A set of exercises and exercises for breathing. We breathe for health according to the Strelnikova method

We all know that weight loss is necessary physical activity. But what about those who do not have the time and opportunity for full-fledged training in gym? An alternative could be breathing exercises for weight loss, which does not require huge efforts and takes a little time, but, nevertheless, it is really effective. How does it work, and how to breathe to lose weight? Let's try to figure it out.

Breathe properly to lose weight. To many, this seems something strange, because it seems that there is no connection at all. However, it is there, and very close. essence breathing exercises is to return to natural, natural breathing. Breastfeeding babies always breathe deeply, with their stomach, and their diaphragm takes an active part in the process. The lungs are completely filled with air, and completely released from it when exhaling. As we grow older, we lose this ability and breathe from our chest. At the same time, the diaphragm and lower parts of the lungs are involved in this process very little, the air is not completely exhaled.

But the full saturation of the body with air is extremely important, in particular for weight loss. Due to the fact that the cells receive enough oxygen, in the body metabolism is accelerated, respectively, more active fat burning. Improves digestion, out of the body slags and toxins are actively removed. Oxygen promotes the oxidation and breakdown of fat. Another advantage that breathing exercises for weight loss have is that they calm, reduce the production of stress hormones while boosting the production of happiness hormones. As a result, we fight depression, feel calmer and more harmonious, getting rid of the need to seize stress.

Breathing exercises are useful for the body as a whole, and it has the following advantages:

  • reduces the feeling of hunger;
  • stimulates digestion;
  • breaks down and oxidizes fat cells;
  • gives the body additional energy resources;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • soothes.

What is the name of breathing exercises for weight loss? Everything depends on the technique. The most popular trends today are bodyflex and oxidize. Learn about bodyflex with Marina Korpan at. Both work on a full breath, but there are certain differences. Both exercises take only 15 minutes to complete. In bodyflex, the essence is to hold your breath for 8-10 seconds after a deep exhalation. Exercises are done specifically on the delay. When oxidized, short "dovdoh" and "dovdukh" are made. That is, taking a deep breath, we take three small breaths, and, exhaling deeply, three short breaths.

Preparation for breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for weight loss will help you get in shape in just 15 minutes a day. It does not require a trainer, special equipment and clothing.

Breathing exercises have contraindications. You should not exercise during pregnancy, increased intracranial pressure, bronchial asthma, glaucoma, certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels, after recent operations. If you have certain diseases, be sure to consult your doctor first.

In how to do breathing exercises for weight loss, it is important to consider the following rules:

  • You need to do it regularly. In the process of losing weight - every day, and when you already achieve the result, you can perform exercises three times a week to consolidate it.
  • Do not exercise immediately after eating. In general, the best time is in the morning on an empty stomach. You can drink water while exercising.
  • It is important to provide yourself with an adequate supply of oxygen. Ventilate the room where you will be working. In the warm season, it is ideal to do gymnastics in an open space.

It is recommended to start with one exercise with which you will accustom yourself to proper breathing.. Lie on your back, place your palms on your stomach, inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. When you inhale, your diaphragm should smoothly fall down towards your legs, and your stomach should inflate to the maximum. On exhalation, the diaphragm moves up towards the head, and the stomach is drawn in. It is important to use the stomach as much as possible, while the chest should remain almost motionless. You need to inhale only through the nose, you can exhale through the mouth.

To begin with, it is enough to do the exercise for a minute, gradually increasing this time. If you have lost the habit of breathing correctly, then at first you may experience weakness, dizziness. Only after passing the preparatory stage and having mastered basic principles correct breathing, you can include in the complex and fully perform other exercises.

You should not, without being prepared, proceed to a full-fledged set of exercises. Otherwise, negative consequences are possible in the form of dizziness, hyperventilation of the lungs and even loss of consciousness. It is important to start breathing exercises gradually. Even one exercise, performed fully, will help to lose weight. Fat will begin to be burned already at the preparatory stage.

How to lose weight with breathing exercises: exercises

Breathing exercises for weight loss combine the basics of proper breathing with the study of various muscle groups. This allows you to provide oxygen access to fat cells, as a result of which they will begin to be actively burned. The muscles will get stronger, which will ensure a decrease in centimeters in problem areas.

Marina Korpan system

The exercises developed by Marina Korpan will help you notice clear results after two weeks. The woman is the author of the methodology and the book "How to remove the stomach." At one time, she herself got rid of excess weight, therefore, all the principles of gymnastics are proved by herself. The main principles in this case are as follows:

  • Inhale smoothly through your nose, then take two more short breaths, then a long exhalation and two short ones. Try to maximize the use of the stomach, leaving the chest motionless. It is necessary to repeat 2-3 times.
  • Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, deeply and slowly. Exhaling, pull the stomach to the back, inhaling - stick it forward. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
  • Inhale deeply, lower your head and pull your stomach in strongly. Then, as you exhale, empty your lungs as much as possible from the air and hold your breath for a few seconds. Repeat three times.

