What is the plank exercise for? Plank exercise for the press: how many repetitions to do? Static Position Technique

The plank is one of the most popular fitness exercises. Static load contributes to the quality study of several muscle groups, helps to get rid of body fat, improves overall tone. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of the plank exercise, and when it can be harmful.

The classic plank is quite simple. You need to take a position lying on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows, lean on your forearms and socks so that your elbows are located under your shoulders - this will help ensure the correct load on the muscles and joints. The body should be in a straight line completely - do not lower your head, shoulders or hips, do not arch your back.

Why is plank so popular? In addition to the fact that the benefits of the plank for muscles and the figure as a whole are very great, it also has other advantages, including the following:

  • To complete this exercise, you do not need a fitness room, instructor, optional equipment . You can do it at home using only your own weight and a couple of meters of free space.
  • The plank takes a minimum of time. Everyone can allocate some five minutes a day, and this will be enough to work out the muscles in a quality manner.
  • With this exercise you can work out exactly those muscle groups that you need. In addition to the classic bar, there are about a hundred types of exercises, thanks to which you can shift the load.
  • Minimum effort. Yes, at first holding the bar for at least 30 seconds will be quite difficult. But if you compare it with full-fledged training, then, of course, much less effort will be required.

What are the benefits of plank exercise

The benefits of the plank exercise will be very great if you do it correctly. First, it is recommended to master its classic variation, and then move on to more complex exercises.

How long do you need to hold the bar? For beginners, it will be enough to hold out at least 20-30 seconds. Over time, this time should be increased to several minutes.

The benefit of the plank every day is that it involves a large number of muscle groups, including deep ones. The muscles of the press, back, buttocks, forearms, arms, legs work. The load may vary depending on the type of exercise, for example, the benefit of the back bar is that it loads the muscles of the buttocks remarkably and rear surface hips.

The benefits of exercises for working out the press are especially great. It allows you to use both oblique and lateral and oblique muscles. Regular classes will bring them into tone with a minimum of effort. Also, the bar allows you to strengthen the spine, which forms good posture and prevents many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The benefits of the plank exercise are also as follows:

  • For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the bar will help prevent scoliosis, osteoporosis and osteochondrosis, as well as a number of other diseases.
  • If you regularly feel back pain, then the exercise will help solve this problem, as it will strengthen the bone skeleton. Along with this, the flexibility of the muscles will also increase.
  • The benefits of planks for weight loss are also great. Static load helps to bring the body into tone, activates metabolic processes, which helps to burn body fat.
  • The benefits of planks for women are that they help fight cellulite. Perform the exercise regularly, and soon the manifestations of the orange peel will become much less.
  • Exercise helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, improves flexibility and coordination of movements.
  • Finally, the benefit of the plank pose is that it helps to improve tension. Withstanding it for a certain time, you will tense up and stretch your muscles, and after that you will feel how your whole body has relaxed, fatigue has gone, your mood has become better.

Also the benefits of planks for men are great. Firstly, it is indispensable for drying. It helps improve stamina beautiful muscles the abdomen and back, which are involved simultaneously during the exercise. The exercise also has a beneficial effect on men's health, strengthens the body, increases strength and coordination, so it should be included in your regular set of exercises.

Plank exercise: harm

The benefits and harms of the bar will be determined by the presence of contraindications, so they must be taken into account. So, you can not perform the exercise in such conditions:

Also, exercise is contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in the later stages.

You can not perform the bar in the postoperative and post-traumatic period. After a caesarean or a difficult birth, you can do it no earlier than a month later.

How to do plank

The benefits and harms of the plank exercise largely depend on whether you are doing it correctly. Consider how to perform different types of exercises:

  • Straight plank. This is the simplest exercise with which it is recommended to start mastering the bar. You need to lie on your stomach, spread your limbs shoulder-width apart and climb them, leaning on your toes and palms parallel to your elbows. Keep your body straight, look forward. Start with 20-30 seconds, and as a result, constantly increase this time. To complicate the exercise, you can put your hands each time closer to each other.
  • Straight plank with a raised leg. Complicated variation. You need to get into the plank position described above, and alternately raise your right and left legs. Thus, only three limbs will be loaded, which will increase the load on the muscles.
  • Straight plank with raised arm. The position is the same as in a straight bar. But now you need to raise the right hand parallel to the floor, and then the left hand. It will also help increase the load on the muscles. The exercise is quite difficult, and it’s worth moving on to it when you already have a certain physical preparation.
  • Half plank. Difficult exercise, in which you must first take the position of a straight bar, and then raise your right legs and arms, while not bending, then change position to the other side. You can also raise your left hand and right leg and vice versa.
  • Bent (shortened) bar. The position is the same as in the straight bar, but you need to bend your elbows and clasp them in the lock. A beginner can do the exercise, placing his hands wide, at shoulder level. If you are prepared, bring them as close as possible to each other.
  • A shortened plank with a raised leg. A more difficult task, in which you need to accept the position of the bent bar described above, and then lift one leg first, then the other, which will complicate the load.
  • A shortened plank with a raised arm. The same thing, but instead of alternately raising the legs, we raise our hands.
  • Half placket. A difficult exercise in which you first need to take the position of a shortened plank, and then raise your right leg and arm, twisting the body obliquely. Then change sides.

