Exercises for entry level yoga. For yoga beginner

Yoga is an endless source of health. Yoga exercises help not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, strengthen the immune system, get rid of depression and stress. In this article, we will not dwell on all the benefits of yoga, but will consider simple yoga exercises for weight loss at home.

Types of postures for weight loss


Twisting poses contribute to the functioning of the entire digestive system, improve metabolism, which helps to rid the body of fats and toxins. Twisting poses include: Bharadvajasana, Sage Pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana and others.

standing postures

Standing postures strengthen the body and improve concentration. Areas of influence of the poses: hips, calves, spine, shoulders, upper back and abdomen. Postures of this type must be included in the complex for weight loss with the help of yoga.

Inverted poses

Inverted poses are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, stimulate the thyroid gland, and work out the abdominal organs. Again, improving metabolism and digestion, strengthening the muscle corset.


Bent postures can be done either sitting or standing. Depending on the type of inclination, the necessary parts of the body are worked out. Inclines are designed to improve body flexibility, stretch tendons, and strengthen muscles.

Relaxation postures

Relaxation postures can finish your workout. Relaxation poses help to calm the mind and body, relieve tension after a working day.

Simple asanas for weight loss at home

Consider simple asanas for weight loss. I present to you a description of asanas, photos and the principle of action.

Forward bend - Uttanasana

The stretch pose strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and thighs, removes body fat. Ligaments and tendons work great.

Stand straight, raise your hands up, then slowly lower your hands to the bottom. Try to touch your head to your knees. You can grab your shins with your hands.

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana

The Bhujangasana pose improves digestion, affects the abdominal organs and abdominal muscles. The pose works great on the spine.

You can perform the pose from a lying position. On an inhale, lift yourself off the floor. Keep your arms straight, feet pressed to the floor.

Downward facing dog pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana

The posture helps to strengthen all parts of the body. Stretched rear surface body, tendons, spine, shoulders. The abdominal muscles are tightened, metabolism improves.

The pose is performed from a standing position on all fours.

Warrior Pose - Virabhadrasana

The warrior pose strengthens the muscles in the arms and legs, aligns the spine, and stretches the perineum.

To perform the warrior pose, stand straight, lunge forward, join your hands with your palms and raise them above your head. Perform a slight backbend and stretch the whole body. Repeat the exercise with a lunge on the other leg.

Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana

The triangle pose works to burn fat in the lateral parts of the body, soothes nervous system and stretches the tendons of the legs.

To perform trikonasana, stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. As you exhale, lower yourself to your left leg. The left hand touches the floor next to the foot, and the right hand rises perpendicular to the floor. Direct your gaze to the fingertips of your right hand. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Tree Pose or Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana strengthens the abs and arms, stretches the tendons and has a beneficial effect on the knees.

To perform the pose, stand up straight and while inhaling, raise your arms up above your head, joining your palms. The right leg is bent at the knee, and the foot is attached to the inner surface of the thigh. Freeze in the pose for 60 seconds. Do the pose again, but this time bend your left leg.

Chair Pose - Utkatasana

Strengthening the thighs and calves with tree pose is indescribable. Muscles are tensed, endurance is trained, the organs of the abdominal region are being worked out.

To perform the asana, stand straight and raise your arms up as you exhale. Bring your hands together with palms facing each other and squat down as you exhale. We hid for 30 - 60 seconds in position.

Plank Pose - powerful weapon against fat and cellulite. It is recommended for practice, both in a complex of exercises for weight loss, and as an independent static load. The plank pose acts as a static load on all parts of the body. You can perform several approaches, gradually increasing the time spent in the pose. Remember to breathe evenly and keep your back straight.

Wind Release Pose - Pawanmuktasana

The pose is designed to free the body from accumulations of gases. It is performed for each leg separately and with tucking in both legs at the same time. Favorably affects the organs of the abdominal region, massages the stomach, strengthens the muscles of the lower body.

Bow pose - Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana improves the flexibility of the spine, stretches the muscles of the abdomen, arms and legs. Like the previous weight loss poses, the bow pose improves bowel function, corrects back disorders, and also strengthens the collar area.

Press 30 - 60 - 90

As the name says, the pose strengthens the abdominal muscles and burns fat. The pose is performed in this way: Lying on your back, while inhaling, raise your legs 30 degrees. Gradually lower your legs almost to the floor. Hold for a while, as you exhale, place your feet on the floor. Repeat the exercise, but this time lift your legs 60 degrees and then 90.

