Leg movement while swimming. Learning to Swim on Your Own: Practical Tips for Adults Breaststroke Breathing

In order to be healthy, you need to play sports. But which sport to choose so that it is suitable for the whole family. Swimming is the best. Even those people who have had injuries or problems with the spine can do it. It is not necessary to know what swimming styles are in order to attend classes without individual work with a coach. It is enough to be able to stay on the water. Also, the advantages of swimming include the absence of stress on the joints during class. Swimming is good for pregnant women. In addition to the fact that practicing this sport strengthens physical health, they have a positive effect on the emotional state and restore the nervous system. It doesn't matter if you are a professional and know all styles of swimming or just visit the pool - the benefits for the body are the same.

Children and swimming

At what age can a child learn to swim? In the sports sections are accepted from the age of 6. However, parents can teach swimming from the first days. True, they should not do this in the form of training. It is necessary to accustom to water in the form of a game. Many children are afraid of water. This can be explained by a number of reasons. Maybe the first contact with water was unpleasant (too cold or excessively hot) or the baby took a sip of water, which caused discomfort. Maybe he just got shampoo in his eyes and it irritated him. There are situations when a child initially took a bath with pleasure, and then suddenly began to be afraid of water. In this case, you need to remember from what moment this fear appeared, and understand its cause. At this age, children should become familiar with the properties that water has.

After a year, you can teach your child to swim. And you need to start with the ability to keep your body on the water in a horizontal position. By the way, the use of a circle for swimming is not desirable. After all, a child cannot, being in a circle, accept horizontal position. And when the habit of swimming vertically is developed, teaching to stay on the water horizontally will become much more difficult, not to mention the dangers of using this swimming facility. It is better to use sleeves or collars.

After the child learns to float, you can show how the arms and legs should work. However, there is no need to delve too deeply into the theory. He does not need to know that there is a freestyle swimming or a butterfly. If you plan to send your child to the sports section, then the coach will take care of this. Otherwise, the child will be satisfied with the skills that he will receive on his own. Already in sports section the coach will talk about what styles of swimming exist.

Swimming for adults

If you have been in the sports section, then you yourself know how to organize a workout. If you do not have such experience, then it is better to work with a trainer for the first lessons. He will teach you how to properly distribute the load during the lesson, talk about proper breathing and swimming technique. Depending on the purpose of your classes, the instructor will tell you which style is better to swim and how much time you need to devote to training. He will also teach you how to choose the optimal pace of work just for you. After all, training in slow pace may not give the desired results, and an excessively high pace is not good for health. This issue should be taken especially seriously by people who decide to visit the pool in order to lose weight. Yes, and the choice of style must be approached with particular scrupulousness. The crawl style of swimming, for example, requires a lot of energy and is therefore effective in getting rid of extra calories.

Swimming lessons are indispensable for people who are recovering from injuries. After all, almost all other physical activities of this category of people are prohibited. Swimming is also good for pregnant women. True, the style of swimming during the lesson must be chosen based on the purpose of visiting the swimming pool.

Swimming styles

No matter which one you choose, all muscles will be toned and have nice shape. Going swimming, you will not only put your physical shape in order, but also prolong your life. Exist different styles swimming.


No wonder we consider the very first breaststroke. This swimming style is most common among people who are not swimmers. This is due to the fact that the first thing a person is taught to stay on the water. Then, in this position, you need to try to overcome distances. If we slightly correct the movements of the arms and legs, then we get a breaststroke - a style of swimming, during which the movements of the arms and legs should be symmetrical. At

You should start training with footwork. They resemble the work of a frog's paws while swimming. At the same time, there should be a foam board in your hands. If the child is well kept on the water, then the board can not be used. The arms should be extended forward and the head down.

Bras is the slowest of all. This style of swimming is still very popular. After all, if it is necessary to overcome a long distance or view the space under water, then it is they who need to swim.


