Exercises lateral twisting on the press. Side crunches

Relief press for 3 months Tolkachev Alexey Ivanovich

Lateral crunches (obliques)

Exercise technique

The third basic exercise for the abdominal muscles is the side twists to work out the oblique muscles. Just like in any other exercise, we must learn how to properly work the muscles we need. This exercise is quite difficult, and beginners make a lot of mistakes when doing it.

To begin, to feel your oblique muscles and understand where they are, stand up and try to strain the entire abdominal region as much as possible, including the sides (Fig. 3.12).

Rice. 3.12. Maximum abdominal tension

In this tense state, touch your sides, trying to feel the tension in your oblique muscles (Fig. 3.13).

Rice. 3.13. Palpation of the oblique abdominal muscles

You must definitely learn to tense your oblique muscles and feel them in order to work them correctly.

Now I will tell you about a very good technique with which you can learn how to contract your oblique muscles in a good way.

Stretch your arms at the seams (Fig. 3.14).

Start sliding your hands along your legs. First in one direction (Fig. 3.15).

Then in the other direction (Fig. 3.16).

When performing such movements, there is, so to speak, twisting of the body to the side, for which the work of the oblique muscle is responsible.

Rice. 3.14. Initial position. Hands at the seams

Rice. 3.15. Sliding hands along the body to the left

Rice. 3.16. Sliding hands along the body to the right

Once you understand the technique this exercise, you can try twisting the body sideways without slipping your hands (Fig. 3.17).

Many instead of twisting to the side and working the oblique muscle, begin to simply lean to the side (Fig. 3.18).

This is completely wrong, and with this execution, you will be moving through the work of the back muscles, and not the oblique muscles.

So, remember the basic rule of the oblique muscles - twisting the body to the side.

P.S. You can download a video tutorial with this exercise for free on our website: http://titans-helf.ru/press/.

Rice. 3.17. Side twists. Correct execution technique

Rice. 3.18. Side twists. Wrong technique fulfillment

Side twists. Breathing technique

All the same. When twisting - exhale, when straightening - inhale.

Side twists. Work with extra weight

In order to use additional weight and create a load in this exercise, simply take a dumbbell in one hand, throw the other hand behind your head (Fig. 3.19).

Rice. 3.19. Side crunches, starting position with extra weight

Rice. 3.20. Side crunches with extra weight

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Ecology of life. Fitness and sports: One of the main, safest and most effective exercises to work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen is lateral twisting on the press. It is also called - diagonal twisting.

At the moment there is a certain amount of variations of the study of the oblique muscles of the abdominal cavity. There are implementation options using extra weight, exercises using block simulator.

They have distinctive features regarding efficacy and safety for lumbar back.

For example, athletes with experience should do exercises in the simulator, and it is best for beginners to start training with own weight. One of the basic, safest and most effective exercises for working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen is the lateral twisting on the press. It is also called - diagonal twisting.

The beauty of this exercise is that it can be done without using any additional equipment, weights and exercise equipment. At home, you will not need to use the sofa as a support, books or eggplants with water as additional weight. All you need is some free time, desire and, if possible, a fitness mat that will provide comfortable movement.

THE NOTE! There is a myth that the abdominal muscles consist of several muscle groups, For example:

  • rectus abdominis;
  • external oblique muscles;
  • internal oblique muscles (located immediately below the visually visible part of the oblique muscles).

However, the Persian is one solid muscle, which can only be conditionally divided into several parts, for example: upper, middle, lateral and Bottom part. Accordingly, for each zone, the athlete selects the appropriate exercise. In our case, for the lateral zone (oblique muscles) - lateral twists.

Correct exercise technique

1. The first thing to do is to take the STARTING POSITION. Lay a fitness mat on the floor for your comfort and lie back on it. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and turned to the side (this is done for the convenience of training and maintaining balance). Put one hand behind the head (you can hold the palm on the back of the head or near the ear), the elbow should look forward. The second hand must be positioned so that the palm is on the stomach closer to the side on which the twists will be performed (this way it will be possible to feel and control the correct contraction of the oblique muscles of the cortex). The legs are bent at the knees and turned to the side. For example, if you are training the obliques on the right side, turn the legs to the left and the torso slightly to the right. This will be the starting position. Here's a little visual infographic to give you a visual idea of ​​what it looks like in practice.