You can perform a set of exercises at home. Simple exercises for weight loss not only burn fat, but also increase stamina, improve the functioning of internal organs and give your body flexibility. Stay always young and beautiful!

How do you deal with being overweight?

Surely there is no such person who would not have heard of such a word as “yoga”, but at the same time, not everyone is able to explain what it is. I would like to note that yoga is a unique, amazing practice that came into the world from the mysterious, mysterious India, and in fact, as you know, this particular country brings health not only to the body, but also to the soul of a person, so you should be aware and understand this .

It is impossible not to add that yoga allows you to learn how to breathe correctly, breathe correctly, fully relax, but in addition, it allows you to forget about insomnia, and many people suffer from this ailment so often.

Speaking in general about yoga, of course, it should be understood that this is a special, unique way of life, which is famous for the fact that it will allow everyone to achieve enlightenment. Remember that if you want to do yoga, you will have to give up certain benefits of civilization.

After all, yoga is different in that it makes you rethink not only life principles, but also habits. If you want to practice yoga, be prepared for the fact that now there will be a desire to give up everything bad and harmful, you can learn to control your feelings, acquiring not only mental, but also physical balance. Those people who regularly do this claim that they started life differently and had no idea how their gray days went before.

Many people perceive yoga as a set of asanas, if you wish to do the same, then you should know that for you it will become a simple gymnastics and nothing more, therefore it will not be able to bring the proper effect. In this case, yoga will be a complex of various exercises designed to improve health, normalize the work of certain organs, etc.

A Brief History of Yoga

As for the history of yoga, naturally it is long and rich, because if you carefully study the Indian seals, you can see images of figures in yoga meditation postures.

Despite all the advantages that yoga has, nevertheless, many people do not know what benefits it brings, and if you carefully study this issue, then all doubts will disappear instantly, instantly. We can safely say that even two months is enough, and you can feel favorable, positive and positive changes.

Such exercises are also famous for the fact that they will allow you to forget about chronic pain in certain sections of the spine, which is important. It is important to add that yoga is also different in that it heals all body systems, and these are not empty words. Of course, you should practice regularly in order to achieve some results, and the effect, in this case, you yourself will begin to notice how the body becomes flexible, plastic.

Attention: Remember that only yoga classes will allow a person to feel the real vital energy, gaining self-confidence, moreover, such activities will allow you to become calmer, less prone to both stress and other negative situations, and this is a serious advantage.

Contraindications for yoga

You need to understand that yoga can really be practiced by all those who wish it, but, like any gymnastics, there are some contraindications that it is advisable to familiarize yourself with in advance so that such training cannot cause any damage and harm to your health.

  1. For example, it is strictly forbidden to practice yoga with certain mental disorders, this includes schizophrenia, certain exacerbations of diseases of the internal organs, so it is worth considering this;
  2. If you are faced with such a problem as arterial, intracranial pressure, then you should forget about such activities, you may also have various heart diseases;
  3. You can not do yoga and in the presence of inguinal hernia;
  4. In the case of certain heart diseases, especially after a heart attack;
  5. It is impossible not to add here the diseases of the joints, various injuries of the spine, oncological diseases;
  6. If certain operations were carried out, then such activities should be abandoned;
  7. Accordingly, this must be done with the flu, colds, and fever.

Attention: Sometimes it happens that during yoga classes a person begins to feel bad, his condition worsens, naturally, it cannot be tolerated, in this case, you should definitely stop training so as not to face serious health problems, moreover, you will need medical consultation .

Now you probably understand that yoga will require systematicity, so try to immediately decide on the time of classes, it is generally accepted that you should start every morning with yoga, doing it for a couple of hours, but of course, the most optimal time for practicing is evening.

In addition to the above, it is important not to forget that yoga should be done strictly with empty stomach, or, a few hours after eating, perform special exercises you can, both on a slippery rug and on the floor, barefoot.

Many people do not take such activities seriously, later wondering why they could not achieve any results. Know that yoga always requires complete silence, concentration, which means that external sound sources should be turned off accordingly.

At the moment when you begin to perform certain exercises, you will definitely need to concentrate on the body, completely relax, forgetting about all those problems that may be bothering you, completely immersing yourself in the process of meditation. In general, know that asanas should be performed correctly, namely, slowly and smoothly, then you can feel every breath, exhalation, which is important.

