How to straighten your back from stoop. How to get rid of stoop and straighten your back? Anterior thigh muscle

Stoop is a condition characterized by a strong deflection thoracic spine. Normally, in a healthy person, the spine has bends (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral). Their increase leads to a violation of posture.

In normal posture, a person's stomach does not protrude behind the chest. With a stoop, the head is tilted forward, and the chest becomes sunken. This pathology is otherwise called pathological thoracic kyphosis. There are 2 forms of stoop: functional and associated with various diseases. This problem is most often encountered by children and the elderly. This pathology is often combined with increased lumbar lordosis. A distinctive feature of stoop is that it disappears when the back is straightened. This is a functional disorder.


A stooped back occurs for several reasons. The main etiological factors are:

  • hypodynamia;
  • improper organization of the workplace;
  • psychological problems;
  • scoliosis;
  • underdevelopment of the back muscles;
  • low physical activity;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the spine;
  • rickets;
  • back injury;
  • polio.

In children and adolescents, stooped posture is most often due to a sedentary lifestyle. Recently, it has dropped sharply physical activity. This is due to the use of computers, phones and tablets. Children spend a lot of time at school at study desks. They started doing less sports. Hypodynamia leads to weakening of the back muscles and stoop.

An interesting question is disease. She was handled by Louise Hay. She revealed the mechanism of development of various diseases with psychological point vision. At a young age, poor posture is often due to social and personal problems. Risk factors are:

  • complexes;
  • fear of communication;
  • shyness of big growth.

Such children begin to slouch. All this happens unconsciously. In some children, posture disorder is observed due to increased flexibility of the joints in the spine. This condition is congenital. Slouching may be one of the first manifestations of scoliosis, but no changes are found on x-rays.

In an adult given state may occur when wrong activities in the gym. This happens when the load is high. pectoral muscles. The latter begin to pull their shoulders towards themselves, which causes a violation of posture. The appearance of stoop in adults is also possible against the background of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis.

Symptoms and possible complications

You need to know not only the psychological causes of stoop, but also how it manifests itself. People with this pathology have a specific appearance. They walk with their head and belly extended forward. The legs are often slightly bent at the knees. There is a rounding of the back. In some cases, pterygoid scapulae are determined. The shoulders of such people are raised. A photo of a person with a violation of posture was seen by every experienced doctor. Along with stooping, the following symptoms are possible:

  • pain;
  • feeling of heaviness in the back;
  • fast fatigue.

If a person is not treated, then a hump forms over time. Postural scoliosis often develops. This is a persistent curvature of the spinal column to the side.

Survey plan

Before you align your back, you need to clarify the diagnosis. You need to see a doctor. To clarify the diagnosis will need:

  • radiography;
  • visual inspection;
  • palpation;
  • survey;
  • physical examination.

At the first x-ray examination, the picture is taken only in the standing position of the person. Subsequently, radiography is performed immediately in 2 projections. With functional kyphosis (stoop), no changes are observed, since during the picture the person's back is straightened. Lab tests not required. Treatment is carried out after examination and questioning of the patient.

The doctor must determine:

  • the duration of the violation of posture;
  • main complaints;
  • possible risk factors.

It is necessary to exclude various diseases of the spine (ankylosing spondylitis).

Medical tactics

You can restore your posture at home, but for this you need to see a doctor. In this condition, medical and surgical treatment is not carried out. The main aspects of therapy are:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy.

The presence of stoop is not an absolute indication for wearing corsets. In this condition, it is possible to use chest belts, correctors and reclinators, but they will be effective only when combined with exercise therapy. These products help to strengthen the muscles. The most effective thoracolumbar correctors. These devices are temporary.

They encourage people to take correct position body, but after removing the belt or corrector, signs of stoop may reappear. Correction of posture is most effective in an active way. It involves training the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. children, teenagers, people aged 30 and older are engaged.

The main tasks of exercise therapy are:

  • stretching the pectoral muscles;
  • strengthening the gluteal, rhomboid and trapezius muscles;
  • increase in motor mode.

Gymnastics from stoop should be done for at least six months. It all depends on the age of the person. At the age of 30, posture correction may take 2-3 years. After 40 years, correction is almost impossible.

A set of exercises is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the age and fitness of the person, as well as contraindications.

Performing therapeutic exercises

The most help against stoop different exercises. At conducting exercise therapy you must adhere to the following rules:

  • exercise for at least 30 minutes;
  • repeat exercises 6-10 times;
  • gradually increase the load;
  • pay great attention to the muscles of the middle part of the back;
  • relax the muscles of the neck and lower back;
  • do not use heavy dumbbells and a barbell;
  • refuse exercises to train the muscles of the chest.

To straighten your back, you may need the following exercises:

  • the institution of straightened arms behind the back with a slight delay in the standing position;
  • abduction and adduction of the arms parallel to the floor;
  • raising the shoulders and shoulder blades up on inspiration, followed by lowering on the exhale;
  • raising the upper back, followed by a delay in the supine position;
  • torso tilts with straightened arms to the left and right with legs apart;
  • raising the hands and feet up with the chest lowered in the supine position;
  • bending the torso upwards with hands resting on the floor in the supine position;
  • forward bends with straightened legs in a standing position;
  • back deflection standing on all fours;
  • lifting the pelvis and hips up from the floor in the supine position.

It is very important to relax after class. Most effective exercises from stoop should be known to every doctor of exercise therapy. Helps many patients. Its essence is not only physical training but also in psychological relief. When practicing yoga, it is very important to breathe correctly. If you do not perform exercises and self-medicate, then negative consequences in the form of scoliosis are possible.

Lifestyle change

To correct your posture, you will need not only yoga and gymnastics, but also a change in lifestyle. Necessary:

  • choose the best furniture for work;
  • teach your child to sit up straight;
  • move more;
  • exercise;
  • swim more;
  • spend less time sitting on a sofa or chair at a computer or TV.

When buying furniture and appliances for homework, you need to pay attention to the equipment of the chair, the height of the slot and chairs, the size of the computer monitor. A person will not slouch if the workplace is properly organized. The chair must be equipped with a backrest, armrests, a headrest and a footrest.

It is better if it is height adjustable. Armrests should be in line with the table. The monitor is installed in the central part of the table at eye level. Stooped people need to sleep on a flat and firm mattress. When walking, you need to keep your posture straight. Needs to be recharged in the morning. It is recommended to swim in the pool, as moving under water strengthens the back muscles.

Some people may need the help of a psychologist. It is necessary if the appearance of stoop is due to the isolation of a person or his fears.

In case of violation of posture, you need to abandon weightlifting. When stooping, push-ups and bench presses are not recommended.

Stoop Prevention

Slouching posture can be prevented. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • exercise back muscles
  • lead healthy lifestyle life;
  • periodically swim in the pool;
  • do not complex about your growth;
  • walk and sit with a straight back;
  • sleep on a hard surface on your back;
  • use special orthopedic mattresses;
  • exclude any spinal injury;
  • evenly distribute the load when exercising in the gym;
  • eat well;
  • move more;
  • don't sit in one place for a long time.

Parents and teachers should monitor the posture of children and adolescents, otherwise deformation (curvature) of the spine is possible.

Thus, the occurrence of stoop does not pose a great danger. Posture can be improved by doing muscle-building exercises prescribed by your doctor.

Should be adjusted in childhood to prevent serious consequences. However, not always a person has the opportunity for this. Only when they appear that are not eliminated by painkillers, a person goes to the doctor.

Is it possible to cure stoop in adults

It is difficult to cure a running stoop, but with sufficient motivation and the right choice of therapy, it is possible. In an adult, posture can be corrected using combined treatment. For these purposes, a whole arsenal of medical procedures and drugs is used:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Corset therapy;
  • Massage;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Anti-inflammatory treatment;
  • Painkillers.

All of the above measures are aimed at eliminating, therefore, they are used in a certain combination. The duration and tactics of using therapeutic exercises in combination with orthopedic corsets and bandages can only be prescribed by a doctor.

To prescribe therapy, a specialist evaluates the degree of symmetry of the shoulders, spine, head position, muscle tone. External examination is supplemented by clinical and instrumental diagnostic methods. Only after a complete examination of the patient's back can treatment procedures be prescribed. In the course of treatment, they are periodically adjusted.

Medications and physiotherapy

To correct the posture in an adult, in which back pain occurs, drug treatment and physiotherapy are used.

With the help of drugs, specialists manage to eliminate muscle spasm leading to nerve damage. For these purposes, muscle relaxants are used, but the effect is observed only for the duration of the use of drugs.

If an adult has a pain syndrome due to infringement of the nerve roots in the thickness muscle tissue, it is necessary to first alleviate the patient's condition, and then prescribe physiotherapy exercises. If the skeletal muscles are in a state of hypertonicity, this condition can be corrected not only with the help of tablets, but also with physiotherapy.

Inflammatory changes in tissues during stoop are eliminated by thermal, electrical and magnetic effects using special medical devices. Hydrodynamic procedures can be used to improve blood circulation and normalize muscle tone. It has a good effect against stoop, but its use must be agreed with the doctor. The action of a strong jet of water on the back can provoke further curvature of the spine.

Correcting stoop with massage and manual therapy requires careful qualification of specialists. With a mechanical effect on the spine, you can normalize blood circulation and eliminate imbalances.