The crawl is the fastest swimming style. However, in this case there are significant energy losses. Therefore, it will be very difficult to overcome a long distance. Freestyle swimming, in terms of coordination, is somewhat more difficult than breaststroke. A person floats, as in the previous case, on his stomach. Although the arms and legs work simultaneously, the direction of movement is different. The legs perform up and down movements, and the arms at this time carry out strokes along the body.

You need to start freestyle swimming lessons with theory. A young athlete must first learn to work with his feet. For this purpose, foam boards are used. With his hands, the child holds on to the board or side of the pool, and with his feet he moves up and down. Only after the swimmer learns to work with his feet, you need to connect the work of the hands. During freestyle swimming, the muscles of the back and chest are involved.

There is even a series that covers the life story of a swimmer who got injured, returned to his hometown and began to train children. The title of the film is "The Shell-shocked, or Freestyle Swimming".


This style is as complex as its name is beautiful. During swimming, the athlete really resembles a butterfly. However, from the point of view physical activity this is the heaviest style. The swimmer's arms and legs move at the same time. Hand movements are synchronous. They do rowing. But the movements of the legs resemble the movements of the tail of a mythical mermaid.

This style forces almost all the muscles of the shoulder girdle to work. In addition, during butterfly swimming, your muscles become more resilient and strong.

As in other styles, training should begin with footwork. The swimmer must have a special board in his hands, and he must carry out wave-like movements with his feet. On next step you need to connect the work of the hands and breathe properly.


This style is ideal for people suffering from back problems. It is neither fast nor slow. The movements of the arms and legs are similar to those of freestyle swimming. The only difference from the front crawl is that the swimmer is on his back.

You can train both with the use of additional swimming facilities, and without them. On the back, the child swims, working only with his feet. Since swimming on the back is studied, as a rule, after mastering the freestyle, the young athlete is familiar with the nature of the movement of the legs. Therefore, almost immediately you can connect the work of the hands.

When swimming on your back, the latissimus dorsi performs the main work. Muscles are also involved rear surface hips.

Breathing while swimming should be calm. Regardless of the style, inhalation is carried out above the water, and exhalation into the water. In addition, the swimmer must know that inhalation must be done 2 times faster than exhalation. In order to learn how to breathe correctly, it will take some time and considerable patience. There is a whole range of exercises for the formation of proper breathing while swimming.

In what order children should be taught different styles, there is no consensus. Many start with the breaststroke and end with the dolphin. However, this is for the coach to decide.

Meals while swimming

When swimming, you need to monitor your diet. Since exercising in the pool requires a lot of energy, you need to take care of replenishing it. And the body receives it as a result of the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. This does not mean that the body does not need protein. Their role in the body is the construction of muscle tissues and their restoration. If there are not enough fats and carbohydrates in the diet, then the body begins to break down proteins. Roughly speaking, there is a burning process muscle tissue. This should be avoided.

Before heading to the swimming pool, you can eat foods that contain slow carbohydrates. Thus, the body will receive enough large stock the energy you need during your workout. In order for the muscles not to suffer during intense training, it is necessary to eat foods containing protein before training, in addition to carbohydrate foods. But with the amount of fat you need to be careful. Their norm should not exceed 5 grams. And be sure to adhere to the water regime. After all, dehydration will negatively affect the state of the body as a whole.

The diet depends on how intense the workout will be. You need to eat about 2 hours before training.

Do you want to get a charge of positive emotions? Then you go to the pool

Swimming has many benefits. Firstly, the whole family can play in the pool. Secondly, these activities bring not only health benefits, but also pleasure. After all, not everyone enjoys intense exercise. And in the water, fatigue is practically not felt. Occupation in swimming pool This is a great cardio workout. And there is no other sport where the phase of work and rest is constantly changing. During the lesson, it is better to use different styles of swimming. The pool has the most comfortable conditions for maintaining physical form in order.

Children especially like to visit the pool. Try to get them to exercise. And they will go to the pool with pleasure. The main thing is not to turn a visit to the pool into an intense workout. Let them choose a free swimming style and enjoy the emotions they get.