Marina Korpan offers a wide range of exercises for different parts of the body. She also emphasizes the importance proper nutrition, recommends avoiding fatty, fried and salty foods. No need to adhere to strict diets and strict restrictions. Eat fractionally: in small portions and often.

Alexandra Strelnikova's system

It was developed in the middle of the last century. Strelnikova, being an opera singer, originally developed it to restore her voice. A little later, it was found that this technique is useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, disorders of the nervous system, problems with the respiratory system, gynecological and urological diseases, and it also helps to lose weight.

The essence of the technique is that you need to inhale through the nose, actively, noisily and quickly, and exhale, on the contrary, through the mouth, slowly and effortlessly. In this case, the chest should be compressed during inhalation, and not unclenched. Direct exercises are done on inspiration.

The Strelnikova complex includes 11 exercises. It is recommended to start with the first three, adding to them gradually one new one at a time:

  • Take a standing position. Arms bent at the elbows, palms forward. Take four quick breaths, rhythmically clenching your palms into fists. Then lower your arms, rest for four seconds and exhale in a relaxed manner. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 24 times.
  • Stand up straight, press your palms to your stomach, clenched into fists. Inhaling the air, push your arms down and strain your shoulders at the same time. Then return your hands to their place, relax and exhale. Repeat the exercise 8 times, then rest for four seconds.
  • Standing straight, lower your arms parallel to the floor. As you inhale, lean forward and reach for the floor with your hands without touching it. Exhaling, do not straighten up completely. It is recommended to perform the exercises quickly - about 100 times per minute.

Once you've mastered these exercises, you can move on to others. They are also recommended to be performed with good access to fresh air.

Breathing exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

  • put your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • slightly bend your knees;
  • rest your palms on the hips of the mute above the knees;
  • inhale and exhale deeply several times;
  • then take a strong deep breath;
  • take a sharp breath through your nose, inflating your stomach;
  • exhale deeply through your mouth, fully drawing in your stomach, hold your breath;
  • during a pause, keeping the stomach pulled in, place the elbow of the left hand on the knee of the leg on the same side;
  • straighten your straight leg and stretch it to the side so that it does not come off the ground;
  • stretch a straight arm above your head, feeling the tension of the lateral muscles;
  • stay in this position for 10 seconds;
  • inhaling, return to the starting position, repeat the exercise 3-5 times for each side.

Breathing exercises for the hips

Consider an effective exercise for slimming the hips:

  • The exercise is performed in a sitting position on the floor. Place your left foot on your right, bend them at the knees;
  • place the right hand on the left knee;
  • put your left hand behind your back;
  • in this position, exhale and inhale, then inhale deeply and sharp exhalation, strongly drawing in the stomach while inhaling;
  • during the pause, you need to pull your left knee towards you and twist your body to the left;
  • turn your head and try to look back;
  • you should feel how the thigh muscles work and lateral muscles abdomen
  • you need to linger for 10 seconds, then inhale.

Repeat the exercise 3-5 times, then change position, and repeat the same number of times on the other side.

The effectiveness of breathing exercises is confirmed by numerous good reviews about her. Remember that all the benefits and effectiveness lie in proper breathing. If it’s hard for you to learn it on your own, you can consult with a specialist who practices breathing exercises, or watch a video.

Breathing exercises for weight loss: video exercises

There are several popular systems in the world breathing exercises, but the legacy that the great Patanjali left us still remains at unattainable heights, and in its uniqueness and multifaceted functionality, no other direction could surpass the developments of the ancient yogic school.

In this article, we will tell you what are the benefits of doing breathing exercises for the body and their beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state of a person. You will learn to manage your emotions through breathing practices.

A set of breathing exercises

A set of breathing exercises will be useful to everyone interested in a healthy way life. Breathing is involved in all life processes of the body. Without it, a person cannot live even a few minutes. Proper breathing It will help normalize the work of internal organs and glands, improve blood circulation and, together with it, provide oxygen to the cells of the body, which previously lacked a vital element.

Gas exchange in the lungs depends on whether a person breathes correctly. If breathing is shallow and insufficient, then oxygen will not be delivered to those cells that need it. Proper breathing and its effect on blood flow is significant, since it is thanks to the correct gas exchange and the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen that the body will receive nutrients delivered through the blood.

