, tend to recklessly look down on small weights ... In this regard, we appeal to diligent trainees with a request to moderate their ardor and abandon the practice of constantly increasing the load. Periodic work with smaller weights is necessary, accompanying muscle growth during over-recovery. It contributes to the formation of their new relief. The rollback phase is necessary. It would be logical to increase the load on the next “heavy” cycle. Fanaticism in training is fraught with injuries and stagnation in building results muscle mass.

However, the above is not yet a complete answer to the question of how to pump big hands. You should change your views on the training itself to build muscle mass.

Feature of the bodybuilding technique

Barbells, dumbbells, exercise equipment… Both powerlifters and weightlifters train with all this. However, their priorities are different. For a powerlifter, not muscle mass, but a one-time lift of maximum weights matters. Bodybuilders, on the other hand, are making progress in the training process by increasing the working weights of sports equipment. Thus, they maximize the training load.

And the bodybuilder has much more ways to pump up big hands. After all, these athletes use not one, but three types of their strength capabilities for muscle growth. The strength capabilities practiced by weightlifters from muscle contraction when lifting weights (compression of muscle fibers) are not at all that great. They are only 60% of the effort in controlled lowering of the weight (negative phase of the movement) and 75% of the effort in holding the weight at the highest point.

Accordingly, the training program for the hands of a bodybuilder is more effective for the growth of biceps and triceps.

Hand training program

Hands swing hard. Each millimeter of volume requires forced efforts. In this article, we want to pay attention to how to competently solve this issue, formulating principles, warning about possible mistakes and suggesting exercises and their intensity.

Most arm trainers prioritize the biceps. It just catches your eye right away. However, they do not take into account that the bulk of the muscles of the arm, namely two-thirds, is triceps. These muscles are often called antagonists. The first of them works on flexion of the arm, the second - on extension. Moreover, if you pay attention to only one of them, then the increase in the second is inhibited by the body itself. Therefore, a large biceps without a massive triceps is simply unattainable. With such a methodological error, it will turn out to be embossed, but thin. Note that for the harmonious development of the arm, athletes also pump the muscles of the forearm.

Recall that the arm training program is not an independent exercise, but only a component of the athlete’s overall training program. However, for an accentuated build-up of arm muscles, it is recommended to include exercises on them twice in a weekly training cycle: once with a large training weight, and the second with a light one.


To prevent possible injuries from the load of unheated ligaments and muscle fibers, a preliminary warm-up is recommended. For the muscles of the hands, these are energetic warming circular, and then stretching movements. In this article, we will present to your attention three basic sets of exercises: for biceps, triceps and forearm. They are carried out with maximum training load. Note to trainees: general training percussion exercises for the mass of the arms can be combined with moderate loads of the back muscles ( abdominals) and vice versa.

The table “Basic complex for biceps”, located below, will come to the aid of the trainees.

The standing bicep curl is considered one of the classic exercises, forming immediately the top, middle and bottom of the biceps.

When it is performed, the torso (torso) is held straight, the feet are placed shoulder-width apart. The barbell is gripped from below. The elbows are on the sides of the torso. The bar is lowered to the level of the hips. The gaze is fixed straight ahead. After inhaling, the athlete bends his arms at the elbows, while the barbell is at chest level. It is important that the elbows remain in their original position during such a movement, that is, they do not move. Simultaneously with the lifting of the bar, exhalation is performed. The bar is then slowly lowered to hip level. It is important to maintain a straight body position while performing the exercise.

The rise to the biceps with supination is done with it is also performed from a standing position with the legs shoulder-width apart. Dumbbells rise in turn. The rhythm of breathing is similar to that mentioned in the previous exercise. The term "supination" means turning the hand with a dumbbell at the top point towards thumb. This is a natural movement, since the specific attachment of the human biceps with tendons forces it to do so.

Biceps mass exercises are complemented by biceps rows on the Scott bench. It is universal: it can be performed with both a barbell and dumbbells. Its feature is the fixation of the position of the hands on the bench, due to which the fold is accentuated precisely in the elbow joint. Due to the concentration of the load on the elbow, the fundamental condition is the non-maximum weight of the burden, and it does not rise to the end, i.e., the traction on the Scott bench is always performed in partial amplitude. By its value, this exercise is indispensable for loading the biceps in the reverse phase of the movement - for stretching.