The problem with teaching adults is that they can always say no if they are asked to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable. Many instructors teach adults the same way they teach children. However, unlike children, adults have a sense of abstract perception and have developed motor skills of movement. Drop doubts and they will learn faster. Swimming is like dancing. You need to know the right moves. You must be right about what you are doing and know how to do it right. Below you will find recommendations on how to learn how to move correctly and how to learn how to relate to swimming correctly. In principle, you can learn all this without water: in the bath or in the hot tub.


Learn to breathe while swimming

    Buy good glasses that won't leak. Nothing ruins a swim like water getting in your eyes.

    Stand in the shower, sit in the water and try them out. Slightly adjust the glasses, and the water will not flow into them.

    Try diving into the water with goggles on.

    • Breathe through your nose, exhale properly. Exhale underwater, breathe through your mouth above water.
    • Learn to inhale air while being close to water. This will take time and effort from you.
    • Exhale through your nose so that water does not get into it. Water entering the nose bakes. If you can't, buy a nose clip.
    • Learn to count to ten while your face is underwater and exhale slowly through your nose. Breathe out when you are underwater.
    • Relax by raising your mouth above the water and breathe while your face is in the water. You won't die. Even if some water gets into your mouth, you won't die. Spit it out. We, like dolphins, have a throat designed in such a way that water does not enter the lungs.

    Learn to be on the surface of the water

    It is important to be able to relax while swimming. Proper breathing, body position and movement help to relax.

    1. You must know a little about water.

      • Fill a cup of water and dip the needle into it. This will only work if you carefully and slowly place the needle into the cup. It works with needles, people and ships the way water pushes out. Objects push each other if the object is not very heavy relative to the water area in which it is located. Remember Archimedes! Therefore, the needle floats and sinks, exposing one end first.
    2. Learn to distribute your body over the maximum amount of water so that the water holds you like a boat. Remember what happens to a needle when its end is first dipped into a cup. Without proper body control, the feet act as the end of the needle!

      • Start with the bed. Imagine that you are in the water. Think of your body like a swing. You can do this because your center of buoyancy, the point in your body that wants to float, and your center of gravity, the point in your body that wants to dive, are close together. The center of buoyancy is in the chest because the air is in the lungs. The center of gravity is in the hips, which allows the feet to act as the end of the needle when you are going to swim.
      • To balance this swing, look down, spread your arms like Superman while flying, and swing your arms. In almost all swimming styles, one arm is extended and the other is at the face in order to maintain the correct position of the body. To go like a stone to the bottom, raise your head and stop waving your arms, exhale. Gravity will win.
    3. Practice on a bed or on the floor.

      • Rock your body slightly from side to side and turn your head to the side so you can breathe. This is the position for swimming on your back. Stretch your arms to the sides and wave your arms, palms down, moving your hands away from your hips.
      • Next, move your legs like scissors up and down slowly. This is the basic movement when swimming on your back or on your stomach. When you do the same in the water, you also work with your knees. Practice the scissors movement while sitting in a chair, bend your knees and point your toes. This will keep you on the water by lifting your hips and legs. Keep your balance.

    Feel the movement of the water

    Learn to wave your hands

    Prepare to be wet

    Learn to love water

    1. Try to slowly sink into the water until you reach the bottom with your feet. The head is above the water.

      Hold on to the wall and dive headlong into the water and come up, exhaling air. Always exhale through your mouth underwater.

      When you're ready, stop holding onto the wall. Push off the bottom with your feet. Row your arms and swing.

      Where it's easy to stand, push off the wall in correct position body, make a few strokes, put your face under the water, row a little, then stand up.

      Play in the water. Relax and tense up, then move on to long swims. You have to get used to the fact that the face is under water and the body is stretched out. You can use auxiliary buoyancy aids if you are afraid to dive into the water. You can swim under the water for a bit before resurfacing. Over time, you will become more experienced. Experience comes with time. Don't give up. Every person experiences moments like this. Your first reaction in the water should be to stretch out on the surface, paddle, swing, breathe and relax. Don't try to climb the invisible stairs.

