There should not be many good people, or why excess weight is harmful. Why is being overweight dangerous? What is the danger of overweight women

However, obesity is not just the result of a set of bad habits. This is a disease, and a serious disease, provoking the development of many other sores. By the way, not always its cause lies in one overeating. Physicians distinguish three types of obesity: alimentary, endocrine and hypothalamic. The first is characteristic of gluttons. For those who eat more than they objectively need, and prefer to digest what they eat on the couch. Endocrine - often accompanies diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, here we are talking about malfunctions in the endocrine system. The third type develops when a part of the brain called the hypothalamus is affected, as a result of trauma, infectious or neurological diseases that affect the central nervous system. This type of obesity is the most difficult to treat. Fortunately, it is the least common.

Why do doctors insist on losing weight so strongly? Extra pounds are a heavy burden on the musculoskeletal system, on the cardiovascular system. There is practically no fat man without flat feet, arthrosis, shortness of breath, tachycardia. Over time, hypertension almost certainly develops. As a result, overweight people are affected by heart attacks and strokes 4-5 times more often. Full - a special concern and psychoneurologists. The conventional wisdom that the thin are unfriendly, the full are good-natured, is categorically refuted by medical practice. It is the fat men who turn out to be more envious and vindictive, more often suspect those around them that they are plotting evil against them. To restore normal weight You must first undergo a comprehensive medical examination. If your doctor determines that your fullness is a consequence of the inability to close your mouth in time, he may prescribe an appetite-reducing medication. If it turns out that some disease has become the cause of obesity, all efforts will be directed to combating the root cause.

Where to start a new life? No matter how trite it sounds - from charging. Of course, if you can’t tie your own shoelaces normally, then it’s hard to talk about a full-fledged complex. exercise. Start by walking, increasing the length of your walks each day and picking up the pace. Do not try to run - obese is simply harmful. Swim if you can, get yourself some dumbbells, and slowly start doing a few muscle-building exercises in the morning.

Your doctor will select a specific diet for you. If you really need to lose weight without consequences, use the help of nature itself. For example, you can deceive the feeling of hunger with an infusion of figs and prunes. Take 250 g of both, pour three liters of water and let cool. Without adding sugar, drink this infusion half a glass half an hour before meals. If you are not confused by the characteristic garlic smell, you can knead 3-4 cloves of garlic and pour them with a glass of cooled boiling water. Let it brew for a day and drink a tablespoon at night.

What hinders weight loss? Perhaps you want to lose weight, but do not have the strength to go on a diet or stick to your chosen diet for a long time, that is, no strong motivation. But no, because its occurrence is inhibited by internal causes. Their awareness and overcoming - the second stage of work with motivation - will allow you to establish the process of losing weight.

The scary word "diet" What do you associate weight loss with? With constant overcoming of itself? Giving up your favorite foods? A gloomy picture. When you decide to go on a diet, you are essentially caught between two fires: the rational desire to lose weight and the emotional desire not to. What to do? Do not exaggerate ahead of time: an individually composed diet involves the exclusion of only a few products, and no one forces you to immediately switch from gluttony to an ascetic lifestyle - give up food gradually.

People like me don't lose weight. “Of course I’ll try, but I’m unlikely to succeed!” - so argue those who surrender without a fight. If you refuse to win right away, then you don’t have to try too hard: make nightly sorties to the refrigerator and “comfort” yourself with your mother’s pancakes - anyway, harmony does not suit you. Everyone can lose weight, there is nothing more to add here.

The diet doesn't work. Starting to lose weight, you have an approximate idea of ​​the time frame and what results should be obtained. If the pounds do not go away in a week or two, then faith in the effectiveness of this and any other diet is lost. Diets affect different people in different ways: if a noticeable weight loss is promised in a week, you should not think that in exactly a week you will lose weight second by second.

What helps to lose weight. Eating behavior is built from specific human actions that are aimed at local goals. For example, the general motivation is to amaze others with your newfound beauty, the specific goal is to fit into a dress or trousers that you like in a smaller size, the action is to refuse fatty potatoes, pork dishes, sweet pastries prepared by your beloved mother. If motivation is absent or not strong enough, then local goals can be used to create and feed it. The primary stimulus should be relevant to you, that is, related to your life situation and emotionally significant.