An increase in the range of motion in the spinal column leads to the mobility of the articular-ligamentous joints against the background of pathology. To eliminate subluxations of the vertebrae is used. Before it, to prepare the muscular frame for subsequent loads, it is rational to massage.

Massage and manual therapy for adults is not included in the list of free medical procedures performed by government agencies. As a result, it is necessary to prepare a decent amount for the services of a private chiropractor. However, with stoop, the cost of manual therapy is justified by the subsequent effect.

Corset therapy and orthotics

Corset therapy at the initial stages of postural disorders is carried out to maintain the spine in a physiological position. In the later stages of the disease, it is more rational to use a corset or orthopedic bandage only in preparation for surgery.

When used, the spine retains its physiological position, but the muscles gradually atrophy. To prevent this from happening, experts advise combining orthopedic products with gymnastics (corsets are worn in between gymnastics courses).

There are special types of orthoses to support different parts of the spinal column: lumbar, thoracic, cervical. However, every posture corrector should perform the following functions:

  • Unload the spinal column and relieve muscle tension;
  • Eliminate muscle imbalance;
  • Maintain the body in the correct position;
  • Stimulate the work of the back muscles;
  • Eliminate motor stereotypes.


It is the leading method of treatment of pathology. With the right choice of exercises, pronounced positive effect treatment can be noticed after 2-3 months. Physiotherapy exercises should be prescribed by a doctor, but as an example, we will give the principles of using practical exercises for violation of posture according to the method of Lana Fields.

  1. The first complex is strengthening the middle part of the back. Such gymnastics should occupy at least 70% of all exercises during a treatment session;
  2. The second complex is the normalization of tone gluteal muscles(about 10% of exercises);
  3. The third complex is the relaxation of the muscles of the lower back. To complete this block, you should spend from 3 to 5 minutes with a 30-minute gymnastics session;
  4. The fourth complex is stretching the muscles of the chest. It is used to correct posture in people with pumped up pectoral muscles. The hypertonicity of the anterior part of the body pulls the spine, so the muscles should be stretched;
  5. Fifth complex - breathing exercises. She spends about 5 minutes daily.

You will find specialized physiotherapy exercises for each of these complexes at. Once again, we remind you that gymnastics must be agreed with the doctor!

Slouch as a manifestation of impaired posture, it is an excessive bending of the thoracic spine back.

There are the following types of posture:

  • normal posture, in which the front surface of the chest protrudes above the surface of the abdomen;
  • satisfactory posture or a round-concave back, when the chest is flatter, and the stomach protrudes significantly above the chest;
  • bad posture ( stooped posture or round back ), in this case the head is pushed forward, the chest is sunken, the back is stooped.
External signs of a violation of posture are:
  • round back;
  • head tilted to the right or left;
  • head pushed forward;
  • dropped shoulders;
  • belly protruding forward;
  • sunken back chest;
  • protruding blades.
With a stoop in a person, shortening of the pectoral muscles and stretching of the spinal muscles are observed. This leads to the fact that the chest muscles pull the shoulders forward, and the back muscles, in turn, do not allow the spine to unbend and take its physiologically correct position.

Incorrect posture creates many health problems, for example, a person with a stoop can experience pain in the spinal column, muscle tension in the upper back, and discomfort in the lower back.

back anatomy

The spine is the main support of the human body.

The spinal column consists of individual elements - the vertebrae. There are thirty-three to thirty-four in total, the last nine of them are fused and form the sacrum and coccyx. All vertebrae, with the exception of the first and second cervical vertebrae, have the same structure.

The vertebra consists of a body directed forward and an arch directed backward. Between the vertebrae are layers of cartilage, which, when walking, act as a shock absorber, and also provide the spine with flexibility.

The following structures are distinguished in the spinal column:

  • vertebrae;
  • intervertebral discs;
  • articular processes;
  • intervertebral foramen;
  • spinal cord;
  • roots spinal cord;
  • muscles.
The spine performs the following functions:
  • maintains the body in an upright position;
  • protects the spinal cord;
  • fixes the head;
  • takes part in the movement of the trunk and head.
There are the following sections of the spinal column:
  • cervical region;
  • thoracic;
  • lumbar;
  • sacral department;
  • coccygeal department.
Department name Description
cervical Consists of seven vertebrae. The vertebrae in this region are shorter than in others. It is the most mobile part of the spine.
Thoracic Consists of twelve vertebrae. The vertebral bodies are larger in size, there are articular costal fossae for connection with the ribs.
Lumbar Consists of five vertebrae. The vertebral bodies are large. It is the most massive section of the spinal column, as it bears all the weight.
sacral department Consists of five vertebrae that fuse to form the sacrum. The sacrum is triangular
coccygeal department It consists of four to five vertebrae, which grow together to form the coccyx.

Features of the spine in children

A newborn is born with a straight spinal column without bends. Starting from the second - third month of life, when the child begins to hold his head on his own, the first physiological bend is formed - cervical lordosis. Then at six to seven months, when the child begins to sit, a second bend is formed - thoracic kyphosis. When the child begins to walk, at ten to twelve months, lumbar lordosis is formed. By the age of seven, the child has finally formed all the physiological curves of the spine. It is the bends that form the posture of a person.

back muscles

The human spine is in a vertical position due to the muscles surrounding it, which, in turn, form the so-called muscular corset. For the formation of correct posture, the uniform development of these muscles is very important. This can be achieved only with the help of an adequate distribution of muscle traction.

There are two groups of back muscles:

  • superficial muscles;
  • deep muscles.

Superficial back muscles

Name of the muscle Function
trapezius muscle Raises and lowers the scapula, rotates and brings it to the spine. Responsible for turning the head.
Latissimus dorsi back Brings the shoulder to the body.
Rhomboid muscle Consists of the large and small rhomboid muscles. The large one is involved in the partial raising of the scapula and bringing it to the midline. Small moves the scapula to the spine to the middle and up.
Muscle that lifts the scapula Raises the scapula and brings it to the spine.
Serratus posterior superior It expands the ribs, expands the chest during the act of breathing.
Serratus posterior inferior It lowers the ribs, and also expands the chest during the act of breathing.
Belt muscle of the head With unilateral contraction, he turns and tilts his head to the side ( right or left). With bilateral contraction, it unbends the cervical spine, and also participates in tilting the head back.
Belt muscle of the neck With unilateral contraction, it rotates the cervical spine to the side ( right or left). With bilateral contraction, turns the head and neck to the side.

Deep back muscles

Name of the muscle Function
Muscle that straightens the spine With unilateral contraction, bends the spinal column to the side ( right or left). With bilateral contraction, it unbends the spine and maintains the torso in an upright position.
Transverse spinous muscle Extends and rotates the spine, and also tilts it to the side ( right or left).
Interspinous muscles They take part in the extension of the spine.
Intertransverse muscles Participate in the tilt of the spine to the side.

Why does posture change in children?

There are the following reasons leading to the development of stoop in a child:
  • passive lifestyle;
  • rapid growth of the child;
  • psychological factor;
Cause The mechanism of development of stoop
Passive lifestyle At present, children with early years begin to spend more time in a sitting position, for example, sitting at a desk in front of a computer or at school at a desk. A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that the back muscles weaken, and the child has a stoop.
The rapid growth of the child The rapid growth of the child can lead to the fact that the spine is stretched, and the back muscles do not have time to stretch after the growing spine. As a result, the muscles stop holding the back, so the child begins to stoop ( muscles lack strength).
Psychological factor In early as well as adolescence, psychological problems can become causes of stoop. So, for example, the desire to be inconspicuous, complexes, fear of communicating with peers can lead to the fact that the child begins to unconsciously slouch. In psychology, slouching is considered a protective embryonic posture, that is, subconsciously the child tries to go into a state of security, safety and tranquility. Also, a violation of posture in adolescents may occur due to the existing complex tall or, for example, in girls because of the desire to hide the rapidly growing breasts during puberty.
Scoliosis One of the early signs of scoliosis can be slouching. For the early detection of this disease, it is very important that parents, having noticed a change in posture in a child, take him to an orthopedic traumatologist.
Joint hypermobility syndrome This disease is inherited and is characterized by increased flexibility of the joints and the spinal column. WITH early age in children, there is a decrease in muscle function, which leads to the fact that they cannot cope with maintaining the spine in a physiologically correct position, which subsequently leads to the development of postural disorders in the child.

In rare cases, the cause of stoop can be:

  • congenital kyphosis ( anomalies of intrauterine development);
  • rickety kyphosis ( due to rickets);
  • post-traumatic kyphosis ( spinal column injury in the thoracic or lumbar region);
  • paralytic kyphosis ( due to cerebral palsy or infectious diseases, such as polio).
It should be noted that prolonged stooping can lead to the fact that the spine begins to bend more and more outward, which may subsequently lead to structural changes in the vertebrae, and as a result, more adulthood a person may develop hunchback.

That is why it is very important, when identifying the first signs of a violation of posture, to immediately seek help from a doctor and start the prescribed treatment in a timely manner.

Why does posture change in adults?

In most cases, posture is formed in childhood. However, in some cases, a violation of posture can be observed at a later age.