Much more can be said about the importance of breathing and how vital it is to learn how to control it. Yes, breathing can be controlled, and the practice of yoga calls it the art of controlling and distributing prana in the body, or pranayama. Prana is that energy that we do not see with the eye, but it exists. This is not a synonym for the word "oxygen", but much more. Prana is the life-giving energy that is in everything around us: in food, living organisms, air, light, etc. This is what gives the Universe life.

Breathing exercises to calm down

Let's first understand what we mean by the term "breathing exercises for calming" and what we can understand by calming. As practice shows, this is a matter of paramount importance. If you understand calmness as physical calm, relaxation and complete comfort for the body, then in order to achieve such goals, you must perform one set of breathing exercises.

If by calming exercises you understand primarily the psychological aspect, freeing the mind from thought processes, or at least reducing the flow of thoughts and slowing down the internal dialogue, then this will be a different story, because although physical and mental calming can go hand in hand, and usually mental relaxation promotes physical calmness, but these states can also occur separately from each other, that is, you can be physically active and at the same time mentally calm and relaxed.

The reverse relationship is somewhat more complicated, since psychological tightness or nervousness will affect physical state, because the psychological and mental levels in terms of the hierarchy of human bodies are higher than the basic physical. Based on this, we understand that the mental and psychological state plays a large role in controlling the physical body.

Let's remember such a moment when you, having come home from work, are comfortably seated in a chair and generally feel physically relaxed, while the brain still continues to function in the same mode as at work, i.e. it has not switched, not disconnected from old programs. He continues to scroll through the stories of the day, which also does not help him calm down, and this happens every day. The thought process does not leave us for a minute. We cannot talk about calmness in its purest form if the brain is constantly comparing something, reviewing details, analyzing. This machine is always in operation, and most importantly, it is very difficult to stop it.

Stopping the Thought Process with Breathing Exercises

Meditation techniques are used to stop the thought process, thus eventually achieving complete relaxation, not only physical. But in order to enter into meditation, to start meditating, it is best to start with breathing techniques. It is they who will help to concentrate, reduce the flow of mental images, with constant practice it will become possible to completely stop it and, as a result, truly calm down.

Thoughts are what makes us restless almost all the time. Unfortunately, we have no power over them, but it only seems so at first glance. A person can and should be the master of his thoughts in order to be able to concentrate on fruitful thought forms at will, selecting and weeding out unnecessary ones. This is what the practice of dharana teaches - the concentration of thoughts on one thing.

You can also learn not to think at certain times when it is necessary to really calm down. If you understand calmness as a focus on positive emotions and memories, then this is not yet real peace. This is just a way to temporarily avoid negative thoughts, but they will return again, so this approach is, to put it mildly, unproductive and is just a form of avoidance. For those of you who do not want to return to where you started every time, you need to master meditation techniques, the best of which are associated with yoga breathing exercises -.

Yoga: breathing exercises

Breathing exercises of yoga - pranayama - generally have a good preventive and therapeutic effect on the body, not to mention the fact that the calming effect for the psyche, achieved during their implementation, is stable and has a beneficial effect on mental processes. If you want to learn in practice what it is to turn off the flow of thoughts for at least a short time, then it is hardly possible to think of something better than pranayama. From the entire list of pranayamas, we will select those with which it is best to start and which at the same time will allow you to experience meditation.

  • Anuloma Viloma;
  • Chandra Bhedana pranayama;
  • Samavritti pranayama;
  • Full yogic breathing.

There are many pranayamas in yoga practice, but it is undesirable to use Bhastrika and Kapalabhati, because these 2 breathing techniques ventilate the lungs very much, and it is better to use them only in combination with other pranayamas, since they will not give a calming effect by themselves. While their combination with other types of pranayamas can be effective, but for this you need to have enough great experience practices in order to skillfully compose a complex of breathing techniques that is safe for your body and at the same time leads to the desired result.

Performing pranayamas in which there is kumbhaka, i.e. holding your breath while inhaling or exhaling is possible, but this is worth waiting until you have mastered basic breathing techniques well. Only after that you can practice holding your breath, starting with a very short time: for 3-4 seconds.

Yogic breathing exercises are designed in such a way that by performing them, you fill the body with that very amazing energy - prana, which we have already talked about. It moves through the inner channels-nadis, there are hundreds and even thousands of them. The three most important of them are located along the spinal column, if we try to explain them in terms of anatomy, to make it clearer. However, these channels are energetic, i.e. they are invisible.

Through Ida - the lunar channel on the left, Pingala - the solar channel on the right, and the central, most important - Sushumna - passes and distributes pranic energy. Performing full yogic breathing and pranayama, you activate the flow of prana through these channels, filling your body with life.