    Feel freedom as you move

      Move your legs, emerge from under the water and move your legs further. Swim 5-10 meters with your face submerged, exhaling into the water. Do it where you can reach the bottom. Once you feel confident on the surface of the water, depth will no longer be a problem. You will always be on the surface. Ideally, if you do this without an auxiliary floating device.

      So, with your arms outstretched forward, you row, take a few breaths.

    1. Then roll over on your back, continue to row your arms to the side. Stay on the surface of the water without moving forward. Relax and keep swimming, counting to thirty. This way you will learn to control your movements and feel more confident.

      • It is important to learn how to swim on your back. It is better to roll over on your back instead of standing still. This is how you prepare for training. Don't expect it to be easy and don't expect quick results. It takes time.

Being in the water, it is unnecessary to pour it inside yourself, some argue. Indeed, in swimming it is somewhat easier for an athlete to cope with fluid loss than in other sports. But that's just a feeling that doesn't really prove anything. And answering the question of whether it is necessary to drink water while swimming, almost all coaches agree: yes, you need to.

When to drink while exercising?

Experienced athletes share information: water is needed not only after swimming, but also during them. This is what an ideal, according to an Olympic swimmer, fluid balance replenishment mode looks like:

  1. A glass of water about 60 minutes before the start of the workout;
  2. A couple of sips just before the warm-up;
  3. During training, in between long distances, you can also “moisten your throat” with a couple of sips;
  4. After training, you need to drink enough water until the thirst is gone. It is better to do this not immediately, but 5-10 minutes after leaving the pool.

Some recommend not to drink during the swim itself, because any food or liquid that gets into the stomach will not be able to digest well, and discomfort in the stomach has never helped anyone overcome the distance faster. But it's up to you to decide: if you really want to stop and take a sip of water, then who will forbid it.

How much water to drink?

Again, everything is individual and depends on the intensity of fluid loss (with sweat), as well as on how much water you usually drink. The well-known rule - "drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day" works, but is not rigid. We know of another theory: supposedly you should drink 100-150 ml of liquid for every “completed” kilometer in the pool. It is clear that this should be done not directly in the pool, but after training.

Professionals can drink up to 2 liters of fluid for the entire training cycle, including these 2 glasses an hour BEFORE and a couple of glasses AFTER. For those who attend Mevis adult swim training just for themselves and do not train as intensely, a smaller amount of liquid is enough. But it's better to take sports bottle in the pool, so that in which case your body does not experience stress.

The benefits and harms of water while swimming

In general, it turns out that the habit of drinking water for a swimmer is beneficial. Moreover, not only water is recommended, but also isotonic drinks or natural juices diluted with water, iced tea.

You can prepare such an isotonic at home: take drinking water, add jam or juice in a 1: 1 ratio and one teaspoon of salt.

The main benefit of water is that the water balance and blood circulation should remain normal. Lack of fluid slows down blood flow, metabolic processes and causes premature fatigue. Water gives us energy, allowing us to move more actively.

Another "unpleasant" effect of fluid loss is that without drinking you will not be able to lose weight, it is the fluid that affects the breakdown of fats in the body.

But only water that has a temperature of no colder than 15 degrees and has passed the purification stages can be useful. That is, you can’t drink tap water, especially icy water, this is a threat to your health.

To summarize: swimmers need to drink just like all other athletes. The main thing is to drink measuredly and in small portions. And if after that you have a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, it is better to postpone the next sip until the end of the workout.

The beneficial effects of swimming human body, both adults and children, has long been noted by many experts. It has a great effect on physical development: strengthens bone tissue, promotes the development of muscular and respiratory systems, strengthens the nervous system, cardiovascular system, corrects all violations of posture, flat feet and scoliosis.

About classes

Swimming is an affordable sport. Children and people of "advanced" age can do it. Young children with the help of this sport quickly get stronger, and in older people involved in swimming, there is a strengthening of the muscular apparatus and bones.