There are the following reasons leading to the development of stoop in adults:

  • passive lifestyle;
  • muscle imbalance;
  • psychological factor;
  • spinal diseases.
Cause of stoop Description
Passive lifestyle Currently, many professions involve an office lifestyle. Spending a lot of time in a sitting position, the back muscles weaken, which subsequently leads to a violation of posture and the development of stoop.
Muscle imbalance In adults, stooping is often caused by weakness of the back muscles and overdevelopment of the pectoral muscles. The development of this syndrome can lead to improper load in the gym. So, for example, excessive chest exercises can later lead to the fact that stronger pectoral muscles begin to pull the shoulders forward, which will lead to the development of a stoop or aggravate an already existing bad posture.
Psychological factor As a rule, stoop is observed in people who have many worries. Also, this syndrome can be observed in people with a complex of high growth, in which a person unconsciously stoops, trying to become shorter.
Diseases of the spine At a more mature age(after fifty years)postural disorders can develop due to such diseases of the spine as:
  • spondylosis ( characterized by the formation of bony growths on the body of the vertebrae);
  • osteochondrosis ( dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs);
  • osteoporosis ( characterized by a decrease in bone density).

What is the difference between stoop and kyphosis?

There are two types of posture disorders:
  • kyphosis;
  • scoliosis.
Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine to the right or left.

Kyphosis is an excess curvature of the chest or sacral department spine back. In most cases, thoracic kyphosis occurs.

Stoop is a clinical sign of thoracic kyphosis. At the same time, the person has a drooping and forward deviation of the shoulders. It also tilts the upper body forward.

The lack of timely treatment of impaired posture can subsequently lead to the development of hunchback ( pronounced kyphosis looks like a hump).

Kyphosis can be:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.
Kyphosis can lead to:
  • e.g. herniated disc, arthrosis of the intervertebral joints);
  • burdened heredity;
  • deformation of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
  • spinal injury;
  • weakness of the spinal muscles;
  • some systemic diseases ( rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, poliomyelitis).
There are the following types of kyphosis:
  • congenital(fetal development disorder);
  • hereditary(inherited by dominant type);
  • physiological (with the normal development of the child at six to seven months, a physiological bend of the spine, thoracic kyphosis is formed);
  • rachitic(develops in children with rickets);
  • compression (thoracic vertebral compression fracture);
  • mobile(due to weakness of the spinal muscles);
  • youthful(Scheuermann-Mau disease, which is characterized by a wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebral bodies in the thoracic spine);
  • senile (age-related degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs);
  • total (kyphosis of the entire spine in the form of an arc);
  • tuberculous (deformation and destruction of the vertebrae due to tuberculous spondylitis).
Symptoms of kyphosis are due to a violation of biomechanics. In the initial stage, thoracic kyphosis, as a rule, is manifested by stoop. Subsequently, the incorrect distribution of load vectors leads to the appearance of pain in a person. With severe kyphosis, a violation of the functions of internal organs is possible, and in the case of compression of the roots of the spinal cord, weakness in the legs and a violation of sensitivity develop.

Treatment for kyphosis depends on the cause and degree of spinal deformity.

If we are talking about deformation of posture, so to speak, postural ( functional) kyphosis, manifested by stoop, then usually moderate enough exercise to strengthen the muscular corset. In kyphosis associated with degenerative changes or systemic diseases, therapy should be aimed at treating the underlying pathology.

Conservative treatment of kyphosis is usually effective, but it should be carried out in combination and include physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage, and exercise therapy. If conservative treatment for severe kyphosis with dysfunction of the internal organs or compression of the spinal cord roots does not give a result, then surgery may be required.

Is it possible to get rid of stoop at home?

Before starting the correction of the existing stoop, it is paramount to assess the condition of the spine. This procedure can be done independently at home.

In order to independently assess the condition of the spine at home, you must:

  • Stand with your back against the wall.
  • Put your feet together, heels, sacrum and thoracic spine should touch the angle.
  • Then you should stick your palm between the wall and the lower back. Normally, the palm should fit freely in the physiologically available space. However, in the event of a violation of posture, the lumbar lordosis may disappear, and the palm will either not pass completely, or only its fingers will fit.
  • Next, you should assess the condition of the thoracic spine, and how much the shoulder blades lag behind ( if they lag far behind, this indicates a violation of posture).
  • At the end, it is estimated in what position the back of the head is, whether it is pressed against the wall. If the chest stoop is very pronounced, the head can move forward a lot.
Also, a violation of posture can be determined in another way. For its implementation, additional help from another person will be needed. The person being examined should stand sideways in front of the mirror in his usual position ( don't try to stand straight). The assistant should pick up the chalk and start marking the following reference points on the mirror - ankle, knee-joint, hip joint, wrist joint, elbow joint, shoulder joint, as well as the earlobe.

Normally, in a person, all these reference points should be on the same vertical line.

If a person does not have any congenital pathologies or acquired injuries of the spine, then stoop in most cases develops due to an imbalance in the development of the muscles of the chest and upper back region.

At home, incorrect posture can be corrected with the help of:

  • doing gymnastics;
  • choosing the right furniture.
Gymnastics is the main treatment for stoop, which can effectively reduce or eliminate the excessive thoracic curve of the spinal column, as well as return the shoulder blades to the correct position.

To correct your posture with physical exercises, you will need to:

  • strengthen the muscles of the middle back;
  • stretch the pectoral muscles;
  • strengthen the muscles that support the shoulder blade ( e.g. trapezius, rhomboid muscles);
  • strengthen the gluteal muscles.
An important role in the formation of correct posture is played by furniture, as well as devices that a person uses every day. So, for example, a computer chair in which there are many people in modern world spends most of the time, should be comfortable, and also be at a certain height from the desktop.

When buying furniture or various devices Special attention should be given a choice:

  • computer chair;
  • table;
  • monitor;
  • mattress.
Furniture or device Description
Computer chair It is recommended to purchase chairs with a headrest and armrests. You should also pay attention to the fact that the back of the chair is not excessively concave, as later this can only aggravate the manifestation of stoop. It should be noted that in the chair it is necessary to sit, leaning back, while the head should be on the headrest ( so that the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle are not in constant tension). The chair should be placed so that the armrests are flush with the table surface ( elbows during work should lie on the armrests).
Table It should be purchased in accordance with the chair, as already mentioned above, the surface of the table must correspond to the level of the armrests of the computer chair.
Monitor The monitor screen should be centered on the table at eye level. If it is located lower, then the person will be forced to tilt his head, which will lead to aggravation of stoop. If the monitor is installed above eye level, then the person will need to sit with his head thrown back, which will lead to constant tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle.
Mattress You should sleep on a dense and even mattress, you will need to get rid of a soft or sagging one. If possible, it is recommended to purchase an orthopedic mattress.

Posture Correction Exercises

Correct posture performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a great influence on the location, development and functioning of various organs. A pathological change in posture can lead to disruption of the functioning of the bone, muscle, respiratory and other body systems.

Children need to be taught how to sit and walk properly from an early age, as negatively developed habits become more difficult to correct over time.

The main role in the development of correct posture is played by such factors as self-education, as well as regular physical activity.

Correct posture with stoop effectively ( in 90% of cases) helps regular therapeutic exercises.

It should be noted that if the cause of stoop is any disease of the spine and joints, then before starting physical activities first of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the presence of contraindications, since in some cases only after a series of studies can a set of exercises for effective therapeutic exercises be compiled.

Timely initiation of treatment of incorrect posture leads to its faster correction. So, for example, at the age of eighteen it can take from six months to a year to correct a stoop, and at thirty years it may take from a year to three years to correct a posture. After forty years, it becomes almost impossible to correct the wrong posture.

Below is a set of exercises from stoop, which, in the absence of contraindications for a person, can be performed independently at home. In the first months this complex it is recommended to perform daily, and then the number of classes can be reduced by performing them every other day.

A set of exercises for stoop

exercise number Description Image
№1 Prepare a long towel fold it lengthwise) or belt. In a standing position, you should take a towel by both ends slightly wider than shoulder width, while keeping your hands in front of you. Begin to gradually hold your hands behind your back and hold them behind for a while and then slowly return them back to the front. At the same time, the elbows should be in a straight position, and the shoulders should be lowered.
№2 With a sigh, you need to open up, moving your arms parallel to the floor in direct form back. In this position, the shoulder blades should converge. Then, with an exhalation, the hands should be brought forward, crossing them ( make scissors).
№3 Hands should be raised up in a straight position above the head. While inhaling, you need to start moving your shoulders and shoulder blades up, trying to reach your ears with your shoulders. As you exhale, lower your shoulders and shoulder blades down, arms slightly bent at the elbow joint.
№4 It is necessary to lie on your stomach, put your hands back behind your back, clasping your palms in the castle or leaving them in a free form. At the same time, the pelvis should be pressed to the floor, and the legs should be connected together. The head should be turned and lie on the right ear. When inhaling, you need to raise upper part back, while arms stretch back, linger for five to ten seconds and, as you exhale, go down, turning your head to your left ear.
№5 It is necessary to stand up and spread your legs to the sides, wider than your shoulders. In this case, the chest should be straightened ( Imagine standing in front of an imaginary wall), and straighten your arms at the elbows and spread apart. On exhalation, the right hand begins to slowly slide along the right leg, the body leans to the right. At the same time, the left hand goes up, the gaze is directed downward when tilted. While inhaling, you should slowly rise up to the starting position. Repeat the same only on the left side.
№6 It is necessary to lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, joining your palms together, feet should also be kept together. While inhaling, raise your hands and feet at the same time. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower yourself as you exhale.
№7 It is necessary to lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows, put your palms to your chest. While inhaling, begin to gently raise the chest, stretching up and bending in the lumbar region. At the same time, the arms are straightened, the shoulders go down, without pinching the neck muscles. Hold this position for five seconds, then slowly lower yourself as you exhale.
№8 Go to the wall, put your feet together at a distance of one step from the wall. The palms should be pulled forward, resting against the wall, begin to bend over, opening the shoulders, stretching the back, bending slightly in the lumbar region. Gradually bring this slope to horizontal position. Count to twenty and then return to the starting position.
№9 It is necessary to stand on the mat on all fours, paying attention to the fact that the knees are under hip joints and hands under the shoulders. As you exhale, bend your back outward, lower your head down. Then, on inspiration, the head rises up, and the back arches in the lumbar region.
№10 It is necessary to lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, bend your legs at the knees, fix your feet on the floor. While inhaling, raise the pelvis up, fix this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

