Characteristics for a boy engaged in wrestling. Characteristics of the personal properties of an athlete


Start compiling a characteristic by writing the heading "Characteristic". Next, indicate the full name of the organization on behalf of which it is being compiled, indicate information about the athlete. Enter in it the name, patronymic and surname, date of birth, full education of the person being characterized, and also indicate in which sports organizations he was and at what time. Be sure to include in the description, sports specialization, if any, as well as degrees, titles and. If the athlete has a specialized education, indicate in which educational institution and when he studied, the specialty he received.

Briefly tell us about participation in competitions and the prizes and awards received. An emotional assessment of the participation of an athlete is not worth making. Specify in more detail the dates of the competitions, their full name, places and prizes. If there are enough data in this part of the characteristic, divide them into those that the athlete achieved before joining the organization and those that he achieved in the sports organization. At the same time, do not forget to once again indicate the date of entry of the characterized into the club, section or sports school. Please indicate here sports success that the athlete has achieved within the organization, about his success in sports growth. Briefly list his achievements within the organization, received titles, ranks and degrees.

In the next part of the description, write about the internal qualities of the athlete. These primarily include the ability to establish relationships within the team, work in a team. This is of great importance in team sports, but also appreciated in individual sports. Note the athlete's relationship with other members of the organization, with management and athletes from other communities. Assess the ability of the person being characterized to lead and coaching.

Note the competitive experience of the person being characterized, the level of knowledge about the chosen sport and about it in general, the presence of interest in the experience of other athletes and coaches, the ability for self-education, discipline.

Briefly tell us about the features of building the training process, about the activity of an athlete in training, about the ability to conduct independent training with high quality, about the ability to achieve goals accurately and on time, about the ability to take responsibility for failures, about the ability to plan training process and control its progress.

In the final part of the document, indicate the purpose of its preparation - which organization is required. Certify the characteristic with the signature of the coach, the signature and seal of the head of the sports organization.


  • how athletes learn

Coaching is a very difficult and time-consuming job. Often you need to write a description of the person who holds this position. Sometimes the coach himself may need this kind of document.


Study the design rules for all types of characteristics and choose the one that suits the coach. To do this, visit the following resource: It is very important to know the designations of addresses, affixing dates, murals and surnames. Write in the description only 2-3 sentences for each of the following points.

Tell us briefly about the amount of work performed by the coach. He should be awarded a positive assessment according to this criterion if the coach attends all the club's training sessions, actively participates in the life of the sports organization, attends all meetings with the team management, etc. If he misses classes, workouts, sports events, then in this case he cannot be given the highest mark.

Write about how he can analyze events and make decisions. If the coach is always guided by logic, seriously weighs all the pros and cons and makes decisions based on this, then he is worthy of praise. It is also worth assessing it positively if it seeks to solve the essence of the problem, and not its consequences. If the coach's decisions are not always supported by real facts, then you should not evaluate him too highly.

A characteristic for a student of a school is one of the most important psychological and pedagogical documents, the compilation of which is relevant: both when changing the place of study, and for submission as a recommendation to various authorities.

Ivanov Alexander has been studying at the State Institution "Secondary School No. 19" in Sverdlovsk since the first grade. The student has good physical and mental development. Responsible and hardworking. Possesses independent work skills. Able to compare, analyze, clearly express his thoughts.

In the 8th year of study, Alexander moved to the class of a mathematical profile. He prefers subjects of the humanitarian cycle, is fond of history and law.

Alexander observes the school regime and the established rules of conduct. Doesn't miss class for no reason.

Main character traits: calm, balanced, avoids conflicts.

Any instructions are carried out unconditionally and responsibly. Actively participates in school activities.

There are no bad habits.

He is hardworking, possesses the necessary labor skills, is accurate and accurate in his work. Self-confident, accurately assesses his own capabilities, strives for success, superiority, decisive, persistent.

Differs in upbringing, modesty. Tactful, friendly. Befriends classmates. Very obligatory, worries about the result of the assignment. Enjoys authority.

Parents are interested in the success of their child. Constantly communicate with the class teacher. They provide all possible assistance in the life of the class.

Characteristic for the military enlistment office for a positive student

Shishkin Igor has been studying at the State Institution of the Russian Federation "PSOSH No. 17" in Pskov since the 1st grade. During all the years of schooling, he complies with the rules of the internal regulations, does not violate discipline in the lessons. Studying mainly for grade "4". Has a mathematical mindset.

