Exercises for folds on the stomach. Video: remove the folds on the stomach and make the waist graceful

When it comes closer to summer, all girls want to have a beautiful and fit figure, yes, such that all girlfriends are envious, and all men fall in love at first sight. But such a beautiful wish does not always come true, because overweight have a very bad property of "sticking" and poisoning your life. The largest amount of such fats is deposited in the abdomen and waist, while forming the so-called "lifeline". Now let's find out how to remove wrinkles on the stomach and sides, so that they no longer spoil your life.

How to remove the stomach and sides

Start with posture. The first thing that is really important to learn, as it is to keep the correct posture. You need to make sure that your shoulders are slightly retracted, your head is straight, your chin is slightly raised and horizontal to the floor, your gaze should be directed forward, and rib cage was expanded, if you stick to these skills, then the stomach will become much less visually bulge and eventually tighten up. Believe me, this is the easiest, and most importantly, the most effective method to reduce your waist by a couple of centimeters. You just have to straighten up and you yourself will not notice how your stomach tightens up, try to always watch your back and posture, it's not just beautiful, it's also very healthy.

Diet to remove the stomach and sides

It is certain that physical exercises will not be enough to completely remove the stomach and sides, you must, of course, adhere to a certain diet. Diet for a flat stomach Provides for small meals. The main rule of this diet is that you eat more often, but do not overeat. Eating should be every 2-3 hours, see as the feeling of hunger arises. Eat small meals and control the feeling of fullness in the stomach, you always need to be a little hungry, because after a couple of hours you need to eat again, so why overeat and stretch the stomach. Eat slowly but surely and with great pleasure.

The diet includes the following products:

  • nuts, sunflower seeds;
  • beans;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey), fish and other seafood;
  • sunflower, olive, peanut oil;
  • eggs;
  • various cereals;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • berries.

It is important to exclude from your diet:

  • fast food, various cereals and instant soups with various additives;
  • various sweets;
  • fried (you can stew some vegetables or meat in water with a little vegetable oil);
  • whole milk;
  • margarine;
  • smoking;
  • canned fish.

When you are struggling with belly fat, then you should forget about the miracle cures of alcohol. No matter how much alcohol you take, it will still be bad, it adversely affects the figure and health in general.

Menu for the day of the diet to combat the stomach and sides

  1. Breakfast: two chicken eggs, whole grain toast with low-fat cheese and cucumber or tomato, green tea without sugar, you can drink it with honey or black coffee without sugar.
  2. Lunch: fruits (apple or orange), a handful of nuts.
  3. Dinner: about 200 grams of chicken breast, preferably boiled, which is cooked on the grill or in a double boiler. As a side dish, you can eat buckwheat with vegetables.
  4. Afternoon snack: vegetable soup with puree or vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.
  5. Dinner: about 200 grams of fish, which is grilled or steamed. Eat vegetables as a side dish. For dessert, you can eat grapefruit or orange. You can drink green tea.
  6. Before going to bed, drink a glass of fat-free kefir.

Exercises that will help to remove the stomach and sides

If you want to quickly remove your stomach and sides, then one diet will not be enough, of course, you need to practice and do physical exercise.

1) Tilts of the torso. This exercise has long been known to everyone, just tilt your torso to the right, then to the left. From the starting position: stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, leave your hands on your belt, then begin to bend to the sides for 15-20 repetitions. Do it slowly for the best effect.

2) Turns of the body. Take a starting position: stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows and place them opposite your chest. Then begin to make sharp turns of the torso on the exhale. Do this exercise for about 5 minutes.

3) Scissors. Take a starting position: lie on the floor, hands as a support, you can place them along the body or under gluteal muscles. Raise your legs off the floor to a height of 15 centimeters. In this position, imitate the movement of scissors for as long as you have enough strength. Take a break, then do this exercise again.

4) Raising the legs lying on the side. Lie on the right side, there should be an even angle between the body and the floor, lean on right hand, and the left hand, while being behind the head. Then tear off the tables from the floor with measured jerks, perform lifts with the lateral muscles. The number of such lifts should be 10 times, then take a short break for 30 seconds and take another approach. Repeat the exercise on the left side.

Exercises for wrinkles on the abdomen and on the sides

Many of us are wondering - how to remove the stomach and sides, how to finally get rid of these ridiculous folds that spoil our mood every time we approach the mirror ?!