At the end of the exercises, it is recommended to relax the back muscles. To do this, you need to sit with your buttocks on your heels, put your hands on the floor in front of you, lower your head in your palms. Breathe while doing this should be calm.

When conducting therapeutic exercises, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • The duration of one lesson should be at least thirty to forty minutes, a maximum of an hour and a half.
  • Each exercise is recommended to be repeated six to ten times.
  • When compiling a set of exercises, it is necessary to pay special attention to strengthening the muscles of the middle of the back, since they are responsible for maintaining the correct posture.
  • During gymnastics, exercises should be included aimed at strengthening the gluteal muscles ( strengthened gluteal muscles have been found to help maintain proper posture).
  • With stoop, the muscles of the neck and lower back are in an increased muscle tone, therefore, when compiling a set of exercises, it is necessary to take into account exercises to relax these areas of the body.
  • During gymnastics, it is strictly not recommended to do exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the chest ( they can only be stretched), as strong pectoral muscles subsequently begin to pull the shoulders forward, which can lead to aggravation of the curvature of the thoracic spine.
  • During classes, it is not recommended to use a barbell or dumbbells weighing more than five kilograms for men and more than three kilograms for women.

Will a corset help to eliminate stoop?

During the period of active growth in children and adolescents, there is a deformity in the development of the shoulder girdle and, as a result, a violation of posture. Doctors recommend not delaying the start of complex therapy. Usually it starts from five to ten years, when the curvature is already quite noticeable, and, most importantly, it progresses. In this case, as part of a comprehensive non-surgical treatment, the child is recommended to wear a corset for the spine. Also, wearing a corset is also indicated for adults who have a violation of posture in the form of stoop.

The corset performs the following therapeutic effects:
  • corrects the violation of posture;
  • restores the physiologically correct position of the shoulder girdle;
  • unloads the thoracic spine;
  • maintains and restores normal muscle tone;
  • eliminates pain in the back;
  • provides the spine with the correct physiological position.
The corset is intended for the treatment of postural disorders, stoop and curvature of the thoracic spine. It is also effectively used during rehabilitation after injuries of the spinal column in the thoracic region.

Classification of corsets

Classification Kinds Description
By function Fixing corsets Fix the affected part of the spinal column in a fixed position ( e.g. trauma). They prevent displacement of the vertebrae, and are also effectively used during the rehabilitation period.
Corrective corsets They help to correct spinal disorders, for example, with stoop.
According to the degree of hardness Elastic corsets They are used for mild posture disorders. The corset is made from elastic bandages without rigid inserts, which eliminates the development of a feeling of discomfort when wearing it. When using a corset, the spine restores its correct physiological position.
Rigid corsets These corsets are used for more severe violations of posture, as well as during the rehabilitation period after injuries of the spinal column. Rigid plates are sewn into the corsets, located parallel to each other on the sides of the spine. These plates reduce the severity of deformation of the spinal column in scoliosis, and also correctly distribute the load on the spine.
By area of ​​fixation Thoracic lumbar corsets Covers the thoracic and lumbar spine.
Lumbo-sacral corsets Covers the lumbar and sacral spine.
Lumbar corsets Embraces the lumbar spine.

Corset application

The corset is worn directly on the body or on cotton underwear. To do this, you need to straighten your back, spread your shoulders and raise your head, while the elastic bands should be thrown over your shoulders forward, passed through the armpits and fixed crosswise on your back. Then it is necessary to adjust the degree of tension of the tapes and fix them with a Velcro fastener in front of the stomach. The corrector belt itself should also be fastened with Velcro on the stomach. The degree of fixation and the dynamics of the tension of the tapes is adjustable throughout the day.

The corset gently fixes the upper part of the spine, straightening the shoulders. The wide back of the corset is equipped with stiffening ribs installed parallel to each other along the spine. It has a complex effect on the entire thoracic spine.

In this corset, a child can go to school, and an adult can go to work, he makes the posture correct, invisible under clothes, and also does not interfere with breathing.

If the corset is used correctly, then in about a month, strengthening of the spinal muscles and posture correction will be noticeable.

The corset is not recommended to be used constantly, as this leads to the fact that the back muscles get used to the support from the outside and weaken. Subsequently, this can only aggravate the manifestation of stoop. The use of a corset to eliminate stoop should be combined with other methods of treatment, such as gymnastics, massage or manual therapy. Therefore, if a patient with impaired posture was prescribed physical exercises as a treatment, as well as wearing a corset, then the corset in this case will need to be worn in the intervals between exercises.

It should be noted that corsets should be made of natural fabrics, easy to wash, and selected individually depending on the size.

When using a corset, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • you need to wear a corset for about six hours a day;
  • when putting on a corset, elastic bands should not be overtightened, as this may disrupt local blood circulation;
  • Before going to bed, the corset must be removed.

How to choose a corset?

Before you buy a corset, you should first seek the help of a doctor. Based on objective data ( e.g. inspection, palpation), as well as the results of instrumental studies ( e.g. x-ray, computed tomography) the doctor will select an effective treatment for postural disorders.

Depending on the degree of violation of posture and on the individual characteristics of the body, the doctor will help you choose the best corset for correcting changes in the spine.

With more severe violations of posture, as a rule, the use of rigid corsets is prescribed, with less pronounced changes - elastic ones.

The corset can be purchased as follows:

  • in pharmacies;
  • on special sites;
  • sew to order.
The sizes of corsets vary from the smallest to the largest. In order to choose the right size for yourself, it is paramount to measure the volume of the chest ( on inspiration, as the chest expands at this moment) and waist.
  • corset must be made of natural fabrics ( e.g. cotton fabric);
  • rigid plates installed in the corset should not cause pain;
  • a medical corset should be purchased only in specialized places ( for example, in a pharmacy, on a specialized website on the Internet);
  • when using the corset should not restrict breathing;
  • when wearing a corset, a person may experience slight discomfort, but the presence of pain indicates a poorly selected product;
  • when buying a corset, you should pay attention to the quality of elastic straps, Velcro and stiffeners.

Do I need to see an orthopedic doctor for stoop?

A doctor should be consulted if a person has the following manifestations:
  • with independent visual inspection, stoop is observed;
  • head tilted to the right or left;
  • shoulders are lowered or different in height;
  • asymmetry of the shoulder blades and triangles of the waist;
  • pronounced curvature of the spine.
When identifying the above symptoms, it is highly recommended to seek help from a family doctor. The doctor will examine, assess the degree of violation of posture and then, if necessary, refer to a specialist - an orthopedist.

The orthopedist, based on objective data and research results, will individually select the optimal treatment.

When seeking help from a doctor, the patient can be prescribed the following methods of treating stoop:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • swimming;
  • manual therapy;
  • use of a corset;
  • drug treatment;
  • surgery.


Gymnastics is the main treatment for stoop. A set of physical exercises can be performed at home on your own or with an instructor in a medical institution. When performing gymnastics, it is very important to choose the right set of exercises that will be aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles and relaxing the muscles of the neck and chest. Inadequate selection of physical exercises can lead to aggravation of posture disorders.


It is an auxiliary method for the treatment of stoop and, as a rule, is prescribed in parallel with therapeutic exercises. Massage movements should not be rough, but, on the contrary, light and relaxing. This method improves blood circulation and lymph outflow.


In the treatment of stoop, swimming is not able to completely eliminate the signs of postural disorders, but it helps to prevent the progression of pathological changes in the spine. Most often, with stoop, such swimming styles as breaststroke or crawl can be assigned. Regular classes swimming effectively allow you to relax the muscles of the chest and abdomen and pump up the spinal muscles.

Manual therapy

Manual procedures should be performed by an experienced specialist. As a rule, this method of treatment is prescribed if the patient has signs of displacement of the vertebrae, as well as in case of pain. It should be noted that in parallel with these procedures, the patient is recommended to regularly perform therapeutic exercises, as it allows you to consolidate the therapeutic effect of manual therapy.

