Physical culture in the preparatory group. Synopsis of physical culture nodes in a preparatory speech therapy group using health-saving technology

Abstract of the lesson on physical education V preparatory group"Fun Trip to the Zoo"

Stol Oksana Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU No. 203 "Kindergarten combined type" Kemerovo
This material will be of interest to PE instructors and educators
Target: strengthening the health of children, educating children in the need for physical education.
Tasks: Exercise in loose running with dodges in p / and "Traps", exercise in walking and running, in tossing and catching the ball with both hands, in sliding on the bench on the stomach, pulling up on the hands, in walking along the rope with an added step; to fix new complex rhythmic gymnastics exercises; stretching and elements of oriental dances; clarify and generalize children's knowledge about animals; contribute to the development of hearing and visual attention; develop coordination of speech and movements, creative imagination; to cultivate activity, curiosity, skills of self-organization, mutual assistance.
Equipment: 2 benches, 4 hoops, a basket with balls, a rope, for the outdoor game "Traps", tails for each
Course progress.
Line up one at a time
Educator: The shoulders were straightened, the tummies were pulled in, the arms were pressed to the body
"Group - equal, quietly! Physical education!
Children: Hello!
Educator: The leader of the first link is Christina, the leader of the second link is Sasha.
They raised their hands the first link, they raised their hands - the second link, who is behind Sasha
Today at our physical lesson I want to make riddles for you, and if you guess it, you will find out where we will go
Riddles about animals (wolf, rhinoceros, deer, kangaroo)
Where can you see all these animals? Today we are going to the zoo.
And now attention! Group equal, quietly!
To the right (one, two) We go to the zoo.
March step. Sounds like music for different types walk (duration of walking 2 minutes)
The teacher monitors the posture (straightened the back, raised the noses, look at the back of the head to each other, do not come close)
Walking on toes
Let's see how far is the zoo? ( right hand under the visor, left hand on the belt, legs straight)
The teacher monitors the posture (we don’t get close, the noses are up, we look at the back of the head to each other)
Walking on heels
It started to rain so as not to wet our feet, let's go on our heels, open the umbrellas, noses up, back straight, keep alignment
Side step walking We put the heel of one foot to the toe of the other
Walking the narrow path
Walking on the outer foot
A bear came out of the forest (the back is even, we keep our distance)
High leg walking bent at the knees
Walking goose step

Running march to the zoo(we don’t lower our eyes to the floor, we look ahead) Rhythmic music for running sounds (the duration of the run is 3 minutes)
Running in a circle, snake, gallop, side step, loose
step march
Breathing exercise
Educator: line up in columns of four
Finally, we got to the zoo
Animal aerobics (ORU) Pay attention to posture
1. "Let's go to the zoo."
I.p. –o.s. hands on the belt
Overstepping step from heel to toe, hands on the belt
2. "The bear scratches its back against a tree."
I.p. – o.s. hands down
Alternately raise and lower the right and left shoulder, then simultaneously two shoulders (4 times each)
3. "A monkey plucks bananas from a branch."
I.p. - hands down, feet shoulder-width apart
Raise your right hand through the sides up, then the left. Lower the right hand, forward and down, then the left.
4. "Great spotted giraffe waggles its long neck."
I.p. - feet wider than shoulders, hands at the top in the castle. Tilts to the sides (8 times)

5. "An ostrich with a long neck hid its head in the sand."
I.p. - feet wider than shoulders, hands at the top in the castle. Tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands, do not bend your legs. (8 times)
6. "The Predatory Panther Stretches in the Sun."
I.p. - Sitting on the heels, the chest touches the knees, the arms are extended forward, lie on the floor. Without taking your hands off the floor, straighten your legs, lie on your stomach, arms straight. (8 times)
7. "Cunning Fox"
I.p. - sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, tilting the legs to the right, to the left (8 times)
8. "In the clearing, a fluffy bunny jumps from bush to bush."
Jumping on two legs from side to side.
Well done, that's the end of the warm-up
Children continue their way through the zoo, they come to a cage with monkeys. The main types of movements are being performed:
1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your hands (the monkey is crawling on a tree).
2. Throwing and catching the ball with two hands (the monkey catches the coconut).
3. Walking on a tightrope, hands on a belt (a monkey walks on a liana).
Educator: go to the cages and line up on the links
we lay out the equipment (2 benches, a basket with balls, 4 hoops, a rope)

