New types of extreme tourism. The most dangerous types of recreation

Extreme tourism is travel and active recreation, one way or another associated with risk. Modern extreme tourism began to develop at the beginning of the twentieth century, when skydiving, mountaineering, rafting and many other dangerous entertainments became widespread. However, if you look more broadly, then Magellan, Columbus, Marco Polo, James Cook and many other travelers of distant centuries were extreme tourists. Extreme tourism in its current form has existed for 2-3 decades. Despite the fact that almost the entire territory of the Earth has already been explored, lovers of romance and adrenaline find its mysterious corners or, using special equipment, master objects familiar to everyone in an unusual and exciting way.

Extreme tourism requires not only a good physical training but also courage, perseverance, purposefulness. People who have such qualities and are ready to take risks, in return receive incredibly strong sensations, vivid emotions, vivid impressions and liters of adrenaline. Almost every type of extreme recreation requires certain skills, experience and professional training. One of the features that extreme tourism has is the high cost of equipment and overalls. Usually they do not save on them, since the health, and sometimes the life of a tourist, depends on the quality of the equipment.

Extreme tourism has dozens, if not hundreds of varieties - from traditional to exotic. The most popular types include mountaineering, diving, kayaking, rafting, paragliding, industrial and mountain tourism. There are also exotic species extreme tourism, for example, sandboarding (snowboarding from the sand dunes), spelestology (diggering), mountain biking (descent from the mountains on a motorcycle), spearfishing for sharks and more. etc. An ultra-modern type of extreme tourism is travel to the earth's orbit. The popularity of extratourism is growing exponentially. If some 20 years ago the number of extreme people around the world numbered in the hundreds of thousands, today it is already tens of millions.


A special increase in popularity is demonstrated by diving - diving in various reservoirs. There are at least 20 million registered divers in the world, many more dive without any official registration. Diving is considered one of the most dangerous types of extreme tourism.


Parachute jumping and paragliding are quite popular types of extreme recreation. Due to the relative cheapness (usually a parachute is provided by the flying club), traditional skydiving is especially popular in Ukraine. Those who are professional paragliders acquire personal equipment that allows them to perform difficult jumps. These include group acrobatics, skysurfing (soaring on ascending air currents), base jumping (jumping from rocks and industrial facilities), etc.

Rafting, kayaking and rafting

Rafting is a descent inflatable boats on fast rivers, the boat crew consists of 4 or 6 people. Kayaking is practically the same, only there is only one rower on the boat. In Ukraine, these types of extreme tourism are not very popular, because there are few fast water bodies for adventure rafting in the country. especially developed in Canada, Alaska, Indochina and the Himalayas.


This sport is one of the most extreme. On high altitude climbers face such dangers as glaciers, abysses, cracks, landslides, sudden temperature changes and lack of oxygen. Therefore, mountaineering requires excellent physical and psychological preparation, as well as the possession of special skills. In addition, mountaineering is unthinkable without high quality special equipment.

In the previous article, we determined what has the objective function to test yourself in extreme conditions and get a charge of vivacity. As a rule, this is associated with a real risk to health, and possibly life, which requires a serious attitude to the choice of tourist equipment, compliance with safety measures and good physical form. It is also important to know your business, well, for the sake of what all this was started.

Most extreme sports enthusiasts do this in order to prove to themselves and to the whole world that human possibilities are endless. There is a group of people who do this to diversify their routine life, and then an ordinary office worker is transformed into a bold and romantic man. Many are addicted to the adrenaline rush that occurs during an approaching danger. But one thing is certain - at all times there were people who challenged human capabilities, on the verge of life and death.Especially, the younger generation is tempted to get adrenaline, which invents more and more extreme types of outdoor activities.

TO extreme sports the following can be counted:
- freeride (backcountry, heliboarding, snowmotoboarding);

Alpine skiing, telemark (outside prepared slopes);
- wakeboarding;
- skateboarding;
- sandboarding;
- Skydiving;
- hang gliding;
- paragliding;
- flights on airplanes and gliders with the performance of aerobatics;
- kiting (kitesurfing, kiteboarding, winter kiting);
- windsurfing;
- diving;

- survival tours;
- canyoning;
- Via Ferrata or recreational climbing;
- rafting on mountain rivers in kayaks, kayaks, catamarans or rafts;
- flights on military helicopters and planes, combat firing at military training grounds tank firing in the crew.

We can immediately say that they belong to an elite form of recreation, since not many people can afford to pay for the services of transferring to a helicopter or live shooting at a training ground. Even when rafting on mountain rivers, a lot of money will have to be spent on personal equipment, not to mention the cost of rafting and transportation costs. It is not worth saving on the quality of personal or group equipment, because it is associated with a risk to life, and safety in such a matter should come first.

