Correctly accelerate the metabolism. How to speed up metabolism for weight loss? Tips and tricks, reviews How to speed up metabolism for weight loss


For starters, pay attention to nutrition. To boost your metabolism, eat small meals at least 5 times a day. Never skip breakfast! The process of digestion burns calories. Very protein and vegetable food, since much more energy is spent on its assimilation than, for example, easily digestible and fats.

Increase the amount of water you drink - it can suppress appetite and increase the metabolic rate. It is important that the required amount of vitamins is supplied with food. Especially to accelerate the metabolism of group B, iodine and folic acid.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Grapefruit is considered the most effective, the second place is occupied by lemon, apples are also very useful. Caffeinated beverages (such as coffee and green tea) also promote fat burning by enhancing and oxygenating.

pay attention physical activity! Increase metabolism in can be not only absolutely any kind of sport, but great benefit an ordinary walk in the park and even a banal cleaning in the apartment will also bring. Here is the main movement! The big plus is that when you stop exercising, calories continue to be burned by inertia for another hour. Therefore, evening sports are especially useful - after all, the fight against adipose tissue will occur even in a dream. Plus, muscle burns 20 times more calories than fat.

Take care of your appearance, you can even resting. Go to the bathhouse, take a contrast shower and a hot bath - they speed up the metabolic process. The sun, fresh air and sound sleep also help to increase the metabolism in the body. And massage, sex and absence will enhance the effect of all of the above actions.

A slow metabolism leads to a set excess weight. Most often, the cause lies in a violation of the hormonal background, but the disease can also be hereditary. The treatment of this disease must be taken seriously, as it can provoke the development of other diseases. It will take a lot of time to normalize metabolism, while the approach to treatment must be systemic - otherwise there will be no result.


Visit the hospital and get tested for thyroid and sex hormones. If there is a deviation, you will be prescribed hormonal drugs. Do not be afraid that you will gain a few more kilograms: on the contrary, the weight will slowly but surely begin to decrease.

Usually, with a slow metabolism, stagnation occurs in the intestines. Spend with laxatives or with an enema. Do cleansing enema procedures for three days, but no more. And if you are taking herbal laxatives, the course of treatment should be 30 days. During this time, the body will get used to regular cleansing and begin to cleanse itself.

Eat foods rich in fiber. If they are not included in your diet, start consuming fiber or, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is also necessary to eat raw vegetables and fruits. But limit the meat or partially replace it with seafood. With a slow metabolism, meat products are bad. Stop eating white bread and, and you can not boil cereals, but pour boiling water over them. Of course, such a diet does not differ in exquisite taste, but the metabolism is normalized from this.

Have two days a week fasting days. Drink only mineral water, kefir or eat fruits. During these days, you can lose from 1 to 4 kg of excess weight, which is also not bad. If you have diseases gastrointestinal tract, curative fasting possible, but only after consulting a doctor.

Go in for sports, and not necessarily professional. Keep your body in good shape, and the metabolism will accelerate, and the process will become more active. It will also greatly improve the shape of the body, problem areas pull up, and you will begin to form. If you lose weight and do not maintain muscle tone, the skin will begin to sag and sag.

Don't forget to drink your vitamins and minerals, especially if you're on a diet. The lack of nutrients can also lead to weight gain, digestive failure and cause others. But do not expect that after a week of treatment everything will return to normal, it takes time.

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Decreased metabolic rate causes a host of health problems. Using some tricks of proper nutrition, as well as leading an active lifestyle, you can independently speed up the metabolic processes in the body, completely solving the problem.

You will need

  • - proper nutrition;
  • - physical exercise.


Metabolism is a complex chemical process, the result of which is the production of energy, the release of nutrients and water from products coming from outside, to ensure the vital activity of body tissues. It has been observed that people with a low metabolic rate tend to suffer from overweight and have all the diseases characteristic of obesity. Some environmental factors affect the rate of metabolic processes in the body. These factors include: eating high carbohydrate foods, stress, sedentary lifestyle, age-related changes, abuse and smoking. If desired, you can significantly accelerate the speed of metabolic processes, as well as performing a number of exercise.

Proper nutrition can significantly increase the rate of metabolic processes in the body, but in this case, everything is important: the number of meals, the quality of the products, and even the time they are taken. To speed up the metabolism, it is recommended to eat food 5 times a day, but in small portions. In this case, the body spends more energy on processing the incoming products into nutrients. In addition, the diet should include mainly easily digestible foods, for example, vegetables, fruits, fish. Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as being rich in fiber and contain a significant amount of water. Products belonging to this category are perfectly absorbed by the body, while the number of calories in them is less than the body needs to process them.

Physical exercises will also help speed up the metabolism, aimed at increasing muscle mass, as well as stretching individual groups muscles. Exercise has both temporary and lasting effects. Exercise naturally contributes to the rapid oxidation of substances, as the body requires energy for activity. The effect of accelerating metabolism is observed during classes and also approximately 2-3 hours after their completion. In addition, the development of muscles requires more energy for their vital activity than body fat, therefore, metabolic processes in the muscles proceed faster.


Combination healthy eating and physical activity is a harmless way to speed up your metabolism. Such methods of accelerating metabolism can be used at any age and at the level of training, the main thing is to do everything consistently and do not forget about the need to do exercises and nutrition every day and by the hour.

Helpful advice

Spicy spices significantly speed up metabolism, so it is recommended to add them to dishes at least in small quantities. Clean water also helps to speed up the metabolism, so you should completely give up tea, coffee and sugary drinks, drinking at least 2 liters of water a day without additives.

A well-functioning organism and good health are an indicator that good exchange substances. Can be used to improve metabolism pharmaceutical preparations and medicinal herbs.