Love. As soon as you meet a person of interest to you, there is a desire to attract his attention, to put on something unusual, but somehow you don’t want to surprise with extra folds, you have to choose between donuts and your loved one.

Pride. It's nice when colleagues, when they see you after a vacation, exclaim: "How wonderful you look!". There is a feeling of pride in oneself, which one wants to evoke again and again.

Fear. Fear of becoming fatter than you are. Fear of health problems at work and in personal life. Fear of becoming an ugly and unnecessary person.

Envy. If all friends, and most importantly, enemies, have lost weight, there is an acute desire to transform and outshine everyone with their beauty. So that you do not envy your girlfriends and friends, but they envy you.

Why lose weight? Emotions as the primary incentive to lose weight are very effective because they cause a strong desire to lose weight in the shortest possible time. Firstly, you go on a diet, secondly, you constantly forget to eat, because your thoughts are busy with other things, and, finally, you experience a strong emotional shock, spending a lot of energy. But strong emotions tend to pass quickly. Focusing on others leads to constant reflection: “Will they appreciate my efforts?”. If the efforts are not rewarded, you return to the usual diet and the end of the diet comes.

Reflection in the mirror. Waking up every day and seeing your beautiful body is no reason to change your eating habits. Slenderness is not just a waist in centimeters, but also a special type of self-awareness, a style of your life.

We lose weight comfortably

No need to deny yourself everything to lose a couple of extra pounds. There is a pleasant way.

Put your favorite foods on a small plate, and the smaller it is, the better. We can visually
it looks like you ate a large portion.

Dress salads only with fat-free sour cream - for 100 g of ready-made salad, you will receive a gain of 150 kcal and 20 g of fat.

Use vegetable oil instead of butter for frying, and olive oil is best. Replace fatty cheeses with much less high-calorie parmesan or cheese.

As it turned out, in 90% of diets, eating after 18 hours is not recommended.

Should I eat after 6 pm?

Food taken in the morning is often consumed on the same day. But the food taken in the evening is postponed for the future. Lucky are those who can eat at any time of the day and still not get better. But there are not many such people. And evening meals lead to extra pounds. In this case, it is necessary to fulfill the conditions for the use of good nutrition until 18 hours. But not everyone this method suitable, especially for people who do not have the opportunity to eat normally during working hours. What are the limitations here. Such restrictions are not recommended for people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer, diabetes or other diseases that require frequent fractional meals.

And what about the holidays? After all, often the feast takes place in the evening. Therefore, it is not necessary to follow the time, but the daily routine. You need to eat 2 hours before bedtime. After the last meal, you should resort to walking in the air, walking, breathing exercises. But in any case, not hard physical exertion.

Nutrition determines character

Scientists have established the interdependence of food addictions and the mental state of a person.

Russian scientists have determined the relationship between people's culinary preferences and their mental state. Research has shown that meat eaters, especially beef eaters, are often nervous and aggressive. Those who prefer hard foods: nuts, hard fruits are clearly striving for leadership, and chocolate lovers are lonely and unhappy people at heart. Fans of the milk diet need care and affection. Cheese lovers are reliable and consistent, seafood lovers are dreamy, and people who prefer fruits and vegetables have a calm and balanced character.

carriers overweight they come up with various sayings to console themselves: * They get fat not from cutlets, but from years”, “A fat one dries, a thin one dies” ... But, no matter how hard they try to calm themselves, medical statistics say the opposite: it is the thin ones who stay young longer and health, live longer and even achieve greater social heights. Like it or not, the employer often, in addition to our brilliant mind and brilliant education, pays attention to our appearance. This is especially true for ladies. Have you seen blurry forms among women politicians or business ladies?

Basic Rules

Drink before meals glass of water, especially in front of guests or a restaurant. Water curbs your appetite and helps you control what - and how much - you eat.

Eat sensibly, not as little as possible. By starving yourself, you won't lose weight. The body reacts to a lack of calories by accumulating fats and inhibiting metabolism. And denying himself the necessary food, a person often does not stand up and allows himself to "sweep".

In the afternoon or evening, prepare clear broth or tomato soup as a light but satisfying first course.