When performing the exercise, the body should be as even as possible. Bends, deflections, tilts of the head are not allowed. Keep your legs straight, otherwise, instead of benefiting from the exercise, you will only get harm to the musculoskeletal system and joints. At first, you can do the exercise in front of a mirror to track the correct execution technique.

Properly performed bar will help you get the maximum benefit, both for the figure and for health. It is very important to hone her correct technique. Start with a classic plank and hold it for as long as you can. Over time, you will be able to stand in the bar for several minutes without any problems. In addition, you can do other, more complex variations of it, thereby shifting and increasing the load on the muscles.

About the dangers and benefits of the strap on the video

Currently, there are many exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, one of these is the Planck exercise, which is a great example of static training. A great way to strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also the core muscles.

The main purpose of the plank exercise is weight loss. Of course, this is not the whole benefit:

  • Improves the condition of the whole body.
  • Improves overall health.
  • Strengthens the psyche.
  • Raises the mood.

As for the classic plank, it implies two starting points:

  1. The legs are extended, emphasis on the toes and on the elbows and forearms.
  2. The same, but with support on the hands of outstretched arms.

How to do it right

IN static bar there is no movement. The basic rule of its implementation is to keep your body in correct position, for as long as possible.

How to do without errors:

  • The feet should be placed together - it is more difficult to keep balance, and therefore the load on the stomach increases.
  • The legs should be in a straight line, along with the body, and be in tension. If this is not observed, then the proper load will not be given to the rectus abdominis muscle, which supports the lower back from deflections.
  • The buttocks should also be kept in constant tension during the entire approach.
  • The lower back should not be arched or rounded. This is quite difficult to do, but absolutely necessary.
  • No need to tilt your head back, or tilt too much
  • The stomach must initially be pulled in, and then kept as tight as possible to the ribs. Keeping your stomach in this position, you should not forget about breathing - you do not need to hold it.
  • Elbows should be at shoulder level, or rather, under them - this will remove unnecessary stress on them.

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You need to stand in the bar for as long as the athlete is able to observe the correct technique. If he is no longer able to do this, you need to finish this approach.

Why do men do this?

Benefits of this exercise:

  1. General development and strengthening of muscles.
  2. The main goal is compression and tension of the rectus abdominis muscle.
  3. There is an extremely low risk of injury - both back and spine, even for those who have back problems. The spine practically does not stretch or deform.
  4. Improving posture - the stoop that exists due to a weak back and abs goes away.
  5. Due to the correct arrangement of the bones, breathing is facilitated, and the organs become in a more correct position.
  6. A flat back optically increases the height of a man.
  7. Improves metabolism.
  8. Improves plasticity and flexibility.
  9. The mood rises.
  10. Increases stress tolerance.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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Exercise is especially necessary for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

What does it give women

It is unlikely that the tasks expected from the bar are so different from the men's - everyone has the same muscles. There are, of course, some parameters that most encourage women to do this:

  • Make a wasp waist.
  • Remove "riding breeches" - excess fat from the thighs,
  • Make legs slimmer.
  • You can work out all the muscles at once - the bar allows this.
  • Feel more confident on the beach in short T-shirts and skirts.

Otherwise, everything is the same as in men - to lose weight and improve health.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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To achieve faster and more impressive results, the bar must be combined with a diet.

Contraindications and harm

Any sport and any activity can have its contraindications. You need to know about them:

  1. If the exercise is done incorrectly, without following the execution technique, then negative factors are possible - this may well lead to injuries.
  2. Given that during exercise, the pectoral muscles, as well as the intercostal muscles, which put pressure on the joints of the shoulders and ribs, are in tension, inflammation may occur. Therefore, if such problems exist, then you need to consult a doctor. In this case, you can choose simplified versions of the exercise.
  3. In case of panic attacks, asthma, insomnia, hypertension or problems with internal organs, a consultation with a doctor is also necessary.
  4. There are few contraindications, and mostly, even for not very healthy people, performing exercises according to a simplified scheme, observing such a condition as correct technique, without fanaticism, you can do the bar.
  5. Even pregnant women can do it by consulting a doctor and choosing a sparing program.

30 Day Lesson Plan: Sticking to the Schedule

Not every person wants to exercise for a long time and every day - the vast majority follow the line of least resistance.

Of course, doing even 5 minutes a day, you can gradually achieve results, but for those who want maximum effect, there is a certain program for 30 days.

If a person has already worked out the bar, and his muscles have strengthened, and endurance has appeared, you can move on to a thirty-day program that will miraculously transform the athlete's body in these coveted 30 days.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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Following this schedule, you must be prepared for the fact that every next day of such training will be remarkable for new loads.