There is only one answer to this - work on yourself, eat right and perform correct exercises and then you will succeed - not in one day, of course, especially if you have everything running. But in the fight against the stomach and sides, it is persistence and consistency that are important. Otherwise, there is no point in talking about any results.

Alcohol is our enemy

A scientifically known fact: the liver begins to process alcohol before all other substances, and therefore the metabolism slows down, and fats are burned many times slower. However, this does not mean at all that from now on you should not drink alcohol at all - one glass of wine, a glass of beer or one “shot” of vodka a day can be “skipped” without much harm to the rate of metabolic reactions.

Keep calm, breathe evenly

Scientists warn that stress stimulates the production of a hormone called cortisol. Thanks to this hormone, the body begins to accumulate fat, and not somewhere in right place, namely in the abdomen.

Have a snack

The most common mistake of those who want to lose weight quickly and without much effort is a sharp reduction in both the amount of food consumed and the number of meals. In such cases, the body goes into a stressful state and diligently accumulates resources as soon as the opportunity arises.

To avoid sudden weight loss and even more rapid return of weight, follow proper diet and snack more often - without fanaticism, of course ...

Remember that foods that are rich in ... fats, but not of animal origin, help burn fat most effectively. In this case, we are talking about nuts, avocados, and so on - these are just what you can snack on from time to time.

Whole grains are everything

A scientifically proven fact: eating whole grains allows not only not to gain excess weight, but also to successfully get rid of it. As you and I know, the problem of a large belly in women is not so easy to solve, largely due to internal fat that envelops our organs. So, scientists have found that people who prefer whole grains have 10 percent less internal fat than those who do not follow this rule in their diet.

Green tea

The antioxidants that make up green tea speed up metabolism and, most importantly, scientists are confident that these antioxidants are especially good at fighting belly fat.

In addition, try to include healthy ingredients such as ginger, peppermint and chamomile in your drinks as often as possible, which also help speed up metabolic reactions in your body.

ten percent rule

In order to remove the stomach quickly and effectively enough, you do not need to torture the abdominal muscles every day and lateral muscles numerous exercises. Fitness gurus are sure: exercises aimed at working out these muscles directly should take only 10% of the training time - no more, no less.

Thus, if you do fitness, say, an hour, then you can spend 54 minutes on strength and cardio training of the whole body, and only take six minutes for effective training of the press and side.

Another tip from experts: in order to get a greater effect from training, give preference to those complexes in which the load goes to the large muscles of your body and to the complexes that include the load on the maximum number of muscles. Do not isolate the press from the rest of the body and focus on it.

Let cardio become a part of life

If you want to maximize your metabolism, remember one simple rule - muscle is more metabolically active than fat and the more you have muscle tissue the faster calories are burned. To create the necessary muscle mass, experts advise to engage in strength exercises with special equipment two or three times a week. On other days, you can spend some time on fat-burning cardio, for which you only need your own body weight. Ideally, you should do 145 minutes of cardio per week.

In order to make your workouts even more effective, include 10, 20 and 30 second periods of maximum acceleration in them - during these seconds, give your best pedaling, jumping rope and so on - this will help you get much more benefit from training.

The recovery period after such a "burst" should be present and take twice as long as it took to accelerate.

vacuum press

In order to increase the effectiveness of this exercise, we recommend that you perform it in the “low bar” position (that is, we stand, leaning not on our palms, but on our elbows). The exercise begins with the fact that we simply stand in the plank position for one minute, then, without changing position, we draw in the stomach like this. as if trying to pull on very tight jeans.

The stomach thus practically "sticks" to the spine. Hold this position for three counts, then relax the abdominal muscles and rest for three counts, repeat this sequence of actions for a minute.

Then we again just stand in the plank position for another minute and complete this set of exercises.

Pilates is better than crunches

Fitness Experts Say Some Pilates Exercises Are Outperforming classic exercises on the press.

For example, the following exercise will help you effectively remove your stomach and sides - from a supine position

Legs are straight, we hold them together, hands are brought behind the head. On inspiration, we begin to raise the body - first the head, neck, shoulders, then - on the exhale - straining the press, we rise further, taking a sitting position in the shape of the letter "c", as in the photo. Hold this position for a second, and then, exhaling, slowly lower yourself to the starting position, placing your back on the floor literally “vertebra by vertebra”. This exercise should be done for 15 repetitions very carefully following the form and quality of movements.