We spend our days in constant hustle and bustle. After all, this is the only way we can survive, trying to keep up with the quickly escaping time. And the long-awaited vacation seems just a fabulous dream, which may not come true if another collapse at work suddenly happens.

So rest with such a rhythm should be worthwhile. Relaxing on the beach or active and expressive, the choice is yours. But the main thing to remember is that you need to restore all the forces spent during the year. So think over your holiday with special care.

If you want to get away from everyday life, forget about all the problems, in general, get into another world. How about extreme tourism? Yes, it was his: with a storm of emotions, risk and unforgettable impressions. You just look at the familiar world with different eyes, as you would not dare before.

An ordinary vacation will not open up so many new and unrealistic things for you. Learn to overcome difficult obstacles, discover hidden abilities in yourself that you didn’t know about before. Alas, living in urban reality, we lose our knack, turning into robots, repeating the same work every day.

Types of extreme tourism

Now there are many types of extreme recreation: skydiving, diving, windsurfing, skiing, snowboarding, hiking tours, climbing and others. In general, extreme options are varied. And every day there are more and more. But before you go on a risky journey, you need to go through a small course of preparation.

The old-timers of extreme recreation are skiing and snowboarding. Rushing down steep slopes, inhaling the frosty air with your chest and feeling a surge of strength - that's what attracts lovers ski holidays .

Getting more and more popular diving. In order to indulge in this sport, you need to get a certificate from a diving school. Preparation is very important, because you may encounter critical situations, and after completing the course, you will be absolutely calm. And where do diving enthusiasts go? The most popular places today are Egypt, Thailand, because they are washed by warm seas with beautiful inhabitants and coral reefs. Mysterious and alluring water world has always attracted many travelers.

For class rafting you need to find turbulent rivers and a team of like-minded people. Many specially go in search of such rivers, not knowing the exact route. Of today's kinds of extreme water recreation windsurfing and just surfing are also popular. They differ in the type of board, in windsurfing a board with a sail and stabilizer fins is used, and in surfing just an oval-shaped board. Floating on the waves, you will feel lightness and a sense of long-awaited freedom.

For those who prefer hiking or, in other words, trekking, there are many fascinating and beautiful routes, though you will have to spend a lot of effort, because crossing a river or hiking in the mountains is a difficult test. As an alternative to hiking, there are cycling, dangerous mountaineering and cave trips.

Speleotourism is a journey through natural caves. Traveling through naturally occurring caves involves a lot of risk. First of all, you need to find an experienced guide who will know the main entrances and exits of the cave.

Of the recently appeared exotic types of extreme recreation, the most famous are trips to the north and south poles. All more people want to visit extreme climatic conditions and see northern animals.

Ethnotourism also belongs to the category of extreme - to visit the jungles of the Amazon or learn the life of African tribes - an activity not for the faint of heart. Often the guide is a local resident who knows all the nearby places, the language of the local population, customs and traditions. And travelers, taking a map and a compass with them, are laying new roads and paths, plunging further and further into tropical forests or African savannahs.

A space flight- this is the most expensive type of extreme recreation. See the human world from space, enjoy the beauties of the earth and feel the unusual weightlessness.

So, we can say that extreme tourism is an expensive type of recreation that attracts more and more people. All over the world, more and more new types of extreme sports are constantly being invented, as well as already known ones are being developed and improved. For example, well-known Skydiving from an airplane can now be done the same way from bridges, skyscrapers, rocks.

To extreme types of recreation, some include backpacking- travel light and with a minimum of money in your pocket.

On the territory of Russia, one of promising places for tourism in extreme conditions are Altai, Kamchatka, Krasnodar Krai, Sakhalin.

Remember that whatever your vacation is: passive, active, emotional, adventurous, quiet or full of adventures and unexpected meetings, always get a surge of strength, emotions, unforgettable impressions from it.

Just let yourself forget the routine Everyday life and believe me, after the rest you will immerse yourself in your work with great pleasure, because new, yet unknown journeys will await you ahead. Do not stop at one type of recreation, experiment, try the most unusual species extreme. Discover new places, traditions and customs of other nations.

IN modern world it is difficult to surprise anyone with your photos against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower or the Egyptian pyramids - these popular attractions have long lost the effect of novelty. However, there are still many truly extreme destinations for tourism. Today we will talk about 10 amazing places on Earth, having been in which you can then all your life surprise friends with stories.


Since childhood, we have been surrounded by a romantic halo of stories about polar explorers who have been living for years at autonomous stations in Antarctica, conducting scientific experiments, collecting information about this harsh continent, and also taking care of its “indigenous inhabitants” - penguins.

However, it is not at all necessary to go on long and far from always safe Antarctic expeditions, because you can also visit the southern continent as a tourist. Many travel companies provide their customers with a similar service.