Crawl along the bench (child shows), jump from branch to branch (through hoops), go to the basket with both hands toss the ball and catch it, return back with a side step, hands on the belt - along the rope
The teacher draws attention to the fact that you need to do the exercise with high quality.
We remove all benefits and line up in a column
Mobile game "Traps"

play 3-4 times

Breathing exercise
Inhale with a spout, hands up - on the exhale we pronounce the cookie - river - ku (for each syllable, flap our wings) or
Inhale with a spout, hands up - on the exhale gah-ha-ha-ha
Our journey has not ended, and you and I find ourselves in a terrarium with snakes
Educator: What are snakes?
Children: They are very flexible, beautiful and graceful.
Children perform stretching movements and elements of oriental dances to the sounds of oriental melody.
Stretching exercises with elements of oriental dances

1. Sitting, legs together, bending forward to the toes.
2. Sitting, legs apart, bending forward, to the right leg, to the left leg.
3. "Little butterfly."
Sitting, connect the feet, spread the knees to the sides as wide as possible.
4. "Big Butterfly".
Lying, legs up, spread straight legs to the sides as wide as possible, helping with your hands.
5. "Tilts to the sides."
Sitting "Turkish", lean to the right side, left hand
overhead, right hand on the side in emphasis, the same in the other direction.
6. "Look out the window."
Sitting "in Turkish", make a round "window" with your hands. Movement of the head back and forth.
7. "Touch your hand with your ear."
I.p. - Same. Head movement to the right, to the left.
8. "The flower reaches for the sun."
Sitting "Turkish", connect your palms at face level. Slowly raise your arms up and spread them bent to the sides so that your elbows look down and your palms up.
9. "Boomerang". Lying down, put your legs behind your head.
10. "Arrow". Sitting "in Turkish", hands at the top, the palm of one hand lies on the back of the other hand, stretch up.
And so our journey ended! Our train is waiting for us...
We are building
Walking in circles, breathing exercises
Summary of the lesson- Evaluation of children's work.
Where did you travel today?
Where would you like to go next time?
This is where our journey ended. We enjoyed traveling with you, it was very interesting and fun. Today you were smart, fast, dexterous, friendly. And now it's time to say goodbye and go to the group.

Physical education class in the preparatory group. Abstract

Borodina Tatyana Gennadievna, teacher of the preparatory group of the GBOU of Moscow "School No. 285 named after V.A. Molodtsov", structural unit No. 8 (kindergarten No. 1867)
Target: Strengthening and maintaining the health of children through physical education.
- Practice running on toes and galloping.
- Exercise in walking on toes, on heels and in a half-squat.
- Strengthen the muscles of the legs and arch of the foot
- Develop large and small muscles of the arms, legs and catch.
- Cultivate independence in the performance of exercises and activity.

The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes.
Venue: Gym.
Methods and techniques: explanations, instructions, explanations, individual help, assessment, praise.
Equipment: small balls according to the number of children, small hoops, a gymnastic beam, a bench, an arc, cubes, skittles, a large hoop, a “tunnel”.

Lesson progress

- Building in a column
- Regular running, on toes, gallop
- Walking on toes, on heels, in a half-squat
- Jumps
Main part: Rebuilding from a column of one to a column of three through the middle of the hall. Children pass and get balls from the basket.
outdoor switch with ball
1. Exercise for hands
I.p. - stand, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball below.
1- hands with the ball forward. 2 - raise your hands up above your head.
3 - hands forward. 4 - put your hands down.
2. Turns right-left
I.p. - stand, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball below.
1- turn to the right, hands with the ball forward. 2 - I.p.
3- turn left, hands with the ball forward. 4 - I.p.
3. Tilts to the legs
I.p. - Stand, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down.
1- get the ball to the knees. 2- reach the toes with the ball.
3- get the ball to the knees. 4- return to I.p.
4. Squats