Intellectually developed, well-read, has a rich vocabulary. Able to arrange material in a logical sequence, analyze and draw conclusions.

Constantly improving, in preparation for the lessons he uses additional literature, expanding the baggage of his own knowledge beyond the scope of the school curriculum.

Executive, responsible approach to the implementation of the task. Differs in ingenuity, erudite, not amenable to other people's influence, independent.

Has the makings of a leader, is an example for classmates, never refuses to help them. Communicative, tactful in communication. Adequate to criticism.

Has a good level physical training. Member of many school and extracurricular sports competitions. There are no bad habits.

Igor lives with his father, mother and older brother. The positive microclimate of the family favorably affects the boy. Parents are not indifferent to the fate of Igor, they are constantly interested in his success.

The characteristic is given for presentation to the military registration and enlistment office.

A sample of a positive characteristic for a girl - a school student

Bokova Victoria has been studying at the State Institution "RSh No. 18" in Ryazan since the 1st grade. Over the years of study, she showed herself as an active, sociable student with a high intellectual level and coping with all academic disciplines. Shows interest in exact sciences and lessons physical development. Studying outside of school English language is fond of drawing.

Victoria has a broad outlook, loves to read. He is able to express his own opinion, clearly formulates his thoughts. Always focused on the task at hand, but can easily switch to another task. A high rate of development was noted curriculum and the ease with which the girl reproduces the acquired knowledge.

She complies with all the rules of the school routine, does not miss lessons for no reason. He holds the post of assistant to the president of the school, is a member of the student Parliament and the School Council. Dreams of becoming an investigator.

Throughout the entire period of study, she actively participated in classroom and school-wide events.

Victoria is proactive, often acts as an organizer. Responsive, hardworking, sociable, rarely in a bad mood. Honest, knows how to defend her convictions, always achieves a positive result. Friendly, has leadership qualities, which allows her to take leading roles in the student team.

She is an active athlete in the dance group. The presence of bad habits is not noticed.

Parents approach the upbringing of their daughter with all responsibility. They come to school on demand.

Ready-made characteristic for a student with average abilities

Ryabchikov Vladislav has been studying at the State Institution "OSOSh No. 5" in the city of Orel since the 7th grade. Average abilities were noted when mastering the curriculum.

Not active in class. Does not show due interest in learning, reveals his skills only under constant supervision by teachers.

Performs homework assignments periodically. Preference is given to the study of history. It is difficult to give subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle. He reads little, therefore he has insufficient vocabulary. Often distracted, unable to concentrate on the task assigned to him.

Possesses basic labor skills, but is inactive, and therefore rarely uses them. He practically does not take part in cultural events, referring to his employment.

Not always honest. Does not enjoy trust among peers and adults. May let you down.

Vladislav's physical development is good. Engaged cycling. Became bronze medalist Regional Championship. He is fond of football.

In dialogue with classmates and teachers, Vladislav is restrained and polite. During an argument, he can be impulsive, emotional and stubborn. Inclined to independence.

He is a friendly boy, and therefore maintains friendly relations with most of his classmates.

Vladislav's parents actively raise the child and contribute to its development, trying to change the situation with their son's academic performance. Always make contact with the head of the class, attend school.

For a student with a low level of knowledge and academic performance

Kornilovsky Nikita has been studying at the State Institution "KSOSH No. 2" in Kirov since the 1st grade. For all the time he studied at school, he showed such qualities as laziness and indifference to the educational process. Does not show due attention to the proposed educational material, is distracted by extraneous activities and ignores the teacher's comments. He is more interested in communicating with classmates. Passive behavior in the classroom leads to poor academic performance. Doesn't do homework, but is a master at copying.

He does not miss work for no reason.

He shows a certain interest in humanitarian subjects, loves poetry, history.

Has the necessary labor skills, but is not initiative enough to use them. Greater priority is given to participation in class and school social activities.

He loves attention from the outside, requires respect for himself, for his opinion. In a conversation, he can use obscene words, considering this the norm of behavior.

Has a significant level sports training, attends Gym. Does not accept bad habits.

He lives with his father, mother and younger brother, whom he takes care of very much. Parents regularly appear at school and communicate with the class teacher. They are actively trying to raise the level of Nikita's knowledge.