Those wishing to visit Antarctica can sail to the shores of this continent on a cruise ship or even fly to one of the stations as part of a thematic tour.

Price. A cruise on a liner with a disembarkation in Antarctica will cost a fan of extreme sports at least 1800 US dollars (start from Patagonia). A ten-day expedition across the continent costs much more - from $5,000.

North Pole

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the leaders of several expeditions argued among themselves which of them managed to visit the North Pole first. On this moment, the American Robert Peary is considered the discoverer of this point on the globe, it happened on April 21, 1908. However, it is unlikely that this brave man, who reached the pole, enduring incredible hardships and exerting superhuman efforts, could have imagined that after a century tourist trips would be possible there.

However, anyone can now visit the North Pole to admire the endless fields of ice, as well as travel around the world in just a few seconds.

You can get to the North Pole quickly and safely by plane, icebreaker, or even by cars specially prepared for such an expedition.

Price. A trip to the North Pole on an icebreaker will cost a tourist 21 thousand US dollars, by plane - 18 thousand.

Climbing to the top of Chomolungma is an activity for the strongest and most experienced athletes in the world who have been preparing for this achievement for many years. However, almost anyone can touch this event without long workouts and deprivation, because there are tours to the base camp on Everest.

The base camp is the main stronghold on the path of climbers to the Top of the World, it is located at an altitude of 5545 meters. There, brave athletes undergo acclimatization for several days, prepare equipment for the ascent and wait for good weather to start.

Ordinary tourists can also visit here. To do this, they will have to walk for several days on the most beautiful places Himalayas in Nepal.

Price such a tour, in comparison with the conquest of Antarctica or the North Pole, is small - it starts from 1250 US dollars.

North Korea

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is one of the most closed countries in the world. This is a real reserve of the totalitarian communist system, which in other parts of the world went down in history in the middle of the twentieth century.

It is impossible for an independent tourist to get into North Korea; visiting this country by foreigners is carried out exclusively in the form of groups organized and approved by the leadership. A traveler who has arrived in the DPRK cannot even walk alone through the streets of Pyongyang - only together with guides who will control him so that he does not film something that could discredit the bright name of the DPRK.

Tourists in the DPRK are expected to visit places sacred to the Korean Revolution, including the mausoleum of Kim Il Sung. Guests of the country are taken to the mountains and to the sea, they are taken to an exemplary kindergarten, to a mass sports and dance show, and also allow you to go down to the subway, however, without a trip to another station.

Price. For a tour to North Korea, a tourist must pay from 1450 euros.

This type of entertainment for the inhabitants of the Navarre region in Spain became known to the whole world thanks to the work of Ernest Hemingway, who lived in Pamplona for a long time and wrote the work “The Sun Also Rises” about this city.

Every summer, Pamplona hosts the San Fermin Festival, during which traditional bull races take place through the streets of the city. Residents of this settlement, and more recently, tourists who want to risk their lives, dress in special clothing and try to run at least a few meters next to the angry animals, while remaining unharmed.

Practically during each such race (and they take place daily during the nine days of the festival), there are brave souls crippled or even killed by bulls. However, this is a very small percentage of the thousands of adrenaline junkies running around.

Price. Participation in the San Fermin Festival is free. Those who want to run with the bulls daredevils need to pay only for the trip to Spain itself, as well as an overnight stay and meals in Pamplona.

Exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

On April 26, 1986, perhaps the worst technological disaster in the history of Mankind occurred on the border of the Ukrainian and Belarusian SSRs - one of the reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, releasing a huge amount of radioactive substances into the air.

Since then, the cities of Chernobyl, Pripyat and many smaller settlements have been empty, resettled, and nature in them takes away what man had previously taken from her. Once paved roads are now overgrown with thick bushes, and trees make their way even inside the concrete boxes of houses.

Now in the Exclusion Zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant you can meet only plant workers who control this facility and build a new sarcophagus over it, a small number of self-settlers (old people who returned to live in these places without permission), as well as tourists.

Price. Tours to Chernobyl are carried out from Kyiv in an official way from the station management. The cheapest option will cost an extreme tourist $50.


Over the past three decades, the name “Afghanistan” has not been associated with the word “tourism” among the vast majority of the inhabitants of the planet. However, there are daredevils who dare to travel to this troubled country.

Some even travel to Afghanistan on their own, but most still prefer to use the services of professional guides who show tourists the most interesting and safe places in the country, organize accommodation, meals and trips to a state almost unknown to foreigners.

Price an organized tour to Afghanistan starts from 1200 US dollars.

Way of Saint James

The airport in the city of Santiago de Compostela in the north-west of Spain in the historical province of Galicia is known for the fact that several times more people depart from it every day than arrive. The fact is that this settlement is the final exact Way of St. James - the famous Christian pilgrimage to the relics of the apostle.