1- crouched, ball up. 2- got up, the ball is down. 3- crouched, ball up. 4- got up, the ball is down.
5. Passing the ball
I.p. - stand, legs together, hands with the ball below.
1- we pass the ball under the right, bent at the knee, leg. 2 - return to I.p.
3- we pass the ball under the left, bent at the knee, leg. 4 - return to I.p.
6. Leg raise
I.p. - lying on your back, legs extended, ball in hand.
1- raise straight legs to the ball. 2- return to I.p.
3- raise straight legs to the ball. 4- return to I.p.
7. Rolling the ball
I.p. - sitting on the floor, ball in hand
1, 2- roll the ball from the right foot to the left.
3, 4- roll the ball from the left foot to the right.
8. Jumping on two legs around the ball
I.p. - stand, legs together, the ball lies on the floor.
1,2,3,4 - jumps around the ball.
Changeover to ATS(main types of movements)
Method of organization - subgroup.
Group 1: - hitting the ball on the floor and catching it with both hands,
- tossing the ball up and catching it with one hand.
Group 2: - hitting the ball alternately with each hand,
- tossing the ball up with a clap and catching it with both hands.
Children line up one by one and leave the balls in the basket.
Next, we carry out ATS with all children.
Way of organization - in-line

1. Walking on the balance beam.
2. Crawling under the arc.
3. Jumping forward from hoop to hoop
4. Walking on the gymnastic bench with overcoming obstacles (step over the cubes)
5. Climbing into the hoop
6. Snake between pins
7. Crawling into the tunnel
We conduct a mobile hot ball game.
At the driver of the ball. The rest of the children run away from the driver and run around the hall. The driver throws the ball and tries to knock down the running children. Children who have been touched by the ball sit on the bench. The child, whom the ball did not taunt, becomes the driver.
Can be held game of low mobility "Flies - does not fly."
The driver calls various words (bird, plane, jug, chair, rocket). Children clap their hands if the named word characterizes something that flies.
Final part: Held relaxation: children lie on the carpet on their backs and close their eyes. We turn on the sound of the surf, the children listen and relax.
-Thank you guys for the great work in class. The lesson is over.
Children are built in a column one by one and go one after another into a group.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Khanty-Mansiysk region

"Kindergarten "Firefly" village Shapsha"

Direct educational activities

in physical culture

for children of the preparatory group

Age: 6-7 years old

Theme: "Young tourists".


Equipment: Rubber balls according to the number of children, gymnastic bench, massage path, mat, hoop, audio recordings, diplomas of a young tourist.

Prepared by the teacher

Bobyleva N.A.

Organization of directly educational activities

in physical culture

Course progress.

Organizational stage (5-6 min)

Children enter the hall, line up.

Guys, would you like to become real tourists? To get a diploma of a young tourist, you need to overcome all the obstacles in today's trip. You are ready?

For the leading step march!

The musical composition "March" by M. Starokadomsky sounds

Walking in a column Who walks along the road

He is not familiar with boredom

Roads lead us forward

Our motto

"Always forward! »

Walking on toes, arms to the sides We walk on tall grass on toes, raise our hands higher

Walking, raising your knees high, No matter what you get lost on the way, you need to go through stumps raising your knees high

Walking in a squat, hands on knees Bushes on the way, squat must be passed.

Walking with jerks of hands

Walking on high all fours We entered the dense thickets, we went on high all fours

Oh, it's not easy for us to go, stretched high

Running at an average pace We went out on the path, we will hurry now on the way

(Let's run) the music sounds "We are not afraid of rain"

Running with a change of pace Uphill, (in slow pace) from the mountain (at a fast pace)

Running with climbing into the hoop An obstacle on our way, it must be passed.

Running with bouncing up to the hand On the way, no one is left behind? Each hand, my

got his hand.

And now for attention

Running with a change of direction (On clap, turn and run in the other direction)

Walking, breathing exercises. So we went out onto the path, although we were a little tired.

Restoring breathing.

Main part (15-20 min)

General strengthening exercises with sticks.

Tourists must be strong and hardy, and now we will perform exercises with sticks.

1. I.p. -main stand, stick at the bottom with a shoulder-width grip. 2 - stick up, put the straight leg back on the toe; 2 - initial position; 3-4 - also with the left foot (6 times)

2. I.p. - Same. 1 - hands forward; 2 - lunge to the right, stick to the right; 3- put your foot, stick forward; 4 - starting position. The same to the left (6 times).

3. I.p. - the main stance, a stick in bent arms at the chest. 1 - stick forward; 2 - 3 - springy squats with knees apart; 4 - starting position (6 times).