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In the "cool" periods of the year, swimming is practiced twice a week, visiting the pool. In summer, this sport can be practiced daily in any natural reservoirs suitable for swimming. The duration of the lesson is about forty-five minutes. Best time- morning and evening.

In the morning the body is relaxed, therefore, as soon as it is immersed in a denser environment of water, the force of the load and coordination of movement change. During the morning swim, the maximum return occurs.

Evening swimming also contributes to the systematization of the load. The return of calories during the evening swimming is maximum.

There are many approaches to exercise in the water. Among them, the following types of exercises can be noted:

  1. aqua aerobics
  2. running or walking in a "shallow" pool
  3. walking and running in deep water
  4. flexibility training
  5. water relaxation
  6. water yoga
  7. water shaping
  8. stretching exercises
  9. exercise at the edge of the pool

Main popular swimming styles:

  • breaststroke
  • freestyle
  • backstroke
  • sidestroke
  • crawl
  • butterfly

The style is characterized by a certain coordinated movement of the arms and legs, with the help of which the body moves forward on the surface of the water. Whatever style you choose, you must observe the speed limit when reducing or increasing the load. You should not immediately take a high speed of movement, a slow speed will bring the same load. You can change the pace of swimming during the period of swimming lessons. This is very useful for normalization respiratory system and weight loss.

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Before you start attending swimming lessons in the pool, you must undergo a medical examination. Be sure to get admission to classes from a dermatologist, in the form of a certificate of the absence of any skin diseases.

As such, there are no contraindications for swimming.

Swimming is useful for people with back problems, joints, overweight and women while expecting a child (in case of problems that arose during pregnancy) and others.

The effective impact of exercise on the human body

During swimming, there is an alternation of relaxation and tension. various muscles. This, in turn, contributes to their increase and performance. The benefit of swimming is that it leads to improved work and improvement of the respiratory and circulatory organs, strengthening the tone.

Swimming more effective classes ordinary aerobics, since doing exercises in water activates all muscle groups, and leads to a proportional shaping of the figure. The load falls not only on the muscles, but also on the bones, heart and joints. In addition, swimming helps to effectively burn excess calories.

By unloading the intervertebral discs, swimming eliminates problems with the spine.

For the formation correct posture Swimming lessons are recommended early childhood. Swimming is one of the safest activities, the chance of getting injured while swimming is minimal. Loads in aquatic environment perceived by the body much easier.

The benefits of swimming, as already noted, lies in its beneficial effect on the circulatory system. Swimming reduces arterial pressure, the heart rhythm normalizes, the elasticity of the heart muscle and blood vessels improves, oxygen saturation of the body improves.

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When swimming, the body has a kind of relaxing and massaging effects. This contributes to a good effect on the state nervous system. The general emotional background rises. Such personality traits as perseverance, determination, discipline, purposefulness develop.

Swimming is an excellent remedy for insomnia.

In the body of a person who regularly goes in for swimming, immunity from colds is developed. The body quickly adapts to various environmental conditions, it is improving the mechanism of thermoregulation.

Key Benefits of Swimming

  • Improvement
  • of cardio-vascular system
  • muscle strength
  • flexibility and endurance
  • load distribution
  • weight indicators
  • blood circulation
  • indicators of social activity
  • states in the process of dealing with signs of stress

As you can see, the benefits of swimming are really undeniable!