Characteristics for a student from an unfavorable family with bad behavior

Ilya Klyuchevsky has been studying at the State Institution LSOSH No. 4 in Lipetsk since the 1st grade. Educational process does not arouse the boy's interest, but it is worth noting the absolute attendance. Able to master educational material in large volumes, but the general passivity during training leads to a low level of knowledge.

Not demanding of himself. Memory can be described as arbitrary mixed. If you manage to interest him, then he manifests himself best in the exact sciences. The stability of the results is hindered by the lack of diligence and diligence. He is indifferent to what is happening in the class, inactive. Doesn't do homework. Speech developed.

Has all the necessary labor skills, but tries to avoid personal assignments and social events.

Has a good physical form. At the amateur level, he plays football and tennis.

During contacts with classmates and teachers, he can show aggressiveness, stubbornness, often his actions are impulsive and too emotional. Undisciplined, prone to independence, able to defend a personal point of view. Honest.

He systematically violates the rules of conduct, is registered with a social pedagogue, and has repeatedly had conversations with a school psychologist.

Doesn't get the respect it deserves from classmates. He is friends with students, younger in age, among them he is a leader.

Noticed for smoking.

Lives with his mother and sister. The mother is not engaged in raising children, referring to employment. He does not attend school, he avoids communication with the class teacher.

Characteristics of a difficult teenager to the police from the class teacher

Grigoriev Andrey has been studying in the 10th grade of the State Institution "Secondary School No. 13" in Arkhangelsk since September 2018. For an incomplete semester of study, he established himself as a malicious truant. Periodically appears in the classroom, but treats the study itself with complete indifference. Does not do homework.

In the team, the teenager communicates little, hardly contacts with classmates, is friendly to children younger age. Due to the lack of initiative and leadership ambitions, he does not try to improve his position.

Last update: 01/13/2012

Average speed: 9405 Kb/sec.

Characteristic from children's sports training

No. ____ dated _________________ To the Director of LLC _________


In response to your request, we inform you that ______________________, born in 2006 visits sports section Taekwondo since September 2011.

Schedule sports training: Tuesday - Thursday from 17.30 to 18.30

Saturday - from 15.00 to 16.00

The father of ___________ brought the child to the sports section of TAEKWONDO. Download the characteristic from the children's training. The father of the child pays for sports training, and the father of the child also purchased a sports uniform.

During the entire time of attending sports trainings, the father, together with ______________, did not miss a single training session, except for several Saturdays, when, according to the father, the child was with the mother. Mother ______________ never brought her child to sports training, for the entire time of classes, the mother was present at one training session together with her father, on a weekday.

Since November 8, 2011 (Tuesday), the child has not attended the sports section, the reason is not known. During the training, the child began to show excellent results. The child really likes classes, he is drawn to classes, he visits trainings with great pleasure. He feels confident in the team, he is in the lead. Imbued with the spirit of sports competitions, collectivism.

During sports training, the relationship between father and son has proven to be positive, communication is smooth, respectful and stable. The child is strongly attached to the father, the opinion of the father for the child is authoritative.

A similar rule may be one of the points of agreement between you and the child, a characteristic from the sports section sample. With all this, it is desirable that at first all the indispensable work be done, and then more rest. Probability for self-expression auxiliary pluses: acquaintance with theatrical culture.

When they don’t ask questions about the child’s well-being and are ready to undertake to teach him, if only you would pay this more than a restless symbol. It is important to come to a few classes before you enroll your personal child in the sports section. Six months later, the girl was transferred to the main team of the school team, and already she protects the honor of secondary schools in competitions .

The guardians themselves, as a rule, also earn their living by solving the problems that their children have, independently of the age of the children themselves, and of the guardians as well. Recommended corrective work on the development of self-control skills, skills of constructive interaction with peers. Is it necessary to give the baby to the section or the circle? Wouldn't this be an unnecessary overload on top of his schoolwork? Or, on the contrary, is it supposed to proceed from the fact that the actual change of work is the best rest? In those cases, in which particular circle to write down an offspring or a daughter? How to choose the one that the baby will visit with great pleasure, and for the benefit of himself? Surely, any guardian once asks these questions. Develop creative abilities additional pluses: the baby will acquire the arts and skills that he will certainly need in his later life. There is no need to think, in fact, once a baby is small, he cannot more sincerely distinguish delight from flattery. Talk to the guardians of those children who have been working for a long time under the guidance of a trainer you have selected.