2. After you have taken the starting position, we begin to perform the exercise. Take a POWERFUL EXHAUST and at the same time pull your right elbow towards your right knee as if you want to reach it. As soon as the twisting has been done, it is recommended to perform a peak contraction, that is, a two-second pause.

During this, you should strain as much as possible - this will allow you to feel the oblique muscles and increase their contraction. When the pause is over, inhale and at the same time return to the starting position. ATTENTION! When you return to the starting position, you can not completely relax. Throughout the duration of this exercise, keep tension in the target muscles.

"Side twist" - some variations.

There are several variations of this exercise. For example, it can be a side crunch with one leg lift at the same time. As practice shows, such an exercise is beyond the power of novice athletes. Therefore, with such a variation, you should wait a bit until the core muscles get stronger and are physically ready for complications.

If, however, there is some achievement in the usual side crunch and there is experience in training the press, you can try to raise the leg. What does it look like? During twisting, if you are doing the exercise on the right side, raise right leg while twisting. At the top point, make a peak contraction (1-2 seconds pause) and strain the target muscles as much as possible, after which, return to the starting position. This will increase the effect and work out the oblique abdominal muscles as much as possible.

You should not perform an exercise for oblique muscles, in which you need to do tilts with dumbbells in your hands while standing. Many believe that this only harms posture, and that in general similar movements are considered unnecessary. Most the best option for really good oblique work - side twists on the floor with its various variations that we discussed above.

When performing the exercise, do not raise your shoulders, leg or head too high. This can cause injury to the spine. You also don't need to lift your head with your hands.

Training frequency and tips

1. Experts advise not to get carried away with such exercises too often, but to perform them wisely, since the waist will expand from too pumped up muscles in this area, and the figure will lose attractive appearance. Therefore, if you want to have a great physique with perfect proportions, do not get involved in this exercise.

2. Breathing plays a very important role in all exercises, especially for the press. While moving to the peak point, you need to exhale in order to reduce the pressure inside the abdominal cavity, thereby allowing you to contract as much as possible. lateral muscles bark. A deep breath when returning the body to its original position is necessary in order to stretch the oblique muscles as much as possible. As a consequence, correct breathing during the execution of the movement, it will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result and avoid unpleasant pain in the muscles and movable joints of the skeleton (joints) after an intense workout.

3. It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. A similar exercise is performed for the muscles on the other side of the abdomen. That is, they did 15 reps on one side, changed body position, and performed 15 more reps on the other side (this would count as one set).

4. The success of the performed side twist depends on breathing and proper training. The main thing is not to make mistakes. The rise is always carried out on the exhale, lowering - on the inhale. To the knee, you need to pull not the elbow, but the shoulder. The result will be beautiful belly And thin waist. Lateral twists allow you to tone the muscles. They are more effective, the less body fat.

5. Oblique muscles are hard to train, but the positive results from the lateral (diagonal) twisting will be noticeable after 5 weeks of training. To do this, it is enough to perform exercises every other day.

6. Side crunches are only suitable for experienced athletes. To train the press, these exercises are simply necessary. If you perform them reasonably and not get carried away, then the effect will be sure.

7. When performing, you should follow correct technique the exercise being performed. When twisting, many do not twist correctly, lifting completely upper part torso. In reality, it is necessary not only to lift the body, but to twist it. Actually the name speaks for itself. The movement itself should be performed at the expense of the target muscles, practically without involving the entire muscle in the work.

Excess fat is a hindrance to the press

Before you work on the relief of the abdomen and building a gorgeous press, make sure that you have a normal amount of subcutaneous and visceral fat. Remember the most important thing. To get pronounced oblique abdominal muscles, you should not only perform lateral twists, but also follow a special diet. Proper nutrition will remove excess fat. Not surprisingly, many experts advise a combination of sensible nutrition and exercise.

Oblique muscles of the abdomen, that and all other muscles should be worked out if a person does not have problems with excess excess fat in body. Remember before you work on extensions muscle mass, improving relief, you should get rid of excess weight.