Monthly program - two options:

  • Every day, perform all options for the bar - both on the elbows and on the hands, gradually increasing the time - from 20 seconds. up to 5 min. It is advisable to start with this option.
  • The other involves not only the classics of performance, but also more diverse variations, significantly complicated.

The program for the second version of the bar:

  1. Low plank at the elbows. In this case, those are under the shoulders, and the body is a straight line. The position of the feet is as close as possible to each other. The abdomen and buttocks are in tension. Do three sets of 45 seconds.
  2. Plank side, on the elbow. From the low bar, the weight of the body is transferred to the left elbow, then a turn follows. The other hand should straighten up, and you should look at the wrist of this hand. Three approaches are made.
  3. The bar is high, on the hands. The hands are under the shoulders. Legs are straight and feet together. All muscles are tense. Three approaches.
  4. Side plank, on the arm. The weight of the body is on the left hand, and the right is straight and looks forward. All attention is on the right hand. In this position, you need to stand for the same 45 seconds, changing sides. Six approaches.
  5. The plank is low, the legs are bent alternately - first one, then the other knee alternately. Two approaches, delay - 45 seconds.
  6. The bar is high, this time the arms are bent. Start from the starting position at number 3. Hands come off alternately from the floor surface with a touch of the opposite shoulder. Do not shake the body. Three sets of 45 sec.
  7. The bar is low combined with high. From the lower position, the arms are straightened one by one, and then straightened in the reverse order.
  8. The plank is circular. Starting from the bottom bar, the knees are alternately bent with the transition to a high position with each hand touching the other elbow in turn. Return to the low position again.
  9. Triceps push-ups from a low plank position, with a slight divorce of the elbows forward. The lowering is done slowly until the shoulders drop to the elbows. Next is the ascent.
  10. Low bar at the elbows with a turn. Start from a low position with a turn of the hip to the left until the gap to the floor surface is about ten centimeters. Repeat on the other side.
  11. The bar is high, with jumps. At the same time, the legs are bred by a jump to a width equal to the shoulders. The pelvis should not rise when jumping. Next, return to the starting position.
  12. The bar is low, with a deflection. From a low plank position, turn to the right side. Raising the hips, lock for two seconds, then lower them almost to the floor - moving the hips up and down. Three sets per minute.
  13. The plank is high, with pulling up the knees. From the starting position, the left knee is pulled to the opposite elbow with the same fixation, then - return to the starting position. For each leg, three sets of a minute.
  14. Pull your knees up from a low position. The leg is pulled to the same elbow, already through the side. Same fix. Repeat with the other leg. Three sets per minute.
  15. From the high bar, you need to stretch your arms forward as much as possible, tighten your stomach, and tighten your buttocks. Three sets of 45 sec.

This is a set of exercises that you need to do within a month. The schedule is optional. If some movements do not work out right away, you can not do them until the body gets used to the new loads. The number of trainings per day is also purely individual.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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There are plenty of options that significantly complicate the exercise.

One of them is the reduction of fulcrum. For example, in the side plank, leaning on the wrist of one straightened arm, the other is extended vertically. This is done alternately. Such exercises should be done by athletes with considerable experience.

And there are about twenty types of planks in total. You can think of something yourself, relying on your imagination, well-being and physical fitness.

How many calories does this exercise burn

How many calories can a bar burn in one minute - this question worries many, especially women.

This is not surprising, since it is weight loss that is the main incentive for this exercise.

Instructors claim to burn 250-300 calories per hour. Nevertheless, not all record holders are able to stand for so long even in the standard bar. Thus, if you count, then a person spends about 5 calories per minute.

But not everyone will find such a result even satisfactory.

In this case, there are the following methods:

  • With load.
  • With resistance.

In the first case, you can use small dumbbells up to 3 kg. This will burn up to 12 calories. In this case, the dumbbells are clenched in fists, one hand rises from the dumbbells to a right angle.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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To avoid injury, dumbbells should be placed in special trays to avoid the athlete falling due to the unstable position of the shells.

The second option is the most difficult and requires serious physical preparation:

  1. The starting position is standard.
  2. Below, at the level of the knees, or rather, a thread or tape is stretched under them.
  3. This obstacle is crossed by legs alternately at an accelerated pace.

This burns up to 30 calories.

What muscles work when performing

This seemingly simple exercise successfully trains the whole body.

Giving this exercise even 5 minutes a day, the athlete works on his posture, as well as flexibility and balance.

What muscles are worked out by the exercise:

  • Backs.
  • Belly.
  • Buttocks.

Another advantage and convenience of this exercise is that it can be done almost anywhere and anytime:

  1. In gym.
  2. At home.
  3. Outdoors.

It can be done at any time convenient for a person.

As for the equipment, there are only pluses here - it’s suitable as sports uniform, and loose home clothes, for example. Needless to say, no equipment is needed to perform a plank.