  • You are offered a sample of the psychological characteristics of the student. He is fond of drawing, plays football in the sports section.
  • Psychological characteristics of the student (sample) Self-esteem of a teenager. It's good if the coach himself has sporting achievements, awards.
  • guardians given people, which are first aimed at drawing up a clear future for their own baby. Children are this informant, in which most of the guardians are often ready to draw creative forces and powers, energy and impressions for themselves throughout their entire life. A healthy lifestyle is a very broad concept, and anyone, in fact, formalizes its exact filling without the help of others. And when you like it, it means you can bravely record. Under this relative title, we combined those circles, classes in which are focused on the knowledge of various scientific fields, the formation of thinking. Able to show a variety of communication symptoms: from obedience and shyness to impudence and impudence to teacher criticism, reacts passively positively (knows criticism, agrees with it, although he does not correct defects).

    But it is unlikely that a baby is able to study all day, he needs rest so much.

    Including if your offspring or daughter preferred chess, a mathematical or literary circle, everything is the same there, they will deal exclusively with what they actually like, what they are actually interested in. Usually, in circles or sections, the most informal situation prevails than at school. Probably, the kid will arrange an attempt to shift all the nasty duties onto you. Having shown due perseverance, it is still possible to find individual gratuitous circles at children's clubs, and others in which the payment for classes is very small. These 2 final difficulties are very unpleasant, although still in many cases they can be solved: information about the company sample.

    If the baby does not get along with peers, then it is likely that an appeal to neutral land can help them do it.

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    Help finding an athlete profile sample

    Asterisk Clear Ya Supreme Intelligence (1289103) 1 year ago


    Start compiling a characteristic by writing the heading "Characteristic". Next, indicate the full name of the organization on behalf of which the document is being drawn up, indicate information about the athlete. Enter in it the name, patronymic and surname, date of birth, full education of the person being characterized, and also indicate in which sports organizations he was a member and at what time. Be sure to include in the characteristic the type of sport, sports specialization, if any, as well as degrees, titles and categories. If the athlete has a specialized education, indicate in which educational institution and when he studied, the specialty he received.

    Briefly tell us about participation in competitions and the prizes and awards received. An emotional assessment of the participation of an athlete is not worth making. Specify in more detail the dates of the competitions, their full name, places and prizes. If there are enough data in this part of the characteristic, divide them into those that the athlete achieved before joining the organization and those that he achieved in the sports organization. At the same time, do not forget to once again indicate the date of entry of the characterized into the club, section or sports school. Here also indicate the sports success that the athlete has achieved within the organization, about his success in sports growth. Briefly list his achievements within the organization, received titles, ranks and degrees.

    In the next part of the description, write about the internal qualities of the athlete. These primarily include the ability to establish relationships within the team, work in a team. This is of great importance in team sports, but also appreciated in individual sports. Note the athlete's relationship with other members of the organization, with management and athletes from other communities. Evaluate the ability of the person to be characterized for leadership and coaching activities.

    Note the competitive experience of the person being characterized, the level of knowledge about the chosen sport and about sports in general, the presence of interest in the experience of other athletes and coaches, the ability to self-educate, discipline.

    Briefly tell us about the features of building the training process, about the activity of an athlete in training, about the ability to conduct independent training with high quality, about the ability to achieve goals accurately and on time, about the ability to take responsibility for failures, about the ability to plan the training process and control the progress of its implementation .

    In the final part of the document, indicate the purpose of its preparation - which organization is required. Certify the characteristic with the signature of the coach, the signature and seal of the head of the sports organization.

    Characteristics of the student - athlete

    Full name, ____ year of birth, has been studying at (name of school) since the first grade. During the training, he proved himself only on the positive side.

    The overall level of development of the student is quite high. Throughout all the years he studies at 4 and 5. He always correctly distributes his work in time and performs it according to the plan. (Name) is diligent in his studies, attentive in class, regularly attends classes, does not allow lateness, systematically prepares homework and tries to organize his work independently. He passed the final exams for the 9th grade in the form of the GIA for 5. Among school subjects, he has the greatest predisposition to the natural sciences. Attends additional classes in subjects: elective courses, electives. He takes part in Russian competitions Kangaroo, Bear cub. Taking an active part in public affairs, events, he is always ahead. The young man does not consider his own time, I don’t want words for him, there is a life rule for him: If not me, then who? He willingly undertakes any work, trying to do it well, knows how to correctly distribute and complete the assigned work on time. The student is a good assistant to the class teacher in many matters.

