How to stretch a 6 year old. How to sit on the twine for children, based on age? Hip Stretching Exercise

A lot is said about the benefits of twine for children. If a child learns to sit on a twine, then his muscles will become flexible and strong. Twine also improves posture, which is very important at a young age.

Instructions about how to teach a child twine:

The best age for teaching a child twine is 5-7 years old. It is during this period that the muscles are quite flexible and elastic, so it will not be difficult to teach a child to sit on a twine. To begin with, it is necessary to develop active flexibility as much as possible. This is the magnitude of the range of motion, which is created with the help of muscle effort. Practice daily stretching exercises with your child to increase this flexibility.

Do exercises that involve swinging your legs. Place the child sideways to the chair, let him hold on to his back with one hand, and hold the other on his belt. Let him dynamically swing his leg, first forward 10 times, then back, then to the side. After that, you need to change the position and repeat the exercise with the other leg. When performing movements, make sure that the child's toe is well stretched, the knees do not bend, the back remains flat.

Then proceed to execute static stretching. Show your child the forward bend exercise. When tilting, you need to reach the floor with your palms, stay in this position for 10 seconds, then take the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Next exercise: right hand grab the right leg (while the leg is bent at the knee) and strongly pull the heel to gluteal muscles. Do 5 times. Repeat with the other leg.

Another stretching exercise. Invite the child to put one foot on the chair to the height of the belt, and gradually bend over, reaching with his hands to the floor. At the same time, you should be nearby in order to support the baby, if necessary. Perform 5 times with each leg.

After such a warm-up, you can go directly to the twine. Let the child carefully lower himself onto the longitudinal or transverse twine. You support him by the shoulders. You need to go down to a slight sensation of pain. But the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, with a sharp pain, the child will no longer want to practice.

Daily such exercises will take 20-30 minutes. And in a couple of weeks, your child will be able to sit on the twine on their own without any effort.

How do the splits?

Many of us have long had an obsession, or maybe just a childhood dream or even a professional desire, to learn how to do the splits. And not only learn, but even learn this difficult exercise. It is not so easy to teach how to quickly sit on a twine, as it may seem at first glance, and it must be understood that this will definitely not work in 10 minutes. A video on how to sit on a twine can help you with this. The video is on the same page.
Learning how to sit on the twine

The main thing, as always, is desire and aspiration, if it exists, then we will move mountains :) Now let's get down to more pressing matters, such as ... how to learn to do the splits.

It is necessary to follow a few very simple rules during the exercises, which consist in training the flexibility of the legs and their degree of "eversion". To begin with, plan your classes in such a way that every day you have the opportunity to devote at least half an hour to training.

The classes themselves will include:

Warm up
Warming up the muscles
Direct stretch
Relaxation exercises

Having made a schedule, create conditions so that nothing can stop you from learning to sit on the twine. You will need maximum concentration for the purpose of your achievement. Greetings from Master Yoda =)
The way how to sit on the twine, exercises, direct exercises

So, we begin our lessons on how to sit on the twine. And the first thing we do is a warm-up. It's great if you have your own warm-up technique, but we advise you to resort to the following - in which case there will be someone to blame. Joke.

Let's start with the head: circular motions, "roll" the head on the shoulders.
We pass to the shoulders: bending the arm at the elbow and pressing it to the shoulder with the fingers, “flapping the wings”. Then back and forth rotation. Legitimate question - why, I'm applying for twine? We disperse the blood, warm the body, protect ourselves from rheumatism in this way.
Hands: we twist with straight, outstretched arms in both directions (back and forth) 10-12 times, at least. You can make a "mill".
Loin: hands in the lock, stretch forward-left-right-down. Touched the floor? Okay, good sign!
Legs: marching in place, ridiculously lifting up the knees. Be careful, there is a chance for joy to break your nose.

We warm up the muscles

Well, how can you sit on the twine without warming up the muscles? It's just like with that omelette...