Also, training the arms in the gym in terms of working out the biceps involves traction on the biceps in block simulator(on a high block). Starting position - standing, similar to that described in the first exercise. Bending your arms at the elbows, at the end point of the trajectory of the block, you should fix it at the highest point - until a steady burning sensation occurs in the muscles.

However, the question "How to build muscle?" regarding the biceps is not yet fully disclosed. The fact is that for athletes of short stature base complex enough to form the entire bicep. If the biceps is long, the bodybuilder needs an additional set of exercises (see the table “Training the peak of the biceps” below):

The main exercise in this complex is, as you can see, the pull of the EZ bar for biceps, which is performed on the Scott bench. Its advantage is an isolated effect on the lengthening of the bottom and raising the peak of the biceps.


However, an effective arm mass training program should also include exercises for the other large arm muscles: the triceps and forearm. Triceps - the muscle that occupies most of the upper half of the arm, you need to work out no less consistently than the biceps. The voluminous horseshoe-shaped relief triceps gives the bodybuilder's arm a finished and proportional look. The maximum result in his training will be provided by exercises carefully selected in terms of weight, number of repetitions, isolation, indicated in the table, which describes the main set of exercises for triceps.

Note: the French bench press is quite traumatic. The point load on the elbow joints determines the reduction in weight up to 50-60% of the maximum training. The elbows should be motionless so that the load falls on the triceps, and not on other muscles. The athlete lies down on the bench. Optimally, if the barbell, initially located behind his head, will be given by an assistant. The grip on the bar should not be wide. The distance between the brushes in the grip is preferably kept within 20-30 cm. french press hands increase the chance of injury. In addition, pumping the muscles of the hands with this exercise will be more effective when using an EZ bar than barbells with a regular neck. The load is distributed in isolation on all three bundles of triceps muscle fibers.

The seated French press involves the lifter sitting on a bench with a vertical back. Legs firmly rest on the floor, the back is straight. In the initial position it is located above the head. The lifter then slowly lowers the bar behind his head. This movement stops at a subjectively determined point at which the tension of the triceps is felt. Cheating and bandaging of elbows is possible. The seated French press also works the back and abdominal muscles.

Pumping up the muscles of the hands during the training pumping of the triceps is considered more effective than using the classic French bench press. Why? In the French press, more significant load falls on the elbows. Therefore, already with a projectile weight of 40-60 kg (depending on the physical condition of the athlete), pain may occur.

Exercises for pumping arms have different effectiveness. allows an athlete to work in isolation for the development of triceps with a weight of 100 kg or more. Moreover, trained athletes perform arm extension at upper block for triceps with a weight of 140-150 kg. In this case, the exercise is not isolated. At the same time, the muscles of the back and abdominals are trained.

Forearm muscles

Harmoniously developed athlete's hands suggest sufficient development of the muscles of the forearms (brachioradialis). They are traditionally associated with the strength of an athlete. Developed muscles provide a secure grip on sports equipment. Accordingly, they provide safety when the athlete performs various exercises. If the forearms are a “weak link” in the development of an athlete, then not only individual program arm training for mass. Strong forearms also require the development of other muscle groups. For example, for the development of the back muscles, basic exercises are important - traction in the inclination of the bar, taken wide grip, as well as pulling up on the crossbar with a wide grip on the head. For the development of this muscle group, we recommend a set of exercises presented in the following table: "A set of exercises for the muscles of the forearms."

When pulling the barbell for biceps reverse grip the position of the brush is with the palm away from you. This exercise is insulating. It is recommended for athletes who already have results in the development of biceps and triceps.

Starting position - the torso is straight, and the legs are shoulder-width apart. Arms with a breath bend at the elbows. The bar is fixed at the top point. On exhalation, the projectile returns to its original position.

The basic exercise for the development of the brachioradialis muscles is the "hammer". It is performed from a standing position by alternately lifting the set of dumbbells, with the palms of the hands constantly turned towards the body. When performing the “hammer”, the body should not sway.

Hand movements should be smooth, without jerks, performed in a power key.

Bending of the hands in the grip of the bar is performed by the trainee in each approach to failure. Position - sitting on a bench. The bar is taken in hand narrow grip brushes - palms facing you. The brushes are unbent as much as possible, then bent. Only the wrists work. Thus, a powerful grip is trained.