Often, people overestimate the exercises, counting on the fact that if you train the press with a lot of exercises, with a lot of repetitions and sets, as a result, they will get gorgeous cubes. In fact, 90% of success in achieving relief belly depends on proper and rational nutrition, and not on the training itself.

and waist width

The purpose of the side twisting is the study of oblique muscles belly. In principle, for their training there is lots of other exercises, for example, lifting the body with turns, swinging legs to the sides, tilting to the sides (with additional burden or without it). Static load falls on obliques in many exercises: squats with a barbell on the shoulders and chest, bench press, soldier press, kettlebell and dumbbell lifts, etc. But all these exercises do not lead to growth oblique masses abdominal muscles, and even more than that, are not sufficient for their compaction and strengthening.

oblique abdominal muscles are among the least developed muscles human body. IN Everyday life a person does not make so many movements associated with the need to perform tilts to the sides, but the whole abdominal muscles is static. That is why it is necessary to perform specialized exercises on them. At the same time, one should take into account the general weak physical state these muscles, which is expressed in the high performance of exercises performed even without additional weights.

oblique abdominal muscles quickly gaining volume, which leads to an increase in the width of the waist. Compare the waists of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman. For this reason, many athletes purposefully refuse to perform side twists, choosing side bends as an alternative to them without additional weighting. As practice shows, referring to the experience of Arthur Jones, for growth oblique masses abdominal muscles, it is enough to perform just one exercise during the training week.

As noted above, these muscles are poorly trained, and therefore any load provokes their growth, even if the load does not exceed the body's own weight. In addition, it should be taken into account that these muscles experience static in the mass of other movements, which, of course, is summed up with purposeful loading. side crunches can be useful for those who are not afraid of increasing the width of the waist, but who need strong and strong abdominal muscles, for example, powerlifters or kettlebell lifters, weightlifters. On the other hand, and many bodybuilders may be interested in them, with the appropriate figure.

Contrary to popular belief, side crunches, as well as lifting the body on the press, do not lead to a noticeable reduction in the waist due to the burning of excess body fat. Moreover, in contrast to direct abdominal muscles they are not involved in maintaining the internal organs inside the abdominal cavity and preventing them from protruding outward. Therefore, doing side crunches, it is hardly worth counting on a noticeable decrease in body fat at the waist and, consequently, a decrease in its width. Although training oblique abdominal muscles favorably affects the general condition of the abdominal muscles.

Looking for a way to make a steel press and embossed cubes? Twisting is best suited for these purposes. Almost all variations of this exercise are isolated, and your abs will be on fire after the third set.

During the exercises, the entire press works, but its different parts lend themselves to different load. Depending on what exercise the athlete does, one or another part of the press is worked out with more or less intensity. Therefore, in order for the entire muscle to develop evenly and quickly, it is necessary to train it using different techniques.

Depending on the twisting option, the rectus, oblique or transverse abdominal muscles are worked out. In addition, in some exercises, hips, arms, shoulders, etc. are included in the work. Despite this, it is the abdominal muscles that are pumped best of all, since twisting is aimed at ensuring that the press is 100% involved in the work. The participation of all other muscles should be minimal.

Twisting technique

In order for the exercises to be performed to give results, and the spent energy does not fly into the air, it is necessary to observe correct technique. In addition, at quality performance all movements significantly reduces the risk of injury. Otherwise, the athlete can take a long unplanned break between workouts.

Straight twists

This type of twisting is considered the easiest, so it is recommended to do it, first of all, for beginners.

Get into starting position:

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Press your lower back against the floor.
  3. Bend your knees so that a right angle forms between your lower leg and thigh, and place your feet on the floor.
  4. Choose one of the options for the position of the hands (stretch in front of you, fold on your chest or put on the back of your head).
  5. Next, you need to raise the torso, straining the abdominal muscles. Only the shoulders come off the surface of the floor, the lower back remains pressed to it.


  • The distance between the chest and chin should be such that a fist can fit between them. You can not press your chin to your chest.
  • When lifting, the back is rounded, and the entire torso is not lifted.
  • The feet are firmly on the floor and do not come off.
  • At the extreme top point, you need to linger for a second, and lower yourself while inhaling. The muscles remain tense.
  • Without allowing the relaxation of the press, twisting is repeated in a similar way.
  • The required number of twists is performed.