How many times to do during the day

Only one fact will tell you how many times to do the bar a day - if the athlete has become easier to do it and the muscles have adapted to the load, it is advisable to do it 3-4 times a day, even for 2 minutes.

Even if a person is able to keep it for only one minute, then here it makes sense to do it 2-3 a day, if it is possible.

First of all, you should focus on your well-being.

world records

Plank is a rather difficult exercise, especially for an untrained person. Approximate time that you can stand on it:

  • A poorly prepared person will stand in it for 2-3 minutes at most.
  • Trained athlete - 5 minutes.
  • A ten-minute stand is already an excellent result, indicating an extraordinary will and excellent preparation.

Nevertheless, there are such records that subject an inexperienced person to a real shock. Here they are:

  1. The world record is over eight hours. It was installed by the Chinese Mao Weidung.
  2. Before him, the record belonged to former Marine George Hood - 5 hours 15 minutes.
  3. The third winner was the Dane Tom Hall - 4 hours 28 minutes.
  4. The record in the category of children was set by Amir Makhmetov - he is only 9 years old. He stood for 1 hour and 2 minutes.

Perfect slim stomach, appetizing tightened buttocks, strong and healthy back, unsurpassed slender legs, aesthetically pumped up hands and beautiful body without cellulite - all this gives the exercise for the Planck press. Description of the exercise […]

A perfectly flat stomach, delicious toned buttocks, a strong and healthy back, unsurpassedly slender legs, aesthetically pumped up arms and a beautiful body without cellulite - all this gives the Planck press exercise.

Description of the plank press exercise

Handstand and footstand is an isometric type of load and involves muscle contraction, coupled with their tension. This technique is fundamentally different from isotonic, where against the background of muscle contraction, their length varies. It is known that static exercises have a positive effect on the process of fat burning, heal all parts of the spine, alleviate manifestations, are a panacea for those accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle or working on sedentary work of people. Correction of the figure is achieved, different muscle groups are moderately loaded and developed due to the fact that there are several variations of the Planck exercise for the press, how many repetitions to do, how often to do it, what technique and what varieties are - about all these interesting facts good to know for everyone.

Benefits of the Plank Abs Exercise

Plank exercise works well on the press

The first indisputable advantage of different types of Plank is high performance. It can be easily verified in practice that a stand with an emphasis on the elbows or palms in different variations is no less effective than classic twists. Of course, a really beautiful press can only be obtained with an integrated approach and the study of all sections of the abdominal muscles, but the ingenious and accessible Planck exercise will certainly improve the results of training.

Planck exercise replaces invigorating exercises in the morning

As a second plus, we note that the handstand and footstand can replace morning exercises. A static exercise will help wake anyone up, add tone, cheer up, warm up the body after a night's sleep. It may be difficult at first to hang above the floor for half or a minute and a half immediately after waking up, but over time it will begin to bear fruit. At best, one approach is performed immediately when getting out of bed and repeated after putting yourself in order before breakfast.

Plank exercise: the classic version

Features and technique of the exercise Plank for the press

How to do the exercise on the Planck press?

FirstThe first step should be to master the technique. Having learnedhow to do it rightlanka exercise for the press how many times a day to do and how often to do the exercises - everyone decides for himself, depending on his strength. There are certain standards that should be followed when performing the Plank, let's consider everything point by point:

  • back - stably held in a perfectly level position, an absolute plane is maintained lumbar, in case of rounding or deflection, there is a high risk of injury;
  • buttocks - strong tension gluteal muscles, with a static handstand and feet, provides the formation of athletic buttocks and the best study of the muscles of the core;
  • legs - they must certainly be straightened along their entire length, even a slight bending of the knees is highly undesirable, since the incorrect position of the legs causes an overload of the lumbar zone and the inevitable complication of this serious exercise;
  • correct body position - when performing planks different kind the rule that is relevant for a huge number of isometric exercises must be observed, namely the installation of joints under the joints (it is important to know that the wrists or elbows, depending on the variation of the Plank, are located strictly under the shoulders);
  • pelvic area - should be aligned in a clear parallel to the floor line, proper twisting of the pelvis significantly reduces the load on the lumbar zone;
  • shoulders, neck and head - all these points line up in one line and relax as much as possible;
  • abdominal muscles - must be tense, the stomach is pulled in as much as possible, but this should not interfere with deep and measured breathing when performing the Plank;
  • an individual approach to the complexity of the Plank - for beginners it is better to choose the minimum time, for the advanced maximum, while it is worth emphasizing on the good technique of performing an isometric exercise, it is more efficient and safer to withstand a short period of time in the correct position than to hold out for a long time, but with errors.
Plank exercise: different variations of Plank help to correctly work out important muscles abdominals, back, legs, arms, buttocks Plank Exercise: Side Plank Variations

How many times to repeat and how long to hold the Plank?