  1. The first rule of swimming is that there is no "correct" way to swim. No one is trying to find some perfect look running, everyone runs differently - everything is exactly the same in the pool. Yes, some items that include in your training program all good swimmers, yet there are. It will be great if they are in yours, but it should be drawn up in accordance with your level. physical training and health status. Don't compare yourself to that girl on the next path.
  2. The more often you go to the pool, the more comfortable you can feel there, and the better your result will be. Going to the pool once or twice a week is a great way to achieve nothing. If you do not devote enough time to swimming, you should not count on the result. It is better to visit the pool four times a week and swim for half an hour than to come once and exhaust yourself with a two-hour workout.
  3. Find the perfect glasses. Everyone's face is different, so the same glasses may be perfect for that girl (sorry, she haunts us), but they can ruin your workout fun. Finding the right glasses for you is really worth spending a little time.
  4. Make sure that your cap does not slip off your head while swimming. First, you don't want to wet your hair in chlorinated pool water. Secondly, other swimmers do not need to fish your hair out of the water. During the last wash before the pool, do not use hair conditioner, then the cap will stay on your head better.
  5. Don't get dehydrated. In the pool, it can be difficult to notice that your body is dehydrated, but it can happen. Take a small bottle of water with you to the pool and be sure to drink it after your workout.
  6. Warm up before swimming. To improve your swimming technique, you need to be not only persistent, but also strong, flexible and enduring, says Paula Newby Fraser, an eight-time triathlon world champion (she can definitely be trusted). A five-minute warm-up and stretch will relax your muscles, improve blood circulation and stretch your ligaments.
  7. Remember: if your body is in a straight line while swimming, it will be much easier to swim. The straighter your body is, the less water resistance will be. This advice is especially relevant in open water, where additional resistance is created by waves, other swimmers, and even underwater fauna.
  8. Blow bubbles underwater! If you think that this is child's play, you are mistaken: it is quite important exercise for breathing exercises. Dip your head under the water as you exhale, exhale through your mouth. A whole stream of bubbles will escape from your mouth. Try to hum on your exhale. If the sound is still heard, then you can exhale a little more.
  9. Learn to breathe correctly. Stand straight, while inhaling, look down at the bottom of the pool, stretching the body in a straight line. This great exercise which will help you get results.
  10. To inhale while swimming freestyle, do not take your head out of the water completely - it is enough that your mouth is above the water. Keep your face under water and turn your head only when you need to inhale - The best way Don't hold your breath and don't waste time.
  11. Don't move your head while swimming. The more you turn your head back and forth, the less accurate the direction of your movement. Imagine that your head works like the steering wheel of a car: where it is turned, the body moves there. You don't want to accidentally change tracks.
  12. Think pleasant. In the water you don't see or hear what's going on around you, you don't talk to anyone - you can only think. Negative thoughts can cause anxiety and even panic. Think of something good, concentrate on your breath, imagine that your body is a machine. For example, Ferrari.
  13. Train both hands. You will not achieve good results unless you train both sides of the body equally. Try next exercise: Extend one arm out in front of you, row only with the other arm. Alternate hands. Over time, this exercise will become easier and easier for you. In addition, it perfectly trains breathing.
  14. Keep your hips and the back of your head at the same level. Then your body will be that same straight line, and it will be much easier for you to breathe. In order for the hips to be above the surface of the water, follow the position of the neck (it should be straight). Your eyes should look at the bottom of the pool. Keep your back straight and then lean slightly towards the bottom, arching at the waist.
  15. Work on stroke length. Many swimmers don't care about stroke length, although it's probably the only thing that really matters in swimming. Long strokes are the most efficient and at the same time require a minimum of energy.
  16. The first thing that should sink into the water in a freestyle stroke is your toes. Don't forget about it. Otherwise, you risk getting a shoulder injury, which, by the way, occurs most often in swimmers.
  17. Experiment with swimming speed. Short slow swims are not good for health or for improving technique. Alternate slow long swims and short, but very fast ones. Over time, you will understand what pace suits you best.
  18. Don't swing your legs too much. Many novice swimmers make too frequent and fast foot movements. This requires a lot of energy, but is not particularly efficient. It is much better to make sharp and clear movements that could be compared with the movement of scissors.
  19. Make sure to keep your legs straight while swinging. The movement should come from the hip, not from the knee. By bending your knee, you increase the resistance of the water, wasting both time and energy.
  20. Find strength for the last push. When swimming at speed, everything is decided by the last effort, the last jerk. Don't waste time breathing in the last five meters, even if you feel like breathing. Better try to reach the wall as quickly as possible - and after the finish, catch your breath properly. Wow, that girl on the next path will definitely appreciate it.