    (Name) always keeps his things in perfect order, neatly dressed, pulled up - both at the desk and at the blackboard. All actions and words of (Name) testify to respect for other people. He always takes care of acquaintances and strangers, tries to help and support anyone. He grows up in an incomplete family, therefore he does all possible male work in the house, loves his mother very much, treats her with special respect.

    He always listens with attention to fair criticism, responds to it correctly, listens to advice. Modest, friendly, physically developed, enjoys great prestige among classmates and teachers.

    During all school years (name) pays great attention to sports. For several years he was engaged in the hockey section at the Youth Sports School, with the opening of the wrestling section in 2010, he was enrolled in it and is currently involved in it. During this time, the young man has excellent results, both in republican and larger competitions, this is evidenced by letters (APPENDIX).

    He plans to connect his future life with sports and take part in major international competitions.

    Next article Joint work of the family and school in the upbringing and formation of the child's personality

    Due to the diversity and variability of motor stimuli, sports activities make special demands on the individual. Here, a high ability of the psyche to adapt to a wide variety of influences, creative realization of motor abilities on the basis of anticipation, i.e. anticipation of the plans of the opponent and teammates, quick and accurate (correct) tactical thinking, a high degree of collective integration and discipline, control of their emotional experiences, as well as specialized development of certain mental functions and volitional qualities of athletes.

    Motivation sports activities. This is the block without which the activity simply cannot begin. The block of motivation is formed by: needs, motives and goals of sports activity. Need, or a person's feeling of need for something, means an imbalance with the environment. Psychologically, this is always associated with the emergence of internal tension, more or less pronounced discomfort, from which you can get rid of only by satisfying the corresponding need. That is why any need awakens the so-called search activity, aimed at finding a way to satisfy it.

    Any of our needs can be satisfied in different ways. In principle, a person can choose any method from those that he knows, but in reality the scope of his choice is limited by the specific conditions of life. Sometimes life circumstances themselves push you to choose a certain path. And then the choice happens by itself, without a clear understanding of the process. Often this is exactly how, spontaneously, the choice of sports activity occurs as a way to satisfy at first, maybe only one, and then - a whole range of needs.

    A motive is an impulse to a certain activity, to satisfy a need in a certain way. Different ways of satisfying a need can compete with each other. In this competition, motives usually win, reflecting the availability of a certain type of activity for a person and his ideas about his own abilities for it. If need is a source of activity, then motives give this activity a certain direction and keep a person within the framework of this path. Sports activities are characterized by a wide variety of motives. This is quite understandable in terms of physical and mental stress, and a person must know in the name of what he is straining.

    The great intensity of the competitive struggle, the diverse nature of game actions determine the psychological characteristics of the activity of football players. Differences in their nervous system are of great importance in the dynamics of the players' emotional excitation. These differences include the properties of the nervous system: strength - weakness, balance - imbalance, mobility - inertia.

    temperament types. The weak type of the nervous system belongs to the melancholic. Strong, unbalanced - choleric; strong, balanced, inert - phlegmatic; strong, balanced, mobile - sanguine. Each type of temperament has properties that help predict the player's behavior in a given situation, they must also be taken into account when communicating with players.

    Sanguine - a person with this type of temperament is fickle, often does not finish the job. He is prone to frequent changes of impressions, he often needs to add variety to the training process in order to consolidate the motivation for playing hockey. He easily adapts to new training conditions, a new team, as he has a very high plasticity.

    Choleric is prone to sudden mood swings, impetuous, energetic, impulsive, quick-tempered. In a difficult situation, he loses control over his actions and speech. Reaction rate is high, extrovert. Easily adjusts activities in the course of work. Starts work at a fast pace and gets tired quickly. During the game is active and aggressive. Difficulty doing monotonous work. He sees the reasons for his failures in the external environment.

    The phlegmatic is slow, rigid, it is hard to tolerate a variety of activities, it is difficult to switch from one activity to another. Slowly adapts, hard going through a change of team. Before the competition, the phlegmatic person wants to get acquainted with the temperature characteristics of the hall, ice, and locker room conditions in a few days.

    The melancholic is the only type with a weak nervous system. Highly sensitive, his feelings are deep and stable, which helps him feel good about his playmate. Melancholics are characterized by anxiety, uncertainty and anxiety, increased tearfulness, low activity, slow pace reactions. They hardly accept novelty, both in the training process and in personal relationships with teammates - they are introverts. They are highly resistant to monotonous physical activity. They start work with high intensity, quickly work in, but can hardly withstand a high rate of load.