Improve the functioning of the body with the help of a potion prepared according to this recipe: 100 g of immortelle, 100 g of birch buds, 100 g of St. John's wort and 100 g of chamomile flowers. Pour 1 tbsp. herbal mixture 0.5 l of boiling water and leave to infuse for 17-20 minutes, then filter the infusion. Before going to bed, drink a glass of healing infusion, adding 1 tsp to it. natural honey. Warm up the remaining glass of the drug and drink it in the morning (with honey) on an empty stomach. After taking the drug, you can eat only after half an hour. The treatment course lasts until you completely use the entire herbal composition. Repeat treatment after 5 years.

Cleanse the body of toxins and improve metabolism with a decoction prepared from 10 g of the leaves of the field willow, 20 g of its roots and 0.5 liters of water. Pour the field stalk with water, bring the mixture to a boil, then, reducing the heat to low, cook the medicinal composition for 13-15 minutes. Then cool the broth to a comfortable temperature and strain. Take the "drug" three times a day, 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals.

cook medicine from the following herbs: wild rosemary (2 parts), motherwort (3 parts), horsetail bark (1 part) and cudweed (3 parts). Take 2 tbsp. herbal collection, pour 2.5 cups of boiling water, then put the container with the "drug" for 8-10 minutes on low heat. After that, insist the broth for half an hour and strain. Drink the drug three times a day, 70-80 ml after eating.

Boost your metabolism with a tea made from 1 tsp. dried lemon balm leaves and a liter of water. Medicinal raw materials pour boiling water, leave for 15-17 minutes, then strain. Take this herbal tea cold throughout the day as a refreshment.

Normalize the work of the body with a decoction prepared from 1 tsp. peony flowers, 1 tsp nettle leaves, 1 tsp blue cornflower flowers, 1 tsp calendula flowers, 1 tsp. flowers of black elderberry, 2 tsp. willow bark, 1 tsp horsetail and 2 tsp. birch leaves. Take 1 tbsp. herbal collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil and cool to a comfortable temperature. Take the decoction warm for half a cup every 2 hours.


Metabolism is the series of chemical reactions that take place in the body to sustain life, reproduction, and growth. It is divided into 2 parts: in the first, substances enter the body with food and decompose to the simplest components, in the second, proteins, lipids, sugars and nucleic acids are formed, which are absorbed by the cells of the body.

In the process of metabolism, food is converted into energy necessary for the existence of the cell. But it happens that the metabolism works in slow mode.

What affects the metabolic rate

The main thing in metabolism is nutrition. For health, it is important what we eat, how and in what quantities. The wrong mode of the day, not regular eating slows down the system, leads to failures. How often health suffers from the fact that a person eats large portions, but rarely.

Stress negatively affects the metabolism in the human body. And many have been subjected to this phenomenon. Not only mental activity slows down, but everything that happens inside. And although stress is not an eternal phenomenon, but depression occurs, and acts the same way.

Lack of physical activity slows down metabolism. It is necessary to move several hours a day in order to waste the energy that came with food. If there is no sport, then there is not much need for energy either.

Not natural shakes. Often nutritionists call them natural stress: these are contrasting temperatures, climate change. People now spend a lot of time in rooms with a certain thermal regime. Many have not been in the heat or frost for a long time, did not walk in the rain. Any contact with nature can improve health.

How to speed up metabolism

  • The most important thing is diet. You need to eat at least 5 times a day, but in small portions. Do not overeat, do not get carried away with fatty and sweet. And there are as many natural products as possible.

  • You need to play sports. Strength training can boost your metabolism as much as possible, but even a simple jog from work to home will improve your well-being.

  • Spend as much time as possible on fresh air. If it is not possible to walk, open the windows, turning off the air conditioners. It is better to put on an extra sweater, but stay in a pleasant frost in winter even indoors.

  • Give your body a little shake. It can be a contrast shower, sauna. The main thing is to do it regularly. Water procedures in general, positively affect the metabolism in the body.

  • Get enough sleep. Having enough sleep stimulates the brain, and this speeds up the metabolism. Sleep also helps reduce stress and depression. How better man feels, the faster all processes go.

  • Let yourself rest. For everyone, this is their own concept. Someone likes to walk, and someone likes to embroider with a cross. The main thing is to enjoy the process. Such actions allow you to relax, which makes life more pleasant, and also improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Metabolism is a process that can be controlled. A fast metabolism will help in restoring health. Follow just a few recommendations for 1-2 months, and you will feel how your health improves.

If we define "metabolism" in simple human language, then this is the processing of nutrients from food and converting them into building blocks for body cells. When cells receive such building material, they give away the spent elements. Metabolic disorders can lead to serious problems. One of them is obesity.

The task of every person who watches his body is acceleration of the metabolic process. It can be done different ways. But, it is best to approach the acceleration of metabolism with the help of a set of measures described below.

The metabolic rate is determined by several factors:

  • age
  • heredity
  • physical activity
  • emotional state of a person

In addition, certain foods and drinks affect the metabolic rate.

IMPORTANT: Any soluble organic substance, getting into the body, is built into the metabolic process. At the same time, it can be used to generate energy or go "in reserve". That is, turn into fat and remain in the "warehouse" of the body until better times. Moreover, not only carbohydrates, but also proteins can turn into fat. If they have this moment no need.

slow metabolism results in a low energy requirement. That is why food, getting into it, is not used for its intended purpose, but turns into fat.
In order for the body to be slender, it is necessary increase metabolic rate.

What determines the metabolic rate?

The metabolic rate depends on three factors:

  1. Proper nutrition
  2. Increasing energy expenditure (training)
  3. Increasing the amount of fluid you drink

Products that speed up the metabolism in the body

The basis of a slim body is proper nutrition.
Certain foods that you eat with food can help boost your metabolism. But, first of all, you need to properly build your diet. It should contain the presence of the "right" carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

IMPORTANT: The main meal should be breakfast. A cup of coffee instead of breakfast greatly slows down the metabolism.

Well accelerates the metabolism of protein food. Fish, dairy products, lean meat, seafood are able to "disperse" the metabolism. About a third of the nutrients from such products are immediately consumed by the body. Protein food is not only healthy in itself, but can also drive away the feeling of hunger for a long time.