In second place in terms of efficiency is the “bike” exercise, which will help you not only effectively remove your stomach, but also your sides. Fulfill this exercise at least three times a week for three sets of 15-20 repetitions.

sit on fitball

You may not be able to follow our advice in the office, but at home - no problem. Why is this needed? And you try it and you will understand everything yourself - sitting on a fitball is not as easy and comfortable as sitting on a chair (remember that you also need to monitor your posture), and if, in addition to everything else, you raise your legs alternately, or even try to raise both legs at once and try to stay on the fitball for as long as possible - this will give a very good load on your abs. So you can fulfill your old dream - to watch your favorite series and lose weight at the same time.

Yoga push ups

Chaturanga Dandasana, according to foreign fitness experts, is one of the most effective ways not only remove the stomach and sides, but also tighten your arms. The starting position is a high plank, but the elbows are tightly pressed to the sides and do not come off from them throughout the exercise.

Try to smoothly and evenly lower the whole body down when you bend your elbows, and then also lift it up. Both the muscles of the hands and the muscles of the press work.

From the starting position, we descend as low as possible by five counts, linger for a second in the lower position, then smoothly rise to the upper position by five counts.

Try to constantly tighten your stomach

Pulling the abdomen to the spine is an isometric exercise, that is, when it is performed, the muscles do not stretch or contract. However, by pulling in the stomach, you force the muscles to work, so do this exercise, invisible to others, as often as possible and anywhere.

Well, in the end, I would like to repeat to everyone who wants to remove the stomach and sides to remember the well-known rules - do not eat less than four hours before bedtime, if possible, refuse fried and smoked meats. It is also worth not drinking water with gas, not drinking drinks through a straw, not chewing gum, not chatting while eating - all this contributes to the accumulation of air in your stomach, which begins to "proudly" bulge forward at any opportunity.

Say what you like, but in modern society the cult of slender girls occupies a leading position. And although humanity is slowly moving away from the Barbie doll figure, most young girls are still eager to know how to get rid of fat folds on their stomachs. This is what we'll talk about today.

Why does the stomach get fat?

The reasons why in the abdomen, waist and sides accumulate body fat, some:

  1. Fat protects the body

It's very simple, but really body fat, that is, the lipid layer, protects internal organs from various fluctuations in the external environment: hypothermia, mechanical damage, etc. This can also explain the fact that it is more difficult for women to lose weight than men, because for them, nature itself has a greater percentage of fat to protect the expectant mother and the child herself.

  1. Genetics
  2. Improper nutrition
  3. Sedentary lifestyle

How to remove wrinkles on the stomach: psychology

The most important thing in the process of losing weight and getting your belly in shape is your mental attitude. It includes several options:

Firstly, recommendations on how to get rid of wrinkles on the stomach in three days, not only do they not work, but they can also significantly ruin your health. Losing weight on the stomach is a rather long process, hence the second rule of psychological attitude.

Secondly, you should not immediately rush into all serious: eat only celery, spend whole days in the gym, give up all the joys of life. So you risk getting disgusted with the process of losing weight already on the fifth day of the program, return to your previous lifestyle, and fat folds will only increase in size.

The main thing in science slim body is the systematic training and the gradual accumulation of knowledge and practice. Let your body and your mind get used to the new routine.

Third, don't make yourself feel bad. Since you are serious about removing belly fat, remember that every missed workout and eaten cake will definitely affect the figure. They can even undo all your work for the last days and weeks.

Nevertheless, of course, there are times when you want to pamper yourself and relax. But your every action lies on your responsibility, and the crease on your stomach will unequivocally hint about this until you gather your will into a fist.

The psychological attitude in the question of how to remove wrinkles from the abdomen is important. The golden mean between rigor and love for your body is just what you need for weight loss.


As we have already mentioned, the fight against belly fat is most effective when it works in a complex, the main pillars of which are:

  1. Physical exercise.
  2. Nutrition.
  3. SPA treatments.

In beauty salons, you can offer many procedures aimed at losing weight. These are body wraps, electrical stimulation, massages, fat-burning scrubs, etc. Usually, the choice between home and salon procedures comes down to cost and convenience.