Reverse crunches

Unlike straight crunches, this variation lifts the legs, not the torso.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Lie down on a bench or on the floor.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees and lift them up. The shins should be parallel to the floor, and the thighs should be perpendicular.
  3. Hands are located behind the head or hold on to the edge of the bench.
  4. Straining the abdominal muscles, pull the knees to chest. When the legs reach the extreme point, the pelvis should be raised above the bench or floor.
  5. Let's pause for a second.
  6. Lower your legs and repeat twisting the desired number of times.

When performing the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the legs rise only due to the strength of the press. You can’t unbend them, as the muscles of the thighs will also be included in the work.

Lateral (oblique) twists

This exercise allows you to pump oblique muscles well.

Order of execution:

  1. We lie down on the floor, bend our legs and turn to the left side.
  2. We put the right hand behind the head.
    We put our left hand on the stomach closer to the right side.
  3. We exhale and, straining the right oblique muscles, we try to reach out with the right elbow to the right knee.
  4. At the extreme point, we linger for a second and return to the starting position.

This type of exercise is similar to straight crunches, but there are a few differences.

Order of execution:

  1. We lie down on the floor, press the lower back to it, bend our knees to a right angle. You can also sit by the bed or bench and put your feet on it.
  2. We start the right hand behind the head, and put the left hand on the floor along the torso.
  3. On next step we tear off the shoulder from the floor and try to touch the left knee with the right elbow.
  4. After contact, we return to the starting position.

After that, we perform a similar exercise, working on the other side.
It must be remembered that it is necessary to rise, straining the muscles, on the exhale, to lower, on the contrary, on the inhale.

double twists

The advantage of this exercise over straight twists is that here the load is evenly distributed throughout the press. As a result, the lower and upper parts of the muscle are well worked out.

Order of execution:

  1. We lie down on our back, press our lower back to the surface of the floor, bend our knees to a right angle, put our feet on the floor.
  2. We put our hands behind our heads, but do not cross our fingers.
  3. As you exhale, pull the chest and pelvis towards each other.
  4. At the extreme point, we linger for a second and lower ourselves while inhaling, do not lower our shoulders to the floor.

You can not pull your head with your hands during the exercise. So you can get hurt cervical region spine. It also reduces the load on the press.

This exercise pumps the abdominal muscles well, but besides this, the rectus muscles of the thighs also lend themselves to the load.

Order of execution:

  1. We adjust the slope of the bench so that the angle is from 30 to 50 degrees. This will depend on the load level.
  2. We sit on the simulator, we fix our legs under the rollers, we put our hands on our chest.
  3. We lay down on the bench, falling back.
  4. We take a deep breath, tighten the press and begin to raise the torso. First of all, the head and shoulders rise, and then the torso.
  5. When the angle between the hips and the torso is equal to 90 degrees, we stop the rise. This will be the highest point.
  6. We linger for a second and strain the abdominal muscles.
  7. Slowly lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. This will be the lowest point.

Before the end of the set, you should not completely lower yourself onto the bench. It is necessary that the abdominal muscles are in constant tension.

Twisting on a block simulator while standing

Twisting performed using a block simulator works well on the upper and inner muscle groups. At the same time, the exercise is completely safe for the lumbar region.

The exercise is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. We fix the rope handle on the simulator.
  2. We stand with our backs to the projectile and pull the handle to the top of the chest.
  3. We exhale and bend our back, trying to reach the handle lower.
  4. We take a breath and return to the starting position.

Twisting on a block simulator kneeling

With the help of this exercise, the upper cubes and oblique ones will be drawn.

Order of execution:

  1. We expose the necessary burden.
  2. We become facing the simulator and take the handle so that the palms are turned inward.
  3. We take two steps back and kneel.
  4. Tilt the torso down so that it is almost parallel to the floor.
  5. Raise your arms above your head so that the angle at the elbows becomes straight.
  6. We bend a little in the lower back and, as we exhale, lower the torso to the floor.
  7. At the bottom point, we try to tighten the press strongly, and linger for a second.
  8. We go back and repeat the twisting the required number of times.