How does meal frequency affect metabolic rate?

IMPORTANT: Frequent meals also have a good effect on the metabolic rate. But, the main thing during such meals is not to overeat. Remember the diet ""? You can use this approach to form your diet.

Does a varied diet speed up metabolism?

Another important factor in fast metabolism is varied diet. You need to think not only about the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also about required quantity vitamins and minerals. And this can only be done with a variety of foods. For example, IMPORTANT: fats such as Omega 3 and Omega 6, which are found in large quantities in seafood, are excellent catalysts for accelerating metabolism.

The role of spices in speeding up metabolism

Various spices have a good effect on accelerating metabolism. Especially red pepper excelled in this role. According to some scientists, the beneficial substances from this spice can speed up some metabolic processes by 50%. In addition, red pepper has other positive effects. But, for people with problems and the pancreas, this spice is contraindicated.

Also, the stimulation of metabolic processes in the body is influenced by: mustard, cinnamon, ginger and ginseng.

Do coffee and green tea increase metabolism?

Caffeine can have a positive effect on metabolism. According to American nutritionists from the Florida Institute, two to three cups of coffee a day speed up metabolism by 5%. But, if you increase the amount of caffeine consumed, then its effect decreases. Besides, Too much caffeine has a negative effect on the nervous system.

Concerning green tea it also contains caffeine. But, in addition to this substance, green tea also contains catechins. They have a positive effect on thermogenesis- the process of generating heat by the body for the proper functioning of its organs. This heat generation also requires energy. Which has a positive effect on the speed of metabolic processes in the body.

The effect of apple cider vinegar on metabolic processes in the body

More recently, scientists have discovered positive properties influence apple cider vinegar on metabolism. Japanese nutritionists discovered the ability of this natural product to neutralize and remove excess fat from the body. It is believed that one spoonful of apple cider vinegar per day can greatly speed up the metabolic processes in the body. But, before using this product, be sure to consult a doctor.

Grapefruit juice and metabolism

Grapefruit juice, in fact, like this citrus fruit itself, has a positive effect on the metabolic rate. Ten years ago, a study was published in the journal Nature, according to which grapefruit juice is several times superior to apple juice in terms of its effect on metabolic rate.

Drugs that speed up the metabolism

Today there is large group medicines based on antidepressants and neuroleptics, which help to "disperse" the metabolism. Of course, you need to resort to their help in case of emergency and always under the supervision of a specialist. These drugs include:

Meridia. The main purpose of the drug is to suppress the feeling of hunger. But, in addition to this action, Meridia has a positive effect on the metabolic rate. Taking this drug leads to the normalization of the level of lipoproteins, triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, glycated hemoglobin, C-peptides and better digestion.

One of the factors for accelerating metabolism is to ensure an increase in energy consumption by the body. You can achieve this at home regular workouts. To do this, it is not at all necessary to sign up for shaping, Pilates and other aerobics derivatives that are popular today. In the section of our site are collected the best views workouts you can do at home.

IMPORTANT: Latest Research show that the acceleration of metabolism is more influenced by power training than cardio. In addition, such training can restore muscle tone, “tighten” the body and make it more beautiful. Moreover, strength training is shown not only to the strong half of humanity, but also to women.

How does water speed up metabolism?

Proper drinking regimen is also an excellent catalyst for a fast metabolism. You need to drink at least two liters of water a day. pure water, not liquids from coffee, tea and other drinks.

IMPORTANT: Water helps better blood circulation in the body, suppresses hunger and involves fat stores in metabolic processes.

In addition, water causes the body to spend excess energy on its processing. At the same time, the water itself does not carry any calories.

IMPORTANT: Lack of water in the body leads to a decrease in the metabolic rate. Water is necessary for many metabolic processes and its small amount will greatly affect the work of the whole organism. Scientists have calculated that a person should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water every day, distributing this volume evenly throughout the day.

Metabolism is affected not only by proper and regular nutrition, exercise and drinking regimen. You can “disperse” your metabolism by using the following tips:

Tip #1 Sleep at least eight hours a day. Scientists have proven that if you sleep less, then many metabolic processes will slow down. In addition, lack of sleep can cause other problems in the body.

Tip #2 Visit the sauna. Sauna or bath accelerates the metabolism of fats. Heat enhances the reaction of the breakdown of body fat. Separate fat cells are more easily processed by the body.

Tip #3 Stress has a great influence on the slowdown of the body's metabolic processes. Stress hormones not only suppress the processes necessary for the body, but also can increase the feeling of hunger. Which is even worse for the body.

A high metabolic rate is not only an important task in weight loss. Correct speed metabolism is the key to health and beauty.

Video. Metabolism.

Video: How to speed up the Metabolism?

Metabolism or metabolism is a set of chemical processes that take place in the body in order to keep it alive.

There are two types of metabolism:

  1. Anabolism - the construction of new structures, the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which form tissues and store energy, proceeds with the expenditure of free energy;
  2. Catabolism - the destruction or splitting of complex substances and the subsequent production of energy and waste, proceeds with the release of free energy.

The amount of energy the body needs for normal life in conditions of physical and mental rest (contraction of the heart muscle, heating of the body, cell renewal, removal of waste from cells, etc.) is the main, basic metabolism.

For example, the liver consumes 27% of the energy of the basal metabolism, the brain accounts for 19%, and the muscles - 18% (!).

What is metabolic rate? This is the rate at which the body burns the amount of energy it needs to keep all organs and vital functions running while at rest, and is measured in calories. Many factors affect the speed: a person’s height, weight, age, gender, thyroid function,. In addition, people with the same indicators may have a different metabolic rate. It depends on heredity. In some people it is simply faster, they are said to have such a constitution.

For women:

  • 18-30 years = (0.0621 x actual body weight (in kg) + 2.0357) x 240;
  • 31-60 years = (0.0342 x actual body weight (in kg) + 3.5377) x 240;
  • Over 60 = (0.0621 x actual body weight (in kg) + 2.7545) x 240.