Next, we move on to the most interesting. IN static position it is worth staying approximately 20-120 seconds. The optimal Planck time is different for everyone. Some athletes can stand in the correct position for only half a minute, others show amazing results, standing like a string above the floor for 2 minutes. For beginners, trembling of tense muscles is the norm. You can do 3-4 repetitions at a time, each for 20-120 seconds, this will certainly give an excellent effect. Of course, success is ensured only if you practice regularly, proper nutrition And healthy lifestyle life. Between exercises, sufficient rest is maintained, but still not long pauses. If possible, it is permissible to hold out in Plank for up to 300 seconds. Well if isometric exercises will be performed 3-4 times a week, this technique will provide intensive muscle work and at the same time give them the rest they need for recovery and growth. Key moment consists in the fact that the gradual complication and new variations of the Planck exercise can be introduced only after 2 or more minutes in a static state can be maintained without problems. standard position without errors and discomfort, with even breathing. Well, if the Plank is part of a set of exercises.

Let's summarize the information:

  • stand time in the Plank position - from 20 to 120 seconds;
  • the number of repetitions of the Plank - from 3 to 4 times within one approach, this is enough for a beginner for a day;
  • The frequency of the plank is from 3 to 4 times a week.

Alternative plank exercise schedule

A rather soft schedule was given above as an example, the advanced level implies maintaining static positions for up to 300 seconds and more frequent exercises. Many people like Plankaexercise for the press how many repetitions to do and how part to do - this is determined based on the individualphysical training. The following is a progressive chart for reaching 300 seconds in Planck.

Planck exercise: an effective training schedule that guarantees fast results without discomfort and injury

Despite the availability of all kinds of well-thought-out simulators for strengthening different groups muscles, the effective Planck exercise does not lose popularity. It is often included in complexes for relief beautiful press, but in reality it reveals much more extensive possibilities and everyone can be convinced of this. You need to pay attention to the fact that the Planck exercise is contraindicated in vertebral hernia, should be done carefully with problems with the joints and after various injuries of the spine. In any case, with deviations in health and the development of new exercise need a doctor's consultation.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the plank is one of the exercises that puts a huge strain on the main muscle groups of our body. This becomes a significant obstacle to the daily implementation of the required number of approaches. Someone considers the plank too difficult and switches to less effective exercises, while someone refuses to perform it due to pain or muscle congestion.

Provide proper training bodies to further loads and gradually increase the number of approaches helps a lighter version of the bar - the bar on the elbows.

What muscles are working?

The attractiveness of the plank, both for beginners and for professional athletes, due to a positive effect on the main muscle groups:

  • The muscles of the back are subjected to significant strengthening loads, during which everything is worked out, from cervical and ending deep muscles back.
  • The muscles of the arms take on half the weight of your body and get stronger after each approach, without changing their volume - the arms remain slender and graceful.
  • Abdominal muscles - during the execution of the plank, you will feel their treacherous trembling more than once. The bar contributes to the formation of the relief of the abdominal press and allows you to work out problem areas - lateral and lower muscles belly.
  • The muscles of the legs - it is they that account for most of the weight of the body of a novice athlete. During a stand on the elbows, everything tenses up - from the hips to the calves.
  • The gluteal muscles are the favorite item of the beautiful half of humanity. The bar on the elbows allows you to significantly strengthen the three paired muscles of the gluteal region - large, medium and small, and also helps to get rid of cellulite in this traditionally difficult area of ​​\u200b\u200bour body.

Interesting fact:

The elbow plank puts more stress on the abdominal muscles and is a popular and reliable solution for creating a sculpted abs.

Proper Elbow Stand Technique

The bar on the elbows practically does not differ from the classic version of this exercise, but it has its own nuances. To avoid mistakes and muscle damage, pay attention to how to properly do the bar on the elbows:

  • Take an emphasis lying down, leaning on your forearms.
  • Spread your elbows shoulder-width apart.
  • Clasp your hands in a lock (easy option) or hold them parallel to each other (for a more intense load).
  • Keep your body above the floor surface. It should resemble a perfectly straight line - watch the position of the lower back.
  • Shoulders should be relaxed, breathing free. You are ready for the exercise - note the time and try to remain still.
  • Relax and move on to the next set.

Carefully monitor the condition of your body - burning in the muscles, slight trembling or staggering are natural, pain or cramps signal the need to immediately stop the exercise.


Despite the fact that the bar has a wonderful preventive and therapeutic effect on the back muscles, increasing pain in the shoulders or between the shoulder blades is a contraindication to the exercise.

Approaches – Quantity or Quality?

The number of approaches and their duration directly depends on physical condition person and is selected individually. General recommendations by the time of execution and the number of approaches, it starts with two exercises for 30-60 seconds, and as the muscles strengthen and get used to, this figure increases depending on your wishes.

The quality of the bar takes precedence over the time it takes to complete it. Pay attention to the photo - it looks like this correct stance an elbow stand technique that provides a uniform load on the main muscle groups without a destructive effect on the back muscles. If you feel that you cannot continue the exercise correctly, take a break and let your body rest.