This type of twisting is more suitable for athletes with average training.

The exercise is performed in the following order:

  1. We sit on the fitball and spread our legs to the sides.
  2. We roll a little so that the back is located on the ball.
  3. We put our hands behind our heads.
  4. On the exhale, we perform twisting, lifting the torso up.
  5. We linger for a second and strain the abdominal muscles.
  6. We return.

During twisting, it is necessary to constantly keep the press in the load. You also need to bend your back to abdominal muscles tensed up as much as possible.

Not every gym has a Roman chair, so if an athlete managed to find this simulator, then he can be considered lucky.

Exercise technique:

  1. We sit down on the simulator. The buttocks should not protrude beyond the edges of the seat. We fold our arms on our chest, and we wind our legs behind the support.
  2. We take a breath and lower ourselves back. We stop when the torso is slightly higher than the hips.
  3. From extreme bottom point do twisting. When the most difficult section of the amplitude is passed, we exhale and stop. We linger for a second and lower ourselves.
  4. We do the required number of repetitions.
  5. Don't go too low while doing crunches. This can injure your lower back.

Using this version of the exercise, you can draw the oblique muscles of the press, achieve a flat stomach, and reduce the volume of the abdominal cavity.

Classically, the option is performed in this order:

  1. We sit on the floor, bend our knees and lean back a little.
  2. We tear off the feet from the floor.
  3. We turn the body in one direction or the other. The legs remain motionless.
  4. We perform the required number of repetitions.

Benefits of crunches

The benefits of crunches for abdominal muscles cannot be disputed. When performing a set of exercises, you can achieve stunning results. The main thing is to follow the right techniques.

Also, these exercises are beneficial for the spine. By doing various kinds twisting improves its flexibility, and as a result, general state. Increases blood flow, which delivers beneficial nutrients to the vertebral discs.

Such exercises give strength to the tissues, prepare for heavy loads. As a result, the risk of injury in the future is greatly reduced.

It also improves blood flow to internal organs, work stabilizes digestive system improves memory.

Also, a strong press maintains the spine in a healthy state, because the stronger the muscle corset, the less load the skeleton receives.


Despite all the advantages of twisting, they can not be performed by everyone. At risk are people with problems of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, kidneys. With rheumatism, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, it is not recommended to do exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure.

The mountain will be mastered by the one who walks!

Twisting bring very great benefit not only the muscles, but the whole body. For a novice athlete, most importantly, before going to Gym or homework, find out if he can do such exercises. In the presence of dangerous diseases, an innocent desire to acquire good shape can end very badly.

Do not forget that the exercises for the press alone will not work. To avoid imbalance, it is necessary to work out other muscle groups as well. First of all, together with the abdominal muscles, you need to swing your back so that the torso develops harmoniously.

All types of twists must be done smoothly and without jerks, straining the press as much as possible. Only in this case, it will soon be possible to see the result.

Be sure to read about it

To date, there are a certain number of variations in the study of the oblique muscles of the abdominal cavity. There are options for performing with the use of additional weight, exercises using a block simulator. They have distinctive features regarding efficiency and safety for the lumbar back. For example, athletes with experience should do exercises in the simulator, and it is best for beginners to start training with their own weight. One of the basic, safest and most effective exercises for working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen is the lateral twisting on the press. It is also called - diagonal twist.

The beauty of this exercise is that it can be performed without the use of any additional equipment, weights and simulators. At home, you will not need to use the sofa as a support, books or eggplants with water as additional weight. All you need is some free time, desire and, if possible, a fitness mat that will provide comfortable movement.

THE NOTE! There is a myth that the abdominal muscles consist of several muscle groups, for example:

  • rectus abdominis;
  • external oblique muscles;
  • internal oblique muscles (located immediately below the visually visible part of the oblique muscles).

However, the Persian is one solid muscle, which can only be conditionally divided into several parts, for example: the upper, middle, lateral and lower parts. Accordingly, for each zone, the athlete selects the appropriate exercise. In our case, for the lateral zone (oblique muscles) - lateral twists.