Breathing exercises in yoga as a preparation for deep meditation

For those who are just starting to take their first steps in the practice of pranayama, it is best to first master the full yogic breathing. It consists of 3 stages: abdominal, thoracic and clavicular. The essence of such breathing lies in the name itself - it is complete. Your breathing calms down and becomes deeper and more measured. Thoughts are concentrated on the breathing process, this alone prevents you from rushing or taking shallow breaths and insufficient exhalations. Gradually, through the breathing process itself, you relax, even if you were physically tense, because when the abdominal region is connected to the breathing process, the body itself smoothly relaxes.

This is followed by the removal of emotional stress, and with the help of concentration on the processes of inhalation and exhalation, the mind also switches, its work becomes less intense, the thought process slows down, thus having a calming effect on emotions and the psyche, not only on the body. With the inclusion of full yogic breathing in your daily practice, even with the help of it, you can understand for the first time what the state of thoughtlessness is when the thought process is stopped at least for a while. This is the beginning of real meditation, then it can be deepened, and doing pranayamas and full yogic breathing can be the key for you that will open the door to meditation.

Breathing exercises to calm the nervous system

All exercises from the practice of yoga in one way or another help to calm the nervous system. Some more, others less. In order to put the nerves in order, you can start practicing pranayamas such as:

  • Apanasati or otherwise known as Anapanasati pranayama;
  • Nadi shodhana or Anuloma Viloma - they are similar, the differences are only in the moment associated with kumbhaka;
  • Samavritti pranayama, or "square breathing";
  • Shitali pranayama, or "cooling breath". Its essence is not in cooling you, namely in calming;
  • Chandra bhedana pranayama also refers to "cooling" in the same sense as described above;
  • Full yogic breathing completes this list of breathing exercises for calming the nervous system.

Yogic breathing practices, along with the practice of asanas, have a very organic effect on the psyche, strengthening nervous system and increasing stress tolerance. If you decide to practice breathing exercises regularly, you will notice how your way of thinking changes in a short time. You will begin to pay less attention to trifles, small, annoying moments that just recently annoyed and drove you crazy.

A new outlook on life will be the factor that will help you be more balanced. Thoughts penetrate and guide all spheres of life, therefore, by changing the breath, you can change the very direction of thoughts, and this will help you react less to external stimuli, but more aware of the sequence of events and their significance in your life. In this way, life will not only become more balanced, but you will be able to take control of it and become a co-creator of your life path.

  • Types of breathing
  • YOGA

The first thing a baby does after birth is to take a deep breath. The lungs expand and the baby lets out its first cry. This is a good sign, indicating that the baby was able to survive childbirth and is entering into new life. After that, he does not stop breathing until his death. Breathing is a natural process. We take a deep breath Fresh air, hold your breath with unpleasant odors or under water. Anxious moments in movies or books leave us breathless. Or we try not to breathe during the first kiss. However, in ordinary life, people do not pay attention to how they breathe. The process goes by itself, as it should. But proper breathing can bring our body into harmony, get rid of fullness, from multiple diseases. This is a whole science that needs to be learned. There are several breathing practices. If you master them, you can get rid of spiritual and physiological problems. It's amazing that something as natural as breathing can change our lives so much.

The benefits of breathing exercises

It is impossible to live long without breathing. Even our ancestors correlated this process with the soul. And the very word "breath" is similar to the word "soul". It is the breath that connects our spiritual state with the physical incarnation. It is breathing that allows us to understand our psyche. based on this connection, they help to achieve harmony between body and soul. If you learn how to breathe correctly, you can be cured of many diseases. This is diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and sexual dysfunction. Naturally, breathing practices can improve the performance of the respiratory system. Another positive quality exercises - opportunity to lose weight. Many girls suffering from overweight, were able to drop overweight through proper breathing. Unfortunately, most people do not take this process seriously, do not believe in the benefits of breathing exercises. But the result of proper breathing is simply stunning.

Types of breathing

To obtain oxygen and release carbon dioxide, we use the respiratory organs - the nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi, lungs, etc. Sometimes some organs perform the function of others, for example, with a cold, when the nose is blocked, we inhale air through the mouth. Although we use the same complex of organs of the respiratory system, we breathe differently. Breathing can be


Yoga is a system of exercises that allows a person to learn to control the spiritual and physiological functions organism. This system operates with the concept of "prana". The Vedas and Upanishads, the oldest Hindu texts, speak of prana. There is food and breathing prana that allows you to maintain human life. Breathing exercises in yoga are called Pranayama - the fourth level of Ashtanga yoga. With the help of breathing, you can learn to control prana.

Yoga technique is mixed or full breathing. It is characterized by the opening and ventilation of the lungs. Breathing practice allows you to achieve the following results:

  • excellent ventilation of the lungs;
  • saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • pressure reduction;
  • improved metabolism;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • increased immunity.