The best way to warm up the muscles is running or jumping rope. If the conditions do not allow you to cut circles around the living space, or the neighbors do not approve of the rhythmic tapping of your feet on their ceiling, running in place will help us out. Pretty soft, quiet, safe. Not as efficient, but still. We can continue our march from the moment of warming up the legs - just add here also their eversion at the knee at the moment of lifting. Difficult, at the same time we will tighten the coordination of movements.

Already warmer? Great, let's get to the point! It's time to learn how to sit on the twine.
Stretching or flexibility exercises

Let's find a solid foundation. Suitable headboard, door handle. We will exclude chairs - they are unreliable friends, you can damage your self-esteem by crouching on your back. We hold on to the support with our hand and begin to swing our legs, if we hold on with our left hand, then we throw up our left leg, and vice versa. At the same time, the most important thing is to keep the leg straight, not to bend at the knee. It doesn't matter how high you get - the main quality. Moreover, the first time is high and will not work. Don't worry, if you exercise regularly, you will easily touch your shoulder with your foot later. Impressive?

Now lunges. We bend one leg, and sit on it, back, free, stretch it out. We begin to make smooth (!), spring movements down. Get ready, it's going to hurt! Yes, the process of stretching the ligaments is accompanied by not a slight pain. In no case do not try to overcome this barrier with a jerk - you will stretch the ligaments, and this is sooooo painful and heals for a long time. God forbid, still tear. Then the thought of stretching for a long time will have to be abandoned, and it is unlikely that you will want to take more risks.

We stretch each leg in this way for two to three minutes.

Legs - shoulder width apart. Tilts: to the left leg, to the center, to the right leg. 10 times minimum.

Now rolls, something that is very necessary in order to properly sit on the twine. We sit down on one leg again, but now the other is not back, but to the side. We perform a roll - we move our weight from one leg to another, while trying to lower the ass as low as possible to the ground. About 25 times will be enough.

We sit on the floor, legs together and stretched forward, a certain corner. The knees are pressed to the ground. We try to cling to the stomach and chest to the legs. Traditionally, it is advised to reach for socks, but knowing the nature of people (I myself stretched like this), most likely this will only lead to hunchback than to stretching the tendons.

Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out the first time. After all, once upon a time you would not have been able to read this article - but now you have learned :) Patience and work - they will grind everything. And when you defeat yourself, you defeat everyone!

If, after training, to sit on the twine, you start to hurt the areas under your knees or somewhere else - be prepared. We only advise you to try to perform all the exercises smoothly and without jerks.

So, we stretch our chest to our feet (oh horror!). !0-15 times is enough. No, where are you, you got up early! There are a few more important things ahead that you need to learn in order to sit on the splits quickly.

We spread our legs, stretch forward. Don't bend your knees! About 15 times is enough. Then we stretch to each leg, in turn: left-right-left-right. A total of at least 20 times. Remember about smoothness and pressed knees!

Now "tin". Sit straight, bend your left leg so that you can put your chin on it. Then we take it to the left, as much as possible. We begin to press the knee (and with it the whole squiggle made from the leg) to the ground! The lower, the better, but without fanaticism - the author personally did not hear anything more terrible than the click of a pop-up joint. And we don't want that! We repeat attempts with each leg 10 times.

Well, having suffered enough, let's try to sit on the twine! Just don't expect to do it right away - it's not worth the risk. We don't want injuries, right? Let's start with the longitudinal twine, then the transverse one. How to sit on the transverse twine? And what's the difference? Hmm, the fact is that for the transverse twine, an excellent stretch is not enough - you also need a strong eversion of the legs. For example, how to sit on a twine is easier for a child than for adults; for adults, longitudinal twine is much easier than transverse - it does not require such eversion.

How to sit down - watch the video, there is more detail.

I note that pain should not be neglected. But even after sitting for 15 seconds, giving up is not the point. It is necessary to stretch in attempts to twine for at least a minute.
Relaxing the muscles

Lie on your back, stretch your legs, shake them. You can repeat sitting.

Now you know how to quickly sit on the twine. Dare :)

I want to sit on the twine!!!

You sometimes look at these dancers, gymnasts, acrobats - with what ease they perform the most difficult exercises, - and you are amazed ... Triple back somersault? - Please! Forward? - Sure, not a problem! Sit on the twine? - And which one do you want - longitudinal or transverse? You sit and think - why am I worse, really I can’t do something, now I’ll sit down! ..