Pumping hands at home

It's no secret that with the right motivation, a novice athlete can increase arm mass on their own. For this, it is enough for him to exercise in general. physical training, assuming the trainee's own weight as a load. Here the principle applies: simple is not always bad. Even the simplest exercise can provide a significant breakthrough in the accumulation of muscle mass. Let's answer the question of how to pump up your hands. Depending on your physical fitness, you can choose one of the methods - with emphasis on the floor with palms, fists, fingers, ribs of the palms, backs of the hands. The following table reveals the method of training with push-ups from the floor.

They are considered good. When they are performed, it is also possible to combine the type of grip: straight, reverse, narrow, medium, wide. For achievement maximum effect it is not recommended to swing, pull up with a jerk. There is another "useful" exercise. Accentuated effect on the triceps (extensor muscles) pull-ups on the uneven bars.

However, for a quality build-up of arm muscles, one should not get carried away with the number of push-ups on the horizontal bar and uneven bars in each set. It is recommended to simply achieve the following number of repetitions in working sets: 4 sets of 10 repetitions. Further, to increase the mass of the hands, those who train during pull-ups are hung on the body extra weight without increasing the number of repetitions in the set.


Increasing the mass of hands is a creative process. By starting to work out according to the developed training plans with a weekly cycle, we will ensure consistent muscle progress. However, this process will have an efficiency phase of two to three years. In the future, the results are objectively slowed down. Does the latter mean that the body's resources have been exhausted? Not at all. The reason is human physiology. The body simply stopped recovering. He doesn't get enough rest between workouts.

To achieve further development, the training cycle should be increased from one to one and a half weeks. Paradoxically, more rare workouts show in this case the best result in mass building. You will then enter a new arm growth period of 2-3 years. Next - again increase the phase of inter-training rest. However, it is not recommended to increase it for more than 72 hours. However, the creative change of various training programs 9-12 years of intensive training will turn a novice athlete into a truly advanced athlete.

Greetings, my dear! Today we will continue our epic cycle of notes on pumping issues and consider a thematic note with the title - how to pump up your arms? As usual, first we will lay down all the necessary theoretical basis- let's go through anatomy and kinesiology, and then get into practice - consider best programs hand workouts.

So take your seats, we're about to begin.

How to pump up your arms? The theoretical side of the issue.

This is the second note from a similar cycle, in the first we considered the muscle groups of the delta and dealt with the issues of its buildup, therefore, if you have not yet testified your respect for this creation :), then please do so by clicking on the link. In this article, we will deal with our pens. I must say right away that the calculations below are true for both sexes, and ladies will also be able to improve this problem area- to make it more toned, pumped up and embossed, therefore, young ladies, we also wind the information on the mustache (or not, you don’t have a mustache, you can use your hair :). Well, actually quite pouring water, let's get down to the point.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Hand anatomy and muscle atlas

Hands are a rather small, but very indicative muscle group, in which two parts can be conditionally distinguished:

  • anterior (25% arm volume)- biceps, brachial (brachialis), brachioradialis (brachiradialis);
  • rear (75% arm volume)- triceps triceps With 3 heads long, lateral and medial.

Let's dwell on each muscle in a little more detail and start with ...

I. Front of the arm

The muscles of the front of the hand include:

No. 1. Biceps

The biceps muscle of the shoulder, consisting of a short and long heads. The first attaches to the front of the scapula and crosses the arm down to the radius, the second originates from the scapula but takes a longer route, also attaching to the radius.

No. 2. Brachialis

Starts in the middle humerus passes down it and is attached to another bone of the forearm. The brachialis is not involved in pronation or supination of the arm and its main role is to assist in elbow flexion.

No. 3. Brachyradialis

A muscle of the forearm that originates on the humerus and inserts at the end of the radius.

The front part of the arm in assembled form is the following picture.

II. back of hand

The muscles of the back of the hand include:


The triceps muscle of the shoulder, the developed heads of which form the shape of a horseshoe. The anatomy of the triceps includes three heads - lateral, medial and long. The first runs from the humerus down the arm and attaches to a structure called the olecranon. The second one starts on the back of the humerus and attaches to your elbow. The third runs from the scapula in the region of the humerus and goes down to the olecranon. Because of this scapular attachment, you can move your arm and shoulder slightly backward to isolate the muscles.