Using a corset

The corset effectively allows you to fix a certain area of ​​the spinal column. Depending on the degree of violation of posture, the patient may be prescribed different kinds corsets ( e.g. flexible or with integrated rigid plates). A corset is an additional treatment for stoop. In most cases, wearing it is prescribed in conjunction with therapeutic exercises. It should be noted that the corset should be worn between exercises, no more than six hours a day and removed at night.

Medical treatment

As a rule, with stoop, the appointment of drugs is not required. However, if the patient has pain in the back, inflammatory manifestations, muscle hypertonicity, such groups of drugs as painkillers, muscle relaxants ( reduce skeletal muscle tone), anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as calcium preparations ( to strengthen bone tissue).


Severe kyphosis can cause dysfunction of the internal organs, which will eventually lead to the need for surgical treatment. This method of treatment is performed only in cases where conservative methods of treatment have not yielded results, and the disease is rapidly progressing. Also, surgery can be prescribed if the patient has a pronounced pain syndrome due to compression of the spinal roots, a pronounced limitation of movements, as well as muscle atrophy or an existing risk of spinal cord compression.

To avoid surgical treatment of posture disorders, it is necessary to systematically carry out treatment in a complex, including physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage and physiotherapy exercises. Therapeutic exercise is the basis in the treatment of pathological kyphosis. Dosed physical loads, which must be selected individually, allow correcting disturbed biomechanics and redistribution of load vectors. A good muscle corset allows you to visually improve your posture and slow down the development of the deformation process.

How to choose a posture corrector for slouching?

Classification of posture correctors by appearance And design features
Corrector name Description Photo
Reclinator The product is made in the form of an eight-shaped bandage, consisting of two loops and a soft cloth base on the back ( at the intersection of the straps). Reclinator loops cover shoulder joints and deflect the shoulders backwards, shifting the angles of the shoulder blades towards the spinal column. At the same time, the physiological position of the shoulder girdle is restored in a person and stoop is significantly reduced.

Reclinators are usually used at an early stage of curvature of the thoracic spine, when the patient has minor posture disorders.

One of the disadvantages of the reclinator is the relatively rapid deformation of the loops, which is usually observed after three to four months of continuous operation.

It is necessary to use the reclinator every day for four hours, for three to four months.

Breast corrector This product can be in the form of a corset or an elastic belt with straps. Unlike the reclinator, the dorsal part of the chest corrector is denser and longer, due to which this product is able to cover almost the entire thoracic spine ( fourth to eleventh thoracic vertebrae). Also, the design of the chest corrector includes stiffening ribs of metal or plastic origin, the purpose of which is to create a stronger fixation of the physiologically correct position of the spinal column.

By limiting movement in the spinal column, the chest corrector effectively eliminates stoop.

Thoracolumbar corrector The product is similar to a vest, consisting of a rigid back with plastic or metal stiffeners sewn into the base, a wide belt and elastic straps. Also on the back of the corrector there are special grooves for installing additional metal plates.

The rigid back of the thoracolumbar corrector aligns and unloads the spinal column along the entire surface of the back, starting from the level of the third thoracic vertebra and ending with the level of the third-fourth vertebra. This stabilizes the physiological curves of the spine, lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis.

Magnetic corrector This product is an elastic corset, in which six magnets are built in along the line of the spinal column and along the waist. At the same time, the magnetic corrector has both orthopedic and physiotherapeutic effects.

Magnetic fields, affecting the human body, have the following positive effects:

  • contribute to the improvement of blood circulation in the tissues of the spine;
  • eliminate pain;
  • relieve inflammation and swelling of tissues;
  • have a relaxing effect on muscle spasm.
The magnetic corrector is used for curvature of the spine with severe pain. Also, this product can be used to prevent impaired posture and stoop.

A contraindication to the use of a magnetic corrector is:

  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • individual intolerance.
Electronic corrector A small electronic device with a built-in gyroscope. This device responds to changes in body orientation angles.

Before using on the electronic corrector, it is necessary to establish the correct posture position. Then you should fix the device. After that, the apparatus will react to any deviation from the predetermined position of the body with a characteristic signal, making it clear to the person that he should straighten up.

There are two types of electronic correctors:

  • chest bend sensor, which is installed on the subclavian zone;
  • an ear bend sensor that fits over the ear.
The electronic corrector is safe to use. The device does not emit electromagnetic waves, as it is powered by a microbattery.

According to the degree of rigidity, posture correctors are divided into the following types:
  • soft correctors;
  • semi-rigid correctors;
  • hard correctors.

Soft correctors
They are preventive products made from natural fabrics. Most often used to correct the spinal column with minor deviations from the norm.

Semi-rigid correctors
Products are made of denser fabric. Plastic stiffeners can be built into the base of the semi-rigid correctors to create a more effective fixation of the spinal column.

Hard correctors
The products are reinforced with metal inserts and are used in case of serious posture disorders with curvature of the spinal column.

Posture correctors can be divided into two groups:

  • medical proofreaders;
  • preventive correctors.
Therapeutic correctors
They are used to treat diagnosed pathology of the spine. Only an orthopedic doctor can help you choose the optimal medical corrector for stoop.

In order to choose the right posture corrector, the doctor may be interested in the following information:

  • the shape and degree of curvature of the spinal column;
  • contraindications to the use of a posture corrector ( e.g. vertebral hernia, severe heart and lung disease);
  • anthropometric parameters of the patient ( e.g. height, bust, waist and belly circumference);
  • professional activity of the patient and the possible impact of labor on stoop ( for example, heavy physical work or office work);
  • the presence of predisposing factors in the patient ( e.g. spending a lot of time at the computer);
  • condition of the skeletal muscles of the back of the patient.
To determine the shape and degree of curvature of the spinal column, as well as to identify possible contraindications to the use of a medical corrector, the attending physician examines the patient, performs palpation and is guided by the results of diagnostic studies ( e.g. x-ray, computed tomography).

Also, examining the patient, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the skeletal muscles. In the event that muscle weakness is observed along with a pronounced deformation of the spinal column, then such a patient will be shown wearing a semi-rigid or rigid corrector.

Preventive correctors
They are used to maintain a normal physiological posture. Preventive correctors can be chosen independently. It should be remembered that the material of the product must be of high quality, and its size is optimal.
It is very important to choose the correct corrector size correctly, since the effectiveness of the product depends on it. First you need to find out the circumference of the chest using a size ruler. In this case, the chest should be freed from clothing. The measuring tape should be applied in front - below the nipples ( in men) or under the mammary glands ( among women), behind - under the shoulder blades.

Measurement is carried out in a standing position on exhalation.

Posture correctors have the following sizes:

  • 100 - 90 cm ( XL - XXL);
  • 70 - 90 cm ( M-L);
  • 50 - 70 cm ( XS-S);
  • 50 - 60 cm ( XXS-XS).
When choosing a posture corrector, first of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material of this product. At the same time, the fabric from which the corrector is made should be light and elastic. Its inner surface should consist of cotton fabric. It is necessary to check that any corrective parts and metal inserts included in the product do not rub or squeeze the skin. Also, a good posture corrector should be equipped with wide straps and additional Velcro fasteners. The product should not pull the waist and rub in the armpits. The posture corrector should lie comfortably without causing any discomfort.

The wearing time of a posture corrector in children aged six to ten years should be one to two hours a day, followed by a gradual increase in the time of use to eight to ten hours. For children aged eleven to sixteen years, the initial wearing time of the product is from two to four hours and increases to ten to twelve hours. For adults, a posture corrector can be worn throughout the day, but it is best to wear it during periods of the greatest static load ( for example, when sitting at a table, walking for a long time).

Is massage necessary for stoop?

For slouching, massage is usually given in combination with other therapies ( e.g. therapeutic exercises, wearing posture correctors). At the same time, the benefits of massage are indispensable. Already after the first session, the patient eliminates muscle spasm, strengthens the back muscles, and improves blood circulation and lymph outflow.

There are certain rules for massage from stoop. Strict implementation of these rules increases the effect of this procedure.

First, the patient needs to take a comfortable position. His body should be as relaxed as possible. All movements of the massage therapist should be light and smooth, especially care should be taken when massaging the curved areas of the back and the area of ​​the spinous processes of the spinal column. Also, the patient must refrain from conducting massage sessions if he has violations of the integrity of the skin, for example, due to diseases or injuries.

Massage with stoop is carried out as follows:

  • Before the massage, a special massage oil is applied to the back of the patient.
  • Then the massage therapist performs stroking movements along the entire back, thus the specialist prepares the back muscles for the upcoming procedure.
During the massage, the following actions are applied:
  • rake-like stroking with fingers;
  • rubbing with fingers and ribs of the palms;
  • tingling;
  • stretching;
  • tapping.
It is possible to achieve a significant therapeutic effect from massage procedures only with prolonged use. this method. The course of massage should be carried out at least twice a year and include from ten to fourteen procedures.

What is the prevention of stoop?

Prevention of stoop in children
In children, the formation of stoop is most often associated with a sharp growth spurt, which occurs for the first time at six to seven years old, and the second time at eleven to twelve years old. Such adolescents often have complexes about high growth, they instinctively pull their heads down and stoop at the same time. Also, stoop in children can be formed due to insufficient physical activity, due to which the back muscles weaken and no longer hold the spinal column in a physiologically correct position.