Indeed, with exceptionally correct breathing it will be possible to properly relax the body, calm the mind, so do not forget about it, this is the main secret, the effectiveness of such exercises.

What not to do while doing yoga?

Yoga is generally considered a calm and safe activity, it will allow you to cope with constant stress, it also strengthens the immune system well, but you should not ignore the fact that you need to perform each exercise not only smoothly, but also with focus.

Initial exercises for beginners

As for the first exercises, you can start them on your own, even without an instructor, such asanas are extremely beneficial, and even if they are not performed quite correctly. Of course, you should not rush, try to tune in exclusively to the sensations of your body, doing the exercises gradually.

To perform this exercise as efficiently and correctly as possible, you need to stand straight, while inhaling, slowly raise your arms, stretching them up as far as you can. After the manipulations, even hands should be taken back behind the head, this will allow you to fully open the chest. To enhance the effect, you need to raise bent leg placing her foot on her thigh. Such an exercise is effective and useful, because it gives a graceful posture, moreover, it seriously strengthens the spinal column.

Can be done next exercise, which is called - the pose of the child. In this case, you need to sit with your buttocks on your heels, and then begin to lower your body onto your hips, while stretching your arms forward. Such an exercise is necessary, effective, because it will relax your tight muscles, relieving tension from the neck.

For this exercise, you should bend over with your hands on the floor. Then lift the pelvis up, stepping back with the heels, and the weight should always be evenly distributed between the palms, feet, respectively, as a result, you can relieve tension from shoulder girdle, from the back.

For example, the stork pose is a good option. Where you should raise your hands up, bending down with an exhalation, thereby bending from the waist. This exercise improves the tone of the body.

For execution this exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, taking yourself by both ankles, while inhaling, simultaneously raising both the upper and lower half of your torso. The exercise is effective, as it will allow you to make your back straight, arms slender, so it is impossible not to appreciate it.

It is important not to forget that practice yoga at home, it is natural to perform certain exercises thoughtfully, leisurely, this is the most important thing. Only in this case, there is a great opportunity to feel your every movement as efficiently as possible, enjoying it to the fullest.

Of course, one should never forget about thoughts when performing such exercises, this is explained by the fact that they will allow you to relax, distract from certain problems, making yourself much better than yesterday.

If something is not clear, then you can always watch videos teaching these exercises that will help you not to make mistakes. Thus, after a while, you will remember all these exercises by heart, respectively, you will be able to perform them without much effort, difficulties and difficulties.


Now you understand for yourself that yoga is really a complex of serious, effective and safe exercise, allowing you to look at the world with completely different eyes, get rid of certain problems, creating a special harmony of soul and body.

In addition, now you know that yoga is the direct path to health, such training will allow you to get rid of the negative baggage that has been accumulated throughout your life, etc.

There are many wonderful exercises in yoga, but the minus of yoga is various spiritual practices that often lead to spiritual problems.

Are you looking for a sport that will help you relieve tension, give you strength and at the same time make your body toned? Your ideal choice is yoga for beginners. Exercises or correctly - asanas (poses) are selected taking into account the peculiarities of the modern rhythm of life.

For the first introduction to the culture of the body and spirit, yoga for beginners is ideal. Exercises are selected taking into account the lack of experience of the students.

Our usual everyday life is an endless cycle of events, in which it is not always possible to find time for complete relaxation and strengthening of one's health. Jumping out of bed and rushing to work is not the most The best way start your day. Today we invite you to join this ancient art, How .

The exercises of the complex presented below are recommended to be performed in the morning. They don't take much time, but in combination with a refreshing shower and a light breakfast, they will energize you for the rest of the day! The lesson will not take you more than 20 minutes, but at the same time it will provide invaluable benefits to your well-being.

Morning yoga for beginners has the following advantages:

  • improves well-being, kneads the joints and spine;
  • effectively strengthens and tones the muscles of the back and the whole body;
  • provides massage of internal organs and enhances blood circulation;
  • harmonizes the internal state and gives an optimistic mood due to the production of endorphins;
  • prepares the body for active mental and physical work during the day.