For men:

  • 18-30 years = (0.0630 x actual body weight (in kg) + 2.8957) x 240;
  • 31-60 years = (0.0484 x actual body weight (in kg) + 3.6534) x 240;
  • Over 60 = (0.0484 x actual weight (in kg) + 2.4587) x 240.

The faster the metabolic processes proceed, the more energy the body burns when performing a variety of tasks related to survival. The slower it is, the less energy it burns while performing these tasks.

What is this speed connected with and can it be changed? Can. And this is directly related to weight loss.

For example, the basal metabolism of a 70 kg woman is 1424 calories per day. So much energy it needs to meet the needs of the body. If she adds exercise, her energy requirement will of course increase to 1994 calories. But as you can see, the lion's share of calories (60-70%) is spent on metabolic processes. This is why the maintenance of metabolic health, the normal flow of chemical processes in the body, is so important when it comes to weight loss. Sure, you're using exercise to increase overall energy requirements and therefore fat loss, but your metabolism is the main player here.

The slower your metabolism, the less food you will have to eat, and the more exercise you have to do to effectively lose weight. The faster the metabolism, the more you will be able to eat, and the less you will have to exercise. Sounds nice, right?

Popular opinion: if you want to lose weight, reduce your calorie intake and increase your physical activity. What is the result? This approach will cause weight loss for a while, but you will fail as a result. You will win the battle, but you will lose the war. Why?

Because your metabolism adapts to the amount of energy you consume. The goal of the body is to maintain homeostasis, that is, to balance consumption with consumption. When you limit your calories, give your body less than it burns, your metabolism naturally starts to slow down, burning less energy. Reducing calories for the body is a signal that a “rainy day” has come and that energy must be saved by all means. If you also connect physical activity, then for the body this is even more stress. As a result: the energy level is reduced, there is no strength and desire for training, the weight does not go away.

When someone drastically reduces their calorie intake, their metabolism slows down just enough to balance what they get with their expenditure. This is where weight loss stops. This is usually followed by further calorie reduction or more exercise, which only slows down the metabolism more and thus begins a vicious cycle.

Then a person breaks down and goes in a different direction, sharply increases the number of calories, overeats, the body reacts simply: it does not burn these calories, but stores them in the form of fat for the next “rainy day”. Ultimately, such a person ends up with a slow metabolism and overweight. Without timely correction, you can end up very badly: eat little, and at the same time accumulate fat.

This process of sudden and chronic slowing of the metabolic rate is often referred to as "metabolic derangement" and, fortunately, can be reversed.

What can slow down metabolism?


Slow metabolism may be due to a lack or excess of certain hormones. In studies, a naturally occurring deficiency of estrogen receptors in the brains of aged mice caused weight gain without increasing the number of calories consumed. The same principle can be applied to people. It has been found that in ten years a person gains 10% of their weight in fat, and all because of hormones. If you are concerned about your estrogen levels, see your doctor.

Another reason for a slow metabolism is a lack of testosterone. It can manifest itself in both men and women. With age, the concentration of this hormone in the body decreases. Testosterone regulates muscle mass, and the more muscle a person has, the more calories they burn, even at rest. Men can improve the situation by taking vitamin D, but this effect has not been seen in women. To get vitamin D, you should include egg yolks, salmon and other oily fish in your diet.

Stress leads to the release of the hormone cortisol, which can damage your metabolism by slowing it down. Also, elevated cortisol levels cause intense hunger and an obsessive desire to eat. And overeating leads to a set of excess fat. excess fat, in turn, slows down metabolism. To avoid stress, avoid people and situations that make you stressed and develop a habit of exercise that will not only help you manage stress but also help you lose weight.

If you want to boost your metabolism, don't forget about adequate sleep. When the body does not get enough sleep, it becomes more difficult for it to digest carbohydrates, which leads to a chain reaction. If carbohydrates are not properly digested, the amount of sugar in the blood rises. Blood sugar causes a spike in insulin levels, and insulin tells the liver to turn any unused energy into fat. To stop this cycle, you need to reset your body clock. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Excessive fat intake

When you eat a lot of fatty foods, your metabolism slows down to store some energy for the future, and as a result, you gain weight. To keep your metabolism going or boost it, eat only lean meats, buy skim milk, and get your fats mostly from healthy sources like fish, avocados, and nuts.

Some medicines

Some medications can cause a slow metabolism and thus obesity. Known for this property drugs: antidepressants, antidiabetic drugs, steroids and hormones.

Talk to your doctor if you think your medication is causing you to gain weight. He can advise you on another medicine, change the dosage.

A classic example of such a disease is thyroid dysfunction. The gland cannot produce enough of the hormone that is responsible for metabolism. The thyroid gland is the metabolic thermostat. But all too often people blame it on problems that are caused by something else, such as their laziness or overeating. To make sure that this is actually thyroid, you should consult a doctor and do a test. The doctor may prescribe medication if he finds that your gland is not working properly. full force. And if the reason is different, then you most likely just need to strengthen your diet or take up sports.

Malnutrition and mono-diets

If you overdo it with proper nutrition and cut too many calories from your diet, you can undermine your own metabolism. Your body, in response to hunger, will begin to slow down the metabolism. Also, in case of severe malnutrition, the body will begin to feed on its own tissues, mainly muscle. If you want to lose weight, you can eat less, but not so little that you will always be hungry. best plan- eat little, but often. Then you will always be full.

When you are not moving, fat tissue begins to accumulate in your body. Prolonged sitting at the computer significantly limits the number of muscle contractions. This removes the lipoprotein lipase molecule from the processes. And it just promotes the use of fat and triglycerides for energy. When you sit for a long time, the stimulation of the metabolism stops. Studies have shown that with a long static body position for a long time, exercising for an hour will not correct the situation. It is necessary to move periodically throughout the day, for example, get up every hour and actively move around, walk for about 5 minutes.