In this case, a big problem today is the sedentary lifestyle of most modern children, who have a deficit of active physical movements due to prolonged pastime at the computer. To prevent slouching in children, parents should regularly check the posture of their child ( once every two to three months).

There are the following criteria for normal posture in preschool children:

  • shoulders slightly laid back;
  • shoulder blades protrude slightly backward;
  • symmetrical chest;
  • the spinous processes of the spinal column are located along the midline of the back;
  • planned lumbar curve spinal column, convex forward facing ( lumbar lordosis);
  • the abdomen protrudes slightly forward;
  • legs are straightened.
There are the following criteria for normal posture in school-age children:
  • shoulders are horizontal;
  • shoulder blades do not protrude pinned to the back);
  • physiological curves of the spinal column are moderately expressed;
  • slight protrusion of the abdomen;
  • when viewed from the front and back, the right and left halves of the body are symmetrical.
There are the following criteria for violation of posture:
  • abduction of shoulders forward;
  • shoulder blades protruding backwards, located at different distances and at different levels from the spinal column;
  • deviation of the spinous processes of the spinal column from the midline of the back;
  • convex or concave chest;
  • asymmetry of the ribs;
  • asymmetry of the gluteal folds;
  • multi-level location of the popliteal fossae.
To prevent stoop in children, it is recommended to perform the following physical exercises daily:
  • The child needs to stand in the starting position ( standing, feet shoulder width apart) holding behind the back gymnastic stick. As you exhale, you need to slowly bend forward and gently straighten up as you inhale. Repeat this exercise it takes six to seven times.
  • It is necessary to stand in the starting position. The gymnastic stick should be held behind the head, while the arms should be bent. Then you need to straighten your arms up at the same time. Repeat this exercise six to seven times.
  • The child needs to get on all fours. Then, while inhaling, you should bend your arms, touch the floor with your chest and, while exhaling, return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is six to eight times.
  • You should lie on your stomach. In this case, the arms and legs should be kept together in a straight position. Then, with an exhalation, the arms and legs must be simultaneously raised, one should try to keep them in this position for as long as possible, and then lower them. This exercise should be repeated five to six times.
  • You need to get on all fours. Then, while inhaling with the buttocks, you need to sit on your heels, while exhaling, stretch forward and bend. You need to repeat the exercise six to eight times.
  • The child needs to get on all fours. As you exhale, raise right hand up and look at her. Then, on exhalation, you must return to the starting position. Next, you need to perform the same steps, only with the left hand. The number of repetitions for each hand is six to eight times.
  • The child should sit on the floor and stretch their legs forward, keeping them together. The hands should be behind the body. Leaning on the hands of the child, it is necessary to raise the pelvis and immediately return to its original position. You need to repeat the exercise six to seven times.
  • Sitting on the floor with outstretched legs, the child needs to rest his hands behind. As you exhale, pull both knees to your chest, while inhaling, return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is six to eight times.
  • The child needs to lie on his back, bend his knees and spread his arms to the sides. As you exhale, lower both knees to one side, and turn your head to the other. Then, while inhaling, you need to return to the starting position. Then you should perform the exercise on the other side. It is very important to ensure that the child does not take his hands and shoulders off the floor. The number of turns in one direction or another is ten to twelve times.
An adult should supervise the child during the above exercises. At the same time, a friend or parent, acting as an instructor, should always secure the child, help him if necessary, and also ensure that the child’s back is even during the bends.

Prevention of stoop in adults
One of effective methods prevention of stoop in adults is yoga. Certain physical postures ( asanas) from this direction contribute to maintaining perfect posture. In order to prevent stoop, exercises are performed that open the chest.

Before performing this or that exercise, you should try to breathe evenly and deeply. This is necessary so that breathing does not go astray and fatigue does not appear.

First you need to stand on the mat, stretch your toes to the sides and lift them up so that the thumbs and little fingers are on the same level. Maintain balance in this position for thirty seconds. After that, the toes can be gently lowered down.

Next, you need to perform the greeting pose from the back.
To do this, you need to join your palms in the lumbar region and then slowly begin to raise your hands up until the little fingers are in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thoracic spine. For thirty seconds, it is necessary to push the spine with joined palms, without bending at the same time in the lumbar region. This is done so that the chest begins to open.

Then you should place your feet apart at a distance of about thirty centimeters, raise your arms up and stretch well. At the same time, it is necessary to feel how the sides of the torso and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs are extended along with the whole body.

Next, without squeezing your knees, you should gently lower your hands down until your fingers are on the floor. Within thirty seconds, it is important to bend as much as possible in this position. This asana helps open the thoracic spine. After that, you should lower yourself into a full tilt, bringing your stomach and sternum closer to your legs.
In the event that a person has a weak stretch and unpleasant or painful sensations appear when bending over, you need to slightly bend your knees or wrap your arms around your calves.

Next, from the tilt position, you should gently step back with your feet until the body forms a triangular shape.
While in this position, you need to press your palms as much as possible and palmar surfaces fingers to the floor. Leaning on the pads of the toes, it is very important to raise the heels as high as possible. Thanks to these actions, you can keep the pelvis in a level position, preventing the spinal column from rounding. At correct execution With this exercise, all joints are aligned, the body lengthens, and over time, a person begins to feel light.

It is necessary to be in this position of the body for thirty to forty seconds, after which you should bend your knees, sit with your pelvis on your heels and lower your forehead to the floor, stretch your arms forward. In this case, you need to stretch your fingers as much as possible, protruding them to the sides. Making the main emphasis on the palms, it is necessary to push the shoulder joints inward, while raising the elbows from the floor. After that, you need to get on all fours, push off with your toes and palms from the floor and again stand in the triangle pose.

Then, with a sigh, it is necessary to perform a deflection, straighten your arms, move your chest forward, lower your legs to the instep of the foot. In this case, the pelvis should be on weight. Further, without bending your elbows, you need to take your shoulders back and bend your back properly.
After that, you should sit on your heels, lay your head on the mat, lower your shoulders down and stretch your arms along your hips. It is recommended to stay in this position for two to three minutes. In this case, breathing should be even.

Also, the following methods can be used as a prophylaxis against stoop:

  • massage;
  • wearing preventive posture correctors;
  • swimming.

Why is stoop dangerous?

The stoop itself does not pose a particular danger, however, the risk of serious complications is possible if the cause of this pathological manifestation is a serious illness.

The formation of stoop may be preceded by the following causes and diseases:

    incorrect posture;

    degenerative changes in the spine e.g. spinal stenosis, herniated disc);

    spinal column injuries;

    systemic diseases ( e.g. poliomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis).

The name of the pathological process against which the stoop was formed Complications
Bad posture
  • weakness in the legs and impaired sensitivity;
  • limitation of mobility in the thoracic spine;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • a feeling of fatigue and a feeling of heaviness;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • displacement of the intervertebral joints;
  • the appearance in the vertebrae of Schmorl's hernia, due to impaired blood circulation;
  • shortness of breath due to compression of the lung by the chest;
  • violation of the cardiovascular system;
  • development of diabetes.
Degenerative changes in the spine
  • circulatory disorders in cervical region spinal column, as well as in the pelvic organs;
  • violations in the work of internal organs;
  • neurological signs and symptoms due to compression of the spinal nerves.
Spinal injury
  • violations motor function- paralysis and paresis;
  • violation of the act of defecation and urination.
  • problems in the sexual sphere;
  • lost sensitivity of the skin area;
  • irreversible spinal deformity;
Systemic diseases
  • fractures of the spinal column, leading to immobility and disability;
  • interstitial myocarditis;
  • lung atelectasis;
  • acute expansion of the stomach;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;

When deciding how to get rid of stoop, a person resorts to methods that are not aimed at the proportional development of the muscular frame of the back. We are looking for effective cures for the disease, but they do not exist. Only regular and long-term physical exercises will help to maintain the spine in the correct position.

When deciding how to deal with slouching, combination therapy regimens should be considered. Rehabilitation centers use several methods at the same time, with the help of which a stooped back is leveled faster.

If you are visiting Gym, this does not mean that you are treating stoop. Rather, on the contrary, with disproportionate physical activity, one can expect an increase in the degree of curvature of posture.

If you want to know how to get rid of stoop, check out the contents of the article.

Causes of stoop

At the initial stage, before describing how to remove stoop, you should study the causes of its occurrence. A stooped back appears for the following reasons:

  1. Skewing of the spine due to different leg lengths;
  2. Asymmetrical position of the shoulders with incorrect formation;
  3. With diseases such as;
  4. With defects in hearing and speech, when a person bends his back in order to better see or hear;
  5. Short sleep, leading to the impossibility of restoring muscle fibers;
  6. Low mobility and bad habits (smoking).

Modern children devote little time to physical exercises, as they spend a lot of time at the computer. This situation contributes to the underdevelopment of the vertebrae, weakness of the muscular frame of the back and shoulders.

According to statistics, at the age of 6, most children need to take measures to remove stoop.

The vertebrae of a child are made up of cartilage. They are mobile and elastic, therefore they undergo changes under the action of external loads. After 20 years, cartilage is replaced by bone. As a result, it is more difficult.

In adults, the causes of stoop are as follows:

  • Sedentary work;
  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine (,);
  • Flat feet and bacterial infections (syphilis, tuberculosis).