If by temperament you are more of an "owl" than a "lark", and it is not convenient for you to train in the morning, you can train at any time of the day. However, it is noticed that in the morning hours the body is more relaxed and pliable to influence. And consciousness in the morning has not yet had time to be clouded by a heap of everyday thoughts.

In addition, the ancients believed that every time you meet the dawn, one sin is forgiven with the rising of the sun. Not without reason in yoga there is a whole complex of asanas, which is called "Surya Namaskar" (sun salutation). Yoga for beginners involves exercises that are not difficult to perform and do not require special training. Starting with the development of the complex below, you can move on and reach your own heights.

How to get maximum effect from yoga for beginners?

  1. Exercises or asanas (postures) should be performed at a pace that is comfortable for you. Hold each pose for at least 3 inhales and exhales.
  2. Take small breaks between poses.
  3. Treat every movement carefully. Concentrate on the work of your body and try to let go of all extraneous thoughts.
  4. Listen to yourself and don't stress yourself out. The activity should be enjoyable.
  5. Keep a glass of water handy. If you get tired, take a few sips and soon you will feel a surge of energy.
  6. It is advisable to practice every day.

Description of yoga class - asanas

What does yoga for beginners look like? Exercise number 1 is a classic yoga pose.

1. Camel Pose (Ushtrasana)

Yoga exercises (postures, asanas) often have several options for performing for different levels of training.

  • To perform Camel Pose, kneel down with your feet hip-width apart. Lower your hands back freely.
  • Exhale and bend back with support on one arm, while pulling the other up. Tighten your buttocks muscles and make sure they stay perpendicular to the floor - don't lean back or settle on your heels. Hold for 10-15 seconds.
  • Perform on the other side, changing hands.
  • Get on your knees and rest your fists on your lower back. Exhale as you bend back. Hold this position for 5 breaths.

The pose allows you to stretch the spine after a long sleep and stretch the abdominal muscles.

2. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

The chair pose is one of the simplest yet very beneficial asanas.

  • Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Stretch your straight arms up, turning your palms towards each other.
  • Slowly bend your knees, tilting your straight body forward as if you were sitting on a chair with your buttocks. At the same time, the arms remain extended in line with the body.
  • Hold this position for a few tens of seconds, then straighten up again, returning to the starting position.

Staying in this pose perfectly strengthens the muscles of the legs and body. Your body will become stronger and more resilient.

3. Pose of tilt to the feet (Uttanasana)

When bending forward, your spine lengthens and straightens.

  • Stand up straight and place your feet parallel to each other.
  • Turning at the hips, tilt the straight body towards the legs and try to reach the floor with your hands. Relax your back, let your body hang down under own weight. Don't strain your neck.
  • Try to point your nose towards your knees, and do not bend your legs - they should be straight. Stay in this position for at least 10-15 seconds.

This pose perfectly stretches the back, massages internal organs, in particular, the liver and spleen. Also, the pose has a positive effect on the condition of the kidneys and activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Be sure to include it in your morning yoga complex, if you have a backache or a tendency to osteochondrosis. Under the influence of your own weight, your spine stretches, muscle clamps relax, the vertebrae fall into place.

Try to avoid deep bends in case of injuries of the lower back, coccyx, high blood pressure or cerebrovascular accident.

4. Triangle Pose (Trikonsana)

The triangle pose strengthens the core muscles.

  • Place your feet wider than your shoulders, the left foot is directed outward, the right foot inward - towards the midline of the body.
  • Spread your straight arms to the sides at shoulder level, point your palms down.
  • Slowly lower your body to the left, trying to reach the little toe of the left foot with your left hand. The second hand is directed vertically upwards. Hold this pose for a few seconds.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Turn your feet to the right and repeat the tilt to the right side.

This pose is also very beneficial for the spine, massages the intestines, strengthens the muscles of the body.

5. Plow Pose (Hal-asana)

In this pose, try to reach the floor with your feet.

  • Lie on the mat on your back, stretch your arms along the body, palms pointing to the floor.
  • Raise your straight legs up and over your head, trying to put your socks on the floor. Try to keep your knees straight. If you can’t reach the floor with straight legs, let your feet hang in the air.
  • Slowly roll back to the starting position vertebra by vertebra.

This exercise kneads the lumbosacral and cervical spine.

6. Candle Pose (Sarvangasana)

Candle, she is a "birch".