The work of the biceps and triceps muscles in the exercises is clearly demonstrated by the following image.

A complete muscle atlas of the muscles of the hands is such a picture.

Skeletal anatomy

Bones and joints play an important role in arm movement. Understanding how they work will help you better select exercises and maximize the involvement of target muscles in the work.

Three important key joints in the front of the arm that affect bicep training are: the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints. All of them are tied in movements during arm training and each performs its own function, the ulnar one is involved in the rotation / rotation of the arms and flexion of the elbow joint when lifting the biceps, the shoulder joint is crossed by the long head of the biceps, the carpal one changes the position of the forearms and is responsible for the movements of pronation and supination.

These same joints are important when training the triceps. When the arm is raised above the head, the work is switched on shoulder joint and the long head of the triceps, which stretches and contracts as you move. Straightening the arm, for example, in exercises such as the triceps extension requires extension of the elbow joint.

Muscle functions in practice

It is important not only to know how the hands are arranged, it is important to know their functions using real movements as an example, i.e. how muscles, bones and joints work together in weight training in the gym. And we'll start with...

I. Front of the arm

During the work of the front of the arm, the rotation of the hand allows you to “hook” different elbow flexor muscles. In total, there are three options for gripping dumbbells:

No. 1. Supination

Supination - rotary motion in which the palm is facing up. When lifting dumbbells, the biceps helps to flex and supinate the arms. When this grip is used, the biceps brachii receives the most beneficial load and works more efficiently.

No. 2. Neutral grip

A neutral grip is when the hands are facing each other. This position is most beneficial for the development of brachialis, for example, when lifting a dumbbell with a hammer grip.

No. 3. Pronation

Rotational movement of the hand, in which the palms are facing down. Pronation automatically takes the load off the biceps. This position is most beneficial for the development of brachiradialis, for example, when lifting a dumbbell with a reverse grip.

II. back of hand

The main functions of the back of the arm are extension/flexion of the elbow and extension/flexion of the elbow behind the head. When the first movement occurs, everyone is equally involved in the work. 3 triceps heads. When raising the arm above the head, the emphasis shifts to the long head of the triceps.


The long head is named so for a reason, it really is the largest, and so is its contribution to the volume of the hand.

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn.

In order for the biceps to receive a comprehensive load, you need to perform exercises with different grips, and you need to start training with a supinated grip (because it provides the largest weight bearing), then change the grip to neutral and finish off, taking the dumbbell / barbell with a pronated grip.

As for the triceps, the most effective strategy for working it out is to use different positions of the arm relative to the centerline of the body - sitting, standing and lying down. Moreover, the triceps muscle of the shoulder receives the largest weight load during bench presses. (narrow grip/French press), so they need to be put at the beginning of the workout. The remaining auxiliary exercises should be those in which the athlete is in standing-sitting positions.

So, we go directly to the pumping-theoretical side of the issue.

How to pump up your arms? Theory of swing.

The following information is purely exclusive, and I came across it while studying ancient files (already for 1993 year) American scientific fitness magazines. Now we will learn how to swing your arms from a scientific and anatomical point of view.

Hand kinesiology or what you need to know to pump up huge hands?

The very movement of the arm from full extension to full compression is carried out by means of 4 -x muscles working together, duplicating work. The brachiradialis begins the lifting movement due to its location on the arm. After that, the biceps is included in the work, then the “control” is transferred to an area called the brachialis, which completes the movement of the arm, its flexion.

In bodybuilding, it is important to know when each muscle starts and stops working, because. this understanding allows best results in muscle development. Thus, in any exercise (in this case by hand) There are strong and weak parts of the movement. Cheating weak links means that you are jumping over a part of the muscle without giving it the necessary load and the necessary stimulus for growth. Such deception (cheating) does not allow a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bhands to grow properly. Therefore, it is extremely important for building large biceps to observe the ideal technique when performing exercises.

The question you should ask yourself, for example, when lifting dumbbells for biceps: “Do you want to just move the weight from point A to point B, or do you want a full biceps workout and big arms?”. When it comes to moving a limb, some muscles do a better job than others depending on where they are in relation to the joints.