More than 200 thousand people come to Santiago every year. But these are not only religious pilgrims. Most of the people walking along the Way of St. James are ordinary tourists, because this trail has become the most popular walking tourist route in the world.

The Way of St. James is not a single route, but a whole network of footpaths throughout Europe. The most popular part of it is the so-called French Way - a trail from the Pyrenees 750 kilometers long. But there are also many alternative routes. The most recent marked point is located at a distance of 4053 km from Santiago in the Polish village of Medyka on the border with Ukraine.

Price. A monthly pilgrimage along the French Way, together with a flight from anywhere in Europe, will cost about 1000 euros.

A space flight

In childhood, almost all boys dreamed of becoming astronauts, but only a few managed to achieve this goal. At least for now. But Mankind stands in the way of a real cosmic breakthrough - mass travel to the Earth's orbit.

The first space tourist was the American millionaire Dennis Tito in 2001, who paid the Russian Space Agency $20 million for his flight. But in the very near future, this amount may be reduced by almost a hundred times, because several private companies promise to start regular tourist flights to space at once.

The most famous of these endeavors is Virgin Galactic, which flies into suborbital space (above 100 kilometers) on SpaceShipTwo space shuttles.

In the fall of 2014, a shuttle in the Mojave Desert, but already this winter, its clone was put into operation.

Price flight on this ship is 200-250 thousand dollars. True, commercial flights from Virgin Galactic have not yet begun.

Hitchhiking to Vladivostok

In their youth, a huge number of people who want to see the world, but do not have enough money to do so, hitchhike. Some keep this hobby into adulthood, turning it into the main hobby of life.

It is these people, truly passionate about hitchhiking, that can go in this way almost all of Eurasia - to Vladivostok. The journey there from Moscow takes more than a month one way, but the people who made it really get to know Russia in all its beauty and squalor.

A hitchhiking trip to Vladivostok is not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance. The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of Russia are wonderful people who are ready to help the traveler standing on the side of the road in every possible way. The extreme in such a trip comes from harsh climatic and living conditions, large distances between settlements and the lack of a normal road surface for many hundreds of kilometers of the road to the Far East.

Of course, not all people are ready to make even one of these trips. But this does not mean at all that the road to the End of the World is closed to them. After all, you can travel without even getting up from the couch. For example, using the Google Street View service, which allows you to get even into.

Everyone loves to relax and that's a fact! It is more pleasant for someone to lie on the couch, watch their favorite TV show. Someone will limit themselves to going to the park, but for someone more unusual and extreme types of recreation are acceptable. We will talk about them in this article. Active recreation has become very popular among ordinary people. A rare vacationer will be able to refuse the tempting idea to jump with a parachute, or to see for himself all the beauties of the seabed. Plus, it's getting trendy now.

Of course, this is all entertaining, but I would like to dwell on the types of extreme tourism in more detail, since there are a lot of them. Let's start with the very popular look, namely water extreme tourism. This category includes diving, wakeboarding, water skiing, windsurfing, kayaking and rafting.

Diving will leave an unforgettable impression. You will be able to see with your own eyes the life of underwater inhabitants in their natural environment. But do not think that this is not an extreme vacation. In the water, in addition to cute fish, there are also dangerous predators.

Rafting is a fascinating descent down a mountain river in a canoe or kayak. Who has never done this, it is recommended to try, no one will remain indifferent.

Speleology is not only recreation, but also a science. It is very similar to spelestology. You are waiting for breathtaking descents into the caves, the discovery of the unknown.

X-racing is a kind of recreation for the most seasoned. The essence of these races is the alternation of different vehicles, from a bicycle to a horse and much, much more.

Who has not heard about mountaineering. The conquest of mountain peaks always captures the imagination and spirit. This type of extreme recreation requires a certain physical fitness and endurance. Skiing and snowboarding is superfluous to comment on, descending the snowy hills is a lot of fun.

The most common types of air recreation include parachuting, with all its varieties - skysurfing, base jumping, etc.

Do not ignore ballooning and hang gliders. Obviously, ballooning is one of the safest types of extreme sports, but nevertheless, the location at a great height in a small basket will make anyone worry.

Separately, one can single out very exotic types of extreme tourism. Here, space tourism occupies a leading position.

Unfortunately for ordinary people this type of recreation is not available, due to the high cost, although there are people who give huge sums of money to see the Earth from space. You may also come across such exotic tours as a trip to Chernobyl! Yes, this is associated with a certain risk, but if there is a supply, then there is a demand. In conclusion, I would like to say that any kind of recreation is actually better than just lying in front of the TV. No wonder there is such a saying that movement is life! So live, discover something new for yourself and do not regret the days you have lived. Have a good rest!