Is it possible to speed up the metabolism

There are several ways to speed up the metabolism at once, which are quite effective individually, but work better in combination.

Power training

Do heavy weight training 4-5 times a week. You will burn a significant amount of calories during your workout and build muscle, which will boost your metabolism in the long run. After all, the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism.

Muscles consume more energy than any other tissue, even when at rest. And it speeds up the metabolism. This means that the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

Conclusion: strength exercises useful for building and maintaining muscles. The higher the percentage of muscle mass in the body, the higher the metabolism.

Eat plenty of protein

It's all about the thermogenic effect. It is explained by the fact that the body has to digest food, absorb vitamins and absorb amino acids.

The biggest thermogenic effect is caused by protein. It speeds up metabolism by 15-30%, when carbohydrates can only speed it up by 5%, and fats by 3%. A diet high in protein is important as it will promote muscle growth. And muscles, as you already know, account for 18% of the basic metabolism. The recommended intake is 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight, and if you play sports, then the intake increases to 1.5 g. Protein also makes you feel full and prevents overeating.

Bottom Line: Protein intake speeds up your metabolism and allows you to burn calories faster. You will also feel full faster.

Indulge in the right fat

In order to improve metabolism, include healthy fats in your diet: fish, nuts and seeds, olive oil, avocados. The reason is that it increases the production of testosterone, and this in turn speeds up the metabolism. 30-35% of daily calories should be fat. Our body needs dietary fat, especially healthy oils, to lose weight and function properly. The oil contains substances useful for the body: polyphenols, antioxidants that fight osteoporosis, oncology and deterioration of the brain.

Conclusion: beneficial species fats and oils help to suppress hunger, burn calories, optimize metabolism and speed up the flow of nutrients into the blood.

Drink more cold water

People who drink water instead of sugary drinks lose fat faster and are more likely to stay lean.

This is because sugary drinks contain calories, and if you replace them with water, the number of calories consumed per day immediately decreases.

Water itself speeds up the metabolism. If you drink two glasses of water, your metabolism will speed up by 10-30% within 40 minutes.

This effect will be stronger if you drink chilled water, because the body has to heat it up.

Bottom line: Water can also help you lose weight and stay in shape. It speeds up metabolism and saturates you with minerals.

High-intensity training helps to quickly remove fat, as they speed up metabolism not only during the exercise itself, but also after it.

Metabolism continues to work at an accelerated pace even after the end of exercise. This effect is much stronger with high-intensity exercise than with any other.

Bottom line: If you add high-intensity exercise to your schedule, it will speed up your metabolism and help burn excess fat.

Green tea or oolong

Green tea and oolong tea speed up metabolism by 4-5%.

What is its magic? Tea contains catechins. This antioxidant triggers the release of fat from fat cells and helps the liver turn fat into energy.

Since these types of tea do not contain calories, they help to lose weight and prevent its return. Discover yerba mate. This drink has powerful thermogenic properties, it activates the mechanism of burning calories in your body, promotes weight loss by increasing sensitivity to the hormone insulin. As a result of research, it turned out that people who drank tea before training improved their effect on the body.

Bottom Line: Green tea or oolong tea can speed up your metabolism. These teas also help to lose weight.

Peppers contain capsaicin, a substance that can speed up metabolism.

If you eat pepper with food, the body will burn an additional 10 calories for each meal. In a year you will lose, thus, half a kilogram.

Although the effect of pepper is quite small, it is noticeable, and together with other methods, it can help you get to your goal faster. Add mustard to your food! Scientists have found that eating one teaspoon of mustard (about 5 calories) can increase metabolism by up to 25% within a couple of hours after eating. The benefits, the researchers say, can be attributed to capsaicin and allyl isothiocyanates, the phytochemicals that give mustard its characteristic flavor.

Bottom Line: Spicy foods can help you boost your metabolism and lose unhealthy fat.

Caffeine speeds up metabolism by 10%. Like green tea, it also helps burn fat:

  • Caffeine restores sympathetic nervous system and increases lipolysis, the process of breaking down fats.
  • Significantly increases the effect of fitness training. A cup of coffee, drunk 30 minutes before training, will improve performance by 12%. Caffeine provides an adrenaline rush. And this hormone is responsible for preparing the body for physical activity.
  • The drink contains magnesium and potassium. Trace elements contribute to the generation of insulin in the pancreas. And it stabilizes blood glucose levels.
  • Caffeine helps break down fat and turn it into energy.

Bottom Line: Coffee can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.

Even though egg white is low in calories, contains no fat, and contains most of the protein found in an egg, eating an entire egg is good for your metabolism. The yolk contains substances that stimulate metabolism, fat-soluble B vitamins, beta-carotene, A, alpha-carotene, D, fatty acids and the organic compound choline.

Slow carbs

The body needs extra effort to break down slow carbohydrates. You can speed up your metabolism by consuming foods that your body needs to digest hard. Your foods are brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa and whole grain bread. They are also rich in fiber.

Add garlic

This spice improves blood sugar metabolism, controls lipid levels. Eating garlic will strengthen the immune system, prevent heart disease, and lower blood pressure.

This is no joke: sincere laughter can lead to an increase in basic energy costs and acceleration heart rate by 10–20%. This means that 15 minutes of fun can burn 40 to 170 calories.

Glass of water in the morning

The best and cheapest way to boost your metabolism at home is to drink water immediately after waking up. For what? During sleep, your body's metabolic function slows down. To start all the mechanisms in your body, start your morning with a glass of water. And then a cup of coffee.

Although if you drink little and rarely your figure will not worsen, the habit of drinking can slow down your metabolism. Why? When the body has to digest a cocktail, the priority is given to alcohol. And all other food will be waiting. This slows down the metabolism. Therefore, do not drink more than two glasses, and also try to dilute with water (it will speed up the removal of harmful substances from the body). Along the way, give up what is usually eaten with a cocktail - french fries and burgers. Also remember - a little wine can even help with weight loss!