In the figure, the brachiradialis is close to the elbow, which is a good position to start the full extension movement. After the movement begins, the biceps and brachialis take over the loads, starting from certain lifting angles. The biceps is the main driving force, but it is assisted by the brachialis (in flexion) and the brachiradialis (in extension). Thus, both muscles perform the middle part of the movement - first the biceps starts, then the brachialis, which completes the flexion of the arm.

The conclusion from all of the above is that each muscle has a certain range of work, and for an athlete who decides to build massive arms, it is important to understand which exercises, which areas of movement / areas of the arms, capture.

Let's take a look at the exercises. (and the order in which they follow each other) in order to maximize the involvement of different areas of the muscles of the hands in the work.

Exercise #1

Lifting the barbell for biceps, straight neck - a basic exercise that must be performed first in training for mass. The entire load is biceps shoulder. The nuance is starting from a position in 10 degrees, i.e. V lowest point arms should not be fully extended. Then you need to focus on exercises for various muscles biceps (meaning brachial / brachial) and do them in a specific range of motion.

Exercise #2

Straight Bar Scott Bench Extension is the best exercise to focus on 2 heads of the biceps. The range in which you will work from 15-30 and reaching 105 degrees. It is he (such an angular range) provides maximum loading of the biceps of the shoulder.

Exercise #3

Rotation / supination when lifting dumbbells, sitting on a bench (lifting dumbbells with turning the hands). Sit on a bench with an upward slope, in this position the biceps will be stretched as much as possible. starting position is the pronated grip of the dumbbells, then they are turned and supinated.

The supinating action allows you to involve all three muscles - biceps, brachialis and brachiradialis.

Exercise #4

The Dumbbell Concentrated Curl is an exercise that works the brachialis, which in turn pushes the biceps out and creates a peak. The main work begins with 15-30 degrees and continues until 120 , the final phase of bending the arm. key point in the exercise is a slight turn of the hand at the very beginning of the movement. Do not lower your hand all the way down, but start from the corner in 15-30 degrees, and then keep the tension in the muscles throughout the upward movement.

Exercise #5

Hammer raises - can be the final exercise in training the muscles of the hands (biceps). The main "driver" is the brachiradialis. Dumbbell lifts should be carried out slowly and under control, bringing the arm to the corner in 90 degrees. The weakness of this muscle takes away the size of the biceps, so it makes sense to deal with its development through the appropriate exercise.

Well, here, in fact, that’s all in theory, we will consider the specific program part and practical aspects of the training in the second part of the note, so we don’t diverge far, to be continued ... as they say.


Another seriously pumping note has come to an end, yes, not everything has been sorted out, or rather, there is no main thing, practice, but we are not saying goodbye, right? And we say to each other "until we meet again." See you in the second part, we are waiting, sir, soon on all TVs in the country :)!

PS. and what chips do you use when training biceps, prick!


With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Every man wants to have big pumped up arms. Learn the secrets of arm muscle training. Practical Tips and recommendations.

pumped up arms

For a natural bodybuilder (not using pharmacological drugs), 50-centimeter arms in volume is something from the category of fantasy. It's almost impossible. Almost because for sure somewhere there is a two-meter big man with broad bone and 40% subcutaneous fat. Some of the most muscular "natural" athletes in the history of sports struggled to overcome the mark of 45 centimeters - of course, in combination with a small amount of fat. If your body fat percentage is more than 20, the volume of your arms will increase by 2.5-5 centimeters.
Try to reach a mark of 40-43 centimeters, maintaining a relatively dry shape. Then the hands will look pumped up and beautiful.

Bone Width

For athletes with narrow bones, progress in mass and strength is more difficult. Their hands look thinner. Of course, we are not talking about genetically gifted athletes. But it is obvious that for people with a wide skeleton, mass gain is easier, and the volume of their hands is impressive. However, due to the narrow wrists, ankles and waist, hands with a volume of 40-43 centimeters will look larger and more aesthetic. Large-boned bodybuilders, in turn, often look awkward and disproportionate. Read also: 150 tips for gaining muscle mass for men and women

Genetic Factors for Gaining Muscle Mass

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Larry Scott had the most prominent biceps in bodybuilding history. Sergio Oliva had a huge "animal" triceps. However, using their training programs will not help you in any way - you are limited by your genetics. Hard work won't push up your bicep peak, or pump up your triceps like Oliva did with thousands of push-ups. You can't jump above your head.