4. I.p. - lying on your back, a stick behind your head. 1 - 2 raise your legs forward - up; 3 - 4 - starting position (6 times).

5. I.p. - kneeling, stick below. 1 - stick forward; 2 - turn to the right; 3 - stick forward; 4 - starting position. The same to the left. Repeat three times on each side.

6. I.p. - the main stance, a stick on the shoulders, hands hold it with a grip from above. 1 - jumping legs apart; 2 - legs together. A series of 8 jumps in alternation with walking in place after each series of jumps. Repeat 3-4 times.

Basic types of movements (Obstacle course)

  1. Jumps from a height of 40 cm with a landing on half-bent legs.
  2. Hitting the ball with one hand, moving forward, and throwing the ball into the basket with both hands.
  3. Climbing into a hoop on all fours; climbing into the hoop straight and sideways, without touching the floor with your hands.

Guys, we came to the resting place, tourists are playing and relaxing at the resting place. Mobile game "Flight of birds".

It's time to rest.Relaxation "Sleep in the meadow"

Children sit in the "lotus" position, lower their heads - "fall asleep" to the sound of the forest, the voices of birds.

Educator: Now you are all dreaming the same dream. In this dream, you see how the rays of the sun break through the young greenery of the trees and illuminate the forest clearing. Butterflies flutter from flower to flower. An industrious ant carries a twig for his house. Admire the awakening forest, how beautiful it is in the sun. Listen to the birds singing: tits sing blue songs, robins sing crimson. All living things rejoice at the new day, the awakening. (pause) On the count of 1, 2, 3, the children wake up and stand up.

Final part (5 min)

Game of low mobility "Tourists"

It's time for us to keep going. Hold hands.

The path winds like a snake

You manage to go through it

We walk one after the other

We just don't break our hands.

Pupils, without tearing their hands, pass behind the leading snake, sit down on a bench.


Here our journey has come to an end. What was the most difficult for you?

And where can you use the ability to overcome various obstacles? A diploma of young tourists is awarded. The children leave the room.


Directly educational activities

in physical culture

A summary of directly educational activities (hereinafter GCD) was developed and carried out in accordance with the FGT and the main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. Veraksa, taking into account age features older children preschool age(5-6 years).

Theme: "Young tourists".

Tasks: Improve different types of walking, forming correct posture and developing overall coordination of movements; to develop the skill of landing on half-bent legs while jumping from the bench: to develop coordination of movements in exercises with the ball; teach them to move without bumping into each other; develop speed, agility, endurance, endurance; cultivate friendliness, respect for each other; teach children to be attentive to their health.

The structure of the lesson includes introductory, main and final parts. When planning the lesson, the age and psychological characteristics of the children were taken into account. Class time is distributed rationally, meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, there is musical accompaniment and the necessary physical education equipment and its serviceability, safety precautions are observed, at the request of physical education classes, the clarity of the commands is consistent, the general and motor density is taken into account.

According to the psychological and pedagogical conditions: appearance in children, physical culture corresponds to GCD, a democratic style of communication was chosen, methods of motivating and stimulating children were used, motor material was used with real motor and social experience of children, as well as the cognitive sphere of their development.

According to the content: The occupation is reinforcing, motor material familiar to children, the traditional method was used in accordance with the tasks to be solved, as elements of health-saving technologies were used, breathing exercises and relaxation. Various types of walking and running and other movements alternate. The availability of physical activity and its dosing were taken into account according to the statistical and dynamic values ​​of general fitness.

The children were interested in the activity. Accompanying children throughout the entire period of organized activities, she did not pay attention to the technique of execution, she managed to help those who found it difficult.

The assigned tasks have been completely solved. The children were very happy.

Technological map of direct educational activities in physical culture in the preparatory school group "Friendly family"

Completed by: physical education instructor - Zimina Alena Konstantinovna
Description: the lesson is focused on children of the preparatory school group, includes elements sports game"Volleyball".