Study the nutritional characteristics of foods. Divide total calories for calories from fat. In your diet, the amount of calories from fat should be less than 30% of the total. A closer look at food labels might surprise you: all those fat-free confections can be loaded with sugar, which adds useless calories to your diet and damages your teeth. Sugar is hidden on the labels behind the names: dextrose, glucose, honey, corn syrup, fructose, lactose, processed cornstarch, maltodextrin, maltose, malt and molasses.

Avoid snacking vat (except for raw fruits and vegetables): this is not nearly as harmless as it seems. Small portions can be high in calories. 60 g of oatmeal with nuts and raisins contains 280 kcal and 16 g of fat, and a glass of peanuts contains 840 kcal and 68 g of fat. Two large blueberry buns can be packed with 394 calories and 8.1 grams of fat.

Eat small at home some plates.

Reward yourself. For every ten minutes of exercise, throw a fifty dollars into the piggy bank. Eventually, you'll save enough money to shell out for a new pair of sneakers or a swimsuit. Just don't cheat. For every 10 minutes of exercise you miss, take out a coin.

If you have a sweet tooth Satisfy your appetite with sweet fruits and vegetables. There are only 85 kcal and 1 g of fat on the cob of corn. Other treats for the sweet tooth: toffee (25 kcal and no fat), hot diet cocoa (25 kcal, no fat), and cinnamon tea (no calories, no fat).

Live by the 90/10 rule 90% of the food should be healthy, the remaining ten can be your favorite dishes within reasonable limits. Forbidden food does not exist - only its quantity matters.

A kitchen scale can help you determine portion sizes. A portion of meat or fish must weigh no more than 90 g or no larger than a deck of cards. (You need two or three servings a day.) If your servings are over the top, the same is most likely true of your thighs.

If you hate exercise , work in the garden or find another suitable activity.

Small changes can make a huge difference. Here's an example: Switching from regular Coke to Diet Coke will help you lose seven and a half extra pounds a year. Reduce the calorie and fat content of eggs by using only the proteins. They have only 17 kcal and no fat, while whole eggs have 75 kcal and 5 g of fat.

Make a vow to watch TV only while exercising. Use dumbbells, an aerobics bench, or equipment such as a treadmill, stepper, or exercise bike. To really improve your figure and strengthen your muscles, combine sports that burn calories, such as walking, running, or cycling, with strength exercises at least twice a week.

Count on loria like a family budget. If you're eating extra calories, make up for it. additional exercises who burn them. Four chocolate-covered cherries, for example, would require about 20 minutes of exercise.

After a family dinner, do not plop down in front of the TV and do not eat a ruinous dessert, but invite your family to take a walk or ride a bike together. Turn it into a family tradition. Each evening, add to your walk around the block until you exercise together for 30 minutes.

If possible, replace eat foods with pain shim fat content more helpful nym . Skip mayonnaise in sandwiches (100 kcal per teaspoon) and use mustard, saving 95 kcal and 11 g of fat. Sprinkle with low-fat cheese. Another way is to cut the fat content of your patties in half by substituting half the meat for mashed black or variegated beans. Mushrooms with their meaty smell will also be an excellent substitute. For muffins, use applesauce instead of the same amount of vegetable oil to get 53 fat-free calories instead of 992 fat calories.

Politely refuse get away from treats, heartily offered by friends and family explaining that you are saving calories for another meal or offsetting a recent overeating. Since the content of cholesterol in the blood significantly exceeds the recommended limit of 200 units.

Never bring treats home. Whatever you bring, you will eat. So when your kids are craving ice cream, take them to a coffee shop and order some coffee or low-fat yogurt. And, finally, falling asleep, imagine yourself strong and slender. Athletes often say: if you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Very soon you will no longer have to dream about how you will look - it will be enough to look in the mirror.

Are Curvy Shapes Good? And this is not a matter of aesthetics, fashion and beauty standards. Excess weight or obesity is a violation of the energy balance of the body, which is fraught with serious diseases, including psychological ones. What is the danger of overweight, and what is the correct weight at which you will feel good, says AnySports.