Moreover, when performing breathing practice, your body is filled with life-giving prana, you gain balance and harmony.

First you need to sit in Turkish, facing north (south for women), close your eyes and straighten your back. At the same time, the hands are on the knees, and the fingers are collected in Jnani mudra. First, exhale deeply so that the air completely leaves the lungs. You need to start with abdominal breathing. To do this, stick out your stomach. Feel it unfold Bottom part lungs. Then comes the middle breathing - the chest rises, the air fills the middle part of the lungs. After that, raise your shoulders, fill with oxygen upper part lungs. In this case, the stomach needs to be pulled in a little. When exhaling, the shoulders and chest drop. The breathing itself should be smooth and even. You don't have to make an effort or strain internal organs. Feel what muscles work with each stage of breathing. Focus on prana, on the life-giving energy that fills your body with every breath. The breathing exercise includes 3-14 complete inhale-exhale cycles.


Breathing exercises are a set of exercises that can fight against many ailments. Among them are bronchial asthma, and cardiovascular diseases, and diseases of the central nervous system, and deformities of the spine or chest. Strelnikova's technique is based on gas exchange. More air enters the lungs than usual, so gas exchange in the blood is stimulated. The exercise is not only respiratory system but also the diaphragm, head, neck, abdominal Press. Gymnastics involves the whole body, so its beneficial effect is so great.

Strelnikova's set of exercises is quite extensive. We will give three introductory exercises as an example.

  • "Palms"

Breathing is like clapping your hands. You need to take 4 breaths through your nose, while exhaling through your mouth. Inhalation should be noisy and deep, and exhalation should be imperceptible and quiet. Every 4 breaths there is a pause of 3-5 seconds. Then the exercise is repeated. When inhaling, you need to clench your hands into fists, while resting, your hands fall. In total, 24 exercises of 4 breaths should be done. Shoulders and stomach are not involved in breathing. This exercise can cause slight dizziness. Then the pause between sets should be increased to 10 seconds.

This exercise involves 8 breaths in a row, without any stop. After the breaths, a short break for 4-5 seconds follows, after which the exercise is repeated again. "Shoulders" are performed while standing, hands should be pressed to the stomach. The fingers are clenched into fists. On exhalation, a sharp push is made with the hands to the floor without the participation of the shoulders. The arms should be fully extended. During exhalation, the hands are again pressed against the stomach. The exercise should be repeated 12 times for 8 breaths.

  • "Pump"

Exercise should be done while standing. We lean towards the floor. In the middle of the tilt, a breath is taken through the nose, which ends with the tilt. Then you need to straighten up, bend over again and inhale. The exercise is performed 12 times for 8 breaths. After each figure eight rest 4-5 seconds.

Strelnikova's gymnastics also includes other exercises that involve the legs, neck and head. Some exercises need to be done while standing, others can be done while sitting. have an amazing effect on the body, but you need not to overdo it. Be sure to pause between sets, otherwise gymnastics can only do harm.


This technique is incredibly attractive in women. After all, it allows lose extra pounds without resorting to debilitating diets or exercise. Its author Greer Childers is a woman who lost weight after giving birth with just breathing. It takes only 15 minutes a day, but the benefits of exercise are much greater than those of diets and sports. This technology is suitable for women who do not have time for the gym or do not have the opportunity to go on a diet. The basis of the method is aerobic respiration and stretching. When exercising, the body is saturated with oxygen, which burns fat, and the muscles tense up and become elastic. Bodyflex is designed for people of any age. Breathing techniques for weight loss are best done in the morning, but any time will do. The main thing is 2 hours after eating.

Bodyflex includes several exercises, each of which allows you to deal with overweight, loose skin or wrinkles. The breathing technique is performed in a certain position - as if you are going to sit on a chair. The pelvis needs to be taken back, put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend over and rest your hands on your hips. Then slowly exhale through the mouth, quickly and sharply inhale through the nose. After that, the air must be pushed out of the lungs with force, straining the diaphragm. Then we draw in the stomach and count to ourselves to 10. Now you can inhale.

In combination with stretching and exercises on the muscles of the face, an incredible effect is achieved. Centimeters are reduced, and the body becomes elastic and flexible.


Novosibirsk doctor Konstantin Buteyko uses a completely different technique. According to his research, diseases do not occur due to a lack of oxygen in the body, but because of its excess. We release carbon dioxide that we think is harmful too quickly, so disease appears. According to Buteyko, shallow breathing should be practiced. His method eliminates bronchial asthma, diabetes, heart disease and metabolic disorders.