Sometimes such impulses to prove something to oneself end sadly - sprains, dislocations, fractures and complete disappointment in one's abilities. In fact, everything is possible, you just need to approach it wisely!

People who can sit on the splits have strong and elastic muscles, so they are more flexible than those around them. The plasticity of the body, the manner of movement, gestures and even gait depend on this flexibility. An angular person with constrained movements hardly looks better than that who has good control over his body.

In general, the ability of a person to bend in all directions is a sign of his health - the spine is strong, there are no salt deposits in the joints, and all muscles are in good shape. It is flexibility that makes posture beautiful, improves coordination of movements.

If you learn how to sit on the twine, then it will be much easier for you to master even the most difficult dances than without preparation. You will be able to shine in the classical European dance program, and in oriental and Latin dances, while the plasticity of your body will be noticeably better than if the muscles were not stretched. In addition, those who regularly sit on the twine may not worry about various muscle injuries during falls or bruises, because the muscles become stronger and more elastic, it is more difficult to stretch or tear them. This is especially true for those who play sports.

In order to sit on the twine, you need time and special training organism. If you try to do this without first stretching, then you can simply not get up, damaging muscle tissues unusual load. Therefore, you need to train, and not one week, or even two, but several months. And this is on condition that the classes are regular and consistent.

Before stretching, it will be very good to warm up the muscles. You can do some exercises from the aerobics program, or you can take a warm, but not hot bath, this will help you relax. After the bath, the muscles will stretch noticeably better. After that, you can start exercising.

The main movement is swinging the legs. Out of habit, even such a simple exercise can seem complicated. But nothing, the main thing is not to stop. Mahi are performed standing on one leg, while the second must be raised to the maximum possible height. The back should be straight, the knees should not be bent.

Following effective exercise a little more difficult. You need to put one foot on any surface that is flush with the belt, and bend over, reaching your hands to the floor. Then change legs. It might not work the first time. If severe pain is felt, the exercise should be stopped until the next time. The main thing is to repeat it regularly in order to accustom the muscles to just such loads.

And the last exercise (usually they begin to try their hand with it). You need to sit on the longitudinal or transverse twine as low as possible and gradually sink lower and lower. You need to stop the exercise if you experience severe pain, otherwise you can get serious injury. Such a set of exercises is recommended to be done 3-4 times a week for half an hour.

Regular classes will give the first results after two to three weeks of training - you will feel that you can do more than when you started. And any progress helps to believe in yourself.

Good stretch.

1. sitting on the floor, spread your legs to the sides. Knees strictly to the ceiling, the foot is stretched. Alternately reach out with your stomach and chest, first to the right leg, then to the left and in the middle. Raise your head as high as possible, pull your arms along your leg to grab the foot.
2. find support at about waist level or slightly higher. put your foot on it (heel only). Knee to the ceiling, foot stretched. The supporting leg is deployed in 1 position, the knee, respectively, is also stretched. The bones of the pelvis "look" exactly at the support. We stretch our hands to the support, belly to leg. The same with the other leg.

These are the simplest stretches of the hamstring muscle, it is the most "tight" in the twine.

3. Lunge forward. Leg, which is in front, at an obtuse angle to the floor. Heel on the floor. The second leg (the one that is behind), straight, emphasis on the floor with an instep (toe). Let's say the right leg is in front, then the right arm and shoulder are put under the knee of the right leg (as for lying down), in this position swings are made down (a lot).
4. a chair / stool is taken and the child sits in a twine under it, so that the hands are on the seat and the body is perpendicular to the floor. Both legs are aligned: the one in front of the knee is strictly to the ceiling, the foot is stretched and touches the floor only with the heel. The one behind the knee is strictly to the floor, the foot is a continuation of the leg, it does not clubfoot. Knees are stretched. When the legs are aligned, the child own weight begins to fall on the twine, keeping a perpendicular back, the same swings below.