  1. Doctor's consultations.

Without a periodic examination of your body, speech about healthy weight loss can't go. This is especially true for young mothers. For example, before you remove the crease on your stomach after a cesarean, you need to make sure that you can already lose weight, and also consult with your doctor about the scar. For the girls who survived C-section, there is a risk of hernia, which is a very dangerous phenomenon. But going to the doctor cannot be canceled for other categories of girls and men. Before starting weight loss, it is recommended to get the approval of a doctor.

And if with nutrition most often everything is clear: less sweet, floury fat, more boiled, fresh vegetables and fruits, clean water, lean meats and dairy products, then with training to remove the crease on the stomach, the issue is more complicated.


  1. Cardio

Most likely, if you are worried about how to remove wrinkles on the stomach and sides, the problem is excess weight also not alien to you. In that case, you the best way suitable for cardio. They are very intense, stimulate sweating and fat burning.

These are running, brisk walking, jumping rope, cycling, swimming, etc.

You can't build muscle and lose weight at the same time. Cardio exercises are a warm-up before working on the muscles.

If you want to direct all your efforts to lose weight and remove the fat fold in the lower abdomen, remember that fat begins to burn only half an hour after the start of training.

  1. Statics

Static exercises are especially important if you are concerned about creases on your stomach when you sit. Such folds are not an indicator of the harmony of the figure, because often they disappear in a standing position. They are associated with poor training of the transverse abdominis muscle, while the oblique and rectus muscles can be well developed.

Helps strengthen all muscles, and especially those located on the abdomen, the Planck exercise. It is used in yoga and training programs. You need to stand up, leaning on your hands (from palms to elbows) and the toes of your toes as if you are going to do push-ups. In this position, you must stand for at least 30 seconds, while holding your breath or breathing evenly. It is best to perform the exercise every day, because it takes a minimum of time and brings maximum benefits.

The plank can be done sideways. Then you lean on one hand and outer surface the same foot. The body is a straight line, the second hand is directed upwards, the second leg is located on the first, resting against it.

  1. Exercise "vacuum"

Continuing the conversation about the transverse abdominal muscle, it must be said that the vacuum is, if not the only, then the most effective exercise for strengthening it. With it, you can remove wrinkles on the stomach much faster.

You can take a standing or sitting position. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Take a deep breath. Then, while exhaling, keep the tension in the abdomen, pulling it inward. When the air runs out, hold your breath for 10-15 seconds and gradually take a new breath. Repeat this course 10-12 times for 3 sets.

The good thing about this workout is that once you get used to the breathing pattern, you can repeat it even while you work or watch a movie.

  1. Standard press exercises

And of course, no one canceled the training for the press, which is taught at school. You will find more information about pumping up the press.

For the upper half of the abdomen, body lifts are effective. Starting position - lying on your back, legs on the floor or bent at the knees. The palms are crossed on the chest or folded at the top of the head, the elbows stick out at the sides so that the arms are parallel to the back. Raise your torso, without bending your arms, as many times as you can, plus a couple of raises through force (just these exercises through force are especially effective). Rest a bit and repeat 2 more sets.

An exercise that helps remove the crease in the lower abdomen includes straight leg raises. To perform it, lie on your back, arms along the body or behind the head. Raise your legs without bending your knees until a 45-degree angle is formed between your legs and the floor. Hold this position, repeat several sets of 5-10 times.

If you still have questions, please leave a comment!

It is useless to try to get rid of fat with just one method. To solve the problem of excess folds at the waist, an integrated approach is needed.

In order to fight effectively beautiful figure you need to love physical exercises and constantly motivate yourself. Playing sports will become exciting if you connect friends and practice in a group. Favorite music will also become an indispensable assistant.


To get rid of fat, cardio training is useful: running with a change in pace, exercise bikes, swimming, aerobics. You need to train at least five times a week.

One of the most effective activities is running at a speed of 8 miles per hour.

After 3 minutes, slow down to 6 mph for another 3 minutes. The duration of the workout is 40 minutes. Increasing the load and intensity of classes should be gradual.

Not less than effective way training - alternating cardio training with aerobic exercises. 3-4 minutes on the ellipse machine, then 1-2 minutes, 3 minutes of running and 1 leg press. In a short time, training will help burn fat, lose weight and keep muscles in good shape.