Gymnastics should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. To prescribe exercises, you need to undergo an assessment of lung function, measure the pulse, and calculate the control pause. The latter represents the time from inhalation to the subsequent desire to inhale. The normal control pause is 60 seconds or more. Another reason to exercise under medical supervision is the cleansing response. A person may feel unwell, accompanied by fever, vomiting and pain. However, Buteyko calls to consider this effect as a norm. Although modern scientists disagreed. Some believe that the technique is dangerous for the respiratory center, and British scientists consider shallow breathing effective and efficient.


Leo Kofler is an opera singer. He developed his technique at the end of the 19th century. Then Kofler suffered tuberculosis, because of which he left the stage. To get back to what he loves, Kofler developed set of breathing exercises which allowed him to get rid of tuberculosis. His three-phase breathing system allows you to recover not only from consumption, but also from other lung diseases. This technique was supplemented, after which it was called the Kofler-Lobanova-Lukyanova method. The basis of the respiratory system is the training of the respiratory apparatus.

Three-phase breathing begins with exhalation. Only half of the air comes out of the lungs, then a pause follows. The pause must be kept until the body has a desire to inhale. After that, inhale through the nose and exhale. There is no pause between inhalation and exhalation. Exercises should be performed while standing, straightening your back.

This complex helps to train a uniform exhalation. Also, the Kofler-Lobanova-Lukyanova method includes the elimination of nasal overtones, the development of the muscles of the pharynx and an economical exhalation. The system allows you to expand the volume of the lungs, learn to sing or speak while performing rhythmic movements. This is especially true for singers who, during performances, must both dance and sing at the same time. Also, the technique allows you to cope with pulmonary diseases.


American Leonard Orr created a technique to get rid of negative thoughts. The term "rebirthing" itself comes from the English "rebirthing", which means "rebirth". According to Orr, a person experiences a birth trauma, which is deposited in the subconscious, negatively affecting his subsequent life. With the help of breathing, Orr offers to get rid of this trauma, as well as negative events that have an overwhelming effect on us. Rebirthing is a deeper method that includes not only breathing techniques, but also philosophy, a positive attitude. But this technique is controversial, because so far there have been no studies confirming its effectiveness.

Exercises should be performed under the supervision of a professional, but then, when a person learns to breathe correctly, you can do them yourself. This breathing technique for relaxation combines the frequency and depth of breathing, each exercise corresponds to different psychological states. For example, slow deep breathing is designed to reduce negative emotions, to allow the body and mind to relax. And fast shallow breathing crushes all experiences so that you can quickly get rid of them. Exercises need to be performed to special music, setting yourself up in a positive way.


The rebirthing technique was perfected by Jim Lenard and Phil Louth. They also believed that a person should be freed from negative experiences. But at the same time, you need to help him cope with the experiences that appear during the breathing exercises. The English word "vivation" has the Latin root "viva". Viva means "life". The technique involves a calm and free cycle of inhalation and exhalation, between which there is no pause. If the inhalation is through the mouth, then the exhalation will be through the mouth. If a person inhales through the nose, then he should exhale in the same way. Vaivation includes three classes of breathing - deep slow, deep fast and shallow fast. This technique allows a person to realize himself in the world with his feelings, to achieve harmony. There are 5 elements in total:


The method was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the 1970s. Their discovery was associated with the prohibition of LSD, and at that time, many of Stanislav's studies were based on the expansion of consciousness. Holotropic breathing is shallow breathing. As a result, carbon dioxide is washed out of the blood, which causes vasoconstriction of the brain. This contributes to the appearance of hallucinations, memories from the past. As a result, a person is able to move to the transpersonal level. Holotropic Breathwork has been widely criticized because of the potential for brain cells to die during exercise. Breathing itself does not have a clear instruction - it is more frequent than normal breathing and more superficial. The technique is performed in pairs - one breathes, and the second performs the function of a sitter. During holotropic breathing sounds specific music designed to move to the transpersonal level. One session lasts about two hours.


The basis of the Pershin method is the improved methods of Kofler, Buteyko and Strelnikova. The respiratory system allows you to saturate the internal organs with oxygen, because. the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases. The technique helps to get rid of headaches, allergies, toxins, fights sciatica, heart disease and overweight. Breathing according to Pershin should be shallow, a pause is made between exhalation and inhalation, which allows you to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. Exhalations and inhalations are carried out through the nose. The system includes exercises for different zones - the genital area, the spine area, cervical region and so on. The set of exercises is quite large.

Many breathing techniques modernize or repeat existing ones. For example, the Bulanov method takes the Buteyko system as a basis, but makes it more rigid. The pause between exhalation and inhalation is as long as a person can withstand, close to suffocation. Method E.V. Streltsova is based on yoga breathing. A significant part of the exercises is performed only under the supervision of specialists, otherwise breathing practices can harm.