1. The first thing to do is to accept INITIAL POSITION . Lay a fitness mat on the floor for your comfort and lie back on it. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and turned to the side (this is done for the convenience of training and maintaining balance). Put one hand behind the head (you can hold the palm on the back of the head or near the ear), the elbow should look forward. The second hand must be positioned so that the palm is on the stomach closer to the side on which twisting will be performed ( so it will be possible to feel and control the correct contraction of the oblique muscles of the cortex). The legs are bent at the knees and turned to the side. For example, if you are training the obliques on the right side, turn the legs to the left and the torso slightly to the right. This will be the starting position. Here's a little visual infographic to give you a visual idea of ​​what it looks like in practice.

2. After you have taken the starting position, we begin to perform the exercise. Do POWERFUL EXHAUST and at the same time pull your right elbow towards your right knee, as if you want to reach it. As soon as the twisting has been done, it is recommended to perform a peak contraction, that is, a two-second pause.

During this, you should strain as much as possible - this will allow you to feel the oblique muscles and increase their contraction. When the pause ends, inhale and at the same time return to the starting position. ATTENTION! When you return to the starting position, you can not completely relax. Throughout the duration of this exercise, keep tension in the target muscles.

"Side twist" - some variations.

There are several variations of this exercise. For example, it can be a side crunch with one leg lift at the same time. As practice shows, such an exercise is beyond the power of novice athletes. Therefore, with such a variation, you should wait a bit until the core muscles get stronger and are physically ready for complications.

If, however, there is some achievement in the usual side crunch and there is experience in training the press, you can try to raise the leg. What does it look like? While twisting, if you are doing the exercise on the right side, raise your right leg while doing the twisting. At the top point, make a peak contraction (1-2 seconds pause) and strain the target muscles as much as possible, after which, return to the starting position. This will increase the effect and work out the oblique abdominal muscles as much as possible.

You should not perform an exercise for oblique muscles, in which you need to do tilts with dumbbells in your hands while standing. Many believe that this only harms the posture, and that and in general such movements are considered unnecessary. The best option for really good oblique work is the side crunches on the floor with its various variations, which we discussed above.

When performing the exercise, do not raise your shoulders, leg or head too high. This can cause injury to the spine. You also don't need to lift your head with your hands.

1. Experts advise not to get involved in such exercises too often, but to perform them wisely, since the waist will expand from too pumped up muscles in this area, and the figure will lose its attractive appearance. So if you want to get on MEN`S PHYSIQUE or just have an excellent physique with ideal proportions, you should not get carried away with this exercise. In addition, if you want to narrow your waist, it is recommended to perform a stomach vacuum, which we will discuss in detail in the next article. Therefore, I recommend subscribing to the site, so as not to miss the release of the next informative article.

2. Breathing plays a very important role in all exercises, especially for the press. While moving to the peak point, you need to exhale in order to reduce the pressure inside the abdominal cavity, thereby allowing you to contract the lateral core muscles as much as possible. A deep breath when returning the body to its original position is necessary in order to stretch the oblique muscles as much as possible. As a result, proper breathing during the movement will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result and avoid unpleasant pain in the muscles and movable joints of the skeleton (joints) after an intense workout.

3. It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. A similar exercise is performed for the muscles on the other side of the abdomen. That is, they did 15 reps on one side, changed body position, and performed 15 more reps on the other side (this would count as one set).

3. The success of the performed side twist depends on breathing and proper training. The main thing is not to make mistakes. The rise is always carried out on the exhale, lowering - on the inhale. To the knee, you need to pull not the elbow, but the shoulder. The result is a beautiful belly and a thin waist. Lateral twists allow you to tone the muscles. They are more effective, the less body fat.

4. Oblique muscles are hard to train, but the positive results from the lateral (diagonal) twisting will be noticeable after 5 weeks of training. To do this, it is enough to perform exercises every other day.

5. Side crunches are only suitable for experienced athletes. To train the press, these exercises are simply necessary. If you perform them reasonably and not get carried away, then the effect will be sure.

6. When performing, it is worth monitoring the correct technique of the exercise being performed. When crunching, many people do crunches incorrectly by lifting their upper torso completely. In reality, it is necessary not only to lift the body, but to twist it. Actually the name speaks for itself. The movement itself should be performed at the expense of the target muscles, practically without involving the entire muscle in the work.