One of the most impressive exercises was and remains the twine. Have you ever paid attention to how many admiring glances a person who sits on a twine catches on himself? This simple exercise requires a lot of effort and work. Children, traditionally, master this skill much more easily. But, they also require training and daily exercises. About the features of children's stretching for twine and will be discussed In this article.

Features of baby twine

Muscular and connective tissues in children are softer and more pliable for various kinds of manipulations. Therefore, making twine is much easier for children than for us adults. But, despite this feature, do not forget that their muscles are not plasticine. It is necessary to put the baby on the twine gradually. You should also remember about some psychological nuances. Not all kids want to stretch out and spend the time of carefree play on workouts.

Therefore, think carefully about the motivation of the baby and how your classes will go. If you decide to send your child to a specialized sports section or a club, make sure the qualifications of the teacher, familiarize yourself with the conditions in which you will have to study. Home workouts are perceived with great enthusiasm by many children. This is the time to spend with your parents. It is important that the child has fun. Otherwise, you will expect a childish rebellion and the absence of any result.

Before you start stretching, you need to decide on the type of twine: longitudinal or transverse. A set of exercises will depend on the type of twine, which will make up a complex of deep stretching. much easier to do. Try to master this exercise first.

Another nuance worth paying attention to is the child, on initial stage, can not stretch on their own. He needs help, both physical and psychological. Therefore, it is best to do all the exercises together, insuring the baby and monitoring the correct execution. This will not only achieve the desired results faster, but also avoid unnecessary injuries.

The best age to learn twine

Twine for children is very useful. But, at what age can you start training so as not to harm? Experts recommend starting stretching between the ages of 5 and 7. During this period, the muscles and ligaments of a person respond as well as possible to influence. Thanks to this property, training is less painful and more effective. In addition, at this age, children can already consciously perform exercises.

In view of the increased natural activity, some babies do not respond well to static exercises. They get bored. Adopt amplitude movements: leg swings, lunges, etc. Such movements are perceived with great interest, and stretching occurs due to muscle work. The main thing is to try to increase the amplitude in each movement.

Benefits of baby stretching

In this article, we are talking exclusively about the amateur type of load. When classes are held with a child for his harmonious physical and psychological development. Thanks to such training, the back is strengthened in children, posture is leveled, all muscle groups are toned.

Twine stretching helps relieve psychological fatigue and stress. This is especially important for schoolchildren who are overloaded with tasks today. Removing tonic tension during exercise helps to stimulate the brain.

Thanks to regular exercise for 20 minutes, the child will begin to absorb information easier, anxiety decreases, immunity improves.

How to start stretching with twine

Any workout should start with a warm-up. Despite the fact that the muscles of children have increased plasticity, they still need to be preheated.

For this, any active exercise: running, jumping, dancing. Everything that will make the young gymnast move actively and his muscles work. But remember that our task is not to exhaust the child, but to prepare for further stretching. The optimal warm-up time is 5-10 minutes. Come up with your own fun method. It can be a set of movements for your favorite song or some kind of game. This approach will make your lessons more interesting.

Also pay attention to the fact that it is worth starting training with " base complex". We will present it below. These exercises prepare the body for a full leg stretch. Basic exercises for children are very similar to those performed by adults. But, they need to be done with more caution. The child still cannot correctly assess the capabilities of his body, and this can lead to injuries.

Children's twine stretch

Children learn twine much faster and easier. Their body is still developing, and favorably perceives this kind of load. The main thing is not to overdo it. Remember that it is very easy to overdo it. But to eliminate the consequences - on the contrary. Not without reason, professional gymnasts have many diseases that are associated specifically with stretching.

Pay attention to how the child reacts to this or that exercise. If you see that he is in pain, ease the impact. If the baby does not willingly make some movement, try changing it to another exercise. Don't be afraid to experiment. It is very important that training is enjoyable. Only in this case, the child will return to them and achieve good result.