Excess weight is the scourge of modernity. The main reasons for "rounding" modern man become a sedentary lifestyle, high-calorie diet and non-natural foods. Every year everything more people die from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, from diabetes and cancer.

What are the dangers of extra pounds?

1. Impact on vessels and bones

In people with overweight blood vessels suffer, their constant companion is hypertension. This disease occurs in overweight people at a young age three times more often than in thin people. With unhealthy vessels, the likelihood of heart disease and breathing problems is high. Atherosclerosis increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

In the blood of those whose diet is high in calories, there is an excess of fat. And under loads, it is also released from the “fat depots”. As a result, cholesterol plaques are formed, which can lead to the formation of blood clots.

fat people more often suffer from joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteoarthritis - and this is far from full list ailments. Excess weight not only overloads the joints, but also entails problems with the spine - weakness of the back muscles leads to lower back pain.

2. Crazed Hormones and Diabetes

Most often overweight people suffer from diabetes. The cells of their body cease to be sensitive to insulin and do not take sugar, which comes from food. A constant excess of glucose provokes insulin resistance, which increases the likelihood of not only type 2 diabetes, but also atherosclerosis, heart problems, etc.

When overweight, global problems with the endocrine system often occur: the level of the hormone testosterone and somatotropin decreases, which help the body to use nutrients more efficiently and recover.

In men, the balance between estrogen and testosterone is also disturbed, which is why their figure acquires feminine features. Frequent problems with potency. In women, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed and it may be difficult to conceive.

3. Violation of the digestive and immune systems

The risk of gallstone formation increases. And in severe forms of obesity, the liver suffers, in which healthy cells are replaced by adipose tissue.

Another unpleasant phenomenon visceral fat around the stomach, kidneys, intestines, genitals, etc. He usually protects internal organs, but when it grows, it can provoke many diseases.

Generally excess weightswipe on the immune system. It provokes inflammation, cancer.

4. Psychological problems

Being overweight is most often associated with eating disorders. The reasons are both physiological and psychological. And the most alarming bell is the weight, which is constantly increasing, that is, uncontrolled obesity.

In addition, overweight people are prone to the formation of depressive and stressful conditions. Their self-esteem often drops significantly because they are unhappy with themselves.

How to protect yourself from negative consequences?

To reduce the risk of health problems, you need to keep your weight under control. If you already have overweight- get rid of them immediately!

  • To understand if you are overweight, look in the mirror and stand on the scale;
  • Do the calculations to determine ideal mass body. Body Mass Index is measured based on your gender, age and body type. The test can be passed;
  • If it turned out that you are overweight or even obese - urgently decide how you can start losing weight! Review your diet, if necessary - consult a nutritionist and psychologist (sometimes weight gain is associated with eating disorders). Add physical activity: move more in everyday life , sign up for ;
  • Find support in the face of a coach, friends or like-minded people - together it will be easier to cope with the problem!

Reading 5 min. Views 1 Published on 01/17/2016

  • Save your body yourself!
  • Why is obesity dangerous?

It’s hard to believe, but in a month and a half spring will come, the streets will noticeably warmer, it’s time to say goodbye to warm clothes and partially bare his body, which was pretty swollen over the winter. Of course, if you actively ate on holidays and neglected physical activity. Or maybe you kept yourself in shape and did not gain a single extra kilo. Well, in this case, you can only be happy for you - this article is not about you! But for those who play dangerous games with weight gain, you should definitely carefully study what we will discuss below. Save your body yourself! Have you ever thought about