  • Starting position - as in the previous exercise.
  • Raise your straight legs vertically up, then lift your pelvis behind your legs, supporting yourself with your palms. Try to move your palms closer to your shoulder blades.
  • First, stay in this position for 10 seconds, then gradually increase the time from session to session until you reach three minutes.
  • Come out of the pose by slowly rolling your spine across the floor.

The candle pose is rightly considered one of the most beneficial poses for the organs of the whole body.

7. Dove pose (Eka pada rajkapotasana)

This asana can be used to prepare for the split stretch.

  • Get on all fours. Pull the right knee forward between the hands and turn the right foot to the left. The heel of the right foot should be under the left thigh or under the stomach.
  • Stretch your left leg back and try to lower your pelvis down as much as possible. Bend your elbows and lean on your forearms. Bend even lower, stretching your left leg back.
  • To increase the stretch, slowly straighten your arms. Look straight ahead, stretching, but not straining the muscles of the neck.
  • Exit the pose slowly and carefully. Repeat the movement on the other side.

There is also a light version of this pose.

  • Sit down and bend your knees. Gently place your right foot on your left thigh.
  • Pull your right knee towards your chest. Keep your head down and look straight ahead.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

The pigeon pose is good for preparing the muscles for the split stretch.

8. Half Pose of the King of the Fishes (Arlha matsienlrasana)

Pose of the king of fishes or simply twisting the body while sitting.

After a few minutes of rest, you can continue to practice yoga. The Half Pose King of the Fish exercise can be performed on the floor or on a bed.

  • Sit down, straighten your back and legs.
  • Cross your right foot over your left. Place your foot next to your left knee. In this case, the left leg should be straight.
  • Grab your right knee with your left hand.
  • As you exhale, slowly twist your spine to the right. For convenience, place your right palm on the floor, and put the elbow of your left hand behind your knee. Look back for yourself.
  • With each exhalation, try to twist the spine even more. Perform for 3-5 breaths.
  • Repeat on the other side.

9. Child Pose (Balasana)

Morning yoga for beginners may well end with this pose.

  • Get down on your knees and sit on your heels.
  • Taking a deep breath, lean forward and press your stomach against your hips. Remember to keep your back straight.
  • Lower your forehead to the bed and extend your arms along your torso. The palms should be turned up.
  • Concentrate and feel the smooth movement of the chest with each inhalation and exhalation.
  • To exit the pose, first raise your head and then slowly straighten your back.

This exercise is one of the most important in morning yoga for beginners. It is aimed at deep relaxation back muscles, so it can be used to complete the morning workout along with Savasana (see below). In addition, this pose is suitable for relieving stress during the day or for reducing muscle tension after a difficult exercise.

10. Dead Pose (Shavasana)

In shavasana, you need to lie down for several minutes until complete relaxation.

Staying in this position for 4-5 minutes ideally completes any set of yoga exercises. For beginners, this is especially important, since learning to relax properly is necessary from the very first lessons.

  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body and close your eyes.
  • Tighten all the muscles of the body as much as possible and hold out for a few seconds.
  • Relax completely, mentally walk through your entire body from head to toes and focus only on your breath.

Now you are completely ready to start an active and full of impressions day!

Make your life brighter and healthier with the most ancient system of self-improvement. If you want to change your body and find inner harmony, the best choice This is yoga for beginners. Exercises are aimed at developing the whole body, but, first of all, pay attention to the spine. After several months regular classes you will forget about back pain, feeling tired during the day and be pleasantly surprised by the changes in your figure.

Hello dear friends! We met again on the virtual space of the Start-health blog, a reliable "assistant" on the way to healthy lifestyle life. ?

Our subscribers have already noticed that in the section "Self-development" we are gradually getting acquainted with various practices in yoga. It is not surprising that on the web pages of a "healthy" blog you can find information about meditation, because this is one of the most effective ways to find harmony between body and soul.

Some visitors to our blog have already begun to gradually study the Pranayama breathing technique, applying the knowledge gained in this article in practice.

However, we mainly published theoretical material, so today I decided to correct the situation and present to your attention yoga exercises for beginners at home. Plus a photo for clarity?

I am sure that among our like-minded people there are quite a few who want to continue the study of ancient Indian philosophy. Fasten your seat belts, dear friends, we are going to the East!