    Awareness of the positive and negative aspects of temperament and the development of the ability to own and manage them are one of the most important tasks of educating the character of athletes. For example football coach should educate and strengthen the best qualities of the players' personality and help to compensate for the negative qualities.

    In doing so, factors such as:

    High ball flight speed (30 m/s) and features of its trajectory and direction of flight;

    A large number and variety of external signals, and the speed of changing situations;

    The need to perform response actions in conditions of time pressure (the player must instantly assess the current situation,

    take the most correct this moment decision, plan and implement their actions)

    Discreteness of perception (selection of the most significant methods, response actions);

    Constant search for situations and determination of the optimal way to solve it;

    The effective nature of each technique is the great significance of each action (especially in the area of ​​penalty areas).

    An important feature of the athlete's psyche is the ability to compensate for some properties at the expense of others, and the task of the coach and his assistants is to find the means to control this process. A qualified teacher should, if possible, compensate for the player's natural shortcomings at the expense of his strengths. Improving the individual characteristics of the player, we thereby form his game training. And it is natural that football players may have their own personal goals and playing techniques that need to be used, but activity should come from them first of all. It is motivation that determines the beginning of the process of improvement and development of abilities. All this, of course, requires reflection and practical experience of the coach.

    And if we talk about motivation, then, apparently, the deeper the player understands his duties, the higher his skill, the higher his motivation. And motivation is the process of unconsciously solving a problem. We can say that motivation is subconscious knowledge based on conscious training and subconscious analysis and observation. In a materialistic interpretation, this is apparently faith, beliefs, well-established models of the game - in a word, training.

    Note that talented students are distinguished by the fact that their thoughts are ahead of their actions. Each of them brings into the game their own ways of solving situations, in a word - their abilities and their creativity. Surely with talent everything is different, but I repeat - there are few talents. Let's just say that this is no longer willpower and a character trait, this is already an innate feature and plus an active psyche. And through training, we can develop some of the missing qualities. For some, these abilities are obvious, but for others, more effort is needed for their potential to be discovered and developed. To acquire what is not given, only the experience and professional knowledge of a coach-teacher can help. It should be noted that children's giftedness is ambiguous both in its manifestations and in developmental features, that no diagnostics and maximum consideration of all factors make it possible to build an accurate forecast regarding future achievements.

    Thus, if we talk about the talent of an athlete, this, apparently, is a combination of at least two player abilities that need to be revealed and found a worthy application. At the extreme, this is higher order thinking, and there are very few players who have this natural gift. In a word, it is the sum of speeds - the speed of movement, the speed of processing, the speed of thinking, etc.

    PEDAGOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A ATHLETES Last name, first name, patronymic Year of birth Experience of occupation Kind of sport Category Approximate plan for characterization Family relations:

    • the athlete is psychologically protected, loved, can count on moral support in the family; adults are sympathetic to the individual problems and characteristics of the athlete, take them into account, are interested in his inner life, enjoy authority with the athlete.
    • the position of an athlete in the family cannot be called prosperous, the requirements of adults for him are contradictory, relationships develop depending on the situation (either too soft, conniving, or too picky, strict).

    Characteristics of a volleyball athlete

    Briefly tell us about the features of building the training process, about the activity of an athlete in training, about the ability to conduct independent training with high quality, about the ability to achieve goals accurately and on time, about the ability to take responsibility for failures, about the ability to plan the training process and control the progress of its implementation . In the final part of the document, indicate the purpose of its preparation - which organization is required.
    Certify the characteristic with the signature of the coach, the signature and seal of the head of the sports organization. Characteristics of the student - athlete Full name, year of birth, has been studying at (name of the school) since the first grade.

    Characteristics of the student-athlete for admission

    Able to show a variety of communication symptoms: from obedience and shyness to impudence and impudence to teacher criticism, reacts passively positively (knows criticism, agrees with it, although he does not correct defects). But it is unlikely that a baby is able to study all day, he needs rest so much.
    Including if your offspring or daughter preferred chess, a mathematical or literary circle, everything is the same there, they will deal exclusively with what they actually like, what they are actually interested in. Usually, in circles or sections, the most informal situation prevails than at school. Probably, the kid will arrange an attempt to shift all the nasty duties onto you.
    Having shown due perseverance, it is still possible to find individual gratuitous circles at children's clubs, and others in which the payment for classes is very small.