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what is the real harm of extra pounds that you carry on your long-suffering body? Weight is one of the brightest criteria for assessing the state of health of each person. Excess weight may indicate a whole range of pathologies ranging from diseases gastrointestinal tract and ending with diseases of the reproductive organs. However, excess body weight can be not only a cause, but also a consequence of internal problems in the body. And that is why you may have difficulty losing weight and suffer from its return. That's why your way to a healthy body and beautiful figure you should start with a visit to a doctor who will conduct a complete examination of the body and give the necessary recommendations. However, if you have acquired health problems after gaining extra pounds, then it is quite obvious what depends on what. In addition, if you had some chronic diseases before weight gain, then it is likely that along with extra pounds, the condition will worsen, the disease will progress. As you can see, in any case, you need to get rid of fat if you want to be healthy viagra. otc viagra But what does viagra do if you choose laziness and an idle lifestyle, then you need to find out what this is fraught with. Why is obesity dangerous? Problems with the cardiovascular system. And this relationship has long been proven by doctors. An increase in body weight relative to normal (calculated by according to BMI) even by 1 kg leads to a 3% increase in the risk of heart attack. Can you imagine the consequences of having 20, 30 or more extra pounds? Why is this happening? The point is that every extra kilogram provokes stretching and growth of capillary tissue for 300 kilometers. Accordingly, your heart has to work much more intensively and pump blood in an enhanced mode. To avoid this, you just need to reduce your own weight so that the capillary network returns to normal. More than 50% of cases of arterial hypertension are caused by being overweight.
Also, due to fat, there is a narrowing of the coronary vessels, due to which the tissues and organs are insufficiently supplied with oxygen and essential nutrients. Ischemic disease the heart also occurs precisely for this reason, hence the ischemic stroke. Another cialis nuisance - atherosclerosis - occurs as a result of a violation of the lipid composition of the blood in the body (this condition is called dyslipidemia). In general, twice as many obese people die from cardiovascular disease as thin people. Do you value your life? Lose weight! Diabetes. Approximately 85% of those suffering from type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) are overweight people. Adipose tissue produces special substances that prevent the absorption of insulin by tissues, one of the most important hormones responsible for the normal functioning of the pancreas and carbohydrate metabolism in the body. The occurrence of malignant tumors. It cannot be argued that overweight people are more susceptible to all types of cancer, but the fact that the percentage of incidence of some of its types is higher in obese people cannot be denied. So, malignant tumors of the breast, prostate, kidneys, lungs, intestines, female organs appear in most cases in overweight people. The appearance of stones in the gallbladder. Those who have at least ten extra pounds suffer from this disease 2-3 times more often. The reason for this, again, is a violation of lipid metabolism, as well as, high level cholesterol in the body. Also, an important role is played by a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder, caused by excessive development of adipose tissue. But here you need to be extremely careful, as too rapid weight loss can cause an increase in stones. This is another reason for the slow and thoughtful disposal of accumulated extra pounds. Problems with the musculoskeletal system. Deforming osteoarthritis is one of the main problems in overweight people. The reason is physical: heavy weight puts pressure on fragile soft joints, causing them to deform. Also, cases of gout are very common, since the function of removing salts with urine is inhibited, salts are deposited on the articular tissues. Sleep apnea or sleep apnea. Ventilation of the lungs is reduced to a large extent, and this leads to violations of the sensitivity of the respiratory center, to an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, and pressure disturbances in the pulmonary artery. All these factors combined lead to the fact that obese people 5 times more likely to stop breathing while slender. Infertility and sexual problems. Due to the inhibition of the functions of the male and female reproductive organs, couples in which one or both partners are obese cannot have children for a long time. Spermatozoa become inactive, their number decreases. In women, due to the abundance of estrogens contained in adipose tissue, the ovaries work in an enhanced mode, giving out infertile eggs. As you can see, there are a lot of problems caused by excess body weight. Getting rid of even a part of the extra pounds greatly improves the overall picture and helps restore lost health.

Excess weight is not only an aesthetic problem, most diseases are the result of obesity. According to medical statistics, identified such factors:

  • obese people are 3 times more likely to suffer from hypertension;
  • suffer from atherosclerosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels 2 times more often;
  • the risk of diabetes is 10 times higher than in asthenic people;
  • life expectancy in obese people is 1.5 times shorter than in lean people.

Most of the diseases can cause lethal outcome significantly degrade the quality of life.

  • Disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Due to malnutrition, cholesterol is deposited, which interferes with the normal blood supply to the body. People suffer from heart failure, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, which leads to stroke, heart attack, premature death.
  • Causes diabetes. Due to the high calorie content of dishes and the lack of physical activity develops a decrease in the sensitivity of receptors to insulin. Its constantly high level leads to malfunction of the thyroid gland. All this leads to diabetes. And he threatens with renal failure, the development of gangrene. Obese people are more likely to have diseases of the genitourinary system, cholecystitis, kidney and liver stones.
  • provokes hormonal disorders . Obesity reduces the production of sex hormones, especially in men. Disruptions in the endocrine system also cause disruptions. Women have problems conceiving.
  • Raise stress on the joints and spine. Obesity seriously disrupts their work. Over time, cartilage lubrication begins to wear off. Muscles weaken, so the main load falls on the joints and ligaments. Arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis develop.