General principles of breathing exercises

If you have settled on the system that you can perform on your own, then you should follow a few rules in order for the exercises to be effective.

Proper breathing really works wonders. But before choosing a set of breathing exercises for yourself, you should consult with a professional. There may be a specific technique for you. Do not be skeptical about breathing exercises. This technique has been known since ancient times, it really allows you to get rid of mental and physical ailments. The main thing is a competent approach.

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Mindful breathing can bring tremendous benefits to the body - improve overall well-being, relieve stress and relax muscles after a hard workout. Doing effective exercises from breathing exercises according to the method of Strelnikova.

Breathing exercises: benefits and goals

Breathing exercises are a specific sequence of breathing exercises. With its help, diseases of the bronchi, lungs are treated, and the bone-ligamentous system is also strengthened.

Improving general state: increased activity and concentration, sleep becomes easier, and physical performance is better. Despite the fact that breathing exercises can be performed for 30 minutes a day without much effort, the effect is felt almost immediately, and the visible result will not be long in coming.

The purpose and benefits of the respiratory gymnastics complex

Controlled breathing reduces stress, improves focus and strengthens the immune system. The purpose of breathing practice is the full recovery of the body and the knowledge of one's body. During breathing practice, a person concentrates on his sensations and feels a surge of oxygen with all cells. And all this happens consciously.

For centuries, yoga included a set of breathing exercises in everyday life to increase inner awareness. Modern research proves that breathing practices can help get rid of anxiety, insomnia, depression and attention deficit disorder.

The conscious way of breathing effectively affects the brain - the heart rate slows down, which helps to quickly calm down and begin to control the release of the "stress hormone" (cortisol).

Breathing practices additionally help:

  • relax muscles;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • produce more endorphins;
  • improve the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • relieve stress and anxiety.

Methods and exercises of breathing exercises

There are a huge number of techniques and methods of breathing exercises. All of them are aimed at different problems of the physical and mental health. Some respiratory gymnastics complexes can be mastered on your own, others are best practiced with a professional.

  • Breathing exercises for the abdomen

This type of breathing exercise is easy to practice on your own. During practice, you fill your lungs with air and push it out with simple movements of the stomach.

Lie down on a bed or on the floor, place one hand on your stomach and inhale slowly through your nose. The abdomen should puff up and rise. Then you need to completely push out the air, contracting the abdominal muscles. This type of breathing practice is suitable for losing weight in the abdomen.

    "Attentive" breathing

The goal of concentrated breathing exercises is to achieve control over the breath and body. During practice, you need to breathe slowly and watch how the air enters and exits the lungs. Slow breathing helps you relax, as it feels like calming meditation.

    Square breathing exercises

During practice, it is necessary to visualize one side of the square on the inhale, and then the other on the exhale. The process must be continued until, in your imagination, you put the square together.

  • Breathing exercises through the nostrils

The technique helps to quickly cope with excitement and anxiety. Breathe first through one nostril, closing the other with your finger. Then repeat the breathing practice through the second nostril.

  • Method 4,7,8

This version of breathing exercises was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil. Breathing Method 4, 7, 8 helps you fall asleep in seconds. How to perform? Very simple: inhale for a count of four, then hold your breath for a count of seven, and then exhale for a count of eight.

  • Breathing method by Wim Hof

Wim Hof ​​invented the practice deep breathing which, on the contrary, should cheer you up. The purpose of breathing exercises is to reduce shallow breathing, as it causes "oxidation" of the body. How to perform - several times a day for 5-6 minutes, start breathing as deeply as possible.

Strelnikova: effective exercises from breathing exercises

The technique of Alexandra Strelnikova helps to deal not only with stress and anxiety, but also with symptoms of respiratory diseases. Strelnikova's system is a whole complex of 11 breathing exercises. The practice is suitable for all ages in any condition. The creator recommends doing exercises in the morning - at this time they are much more effective.

The benefits of exercises from the Strelnikova technique:

  • improvement of blood circulation in the lungs;
  • restoration of the functions of the nervous system;
  • restoration of nasal breathing;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases, due to increased immunity and general tone;
  • strengthening the circulatory system and restoring the lost functions of the cardiovascular system.

Rules of breathing exercises Strelnikova

To achieve maximum results, you need to know the basic rules for performing breathing exercises.

  • One lesson - at least 1300 breaths and exhalations.
  • One session is at least 30 minutes.
  • Each exercise - at least 3 sets, 30 repetitions.
  • One lesson should include the entire complex of breathing exercises.
  • The practice should be repeated 2 or more times a day - depending on the sensations and well-being.
  • We do the practice in the morning before meals.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova: video for home practice

Include and repeat effective exercises from Alexandra Strelnikova's breathing exercises at home.