Cardio training must be combined with strength exercises for. If you can’t go to the gym and hire a trainer, you can work out at home. Dumbbells or plastic bottles with water are perfect for exercising with an additional load.

Effective the following exercises for abdominal muscles:

  • Hand presses up while standing or lying down, during which you need to use the press and remember to correct breathing: bench press - short exhalation, rest - inhale;
  • Lifting the shoulders to bent knees with a tense press from a prone position with arms bent at the elbows (for a start, 20 times will be enough, subject to a gradual increase in the number of exercises and their repetitions);
  • Lifting the body from a prone position with legs raised by 120 degrees;
  • Intensive rotation of the body and elbows from a sitting position with bent legs, deviating the body back by 45 degrees, with a tense press and with dumbbells in hand.


Refusal to consult a doctor for the following diseases is unacceptable:

  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • heart disease, pressure problems;
  • Pain in the chest;
  • Injuries, hernias, sore knees;
  • Colds, infections;
  • Asthma;
  • Recent surgery or fractures.

Sharp chest pain or arrhythmia during exercise is a wake-up call that requires immediate cessation of exercise.


Physical activity should be supplemented, which will improve the condition of the skin of the abdomen and sides and help get rid of fat in this area even faster.

Wraps with Dead Sea mud or blue clay smooth the skin and improve metabolism.

The mixture for wrapping is easy to prepare at home. Clay or mud is mixed with water until a porridge is formed. You can add essential oils, honey or pepper to it. These products tend to warm up the skin, promoting the breakdown of fat and improving metabolism. The aroma of essential oils can suppress the feeling of hunger.

The skin must be prepared for wrapping. Scrub is applied, massaged, slightly pinched, after which the scrub should be washed off and the skin wiped. Then you need to apply the mixture, wrap the stomach, and put on top warm clothes. The procedure lasts about 20-30 minutes. After the product is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

If the mixture stings too much or causes itching, it must be washed off immediately.

Wraps also have contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Cardiovascular disease, hypertension;
  • tumors;
  • Gynecological and skin diseases;
  • Allergy to components;
  • Varicose veins.

Proper nutrition

Regular exercise and cosmetic procedures will not be able to eliminate fat folds without a balanced diet. There is no need for strict diets. You should give up only a few products.

  • On the table should not be fried, smoked, sweet and too high-calorie food. Salty food will retain water and cause swelling;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits are welcome in the morning. Bananas and grapes should be forgotten, they are very high in calories, and minimal;
  • It is better to replace bread with whole grain bread. Fiber, which is rich in bran, cleanses the body and reduces appetite;
  • The meat should be boiled or steamed. The skin of poultry meat should not be consumed due to its high calorie content;
  • Breakfast porridge cooked with water will provide the body with energy until lunch. If you cook porridge with milk, its calorie content will increase.

There are many ways to solve the problem with folds on the stomach. But only an integrated approach, consisting of sports, cosmetic procedures and the right diet, will make the stomach flat and toned. The main secrets of success are not to be lazy, not to miss workouts, to follow all the recommendations correctly and to believe in yourself.

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Fat folds - a reason for complexes

Do you have complexes about an open swimsuit? And, when meeting with old school friends, are you trying hard to suck in your stomach? If only no one noticed these disgusting folds on your stomach ... They spoil the overall picture, and you constantly think that everyone around is only paying attention to this. Not at all. Do you know why? Yes, because everyone is busy with how to hide their fat in the abdomen ...

Where do these fat folds in the abdomen come from? What is it - age-related changes or the result of not quite the right lifestyle? Is it possible to get rid of this defect, and if so, how? Let's look for answers to all these questions with us ...

Where do belly fats come from?

To date, medicine identifies several main reasons for the appearance of such a defect. This is, first of all,

  • weakening and stretching of the muscles responsible for the abdominal press (in principle age change, most women also have such a tummy as a result of childbirth),
  • surplus subcutaneous fat(the result of a wrong way of life),
  • intestinal disorders (a temporary phenomenon that develops into a chronic one),
  • the formation of a fatty layer around the internal organs ...

These are the main reasons that can lead to deformation of the silhouette of your figure, and without eliminating them, you are unlikely to be able to achieve a relief press that would play with beautiful cubes. It is noteworthy that in each specific case, such reasons can occur both in combination and separately. However, the result is always the same - sagging fat folds in the abdomen, which you do not pull in, but they do not go anywhere.