Atherosclerosis due to overweight

In men, gaining extra pounds is associated with a decrease in testosterone synthesis.. It turns out a vicious circle: the more fat deposits appear, the stronger the hormone leptin is produced by the body. And it, in turn, blocks the production of testosterone.

  • hypodynamia;

Excess weightfor men turns into the following problems:

  • high blood pressure, heart disease;
  • heart attack and stroke;
  • all types of diabetes;
  • bad mood and psychological disorders, for example, tearfulness, apathy, depression;
  • decreased libido;
  • reduced erection;
  • infertility;
  • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cancerous tumors of the prostate.

Overweight men are more likely to suffer from infectious and viral diseases. Being overweight affects all areas of life.

Most often, fat accumulates in a strong half of humanity in the abdomen. If the waist is above 100 cm in girth, then it's time to take care of the figure.

Ladies need to monitor the amount of body fat more carefully, because there are more of them initially. In addition to the traditional harm, Excess weight is dangerous for women with the following consequences:

  • The deposition of cellulite and the appearance of varicose veins. The outlines of the figure become unattractive.
  • Hormonal imbalance. This is dangerous for erratic menstrual cycles and ovulation. Increased hair growth and impaired female reproductive function.
  • Infertility.
  • Psychological problems, low self-esteem, difficulties in personal life.

Cellulite due to obesity
  • late toxicosis develops;
  • dangerous high pressure is fixed;
  • swelling appears;
  • detect protein in the urine and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • possible premature aging of the placenta;
  • high risk of developing varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • possible abortion, miscarriage.

Obesity in pregnancy

Obesity future mother dangerous because the child may experience:

  • oxygen starvation;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • the risk of developing heart defects and neuralgia;

Read more in our article on the dangers of being overweight.

Completeness has become almost the norm in modern world. Everyone suspects the dangers of being overweight for health. It not only spoils appearance person. Most modern diseases are the result of obesity.

According to medical statistics:

  • Overweight people are 3 times more likely to suffer from hypertension.
  • Obese people suffer from atherosclerosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels more than 2 times.
  • The risk of diabetes in overweight people is 10 times higher than in asthenic physique.
  • Life expectancy for obese people is 1.5 times shorter than for lean people.

Completeness threatens the development of many serious diseases. Most of them can be fatal. Not to mention that they significantly worsen the quality of life.

Being overweight has the following health risks:

To avoid the above diseases and other harm from excess weight for the body, it is important to monitor nutrition and exercise regularly. For weight loss, it is better to choose low-calorie diets that will not harm the body and at the same time lose weight.

How does it affect the body of men

Often a set of extra pounds is associated with a decrease in testosterone synthesis. It turns out a vicious circle: the more fat deposits appear, the stronger the hormone leptin is produced by the body. And it, in turn, blocks the production of testosterone.

The traditional causes of obesity in men are:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • hypodynamia;
  • malnutrition and overeating.

Obesity in men

Fat men run the risk of not just losing an attractive figure. Excess weight for men turns into the following harm to their health:

  • high blood pressure, heart disease;
  • heart attack and stroke;
  • all types of diabetes;
  • bad mood and psychological disorders, for example, tearfulness, apathy, depression;
  • decreased libido;
  • erection reduction;
  • infertility;
  • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cancerous tumors of the prostate.

In addition, obese men are more likely to suffer from infectious and viral diseases. Being overweight affects all areas of life.

It is also important to note that obesity lowers a woman's self-esteem. She starts to feel unattractive. As a result, in order to get rid of stress, the girls begin to eat even more.