Consider Weight Loss Supplements

Many substances, regardless of how they are obtained, have a thermogenic effect. They can be obtained from both food and supplements. Thermogenic effect - an increase in body temperature. Caffeine, taurine, and ephedrine are popular thermogenesis agents. But this stimulation of metabolism has its drawbacks.

They can tire the adrenal glands and also cause stress-like effects in the body.

Vitamin B

It plays a key role in turning food into energy. If you don't get enough of this vitamin, your metabolism slows down, and you get depressed, tired, and at risk of getting sick. Spinach, melon, broccoli, beans, fish and eggs should be added to the diet. You will immediately notice an increase in energy levels.

Don't forget magnesium. Magnesium is involved in the transmission of signals along the nerves. But that's what most people usually miss. Fortunately, it is found just in those vegetables that are rich in vitamin B. It is also abundant in nuts.


You can speed up your metabolism. This improvement won't happen overnight, but you can make changes to your daily habits, such as walking instead of driving or standing instead of sitting, adding high intensity workouts and muscle-building exercises to increase the amount of calories your body burns. All these methods together will give the desired effect, and, in the end, the result will amaze you: you will burn more calories, you will not have to limit yourself to painful diets, you will have a beautiful sculpted body, a great mood and self-confidence. Start today, because the path will be mastered by the walking one.

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All about metabolism. How to speed up your metabolism

"This is my metabolism!" Does it remind you of anything? If you have overweight and it is difficult for you to part with them, then quite often you shift the blame on your sluggish metabolism. What is metabolism? Is your metabolism really one of the reasons why it's so hard for you to lose weight? And is it possible to activate your metabolism at any age? You will find answers to these questions below.

Metabolism (metabolism) is the process by which the body produces and uses energy, or calories, for all kinds of activities, from the absorption of nutrients to the cells to the marathon.

Each of us has what is called a basal metabolic rate (BMR) or basal metabolic rate (BMR), there are many names. A good definition of basal metabolic rate is: "The energy expended by a person in a state of complete rest in the morning after sleeping on an empty stomach." You can find out your BMU by signing up for me.

For most people, BMR is 60-70% of the amount of calories burned per day, which is a very good indicator. All of these calories are expended through respiration, digestion, circulation, immune responses, and tissue repair.

How our body works

When you don't consume enough calories to support your body's daily functions, your body goes into a panic because you don't have enough food. It reacts by slowing down its metabolism and digesting more food instead of using it for energy. When youeat those regularly, your metabolism speeds up and calories consumed are expended instead of saved for the future.

Factors affecting metabolism:

. Age. From the age of twenty, every 10 years, the metabolism slows down by 2-3%. First, because the growth process is complete. Secondly, due to the decrease motor activity and loss of muscle mass.

. Body composition. Muscle mass consumes more energy than adipose tissue.

. Body temperature. At elevated temperatures, basal metabolism is faster. With each degree, the speed increases by 10%. The climate also affects: both cold and heat speed up the metabolism for a short period of time.

. Physical activity. During and some time after exercise, the rate of metabolic processes increases by up to 20%.

. Nutrition. Protein food, as well as fractional meals during the day, help speed up metabolism, because digestion also requires energy. This effect lasts from 3 to 12 hours, depending on the composition of the food.

. Heredity. Other things being equal, the rate of metabolic processes in different people can vary by 10%.

Acceleration of metabolism is the holy grail of weight watchers around the world, but how quickly your body burns calories depends on several factors. Some people inherit a fast metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting. For most people, metabolism slows down gradually after the age of 40. Although you cannot control your age, gender or genetics y, but knowing the factors that affect the metabolic rate, you can help increase it. I have compiled 12 best ways.

12 Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism!

. Building muscle mass

Our body is constantly burning calories, even when we are not doing anything. This is called basal metabolism. And the more muscle a person has, the greater his metabolic rate, sincemuscle mass consumes more energy than adipose tissue.Each pound of muscle burns about 30 calories per day to support itself, while each pound of fat burns only 6 calories per day. In addition, after physical activity, the muscles of your body are activated and even more calories are burned, and inDuring exercise, muscle mass can burn 300 times more calories than fat mass;

. Intensive aerobic training

Aerobic exercise will not help build big muscles but they can increase your metabolic rate for several hours after your workout. The key is to force yourself to train hard. High intensity exercise provides a longer lasting increase in basal metabolic rate than moderate exercise. So try more gym or include short runs during your regular walk.

. Drink more water

Your body needs an adequate amount of water (30 ml per 1 kg of body weight). If your body is even slightly dehydrated, your metabolism may slow down. In one study, adults who drank eight or more glasses of water a day burned more calories than those who drank four. To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or another unsweetened beverage before every meal and snack. Also, try chewing fresh fruits and vegetables instead of chips, which are full of liquid. There is a separate article:, which tells about the effect of body hydration on metabolism.

To know percentage water in your body can also be by passing .

. Drink cool drinks

Cool and even iced drinks help the body burn more calories during digestion. Studies show five or six glasses of cool water can help you burn up to 10 extra calories per day. This figure may not seem significant to you, but it will add almost half a kilogram of weight per year to you - without a diet. You can get the same benefit by drinking iced tea or coffee, but without milk and sugar.

. Eat more often

It really can help you lose weight, although many think otherwise. When you eat large meals with a large gap between meals, you contribute to slowing down your metabolism. Surprisingly, about 10% of calories our body burns every day when digesting and absorbing food - so the more times you eat a day, the greater this effect will be. By eating small meals and snacks every three to four hours, you accelerate your metabolism, thereby burning more calories throughout the day. Some studies have also shown that people who snack regularly eat fewer meals during full meals because they don't feel as hungry.

. Use spices and spices

Spicy foods contain chemicals that speed up metabolism. Eating one tablespoon of chopped red or green chili peppers can temporarily boost your metabolic rate by 23%. Some studies show the effect only lasts about half an hour, but if you eat spicy food often, the effect will be better. So adding pspices and spices in your favorite dishes - this great option but the main thing is not to overdo it! If spices speed up the metabolic process, then sugar, on the contrary, slows down metabolism and contributes to the deposition of fat reserves.