There are many causes of the disease, but in order to decide how to cure stoop, one should distinguish between congenital and acquired etiologies of the disease.

Types of stoop

To talk about the exercises used to get rid of stoop, we suggest studying the types of posture disorders:

  1. Stooped (round) back () - characterized by excessive bulge of the thoracic kyphosis (physiological posterior bending of the spinal column);
  2. Flat back - flattening of the thoracic kyphosis;
  3. – smoothing of thoracic kyphosis and strengthening of lumbar lordosis;
  4. - and increased thoracic kyphosis.

To determine the correct posture, there is a simple test that can be performed at home:

  1. Stand near the wall with your back;
  2. Bring the shoulders, the bulge of the back, the buttocks to the vertical surface;
  3. Position your chin horizontally;
  4. Maintain position and move away from the wall;
  5. In this position, walk around the room for a while.

If you repeat the test to determine a flat back every day, a subconscious mindset will be formed on how to hold the axis of the body correctly.

A stooped back is accompanied by an excessive curvature of the thoracic spine. Usually it is observed. In this state, simple exercises or general strengthening exercises will not help, since there is an imbalance between the muscles of the abdomen and back. To get rid of pathology, doctors prescribe special exercises aimed at the gradual recovery of muscles in a state of hypertonicity ().

Dangerous Consequences

Consequences hunched back dangerous to human health. At the initial stages of the curvature of the spine, only slight discomfort is felt in the shoulders and back. Over time, the pathology progresses. In such a situation, the occurrence of secondary diseases can be observed:

  • - curvature in the lateral plane;
  • Shoulder asymmetry;
  • Infringement of the nerve roots due to osteochondrosis;
  • Acute or chronic, chest;
  • Increased respiratory rate and blood supply;
  • Deformation of the chest and expansion of the intercostal spaces;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Loss of sensation in the skin of the upper and lower extremities.

The list of consequences goes on. The fact is that nerve trunks emerge from the spinal cord through the spine, which innervate all internal organs. With a curvature of the back, nerves are pinched and increased impulses to the organ, which is controlled by the inflamed nerve. To prevent the consequences of stoop, treatment of the disease should be started in the early stages.

When identifying initial stages curve of the back if it is impossible to see a doctor, we recommend doing home exercise daily. It may not cure the stoop, but it will prevent the progression of the disease. In the future, you can consult a doctor so that he prescribes the right exercises.

Gymnastics from stoop

Fighting stoop with exercises is quite simple, but discipline is required from a person. You should perform gymnastics daily in order to count on the positive effect of therapy.

High-quality treatment of stooped back and shoulder asymmetry lasts at least 3 months. delay use physiotherapy exercises to correct postural deformity is not necessary. Over time, a serious consequence may develop - scoliosis, which will be difficult for adults to cure with gymnastics.

If your job involves prolonged sitting, take breaks every 45 minutes (get up and walk around). If there is a lack of physical activity, do exercises, do therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscular frame of the back (see below).

Correction of stoop with the help of exercise therapy is the basic method to get rid of the disease, which is used in specialized rehabilitation centers.

A set of exercises

For the treatment of pathology, we offer the following set of general strengthening exercises, which are recommended by leading rehabilitation centers in Russia.

  1. It is necessary to determine the correct position. For these purposes, stand near the wall and straighten your back. Remember the position. Perform the test daily for 10 days so that the correct posture reflex is formed subconsciously.
  1. Stand 1 step away from the wall. Rely on it with your hands. Take a deep breath, bend forward. Arch your back as much as possible. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  1. Stand a meter away from the wall. Turn around to face her. Rest on a vertical surface with your hands. As you inhale, bend your torso forward and try to touch the wall with your chest. Do not move your legs during the exercise. As you exhale, return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 8-10.
  1. Lie on your stomach. Place your arms along your torso. As you inhale, lift your back up. Make a swing with your hands through the sides and rest against the back of the chair (it must first be installed in front of you). The task of the procedure is to strengthen the muscles of the back, so the maximum load should be directed to the lower back. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.
  1. In a kneeling position, sit on your heels. Pull your socks forward. Place your hands behind your head. As you inhale, rise from your heels and spread your straight arms through your sides with your palms up. Push your pelvis forward as far as possible with your back arched. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.
  1. The following procedure requires a gym stick. Any similar thing can be used to replace it. Stand up straight and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Hold the stick in your lowered hands. Lean forward but keep your back straight. Hold the position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Take a new breath and straighten your shoulders. The number of repetitions is 5.
  1. Get on all fours and lean on straight arms. Bend your back as much as possible while inhaling, and on the way out, return to the starting position. Do 6-8 repetitions;
  1. Position yourself a step away from the back of a chair in front of you. As you inhale, lean forward, but do not bend your arms. Try to take your head back. Flex your lower back as much as possible. With a certain fitness, this exercise should be performed with a repetition frequency of about 10-12 times in one procedure.
  1. This exercise allows you to determine maximum loads that can be used when performing gymnastics. Take a gymnastic stick and put it on the shoulder blades through the top. Inhale to turn to the left, and exhale to go back. Perform a turn for the other side. Return to starting position. The number of repetitions is 5-6.

Obviously, stoop is a dangerous pathology that, if not treated, will lead to serious complications. It should be treated for a long time and regularly.

Stoop is one of the manifestations of a disturbed stoop when the thoracic region is too bent back. That is, it is a deformity of the back. Let's look at why it appears and how to remove stoop at home with the help of simple exercises.

The main causes and types of manifestation

There are two types of postural disorders - kyphosis and scoliosis. Scoliosis- This is a curvature of the spinal column to the right or left. - this is the backward bend of the thoracic or sacral spine.

Stoop is a sign of kyphosis of the thoracic region. In this case, the person descends and deviates forward. If it is not treated in a timely manner, then a violation of posture leads to the development of a hump.

There are such types of kyphosis:

  • congenital;
  • physiological;
  • hereditary;
  • compression;
  • rachitic;
  • youthful;
  • mobile;
  • total;
  • senile;
  • tuberculosis.

Important! Most often, stoop occurs due to weaknesses and is observed in childhood, since at this time the skeleton grows intensively. The skeleton actively develops at the age of 11-17. At the age of 20-25 years, posture stabilizes and remains so until old age. That is why stoop is easier to get rid of at an early age.

The main causes of stoop:
  1. formed with the transition of man to upright posture approximately two million years ago. People spent most of their time moving (hunting, gathering, wars) or resting (lying or reclining). The ancient man hardly sat. Over time, people began to spend more time sitting. From the point of view of physiology, a sitting position is very harmful for a person, since evolutionarily the back is not adapted to the seat. If you sit in an uncomfortable position for a long time, you can provoke different ones. In XIII and XIX centuries mass began, and gradually humanity moved to. People began to move less and spend more time sitting. All this is the cause of the stoop.
  2. Weak muscles in the back are the main cause of stoop. generally weaken at the moment of active growth, in the period of 11-17 years, when the bones grow at an accelerated pace, and the spine is quickly extended. , which are physically poorly developed, the back muscles do not keep up with the active growth of the spine. They simply stretch along the elongated spine. Such muscles contract poorly and poorly hold posture. Because of this, it is difficult for the child to stand and sit upright. The muscles of the back and thoracic region quickly get tired, as a result, the child begins to stoop more and more. In severe cases, due to weak back muscles, the vertebrae are deformed. The vertebrae in the thoracic region, which are left without the support of the back muscles, give in to increased pressure during the load. Such pressure leads to the fact that the vertebrae are compressed from one edge, and a wedge-shaped deformity appears.
  3. Reflex tension of the pectoral muscles- this is a kind of muscle imbalance, that is, when the pectoral muscles are more developed than the back muscles. This happens when the pectoral muscles are strongly swayed during the time with the help of dumbbells. And little attention is paid to the muscles of the back. In order to avoid such an imbalance, it is necessary in a ratio of 1: 3, that is, one for the chest and three for the back. In order for the back muscles, you need to give them 2-3 times more time and effort than on the chest. If this proportion is not observed, then the chest muscles swing faster and pull the shoulders forward. This leads to the fact that you begin to stoop even more, and the chest sinks. Therefore, first you need to strengthen the back muscles, and only then pump the pectoral muscles.
  4. Psychological reason. In this case, the stoop is considered as a reflex passive-defensive posture, which has been laid down in humanity by evolution over millions of years. This posture is characterized not only by a stoop, but also by drooping and lowered shoulders. This position is taken by instinct. As a reaction to or . If such a posture is repeated often, then it is fixed in the posture stereotype. It can also be added that neuroses and psycho-emotional diseases are associated with impaired posture.
  5. High growth is also one of the causes of stoop. Tall people slouch more often than people of average height. It is very difficult for the back muscles to hold a long spine; for this, the “muscular corset” must be well developed. Still tall people are often ashamed of their height, and because of this they subconsciously stoop.
  6. Congenital weak muscles and ligaments. From a medical point of view, this is called joint hypermobility syndrome, when flexibility and is increased. In the presence of this syndrome from birth, the muscles and ligaments do not support posture well, which leads to stoop and even curvature of the spine.
There are also rare causes of stoop:
  • Stoop or kyphosis due to rickets- when not enough. This disease progresses rapidly and leads to a strong stoop, in some cases a hump develops.
  • congenital kyphosis- a complex type of spinal deformity that occurs during fetal development.
  • Paralytic kyphosis- This disease occurs due to diseases of the neuromuscular system and paralysis of the muscles of the back. It often develops in children who have cerebral palsy, have had poliomyelitis, tick-borne encephalitis, and central paralysis.
  • Post-traumatic kyphosis, which develops due to a fracture of the spine in the lumbar or thoracic region.
  • Kyphosis after spinal surgery(to treat this type of stoop, repeated surgical intervention is required).
  • Effects of radiotherapy in childhood. Radiation radiation adversely affects the spine, which can lead to the rapid onset of stoop.
There are also reasons why stoop develops in people in. In rare cases, posture worsens in 25-30 years. This may be due to Bechterew's disease, tuberculosis of the spine, or due to a tumor in the spine.