Theme: "Summer mood"
Age group: preparatory group, children 6-7 years old
Form of organization subgroup
Equipment: balls with a diameter of 8-10 cm, volleyballs, volleyball net.
Musical: calm music for independent activities of children.
Visual: showing a sample of movements
Verbal: verbal accompaniment of motor actions
Improve the ability to perform various game elements with a ball.
Continue to exercise the children to throw the ball over the net with one hand from the shoulder;
Contribute to the consolidation of skills in performing outdoor switchgear with balls;
To consolidate the ability to hit the ball with both hands, moving forward;
Promote the development of respiratory muscles, maintaining a positive emotional tone of children;
To cultivate attention, dexterity, coordination of movements and initiative throughout the lesson;
Lesson progress:
I. Introduction.
1. Organizational moment:

Construction, alignment, turn right.
Motivation for activity
The children enter gym, are built along the line.
FK Instructor: Hello guys!
Children: Hello.
FC instructor: Guys, what time of year do we have now? (children's answers) That's right! Spring. What season follows spring? (children's answers) What is characteristic of summer? What changes are taking place in nature? What happens to a person? What do people do in the summer? (children's answers)
What is the name of a specially designated place on the river bank, for swimming, playing, sunbathing? (children's answers)
Of course it's a beach. What games can we play on the beach? Let's close our eyes and imagine that a hot summer has come and you and I have come to the beach to play with the ball. To do this, we need to stretch a little and prepare our body for physical activity.
Attention! Right!
Warm up:
Walking: normal in alternation with walking on toes - hands behind the head, on heels - hands behind the back, with high knees - hands on the belt, with high knees touching the forehead.
Running in a circle, alternating with walking on a signal.
Soft, easy, breathe through the nose.
The back is straight, hands on the belt.
Keep your distance.
Restore breathing.
II. Main part
1). Rebuilding through the center into 4 columns for outdoor switchgear:
2). General developmental exercises with balls. (Front method).
1. 1.I.p. - main stance, balls in straight arms below. Exercise "Signals". 1 - forward; 2 - up; 3 - to the side; 4 - starting position.
2. 2.I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, balls in outstretched arms to the sides. Arrow exercise. 1- turn the torso to the right, close hands; 2 - initial position; 3 - turn the body to the left, close your hands; 4 - starting position.
3. 3.I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, balls in straight arms below. Exercise "Pendulum". 1 - torso tilt to the right, right hand up; 2 - initial position; 3 - torso tilt to the left, left river up; 4 - starting position.
4. 4. I.p. - main stand. Exercise Dolphins. 1 - tilt forward, arms back, bend your back, head held high; 2 - starting position.
5. 5. I.p. - main stance, balls in outstretched arms to the sides. Exercise "Springs" .1.2 - incomplete squats; 3 - deep gray; 4 - stand up, put your hands down.
6. 6. I.p. - main stand. Exercise "Asterisk". Jumps 1-arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart, 2 - starting position.
3). Rebuilding in 1 column to complete the account at 1.2.
Walking in a circle, building along the line, counting at 1.2.
Change in pairs for ATS
The main types of movements.
1. Throwing the ball with two hands from the bottom up
2. Throwing the ball from the chest forward
3. Throwing the ball over the head
4. Throwing the ball with the right, left hand from the shoulder.
5. Hitting the ball with two hands
6. Throwing the ball over the net convenient way
4) Rebuilding in 1 column for the outdoor game "Hunter and Hares".
25 minutes The back is even, the arms are straight, we perform clearly, rhythmically.
Turns with the whole body, do not tear off the legs from the floor.
Raise your hand high.
The back is arched, the arms are straight, the head is held high.
We squat deeply, knees together.
Legs are straight, do not bend at the knees, bend low.
We perform exercises clearly and correctly, we try, we do not rush. We listen to the tasks for the exercises carefully, follow the back, legs and arms
III. Final part.
Walking in a circle, exercises to restore breathing “Blowing off dust particles”, “Inflating a balloon”
Construction along the line.
FC instructor: calling the child by name, asks what exactly did you like at the lesson today, why? Thanks the children for playing, lets them go to the group. 4 minutes Check your posture.
Soft, easy, breathe through the nose.
Keep your distance.
Restore breathing.

"Such different balls»

Program tasks:

Development of accuracy, coordination of movements, development muscular system, endurance, enrichment of motor experience with various types of movements.

Perfection various types walking, jumping and running.

Developing dexterity in possession of the ball, practicing throwing the ball into a horizontal target.

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system and muscles that contribute to the formation of correct posture.

Improving skills in throwing a weighted ball from behind the head, from the chest and from below.