    Characteristic from the sports section sample


    What follows is a list of awards, sports achievements, won both within the school under your direct supervision, and outside it. Give this item Special attention- it is necessary to indicate both the dates of the competitions, and the prizes, and whether the student was given a medal.

    Then you can write about the internal qualities of the student. How he gets along in a team, whether he can find a common language with other guys, work in a team - this is very important if the student is involved in a team sport.

    Tell us about his activity in the classroom, the level of discipline, whether he can independently build the training process, whether he knows how to take responsibility.

    / swimming practice / 23-characteristics of an athlete

    The characteristic reflects the personality of a teenager whose sport is unlawfully taken great place in life. Fanatic devotion to this occupation, the team and the coach forms a one-sided personality, devoid of high moral principles and spiritual values. The character and relationships are dominated by utilitarianism, a cynical attitude towards other activities, towards the environment, as peers. as well as adults. The feeling of superiority is adjacent to uncertainty, fears, anxiety.


    One-sided development is observed in the emotional, intellectual and social sphere. A teenager has a poorly developed emotional intelligence, his potential is not realized in educational activities, it is difficult for him to establish relationships with peers.

    Constant conflicts with teachers, parents about studies have become the norm. A teenager goes for rough blackmail to be left alone, not "bored" with lessons.

    Characteristics of the student - athlete

    Describe all the physical education standards (or those that he needs) that the student performs: running, long jumps from a place, shuttle run etc. Then you describe all the achievements in sports (extracurricular activities, electives, circles, etc.). What places in what competitions, competitions, tournaments received. In general, everything related to sports. And sign the testimonial. Seal of the director of the school. My brother went to athletics, and so, on such points, a physical education teacher wrote a characterization to him. Typically, a characteristic is issued to a graduate school student for admission to other educational institutions.
    The characteristic must indicate the full name of the student, in which school he studied, what sport he did, what places he took, where he participated. It is also worth writing about his personal qualities.

    How to write a sports description for a student from a physical education teacher?

    The athlete is attached to only one of the parents, is hostile to other family members, insufficient attention is paid to the athlete, the athlete does not have a sense of security in the family;

    • the athlete is superfluous in the family, the attitude towards him is indifferent, indifferent, sometimes cruel, he is not interested in problems, the individual characteristics of the athlete are not recognized or taken into account, there are no other emotional ties with any of the adult family members (indicate the reasons for alienation, conflicts, specific features families, family relationships).

    Relationship "athlete-coach":

    • relationships with the coach are built on mutual respect and trust;
    • relations of mutual respect and trust are situational;
    • relationship with the coach does not add up;
    • relations with the coach are of a conflict nature (indicate the reasons for alienation, conflicts).

    Sample characteristics for an athlete

    The Field Practice Report is an A4 printed document. Next, you need to go to Timoshchuk Oksana Leonidovna at 43-14.

    She will need to fill out a practice diary. Help me find a sample of the characteristics of an athlete Asterisk Yasnaya Ya Higher mind (1289103) 1 year ago Instructions Start compiling a characteristic by writing the heading "Characteristic". Next, indicate the full name of the organization on behalf of which the document is being drawn up, indicate information about the athlete.

    Enter in it the name, patronymic and surname, date of birth, full education of the person being characterized, and also indicate in which sports organizations he was a member and at what time. Be sure to include in the characteristic the type of sport, sports specialization, if any, as well as degrees, titles and categories.

    During all school years (name) pays great attention to sports. For several years he was engaged in the hockey section at the Youth Sports School, with the opening of the wrestling section in 2010, he was enrolled in it and is currently involved in it. During this time, the young man has excellent results, both in republican and larger competitions, this is evidenced by letters (APPENDIX). He plans to connect his future life with sports and take part in major international competitions. Material author: Kartaeva Liliya Mikhailovna Next article→ Joint work of family and school in the upbringing and formation of the child's personality Previous article ←Successful solution of issues of education, upbringing and development of the child's personality account on our website, we invite you to register.

    Sports characteristic for an athlete sample

    These 2 final difficulties are very unpleasant, although still in many cases they can be solved: information about the company sample. If the baby does not get along with peers, then it is quite likely that an appeal to neutral land can help to make them. Choosing a sports section for a child, how not to harm Other news