The body is the best teacher and adviser. Listen to your body, it will tell you how long you need to keep the bar.

Plank as a guarantee of health

It is a well-known fact that any trained muscle becomes stronger and stronger, and regular moderate loads on the body have a positive effect on a person’s well-being and increase life expectancy. Ease of planking and no need for sports equipment makes her great option For morning exercises or warm-up during the working day. The benefits of the bar on the elbows are due to the positive effect on the abdominal muscles. They are responsible for stabilizing and maintaining the correct balance of the body. Insufficient exercise leads to weakening of the abdominal muscles and progressive health problems up to the malfunctioning of the internal organs, which this wonderful exercise helps to avoid.

Elbow plank results: before and after photos

The plank is a static exercise on the floor with an emphasis on the hands or forearms. Plank is considered one of the most effective ways remove the stomach and tighten the body. Is it really? Let's see what are the benefits, advantages and harms of the bar, how to perform it correctly and how often, is the bar effective for weight loss? We also offer you a unique selection: 45 options for exercises with a plank in pictures!

Plank exercise: general information

Plank has long been classic exercise not only in training for the abdomen, but also in general training for the whole body. This multifunctional exercise allows you to use many muscle groups, and at the same time does not require from you any additional equipment, or special skills, or great experience classes. The plank can be practiced by both beginners and advanced practitioners. It is thanks to its practicality, effectiveness and universal availability that the plank exercise has gained widespread popularity.

The plank works the muscles of the upper and lower body, which means you will strengthen your body, making it supple and toned. Especially this exercise is useful for the development of the muscular corset (stomach, back, buttocks). Strong muscular corset supports the back and spine , which means it helps to reduce the risk of injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

How to do a plank correctly?

Get into a floor standing position - push-up position. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and shift your weight onto your forearms. Your whole body should form one straight line, the stomach is tightened, the muscles are tense.

What to pay special attention to:

  • Head and neck: should be relaxed and free. Look at the floor, do not raise your head up.
  • Hands: hold straight in front of you or cross them. Place your elbows strictly under the shoulder joints so as not to create unnecessary stress on the shoulders. Drop your shoulders, don't lift them up to your ears.
  • Small of the back: it can neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is firmly pressed against the wall.
  • Legs: should remain straight and tense. Otherwise, the main load will go to the lower back, and not to the abdominal muscles.
  • Buttocks: should also be tense and be on the same level with the back. Do not bend your pelvis and do not lift your buttocks up.
  • Stomach: retract, and then (already retracted) try to pull up to the ribs. Keep it taut throughout the exercise, while not holding your breath.
  • Feet: can be connected together, you can arrange a little. The closer you put them to each other, the stronger the load on the abdominal muscles will be.
  • Breath: Be sure to remember to breathe deeply throughout the exercise. Inhale and exhale slowly and measuredly.

Hold the plank position for as long as you can. Beginners can hold the bar for 15-30 seconds, average level- 30-60 seconds, advanced - 60 seconds or more. When you feel that it becomes difficult for you to keep the correct form, end the exercise. Never increase the duration of an exercise to the detriment of technique! It is better to take a break and repeat the exercise in 3-4 circles with short stops.

Plank fit for all levels of training because you can always increase or decrease the duration of the static position depending on your fitness level. Also, this exercise can always be modified and complicated. If you are a beginner, then perform the bar, kneeling down. If you are an advanced practitioner, you can raise your arm or leg and hold the bar in that position.

How to increase plank time?

  1. Practice the bar every day, do the exercise in several approaches. If possible, do the plank 3-4 times a day.
  2. try progress every 4-5 days. For example, by increasing the time of holding the bar or increasing the number of approaches.
  3. Do Other Development Exercises various groups muscles. For example, push-ups, squats, exercises with dumbbells for arms and shoulders.
  4. If you have been practicing the bar for a long time and calmly hold it for several minutes, then proceed to more complex options doing this exercise. Your muscles are probably used to the load, so the effectiveness of the plank is reduced.

Sooner or later, the body adapts to any exercise. You should not constantly move towards increasing the bar time, it is better to move on to more complex options for performing this exercise. If 2-3 minutes in the bar is not difficult for you, then feel free to move on to more complex modifications.

Plank contraindications

Despite the fact that the plank seems to be a fairly harmless exercise, in certain cases it is not recommended to perform it. The bar has the following contraindications:

  • Hand, shoulder, foot injuries
  • Pregnancy and postpartum
  • Big overweight(you can perform a plank variant on your knees, but no more than 30 seconds)
  • Hypertension or hypotension
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Spinal injury
  • Diseases of the internal organs
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

What muscles are involved in plank

During the execution of the plank, the muscles of the abdomen, back and shoulders are primarily included in the work. The bar also engages the muscles of the buttocks, chest, calves, front and back of the thigh.