What to consider before starting the practice: the basic rules of yoga at home

Initially, I propose to decide on the basic rules of yoga that a beginner must take into account. It should be noted that only the comprehensive implementation of all recommendations will help to achieve the desired result quickly and without harm to health. The founders of various practices in yoga agree:

  • You can not start the lesson after or before bedtime.
  • Ventilate rooms well Fresh air helps to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and relaxes the muscles.
  • Choose loose clothing made from natural materials (fabrics) for yoga.
  • Focus on the sensations, take your time and try to move away from everything material.
  • Eat 1.5-2 hours before class - yoga "requires" exercise on an empty stomach.
  • Use melodic music - it will help to relax and calm down.
  • To perform the exercises, it is recommended to purchase a special mat so that the classes take place in a comfortable position.

Let me remind you that we are considering yoga classes at home. In fitness centers, as a rule, they specially equip a place for meditation, ventilate the room, creating an optimal atmosphere for immersing yourself in your own consciousness.

Let's get acquainted with the terminology: "Asanas are a stable position of the body, which is achieved in yoga by relieving tension and focusing on the infinite, spatial."

Contraindications for yoga

Unfortunately, I have to upset some guys, because even ancient Indian philosophy has contraindications that cannot be “closed” to.

Do not neglect this information, friends. Such training can only harm your body, adversely affecting your health. Yoga should not be practiced if:

  1. body temperature above 37 o C;
  2. exacerbated chronic diseases;
  3. you have recently played sports;
  4. 3 to 5 hours have not yet passed after visiting the bath or sauna;
  5. a person less than a day ago took alcohol or drugs;
  6. the body is exhausted, and its owner is tired;
  7. the girl has a period of menstruation;
  8. you ate not so long ago;
  9. the person is in a state of depression.

The list is quite loyal, so just rationally coordinate your time, friends. The right approach to yoga will provide not only a therapeutic effect on the entire body, but will also cause weight loss.

Features of yoga: “Ancient Indian philosophy is not aimed at improving the body, but becomes the cause of the appearance taut figure in a person practicing various techniques.

Top 10 simple exercises: the first step towards the harmony of mind and body

As promised, I have prepared the safest list of the top 10 exercises suitable for yoga at home. Such asanas do not involve complex twists, so even beginners can perform them without harm to health.

Effective yoga exercises for beginners:

  • Uttanasana (intense traction).

Guys, we stand straight, taking a breath, we raise our hands, without bending them at the elbows, above our heads. We stretch the spine as much as possible. On exhalation, we go down, “folding” in the area hip joints and trying to place the palms of the hands parallel to the feet.

If you can’t reach the floor, then grab your shins and fix the position. We leave the pose on an inhale, straightening the body.

Benefits: elimination of fat deposits in the waist, strengthening the hips and legs, warming up the spinal column and the entire skeleton.

  • Virabhadrasana II (alternative warrior pose).

We straighten our posture, standing steadily on our feet. In the jump, we place the feet at a distance wider than the shoulders (about 140 cm), stretched straight arms, forming a straight line with the shoulder section. We turn the right foot 90 degrees, and leave the left in its original position.

Friends, make sure that your legs are on the same line. While exhaling, we bend the right leg at the knee to a right angle, tilting the body slightly forward, but making sure that the shoulders are above the pelvis. We turn our head to the right side, looking at the palm. After a minute, we change the position by doing similar manipulations with the left limbs.

Benefits: the exercise gives relief to the muscles of the legs and arms, tones the back and abdominal region.

  • Vasishthasana (pose of the Indian sage Vasishtha).

Asana is performed in the starting position lying on the right side. We put the left leg on the right, bend the supporting arm at the elbow and lean on it. In this position, slowly raise the body, fixing the rack.

Thus, the body is held only by right hand and foot, while pulling the left hand up, trying to reach the ceiling. Change sides and do the same on the left side.

Benefits: oblique abdominal training, strengthening arms and legs, slow weight loss.

  • Utkatasana (take the geometric shape of the chair).

Standing straight, place your feet hip-width apart, raising your arms not bent at the elbows up, joining your palms. As you exhale, slowly begin to bend your knees until they are parallel to the floor. Bend in thoracic region spinal column, turning your eyes to the ceiling - fix the position.

A difficult exercise that I don’t quite succeed in, but I’ll post a photo. ?

Benefit: Strengthening the hips, abs and calf muscles.

  • Shalabhasana (locust pose).

Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched along your torso with your palms inside to the body. After exhaling deeply, arch your back, lifting your legs and chest at the same time to the maximum possible distance from the floor. At the time of performing the asana, only the abdomen is in contact with the floor.

Benefits: Improvement of the digestive tract and strengthening of the back.

  • Shavasana (peace).

Lie on your back, place your legs and arms at a comfortable distance - the main thing is that they do not touch each other. The palms "look" at the ceiling, and the eyes are closed. Try to completely relax the whole body and lie down in a peaceful state, without moving, for 15-25 minutes. This asana is recommended to complete each yoga session.

For obvious reasons, I didn't post pictures. ?

Benefits: Relaxation of the whole body, relieving tension.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (dog pose).

Standing on all fours, lower your buttocks on your heels, and spread your arms outstretched forward wider than your shoulders. As you exhale, press your heels and palms to the floor, slowly straightening your legs and stretching your back - the tailbone is directed towards the ceiling, and the buttocks are pulled back and up at the same time.

Benefit: strengthening abdominals and legs, improving blood circulation processes.

  • Bhujangasana (depicting a cobra).

Lie on your stomach with your feet together and your hands at shoulder level. After inhaling, rest your palms on the floor and slowly lift your body up, arching your chest and turning your eyes to the ceiling. Shoulders back and arms fully extended - lock the position.

Benefits: strengthening the press and back muscles, improving the functioning of the digestive tract.

  • Chaturanga Dandasana (staff pose).

The starting position is similar to the position of the body during push-ups - lie on your stomach, straightening your legs and placing your hands in line with your chest. Spread your feet slightly to keep your body stable.

As you exhale, lift your body off the floor, holding exclusively on your toes and hands. The torso should be parallel to the ground, all muscles are tense, and the knees are not bent.

Benefit: shaping correct posture, strengthening arms, legs, back and abs.

  • Paripurna Navasana (boat pose).

The exercise is performed in a sitting position, where the feet are pressed to the floor, and the legs are bent at the knees. Tilt your back about 60 degrees back, just do it slowly, evenly - do not fall. Start straightening your legs until the heels are in line with your head, while maintaining a straight posture. We stretch our arms parallel to the floor at the level of the legs - fix the position.

Benefits: tones the whole body, strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, normalizes the activity of the digestive tract.

Friends, keep in mind that each pose must be fixed for exactly eight cycles - hold in this position for at least a minute. The exercises presented above are optimal for beginners doing yoga at home. The main thing is to start asanas after a thorough stretching of the whole body.

Alternative options: “In order to visualize the information presented by me, I suggest that you also familiarize yourself with the photo and video material on which yoga masters demonstrate the correct performance simple exercises».

Guys, it is not recommended to force things - if you try to stand while performing a difficult asana, you can fall and hit unpleasantly. Also, in exercises designed for yoga masters, it is easy for a beginner to pull a muscle or damage joints. All in good time, friends.

If you have any questions about the material provided, we are always ready to answer them exhaustively in the comments to the article. Communication allows you not only to get acquainted with the material, but also to identify options that are right for you.

I wish you to find harmony of soul and body!! ?

Many people do not know how to start yoga, and the conditions do not allow visiting a teacher or a group in a fitness center. You have to start learning everything on your own at home. In this case, numerous yoga courses for beginners, recorded on cassettes, videos or in the form of printed publications, can help. On the Internet, you can also find many sites dedicated to doing at home, which describe in detail the sequence of actions at home. You can find lessons in sports literature.

There are specialized television channels dedicated to sports at home. At a certain time, yoga lessons are transmitted to them, intended for specific people - children, adults, pregnant women, and so on. They are especially good for their profiling, as most beginners find it difficult to navigate the many types of exercises. They describe in detail, and most importantly, demonstrate how to practice yoga correctly.

What do you need to practice?

Independent performance of asanas requires a minimum set of accessories. First of all, for the lessons you need a special polyurethane foam mat, it is quite soft, elastic, it is convenient to practice on it and it does not slip on any type of floor covering. For yoga at home, you need loose and light clothing, it is best to choose natural fabrics or special sportswear made from modern high-tech fabrics. It evaporates excess moisture, it is impossible to overheat in it, and wash this sportswear can often be done without harm appearance and quality.