This complex will allow you to master the correct and natural breathing, as well as get rid of many manifestations of VVD ( headache, palpitations, feeling of "breathing corset", etc.)

It is advisable to perform breathing exercises 2 times a day so that proper breathing becomes a habit. They can also be included in daily morning exercises.

Most prefer to do breathing exercises while lying down, but you can do the exercises while sitting or standing. It is important to follow the sequence of exercises - their complexity increases from one to another.

Exercise 1

Breathe rhythmically through your nose, with your mouth closed, at your usual pace. (Repeat 3-6 times)

If at the same time there is no need to open your mouth, “help” them, try to master the rhythmic breathing of one nostril (while holding the other with your finger). In this case, you should have enough air coming through one nostril. In the future, it is possible to complicate uniform nasal breathing by inhaling jerkily, in 2-3 steps, with exhalation through the mouth.

Exercise 2

Abdominal breathing exercise. (Repeat 8-12 times)

Trying to keep the chest motionless, while inhaling, try to stick out the stomach as much as possible. Breathe through your nose. As you exhale, pull in your belly vigorously. To control the correctness of movements, keep your hands on your chest and stomach.

Exercise 3

chest breathing exercise. (Repeat 8-12 times)

Trying to keep the front wall of the abdomen motionless, while inhaling, expand the chest as much as possible in all directions. Exhalation occurs due to vigorous compression of the chest. Breathe only through your nose. To control the correctness of movements, keep your hands on your waist.

Exercise 4

Full breath. (Repeat 8-12 times)

You can start this exercise if you have mastered the previous three exercises well. While inhaling, expand the chest and at the same time protrude the front wall of the abdomen. Begin exhalation by gently drawing in the abdominal wall, followed by chest compressions. Breathe only through your nose. To control the correctness of movements, for the first time, hold one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach.

Exercise 5

Counter breathing. (Repeat up to 12 times)

Develops coordination of respiratory movements. During inhalation, the chest expands, and the stomach retracts, while exhaling vice versa. This is an excellent diaphragm training, due to which abdominal breathing is carried out. Perform the exercise rhythmically, without tension and silently. Breathe through your nose.

Exercise 6

Breath control training. (Perform continuously no more than 2 minutes)

Smoothly slow down the rhythm of your breathing, and having reached a certain limit (as soon as you feel discomfort), without disturbing the smoothness, gradually speed it up until you return to the original rhythm. Separately, train in a smooth deepening of breathing without changing the rhythm. In this exercise, you do not need to set records, it is important just to explore your capabilities in order to expand them over time. Breathe through your nose.

Exercise 7

Rhythmic nasal breathing with prolonged exhalation. (Maximum - 12 breaths)

Inhale for 2 seconds, and exhale for 4, then inhale - 3 seconds - exhale 6 seconds, etc. Gradually lengthen the exhalation to 10 seconds.

Exercise 8

The combination of uniform nasal breathing with walking in slow pace. (Perform within 2-3 minutes)

Focus all attention on the rhythm and synchronization of walking and breathing. Choose the optimal, familiar pace for yourself. When performing this exercise, the inhalation should be somewhat longer than the exhalation or equal to it.

Exercise 9

Starting position - arms lowered, legs together. Raise your arms through the sides up - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 3-6 times.

Exercise 10

Voluntary breathing simultaneously with the rotation of the arms in shoulder joints forward and backward, alternately 4 times in each direction.

Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 11

"Ragged" breath. . (Repeat 4-8 times for each sequence)

Take a slow breath in through your nose. Exhale in one quick movement through your mouth, then hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Then change the sequence: a quick deep breath through the mouth, a slow exhalation through the nose.

Exercise 12

Synchronization of leg movements with breathing. (Repeat 6-10 times each side)

Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. Take the straight leg to the side and return to the starting position - inhale; pause - exhale.

You can do this exercise as well. Put your straight legs together, lower your arms. Alternately bend your knees. When lying down, it is like riding a bicycle; in a standing position - running in place: a raised leg - exhale, lowered - inhale.

Exercise 13

This exercise allows you to increase your breathing by bending over. (Repeat 6-10 times).

Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Start tilting to a horizontal position and below. Tilt - exhale, straighten - inhale. Notice how this facilitates the work of the diaphragm.

The complication of this exercise is tilting to the side. Starting position - legs together, arms to the side. Tilt your body to the sides. Tilt - exhale, return to the starting position - inhale.

You can make the task even more difficult. Perform torso twists to the sides. Turn - exhale, return to the starting position - inhale.