So, during the classic plank, the following muscles are involved:

  • Rectus and transverse abdominal muscles
  • Latissimus dorsi muscle
  • Muscles of the lumbar
  • Muscles of the shoulder girdle
  • Trapeze
  • pectoral muscles
  • Gluteal muscles
  • Quadriceps and hamstrings
  • calf muscles

When performing a side bar, an additional load goes to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, as well as to the muscles of the outer and inner thighs. The side plank is one of the most the best exercises to strengthen oblique muscles and spinal stabilization for back health.

Static Plank Workout Plan

We are offering to you ready plan plank workouts that can be done as an addition to any program. Just follow the proposed plan and work on the perfection of your figure. There are four exercises for you: elbow plank, planka on hands, boforged strap on the right hand, bshackle on the left hand.

You will repeat all exercises in several approaches. We offer you the following plan:

  • First week: each exercise for 15 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 30 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.
  • Second week: each exercise for 25 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 30 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.
  • Third week: each exercise for 35 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 20 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.
  • Fourth week: each exercise for 45 seconds in 3 sets, a break between sets of 20 seconds, a break between exercises of 60 seconds.

If necessary, you can adjust the proposed plan or perform each exercise at a more comfortable time for you or perform simplified modifications (on your knees).

The benefits, harms and effectiveness of planks for weight loss

Benefits of Plank

1. Plank is perfect exercise for abdominal muscles since it covers all major groups abdominal muscles, including the transverse, rectus, oblique muscles.

2. The bar includes not only the muscles of the core, but also the muscles of the shoulders, chest, buttocks, upper back, front and back of the thigh. This is a unique exercise that will force your body to work almost entirely.

3. With the plank, you will strengthen the muscular corset that supports your spine, which is excellent. back pain prevention.

4. With the help of the plank, you will strengthen your back and buttocks without damaging the musculoskeletal system and joints (as opposed to, for example, deadlifts, squats, and lunges) .

5. Regular execution planks will help you maintain a straight posture and a straight back.

6. Plank exercise is available for everyone: from beginner to advanced. Just adjust the holding time of the static position depending on your training.

7. By strengthening your core muscles, you will be able to improve your balance and balance, which will be useful to you in everyday life.

8. Unlike many other abdominal exercises, the plank does not have a devastating effect on your lower back.

9. Plank has a large number of modifications: only in our article offers more than 40 options!

10. You can perform plank absolutely anywhere: at home, on the street, in the gym. You just need some free space.

Plank Harm

However, despite all the benefits of the bar, this exercise can be fraught with danger. For example, if your core muscles are not strong enough, your spine will sag while doing a plank, causing pressure on the vertebral discs, lower back and shoulder joints . At the slightest violation of the correct form of the exercise, you may feel pain in the neck or lower back.

In addition, prolonged plank exposure can cause increase in blood pressure and even a heart attack, especially people with hypertension are at risk. Therefore, you should not be in the bar for more than two minutes in a row. If you want to increase the load on the muscles, then it is better to go in the direction of complicating the plank options. (for example, with a raised arm or leg) than in the direction of increasing the time of the static position.

For people with big overweight it is recommended to perform the bar, kneeling down. This will help reduce stress on your back and joints. However, the bar is one of the most safe exercise for core muscle development . It has a much less harmful effect on the spine than most other abdominal exercises that are performed on the back.

Common Plank Mistakes

In order to avoid back problems from incorrect execution planks, we draw your attention to typical mistakes in this exercise:

  • stooped back, shoulders down
  • lifting the buttocks up, above the level of the head
  • arching or rounding in the lower back
  • relaxation of the muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks
  • lifting the head up and deflecting in the cervical region
  • breath holding

Is plank weight loss effective?

The plank strengthens muscles, works out the core, improves the tone of the hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders, but the plank is not for burning fat and losing weight. effective exercise. The bar does not help to remove the stomach and get rid of the sides! This exercise is designed to tone muscles, not burn fat.

Moreover, we emphasize again that weight loss depends on nutrition and not from exercise. Training helps burn more calories, tone muscles, improve body quality, but get rid of excess weight occurs only with food restrictions (calorie deficit). The plank and its modifications are a great way to strengthen the body, get rid of flabbiness and detraining, but dietary restrictions are required for weight loss.

If your goal is to lose weight, then it is better to focus on dynamic exercises that help burn more calories than static exercises. Ideally regularly do cardio exercise. Moreover, cardio exercises can be performed in the bar, thereby achieving two goals at once: burn calories and strengthen abdominal muscles. Read more about plank cardio exercises below.

45 plank exercises: a unique selection!

If you are ready to increase the effectiveness of your workouts with more diverse plank exercises, then we offer you our unique selection: 45 Different Plank Exercise Variations with Visual Pictures. From these exercises you can make a complete training program. You can use our options for ready-made programs or create your own set of exercises.

If you are already calmly holding the classic bar for 2-3 minutes, you should not increase the complexity to hold a static position for 5-10 minutes, as many sources advise. Most likely, your muscles have already adapted to the load, so it will be more effective. complicate the load , i.e. move on to more advanced modifications of the exercise.