Watch the video about the impact of excess weight on health:

Harm of excess weight during pregnancy

Doctors are very closely monitoring the weight of the expectant mother, as this affects the health of the woman, the process of childbirth and the baby. That's why overweight women it is often recommended to lose weight before pregnancy. Otherwise, all this will turn into a number of problems. The dangers of being overweight during pregnancy are as follows:

  • in late toxicosis;
  • in increasing pressure;
  • in edematous phenomena;
  • in the appearance of protein in the urine and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • in premature aging of the placenta;
  • in varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • in increasing the load on the spine and joints;
  • Fetal hypoxia in obesity in a pregnant woman

    In addition, the baby is also in danger. Extra pounds in a future mother are dangerous because the child may experience:

    • oxygen starvation;
    • violation of proportions between the circumference of the head and pelvis;
    • lack of nutrients;
    • the risk of developing heart defects and neuralgia;
    • the likelihood of acquiring a genetic predisposition to be overweight.

    Therefore, at each visit to the doctor, weight measurements are taken. When violations appear, it is usually recommended to follow a special diet for pregnant women.

    Excess weight is harmful to the whole body, to all organs. In addition, it greatly reduces the quality of human life. Full acquire many dangerous and almost incurable diseases. Therefore, to follow the figure is not only fashionable, but also good for health.

29.04.2019 798

One in three people are overweight or even obese, according to a new study. Excess weight has become one of the biggest problems of mankind. But why is he so dangerous?

When does weight become overweight?

At what point can you talk about being overweight? It is believed that problems start with a body mass index (BMI) value of 25, and from 30 - obesity. To determine BMI, you need to identify the ratio of weight, height, age and sex. The result will be a certain number, in people with normal weight it is between 18.5 and 25.

But people with large muscles when calculating BMI often get a misleading result, which is considered overweight, but in their case it is not. Therefore, only the definition gives a more accurate result. percentage body fat. In adult women with normal weight, it ranges from 20 to 34 percent. And in adult men, the proportion of fat should be from 9 to 26 percent. Anything above these guideline values ​​is called overweight.

How does excess weight appear?

That people gain too much weight may have different reasons. In most cases, the culprit is an eating disorder that causes people to consume more calories than the body burns. A diet high in fat and sugar quickly leads to extra pounds. In addition, overweight people often have a lack of movement, because most of us spend the whole day sitting. And after work, we lie down on the sofa, and do not go to the gym or swimming pool.

However, we can only partially influence certain factors. Mental stress, fears, or trauma can cause us to become so stressed that we regularly empty the refrigerator. Obese children often learn bad eating habits from their parents or inherit a sluggish metabolism. But also some hormonal diseases and medications can cause overweight.

Excess weight is life-threatening!

Some effects of being overweight are more pronounced than others. Fat people quickly overstrain, overwork, sweat more often and more. Their breathing is heavier and they tend to snore. If obese people see themselves in the mirror, they often lose confidence because the extra pounds make them feel less attractive. As a result, they often withdraw into themselves and increasingly limit themselves in the quality of life.

Obese people also have a significantly increased risk of many diseases. According to a study by Canadian scientists, their life expectancy can be reduced by up to 20 years compared to people with normal weight. The most common diseases caused by being overweight include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Labored breathing
  • sleep apnea
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout
  • Certain types of cancer, such as uterine or breast cancer
  • Imbalance of sex hormones
  • Back pain

In addition, obese people are at increased risk of thrombosis and embolism, which is very dangerous and requires urgent surgery under general anesthesia.

How to get rid of excess weight?

Such prospects are far from encouraging. But where to start, so that extra pounds disappear? Many overweight people feel overwhelmed by their situation and therefore lose faith in themselves. But they can be helped by the following tips.

First, try to determine the cause of your overweight: are you eating too much? Are you moving very little? Then try changing your behavior a little. If you change your diet drastically, you will be less likely to stick with it for a long time. You need to start small, for example, replace sweets with fruits with a minimum amount of fructose. After replacing all sugary drinks with water and so on. Be sure to walk every day, at least a little, but constantly increase the duration of the walk.

It is also worth surrounding yourself with people who have the same goals as you. Losing weight with friends is easier and more fun. You can join a weight loss group. Because sometimes even one conversation with a like-minded person helps to restore motivation and give strength.

Finally, believe that losing weight is possible! If the scale shows 3 kilograms more after the holidays, it is extremely important that you continue to achieve your goal and