. Eat More Protein

The body burns twice as many calories processing proteins as it does fats and carbohydrates, thereby speeding up your metabolism.For protein processing - up to 20% of the calories received. The processing of carbohydrates takes 5-10% of energy (more - for complex carbohydrates). And only 3-5% of the energy received with them is spent on the absorption of fats.Although you should eat a balanced diet - 35/50/15 (percentage of total calories you eat per day: proteins / carbohydrates / fats). You can replace some carbs with protein-rich foods to help you burn more calories. Healthy sources of protein include: lean beef and pork, fish, white chicken, tofu, nuts, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

. Eat breakfast within an hour of getting up

In the morning you wake up after a long break in food intake. Skipping breakfast means your metabolism slows down - not the best way to start the day! In the morning, the body needs protein, nutrients and water. Avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates. There are many . Remember, breakfast must be!

. Drink black coffee

If you drank coffee at least once, you probably felt a surge of energy and good concentration, especially in the morning. Oddly enough, this is partly due to a short-term increase in metabolic rate. In one study, the caffeine in two cups of coffee helped a 66kg woman burn 50 extra calories over the next four hours. Just make sure you drink real black coffee. IfIf you add milk, sugar or flavored syrups, you end up taking in more calories than you burn. But be careful, drinking too much coffee deprives the body of essential nutrients and increases the amount of free radicals. Therefore, you can use those containing caffeine, but not having such side effects.

. Drink green tea

It is green tea that gently regulates the processes in the human body. It speeds up metabolism, relieves nervous tension and fatigue.Green tea combines the benefits of caffeine and catechins, substances that increase the metabolic rate for several hours. Studies show that drinking two to four cups of tea a day helps the body burn an additional 50 calories. This will deprive you of up to 2.2 kg of excess weight per year.

. Avoid strict diets

Strict diets that involve eating less than 1,000 calories a day are detrimental to your metabolic rate. While these diets can help you lose weight, a large percentage of that weight loss will come from muscle. And the less your muscle mass, the slower your metabolism. The end result is that your body will burn far fewer calories and, as a result, you will quickly gain weight, and more than before the diet. I recommend reading the article:

. Avoid stress

Avoid stress whenever possible. They, like leeches, dig into the brain, sucking energy out of the body. By the way, under stress, people quickly gain weight. The hormone cortisol or stress hormone promotes an increase in fat deposits in the abdomen.

I also advise you and smoking, which are not in the best way affect your metabolism.

Finally, I would like to note that the effect of various foods and drinks on metabolism is small compared to what is needed for sustainable weight loss. in better ways to make your body a calorie-burning machine are: muscle building and an active lifestyle. The more you move during the day, the more calories you burn. And remember: you need to accelerate your metabolism from the very beginning.

Every girl dreams of eating a lot and not getting fat, but she has to reproach herself for every piece of cake eaten, which will certainly linger in the waist area.

And then look enviously towards those who do not follow the diet and at the same time maintain slender forms.

Alas, such is the prose of life - nature has endowed some with a fast metabolism, others have to suffer - the body endlessly stores fat in the event that access to the refrigerator is blocked and solid lettuce leaves are pushed into the furnace.

In part, the stories of the fair sex from the series “I don’t eat and don’t lose weight” can be trusted - the speed with which food turns into energy is responsible for this process.

We figure out how to speed up (OB) in the body and lose weight at home without mocking the body and diet.

How to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight at home - basic principles

The golden rule of a fast metabolism is none, fractional nutrition based on a reasonably constructed diet, physical activity, good mood and adherence to the regimen.

In addition to genetic predisposition, nutritionists identify three more points that are responsible for the speed with which food becomes energy.


  1. Calories received and burned
  2. Gender - men both eat and spend more
  3. Age and lifestyle

Let's dwell on the latter in detail.

The fastest metabolism is in people under 30 years old, who visit the rocking chair at least twice a week.

Metabolism directly depends on our lifestyle

When you exercise and gain, calories go faster than when you are busy losing extra pounds.

The body of office managers is slowly accelerating - sedentary work and food waste make themselves felt.

Food is processed even worse - both men and women need fewer calories and more time to digest them.

That is why so much want to take a nap after eating.

Tip: the rate of metabolic reactions after the age of forty slows down by about 3% per year.

In addition, the representatives of the fair half enter the menopause.

Completely rebuilt, diets stop working as actively as they did a couple of years ago, and extra pounds appear where the waist was.

What we eat directly affects our metabolism

Of course, the ladies begin to worry, cut their diet, look for miraculous drugs to turn back time and end up in the doctor's office, which, in fact, should be started with.

It is important to consult with a nutritionist in time, develop a menu that covers the need for proteins, fats, and restart the entire metabolic system without putting useless and dangerous experiments on it.

How to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight after 30 years - the basics of a healthy diet

  1. Fractional five meals a day- eat little and often with a break between meals of three hours. When you force the body to feel hungry, it immediately begins to store energy in reserve - it is transformed into folds of fat. If you consume less than a thousand calories per day, the metabolism activates the “starvation” mode and postpones everything.
  2. Don't forget the importance of breakfast. At night, the OB sleeps, and if you do not disperse it in the morning with slow carbohydrates and proteins, it will remain in the same state. If you dream about slim body, excuses “I can’t eat in the morning” will have to be left in the past.
  3. Stop dieting completely. On Life Reactor, we often describe weight loss methods, each time emphasizing that diets are acceptable as quick measures when you need to lose a couple of kilos before the event of a lifetime. In order for the figure to please and not transform each grain into a lifeline, it needs a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With diets, you will also quickly gain weight back, but with a weight.

No breakfast anywhere

Foods for and against fast metabolism

In search of an answer to the question of how to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight after 30-40 years, one cannot do without a list on the menu.