Now let's outline a few important rules related to children's training:

  • Remember that the room where the classes are held must be warm. Cold is not in the best way affects muscle elasticity. Exercise becomes less effective and the risk of injury increases.
  • Choose the right clothes. Too tight or vice versa, a free form can interfere with exercise, cause discomfort. Cotton t-shirts, leggings, gymnastic leotards are suitable. But with shoes, everything is much simpler, we don’t need it. Stretching is traditionally performed barefoot, or in cotton socks.
  • Properly performed exercises should not be accompanied by pain. Only slight muscle tension is allowed. Observe the child carefully and ask about his feelings. The impact should be constant, but not abrupt.
  • As mentioned above, any stretch should begin with a warm-up workout. Don't Disregard This Rule
  • The key to the success of any training is regularity. It is best to stretch daily.
  • Any stretching exercise is performed in four stages: take a pose, stretch, exit the pose, rest. Be sure to take breaks between exercises.
  • Before you start working on stretching, consult with a specialist in physiotherapy exercises. He will help you compose the right program workouts and find the right exercises.

Basic stretching exercises for children

All the exercises below are great for kids. different ages. Gradually, when the child adapts, it can be supplemented with elements with deep leg stretching.


This name is familiar to all yoga lovers. We get on all fours, the head is pressed to the chest. While inhaling, we raise our head up (look at the ceiling), and bend our back down. The abdomen is drawn to the floor. On exhalation, we lower the head down, the back arches up, we pull the stomach under the ribs.

You need to repeat the cycle 10 times.

Stretch your shoulders and triceps

This exercise can be done both standing and sitting. We start one hand behind the back through the head, the second through the bottom. We try to clasp our hands behind our backs. Then we change hands.

Try to stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds.

Pulling the top of the body

Hands are clasped behind the back in a castle. Turn your elbows inward. There should be a feeling of tension in the shoulder blades and upper back. We linger in this position for 15-20 seconds.

Stretching the hips

We stand straight. We bend one leg, slowly lift it up and at the same time begin to lean forward. The back remains straight. We repeat the same movement with the other leg.

Stretching "runner"

We take a wide step forward, fix the body in a lunge. With short movements, we try to lower the pelvic area to the floor. We do 10 - 15 springs down, after which we do the same with the second leg.

Star Pose

This exercise stretches the entire body. Lying on your back, tighten your abdominal muscles. We try to spread our arms and legs as wide as possible.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in these exercises. But, they will help prepare the child's body for twine. Try to do this simple exercise daily. Thus, you will not only put the child on the twine, but also ensure his harmonious development.

Many people want 30 days of training, but not every person can achieve the desired result. After all, you don’t always want to perform these boring exercises, which not even everyone can do the first time. The article will tell you, for beginners and more experienced athletes, how much time it will take, and what needs to be done to achieve a positive result.

All scientists put forward only one opinion about twine - it is a useful practice for the human body. People who were able to sit on the twine in 30 days often notice some changes in their own body. Among them:

  • improvement of blood circulation and digestion;
  • normalization of bowel function, as well as other internal organs.

In addition, twine helps to quickly cope with varicose veins, which many people suffer from. long years, and also gives self-confidence and energizes and positive.

This gymnastic exercise is available to both the smallest athletes and teenagers, as well as older people who are full of energy and ready to train. In the event that training is carried out correctly and regularly, flexibility can be developed quite quickly.

The best time to exercise

Performing workouts regularly, you can sit on the twine in 30 days, but fitness trainers have not yet come to a consensus on when it is best to do your own stretching: in the morning or in the evening. In the morning, as you know, the muscles are just starting to work and are in a more relaxed state. Gentle and gentle movements during stretching exercises guarantee excellent results. It is worth noting that it is morning classes that can show how flexible a person has.

An evening workout is much easier to perform, since its duration can be safely reduced by reducing the warm-up time. After all, for the whole day the muscles have already warmed up and developed, therefore Special attention warm-up is not required. In addition, in the evening, the muscles will react to stretching less painfully, so it is possible to work out the most difficult ones without any extra effort. problem areas. The ideal option will start exercising immediately after taking a warm shower.

Optimal exercise frequency

You can sit on the twine in 30 days, subject to all the important rules, which include the frequency of classes. Each person independently chooses the optimal time for training based on goals. If the main task is good stretch for a minimum period, then you need to train daily for 40-45 minutes. It is forbidden to take breaks between, because, having missed just one lesson, the muscles will return to their original position, and all achievements will have to be returned, and only after that they will start to "conquer new peaks" again.