Prevention of flat feet. Improving the emotional and mental state of children

Equipment: small balls according to the number of children, two benches, a backboard with a basketball hoop, fitballs according to the number of children, weighted balls for ½ the number of children, flat hoops - 6 pieces, cones - 6 pieces, gymnastic sticks- 3 pieces, badminton rackets 3 pieces, massage balls according to the number of children.

Music: musical cutting for warm-up, music for classes from children's melodies.


Construction, alignment check, posture check, greeting.

Outdoor switchgear moving forward in a column one at a time to musical accompaniment using imitative movements:

Walking on tiptoes, raising straight arms up (Giraffes)

Walking with legs wide apart, with legs raised to the side and swaying, arms to the sides (Clumsy Bear)

Walking with a high knee lift, arms extended forward (Horse)

Walking with raising straight legs forward, arms along the body (Robot)

Walking on bent legs leaning forward (Gnomes)

Jumping on two legs with forward movement (Bunnies)

Leaps forward (Bunnies jump)

Walking in a sitting position, back straight (Geese)

Leaping while sitting forward (Frogs)

Running with arms up and down (Birds)

Running hands in front of you “turn the steering wheel” (Cars)

Walking with the restoration of breathing - arms to the sides - inhale, arms to the sides - exhale.


Children walk in a circle and take small balls.

When moving forward, perform the following exercises:

  1. Throwing the ball in front of you.
  2. Passing the ball behind the back.
  3. Walking lunges, passing the ball under the knee.
  4. Hit the ball on the floor and catch it.
  5. Roll the ball on the bench, run with the ball on the bench, throw into the basket (a flat hoop is placed on the floor for the throw), we jump from hoop to hoop, the ball is in our hands - we go through three circles.

Children put the balls in the basket, take the fitballs, become scattered around the hall.

General developmental physical exercises are performed to the music:

  1. I.p. - sitting swaying on the ball up and down, arms to the sides - tilts to the right and left are performed. Then the slopes are performed with a slight tilt and turn. "Airplanes are flying"
  2. I.p. - sitting swaying up and down on the ball, hands "hold the steering wheel" - straighten, and then bend the right leg back, then the left leg. "We drive a car, we press the pedals"
  3. I.p. - sitting swaying on the ball up and down, hands "hold the steering wheel" - make movements bottom torso to the right and left, slightly rolling the ball under him. "We drive a car, we pass turns"
  4. I.p. - Lie down on the ball, legs apart in support from behind - raise the body, arms to the sides - bend over, keep your back, lower yourself.
  5. I.p. - lie on the ball, hands and feet touch the floor. Walk your hands forward, feet on the ball, chat with your legs up and down, return to I.p.
  6. I.p. - lie on your back, hold the ball with your feet. Raise the ball with your feet and lower it.

We put fitballs, we line up. We divide into two groups that stand in lines on opposite sides of the hall.

Weighted balls are distributed to one team. Throws are performed in groups in turn:

  1. Throw from behind the head
  2. Throw from the chest
  3. Throw from below.

We put the balls in the basket.

We are divided into three teams, relay races are held:

  1. Put the ball on the first cone, run around the second, take the ball, pass it to the next.
  2. Drag the ball with a stick to the landmark and back.
  3. Jumping on fitballs to the landmark, running back.
  4. Carry a small one on a badminton racket massage ball to the destination and back.

We line up on the line. Two leaders are selected.

Game "Hunters":

On the middle line of the hall, hunters with balls stand along the edges. At the whistle, the children run from one side of the hall to the other. The task of the hunters is to hit one of the running balls. The game is repeated 3 times.


Children sit on chairs. Massage balls are distributed.

  1. We twist the ball in the palms
  2. We roll the ball along one hand and back, along the other hand and back.
  3. I put the ball under my foot. We roll with one foot, the other foot.
  4. Push the ball from one foot to the other.

We roll the ball under the chair.

We depict a “teapot” and make sharp exhalations.

“We took a cup, a kettle, poured tea” and “drink”, taking long breaths and exhalations.

Finger charger:

"Look at us all" we squeeze-unclench the fists, throwing out the fingers, at the end we stretch the index fingers, pointing at ourselves

"We guys are just class!" - we squeeze-unclench the fists, throwing out the fingers, at the end we stretch the thumbs up.


Thank you. Goodbye. The children leave the room.