These include:


Due to the high thermal effect, the assimilation of protein foods requires twice as many calories, plus it is the main building material for muscles.

Gives a long feeling of fullness, keeps the level of insulin; at normal rates, it accelerates metabolism by 10%.

Citrus fruits, especially grapefruit

Nutritionists refer to them as negative calorie foods, i.e., in order to completely digest one fruit, the body will need more calories than it received.

The same list includes lemons, oranges and tangerines.

Citrus fruits, ginger and cinnamon are the main fat burners


Stimulates the process of digestion of food, the absorption of oxygen by tissues and the efficient transport of nutrients. It is equally useful in dried, fresh and form.


The spice not only accelerates the RH, but also lowers the level of glucose, stimulates the breakdown of fats.

Jalapeno pepper

Red pepper and jalapeno

Coffee and tea

Drink tea and coffee in moderation

Soy milk

Until the controversy about its usefulness subsides, scientists have proven that soy products help slow down body fat, and turn the already deferred into energy.


For better absorption of food and vitamins, it was used in ancient india. Drink a teaspoon of seeds infused in boiling water daily.

This folk remedy is considered one of the most affordable and effective.

Don't Forget to Drink


Cold water especially accelerates RH - the body has to spend energy to heat it.

If you do not drink the prescribed one and a half liters, the body temperature drops due to dehydration. To raise it, you have to slow down your metabolism and, of course, put off fat.

The list of products that help burn fat and activate metabolic processes also includes:

  1. Legumes - beans, peas, lentils
  2. Apples
  3. Oatmeal
  4. Ginseng
  5. Yogurt
  6. Spinach
  7. Almonds and almond milk
  8. Broccoli

Maintain a balance of vitamins and trace elements

It is also important to keep a balance.

Accelerating OB are:

  1. B vitamins (vegetables, dairy products, nuts, rye bread)
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids (nuts, beans, flax seeds)
  3. Folic acid (leafy vegetables, bran, beans, oranges)
  4. Chromium (cereals, vegetables, beans)
  5. Iodine (seaweed)
  6. Calcium (lettuce, rose hips, dairy products, sesame seeds)

But alcohol, butter, mayonnaise, other fatty sauces, pasta and pastries will have to be abandoned, as well as fried foods in favor of steamed or grilled food with a minimum (ideally without) oil.

How to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight after 30, 40, 50 years with the help of physical activity

go in for sports

to speed up metabolism.

Strength is responsible for building muscle mass, one kilogram of muscle burns 100 calories during intense exercise.

To make it productive, it is not necessary to go to the gym (but it is desirable), you can limit yourself to home exercises with your own body - work on the press, push-ups, regular and sumo squats, static squats against the wall.

Tip: useful for metabolism and aerobic training - running, swimming, walking on the track, cycling, jumping rope.

Go to the gym

The maximum effect can be achieved if:

  1. Increase load gradually
  2. Eat one and a half to two hours before class
  3. Breathe through the nose to oxygenate the body more efficiently
  4. Change exercise groups
  5. Start homework with three times a week and eventually make it daily

Tip: try to protect yourself from stress as much as possible. During difficult emotional experiences, fatty acids turn into fat.

How to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight folk remedies

There are many drinks for weight loss.

Alternative medicine knows many means of accelerating metabolism.

These include - golden milk with, and honey, teas with ginger, cinnamon with honey, grapefruit-based fresh juices and kefir with spices.

There are also a number of herbs, the decoction of which has a positive effect on the rate of conversion of food into energy.

These include:

  1. medicinal asparagus. Boil 60 g of crushed roots for 15 minutes in two glasses of water. We filter, let cool and take 3 times a day before meals for a tablespoon.
  2. Dandelion. Pour a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water. Take 1/3 three times a day before meals.
  3. Walnut leaves. Boil 10 g of dry raw materials for a third of an hour in a glass of water. We take 3 times a day before meals for a tablespoon.
  4. Chicory. 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water, keep on low heat for 20 minutes. We insist, filter and drink half a glass three times a day.

Useful chicory


The most beloved and proven folk remedy to speed up metabolism is lovemaking - during orgasm, tissue nutrition improves and blood is saturated with oxygen.

Massage with oils and warming creams

Improves blood circulation, promotes the removal of excess fluid and toxins. Useful anti-cellulite. To enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, you can use honey.

Visit a massage therapist


Several times accelerates the OB stay in the steam room - hot steam opens the pores, releases toxins and toxins, restores metabolic balance.

Like a sauna, essential oil baths work, however, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.

Tip: improves the elasticity of the body and blood circulation contrast shower.

Bath has a great effect.

Healthy sleep

Good rest is the key to regular renewal of brain cells and restarting the metabolic process.

Do not forget also about the benefits of essential oils: grapefruit, juniper, cinnamon, geranium, cinnamon and rosemary contribute to the normalization of the water-fat balance, improve lymph flow and blood circulation, and reduce swelling.

get enough sleep

How to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight with the help of pills?

And let's make a reservation right away - pills to speed up metabolism under any conditions are prescribed by a doctor - uncontrolled intake of even the most, at first glance, harmless fat burners can end fatally for health.

Drugs that artificially accelerate OV include:

  1. Guarana and caffeine- they directly affect body fat, but they are energy drinks that open up a second wind for physical activity; prohibited in case of pressure problems
  2. Anabolic steroid- popular with professional athletes, accelerate protein synthesis, but are hormonal agents
  3. thyroxine- aka thyroid hormone used purely for medical reasons
  4. Thermogenics- their action is similar to the stress hormone, and although the drugs themselves do not contain it, they activate the burning of body fat in the same way; popular with athletes

Get outdoors more often

As you can see, ways to speed up and restart the metabolic system on their own there are many.

However, no one has yet come up with a more effective way than counting calories, giving up bad habits and regular physical activity.

Stay healthy, stay with Life Reactor and remember that excess food, to quote the great Seneca, interferes with the subtleties of the mind.