It is not at all necessary to make training sessions long, since the most important thing in them is regularity. If it is not possible to complete the entire complex in one go, then you should simply divide it into several parts and perform them in your free time. By working according to this scheme, you can save time and achieve a good effect.

Before you start to sit on the twine, it is worth noting that in the first place it is important. At home, both beginners and more experienced athletes can also do the twine, but without a good stretch it will not be possible to achieve a good result. People who play sports have a good stretch, so these exercises will not be difficult for them, but beginners will have to spend a lot of effort and energy. Stretching is a good rest, during which the body is energized after a hard day's work, so at least 10 minutes should be given to it.

and necessary equipment

Before you sit on the twine for 30 days, you need to deal with its varieties. So, the main types of twine:

  1. Transverse (legs spread apart).
  2. Longitudinal (one leg goes back, and the second forward).

With any twine, the following muscles function:

  • gastrocnemius;
  • buttocks;
  • long leading;
  • quadriceps femoris;
  • rectus femoris.

Fortunately, in order to sit on the twine from scratch, you do not need to purchase separate equipment or sign up for Gym. For training you will need:

  • walls;
  • yoga mat.

Warming up the muscles

Before any workout for the main muscles working with the twine, there must be a 15-minute stretch. For beginners at home, twine will work, but you will have to spend a little more time to warm up the muscles (about 20-25 minutes). Thanks to this warm-up, the risk of overstretching or injury will be significantly reduced, and the exercises themselves will be much easier.

Even with excellent stretching, before sitting on the twine, the muscles must be warmed up. The following warm-up options will help with this:

  • running in place (up to 10 minutes);
  • (up to 15 for each leg);
  • dancing (10-15 minutes);
  • jumping rope (up to 5 minutes).

After the muscles are well warmed up, you can start stretching and flexibility exercises. All of them make up a single complex that will help you sit on the twine from scratch in a short time.


This exercise is the most common and loved by many. professional athletes. It involves the muscles of the inner thighs.

Sitting on the floor with straightened legs and a flat back, you need to gently and slowly stretch your hands to your feet, while lowering the body as low as possible. In this position, you should linger for no more than 15 seconds, and then return to the starting position. You need to repeat the exercise 3 times.

Longitudinal half twine

The exercise will be ideal for beginners. It stretches the muscles of the inner thighs and back.

Sitting on the floor, legs should be spread as much as possible to the sides, and hands rest on the floor. The hands must be in line with the shoulders. Then it is necessary to gradually lower the body of the body, reaching the floor with the forearms. You need to stay in the pose for about 15-20 seconds, and there should be 2 repetitions in total.

double twists

Both women and men like crunches of this type, because they work the muscles of the abs, legs and hips.

Sitting on the floor with legs wide apart, you need to bend one knee, pulling the foot to the inner surface of the thigh of the opposite leg. The hand opposite the bent leg should be placed on the bent knee and the other hand on the ear. Then lean to the side bent leg and stay in this position for no more than 15 seconds. You need to perform 2 repetitions, and then change sides.


When trying to sit on the twine, you should not make sudden movements. You should be aware that stretching through pain and jerking will lead to serious injuries. If during training, stabbing or cutting pain is felt, then the session must be stopped and ice should be applied to this area.

Contraindications for training:

  • muscle injuries;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammation in the body;
  • joint problems;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Trying to perform this gymnastic exercise, you need to distribute your own weight evenly on both legs. It is forbidden to bend your knees and back, and the main task when performing is not a large number of repetitions, but to achieve a result.

There are a lot of useful things for landing on a twine, for example, the body becomes more flexible and strong, and the child’s posture improves. There is an erroneous opinion that at any age a child stretches like plasticine and can simply stretch out on a twine, stand on a bridge , this is not entirely true. Craving for physical activity must be instilled from infancy, if you have such a goal. It is important to know how to properly stretch the muscles, not to harm your child.