A beginner for lessons at home needs to choose suitable program. No need to immediately try to "embrace the immensity" - no one has yet mastered yoga in 10 days, this is not a competition for survival, but a spiritual practice combined with body improvement. It’s worth starting with the simplest exercises, devoting more time to proper breathing and meditation, which allows you to achieve a relaxed state.

Yoga at home is convenient because you are not tied to the place and time of the lesson, but choose it yourself. If you start practicing regularly, then even for beginners, yoga will quickly show the benefits of lessons at home.

Yoga room

Yoga should be practiced in a well-ventilated and clean room with a pleasant air temperature. It is very good if it is a shady quiet room. This is especially important for beginners, because harsh sounds and bright lights distract from self-immersion and correct execution exercises.

If the yoga practitioner knows all the exercises from the lesson, then relaxing quiet music or recordings with the sound of the surf, sounds of the forest, birdsong and similar natural sounds can be used as a background. Classes on disks or on a computer are already accompanied by music.

Yoga at home involves privacy. Close the doors and warn your family not to be disturbed for a while, or choose a time when no one is home.

A set of exercises for practicing at home

A yoga lesson helps to cope not only with physical problems, but also stabilizes the psyche, teaches you to listen to your body, improves well-being, increases endurance and resistance to various diseases. A yoga practitioner improves not only his body, but also his spirit, learning to control attention, distribute strength and endure pain.

Exercise is the best way to get started. It consists of twelve sequentially changing asanas and works out not only all areas of the body, but also affects the mind. All asanas are accompanied by proper breathing. This complex is very well suited for beginners, as it is relatively light and at the same time multifunctional.

Surya Namaskar - Salutation to the Sun

  • Samasthiti - Greetings. Standing straight, put your feet together, feet parallel to one another. The back is straight, the neck is extended, the crown is looking at the ceiling. Fold your hands in front of you palm to palm at chest level, pick up your stomach, straighten your ribs. Fix your gaze in front of you. Breathing is calm, measured and deep.
  • Tadasana - Hands up. While inhaling, raise your arms, stretching your spine and looking up. The chest should be open, breathing is stable.
  • Utthanasana - Hand to foot. As you exhale, slowly and gently begin to lean forward and go down, stretching your back, neck and arms in one line. The knees should be bent and soft, the whole body relaxed. No need to round your back, you need to hang upside down without straining any muscle. Touch the floor with your hands, if it still doesn’t work out, leave your hands hanging like whips. Rise up gradually, lining up one vertebra after one in a line, starting from the pelvis and moving towards the neck. The head is aligned last.
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana - Horseman. As you inhale, move your left leg back, lower your knee to the floor. Bend your right knee to form a right angle. The foot is strictly under the knee. Rest your hands on the floor, stretching your back and keeping your head upright.
  • Adhomukha Svanasana - Mountain. As you exhale, place your feet hip-width apart and your hands shoulder-width apart. Start raising your buttocks so that the tailbone looks up, leaning on your hands. Pull your chest towards your hips, forming a straight line with your arms and back. Press your heels into the floor - this helps stretch the back of the thigh and lower leg, which is especially important for beginners. Neck muscles are relaxed.
  • Ashtanga Namaskara - Eight members. From the previous one, we smoothly move on to the next asana. We touch the floor with our knees, and then we lower ourselves onto it so as to touch it with eight points - big toes, knees and chest, hands and chin. We fix and smoothly move on to the next exercise.
  • Bhujangasana - Cobra. Inhale to raise upper part body, leaning on straight arms. Stretch the back, pressing the elbows to the body, the head looks up. Don't tilt your head back and don't strain your neck!
  • Consistently repeat the following asanas - Mountain, Rider. Hand to foot, Hands up and Salute. This is the end of a cycle that can be started anew. For beginners to practice yoga at home, these 12 exercises may be enough for the first time.
  • Complete the cycle with Shavasana - Corpse Pose. Lying on the mat, put your hands freely along the body with palms down, legs slightly apart. Close your eyes, breathing is calm and even. Relax the whole body gradually, starting from the tips of the fingers and toes and moving towards the heart and head. It is necessary to engage in relaxation at the end of each exercise cycle.

Even practicing at home, you can achieve significant progress if you do yoga lessons regularly and thoughtfully. Moving from simple to complex, gradually add new asanas or move on to more serious sets of exercises, not forgetting about meditation and correct breathing. Your reward will be healthy body and strong spirit.