The desire to pump up the muscles of the arms as quickly as possible is the goal of most beginners in gym. Many of them buy dumbbells for home workouts in an attempt to give their biceps an extra boost. However, everything is not so simple - it is impossible to pump up only your hands without paying attention to the integrated development of the entire muscular system body.

The total musculature of both arms is no more than 10-15% of the mass of all muscles in the body - and the arm muscles themselves are not divided into biceps and triceps at all, but into 20-25 different muscle groups. That is why a full-fledged arm workout should include not just endless dumbbell lifts for biceps, but.

How often should you train your arms?

Even professional athletes it is recommended to train the muscles of the biceps and triceps no more than twice a week, giving them at least 3 days to rest. At the same time, the total duration of such a workout should not exceed 10-15 minutes - otherwise, overtraining will occur, which negatively affects muscle recovery and growth.

We also note that given the relatively small size of the biceps and triceps, these muscles do not require countless repetitions or serious working weights. Much more important is the study correct technique exercises for development, which allows you not only to pull the weight, but to feel the work of a particular muscle.

Hand training for beginners

For beginners and intermediate athletes, one arm workout with isolation exercises per week is enough. On the rest of the training days, these muscles are involved in the work indirectly - the triceps are involved in the bench press and other chest exercises, and the biceps are involved in exercises such as.

"Hand Day" is recommended to be combined with, since these muscle groups practically do not affect each other's work. In total, it is better for beginners to perform no more than 2 different isolating exercises for the arms (that is, one for biceps and one for triceps), for an intermediate level athlete - no more than 4. Once again, we note that the technique of performing exercises in this case is most important.

Best Hand Exercises

It must be remembered that the best exercise for biceps or triceps is the exercise in which you really feel the work of these muscles. In order for the muscles of the arms to grow successfully, it is not enough to perform a block pull on the triceps, arching with the whole body, or to lift the barbell to the biceps, throwing it up due to the force of inertia.

At the same time, it is important to note that most beginners are not able to correctly perform even such a simple arm exercise as alternate standing dumbbell lifts - any muscles are involved in the work, but not the biceps at all. The effect of training manifests itself exclusively in the form. And the greater the weight of the dumbbells, the greater the harm.

How to properly train triceps?

Home muscle group in the muscles of the arms is not the biceps at all, but the triceps. Its physical size is at least 30-40% larger than the size of the biceps. At the same time, a strong and developed triceps is important both for the overall size of the hands and for increasing performance in basic exercises. The advantage of training this muscle is that it is easier to feel its work by its characteristic burning sensation.

Anatomically, the work of the triceps is related to the work pectoral muscles, repulsive movements and push-ups - both from the floor and from the bench. Beginners are advised to first learn how to feel the triceps in any of them, then include it in their training program and perform it twice a week with an average weight, 12-15 repetitions and 3-4 sets.

Training rules for: why exercise technique is more important than working weight?

How to properly train biceps?

Learning to feel the biceps is easiest when doing concentrated lifts dumbbells on the bench - first fix the incline bench at 60 ° , then lean on it with your shoulder so that the outstretched arm with the dumbbells lies on the bench, palm up. Slowly and with the strength of the biceps, lift the weight of the dumbbell, then slowly lower it.

Another good exercise on the biceps for beginners is lifting the lower block - an analogue that allows you to concentrate on the technique and the feeling of muscle work. Believe me, the biceps will grow much faster with correct execution these "simple" exercises, and not at all when trying to "somehow" lift heavy dumbbells.

How to pump up your arms at home?

Once again, we note that the worst strategies home workout arm muscles will be performing endless dumbbell raises or other isolating biceps exercises. Even if you only want to pump up your arms, your workout should include both, and, and squats with dumbbells. Only in this case you will succeed.

The main secret effective workout biceps and triceps at home - using variations of basic multi-joint exercises for the development of the muscles of the whole body, and not an emphasis on any muscle group separately. As we have already mentioned, it is purely physically impossible to pump up big arms without having the proper level of development of the muscles of the back, chest and shoulders.


An attempt to make a training program exclusively for pumping arms - typical mistake beginners who do not understand that pumped arms cannot be imagined without the presence of general muscle mass. It is also important that beginners (especially) often do not know how to feel their biceps and triceps at work and perform exercises largely due to inertia.