The primary question that arises among parents is when is it better to start gymnastic exercises to kid. Experts are of the opinion that the most suitable age borders on five to seven years, when the muscles are most elastic and lend themselves well to the development of flexibility. At a later age, of course, you can stretch into twine, but there will be more difficulties. The regularity of classes is important, namely daily. If you practice periodically, you will not achieve the desired effect soon.

How to start stretching a child on twine. How to sit on the twine for a child

It is very important, so to speak, to warm up, to prepare for tension. Let's start with the elementary:
Waves. Place the child on the side of the chair, holding the back of the chair with one hand, start swinging the legs forward, then back and to the side, placing the other hand on the belt. With vigorous movements, you need to make ten swings in each direction and change sides. Watching the execution this exercise, watch out for stretched socks, legs straight at the knees, of course, straight posture.
Having completed a good warm-up, we begin stretching. We make forward bends, reaching with our palms to the floor and fix in this position for a few seconds. We return to the original, repeat ten times. When controlling the exercise, do not force the child, let him do as much as he can, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and time.
The child in a standing position on one leg, takes with his right hand, with his right leg, bent at the knees, pulls the heel to the gluteal muscles. Direct the pelvis a little forward, and the left leg continues not to bend at the knees, thereby creating a stretch of the right, bent leg in the muscles. Repeat five times, change legs.
In a more heated state, the leg is placed, for example, on the same chair, at the level of the belt, the second one remains straight. Tilts are made down to the floor, let it stretch as far as it can. The adult controlling the process needs to be close to support the child. It is enough to perform five actions with each leg.
After all the above exercises, we proceed to the twine. Let the child try the longitudinal or transverse twine itself, which is easier for him. All muscles are different, just control the process by holding the shoulders.

Do not put pressure on the child, let him stretch until the first pain, nothing more.

Do not forget that any exercises with a child should be performed effortlessly, help him, but in no case do not overstrain. Sharpness in this situation can kill all interest in exercise together with you.

Before starting to execute physical activity, it is important not only to warm up the muscles, but also to stretch them after that. Remember, in no case do not start training the twine until the baby warms up well and completes the exercises listed above to the end. Change the order and number of their performances so that the child does not get very tired of them. After warming up, you can already proceed to the stretch itself.
Longitudinal twine has practically no contraindications. For many, it is easier to start stretching with it. Gradually, the muscles become more elastic, strengthened, and endurance and patience temper character from an early age.
To get the result in the form of a longitudinal twine, put the child in a kneeling position, straightening the legs forward in turn, bringing the pelvis as low as possible to the floor. Pay attention to the position of the legs, stretched out, it is necessary to be straight at the knees.
Cross twine, develops mobility hip joints, improve blood circulation in the pelvic and abdominal cavity, strengthens the legs and abs. On his stretch, the child should spread his legs as far apart as possible, gradually pushing them apart, resting his hands on the floor. While expanding the distance of the legs, the arms must be bent at the elbows. You can play in associations, ask the child to imagine himself as a pendulum, or that waves are swinging him from side to side, forward, backward, and finally, just fixate on stretching the muscles as much as your child can. You need to try to relax, the muscles are most stretched when they are not tense.

Before you move on to targeted stretching, see a professional educator for help assessing your child's physique, perhaps advice from deeper stretching. If your child is tired and ready for a break, it is important not to make sudden movements, at first, you can help him collect his legs. Carefully bring your legs together, first sit on the floor, stretching them out and stretching forward to your toes, then return to the sitting position and again tilt to your toes. Help the child to rise, legs are also brought together, and do a similar exercise, only in a standing position. This helps to calmly return the ligaments and joints to their usual state.

Exercise in a warm room so that during exercise, the muscles warm up easily. At first, take one day off, this is necessary for muscle recovery, gradually moving on to daily workouts. Dress your baby appropriately - T-shirt, tracksuit and socks. Remember to give enough water to drink to avoid dehydration. When performing forward bends, watch the back of the child, it should always be straight, and try to reach the crotch with the tummy, not with the head. Air must be inhaled through the mouth, filling as much as possible chest This improves the supply of oxygen.