Important! At the age of 55-60 years, stoop may occur due to osteoporosis - bone fragility. And also stoop at this age occurs due to the deterioration of the intervertebral discs and / or age-related weakening of the back muscles.

Exercise therapy: how to get rid of stoop (a set of exercises)

In most cases, with stooping, correcting posture will effectively help regular execution therapeutic, directed against the stoop of the back.

If you start treatment for stooped posture in a timely manner, you will correct it faster. At the age of eighteen, posture correction will take six months; closer to thirty years, it will take from one to three years to correct posture. At forty years old, correcting posture is almost impossible.

Let's look at the right stoop physiotherapy exercises that you can do at home. This set of exercises is recommended to be performed every day in the first month, after which you should move on to the practice of exercises every other day.

  • Exercise 1: fold a long towel lengthwise, or use a belt. In a standing position, take the towel at both ends slightly wider than your shoulders, keep your hands in front of you. Start gradually moving your hands behind your back, hold them behind for a while, then return your hands forward. Keep your elbows straight and your shoulders down.
  • Exercise 2: taking a breath, take it parallel to the floor back. Bring your shoulder blades together. After that, with an exhalation, bring your hands forward, crossing them.
  • Exercise 3: lie down on, put your hands behind your back, clasp your palms in the castle. At this time, the pelvis should be pressed to the floor, and the legs are connected together. Turn your head and lie on your right ear. Inhaling, raise your upper back, pull your arms back, linger in this position for five to ten seconds, as you exhale go down, turn your head to the left.
  • Exercise 4: raise your arms straight up above your head. As you exhale, start moving your shoulders as well as your shoulder blades up. Try to reach your ears with your shoulders. Exhaling, lower your shoulders and shoulder blades down, bend at the elbow joint.
  • Exercise 5: in a standing position, place your feet wider than your shoulders. Straighten your chest (as if you are standing in front of an imaginary wall), straighten your arms at the elbows and spread them apart. As you exhale, slide your right hand along your right leg, tilt to the right. Take your left hand up, look, bending down, take it down. Rise to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat the same on the other side.

  • Exercise 6: lie on your stomach, take your hands forward, put your palms together, also hold together. Raise your hands and feet at the same time while inhaling. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself down as you exhale.
  • Exercise 7: lie on your stomach, bend your elbows, put your palms to your chest. As you inhale, slowly begin to lift up, bending. At the same time, straighten your arms, lower your shoulders down, do not pinch your neck muscles. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself as you exhale.
  • Exercise 8: walk up to the wall, put your feet together a step away from the wall. Pull your palms forward, resting against the wall, bend over, opening your shoulders, stretch your back, bending at the waist. Bring this slope gradually to a horizontal position. Return to the starting position after twenty seconds.

Did you know? In a healthy person, the spinal column can withstand a load of up to 400 kg! It is so strong thanks to the tissue fluid that fills the intervertebral discs, while the muscles in tension fix and create a structure that is stronger than concrete.

  • Exercise 9: stand on the mat on all fours, pay attention - the knees should be under the hip joints, and the hands should be under the shoulders. Bend your back as you exhale outward, lower your head down. As you inhale, lift your head up and arch your back at the waist.
  • Exercise 10: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Bend your legs at the knees, fix your feet on the floor. While inhaling, lift the pelvis up, fix this position for a few seconds. Slowly return to the starting position as you exhale.
After completing a set of exercises, relax your back muscles. To do this, sit on, put your hands on the floor in front of you, lower your head in your palms. Breathe calmly.

After conducting physiotherapy exercises, certain rules should be observed:

  • One should last from forty minutes to an hour and a half.
  • Repeat each exercise five to six times.
  • When composing, pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the middle of the back, since they are responsible for the correct posture.
  • Include exercises to strengthen the gluteal muscles in the complex, as they support the correct posture.
  • Muscles of the neck and lumbar are in tension with stoop, this should be taken into account when compiling a set of exercises to relax these areas of the body.
  • It is not recommended to do exercises to strengthen the chest muscles during physical education, as strong chest muscles will begin to pull the shoulders forward, this will aggravate the curvature of the spine.
  • During physical education, it is not recommended to use a barbell or dumbbells heavier than five kilograms for men and heavier than three kilograms for women.

Preventive measures for children and adults

The development of correct posture is daily performance the following physical exercises from stoop for children:

  • must stand in the starting position (standing, feet shoulder-width apart), must hold a gymnastic stick behind his back. You need to bend forward on the exhale and slowly straighten up on the inhale. The number of repetitions is 5-6.
  • You need to stand in the same position, the gymnastic stick should be held behind your head, your arms should be bent. After that, the arms must be straightened up at the same time. The number of repetitions is 6-7.
  • The child should get on all fours, after which, while inhaling, he should bend his arms to touch the floor with his chest. On exhalation, you need to return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 6-8.
  • The child should lie on, while the arms and legs should be straightened together. After that, the arms and legs must be straightened at the same time, trying to hold them in this position longer, then lower them. The number of repetitions is 5-6.
  • You need to get on all fours, then while inhaling you need to sit on your heels, while exhaling you should stretch forward, bending over. The number of repetitions is 6-8.
  • The child should get on all fours, while exhaling, raising his hand up and looking at her. Then, as you exhale, you need to return to the starting position. The same steps must be repeated with the left hand. The number of repetitions is 6-8.
  • The child should sit on the floor with legs stretched forward and keep them together. Hands must be taken behind the back. The child, leaning on his hands, should raise the pelvis and immediately return to its original position. The number of repetitions is 6-7.
  • it is necessary, sitting on the floor with outstretched legs, rest your hands on the floor from behind. While exhaling, the child should pull his knees to his chest, while inhaling, straighten his legs again. The number of repetitions is 6-8.
  • The child should lie on his back, bending his knees and spreading his arms to the sides. The child, on exhalation, should lower his knees in one direction, and turn his head in the opposite direction. On exhalation, you should return to the starting position. After that, you need to perform the exercise on the other side. Be sure to ensure that the child does not tear his hands and shoulders off the floor. The number of repetitions -10-12.
The child should perform these exercises under the supervision of an adult. At this time, an adult should insure the child, if necessary, help him and make sure that the back is even during the bends.

Did you know? The spine of any trained person in a vertical position during twisting can turn 180 ° to the left and 180 ° to the right along its entire length, this does not depend on age. It is thanks to the biomechanics of the spine that such human movements are possible, in addition, biomechanics allows you to restore lost functions and intervertebral discs, muscles, ligaments.

One of the most effective methods of preventing stoop for adults is. To maintain correct posture, special postures from asanas are used. Also, for prevention, it is recommended to do exercises for a stooped back, revealing the chest. Before exercising, try to breathe evenly and deeply. This must be done in order not to get tired and not to beat your breath.

First, stand on the mat, stretch your toes to the sides and lift up, thumbs and little fingers should be at the same level. In this position, you need to maintain balance for about thirty seconds. After that, slowly lower your fingers down.

Next, perform the greeting pose from the back. You need to join your palms near the lower back and slowly raise your hands until the little fingers are near the thoracic spine. Thirty seconds after that, push yourself with your palms into the spine, being careful not to arch your lower back. This exercise allows you to open the chest.

After that, you need to place the feet from each other at a distance of thirty centimeters. Raise your arms up and stretch well. It is necessary to feel how the sides of the torso and ribs are stretched along with the whole body.

Without squeezing your knees, slowly lower your hands down until your fingers reach the floor. Thirty seconds you need to bend as much as possible in this position. Then you need to lower yourself into a full tilt, bringing your stomach and chest closer to your legs. If you have a weak stretch and feel uncomfortable when bending over, you need to bend your knees or wrap your arms around your calves.

From the tilt position, slowly step back until the body forms a triangle. In this position, press your palms to the floor as much as possible. Try to raise your heels as high as possible, leaning on the balls of your toes. Thanks to this, you can keep the pelvis in a level position, preventing the spine from rounding. By doing this exercise correctly, you will be able to align all the joints, lengthen the body, and eventually begin to feel light.

Do these exercises daily or every other day for best results. As a prevention of stoop, the following methods may also be suitable:

  • wearing posture correctors.
Pay attention to your posture as early as possible. And if you notice a stoop in yourself, then in order to get rid of it, you need to strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck. To do this, it will be enough to perform the exercises to correct the stoop indicated above.