How to deal with wrinkles on the stomach

In fact, after we learned about the main causes that contribute to the formation of such folds in the abdomen, we have almost found a way to deal with them. As they say, let's go from the opposite. So, if we get rid of internal subcutaneous fats (it doesn’t have to be), lose extra pounds, strengthen the abdominal press and muscles in its area, and also normalize metabolic processes in our body, and then one morning we will be surprised to notice that we have become slimmer.

And, when we stand on our home scales, we will no longer need to lean forward to consider the mark on them ...

It is noteworthy that experts healthy lifestyle life and fitness coaches recommend taking an integrated approach to achieving such a lofty goal as a flat and toned tummy. In other words, it is necessary to enter not from one side, but from all and little by little. So, for example,

if you diligently perform the necessary physical exercises, thereby you will not only strengthen your press, but also contribute to the expenditure of energy, which will become an impetus for the activation of fat burning processes ... Moreover, by increasing the strength of your muscles and their endurance, you will help improve blood circulation throughout the body, normalize the work of your intestines, because your movements during the exercises for swinging the press act on it like.

In other words, paying attention to the abdominals - you take care of the whole body as a whole ...

However, exercising isn't everything. If you do not review your diet and daily routine, you are unlikely to be able to achieve visible results, as you will again fall into a vicious circle.

Video about fat deposits in the abdomen:

How to eat to lose belly fat

We have already mentioned above that almost 50% of success in the fight for a flat and toned tummy, both in men and women, is exercise. And, here the remaining 50% is a properly composed and balanced diet. So, first of all, you should forget about fatty foods and about dense and hearty dinners. The latter are better (non-greasy) and fresh fruit.

Everything that your body does not use up, but you have eaten, will be deposited in the fat folds in the abdomen and hips ...

Exercise for a flat stomach

The evolution of the human body

Sometimes performing only exercises aimed at correcting abdominals, is not enough. And, experts recommend in this case to perform exercises to train all muscle groups of the body. There will definitely be no harm from this, but the result is that you will not only tighten your tummy, but also strengthen the muscles of your arms and legs, and your body will become slim and fit. True, you can see the result only if you practice regularly. Short lessons in snatches, unfortunately, will bring absolutely no benefit, as well as changes in the silhouette of your figure.

Below, we provide a set of exercises from the World without Harm, which will help you become slim and self-confident ...

  • Exercise number 1. Lie down on a firm and flat surface, bend your knees, raise your arms up, while relaxing your head and neck. And, now, lift your chest and chin to the top so that you feel tension in the abdominal muscles. Lift your shoulders off the surface, lift your legs and try to touch them with your hands. Your whole body should be pulled up.
  • Exercise number 2. Lie on a hard and flat surface, lift your legs up, relax your neck and head. Now you need to tighten your abdominal muscles, lift your chin and chest, lift your shoulders off the floor and, extending your arm, reach out to the opposite leg. After that, return to the starting position and repeat the same, but with the other arm and leg. It is very important to keep your back and head relaxed during this exercise. Since sudden tension can lead to injury. By the way, if you want to increase resistance, you can. And, if on the contrary it is necessary to reduce the resistance - keep your hands closer to the body ...
  • Exercise number 3. It is performed lying on a flat and hard surface. Place your forearms on the floor, and try to stretch the body in one line - from the legs to the forearms. Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax.
  • Exercise number 4. The exercise is performed while standing. Try to jump as high as possible, and at the moment of landing, touch the floor with your hands. Then, focusing on your hands, jump back with your feet. Repeat the exercise several times, however, if you feel dizzy and lose your coordination, take a break.
  • Exercise number 5. Your elbows and forearms should rest on the floor, similarly - your toes, while the body should be slightly elevated. Now you need to tighten the abdominal muscles, and try to pull in the stomach itself. Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax. The exercise must be repeated several times.
  • Exercise number 6. Lie on a hard and flat surface on your back, bend your knees. Now you need to raise your legs to the top, placing them perpendicular to the floor. Then you can slowly lower your legs, but only when you feel that you can no longer hold them. During this exercise, make sure that the lumbar region is in contact with the floor, and the abdominal muscles themselves are tense ...