We offer you 45 exercises in the plank. They conventionally divided into 5 groups: static exercises, plank exercises on the arms, exercises in the plank on the elbows, exercises in the side plank, cardio exercises in the plank. If you decide to make your own training plan, it is advisable to use the exercises from each group.

You can also complicate training with slats with the help of additional equipment:

Static plank exercises:

1. Plank on the hands (Plank)

2. Plank on the elbows (Forearm Plank)

3. Side Plank

4. Reverse Plank

5. Plank near the wall (Wall plank)

6. Plank with arms forward (Levered Plank)

7. "Star" (Star side plank)

8. Plank with a raised leg (Plank single leg)

Arm Plank Exercises:

1. Hand touching forward in plank (Plank alternating reach)

2. Plank leg raise

3. Touching the shoulder in the plank (Plank shoulder tap)

4. Plank opposite knee touch

5. Crossbody mountain climbers

6. Walking in the bar to the side (Plank lateral walk)

7. Spiderman plank

8. Plank Up & Down

9. Plank dumbbell raise

10. Raising the legs + touching the elbow with the knee (Leg raise + Touch elbow crisscross)

11. Plank right-left (Plank In & Out)

12 Superman Plank

13. Plank arm raise

14. Touching the foot in the plank (Down to toe tap)

15. Wipers (Windshield wipers)

16. Sliding the knee up and down the arm (Arm sliders)

17. Plank walkout

18. 360 degree rotation (Plank barrel roll)

19. Turning the body sideways (Plank T-rotation)

Elbow Plank Exercises:

1. Side plank roll

2. Plank saw

3. Touching the elbows with the knees (Knee to elbow)

4. Plank buttocks up (Hip raise plank)

5. Laying the legs to the side in the plank (Starfish march)

6. Body turns in plank (Plank rocker)

Side Plank Exercises:

1. Hip drop side plank

2. Turning the body in the side bar on the elbows (Forearm plank reach through)

3. Turning the body in the side bar (Plank reach through)

4. Twisting in the side plank (Crunch side plank)

5. Raising the arm and leg in the side bar (Star side forearm plank)

Plank Cardio Exercises:

1. Jumping jack

2. Plank knee tuck

3 Mountain climbers

4. Touching the feet in the plank (Plank toe tap)

5. Jump into the bar buttocks up (Plyo peak plank)

6. vertical jump in plank (Plank heel click)

Thanks to youtube channels for visual pictures: Republic of Strength, Jordan Yeoh Fitness, Dont Quit, Max's Best Bootcamp, Ammar Montaser, The Live Fit Girl.

Ready-made plank exercise plan for all fitness levels!

We offer you a ready-made plank exercise plan for all levels of training . Don't know which group you belong to? Complete the level for beginners, and if the load seems insufficient to you, then feel free to move on to the average level.

You can always change the plan at your discretion by adding, replacing or removing some of the suggested exercises. Repeat exercises in several circles or do one circuit if you don't plan on doing the plank set for more than 5 minutes. If the exercise is performed on one side, then the first circle is performed on the right side, the second circle - on the left.

First round:

    (Forearm Plank)(Crossbody mountain climbers)(Hip drop side plank)(Plank arm raise)(Windshield wipers)

Second round:

    (Reverse Plank)(Down to toe tap)(Jumping jack)
  1. (Plank opposite knee touch)
  2. (starfish march)

How to do this plank workout for beginners?

  • Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, a break of 15 seconds
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • The total duration of one lap is 3.5 minutes
  • Total workout time: ~17 minutes

First round:

    (Plank single leg)(Mountain climbers)(side plank roll)(Plank walkout)(Plank knee tuck)
  1. Plank spider (spiderman plank)
  2. (Plank alternating reach)

Second round:

    (side plank)(Plank Up & Down)(Forearm plank reach through)(Plank shoulder tap)(Hip raise plank)(Plank In & Out)(Plank dumbbell raise)

How to do this workout with intermediate planks?

  • We perform each round for 2 circles
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • The total duration of one lap is 4.5 minutes
  • Total workout time: ~22 minutes

First round:

    (wall plank)
  1. Full body rotation (Plank T rotation)
  2. (Plank toe tap)(Superman Plank)(Plank lateral walk)(Knee to elbow)

Second round:

  1. Classic arm plank (Basic planks)
  2. (Plank leg raise)(Plyo peak plank)(Plank saw)(Star side forearm plank)(Plank Up & Down)

Third round:

    (Levered Plank)(Plank barrel roll)(Plank heel click)(Crunch side plank)(Plank shoulder tap)(Leg raise + Touch elbow crisscross)

How to do this advanced plank workout?

  • Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, a break of 10 seconds.
  • We perform each round for 2 circles
  • Rest between circles 1 minute
  • Total duration of one lap ~4 minutes
  • Total workout time: ~30 minutes